Creating Coldhammer Characters

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Creating characters for Coldhammer

First roll 1d6 for character race:

1-3 Human
4-5 Dwarf
6 Elf

Roll 1d100 for Social Status:

Human Dwarf Elf

0-50 Freeman House Serf Free Elf
51-70 Bondsman House Serf Free Elf
71-80 Burgher House Serf Free Elf
81-90 Citizen Noble Free Elf
91-95 Knight Noble Councillor
96-97 Earl Kinsman Elder
98 Duke Prince Prince
99 Prince Royal Prince Prince

To determine the characters age roll the following dice:

Humans 6d6+6
Dwarves 10d6+20
Elves 3d6+20


All characters begin with the standard movement for their race, as follows.

Unarmoured Armoured
Humans 4 3
Dwarves 3.5 3.5
Elves 4.5 4

Weaponskill and Bowskill:

You must decide which of these skills will be your primary one. Dwarves almost always specialise
in Weaponskill and Elves almost always in Bowskill. Elves which choose Bowskill as their primary
may add +2 to their dice throw. Dwarves which choose Weaponskill as their primary may add +1 to
the dice throw.

Roll 2d6 for your primary skill, adding appropriate bonuses then compare to this table.

Score Skill Value

2 1
3-4 2
5-9 3
10 4
11 5
12 6

For your secondary value, roll a single d6 and compare it to the following table, with no bonuses.
Secondary skills higher than primary skills are reduced to be the same value.

Score Skill Value

1-2 1
3-4 2
5-6 3


Roll a d6 and compare it to your race.

Score Men/Elves Dwarves

1 1 2
2-5 2 2
6 2 3


Roll a d6 and compare it your race.

Score Men/Elves Dwarves

1 B B
2-5 B C
6 C C


All characters begin with 1 Wound.


Roll 1d4 to find your Initiative. Humans add 1 to this total, and Elves 3.


All characters begin with 1 Attack.


Roll the following dice depending on race.

Men 1d10
Elves 2d6+2
Dwarves 2d4+4


Roll 2d6. Dwarves minus 2 from this total.


Roll the following dice depending on race.

Men 1d10
Elves 2d6
Dwarves 2d6+4


Roll 1d6 on the following table. Men with a social status of Knight or better add 1 to their
Leadership value. Dwarves with a social status of Kinsman or better add 2 to their Leadership
value. Elves with a status of Councillor or better add 1 to their Leadership value.

Score Value
1-3 1
4-5 2
6 3


Roll 1d4-1 to determine the number of skills your character has, then throw 1d100 on the following
table to discover what they are. If the same skill is thrown more than once, record it as second or
third level etc.

Score Skill
1-10 Trapper
11-18 Tracker
19-25 Trader
26-30 Sailor
31-32 Ships Mate
33-34 Ships Pilot
35 Captain
36-40 Forger
41-44 Con Man (increase Cool by 3 points)
45-53 Pickpocket
54-60 Pharmacist
61-67 Actor
68-76 Minstrel
77-81 Jeweller
82-85 Woodsman
86-88 Fisherman
89-92 Nomad
93-95 Armourer
96 Miner
97 Engineer
98-100 Linguist - Choose two other languages to be fluent in.


To become a Wizard a character must have an Intelligence of at least 5. Dwarves may not become
Wizards if they have a Willpower of 10 or more. Wizards may not cast magic whilst wearing

A Wizard begins with a Mastery of 1.

Constitution equals Will Power plus 2d6.

The Wizards total Life Energy is equal to

Man D10x200
Dwarf 2d6x200
Elf 2d6x200

A Wizard begins their career knowing one spell. Choose one from the following list, or roll 1d100.

Score Spell Energy Required Talisman

1-4 Alarm 1 None
5-10 Blessing 4 Personal
11-18 Bless Sword 3 None
19-22 Cure Light Injury 3 None
23-24 Curse 1 Silver Rune Bowl
25-30 Detect Hidden Doors 2 None
31-32 Detect Life 2 None
33-34 Detect Object 2 None
35-36 Far Sight 1 None
37-50 Fire Ball 2 Personal
51-55 Flight 3 Personal
56-60 Gift of Tongues 1 Wishbone
61-68 Lock 3 None
69-75 Magic Light 1+ Philtre of Fiery
76-80 Hammerhand 1 None
81-95 Aura of Mighty 1 Amulet of Thrice
Resistance Blessed Copper
96-100 Wind Blast 2 Philtre of Aerial

Some spells require certain Talismans in order to cast them. The Wizard begins with any Talisman
they require for their spell. The Wizard also begins with a 'Personal' Talisman which can take any
form they desire, such as a staff or wand.

Wizards also have some innate abilities, which are too much to go into here.

Some characters may be subject to the rules of Alcoholism as presented in the First Citadel
Compendium. Roll 1d4. If the result is higher than your Willpower then your character suffers from
Alcoholism. You can choose to skip this rule if you prefer.


Characters with an Intelligence of one suffer from Stupidity.


Characters with a Cool of 2 or less are subject to Frenzy and must always test when appropriate.
Characters with a Cool of 11 or more are immune to Frenzy, even when caused by magic.

Warp Frenzy:

Characters with a Cool of 2 or less have a 1 in 6 chance of being subject to Warp Frenzy.

Fear and Terror:

Characters with a Cool of 12 are immune to Fear and Terror, even when caused by magic and are
also immune to Auro of Command and Mind Control spells.

Racial Notes:

Elves have Night Vision up to 30". They can move through Woods at full speed. Are often
unaffected by Fear and Terror. Cause Fear in Goblins that don't outnumber them 2 to 1. Elves Hate
Goblins, Orcs and Night Elves.

Dwarves have Night Vision up to 20". They Hate Goblins and Orcs.


All characters will speak their own racial or regional tongue, plus enough Old Imperial (the lingua
franca of this world) to get along with other peoples.


There are 5 Alignments in Warhammer.


All Elves must begin the game as GOOD. Men and Dwarves may start as Good, Neutral or Evil -
but may adopt Avarice or Hunger at a later time.

Alternatively, roll 1d100 on the following chart.


Men 01-40 41-60 61-80 81-99 100
Dwarves 01-30 31-45 46-70 71-100 -
Elves 01-90 91-100 - - -

Your alignment should be kept concealed from the other players in the campaign.


The amount of Gold you begin with is determined by your Social Status. Roll 1d6 and multiply by
the factor listed in the following chart.

Men Dwarf Elf

Freemen 1 House Serf 3 Free Elf 5
Bondsman 0 Noble 5 Councillor 8
Burgher 3 Kinsman 8 Elder 10
Citizen 10 Prince 20 Prince 12
Knight 3 Royal Prince 25
Earl 20
Duke 30
Prince 30


All characters already own a knife and clothing suitable to their Social Status.

A Human with the Knight Social Status will also own full mail armour, a broadsword, a lance and a

All Dwarves also own a suit of mail and a hand weapon of their choosing (generally an axe or

All Elves also own a sword and Elf Bow with 20 arrows.

Other desired equipment must be purchased at the following rates.

Each Gold Crown (C) is worth 20 Schillings (s), and there are 12 Pennies (d) to each Schilling.

Sword C4
Knife 6s
Spear 6s
Dagger 12s (doesn't count as an improvised weapon)
Staff 2s (Spear length, -1 to Kill)
Hand Axe C1
2 Handed Axe C3
Flail or Mace C1
2 Handed Sword C8
Pole-arm 12s
Hammer C1
2 Handed Hammer C4
Lance C1

Javelin 4s
Throwing Knife 4s
Throwing Axe C1
Sling 6s (in confined spaces has a S of 1 and half the range)
Short Bow C1
Long Bow C1 10s
Elf Bow C8
Crossbow C4
20 Sling Bullets C1
Rocks Free (improvised weapons, may use a sling for extra range)
20 Arrows C1
20 Quarrels C1
1 Elf Arrow 3s (required for Elf Bow)

Buckler C1 (provides save in close combat only)

Shield C2
Chainmail C30
Breastplate C30
Full Plate C75
Mithric Armour C300

Jacket C1
Trousers C1

Pony C30
Horse C60
War Horse C150
Heavy Horse C100
Donkey C25
Camel C50
Wagon C40 (require 2 horses)
Elephant C100
Pig C10
Cow C15

Mandolin C40
Horn C4
Flute C3
Whistle 1s

Tinder Box C1 10d

Pouch of Tobacco 3s
Pipe 1s

Rope 1s 6d per yard

Torch 5s
Lantern 15s
Crowbar 10s
Skeleton Key C2

Pint of Ale 2s
Food for 1 day 1s
Meal at an Inn 1s 6d
Room for a night 10s

Other equipment may be available if desired, at the GM's discretion.


You may take a number of retainers of the same race as yourself equal to your Leadership score.
They will have the basic characteristic profile and abilities of their particular race and you must pay
for their equipment. They will expect to be fed, and you must split half of any treasure you recover
between them. They will generally form a Regiment with your character as their leader, but may be
detached to perform other duties if given careful instruction.

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