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The impact of variable hydraulic operation of water

distribution networks on disinfection by-product
a a a a
Emesomake Idornigie , Michael R. Templeton , Cedo Maksimovic & Suzan Sharifan
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UK
Version of record first published: 21 Sep 2010.

To cite this article: Emesomake Idornigie , Michael R. Templeton , Cedo Maksimovic & Suzan Sharifan (2010): The impact of
variable hydraulic operation of water distribution networks on disinfection by-product concentrations, Urban Water Journal,
7:5, 301-307

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Urban Water Journal
Vol. 7, No. 5, October 2010, 301307

The impact of variable hydraulic operation of water distribution networks on disinfection
by-product concentrations
Emesomake Idornigie, Michael R. Templeton*, Cedo Maksimovic and Suzan Sharifan
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering, Imperial College London, London, UK
(Received 26 January 2010; nal version received 15 July 2010)

This study assessed the magnitude of variations in the concentrations of disinfection by-products, specically
trihalomethanes and haloacetic acids, which occur in two UK water distribution networks of dierent sizes due to
changes in the hydraulic operation of the networks. These operational changes included varying the ll levels of
water storage tanks and pumping conditions within the network. This was investigated through modelling which
combined a conventional distribution network ow model (EPANET) with previously developed models for
disinfection by-product formation, and using network information obtained from water company partners. The
modelling demonstrated that there is the potential for signicant variations in disinfection by-product
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concentrations, up to a 40% change in some simulations, due to what may be considered routine variability in
the hydraulic operation of the network. Smaller networks may be especially susceptible to these variations. These
ndings may inuence how water companies plan disinfection by-product monitoring programmes for regulatory
Keywords: drinking water; distribution network; disinfection by-product; hydraulic modelling

Introduction matter content, and bromide concentration (Sohn et al.

Disinfection by-products (DBPs) are formed from the 2001). The formation of DBPs also depends on
reaction of disinfectants (e.g., chlorine, ozone) with operational factors, specically the water age (i.e. the
natural organic matter and other naturally occurring time that the water spends in transit between the treat-
chemical species (e.g., bromide). Due to the potential ment works and the consumer tap) and the chlorine
human toxicity of certain DBPs (e.g., Nieuwenhuijsen residual (Clark et al. 1994, Clark and Sivaganesan 1998,
et al. 2000, 2008) there are regulatory limits on the Clark et al. 2010). These latter two variables are directly
concentrations of certain groups of DBPs in tap water linked to the hydraulic operation of the network, since
in many countries. For example, total trihalomethanes water age will vary with ow and chlorine decays over
(TTHMs) are regulated at a maximum concentration time (Biswas et al. 1993, Powell et al. 2000, Courtis et al.
of 100 mg/l in tap water in the UK currently, and UK 2009a,b).
water companies must periodically collect samples While previous studies have shown that DBP
from their distribution networks and report the concentrations vary spatially and seasonally in dis-
concentrations of these compounds. In the US, the tribution networks (e.g., Sadiq and Rodriguez 2004,
Stage 2 Disinfectants/Disinfection By-Products Rule Courtis et al. 2009b), few have considered short-term
of the Environmental Protection Agency stipulates temporal variations in DBP concentrations, i.e. on the
the calculation of locational running annual averages order of minutes or hours, that may occur due to
(LRAA) for TTHMs and also haloacetic acids routine hydraulic instabilities in the network. These
(USEPA 2006). The LRAA requirement recognises short-term variations in DBP concentrations are
that DBP concentrations will vary within a distribution unlikely to be a concern from a health standpoint,
network and the Rule therefore species that samples since the toxicity of most DBPs is based on chronic
should be taken from locations in the network that are rather than acute exposure when considering the DBP
anticipated to have the highest DBP concentrations. levels that are typical of drinking water (Nieuwenhuij-
DBP formation is a function of a number of water sen et al. 2008). However, short-term variations could
quality variables, including pH, temperature, organic be important for DBP sampling programme planning

*Corresponding author. Email:

ISSN 1573-062X print/ISSN 1744-9006 online

2010 Taylor & Francis
DOI: 10.1080/1573062X.2010.509438
302 E. Idornigie et al.

for regulatory reporting by water utilities and also terms of the total length of pipes (Figures 1 and 2,
simply in terms of gaining an improved understanding Table 1).
the variability in physicochemical water quality that is EPANET software (Rossman, 2009) was used to
inherent in a network. model the water ages and chlorine residuals in each
Short-term variations in DBPs are hypothesised to network. Data obtained from the water company
arise due to a range of dierent types of hydraulic partners for the network volumes and pump curves
instabilities in water distribution networks. Water dened the tank volume levels and discharge-head
networks are rarely operated at steady-state (Bargiela relationships to use as a baseline representation of the
and Hainsworth 1989, Al-Omari and Hanif Chaudhry current operational practice. Patterns for daily demand
2001); hydraulic variations may occur in response to variations and pump operations with respect to time
water demand and also due to operational variations were also dened.
in the network, such as water storage tanks operating Two DBP formation models were used to predict
at dierent ll levels, sections of the network being DBP concentrations in the network. The rst was the
emptied for cleaning or during re-hydrant usage, or modelling approach developed by Gang et al. (2002),
routine on/o cycles of pumps, e.g., in response to shown below:
demand. The objective of this research study therefore k k t
Rt S
was to investigate the magnitude of changes in Ct Co ffe 1  f e g
disinfection by-product concentrations caused by these
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hydraulic instabilities and to consider the relative DBP DC  Co

importance of these variations for dierent sizes of
distribution networks. where C(t) chlorine concentration (mg/l) at any
time t; Co the initial chlorine dose to give a chlorine
residual of approximately 1 mg/l after 5 days of
Methodology reaction; f fraction of chlorine dose attributed to
Network data and information were obtained from rapid reactions; kR rst order rate constant for
water company partners for two UK water distribu- rapid reactions (0.5 day71); ks rst order rate
tion networks, to be referred to as Network A and constant of slow reactions (0.05 day71); D DBP
Network B. Network B was a larger network in yield coecient, which is dened as the ratio of

Figure 1. Network A considered in this study.

Urban Water Journal 303

where TOC total organic carbon concentration

(mg/l); Cl2 initial chlorine dose (mg/l); T tempe-
rature (8C); t water age (h). For the purposes of this
modelling, the following water quality values were
applied to each network: TOC 2.5 mg/l, pH 7.5,
temperature 108C, and bromide 0.05 mg/l. An initial
chlorine dose, leaving the treatment works, of 1 mg/l
was assumed for each network. The same water quality
parameters and initial chlorine dose were applied to
both networks to remove these as confounding factors
and allow consideration of solely the hydraulic eects
on the magnitude of the DBP concentration variations.
A large number of DBP formation models have
been developed (Sadiq and Rodriguez 2004), but the
intention of using two models in this study (rather than
just one) was to compare the prediction outputs
from using dierent DBP formation models. The
Figure 2. Network B considered in this study. water age and chlorine residual for each node in the
Downloaded by [] at 01:59 04 January 2013

networks, obtained from the EPANET modelling,

were input into each of the DBP formation models to
obtain the DBP concentrations at each node in the
Table 1. Summary of physical characteristics of the two
studied networks. networks.
Earlier studies have showed that the application of
Network Parameter Network A Network B this modelling approach provides reasonably accurate
Number of junctions 336 5871 predictions of DBP concentration values when com-
Number of tanks 2 9 pared to eld sampling data (e.g., Sohn et al. 2001,
Number of pipes 345 4496 Sadiq and Rodriguez 2004). However, the main
Number of pumps 6 6 purpose of this study was to investigate the magnitude
Number of valves 2 1552
Total length of pipes (km) 84 548 of variations in the DBP concentrations under dierent
hydraulic conditions, rather than the prediction of the
concentrations themselves.
the concentration (mg/l) of DBP formed to the It should also be noted that the concentrations of
concentration of chlorine consumed (mg/l). The yield TTHMs and nine haloacetic acids (HAA9) modelled
coecients of 30 mg TTHM/mg Cl2 and 17 mg HAA/ in this study only accounted for DBP formation within
mg Cl2 described in Gang et al. (2002) were used in this the distribution network and did not take into account
study. Using default values was felt to be acceptable the formation in the treatment works prior to
for the purposes of this study, where the primary distribution. Therefore, the DBP values reported
objective was to observe the magnitude of variations in below are lower than would be measured in eld
DBP concentrations due to short-term hydraulic samples.
variability, rather than accurate prediction of the
DBP concentration values; if the latter had been the
primary focus, then the chlorine decay coecients and Results and discussion
DBP yield coecients would have been measured for Figure 3 illustrates the degree of variation in TTHM
each of the particular water matrices for the two concentrations based on current hydraulic variations
networks considered in the study. in the networks (i.e. current water demand patterns).
The second DBP formation model that was used in As expected, TTHM concentrations were higher for
this study was developed by Serodes et al. (2003) for node locations that were further away from the
THM and HAA concentration prediction, shown treatment works in the network, due to increased
below: water age and hence increased DBP formation time.
DBP variations in Network A, the smaller of the two
THMs 16:9 16:0TOC 3:319Cl2  1:1135T networks, were more dramatic than in Network B, in
terms of percent variation (i.e. deviation from the
mean DBP concentration).
Pump on/o cycles were expected to have an eect
HAAs 8:202 4:869TOC 1:053Cl2 0:64t on TTHM concentrations at downstream locations by
304 E. Idornigie et al.

aecting the water age patterns. Figure 4 illustrates our A74 was downstream of the pump. Both nodes were
analysis of this for Network B, where Node A5D located near to a storage tank and TTHM concentra-
represents a location upstream of the pump and Node tions were also simultaneously aected by the regular
storage tank discharge cycles. There was a noticeable
disparity between the TTHM variations at these nodes
(i.e. upstream versus downstream of the pump), with a
steady increase in TTHM concentrations in Node A74
which coincided directly with the pump on/o cycles.
However, the TTHM concentration patterns for the
two nodes essentially overlapped otherwise, suggesting
that storage tank operating levels have a more
pronounced impact on DBP levels than individual
pump cycles.
To investigate the eect of varying storage tank
operating levels on DBP concentrations, the water
levels in a storage tank in Network A (shown with an
asterisk in Figure 1) were intentionally varied over a
narrow range, i.e. a 1-m dierence between maximum
Downloaded by [] at 01:59 04 January 2013

and minimum water level in the tank, and a wider

range, i.e. a 3-m dierence between maximum and
minimum water level in the tank. The current
operating scenario was also considered, with a range
of tank operating levels of approximately 1.5 m. The
resulting variations in TTHM and HAA concentra-
tions in Network A at Node 312, which was located far
from the manipulated storage tank, and at Node 46,
located nearer the storage tank, were then calculated,
using the Serodes et al. (2003) DBP formation models
(Figure 5). In addition, Figure 6 shows the percent
variations in TTHM concentrations (i.e. percent
dierence in TTHM concentrations from the mean
Figure 3. Variations in TTHM concentrations in Network concentration value for that node) in Network A at
A (a) and Network B (b) based on current hydraulic Node 46 for the wide tank level operating range
operation practice of the networks. scenario (Scenario 1) and the narrow tank level

Figure 4. Impact of on/o pumping cycles on TTHM concentrations at two nodes in Network B. Node A5D was located
upstream of the pump and Node A74 downstream of the pump.
Urban Water Journal 305
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Figure 5. Variations in TTHM concentrations (a) and HAA concentrations (b) in Network A at Node 312 (far from the storage
tank), and variation in TTHM concentrations (c) and HAA concentrations (d) at Node 46 (near the storage tank), for the wide
tank level operating range scenario (Scenario 1), the narrow tank level operating range scenario (Scenario 2), and the base case,
using the Serodes et al. (2003) DBP formation models.

operating range scenario (Scenario 2). For the wide aect the short-term temporal variability in HAA
tank level operating range and the node near the tank, concentrations. However, while this is a limitation that
percent variations up to 40% were predicted, as either would aect the precision of prediction of the absolute
an increase or decrease, depending on high or low tank values of DBP concentrations, it was not felt to be
level, respectively. For the narrow water tank level essential to include it in the modelling for the purpose
operating range the percent variations in TTHM of estimating the magnitude of variation in DBP
concentrations were only up to 30%, and usually less concentrations on short time scales.
than 15%, for the node near to the tank (Node 46). The DBP variability predictions using the Gang
For the node further from the tank (Node 312), the et al. (2002) and Serodes et al. (2003) models were also
same trends with regard to tank operating level were compared. In general, the Serodes et al. (2003) model
observed, however the percent deviations in TTHM predicted less variability than the Gang et al. (2002)
concentrations were smaller. model. For example, the average percent variation in
HAA9 concentrations were lower than TTHM TTHM concentrations in Network A for the scenario
concentrations but showed similar levels and patterns of wide tank level operating range was 25% for the
of variability as discussed earlier for the TTHMs Serodes et al. (2003) model versus 38% for the Gang
(Figure 5). It should be noted that some HAAs are et al. (2002) model. This dierence can be explained by
known to degrade in distribution systems under certain the fact that the Serodes et al. (2003) is a multiple
conditions (Bayless and Andrews 2008), and this was linear regression model which takes into account the
not taken into account in the models used in this study; relative impacts of various water quality parameters
it is uncertain to what degree this degradation could (e.g., total organic carbon, bromide) in addition to
306 E. Idornigie et al.

fullest level and pumping at the lowest normal

operating rate.

This modelling study showed that the concentrations
of disinfection by-products (e.g., trihalomethanes and
haloacetic acids) in drinking water distribution net-
works can vary signicantly due to changes in the
hydraulic operation of the network, such as dierent
water storage tank operating levels and pumping
conditions. For some of the investigated scenarios,
variations in DBP concentrations were as high as 40%
at some network nodes. The smaller of the two studied
networks was more susceptible to these variations.
Water utilities should therefore consider the distribu-
tion network hydraulic conditions that are likely to
lead to worst-case DBP concentrations in their specic
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network context; normally this will be linked to

operating conditions which lead to extended water
age in the network (e.g., tanks at their fullest level,
lowest normal pumping rate).

The authors thank Julie Hart of Severn Trent Water and Sian
Figure 6. Percent variations from the mean in TTHM Taylor of United Utilities for supplying the case study
concentrations in Network A at Node 46 for the wide tank network information and data. The authors also acknowl-
level operating range scenario (a) and the narrow tank level edge Vijay Das, Joel Jardine, and Dr Yanping Zhang, who
operating range scenario (b). helped with some of the initial modelling and data collection.

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