Edublogger Review: I Heart This Story

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July 16th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew

Edublogger Review
there may be gaps between what the data says and what’s
A "mash-up" of postings from nine engaging educational politically possible. And probably some interpretations will be
and e-learning bloggers. unfortunate, reductionist, or otherwise flawed.

But still. This is absolutely the right way to go. The community
I Heart This Story college exists to serve the students and the community, rather
Source: than the faculty. That means relocating ‘truth’ from ‘he who
By Dean Dad on July 16th, 2010 huffs and puffs the loudest’ to ‘what actually happens with the
This piece in IHE went uncommented the day it was students.’ Allocating resources based on data is much easier
published, which, I’ll admit, surprised me. It was one of the if the data measures are built in from the beginning. The
most hopeful pieces I’ve read in a long time. students are too important, and too vulnerable, to trust their
fates to the way things are usually done. We know perfectly
It’s about the Community College of the District of Columbia, well how they’ll fare if that happens.
a new institution growing out of the University of the District
of Columbia. As many people know, the District of Columbia If anything might help, this might. Best wishes, CCDC. I’m
has some issues with poverty, crime, and public school rootin’ for ya!
performance. Just a few. Not like you’d notice. So a new
community college there makes a world of sense.

But what’s especially heartening is that, as a new institution, Connectivism in the Enterprise
it’s actually taking the (vanishingly rare) opportunity to
build all of its systems from the ground up around a
By gsiemens on July 16th, 2010
robust assessment program. Put differently, it’s building an
experimental ethic into its design. I’m delivering a presentation in a few weeks to a “large
technology company that everyone knows but I can’t name
Go, CCDC! because of onerous procedures for clearing name use” on
Connectivism in the Enterprise: .doc file and Google docs
Too often, assessment measures are appended as version.
afterthoughts, which, in fact, they were. Departments
The paper doesn’t really include anything new…but is an
generally consider themselves the unquestionable local
attempt to explore connectivist learning models in business
experts in their fields, above being told anything by anyone
about what they teach. Accordingly, they don’t see much point
in assessment, and treat it as meddlesome busywork to be
minimized when it can’t be entirely ignored. They assume
they already know the answers, so they don’t like being asked
PKM: Working Smarter
questions. By Harold Jarche on July 16th, 2010

CCDC is reversing the order. The burden of proof is not on In PKM in a Nutshell, I linked my various posts on
the data; it’s on the programs. If the programs fall short, personal knowledge management to make the framework
presumably, they’ll have to adjust. Expertise will be in the more coherent. My ITA colleague, Jane Hart has just released
service of the mission. an extensive resource that correlates nicely with the PKM
framework. It is called A WORKING SMARTER RESOURCE:
It’s still early in the game, and I’d expect to see ‘pushback’ in A Practical Guide to using Social Media in Your Job and
various areas gradually get stronger over time. Some people includes seven sections (my annotations on how they connect
will try, sincerely or not, to explain programmatic failures by to PKM):
reference to lack of funding; if the college falls for that, it will 1. Finding things out on the Web (SEEK)
quickly fall into the same sinkhole that has swallowed much 2. Keeping up to date with new Web content (SEEK)
of the rest of higher education. The inevitable lag between
when you need to make decisions and when the data actually 3. Building a trusted network of colleagues (SEEK & SHARE)
comes in will create some awkward moments. There will be
honest and real disagreements over the interpretations of 4. Communicating with your colleagues (SHARE)
some of the findings, some of which will probably become
heated. To the extent that destination colleges make their 5. Sharing resources, ideas and experiences with your
acceptance of transfer credit decisions based on other criteria, colleagues (SHARE)

July 16th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
dubious value. This sounds like a description of the subprime
6. Collaborating with your colleagues (SHARE & USE) mortgage industry, which came crashing down two years ago.
But what I just described is the reality at many for-profit
7. Improving your personal productivity (SENSE & USE) colleges. In recent years, an absence of federal oversight has
allowed a dangerous bubble to grow in the for-profit college
Here’s the a description and rationale for adopting PKM,
industry. The challenge is to crack down on the bad actors
individually and within organizations:
and abusive practices while preserving the positive options
• PKM is a way to deal with ever-increasing amounts of and innovations that many for-profit colleges have pioneered.
digital information. Read more at:
• It requires an open attitude toward learning and finding harkin-profit-colleges-20100713,0,1016400.story
new things (I Seek).
• PKM methods can help to develop processes of filing,
classifying and annotating for later retrieval. Get Out of the Echo Chamber
• PKM leverages open web-based systems that facilitate to Improve Innovation
sharing. Source:
July 16th, 2010
• A PKM mindset aids in observing, thinking and using
information & knowledge better (I Sense). I met Ethan Zuckerman in Linz and was impressed by him as
• Transparent PKM helps to share ideas with others (We a thoughtful and considerate person. His message, embodied
Share). in his Global Voices website, is worth embracing. "Exposing
ourselves to a wider diversity of ideas is critical. It is especially
• After a while, you begin to realize you’re in a community important in our roles as citizens, but it is also crucial for
of practice when your practice changes (We Use). improving innovation. We need to hear idea that don't simply
• PKM prepares the mind to be open to new ideas echo our own." This post links to his TED Global talk. Tim
(enhanced serendipity, or chance favours the prepared Kastelle , Innovation Leadership Network , July 15, 2010 6:06
mind). p.m.. [ Link ] [Tags: none] [ Previous ][ Next ]
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Time To Crack Down On For- Web 3.0

Profit Higher Ed's Abusive Source:
By gsiemens on July 16th, 2010
Practices Steve Wheeler shares a presentation Web 3.0: The way
Source: forward?. Steve takes a three-fold view of web development:
down-on-forprofit-higher-eds-abusive-practices.html 1.0=linking, 2.0=participation, 3.0=existing data reconnected
By StevenB on July 16th, 2010 for smarter uses. Stephen Downes responds “let me be the
Haven't we heard this story before? It features a high-pressure first to name the new web: Web eXtended (or just Web X)…
sales force persuading consumers in search of the American idea of Web X is that it combines web 2.0 (social web) and
dream to go deep into debt to purchase a product of often web 3.0 (semantic web) to create what I have called, in the
July 16th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
past, the semantic social web. But it’s more than just that, Enter email to receive
because it takes these and moves them off the web and into replies:
your hand. And more than just that, because it’s the web of
data, the geoweb, augmented media, the 3D web, and more.
Your comments always remain your property, but in posting
The eXtended web – the web, extended from the internet, into
them here you agree to license under the same terms as this
your life.”
site ( Creative Commons ). If your comment is offensive it will
The development of the semantic web, linked data, and be deleted.
open data, coupled with location-awareness, recommender
systems, augmented reality, data overlays, and similar Automated Spam-checking is in effect. If you are a registered
developments is having a dramatic impact on how people user you may submit links and other HTML. Anonymous users
interact with information and each other. Steve and Stephen cannot post links and will have their content screened - certain
have attempted to quantify the nature of that change and words are prohibited and your comment will be analyzed to
to name it. My own interest is more focused on how to make sure it makes sense.
use these developments to improve learning. This is coming
together somewhat in the emerging field of learning analytics
(conference announcement on that some time in the next few Reshaping Marketing
weeks!). Regardless of name/focus, the inclusion of smart(er) Source:
data in mobiles and learning will open new (and exciting) marketing/
doors for education and learning in general. By gsiemens on July 16th, 2010

Education, like news, journalism, and marketing, is

Men Have Higher Job undergoing a substantial shift. Essentially, the individual
formerly known as “student” now has far greater control over
Satisfaction Than Women in information, conversation, and access to experts outside of the

classroom. Broadcast lectures are giving way to interaction
and learner control. A great example of a similar shift can
Source: be seen in what marks an important point in marketing and
job-satisfaction-than-women-in-academia.html PR: the Old Spice campaign. Basically, the campaign blends
By StevenB on July 16th, 2010 traditional media with social and real time media. The actor in
Differences in job satisfaction between men and women in the commercials has been responding via short videos (15-35
academia exist, but vary across disciplines, a new study seconds each) to questions on Twitter, Facebook, Digg, and
shows. Untenured assistant professors at research universities other services. At last count, over 180 short videos had been
in physical sciences and humanities reported being most posted – a wonderful, and amusing, way to waste time. Some
satisfied with their positions, whereas those in education and have called it “the best use of social media yet” and that the
visual and performing arts reported being least satisfied. But campaign will “turn out to be the case study from how to
greater discrepancies were seen when job satisfaction was split turn advertising into content and how to use social media to
between the sexes. Differences in satisfaction between men activate mainstream coverage”. The making of the videos is
and women were largest in social sciences.Read more at: a big shift from planned image control that most companies exhibit. Writing and production happens in real time without
academics-less-satisfied-than-male-counterparts/ usual vetting/discussion, exhibiting strong trust between the
company and the ad agencies.
Perhaps we should model an Old Spice educational campaign:
Connectivism in the Enterprise real time learning driven by learners questions in various
Source: distributed tools, not the instructor’s pre-planned content in a
July 16th, 2010 classroom or LMS. But with shirts on.
I would never be allowed to make a presentation to such a
company because there's no way in the world I would ever be
so obsequious as to promise not even to mention the name of
UC Wants To Offer Elite Online
the company. Just saying. George Siemens , elearnspace , July Degrees But Some Oppose
15, 2010 5:40 p.m.. [ Link ] [Tags: Connectivism ] [ Previous
][ Next ] The Idea
Comments elite-online-degrees-but-some-oppose-the-idea.html
By StevenB on July 16th, 2010
You are not logged in. [Login] Taking online college courses is, to many, like eating at
McDonald's: convenient, fast and filling. You may not get
Title filet mignon, but afterward you're just as full. Now the
University of California wants to jump into online education
Your comment: for undergraduates, hoping to become the nation's first top-
tier research institution to offer a bachelor's degree over

July 16th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
the Internet comparable in quality to its prestigious campus university to sell its herd. Other universities are doing the
program. But a number of skeptical faculty members and same, or looking for other ways to cut costs, as high feed, fuel
graduate student instructors fear that a cyber UC would deflate and labor prices make it difficult to keep animals during tight
the university's five-star education into a fast-food equivalent. economic times. The sales are taking place despite growing
Read more at: enrollment in agriculture programs. A minority of schools are discontinuing their herds but all institutions are looking at the
a/2010/07/12/ costs of keeping their animals. Read more at:
Fully supported hosted Eduglu
is coming! | Eduglu - Drupal Report: Teens Using Digital
Social Learning Platform Drugs to Get High
July 16th, 2010
July 16th, 2010
This is interesting - "A social network application built entirely It's hard to believe, but there's a moral panic over kids "using
using Drupal and a set of modules. Eduglu Alpha 2 is available digital drugs." The trend, known as "i-dosing", involves lying
now." D'Arch Norman writes, "Now, how to reconcile this with on your back, closing your eyes, and listening to trance-
my disdain for the concept of the PLN? Because Eduglu isn't inducing sounds such as Gates of Hades . An Oklahoma
claiming to be the whole widget. It's a way to connect various newspaper was quick to sound the alarm, not so much because
sources of content, published by various people, distributed it's harmsful but because it's a "gateway drug." "'The bigger
across the internet, and then use that in the context of a class. concern is if you have a kid wanting to explore this, you
Where the magic really happens." D'Arcy Norman , D'Arcy probably have a kid that may end up smoking marijuana or
Norman dot net , July 15, 2010 5:35 p.m.. [ Link ] [Tags: Books looking for bigger things,' Woodward said." I see what they
, Networks , Content Management Systems , Drupal ] [ mean. After reading this item I started listening to Tangerine
Previous ][ Next ] Dream again - I've been hooked ever since seeing them play
Comments Stratosfear in the 1970s in Ottawa. Ryan Singel , Wired , July
15, 2010 5:28 p.m.. [ Link ] [Tags: Schools ] [ Previous ][ Next ]
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When IHEs Start Selling Off make sure it makes sense.

Their Cows You Know Times

Private IHEs Contribute To
Are Hard
Source: The State Economy
selling-off-their-cows-you-know-times-are-hard.html Source:
By StevenB on July 16th, 2010 contribute-to-the-state-economy.html

The University of Vermont will soon house fewer cows as

low milk prices, high costs and budget cuts have forced the
July 16th, 2010 Published by: philosophyandrew
By StevenB on July 16th, 2010

Students' discretionary spending is just a small part of

the estimated $1.2 billion a year the Lehigh Valley's six
private colleges — Lehigh, Lafayette, DeSales, Cedar Crest,
Muhlenberg and Moravian — pumped into to the state and
regional economy in 2009, according a report in May from
the Association of Independent Colleges and Universities of
Pennsylvania . P rivate universities as a whole remain a
growing segment of the state's economy. Statewide, private
colleges and universities paid more in wages than law offices,
restaurants or commercial banks, and contributed more than
$16.1 billion to the economy. Read more at:

10 Free Wireframing Tools for

July 16th, 2010

Designing something? These free wireframing tools might

help. I'm noting this here for my own future reference. Grace
Smith , Mashable , July 15, 2010 5:07 p.m.. [ Link ] [Tags:
none] [ Previous ][ Next ]
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