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Tip: If you invested 1 BTC today at the Spartacus 5 level... and if 1 BTC was
valued at $1,200.00 at the time you paid, you will receive 2 BTC in return in 9
0 days for a total balance of $2,400.00, assuming 1 BTC didn't change in valu
e. However, what if 1 BTC increased to a value of $2,000.00 in your 90 day p
eriod? You would have invested $1,200.00, but got back $4,000.00 because
your 2 BTC are now worth $2,000.00 each. We are NOT paid in dollars we a
re paid in Bitcoin. We earn 2.22% every day on what we invest and if we ch
oose to build a team, we can earn
from 5% - 15% of the BTC points generated on our team, which is another inc
ome stream in
addition to the 2.22%. We can also earn up to 8 BTC per day or 240 BTC per
month per position we own. We are allowed to have multiple positions.

Setting Up Your Base:

My Motto in any business is to get in where you fit in financially. If you can
afford 4 BTC to come in at the Spartacus 7 level, do it... as you will earn 0.08
88888 BTC daily if all you did was
invest and never speak to one person. If all you can muster is 0.10 BTC to be
a Spartacus 2, start there and upgrade later. Whats important is getting in, s
ecuring your place in the team and
EARNING. I will never recommend anyone come in at 0.05 BTC because if yo
u can pay 0.05 BTC, you can find a way to pay 0.10 BTC. How bad do you
want it?

The 2 positions below you (your level 1) hold the most valuable real estate
on your team, so you should do everything in your power to OWN those 2
positions. If your main account is DreamBig for example, sign up 2 personal
accounts using usernames DreamBig1 and DreamBig2 and secure those
positions ASAP. You can use the same e-mail address, password and wallet
key for each account. All that needs to be different is the username.
All you technically need for those 2 level 1 positions is 0.05 BTC each, but
pay the Spartacus 2 level at 0.10 BTC. If you pay 0.05 BTC (Spartacus 1), you
cant double your Bitcoin on the investment alone, so that would be a waste
Even though you will be building these 2 positions later (explained below), let
these positions earn money for you in the meantime. A Spartacus 2 (0.10
BTC) position should be the minimum amount because you must be a
Spartacus 2 or higher to earn on your investment, regardless if youre
building a team. Do not let these 2 positions go to someone else if you
ever think youll build a team. YOU NEED TO OWN THEM.
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DREAMBIG2 ON YOUR RIGHT SIDE! You may have to toggle your back office
leg placement settings to ensure each position is placed correctly. Having 1
personal on each side will make you binary qualified. You must be binary
qualified to earn team / binary bonus commissions. It would be wize to
create these accounts with your Sponsor or a team leader guiding you on the
phone or in person.

Why Own Your 2 Level 1 Positions:

Your main position (DreamBig), assuming you can be laser focused and bust
your butt to build a team, has the potential to max out at 8 BTC per day.
Once a position earns double the investment, the contract is up and you can
either walk away or invest again allowing you to double your money over
and over and over.

Important: We are given 24 hours to upgrade / reinvest once a contract is

honored. If you do not upgrade inside those 24 hours, you lose all unpaid
team volume. You do NOT lose your position or your downline, just the
points, but that lose can be HUGE. If youre earning 2-3+ BTC on a regular
basis, it means you have a lot of points being generated on both sides of
your team. YOU NEVER WANT TO LOSE THOSE POINTS and thats why 100%
of everyone I know continues to reinvest.

Here is where having those 2 top positions comes in handy. Since youre
earning a substantial income on your main position (DreamBig), it means
your 2 level 1 positions have MASSIVE points below them. To start working
on DreamBig1 for example, you would only have to contribute 1 personal on
the outside left leg and then build your inside leg. This strategy is necessary
because youll need these points to get DreamBig1 and DreamBig2 going
later. This is a game changer.

Once your main position (DreamBig) is building on auto pilot, you would then
direct your attention to your DreamBig1 position and get that going.
DreamBig1 should be on your left side, so add 1 personal to your left side
and then build your right leg to China using the taprooting technique. While
youre building your DreamBig1 position, your main position (DreamBig) will
continue to earn daily. With your main DreamBig account earning serious
BTC youll have no issue building the right leg of DreamBig1 because youll
have the proof of your earnings and a proven success strategy.

Once DreamBig1 takes off and is growing on auto pilot, you can break away
and start focusing on your DreamBig2 position. Place 1 personal on your
right leg and taproot the inside left leg by building that position to 8 BTC per
day. Its this strategy that will allow you to earn 20+ BTC per day like the

Tip: The purpose of buying those 2 level 1 positions early is to capture the
volume thats going to get generated on the outside legs.
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Tip: If you have the finances and are serious about building and being with
Gladiacoin long term, create 4 personal positions. Personally sponsor
DreamBig1 and DreamBig2 from your DreamBig account and then buy 2
more positions (DreamBig3 and DreamBig4) and place them on the OUTSIDE
legs under DreamBig1 and DreamBig2. This will give you even more
leverage. These positions only require 0.05 BTC as youre just creating them
to use as leverage later, but as Ive already shared, consider 0.10 BTC so
that you don't leave any money behind.

Huge Tip: If you have 2 people ready to go and youve created your
DreamBig1 and DreamBig2 accounts, have them register using the
DreamBig1 and DreamBig2 referral links. This strategy will give your
DreamBig 2 personals and quickly give your 2 level 1 positions at least 1
personal needed later on. Make sure you place all these accounts on the
OUTSIDE left or OUTSIDE right.
Tip: You can use the same email address, password and BTC Key for each ac
count. All that needs to be different for each account is the username.

Once you upgrade to Spartacus 2 or higher, you will qualify for both the
2.22% daily commissions on your investment, plus the team volume, up to
the percentage your membership level allows. We are paid anywhere from
5% to 15% in team volume. This commission is in addition to our 2.22% daily

Note: We are paid when our account(s) accumulate 0.03 in BTC points. Any
commissions earned under 0.03 will collect in your account and will then be
released once 0.03 or higher is earned.

Get In Where You Fit In:

Again, some people have deeper pockets than others, so get in where you fit
in financially. If you come in at Spartacus 1, you cannot earn the 2.22% daily
commission, however, you will be able to earn on your team commissions.
Do your absolute best to come in at 0.10 BTC or higher and upgrade with
your commissions.
Consider 1 Position:

If you have no intentions of being a huge player in Gladiacoin, there is no

reason for you to have multiple accounts, other than to have them as
investment accounts. It would easier to manage 1 account at Spartacus 3
(0.30 BTC) than to manage 3 accounts at Spartacus 2 (0.10 BTC). Build your
main account to 8 BTC per day and go buy an island somewhere. Having
multiple positions requires a strict strategy, the development of a large team
and laser focus. If youre not prepared to give your heart and soul to
Gladiacoin for months to come, save your money and build just 1 position.

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Tip: If you buy your 2 level 1 positions and you generate a lot of points
under those accounts, you can always sell them down the road to the highest


It may seem like a good idea to have a position with Bob and then take
another position under Mary on another team, separate from your original
upline, but it's not recommended. You still have to fund that account and it's
money that could be spent to upgrade your main position under Bob. That
new position may not be positioned well, meaning you have to work both
sides because you fell inside of an inside leg. If you are on a team that has
zero support, no upline, no communications, no training and so on, then yes,
consider letting the position under Bob become an investment account, let it
double on its own, but build under the new position you have with Mary.

1.Work your main position only, building left and right until you are
generating 5+ BTC in commissions on a regular basis.
2. Keep your left and right legs as balanced as possible. If one side takes off
and blows the other side away in points, this is a good problem to have. It
means you can now focus all your attention to one side.
3. If youre a builder, make sure you have a triangle established. You should
have your main position and 2 level 1 positions (1 position on your left side
and 1 on your right side) and you want these 2 positions to be placed as
close to your main position as possible. Level 1 to you is ideal. Best case
scenario is to secure your 2 level 1 positions immediately when enrolling
your main main position.
4.Make sure you get your main position to Spartacus 7 as soon as you can to
ensure you are
maximizing the compensation plan.

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