When Marketing and Innovation Interact: The Case of Born-Global Firms by Kalanit

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Individual Assignment

Ishaan Baokar


1. Title of the Paper

When marketing and innovation interact: The case of born-global firms by Kalanit
Efrat, Shaked Gilboa, Moshe Yonatany.

2. Purpose clearly defined

The main purpose of this paper is to identify the reasons which drive born-global
firms (BG) innovativeness through qualitative and quantitative findings.
Innovativeness is being identified as crucial to the survival of the BGs and due to a
research gap in this regard, the authors clearly state the need for such a research.

3. Research Process Detailed

The research process is subdivided into two parts namely, qualitative and quantitative.
The qualitative aspect of research is carried out using literature reviews of previous
papers. Quantitative research is carried out using in-depth interviews with senior
managers in the BG. Almost 64% of the interviewees were CEOs and these interviews
were analyzed using within-case and cross-case analysis methods.

4. Research design thoroughly planned

The research was initiated through in-depth interviews with 25 senior managers of
BGs followed by survey-based data collection from 127 BGs operating in various
industries. The previous research on BGs which focus on innovativeness focussed on
two different research streams. The purpose was to explore both qualitative i.e.
exploratory and quantitative i.e. main stages which would reveal what drives BGs
innovativeness. These outcomes would be incorporated in the main stage to confirm
the relationships between different factors.

5. High ethical standards applied

The paper quotes several references of several paper publications regarding the study
of innovativeness and BGs.

6. Limitations frankly revealed

Several limitations regarding the study are clearly defined in the paper. For example,
over 50% of the firms revealed that US was their main market. This high
concentration may bias the results towards this particular market. Also, the team
cohesion factor was underrepresented. Finally, the study was conducted during the
late stages of the global economic crisis.

7. Adequate analysis for decision makers needs

There were several layers of analysis performed in the paper for the purpose of
decision making. For example, the interviews which were conducted were transcribed
analyzed using within-cases and cross-case analysis methods. To check for non-
responsive bias, factor analysis was performed to check for common method bias. In
addition to this, CFA analysis was also performed. Exploratory factor analysis was
performed on marketing communication techniques. The conceptual model was
further tested using structural equation analysis to understand the relationship between
market intelligence and BG innovativeness.

8. Findings presented unambiguously

The findings of the paper were presented clearly highlighting their practical
applications. These were based on AMOS20 software and the effect of coefficients
and their model constructs depending on their effects on BGs innovativeness was
established. These findings were compared with their underlying hypothesis and
relationships which were positive or negative were derived.

9. Conclusions justified
The conclusion has suggested a set of methods to facilitate the firms innovativeness.
On the basis of these methods, it is implied that apart from innovation, other factors
such as technological and marketing capabilities are essential in maintaining values of
BG. This is justified by the fact that while performing marketing capabilities, the
firms feet remain firmly planted to the ground to keep up with the customers needs.

10. Researchers experience reflected

The researchers experience is reflected by the fact that they have structured the entire
process uniquely. Since previous research had indicated that the success of BG is
centred on innovativeness, they researchers have devised techniques to focus on
innovation as a whole. In fact, the researcher acknowledges the fact the there is a
significant gap in research between innovativeness of a BG. For data collection, the
researcher resorted to both survey based data of 127 BGs across spanning various
industries as well as in-depth interviews conducted with 25 managers of BGs to
acquire both qualitative as well as quantitative data with respect to BGs. Also while
conducting these interviews; early to late respondents were compared to account for
non-responsive bias.

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