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Good Start, Grow Smart

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From 20 March until 24 March 2017 in ESTONIA, Sillaotsa School Short-term
joint staff training

from BULGARIA, Dobrich kindergarten 29 Lubimka (3 persons),
from ITALY, Vasto Nuova Direzione Didattica Vasto (3 persons),
from ROMANIA, Gorj Kindergarten No.8 Targu-Jiu (3 persons),
from TURKEY, Salihli Sehit Anil Eruluc Kindergarten (4 persons)
from FRANCE, Barbentane cole Les Moulins (3 persons).
Total 16 guests and 19 teachers from Sillaotsa School.


1. Working meeting of the Project Good Start, Grow Smart

2. Learning activities
Mathematics activities
4-5 year old children (group Marakratid) - topic: numbers
5-6 year old children (group Pngerjad) - topic: programming
6-7 year old children (group Rblikud) - topic: math stories

3. Intercultural relations and cooperation

Visitation of Soinaste Laululind kindergarten
Visitation of Elva Murumuna kindergarten
Visitation of Estonian National Museum
Visitation of Science Centre AHHAA

4. Physical education activity 6-7 year old children (group Rblikud)

5. Meeting evaluation and certificates

1. Working meeting of the Project Good Start, Grow Smart
In the morning of first day teachers and children who are involved with the project
came to kindergarten hall to meet the guests. Children welcomed guests with a
Pre-school education in ESTONIA and Sillaotsa School - Reported by Karin Kutt
Reviw about Haaslava parish and local education - Reported by Priit Lomp
(mayor of Haaslava Parish)
homeworks: presentation - Technology and mathematics - Reported by Romanian,
Bulgarian, Italian, French and Turkish teams.
eTwinning of the project and mathematical e-book - Reported by Aurora Slivilescu
(Romania) and Federica Falasca (Italy)
mobility Tool - Reported by Aurora Slivilescu (Romania)
upcoming visitation in France and Italy - Reported by Sophie Roque (France) and
Federica Falasca (Italy)
France Short-term joint staff training meeting will be held on 8-12 may (with
traveling days 7-13 may 2017)
Italy Intermediate meeting will be held on 06-09 june 2017 (with traveling days
5-10 june 2017)
English seminar - learning in the computer class (google drive, quizlet, kahoot) Reported
by Karin Kutt and Maiga Hallap (Estonia) Kahoot! is a freegame-based learning platform, as educational
technology. For teachers using Quizlet is an effective way to get your children
further engaged in what they're learning. The site offers six different study modes that
appeal to all types of learners, allowing children to use what works best for them and
go at their own pace. As a teacher you can easily create Quizlet classes to share study
material with your children quickly. And with team-based game, Quizlet Live, it's
easy to get your whole group involved, learning the material and how to work
together in the process.

2. Learning activities and discussions: We showed three different activities in three

age groups by using iPads and Bee-bots. We used different apps: (Little Digits, My
Scene, pime numbreid (Learning numbers) and Bee-Bot.
After every activity there was a discussion about it with the partners.

On Tuesday, 21-th March 2017, 6-7 year old children (group name- Rblikud) and teachers
showed partners how to create together math stories and animations.
Learning Objectives were:
The child is capable of using mathematical apps independently.
The child is able to convey its thoughts in oral speech by making a mathematical story with
freely selected characters.
The child forms independently a mathematical calculation with numbers up to five by asking
a question from its group members.
The child solves a task and finds the correct number on the tablet.

My Scene app description: My Scene helps to develop visual perception among

toddlers aged 2+ years old. With the help of teachers it can also develop language
skills and imagination through the creation of a story. Each board features a
background for a scene. Press and drag the elements shown below into the
background creating your very own colorful scene.

Learning numbers app description: App for learning numbers in Estonian speaks
and shows numbers.
- Numbers: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 and 0
- Shake the device or tap smiley face ":-)" to suffle the numbers and change background and
number colors.
Activity description:
Every child choosed a label with a mathematical operation. ( 2+3=5; 4-2=2) and created a
mathematical story.
Every child opened My Scene app in iPad , choosed a scene and created a story. If ready,
they told the story. Other children opened Learning numbers app and found answers for
the maths questions in the story.

On Wednesday, 22-th March 2017, 5-6 year old children (group name- Pngerjad) and
teachers showed partners how children programmed with Bee-bots.
Learning Objectives were:
The child determined the location of the object in relation to another object (bottom, top,
center, right, left)
The child determined right and left side.
The child navigated according to the given directions on a flat surface. The child counted
numbers to ten.
Bee-Bot app description: The app is a virtual opportunity to play with a Bee-bot,
programming him to move across different pathways, based on the buttons children choose.
The app has been developed with 12 levels encouraging progression. The challenges get
harder as children work through them. As with the physical Beebot toys there are lots of
opportunities for children to communicate how they think they need to get the robot to where
he needs to be.
Bee-Bot robots - Directional keys are used to enter up to 40 commands which send Bee-Bot
forward, back, left, and right. Pressing the green GO button starts Bee-Bot on its way. Bee-
Bot blinks and beeps at the conclusion of each command to allow children to follow Bee-Bot
through the program they have entered and then confirms its completion with lights and
Activity description:
Children were in two groups. Bee-bot group and iPad group.
Bee-bot group:
Children choosed a label with a number , then found a place on the mat. After that
programmed the Bee-bots.
Ipad group :
Children used Bee-bot app from the easy level to more difficult.

On Thursday, 23-th March 2017, 4-5 year old children (group name- Marakratid) and
teachers showed partners how numbers work and how they relate to each other.
Learning Objectives were:
The child compared amounts and decided which is bigger or smaller.
The child counted numbers to 10.
The child matched the amount with the number.
Little Digits app description: Little Digits is a fun educational app that teaches children
about numbers by putting a new spin on finger counting. Using the iPad multi-touch screen,
Little Digits displays number characters by detecting how many fingers you put down.
Children can learn to associate the number on the screen with the number of fingers they
place down, while enjoying the unique characters and animations of the Little Digits world.
- Counting to 10 with your fingers
- Number order; 0 to 10 and back
Activity description:
Children opened Little Digits app in iPad. There are animal pictures on the table with
numbers from 1-10.
Child choosed a picture and showed the number to others. Other children had to touch iPad
with so many fingers as the number is . Ipad showed and told the number.

3. Intercultural relations and cooperation

The participants visited Estonian National Museum in Tartu. The Estonian National Museum
was founded in Tartu in 1909 on the initiative and with the support of the nation with the
task to protect and develop the history and culture of Estonia. Today, Estonian National
Museum preserves the feeling of continuity and tradition. The museum is the generator and
developer of cultural dialogue which links the past and the future. ENM`s role as a centre of
ethnological research is to record, study and interpret culture as a way of life, taking into
account its periodical, spatial and social diversity. The Museum's function as a contemporary
cultural and tourist centre is to show our culture`s uniqueness and primeval power of creation
to every Estonian and visitor.
There we saw exhibition Encounters, expanding upon Estonian cultural
history and everyday life and stretching out on a timeline from the present day to the
Ice Age.

The participants visited the Soinaste Laululind kindergarten. Direktor of kindergarten

introduced job management of kindergarten and Laululind character.
The participants visited the Elva Murumuna kindergarten. Direktor of kindergarten
introduced job management of kindergarten and Laululind character.

The last day of the meeting the participants visited Science Centre AHHAA. Aim of Science
Centre AHHAA is to introduce science to everyone and encourage studying through the joy
of discovery. AHHAA mission is to shape the knowledge-based mindset through Aha-
Science Centre AHHAA we saw exhibition Aha, Behind the Scenes which shows
the very important side of moviemaking that usually remains invisible. What you see
on the movie or TV screen is never the same thing that the camera sees! whats going
on behind the scenes how special effects are created and movie miracles are
actually made.
We also watched Planetarium show Journey Through the Universe.
Short show description: Let us take you on a ride to the depths of the Universe and its
edge (that we are currently aware of)! We begin our journey on Earth, our home
planet, and visit various other planets in our solar system on the way. We will pass the
stars, take a look at Milky Way and other galaxies and speed onwards until we've
reached the very "end" of the Universe. On our way back, we will also drop by the
International Space Station (ISS).

4. On Tuesday, 21-th March 2017 Partners took part in 6-7 year old children (group name-
Rblikud) physical education activity in school gym.

5. On Friday, 24-th March 2017 Meeting evaluation and distribution of certificates

Reporter: Karin Ktt

Headmaster of Sillaotsa School
Project coordinator of Estonia

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