Defenders of The Empire v1.4

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F D V1.

Rules: Player Ships:

The general rules are the same as in HotAC. Players start at PS1 with a Tie Fighter and 3xp and 1
modification slot. As players progress through the
Scoring XP: campaign they will be sent on different assignments
When players hit an AI ship they score 1xp. and be given different ships to accomplish those mis-
sions. Players do not need to pay for ships as these
+1xp if you destroy a generic Z95 will be assigned but all upgrades and elite talents
+2xp if you destroy any other generic small ship. are paid for as in HotAC. These upgrades are then
stashed and can be equipped as desired for each
+2xp for destroying an elite.
+1xp for all players when a non elite is destroyed.
Missions 1-4
+2xp for all players when an elite is destroyed.
Tie Fighter
+1xp for an assist. (This is where you assign your
Missions 5-7
action to a friendly ship at R1 and that action is
used to either prevent a damage or cause one to Tie Bomber
an AI). Tie Interceptor
+1xp into the group pool each time an AI flees Missions 8-10
from the board. Tie Bomber
At the end of the game assign the group xp to Tie Interceptor
players as agreed by the group. Tie Advanced
Missions 11-13
Mission Scaling:
Tie Punisher
Check the chart in each mission and find the
Tie Interceptor
column for the correct number of players, use the
number of ships stated in that column. Work out Tie Advanced
the average player Pilot Skill and check the Rebel Missions 14-16
and Scum squadron tables to see which squadron Tie Punisher
the ships will be from. Tie Advanced
When an AI Elite spawns use the average player
Missions 17-20
pilot skill to determine what upgrades and
abilities they have according to the Elite card Tie Defender

Where there are multiple mission arcs available for a

set of missions players should randomly select which
one they are assigned.
F D V1.4

AI Elite: AI Flee:
The AI Elite all start with the higher level squadron
When the AI is in flee mode it will attempt to
upgrades and action selections of the same ship
swerve to another green manoeuvre to avoid
type. Where there is a conflict such as an
obstacles if possible. If not possible just fly over it
astromech or secondary weapon type, use the
and attempt to jump.
ones stated on the elite card.
AI Actions:
AI Squadrons:
The actions for each of the AI ships is:
As the average player pilot skill increases the skill
1. Remove stress
of the squads you face will also increase.
2. Resolve face up damage cards.
When the AI spawn they fly in formation if they 3. Follow actions stated on the movement card for
are in the same group. each ship.

Rebel Squadrons: Scum Squadrons:

Player PS Ship Type Squadron Player PS Ship Type Squadron

1-3 A-Wing Prototype 1-5 Kihrax Fighter Cartel Marauder

4+ A-Wing Green 6+ Kihrax Fighter Black Sun Ace

1-5 B-Wing Blue 1-5 M3-A Interceptor Cartel Spacer

6+ B-Wing Dagger 6+ M3-A Interceptor Tansarii Point Vet

1-6 E-Wing Knave 1-3 Protectorate Starfighter Zealous Recruit

7+ E-Wing Blackmoon 4+ Protectorate Starfighter Concord Dawn Vet

1-6 K-Wing Warden 1-4 Star Viper Black Sun Enforcer

7+ K-Wing Guardian 5+ Star Viper Black Sun Vigo

1-4 X-Wing Rookie 1-4 Y-Wing Syndicate Thug

5+ X-Wing Red 5+ Y-Wing Hired Gun

1-5 Y-Wing Gold 1-3 Z-95 Binayre Pirate

6+ Y-Wing Grey 4+ Z-95 Black Sun Soldier

1-4 Z-95 Bandit

5+ Z-95 Tala
F D V1.4

Player Elite Talents:

Player PS Talent Description
When another friendly ship at Range 1 spends a focus token, assign a focus token to
3 Chaser
your ship.

When you reveal your maneuver dial, or after you perform an action, you may perform
3 Deathfire
a [bomb] Upgrade card action as a free action.

At the start of the End phase, you may spend a target lock you have on an enemy ship
3 Lieutenant Colzet
to flip 1 random facedown Damage card assigned to it face up.

When another friendly ship at Range 1-2 would receive a stress token, if you have 2 of
4 Captain Yorr
fewer stress tokens, you may receive that token instead.

4 Epsilon Ace While you do not have any Damage cards, treat your pilot skill value as "12."

When attacking, at the start of the "Compare Results" step, you may cancel all dice
4 Wampa
results. If you cancel a [crit] result, deal 1 facedown Damage card to the defender.

Commander At the start of the Combat phase, you may acquire a target lock on an enemy ship at
5 Alozen Range 1.

5 Countess Ryad When you reveal a [straight] maneuver, you may treat it a [K-turn] maneuver.

When the number of damage cards assigned to you equals or exceeds your hull value,
5 Fels Wrath
you are not destroyed until the end of the round.

5 Krassis Trelix When attacking with a secondary weapon, you may reroll 1 attack die.

When performing a barrel roll action, you may receive 1 stress token to use the
5 Lieutenant Lorrir
[1 bank] template instead of the [1 straight].

5 Night Beast After executing a green maneuver, you may perform a free focus action.

5 Winged Gundark When attacking at range 1, you may change 1 of your [hit] results to a [crit] result.

When performing a barrel roll, you may use the Straight 2 template (instead of the
5 Zeta Ace
Straight 1 template).

6 Backstabber When attacking from outside the defender's firing arc, roll 1 additional attack die.

When another friendly ship at Range 1 attacks with a secondary weapon, it may reroll
6 Captain Jonus
up to 2 attack dice.
At the start of the combat phase, you may assign 1 of your blue target lock tokens to a
6 Colonel Jendon
friendly ship at range 1 if it does not have a blue target lock token.
When attacking, immediately after you roll attack dice, you may acquire a target lock
6 Colonel Vessery
on the defender if it already has a red target lock token.
Commander If you have no shields and at least 1 Damage card assigned to you, increase your agility
6 Kenkirk value by 1.

6 Dark Curse When defending, ships attacking you cannot spend focus tokens or reroll attack dice.
F D V1.4

Player Elite Talents:

Player PS Talent Description
When dropping a bomb you may use the front guides of your ship, After dropping a
6 Deathrain
bomb, you may perform a free barrel roll action.

At the start of the Combat phase, remove 1 stress token from each friendly ship at
6 Epsilon Leader
Range 1.

When attacking at Range 2-3, you may spend 1 evade token to add one [hit] result to
6 Kir Kanos
your roll.

6 Valen Rudor After defending, you may perform a free action.

Friendly players at Range 1-2 may perform the action on your equipped [EPT] Upgrade
6 Youngster

6 Zertik Storm Enemy ships at Range 1 cannot add their range combat bonus when attacking.

When attacking, the defender receives 1 stress token if he cancels at least 1 [crit]
7 Kath Scarlet
result .

When your attack deals a faceup damage card to the defender, instead draw 3 Damage
7 Maarek Stele
cards, choose 1 to deal, and discard the others.
When attacking with a secondary weapon, you may increase or decrease the weapon
7 Malor Rhymer
range by 1 to a limit of Range 1-3.

7 Mauler Mithel When attacking at Range 1, roll 1 additional attack die.

When attacking, you may spend a focus token and a target lock you have on the
7 Omega Ace
defender to change all of your results to Critical Hit results.
You may maintain 2 target locks on the same ship, When you acquire a target lock you
7 Redline
may acquire a second lock on that same ship.
When attacking a defender that has 1 or more Damage cards, roll 1 additional attack
7 Scourge
When you reveal a [K-turn] maneuver, you may treat the speed of that maneuver as 1,
7 Tetran Cowall
3 or 5.

7 Turr Phennir After you perform an attack, you may perform a free boost or barrel roll action.

7 Whisper After you perform an attack that hits, you may assign 1 focus token to your ship.

When attacking, if you are not stressed, you may receive 1 stress token to roll 1 addi-
7 Zeta Leader
tional attack die.
When you reveal a bank maneuver, you may rotate your dial to the other bank
8 Boba Fett
maneuver of the same speed.

8 Captain Kagi When an enemy ship acquires a target lock, it must lock onto your ship if able.
F D V1.4

Player Elite Talents:

Player PS Talent Description
Enemy ships at Range 1 cannot perform focus or evade actions and cannot spend focus
8 Carnor Jax
or evade tokens.

When another friendly ship at Range 1 is attacking with its primary weapon, it may re-
8 Howlrunner
roll 1 attack die.

When you reveal your maneuver, you may increase or decrease its speed by 1 (to a
8 Juno Eclipse
minimum of 1).

Enemy ships that you have locked cannot modify any dice when attacking you or de-
8 Omega Leader
fending against your attacks.

Rear Admiral
8 Chiraneau
When attacking at Range 1-2, you may change 1 of your [focus] results to a [crit] result.

After you perform an attack that deals at least 1 Damage card to the defender, you may
8 Rexlar Brath
spend a focus token to flip those cards face up.

When attacking with your primary weapon at range 2-3, treat the range of the attack as
8 The Inquisitor
Range 1.

8 Tomax Bren Once per round, after you discard an [EPT] Upgrade Card, flip that card face up.

9 Darth Vader During your "Perform Action" step, you may perform 2 actions.

Once per round, when you lose a shield token, you may perform a primary weapon
9 Quickdraw

9 Soontir Fel When you receive a stress token, you may assign 1 focus token to your ship.
F D V1.4

3 4
Mission Briefing:
There has been Rebel activity in the sector so we have
increase patrols to locate the Rebel ships. Our
intelligence reports indicate that some Rebel ace has 2 5
been brought in to stir things up in the sector. The
asteroid fields have been used as ambush points by the
Rebels on our convoys as they jump out of hyperspace.
Engage any Rebels you encounter and hold them at bay 1 6
long enough for a heavily armed squadron to arrive and
crush the Rebel forces.

Friendly Territory10 Turns

Red ZonePlayer Setup
Grey Zone12 random asteroids R1> apart

PRIMARY At least 50% of the player ships (rounded up) must survive until the end of round 10.

BONUS If no players are shot down, all players gain 2xp.

If the Rebel Elite flees or is destroyed before the end of round 10 all players gain 2xp.
Successful completion of this mission results in all players rising to Pilot Skill 2.

The rebels are causing havoc Excellent work. This should

with our supply runs and shake them from our supply
making allies in the sector. ships and make the shipping
lanes safer.
F D V1.4

Player Victory & Fleeing:

Half the player ships must be on the board at the
end of round 10 when the Empires attack
squadron sweeps in to finish of the Rebels.
If players wish to flee they may escape from
edge A but they still count as a ship lost when
determining victory.

Squad Arrival Vector AI 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P

X Wing Setup 3 Attack 2 1 2 2

Z 95 Setup 4 Attack 2 2 2 2

Z 95 4 1D6 Attack 2

Y Wing 4 1D6 Attack 1 1 1 1 1

Y Wing 4 1D6 Attack 1 1 1

Elite 6 1D6 Attack 1 1 1 1 1

Z 95 6 1D6 Attack 2 2
F D V1.4

3 4
Mission Briefing:
We have been using satellites to collect intel in a nearby
system, to prevent the satellites from being detected
they were set to receive only so we need to collect 2 5
them. Rebel activity has been detected nearby and we
need the intel to see what they are up to.
Escort a shuttle and collect the satellites. Make sure the
shuttle gets back safely. 1 6

Friendly Territory12 Turns

Red ZonePlayer Setup
Grey Zone6 random asteroids R1> apart
Green StarSatellite

PRIMARY Collect all satellites and the shuttle must escape.

BONUS If no players are shot down, all players gain 3xp.

The rebels have a strong This information will prove

hold in the sector and we invaluable in a strike on the
know nothing about their sector, well done.
forces or plans.
F D V1.4

Lambda Shuttle: AI Attacking:

Omicron Pilot, Tractor Beam. The X Wing squadrons focus on the shuttle and
will only shoot players if they are not able to fire
The players control the flight of the shuttle and
upon the shuttle.
may fire the primary weapon at AI ships.
However, if the shuttle is able to fire at a satellite The Z95 squadron will target players but they
with the tractor beam it will do so. will fire upon the shuttle if they are not able to
fire upon a player.
Collecting Satellites:
Fire the Tractor Beam, at R1 you require 1 hit to Player Victory:
collect it, at R2 you require 2 hits and at R3 you
This is achieved when the shuttle escapes,
require 3 hits. Critical rolls count as hits.
however players should keep playing until they
The shuttle must flee the board after collecting all have left the board, the 10 turns are complete or
4 satellites by leaving on the player edge or all AI have fled, whichever is first.
jumping to hyperspace.

Squad Arrival Vector AI 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P

Lambda Setup Red Zone Friendly 1 1 1 1 1

X Wing Setup 2 Shuttle 1 2 2 3 3

Z 95 Setup 5 Attack 2 2 2 2 3

X Wing 4 1D6 Shuttle 1 1 2

Z 95 4 1D6 Attack 1 2 2 3 2

X Wing 8 1D6 Shuttle 1 1 1 2 2

Z 95 8 1D6 Attack 2 2 2
F D V1.4

3 B 4
Mission Briefing:
The Rebels have had a spy operating in the region and is
now trying to escape with intel on our operations here.
We believe they are using the cover of a nearby 2 5
asteroid belt to make his escape. The asteroid belt
emits interference with the hyperspace engines and A
communications. This will prevent the Rebels from
jumping to hyperspace until they clear the belt.
1 6
Intercept the HWK-290 and destroy it, you will then
need to clear the belt and report back to base for any
needed assistance.

Friendly Territory10 Turns

Red ZonePlayer Setup
Grey Zone6 random asteroids R1> apart
Green ArrowHWK-290 start
Yellow ArrowHKW-290 escape

PRIMARY Destroy the HWK-290 and at least 1 player ship must escape by fleeing the board on their
starting edge.
BONUS If no players are shot down, all players gain 2xp.
If all rebel ships are destroyed or flee all players gain 2xp.

The intel the have escaped Well done, we have kept this
with could prove critical to sector secure from the Rebel
our hold on the sector. scum.
F D V1.4

Player Victory:
The HWK-290 must be destroyed and at least 1
player ship must escape the board by the end of
round 10.

AI Ships:
The AI are not able to flee by jumping to
hyperspace so will flee to the nearest edge at
fastest speed, they will be able to fire on ships
while doing so.
The HWK-290 is a Rebel Operative PS2 and gains
2 shields for each difficulty band. The HWK-290
will roll for manoeuvre treating the Yellow arrows
as its target, when within range 2 fly at fastest
speed to that corner.

Squad Arrival Vector AI 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P

HWK-290 Setup Special Special 1 1+2S 1+4S 1+6S 1+8S

X Wing Setup A Attack 1 1 1 2 2

A Wing Setup B Attack 1 2 2 2

X Wing 4 1D6 Attack 1 1

A Wing 4 1D6 Attack 1 1 2 2 2

Elite 4 1D6 Attack 1 1 1 1 1

X Wing 6 1D6 Attack 1

F D V1.4

Mission Briefing: 3

Alert, alert, all pilots to their ships, the station is under 2 4

We must protect the fuel supplies at all costs. 6 4

Fight off the Rebel attack fleet until reinforcements can 6 4

5 5 3 3

5 3

1 5

Friendly Territory12 Turns
Red ZoneStation for 2 Players, add station
sections and emplacements according to
number of players.
1st 2 players start R1 of Red Zone, subsequent
players start in docking bay according to

PRIMARY Make sure at least half the fuel pods (rounded up) last until the end of round 12.

BONUS If the Shuttle is not destroyed all players gain 1xp.

If no Fuel pods are destroyed all players gain 4xp.
If no players are destroyed all players gain 2xp.

We have lost the station and Excellent work, it was a hard

the sector, being so far out fight but we have secured
there is no way to support a the fuel supplies and been
fleet without the fuel given the go ahead to
supplies. expand operations in the
F D V1.4

AI Ships: Turbo Laser Turrets:

The ships with AI Station settings will target shield Players control the turrets but gain no xp for
generators first then fuel pods then turbo laser damage or kills with them.
turrets. These will only fire upon player ships if no
emplacement can be fired upon. They will only
Shield Generators:
use ordinance on shield generators and fuel pods. The shield generators provide a regenerating
Ships with AI attack settings will target player shield that protects the fuel pods, only direct hits
ships as normal and if they are unable to fire upon on the generators will bring down the shields and
a player ship they will target in the following expose the fuel pods for attack by the Rebels.
Lambda Shuttle:
The Shuttle
Turbo laser turrets Omicron Pilot, Tractor Beam. Players control the
Shield generators Shuttle but do not gain xp for causing damage
Fuel pods with it.
If the Shuttle is destroyed ships with AI Shuttle Place the shuttle as shown in the sector scan.
setting will revert to AI Attack setting. For higher player counts the shuttle starts with
Note: the B Wing Squadrons will always be extra shields.
dagger Squadron in this mission.

Squad Arrival Vector AI 2P 3P 4P 5P 6P

Lambda Setup Docked Friendly 1 1 1+1S 1+3S 1+5S

Z 95 Setup 5 Attack 2 2 2 2 3

B Wing Setup 6 Station 1 1 2 2 2

X Wing 3 1D6 Shuttle 1 1 1 2 2

B Wing 3 1D6 Station 1 1 1 2

A Wing 6 1D6 Attack 2 2 2 2 3

X Wing 6 1D6 Shuttle 1 1 1 2

Elite 9 1D6 Attack 1 1 1 1 1

B Wing 9 1D6 Station 1 1 1 2 2

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