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Guidelines for the Workshop

All participants are required to bring their own laptop, external drive/usb flash
drives, necessary documents in hard or softcopies and draft ISSP per office.

On the 1st day there will be a breakout session in the morning:

o Groups must consolidate all submitted plans

o Standard ISSP template must be used

o Must be done by groupings. (Note: No need for Part 1 Group since this
includes general information.)

Group by Members
Part 2 Group Group Lead:
Group Members:

Part 3 Group Group Lead:

Group Members:

Part 4 Group Group Lead:

Group Members:

Part 5 Group Group Lead:

Group Members:

o Expected Outputs:

Integrated ISSP by Parts consolidated plans per office

Findings and Recommendations any findings for duplication and

similar projects/initiatives, resource and training requirements, new
technologies, and solutions where appropriate recommendations
can be drafted for plenary presentation on the next session

On the 1st day there will be a plenary session in the afternoon:

o Outputs from the morning session must be presented by Group.

o During presentations, validation by the TWG members could be done:

Check for duplication or similar projects/initiatives

Check for things unaccounted for or missing initiatives

Check for Parts that must be merged/adjusted

Check if appropriate solutions/technologies were applied or there
could be better ones
Check if approach/methodologies are consistent across the
Check for appropriate offices that should handle projects and
corresponding Parts in the template
Check for consistency of figures in terms of number of equipment
and cost.
Check for common platform and common systems used across the
o Expected Output:

Summary of Agreements for Adjustments per Parts (c/o Secretariat)

Note: The Secretariat is expected to conduct real time

recording/typing of summary of agreements for this session per
Parts side by side with the ISSP evaluation with our Evaluators.

On 2nd day morning session there will be another breakout session:

o Outputs of the previous session: Summary of Agreements for Adjustments

and/or ISSP Evaluation Result per Parts must be used by each group to
make necessary adjustments on the plan.
o Expected Output:

Edited/Adjusted copy per Parts

On the 2nd day there will be a plenary session in the afternoon:

o Outputs from the morning session must be presented by Group.

o During presentations, validation by the TWG members could be done:

Check for duplication or similar projects/initiatives

Check for things unaccounted for or missing initiatives

Check for Parts that must be merged/adjusted

Check if appropriate solutions/technologies were applied or there

could be better ones
Check if approach/methodologies are consistent across the
Check for appropriate offices that should handle projects and
corresponding Parts in the template
Check for consistency of figures in terms of number of equipment
and cost.
Check for common platform and common systems used across the
o Expected Output:

Summary of Agreements for Adjustments per Parts (c/o Secretariat)

Note: The Secretariat is expected to conduct real time

recording/typing of summary of agreements for this session per
Parts side by side with the ISSP evaluation with our Evaluators.

On 3rd Day there will be a plenary session the whole day:

o Outputs of the previous session will be presented by Parts in the plenary

for finalization of write up and coherence with the whole plan.
o Everyone should agree in the plenary session.

o Expected Output:

Finalized Copy of ISSP ready for EXECOM/MANCOM presentation the

next day.

All players and TWG members must disclose relevant information necessary to
complete a cohesive ISSP for the DICT

Open discussion is expected to be able to come up with the most suitable

approach and agreements

Necessary resources should be used or brought in the Workshop to get the whole
picture of the DICT situation

All inputs are considered in concurrence with the TWG members if others
represent them in the Workshop.

Prepared by:

Chief, Strategic Research and Development Division

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