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Narrative Report

On February 23-24, 2017, the school of Alejo M. Pacalso Memorial National High

School celebrated the 40th Foundation anniversary. All the students where very busy

preparing for this celebration. It shows that we value and remember the founder of the


On February 23, some of the Senior High School go in the HE room to clean and

to help in slicing the ingredients for February 24. We were very busy in preparing.

Afternoon of Feb. 23, the pageant began but I didnt watch the pageant because I and

others were busy at the HE. On the Second day of the foundation day (February 24),

First, the AMPMNHS have a mass, second, the Senior High School presented the

History of the AMPMNHS. After that, all the grade level presented their dances or

ground demonstration. We also dance and present our ground demo. The Senior High

School goes again to the HE room to clean and serve the food for lunch. Next, on the

afternoon the Valentine Program began. First, they play games. Second, they begin the

pageant for valentine. And lastly, they have a dance for all. After all of that, we clean the


The foundation day was enjoyable but it is also tiring because we help in the HE

room. We, students of AMPMNHS value this foundation day. Because we remember the

founder of this school. We also celebrate and the valentines day.

Chuwie L. Florentino

Grade 11-A

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