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Appendix 1: Lesson Plan

Prior Knowledge Risk Assessment Resources

Students have a limited knowledge of 2 and 3 Ensure all students are Whiteboard.
digit multiplication, but little understanding of how to sitting on their chairs at their Whiteboard markers.
complete the concept. desks, no students should be Students math books.
Students have a good understanding of swinging on chairs. Students pencils.
multiplication. Use all equipment in the Erasers.
appropriate manner. Extension word problems
Specific Teaching target (identified from previous teaching & related to presence in the classroom; classroom management etc.)
Provide students with continuous updates of the time remaining to complete the work.
Provide fast positive and negative consequences for behaviour.
Provide good, clear questions to assess students understanding of the work.
Learning Time Content/Learning Experience Teaching
Class Assessmen
Intentions Guide Strategies
Introduction (Engagement) Organisation t
These should be
Starting with the first equation on the whiteboard, Grouping & Techniques
precise indicators Feedback
ask the students if anyone is able to identify the classroom
of intended provide What will
first step when multiplying a 2 by 2digit sum, environment
student learning students with you assess
based on their previous knowledge.
10 feedback and how will
If the students know, continue to ask for the Students sit at
minut regarding any you assess
Students following steps, if they are uncertain or make their desks
es errors you student
learn the steps mistakes and cannot correct themselves, guide working
notice on their learning?
in multiplying them through the first equation and repeat the independently.
work. Correct
2 and 3 digit process of questioning for understanding.
them and Questioning
multiplication prompt them The teacher can to check for
Body (Exploration/Transformation/Presentation)
equations. using questions work with a understandi
Students When you feel most students understand the
to guide them small group to ng.
concept, give the students time to work
practice these towards the the side of the
independently on the equations written on the
steps to correct answer. classroom if Marking the
successfully there are some students
Students that have difficulty understanding the
solve 2 and 3 Questioning for students work later
digit 25 concept can raise their hands for assistance.
understanding struggling to and
minut There will most likely be a group of students that
multiplication question the understand the identifying
es require more explicit instruction to understand the
sums. students to concept. any errors
concept. These students will move to the 2 nd
whiteboard on the other side of the room where assess if they or simple
The associate
the teacher can provide them with more understand the teacher will mistakes to
assistance and examples until they are confident steps to assist by guide you in
to attempt the work independently. multiplying 2 working with areas some
Students that complete all the 2 by 2 digit by 2 digit the larger group students
multiplication sums can move onto the 3 by 3 digit sums. This is to answer any still need to
multiplication sums. important questions, if practice.
When students complete the 3 by 3 digit throughout the applicable.
multiplication work, they are given the extension entire process.
worksheet containing word problems for them to
solve involving multiplication of 2 and 3 digit Differentiated
numbers. learning
working with a
15 smaller group
Conclusion (Presentation/Reflection)
minut to the side of
Students will take out a different coloured pen or
es the classroom
pencil and mark their work as you write and
so the other
explain the answer to each equation on the
students that
understand the
This should be done as a whole group, stopping to
concept can
answer questions and check for understanding.
begin the work
If students are still struggling to understand the
while the
concept, reassure them there will be more time to
others have
develop their knowledge tomorrow.
the time to
gain more
knowledge on
the concept
and you have
the ability to
focus more
directly on
these students.

Transitions to next lesson
Students pack up their workbooks, placing them open to the side of the classroom to be marked and prepare to go to recess by
sitting quietly at their desks


Lesson Evaluation
Were they Were they appropriate/ utilised? Were these appropriate? Was this appropriate?
experienced/achieved/ Why/Why not? Why/Why not? Why/Why not?
developed? How do you know? How do you know? How do you know?
Why/Why not? I think using the portable I think I presented the subject I communicated the lessons
How do you know? whiteboard to the side of the well, the explanation was clear expectations clearly with
Yes they were achieved. By the classroom was really helpful in and the expectations of the students. I tried to make the
end of the lesson all students assisting students that still lesson were set out early on. I students feel reassured through
had an understanding of the needed further instruction in a tried hard to stay patient and giving them a real life example
concept and were completing more one on one setting. give encouragement when of myself often making silly
problems independently or with students understanding errors when doing long
minimal assistance. increased, even if it increased multiplication because I tend to
slowly. rush through and miss things. I
think this helped the students to
realise the errors they needed to
look out for when completing
work and helped them to realise
their own errors.

Follow-up I will continue to utilise the portable whiteboard to work in a more focused setting with
How is this evaluation going to students that need extra help understanding the concept.
impact in future learning
experiences for your pupils?

Evaluation of specific teaching target (identified on lesson plan)

I was much better at providing positive and negative behaviour consequences through the use of ticks and names on the board. I aimed
to provide good questions to assess student understanding and gave the students a lot of updates regarding the time left in the lesson.
How will I adjust my teaching as a result of this lesson?
I will continue to provide more explicit instruction using the portable whiteboard to students that need extra assistance when
learning new concepts.

Specific teaching targets (should be written into next days lesson plan)
Continue to provide good feedback to students.
Continue to effectively use the behaviour systems in place.

Supervising teachers Signature: __________________________________ Date: ____________

NB: This must be signed before lesson is taught


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