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(Recognized by AICTE & Affiliated to JNTUA)

(An ISO 9001:2008 Certified Institute)

Department of Electronics and Communication


Proposed project title : SINGLE BOARD COMPUTER BASED


Under the guidance : Dr. G.N.KODANDARAMAIAH

Student Name : J.KARTHIK(13F41A0430)

Class : IV Year
Branch : Electronics and communication
Academic year : 2016-2017

Guide approval
Project Proposal
Title of the Project : Single board computer based face recognition
Using sparse codewords.

Objective(s) of the Project: Now a days the popularity of social networks

like face book, twitter are mostly used by the people. Many of them use human
face images to their profile. And also we can maintain large scale database for
the image storage. To avoid the large database use two algorithms like attribute
enhanced sparse codewords and attribute embedded inverted indexing and used
in offline and online storage respectively. In large image database have problem
regarding the image retrieval .By using this algorithm we can efficiently retrieve
the images from the large image database. It will give the 80% perfect matched

Significance / Outcome of the Project: The proposed system makes use

of different algorithms at each stage so as to achieve better performance.
The proposed system will assure to retrieve similar images. When at input side
an query image is provided for similar images as result then after all image
processing operations are done on image set of similar images is get as output.

National and International status of the Project:

B.C.Chen developed a scalable face image retrieval system which can integrate
with partial identity information to improve the retrieval result. To achieve this
goal, B.C.Chen first apply sparse coding on local features extracted from face
images combining with inverted indexing to construct an efficient and scalable
face retrieval system. Then propose a novel coding scheme that refines the
representation of the original sparse coding by using identity information. Using
the proposed coding scheme, face images with large intra-class variances will
still be quantized into similar visual words if they share the same identity.
Experimental results show that the system can achieve salient retrieval results
on LFW dataset (13K faces) and outperform linear search methods using well
known face recognition feature descriptors.

1.J.Marai,F.Bach,J.Ponce and G.Sapiro, online dictinory learning for sparse

2. B.-C. Chen, Y.-H. Kuo, Y.-Y. Chen, K.-Y. Chu, and W. Hsu, Semisupervised
face image retrieval using sparse coding with identity constraint,ACM
Multimedia, 2011.

3. B. Siddiquie, R. S. Feris, and L. S. Davis, Image ranking and retrieval based

on multi-attribute queries, IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern
Recognition, 2011.

Guide Signature:

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