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8, AUGUST 2014

Compact Internal Antenna for Handheld Devices

With Comprehensive DTV Band Coverage
Jiun-Ting Yeh, Student Member, IEEE, Wen-Jiao Liao, Senior Member, IEEE, and Shih-Hsun Chang, Member, IEEE

AbstractA compact internal antenna design applicable to lation scheme, code rate, and guard band interval, which can be
handheld digital TV receivers is proposed. Its operation band- resolved by reconfiguring the receiver, hardware specifications
width extends from 470 MHz to 860 MHz, which covers most are difficult to reconfigure. The DTV reception antenna is re-
terrestrial digital TV broadcasting bands. The antenna sizes pro-
quired to address the extensive band allocation in different parts
truding from the ground plane are
only and can fit in most palm-sized terminals. Major geometric of the world.
features include a 3D folding structure that reduces the antenna Compact yet broadband reception antennas are particularly
footprint, a parasitic element that induces additional modes, and needed for portable DTV receivers. According to [1] and [2],
a folded microstrip line near the feed that improves the matching a 460870 MHz band is necessary to cover reception in most
condition. The proposed design employs various methods to create countries. Since the bandwidth ratio is nearly 2:1, the antenna
multiple resonances in a confined antenna volume. Yet, a consis- volumes of conventional log-periodic designs [3], [4] are too
tent radiation pattern is achieved over the operation band with
decent efficiency performance. This is done by exciting several large for device-integrated antennas. Previous efforts were
resonant modes within and adjacent to the desired band. Though made to reduce the antenna volume and maintain a broad
the resonances take places at different antenna parts, most radia- operation bandwidth. One approach is pushing the limit of
tion comes from the current near the feed. The resulting antenna traditional resonant type antennas. Broadband designs are
acts as a short electric dipole at all frequencies. Also, an abrupt developed based on the monopole [5] or the sleeve monopole
efficiency roll-off is setup at the upper band limit to reduce inter- [6], [7] configurations. In [8], an H-shaped two-branch dipole is
ference from the nearby mobile service band. Rigorous studies
were conducted to associate its superior performance features proposed for DTV reception on vehicles. Note these antennas
with implemented techniques. are external designs and may not be appropriate for mobile
terminals. Another approach is exciting multiple resonances
Index TermsBroadband antennas, digital TV, handset
on the radiator to synthesize a broad operation band. This
measure usually employs multiple branches as well as parasitic
elements. In [9], a 1.65:1 bandwidth ratio is achieved with a
I. INTRODUCTION symmetric, parasitic element. In [10], seven spirals are packed
closely to diversify resonant paths. However, this design ap-
T HE deployment of digital television broadcasting (DTV)
has begun all over the world since the end of the last cen-
tury. To deliver enhanced image quality, DTV standards allow
proach may suffer from either large antenna volume or poor
radiation efficiency.
In order to further reduce antenna sizes and retain good re-
content providers to transmit programs in high-definition video
ception characteristics, various methods are applied for DTV
and six channel surround audio (5.1). Broadcast stations can
antennas. In [11] and [12], antennas are implemented as a fold-
also opt to improve the channel capacity by implementing the
able structure on USB dongle platforms. Novel antenna types
multiplexing technique. Other features such as free of ghost im-
such as the dielectric resonant antenna (DRA) [13] and mag-
ages are making adoption of DTV broadcasting a nonstop trend.
netic material loaded antenna [14] have been devised. Some de-
The bandwidth allocation of DTV is rather extensive and im-
signs utilize the PCB board or the device enclosure as a part of
poses the need for a broadband reception antenna. Due to the
the radiator [15][19].
absence of a global terrestrial broadcasting standard, transmis-
The idea of using a reconfigurable antenna for DTV recep-
sion specifications hence vary from one region to another. Un-
tion is also popular. Common practices include using variable
like software specifications such as channel bandwidth, constel-
capacitors to adjust the operation band continuously [20][23]
and employing RF diodes to select a specific resonant path on
the radiator [24] or the matching network [25], [26]. This type
Manuscript received November 13, 2013; revised March 19, 2014; accepted
May 10, 2014. Date of publication May 16, 2014; date of current version July
of antenna can cover a large bandwidth by switching among dif-
31, 2014. This work was supported in part by the National Science Council, ferent states. Primary advantages are simpler antenna geometry
Taiwan (R.O.C.), under Grant NSC102-2622-E-011-005-CC2. and reduced antenna volume because the bandwidth required is
J.-T. Yeh and W.-J. Liao are with the Department of Electrical Engineering, narrower for each individual state. Nevertheless, the implemen-
National Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 10607, Taiwan,
R.O.C. (e-mail: tation can be complicated and costly. It requires support from
S.-H. Chang was with the Department of Electrical Engineering, National the system level. The tuner must provide a control mechanism
Taiwan University of Science and Technology, Taipei 10607, Taiwan R.O.C. to switch among antenna states according to the users channel
He is now with ASUSTek Computer Inc., Taipei 112, Taiwan, R.O.C.
Color versions of one or more of the figures in this paper are available online
selection command.
at In this paper, we attempt to develop a compact internal an-
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/TAP.2014.2324552 tenna that is suitable for uses on a palm-sized portable device

0018-926X 2014 IEEE. Personal use is permitted, but republication/redistribution requires IEEE permission.
See for more information.

and provides a comprehensive DTV reception band. Major tech-

nical difficulties include the tradeoff between antenna volume
and radiation efficiency, and synthesizing a broad, continuous
operation band with a stable gain and a consistent pattern. Note
the upper limit of the DTV band is right next to either GSM
or LTE bands. Studies point out the DTV reception may be in-
terfered by mobile services [27], [28]. As a result, we decide
to create a sharp cut-off edge in the matching spectrum at the
upper bound of the DTV operation band.
In order to pack the antenna within a compact handset, the
proposed antenna is of a 3D structure. The radiator is bent to re-
duce the antenna footprint. The detailed geometric features and
the evolution of the antenna structure are presented in Section II.
In Section III, rigorous parametric studies are conducted to ana-
lyze resonant modes and radiating mechanisms residing on this Fig. 1. Configuration of the proposed 3D DTV reception antenna and the hand-
antenna structure. Antenna tuning guidelines can be deducted held platform.
for adapting the antenna on different platforms. Antenna perfor-
mances are validated in Section IV using measurement results.
A conclusion is drawn in Section V.


A. Antenna Geometry
Proposed 3D antenna structure and its platform are shown
in Fig. 1. The antenna is formed by joining 3 PCB slabs and
is placed next to the top edge of a 135 mm 80 mm ground
plane, which is made of an FR4 board. The substrate thickness
Fig. 2. Geometry of the proposed 3D DTV reception antenna for handheld
is 1.6 mm and is assumed 0.02. Fig. 2 shows the unfolded devices.
antenna structure. The radiator is separated into two parts. The
bottom left one is connected to the antenna feed and is referred
as the primary radiator. The top right one is shorted to the ground TABLE I
and is referred as the parasitic element. Both parts have exten- DIMENSIONS OF CRITICAL GEOMETRIC PARAMETERS OF
sions to the back of the substrate to prolong resonant paths. Note
the back patch lengths of the radiator and the parasitic element
are of different values. A thin slit of 0.3 mm wide is located be-
tween the two patches. A perturbing slot of 1 mm wide is placed
on the radiator. The slot length is . It is located to the left of Unit: mm
the thin slit and the distance between them is . The excitation
is fed though a long, folded microstrip line placed above the top
ground plane edge. The distance between the feed and the left
edge of the folded microstrip line is defined as . As to the
parasitic element, the shorting pin is located to the right of the
feed with an extension strip above the ground plane. The strip
length is . Optimal design parameters are listed in Table I.
With this folding structure, the antenna volume protruding out
of the ground plane is only .

B. Evolution of Antenna Structures

The proposed antenna structure is rather complicated at the
first glance. To explain how this design achieves a broad con-
tinuous band for DTV reception, the evolution of the antenna Fig. 3. Evolution of antenna geometry.
configuration is divided into several phases. Design features
are added one after another. Reflection coefficients and input
impedance spectra are compared to identify their effects. Fig. 3 Ant. 1 contains only the radiator and the parasitic element.
shows the different stages of the antenna evolution. Note all Both components are in rectangular shapes. A thin slit sep-
designs shown are of 3D structures but illustrated as unfolded arates the two parts. The corresponding reflection coefficient
schematics to reveal geometric features. The overall antenna spectrum shown in Fig. 4 exhibits no apparent resonance due
volume is fixed. to poor matching. In Ant. 2, the thin slit is bent twice to form a

reject likely interference sources in the cellular band. Though

the 3:1 VSWR bandwidth of Ant. 5 is quite close to the desired
specification, the lower bound is slightly higher and the reflec-
tion coefficients around 530 MHz are greater than 6 dB.
The proposed design (P. Ant.) adds a folded microstrip line
next to the feed. This measure brings down the lower bound to
460 MHz. The higher bound is slightly reduced, but remains
above 860 MHz with a sharp roll-off edge. The VSWR ratios
are kept below 3:1 over the entire DTV band.

C. Antenna Resonant Modes

It is apparent that this complex geometry provides multiple
resonances. Some may radiate and some dont. To better iden-
tify their resonant mechanisms, resistance and reactance spectra
of different design phases are shown in Fig. 6. The solid lines
Fig. 4. Comparison of reflection coefficient spectra of Ant. 1, Ant. 2, and Ant. and dash lines are reactance and resistance, respectively. In fol-
3 designs. lowing discussions, we proceed by first spotting resonant fre-
quencies, then checking corresponding simulated current distri-
butions to identify associated resonant paths.
Two resonances appear on resistance and reactance spectra
of Ant. 3. The 580 MHz one is a parallel resonance because the
reactance goes from positive to negative and there is a pole in
its resistance. Taking into account that wave propagation speed
is slower on the substrate surface, the path length on the para-
sitic element, which extends from the shorting pin to the slits
end, fits well to the quarter wavelength resonant mode. How-
ever, because this resonance draws not much current from the
feed, it may not be an efficient radiating mode. The other reso-
nance is located around 720 MHz. Its a series resonance since
the reactance goes from capacitive to inductive. The simulated
current distribution shows the maximum is found on the feed.
The current moves along the slit on the primary radiator side. It
diminishes on the last section of the slit. Because the resistance
Fig. 5. Comparison of reflection coefficient spectra of Ant. 4, Ant. 5, and pro-
remains about 30 to 40 Ohms over a broad bandwidth, one may
posed antenna designs. expect it as an efficient radiating mode.
A new parallel resonance appears at 430 MHz in the resis-
tance and reactance spectra of Ant. 4. Simulation results indicate
step shape. Its reflection coefficient spectrum shows two reso- most currents concentrate at the extended patch on the back of
nances. One is located around 800 MHz and the other appears at the substrate. The current then couples to the slit on the front and
660 MHz. Ant. 3 adds another step to the slit. Both resonances can be traced back to the feed. The impedance and current dis-
are shifted down with improved matching performance. tribution of this high Q resonance suggest that it is inefficient in
To further reduce the lowest operation frequency, both the terms of radiation since most energy is bounded within the sub-
primary radiator and parasitic element lengths are extended in strate. The 580 and 720 MHz modes seen in Ant. 3 are slightly
Ant. 4 design. However, due to the platform width limit, the ex- moved down due to the addition of back patches.
tended sections shown in Fig. 3 are placed on the back of the In Ant. 5, an extension stub is added to move the shorting lo-
substrate. Each extended patch is connected to the front by a cation to the right. As a result, the 565 MHz resonance on the
narrow strip on the side, which can be implemented as plated parasitic element is further reduced to 520 MHz. The 430 MHz
via holes in mass production. The two patches in the back are mode on the primary radiator is shifted down a little bit due to
still separated by a thin slit. The corresponding reflection coeffi- a slot added on the primary radiator. A new parallel resonance
cient curve shown in Fig. 5 indicates the lower bound of the 3:1 appears around 850 MHz, which corresponds to the deep null
VSWR ratio band is reduced to 520 MHz, which is close to the seen in Fig. 5. This mode is introduced by the added slot. Ac-
desired lowest operation frequency. Note the higher resonance cording to its current concentration, the resonant path is formed
is also brought down to 740 MHz. on the slot and the nearby slit.
In Ant. 5 design, a 1 mm wide slot is cut to the primary radi- In the P. Ant. design, the lowest resonant mode is further re-
ator. Also an extending strip is added at the bottom right corner duced to 310 MHz due to the folded microstrip line near the
of the parasitic element so that the shorting pin position can be feed. Fig. 7 shows its current distribution on the radiator as well
moved away from the feed. Two apparent nulls appear on the as the top ground plane region. The current can be traced all
reflection coefficient spectrum. One occurs at 490 MHz and the the way to the back patch. Note most currents are found as dif-
other emerges at 850 MHz. The higher resonance yields a sharp ferential currents on the two sides of the thin slit. The strong
roll-off edge near the bands upper bound. This feature helps current on the feed section is also accompanied by an opposite

Fig. 6. Resistance and reactance spectra of Ant. 3, Ant. 4, Ant. 5, and proposed antenna designs.

Fig. 7. Current distributions on P. Ant. at 310 MHz. Fig. 8. Current distributions on P. Ant. at 680 MHz.

current on the parasitic element. The 580 MHz mode seen in

Ant. 3 is also brought down to 470 MHz by the addition of the design evolves, the resonant frequency is moved down to 930
folded microstrip line. There is another parallel resonance ap- MHz in the proposed design. Because of the elevated resistance
pears at 580 MHz. This mode is formed on the added folded and reactance, this resonance creates a notch around 900 MHz
microstrip line. The resonant structure itself contributes little in in the reflection coefficient spectrum shown in Fig. 5. The 850
terms of radiation. Instead, it serves as a current driver that at- and 930 MHz modes work in conjunction and form the sharp
tracts a strong current on the feed, which is subject to radiation. roll-off edge at the upper bound of the operation band.
The series resonant mode seen in Ant. 3 is moved down to 680
MHz. The simulated current distribution shown in Fig. 8 indi- III. PARAMETRIC STUDIES
cates that at the feed region, the radiator and parasitic element Aforementioned discussions show a relatively broad
currents are of the same direction and radiate effectively. Next 470860 MHz operation band and rejection of signals around
is the slot resonant mode found in Ant. 5, which is still located at 900 MHz can be achieved at the same time. Several geo-
850 MHz. Note there is a resonance taking place at 930 MHz. metric features are added to create multiple resonant modes.
By checking its current distribution, we found this is a mode Since antenna characteristics, especially for a portable device
controlled by the slits end, which is located at the antennas left antenna, are subject to changes in the antenna platform, para-
edge. It is a quarter wavelengths resonance bounded within the metric studies are presented to investigate associated radiating
slit. In fact, this mode can be found on Ant. 1 design at 1.5 GHz. and band-broadening mechanisms. Design rules and tuning
As we increase the slit length and add the slot and patches as the methods can be deducted from these studies.

Fig. 11. Comparison of antenna input resistance and reactance spectra of var-
Fig. 9. Comparison of reflection coefficient spectra of various extending stub ious extended patch length of the primary radiator.
length of the parasitic element.

Fig. 12. Comparison of antenna input resistance and reactance spectra of var-
Fig. 10. Comparison of antenna input resistance and reactance spectra of var- ious perturbing slot position on the primary radiator.
ious folded microstrip line length at the feed.

A. Extension Stub Length of the Parasitic Element C. Extension Patch Length of the Primary Radiator
The extension stub, as seen in the bottom right corner of Effects of the primary radiators extension patch length are
Fig. 2, is used to move the shorting pin location away from the examined in Fig. 11. Resistance and reactance spectra of var-
feed. As shown in Fig. 5, the introduction of the extension stub ious lengths are shown. As the curves indicate, the 470 MHz
creates a longer path on the parasitic element and hence reduces mode current, which mainly propagates along the slit, is appar-
the resonant frequency of the associated mode along the slit. The ently affected. It resonant frequency is inversely proportional to
reflection coefficient spectra shown in Fig. 9 indicate that the length. The length is hence chosen as 55 mm to maintain
matching condition around 470 MHz is related to the length. a proper matching in the lower band.
The longer is, the lower the lowest operation frequency be-
comes. A moderate length is chosen to avoid elevated mis- D. Perturbing Slot Position and Slot Length on the
matches around 550 MHz. Primary Radiator
The addition of the slot on the primary radiator perturbs the
B. Folded Microstrip Line Length at the Feed current path on it and along the slit as well. Here we attempt
The folded microstrip line is placed right next to the feed to change the slot position with respect to the slit. The param-
and is laid above the top edge of the ground plane. It extends eter is defined as the distance between the slot and the slit.
resonant paths of modes starting from the feed. The resistance Fig. 12 shows resistance and reactance spectra of different slot
and reactance curves shown in Fig. 10 reveal that the lowest positions. Its interesting to find that although the general be-
mode frequency is inversely proportional to length. Since haviors are unaffected; reducing the distance can bring down
this mode provides substantial capacitance beyond its resonant resonant frequencies, especially for modes above 500 MHz.
frequency, the matching condition immediately above this mode Effects of the slot length are also looked into. Most modes
can be tuned by adjusting length. In the proposed design, a are invariant to this length change except the 930 MHz mode.
stable matching is achieved over the 460 to 580 MHz band, as As a result, one can modify the slot position and slot length to
illustrated in Fig. 5. tune the roll-off edge frequency at the upper bound.

Fig. 13. Comparison of reflection coefficient spectra of various platform


Fig. 15. Fabricated prototype DTV reception antenna on the handheld plat-

Fig. 14. Comparison of antenna input resistance and reactance spectra of var-
ious platform lengths.

E. Platform Length Fig. 16. Comparison of simulated and measured reflection coefficient spectra
of the proposed antenna.
Because consumer oriented handheld products are likely
to appear in platforms of different sizes, effects of the board
length is examined as well. In Fig. 13, the board length is varied TABLE II
from 130 to 170 mm. Their reflection coefficient spectra show THE PROPOSED DTV RECEPTION ANTENNA
a similar trend. However, the matching condition is different.
Resistance and reactance variations are shown in Fig. 14. Most
resonant frequencies are invariant to length changes except the
580 MHz mode, which is excited by the folded microstrip line
above the top ground plane edge. Fig. 14 shows that the smaller
the board length is, the greater the reactance variation becomes
at the resonant frequency. The resistance is also increased.
These results suggest the coupling toward the ground plane is The prototype antenna was devised by combining three slabs
raised as the board length reduces. The Q factor of this parallel of 1.6 mm thick FR4 substrate. The front and back patterns
resonance is hence elevated. From the application perspective, were first etched on the board, then jointed perpendicularly with
cautions should be taken when transporting the antenna design thin layers of soldering. The connection between front and back
to a terminal smaller than the proposed platform. Further patches were made with soldered copper strips. The process is
matching tuning measures may be necessary. One applicable labor intensive and painstaking. Note the flexible printed cir-
measure is reducing the perturbing slot position . As indi- cuit (FPC) technology can be used instead for mass production.
cated in Fig. 12, the elevated reactance due a small platform Fig. 15 shows the etched PCB boards before assembly and the
length can be compensated. fabricated prototype. Note the feed is implemented with a piece

Fig. 17. Comparison of simulated and measured radiation patterns of the proposed antenna on principle cuts at 470 MHz.

Fig. 18. Comparison of simulated and measured radiation patterns of the proposed antenna on principle cuts at 680 MHz.

of coaxial cable. To suppress radiations from the cable, copper most important pattern is on the -plane, which is nearly
tapes were applied to press the cable against the ground plane. omni-directional. The measured gain is about 7 dBi, which is
The reflection coefficient of the prototype antenna was mea- not an attractive number for an omni-directional antenna. This
sured and compared with the simulated result. Nulls and poles result suggests the 470 MHz resonance is not efficient in terms
of the two spectra shown in Fig. 16 appear at same frequen- of radiation.
cies. However, measured nulls are deeper than simulated ones. Measured gains of cross-pol patterns shown in Fig. 17 are
This indicates the amount of reactance supplied from the folded slightly larger than simulated ones. One cause is fabrication er-
microstrip line is different from our expectation. Since the line rors in the prototype antenna. Another cause may be the return
spacing between folded microstrip lines is 0.2 mm only, errors in current on the feed cable. Nevertheless, they are smaller than
fabrication precision may lead to this discrepancy. Benchmarks 15 dBi and do not alter principle radiation characteristics of
of the bandwidth performance are summarized in Table II. The the proposed antenna.
measured bandwidth is slightly wider than the simulated one. In both - and -plane cuts, there are nulls appearing near
The fabricated prototype antenna was measured in a spher- the -axis direction. These results indicate the antenna can be
ical near field chamber. Radiation patterns were derived via a regarded as a short electric dipole placed along the -axis at this
Fourier transform process [29]. Corresponding axial directions frequency. According to the simulated current distribution, most
are the same with the drawing shown in Fig. 1. The platform is currents are found on the folded microstrip line and in the neigh-
aligned in parallel with the -plane and its front is facing to- borhood of the slit. Currents are accompanied by adjacent op-
ward the direction. Since the return current due to the unbal- posite currents of comparable magnitudes and hence contribute
anced transition may reside on the coaxial cable, a ferrite current little to the radiation. The only current that fits to the observed
choke is clamped on the cable during pattern measurements. radiation pattern is the one located on the feed, which runs in
Radiation patterns on principle planes at 470 MHz are dis- parallel with the -axis direction. Its magnitude is somewhat
played in Fig. 17. The solid lines are measured results while weaker comparing to other currents. This result complies with
dash lines are simulated ones. In each plot, and compo- subdued gains observed in Fig. 17.
nents are drawn separately. Red lines are patterns while blue The 680 MHz radiation patterns are shown in Fig. 18. Sim-
lines are patterns. According to the plots, is the domi- ilar to the 470 MHz results, most radiations concentrate on the
nant term and can be regarded as the cross-pol term. The -plane. Measured gains vary between 0 to 2 dBi and the

Fig. 19. Comparison of simulated and measured radiation patterns of the proposed antenna on principle cuts at 850 MHz.

Fig. 20. Comparison of simulated and measured total efficiencies of the pro- Fig. 21. Comparison of simulated and measured peak antenna gains of the pro-
posed DTV reception antenna. posed DTV reception antenna.

pattern is nearly omni-directional. On - and -planes, mea- the bands edges, peak gains are dropped to 5 and 4 dBi
sured and simulated patterns are quite similar. Pattern nulls are due to decreased efficiencies. Yet these levels are still bigger
found along the -axis. These results suggest the antenna can be than recommended antenna gains for handheld DTV receivers,
modeled as a short electric dipole placed along the -axis. The which are reported in [30]. To restore the lower band edge
corresponding simulated current distribution shown in Fig. 8 performance, one can consider further reducing the 310 MHz
confirms this assumption. The vertical section near the feed ex- out-of-band resonance. This can be facilitated by extending the
hibits a strong current and hence is the primary source for ra- folded microstrip line length or enlarging the radiator structure.
diation. Similar radiation behaviors are found on 850 MHz pat- Both methods impose an increase in the antenna volume. At
terns shown in Fig. 19. The co-pol patterns can be modeled with the higher band edge, the 930 MHz resonance can be lifted to
a short electric dipole, too. restore the efficiency. This measure will also remove the notch
Because the measurements were conducted in a spherical band and the antenna may be subjected to interference from
near field chamber, the radiation efficiency is available once mobile services.
the scanning process is completed. Fig. 20 exhibits measured
and simulated total efficiency spectra. The total efficiency V. CONCLUSIONS
accounts not only the antenna radiation efficiency, but also the The proposed broadband antenna suits well to the DTV re-
impedance matching performance. Measured total efficiencies ception need. It provides a consistent omni-directional pattern
are roughly 5% to 10% less than simulated ones. Nevertheless, across all DTV bands. This is because most of the radiation
they exhibit a similar trend. They are in general greater than comes from the vertical section near the feed for in-band res-
50% in the operation band. At the lower and upper bounds, onances, which are located at 580 and 680 MHz. The band edge
the efficiencies are reduced to approximately 20%. The peak modes at 470 and 850 MHz as well as the out-of-band reso-
gain curves shown in Fig. 21 present alike spectral variations. nances at 310 and 930 MHz are formed by differential current
Mid-band gains are above 1 dBi and are consistent over a paths on the antenna or on the ground edge, which contribute
large bandwidth. This complies with the fact that the radiation little in terms of radiation and exhibit no interference to the
pattern is omni-directional over the entire operation band. At pattern. The function of these modes is to synthesize a large

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(MIKON-2004), May 2004, vol. 2, pp. 485488. matching circuit for compact wideband antenna designs, IEEE Trans.
[5] C.-T. Lee, K.-L. Wong, and Y.-C. Lin, Wideband monopole antenna Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 11, pp. 34503457, Nov. 2010.
for DTV/GSM operation in the mobile phone, Microw. Opt. Technol. [28] L. Polak, O. Kaller, L. Klozar, and J. Prokopec, Influence of mobile
Lett., vol. 50, no. 3, pp. 801806, Mar. 2008. network interfering products on DVB-T/H broadcasting services, in
[6] K. G. Thomas, N. Lenin, and M. Sreenivasan, Wide-band dual Proc. Wireless Days (WD), Nov. 2012, pp. 13.
sleeve antenna, IEEE Trans. Antennas Propag., vol. 54, no. 3, pp. [29] G. Hindman and A. C. Newell, Simplified spherical near-field accu-
10341037, Mar. 2006. racy assessment, IEEE Antennas Propag. Mag., vol. 49, no. 1, pp.
[7] H.-D. Chen, Compact broadband microstrip-line-fed sleeve monopole 233240, Feb. 2007.
antenna for DTV application and ground plane effect, IEEE Antennas [30] European Telecommunications Standards Institute, Digital Video
Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 7, pp. 497500, 2008. Broadcasting (DVB); DVB-H Implementation Guidelines ETSI TR
[8] H. Iizuka, T. Watanabe, K. Sato, and K. Nishikawa, Modified 102 377 V1.4.1, 2009, Technical Report.
H-shaped antenna for automotive digital terrestrial reception, IEEE
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[9] S.-H. Chang and W.-J. Liao, A broadband LTE/WWAN antenna de-
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43544359, Sep. 2012.
Jiun-Ting Yeh (S13) was born in Taipei, Taiwan,
[10] D. B. Lin, P. C. Tsai, I. T. Tang, and P. S. Chen, Spiral and multi-
R.O.C., in January 1990. He received the B.S.
mode antenna miniaturization for DTV signal receptions, IEEE An-
degree from the Department of Electrical En-
tenna Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 9, pp. 902905, 2010. gineering at Feng Chia University, Taiwan, in
[11] C.-K. Hsu and S.-J. Chung, A wideband DVB forked shape monopole 2012. He is currently pursuing the M.S. degree
antenna with coupling effect for USB dongle application, IEEE Trans. at National Taiwan University of Science and
Antennas Propag., vol. 58, no. 9, pp. 30293036, Sep. 2010. Technology, Taipei.
[12] W.-Y. Li, K.-L. Wong, and S.-W. Su, Broadband integrated DTV an- His research interests include broadband an-
tenna for USB dongle application, Microw. Opt. Technol. Lett., vol. tennas and compact antenna matching network
49, no. 5, pp. 10181022, May 2007. designs. He is currently focusing on researches
[13] L. Huitema, M. Koubeissi, C. Decroze, and T. Monediere, Ultrawide- about miniaturized antennas on portable devices,
band dielectric resonator antenna for DVB-H and GSM applications, especially for designs with antenna diversities and circularly polarization
IEEE Antennas Wireless Propag. Lett., vol. 8, pp. 10211027, 2009. characteristics.

Wen-Jiao Liao (S98M04SM14) received the Shih-Hsun Chang (S10M14) was born in
B.S. degree in electrical engineering from the Na- Changhua, Taiwan, R.O.C., in 1986. He received
tional Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, R.O.C., in B.S. degree from the Department of Aeronautical
1995 and the M.S. and Ph.D. degrees in electrical en- Engineering, National Formosa University, Yunlin,
gineering from the Ohio State University, Columbus, Taiwan, in 2008 and Ph.D. degree in electrical
OH, USA, in 1999 and 2003, respectively. engineering from National Taiwan University of
He was with Yuan-Ze University as Assistant Science and Technology, Taipei, Taiwan, in 2013.
Professor in the Department of Communications He has been with the ASUSTek Computer Inc.,
Engineering. In 2007, he joined the faculty of the De- Taipai, as a Research Scientist since 2013. His main
partment of Electrical Engineering, National Taiwan research interests are miniaturized antennas for wire-
University of Science and Technology, where he is less communications, especially for multi-input and
now an Associate Professor. His main interests include miniaturized antennas, multi-output (MIMO) antenna systems on mobile devices.
diversity antennas, electronically reconfigurable antennas, phased arrays,
antenna measurement, and wave propagation.

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