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Patricia Ann G.

Bongon Math
Tangible # 1 IV Pythagoras

1. A theater is designed in such a way that a row has 3 seats

more than the row in front of it. If the first row can seat nine people,
how many seats are there in the tenth row?

2. (refer to the given in item 1) If the theater has 26 rows, what

is the theaters total capacity?

3. Square tiles of length 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, and so on are set on a floor

as shown below.

If the last tile used is of length 610, how many tiles were used?

4. Stephen Hawkings editor supposedly told him that in writing

popular books about math and physics you lose one half your
audience for every equation placed in the book. If 50 million copies
of a book containing 4 equations is sold, how many readers will
actually read the book?

5. Suppose Celso caught 350 kg of tilapia on Monday. From

Monday to Friday, the amount of tilapia fishes he caught increased
by 10% per day. What is the total amount of tilapia (in weight) that
Celso caught from Monday to Friday? Round your answer to the
nearest whole.


general term: An = 9 + (n-1)3

An = 6 + 3n
A10 = 6 + 3 (10) ; A10 = 36
S26 = 26/2 (9 + A26)
A26 = 6 + 3(26); A26 = 84 S26 = 13(9 + 84); S26 =

Fibonacci sequence: An = An-2 + An-1

1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144, 233, 377, 610
610 is the fifteenth tile.

15 tiles were used in total.

A1 = 50 mil, A2 = 25 mil (due to the first equation); A3 = 12.5

mil (due to the second equation), and so on.
A5 = ? (We are looking for the 5th term, not the 4th, as
explained above)

= 50 mil (1/2)4 ; A5 = 3.125 million readers

A1 = 350 kg; An = 350(1.1)n-1 Friday = 5th day

Sn = A1 ( 1 r ) / 1 r S5 = 350(1-1.15) / 1 1.1
Celso caught approximately 2137 kilograms of

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