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Annex F

(City, Municipality, Province)

Statement of Comparison of Budget and Actual Amounts
For the Year Ended December 31, 2015
(In thousands of Pesos)

Difference Difference
Particulars Budgeted Amounts Original Actual Final
and Final Amounts Budget and
Original Final Budget Actual
A. Local Sources
1. Tax Revenue
a. Tax Revenue - Property xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
b. Tax Revenue - Goods and Services xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
c. Other Local Taxes xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Total Tax Revenue xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
2. Non-Tax Revenue
a. Service Income
b. Business Income xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
c. Other Income and Receipts xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Total Non-Tax Revenue xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
B. External Sources
1. Share from the National Internal Revenue Taxes (IRA) xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
2. Share from GOCCs xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
3. Other Shares from National Tax Collections
a. Share from Ecozone xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
b. Share from EVAT xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
c. Share from National Wealth xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
d. Share from Tobacco Excise Tax xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
4. Other. Receipts
a. Grants and Donations xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
b. Other Subsidy Income xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
5. Inter-local Transfer xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
6. Capital /Investment Receipts /
a. Sale of CapirallAssets xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
b. Sale of Inves la xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
c. Proceeds fro , I I llections of Loans Receivable xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
C. Receipts from Borrowings xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Total Revenues and Receipts xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Difference Difference
Particulars Budgeted Amounts Original Actual Final
and Final Amounts Budget and
Original Final Budget Actual
Current Appropriations
General Public Services
Personal Services XXX xxx xxx xxx XXX
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX xxx XXX xxx XXX
Capital Outlay XXX xxx xxx xxx XXX
Personal Services XXX xxx xxx xxx XXX
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX xxx xxx xxx XXX
Capital Outlay XXX XXX XXX xxx XXX
Health, Nutrition and Population Control
Personal Services XXX xxx xxx XXX xxx

Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX

Capital Outlay XXX xxx xxx XXX xxx

Labor and Employment

Personal Services XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx
Capital Outlay XXX xxx xxx xxx XXX
Housing and Community Development
Personal Services XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX
Capital Outlay XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx
Social Services and Social Welfare
Personal Services XXX XXX XXX xxx xxx
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX

Capital Outlay XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx

Economic Services
Personal Services XXX xxx XXX xxx XXX
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX xxx xxx xxx XXX
Capital Outlay XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX
Other Purposes:
Debt Service -
Financi pense XXX xxx xxx xxx xxx
Amortiz n XXX xxx xxx xxx XXX
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX xxx xxx XXX XXX

Capital Outlay XXX xxx xxx XXX XXX

20% Development Fund

Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses XXX xxx xxx XXX XXX

Difference Difference
Particulars Budgeted Amounts Original Actual Final
Notes and Final Amounts Budget and
Original Final Budget Actual
Capital Outlay xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Share from National Wealth
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Capital Outlay xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Allocation for Senior Citizens and PWD

Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Capital Outlay xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Personal Services xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Maintenance and Other Operating Expenses xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Capital Outlay xxx . xxx XN.X xxx xxx
Total Current Appropriations xxx xxx xxx xxx . xxx
Continuing Appropriations
General Public Services
Capital Outlay xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Capital Outlay xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Health, Nutrition and Population Control
Capital Outlay xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Labor and Employment
Capital Outlay x xx xxx xxx xxx x xx
Housing and Community Development
Capital Outlay xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Social Services and Social Welfare
Capital Outlay xxx xxx xxx XXX xxx
Economic Services
Capital Outlay xxx x xx xxx xxx xxx
Other Purposes
Cap al Ou ay xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Total Co Appropriations xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Total App ations xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx

Surplus (Deli t) for the period xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Presented in the Notes to FS

Reconciliation between actual amounts on a comparable basis as presented in this

statement and in the Statement of Financial Performance for the Year Ended December
31, 2015
Personal Financial Capital Outlay
Income MOOS
Services Expenses
Comparison Statement of Budget and Actual xxx xxx xxx xxx xxx
Entity Differences - - - - -
Basis Differences:
Income not considered budgetary items
Non-cash income xxx - - -
Gain on Sale of Assets
Receipts not considered as income - - -
Sale of capital assets (xxx) - - -
Borrowings (xxx) - - -
Budgetary items not considered as expenses
Debt Service (Loan Amortization, Retirement of Debt Instruments) - (xxx)
Interest Expenses capitalized (xxx)
Capital Expenditures - - - (xxx)
Timing Differences: - - -
Prepayments charged to current appropriations - - (xxx)
Unconsumed Inventories charged to current appropriations - - (xxx)
Consumed Inventories and deferred charges charged to prior period appropriations (xxx)
- - -

Per Statement of Financial Performance AA

xxx xxx xxx xxx -

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