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Running Head: JOURNAL #8

Journal #8

Thalia Rivas

Wednesday 8:30-11:20

University of Texas at El Paso


Thematic Unit

Thematic Unit is the organization of a curriculum around macro themes. A Thematic Unit

is basically selecting a theme with students interest or experiences. You will also

develop 3 essential questions in which you will incorporate different subjects such as

math, science, reading, etc. The questions that you develop will not have a right answer

and can be answered by any student, this will have students thinking and participating

in the lesson. Also, each lesson you develop will need to have the use of technology.

Doing this assignment, I notice that there are many ways in which you can use

technology even if is just watching a video on YouTube or doing a simple table on Excel

technology can be used even in the smallest lesson. In addition, the integration of

technology motivates children and keeps them on task. This assignment was

challenging for me because it was hard to connect everything together, the theme with

the questions and the TEKS. I still find this assignment helpful for the future, because

now I know how a Thematic Unit works and the ways I can incorporate this in my future


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