Oldhammer Ahoy

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Oldhammer Ahoy!

Except where noted, Oldhammer Ahoy is played using the 6th Edition Warhammer Fantasy Battle Rules, and uses the
Ravening Hordes lists for figure attributes etc. This document is based on the rules presented in the General's
Compendium. They have been significantly altered in order to meet the needs of the scenario (simultaneous turns and so
on) and to allow every player to have easy access to the relevant rules. No copyright is claimed.


Every ship involved in the game has travelled to these islands in order to claim the mysterious Starfall Stones. These
rare artefacts of power are worth a great deal of money to the right wizard. The first piece of Starfall will be placed on a
random island. If a player can pick it up with one of their figures and succesfully bury it on a different island they will
have claimed it. Rumours will then reach the ears of all captains of more Starfall - which is to say someone will place
more Starfall on a random island. The player that claimed the most Starfall at the end of the game wins!


The islands contain many secrets. At the start of the game, Secret cards are dealt to each island. A player who controls
an island (i.e. is the only player with figures on it) may choose to Explore the island in the appropriate phase. To
Explore the island, reveal one of it's Secret cards and apply it's effects. Alternatively, instead of taking a treasure card
the crew may either take Starfall from the island, or bury it.

Building a Ship

Ships should be crewed and equipped with war machines according to the following table. Specific rules for sailed
ships, rowed ships, steam ships and ghost ships are presented on seperate pages at the end of this document so that you
only need to print out the sections relevant to your ship. Players are encouraged to come up with unusual special rules
for their ships. There are no points being used in this game, just try to keep things sensible. Entertaining ships with
entertaining special rules that have at least some chance of going quite wrong are the kind we encourage most.

Ship Size Length Crew (Min/Max) War Machines

Dinghy Up to 3" 1/6 None
Small 4"-10" 3/12 Up to 1
Medium 11"-18" 6/24 Up to 2
Large 18"+ 9/36 Up to 3

Note these are absolute maximums, not per deck.

Crew size is given in unit strength.
Crew manning war machines do not count towards the minimum crew required to operate the ship.
Models acting as crew cannot shoot, fight or cast spells as they are too busy making the ship move.

If a ship has less than their minimum crew then the ship may only move half it's speed.
If a ship has less than half their minimum crew the ship may not move at all.

Wind Direction

At the start of the game, check for wind direction with a d6:
1 Blowing from northern table edge.
2 Blowing from southern table edge.
3 Blowing from western table edge.
4 Blowing from eastern table edge.
5-6 Roll on Unusual Wind Conditions then roll again for direction. Multiple results are cumulative.

Unusual Wind Conditions

1-3 Light Winds, -2" movement for sailing ships.

4-6 Strong Winds, +2" movement for sailing ships.
Turn Structure

All turns are simultaneous.

1. Check Wind
2. Explore Islands
3. Declare Rams
4. Move and Resolve Rams
5. Declare Boarding and Charges
6. Move Boarding Ships and Charges
7. All Other Ships and Models Move
8. Magic
9. Shooting
10. Boarding Actions and other Close Combat
11. Repair

Checking Wind

Roll 2d6
2 Becalmed, sailing ships may not move at all this turn.
3 Wind dies down, -4" movement for sailing ships this turn.
4 Wind changes direction 180 degrees.
5-6 Wind changes direction 90 degrees clockwise.
7-8 No change.
9-10 Wind changes direction 90 degrees anti-clockwise.
11 Gusts, +4" movement for sailing ships this turn.
12 Blowing a hooligan, no ship can do anything this turn except cope with the storm. All ships move 2d6" in the
direction of the wind, and if a double is thrown the ship has taken on water, halving their speed. If a double 6 is
thrown the ship has capsized, throw on the sinking table.

Moving on Ships

During a ship's movement, it's crew may be repositioned on it anywhere the controlling player wishes, except that crew
must be positioned in an appropriate place to man war machines, control the ship etc.

Getting off a Ship

Crew not otherwise engaged can jump off a ship and land in the water to swim in their next turn.


The effects of shooting are considered to occur simultaneously.

Shooting From Ships

Shooting from a moving ship does not count as having moved unless the model repositioned itself this turn. Shooting is
done by individual figures.

Shooting at Ships

When shooting at a ship, you can target either the Hull, the Crew or Specialty Targets - Dinghies Are Small however
and so must be targeted randomly on the following table:

1-3 Hull
4-5 Crew
6 Specialty Target (sail driven, randomise between mast & sail; if oar driven oars are hit)
Hull: Once the hull has lost all it's Damage Points it will sink. Any attacks of S7+ that wound a dinghy's hull
immediately destroy the boat, slaying all the crew and hitting characters with a single S5 hit.

Crew: Crew always count as being in soft cover whilst on a boat.

Specialty Targets: Depend on the boat being shot at. Only one Specialty Target may be hit per shot. If the Target can be
seen, it can be shot at.

War Machines

Cannon: Fires as it does on land - including skipping and bouncing. All things under the bounce of the cannonball are

Template Weapons: Any template weapons hit everything underneath the template.

Skewering: If bolt throwers wound the first target, the shot may penetrate in a straight line and hit a subsequent target up
to 2", just as a bolt thrower can penetrate ranks. This will be with reduced Strength as per the normal rules.


If a ships hull reaches zero Damage Points, roll 2d6 on the following chart:

2 Boat dives beneath the waves and is lost with all hands.
3-4 Boat tilts to one side and goes down. All models can make a normal move to leap off the boat and into the
water. If they fail to get off they are lost.
5-10 Boat goes down in D3 turns. Crew must pass a Leadership test to remain on board and take any actions.
Otherwise they will run and fling themselves overboard.
11- Emergency patch. Hull now has 1 Damage Point and is no longer sinking. -2" movement penalty.


A model may swim D3+1", but on a 1 the model is in peril of Drowning. -1" for models that have better than a 5+ save.
Amphibious figures and figures within 3" of an island (i.e. in the shallows) are never in danger of Drowning. Models
may split their move between Swimming and moving on land.


Ordinary figures just drown. But character and unit champions may save themselves if they throw a 2+ on a d6.

Climbing Back Aboard

See Climbing rules in rulebook. Model may reroll failed Initiative test if the ship is friendly.

Drop Anchor!

A ship may only drop anchor if it traveled less than half it's maximum move last turn. A ship that has dropped anchor
will stay in place and is not subect to Adrift. Weighing anchor will keep two additional crewmen busy and will take an
entire turn. On the following turn the ship may move as normal.


If a ship does not use any method of propulsion it is adrift. When a ship drifts, it moves D3" in the direction of the wind.

Boats Moving Off the Table

As long as the ship retains the power to move, it may be brought back onto the table anywhere within 6" of the point it
left. A dinghy or small ship returns in the following turn. A medium or large ship must spend a full turn off the board.
Ships returning to the board may not fire missile weapons on the turn they are brought back on.
Running Aground

If run aground, the hull takes a single hit at strength of D6+4. If successfully wounded, consult chart to see how much
damage is inflicted:

Size 0-6" Traveled 6"+ Traveled

Dinghy 1 1
Small D3 D3+1
Medium D6 D6+1
Large D6+1 2D6

Ship may also become stuck. Roll a D6. On a 1-3 the ship is wedged and may not move. At the start of each of the
controlling players turns, roll another D6. On a 6 the ship may Shove Off.


A ship must be moving at under half speed to dock without collision (running aground). It takes a full turn to dock.


Dinghies and Small ships (but not small steam ships) may also "dock" on shore on the mud or sand of a gentle bank.


A ship attempting to ram can only perform a single turn of 45 degrees or less on its course toward the enemy ship.

Size Base Strength of Ram

Dinghy 1
Small 2
Medium 3
Large 5

+1 for each inch travelled before collision, maximum total of 10.

If wound roll is successful, the following damage points are caused to the target's hull:

Size 0-6" 6"+ Travelled

Dinghy 1 1
Small D3 D3+1
Medium D6 D6+1
Large D6+1 2D6

Crushing Your Own Ship: If vessels are the same size or rammed vessel is smaller, ramming vessel takes a hit on a 4+.
If the ramming ship is smaller, it will take damage on a 2+. If ramming vessel is hit, use the same Strength value
generated by the ram. A successful wound will cause D3 damage points to the ramming ship's hull.

Rams: A ramming ship that has a specially fitted ram rerolls failed to-wound rolls. Additionally the ramming ship will
only take a hit on a 6 regardless of size.

Getting Stuck In: A ram that succesfully wounds a ship means the two vessels are Grappled together. To free a ship, it's
crew must attempt to Cut Loose and Shove Off.

Ignore all magic dice pools, number of spells and spells from the rulebook. Each wizard begins with two spells
generated randomly from the following list:
1d10 Spell Name Spell Effects
1 Rock the Boat 1d6 figures from a ship within 18" will fall into the water. The ship's controller chooses the
figures and places them anywhere they choose in contact with the ship.
2 Totally One swimming figure anywhere on the board will move 2d6" towards the nearest island. If this
Tubular roll is a double, the figure drowns (a character or champion can save themselves from
drowning on a 2+).
3 Summon One ship within 18" will be plagued by barnacles, reducing it's maximum speed by 2" until
Barnacles they are cleared. It will take one crew 6 turns, 2 crew 3 turns, 3 crew 2 turns etc. Cannot be
cast on a ship that already has Barnacles.
4 Call of the One ship within 18" takes one point of damage to it's Hull.
5 The Ship of The caster's ship may travel across land as if it was water for it's next movement. If it remains
Land and Sea on land, moved further than half it's maximum move and the spell is not cast again in the next
magic phase, the ship has Run Aground and takes damage appropriately.
6 Fisherman's One figure within 18" heals one wound.
7 Rippy Fish One swimming figure anywhere on the board takes one wound.
8 Sea Wolves A Crew fighting a boarding action within 18" gets an extra attack per figure this turn, but
automatically fail any saving throws they are forced to make.
9 Shield of This may be cast on any ship within 18". The next War Machine shot against it will
Water automatically miss.
10 Spectral Wind Allows the caster to immediately move any ship within 18" up to d6" in any direction they

To cast a spell, a wizard must successfully throw 8+ on 2d6. There is no dispelling and the effects of all spells are
considered to occur simultaneously. Each wizard may cast one spell per Magic phase.

Boarding Actions

When two opposing ships come into contact they will attempt to board each other. As soon as the ships touch they are
Grappled and the ships should be realigned in the same way as land based units. Ships that are Grappled may not move
away until they are Cut Loose.

Cut Loose: In order to Cut Loose, a ship must meet one of the following conditions -
After his models have won a round of combat, a player may Cut Loose on a D6 throw of 4+.
A larger ship may attempt to Cut Loose from a smaller one as long as there are at least two models not engaged
in combat or part of the minimum crew complement. They will Cut Loose successfully on a 2+.
If all the foes on the enemy ship have been slain, the ship may automatically Cut Loose.

Once a ship has Cut Loose, it will Shove Off.

Shove Off: The ship moves up to 4" in any direction.

A boarding action is fought in much the same way as a combat on the ground, except that the number of figures that can
get involved in a fight is limited by the size of the ship as follows:

Size Figures that can fight (a 'Rank')

Dinghy 3
Small 6
Medium 9
Large 12
The actual position of figures on the ship does not matter. The size of the smallest vessel involved determines the
number of figures that may fight. Before resolving the fight, each player designates which of their figures will be
involved in the fight and places them in an appropriate position.

Only the following modifiers apply to combat resolution:

Number of Wounds Caused.

+1 for greater Crew Unit Strength.
+1 if Crew Unit Strength more than doubles that of the enemy.
+1 for each full 'Rank' of troops onboard the enemy ship.

No modifiers apply for standards, high ground etc. However, musicians still count as tie-breakers.

The winning side manages to push one 'rank' of troops onto the opposing ship, or pushes one 'rank' of enemy troops
back onto their own ship. The losing side must take a break test against the highest unmodified Leadership value of it's
crew. Psychological effects like Fear or Terror that automatically Break units do not apply to boarding actions. A crew
that fails this test is Shaken. If a Shaken crew fails a further break test, they will Abandon Ship instead of Fleeing.

Abandon Ship: A crew with models on board an enemy ship that Abandons Ship retreats to their own ship but continue
to fight as normal and are no longer Shaken. A crew with no models on board enemy ships is out of the game and are
removed as casualties.

Back to the Ship Lads: After resolving a round of combat you may choose to move one rank of your figures back onto
your own ship.

Sneaky Git

Any figure fighting in a boarding action may sacrifice it's attacks in order to be a Sneaky Git. Roll 1d6 per figure being
a Sneaky Git, regardless of it's Attacks characteristic. Each dice that comes up 6 generates one Git Point. Each Git Point
may be spent to do one of the following:

Poke Holes In Things - Cause 1 Damage Point to the enemy hull.

Snip Snip - Cause 1 Damage Point to a specialty target.
Nick Their Stuff - Steal an item card or Starfall.
Borrow Their Charts - The owner of the ship must point out an island where they buried Starfall. You may now
attempt to dig it up and claim it for yourself in the normal fashion.


You may attempt to repair your ship in the Repair Phase if it was not involved in a boarding action and did not move in
the movement phase (except for drifting). Roll a d6 for every crewmember assigned to repairs. Each 6 allows you to
repair 1 DP to the hull or a Specialty Target.


If a flaming attack hits and wounds an area, it is set alight on a d6 roll of 4+. At the end of each Shooting Phase, an area
on fire loses D3 Damage Points on a D6 roll of 4+.

Crewmen not otherwise engaged may attempt to put the fire out. Roll a D6 at the end of a turn in which the crew did
nothing but fight the fire for each crewman involved. A throw of a 6 puts out the flames.

Launching Dinghies

Large ships can carry two dinghies, medium ships one.

Launching a dinghy takes two crew who may do nothing else that turn. The launching vessel may not move more than
5". It takes an entire turn to lower a dinghy and it may not move on the turn it is launched, though it may Shove Off.
Sea Monsters

Sea Monsters are not controlled by anyone in particular and arrive on the board as the result of Secret cards. They move
towards the nearest figure and attack anything they're able. Some Monsters must stay in the water, others can travel over
land. They ignore the rules for swimming and drowning. When they attack a ship, it is treated as a boarding action -
except that neither side may push ranks onto each other. If the Sea Monster takes any wounds, it will automatically lose
the combat. Roll a break test, ignoring all modifiers. If the Sea Monster fails, it will immediately flee 3d6" directly
away from the ship, but then rallies immediately. In addition, before making their attacks, roll once on the following
table for each attack to see where they attack:

1-3 Hull
4-5 Crew
6 Specialty Target (randomise)

Attacks against Hull and Specialty Targets automatically hit.

If the Sea Monster takes any wounds, it will automatically lose the combat. Roll a break test, ignoring all modifiers. If
the Sea Monster fails, it will immediately flee 3d6" directly away from the ship, but then rallies immediately and can
move normally next turn.

Sea Monsters have the following profile:

2d6 3 1 7 5 4 2 4 4
Sailing Ships

Speed: All sailing ships move up to d6+8" per turn, subject to the following rules.

Turning Radius: A single turn is a pivot of no more than 45 degrees.

Move Before Turn: A sailing ship must move a minimum distance before and between each turn, as shown below.

Number of Turns: A sailing ship has a limited number of turns it can make based on it's size. If a sailing ship moves
more than 10" then it may make another whole set of turns.

Size Move Before Turn Number of Turns

Dinghy 1" 4
Small 1" 3
Medium 2" 2
Large 3" 1

Wind Direction:
If a sailing ship begins it's move with the wind astern, it may move an additional d6".
If a sailing ship did not begin with the wind astern but moves so that the wind is astern of it during it's
movement, it may add an additional d3" of movement.
If a sailing ship begins it's move facing into the wind, it moves only 8".
If a sailing ship turns into the wind during it's movement, it immediately loses d6" of movement and may make
not further turns for the rest of it's movement.

Hull Damage

Size Toughness Damage Points

Dinghy 7 3
Small 8 6
Medium 8 10
Large 8 16

Specialty Targets
War Machines

Rudder: Roll if hit

1-3 Shot wide.

4-5 Hit hull instead.
6 Hit rudder, roll to wound against T8. Rudders have 1 Damage Point.

A ship without a rudder cannot turn.

Mast: Roll if hit

1-2 Glancing blow, no damage.

3-4 Roll to wound, but halve damage (round up).
5 Hit, roll wound as normal.
6 Shot hits square on. Roll to wound as normal. In addition, on a 4+ shot also causes single Damage Point to
rigging and sails.
Size Mast Mast DP
Dinghy 6 2
Small 8 4
Medium 8 6
Large 8 8

A ship with no masts cannot use sails for movement. A ship with more than one mast loses speed proportionally.

Sails & Rigging: Sails count as large targets. Non-flaming missiles under S5 casue damage only on a wound roll of 6.
Roll if hit:

1 Small tear, no appreciable damage.

2 Roll to wound but halve damage (round up)
3-5 Roll to wound as normal.
6 Roll to wound as normal. If at least 1 DP caused, roll d6. On a 4+ a yard or spar is knocked down and strikes d3
crew on deck below with S4 hit. On a 6 you may also make an additional throw on this chart as vital area hit.

Size Sails/Rigging Toughness Sails/Rigging DP

Dinghy 5 4
Small 5 6
Medium 5 8
Large 5 10

If sails are destroyed, the ship cannot use them to move.

Rowed Ships

Speed: Can move up to 5" per turn.

Lots of Rowers: If a ship has double the minimum number of rowers, it can move faster.

Burst of Speed: Before moving can call for a burst of frenzied rowing. Only one turn may be made during a Burst of
Speed. 3 complete turns must pass before another Burst of Speed may be called for.

Size Lots of Rowers Bonus Burst of Speed Bonus

Dinghy 1" 1"
Small D3" D6"
Medium D3+1" D6+1"
Large D6" D6+2"


Turning Radius: A single turn is a pivot of up to 45 degrees.

Can Move Backwards: Can be rowed backwards or forwards, but not both in the same turn.

Must Move First: If moved more than 5" in the previous round, there is a minimum distance that must be moved
before attempting a turn. There is no requirement to move this distance between turns or if moved 5" or less in the
previous round.

Free Turns: The ship gets a number of free turns. Any additional turns cost 2" of movement.

Size Must Move Free Turns

Dinghy 0" 2
Small 1" 1
Medium 1" 1
Large 2" 1

Wind does not affect movement by oars.

Hull Damage

Size Hull Toughness Hull DP

Dinghy 7 3
Small 8 6
Medium 8 10
Large 8 16

Specialty Targets

War Machines.

Rudder: Roll if hit

1-3 Shot wide.

4-5 Hit hull instead.
6 Hit rudder, roll to wound against T8. Rudders have 1 Damage Point.
A ship without a rudder cannot turn.

Oars: Roll if hit

1 Fails to connect.
2 Hits hull instead.
3-5 Hits oar, roll to wound as normal.
6 Hits the oar. If wound successful, oar destroyed plus splinters cause d6 S3 hits to nearest rowers.

Oars have T5 and 1DP each.

Destroyed oars may not be rowed, reducing the number of rowers that can row at a time.
If multiple oars can be hit by a template, roll above for each oar.

Speed: A steam ship has 3 Steam Points per movement. Each Steam Point can be spent to do one of the following -

Move the ship straight forwards up to 2"

Move the ship straight backwards up to 2"
Pivot on the spot up to 45 degrees

After spending all 3 Steam Points, the Captain can choose to go Full Throttle if they wish:

Full Throttle: Captain declares how many additional Steam Points they want from 1 to 3. Roll 2d6, add 1 per Steam
Point desired and consult chart -

3-8 Boiler shakes, but produces the correct amount of steam.

9-10 Boiler shuts down. Steamship moves 1" and does not gain additional steam points, but no other ill effects.
11-12 Loss of Pressure! Ship moves no further this turn, and generates only 1 Steam Point next turn but is then fixed.
13 Boiler Malfunction. Ship moves no further this turn. Start of players next turn, roll a d6. On 4+, boiler restarts
with only 1 Steam Point and operates normall thereafter. Otherwise the ship is adrift. An attempt to restart may
be made every turn.
14 Blown Valves! For the rest of the game the ship generates only 2 Steam Points and can no longer Full Throttle.
15 Explosion! Ship is ripped apart and sinks with all hands.

Hull Damage

Size Hull Hull DP

Small 8 6
Medium 8 10
Large 8 16

Dinghies may not be steam powered.

Specialty Targets

War Machines.

Rudder: Roll if hit

1-3 Shot wide.

4-5 Hit hull instead.
6 Hit rudder, roll to wound against T8. Rudders have 1 Damage Point.

A ship without a rudder cannot turn.

Paddle Wheels: Some steamships use paddle wheels. Roll if hit.

1 Skids into the water.

2 Hits Hull instead.
3-5 Hits paddle wheel, roll to wound as normal.
6 Hits paddle wheel. If wound is caused, resulting explosion sends shrapnel into the crew on deck. Crew takes D3
S4 hits.
Size Paddle Wheel Toughness Paddle Wheel DP
Small 7 5
Medium 8 7
Large 8 8

A paddle wheel reduced to half DP or less reduces movement by half. If a paddle wheel is destroyed, steam may not be
used to move the ship.

Propeller: Some ships use propellers. They have the same statistics and use the same charts as a rudder. If the propeller
is destroyed, no steam movement is allowed.

Engine Block: All engine blocks are Toughness 10 with 4 Damage Points. Roll if hit -

1 Shot bounces harmlessly.

2 Hits the hull instead.
3-5 Hits engine block, roll to wound as normal.
6 Hits engine block. If any damage is done no steam may be generated next turn.

If engine block is reduced to half DP or less, controlling player must roll 4+ before moving each turn. Otherwise the
engine cuts out and the ship cannot move. If the engine is destroyed, steam cannot be used to move the ship.
Ghost Ship

Crew: Crew minimum for a ghost ship is always 1 (the vampire or necromancer captain), regardless of size. If the
vampire or necromancer captain is slain, the ship will sink.

Speed: Ghost ships move in the magic phase rather than the movement phase. The ships acts as a magic item with a
Bound Spell called Magical Wind. The ship will move D6+8". This spell is cast automatically without requiring a roll,
but must be cast in place of casting another spell.

Maneuvering: A ghost ship may make up to two 45 degree turns at any time during it's movement.

Wind: A ghost ship is not affected by real wind in any way.

Specialty targets: As per sailing ship, except that sails cannot be targeted. If the mast is shot down the magical wind will
no longer power the ship.

Hull Damage

Size Toughness Damage Points

Dinghy 7 3
Small 8 6
Medium 8 10
Large 8 16

Specialty Targets
War Machines

Rudder: Roll if hit

1-3 Shot wide.

4-5 Hit hull instead.
6 Hit rudder, roll to wound against T8. Rudders have 1 Damage Point.

A ship without a rudder cannot turn.

Mast: Roll if hit

1-2 Glancing blow, no damage.

3-4 Roll to wound, but halve damage (round up).
5 Hit, roll wound as normal.
6 Shot hits square on. Roll to wound as normal. In addition, on a 4+ shot also causes single Damage Point to
rigging and sails.

Size Mast Mast DP

Dinghy 6 2
Small 8 4
Medium 8 6
Large 8 8

If the mast is shot down the magical wind will no longer power the ship. A ship with more than one mast loses speed

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