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All statements of fact in this report are true and correct and I have made claims of acquired

competencies in good faith.

The report is my own work and is a true representation of my personal competence in written

I confirm that I understand that members of the engineering team in Australia are required to
display a commitment to exercising professional and ethical responsibility in all aspects of their
work .

I also understand that documentation submitted in support of my application may be referred to

the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) for integrity checking.


Signature: ___________________________________________________________________

Date: _______________________________________________________________________
Career Episode - 1

1.1 This episode is about my role as Team Lead in ZTE Pakistan, from November 2007 to
April 2008. ZTE is a Chinese firm that operates in more than 100 countries, so I had to
learn some differences between cultural & religious beliefs. The project was about
DSLAM broad band. It was a test project for PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication
Company Ltd.) which became the base line for getting expansion project countrywide.
This project was for 6000 subscribers nationwide due to which it was called 6k project
which was expanded to 100k after completing 6k project successful. I was leading a
regional team of three members (equipment installers) for this project. As this was
introduction project, so time management was the biggest challenge which was PTCLs
1st priority to win their customers satisfaction. I was in my first year of career, and this
opportunity gave me a chance to prove my abilities and skills in front of ZTEs
management. PTCL is the biggest and only fixed line telecom operator in Pakistan that
provides different services like fixed telephone, V-wireless, broad band with different
speeds and packages, triple play etc. Currently PTCL has over 6 million PSTN lines
installed across Pakistan with more than 3 million working and installed capacity of
broadband is more than 0.6 million ports spread across 414 cities and towns of the


1.2 As a team lead, I was mainly responsible for smooth & timely deployment and
integration of the equipment throughout one region (four major cities).The main objective
of this project was to win the next bid of expansion by timely completing this small
project. For all this to make possible, I also have to make necessary changes at the back
end (B-RAS) and Pi-Exchange, so that DSLAM is integrated with back end system. Also
I had to co-ordinate with teams of other departments such as teams of long haul media,
PTCL teams etc. so that there would be configuration mismatch. Below mention organ
gram shows my position in the organizational structure.
1.3 Resources were trained to meet and satisfy the customers (PTCL and its subscribers)
demands. The whole project was divided in multiple phases such as initial feasibility
surveys, equipment delivery from Headquarter to selected regions, installation of the
equipment (DSLAM rack, rectifiers for power system, main distribution frames for
patching, integration & testing). The feasibility surveys were conducted along with
PTCLs representatives for allocating space requirement in their exchanges. This activity
was completed within two weeks (for just one region). In the second phase, the
equipment was transferred from China to all the PTCL exchanges in Pakistan which took
4 weeks. In the last and most important phase, installation and integration was done
which took 4 weeks for one region and 8 weeks nationwide for full deployment.

1.4 I was leading a team of two installers/supervisors for this project who were assisting me
in supervision of all the work done by ZTEs vendor. As this project had a very tight time
lines, so the company had to hair a vendor for just equipment installation. I had to have
close co-ordination with installation teams and supervisors to assist them for timely

1.5 I always update my personal knowledge and expertise on continual basis. For completing
this project, I was given two trainings of two weeks each, which I delivered to my other
fellow colleagues while working in the field.
Personal Engineering Activities

1.6 I learned five telecommunication courses in my BSc engineering that gave me initial
understanding of TCP/IP, router/switch/HUB, sub-netting etc. that developed my interest
towards broadband and more towards IP planning. While working on this project, I had to
attend regular meetings with the customer, to share progress reports and discuss other
issues that require more attention. While working actually in the field, I learnt many new
ideas and concept that helped me throughout the project.

1.7 DSLAM is IP base and it can be accessed from anywhere, after setting its IP address. For
initial integration & on-site maintenance, serial cable and Hyper Terminal are required.
Hyper terminal is windows default built-in software. As a first step, I erased DSLAMs
factory configuration so that I may configure it to my own requirement. In the second
step, different profiles are created for different data rates such as 256Kbps, 512Kbps &
1Mbps etc.

1.8 This section describes all the activities as regional project team leader that I performed
during the whole project with little more details.

1.8a As in any project, the start is from the customer demand that drive every phase of
the project. This demand was determined by the marketing department of the
PTCL to decide which exchange they should select for this initial phase. As the
numbers of ports were limited for subscribers (6000), so PTCL selected some of
the big crowded cities to launch their broadband services.

1.8b The next step was then to decide the dates with the our client (PTCL) for
conducting joint visits of all those exchanges, where they (PTCL) wish to install
the DSLAM equipment. As this was a small project, yet its performance &
conformance to the customers requirement was very important. I devised such
techniques that were best suited for under available resources. So I decided to
visit selected exchanges with one of the representative of PTCL to finalize the
location of new equipment to be installed so that ZTE may have permission of
installation the equipment & to avoid any issue after the installation of the

1.8c While conducting these joint visits, I have to finalize the location of DSLAM rack
recommended by PTCLs representative in the exchange. Also I had to finalize the
root for power cable, E1 cable, tributary cable etc. On site, I had to propose such a
solution that used already existing cable routes & AC/DC power supplies, to
minimize the cost efficiency. Records were updated for proper maintenance of
documentation & for future use.
1.8d After completing the first phase of the project, i-e conducting the joint visits with
the customer in different selected exchanges, the next step was to order the
equipment for shipment from China to Pakistan, which was very crucial as I had
to consider the factor of time limitation to complete the whole project in specified
time. Some extra material was also ordered to meet the instant demands &
unforeseen scenarios. This phase of transferring the equipment took about four
weeks as the equipment was to be delivered in various exchanges throughout the

1.8e As equipment was on its way to Pakistan, I have to train my team with necessary
skilld required for proper deployment of the equipment. So I trained my team in
the same way I was trained for this project. This also helped in improving the two
way communication. With the help of ZTEs lab facility, my team members had a
chance to practice on actual equipment. Also there were many new concepts I
learned as a team player while working in the lab and understood handling of
various situations of prime importance.

1.8f Now I had a trained team who was fully aware of the installation and
commissioning of the equipment. So I planned the necessary steps for completing
the project in time. Meanwhile, the shipment arrived in Pakistan with all the
necessary components of DSLAM. As teams were already made throughout the
country, so now the next step was to install DSLAM equipment in the PTCL

1.8g I was given certain timelines to meet, in order to win the next expansion project
that required analytical, system level & innovative approach. After distributing all
equipment to their intended destinations, now I started the process of installation
of DSLAM equipment to the marked places by PTCL representatives.

1.8h First of all, the DSLAM racks were installed on marked positions. After that the
power equipment was installed inside the DSLAM rack. Then DSLAM modules
were installed inside which DSLAM cards were inserted. Connections were made
from backplane, such as from rectifier power unit to DSLAM module unit inside
the rack, from external AC power socket to DC power distributor (rectifier) of
rack. After erecting the basic structure of DALAM rack, unnecessary material was
collected & records were updated.

1.8i Few conflicts were found while getting PTCLs approval for taking power from
MDB (Main Distribution Board) which were settled through logical negotiations.
Such problems also came in other phases of the project in which I had to
immediately respond to resolve them. After that, I installed the PCM cable for
connecting DSLAM rack with PTCLs MDF (main distribution frame). I also
installed splitters which were used to separate DSLAM traffic from normal
landline traffic. For accomplishing this task, I also installed MDF rack on which
ZTEs own crone block was inatalled on which the PCM cable from DSLAM was
terminated and punched/connected with PTCLs DDF. Certain configuration
schemes were followed for jumpering & connecting these to PTCL media.

1.8j At that moment I had installed all the required physical infrastructure for DSLAM.
Now I had to perform the next & the final phase of commissioning/configuration
of DSLAM. As the equipment was shipped directly from the factory, so first of all
I had to erase the entire configuration for making it ready for final configuration.
In this process, I changed DSLAMs IP from factory setting to the required IP
(those required IPs were obtained after performing proper IP planning, so that
there would be no overlapping among IPs). After setting the IP address for
DSLAM, different profiles were created for different categories of the subscribers
on the basis of data rates such as 256kbps, 512kbps & 1Mbps. All the required
parameters were set for proper communication with BRAS (Broad Band Remote
Access Server) through which the internet facility was provided to DSLAM and
ultimately to the subscribers that are connected to DSLAM through PTCL
landline phone. While configuring DSLAMs in other regions, some team
members were facing trouble in configuring DSLAM which was resolved through
long telephonic discussion. Now system (DSLAM) was ready to use and for
offering to PTCLs customers with different charges according to different data

1.8k After completing the installation & configuration phase, all the DSLAM sites were
offered to PTCL for conducting PAT (preliminary acceptance test)/FAT (Final
acceptance Test) for complete handover of DSLAM to PTCL. No doubt, the after-
sale contract was already finalized to provide PTCL support regarding operation
and maintenance of DSLAM.

1.9 After completing the project timely & successfully, I learned many things such as how to
plan the whole project, how to select and train my team, how to motivate my team, how
to meet timelines, how to negotiate over issues etc.

1.10 I was responsible for the whole project of one region that included 8 PTCL exchanges.
My part included to supervise all the installation of the equipment in PTCL exchanges
and to provide solutions for the problems that arises in a timely manner. Also I had to
manage my teams resources, motivate my team members (ethically & professionally) &
most importantly supervise and monitor the activity as a whole.

1.11 PTCL is the biggest landline operator in Pakistan & this test project was very important
for ZTE due to very high future requirement of DSLAM. Upon the success of this project
ZTE was able to win the next phase of the project that was of 100k subscribers (i-e ZTE
have to install more equipment for 100000 subscribers nationwide) that was the result of
completing & wining the customers satisfaction.
Career Episode 2

2.1 This episode is about my role as Engineer in the department of ISP-TAC (internal
service provider-Technical) in ZTE Pakistan from February 2007 to September 2007.
ZTE began its business in 1985, with global headquarters in Shenzhen China and it now
operates in more than 100 countries. ZTE is a leading global provider of fixed line and
mobile telecommunications equipment and network solutions. Since 1996, the company
has provided its products and services to 135 countries including Pakistan and its biggest
customer in Pakistan is PTCL (Pakistan Telecommunication Company Ltd.) for which
ZTE has provided a wide verity of services in fixed line, OFAN (optical fiber access
network) & in NGN (next generation network). I worked in this domain under a
maintenance contract (with PTCL) against deployed core switches (core switches are
responsible for providing landline subscribers facilities just like MSC does in GSM
network) in PTCL exchanges. My role was to maintain all the core nodes in working
condition without any kind of alarm (hardware or software).


2.2 Working as Engineer in core (ISP-TAC) department of ZTE for 8 months, my

responsibilities were to maintain all installed core nodes in one region that included 9
main core nodes in different PTCL exchanges, and their further sub-nodes that were
remotely connected with their main nodes. Below is the organizational chart that shows
my position in the organization.
There was a maintenance contract between ZTE & PTCL & after certain period of time,
PTCL had to re-new the contract. My work area was located in PTCLs OMC (operation
& maintenance center) where all these core nodes were visible along with their functional
cards & other necessary details. These core nodes were launched and named as ZXJ10.
PTCLs engineers were responsible for highlighting the issue that occurred due to any
reason, and under the maintenance contract (of ZTE with PTCL), few rules were already
set according to priority. If the issue was of Critical category, I had to rectify it within
3-4 hours that also included travelling time. Majority of such issues were from hardware
sides such as faulty cards (service cards, functional cards, main processing cards). The
second category of alarms was Major against which I had 16 hours for rectification.
The final category was Minor against which I had 2 days for rectification. My role was
to maintain every part of these nodes working & in visible mode. Majority of minor
alarms were due to external alarms such as door entry alarm, smoke sensor alarms, fire
alarms, log file alarms etc. I had assistance of two experienced technicians who assisted
me in rectification of these alarms. I improved the communication process within the
team for having efficient performance.
Personal Engineering Activities:

2.3 I learned two telecommunication courses in my BSc engineering that gave me initial
understanding of packet/circuit switching, TCP/IP, router/switch/HUB, sub-netting,
routing configuration, optical fiber etc. that helped a lot in my practical work. Also I
learned some practical work as well in our lab sessions during BSc. Also I am an active
member of many useful forums that helps me in updating my knowledge with the latest
& upcoming technologies.

2.4 When I join ZTE as fresh engineer, I was given simple task to accomplish and during that
time I studied multiple manuals regarding how the system works of ZXJ10 in telephone
exchanges. As ZTEs most important customer was PTCL in Pakistan for which ZTE was
working for more than 10 years, so most of the time I was instructed to rectify the
problem in PTCL exchanges on priority basis. ZTE has served PTCL in number of other
domains as well, like ZTE has deployed its fiber infrastructure nationwide for PTCL
(both short haul & long haul), ZTE has installed its ONU (optical node unit which is used
for termination of fiber and connecting subscriber to PTCL exchanges & is also used for
DSL broadband services), ZTE has also deployed its DSLAM for broadband services
nationwide etc. In OMC I was using ZTEs software (named as EU4) for viewing all the
nodes where ZXJ10 was installed.

2.5 Below are the job responsibilities that I performed as Engineer on ZXJ10 project.

2.5a I was responsible for rectifying any kind of alarms in ZXJ10 switch. PTCL
engineers were only responsible for raising the issue to us, & from onwards, it
was ZTEs responsibility to rectify it according to the agreed contract. Sometime,
I faced difficult situation, but I managed them through my personal knowledge &
by taking advice from seniors. I had to solve both type of problem, i-e either they
were related to hardware or software. Most of the time, software problems were
solved by sitting in front of OMC terminal, by giving certain commands to ZXJ10
without affecting live traffic. All such activities were performed using ZXJ10
software, i-e EU4. All the functional and interface cards were visible on the OMC
terminal of every switch through EU4, so whenever there was any alarm, it was
easily be seen from any terminal of OMC after signing in to that exchange.
Sometimes a software problem was of such type that I had to visit the exchange.
For my own connivance, I installed VNC software in every exchange through
which I would easily configure the switch without going to exchange. Such
techniques helped a lot in solving many site related issues remotely. That software
gives the full rights with live visibility of everything. For hardware issue, I had to
replace the faulty unit with the fresh unit. This was done with extra care as if
doing anything wrong could lead to a huge loss of the PTCLs customer. Also I
had to take backup of the system, so that if anything goes wrong, at least I should
have the entire backup that could be restored. After performing such activities, I
had to close the ticket that was generated by our CSR department and records
were updated for documentation.

2.5b I was also responsible for creating new numbers in the exchange for new
customers of PTCL. This activity was performed jointly by ZTE and PTCLs
engineers as PTCLs representative gave us the range of numbers that need to be
created in the any exchange. I also had to handshake with other departments. For
example, I had to synchronize with DWDM department, for what I create in
ZXJ10 switch is useable by DWDM team. After creating the numbers, I also had
to add these numbers to the charging system so that these created numbers were
charged accordingly. PTCL uses this charging system to calculate the monthly bill
of their customers, so these created numbers were properly assigned with the right
charging system because there were many different charging profiles that had
different rates according to different type of usage.

2.5c When ever there was certain event like Eid day, Independence Day, cricket
matches etc, PTCL revised its rates in return to the loyalty of their customers. So
then I had to re-configure the whole charging system as PTCLs customers were
given certain discount on these events. I had to devise certain strategies to
accomplish such short noticed task in an effective way. Normally PTCL reduces
its rates to almost zero for a specific time period on such events, after that the
normal rate applies to all the customers. These tasks were accomplished by
defining separate charging profiles. All the required information was handled
through proper documentation.

2.5d When PTCL faced certain problems with its cooperate customers, like PABX
customers, I had to provide urgent solution to such problems. PABX was just like
a small a telephone exchange where few allocated numbers by PTCL were used to
create more numbers with extensions for offices or factory use. I had to configure
these numbers as PABX numbers so that they are charged accordingly. These
cooperate customers were of great importance for PTCL, so I had to resolve the
issues that come, as early as possible through methodical & in well-organized

2.5e The most important task about ZXJ10 was to maintain a record of subscriber
usage time so that they are retrieved whenever they are required. These files were
used for generating the monthly bill. In every month, I had to provide these files
by extracting from ZXJ10 through EU4 so that PTCL would prepare their
monthly bills for their customers. I had to take back-ups every time (especially of
these files) whenever I performed any kind of activity in ZXJ10.
2.5f I had to maintain external alarms in working condition so that the equipment was
protected against any kind of harmful event. All alarms were carried through a
device named CSV that collect all of them and send to OMC through ZXJ10.
These included rectifier alarms, AC unit alarms, diesel generator alarms, fire
alarm, door alarms, noise alarms & smoke sensor alarms. All such alarms were
collected by ZXJ10 that were visible in OMC on every terminal. For minor
problems, I had to send one of my team members, to rectify the problems & for
critical issues; the whole team had to visit these sites for early on-site resolution.

2.5g I was also responsible for installing software such as windows, anti viruses,
ZXJ10 software (EU4) on exchange & OMC terminals. Such activities were
performed by going to that PTCL exchange as such tasks could not be done
through a remote session. All issues were evaluated in each quarter of a year after
which PTCL has to give certain amount of money as a part of maintenance
contract by admitting that all such issues which appeared in that quarter were
solved in the same quarter.


2.6 I learned many useful professional skills & talents during this project. My role of the
project let me discover many new areas of my own interest like circuit switching and
packet switching. I had a team of two persons that were almost expert of their field. I had
to motivate them in every situation to boost their moral, ethically & professionally. I
developed the concept of team working in them as they believed in individual
performance, which solved many issues of team management. After successfully
completing this project, ZTE got the next five years maintenance contract from PTCL.

2.7 This role helped a lot in my practical work such as finding the root cause of any issue.
Also I learned many practical concepts that I did cover in my graduation in engineering.
Also I learned how to deal with the customer and cope with their issues. I learned the
importance of communication between & within the teams.

Career Episode 3

3.1 This career episode is about my role as Executive Engineer Access Network
Transmission Planning in Warid Telecom Pakistan from May 2008 to present. Warid
Telecom started its operation in Pakistan in 2005 & within 80 days of launch, Warid
attracted more than 1 million users. Warid Telecom's aim is to be perceived not only as a
telecommunication operator of voice services, but also as a universal
provider of comprehensive communications services for both residential and business
customers. Transmission Microwave planning is an engineering department that is
responsible for maintaining all the microwave links within available KPIs (key
performance indicators) to ensure quality & availability.


3.2 Working in Microwave Transmission Planning department, I am mainly responsible for

planning and optimization of existing and new GSM sites for carrying their traffic from
point of origin to MSC. Warid have deployed more than 4500 GSM site all around
Pakistan that includes equipment from Ericsson, Huawei & NEC. RF department initiates
& decides the location where they require GSM site. After that, other departments like
Transmission, Civil, and Site Acquisition etc. have to provide their respective feedback. I
am responsible for providing Transmission related feedback that includes LOS survey
report with suitable site as Far End through which it will communicate for transferring
its RF traffic (user transmitted information). After completing this step, other design
documents are prepared like link budgeting, MUX planning, Network Diagram, updates
in MapInfo etc. After making all such documents, a consolidated response is provided to
all the concern departments for their evaluation. Below is the organizational chart,
showing my position in the organization.
On certain event (Eid days, Independence Day, New Year eve. etc), due to traffic
congestion, RF department upgrades the site configuration (say from S666 TRX to S888
TRX). So according to their requirements, I have to provide our feedback so that these
extra TRX are provided with media in terms of E1 through all the way back to MSC. I am
also responsible for making quarterly, monthly and weekly reports to provide updates &
progress and to raise the issues to the management for early rectification.

Personal Engineering Activities:

3.3 I was taught one course about antenna design and wave propagation during my
graduation in engineering that developed my initial & basic understanding about antenna
theory. I also performed different experiments in lab area to see and calculate different
parameters of MW propagation such as VSWR, gain of antenna, radiation pattern, side
lobs, directivity etc.

3.4 When I joined Warid, I studied related manuals and documents for more & better
understanding of Warids network throughout nation. Warid has three vendors of
Microwave transmission that are Ericsson (that covers mostly the major cities like
Lahore, Faisalabad, Islamabad, Multan, Karachi, Hyderabad etc.), Huawei (that covers
mostly the remote areas) and NEC (that was deployed initially in the start of Warid
network but later on, it was swapped mostly from Huaweis MW equipment). Ericsson
has different products related to MW, but Warid has purchased a limited variety that suits
its working condition here in Pakistan. Warid has deployed Ericssons Traffic nodes (2P,
6P & 20P), high cap (HC), BTS (2308, 2111, 2106, 2107, 2206, 2207, 2116 & 2216) and
from Huawei, we have RTN 610 & 620. On core sides, we have OSN 3500 & 7500. I am
also responsible for making and updating MW related documents. Link budgeting for
both Huawei and Ericsson are performed on TEMS link planner that is proprietary
software of Ericsson.

3.5 Following are the details of my job responsibilities that I am performing in this domain.

3.5a I am responsible for conducting LOS surveys. I have to manage all activities
related for these surveys. LOS survey (also called path survey) is that survey that
is performed between two GSM sites to see if there is any obstacle in between
these two sites with the help GPS and other necessary tools (such as binocular,
compass, MapInfo etc.). These surveys are conducted for new sites as well as for
existing sites. For new sites, such surveys are conducted for providing
backhauling towards MSC. For existing sites, there might be the case when an on-
aired site need to be re-routed (its far end needs to be changed) due to certain
issue such as owner issue at FE, rent issue, battery issue etc. In all such cases, I as
TXN representative, has to conduct the survey with another suitable FE to avoid
any prolong outage. After completing the survey, reports are prepared for
documentation. Last but not least, MW dishes heights are proposed above some
level so that electromagnetic waves dont disturb trees & normal human life.

3.5b I am responsible for optimizing the existing MW transmission links that includes
changing the frequency channels if one MW link faces interference with another
neighboring MW link. This activity is performed on TEMS Link Planner that
calculates the interference with its neighboring MW link with in certain
predefined radius (in my case, this radius is set to 50km in TEMS). This includes
performing multiple frequency checking as changing frequency of a MW link
might create interference in another neighboring link. This process is performed
again and again until final frequency channel is obtained that dont interfere with
any other neighboring frequency channel. Expertises are required to accomplish
such tasks. Also I have to follow certain standards that are set by higher
telecommunication authorities such as ITU-T for achieving quality & availability

3.5c I am responsible for making link budget for new GSM sites. Link budget is
prepared on TEMS Link Planner after having LOS survey report. In TEMS Link
planner, maps are defined at the backend that shows the terrain of the path in
between the two sites. Also it has certain built-in algorithms that calculates
required parameters such as RSL (receive signal level), FM (Fade Margin),
receiver threshold (both at 10e-6 & 10e-3), availability/un-availability (for
normal/worst weather conditions), rain affect, signal loss due to environment and
gas losses. After conducting LOS survey, I have the required MW transmission
antenna heights for both MW ends. After that I have to decide about the MW
equipment based on the distance between the MW ends, availability of equipment
in ware house etc. When I have the required MW equipment with me, I plot the
two ends in TEMS software with exact co-ordinates. Then I assign antenna
height, equipment and then conduct the interference test. The result of this
interference test shows the available frequency channels that can be assign to the
MW link. As final step, I adjust the power at both ends of MW link. This whole
process requires basic understanding & some technical skill & talents with some
engineering abilities to perform the task.

3.5d I am responsible for preparing & updating MUX planning that shows the E1
connectivity of sites. It shows the detailed plan of a MW link by showing that
how much capacity is remaining in terms of E1 in any link. This MUX planning is
done in VISO software. Some predefined legends are used to represent different
MW links along with different MW nodes. MUX planning also shows that on a
specific E1, which sites traffic is directed towards MSC on that E1 & vice versa.

3.5e I am responsible for maintaining & updating the BOQ (bill of quantity) from MW
transmission perspective. This shows that what type of equipment is installed at a
particular site and what type of equipment is available in the warehouse. BOQ is
prepared with respect to different phases. A phase includes certain number of sites
and also equipment against them that needs to be ordered to vendor for future use.
BOQ shows indoor equipment of MW transmission links such as TN (2P, 6P &
20P), outdoor unit that includes MW dishes and radio units such as RAU 1, RAU
X, 0.3m MW Dish, 0.6m MW dish etc. I have to update this document whenever
there is any change in the network such as re-routing cases, node type up-
gradation etc.

3.5f I am also responsible for working on SOM (Service On Microwave) that is a

centralized NMS for viewing Ericssons MW links and their specific parameters.
SOM shows that what type of MW node (2P, 6P & 20P) is installed, what is the
MW links actual transmit power, what is the receive signal level and what type of
indoor card are installed such as MMU 2B, MMU 2C, MMU 2E, LTU155 etc. I
can also configure the node by changing certain parameters such as changing its
modulation scheme will change the link capacity if the link is upgradeable.

3.5g With the changes in weather over the year, NOQ (Network Operation & Quality)
provide the list of MW links whose frequency of giving outage is above a certain
threshold level. I have to analyze these MW links to find the root cause through
projected, engineered & systematic way. First, I have to see whether the
implemented frequency channel is as per design documents. Also I have to see
whether these links are implemented in proper configuration, i-e either with
protection or without protection. While performing this task, I also have to check
the physical installation of the equipment such as tightness of MW dishes, proper
cable patching, right temperature of the equipment etc. I have to provide feedback
regarding my detailed analysis timely so that NOQ may implement recommended
changes. These recommendations are provided in light of standards of ITU-T for
having minimum unavailability & to have better performance.

3.5h I have to participate in meetings with the internal customers & with vendors for
resolving the issues. Also weekly and monthly updates are prepared for sharing
with the management for progress. These updates includes surveys conducted by
TXN vendors, number of sites rolled out in one month, issue pending with the
vendors, major achievement accomplished etc.


3.6 This role requires self motivation as I have to manage all of my work with proper time
management. I have to prioritize my tasks with the level of importance. Also I have to
mentor my team members for making good quality decisions in the field. I have to
strictly supervise all the activities that are performed by Transmission vendors. This
requires continuous & periodic review of the progress of vendors so that they are
properly managed without anything overlooked. This also requires having a close eye on
the implementation team to see either the implementation is performed according to the
design documents.

3.7 This project provided me excellent opportunities for professional learning and developed
such a behavior that I have to take preventative measurement rather than corrective
measurements. This project also helped me in improving my knowledge on continual
basis as only this habit leads to a forever champion.

Summary Statement of Competencies Claimed

Unit PE1: Knowledge Base

How & where demonstrated reference in
Career Episode

PE 1.1

During Engineering graduation, I develop good

understanding about basic knowledge of Science
and Engineering that has helped me throughout
my career and will continue guiding me solving
complex problems with solid background of both
science & Engineering. I used basic networking
Knowledge of
knowledge in DSLAM project, antenna design
Science & CE 1.6, CE 2.3,
theory in Transmission Planning & packet/circuit
Engineering CE 3.3
switching in project of ZXJ10. Also this
understanding of Science & Engineering always
helped me in finding the root cause of any
problem like antenna theory is helping me in MW
propagation (when NOQ sent the list of those
MW links that has outage history & I have to
devise techniques to get them fixed).

PE 1.2

In my short span of professional career, I was

In Depth technical working on different roles with different assigned CE 1.8j, CE 2.5a,
competency in at tasks. During all these years, I have learned many CE 2.5e, CE 2.5g,
least one professional tools (NMS DSLAM, ZTE ZXJ10 CE 3.5b, CE 3.5c,
Engineering EU4 & TEMS link planer). Also my engineering CE 3.5d, CE 3.5e,
discipline graduate studies set the base for my ever learning CE 3.5f

PE 1.3

Techniques & Although every project was of different type, in CE 1.8b, CE 1.8e,
resources which I had to adapt existing as well as modern CE 2.5a, CE 2.5b
techniques for managing resources. I not only
managed my team well during DSLAM project & CE 3.5a
in other projects, but I also used such techniques
that were suitable for having successful results in-
time. I have to solve many issues on site. I used
such ways & methods that were useful for uniting
the team work & their efforts that made every
project a success in my career.

PE 1.4

I am member of many social & professional

forums such as Linked-in, bs-telecom, Zambeel,
VU (virtual university) etc. These forums have
been very useful as I can send posts about any
General problem that I am facing in my career, no matter CE 1.6, CE 2.3
Knowledge its related to my profession or with my personal CE 3.3
life, I get answer about it within few days. Also
other members share their view regarding any
issue due to which I have improved my general &
professional knowledge.

Unit PE2: Engineering Ability

How & where demonstrated reference in
Career Episode

PE 2.1

As every project requires different kind of CE 1.8b, CE

expertise and skills for management. In my whole 1.8c,
Ability to career, I faced many issues & most of them
required immediate solution. Such situation can CE 1.8i, CE
undertake 2.5c,
problem be better handled if the person have solid base
identification, and block building concepts to find the route CE 2.5d, CE
formulation & cause. So I think every problem has solution 3.5b,
solution hidden in it which can only be accessed through
logical thinking & perception. CE 3.5g

PE 2.2

Understanding of Professionally & personally, I have always tried CE 1.1, CE 2.5f,

social, cultural, to work with understanding of the responsibility CE 3.5a
global & of social, cultural & environmental. It was due to
environmental this that I worked (in ZTE) successfully in such
responsibilities an environment that totally had different cultures
and the need to & societal routines. I installed fire alarm system,
employ principles special noise canceller in PTCL exchanges to
of sustainable minimize the effect on natural environment.

PE 2.3

My careers had a verity of different issues &

complex situations that I learned to tackle with. In
DSLAM project, I faced a lot of issues while
installation but I manage them through systematic
Ability to utilize a
way. Also in ZXJ10 project, I had to face the
systems approach
criticism from the customer, but I successfully
to complex CE 1.8i, CE 1.8g,
handled them by fully satisfying them through my
problems and to CE 2.5a, CE 2.5c,
technical knowledge that I gained through
design and CE 2.5d, CE 3.5g
multiple stages of my professional career.
Similarly in MW planning project, when Field
operation department provides us with the list of
links that have outages reported, I had to deeply
analyze them to find the root cause that requires
system & technical approach to solve them.

PE 2.4

Proficiency in All the projects that I worked for, required CE 1.6, CE 2.3,
engineering engineering skills & talent. I got basic CE2.6, CE3.3,
design engineering skills in my graduation studies while CE 3.7
other practical expertise & talents were gained
working in different projects.

PE 2.5

The successful completion of all the projects

shows that I have good engineering &
management skills that are essential for every
Ability to conduct project. It was due to this success that ZTE got CE 1.1, CE 1.11,
an engineering the extension project after completion of test CE 2.2, CE 2.6,
project project of 6k ports. Also in ZXJ10 project, ZTE CE3.5c, CE 3.5g
got the maintenance contract every year after
completing successfully the previous years
PE 2.6

To have success in any project, one has to

understand the importance of business
environment. I always tried to adopt myself to the
Understanding of CE 1.2, CE 1.8g,
business environment for accomplishing
the business CE 1.9, CE 2.5a,
customers needs & wants. Also finishing every
environment CE 3.5g
project well before time shows the commitment
towards the goal accomplishments as I did in all
the projects & assigned tasks.

UNIT PE3: Professional Attributes

Competency reference in
How & where demonstrated
Element Career

PE 3.1

Ability to
communicate I always tried to minimize the communication
effectively, with gap between me & my team so that they dont
CE 1.4, CE
the engineering hesitate while talking to me about any issue. Also
team and with the this two way communication is very important for
team working that ultimately results in successful CE 2.2, CE
community at
completion of the any project. In every project, I 2.7
motivated my team members through regular
meetings for the resolution of specific & general

PE 3.2

Ability to manage Documentation is very important part of any CE 1.8c, CE

information & project as I can easily refer back in case I want to 1.8h, CE
documentation perform some kind of comparison between 1.8k, CE
present & past values. In DSLMA project, every 2.5a, CE
2.5c, CE
activity was documented after completion &
3.5a, CE
inventory was maintained for all the spare
3.5d, CE 3.5e
equipment such as earthing cable, AC/DC
breakers, sockets etc. Also at the end of this
DSLAM project, complete documentation was
handed over to PTCL as the installed equipment
was offered for conducting PAT/FAT. In ZXJ10, I
also had to maintain the record for all the issues
(that occurred in certain period of time, usually 4
months), either they were solved or were pending
at ZTE end. In TXN planning project, I have to
maintain many DBs (databases) such as MUX
Planning, BOQ, network change tracker, LOS
trackers, link budget tracker, weekly report

PE 3.3

There is not always a single best way to perform

any task as there is always some space for
CE 1.8c, CE
perfection. I tried to use best practices in all my
Capacity for 2.5a, CE
projects such as use of VNC software in ZXJ10
3.5a, CE
creativity and project & use of TEMS for optimization the 3.5b, CE 3.5g
innovation existing MW links are good examples of
creativity & innovation.

PE 3.4

I totally understand the importance of

Understanding of professional ethics due to the fact that there
CE 1.8i, CE
professional and would be no team effort without it. Also I always
1.10, CE 2.6,
ethical conveyed the same to my team members. In MW
CE 3.5b, CE
responsibilities, transmission design & planning project, I 3.5g
and commitment followed the set rules of GSM & ITU-T for
to them quality & availability of MW links.

PE 3.5

Ability to In all the projects, I had very critical role to CE 1.4, CE

function perform. In DSLAM project, my role as team & 1.8, CE 1.8e,
effectively as an as supervisor was of such importance that upon CE 1.10, CE
individual and in the completion, ZTE won the next expansion 2.2, CE 2.5f,
CE 2.6, CE
multidisciplinary project from PTCL. Also in ZXJ10, I had to
& multicultural resolve all the issues before the submission of
teams, as a team quarterly invoice. Likewise, I had to perform a
leader or manager
as well as an
team play to accomplish daily & urgent tasks.
effective team

PE 3.6

Any new knowledge or technology will become

obsolete soon after the innovation of ways for CE 1.5, CE
doing any task. So as a general guide, I always 1.6, CE 1.9,
Capacity for followed the rule of continuous learning that CE 2.3, CE
lifelong learning seems the only way to enhance personal & 2.6, CE 2.7,
and professional professional growth. I used multiple sources for CE 3.3 , CE
development getting more skills & talents such as group 3.7
discussion, surfing, studying discussion forums,
reading technical manuals, experimenting while
working in the field etc.

PE 3.7

A persons professional attitude shows the

commitment towards the project or assigns tasks.
While working in different companies, I learnt the CE 1.9, CE
importance of customers & its satisfaction. I have 1.11, CE 2.6,
always tried my level best to fulfill all the CE 3.6
requirements demanded by the customer in the
best efficient way. It was due to this team effort
that I completed all of my projects well before
time to avoid any delay towards the customers.

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