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ECI 2015 President Scientific Program Committee
Univ.-Prof. Dipl.-Ing. Dr. Barbara Bohle
Center for Physiology and Pathophysiology
Dept. of Pathophysiology/Division of Immunopathology
Medical University of Vienna
Whringer Grtel 18-20, 1090 Vienna, Austria
[p]: 0043 1 40400 51140

ECI 2015 Congress President

ao. Univ. Prof. Dr. Winfried F. Pickl
Institute of Immunology
Medical University of Vienna
Lazarettgasse 19, 1090 Vienna, Austria
[p]: 0043 1 401 6033 245
[m]: 0043 664 800 1665 017

ECI 2015
c/o WMA Ltd.
Alser Strasse 4 1090 Vienna Austria
t: +43 1 405 13 83 16
f: +43 1 407 82 74
Abstract Processing: Manfred Vodrazka,
Layout: Barbara Biegl,
Photo Credits: Unless otherwise indicated all pictures
ECI European Congress of Immunology

Copyright 2015 ECI

All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, distributed or transmitted without the prior written permission of ECI.

Some information may be subject to change.

Information on Poster Presentations

Posters are numerically the major scientific presentations of the meeting. The majority of congress attendees present a poster showing
data and progress with their personal research. Posters offer an excellent opportunity for people interested in a particular topic to meet and
exchange ideas and network with other researchers. Posters should NOT be used to advertise a product or service. Like a paper, a poster ab-
stract should detail the focus of the presentation and the way(s) in which it contributes to the body of knowledge in its field. Guided Poster
Sessions (Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday from 09:45 to 11:15) will be chaired by ECI faculty members and senior researchers within the
respective areas and should be used for communication and interaction with the poster presenters, who are requested to be at their posters
at these times.

Scientific posters are displayed in the poster area in the Exhibition Hall. Each poster will be displayed for one full day either on Monday, Tues-
day or Wednesday. Each day, the posters are organized in thematic groups of approx. 20 posters:

The scientific program is divided into 4 main topic tracks:
Track A: Adaptive Immunity
Track B: Diseases
Track C: Innate Immunity
Track D: Disease Intervention
Track E: Other

Additionally a fifth track (Track E) combining topics which do not fit within the four main tracks was introduced. The 4-track program will
streamline keynote lectures, symposia, workshops as well as guided poster walks in a way that will promote easy cross talk between the basic
topics and types of sessions planned. Poster presentations will follow this track logic and the according sessions are scheduled as follows:

Track A Track B Track C Track D Track E

Adaptive Immunity Diseases Innate Immunity Disease Intervention Other
P.A.01 - 10 P.B.01 - 14 P.C.01 - 08 P.D.01 - 10 P.E.01
(09:45 11:15)
P.A.11 - 19 P.B.15 - 28 P.C.09 - 16 P.D.11 - 18 P.E.02 - 03
(09:45 11:15)
P.A.20 - 28 P.B.29 - 42 P.C.17 - 24 P.D.19 - 27 P.E.04 - 05
(09:45 11:15)

During the guided poster sessions (09:45 11:15 on Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday) the presenters are required to stand by their posters to
deliver a concise poster presentation of not more than 3 minutes and to answer questions from delegates. During this time, one or two chair-
persons per thematic group will visit each poster and ask the presenters to briefly present their findings.


Poster Mounting Poster Session Poster Removal

Monday 07:30 - 08:30 09:45 11:15 18:00-19:30
Tuesday 07:30 - 08:30 09:45 11:15 18:00-19:30
Wednesday 07:30 - 08:30 09:45 11:15 16:00-17:45

All poster boards are marked with three color-coded poster numbers, one number for each day. You can find your individual poster board
number in the author index at the end of this publication. The second letter in your poster number indicates the thematic track your poster
is being presented in, e.g. P.A.01.01 is being presented in Track A Adaptive Immunity. The areas of the respective tracks within the poster
exhibition are indicated in the floor plan on the next page. This should make it easy for you to locate your poster wall. Please visit the Poster
Information Desk located at the entrance of the exhibition area for any questions you might have regarding the poster presentations.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 1
Information on Poster Presentations

Please note that the organizers cannot assume any liability for loss or damage of posters displayed in the poster area. Posters need to be
removed on the day of presentation between 18:00 19:30 hrs strict (16:00 17:45 hrs on Wednesday).
Access after 19:30 hrs (17:45 hrs on Wednesday) is not possible! Posters not removed until 19:30 hrs on the day of presentation (17:45 hrs on
Wednesday), will be taken down by the staff of the conference center and will not be stored or sent to the authors after the meeting.

The usable surface on the poster board will be 90 cm width x 130 cm height. Only adhesive tape can be used to mount posters. Material will be
provided onsite.
Please note that due to new EACCME regulations, authors are requested to disclose possible conflicts of interest on the poster.

If you would like to search for specific posters by individual keywords please use one of the following options:

- the Abstract Book PDF on the USB device handed out to you together with your congress bag
- the online program planner which is available on our website:
- the mobile program app which is available for download in IOS- and Google Play Stores (search for ECI 2015)

If you prefer a printed version of the abstract book you can purchase one (EUR 12.-) at the onsite registration desk in the entrance area of the
congress venue.


The EFIS proposes 12 Poster Presentation Awards for the best posters presented during the ECI 2015 in Vienna. The winners will receive a
EUR 300,- cash prize. Poster Chairpersons will evaluate all posters presented during the guided poster sessions. Award Candidate Posters will
be moved to a designated area (on the left when entering the exhibition / poster area) by the congress staff for further evaluation and will be
displayed during all congress days. Final decisions on winners will be made by an award jury on Wednesday.
Prizes will be awarded during the Closing and Award Ceremony on Wednesday, September 9, 17:45 18:45 hrs (Hall A).

2 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Abstract Submission Statistics

Country Abstracts

Germany 439 Portugal 27 Kenya 3

Austria 311 Bulgaria 26 Nigeria 3
United Kingdom 229 Mexico 24 Oman 3
Spain 186 Finland 23 Estonia 2
France 172 Algeria 21 Georgia 2
Italy 148 Croatia 20 Kuwait 2
United States 105 Ukraine 20 Latvia 2
Brazil 102 Japan 19 Lithuania 2
Turkey 79 Tunisia 18 Luxembourg 2
Australia 75 Canada 16 New Zealand 2
Iran, Islamic Republic of 75 Singapore 14 Zimbabwe 2
Russian Federation 73 Slovakia 14 Albania 1
Netherlands 68 Norway 13 Benin 1
Switzerland 65 Denmark 12 Cameroon 1
China 63 South Africa 12 Costa Rica 1
Poland 50 Chile 11 Indonesia 1
Sweden 48 Slovenia 11 Iraq 1
Serbia 44 Romania 10 Jordan 1
Czech Republic 40 Egypt 9 Kazakhstan 1
Belgium 37 Iceland 8 Libya 1
Taiwan 37 Saudi Arabia 8 Malaysia 1
Hungary 35 Colombia 6 Morocco 1
Greece 34 Israel 6 Pakistan 1
India 34 Thailand 6 Sri Lanka 1
Korea, Republic of 34 Argentina 5 Uruguay 1
Ireland 27 Hong Kong 5
Total 3013































































Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 3
MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 7, 2015 .............................................................................................................................................. 7
Posters of the Day according to Tracks A, B, C, D, E...........................................................................................................................................................8
Track A Adaptive Immunity............................................................................................................................................................................................9
P.A.01 Lineage Commitment...................................................................................................................................................................... 9
P.A.02 Lymphocyte Tolerance and Memory................................................................................................................................................. 9
P.A.03 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 1.................................................................................................................................. 10
P.A.04 Th1 and Th2 Cells - Part 1............................................................................................................................................................... 11
P.A.05 Th17 Cells - Part 1.......................................................................................................................................................................... 12
P.A.06 Regulatory T Cells - Part 1.............................................................................................................................................................. 12
P.A.07 CD8+ T Cells - Part 1....................................................................................................................................................................... 13
P.A.08 T Cells..................................................................................................................................................................................... 14
P.A.09 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 1................................................................................................................................................... 15
P.A.10 B Cells in Autoimmunity and Tolerance........................................................................................................................................... 16
Track B Diseases . ........................................................................................................................................................................................................ 17
P.B.01 Immunity to Bacterial Infection - Part 1.......................................................................................................................................... 17
P.B.02 Immunity to Bacterial Infection - Part 2........................................................................................................................................... 18
P.B.03 Immunity to Fungi, Helminths and Malaria..................................................................................................................................... 18
P.B.04 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 1.............................................................................................................................................. 20
P.B.05 Autoinflammatory Diseases........................................................................................................................................................... 21
P.B.06 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 1..................................................................................................................................................... 22
P.B.07 Neuroimmunology........................................................................................................................................................................ 22
P.B.08 Diabetes and (Chronic) Inflammatory Joint Diseases........................................................................................................................ 23
P.B.09 (Chronic) Inflammatory Joint Diseases - Part 1................................................................................................................................. 24
P.B.10 Inflammatory Skin and Joint Diseases............................................................................................................................................. 25
P.B.11 Allergen Specific Immune Responses - Part 1................................................................................................................................... 26
P.B.12 Allergic Disorders - Part 1............................................................................................................................................................... 27
P.B.13 Tumor Immunity - Part 1................................................................................................................................................................ 28
P.B.14 Tumorantigens and Tumorstroma................................................................................................................................................... 29
Track C Innate Immunity.............................................................................................................................................................................................. 30
P.C.01 Granulocytes................................................................................................................................................................................ 30
P.C.02 NK and NKT Cells - Part 1............................................................................................................................................................... 31
P.C.03 Innate Lymphocytes...................................................................................................................................................................... 32
P.C.04 Immune Suppression..................................................................................................................................................................... 33
P.C.05 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 1......................................................................................................................................................... 33
P.C.06 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 1........................................................................................................................................... 34
P.C.07 Cytosolic Sensing and Inflammasome............................................................................................................................................. 35
P.C.08 Cell Signaling - Part 1..................................................................................................................................................................... 36
Track D Disease Intervention........................................................................................................................................................................................ 36
P.D.01 Bone Marrow Transplantation and GVHD - Part 1............................................................................................................................. 36
P.D.02 Vaccines - Part 1............................................................................................................................................................................ 37
P.D.03 Vaccines & Veterinary Immunology - Part 1..................................................................................................................................... 38
P.D.04 Immune Interventions in Autoimmunity - Part 1.............................................................................................................................. 39
P.D.05 Intervention & Therapy of Allergy - Part 1....................................................................................................................................... 39
P.D.06 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 1..................................................................................................................................................... 40
P.D.07 Stem Cells & Cell Based Therapies - Part 1....................................................................................................................................... 41
P.D.08 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 1..................................................... 41
P.D.09 Bone Marrow Transplantation and GVHD - Part 2............................................................................................................................ 42
P.D.10 Immunomodulation by Nutrients & Vitamines................................................................................................................................ 43
Track E Other............................................................................................................................................................................................................... 43
P.E.01 Structural Biology & Imaging of the Immune System....................................................................................................................... 43

TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8, 2015............................................................................................................................................ 45

Posters of the Day according to Tracks A, B, C, D, E.........................................................................................................................................................46
Track A Adaptive Immunity.......................................................................................................................................................................................... 47
P.A.11 Lymphocyte Development - Part 1................................................................................................................................................. 47
P.A.12 Antigen Receptor Signalling........................................................................................................................................................... 47
P.A.13 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 2.................................................................................................................................. 48
P.A.14 Th1 and Th2 Cells - Part 2............................................................................................................................................................... 49
P.A.15 Regulatory T Cells - Part 2.............................................................................................................................................................. 50
P.A.16 Regulatory T Cells - Part 3.............................................................................................................................................................. 50
P.A.17 CD8+ T Cells - Part 2....................................................................................................................................................................... 51
P.A.18 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 2................................................................................................................................................... 52
P.A.19 Antibody Engineering and B Cell Effector Molecules........................................................................................................................ 53
Track B Diseases.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 53
P.B.15 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 1................................................................................................................................................ 53
P.B.16 Immunity to Bacterial Infection and Parasites................................................................................................................................. 54

4 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
P.B.17 Immunity to Parasite Infection....................................................................................................................................................... 55
P.B.18 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 2.............................................................................................................................................. 56
P.B.19 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 2..................................................................................................................................................... 57
P.B.20 Inflammatory Bowel Disease.......................................................................................................................................................... 58
P.B.21 Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis....................................................................................................................................... 59
P.B.22 (Chronic) Inflammatory Joint Disease - Part 2.................................................................................................................................. 60
P.B.23 Animal Models of Autoimmunity.................................................................................................................................................... 61
P.B.24 Mediators of (Neuro) Immune Regulation....................................................................................................................................... 62
P.B.25 Allergen Specific Immune Response - Part 2.................................................................................................................................... 63
P.B.26 Allergic Disorders - Part 2............................................................................................................................................................... 64
P.B.27 Tumor Immunity - Part 2................................................................................................................................................................ 65
P.B.28 Tumormarkers.............................................................................................................................................................................. 65
Track C Innate Immunity..............................................................................................................................................................................................66
P.C.09 Innate Immunity - Inflammation - Part 1......................................................................................................................................... 66
P.C.10 NK and NKT Cells - Part 2............................................................................................................................................................... 68
P.C.11 Macrophages - Part 1..................................................................................................................................................................... 68
P.C.12 Macrophages - Part 2..................................................................................................................................................................... 69
P.C.13 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 2......................................................................................................................................................... 70
P.C.14 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 2........................................................................................................................................... 71
P.C.15 Cytokines - Part 1.......................................................................................................................................................................... 72
P.C.16 Cell Signaling - Part 2..................................................................................................................................................................... 73
Track D Disease Intervention........................................................................................................................................................................................ 73
P.D.11 Vaccines - Part 2............................................................................................................................................................................ 73
P.D.12 Vaccines & Veterinary Immunology - Part 2..................................................................................................................................... 74
P.D.13 Immune Interventions in Autoimmunity - Part 2.............................................................................................................................. 75
P.D.14 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 2...................................................................................................................................................... 76
P.D.15 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 3...................................................................................................................................................... 77
P.D.16 Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases.......................................................................................................................................... 77
P.D.17 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 2...................................................... 78
P.D.18 Immunopharmacology.................................................................................................................................................................. 79
Track E Other...............................................................................................................................................................................................................80
P.E.02 Immune Response in Aging & Systems Biology - Part 1..................................................................................................................... 80
P.E.03 Metabolism & Immunity................................................................................................................................................................ 81

Wednesday, September 9, 2015............................................................................................................................................ 82

Posters of the Day according to Tracks A, B, C, D, E......................................................................................................................................................... 83
Track A Adaptive Immunity..........................................................................................................................................................................................84
P.A.20 Dynamics of T Cell Activation and Contraction - Part 1...................................................................................................................... 84
P.A.21 Lymphocyte Development - Part 2................................................................................................................................................. 84
P.A.22 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 3.................................................................................................................................. 85
P.A.23 Costimulatory Pathways in Immunity and Tolerance........................................................................................................................ 86
P.A.24 Th17 Cells - Part 2.......................................................................................................................................................................... 87
P.A.25 Regulatory T Cells - Part 4.............................................................................................................................................................. 87
P.A.26 CD8+ T Cells - Part 3...................................................................................................................................................................... 88
P.A.27 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 3................................................................................................................................................... 89
P.A.28 Dynamics of T Cell Activation and Contraction - Part 2..................................................................................................................... 89
Track B Diseases..........................................................................................................................................................................................................90
P.B.29 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 2................................................................................................................................................ 90
P.B.30 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 3............................................................................................................................................... 91
P.B.31 Secondary Immunodeficiencies...................................................................................................................................................... 92
P.B.32 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 3..................................................................................................................................................... 93
P.B.33 Enviromental and Genetic Factors in Autoimmunity........................................................................................................................ 94
P.B.34 Multiple Sclerosis.......................................................................................................................................................................... 95
P.B.35 Immuneregulation at Barrier Sites - Part 1....................................................................................................................................... 96
P.B.36 Immuneregulation at Barrier Sites - Part 2...................................................................................................................................... 97
P.B.37 Cytokines in Regulation of Disease................................................................................................................................................. 97
P.B.38 Allergen Specific Immune Response - Part 3.................................................................................................................................... 98
P.B.39 Tumor Immunity - Part 3................................................................................................................................................................ 99
P.B.40 Myelo- and Lymphoproliferative Disorders.................................................................................................................................... 100
P.B.41 Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Diseases..................................................................................................................................101
P.B.42 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 3...............................................................................................................................................102
Track C Innate Immunity ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 103
P.C.17 Innate Immunity - Inflammation - Part 2........................................................................................................................................103
P.C.18 NK and NKT Cells - Part 3............................................................................................................................................................. 104
P.C.19 Macrophages - Part 3....................................................................................................................................................................105
P.C.20 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 3....................................................................................................................................................... 106
P.C.21 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 3..........................................................................................................................................107

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 5
P.C.22 Complement and Fc Receptors......................................................................................................................................................107
P.C.23 Cytokines - Part 2........................................................................................................................................................................ 108
P.C.24 microRNAs and Epigenetics......................................................................................................................................................... 109
Track D Disease Intervention...................................................................................................................................................................................... 110
P.D.19 Vaccines for Infectious Diseases....................................................................................................................................................110
P.D.20 Vaccine Adjuvants........................................................................................................................................................................111
P.D.21 Intervention & Therapy of Allergy - Part 2......................................................................................................................................112
P.D.22 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 4.....................................................................................................................................................112
P.D.23 Stem Cells & Cell Based Therapies - Part 2......................................................................................................................................113
P.D.24 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 3................................................... 114
P.D.25 Organ Transplantation..................................................................................................................................................................115
P.D.26 Immunosuppressive and Tolerogenic Treatment............................................................................................................................ 116
P.D.27 MHC and other Gene Polymorphisms in Health & Disease.............................................................................................................. 116
Track E Other..............................................................................................................................................................................................................117
P.E.04 Immune Response in Aging & Systems Biology - Part 2...................................................................................................................117
P.E.05 Reproductive Immunology........................................................................................................................................................... 118

Author Index .....................................................................................................................................................................119

6 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015


Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 7
Monday, September 7, 2015

Posters of the Day according to Tracks A, B, C, D, E


Track A Adaptive Immunity Track C Innate Immunity

P.A.01 Lineage Commitment P.C.01 Granulocytes
P.A.02 Lymphocyte Tolerance and Memory P.C.02 NK and NKT Cells - Part 1
P.A.03 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 1 P.C.03 Innate Lymphocytes
P.A.04 Th1 and Th2 Cells - Part 1 P.C.04 Immune Suppression
P.A.05 Th17 Cells - Part 1 P.C.05 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 1
P.A.06 Regulatory T Cells - Part 1 P.C.06 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 1
P.A.07 CD8+ T Cells - Part 1 P.C.07 Cytosolic Sensing and Inflammasome
P.A.08 T Cells P.C.08 Cell Signaling - Part 1
P.A.09 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 1
P.A.10 B Cells in Autoimmunity and Tolerance

Track B Diseases Track D Disease Intervention

P.B.01 Immunity to Bacterial Infection - Part 1 P.D.01 Bone Marrow Transplantation and GVHD - Part 1
P.B.02 Immunity to Bacterial Infection - Part 2 P.D.02 Vaccines - Part 1
P.B.03 Immunity to Fungi, Helminths and Malaria P.D.03 Vaccines & Veterinary Immunology - Part 1
P.B.04 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 1 P.D.04 Immune Interventions in Autoimmunity - Part 1
P.B.05 Autoinflammatory Diseases P.D.05 Intervention & Therapy of Allergy - Part 1
P.B.06 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 1 P.D.06 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 1
P.B.07 Neuroimmunology P.D.07 Stem Cells & Cell Based Therapies - Part 1
P.B.08 Diabetes and (chronic) Inflammatory Joint Diseases P.D.08 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity
against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 1
P.B.09 (Chronic) Inflammatory Joint Diseases - Part 1
P.D.09 Bone Marrow Transplantation and GVHD - Part 2
P.B.10 Inflammatory Skin and Joint Diseases
P.D.10 Immunomodulation by Nutrients & Vitamines
P.B.11 Allergen Specific Immune Responses - Part 1
P.B.12 Allergic Disorders - Part 1
P.B.13 Tumor Immunity - Part 1
P.B.14 Tumorantigens and Tumorstroma
Track E Other
P.E.01 Structural Biology & Imaging of the Immune System

8 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
Track A Adaptive Immunity
P.A.01 Lineage Commitment
Chairpersons: Francesca Barone; Birmingham, United Kingdom / Jochen Huehn; Braunschweig, Germany

P.A.01.01 Human peripheral CD4+ V1+ T cells can develop into T cells

H. Ziegler1, C. Welker1, M. Sterk1, J. Haarer1, H. Rammensee2, R. Handgretinger1, K. Schilbach1;
Childrens University Hospital Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany, 2Abteilung Immunologie Interfakultres Institut fr Zellbiologie Eberhard Karls Universitt Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany.

P.A.01.02 Absence of homeodomain transcription factor Nkx2-3 inhibits splenic stress hematopoiesis
D. Vojkovics, D. Kollth, P. Balogh;
University of Pcs, Pcs, Hungary.
P.A.01.03 Synergistic endothelial checkpoints govern the development of peripheral lymph nodes
L. Onder1, E. Scandella1, H. Cheng1, F. Maier2, B. Becher2, J. V. Stein3, T. Rlicke4, B. Ludewig1;
Institute of Immunobiology, Kantonspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2Institute of Experimental Immunology, University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Theodor Kocher Institute, University of Bern,
Bern, Switzerland, 4Biomodels Austria, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.01.04 CD248 regulates mesenchymal cell differentiation to adipocytes and lymphoid stroma
N. Steinthal, A. J. Naylor, G. E. Desanti, S. Nayar, J. H. Caamao, D. R. Withers, C. D. Buckley, F. Barone;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.A.01.05 MiR221/222 functions in bone marrow residence of hematopoietic progenitors and plasma cells
G. Petkau, F. Melchers;
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany.
P.A.01.06 Aire expression is inherent to all medullary thymic epithelial cells during their differentiation program
H. Kawano, H. Nishijima, J. Morimoto, Y. Mouri, M. Matsumoto;
Institute for Enzyme Research, Tokushima University, Tokushima, Japan.
P.A.01.07 CCL2 and CCR2 in migration of thymic dendritic cells
O. Cdile, I. Frank, L. sterby Jrgensen, A. Wlodarczyk, T. Owens;
Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.
P.A.01.08 Epigenetic imprinting and horizontal transfer of tolerogenic properties of stromal cells in gut-draining lymph nodes
M. Pasztoi1, J. Pezoldt1, M. Beckstette1, M. Buettner2, M. Vital1, J. Schweer1, D. Fleissner1, K. Nordstroem3, S. Cording4, J. Walter3, U. Bode1, D. Pieper1, P. Dersch1, O. Pabst2, S. Floess1, J. Huehn1;
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany, 2Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 3Universitt des Saarlandes, Saarbrcken, Germany, 4Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
P.A.01.09 Lymphoid stroma pivotal regulator of tertiary lymphoid organ formation
S. Nayar1, J. Campos1, B. Glaysher2, J. Caamao3, D. Withers3, K. M. Toellner3, S. A. Luther4, M. C. Coles2, C. D. Buckley1, F. Barone1;
CTIR, School of Immunity and Infection, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Centre of Immunity and Infection, University of York, York, United Kingdom, 3School of Immunity and
Infection, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4Department of Biochemistry, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.A.01.10 Non-hematopoietic cells in memory inflation
Z. Banki1, J. Colston2, L. N. Lee2, C. Willberg2, A. E. Denton3, H. Stoiber1, D. Holm-von Laer1, D. T. Fearon3, B. Ludewig4, P. Klenerman2;
Division of Virology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 2Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Department of Medicine and
Cancer Research UK Cambridge Institute, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4Institute of Immunobiology, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland.
P.A.01.11 Spinster-homologue-2 (Spns2) controls S1P-driven lymphocyte egress from lymphoid organs
S. Simmons1,2, E. Umemoto3, S. Fukuhara4, Y. Kitazawa5, M. Okudaira6, A. Inoue6, D. Motooka7, S. Nakamura7, T. Iida7, J. Aoki6, N. Mochizuki4, K. Matsuno5, K. Takeda3, M. Miyasaka8, M. Ishii1,2;
Immunology Frontier Research Center, Department of Immunology & Cell Biology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 2Graduate School of Medicine, Department of Immunology & Cell Biology, Osaka
University, Osaka, Japan, 3Graduate School of Medicine, Laboratory of Mucosal Immunology, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 4National Cerebral and Cardiovascular Center Research Institute,
Department of Cell Biology, Osaka, Japan, 5Dokkyo Medical University, Department of Anatomy (Macro), Tochigi, Japan, 6Graduate School of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Laboratory of Molecular and
Cellular Biochemistry, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 7Research Institute for Microbial Diseases, Department of Infection Metagenomics, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan, 8Graduate School of Medicine,
Laboratory of Immunodynamics, Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
P.A.01.12 Design of a New Antibody Panel for Flow Cytometric Analysis of Human Cortical and Medullary Thymic Epithelial Cells
G. Terziolu1, F. T. Akdeniz2, Z. Akbulut2, B. Aru2, G. Yankkaya Demirel3;
Yeditepe University, Institute of Science and Engineering, Department of Biotechnology, stanbul, Turkey, 2Yeditepe University, Institute of Health Sciences, Department of Molecular Medicine, stanbul,
Turkey, 3Yeditepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Department of Immunology, stanbul, Turkey.
P.A.01.13 Control Of Thymic Medulla Homeostasis Is Distinct From The Impact Of Aire And The Mechanisms That Limit Foxp3+ T-cell Development
N. I. McCarthy, J. Cowan, K. Nakamura, A. Bacon, S. Baik, A. White, S. Parnell, E. Jenkinson, W. Jenkinson, G. Anderson;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

P.A.02 Lymphocyte Tolerance and Memory

Chairpersons: Martijn Nolte; Amsterdam, Netherlands / Stephen Schoenberger; La Jolla, United States

P.A.02.02 Receptor editing leading to B lymphocyte tolerance is governed by the L-type calcium channel Cav1.4
F. Fenninger, L. L. Nohara, W. A. Jefferies;
University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
P.A.02.03 Exosomes containing miRNA-150 suppress protein-induced delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction in mice
K. Bryniarski1, K. Nazimek1, M. Ptak1, P. W. Askenase2, W. Ptak1;
Department of Immunology Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, Krakow, Poland, 2Section of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States.
P.A.02.04 Adeno Associated Virus mediated hepatic gene transfer induces specific humoral immune regulation
V. Le Guen1, M. Berquez1, J. Judor1, F. Boeffard1, V. Gauttier1, N. Ferry2, S. Brouard1, S. Conchon1;
INSERM UMR 1064 Centre for Research in Transplantation and Immunology, Nantes, France, 2INSERM UMR 948, Nantes, France.
P.A.02.05 T cell regulator Cbl-b deficiency aggravates atherosclerosis via a CD8+ T cell phenotype
E. Smeets1, S. Meiler1, Q. Braster1, M. den Toom1, E. Lutgens1,2;
Academic Medical Center Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Institute for Cardiovascular Prevention (IPEK), Munich, Germany.
P.A.02.06 TCAIM regulates T cell activation and effector cell differentiation by inhibiting mitochondrial motility and mROS generation
J. Schumann1, K. Stanko1, C. Appelt1, F. Berberich-Siebelt2, A. Waisman3, B. Sawitzi1,4;
Institute for Medical Immunology, Charit University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Institute of Pathology, Julius Maximilian-University Wuerzburg, Wrzburg, Germany, 3Institute for Molecular
Medicine, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 4Berlin Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies, Charit University Medicine Berlin, Berlin,
P.A.02.07 Heterogeneity of EMRA CD4+ T-lymphocyte compartment(CD45RA+CCR7-) in HIV patients
A. Echeverra, M. A. Moro Garca, M. Iglesias Escudero, V. Corte Iglesias, R. Alonso Arias;
Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.
P.A.02.08 Characterization of IL-10 producing B Helper T-cells in humans and mice that are increased in systemic lupus erythematosus patients
F. Facciotti1, M. Paroni1, A. Penatti2, N. Gagliani3, L. Pignataro4, S. Abrignani1, R. Flavell5, P. Meroni6, J. Geginat1;
INGM, Milano, Italy, 2Division of Rheumatology, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Gaetano Pini Orthopedic Institute, University of Milano, Milano, Italy, 3Department of
Immunobiology, School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, 4Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health,Fondazione IRCCS Ca Granda Ospedale Maggiore
Policlinico,Universit degli Studi di Milano,, Milano, Italy, 5Department of Immunobiology, School of Medicine, Yale University, Department of Immunobiology, School of Medicine, Yale University,, New
Haven,, CT, United States, 6Division of Rheumatology, Department of Clinical Sciences and Community Health, Gaetano Pini Orthopedic Institute, University of Milano,, Milano, Italy.
P.A.02.09 A novel function for memory CD8+ T-cells in the bone marrow: supporting the pool of hematopoietic stem cells
S. Geerman, M. F. Pascutti, S. Bhushal, M. A. Nolte;
Sanquin, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 9
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.A.02.10 IL-22 producing memory CD4+ T cells are present in the intestine early in human fetal development
R. R. Schreurs1, W. B. Corpeleijn2, R. Bakx3, T. B. Geijtenbeek1, T. W. Kuijpers4, J. B. van Goudoever2, M. J. Bunders1,2,4;
Department of Experimental Immunology, Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam (UvA), Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Department of Pediatrics, Emma Childrens Hospital, AMC,
UvA, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Department of Pediatric Surgery, Pediatric Surgical Center, Emma Childrens Hospital, AMC and VUmc, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4Department of Pediatric Hematology,
Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Emma Childrens Hospital, AMC, UvA, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.02.11 High throughput analysis of the environmental adaptation of murine CD8+ tissue resident memory T cells
B. rsek1,2, N. Lupsa1,2, P. Pcza3, E. Sarzsinszky1,2, A. Tth1,2, A. Bencsik1,2, H. Hegyesi4, A. Matolcsy3, E. Buzs2, Z. Ps1,2;
MTA-Semmelweis University Lendlet Experimental and Translational Immunomics Research Group, Budapest, Hungary, 2Dept. of Genetics, Cell and Immunobiology, Semmelweis University,

Budapest, Hungary, 31st Department of Pathology and Experimental Cancer Research, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 4Frdric Joliot-Curie Institute for Radiobiology and Radiohygiene,
Budapest, Hungary.
P.A.02.12 Reactivation of resting memory T cells from bone marrow
A. Okhrimenko1, C. Cendn1, M. MacGrath1, F. Siracusa1, T. Alexander2, A. Schulz1, A. Bruns2, C. Giesecke1, H. Mei1, P. Durek1, J. Gruen1, T. Drner2, H. Chang1, A. Radbruch1, J. Dong1;
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin (DRFZ), an Institute of the Leibniz Association, Berlin, Germany, 2Charit-University Medicine, Berlin, Germany.
P.A.02.13 Maintenance of resting versus circulating memory T cells in humans
C. Cendon1, S. Reinke2, P. von Roth2, J. Grne2, A. Okhrimenko1, C. Kebler2, G. Wassilew2, G. Puhl2, J. Wachtlin3, E. Zhang3, N. Barutcu4, J. Bodo4, H. Chang1, A. Radbruch1, J. Dong1;
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin (DRFZ), an Institute of the Leibniz Association, Berlin, Germany, 2Charit-University Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 3Sankt Gertrauden Krankenhaus, Berlin,
Germany, 4Plastische und sthetische Chirurgie, Berlin, Germany.
P.A.02.14 Investigation of the existance of the thyroid autoantibodies in patients with Type1 diabetes mellitus (DM)
. Cetinkaya, R. Kesli, E. Bozkurt, G. Ask, C. Demir, S. elik;
Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.
P.A.02.15 Human breast milk-derived extracellular vesicles modulate CD4 T responses
M. I. Zonneveld1,2, M. J. van Herwijnen2, S. S. Goerdayal3, M. Altelaar3, L. S. Taams4, J. Garssen1,5, F. A. Redegeld1, E. N. Nolte - t Hoen2, M. H. Wauben2;
Division of Pharmacology, Department of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Faculty of Science, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, Faculty of Veterinary
Medicine, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Biomolecular Mass Spectrometry and Proteomics Group, Bijvoet Center for Biomolecular Research and Utrecht Institute for Pharmaceutical Sciences,
Utrecht, Netherlands, 4Centre for Molecular and Cellular Biology of Inflammation, Division of Immunology, Infection and Inflammatory disease, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, 5Nutricia
Research Centre for Specialized Nutrition, Utrecht, Netherlands.
P.A.02.16 Profiling the longitudinal changes of the antigen-specific B cell repertoire induced by vaccination
G. Schneikart, M. Bardelli, O. Finco, G. Del Giudice;
Translational Medicine, Novartis V&D, Siena, Italy.

P.A.03 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 1

Chairpersons: Kajsa M. Paulsson; Lund, Sweden / Katarzyna Nazimek; Krakow, Poland

P.A.03.01 Expansion of human antigen-specific memory CD4 T cells by artificial antigen presenting cells
A. Garnier1, J. Latouche2, M. Hanieh2, A. Drouet2, E. Comby3, D. Mariotte3, B. Le Mauff1,3, O. Toutirais1,3;
INSERM U919, Caen, France, 2INSERM U1079, Rouen, France, 3Immunology and immunopathology laboratory University hospital of Caen, Caen, France.
P.A.03.02 HLA-B*2705 and its double implication in viral defense and autoimmunity: unpredicted presentation of an immunodominant viral epitope devoid of the classical
B27 binding motif
V. Tedeschi1, C. Vitulano1, A. Cauli2, A. Mathieu2, F. Paladini1, D. Kormann3, R. Bockmann3, R. Sorrentino1, R. Sorrentino1, M. Fiorillo1;
Department Biology and Biotechnology C. Darwin, Sapienza, University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2Rheumatology Unit, Department of Medical Sciences, University of Cagliari, Italy, Cagliari, Italy,
Computational Biology, University of Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany, Erlangen, Italy.
P.A.03.03 Therapeutic Cancer Vaccine: Producing Dendritic Cell from Allogeneic Donor Stem Cells
A. Unal, A. Birekul, M. . nal, E. Karaku, L. Kaynar, E. E. Turak, Y. zkul, M. etin, H. elikzincir, Y. Kker, . zoban, S. ivgin, B. Eser;
Erciyes University, Kayseri, Turkey.
P.A.03.04 Peptide expression context and its availability for processing as determinant of memory inflation and immune protection against cytomegalovirus
I. Dekhtiarenko1, J. Holzki1, R. Blatnik2, N. Lemmermann3, R. Holtappels3, M. Reddehase3, A. Riemer2, L. Cicin-Sain1,4;
Helmholtz Centre for Infection research, Braunschweig, Germany, 2German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 3Johannes Guttenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 4Medical School Hannover,
Hannover, Germany.
P.A.03.05 Lymph node conduit composition determines efficiency of T cell-dependent immunity
R. Nadafi1, H. Veninga1, X. Stachtea2, N. J. Paauw1, E. D. Keuning1, A. Oosterhof3, T. H. Kuppevelt3, M. Maccarana2, A. Malmstrm2, J. M. den Haan1, R. E. Mebius1, R. M. Reijmers1;
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Department of Experimental Medical Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 3Department of Biochemistry, Radboud Institute for Molecular Life
Science, Radboud University Medical Center Nijmegen, Nijmegen, Netherlands.
P.A.03.06 DC subpopulation specific changes of the cross-presentation machinery under inflammatory conditions
A. Baranska1, J. Sander2, C. H. Lehmann1, C. Gerlach3, N. Eissing1, G. F. Heidkamp1, K. Neubert1, R. Spang4, E. Krger5, A. Voigt5, K. Hildner6, K. Hildner6, F. Nimmerjahn7, J. Schultze2, D. Dudziak1;
University Hospital Erlangen, Dept of Dermatology, Laboratory of DC Biology, Erlangen, Germany, 2University of Bonn, LIMES - Life and Medical Sciences Center, Genomics and Immunoregulation,
Bonn, Germany, 3University Hospital Jena, Department of Human Genetics, Jena, Germany, 4University of Regensburg, Institute for Functional Genomics, Computational Diagnostics Group, Regensburg,
Germany, 5Charit Universittsmedizin Berlin, Institute of Biochemistry, Berlin, Germany, 6University Hospital Erlangen, Medical Department I, Laboratory of Dendritic Cells in Mucosal Immunology,
Erlangen, Germany, 7University of Erlangen, Department of Biology, Chairpersons: of Genetics, Erlangen, Germany.
P.A.03.07 Tannic acid modified silver and gold nanoparticles as stimulators of dendritic cells maturation in vitro
P. Orlowski1, E. Tomaszewska2, M. Gniadek3, G. Celichowski2, J. Grobelny2, M. Krzyzowska1;
Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland, 2University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, 3University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
P.A.03.08 Generation of allergen-specific T cell stimulator cells to investigate coinhibitory pathways in allergy
S. Rosskopf, S. Jutz, M. R. Candia, J. Leitner, A. Neunkirchner, W. F. Pickl, P. Steinberger;
Institute of Immunology - Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.03.09 The role of peptide: MHC complexes and KIR interactions in the pathogenesis of Ankylosing Spondylitis
D. M. Wellington, T. Elliott, E. James;
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.
P.A.03.10 Dendritic cell derived exosomes induce CD8+ T cell responses independently of MHC class I engagement by delivering whole antigen
P. Larssen1, S. Hiltbrunner1, M. Martinez-Bravo1, A. Wagner2, M. Karlsson2, S. Gabrielsson1;
Department of Medicine, Translational Immunology unit, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cellbiology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.A.03.11 Differential fold-stability during endolysosomal maturation determines immunogenicity and allergenicity of the major birch pollen allergen
Y. J. Machado1, R. Freier1, S. Scheiblhofer1, T. Thalhamer1, M. Mayr1, P. Briza1, S. Grutsch2, L. Ahammer2, J. E. Fuchs3, H. G. Wallnoefer3, A. Isakovic1, V. Kohlbauer1, A. Hinterholzer1, M. Steiner1, M. Danzer4,
J. Horejs-Hoeck1, F. Ferreira1, K. R. Liedl3, M. Tollinger2, P. Lackner1, C. M. Johnson5, H. Brandstetter1, J. Thalhamer1, R. Weiss1;
University of Salzburg, Department of Molecular Biology, Salzburg, Austria, 2University of Innsbruck, Center of Molecular Biosciences & Institute of Organic Chemistry, Innsbruck, Austria, 3University of
Innsbruck, Center of Molecular Biosciences & Institute of General, Inorganic and Theoretical Chemistry, Innsbruck, Austria, 4Austrian Red Cross, Blood Transfusion Service for Upper Austria, Linz, Austria,
MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
P.A.03.12 The human cytomegalovirus (HCMV) encoded immunoevasin US11 selectively degrades only HLA-A alleles; are HLA-B alleles targets of a novel mechanism by
C. Zimmermann1, D. Kowalewski2, V. Le-Trilling3, S. Stevanovi2, H. Hengel1, A. Halenius1;
Institute of Virology, University of Freiburg, Germany, 2Department of Immunology, University of Tbingen, Germany, 3Institute for Virology, University Hospital Essen, Germany.

P.A.03.13 Immunogenicity DRB3, DRB4 and DRB5 regard DRB1

E. A. Gonzalez-Navarro, M. Juan Otero;
Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain.
P.A.03.14 Comparison of indirect fluorescent antibody test (IFAT) with indirect haemagglutination test (IHAT) for the diagnosis of hydatid cyst disease
. Cetinkaya1, R. Kesli1, G. Ask1, . Yoldas1, C. Demir1, D. ufal1, B. Pekta2;
Afyon Kocatepe University, School of Medicine, Department of Medical Microbiology, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 2Katip elebi University, Atatrk Training and Research Hospital, Department of Medical
Microbiology, Izmir, Turkey.

10 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.A.03.15 Immunization with immune complexes modulates the fine-specificity of antibody responses to a flavivirus antigen
G. Tsouchnikas1, J. Zlatkovic1, J. Jarmer1, J. Strau1, O. Vratskikh1, M. Kundi2, K. Stiasny1, F. X. Heinz1;
Department fr Virologie, Wien, Austria, 2Institute of Environmental Health, Wien, Austria.

P.A.03.16 Design of Chimeric Proteins Derived from Adhesin Regions of Mycoplasma pneumoniae for Vaccine Development
C. Chen1,2, Y. Qi1, T. Xu1,3, Y. Pan1, S. Li1, J. Li1, S. Li1,3, X. Wang1,2, Y. Xu1,2, Y. Li1;
Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechniques, Nanjing, China, 2School of Life Science and Technology,China Pharmaceutical University, Nanjing, China, 3School of Basic Medicine, Nanjing
Medical University, Nanjing, China.

P.A.03.17 HLA class I immunopeptidome analysis of melanoma cell lines
A. Gloger1, T. Fugmann2, D. Ritz2, D. Neri1;
ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Philochem AG, Otelfingen, Switzerland.
P.A.03.18 Large-scale HLA peptidome analysis of small cell lung carcinoma for development of personalized immunotherapy
A. Admon, S. Kalaora, M. Melchers, D. Melamed, E. Barnea;
Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.

P.A.04 Th1 and Th2 Cells - Part 1

Chairpersons: Claudia Kemper; London, United Kingdom / Peter Steinberger; Vienna, Austria

P.A.04.01 Effect of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on the Th1/Th2 balance and nitric oxide in type 1 diabetes
L. Ysmail-Dahlouk, M. Aribi;
Laboratory of Applied Molecular Biology and Immunology. University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria.
P.A.04.02 Addressing the complexity of antigen specific CD4+ T cell responses in cancer patients
C. Costa-Nunes1, C. Jandus1, P. Baumgaertner1, S. M. Pedro2, F. Sandoval2, O. Adotvi3, D. Speiser1, R. Pedro1;
Ludwig Center for Cancer Research, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Glaxo Smith Kline, Brussels, Belgium, 3CHU Besanon, Besanon, France.
P.A.04.03 Repertoire of gluten immunogenic peptides in pediatric celiac disease after a brief oral wheat consumption
S. Picascia1, M. Hardy2,3, R. Auricchio4, L. Greco4, J. Tye-Din2,3,5, C. Gianfrani1;
Institute of Protein Biochemistry CNR, Naples, Italy, 2Immunology Division, The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 3Department of Medical Biology,
The University of Melbourne,, Parkville, Victoria, Australia, 4Department of Translational Medical Science (DISMET), Section of Pediatrics, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, 5Department of
Gastroenterology, The Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.
P.A.04.04 Common mechanisms of T cell antigen recognition in Celiac disease
J. Petersen1, Y. Kooy-Winkelaar2, J. van Bergen2, S. E. Broughton1, R. P. Anderson3, P. A. Price4, H. H. Reid1, F. Koning2, J. Rossjohn1;
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 3The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia, 4Institute of Infection and
Immunity,Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
P.A.04.05 Co-inhibitory receptors in human malaria
A. Abel1, M. Mackroth1,2, C. Schramm2, T. Jacobs1;
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, 2University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.A.04.06 Evaluating the applicability of the CRISPR/Cas system in human T cells
I. Hartl, K. Pfisterer, H. Stockinger, A. Ohradanova-Repic;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.04.07 Intrinsic and extrinsic mediated CTLA-4-signals modulate the TH2-response during allergic diseases
M. Pierau, M. C. Brunner-Weinzierl;
Department of Experimental Paediatrics, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany.
P.A.04.08 Th1/Th2 Cytokine Profiles In Type-2 Diabetes Mellitus Patients
R. Khanferyan1, N. Janaeva2, N. Riger1, V. Muslimova3, H. Janaeva3;
Institute of Nutrition, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Clinical center, Urus-Martan, Russian Federation, 3Clinical center Planet of Health, Urus-Martan, Russian Federation.
P.A.04.09 Folate deficiency affects cytokine profiles and function of T helper cells and correlates with lower antigen presenting capacity of dendritic cells
C. Wu, B. Lin;
Department of Biochemical Science and Technology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.A.04.11 Towards a non-allergenic peptide mix containing the T cell epitopes of the clinically most relevant house dust mite allergens for tolerance induction
H. Huang1, M. Curin1, S. Banerjee1, K. Chen1, T. Garmatiuk1, Y. Resch1, R. Campana1, M. Focke-Tejkl1, R. Valenta1, S. Vrtala1,2;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophy, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Development of Allergen Chips, Vienna,
P.A.04.12 Inflammatory Th1 and Th17 cells employ different transcriptional networks to regulate self-regulatory IL-10 expression
C. Neumann1,2, F. Heinrich1, K. Neumann2, A. Khl3, M. Heimesaat4, S. Rutz5, A. Scheffold1,2;
German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, Germany, 2Charit University Hospital, Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Berlin, Germany, 3Charit University Hospital, Medical Clinic
I, Gastroenterology, Berlin, Germany, 4Charit University Hospital, Department of Microbiology and Hygiene, Berlin, Germany, 5Genentech, Department of Immunology, San Francisco, CA, United States.
P.A.04.13 T-bet- and STAT4-dependent IL-33 receptor expression amplifies antiviral Th1 cell responses
C. Baumann1,2, W. V. Bonilla3, A. Frhlich1,2, C. Helmstetter1,2, M. Peine1,2, D. D. Pinschewer3, M. Lhning1,2;
CharitUniversittsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 2German Rheumatism Research Center (DRFZ), Berlin, Germany, 3Division of Experimental Virology, Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel,

P.A.04.14 The impact of binuclear (6-p-cymene)ruthenium(II) complex containing bridging bis(nicotinate)-polyethylene glycol ester ligand (4) on T lymphocyte polarization
S. Stosic-Grujicic1, M. Momcilovic1, M. Vujicic1, J. Blazevski1, T. Eichhorn2, G. Kaludjerovic3;
Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute of Chemistry, Martin Luther University, Halle, Germany, 3Leibniz Institute of Plant Biochemistry,
Halle (Saale), Germany.
P.A.04.15 A study of immunophenotypic reference values for T-cell subsets
A. Oras1, T. Giese2, R. Uibo1;
Department of Immunology, Institute of Bio- and Translational Medicine, University of Tartu, Tartu, Estonia, 2Institute of Immunology, Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.A.04.16 Identification of a T cell discriminating molecule by TCR/CD3 complex immunization
K. Mahasongkram, S. Pata, N. Chruewkamlow, W. Kasinrerk;
Biomedical Technology Research Center, Division of Medical Technology, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
P.A.04.17 A key role for A-type lamins in nave T-cell differentiation
M. Blanco-Berrocal1, R. Toribio-Fernandez1, S. Iborra1, C. Rius1, G. Martinez del Hoyo1, V. Rocha-Perugini1, D. Sancho1, F. Sanchez-Madrid2, V. Andres1, J. M. Gonzalez-Granado1;
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), Madrid, Spain, 2Servicio de Inmunologa, Hospital de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.04.18 Anti-microbial immune profiling in obstructive lung diseases
F. Jaat1, S. Hasan1, C. Lanyon1, A. De Soyza2, S. Todryk1;
Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
P.A.04.19 Immune abnormalities in patients of Pemphigus Vulgaris
V. Mehrotra1, G. Awasthi2;
Himalayan Institute of Medical Sciences, Dehradun, India, 2Dolphin Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Dehradun, India.
P.A.04.20 Resveratrol and a novel resveratrol-salicylate hybrid molecule: a comparative study in CD4+ T cells
K. Goldhahn1, F. Aldawsari2, K. Schmetterer3, G. Steiner4, C. Velazquez-Martinez2, B. Kloesch1;
Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Rheumatology and Balneology, Vienna, Austria, 2Faculty of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Science, Edmonton, QC, Canada, 3Medical University of Vienna, Clinical Institute
of Laboratory Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 4Medical University of Vienna, Department of Internal Medicine III, Division of Rheumatology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.04.21 Interplay between GSK-3 and Notch pathways is crucial in LFA-1 signalling for T-cell migration and effector functions
F. M. Turabe1, A. Kottaiswamy1, S. T. Ong1, M. L. Chalasani1, P. Prasannan1, S. Kumar2, A. K. Panda3, D. Kelleher4, N. K. Verma1,5;
Lee Kong Chian School of Medicine, Singapore, Singapore, 2Institute of life sciences, Bhubaneswar, India, 3Central University of Jharkhand, Ranchi, India, 4Imperial College London, London, United
Kingdom, 5Singapore Eye Research Institute, Singapore, Singapore.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 11
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.A.04.22 The role of Egr2 and Egr3 in the tolerance mechanism
B. Omodho1, R. Singh1, A. Ogbe1, A. L. Symonds1, T. Miao1, P. Wang2, S. Li1;
Brunel University, London, United Kingdom, 2Queen Mary University, London, United Kingdom.

P.A.05 Th17 Cells - Part 1

Chairpersons: Christina Zielinski; Mnchen, Germany / Bor-Luen Chiang; Taipai, Taiwan

P.A.05.01 The role of NFB inducing kinase (NIK) in T-cells and EAE
S. M. Lacher, A. Waisman;
Institute for Molecular Medicine (IMM), University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg-University Mainz, Mainz, Germany.
P.A.05.02 Macrophage PTEN regulates expression and secretion of Arginase I modulating innate and adaptive immune responses
E. Sahin1, J. Brunner1, J. Kral1, K. Thell1, A. Halfmann2, A. Dohnal2, L. Chen3, P. Cheng3, M. Kuttke1, T. Haider4, B. Niederreiter5, V. Saferding5, S. Blml5, G. Schabbauer1;
Center for Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Childrens Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria, 3Biocancer Treatment International, Hong Kong, China,
Department of Thoracic Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 5Division of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.05.03 The oral commensal bacterial species Streptococcus mitis shows a Th17-dominated memory T cell signature that is similar to and cross-reactive with Streptococcus
S. A. Engen1, H. V. Rukke1, D. Jarrossay2, I. S. Blix1, F. Sallusto2, K. Schenck1;
University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 2Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland.
P.A.05.04 Uremic toxin SDMA promotes TH17 differentiation in a NO dependent manner
L. Dong, H. Haller, S. von Vietinghoff;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.A.05.05 A SNP in the IL-23R gene fosters Th17 response in AS
J. Fessler, M. Stradner, D. Peischler, W. Graninger, J. Hermann;
Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.A.05.06 The effect of tetanus neurotoxin Hcc protein on TNF-, IL-4 and IL-17 transcript and protein level from normal human peripheral T cells
H. Ghoghaei1, A. Afkham1, S. Sadreddini1, S. Sadreddini1, V. Younesi2, M. Yousefi1;
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, ,, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Monoclonal Antibody Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR,
Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.A.05.07 Evidence for a pathogenic role of auto-reactive Th1/17 cells in multiple sclerosis
M. Paroni1, V. Maltese1, M. DeSimone1, S. Maglie1, C. Fenoglio2, M. De Riz2, M. Pagani1, S. Abrignani1, D. Galimberti2, E. Scarpini2, J. Geginat1;
INGM, milano, Italy, 2Neurology Unit, Dept. of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, University of Milan, Fondazione C Granda, IRCCS OspedalePoliclinico, milano, Italy.
P.A.05.08 Differential mucosal expression of Th17 related genes between inflamed and non-inflamed colon of patients with Crohns disease
R. Marrakchi1, A. Abidi1, B. Neili1, A. Gati1, M. Feki2, A. Benammar Elgaaied1;
1Laboratory of Genetics, Immunology and Human Pathology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tunis El, Tunis, Tunisia, 22 La Rabta Hospital, Bab Saadoun Tunis, Tunisia, Tunis, Tunisia.
P.A.05.09 Sodium chloride drives immunoparalysis and anti-inflammatory Th17 cell properties
J. Matthias, R. Noster, C. Zielinski;
Technical University Munich, Mnchen, Germany.
P.A.05.10 c-MAF enhances a transcriptional program favouring immune-regulatory over pro-inflammatory human memory T lymphocytes
D. Aschenbrenner1, M. Foglierini1, D. Jarrossay1, D. Hu2, V. Kuchroo2, A. Lanzavecchia1,3, F. Sallusto1, S. Notarbartolo1;
Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland, 2Center for Neurologic Disease, Brigham and Womens Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Institute of
Microbiology, ETH, Zurich, Switzerland.
P.A.05.11 Demethylation of the RORC2 and IL17A in human CD4+ T lymphocytes defines Th17 origin of non-classic Th1 cells
A. Mazzoni1,2, V. Santarlasci1, L. Maggi1, M. Capone1, M. Rossi1, V. Querci1, G. Montaini1, R. De Palma2, H. Chang3, A. Thiel4, F. Liotta1, L. Cosmi1, E. Maggi1, A. Radbruch3, S. Romagnani1, J. Dong3, F.
University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 2Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy, 3Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum, Berlin, Germany, 4Berlin Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies, Berlin,
P.A.05.12 Limited proliferative capacity of human T helper 17 cells
V. Santarlasci1, L. Maggi1, A. Mazzoni1, M. Capone1, V. Querci1, M. C. Rossi1, G. Montaini1, L. Beltrame2, D. Cavalieri3, R. De Palma4, F. Liotta1,5, L. Cosmi1,5, E. Maggi1,5, S. Romagnani1, F. Annunziato1,5;
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine and DENOTHE Center, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 2Department of Oncology Mario Negri Institute, Milano, Italy, 3Department of
Computational Biology, Comparative Genomics Unit, Fondazione Edmund Mach (FEM), San Michele allAdige, Italy, 4Dept. of Clinical & Experimental Medicine, Second University of Naples and Centro di
Competenza Regionale GEAR (Genomics for Applied Research), Naples, Italy, 5Regenerative Medicine Unit and Immunology and Cellular Therapy Unit of Azienda Ospedaliera Careggi, Florence, Italy.
P.A.05.13 Triggering complement receptors on DCs promotes immediate Th17 polarization during HIV-1 infection
W. Posch1, A. Schroll1, C. Lass-Flrl1, A. Saez-Cirion2, T. Geijtenbeek3, G. Weiss1, D. Wilflingseder1;
Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 2Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 3Center for Experimental and Molecular Medicine AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.05.14 The tyrosine kinase Tec regulates Th17 responses
N. Boucheron1, O. Sharif2, L. Van Greuningen1, L. Gschl3, S. Knapp4, W. Ellmeier1;
Institute of Immunology, Center for Physiology, Pathophysiology and Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 3Division of
Rheumatology, Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences and Department of Medicine I, Division of Infectious Diseases
and Tropical Medicine, Vienna, Austria.

P.A.06 Regulatory T Cells - Part 1

Chairpersons: Andreas Beilhack; Wrzburg, Germany / Lesley A. Smyth; London, United Kingdom

P.A.06.01 The endocannabinoid 2-Arachidonoylglycerol potentiates Foxp3 expression and T regulatory cell functions through its metabolism: endocannabinoids as novel
mediators of Treg immunosuppressive activity.
V. Chiurchiu1, A. Leuti2, M. De Bardi3, T. Bisogno4, F. Piscitelli4, V. Di Marzo4, G. Borsellino3, M. Maccarrone2, L. Battistini3;
Neurochemistry of Lipids, Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 2School of Medicine and Center of Integrated Research, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 3Neuroimmunology Unit,
Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 4Endocannabinoid Research Group, Institute of Biomolecular Chemistry, National Research Council, Pozzuoli, Italy.
P.A.06.02 The expression of CD39 and PD1L by regulatory T cells correlates with the development of different forms of Chagas disease
M. P. Damsio1, G. R. Sousa1, R. Corra-Oliveira2, K. S. Ferreira1, V. A. Valente1, A. D. Arajo1, N. I. Medeiros2, F. F. de Arajo2, M. O. Rocha1, J. A. Gomes1;
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2Centro de Pesquisa Rene Rachou, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
P.A.06.03 Mechanisms of Foxp3 induction by DNA methyltransferase inhibitors
S. Schallenberg1, K. Freudenberg1, N. Lindner1, K. Kretschmer1,2;
Molecular and Cellular Immunology/Immune Regulation, DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), Technische Universitt Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 2Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden
(PLID), German Center for Diabetes Research (DZD), Dresden, Germany.
P.A.06.04 The impact of hypoxia inducible factor-1 alpha stabilization on differentiation and metabolism of human regulatory T cells
L. Feldhoff1, C. Rueda2, M. Fields2, C. Chougnet2, J. Rupp1;
Department of Molecular and Clinical Infections, University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany, 2Division of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH,
United States.
P.A.06.05 Decreased HIV-specific T-regulatory responses are associated with effective DC-vaccine induced immunity
V. Brezar1, N. Ruffin1, L. Richert2, M. Surenaud1, C. Lacabaratz1, K. Palucka3, R. Thibaut2, J. Banchereau1, Y. Levy1, N. Seddiki1;
INSERM U955, Eq16, VRI, UPEC, Creteil, France, 2Universit Bordeaux, ISPED, Centre INSERM U897-Epidemiologie-Biostatistique, Bordeaux, France, 3Ralph M. Steinman Center for Cancer Vaccines, Baylor
Institute for Immunology Research, Baylor Research Institute, Dallas, TX, United States.
P.A.06.06 The role of CalDAG GEFI during Treg-specific immunological synapse formation
J. Niemz1, R. Teich1, M. van Ham2, J. Wissing2, L. Philipsen3, S. Kliche3, L. Jnsch2, J. Huehn1;
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Experimental Immunology, Braunschweig, Germany, 2Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Cellular Proteomics, Braunschweig, Germany, 3Otto-von-Guericke
University, Institute of Molecular and Clinical Immunology, Magdeburg, Germany.

12 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.A.06.07 Functional impairment and inflammatory changes of FoxP3+ regulatory T cells in human acute viral infection
J. Lee1, Y. Choi1,2, E. Shin1;
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of, 2Chungnam National University College of Medicine, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of.
P.A.06.08 The role of integrin v in regulatory T cell function
I. Mair, R. A. OConnor, N. C. Henderson, S. M. Anderton;
University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
P.A.06.09 Regulatory T cells in experimental periapical lesions development: exploiting its protective role as a therapeutic tool

C. F. Francisconi1, A. C. Arajo-Pires1, C. C. Biguetti1, A. E. Vieira1, F. Cavalla1, A. J. Glowacki2, C. S. Sfeir2, S. R. Little2, A. P. Trombone3, R. M. Silva4, G. P. Garlet1;
Bauru School of Dentistry, University of So Paulo, Bauru, Brazil, 2University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States, 3Sacred Heart University, Bauru, Brazil, 4School of Dentistry, University of Texas

Health Science Center at Houston, Texas, TX, United States.

P.A.06.10 Peripheral regulatory T lymphocytes recirculating to the thymus suppress the development of their precursors
V. Adoue1,2,3, N. Thiault1,2,3, J. Darrigues1,2,3, M. Gros1,2,3, B. Binet1,2,3, C. Perals1,2,3, B. Leobon4, N. Fazilleau1,2,3, O. Joffre1,2,3, E. Robey5, J. van Meerwijk1,2,3, P. Romagnoli1,2,3;
INSERM U1043 Center of Pathophysiology Toulouse Purpan, 31024 Toulouse cedex 3, France, 2Centre National de la Recherche scientifique (CNRS) U5282, Toulouse, France, 3Universit Paul Sabatier,
Toulouse, France, 4Cardiology department, Childrens hospital Purpan, 31024 Toulouse, France, 5Division of Immunology and Pathogenesis, Department of Molecular and Cell Biology, University of
California, Berkeley, CA, United States.
P.A.06.11 Abatacept (CTLA-4Ig) treatment reduces T cell apoptosis and regulatory T cell suppression in patients with rheumatoid arthritis (RA)
M. Bonelli, L. Goeschl, S. Blueml, T. Karonitsch, S. Carl-Walter, S. Guenter, J. S. Smolen, C. Scheinecker;
Medical University of Vienna, Department of Rheumatology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.06.12 HDAC-inhibitory activity of butyrate decreases regulatory T-cell function by inducing expression of IFN-gamma
M. Kespohl, N. Vachharajani, S. Hartmann, S. Alnahas, U. Steinhoff, A. Visekruna;
Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, 35032 Marburg, Germany.
P.A.06.13 Presence of tumor-infiltrating regulatory T cell subsets according to the differential expression of the immune checkpoints in human lung cancer
P. Devi1,2,3, J. Goc1,2,3, C. Germain1,2,3, S. Knockaert1,2,3, P. Validire1,4, D. Damotte1,5, W. Fridman1,2,3, C. Sauts-Fridman1,2,3, M. Dieu-Nosjean1,2,3;
Institut national de la sante et de la recherche mdicale (INSERM), UMRS-1138, Cordeliers research center, Paris, France, 2Pierre and Marie Curie University, Paris, France, 3Paris Descartes university, Paris,
France, 4Anatomy-pathology departments, mutualiste montsouris institute hospital, Paris, France, 5Anatomy, pathology and thoracic surgery department, Htel Dieu hospital, Paris, France.
P.A.06.14 Resistance to suppression of CCR6+ T cell migration by regulatory T cells in patients with Psoriatic Arthritis
H. M. Baldwin, A. Ezeonyeji, M. R. Butt, M. R. Ehrenstein;
University College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.06.15 In vitro development of functional thymic and splenic regulatory T cells
R. Pap, E. Ugor, L. Prenek, D. Simon, T. Berki;
Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Pcs, Hungary, Pcs, Hungary.
P.A.06.16 CD161+ regulatory T cells in immune regulation
C. L. Duurland1, T. Brooks2, M. Hubank2, R. F. OShaughnessy3, L. R. Wedderburn1;
Infection, Inflammation and Rheumatology Section, UCL Insitute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom, 2Centre for Translation Omics, Genetics and Genomics Medicine, UCL Insitute of Child Health,
London, United Kingdom, 3Immunobiology Section, UCL Insitute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.06.17 Mechanisms of pregnancy-induced tolerance in an animal model of multiple sclerosis
J. B. Engler1, M. Piedavent1, S. M. Gold1, P. C. Arck2, M. A. Friese1;
Institute of Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis, Center for Molecular Neurobiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Experimental Feto-Maternal Medicine,
Department of Obstetrics and Fetal Medicine, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.A.06.18 Mouse models for skin gene-therapy: In vivo generation of regulatory T-cells for graft protection
S. Kitzmller1,2, D. Pinheiro1, M. Klicznik1, I. Gratz1,2,3;
Department of Molecular Biology, Universtiy Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2Division of Molecular Dermatology and EB House Austria, Department of Dermatology, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg,
Austria, 3Department of Dermatology, University of California San Franciso, San Francisco, CA, United States.

P.A.07 CD8+ T Cells - Part 1

Chairpersons: Yvonne Samstag; Heidelberg, Germany / Roland Tschismarov; Vienna, Austria

P.A.07.01 CTLA-4 (CD152) supports tumor progression by preventing plasticity of Tc17 cells
A. Arra1, H. Lingel1, J. Pick1, M. Huber2, M. Pierau1, M. Brunner-Weinzierl1;
Department of Experimental Pediatrics, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Marburg, Marburg, Germany.
P.A.07.02 High resolution imaging to quantitate the molecular dynamics of antigen recognition by cytolytic T cells
M. Kraller, R. Platzer, P. Spechtl, H. Stockinger, J. B. Huppa;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.07.03 Hobit is a transcription factor involved in metabolic regulation and survival of human cytotoxic lymphocytes
F. Vieira Braga1, A. T. Hoekstra2, W. Tigchelaar3, N. Kragten1, R. a. van Lier1, N. N. van der Wel4, C. R. Berkers2, K. P. van Gisbergen1;
Sanquin Blood Supply Foundation, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Utrecht Medical Centre, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Amsterdam Medical Centre, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4Amesterdam Medical Centre,
Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.07.04 Sustained killing by cytotoxic T lymphocytes is shaped by individual heterogeneity in multiple killing performance
L. Dupre1, Z. Vasconcelos2, S. Mller1, D. Guipouy1, Y. Wong3, C. Christophe4, S. Gadat5, S. Valitutti1;
INSERM UMR1043, Toulouse, France, 2Fernandes Figueira Institute, Fiocruz, Rio-de-Janeiro, Brazil, 3Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States, 4Institut de Mathmatiques de
Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 5Toulouse School of Economics, Universit de Toulouse I Capitole, Toulouse, France.
P.A.07.05 The clinically approved pro-oxidative drug WF-10 inhibits cytotoxicity of primary human CD8+ T-cells
G. Wabnitz, S. Groh, B. Jahraus, H. Kirchgessner, F. Michalke, S. Meuer, Y. Samstag;
University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.A.07.06 CNS-infiltrating T cells, from the draining cervical lymph node reservoir, are not essential for viral control in the non-adapted Dengue virus-2 encephalitis mouse
L. D. Vu, N. J. King;
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
P.A.07.07 CD8+ T cells express inhibitory receptors but retain functionality in a humanized mouse model of Epstein-Barr virus infection
B. Chatterjee1, D. Vanaoica1, D. Korkmaz1, H. Pircher2, C. Mnz1;
University of Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland, 2University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
P.A.07.09 Immunity to the newly emerged A/H7N9 influenza virus
Z. Wang1, S. Quiones-Parra1, E. Grant1, L. Loh1, Y. Wan2, P. Thomas3, M. Inouye1, P. C. Doherty1,3, J. Xu2, K. Kedzierska1;
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, 2Shanghai Public Health Clinical Center & Institutes of Biomedical Sciences, Shanghai, China, 3St Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United
P.A.07.12 T-cell receptor repertoire in blood of patients with acute cellulitis
M. A. Schmid1,2, K. Schrattbauer3, R. Florian1,2, A. Hauser3, W. Krugluger3, B. Volc-Platzer1,2;
Department of Dermatology, Donauspital, Vienna, Austria, 2Medical Research Society, Donaustadt, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Laboratory Medicine, Donauspital, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.07.13 Type I Interferons regulate Eomesodermin expression and the development of unconventional memory CD8+ T cells
V. Martinet, S. Tonon, D. Torres, A. Kohler, A. Azouz, M. Nguyen, V. Flamand, O. Leo, S. Goriely;
Institute for Medical Immunology, Gosselies, Belgium.
P.A.07.14 Sustained glycolytic switch required for rapid effector function of TEMRA CD8 T cells in healthy volunteers and in immune-stimulated patients
G. Tilly1,2, M. Yap1,2, M. Giral1,2,3, D. Laplaud1,2,3, S. Brouard1,2,3, C. Pecqueur4, N. Degauque1,2,3;
INSERM UMR1064, Nantes, France, 2Universit, Nantes, France, 3CHU, Nantes, France, 4INSERM UMR892, Nantes, France.
P.A.07.15 Endocytosis of lytic granules in cytotoxic T lymphocytes
H. Chang, E. Krause, J. Rettig, V. Pattu;
Saarland University, Homburg, Saar, Germany.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 13
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.A.07.16 Development of an in vitro Plasmodium parasite inhibition assay for the evaluation of cell-mediated immune responses following vaccination with pre-
erythrocytic malaria vaccines against Plasmodium falciparum.
C. M. Bliss1, A. J. Spencer1, A. M. Salman1, R. J. Longley1, S. M. Khan2, C. J. Janse2, A. V. Hill1, K. J. Ewer1;
Jenner Institute, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Leiden University Medical Centre, Leiden, Netherlands.
P.A.07.17 Analysis of mutant tumor antigen-specific CD8+ T cells in tumors and periphery by multiplex combinatorial tetramer staining and mass cytometry
M. Fehlings1, H. L. Penny1, M. M. Gubin2, J. P. Ward2, S. C. Wong1, R. D. Schreiber2, E. W. Newell1;
A-Star Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Singapore, Singapore, 2Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States.

P.A.07.18 Multiple sclerosis and kidney allotransplantation induce antigen-experienced CD8 T cells with different metabolic profiles
G. Tilly1,2, M. Yap1,2, M. Giral1,2,3, D. Laplaud1,2,3, S. Brouard1,2,3, C. Pecqueur4, N. Degauque1,2,3;
INSERM UMR1064, Nantes, France, 2Universit, Nantes, France, 3CHU, Nantes, France, 4INSERM UMR892, Nantes, France.
P.A.07.19 MR1-restricted T cell repertoire diversity engenders variable MR1-antigen recognition
D. I. Godfrey1, N. Gherardin1, A. Keller2, R. Woolley2, J. Le Nours2, D. S. Ritchie3, P. J. Neeson4, R. W. Birkinshaw2, S. B. Eckle1, J. Waddington1, L. Liu5, D. Fairlie5, A. P. Uldrich1, D. G. Pellicci1, J. McCluskey1, J.
University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia, 2Monash University, Clayton, Australia, 3Royal Melbourne Hospital, Parkville, Australia, 4Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne, Australia,
University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
P.A.07.20 Assessing the CTL immunodominance profile of Epstein-Barr virus through cross-presentation by monocyte-derived dendritic cells
C. Forrest, A. Hislop, A. Rickinson;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.A.07.21 dendritic cells are recruited to the bone marrow of myeloma patients where they protect tumor plasma cells from CD8+ t cell killing
P. Leone1, S. Berardi1, M. Frassanito1, R. Ria1, V. De Re2, S. Cicco1, S. Battaglia1, P. Ditonno3, F. Dammacco1, V. Racanelli1, A. Vacca1;
Department of Internal Medicine and Clinical Oncology, University of Bari Medical School, Bari, Italy, 22Bio-Proteomics Facility, Department of Translational Research, Centro di Riferimento Oncologico,
National Cancer Institute, Aviano, Italy, Aviano, Italy, 33Hematology Unit, Di Venere Hospital, Bari, Italy, Bari, Italy.

P.A.08 T Cells
Chairpersons: Dieter Kabelitz; Kiel, Germany / Stephanie Gras; Victoria, Australia (tbc)

P.A.08.01 Gamma Delta T cell abnormalities in severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis patients
S. L. Hardcastle, E. Brenu, S. Johnston, T. Nguyen, T. K. Huth, S. Ramos, D. Staines, S. Marshall-Gradisnik;
Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia.
P.A.08.02 The molecular bases of T-cell mediated antigen recognition
E. Chabrol1, S. Eckle2, R. Boer3, J. McCluskey2, J. Rossjohn1,4,5, M. Heemskerk3, S. Gras1,4;
Monash University, Clayton, Australia, 2Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Parkville, Australia, 3University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 4Australian Research Council Centre of
Excellence for Advanced Molecular Imaging, Clayton, Austria, 5Institute of Infection and Immunity, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
P.A.08.03 V9V2 TCR-mediated activation by butyrophilin 3 (BTN3) specific agonist antibody 20.1 or by phosphoantigens (PAg) differs in dependence on human
chromosome 6, discriminates between TCR idiotypes and interferes with each other
F. Riano1, L. Starick1, M. M. Karunakaran1, A. S. Fichtner1, V. Kunzmann2, S. Amslinger3, D. Olive4,5,6, G. De Libero7, S. Gu8, E. J. Adams8, T. Herrmann1;
Dept. Virology and Immunobiology, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany, 2Medical Clinic and Policlinic II, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany, 3Dept. Organic Chemistry, University of
Regensburg, Wrzburg, Germany, 4CRCM, Team Immunity and Cancer, Cancer Immunomonitoring Platform, Inserm, U1068; Institut Paoli-Calmettes, Marseille, France, 5Aix-Marseille Universit, UM 105,
Marseille, France, 6Aix-Marseille Universit, UM 105; CNRS, UMR7258, F-13009, Marseille, France, 7Experimental Immunology, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 8Department of Biochemistry and
Molecular Biology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States.
P.A.08.04 Butyrophilin-like (Btnl) genes: conserved regulators of T cells in tissues
A. Jandke1, P. Vantourout2, R. di Marco Barros1, R. Hart1, A. Hayday1,2;
The Francis Crick Institute, London, United Kingdom, 2Kings College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.08.05 ERK/MAPK and PI3K signalling dictate effector potential during T cell development
N. Sumaria1, C. L. Grandjean1, D. J. Pang1, B. Silva-Santos2,3, D. J. Pennington1;
Blizard Institute, Queen Mary University London, Whitechapel, United Kingdom, 2Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 3Instituto Gulbenkian
de Cincia, Oeiras, Portugal.
P.A.08.06 Lung T cells mount innate and adaptive immune responses to Bordetella pertussis
A. Misiak, M. Raverdeau, M. M. Wilk, S. C. Edwards, K. H. Mills;
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
P.A.08.07 A new mouse model to investigate the function of T cells
I. Sandrock, A. Reinhardt, L. Oberdrfer, I. Prinz;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.A.08.08 Adaptive immune-like / T lymphocytes share many common features with their / T-cell counterparts
A. Lombes1,2, A. Durand1,2, C. Charvet1,2, M. Rivire1,2, N. Bonilla1,2, C. Auffray1,2, B. Lucas1,2, B. Martin1,2;
Cochin Institute, CNRS UMR8104, INSERM U1016, Paris, France, 2Paris Descartes University, Paris, France.
P.A.08.10 Sensing of oxidative-stress by gamma-delta TCR through recognition of Annexin A2
R. Marlin1, H. Kaminski2, V. Pitard2, S. Netzer2, C. Khairallah2, A. Lomenech3, A. Pappalardo2, C. Harly2, E. Scotet4, J. Moreau2, B. Faustin2, J. Dechanet-Merville2;
CNRS CIRID- Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France, 2CNRS CIRID - Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France, 3CGFB- Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France, 4INSERM CRCNA - Nantes University, Nantes,
P.A.08.11 Tumour-associated CD11b+Gr1+Ly6G+ myeloid cells suppress the effector response of gamma-delta T cells
S. Mensurado1, M. Rei1,2, N. Goncalves-Sousa1, T. Lana1,3, B. Silva-Santos*1, K. Serre*1;
Instituto de Medicina Molecular - Universidade de Lisboa, Lisboa, Portugal, 2Current: University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Current: Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.08.12 CD28-costimulation in the presence of TGF- and IL-15 induces the differentiation of V2 T cells into a T-Helper 9 like phenotype
C. Peters, H. Oberg, D. Wesch, D. Kabelitz;
Institute of Immunology, Kiel, Germany.
P.A.08.13 zoledronic acid boosts gd T cells anti-leukemic activity in children receiving an haplo ab/CD19 depleted graft
I. Airoldi1, A. Bertaina2, A. Petretto1, B. Lucarelli2, A. Zorzoli1, G. Barbarito1, P. Merli2, C. Lavarello1, L. Brescia2, V. Bertaina2, E. Inglese1, G. Milano2, V. Pistoia1, L. Moretta1, F. Locatelli2;
Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 2Deparment of Pediatric Hematology and Oncology, IRCCS Bambino Ges Childrens Hospital, Roma, Italy.
P.A.08.14 Generation of non-secreted isoform of IL-4 in human T-cells: Interplay between cell death and epigenetic modification
J. Bhat1, J. Sosna1, E. Quabius1,2, J. Fritsch1, S. Schuetze1, D. Adam1, D. Kabelitz1;
Institute of Immunology, Kiel, Germany, 2Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Head and Neck Surgery, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany.
P.A.08.15 TCRgd+ T-LGL cells are effector TCRgd+ T cells with disturbed proliferation and apoptosis
M. J. Kallemeijn1, Y. Sandberg1, A. F. Muggen1, I. L. Wolvers-Tettero1, D. de Ridder2, J. J. van Dongen1, A. W. Langerak1;
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2TU Delft, Delft, Netherlands.
P.A.08.16 Combined IL-12/IL-18 supersedes TCR-stimulation for induction of IFN- and for a potent antitumoral activity in human T cells
C. Welker1, H. Ziegler1, R. Handgretinger1, H. Rammensee2, K. Schilbach1;
Childrens University Hospital Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany, 2Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology, Department of Immunology, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany.

P.A.08.17 TIM3 on T cells is associated with malaria exposure and dysfunctional cells
E. M. Eriksson1,2, L. J. Ioannidis1,2, S. Karl1,2, Q. Y. Tan1, D. P. Poole3,2, L. J. Robinson1,4, A. B. Carmagnac1, I. Betuela4, P. M. Siba4,5, D. S. Hansen1, I. Mueller1, L. Schofield1,5;
Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia, 2The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 3Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 4Papua New Guinea Institute of
Medical Research, Goroka, Papua New Guinea, 5James Cook University, Townsville, Australia.
P.A.08.18 A phenotypic and functional re-evaluation of human V2(+) T cells across healthy individuals
P. L. Ryan1, N. Sumaria2, N. Izotova2, M. S. Hasan3, L. A. Bergmeier3, D. J. Pennington2;
Centre for Adult Oral Health, Institute of Dentistry, Barts and The London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom, 2Centre for Immunobiology, Blizard
Institute, Barts and The London Medical School, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom, 3Centre for Clinical and Diagnostic Oral Sciences, Institute of Dentistry, Queen Mary University
of London, London, United Kingdom.

14 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.A.08.19 Casein Kinase 2 regulates AKT signaling to promote the survival of normal and leukemic T-cells
S. T. Ribeiro, J. C. Ribot, J. T. Barata, B. Silva-Santos;
Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisboa, Portugal.
P.A.08.20 Retinoic acid modulates IL-17 production by T cells to attenuate autoimmune disease
M. Raverdeau, K. H. Mills;
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
P.A.08.21 CD8 costimulation to T cell receptors involves diverse molecular interactions with ligands that include MHC class I-like molecules

W. Scheper1, S. Hol1, S. Heijhuurs1, G. J. J. Kierkels1, M. Nishimura2, P. Kavathas3, Z. Sebestyen1, J. Kuball1;
Department of Hematology and Laboratory of Translational Immunology, University Medical Center Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department of Surgery, Loyola University Medical Center, Maywood,
IL, United States, 3Departments of Laboratory Medicine and Immunobiology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States.
P.A.08.22 Phosphoantigen excretion by Plasmodium falciparum infected erythrocytes and gametocytes
C. Liu1, B. Lindberg2, N. Emami2, I. Faye2, I. Parmryd1;
Department of Medical Cell Biology, Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 2Department of Molecular Biosciences, the Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.A.08.23 Effect of intradermal BCG vaccination on circulating T cells in a non-human primate model
J. R. Fenn1, A. D. White2, A. G. Dalgleish1, S. A. Sharpe2, M. D. Bodman-Smith1;
St. Georges, University of London, London, United Kingdom, 2Public Health England, Salisbury, United Kingdom.
P.A.08.24 The role of Hedgehog signaling in T cells
K. Mengrelis, T. Crompton;
Immunobiology section, Institute of Child Health, University College London, London, United Kingdom.

P.A.09 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 1

Chairpersons: Rita Carsetti; Rome, Italy / Juergen Wienands; Goettingen, Germany

P.A.09.01 Functional expression of CD137 (4-1BB) on T helper follicular cells

C. Alfaro1, J. I. Echeveste1, M. E. Rodriguez-Ruiz1, J. L. Solorzano1, J. L. Perez-Gracia1, M. A. Idoate1, J. M. Lopez-Picazo1, A. R. Sanchez-Paulete2, S. Labiano2, C. Oate1, M. A. Aznar2, M. D. Lozano1, I.
Clinica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 2Centro de Investigacion Medica Aplicada, Pamplona, Spain.
P.A.09.02 Follicular helper T cells promote liver pathology in mice during Schistosoma japonicum infection
C. Su;
Department of Pathogen Biology and Immunology, Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Pathogen Biology, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China.
P.A.09.03 Impairment of follicular helper and regulatory T cells is associated with skewed B cell maturation in HIV-infected spleens
A. Rouers1, L. Colineau1, T. Yamamoto2, Y. Xu3, A. Urrutia1, H. Pham4, S. Cardinaud1, A. Samri5, K. Dorgham5, P. Coulon1, R. Cheynier6, A. Hosmalin7, E. Oksenhendler8, A. Six4, A. D. Kelleher3, J. Zaunders9, R.
A. Koup2, B. Autran5, A. Moris1, S. Graff-Dubois1;
Sorbonne Universit, UPMC, UMR1135, CNRS ERL 8255 CIMI-Paris, Paris, France, 2Immunology Laboratory, Vaccine research center, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), NIH,
Bethesda, MD, United States, 3The Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity in Society, University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia, 4Sorbonne Universits, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMRS 959,
Immunology-Immunopathology-Immunotherapy (I3), Paris, France, 5Sorbonne Universit, UPMC, UMR1135, CIMI-Paris, AP-HP, Hpital Piti Salptrire, Department of immunology, Paris, France,
INSERM U1016, CNRS UMR8104, Universit Paris Descartes, Institut Cochin, Paris, France, 7INSERM U1016, CNRS UMR8104, Universit Paris Descartes, Institut Cochin, AP-HP, Hpital Cochin, Paris,
France, 8Universit Paris Diderot, Assistance Publique-Hpitaux de Paris, Dpartement dImmunologie Clinique, Hpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France, Paris, France, 9St. Vincents Centre for Applied Medical
Research, St. Vincents Hospital, Sydney, Australia.
P.A.09.04 T-cell STAT3 is required for the maintenance of humoral immunity to LCMV
M. Grusdat1, D. R. McIlwain2, K. S. Lang3, P. A. Lang1;
Department of Molecular Medicine II, Heinrich-Heine-University Dsseldorf, Dsseldorf, Germany, 2Department of Gastroenterology, Hepatology, and Infectious Diseases, Heinrich-Heine-University
Dsseldorf, Dsseldorf, Germany, 3Institute of Immunology, Medical Faculty, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany.
P.A.09.05 T follicular helper cell in human NALT and its critical role on CpG-DNA-mediated adjuvant effect on antibody enhancement
A. Aljurayyan1, R. Sharma2, N. Upile2, C. Vaughan2, C. Xie2, H. Beer2, M. McCormick3, P. Achar3, S. Gordon1, Q. Zhang1;
University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 2Alder Hey Childrens Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom, 3Royal Liverpool University Hospital, Liverpool, United Kingdom.

P.A.09.06 T follicular helper, but not Th1, cell differentiation in the absence of conventional dendritic cells
M. W. Dahlgren1, T. Gustafsson-Hedberg2, M. Livingston2, H. Cucak1, S. Alsn2, U. Yrlid2, B. Johansson-Lindbom1;
Immunology section, Department of Experimental Medical Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Mucosal Immunobiology and Vaccine Center, Institute of
Biomedicine, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
P.A.09.07 Regulation of AID by PARP
S. Tepper1, J. Janzen2, K. Bttcher1, B. Jungnickel1;
Department of Cell Biology, Institute of Biochemistry and Biophysics, Center for Molecular Biomedicine, Friedrich-Schiller University, Jena, Germany, 2Institute of Clinical and Molecular Biology, Helmholtz
Center Munich, Munich, Germany.
P.A.09.08 Analysis of vaccine adjuvant effect on B responses at cellular level
H. Vo, D. Piccioli;
GSK Pharmaceutical Company, Siena, Italy.
P.A.09.09 Plasma cell numbers decrease in bone marrow of old patients
A. Meryk1, T. Pritz1, B. Weinberger1, J. Lair2, M. Keller1, M. Ban2, M. Krismer2, B. Grubeck-Loebenstein1;
Institute for Biomedical Aging Research, Innsbruck, Austria, 2Department of Orthopedic Surgery, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.A.09.10 The development of pro-inflammatory aglycosylated IgG antibodies is dependent on the pro-inflammatory cytokines IFN- and IL-17
S. Eschweiler1, Y. Bartsch1, C. Hess2, M. Ehlers1;
Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research, Lbeck, Germany, 2German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, Germany.
P.A.09.11 Post-transcriptional mRNA regulation is essential for B cell antibody responses
M. D. Diaz-Munoz1, S. E. Bell1, E. Monzon-Casanova1, K. Fairfax2, A. F. Cunningham3, M. Gonzalez-Porta4, S. Andrews1, V. I. Bunik5, K. Zarnack6, T. Curk7, D. L. Kontoyiannis8, J. Ule9, M. Turner1;
The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Department of Immunology, Central Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 3MRC Centre for Immune Regulation, Institute
of Microbiology and Infection, School of Immunity and Infection, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4European Molecular Biology Laboratory, European Bioinformatics Institute,
Wellcome Trust Genome Campus, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 5A. N. Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology and Faculty of Bioengineering and Bioinformatics, Lomonosov Moscow State
University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 6Buchmann Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Frankfurt, Germany, 7University of Ljubljana, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Ljubljana, Slovenia,
Division of Immunology, Biomedical Sciences Research Center Alexander Fleming, Vari, Greece, 9UCL Genetics Institute, Department of Genetics, Environment and Evolution, University College London,
London, United Kingdom.
P.A.09.12 Differential expression of FCRLA in human lymphoid tissues
E. S. Reshetnikova, L. V. Mechetina, A. V. Taranin;
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology SB RAS, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
P.A.09.13 Characterization of circulating HIV-specific B cells
A. Rouers1, B. Su2, J. Thevenot1, A. Samri3,4, L. Hocqueloux5, O. Lambotte6, H. Mouquet7, C. Moog2, S. Graff-Dubois1, A. Moris1,4;
CIMI-Paris Sorbonne Universits, UPMC Univ Paris 06 UMRS 1135 - INSERM U1135 CNRS ERL 8255, Paris, France, 2INSERM U1109, Fdration de Mdecine Translationnelle de Strasbourg, Universit
de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France, 3CIMI-Paris Sorbonne Universits, UPMC Univ Paris 06 UMRS 1135 - INSERM U1135, Paris, France, 4AP-HP, Hpital Piti-Salptire, Department of Immunology, Paris,
France, 5COREVIH Centre Poitou-Charentes, CHU Bretonneau, Tours, France Service de Maladies Infectieuses, CHR dOrlans-La Source, Orlans, France, 6AP-HP, Hpital de Bictre, Service de Mdecine
Interne,, Le Kremlin Bictre, France, 7Laboratory of Humoral Response to Pathogens, Department of Immunology, Institut Pasteur, CNRS-URA 1961, Paris, France.
P.A.09.14 The role of the Syk/Shp1 kinase-phosphatase equilibrium in B-cell development and signaling
A. Alsadeq1,2, E. Hobeika1,3, D. Medgyesi1,3, K. Klsener1,3, M. Reth1,3,4;
Max Planck Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany, 2Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM), Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany, 3Dept. of
Immunolgy, Inst. of Biology III, Faculty of Biology, Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany, 4BIOSS Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, Albert Ludwigs University, Freiburg, Germany.
P.A.09.15 Elucidation of IgH 3 region regulatory role during B cell development via germline deletion
A. Saintamand1,2, P. Rouaud1,2, A. Garot1,2, M. Cogn1,2,3, Y. Denizot1,2;
Universit de Limoges, Limoges, France, 2CNRS UMR 7276, Limoges, France, 3Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 15
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.A.09.16 Survival of human circulating antigen-induced plasma cells is supported by plasma cell-niche cytokines and Tfh lymphocytes
A. Campos-Caro1, A. B. Ramos-Amaya1, B. Rodrguez-Bayona1, R. Lpez-Blanco1, E. Andjar2, M. Prez-Alegre2, J. A. Brieva1;
Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain, 2Unidad de Genmica, Centro Andaluz de Biologa Molecular y Medicina Regenerativa and CSIC, Seville, Spain.
P.A.09.17 VprBPs serine/threonine kinase activity supports V(D)J recombination by promoting expression of RAG1/2
N. M. Schabla, G. A. Perry, J. T. Fletcher, P. C. Swanson;
Creighton University, Omaha, NE, United States.

P.A.10 B Cells in Autoimmunity and Tolerance

Chairpersons: Lars Nitschke; Erlangen, Germany / Andrey I. Tchorbanov; Sofia, Bulgaria

P.A.10.01 Repertoire of anti-ADAMTS13 specific B-cells from the spleen of acquired Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic Purpura (aTTP) patients
M. Skowronska, M. Schaller, J. A. Kremer Hovinga;
University Hospital Bern, Inselspital, Bern, Switzerland.
P.A.10.02 Lung B cells promote ongoing allergic inflammation in a mouse model of asthma via B cell receptor-independent antigen presentation
T. Wypych1,2, L. Perez1, A. Lanzavecchia1,3, F. Sallusto1;
Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Universit della Svizzera Italiana (USI), Bellinzona, Switzerland, 2Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 3ETH
Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland.
P.A.10.03 Myelin basic protein-induced production of tumor necrosis factor- and interleukin-6, and presentation of the immunodominant peptide MBP85-99 by B cells
from patients with multiple sclerosis
M. K. Brimnes1, L. Brnsen2, F. Sellebjerg2, C. H. Nielsen1;
Institute for Inflammation Research, Department of Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Department of Neurology,
Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Danish Multiple Sclerosis Center, Copenhagen, Denmark.
P.A.10.04 Siglec-G: a B cell inhibitory receptor controlling autoimmunity
J. Mller1, S. Bkers1, S. Hutzler1, L. zgr1, H. Jumaa2, K. Klsener3, M. Reth3, L. Nitschke1;
University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 3University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
P.A.10.05 Bias in peripheral B lymphocyte subpopulations potentiate fibroblast activation in systemic sclerosis
N. Dumoitier1,2, S. Lofek1, A. Rgent3, J. London3, B. Chaigne1,3, B. Terrier1,3, N. Varin-Blank2,4, L. Mouthon1,2,3;
Institut Cochin INSERM U1016, Paris, France, 2Labex Inflamex, Paris, France, 3Service de Mdecine Interne de lhpital Cochin, Paris, France, 4INSERM, UMR978, UFR SMBH, Bobigny, France.
P.A.10.06 Altered TIM-1 expression and regulatory B cells functions in systemic sclerosis patients
O. A. Aravena-Madariaga1, A. Ferrier1, J. Aguillon1, L. Soto1,2, D. Catalan1;
Programa Disciplinario de Inmunologia, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Hospital Clnico, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
P.A.10.08 B-lineage cells suppress osteoclastogenesis through the production of interleukin-10
L. Meng1, J. Luther2, C. Link1, B. Frehse1, K. Hofmann1, A. Albeidaq1, D. Jean-Pierre2, R. Manz1;
Institute for Systemic Inflammation Research, Luebeck, Germany, 2Institute for Osteology and Biomechanics, Hamburg, Germany.
P.A.10.09 Population specific IL-10 production of mouse B cells induced by the BCR, TLR9 or CD40
K. Huber, G. Sarmay, D. Kovesdi;
Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary.
P.A.10.10 Rheumatoid Arthritis patients possess a reduced ratio between regulatory and effector B cells as compared to healthy controls
Z. Bank1, P. Judit1, N. Gyrgy2, G. Tams2, R. Bernadette2, S. Gabriella1;
Department of Immunology, Eotvos Lorand University, Budapest, Hungary, 2Department of Rheumatology, Polyclinic of the Hospitaller Brothers of St. John of God, Budapest, Hungary.
P.A.10.11 Differential expression of chemokine receptors CXCR4 and CXCR5 on peripheral blood B cells from patients with early arthritis who progressed to rheumatoid
I. Henc1, E. Brzustewicz1, A. Daca1, M. Szarecka2, M. Sochocka-Bykowska2, E. Bryl1;
Medical University of Gdansk, Gdask, Poland, 2Voivodal Rheumatology Hospital, Sopot, Poland.
P.A.10.12 Complement receptor type 1 (CD35) inhibits TLR9-mediated B cell functions - a novel cross-talk between comlement, TLRs and adaptive immunity in physiological
and autoimmune conditions
M. Kremlitzka1, B. Mcsik-Valent2, A. Polgr3, E. Kiss3, G. Por3, A. Erdei1,2;
MTA-ELTE Immunology Research Group, Budapest, Hungary, 2Etvs Lornd University, Budapest, Hungary, 3Institute of Rheumatology and Physiotherapy, Budapest, Hungary.
P.A.10.13 Nodal marginal-zone B cells in mice; a distinct virgin and memory subset with latent self-reactivity
A. E. Palm, H. C. Friedrich, S. Kleinau;
Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden.
P.A.10.14 NFATc1 exaggerates imiquimod-induced skin inflammation by inhibiting IL-10 expression in B cells
H. Alrefai1, A. Kerstan2, R. Rudolf1, K. Muhammad1, M. Goebeler2, E. Serfling1;
Institute of Pathology, Mol. Pathology, Wuerzburg, Germany, 2Univ. Hospital, Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergiology, Wuerzburg, Germany.
P.A.10.15 Longterm Memory Plasma Cell Depletion: the need of a combined depletion of Plasma Cells and Their Precurors in NZB/W Mice
A. Taddeo1, L. Khodadadi2, Q. Cheng2, A. Radbruch1, F. Hiepe2, B. F. Hoyer2;
German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, Germany, 2Charit University Hospital Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
P.A.10.16 IL-4-treated mast cells activate regulatory B cells
F. Marsh-Wakefield1,2, C. OSullivan2, S. Leighton2, C. Gillis1,2, G. M. Halliday2, S. N. Byrne1,2;
Cellular Photoimmunology Group, Infectious Diseases and Immunology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2Dermatology Research Laboratories, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
P.A.10.17 Identification of an antigen-specific regulatory B Cell subset in humans
L. Le Pottier, J. Pers;
University, Brest, France.
P.A.10.18 IL-10 Producing Regulatory B cells Are Decreased in Patients with Myasthenia Gravis
J. Sheng;
Univ of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States.
P.A.10.19 Generation and investigation of mice with overexpressed CD22 and Siglec-G proteins
H. Seifried, L. Nitschke;
Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany.
P.A.10.20 Production of anti-DNAds and anti-extractable nuclear antigens (ENA) autoantibodies by circulating plasmablasts/plasma cells and auto-reactive B-cells in SLE
R. de la Varga Martnez1, B. Rodrguez-Bayona2, G. A. Aez3, F. Medina3, J. J. Prez-Venegas4, C. Rodrguez1;
Immunology Department. Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain, 2Biochemistry Department. Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain, 3Rheumatology Department. Hospital
Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain, 4Rheumatology Department. Hospital Universitario de Jerez, Cdiz, Spain.
P.A.10.21 Abnormalities of memory B cell subsets in systemic sclerosis
A. Bognr1, D. Simon1, P. Balogh1, T. Minier2, L. Czirjk2, T. Berki1;
Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, University of Pcs, Pcs, Hungary, 2Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Clinic Center, University of Pcs, Pcs, Hungary.
P.A.10.22 CD200R expression is influenced by stimulation but is not abnormal in the chronic inflammatory settings of Reumatoid Arthritis
A. L. Lemarquis1, B. R. Ludvikson1, R. E. Toes2, H. U. Scherer3;
University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, 2Department of Rheumatology, Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 3Department of Rheumatology at Leiden University Medical
Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
P.A.10.23 Clinical parameters and B cell subsets as biomarkers of response to tocilizumab in Rheumatoid Arthritis
B. Tolusso, A. Fedele, E. Gremese, S. Canestri, C. Di Mario, G. Ferraccioli;
Division of Rheumatology, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Rome, Italy.

16 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
Track B Diseases
P.B.01 Immunity to Bacterial Infection - Part 1
Chairpersons: Sylvia Knapp; Vienna, Austria / Hanna Jarva; Helsinki, Finland (tbc)

P.B.01.01 3D coculture of Staphylococcus aureus and phagocytes in nanofibrous scaffold

C. Kim1,2, T. Kim1,3, H. Bae3, P. Slama4, J. Kwak1,2;
Immune-network Pioneer Research Center, Ajou University Medical Center, Suwon 443-380, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine Ajou University, Suwon 443-380, Korea,
Republic of, 3Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Dong-A University, Busan 602-714, Korea, Republic of, 4Department of Animal Morphology, Physiology and Genetics, Mendel University in
Brno, 613 00 Brno, Czech Republic.
P.B.01.02 Macrophages subvert immune responses to uropathgenic E. coli during urinary tract infection
G. Mora-Bau1,2, A. M. Platt3, N. van Rooijen4, G. J. Randolph5, M. L. Albert1,2, M. A. Ingersoll1,2;
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 2INSERM U818, Paris, France, 3Mount Sinai School of Medicine, New York, NY, United States, 4Free University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 5Washington
University School of Medicine, St. Louis, MO, United States.
P.B.01.03 Lymphocyte apoptosis and CD44 expression during inflammatory response of bovine mammary gland induced by lipopolysaccharide
P. Slama1, Z. Sladek1, E. Kabourkova1, Z. Havlicek1, A. Watanabe2, J. Y. Kwak3;
Mendel University in Brno, Brno, Czech Republic, 2National Institute of Animal Health, Sapporo, Japan, 3Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of.
P.B.01.04 Klebsiella pneumoniae blocks autophagy
S. Yoba, J. Bengoechea;
Centre for Infection and Immunity, Queens University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom.
P.B.01.05 Bartonella species - another tick-borne pathogen?
A. Mller, M. Reiter, H. Stockinger, G. Stanek;
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.01.06 A newly established real-time PCR for detection of Borrelia miyamotoi in Ixodes ricinus ticks
M. Reiter, A. Schtta, A. Mller, H. Stockinger, G. Stanek;
Institut fr Hygiene und Angewandte Immunologie, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.01.07 Characterization of splenic microarchitecture during chronic infection by wild type and mutant strains of Brucella melitensis in mouse experimental model
K. Abir1, A. Machelart1, J. Letesson1, E. Muraille2;
Namur university, namur, Belgium, 2Universit libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.
P.B.01.08 Evaluation of immunologically factors involved in initiation of chronic brucellosis in CD4+ T cells using mRNA array
F. Budak1, H. Bal1, G. Tezcan2, H. Akaln3, G. Goral1, H. B. Oral1;
Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Immunology Department, Bursa, Turkey, 2Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biology Department, Bursa, Turkey, 3Uludag University, Faculty of
Medicine, Clinical Microbiology and Infection Diseases Department, Bursa, Turkey.
P.B.01.09 Evaluation of immunologically factors involved in initiation of chronic brucellosis in CD8+ T cells using mRNA array
F. Budak1, H. Bal1, G. Tezcan2, H. Akaln3, G. Goral1, H. B. Oral1;
Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Immunology Department, Bursa, Turkey, 2Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biology Department, Bursa, Turkey, 3Uludag University, Faculty of
Medicine, Clinical Microbiology and Infection Diseases Department, Bursa, Turkey.
P.B.01.10 Evaluation of immunologically factors involved in initiation of chronic brucellosis in peripheral blood mononuclear cells using mRNA array
F. Budak1, H. Bal1, G. Tezcan2, H. Akaln3, G. Goral1, H. B. Oral1;
Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Immunology Department, Bursa, Turkey, 2Uludag University, Faculty of Medicine, Medical Biology Department, Bursa, Turkey, 3Uludag University, Faculty of
Medicine, Clinical Microbiology and Infection Diseases Department, Bursa, Turkey.
P.B.01.12 Protection in ocular chlamydial infection is dependent on infectious dose of Chlamydia caviae in guinea pig inclusion conjunctivitis model
S. Belij-Rammerstorfer1, A. Inic-Kanada1, M. Stojanovic2, E. Marinkovic2, I. Lukic2, E. Stein1, J. Montanaro1, N. Bintner1, N. Schrer1, M. Kundi3, T. Barisani-Asenbauer1;
OCUVAC Center of Ocular Inflammation and Infection; Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Research and Development; Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera Torlak,
Belgrade, Serbia, 3Institute of Environmental Health, Center for Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.01.13 IkBNS deficient mice are protected against high-dose Listeria monocytogenes infection
S. Frentzel1, A. Jeron1, I. Schmitz2, D. Bruder1,3;
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene,University Hospital, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Systems-oriented Immunology and Inflammation Research, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research,
Braunschweig, Germany, 3Immune Regulation, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany.
P.B.01.14 A functional STAT4 variant increases the risk of nontyphoidal Salmonella bacteraemia in African children
J. J. Gilchrist1, T. C. Mills1, V. Naranbhai1, S. J. Chapman1, B. P. Fairfax1, J. C. Knight1, Wellcome Trust Case Control Consortium 2, T. N. Williams2, J. A. Scott2, C. A. MacLennan3, A. L. Rautanen1, A. V. Hill1;
Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2KEMRI-Wellcome Trust Research Programme, Kilifi, Kenya, 3Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Hinxton, United
P.B.01.16 Elucidating the host cell response to Chlamydia trachomatis infection: the role of guanylate binding proteins
V. Lindenberg1, K. Mlleken2, E. Kravets1, D. Degrandi1, J. Hegemann2, K. Pfeffer1;
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene, Heinrich-Heine-University, Dsseldorf, Germany, 2Institute for Functional Genome Research of Microorganisms, Heinrich-Heine-University,
Dsseldorf, Germany.
P.B.01.17 The role of tyrosine kinase 2 in the immune response during bacterially induced sepsis
K. Ben Mahfoudh1, R. Rom1, M. Biaggio1, C. Lassnig1,2, A. Puga1, S. Knapp3, M. Mueller1,2, B. Strobl1;
Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Biomodels Austria, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 3CeMM-Research Center for Molecular
Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Department of Medicine I, Laboratory of Infection Biology, Medical University, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.01.18 Leptospirosis. The experience of a tertiary hospital in a region of Western Greece during a period of fifteen years
N. Zotos1, T. Potsis2, M. Gianniki3, D. Bougias3, A. Papadopoulou1, C. Georgiou1, L. Papageorgiou1, E. Chrisostomou1, A. Pournou1, N. Tsifetaki3;
Microbiology Department, General Hospital of Ioannina G.Hatzikosta, Ioannina, Greece, 2Private Cardiology Office, Ioannina, Greece, 3Department of Rheumatology, General Hospital of Ioannina
G.Hatzikosta, Ioannina, Greece.
P.B.01.19 luxCDABE reporter system-based monitoring of lipopolysaccharide outer core and O-antigen expression in Yersinia enterocolitica O:3 during mouse infection
E. Bozcal1, M. Dagdeviren2, A. Uzel3, M. Skurnik4;
Istanbul University,Faculty of Science, Biology Department,Basic and Industrial Microbiology Section and Ege University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, Basic and Industrial Microbiology
Section, Istanbul, Izmir, Turkey, 2Ege University, Faculty of Science, Biology Department, General Biology Section, Izmir, Turkey, 3Ege University, Faculty of Science, Biology Deaprtment, Basic and Industrial
Microbiology Section, Izmir, Turkey, 4Haartman Institute, Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, Research Programs Unit, Immunobiology, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Central
Hospital Laboratory Diagnostics, Helsinki, Finland.
P.B.01.20 Immunological essentials for the diagnosis of Lyme borreliosis
G. Stanek1, M. Markowicz1, D. Stupica2, F. Strle2;
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2University Medical Center, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
P.B.01.21 Immunomodulatory effects of chicken cathelicidin CATH-2
M. D. Kraaij, A. van Dijk, H. P. Haagsman;
Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
P.B.01.22 Polarization of human macrophages in vitro favors survival of the intracellular pathogen Chlamydia pneumoniae
T. Buchacher1, A. Ohradanova-Repic2, H. Stockinger2, M. B. Fischer1,3, V. Weber1;
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Innovative Therapy Approaches in Sepsis, Department for Health Sciences and Biomedicine, Danube University Krems, Krems, Austria, 2Molecular Immunology Unit,
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.01.23 Trimming IL-1 signaling for protection against Streptococcus pyogenes
M. Janos, F. Sonego, V. Castiglia, P. Kovarik;
Max F. Perutz Laboratories / Universitt Wien, Vienna, Austria.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 17
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.02 Immunity to Bacterial Infection - Part 2
Chairpersons: Christian Mnz; Zurich, Switzerland / Ger van Zandbergen; Langen, Germany

P.B.02.01 Persisting IgM antibodies against Borrelia burgdorferi sensu lato: over-interpretation or cross-reactivity?
M. Markowicz, H. Stockinger, G. Stanek;
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.02.02 Highly specific monoclonal antibodies against Methicillin-resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA)

N. Maier1, S. Arnold2, M. Listek1, M. Nickisch-Rosenegk2, F. Bier2, K. Hanack1;

University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 2Fraunhofer Institute for Cell Therapy and Immunology IZI, Bioanalytics and Bioprocesses branch, Potsdam, Germany.
P.B.02.03 Human MAIT cell immune surveillance at bile ducts in the portal tract
H. C. Jeffery1, B. van Wilgenburg2, K. Stirling1, K. Parekh1, S. Roberts1, A. Kurioka2, S. Hunter1, J. Rajanayagam1, T. Iqbal3, R. Brown3, D. H. Adams1,3, P. Klenerman2, Y. H. Oo1,3;
Centre for Liver Research and NIHR BRU in Liver Disease, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Peter Medawar Building for Pathogen Research, University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Kingdom, 3University Hospital of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.B.02.04 Phagocytosis and intracellular reactive oxygen species production by milk polymorphonuclear leukocytes in dairy cows with high and low somatic cell count
M. G. Blagitz1, F. N. Souza2, C. F. Batista1, L. F. Azevedo1, N. R. Benites1, P. A. Melville1, A. M. Della Libera1;
Faculdade de Medicina Veterinria e Zootecnia - Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Escola de Veterinria - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
P.B.02.05 The role of elastase in antimicrobial action against Moraxella catarrhalis
J. Roszkowiak1, J. Nowak2, D. Augustyniak1;
Department of Pathogen Biology and Immunology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 2Department of Human Biology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.
P.B.02.06 Rickettsia typhi induces neutrophilia and neutrophil-mediated liver pathology
S. Papp1, U. Richardt1, S. Kuehl1, B. Fleischer1,2, A. Osterloh1;
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, 2Institute of Immunology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.B.02.07 Rickettsia typhi persists in mice and can cause fatal CNS inflammation
A. Osterloh1, S. Papp1, K. Moderzynski1, S. Kuehl1, B. Fleischer1,2;
Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, 2Institute of Immunology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.B.02.08 Protective role of CD8+ and CD4+ T cells in Rickettsia typhi infection
K. Moderzynski1, B. Fleischer1,2, A. Osterloh1;
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, 2Institute of Immunology, University Medical Center Hamburg - Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.B.02.09 Staphylococcus aureus toxins PSM induce a delay in host cell mitotic process, which correlates with a decrease of antibacterial functions of epithelial cells
M. Deplanche1, R. El-Aouar Filho2, L. Alekseeva3, E. Ladier1, J. Jardin1, G. Henry1, V. Azevedo4, F. Laurent5, G. Gerard Lina5, F. Vandenesch5, Y. Le Loir1, M. Otto6, F. Gtz7, N. Berkova1;
INRA, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France, 2INRA, Agrocampus Ouest, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil, 3INRA, Agrocampus Ouest, Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of

Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russian Federation, 4Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte-MG, Brazil, 5CNR, INSERM U1111, Universit Lyon, Lyon, France, 6US National Institutes of
Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 7University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany.
P.B.02.10 Differences in adherence and internalization capacity into bovine mammary epithelial cells among bovine associated staphylococci
F. N. Souza1, S. Piepers2, K. Piccart2, A. M. Della Libera3, M. B. Heinemann4, M. O. Cerqueira1, S. De Vliegher2;
Escola de Veterinria - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2M-team and Mastitis and Milk Quality Research Unit, Department of Reproduction, Obstetrics and Herd Health,
Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 3Departamento de Clnica Mdica - Faculdade de Medicina Veterinria e Zootecnia -Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil,
Departamento de Medicina Veterinria Preventiva e Sade Animal - Faculdade de Medicina Veterinria e Zootecnia -Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.02.12 A20 deficiency in T cells enhances host immune response to bacterial infection
S. Just1, G. Nishanth1, M. Naumann2, D. Schlter1;
Institute of Medical Microbiology, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Institute of Experimental Internal Medicine, Magdeburg, Germany.
P.B.02.13 Evaluation of widal tube dilution and Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay for diagnosing typhoid fever at a referral hospital in Kenya
A. J. Buigut1, R. K. Biegon1, W. K. Aruasa2, K. Patel1, N. G. Buziba1, S. K. Mining3;
Moi University, College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Department of Immunology, Eldoret, Kenya, 2Moi Teaching and Referral Hospital, Department of Clinical Services, Eldoret, Kenya, 3Moi
University, College of Health Sciences, School of Medicine, Department of Immunology and Department of Research, Eldoret, Kenya.
P.B.02.14 Vimentin may mediate apoptosis of E.coli K1-infected HBMECs
X. He1, B. Zhang2, Q. Zeng1, M. Long1, H. Cao1;
Dept. of Microbiology, School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Southern Medical University, Guangzhou, China, 2School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine, Southern Medical University,
Guangzhou, China.
P.B.02.15 Astrocyte-derived MMP-9 impairs blood-brain barrier functions in central nervous system tuberculosis
S. Brilha1, C. W. Ong2, J. S. Friedland1;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2National University Health System, Singapore, Singapore.
P.B.02.16 Development of a diagnostic assay for the detection of Mycobacterium bovis infection in the African lion (Panthera leo)
T. T. Olivier1, J. Hofmeyer2, W. Goosen1, I. Viljoen1, A. Tordiffe3, P. Buss2, R. Warren1, P. van Helden1, M. Miller1, S. Parsons1;
Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa, 2Veterinary Wildlife Services, Kruger National Park, Skukuza, South Africa, 3National Zoological Gardens of South Africa, Pretoria, South Africa.
P.B.02.17 The role of gene polymorphism and level of anti-inflammatory cytokines in blood at patients with pulmonary tuberculosis
D. O. Butov1, M. Kuzhko2, T. Butova1, M. Pitenko1, O. Pionova1;
Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2F.G. Yanovsky National Institute of Phtysiatry & Pulmonology, National Academy of Medical Sciences, Kiev, Ukraine.
P.B.02.18 Human primary CD1c + DCs revealed a superior responsiveness and plasticity in response to mycobacteria infection
M. Bechtle, J. Weiner, S. Kaufmann, L. Lozza;
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany.
P.B.02.19 Vtamn D Levels In Leprosy Patents
N. Isiksacan1, M. Bicer1, M. Koser2;
Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Mehmet Akif Ersoy Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.02.20 Genes affecting host response against mycobacteria in zebrafish (Danio rerio)
M. J. Ojanen1, S. Harjula1, K. Oksanen1, H. Myllymki1, C. A. Buerlein1, M. Rmet1,2,3;
BioMediTech, University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, 2Department of Children and Adolescents, Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 3PEDEGO Research Unit, Medical Research Center Oulu,
University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland.
P.B.02.21 Shift of the immune responses toward TH2 in Chronic Brucellosis
G. Mosayebi, K. Khosravi, N. Zarinfar, E. Ghaznavi- Rad;
School of Medicine, Arak, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.02.22 A naturally occuring inactivation of a major transcription factor elicits bacterial immune subversion
C. Lindemann1, B. Young1, J. Muller1, N. Ternette1, E. Allen1, A. Flaxman1, Y. Yamaguchi1, P. van Diemen1, D. Crook1, R. Massey2, D. J. Wilson1, D. H. Wyllie1;
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom.

P.B.03 Immunity to Fungi, Helminths and Malaria

Chairpersons: Tracey Lamb; Atlanta, United States / Marita Troye-Blomberg; Stockholm, Sweden

P.B.03.01 HLA-II epitope prediction for the Candida albicans proteome revealed important aspects of adaptive anticandidal immunity
M. Manczinger1,2, V. Bodnr1, L. Lakatos1,2, L. Kemny1,2;
Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Szeged, Hungary, 2MTA-SZTE Dermatological Research Group, Szeged, Hungary.
P.B.03.02 B cells and antibodies in protective immunity to Candida albicans infection
M. Ferreira-Gomes1, B. Hebecker2, I. D. Jacobsen2, B. Jungnickel1;
Department of Cell Biology, Friedrich Schiller University, Jena, Germany, 2Research Group Microbial Immunology, Hans-Knll-Institute, Jena, Germany.

18 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.03.03 Synthetically prepared nonaglucosaccharide as model inducer of anti-Candida albicans immune response
E. Pauloviov1, L. Pauloviov1, R. Piliiov1, V. Gallikov2, D. V. Yashunsky3, A. A. Karelin3, Y. E. Tsvetkov3, N. E. Nifantiev3;
Department of Immunochemistry of Glycoconjugates, Center for Glycomics, Institute of Chemistry, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2Department of Biochemistry and Microbiology,
Institute of Biochemistry, Nutrition and Health Protection, Faculty of Chemical and Food Technology,Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, 3N.D. Zelinsky Institute of Organic
Chemistry, Laboratory of Glycoconjugate Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.B.03.04 Eosinophilia, nasal polyps and chronic necrotizing pulmonary aspergillosis with a positive laboratory marker for pulmonary sarciodosis: what came first?
M. Stojanovic1, S. Raskovic1,2, J. Bolpacic1,2, A. Bogdanovic3,2, S. Raljevic4,2, I. Djuric-Filipovic5, M. Stankovic2, M. Bogic1,2;
Clinic of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Clinic of Haematology, Clinical Center of Serbia,

Belgrade, Serbia, 4Clinic of Pulmology, Clinical Center of Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, 5Faculty of Medical Science, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia.
P.B.03.05 Identification of whole pathogenic cells by monoclonal antibodies generated against specific peptide
N. Maier1, M. Listek1, H. Kaba2, N. Schliebe1, U. Bilitewski2, K. Hanack1;
University of Potsdam, Potsdam, Germany, 2Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research (HZI), Braunschweig, Germany.
P.B.03.06 In vivo low-power laser irradiation activates neutrophils and increases their fungicidal activity in first and second encounter with Paracoccidioides brasiliensis;
influence of fungal virulence
E. Burger1, A. C. Mendes1, G. M. Bani1, A. C. Pereira1, Z. P. Camargo2, L. M. Verinaud3, F. F. Sperandio1;
Universidade Federal de Alfenas, Alfenas, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 3Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Campinas, Brazil.
P.B.03.07 IDO controls the differentiation and function of dendritic cells in the Paracoccidioidomycosis (PCM) of susceptible (B10.A) and resistant (A/J) mice to
Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection
E. F. Arajo, V. L. Calich, S. B. Bazan, F. V. Loures, C. Feriotti;
USP - University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.03.08 Hyperreactive Onchocerciasis is Characterized by an Antigen Independent Bias towards Th17 Combined with Strong Th2 Immune Responses
T. Adjobimey1, G. Katawa2, L. E. Layland1, A. Y. Debrah3, C. von Horn1, A. Kwarteng1, S. Specht1, D. W. Taylor4, A. Hoerauf1;
Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, Bonn, Germany, 2University of Lom, Lom, Togo, 3Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine, Kumasi, Ghana,
Institute of Immunology and Infection Research, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
P.B.03.09 Investigating the immune regulatory properties of Necator americanus on human dendritic cells and keratinocytes
A. Hassan, A. M. Ghaemmaghami, D. I. Pritchard;
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
P.B.03.10 Reductions in microfilaridermia by repeated ivermectin treatment are associated with lower Plasmodium-specific Th17 immune responses in Onchocerca volvulus-
infected individuals
L. E. Layland1, K. Arndts1, U. Klarmann-Schulz1, L. Batsa2, A. Debrah3, C. Epp4, R. Fimmers5, S. Specht1, A. Hoerauf1;
Inst. Med. Microbiol., Immunol., & Parasitology (IMMIP), Bonn, Germany, 2Kumasi Centre for Collaborative Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR),, Kumasi, Ghana, 3Kumasi Centre for Collaborative
Research in Tropical Medicine (KCCR), Kumasi, Ghana, 4Centre for Infectious Diseases - Parasitology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 5Institute of Medical Biometry, Informatics and
Epidemiology (IMBIE), Bonn, Germany.
P.B.03.11 Analysis of the vaccine-induced immunity against gastrointestinal parasites suggests a crucial role for mucosal IgG1 and memory NK cell responses
A. Gonzlez-Hernndez, S. Van Coppernolle, I. Peelaers, E. Claerebout, P. Geldhof;
Laboratory of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium.
P.B.03.12 Effect of antihelminthic treatment on vaccine immunogenicity in Gabonese primary school children
S. Brckner1,2, S. Agnandji2, S. Berberich2, B. Abossolo2, E. Bache2, J. Fernandes2, B. Schweiger3, M. Massinga Loembe2, J. Elias4, A. Adegnika1,2, P. Kremsner1,2, M. Esen1,2;
Institute of Tropical Medicine, Tbingen, Germany, 2Centre de Recherches Mdicales de Lambarn (CERMEL), Lambarn, Gabon, 3Nationales Referenzzentrum Robert-Koch-Institut, Berlin, Germany,
Institute for Hygiene and Microbiology/ NRZM, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.B.03.13 Malaria induced CTLA-4+Foxp3- T cells inhibit T effector cell function in trans
C. Steeg, T. Jacobs;
Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicin, Hamburg, Germany.
P.B.03.14 CD8a+ dendritic cells in the pathogenesis of experimental cerebral malaria
J. M. Kuepper1, M. Borsche1, P. J. Korir1, A. Hoerauf1, I. R. Dunay2, B. Schumak1;
Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, University Hospital, Bonn, Germany, 2Institute of Medical Microbiology, University Hospital, Magdeburg, Germany.
P.B.03.15 Acute gammaherpesvirus co-infection suppresses anti-malarial humoral immune responses and can transform a non-lethal Plasmodium infection into a lethal one
C. G. Matar, S. H. Speck, T. J. Lamb;
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States.
P.B.03.16 Monocyte and neutrophil-derived CXCL10 impairs efficient control of blood-stage malaria infection and promotes severe disease
L. J. Ioannidis1,2, A. Ly1,2, C. Q. Nie3, C. Y. Chiu1,2, V. Ryg-Cornejo1,2, D. S. Hansen1,2;
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, VIC, Australia, 2Department of Medical Biology, The University of Melbourne, Parkville, VIC, Australia, 3Burnet Institute, Melbourne, VIC,
P.B.03.17 Type I interferons signalling on macrophages is involved in the immunopathology of experimental cerebral malaria
P. J. Korir, J. Kuepper, A. Hoerauf, B. Schumak;
Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, University Hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany.
P.B.03.18 Studies on immunogenicity and antigenicity of baculovirus-expressed binding region of Plasmodium falciparum EBA-140 merozoite ligand.
A. Zerka1, J. Rydzak1, E. Jaskiewicz1, A. Lass2, B. Szostakowska2, W. Nahorski2, A. Wroczynska2;
Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, 2Institute of Maritime and Tropical Medicine in Gdynia, Gdynia, Poland.
P.B.03.19 Myeloid cells act as major host defense against Aspergillus fumigatus lung infections in immunocompromised conditions
N. Kalleda1, J. Amich1, B. Arslan1, K. Ottmller1, K. Muthu Raja1, M. Friedrich2, A. Brandl1, H. Einsele1, M. Brock3, K. Heinze2, A. Beilhack1;
IZKF Research Laboratory, Department of Medicine II, University Hospital, Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, 2Rudolf-Virchow-Zentrum, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, 3Research Group
Microbial Biochemistry and Physiology, Hans Knoell Institute, Jena, Germany.
P.B.03.20 The role of innate IL-17-producing cells in antifungal immunity
F. Sparber, S. Leibundgut-Landmann;
Institute of Virology, Zrich, Switzerland.
P.B.03.21 Calcineurin inhibitors facilitate opportunistic peritoneal fungal infections via blockage of Ccl2/Ccr2-dependent recruitment of inflammatory monocytes
R. Busch1,2, K. Murti1,2, J. Liu1, A. K. Patra1,2, K. Knobeloch3, M. Lichtinger4, C. Bonifer4, S. Wrtge5, A. Waisman5, K. Reifenberg6, V. Ellenrieder7, E. Serfling1,2, A. Avots1,2;
Institute of Pathology, University of Wuerzburg, Wuerzburg, Germany, 2Comprehensive Cancer Center Mainfranken, Wuerzburg, Germany, 3Institute of Neuropathology, University Clinic Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany, 4Institute of Biomedical Research, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 5University Medical Center, Johannes Gutenberg University,
Mainz, Germany, 6German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 7Department of Gastroenterology II, University of Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany.
P.B.03.22 IL-10 and dendritic cells are the main suppression mediators of regulatory T cells in human neurocysticercosis
A. Arce-Sillas1, D. D. lvarez-Luqun1, G. Cardenas1, G. Fragoso2, M. Hernndez2, A. Fleury1, E. Sciutto2, L. Adalid-Peralta1;
Instituto Nacional de Neurologa y Neurociruga, Mxico city, Mexico, 2Instituto de biomdicas, UNAM, Mxico city, Mexico.

P.B.03.23 IL-1 family cytokines in hepatic necrosis and inflammation caused by blood-stage Plasmodium chabaudi malaria
M. Menezes1, F. Vieira1, . Salles1, A. Cassado1, K. Bortoluci2, J. Alvarez1, J. Alves-Filho3, M. DImprio-Lima1;
University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Federal University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 3University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.B.03.24 Hemozoin is pathogenic in experimental malaria-associated acute respiratory distress syndrome
K. Deroost1,2, T. Pham1, N. Lays1, J. Deckers3, R. Spaccapelo4, E. Schwarzer5, P. Arese5, M. Komuta6, J. Lin7, C. C. Janse8, G. Opdenakker1, P. E. Van den Steen1;
Rega Institute for Medical Research, KU Leuven - University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Fundao de Medicina Tropical Dr. Heitor Vieira Dourado, Centro Internacional de Pesquisa Clnica em Malria
(CIPCliM), Manaus, Brazil, 3Cytokine Receptor Laboratory, VIB, University of Ghent, Ghent, Belgium, 4Universita degli Studi di Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 5University of Torino, Turin, Italy, 6KU Leuven -
University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 7MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London, United Kingdom, 8Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 19
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.04 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 1
Chairpersons: Genevive de Saint Basile; Paris, France / Tomas Kalina; Prague, Czech Republic

P.B.04.01 Detection of rare Mendelian variants involved in basic immunological mechanisms in a cohort of 139 pediatric inflammatory bowel disease patients
N. K. Serwas1, A. Kansu2, E. Santos-Valente1, Z. Kulolu2, A. Demir2, A. Yaman2, L. Y. Gamez Diaz3, C. Domnguez Conde1, E. Salzer1, R. Artan4, E. Sayar4, A. Ensari5, B. Grimbacher6, K. Boztug1,7;
CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 2Ankara University, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Ankara, Turkey, 3Centre of Chronic
Immunodeficiency,, Freiburg, Germany, 4Akdeniz University, Department of Pediatric Gastroenterology, Antalya, Turkey, 5Ankara University, Department of Pathology, Ankara, Turkey, 6Centre of Chronic
Immunodeficiency, Freiburg, Germany, 7Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

P.B.04.02 Hemophagocytic syndrome: the challange of mono-allelic variants

L. Vias-Gimnez1, R. Colobran1, M. Martinez-Gallo1, J. Luis-Dapena1, A. Aguil1, P. Sole-Palacn1, A. Martn-Nalda1, L. Alsina2;
Immunology Division. Vall dHebron University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, 2Allergy and clinical immunology department. Hospital Sant Joan de Du, Barcelona, Spain.
P.B.04.03 Genealogical markers in adults with primary immunodeficiency
M. Karakina1, V. Shershnev2, I. Tuzankina1;
Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2Institute of of Industrial Ecology, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.B.04.04 Subcutaneous panniculitis T-cell lymphoma after total recovery of Hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis in a patient with a novel heterozygous mutation in
UNC13D gene
M. Martinez-Gallo1, R. Colobran1, L. Vinas-Gimenez1, L. Alonso-Garcia2, I. Lopez-Lerma3, J. Ferreres3, B. Ferrer3, C. Diaz de Heredia2, R. Pujol Borrell1, J. Dapena2;
Hospital U. Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain, 2Servei dOncohematologia pediatrica. Hospital Universitari Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, Spain, 3Servei dAnatomia Patologica Hospital
Universitari Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain, Barcelona, Spain.
P.B.04.05 Secondary amyloidosis in a patient with HyperIgE syndrom
E. Madany Al-Kheder1, L. Fernndez Pereira2, C. Cmara Hijn1, I. Tovar Garca1, S. Romero Chala1, J. Garca Trujillo1, I. Mgriz Tascn1;
San Pedro de Alcantara Hospital, Caceres, Spain, 2San Pedro de Alcantara Hospital, Cceres, Spain.
P.B.04.06 Novel homozygous mutations associated with an atypical phenotype of the hyper-IgE syndrome
J. Hartberger1, C. Glocker1, A. Bulashevska1, M. Fliegauf1, N. Frede1, K. Engelhardt1,2,3, A. Schffer4, A. Etzioni5,6,7, B. Grimbacher1;
Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, University Medical Center Freiburg and University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Royal Free Hospital and University College London, London, United Kingdom,
Institute of Cellular Medicine University of Newcastle upon Tyne, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 4NCBI, NIH, Department of Health and Human Services, Bethesda, MD, United States, 5Meyers
Children Hospital, Haifa, Israel, 6Rambam Health Care Campus and Rappaport Faculty of Medicine, Haifa, Israel, 7Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel.
P.B.04.07 Senzitisation in atopic dermatitis, STAT3-, and DOCK8-hyper-IgE syndrome
B. Hagl1, A. C. Boos1, B. E. Halm1, A. Schlesinger1, M. Pinarci2, V. Heinz1, D. Kreilinger1, B. D. Spielberger1, J. Sawalle-Belohradsky1, B. H. Belohradsky1, B. Schaub1, B. Przybilla2, A. Wollenberg2, E. D. Renner1;
University Childrens Hospital, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Dermatology Hospital, Ludwig Maximilian University Munich, Munich, Germany.
P.B.04.08 Granulocyte activation markers in patients with common variable immunodeficiency (CVID)
J. Litzman1, O. Ticha2, J. Nechvatalova1, M. Vlkova1;
Dept. Clin Immunol. Allergol., St Annes University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic, 2Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Federal Institute for Vaccines and Biomedicine, Langen, Germany.
P.B.04.09 Impaired IgG antibody formation indicates the need for early immunoglobulin replacement in hypogammaglobulinemia
H. M. Wolf1, V. Thon2,3, J. Litzman2,3, M. M. Eibl1;
Immunologische Tagesklinik, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 3Department of Clinical Immunology and
Allergology, St. Annes University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic.
P.B.04.10 B cell subpopulation classification: comparison of single & multi-tube preparations
H. R. Lock, J. Brooker, S. Grigoriadou, A. Hickey;
Barts Health NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.04.11 A cryptic splice site in GATA2 exon 3 revealed by a novel mutation causing GATA2 haploinsufficiency
K. Grotius1, C. Wehr1, C. Echternach1, K. Warnatz1, U. Salzer1,2;
Centre for Chronic Immunodeficiency, University Hospital of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University Medical Centre Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
P.B.04.12 Thymoma and immunodeficiency - B-cell reconstitution
M. T. Martinez-Saavedra1, T. Molero2, M. A. Cardenes3, J. C. Rivero Vera4, M. Limeres4, A. Prada Iurrategui5, J. Campoverde6, J. Molero7, N. Matamoros Flori8, M. Martinez-Gallo9, X. de Gracia Roldan10, X.
Solanich11, S. Lopez-Rodriguez10, H. Luzardo2, I. Sologuren1, E. Herrera-Ramos1, M. Lopez-Rodriguez1, Y. Florido1, N. Gonzalez-Quevedo1, C. Rodriguez-Gallego8;
Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2Hematology Department, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrin, Las Palmas
de Gran Canaria, Spain, 3Internal Medicine Department, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr. Negrin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 4Pathology Department, Hospital Universitario de Gran
Canaria Dr. Negrin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 5Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario Donostia, San Sebastin, San Sebastian, Spain, 6Clinic Immunology Department, Hospital General
Universitario Gregorio Maraon, Madrid, Spain, 7Immunology and Genetics Department, Hospital Infanta Cristina, Badajoz, Spain, 8Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Palma de
Mallorca, Spain, 9Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain, 10Pneumology Department, Hospital Universitario Vall dHebrn, Barcelona, Spain, 11Internal Medicine
Department, Hospital Universitario de Bellvitge, Hospitalet de Llobregat, Spain.
P.B.04.13 JAK1 deficiency predisposes to mycobacterial infection
V. Daza Cajigal1, K. Novak2, D. Evangelopoulos3, I. Angulo4, T. D. McHugh3, S. Nejentsev4, A. J. Thrasher2,5, S. O. Burns1;
University College London Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, Department of Immunology, Royal Free London NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, 2University College London
Institute of Child Health, Molecular Immunology Unit, London, United Kingdom, 3University College London Centre for Clinical Microbiology, Research Department of Infection, London, United Kingdom,
Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 5Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.04.15 Clinical case of an X-linked Hyper IgM syndrome diagnosed by flow cytometry
M. Rey, P. Echniz, . Prada;
Laboratorio Inmunologa Hospital Donostia, Donostia-San Sebastian, Spain.
P.B.04.16 Disseminated Mycobacterium fortuitum infection - diagnostic and therapeutic challenges in a child with complete IFNgR1 deficiency
P. Olbrich1,2, M. T. Martinez-Saavedra3, J. Hurtado4, C. Sanchez1,2, B. Sanchez5, C. Deswarte6,7, I. Obando1,2, J. Casanova6,8,9, C. Speckmann10, J. Bustamante6,7,11, C. Rodriguez-Gallego12, O. Neth1,2;
Pediatric Infectious Diseases and Immunodeficiency Unit, Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla, Spain, 2Biomedicine Institute of Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain, 3Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario de
Gran Canaria Dr. Negrin, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 4Pediatric Hematology Unit, Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla, Spain, 5Department of Immunology, Hospital Virgen del Rocio, Sevilla, Spain,
Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Necker Hospital for Sick Children, Paris, France, 7Paris Descartes University, Imagine Institute, Paris, France, 8Pediatric Hematology-Immunology
Unit, Necker Hospital for Sick Children, Paris, France, 9St. Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Rockefeller branch, the Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States, 10Center for
Chronic Immunodeficiency, University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 11Center for the Study of Primary Immunodeficiencies, Necker Hospital for Sick Children,, Paris, France, 12Immunolgy Department, Son
Espases University Hospital, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
P.B.04.17 Late onset and inflammatory bowel disease in a patient with a missense mutation in NEMO (IKBKG)
M. Martinez-Gallo1, O. Segarra2, R. Colobran1, M. Garcia-Prat1, D. Alvarez de la Sierra1, A. Martin-Nalda3, P. Soler-Palacin3;
Hospital U. Vall dHebron. Servei dImmunologia, Barcelona, Spain, 2Hospital U. Vall dHebron. Unitat de Gastroenterologia Peditrica, Barcelona, Spain, 3Hospital U. Vall dHebron. Unitat de Malalties
infeccioses i immunodeficincies peditriques, Barcelona, Spain.
P.B.04.18 Severe congenital neutropenia in Turkish patient living in the South Marmara region
S. Kilic1, O. Gorukmez2, T. Yakut2, D. Hafizoglu1, E. Asut1, S. Cekic1;
Uludag University Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatrics, Bursa, Turkey, 2Uludag University Medical Faculty, Department of Genetics, Bursa, Turkey.
P.B.04.19 New diagnostic aplication for X-linked Chronic Granulomatous Disease
M. Y. Koker1,2, B. Saraymen1, E. Bentli1, H. elikzencir1, H. Avclar1;
University of Erciyes, Department of Immunology, Kayseri, Turkey, 2Kk Biotek Ar-Ge, Technocity of University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey.
P.B.04.20 Diagnostic conflic in MPO deficiency and AR-CGD with DHR assay
M. Y. Koker1, G. Akyol2, L. Kaynar2, S. Akpnar1, H. Avclar1, B. Eser2, M. etin2, A. nal2;
Department of Immunology, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey, 2Division of Hematology, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey.
P.B.04.21 Detecion of CD19, ICOS, TACI gene mutations in Turkish CVID patients
S. iko1, A. A. Kykm2, S. Bar2, E. Aydner2, S. Nepesov3, . Hatrnaz Ng1, S. nar4, M. Sayitolu1, I. B. Barlan2, Y. Camcolu3, G. Deniz4, U. zbek1, Y. Y. Ng5;
Istanbul University,Istanbul University Institute for Experimental Medicine Research,Department of Genetics, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Marmara University Faculty of Medicine Department of Allergy-Immunology,
Istanbul, Turkey, 3Istanbul University,Cerahpaa Medical Faculty,Department of Child Health and Diseases, Istanbul, Turkey, 4Istanbul University,Istanbul University Institute for Experimental Medicine
Research,Department of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, 5Istanbul Bilgi University, Department of Genetics and Bioengineering, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.04.22 Analysis of inhibitory 2B4 receptor in NK cells from XLP1 patients: diagnostic tool and differential capability to inhibit various activating pathways
R. Meazza1, C. Tuberosa2, V. Cetica3, M. Falco4, F. Loiacono4, M. C. Mingari1,2, L. Moretta4, C. Bottino2,4, M. Aric3,5, D. Pende1;
IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy, 2Department of Experimental Medicine, University of Genova, Genova, Italy, 3Department of Pediatric Onco-Hematology, AOU Meyer, Florence, Italy, 4IRCCS
Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 5Istituto Toscano Tumori, Florence, Italy.

20 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.04.23 A new IL-2RG gene mutation in an x-linked SCID identified through TREC/KREC screening: a case report
M. Nourizadeh1, S. Borte2,3, M. Fazlollahi1, L. Hammarstrm2, Z. Pourpak1;
Immunology, Asthma and Allergy Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Division of Clinical Immunology, Department of Laboratory Medicine,
Karolinska University Hospital Huddinge, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Jeffrey Modell Diagnostic and Research Center for Primary Immunodeficiencies, Municipal Hospital St. Georg,, Leipzig, Germany.
P.B.04.24 Neonatal mortality in children with lymphopenia
M. A. Bolkov1,2, I. A. Tuzankina1,2, S. S. Deryabina2,1, A. A. Konoplev2, E. V. Vlasova1, E. L. Istomina1;
Institute of Immunology and Physiology of the Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2Federal State Autonomous Educational Institution of Higher
Professional Education Ural Federal University named after the first President of Russia B.N.Yeltsin, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.

P.B.05 Autoinflammatory Diseases
Chairpersons: Haluk Barbaros B. Oral; Bursa, Turkey / Clemens Scheinecker; Vienna, Austria

P.B.05.01 ANCA antibodies: A 3-year study at a tertiary hospital of Western Greece

N. Zotos1, T. Potsis2, M. Gianniki3, D. Bougias3, A. Papadopoulou1, C. Georgiou1, L. Papageorgiou1, E. Chrisostomou1, A. Pournou1, N. Tsifetaki3;
Microbiology Department, General Hospital of Ioannina G.Hatzikosta, Ioannina, Greece, 2Private Cardiology Office, Ioannina, Greece, 3Department of Rheumatology, General Hospital of Ioannina
G.Hatzikosta, Ioannina, Greece.
P.B.05.02 Deciphering the transcriptomic signatures linked with atopic dermatitis in humans: A systems immunological approach
P. Pushparaj1, L. A. Damiati2, S. Bahlas3, K. Gauthaman1;
Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2King Fahad Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 3Department of
Internal Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
P.B.05.03 An autoimmune polyglandular syndrome type 3 complicated with celiac disease and autoimmune hepatitis: case report and literature review
R. Dieli-Crimi1, C. Nez1, L. Estrada2, L. Fernndez-Paredes1, N. Lpez-Palacios3;
UGC de Inmunologa, Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria del Hospital Clnico San Carlos (IdISSC), Madrid, Spain, 2Servicio de Anatoma Patolgica, Hospital Clnico San Carlos,
Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria del Hospital Clnico San Carlos (IdISSC), Madrid, Spain, 3Servicio de Digestivo, Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria del Hospital Clnico San
Carlos (IdISSC), Madrid, Spain.
P.B.05.04 Lower proportions of CD19+CD24hiCD27+IL-10+ and CD19+IL-10+ , but not CD1d+CD5+CD19+CD24+CD27+IL-10+ B cell levels in children with autoimmune
thyroid diseases
A. Bossowski1, K. Grubczak2, P. Singh2, U. Radzikowska2, P. Mikasz2, M. Dabrowska3, A. Bossowska4, M. Moniuszko5;
Dep. of Pediatric Endocrinology and Diabetes with a Cardiology Unit. Medical University in Bialystok., Bialystok, Poland, 2Department of Regenerative Medicine and Immune Regulation, Bialystok, Poland,
Department of Hematology Diagnostic. Medical University in Bialystok., Bialystok, Poland, 4Division of Cardiology, Internal Affairs Ministry Hospital in Biaystok,, Bialystok, Poland, 5Department of
Regenerative Medicine and Immune Regulation. Medical University in Bialystok, Bialystok, Poland.
P.B.05.05 S100A8/A9 as reliable inflammation marker in experimental autoimmune uveoretinitis (EAU) in mice
M. Kasper1, T. Vogl2, L. Wildschuetz1,3, S. Zenker1, D. Bauer1, S. Thanos4, M. Karlstetter5, T. Langmann5, J. Roth2, A. Heiligenhaus1,3;
Department of Ophthalmology at St. Franziskus Hospital, Ophtha-Lab, Muenster, Germany, 2Institute of Immunology, Westfalian Wilhelms-University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany, 3University of
Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 4Institute for Experimental Ophthalmology, Westfalian Wilhelms-University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany, 5Laboratory for Experimental Immunology of the Eye,
Department of Ophthalmology University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
P.B.05.06 Interleukin 1 blockade with canakinumab for Hyper IGD syndrome (HIDS)
J. Brunner, E. Binder, D. Karall, J. Zschocke, C. Fauth;
Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.B.05.07 IL-17 expression by lymphocytes is higher in Behcets disease compared to Takayasus arteritis
F. T. zdemir1, R. Deniz2, A. T. Virlan1, I. A. Tatl1, G. Ozen3, F. A. Oner3, A. U. Unal3, G. Mumcu4, T. Ergun5, H. Direskeneli3;
Marmara University, School of Medicine, Department of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Marmara University, School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Marmara University, School of Medicine, Department
of Rheumatology, Istanbul, Turkey, 4Marmara University, Faculty of Health Sciences, Department of Health Management, Istanbul, Turkey, 5Marmara University, School of Medicine, Department of
Dermatology, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.05.08 Anti-Bacterial Permeability Increasing antibody: Other antigenic target of the ANCA
S. Gadiri1, H. Meriche1, L. Benmeiza2;
Department of Immunology, Pediatric Clinic of St Therese, Annaba, Algeria, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Ibn Sina Hospital, Annaba, Algeria.
P.B.05.09 Positive ANCA Vasculitis: about 18 cases
S. Gadiri Meriche1, H. Meriche1, A. Alliouche Kerboua1, A. Atik2;
Department of Immunology, St Thrse Pediatric Clinic, Annaba, Algeria, 2Department of Nephrology, Ibn Sina Hospital, Annaba CHU, Annaba, Algeria.
P.B.05.10 Cryopyrin associated periodic syndromes (CAPS): immunological characterization of knock-in mouse model to exploit novel approaches for the modulation of the
NLRP3 inflammasome
A. Bertoni1,2, S. Carta3, E. Balza3, S. Borghini4, P. Castellani3, C. Pellecchia3, F. Penco1, F. Schena1, M. Trotta1,2, C. Pastorino1, I. Ceccherini4, A. Martini1, M. Gattorno1, A. Rubartelli3, S. Chiesa1;
Laboratorio di Immunologia delle Malattie Reumatiche, G.Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy, 2Universit degli studi di Genova, Genova, Italy, 3Unit di biologia cellulare, IRCCS San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy,
Genetica medica, G.Gaslini Institute, Genova, Italy.
P.B.05.11 The killed Dietzia maris inhibits IL-6 production from LPS-induced murine activated macrophages
B. Ghahvechi1, K. Nofouzi2, M. Aghapour2, B. Baradaran3, F. Mahmoodi3, F. Yahyavi4;
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,
Islamic Republic of, 3Immunology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 4Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz,
Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.05.12 Oral suspension of heat-killed Dietzia maris suppresses nitric oxide production in murine LPS-stimulated peritoneal macrophages
B. Ghahvechi1, K. Nofouzi2, M. Aghapour2, K. Tahapour2, B. Baradaran3, F. Mahmoodi3;
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,
Islamic Republic of, 3Immunology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.05.13 Gene mosaicism in autoinflammatory diseases: Insights from a Spanish centre
A. Mensa-Vilaro1, E. Gonzalez-Roca1, D. Clemente2, S. Murias3, J. Callejas4, J. Caellas5, A. Souto6, J. Campistol7, S. Jimenez-Trevio8, C. Delgado9, E. Enriquez-Merayo10, P. Tejada-Palacios11, S. Ping Tang12,
E. Ruiz-Ortiz1, F. Rius1, S. Plaza1, M. Anton1, J. Lopez-Robledillo2, R. Merino3, N. Ortego4, M. Bosque9, J. de Inocencio10, W. Tarng Cham12, J. Yage1, J. Arostegui1;
Immunology Department, Hospital Clinic-IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain, 2Pediatric Rheumatology Department, Hospital del Nio Jesus, Madrid, Spain, 3Pediatric Rheumatology Department, Hospital de La
Paz, Madrid, Spain, 4Autoimmune Diseases Department, Hospital San Cecilio, Granada, Spain, 5Rheumatology Department, Hospital Germans Trias i Pujol, Badalona, Spain, 6Rheumatology Department,
Hospital Universitario de Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain, 7Nephrology Department, Hospital Clinic-IDIBAPS, Barcelona, Spain, 8Pediatrics Department, Hospital Central de
Asturias, Oviedo, Spain, 9Rheumatology Department, Hospital Clinico Universitario Lozano Blesa, Zaragoza, Spain, 10Pediatric Rheumatology Department, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid,
Spain, 11Ophthalmology Department, Hospital Universitario 12 de Octubre, Madrid, Spain, 12Selayang Hospital, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
P.B.05.14 tertiary lymphoid organs form during the long term course of murine glomerulonephritis
C. Schabhuettl1, A. H. Kirsch1, K. Artinger1, I. Aringer1, A. R. Rosenkranz1, P. Eller2, K. Eller1;
Division of Nephrology, Graz, Austria, 2Division of Angiology, Graz, Austria.
P.B.05.15 Monosodium glutamate has very low potential for provoking inflammation-based clinical symptoms
D. E. Maddox;
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States.
P.B.05.16 HSP60 as an autoantigen in obesity
M. Selli, D. C. Wraith, A. C. Newby;
University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom.
P.B.05.17 Myositis autoantibodies in Tunisian patients with idiopathic inflammatory myopathies
L. Laadhar1, F. Azaiez1, I. Ben Ghorbel2, M. Kallel-Sellami1, H. Houman2;
Immunology Department, la Rabta hospital, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Internal Medicine Department, La Rabta Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia.
P.B.05.18 The immune-suppressive effects of heat-inactivated Tsukamurella inchonensis on the release of Interleukin-6 (IL-6) by activated peritoneal macrophages
M. Aghapour1, K. Nofouzi1, B. Ghahvechi2, B. Baradaran3, F. Mahmoodi3;
Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,
Islamic Republic of, 3Immunology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 21
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.05.19 TRP channels overexpression contributes to inflammasome activation in clavicular cortical hyperostosis?
L. Lamot1, M. Vidovic2, M. Perica2, L. Tambic Bukovac2, K. Gotovac1, F. Borovecki1, M. Harjacek2;
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia, 2Childrens Hospital Srebrnjak, Zagreb, Croatia.
P.B.05.20 Interleukin-1 receptor antagonist deficiency with a novel mutation; late onset and a successful treatment with canakinumab: a case report
N. E. Karaca1, E. Ulusoy1, E. Azarsiz1, H. El-Shanti2, G. Aksu1, N. Kutukculer1;
Ege University Medical School, Izmir, Turkey, 2Qatar Biomedical Research Institute, Medical Genetics Center, Doha, Qatar.
P.B.05.21 Cytotoxic profile of CD4+ T encephalitogenic cells during the evolution of the experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis

F. Pradella, G. A. Morais, C. Francelin, E. S. Fonseca, A. F. Longhini, M. Rocha-Parise, G. A. Silva, L. M. Santos, A. S. Farias;

UNICAMP, Campinas - SP, Brazil.

P.B.06 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 1

Chairpersons: Annemiek van Spriel; Nijmegen, Netherlands / Manfred B. Lutz; Wrzburg, Germany

P.B.06.01 Activation of Annexin A1-FPR2 axis promotes resolution of house dust mite induced airway hyper-reactivity
S. A. Mathie1, S. Bena2, V. Hammond3, M. Mondae3, G. Scadding1, M. H. Shamji1, D. Davda1, S. Durham1, M. Perretti2, V. ODonnell3, C. M. Lloyd1;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2William Harvey Research Institute, Barts School of Medicine, United Kingdom, 3Cardiff Institute of Infection & Immunity, University of Cardiff, United
P.B.06.02 The effect of folate status on pro-inflammatory cytokines expression of mesangial cells
X. L. Koh, B. F. Lin;
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.B.06.03 S100A4 promotes liver fibrosis via activation of hepatic stellate cells
Z. Qin1,2, L. Chen1,2,3, J. Li1,2,3;
Institute of Biophysics, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 2Chinese Academy of Sciences-University of Tokyo Joint Laboratory of Structural Virology and Immunology, Institute of Biophysics,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China, 3University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing, China.
P.B.06.04 In vitro functional study of the effect of polymorphism ANXA11 rs1049550 on the formation of granulomas
R. Fillerova1, P. Gregorova1, M. Zurkova2, T. Tichy3, V. Lostakova2, V. Kolek2, E. Kriegova1;
Dept. of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2Dept. of Respiratory Diseases, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc,
Czech Republic, 3Dept. of Clinical and Molecular Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
P.B.06.05 Elastin peptides modulate T helper response during murine emphysema
A. Meghraoui-Kheddar1, M. Sellami1, S. Audonnet2, M. Guenounou1, R. Le Naour1;
EA4683, SFR CAP-Sant, Universit de Reims Champagne-Ardenne (URCA), REIMS, France, 2Plateau technique de Cytomtrie en flux, Plateforme Sant, URCA, REIMS, France.
P.B.06.06 Platelets induce Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin production by Endothelial Cells: contribution to human systemic sclerosis fibrosis
M. Truchetet1,2, B. Demoures2, J. Guimaraes2, P. Laurent2, I. Douchet2, C. Jacquemin2, P. Duffau3,2, E. Lazaro4,2, C. Richez1,2, J. Seneschal5, J. Constans6, J. Pellegrin4, T. Schaeverbeke1, P. Blanco2,7, C. Contin-
Rheumatology Department Bordeaux Hospital, Bordeaux, France, 2UMR CNRS 5164 CIRID Bordeaux University, Bordeaux, France, 3Internal Medecine Department Bordeaux Hospital, Bordeaux, France,
Internal Medicine Department Bordeaux Hospital, Bordeaux, France, 5Dermatology Department Bordeaux Hospital, Bordeaux, France, 6Vascular Medicine Department Bordeaux Hospita, Bordeaux,
France, 7Immunology and Immunogenetic Department Bordeaux Hospital, Bordeaux, France, Bordeaux, France, 8Immunology and Immunogenetic Department Bordeaux Hospital, Bordeaux, France.
P.B.06.07 Tumour necrosis factor-related apoptosis inducing ligand promotes the development of experimental chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
T. J. Haw1, M. R. Starkey1, P. M. Nair1, I. Hanish1,2, D. H. Nguyen1, G. Liu1, M. D. Inman3, R. Y. Kim1, A. M. Collison1, D. A. Knight1, H. Yagita4, J. Mattes1, J. C. Horvat1, P. M. Hansbro1;
Hunter Medical Research Institute and University of Newcastle, New Lambton Heights, Australia, 2Department of Microbiology and Universiti Putra Malaysia, Serdang, Malaysia, 3Firestone Institute for
Respiratory Health and McMaster University, Hamilton, ON, Canada, 4Department of Immunology and Juntendo University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
P.B.06.08 Genetic polymorphism and expression of TNF And TGF genes in patients with chronic lower limbs infections connected with wound healing problem.
M. Zagozda1,2, A. Sarnecka1,2, Z. Staszczak1,3, H. Galkowska1, W. L. Olszewski1,2, M. Durlik1,2;
Mossakowski Medical Research Centre Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 2Central Clinical Hospital, Ministry of Internal Affairs, Warsaw, Poland, 3College of Inter-Faculty Individual Studies in
Mathematics and Natural Sciences, Warsaw, Poland.
P.B.06.10 Effects of alcohol extracts from Huiyang Shengji Gao on macrophage efferocytosis and phenotype transition
Y. Lin;
Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.
P.B.06.11 Antibodies of intestinal profile in patients with Crohns disease
M. Karakina1, A. shepkov2, G. Tsaur1, I. Pashnina1;
Institute Immunology and Phisiology, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2Region Clinical Hospital, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.B.06.12 Anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy restores of Foxp3(+) regulatory T cell subsets and Foxp3(-) type 1 regulatory-like T cells in inflammatory bowel diseases
Z. Li1, S. Vermeire1, D. Bullens1, M. Ferrante1, K. Van Steen1,2, M. Noman1, P. Rutgeerts1, J. L. Ceuppens1, G. Van Assche1;
Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Universit de Lige, Universit de Lige, Belgium.
P.B.06.13 Wild bitter gourd prevents dextran sulfate sodium-induced colitis by enhancing intestinal regulatory T cells
H. Lu, B. Lin;
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.B.06.14 A critical role for CD101 in the maintenance of intestinal homeostasis
J. Mattner;
FAU Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany.
P.B.06.15 Intestinal epithelial cell tyrosine kinase 2 transduces interleukin-22 signals to protect from acute colitis
E. Hainzl1, I. Rauch2,3, S. Heider4, C. Lassnig1, S. Stockinger1, L. Kenner1,4,5, T. Decker2, B. Strobl1, M. Mller1;
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3University of California, Berkeley, CA, United States, 4Ludwig Boltzmann Institute for Cancer Research,
Vienna, Austria, 5Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.06.16 Immunoproteasome is a promising target molecule for the treatment of colitis-associated carcinogenesis
N. Vachharajani1, M. Hofer2,3, G. Pantazis2, A. Hellhund1, A. Pagenstecher2, U. Steinhoff1, A. Viekruna1;
Institut fr medizinische Mikrobiologie,Philipps-Universitt, Marburg, Germany, 2Neuropathologie, Philipps-Universitt, Marburg, Germany, 3School of Molecular Bioscience, The University of Sydney,
Sydney, Australia.
P.B.06.18 No evidence for a role of the histamine H4-receptor in chronic DSS-induced colitis
B. Schirmer, T. Rezniczek, R. Isaev, R. Seifert, D. Neumann;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.B.06.19 Hyperbaric oxygenation modulates homing properties of GALT in BALB/c mice with DSS induced colitis
M. Mihalj, S. Novak, A. Cosic, I. Drenjancevic;
Faculty of Medicine University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia.
P.B.06.20 HIF-1 gene expression correlates to SOD1 and GPx1 gene expression during gut inflammation and hyperbaric oxygenation in BALB/c mice
S. Novak, A. Cosic, I. Drenjancevic, M. Mihalj;
Faculty of Medicine University of Osijek, Osijek, Croatia.

P.B.07 Neuroimmunology
Chairpersons: Yvonne Dombrowski; Belfast, United Kingdom / Alexander Scheffold; Bergisch Gladbach, Germany

P.B.07.01 Autoantibodies towards the angiotensin 2 type 1 receptor. A novel autoantibody in Alzheimers disease
L. M. Giil1, E. K. Kristoffersen2,3, C. A. Vedeler4, D. Aarsland5,6, J. Nordrehaug2,7, B. Winblad5, A. Cedazo-Minguez5, A. Lund2, T. R. Reksten3,6;
Department of Internal Medicine, Haraldsplass Deaconess Hospital, Bergen, Norway, 2Institute of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 3Department of Immunology and Transfusion
Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway, 4Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 5Department of Neurobiology, Care Sciences and Society, Center for
Alzheimer Research, Division of Neurogeriatrics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 6Centre for Age-Related Diseases (SESAM), Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway, 7Department of
Cardiology, Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger, Norway.

22 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.07.02 Higher chemokine production by peripheral monocytes after alpha-synuclein stimulation
D. Goldeck1, L. Oettinger1, W. Maetzler2,3, D. Berg2,3, G. Pawelec1;
Second Department of Internal Medicine, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany, 2Department of Neurodegeneration, Hertie Institute for Clinical Brain Research, Tbingen, Germany, 3German Center
of Neurodegenerative Diseases, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany.
P.B.07.04 MCMV infection in neonatal and adult mice induces susceptibility to EAE in resistant BALB/c mice
J. Milovanovic1, M. Milovanovic2, A. Arsenijevic2, B. Stojanovic1, B. Popovic3, N. Arsenijevic2, S. Jonjic3, M. L. Lukic2;
Faculty of Medical Sciences University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2Center for Molecular Medicine Faculty of Medical Sciences University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 3Center for Proteomics,
Department for Histology and Embryology, School of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.

P.B.07.05 GPCR expression during neuroinflammation: A comparative multiplexed-analysis on the single cell level
D. Tischner1, M. Grimm1, H. Kaur1, F. Wanke2, F. Kurschus2, N. Wettschureck1;
Department of Pharmacology, Max Planck Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim, Germany, 2Institute for Molecular Medicine, University Medical Center of the Johannes Gutenberg
University Mainz, Mainz, Germany.
P.B.07.06 Extended B cell phenotype in patients with Myalgic Encephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome: a cross-sectional study
F. Mensah1, A. Bansal2, S. Berkovitz3, M. Leandro1, C. Ciurtin1, G. Cambridge1;
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2St Helier University Hospitals NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom, 3Royal London Hospital for Integrated Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.07.07 expression of CD56 positive fenotype on monocytes in patients with high grade astrocytoma
E. Slavov1, I. Koev2, D. Staykov2, K. Halacheva1, V. Sarafian2;
Trakia University, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2Medical University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
P.B.07.08 Epstein-Barr virus selectively affects Th1-type cytokine response in patients with myalgic encephalomyelitis
I. K. Malashenkova1, S. A. Krynskiy1,2, N. A. Hailov1, G. V. Kazanova1, E. I. Dobrovolskaia1, N. A. Didkovsky2, D. P. Ogurtsov2, O. G. Gurskaia2, M. A. Dzarova2, O. Y. Shipulina3, E. A. Domonova3, O. Y.
NRC Kurchatov Instutute, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Science Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Central Research Institute for Epidemiology of
Rospotrebnadzor, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.B.07.09 Implication of CD8+ T cells in the pathophysiology of amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
E. Coque1, G. Carrasco2, C. Salsac1, M. Libralato1, E. Torres1, F. Scamps1, T. Vincent3, J. Hernandez2, C. Raoul1;
INSERM U1051, Institute for Neuroscience of Montpellier, Montpellier, France, 2INSERM U844, Montpellier, France, 3Hopital Saint Eloi, Immunology department, Montpellier, France.
P.B.07.10 Inflammasomes are expressed in demyelinated CNS lesions
S. Fleville, M. Dittmer, D. C. Fitzgerald, Y. Dombrowski;
Queens University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom.
P.B.07.12 Apigenin, a natural flavonoid, attenuates EAE severity through modulation of dendritic and other immune cell functions.
R. A. Ginwala1, E. McTish1, N. Singh2, C. Raman3, M. Nagarkatti2, P. Jain1, Z. K. Khan1;
Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2University of South Carolina, Columbia, SC, United States, 3University of Alabama School of Medicine, Birmingham, AL, United
P.B.07.14 Brain inflammation-related genes during canine visceral leishmaniasis
F. G. Grano, J. E. Silva, G. D. Melo, G. F. Machado;
College of Veterinary Medicine, Univ Estadual Paulista, Araatuba, Brazil.
P.B.07.15 Model for interaction of immune and neuronal systems in neurodegeneration
M. Zilkova1,2, P. Majerova2, Z. Kazmerova1,2, B. Kovacech1,2, M. Novak1,2, E. Kontsekova1,2;
Institute of Neuroimmunology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, AD Centre, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2AXON Neuroscience SE, Bratislava, Slovakia.
P.B.07.16 Neuronal surface antibodies in patients with psychosis
V. Cunill1,2, S. Arboleya3, A. Clemente1,2, M. R. Jimnez1,2, M. leyes4, S. Deng3, M. Bedmar5, I. Salvador5, P. Herbera3, C. Vives6,2, F. Canellas3, M. R. Juli1,2;
Department of Immunology, Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2Institut dInvestigaci Sanitria de Palma (IdISPa), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 3Department of Psychiatry,
Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 4Department of Intenal Medicine, Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 5Institut Balear de Salut Mental de la infancia i
ladolescencia, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 6Research Unit, Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
P.B.07.17 NMDA-receptor antibody positivity in patients with Herpes virus type 7 encephalitis
I. Gan1, M. J. Rodrguez2, A. Tejeda1, A. Jimnez-Escrig3, . Carrasco1;
Servicio Inmunologa, Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain, 2Servicio de Microbiologa, Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain, 3Servicio de Neurologa, Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.07.18 HLA-G, HLA-E and HLA-F polymorphisms and soluble HLA-G protein levels in Tunisian autistic families
N. Kharrat1, I. Ayadi2, R. Rizzo3, D. Bortolotti3, I. Gtif1, H. Kamdougha1, N. Bouayed Abdelmoula4, F. Ghribi5, A. Rebai1, I. Zidi6;
Centre de Biotechnologie de Sfax, laboratory of microorganismes and biomolecules route Sidi Mansour, Sfax, Tunisia, 2Facult des Sciences de Sfax, Route de la Soukra km 4, Sfax, Tunisia, 3Department of
Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, Section Microbiology, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, 4Facult de Mdecine de Sfax, Laboratory of Histology, Avenue Majida Bou Leila, Sfax, Tunisia, 5Hospital of
Hedi chaker (CHU), Service de psychiatrie, Route el Ain Km0.5, Sfax, Tunisia, 6Laboratory Microorganismes et Biomolcules Actives, Sciences Faculty of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia.
P.B.07.19 Disturbances in the immune system of mice with high and low sensitivity to stress
K. Bien1, M. Krzyzowska1, P. Orlowski1, J. Fichna2, M. Sacharczuk3;
Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland, 2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland, 3Institute of Genetics and Animal Breeding,
Polish Academy of Sciences, Jastrzebiec, Poland.
P.B.07.20 Identification of molecular chaperones as modulators of the alpha-synuclein-elicited immune response
A. Labrador-Garrido1,2, M. Cejudo-Guilln1,2, M. M. Leal1, S. Daturpalli3, R. Klippstein1,2, E. J. De Genst3, C. M. Dobson3, S. E. Jackson3, D. Pozo1, C. Roodveldt1;
CABIMER, Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Seville, Spain, 2Department of Medical Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of
Seville, Seville, Spain, 3Department of Chemistry, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
P.B.07.21 CD4+ T cell reactivity to orexin/hypocretin in patients with narcolepsy with cataplexy
M. Ramberger, B. Hgl, A. Stefani, T. Mitterling, B. Frauscher, A. Lutterotti, M. Reindl;
Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.B.07.22 Peripheral blood cytokines as biomarkers in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis
A. I. Rodriguez-Mahillo1, Y. Moran2, P. Carbajo2, N. Carballeda-Sangiao1, J. Mascias2, M. Hernandez2, D. Chaverri2, J. S. Mora2, M. Gonzlez-Muoz3;
FIB-Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain, 2ALS Unit, Neurology Department, HCIII-Hospital Universitario La Paz, Madrid, Spain, 3Immunology Department, HCIII-Hospital Universitario La Paz,
Madrid, Spain.
P.B.07.23 Potential mechanisms in MuSK myasthenia gravis
I. Koneczny1,2, J. A. Cossins2, M. I. Leite2, B. Lang2, D. Beeson2, A. Vincent2;
Department of Psychiatry and Neuropsychology, School for Mental Health and Neuroscience, Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences and
Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom.
P.B.07.24 Exaggerated inflammatory response of microglia in two distinct mouse models of brain aging
J. Laman, B. Eggen, I. Holtman, D. Raj, E. Boddeke;
UMC Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands.
P.B.07.25 Molecular characterisation of cortactin autoantigen in miastenia gravis and autoimmune myositis patients
M. Benito-Len1, I. Monge-Lobo1, A. Selva-OCallaghan2, I. Illa3, M. A. Martnez4, C. Jurez4, J. M. Martin-Villa1, N. Martnez-Quiles1;
Division of Immunology, School of Medicine, Complutense University, Madrid, Spain, 2Internal Medicine Department, Vall dHebron General Hospital, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain,
Neuromuscular Diseases Unit, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 4Immunology Department, Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Universitat
Autnoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.

P.B.08 Diabetes and (Chronic) Inflammatory Joint Diseases

Chairpersons: Lucienne Chatenoud; Paris, France / Matthias Lochner; Hannover, Germany

P.B.08.01 level of angiopoietins and vascular endothelial growth factor in diabetic patient with renal complication
L. H. Damanhouri;
King Abdulaziz university, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
P.B.08.02 A link between plasma levels of Fetuin-A and CRP in diabetic obese individuals
A. Wilson, S. Sindhu, R. Ahmad;
Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait, Kuwait.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 23
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.08.03 HLA-E and HLA-F polymorphisms associated with Type 1 diabetes
w. Babay1, N. Nefzi1, E. Zeddini1, A. Laaribi1, H. Ben Yahia1, A. Bouaziz2, H. Tlili3, I. Zidi1;
Laboratory Microorganismes et Biomolcules Actives, Sciences Faculty of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Ecole suprieure des Sciences et Techniques de la Sant de Sousse, Sousse,
Tunisia, 3Groupement de sante de base, Sousse, Tunisia.
P.B.08.04 A study of high sensitive C-reactive protein levels between diabetic and non-diabetic patients with coronary artery disease
S. Das, S. Gupta;
Maulana azad medical college, New Delhi, India.

P.B.08.05 Cytomegalovirus infection enhances development of diabetes mellitus type 2 in obesity

M. estan, S. Valenti, F. M. Wensveen, B. Poli;
University of Rijeka; School of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia.
P.B.08.06 IVS1 -397T>C estrogen receptor gene polymorphism affects the course of type 1 diabetes mellitus
B. Somiski1, M. Ryba-Stanisawowska1, M. Skrzypkowska1, A. Brandt2, U. Juhas1, J. Myliwska1;
Medical University of Gdask, Department of Immunology, Gdask, Poland, 2Medical University of Gdask, Chairpersons: and Clinics of Paediatrics, Diabetology and Endocrinology, Gdask, Poland.
P.B.08.07 DHA abrogates the inflammatory state of macrophages from type I diabetic mice
M. R. Davanso, A. Crisma, N. Camara, R. Curi;
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.08.08 Low-grade inflammation associated with high risky individual for type 2 diabetes mellitus
Y. Tutuncu, M. Kanitez, N. Dinccag, K. Karsidag, I. Satman;
Istanbul University,Istanbul Medical Faculty, Dept. Internal Medicine, Div.Endocrinology& Metabolism, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.08.09 NK cells link obesity-induced adipose stress to inflammation and insulin resistance
F. M. Wensveen1, V. Jeleni1, M. estan1, S. Valenti1, T. Turk Wensveen2, S. Theurich3, A. Glasner4, D. Mendrila5, D. timac5, T. F. Wunderlich3, J. Brning3, O. Mandelboim4, B. Poli1;
Univ. of Rijeka, School of Medicine, Rijeka, Croatia, 2Rijeka Clinical Hospital center, Rijeka, Croatia, 3Max Planck institute Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 4The Lautenberg Center for General and Tumor
Immunology, Jerusalem, Israel, 5Rijeka Clinical Hospital Center, Rijeka, Croatia.
P.B.08.10 Modulation of Sphingosin-1-Phosphate receptor 1 in Non-Obese Diabetic mouse T-cell migration disorders
J. P. Lemos1, S. Smaniotto2, C. V. Messias1, V. Cotta-de-Almeida1, M. Dardenne3, W. Savino1, D. Mendes-da-Cruz1;
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation/ Fiocruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Federal University of Alagoas, Macei, Brazil, 3Paris Descartes University, Paris, France.
P.B.08.11 Elevated frequencies of CD14brightCD16+ and CD14dimCD16+monocytes in patients with type 1 diabetes may predispose to the development of diabetic
M. Ryba-Stanisawowska1, U. Juhas1, B. Somiski1, M. Myliwiec2, J. Myliwska1;
Medical University of Gdask, Department of Immunology, Gdask, Poland, 2Medical University of Gdask, Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology and Diabetology, Gdask, Poland.
P.B.08.12 Anti-diabetic properties of compound a, a selective glucocorticoid receptor agonist
M. Vujicic, T. Saksida, I. Nikolic, I. Stojanovic, S. Stosic-Grujicic;
Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.B.08.14 Anti-citrullinated protein antibody binding profile to Fc gamma receptors
A. C. Kempers1, M. R. Nejadnik2, Y. Rombouts1,3, W. Jiskoot2, T. W. Huizinga1, R. E. Toes1, H. U. Scherer1;
LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands, 2LACDR, Leiden, Netherlands, 3CNRS UMR 8576, Villeneuve dAscq, France.

P.B.08.15 the effect of il-23 levels on clinical and laboratory parameters of patients with ankylosing spondylitis
B. Elbey1, U. C. Yazgan2, M. A. Saryldz3;
Dicle Univercity, Faculty of Medicine,Department of Immunology, Diyarbakir, Turkey, 2Dicle Univercity, Faculty of Medicine,Department of Physiology,, Diyarbakir, Turkey, 3Dicle Univercity, Faculty of
Medicine,Department of Physical medicine and rehabilitation, Diyarbakir, Turkey.
P.B.08.16 Anti-dsDNA and anti -C1q autoantibodies in lupus nephritis
S. Blazickova1,2, I. Stiborova3, V. Kral3, J. Rovensky4;
Laboratoria Piestany, Piestany, Slovakia, 2Faculty of Health and Social Work, University of Trnava, Trnava, Slovakia, 3Centre of Immunology and Microbiology, Institute of Public Health, Usti nad Labem,
Czech Republic, 4National Institute of Rheumatology, Piestany, Slovakia.
P.B.08.17 Immunodiagnostic Significance of anti-RA33 antibodies in Saudi Patients with Rheumatoid Arthritis
J. A. Al-Mughales;
Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Faculty of medicineKingabdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
P.B.08.18 Induction of joint-associated myeloid lineage cells by chronic inflammation in collagen induced arthritis
D. Flegar, N. Kovacic, T. Kelava, A. Sucur, K. Zrinski Petrovic, S. Ivcevic, A. Markotic, V. Katavic, D. Grcevic;
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia.
P.B.08.19 Differential anti-inflammatory effects of omega unsaturated fatty acids on collagen-induced arthritis in the mouse
P. Prez-Martnez, P. Arce-Paredes, V. G. Hernndez-Chvez, O. Rojas-Espinosa;
Instituto Politcnico Nacional, Mxico, D.F, Mexico.
P.B.08.20 The role of autoantibodies in microvascular disease in Systemic Sclerosis (SS) patients
I. Gkougkourelas, A. Sarantopoulos, K. Tselios, M. Pantoura, P. Boura;
Hippokration General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.
P.B.08.21 The comparison two educational methods (based on Empowerrment model) on knowledge and metabolic control of patients with diabetes mellitus type 2
S. Pedramrazi1, M. Sadeghi2;
Tehran University Of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Shahrood University Of Medical Science, Shahrood, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.08.22 A study of dietary intervention in rheumatoid arthritis patients with stable disease receiving anti-TNF alpha therapy
R. Paganelli, P. Volpe, M. DUrbano, E. Celletti, M. Guagnano;
Dept. of Medicine and Sciences of Aging, University G. DAnnunzio and Ce.S.I, Chieti scalo, Italy.

P.B.09 (Chronic) Inflammatory Joint Diseases - Part 1

Chairpersons: Lars Klareskog; Stockholm, Sweden / Dagmar Scheel-Toellner; Birmingham, United Kingdom

P.B.09.01 New microRNAs induced by AhR activation in Th17 cells implicated in arthritis
P. B. Donate, K. A. De Lima, J. Talbot, R. S. Peres, D. C. Nascimento, R. D. Oliveira, S. L. Almeida, J. C. Alves-Filho, T. M. Cunha, P. Louzada-Junior, F. Q. Cunha;
School of Medicine of Ribeiro Preto, Center of Research in Inflammatory Diseases (CRID), University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.B.09.02 Resident monocytes are critically important for tissue destruction in arthritis
A. Puchner, V. Saferding, E. Goncalves-Alves, M. Bonelli, N. Binder, C. Steiner, S. Hayer, B. Niederreiter, J. S. Smolen, K. Redlich, S. Blml;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.09.03 HLA-G, E and F polymorphisms and rheumatoid arthritis: Are there links ?
H. Ben Yahia1, L. Ben Othmane2, A. Laaribi1, A. Bouaziz3, H. Tlili4, B. Charfeddine2, I. Zidi1;
Laboratory Microorganismes et Biomolcules Actives, Sciences Faculty of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Biochemistry department, Faculty of Medicine of Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia, 3Ecole
suprieure des Sciences et Techniques de la Sant de Sousse, Sousse, Tunisia, 4Groupement de sante de base, Sousse, Tunisia.
P.B.09.04 Chemokines and their receptors on osteoclast progenitor cells are involved in pathogenesis in rheumatoid arthritis
A. Sucur, Z. Jajic, M. Artukovic, A. Stipic Markovic, S. Ivcevic, D. Flegar, T. Kelava, V. Katavic, N. Kovacic, D. Grcevic;
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia.
P.B.09.05 Osteoclastogenic potential of blood and bone marrow plasma from rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients
A. Radzikowska1, M. Plebanczyk1, W. Kurowska1, T. Burakowski1, A. Nowakowska-Plaza2, P. Maldyk3, P. Gluszko2, W. Maslinski1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Immunology, Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland, 2Rheumatology Clinic, Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland, 3Rheumoorthopaedic Clinic, Institute of
Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland.

24 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.09.06 Increased levels of peptidylarginine deiminase 2 (PAD2) in plasma and synovial fluid from rheumatoid arthritis patients: Association with disease activity and
inflammatory markers
D. Damgaard1,2, L. Senolt3, C. H. Nielsen1,2;
Institute for Inflammation Research, Department of Infectious Diseases and Rheumatology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Section for
Periodontology, Microbiology and Community Dentistry, Department of Odontology, Faculty of Health and Medical Sciences, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark., Copenhagen, Denmark,
Institute of Rheumatology and Clinic of Rheumatology, 1st Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.B.09.07 Periodontal disease in subjects with risk to develop Rheumatoid Arthritis
J. Bello-Gualtero1, L. Hoyos G2, D. Castillo2, G. Lafaurie2, J. De Avila2, J. Londoo3, R. Valle-Oate3, C. Romero-Snchez4,5;

Biomab IPS, Bogot, Colombia, 2UIBO Institute (Oral Basic Research Unit) School of Dentistry, Universidad El Bosque, Bogot, Colombia, 3Spondyloarthropathy Group, Rheumatology Department,
Hospital Militar/Universidad de La Sabana, Bogot, Colombia, 4Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogot, Colombia, Bogot, Colombia, 5UIBO Institute (Oral Basic Research Unit) School of Dentistry,
Universidad El Bosque, Bogota, Colombia.
P.B.09.08 Long-term control of severe refractory polymyositis with sequential combined therapy with intravenous immunoglobulin, rituximab and mofetil mycophenolate
J. Carbone, M. Arraya, E. Fernandez-Cruz, E. Sarmiento;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.09.09 Utility of specific autoantibodies in the follow-up of rheumatoid arthritis
E. Vergara1, I. Alcal1, C. Carrasco2, J. L. lvarez2, J. M. Salazar2, M. Mota3, C. Rodrguez-Godoy4, D. Sanchez-Par4, M. L. Vargas1;
Service of Immunology. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Badajoz, Badajoz, Spain, 2Service of Rheumatology. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Badajoz, Badajoz, Spain, 3Departament of
Mathematics. University of Extremadura, Badajoz, Spain, 4Service of Radiology. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Badajoz, Badajoz, Spain.
P.B.09.10 Anti-CCP antibodies as a reliable marker for predicting progression to rheumatoid arthritis
E. Pipi1, C. Tsalapaki2, S. Pomoni1, K. Soufleros1, G. Katsikas2, D. Kokkinou1, D. Kokkinou1, C. Sfontouris2, A. Tsirogianni1;
Immumology-Histocompatibility Dept. Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens, Greece, 2Rheumatology Dept. Evangelismos General Hospital, Athens, Greece.
P.B.09.11 Decrypting the disease specific pathways in rheumatoid arthritis, psoriatic arthritis and psoriasis using in silico strategies
P. Pushparaj1, L. A. Damiati2, S. Bahlas3;
Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2King Fahad Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 3Department of
Internal Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
P.B.09.12 Enhanced myelopoiesis in murine models of rheumatoid arthritis is linked to defects in cellular cholesterol metabolism
D. Dragoljevic1, M. Kraakman1, D. Ngo2, A. Whillas1, G. Goldberg2, S. van Doornum3,4, I. Wicks2,4,3, M. Febbraio5, J. Chin-Dusting1,6, A. J. Murphy1,6;
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 2Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia, 3Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, 4University of
Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 5Garvan Institute of Medical Research, Sydney, Australia, 6Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
P.B.09.13 Role of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells and MHC class II molecules in TNF-driven arthritis
S. Trembleau, B. Meyer, B. Niederreiter, C. W. Steiner, T. Prusa, G. Steiner;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.09.14 The correlation between the serum level of interleukin-6(IL-6) and rheumatoid factor(RF); interleukin-6(IL-6) and anticyclic citrullinated peptide antibodies (anti-
CCP) in patient with rheumatoid arthritis(RA)
E. Rapushi1, T. Backa(Cico)1, A. Zoto1, E. Peterla1, E. Ktona1, D. Ruci1, M. Kurti1, E. Rapushi1, A. Mitre2;
U.H.C.Mother Theresa, Tiran, Albania, 2Intermedica Diagnostic Center, Tirana, Albania, Tiran, Albania.
P.B.09.15 IFN-beta regulates the RANKL-c-Fos-IFN-beta signaling pathway in the CAIA arthritis model
D. Zhang;
Shanghai Institute of Immunology, Shanghai, China.
P.B.09.16 Suppressed diversity of survivin splicing in active rheumatoid arthritis
M. Turkkila1, K. M. Andersson1, S. Amu2, M. Brisslert1, M. C. Erlandsson1, S. Tyr Silfverswrd1, M. I. Bokarewa1;
Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm,

P.B.09.17 Synovial fibroblasts suppress Th1, but not Th2 or Th17 cells, through tryptophan metabolism
L. Tykocinski1, A. M. Lauffer1, A. Bohnen1, S. Krienke1, T. Tretter1, I. Adam2, S. R. Mohapatra2, P. Saikali3, M. Lhning3, M. Neidhart4, S. Gay4, C. A. Opitz2, H. Lorenz1;
Department of Medicine V, Division of Rheumatology, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2Brain Cancer Metabolism, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany,
Experimental Immunology, German Rheumatism Research Centre (DRFZ), Berlin, Germany, 4Department of Rheumatology, University Hospital Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland.
P.B.09.18 Analysis of partial ZAP-70 deficiency in a murine model of rheumatoid arthritis
R. Kugyelka, K. Olasz, Z. Kohl, S. Hee Seung, O. Tarjnyi, P. Nmeth, T. Berki, F. Boldizsr;
University of Pcs Medical School Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, Pcs, Hungary.
P.B.09.19 Limited Th17 involvement in primary Sjgrens syndrome
T. R. Reksten1, K. A. Brokstad1, M. Eidsheim1, R. Omdal2, M. Jonsson3;
Broegelmann Research Laboratory, Dep. of Clinical Sciences, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 2Clinical Immunology Unit, Department of Internal Medicine, Stavanger University Hospital, Stavanger,
Norway, 3Section for Oral and Maxillofacial Radiology, Department of Clinical Dentistry, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
P.B.09.20 Th1-induced CD106 expression mediates leukocytes adhesion on synovial fibroblasts
L. Maggi1,2, F. Margheri3, C. Luciani3, M. Capone2, A. Mazzoni2, M. Rossi2, G. Montaini2, V. Santarlasci2, F. Liotta2, L. Cosmi4, R. Cimaz5, G. Fibbi3, M. Del Rosso3, F. Annunziato2,1;
Regenerative Therapy Unit, AOU Careggi Hospital, Florence, Italy, 2Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 3Department of Experimental and Clinical
Biomedical Science, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 4Department of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Florenc, Florence, Italy, 5Anna Meyer Childrens Hospital, Florence, Italy.
P.B.09.21 Analysis of HLA-A, -B and -DRB1 variants in fibromyalgia syndrome
L. Gimeno1, G. Salgado1, E. Novoa1, I. Legaz2, J. Bolarin1, A. Mrowiec1, P. Martinez1, S. Soriano-Diaz1, A. Bernal1, A. Bermudez-Torrente3, A. Martinez-Leon4, I. Ibernon-Caballero5, M. Muro1, M. Moya-
Quiles1, J. Campillo1, A. Minguela1, R. Alvarez-Lopez1, I. Lozano6, A. Garcia-Alonso1;
Immunology Service-University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB, El Palmar, Spain, 2Department of Social and Health Sciences, Area od legal and Forensic Medicine.University of Murcia, Murcia,
Spain, 3Rheumatology Service-University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB, El Palmar, Spain, 4Medical Family Health San Andres, Murcia, Spain, 5Psychiatry Service-University Clinical Hospital
Virgen de la Arrixaca-University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB, El Palmar, Spain, 6Psychistry Service-University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB, El Palmar, Spain.
P.B.09.22 Vasoactive intestinal peptide (VIP) genetic variants determine VIP serum levels and could be used as a prognosis biomarker
A. Lamana1, I. V. Seoane2, L. Rodrguez-Rodrguez3, R. Garcia-Vicua1, Y. Juarranz2, A. M. Ortiz1, C. Martnez2, E. Tomero1, B. Fernandez-Gutierrez3, R. P. Gomariz2, I. Gonzalez-Alvaro1;
Servicio de Reumatologa, Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria la Princesa, Madrid, Spain, 2Facultad de Biologa, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain,
Servicio de Reumatologa, Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria San Carlos (IdISSC), Madrid, Spain.
P.B.09.23 Collagen specific T-cell repertoire in DR4+ patients identifies new biomarkers in Rheumatoid Arthritis
G. Di Sante1,2, B. Tolusso1, A. Fedele1, E. Gremese1, S. Alivernini1, F. Ria2, G. Ferraccioli1;
Institute of Rheumatology - Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy, 2Institute of General Pathology - Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy.
P.B.09.24 IL-17 and IL-22 secretion by CD8+ T cells in psoriatic lesions
H. Sigurgrmsdttir1, J. H. Eysteinsdttir2,3, J. Freysdttir1,4, H. K. Einarsdttir1, B. A. Agnarsson5, J. H. lafsson2, B. Sigurgeirsson2, B. R. Lvksson1;
Department of Immunology, the National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, 2Faculty of Medicine, Department of Dermatology, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, 3Department of
Dermatology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, Gothenburg, Sweden, 4Faculty of Medicine, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, 5Department of Pathology, the National University Hospital of Iceland,
Reykjavk, Iceland.

P.B.10 Inflammatory Skin and Joint Diseases

Chairpersons: Liv Eidsmo; Stockholm, Sweden / Birgit Schittek; Tbingen, Germany

P.B.10.01 B cell-bound complement activation products in the diagnosis and monitoring of systemic lupus erythematosus
J. Beckmann1, N. Bartholom2, N. Venhoff2, P. Henneke1,3, A. Janda1,3, U. Salzer2,3;
Centre for Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University Hospital of Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany, 3Centre for Chronic Immunodeficiency, University Medical Centre Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
P.B.10.02 Abatacept inhibits recall antigen proliferation and TNF- production in T helper lymphocytes from juvenile idiopathic arthritis patients
M. Capone1, L. Maggi1, R. Cimaz2, V. Santarlasci1, M. Rossi1, A. Mazzoni1, G. Montaini1, F. Liotta1, E. Maggi1, G. Simonini2, F. Annunziato1, L. Cosmi1;
Department of Experimental and Clinical Medicine and DENOTHE Center, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 2Anna Meyer Childrens Hospital and University of Florence, Florence, Italy.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 25
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.10.03 Clonal T-cell repertoire analysis of patients with ankylosing spondylitis and HLA-B27+ healthy donors
E. A. Komech1, I. V. Zvyagin1, M. V. Pogorelyy1, V. I. Nazarov1,2, A. G. Bochkova3, I. Z. Mamedov1, Y. B. Lebedev1;
Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Medical center AGAT,
Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.B.10.04 IL-22-producing group 3 innate lymphoid cells are enriched in the joints of enthesitis related arthritis patients and inversely correlate with Th17 cells
H. Lom1,2, D. Bending1, Y. Ioannou2, M. Bajaj-Elliott1, L. R. Wedderburn1,2;
University College London, Institute of Child Health, London, United Kingdom, 2Arthritis Research UK Centre for Adolescent Rheumatology, University College London, London, United Kingdom.

P.B.10.05 Carbamylation of self-proteins facilitates the break of tolerance at a T-cell level

J. S. Dekkers, P. A. van Veelen, G. M. Janssen, T. W. Huizinga, L. A. Trouw, R. E. Toes, J. N. Stoop;
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
P.B.10.06 The canonical Wnt signaling is involved in fibroblast-like synoviocytes transformation during rheumatoid arthritis
L. Laadhar1, D. Elhaj Mahmoud1, N. Sassi1, M. Allouch2, M. Kallel-Sellami1, M. Hamdoun2, I. Cheour1;
Rheumatology Department, Immuno-Rheumatology Research Laboratory, La Rabta Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Forensics Department, Charles Nicolle Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia.
P.B.10.07 Entheseal-resident T cells and their role in tissue remodeling
A. Reinhardt, I. Sandrock, T. Yevsa, L. Oberdrfer, R. Frster, I. Prinz;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.B.10.08 Contribution of the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor Repressor (AHRR) to UVB induced skin aging in vivo
P. Jger1, J. Krutmann2, I. Frster1, H. Weighardt1;
LIMES Institute, Bonn, Germany, 2IUF-Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine gGmbH, Dsseldorf, Germany.
P.B.10.09 The NADPH oxidase 2 (NOX2) mediates an anti-inflammatory response to dead cell debris
J. Hahn;
UK Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany.
P.B.10.10 Characterization of CARD18, a novel negative regulator of IL-1 in human keratinocytes and in psoriasis
A. Gbls1, J. Danis1, Z. Bata-Csrg1,2, L. Kemny1,2, M. Szll3,2;
University of Szeged, Department of Dermatology and Allergology, Szeged, Hungary, 2University of Szeged, Dermatological Research Group of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Szeged, Hungary,
University of Szeged, Department of Medical Genetics, Szeged, Hungary.
P.B.10.11 Patients with active hidradenitis suppurativa show an inflammatory profile of cytokines in serum characterised by IL-6, IL-8, IL-17A and IL-12 production
R. de la Varga Martnez1, D. Jimnez-Gallo2, C. Albarrn-Planelles2, M. Linares-Barrios2, C. Rodrguez1;
Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain, 2Dermatology Department, Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain.
P.B.10.12 Effect of eupatilin on insulin growth factor 1-induced inflammation and lipogenesis in SZ95 sebocyte
Y. Lee, J. Lee, Y. Park;
Department of Dermatology, Seoul St.Marys Hospital, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.B.10.13 Investigating the involvement of PRINS non-coding RNA in psoriasis associated inflammatory responses of keratinocytes
J. Danis1, A. Gbls1, Z. Bata-Csrg1,2, L. Kemny1,2, M. Szll3,2;
University of Szeged, Department for Dermatology and Allergology, Szeged, Hungary, 2MTA-SZTE Dermatological Research Group, Szeged, Hungary, 3University of Szeged, Department of Medical
Genetics, Szeged, Hungary.
P.B.10.14 Improvement of vascular dysfunction by anti-IL-17A treatment in psoriasis
R. Schler1,2, S. Karbach1,2, S. Klebow2, P. Wenzel1, A. Waisman2;
II. Medical Clinic, University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany, 2Institute for Molecular Medicine, University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany.
P.B.10.15 Langerhans cells and infiltrating epidermal Dendritic cells produce distinct and complementary cytokines that sustain the skin inflammation in active psoriasis
E. Martini, M. Wikn, S. Cheuk, M. Sthle, L. Eidsmo;
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.10.16 Global transcriptome analysis of human keratinocytes after silencing of SFRS18 and LUC7L3 splicing regulators implicated in psoriasis pathogenesis
E. Szlvicz1, P. Olh2, K. Szab1,3, Z. Bata-Csrg1,3, L. Kemny1,3, M. Szll3,4;
University of Szeged, Department of Dermatology, Szeged, Hungary, 2University of Szeged, Department of Medical Biology, Szeged, Hungary, 3University of Szeged, MTA Dermatologic Research Group,
Szeged, Hungary, 4University of Szeged, Department of Medical Genetics, Szeged, Hungary.
P.B.10.17 Expression of receptors to IL-1 on peripheral blood immunocompetent cells in atopic dermatitis
A. Alshevskaya, J. Lopatnikova, O. Krugleeva, V. Nepomnyschih, S. Sennikov;
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Research Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Immunology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
P.B.10.18 Netting neutrophils in skin wounds recruit and activate plasmacytoid dendritic cells
J. Di Domizio1, C. Belkhodja1, A. Van Lierop2, O. Demaria1, C. Conrad1, B. Homey2, M. Gilliet1;
University Hospital of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany.
P.B.10.19 Recirculating Th1 and Th17 memory T cells in psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis
F. Sgambelluri1, M. Diani2, M. Longhi3, A. Altomare2, G. Banfi1,2,3, G. Altomare2, E. Reali1;
I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Laboratory of Translational Immunology, Milan, Italy, 2I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Department of Dermatology and University of Milan, Milan, Italy,
I.R.C.C.S. Istituto Ortopedico Galeazzi, Department of Rheumatology, Milan, Italy.
P.B.10.20 Development of an ex-vivo model to study properties of human tissue resident memory T cells in inflammatory skin diseases
I. Gallais Srzal, I. Gallais Srzal, L. Eidsmo, S. Cheuk, D. Chang;
Department of Medicine Solna, Karolinska Institutet, stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.10.21 Clinical value of concentration, rheumatoid factor activity, and immunoglobulin subtypes of cryoprecipitate in the diagnosis of cryoglobulinemic vasculitides
M. Kolopp Sarda1, C. Thry2, C. Lombard1, A. Millet1, J. Lega3;
CH Lyon Sud Lab Immunology, Pierre Benite, France, 2Internal Medicine Department , CH Lyon Sud, Pierre Benite, France, 3Internal Medicine Department, CH Lyon Sud, Pierre Benite, France.
P.B.10.22 Huiyang shengji ointment promoted chronic wound healing of the mouse model by regulating macrophage phenotype transition
X. He, P. Li, Y. Xue, Y. Lin;
Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.
P.B.10.23 Specific roles for dendritic cell subsets during initiation and progression of psoriasis
E. Glitzner1, A. Korosec1, P. M. Brunner1, B. Drobits1, N. Amberg1, H. B. Schnthaler2, T. Kopp1, E. F. Wagner2, G. Stingl1, M. Holcmann1, M. Sibilia1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2CNIO, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.10.24 MALT1 deficiency is not protective in mouse models of psoriasis
E. Van Nuffel1,2, I. Afonina1,2, R. Beyaert1,2;
Unit of Molecular Signal Transduction in Inflammation, Inflammation Research Center, VIB, Ghent, Belgium, 2Department of Biomedical Molecular Biology, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.

P.B.11 Allergen Specific Immune Responses - Part 1

Chairpersons: Gunnur Deniz; Istanbul, Turkey / Karin Hoffmann-Sommergruber; Vienna, Austria

P.B.11.01 Analysis of recombinant Gly m 4 allergen multimer formation in dependency to pH

H. Havenith, S. Rasche, H. Spiegel, S. Schillberg;
Fraunhofer IME, Aachen, Germany.
P.B.11.02 Allergenicity change of bovine -lactalbumin by gamma irradiation
X. Li1,2,3, X. Meng2,3, H. Chen2,3, J. Gao2,3, P. Tong2,3, Z. Wu2,3, A. Yang2;
Department of Molecular Biology,University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2State Key Laboratory of Food Science and Technology, Nanchang University, Nanchang, China, 3Department of food sciences,
Nanchang University, Nanchang, China.
P.B.11.03 Safety assessment of nanoparticle and allergen conjugates: enhanced human allergic response when Der p 1 was attached to nanoparticles
I. Radauer-Preiml1, A. Andosch1, M. Himly1, S. Flicker2, S. Vrtala2, T. Hawranek3, U. Luetz-Meindl1, C. Huber1, M. S. Boyles1, J. Horejs-Hoeck1, A. Duschl1;
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Vienna,
Austria, 3Department of Dermatology, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria.

26 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.11.04 IgE epitope proximity determines immune complex shape and effector cell activation capacity
A. Gieras1, B. Linhart1, K. Roux2, M. Dutta2, M. Khodoun3, D. Zafred4, C. R. Cabauatan1, C. Lupinek1, M. Weber1, M. Focke-Tejkl1, W. Keller4, F. D. Finkelman3, R. Valenta1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology & Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Biological Science and Institute of Molecular Biophysics, The Florida State University, Tallahassee, FL, United States, 3Department of Medicine, Cincinnati Veterans Affairs Medical Center; the Division of
Immunology, Allergy and Rheumatology, University of Cincinnati College of Medicine; and the Division of Cellular and Immunobiology, Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical, Cincinnati, OH, United States,
Division of Structural Biology, Institute of Molecular Biosciences, Karl Franzens University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.B.11.05 Prospective follow-up venom inmunotherapy by way of Basophil Activation Test (BAT)
I. Magriz Tascn1, C. Cmara Hijn1, A. Rodriguez Trabado2, E. Madany1, S. Romero Chala1, J. Garca Trujillo1, I. Tovar Garca1, L. Fernndez Pereira1;

San Pedro de Alcntara Hospital, Cceres, Spain, 2Ciudad de Coria Hospital, Coria, Spain.
P.B.11.06 House Dust Mites Possess a Polymorphic, Single Domain Putative Peptidoglycan D,L endopeptidase Belonging to the NlpC/P60 Superfamily
G. A. Stewart, V. H. Tang, B. J. Chang, C. Y. Tay;
University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia.
P.B.11.07 Allergen aggregates exhibit reduced allergenic activity due to altered presentation of IgE epitopes
N. Najafi1, G. Hofer2, K. Blatt3, A. Stoecklinger4, W. Keller2, P. Valent3, J. Thalhamer4, R. Valenta1, S. Flicker1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute
of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 3Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology, Department of Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Department of
Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
P.B.11.08 Are house dust mites potential carriers of bacteria responsible for the induction of sensitization to microbial allergens?
S. Dzoro1, I. Mittermann1, M. Nehr2, A. Hirschl2, G. Wikberg3, C. Johansson4, L. Lundeberg3, A. Scheynius4, R. Valenta1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Clinical Microbiology, Clinical Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of
Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Dermatology and Venereology Unit, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 4Translational Immunology Unit, Department of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet and
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.11.09 LPS promotes the generation to Pru p 3 anaphylactic mouse model
C. Mayorga1,2, A. Aranda3, M. Rodriguez3, T. Fernandez3, N. Cubells-Baeza4, M. Torres5, F. Gomez5, F. Palomares1, J. Rojo6, M. Blanca5, A. Diaz-Perales4;
Research Laboratory, IBIMA, Regional University Hospital of Malaga, UMA, Malaga, Spain, Mlaga, Spain, 2Allergy Unit, IBIMA, Regional University Hospital of Malaga, UMA, Malaga, Spain, 3Research
Laboratory, IBIMA, Regional University Hospital of Malaga, UMA, Malaga, Spain, Malaga, Spain, 4Center for Plant Biotechnology and Genomic (UPM-INIA), Madrid, Spain, 5Allergy Unit, IBIMA, Regional
University Hospital of Malaga, UMA, Mlaga, Spain, 64Glycosystems Laboratory, Instituto de Investigaciones Qumicas (IIQ), CSIC - Universidad de Sevilla, Sevilla, Spain.
P.B.11.10 Clustering of conformational IgE epitopes on the major dog allergen Can f 1
M. Curin1, M. Weber1, G. Hofer2, W. Keller2, M. Focke-Tejkl1, R. Valenta1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of
Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.B.11.11 Production of the recombinant allergen Mal d 3 (apple non-specific lipid transfer protein), by using the methylotrophic yeast Pichia pastoris
R. Aina, S. Pfeifer, P. Dubiela, P. Humeniuk, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.11.12 Seed-specific allergens associated with severe symptoms of celery allergic patients
P. P. Humeniuk1, P. Dubiela1, S. Pfeifer1, M. Bublin1, F. Bienvenu2, G. Pauli2, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Vienna, Austria, 2Faculty of Medicine, Strasbourg University, Strasbourg, France.
P.B.11.13 High allergenic activity of the house dust mite allergens Der p 5, Der p 7, Der p 21 and Der p 23 shown by basophil activation in HDM-allergic patients
Y. Resch1, M. ilar2, P. Kopa2, M. Zidarn2, K. Chen1, W. Thomas3, P. Koroec2, M. Konik2, R. Valenta1, S. Vrtala1,4;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2University
Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Golnik, Slovenia, 3Telethon Institute for Child Health Research, University of Western Australia, Perth, Australia, 4Christian Doppler Laboratory for the
Development of Allergen Chips, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.11.14 fine mapping of the immunodominant IgE binding epitopes of Der p 5 Allergen: a major linear epitope formed by aromatic and hydrophobic residues
S. Lahiani1,2, S. Khemili1,3, K. Djenouhat4, m. dumez5, d. Gilis3, m. galleni5;
Avenuedelindipendance, Boumerdes, Algeria, 2Centre dingnierie des protines (CIP), Universit de Lige, Belgium, Liege, Belgium, 3Unit de Bioinformatiquegnomiqueetstructurale, UniversitLibre de
Bruxelles, Belgium., Bruxelle, Belgium, 4institut pasteur, alger, Algeria, 5Centre dingnierie des protines (CIP), Universit de Lige, Belgium, Universit de Lige, Belgium.
P.B.11.15 Phase 1 study of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase delta inhibitor idelalisib in allergic rhinitis
R. Schmutz1, P. Zieglmayer1, F. Horak1, K. Puri2, B. Steiner2, L. Holes2, G. Xing2, R. Zieglmayer3, P. Lemell3, A. Yu2;
Vienna Challenge Chamber, Allergy Center Vienna West, Vienna, Austria, 2Gilead Sciences, Inc, Seattle, WA, United States, 3Vienna Challenge Chamber, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.11.16 Differences in molecular sensitization profiles of patients with severe and moderate atopic dermatitis
I. Mittermann1, G. Wikberg2, C. Johansson3, C. Lupinek4, L. Lundeberg3, R. Crameri5, R. Valenta6, A. Scheynius3;
Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Development of Allergen Chips, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Dermatology and Venereology Unit, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm,
Sweden, 3Translational Immunology Unit, Department of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet and Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 4Division of Immunopathology, Department of
Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Vienna, Austria, 5Swiss Institute of Allergy and Asthma Research (SIAF), University of Zurich, Davos, Switzerland, 6Division of Immunopathology, Department of
Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.11.17 Reduction in allergen-specific IgE binding as measured by microarray: A possible surrogate marker for effects of specific immunotherapy
E. Wollmann1, C. Lupinek1, M. Kundi2, R. Selb3, V. Niederberger3, R. Valenta1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of
Environmental Health, Center of Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Ear, Nose and Throat Diseases, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.11.18 The lipocalin milk allergen Bos d 5 is capable of binding cortisol - iron complexes released by macrophages
F. Roth-Walter1, R. Bianchini1, H. Mller1, L. F. Pacios2, K. Hufnagl1, L. Glenk1, R. Palme3, N. Mothes-Luksch4, G. Roth5, E. Jensen-Jarolim1,6;
Dept. of Comparative Medicine, Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Medical University Vienna and University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Natural Systems
and Resources, ETSI Montes, Technical University Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3Unit of Physiology, Pathophysiology and Experimental Endocrinology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
AllergyCare, Allergy Diagnosis and Study Center, Vienna, Austria, 5Department of Anesthesiology, General Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 6Department of
Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.11.19 Creation of a 4-level International Educational Process on Molecular Allergology: Experience of the Medical University of Vienna
V. Garib, R. Valenta;
Div. of Immunopathology, Dept. of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.11.20 Allergenic potential of canned cod liver due to the presence of Anisakis L3
M. Carballeda Sangiao1, A. I. Rodrguez-Mahillo1, M. Careche2, A. Navas3, K. Buchmann4, K. Horst5, M. Gonzlez-Muoz6;
Foundation for Biomedical Research Hospital La Paz, Paseo de la Castellana, Madrid, Spain, 2Institute of Science and Technology Food and Nutrition (ICTAN), CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 3Museum of Natural
Sciences (MNCN), CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 4University of Copenhagen (OUC), Faculty of Medicine and Health, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5Max Rubner Institute. Department of Safety and Quality of Milk and
Fish, Hamburg, Germany, 6Service of Immunology, Hospital La Paz, Paseo de la Castellana, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.11.21 Generation of a hypoallergenic variant of Phl p 7 by mutagenesis of specific amino acids involved in calcium binding
M. Raith1, L. Sonnleitner1,2, D. Zach1, K. Woroszylo1, M. Focke3, H. Wank1, I. Swoboda1;
FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences, Molecular Biotechnology Section, Vienna, Austria, 2University of Applied Sciences Wiener Neustadt, Department of Biomedical Analytics, Wiener Neustadt,
Austria, 3Medical University of Vienna, Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.11.22 Identification and characterisation of the muscle protein myosin light chain 1 as a major chicken meat allergen
C. Klug1, W. Hemmer2, M. Focke3, S. Quirce4, T. Boyano-Martnez4, E. Gaubitzer5, H. Wank1, I. Swoboda1;
Molecular Biotechnology Section, University of Applied Sciences FH Campus Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2FAZ- Floridsdorf Allergy Center, Vienna, Austria, 3Division of Immunopathology, Department of
Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Department of Allergy, Hospital La Paz Health Research
Institute (IdiPAZ), Madrid, Spain, 5Department of Biochemistry & Biophysics, Structural & Computational Biology, Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

P.B.12 Allergic Disorders - Part 1

Chairpersons: Zolt Szepfalusi; Vienna, Austria / Carsten Schmidt-Weber; Munich, Germany

P.B.12.01 Role of -MSH and VIP in the induction of CD4+ CD25+ FOXP3+ cells in allergic conjuntivitis patients
J. Galicia-Carren1, L. Salazar2, J. Nieto2, S. Fest2, E. Hong1, M. Prez-Tapia3, M. Jimnez-Martinez4;
Cinvestav, Mexico City, Mexico, 2Instituto de Oftalmologa Fundacin Conde de Valenciana., Mexico City, Mexico, 3Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biolgicas del I.P.N., Mexico City, Mexico, 4Laboratorio de
Inmunologa Departamento de Bioqumica, Facultad de Medicina, Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico., Mexico City, Mexico.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 27
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.12.02 Prevention of anaphylaxis by antigen-specific immunosuppressive sialylated IgG antibodies
A. Epp1, F. Finkelman2, M. Ehlers1;
Universittsklinikum Schleswig-Holstein, Lbeck, Germany, 2Cincinnati Childrens Hospital Medical Center, Cincinnati, OH, United States.
P.B.12.03 Decoding the molecular mechanisms associated with allergic asthma using functional genomics and systems biology
P. Pushparaj1, L. A. Damiati2, S. Bahlas3;
Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 2King Fahad Medical Research Center, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 3Department of
Internal Medicine, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.

P.B.12.04 Targeting hematopoietic cells is not essential for glucocorticoid therapy in a murine model of allergic asthma
C. Klaen, A. Karabinskaya, H. M. Reichardt;
Institute for Cellular and Molecular Immunology, University of Gttingen, Gttingen, Germany.
P.B.12.05 PARP is activated in human asthma and its inhibition blocks asthma manifestation in achronic house dust mite based preclinical asthma model and selectively
modulates human CD4+T cell function
M. A. Ghonim, K. Pyakurel, S. Ibba, J. Wang, P. Rodriguez, M. Lammi, A. Zea, A. Naura, H. A. Boulares;
Louisiana State University Health Sciences Center, new orleans, LA, United States.
P.B.12.06 Mast cell protease expression is affected by stress and cholinergic signaling
F. R. Rommel1, B. Raghavan1, S. Tumala1, S. Laux1, J. Kruse2, U. Gieler2, E. M. Peters3,1;
Psychoneuroimmunologie Labor, Klinik fr Psychosomatik und Psychotherapie, Justus Liebig Universitt Gieen, Ludwigstr. 78, 35392 Gieen, Gieen, Germany, 2Klinik fr Psychosomatik und
Psychotherapie, Justus Liebig Universitt Gieen, Friedrichstr. 123, 35392, Gieen, Germany, 3CharitCentrum 12 (CC12) fr Innere Medizin und Dermatologie, Charit Platz 1, 10117 Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
P.B.12.07 Farm dust extract increases the epithelial barrier function of human bronchial epithelial cells
L. E. P. van der Vlugt1, K. Eger1, G. D. Amatngalim1, C. Mller2, F. Bracher2, E. von Mutius2, H. H. Smits1, P. S. Hiemstra1;
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands, 2Ludwig-Maximilians University, Munchen, Germany.
P.B.12.08 A severe drug hypersensitivity case with ulcerative colitis and the value of in vitro diagnostic test
N. Akdeniz1, L. P. Ozyigit2,1, E. A. Cetin1, U. C. Kucuksezer1, R. Iliaz3, Z. Mungan2, G. Deniz1;
Istanbul University, The Institute of Experimental Medicine (DETAE),Department of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Koc University, School of Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Istanbul University, Istanbul
Medical Faculty, Department of Internal Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.12.09 Reduction of blood basophil numbers and high affinity IgE receptor expression during anaphylaxis
M. Rijavec, M. ilar, P. Kopa, M. Konik, P. Koroec;
University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Golnik, Slovenia.
P.B.12.10 Contact hypersensitivity to dinitrochlorobenzene induces systemic immunomodulatory effects that are strain-dependent
A. Popov Aleksandrov1, I. Mirkov1, J. Demenesku1, M. Ninkov1, D. Mileusnic1, J. Jovanovic1, D. Kataranovski1,2, M. Kataranovski1,3;
Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute of Zoology,Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of
Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.B.12.11 A low expression of Tim3 is found in skin and peripheral blood from Patients with cutaneous non-immediate hypersensitivity reactions to drugs during the acute
phase of the reaction
T. D. Fernandez1, F. Palomares1, A. Ariza1, I. Doa2, M. Salas2, M. Blanca2, M. J. Torres2, C. Mayorga1;
Research Laboratory-Allergy Unit. IBIMA-Regional University Hospital of Malaga, Malaga, Spain, 2Allergy Service. IBIMA-Regional University Hospital of Malaga, Malaga, Spain.
P.B.12.12 Hydrogen Sulphide (H2S) modulates apoptosis process and cytokines levels in allergic lung inflammation
H. H. A. Ferreira1, J. A. Pereira2, C. Lanaro3, N. Conran3, T. Rocha2;
So Leopoldo Mandic Institute and Research Center, Campinas, Brazil, 2So Francisco University, Bragana Paulista, Brazil, 3State University of Campinas - UNICAMP, Campinas, Brazil.
P.B.12.13 Role of mucosal immunity in allergic rhinitis phenotype formation
B. Sangidorj, N. Tataurshchikova;
Peoples Friendship University of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.B.12.14 the prognostic value of the neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio in patients with snake bites for clinical outcomes and complications
B. Elbey1, u. c. yazgan2, y. zengin3;
Dicle Univercity, Faculty of Medicine,Department of Immunology, Diyarbakir, Turkey, 2Dicle Univercity, Faculty of Medicine,Department of Physiology,, diyarbakir, Turkey, 3Dicle Univercity, Faculty of
Medicine,Department of Emergency Medicine, diyarbakir, Turkey.

P.B.13 Tumor Immunity - Part 1

Chairpersons: Wiebke Hansen; Essen, Germany / Miodrag Colic; Belgrade, Serbia

P.B.13.01 Fibronectin production in basal-like breast cancer cells is regulated by pro-inflammatory cytokines and may influence myeloId cell maturation
G. Tunali, G. Esendagli;
Hacettepe University Cancer Institute, Ankara, Turkey.
P.B.13.02 Effects of Some Natural Immunomodulatory Compounds in Combination with Thalidomide on Survival Rate and Tumor Size in Fibrosarcoma-Bearing Mice
R. Aghebati Maleki, B. Baradaran, L. Aghebati Maleki, N. Ftoohi;
Immunology, tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.13.03 Suppression of T-cell-mediated immune responses and the role of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells in a murine model of spontaneously arising B-cell lymphoma
F. Ahmetli1, T. Riedel1, T. Sparwasser2, M. Rcken3, R. Mocikat1;
Institut fr Molekulare Immunologie, Helmholtz-Zentrum Mnchen- Deutsches Zentrum fr Gesundheit und Umwelt, Munich, Germany, 2Institut fr Infektionsimmunologie, Twincore GmbH, Hannover,
Germany, 3Universitts-Hautklinik, Eberhard-Karls-Universitt, Tbingen, Germany.
P.B.13.04 Prognostic impact of platalet/lymphocyte and neutrophil/lymphocyte ratios in patients with gastric cancer: A multicenter study
M. Gunaldi1, S. Goksu2, S. Gunduz3, Y. Okuturlar1, E. Tiken1, S. Kahraman1, N. Isiksacan1;
Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Kayseri Training and Research Hospital, Kayseri, Turkey, 3Antalya Training and Research Hospital, Antalya, Turkey.
P.B.13.05 Temozolomide sensitizes glioblastoma cells towards T cell-mediated killing
G. Chitadze1, M. Lettau1, S. Lcke1, O. Janssen1, D. Wesch1, H. Oberg1, J. Held-Feindt2, D. Kabelitz1;
Institute of Immunology, kiel, Germany, 2Department of Neurosurgery, University Medical Center Schleswig-Holstein UKSH, Campus Kiel, kiel, Germany.
P.B.13.06 Defined immune phenotypes in patients with glioblastoma multiforme are associated with survival
H. Mostafa1, E. Dietrich1, A. Pala2, C. Wirtz2, M. Schneider1;
Section Experimental Anesthesiology, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 2Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Ulm and Bezirkskrankenhaus Gnzburg, Ulm, Germany.
P.B.13.07 Modeling of the Mechanism of Glucocorticoid Resistance Using CRISPR/Cas9 Mediated Genome Editing
A. Ozcan, B. Erman;
Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Sciences, Molecular Biology, Genetics and Bioengineering Program, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.13.08 HCC-induced myeloid derived suppressor cells alter Kupffer cell function
S. Lacotte1, F. Slits1, L. Orci1, C. Gonelle-Gispert2, G. Oldani1, P. Morel2, C. Toso1;
Hepatology and Transplantation Laboratory, Genve 4, Switzerland, 2Surgical Research Laboratory, Genve 4, Switzerland.

P.B.13.09 Effects of PI3K/Akt/mTOR inhibitors on expression of IL-8 and CXCR1 in HER2+ breast cancer cells
B. Sirin, M. E. Gedik, E. Kansu, A. L. Dogan;
Cancer, Ankara, Turkey.
P.B.13.10 Evaluation of immunological factors in peritoneal fluid and peripheral blood in ovarian and colorectal cancer with peritoneal carcinomatosis treated with HIPEC
(Hyperthermic Intraperitoneal Chemotherapy)
E. Villegas1,2, C. Martnez-Garca1, J. Pons1,2, . Molina1,2, N. Esteve3,2, R. Morales4,2, J. Mil1,2;
Immunology Service. Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2Institut dInvestigaci Sanitria de Palma (IdISPa), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 3Anesthesia Service. Hospital
Universitario Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 4Digestive Surgery Service. Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
P.B.13.11 Recombinant tandem expression and antitumor activity of human IL-2 and TNF-alpha
W. Qi, Y. Li, W. Shi, A. Yu;
Institute of Pathogen Biology, Taian, China.

28 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.13.12 The alarmin IL-33 is expressed in breast cancer : an emerging role in breast cancer immunity
E. Blanc1, C. Le Beux1, N. Vey1, A. Colombe2, A. Morel1, C. Dezutter-Dambuyant1, P. Saintigny1, I. Treilleux1, C. Caux1, N. Bendriss-Vermare1;
Cancer Research Center of Lyon, Lyon, France, 2Centre Leon Berard, Lyon, France.

P.B.13.13 Immune-dependent antineoplastic effects of cisplatin plus pyridoxine in non-small-cell lung cancer
F. Aranda1,2, N. Bloy1,2,3, O. Kepp1,2, C. Pfirschke4, M. Pittet4, L. Zitvogel3,5,6, G. Kroemer1,7,8, L. Senovilla1,2;
Equipe 11 labellise pas la Ligue Nationale contre le Cancer, Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, INSERM U1138, Paris, France, 2Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France, 3Universit Paris Sud, Villejuif, France,
Center for Systems Biology, Massachusetts General Hospital/Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 5INSERM U1015, Villejuif, France, 6Centre dInvestigation Clinique Biothrapie CIBT 507,
Villejuif, France, 7Universit Paris Descartes, Paris, France, 8Metabolomics and Cell Biology Platforms, Villejuif, France.

P.B.13.14 A polyphenolic fraction from Caesalpinia spinosa induces immunogenic cell death and enhances tumor control through the activation of the immune system
A. Gomez Cadena1, C. P. Uruea1, A. Martinez-Usatorre2, A. Barreto1, P. Romero2, S. Fiorentino1;
Grupo de Inmunobiologa y Biologa Celular, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogota, Colombia, 2Ludwig Cancer Research Center, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.B.13.15 Characterization and specificity analysis of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes in ovarian carcinoma
K. Rhle1, H. Schuster1, J. Peper1, P. Wagner2, H. Rammensee1, S. Stevanovi1;
Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology, Department of Immunology, Tbingen, Germany, 2Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany.
P.B.13.16 Impact of Interleukin-22 on two murine models of lung and breast cancer
C. Ochs, P. May, D. Wenk, S. Endres, S. Kobold;
Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Internal Medicine IV, Ludwig-Maximilians Universitt, Munich, Germany.
P.B.13.17 Establishment and characterization of a new cell line of leukaemia: BML01
B. Tsai1, J. Tang2, C. Li2, C. Lin2, B. Chiang3;
NAVI Bio-therapeutics. Inc., Kaohsiung, Taiwan, 2Tai Cheng Stem Cell Therapy Center , National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital, College of
Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.B.13.18 Tumor lymphangiogenesis in mouse and human melanoma: New roles in immunomodulation
M. Broggi1, M. Fankhauser1, N. Bordry2, S. Wullschleger3, K. Homicsko3, D. Hanahan3, D. Speiser2, M. Swartz1,4;
Laboratory for Lymphatic and Cancer Bioengineering, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Clinical Tumor Biology and Immunotherapy Group, Department of Oncology and Ludwig Cancer Research, University
Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3The Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research, EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Institute for Molecular Engineering, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United
P.B.13.19 B16F10-melanoma cells modulate effector functions of mast cells via the inhibitory gp49B-receptor
S. Dietzen, T. Brhl, N. Stergiou, T. Bohn, A. Ulges, M. Klein, E. Schmitt, T. Bopp;
Institute of Immunology, Mainz, Germany.
P.B.13.20 Production of interleukin 17 correlates with radioiodine-induced micronuclei frequency in patients with papillary thyroid cancer
S. Zivancevic-Simonovic1, O. Mihaljevic1, P. Djurdjevic1, I. Majstorovic2, O. Milosevic-Djordjevic1, I. Kostic1, L. Mijatovic-Teodorovic1;
Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2Institute for Medical Research, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.B.13.21 MicroRNA-155 is upregulated in the tumor infiltrating T cells and promotes the accumulation of CD8+ T-cells for immunotherapy of cancer.
A. Martinez Usatorre1, C. Jandus1, D. E. Speiser1, J. C. Dudda1, P. Foukas2, P. Romero1;
Ludwig Cancer Research - University of Lausanne, Epalinges, Switzerland, 2Department of Oncology, Lausanne University Hospital Center (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.B.13.22 Mesenchymal stromal cells derived from cervical cancer (MSC-CeCa) favor the tumor growth and inhibit antitumor immune response in a mice model through
CD73 pathway
C. A. Montoro1, A. Monroy2, J. Hernndez1, B. Weiss1, M. L. Mora1;
Immunobiology laboratory, UIDCC UMIEZ, FES Zaragoza UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, 2Immunology and cancer laboratory, UIMEO, H Oncologa CMN SXXI IMSS, Mexico City, Mexico.
P.B.13.23 High Frequency of Peripheral Foxp3 Regulatory T cells in Cervical Cancer patients in KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa
D. Sebastian1, A. G. Assounga1,2;
University of KwaZulu-Natal, Durban, South Africa, 2Inkosi Albert Luthuli Central Hospital, Durban, South Africa.
P.B.13.24 Dendritic cell activation following treatment with conditioned media from oesophageal tumour explants
M. Morrissey1, R. Dunne1, M. Dunne1, J. Reynolds1,2, J. OSullivan1;
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2St James Hospital, Dublin, Ireland.
P.B.13.25 Helper and cytotoxic T cell subsets (Th1, Th2, Tc1 and Tc2) in benign and malignant salivary gland tumors
M. R. Haghshenas1, B. Khademi2, S. Rezaeifard1, N. Nazari1, A. Ghaderi1, N. Erfani1;
Cancer Immunology Group, Shiraz Institute for Cancer Research, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Otolaryngology, Khalili Hospital,
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

P.B.14 Tumorantigens and Tumorstroma

Chairpersons: Adelheid Cerwenka; Heidelberg, Germany / Ignacio J. Melero; Pamplona, Spain

P.B.14.01 Effects of resveratrol treatment on angiogenic profile in human tumor breast cells
C. Hotnog1, M. A. Mihaila1, M. Bostan1, M. I. Gruia2, L. I. Brasoveanu1;
Institute of Virology, Bucharest, Romania, 2Institute of Oncology, Bucharest, Romania.
P.B.14.02 A33scFv-Fc antibody-based imaging of subcutaneous and orthotopic xenografts of GPA33-positive colorectal cancer in mice
Q. Fan, D. Wei, H. Yang, H. Cai, L. Wan, X. Lu;
West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
P.B.14.03 Coordinated interplay between EGFR/HER/ErbB tumor antigens and tumor promoting fatty acid biosynthesis provide a rich source of therapeutic targets in
ovarian cancer
T. W. Grunt, R. Wagner, W. Shabbir, K. Prstling;
Medical University Vienna, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Department of Medicine I, Division of Oncology, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.14.04 Downregulation of GFR1 promotes HCC progression though Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition
Q. Liu;
National Key Laboratory of Medical Immunology & Institute of Immunology, Shanghai, China.
P.B.14.05 Mass spectrometric analysis of the soluble HLA peptidome from melanoma patients sera reveals melanoma-associated antigens
D. Ritz1, A. Gloger2, B. Weide3, C. Garbe3, T. Fugmann1, D. Neri2;
Philochem AG, Otelfingen, Switzerland, 2Institute of Pharmaceutical Sciences, ETH Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Department of Dermatology, Division of Dermatologic Oncology, Eberhard-Karls-
University, Tuebingen, Germany.
P.B.14.06 OVA12, a novel tumor antigen, promotes cancer cell growth and inhibits 5-fluorouracil-induced apoptosis
L. Wang1,2, Y. Xi1,2, H. Ge1,2;
Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Shanghai, China, 2Shanghai Institute of Immunology, Shanghai, China.
P.B.14.08 Mebendazole bound to HPMA copolymer carrier has dramatically improved solubility: in vitro and in vivo antitumor activity and toxicity in mice
V. ern1, M. Studenovsk2, B. hov1, M. Kov1;
Institute of Microbiology, ASCR, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, ASCR, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic.

P.B.14.09 Interleukin-21 and Interleukin-32 gene expression levels and their relationship with clinicopathologic parameters in patients with colon cancer
G. O. Erdem1, F. Ozmen1, M. M. Ozmen2,3, S. Kulacoglu4, E. Kansu1;
Hacettepe University Cancer Institute, Deparment of Basic Oncology, Ankara, Turkey, 2Hacettepe University Medical School,Department of Surgery, Ankara, Turkey, 3Ankara Numune Hospital,Clinics of
Surgery, Ankara, Turkey, 4Ankara Numune Hospital,Clinics of Pathology, Ankara, Turkey.
P.B.14.10 Hepatocyte growth factor activates stromal fibroblasts to promote tumorigenesis in gastric cancer
X. Chen;
Shanghai Institute of Digestive of Surgery, Ruijin HospitalSurgery, Department, shanghai, China.
P.B.14.11 Molecular characterization of lung cancer-infiltrating immunofibroblasts
H. Cheng1, M. Bsch1, M. Novkovic1, L. Onder1, E. Scandella1, I. Tarantino2, A. Franzini3, R. Rodriguez4, M. Brutsche3, B. Ludewig1;
Institute of Immunobiology, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 2Department of Surgery, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 3Department of Pneumology, Kantonsspital St.
Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland, 4Department of Pathology, Kantonsspital St. Gallen, St. Gallen, Switzerland.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 29
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.B.14.12 Autologous bone marrow Th cells can support multiple myeloma cell proliferation in vitro and in vivo
D. Wang1, Y. Flisand2, A. Tveita1, S. Brgler1,3, A. Parente-Ribes1, P. Hofgaard1, P. Szodoray1, B. Nakken1, B. Bogen1, G. Tjnnfjord2, J. Dalgaard4, L. Munthe1;
Centre for Immune Regulation, Dept. of Immunology, Institute of Clinical Medicine, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 2Dept of Hematology, Oslo University Hospital/National Hospital (Rikshospitalet),
Oslo, Norway, 3Swiss Experimental Infectious Diseases and Cancer Research, University Childrens Hospital, Zrich, Swaziland, 4Dept. of Hematology, Vestre Viken Hospital of Buskerud, Drammen, Norway.
P.B.14.13 Development of a human organotypic tumor invasion model using Precision-Cut Lung Slices (PCLS) and cancer cell line MDA-MB-231
S. Konzok1, S. Schindler1, D. Jonigk2, P. Braubach2, A. Braun1, K. Sewald1;
Fraunhofer Institute for Toxicology and Experimental Medicine, Hannover, Germany, 2Medical School Hannover, Hannover, Germany.

P.B.14.14 The role of SH3PXD2B/HOFI in the regulation of the tumor microenvironment

G. Adrienn1, E. Boldizsr1, . Veres1, A. Pap2, S. Trk3, B. Dme3, L. Nagy2, . Lnyi1;
Department of Immunology, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 3Department of Tumor Biology,
National Koranyi Institute of TB and Pulmonology, Budapest, Hungary.
P.B.14.15 Epigenetic silencing of microRNA mediates prostaglandin E2/IL-6 signaling in the tumor-immune microenvironment
P. Li;
Shanghai Key Laboratory of Gastric Neoplasms, Shanghai Institute of Digestive Surgery, Department of, Shanghai, China.
P.B.14.16 Functional heterogeneity in the epithelial component of human prostate cancers: epigenetic surprises after fluorescent cell sorting of primary cell cultures and
disaggregated tumour biopsies
N. J. Maitland1, J. K. Rane1, F. M. Frame1, D. Pellacani1, H. Walker1, A. T. Collins1, V. M. Mann2, M. S. Simms2;
Univ of York, York, United Kingdom, 2Castle Hill Hospital, Hull, United Kingdom.
P.B.14.17 PD-1 pathway and HPV status in head and neck squamous cell cancer
P. Baruah1, J. Bullenkamp1, M. Lee2, P. Wilson3, I. Dumitriu1;
St Georges University of London, London, United Kingdom, 2St Georges Hospital NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom, 3St Georges Hospital London NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.14.18 Reinforcing effect of HMGB1 on hypoxia role in tumorigenesis
L. Maruscakova1, M. Bucova1, Z. Poljak2, I. Hulin2;
Institute of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2Institute of Pathological Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia.
P.B.14.19 Sensitivity of leukemic T-cell lines to arsenic trioxide cytotoxicity is dependent on the induction of phosphatase B220/CD45R expression at the cell surface
A. Mellouk1, M. Benbijja2, P. Bob1;
Universit Paris Sud and INSERM U1174, Orsay, France, 2Universit Paris Sud and INSERM U1012, Le Kremlin Bictre, France.
P.B.14.20 CCR7 expression inversely correlates with VLA4 expression in CLL: prognostic implications
B. Somovilla-Crespo, C. Cuesta-Mateos, M. Alfonso-Prez, A. Redruello, A. Ramrez-Menjbar, V. Lpez-Huete, A. Kreutzmann, C. Muoz-Calleja;
Hospital Universitario de La Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.14.21 Adenosine deaminase and iNOsynthase: a potential tumor and angiogenesis markers in gallbladder cancer in Algerian patients
N. Tounsi1, C. Bouzid2, K. Bentabak2, B. Djerdjouri1;
University of sciences and technology Houari Boumedienne, Algiers, Algeria, 2Centre Pierre et Marie Curie, Hpital Mustapha Bacha, Algiers, Algeria.
P.B.14.22 Correlation between molecular subtypes and prognosis of invasive breast cancer in young women in Tunisia
H. Ayadi1, E. Ayadi1, B. Cherif1, R. Jlidi2;
Center of Biotechnology of Sfax, Sfax, Tunisia, 2Patholab, Sfax, Tunisia.

Track C Innate Immunity

P.C.01 Granulocytes
Chairpersons: Sheena Cruickshank; Manchester, United Kingdom / Nicola Tamassia; Verona, Italy

P.C.01.03 The balance between activation and parasite modulation of dog neutrophils is crucial for Leishmania infantum infection
M. Pereira1, A. Valrio-Bolas1, D. Santos-Mateus1, A. Rodrigues1, M. Santos2, H. Rocha3, A. Santos3, M. Cmara4, C. Martins5, G. Alexandre-Pires2, I. Pereira da Fonseca2, G. Santos-Gomes1;
Global Health and Tropical Medicine, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Centro Interdisciplinar de Investigao em Sanidade Animal, Faculdade de
Medicina Veterinria, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 3Diviso de Medicina Veterinria, Guarda Nacional Republicana, Lisbon, Portugal, 4vora City Council, Municipal Veterinary Office, vora,
Portugal, 5CEDOC, Chronic Diseases Research Center, Immunology, NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
P.C.01.04 Eosinophils regulator vascular function and contribute to hypertension
S. Withers1, R. Forman1, S. Meza-Perez2, D. Sorobetea3, K. Sitnik4, W. Agace5, K. Else1, A. Heagerty1, M. Svensson-Frej2, S. Cruickshank1;
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, 3University of Lund, Lund, Sweden, 4Danish Technical University, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5Danish Technical
University, Copenhagan, Denmark.
P.C.01.05 The role of flow cytometry in Screening Chronic Granulomatous Disease
M. Y. Koker;
Department of Immunology, Medical School of University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey.
P.C.01.06 A complex network of trans diaphyseal blood vessels: Highway for bone marrow-derived cells?
A. Klingberg1, R. Danuser2, J. Stein2, M. Rhode3, M. Jger1, A. Hasenberg1, M. Gunzer1;
University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany, 2University Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 3Helmholtz Center for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany.
P.C.01.07 A clinical and laboratory approach to the evaluation of innate immunity in pediatric cvid patients
N. Kutukculer, E. Azarsiz, N. E. Karaca, E. Ulusoy, G. Koturoglu, G. Aksu;
Ege University Medical School, Izmir, Turkey.
P.C.01.08 Myeloid Tristetraprolin deteriorates host defense upon invasive infection by compromising neutrophil function
F. Ebner1, V. Sedlyarov1, F. Kratochvill1, N. Gratz1, L. Kenner2, A. Villunger3, P. Kovarik1;
University of Vienna, Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Vienna, Austria, 2Clinical Institute of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Medical University Innsbruck, Division of Developmental
Immunology, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.C.01.09 Neutrophils as suppressors of T lymphocyte proliferation
I. H. Hiemstra1, C. E. Aarts1, F. Pourfarzad1, T. K. van den Berg1, T. W. Kuijpers1,2;
Department of Blood Cell Research, Sanquin Research and Landsteiner laboratory, Academic Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Emma Childrens Hospital, Academic
Medical Center, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.C.01.10 Cross-talk between human mesenchymal stem cells from periapical lesions and neutrophil granulocytes: role of IL-6
M. Markovi1, S. Tomi2, D. Mihajlovi2, Z. Dolanin3, J. Djoki2, M. oli1,2;
Faculty of Medicine, University of Ni, Ni, Serbia, 2Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, 3State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia.
P.C.01.11 Induced stem (iPS) cell production from dermal fibroblast of AR-CGD patient with p67-phox defect
H. Avclar, B. Saraymen, M. Y. Koker;
Department of immunology, University of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey.
P.C.01.12 Pathogenesis and oxidase residual activity relation in chronic granulomatous disease
M. Y. Koker, B. Saraymen, M. Kler, H. Avclar;
University of Erciyes, Department of Immunology of Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey.
P.C.01.14 CD14-dependent premature cell death of human neutrophils induced by Brucella abortus lipopolysaccharide lipid A
E. Barquero-Calvo1, R. A. Mora2, J. L. de Diego3, J. Gorvel4, E. Moreno2,1;
Universidad Nacional, Heredia, Costa Rica, 2Universidad de Costa Rica, San Jos, Costa Rica, 3Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany, 4Centre dImmunologie de Marseille-Luminy
(CIML), Marseille, France.
P.C.01.15 Role of neutrophils in cancer-related inflammation: a genetic approach
A. Ponzetta, M. Galdiero, M. Barbagallo, S. Gentile, M. Molgora, E. Bonavita, C. Garlanda, A. Mantovani, S. Jaillon;
Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano (Milan), Italy.

30 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.C.01.17 The neutrophils and cytokines in athletes with different profiles of functional brain asymmetry
A. Tambovtseva1,2, I. Shvydchenko1, E. Berdichevskaya1, A. Stepukova1, J. Kujilnaya1;
Department of Physiology, Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russian Federation, 2Territorial Clinical Hospital #2, Krasnodar, Russian Federation.

P.C.01.18 Cytokine production by neutrophils in athletes with different profiles of functional brain asymmetry
I. Shvydchenko, E. Berdichevskaya, A. Tambovtseva, A. Stepukova, J. Kujilnaya;
Department of Physiology, Kuban State University of Physical Education, Sport and Tourism, Krasnodar, Russian Federation.
P.C.01.19 Chromatin remodelling and autocrine TNF are required for optimal interleukin-6 expression in activated human neutrophils

N. Tamassia, M. Zimmermann, F. Bianchetto, F. Arruda-Silva, M. A. Cassatella;
University of Verona, Dep. of Pathology and Diagnostic, Verona, Italy.
P.C.01.21 Tpl2 is required for neutrophil antimicrobial functions
N. V. Acuff, J. Elmore, T. Kuriakose, B. Rada, W. T. Watford;
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States.
P.C.01.22 Activation of TAK1 by chemotactic factors and GM-CSF, and its impact on human neutrophil signaling and functional responses
P. P. McDonald1, S. Sylvain-Prvost1, T. Ear1, N. Flamand2;
Universit de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 2Universit Laval, Qubec, QC, Canada.
P.C.01.23 Identification of Factors that Recruit Tumour-Associated Neutrophils to Head and Neck Squamous Cell Cancers
H. Niaz, K. Hunter, C. Murdoch;
The University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom.
P.C.01.24 Gentamicine decreases and cefotaxime does not affects release of neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs). A preliminary results
O. Ciepiela1, A. Manda-Handzlik2, S. Sieczkowska3, W. Bystrzycka3, A. Moskalik3;
Department of Laboratory Diagnostics and Clinical Immunology of Developmental Age,Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2Medical University of Warsaw, Postgraduate School of Molecular
Medicine, Warsaw, Poland, 3Medical University of Warsaw, Students Scientific Group, Warsaw, Poland.
P.C.01.25 CD80 and CD86 colocalized in NETs
F. M. Rodriguez, I. T. Novak;
National University of Cordoba, Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Cell Biology, Cordoba, Argentina.

P.C.02 NK and NKT Cells - Part 1

Chairpersons: Roland Jacobs; Hannover, Germany / Carsten Watzl; Dortmund, Germany

P.C.02.01 Antibody-mediated response of NKG2Cbright NK cells against human cytomegalovirus

M. Costa Garca1, A. Vera1, M. Moraru2, C. Vilches2, M. Lpez-Botet1,3, A. Muntasell3;
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria Puerta de Hierro, Majadahonda, Spain, 3Institut Hospital del Mar dInvestigacions Mdiques, Barcelona, Spain.
P.C.02.02 Aryl-hydrocarbon receptor-dependent regulation of NK cell phenotype and function
A. Stojanovic1, M. P. Correia1, C. Redaelli1,2, M. Platten1,2, A. Cerwenka1;
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2University Hospital, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.C.02.03 Natural Killer cell dysfunction in Acute Myeloid Leukemia patients: in vitro recovery of NK cell function
B. Sanchez-Correa1, J. M. Bergua2, I. Casas2, M. J. Arcos2, H. Baas2, C. Campos3, A. Pera3, S. Morgado1, J. J. Gordillo1, J. G. Casado4, E. Durn1, R. Solana3, R. Tarazona1;
University of Extremadura, Caceres, Spain, 2Hospital San Pedro de Alcantara, Caceres, Spain, 3IMIBIC-Hospital Reina Sofia - University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain, 4Minimally Invasive Surgery Centre.
University of Extremadura., Caceres, Spain.
P.C.02.04 Natural Killer cells targeting of human and mouse Cancer Initiating Cells
C. Garofalo1, R. Tallerico1, L. Conti2, S. Lanzardo2, R. Sottile1, M. Todaro3, G. Stassi3, G. Parmiani4, F. Dieli5, F. Cavallo2, E. Carbone1;
department of experimental and clinical medicine, catanzaro, Italy, 2Department of Molecular Biotechnologies and Health Science University of Study of Tourin, Italy, Torino, Italy, 3Department of Surgical
and Oncological Sciences, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, Palermo, Italy, 4Unit of Immuno-Biotherapy of Melanoma and Solid Tumors, Division of Molecular Oncology, San Raffaele Foundation
Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy, Milano, Italy, 5Department of Biopathology, University of Palermo, Palermo, Italy, Palermo, Italy.
P.C.02.05 Longitudinal changes in natural killer cell receptors in moderate versus severe Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis patients
S. L. Hardcastle, E. W. Brenu, S. Johnston, T. Nguyen, T. K. Huth, S. Ramos, D. Staines, S. Marshall-Gradisnik;
Griffith University, Gold Coast, Australia.
P.C.02.06 Viral downregulation of CD155 reveals strong effect of DNAM-1 in virus control by NK cells and macrophages
S. Jonjic1, T. Lenac Rovis1, P. Kucan1, I. Brizic1, N. Stanietsky2, V. Juranic Lisnic1, S. Jordan3, A. Tomic1, M. Babic Cac1, P. Tsukerman2, M. Messerle4, O. Mandelboim2, A. Krmpotic1;
Faculty of Medicine University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 2The Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel, 34Max von Pettenkofer-Institute, Ludwig-Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany, 4Hannover Medical
School, Hannover, Germany.
P.C.02.07 Frog skin derived antimicrobial peptide frenatin 2.1S enhances proinflammatory phenotype and activity of NK/NKT cells
J. Pantic1, G. Radosavljevic1, I. Jovanovic1, J. Golubovic1, N. Arsenijevic1, J. Conlon2, M. L. Lukic1;
Center for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2SAAD Centre for Pharmacy and Diabetes, School of Biomedical Sciences, University of Ulster,
Coleraine, United Kingdom.
P.C.02.08 The possible role of Galectin-9/TIM-3 pathway in fetomaternal tolerance in pregnant mice
A. Lajk1, M. Meggyes1,2, A. Totsimon1, J. Sznt1, . Mik1,2, L. Szereday1,2;
University of Pcs Clinical Center Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Pcs, Hungary, 2Janos Szentagothai Research Centre, Pcs, Hungary.
P.C.02.09 Blockade of self-inhibitory KIR2DL receptors increases the capacity of NK cells to inhibit HIV-1 replication in vitro
C. Krner1, C. Simoneau1, M. Granoff1, B. Corleis1, E. Scully1, D. Kwon1,2, S. Jost1, M. Altfeld1,3;
Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, United States, 2Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3Heinrich Pette Institute, Hamburg, Germany.

P.C.02.10 Hyperglycemia promotes immunosuppressive environment and attenuate NK cells activity to tumour
I. Jovanovic, N. Gajovic, G. Radosavljevic, J. Pantic, N. Arsenijevic, M. Lukic;
Center for molecular medicine and stem cell research, Kragujevac, Serbia.
P.C.02.11 Is there an immune contribution to the pathogenesis of idiopathic pulmonary artery hypertension?
I. Tahrali1, U. C. Kucuksezer1, L. Pur-Ozyigit1, G. Okumus2, E. Kiyan2, G. Deniz1;
Istanbul University, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Dept. of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Pulmonology, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.C.02.12 Immune senescence is associated with increase in NK cell numbers/frequencies after ART in HIV-1 infected patients
F. Ahmad, R. Jacobs, R. E. Schmidt;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.C.02.13 Intracellular retention of activation induced C-type lectin (AICL) the genetically linked ligand of the human activating NK receptor NKp80 is dependent on AICL
S. Neuss, Y. Bartel, B. Bauer, A. Steinle;
Institute for Molecular Medicine, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
P.C.02.14 Intravenous Immunoglobulin (IVIG) down-regulates cytolytic activity and induces apoptotic cell death of human natural killer cells
P. Ponnuswamy, S. Bunk, A. Trbic, M. Malisauskas, H. Anderle, H. Butterweck, J. Ilas, A. Weber, W. Teschner, H. P. Schwarz, F. Scheiflinger, C. Hermann, B. M. Reipert;
Baxalta Innovations GmbH, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.02.15 KIR repertoire in a healthy caucasian population. Comparison with latent infection and pulmonary tuberculosis patients from northern Spain
E. Asensio-Montas, F. Ausn, J. L. Arroyo, R. Agero, M. C. Farias, J. G. Ocejo-Vinyals;
Hospital Universitario Marqus de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain.
P.C.02.16 IFN- and TNF- secretion by human NK cells activated by Leishmania major lipophosphoglycan 3 (LPG3)
S. Rasolzadeh1, M. Haji-Fatahaliha1, M. Hosseini1, M. Ghafari-Khamene2, A. Movassagh pour1, J. Majidi1, M. Yousefi1;
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 31
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.C.02.17 Lenalidomide induces immunomodulation in chronic lymphocytic leukemia and enhances antitumor immune responses mediated by NK and CD4 T cells
S. Lorenzo-Herrero1,2, A. Acebes-Huerta1,2, L. Huergo-Zapico1,2, M. Villa-Alvarez1,2, A. Lopez-Soto1,2, A. Gonzalez-Rodriguez3, A. Payer3, S. Gonzalez1,2;
Department of Functional Biology, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain, 2Instituto Universitario de Oncologia del Principado de Asturias (IUOPA), Oviedo, Spain, 3Department of Hematology, Hospital
Universitario Central de Asturias (HUCA), Oviedo, Spain.
P.C.02.18 Marker negative cells residing in the lymphocyte gate
K. de Jonge1, P. Baumgaertner1, D. Speiser1,2;
Ludwig Center for Cancer Research of the University of Lausanne (LICR@UNIL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Dept. of Oncology, University Hospital Center (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland.

P.C.02.19 The SUMOylation pathway regulates PVR surface expression in Multiple Myeloma cells
M. Rosa1, B. Zitti1, L. Quatrini1, C. Fionda1, H. Stabile1, M. Cippitelli1, A. Gismondi1, A. Santoni1,2, R. Paolini1,2;
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2Institute Pasteur-Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Rome, Italy.
P.C.02.20 A pilot investigation of intracellular signalling molecules required for Natural Killer cell activity in Myalgic Ecephalomyelitis/Chronic Fatigue Syndrome patients
T. K. Huth1,2, E. W. Brenu1,2, D. R. Staines1,2, S. M. Marshall-Gradisnik1,2;
National Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases, Menzies Health Institute, Griffith University, Southport, Australia, 2School of Medical Science, Griffith University, Southport, Australia.
P.C.02.21 NK cell antibody-mediated response against Epstein-Barr virus: role of the NKG2Cbright NK cell subset.
M. Lpez-Montas1, J. Sintes1, M. Costa-Garcia1, A. Muntasell2, M. Lpez-Botet1,2;
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2Institut Hospital del Mar dInvestigacions Mdiques, Barcelona, Spain.
P.C.02.22 Killer-cell Immunoglobuline-like receptors on Natural killer and CD8 T cells in melanoma patients
H. Martinez-Banaclocha1, L. Gimeno1, M. Bernardo-Pisa1, J. Bolarin1, M. Muro1, R. Lopez-Hernandez1, B. Las Heras-Ferre1, M. Moya-Quiles1, A. Minguela1, A. Mrowiec1, I. Legaz2, J. Frias3, A. Garcia Alonso1,
M. Alvarez-Lopez1, J. Martinez-Escribano3, J. Campillo1;
Immunology Service-University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB. Murcia, El Palmar, Spain, 2Department of Social and Health Sciences, Area of Legal and Forensic Medicine. University of Murcia,
El Palmar, Spain, 3Dermatology Service-University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB. Murcia, El Palmar, Spain.
P.C.02.22 Natural killer cell response to lentiviral gene delivery provides novel perspectives on the development of gene therapy applications
C. Sayitoglu1,2, A. D. Duru3,4, M. Chrobok3,4, C. Chiang4, A. Parlar1,2, G. H. Senturk1,2, B. Erman1, E. Alici3,4, T. Sutlu2;
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 4Vaccine and Gene Therapy Institute
of Florida, Port St. Lucie, FL, United States.

P.C.03 Innate Lymphocytes

Chairpersons: Chiara Romagnani; Berlin, Germany / Rudi W. Hendriks; Rotterdam, Netherlands

P.C.03.01 Activation of group 2 innate lymphocytes is T cell dependent in house dust mite-mediated allergic airway inflammation in mice
B. Li1, M. De Bruijn1, M. Lukkes1, I. Tindemans1, I. Bergen1, M. Brem1, D. Beerens1, A. Kleinjan1, H. Fehling2, R. W. Hendriks1;
Erasmus MC Rotterdam, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2University Clinics Ulm, Ulm, Germany.
P.C.03.02 NKG2D promotes B1a cell development and enhances protection against bacterial infection
M. Lenarti1, V. Jeleni1, F. Wensveen1, M. Oani, V. Mrvi, S. Jurkovi, M. anti, B. Poli;
Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 3Department of
Oncology, University Hospital Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
P.C.03.03 Primary and chronic HIV infection differently modulates mucosal V1 and V2 T-cells differentiation profile and effector functions
E. Cimini, C. Agrati, G. DOffizi, C. Vlassi, R. Casetti, A. Sacchi, R. Lionetti, V. Bordoni, N. Tumino, P. Scognamiglio, F. Martini;
National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Rome, Italy.
P.C.03.04 IL-33 regulates liver inflammation by expansion of group 2 innate lymphoid cells and amplifying regulatory T cells
K. Karimi, K. Neumann, J. Meiners, R. Voetlause, W. Dammermann, S. Lth, C. Wegscheid, G. Tiegs;
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.C.03.05 Human cutaneous V1+ T cells: immunosurveillance and local checkpoint control
O. Nussbaumer1, R. Woolf1, A. Hayday1,2;
Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, 2The Francis Crick Institute, Lincolns Inn Fields Laboratories, London, United Kingdom.
P.C.03.06 Analysis of novel reporter mice for ILC fate-mapping in health and disease
M. Kindermann, T. Mchedlidze, M. Neurath, S. Wirtz;
Medical Department 1, Erlangen, Germany.
P.C.03.07 Group 2 innate lymphoid cells express functional NKp30 receptor inducing type 2 cytokine production
M. Salimi1, L. Xue1, H. Jolin2, C. Hardman2, D. J. Cousins3, A. N. McKenzie2, G. S. Ogg1;
Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3Department of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, NIHR Leicester Respiratory
Biomedical Research Unit, Leicester, United Kingdom.
P.C.03.08 NCR+ILC3 concentrate in human lung cancer and associate with intratumoral lymphoid structures
P. Carrega1, F. Loiacono1, E. Di Carlo2,3, A. Scaramuccia4, R. Conte4, B. Morandi5, M. C. Mingari4,5, L. Moretta1, G. Ferlazzo6,7;
Giannina Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy, 2Department of Medicine and Sciences of Aging, G. dAnnunzio University, Chieti, Italy, 3Centro di Scienze dellInvecchiamento, Fondazione Universita` G.
dAnnunzio, Chieti, Italy, 4IRCCS-Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino/IST-Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genoa, Italy, 5Department of Experimental Medicine, University of
Genova, Genoa, Italy, 6Laboratory of Immunology and Biotherapy, Department of Human Pathology, University of Messina, Messina, Italy, 7Cell Therapy Program, Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria
Policlinico Gaetano Martino, Messina, Italy.
P.C.03.09 B lymphocytes participate on innate immune response against intracellular bacterial pathogen Francisella tularensis
Z. Krocova;
FMHS UO, Hradec Kralove, Czech Republic.
P.C.03.10 Emerging role of innate lymphocytes (ILCs) in immune dysregulation in murine model of leaky SCID/Omenn syndrome
K. Csomos1, S. Yu2, B. Ujhazi1, B. Causton1, C. Dahlberg3, L. Westerberg3, B. Medoff1, M. Colonna4, L. D. Notarangelo5, J. E. Walter1,6,5;
Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Department of Medical Oncology, Dana-Farber Cancer
Institute and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 4Department of Microbiology, Tumor
and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institute, St. Louis, MO, United States, 5Division of Immunology, Childrens Hospital Boston, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 6Division of Pediatric Allergy/
Immunology, Massachusetts General Hospital for Children, Boston, MA, United States.
P.C.03.11 Characterization and quantification of innate lymphoid cell subsets in human lung tissue
S. Provoost, K. C. De Grove, F. M. Verhamme, K. R. Bracke, G. F. Joos, T. Maes, G. Brusselle;
Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium.
P.C.03.12 Group III innate lymphoid cells regulate T cell-independent antibody response and natural antibody production
M. Miyajima1, G. Magri2, A. Mortha3, M. Merad3,4, A. Cerutti2,4,5, S. Fagarasan1;
Laboratory for Mucosal Immunity, RIKEN Center for Integrative Medical Sciences, RIKEN Yokohama,, Yokohama, Japan, 2Institut Hospital del Mar dInvestigacions Mdiques, Barcelona, Spain, 3Tisch
Cancer Institute, Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, New York, NY, United States, 4Immunology Institute, Department of Medicine, Icahn School of Medicine at
Mount Sinai, New York, New York, NY, United States, 5Department of Pathology, Hospital del Mar, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona and Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain.
P.C.03.13 Innate lymphoid cells: novel players in human anti-tumor immunity?
B. Salom1, S. Trabanelli1, K. Michaud2, P. Mangin2, M. Chevalier3, S. Abed Maillard4, L. Cagnon4, J. Rivals5, D. E. Speiser1,4, L. Derr3, P. Mathevet6, L. Kandalaft4, G. Coukos1,4, P. Romero1, C. Jandus1;
Ludwig Center of the University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Centre Universitaire Romand de Mdecine Lgale (CURML), University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Department of
Urology, University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Department of Oncology, University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 5Department of Otolaryngology and Head and Neck Surgery,
University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland, 6Department of Gynecology, University Hospital (CHUV), Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.C.03.14 Redefining ILC populations in human tissues and implication in cancer
Y. Simoni;
A*STAR SIgN, Singapore, Singapore.
P.C.03.15 ICOS signaling regulates expansion of group 2 innate lymphoid cells under homeostatic and inflammatory conditions
D. Paclik, C. Stehle, A. Hutloff, C. Romagnani;
Deutsches Rheuma-Forschungszentrum Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
P.C.03.16 Group 3 innate lymphoid cells in human decidua
E. Montaldo1, P. Vacca2, D. Croxatto2, F. Loiacono1, L. Moretta1, M. C. Mingari2,3;
Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 2Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Universit degli studi di Genova, Genova, Italy, 3IRCCS Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy.

32 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.C.03.17 Homing of human peripheral blood innate lymphoid cells in homeostasis
Y. E. Bar-Ephraim, V. Mourits, K. Lakeman, R. E. Mebius;
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.C.03.18 Innate lymphoid cells type-2 contribute to macrophage polarization and reduce defenses against pneumococci.
S. Saluzzo1,2,3, A. D. Gorki1,2, O. Sharif1,2, J. Warszwaska1,2, R. Martins1,2, K. Lakovits1,2, A. Hladik1,2, I. Mesteri1, A. McKenzie3, S. Knapp1,2;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2CeMM - Center of Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Accademy of Science, Vienna, Austria, 3MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United


P.C.03.19 Identification of a novel T cell subset in the murine submandibular glands
T. K. Erick, L. Brossay;
Brown University, Providence, RI, United States.
P.C.03.20 Phenotypic characterization of innate lymphoid cells in the peripheral blood of septic patients
A. Niembro Guerrero1, L. Arriaga Pizano2, E. Ferat Osorio2, L. Serrano2, O. Hernndez Martinez2,3, S. Estrada Parra1, R. Chacn Salinas1, I. Estrada Garca1, I. Wong Baeza1;
Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biolgicas, Mxico, D.F., Mexico, 2Hospital de Especialidades, Centro Mdico Nacional Siglo XXI, IMSS, Mxico, D.F., Mexico, 3Secretara de Salud. Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico.

P.C.04 Immune Suppression

Chairpersons: Dicle Guc; Ankara, Turkey / Alessandra Sacchi; Rome, Italy

P.C.04.01 Innate immune monitoring of invasive fungal infections in severe burn injury
D. Jorge Cordeiro1, M. Legrand2, Q. Ressaire2, L. Homyrda3, A. Alanio4, M. Chaussard2, B. Denis2, M. Chaouat2, A. Mebazaa2, A. Toubert1, A. Haziot1, H. Moins-Teisserenc1;
INSERM 1160 Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France, 2Burn Unit Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France, 3Laboratoire dImmunologie Hopital Saint Louis, Paris, France, 4Laboratoire de Myco-Parasitologie Hopital
Saint Louis, Paris, France.
P.C.04.02 Granulocytic subset of myeloid derived suppressor cells in rats with mammary carcinoma
Y. Dolen, G. Gunaydin, G. Esendagli, D. Guc;
Hacettepe University, Cancer Institute, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.04.03 In HIV+ patients, Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells induce T cell anergy by suppressing CD3zeta expression through ELF-1 inhibition
N. Tumino, F. Turchi, S. Meschi, E. Lalle, V. Bordoni, R. Casetti, C. Agrati, E. Cimini, F. Martini, A. Sacchi;
National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Rome, Italy.
P.C.04.04 Differential induction of Ly6G and C positive MDSC in liver versus kidney fibrosis
I. Ludwig-Portugall1, B. Hchst2, C. Kurts1, P. Knolle2, L. Dieh3;
Institute of experimental immunology, Bonn, Germany, 2Institute of molecular immunology, Munich, Germany, 3Institute of experimental immunology and hepatology, Hamburg-Eppendorf, Germany.
P.C.04.05 GM-CSF and Glucocorticoids synergistically enhance retinoic acid production in monocytes
A. Brockhausen1, T. Weinhage2, J. Dbritz2,3, J. Ehrchen4,3, D. Fll2, J. Roth5, C. Sunderktter1,4, G. Varga2;
Department of translational Dermatoinfectiology, Mnster, Germany, 2Pediatric Rheumatology and Immunology, Mnster, Germany, 3Interdisciplinary Centre of Clinical Research, Mnster, Germany,
Department of Dermatology, Mnster, Germany, 5Institute of Immunology, Mnster, Germany.
P.C.04.06 Induction of myeloid-derived suppressor cells in cryopyrin-associated periodic syndromes
M. Ballbach, T. Hall, A. Brand, D. Neri, A. Singh, I. Schaefer, S. Hansmann, R. Handgretinger, J. Kuemmerle-Deschner, D. Hartl, N. Rieber;
University of Tuebingen, Tuebingen, Germany.
P.C.04.07 Modulation of CD11b+Gr-1+ MDSCs function by IgG and IgM
C. Kyvelidou, D. Sotiriou, I. Athanassakis;
Department of Biology, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.
P.C.04.08 DNA methylation governs the ability of apoptotic cells to differentially modulate the immune response
C. A. Notley, C. K. Jordan, J. L. McGovern, M. A. Brown, M. R. Ehrenstein;
University College London, Division of Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
P.C.04.09 Commensal bacteria and tonic type-I interferons drive spontaneous maturation of dendritic cells in the immunological steady state
S. Muth1, T. Hain1, S. Lienenklaus2, T. Schwanz3, S. Weiss2, U. Kalinke4, H. Schild1, H. C. Probst1;
Institute for Immunology, University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany, 2Molecular Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany, 3Department of Medical Microbiology
and Hygiene, University Medical Center, Mainz, Germany, 4Institute for Experimental Infection Research, TWINCORE, Hannover, Germany.
P.C.04.11 Immunological tolerance to inducible neo-antigens is mediated by steady state Langerhans cells
H. Strandt1, R. Mittermair1, V. Hoepflinger1, P. Hammerl1, D. Kaplan2, D. Wirth3, A. Stoecklinger1;
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2Department of Dermatology, Center for Immunology, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States, 3Helmholtz-
Zentrum fr Infektionsforschung, Braunschweig, Germany.
P.C.04.12 HIV infection of monocytes-derived dendritic cells inhibits Vgamma9Vdelta2 T cells functions
A. Sacchi, A. Rinaldi, N. Tumino, R. Casetti, C. Agrati, F. Turchi, V. Bordoni, E. Cimini, F. Martini;
National Institute for Infectious Diseases, Rome, Italy.
P.C.04.13 Commensal bacteria-derived membrane vesicles as novel immunomodulatory therapeutic agents
E. Alpdundar1, M. Aydin2, S. Yildiz1, C. Akcali3, I. Gursel2, M. Gursel1;
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Bilkent niversity, Ankara, Turkey, 3Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.04.14 Hepatocyte dependent induction of regulatory T-cell subsets
M. Pfaff, K. Karimi, L. Diehl, G. Tiegs;
Institute of Experimental Immunology & Hepatology, 20246, Germany.
P.C.04.15 Defining the Role of Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells (MDSC) in Myelodysplastic Syndromes (MDS)
S. Wei1, J. Liu1, E. A. Eksioglu1, X. Chen1, D. Gabrilovich2, P. Epling-Burnette,1, A. List1;
Moffitt Cancer Center, Tampa, FL, United States, 2The Wistar Institute,, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
P.C.04.16 The role of properdin in tumour development and cell recruitment
I. A. Alrayahi1, M. Browning1, L. Machado2, C. Stover1;
University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom, 2University of Northampton, Northhampton, United Kingdom.

P.C.05 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 1

Chairpersons: va Rajnavlgyi; Debrecen, Hungary / Jose A. Villadangos; Melbourne, Australia (tbc)

P.C.05.01 Leukocyte Immunoglobulin-like Receptors expression on SLAN-Dendritic Cells

D. Ordez del Valle, D. Tufa, K. Kniesch, R. E. Schmidt, T. Witte;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.C.05.02 Prostaglandin E2 can rescue indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase expression in aryl hydrocarbon receptor negative dendritic cells
I. Bargen1, K. Zado1, S. Kadow1,2, C. Esser1;
IUF - Leibniz Research Institute for Environmental Medicine, Duesseldorf, Germany, 2Institute for Molecular Biology, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany.
P.C.05.03 Mechanisms of induction of paralyzed dendritic cells with poor antigen presentation function following Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome (SIRS)
J. A. Villadangos;
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
P.C.05.04 Effects of fractions from exopolysaccharides and dried biomass from Cyanobacterium aponinum from the Blue Lagoon in Iceland on stimulation of human
monocyte-derived dendritic cells
A. B. Gudmundsdottir1,2, S. M. Pokharel1,2, H. Heimisson2, S. Omarsdottir2, A. Brynjolfsdottir3, E. S. Olafsdottir2, I. Hardardottir2, J. Freysdottir1,2;
Landspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 3Blue Lagoon Ltd, Grindavik, Iceland.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 33
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.C.05.05 Functional consequences of Glucocorticoid-Induced Leucine Zipper protein expression in dendritic cells
J. Calmette1, M. Ellouze2, M. Pallardy3,4, F. Bachelerie1,5, E. Morand6, V. Godot2,7, G. Schlecht-Louf1,8,5;
INSERM UMR996, Clamart, France, 2INSERM U955 - IMRB- Team 16 - Vaccine Research Institute, Crteil, France, 3INSERM UMR996, Chatenay Malabry, France, 4University Paris-Sud, Faculty of Pharmacy,
Chatenay Malabry, France, 5LabEx LERMIT, Chatenay Malabry, France, 6Southern Clinical School, Monash University Faculty of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, Melbourne, Australia, 7University
Paris-Est Crteil, Faculty of Medicine, Crteil, France, 8University Paris-Sud, Faculty of Medicine, Le Kremlin Bictre, France.
P.C.05.06 Developmental heterogeneity of splenic CD11b+ DCs
B. Schraml1, J. van Blijswijk2, K. Snelgrove2, N. Rogers2, C. Reis e Sousa2;
Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, Munich, Germany, 2Immunobiology Laboratory, The Francis Crick Institute, Lincolns Inn Fields Laboratories, London, United Kingdom.

P.C.05.08 Identity and flexibility of common dendritic cell progenitor

T. Ohteki, N. Onai;
Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan.
P.C.05.09 A role of Annexin1 in human Langerhans dendritic cell differentiation
R. Kffel1,2, T. Bauer3, I. Borek4, C. Tam-Amersdorfer4, F. D`Acquisto5, H. Weyd6, P. Krammer6, H. Strobl4, A. Ellinger2, A. Drger1;
Institute of Anatomy, Dept. of Cell Biology, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Center for Anatomy and Cell Biology, Dept. for Cell Biology and Ultrastructural Research, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 3Institute of Cancer Research, Dept. of Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Institute of Pathophysiology and Immunology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria,
William Harvey Research Institute, Queen Mary University of London, Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom, 6Tumor Immunology Program, German Cancer
Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.C.05.10 Tumor necrosis factor- promotes survival and phenotypic maturation of poly(I:C)-treated dendritic cells but impairs their Th1 and Th17 polarizing capability
T. Dopali1, A. Thorne2, S. Tomi2, B. Pavlovi3, D. Mihajlovi2, M. oli1,2;
Medical Faculty, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia, 2Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defense, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.C.05.11 Dual role of CD1a in modulation of Dendritic Cell phenotype and function after contact with heated and/or irradiated lymphocytes
J. M. do Carmo1, C. M. Cavalcanti2, R. B. Baleeiro2, P. C. Bergami-Santos2, P. Walden3, J. M. Barbuto2;
Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antnio Carlos, Porto Nacional, Brazil, 2Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 3Charit Universitatzmedizin, Berlin, Germany.
P.C.05.12 Exposure to microbial soluble factors affects the phagocytic ability of the in vitro generated dendritic cell and its subsequent influence on the activation of
autologous T cells
Y. Haileselassie1, M. Navis1, K. R. Qazi1, B. Rethi2, E. Sverremark-Ekstrm1;
Department of Molecular Biosciences, The Wenner-Gren Institute, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Department of Microbiology, Tumor and Cell Biology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm,
P.C.05.13 The inhibitory effects of thymol and carvacrol on dendritic cell activation and function
Z. Amirghofran, H. Ahmadi, M. Karimi, F. Kalantar;
Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.C.05.15 mKLRL1, a novel C-type lectin-like inhibitory receptor, regulates the maturation of dendritic cells and plays important roles in immunity
G. Liu, P. Li, X. Dai, Y. Yu;
Department of Immunology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.
P.C.05.16 Pig as a biomedical model: putting the porcine lung dendritic cells/macrophages network into light
P. Maisonnasse1, E. Bouguyon1, M. Bourge2, G. Piton3,4, A. Ezquerra5, C. Urien1, J. Leplat3,4, G. Simon6,7, C. Chevalier1, S. Vincent-Naulleau3,4, E. Crisci8, M. Montoya8,9, I. Schwartz-Cornil1, N. Bertho1;
Virologie et Immunologie Molculaires, INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France, 2I2BC, CNRS, Gif-sur-Yvette, France, 3UMR Gntique Animale et Biologie Intgrative , INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France, 4Direction
des Sciences du Vivant, Institut de Radiobiologie Cellulaire et Molculaire, Laboratoire de Radiobiologie et Etude du gnome, CEA, Jouy-en-Josas, France, 5Dpto. de Biotecnologa, INIA, Madrid, Spain,
Laboratoire de Ploufragan/Plouzan, Unit Virologie Immunologie Porcines, ANSES, Ploufragan, France, 7Universit Europenne de Bretagne, Rennes, France, 8CReSA, UAB-IRTA, Bellaterra, Spain, 9IRTA,
Barcelona, Spain.
P.C.05.17 How dendritic cells phenotype and migration differ in gut infection
T. A. Altorki1, A. Brass2, W. Muller1, S. Cruickshank1;
The University Of Manchester, Faculty of Life Sciences, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2The University Of Manchester, School of Computer Science, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.C.05.18 Modulation of T-helper polarizing capability of human monocyte derived Langerhans cells by TLR-3 and Dectin-1 agonists
I. Rajkovic1, S. Vasilijic1,2, D. Vucevic1,2, A. Thorne2, M. Markovic3, M. Colic1,3;
Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defense, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute for Medical Research, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Faculty of Medicine, University
of Nis, Nis, Serbia.

P.C.06 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 1

Chairpersons: Thomas A. Kufer; Stuttgart, Germany / Mikka Rmet; Tampere, Finland

P.C.06.01 Expression and function in platelets of IL-1R8 (TIR8/SIGIRR), a regulatory member of the IL-1 receptor family
F. Riva1, A. Anselmo2, S. Gentile2, C. Soldani2, C. Mazzon2, N. Polentarutti2, P. Carullo2, M. Bacci2, A. Voza2, A. Mantovani2, C. Garlanda2;
university of milano, milano, Italy, 2Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, rozzano, Italy.
P.C.06.02 Identification of minimal oligodeoxynucleotide motifs that are distinctively recognized by human or murine TLR9
J. Pohar1, A. Kunik-Krajnik1, D. Lainek1, C. Yamamoto2, R. Fukui2, K. Miyake2, R. Jerala1,3, M. Benina1,3;
National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2The Institute of Medical Science, The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 3Centre of Excellence EN-FIST, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
P.C.06.03 Impact of NOD1 on IL-10 signaling
T. Neuper, A. Duschl, J. Horejs-Hoeck;
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
P.C.06.04 Monarch-1, a member of NLR family, negatively regulates the innate immune signaling induced by viral infection
S. Chen1,2, J. P. Ting3;
Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2National Yang-Ming University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Unversity of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.
P.C.06.06 KIR/HLA-C genomic profiles of women with fibromyalgia syndrome in the southeast of Spain
I. Legaz Prez1,2, L. Gimeno3, G. Salgado4, E. Novoa4, J. Bolarin5, A. Mrowiec5, P. Martinez5, S. Soriano-Diaz5, A. Bernal-Ramos5, A. Bermudez-Torrente6, A. Martinez-Leon7, I. Ibernon-Caballero8, M. Muro5,
M. Moya-Quiles5, J. Campillo5, A. Minguela5, M. Alvarez-Lopez5, I. Lozano9, A. Garcia-Alonso5;
University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 2Immunology Service. Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Austria, 3Immunology Service, Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca. Murcia, Spain, 4Immunology Service.
Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 5Immunology Service, Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 6Rheumatology Department. University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia,
Spain, 7Medical Family Health, San Andrs-Murcia., Murcia, Spain, 8Psychiatry Department-University Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 9Psychiatry Department-Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca,
Murcia, Spain.
P.C.06.07 Outer Membrane Vesicles from periodontal pathogens contain ligands that stimulate TLR and NLR receptors
J. D. Cecil, N. M. OBrien-Simpson, J. Lenzo, J. Holden, Y. Chen, K. Gause, F. Caruso, E. Reynolds;
The University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.
P.C.06.08 Crosstalk in innate immunity: Microbial Stress Response and Toll-like receptors
J. Perego1, C. Bourbon-Caillet1, E. Gatti1,2, P. Pierre1,2;
CIML, Marseille, France, 2Institute for Research in Biomedicine - iBiMED and Aveiro Health Sciences Program, University of Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal.
P.C.06.09 Expression and regulation of the immune modulatory enzyme Indoleamine 2, 3-dioxygenase (IDO) in human epithelial cells
W. A. S. Aldajani, F. Salazar, A. Knox, A. Ghaemmaghami;
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
P.C.06.10 Induction of antigen specific cytotoxic T cells in response to sterile injury is inhibited by Lipopolysaccharide
R. Chakraborty1, I. H. Frazer1, M. Kendall2;
Translational Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia, 2Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology, Brisbane, Australia.
P.C.06.11 The E3-ubiquitin-ligase Cbl-b controls anti-fungal immune responses by regulating Dectin-1 signaling
G. Wirnsberger1, F. Zwolanek2, T. Asaoka1, I. Kozieradzki1, L. Tortola1, R. Wimmer1, F. Ikeda1, K. Kuchler1, K. Kuchler2, J. Penninger1;
IMBA, Vienna, Austria, 2MFPL, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.06.12 NOD-like receptor expression in human MSCs
V. Durand-Onayli1, N. Ketterl2, A. Jetzinger1, A. Duschl1, D. Strunk2, J. Horejs-Hoeck1;
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2Expt & Clin Cell Therapy Inst, Paracelsus Medical University, Salzburg, Austria.

34 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.C.06.14 Analysis of pattern recognition receptor (PRR) expression and regulation in Langerhans cells (LCs) in a three-dimensional model of barrier disrupted human skin
P. M. Tajpara1, T. Berger2, M. Mildner2, A. Elbe-Brger1;
Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Immunobiology of the Skin, Division of Immunology, Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Research Division of Biology and Pathobiology of the Skin, Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.06.15 Modulation of myeloperoxidase activity by the long pentraxin 3 and the synergistic effects towards conidia from Aspergillus fumigatus
K. Daigo, A. Inforzato, D. Morone, S. Valentino, F. Petroni, A. Mantovani, B. Bottazzi;
IRCCS Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano (Milan), Italy.

P.C.06.16 The role of innate immunity in the pathogenesis of pityriasis rosea
M. Abo ElEla1, M. ElKomy1, R. Abdel Hay1, K. Amr2, A. Sharoubim1;
Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt, 2National Research Institute, Cairo, Egypt.
P.C.06.17 In vivo efficiency of nucleic acid based TLR agonists in Salmonella vaccine formulations
K. Almacioglu, F. Yagci, I. Gursel;
Thorlab, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.06.18 Dynamics of SSc5D expression and its role in pathogen recognition and inflammation
R. F. Santos1,2, S. Mendes1,2,3, C. Bessa-Pereira1,2,4, L. Oliveira1,2, A. M. Carmo1,2,4;
IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Porto, Portugal, 2Cell Activation and Gene Expression Group, Instituto de Investigao e Inovao em Sade, Porto, Portugal, 3UTAD - Universidade de Trs-
os-Montes e Alto Douro, Vila Real, Portugal, 4ICBAS Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
P.C.06.19 Effect of TLR-7 and -9 stimulation on B cells in Sjgrens syndrome
M. Karlsen1, S. Appel1, J. G. Brun2,3, R. Jonsson1,2, T. Hansen3,4;
Broegelmann Research Laboratory, Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 2Department of Rheumatology, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway, 3Department of
Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 4Department of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine, Haukeland University Hospital, Bergen, Norway.
P.C.06.20 Generation of a monocytic reporter cell line with high sensitivity towards selected toll-like receptor ligands
C. Battin1, A. Hennig1, S. Jutz1, F. Kellner2, J. Huppa2, P. Steinberger1, W. Paster1;
Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and
Immunology, Vienna, Austria.

P.C.07 Cytosolic Sensing and Inflammasome

Chairpersons: Greta Guarda; Lausanne, Switzerland / Natasa Kopitar-Jerala; Ljubljana, Slovenia

P.C.07.01 Absent in melanoma 2 deficiency attenuates susceptibility to H1N1 influenza A virus-induced lung injury
J. Wang, H. Zhang, T. Yang, K. Chen, J. Kolls;
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
P.C.07.02 Streptococcal NAD+-glycohydrolase regulates inflammasome activation
D. Hancz1, E. Westerlund1, C. Valfridsson1, J. F. Love2, M. OSeaghdha2, M. R. Wessels2, J. J. Persson1;
Section for Immunology, Department of Experimental Medical Science, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2Division of Infectious Diseases, Boston Childrens Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, Harvard
Medical School, Boston, MA, United States.
P.C.07.03 Overexpression of MAVS and STING and downregulation of NLRX1 in HIV patients assuming efficient antiretroviral therapy
M. Nasi1, M. Digaetano2, S. De Biasi1, E. Bianchini1, S. Pecorini1, R. Bartolomeo1, M. Pinti1, L. Gibellini1, V. Borghi2, C. Mussini1,2, A. Cossarizza1;
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, 2Azienda Ospedaliero-Universitaria Policlinico di Modena, Modena, Italy.
P.C.07.04 Dynamin-related protein-1 modulates the NLRP3 inflammasome activation
S. Park, J. Won, I. Hwang, S. Hong, J. Yu;
Department of Microbiology, Brain Korea 21 PLUS project for Medical Science, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.C.07.05 Immunosuppressive effects of synthetic oligodeoxynucleotide A151 on inflammasome activation
N. Src1, E. Gl1, I. Gursel2, M. Gursel1;
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Bilkent niversity, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.07.06 Influence of the inflammasome components ASC and caspase-1 in Sporothrix schenckii infection
A. C. Gonalves1, L. S. Ferreira1, M. R. Avelar1, F. A. Manente1, M. C. Polesi1, C. R. de Andrade2, D. S. Zamboni3, I. Z. Carlos1;
Department of Clinical Analysis, Faculty of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Araraquara, So Paulo State University (FCF/UNESP), Araraquara, Brazil, 2Department of Physiology and Pathology, Faculty of
Dentistry of Araraquara, So Paulo State University (FOAR/UNESP), Araraquara, Brazil, 3Department of Cell Biology, Ribeiro Preto Medical School, University of So Paulo (FMRP/USP), Ribeiro Preto,
P.C.07.07 Blockage of caspase-1 activation ameliorates inflammasomes-mediated bone marrow inflammation in mice after hematopoietic stem cell transplantation
L. Zeng;
The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou, China.
P.C.07.08 Human gestation-associated tissues utilise different caspases to process IL-1 following flagellin treatment
A. H. Bryant, S. E. Owens, R. H. Jones, I. M. Sheldon, C. A. Thornton;
Institute of Life Science, College of Medicine, Swansea University, Swansea, United Kingdom.
P.C.07.09 Identifying Novel Regulators of NLRC3-dependent Interferon Responses
B. K. Davis, A. M. Tocker, S. M. Talento;
Franklin and Marshall College, Lancaster, PA, United States.
P.C.07.10 Inflammasome regulates the IL-1 production in fetal membranes infected by group B Streptococcus
M. Gonzlez1, S. Giono1, S. Rodrguez1, A. Espejel2, M. Sols2, S. Nava2, V. Zaga2, G. Estrada2;
Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biolgicas, Mexico, Mexico, 2Instituto Nacional de Perinatologa, Mexico, Mexico.
P.C.07.11 Group A streptococcus interactions with purinergic receptors
E. Westerlund, D. Hancz, C. Valfridsson, J. J. Persson;
Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
P.C.07.12 Pro-inflammatory casapase expression and inflammasome activation in stefin B -deficent and -trisomic mice
M. Trstenjak-Prebanda1, K. Maher1, V. Brault2, J. Zavrnik1, B. Turk1, Y. Hrault2, N. Kopitar-Jerala1;
Jozef Stefan Institute, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2Institut de Gntique Biologie Molculaire et Cellulaire (IGBMC), Universit de Strasbourg, Strasbourg, France.
P.C.07.13 Spleen tyrosine kinase regulates TLRs and NLRP3 inflammasome activation in macrophages
W. Lin;
Pharmacology, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.C.07.14 TCR-dependent sensitization of human T cells to non-myeloid IL-18 in cytomegalovirus and tumor stress surveillance
F. Guerville1,2,3, S. Daburon1,3, R. Marlin1,3, L. Lartigue4, S. Loizon1,3, V. Pitard1,3, L. Couzi1,3,2, J. Moreau1,3, J. Dchanet-Merville1,3, B. Faustin1,3;
University Bordeaux, bordeaux, France, 2Nephrology and Renal transplantation department, Bordeaux University Hospital, Bordeaux, France, 3CNRS UMR 5164, Bordeaux, France, 4INSERM U916 VINCO,
Institut Bergoni, bordeaux, France.
P.C.07.15 A new role for nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain 1 (NOD1) in human brain pericyte-mediated inflammation
R. Navarro1, P. Delgado-Wicke1, N. Nuez-Prado1, M. Compte1, A. Blanco-Toribio1, G. Nuez2, L. Alvarez-Vallina3, L. Sanz1;
Hospital Puerta de Hierro, Majadahonda, Spain, 2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 3Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark.
P.C.07.16 Study on the role of alpha-defensin in NLRP3 inflammasome dependent IL-1beta secretion of mesenchymal stem/stromal cells
T. H. Chen1, K. Nakamura2, T. Ayabe2, B. L. Chiang1;
Graduate Institute of Immunology, National Taiwan University, Taipei City, Taiwan, 2Department of Cell Biological Science, Faculty of Advanced Life Science, Graduate School of Life Science, Hokkaido
University, Sapporo, Hokkaido, Japan.
P.C.07.17 Azithromycin inhibits IL-1 secretion and non-canonical inflammasome activation
G. A. Gualdoni1, T. Lingscheid2, K. G. Schmetterer1, A. Hennig1, P. Steinberger1, G. J. Zlabinger1;
Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Charit Universittsmedizin, Berlin, Germany.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 35
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.C.07.18 Cigarette smoking is associated with increased NLRP3-inflammasome activation
J. ckinger1, M. Hagemann-Jensen1, S. Kullberg1,2, J. Grunewald1, F. Piehl1, T. Olsson1, J. Wahlstrm1;
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.C.07.19 Impairment of mitochondrial electron transport chain provides a selective priming signal for NLRP3 inflammasome
E. Lee, J. Won, J. Yang, S. Son, S. Jeon, J. Yu;
Department of Microbiology, Brain Korea 21 PLUS Project for Medical Science, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.C.07.20 Characterization of the role of NLRP10 in immune response

M. Vacca, L. P. Zambetti, A. Mortellaro;

SIgN A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore.

P.C.08 Cell Signaling - Part 1

Chairpersons: Dmitry Kuprash; Moscow, Russian Federation / Thomas Weichhart; Vienna, Austria

P.C.08.01 Alpha-1 antitrypsin is an efficient inhibitor of ATP-induced IL-1 release from human monocytes
R. Siebers1, S. Wilker1, M. Kllmar1, N. Aggarwal2, A. Zakrzewicz1, W. Padberg1, S. Janciauskiene2,3, V. Grau1;
Justus-Liebig-University Giessen, Laboratory of Experimental Surgery, Giessen, Germany, 2Hannover Medical School, Department of Pulmonology, Hannover, Germany, 3Member of the German Centre for
Lung Research, Giessen, Germany.
P.C.08.02 Regulation and interaction of Bcl2-A1/Bfl1: possible potent factor in immune signaling
H. K. Joshi, J. Zovko, I. Berberich;
Institute for immunobiology,University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.C.08.03 Differential recruitment of -arrestin 1 and 2 by atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2
A. Vacchini1,2, C. Cancellieri2, S. Badanai1, A. Ferraro2, M. Busnelli3, B. Chini3, R. Bonecchi2, E. M. Borroni1, M. Locati1;
dep. Medical biotechnologies and Translational medicine, University of Milan, Milan, Italy, 2Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Italy, 3Institute of Neuroscience, National Research Council, Milan, Italy.
P.C.08.04 Lyn-dependent activation of TAK1 and IKK2 is prerequisite to mediate effective mast cell effector functions induced by the c-Kit/IL-33R complex
F. Weber1, C. Gpfert1, F. Boelke1, M. A. Diamanti2, N. Hfner3, F. R. Greten2, O. H. Krmer4, A. Dudeck5, T. Kamradt1, S. Drube1;
Institute of Immunology, University Hospital Jena, Jena, Germany, 2Georg-Speyer-Haus, Institute for Tumorbiology and Experimental Therapy, Frankfurt, Germany, 3Gynkologische Molekularbiologie,
Klinik fr Frauenheilkunde und Geburtshilfe, Jena, Germany, 4Institut fr Toxikologie, Universitts-Medizin Mainz, Mainz, Germany, 5Institut fr Immunologie, Medizinische Fakultt Carl Gustav Carus,
Technische Universitt Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
P.C.08.05 Dengue Virus Induces Heat Shock Factor 1 Activation to Manipulate Autophagic Machinery for Virus Replication in Monocytes
T. Tsai;
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.C.08.06 Exploring the regulation of IL-27 production
S. Dunne, D. Bruni, C. Lyons, M. Butler;
Maynooth University, Kildare, Ireland.
P.C.08.07 Unique transcriptome changes in influenza A virus infected type 2 alveolar epithelial cells
C. J. Stairiker1,2, A. S. Hancock2, A. C. Boesteanu2, E. Monzon-Casanova3, S. Lukasiak3, Y. M. Mueller1,2, A. Stubbs1, M. Turner3, P. D. Katsikis1,2;
Erasmus University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 3The Babraham Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
P.C.08.08 Dissecting the dynamics of host molecular network in response to a viral infection
R. K. Kandasamy, G. I. Vladimer, B. Snijder, A. C. Mueller, M. Rebsamen, K. Bennett, G. Superti-Furga;
CeMM Center for Molecular Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.08.09 IPS-1 induces anticancer activity by differentially inducing apoptotic genes in type i interferons-dependent and -independent manner
S. Kumar;
Indian Institute of Science education and Research Bhopal, Bhopal, India.
P.C.08.10 Isolated lymphoid follicle formation depends on lymphotoxin-beta receptor signaling in a subpopulation of intestinal fibroblastic reticular cells
L. Onder1, U. Mrbe1, C. Gil-Cruz1, C. Perez-Shibayama1, H. Cheng1, T. Hehlgans2, T. Rlicke3, B. Ludewig1, E. Scandella1;
Kantonal Hospital St.Gallen, St.Gallen, Switzerland, 2University of Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, 3Institute of Laboratory Animal Science and Biomodels Austria, University of Veterinary Medicine
Vienna, Austria.
P.C.08.11 Specific phosphorylations transmit signals from leukocyte 2 to 1 integrins and regulate adhesion
F. A. Jahan, L. M. Uotila, L. S. Hinojosa, E. Melandri, M. Grnholm, C. G. Gahmberg;
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
P.C.08.12 Different regulatory roles of CSK and PAG adaptor protein in the FcRI signaling
L. Potkov, L. Drberov, P. Drber;
Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.C.08.13 Targeting and sub-cellular localization of extracellular vesicles by phagocytic cells
E. S. Kayali1, D. Bayik1,2, T. Kahraman1, G. Gucluler1, I. Gursel1;
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, United States.
P.C.08.14 Caffeine affects the biological responses of human myeloid hematopoietic cells
I. Gonalves Silva1, B. F. Gibbs1, A. Prokhorov1, M. Abooali1, I. Yasinska1, M. A. Casely-Hayford1, E. Fasler-Kan2, V. Sumbayev1;
School of Pharmacy, University of Kent, Chatham, United Kingdom, 2Department of Biomedicine, University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland.

Track D Disease Intervention

P.D.01 Bone Marrow Transplantation and GVHD - Part 1
Chairpersons: Hildegard Greinix; Vienna, Austria / Paul Moss; Birmingham, United Kingdom

P.D.01.01 Transcriptome analysis of circulating lymphoid progenitors after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in humans reveals profound alterations of cellular
S. Glauzy1, I. Andr-Schmutz2, J. Lachuer3, R. Peffault de Latour4, S. Servais4, G. Soci5, E. Clave1, A. Toubert1;
INSERM U1160, Universit Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cit; Laboratoire dImmunologie, Hpital Saint-Louis AP-HP, Paris, France, 2Inserm U768, Institut Imagine; Univ Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris

Cit, Hpital Necker, Paris, France, 3ProfileXpert, Univ UMR1052, CRCL, UCBL, Lyon, France, 4Universit Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cit; Service dHmatologie-Greffe de Moelle, Hpital Saint-Louis,
AP-HP, Paris, France, 5INSERM U1160; Universit Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cit; Service dHmatologie-Greffe de Moelle, Hpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP, Paris, France, Paris, France.
P.D.01.02 Assessing the role of mannan-binding lectin in T cell reactivity and graft-versus-host disease
D. Heja1, S. Heitzeneder2, A. M. Dohnal1;
Childrens Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria, 2Pediatric Oncology Branch, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, United States.
P.D.01.03 Short term hypoxia does not attenuate the immune suppressive capacity of mesenchymal stem cells
L. Cahill;
Institute of Immunology, Maynooth, Ireland.
P.D.01.04 Tregs induce mixed chimerism by suppressing recipient NK cells
B. Mahr, N. Pilat, K. Hock, C. Schwarz, L. Unger, A. M. Farkas, T. Wekerle;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.01.05 The activating NKG2C receptor is significantly reduced in NK cells after allogeneic stem cell transplantation in patients with severe Graft-versus-host disease
V. Rebmann1, P. A. Horn1, D. Beelen2, L. Kordelas2;
Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany, 2Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany.

36 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.D.01.07 Thymic function recovery and memory B- and T-cell depletion after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation in systemic sclerosis patients
L. C. Arruda1,2, D. Farge3,4,5, C. Douay4,5, E. Clave4,5, I. Fournier6, H. Moins-Teisserenc4,5,6, A. Toubert4,5,6;
National Institute of Science and Technology in Stem Cells and Cell Therapy, Regional Hemotherapy Center of the Ribeiro Preto Medical School, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 2Department of Biochemistry
and Immunology, Ribeiro Preto Medical School, University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 3Service de Mdecine Interne, Assistance Publique-Hpitaux de Paris, Hpital Saint-Louis, Paris, France,
Universit Paris Diderot, Sorbonne Paris Cit, Institut Universitaire dHmatologie, Paris, France, 5Institut National de la Sant et de la Recherche Mdicale UMR1160, Paris, France, 6Laboratoire
dImmunologie et dHistocompatibilit, Paris, France.
P.D.01.08 Deep sequencing analysis of T cell repertoire reconstitution after hematopoietic cells transplantation
I. V. Zvyagin1,2, I. Z. Mamedov1, E. A. Komech1, O. Tatarinova3, M. Maschan3, D. M. Chudakov1,2, Y. B. Lebedev1;

Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry of RAS, Moscow, Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Central European Institute of Technology (CEITEC), Brno, Czech Republic, 3Dmitry
Rogachev Federal Clinical Research Center for Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.D.01.09 Th17, Tc17 and Tregs in pediatric allogeneic stem cell transplantation: associations with IL-7 and aGvHD
K. Kielsen1, D. Lennox-Hvenekilde2, K. K. Jordan1, H. H. Uhlving1, P. L. Pontoppidan2,1, M. Gad3, M. Ifversen1, C. Heilmann1, H. Sengelv1, C. H. Nielsen1, L. P. Ryder1, A. E. Pedersen2, K. Mller1;
Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3Bioneer A/S, Hrsholm, Denmark.

P.D.01.10 The identification and pathological roles of IL-22 in acute graft-versus-host disease following allogeneic bone marrow transplantation
K. Zhao, C. Chen, B. Pan, L. Zeng, K. Xu;
Blood Disease Institute, The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou, China.
P.D.01.11 Variation in immune cell composition of allogenic hematopoietic stem cell grafts and its contribution to transplantation
U. Impola1, A. Larjo1, M. Putkonen2, U. Salmenniemi2, M. Itl-Remes2, J. Partanen1;
Finnish Red Cross Blood Service, Helsinki, Finland, 2Turku University Hospital, Turku, Finland.
P.D.01.12 Protective role of bone marrow derived mesenchymal stem cells-conditioned medium in the infarcted myocardium: the potential role of selected cytokines
N. Aboutaleb1,2, M. Gandizadeh Dezfouli1, K. Rakhshan3, T. Mousavi Shabestari4;
Physiology research centre, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2department of Physiology, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of,
department of Physiology, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 4Department of Immunology, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.01.13 The influence of conditioning regimen on regulatory T cell reconstitution following autologous stem cell transplantation (ASCT)
A. Chwieduk, M. Glowala-Kosinska, W. Fidyk, I. Mitrus, A. Smagur, J. Najda, S. Giebel;
Dept. of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Oncohematology, Maria Skodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute of Oncology, Gliwice Branch, Gliwice, Poland.
P.D.01.14 CD27- IgD- Double negative B-cells detected early after reduced intensity lymphocyte-depleted haematopoietic stem cell transplantation are phenotypically
senescent and reduced in patients who develop chronic GvHD
H. Protheroe1, F. A. Kinsella1,2, H. Pearce1, C. Inman1, S. Eldershaw1, J. Croudace1, B. Abbotts1, J. Zuo1, R. Malladi1,2, P. Moss1,2;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Centre for Clinical Haematology, Queen Elizabeth NHS Foundation Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

P.D.02 Vaccines - Part 1

Chairpersons: Brigitte Autran; Paris, France / Ed Lavelle; Dublin, Ireland

P.D.02.01 Immunogenic and vaccine potential of immunodominant B-cell epitope of OmpF of Aeromonas hydrophila in translational fusion with heat-labile enterotoxin B
subunit of E. coli
M. Sharma, A. Dixit;
Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi, India.
P.D.02.02 Prevention of allergic asthma through Der p 2 peptide vaccination
G. Bouchaud1,2, F. Braza2, J. Chesn2, D. Lair2, K. Chen3, C. Rolland-Debord2, D. Hassoun2, T. Bihoue2, M. Cheminant2, S. Brouard4, M. Bodinier1, S. Vrtala3, A. Magnan2;
INRA BIA UR1268, Nantes, France, 2UMR INSERM1087/CNRS6291, Institut du Thorax, Nantes, France, 3Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Vienna, Austria, 4INSERM U1064, Institut de
Transplantation Urologie Nphrologie, Nantes, France.
P.D.02.03 L1-RG1 virus-like particle (VLP) vaccines directed against cutaneous human papillomaviruses (HPV)
B. Huber, C. Schellenbacher, C. Jindra, S. Shafti-Keramat, R. Kirnbauer;
Laboratory of Viral Oncology (LVO), Division of Immunology, Allergy and Infectious Diseases (DIAID), Department of Dermatology, Medical University Vienna (MUW), Vienna, Austria.
P.D.02.04 Built-in adjuvanticity of genetically and protein engineered chimeric molecules for targeting of Influenza A peptide epitopes
N. Kerekov1, I. Ivanova1, N. Mihaylova1, M. Nikolova2, J. Prechl3, A. I. Tchorbanov1;
Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2National Reference Laboratory of Immunology, National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria,
Immunology Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.
P.D.02.05 Targeting of Influenza viral epitopes to human antigen presenting cells by genetically engineered chimeric molecules
I. I. Ivanova1, N. Mihaylova1, D. Hlebarska1, I. Manoylov1, D. Makatsori2, A. Mamalaki2, J. Prechl3, A. Tchorbanov1;
Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens, Greece, 3Immunology Research Group, Hungarian
Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.
P.D.02.06 The Project Immunology at Schools boosted by the Day of Immunology: Tools for Education in Immunology in Brazil
J. M. do Carmo1, Y. T. dos Santos2, J. A. Silva Junior2, J. M. Cunha2, K. E. de Jesus2, M. S. Vieira2, P. V. Guerra2, S. M. Viana2, D. Manzoni3, T. C. Bessa2, R. R. Oliveria2;
Instituto Tocantinense Presidente Antnio Carlos, Porto Nacional, Brazil, 2CPqGM-FIOCRUZ-Bahia, Salvador, Brazil, 3Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.D.02.07 Magnified and persistent Th1-biased anti-OVA immunity mediated by co-encapsulated adjuvant and antigen in exosomes
T. Kahraman, G. Gucluler, I. Gursel;
Thorlab, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.D.02.08 Therapeutic potential of lymphatic endothelial progenitors for the treatment of filarial induced lymphedema
A. Setty Balakrishnan1,2, A. Arul Nathan1,3, S. Babu4, M. Dixit5;
Madurai Kamaraj University, Madurai, India, 2Department Of Genetic Engineering, School Of Biotechnology, Madurai, India, 3Det of Genetic Engineering, Schoo of Biotechnology, Madurai, India, 42. NIH-
ICER, National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis (NIRT),, Chennai, India, 53. Department of Biotechnology, Indian Institute of Technology Madras, Chennai, India.
P.D.02.09 Prediction of conserved immunogenic peptides containing overlapping CD4+ and CD8+ T cell epitopes in H1N1 Matrix 1 Protein: An immunoinformatics approach
N. Lohia, M. Baranwal;
Thapar university, India, Patiala, Punjab, India.
P.D.02.10 Hepatitis B-specific immune responses in grass pollen allergic patients immunized with the preS-based grass pollen allergy vaccine BM32
C. Cornelius1, K. Schneweis2, M. Weber1, K. Niespodziana1, M. Trauner3, H. Hofer3, S. Urban2, R. Valenta1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Infectious Diseases, Molecular Virology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
Germany, 3Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.02.11 Multiple antigens of Hepatitis C Virus delivered by recombinant vaccinia virus induces robust and long-term immunity in BALB/c mice
Y. Deng, W. Wang, J. Guan, H. Chen, W. Wang, W. Tan;
National Institute for Viral Disease Control and PreventionChina CDC, Beijing, China.
P.D.02.12 Characterization of cellular and humoral immune responses induced by immunization with a rPotD-PdT hybrid protein
T. R. Converso1,2, C. Goulart1,2, D. Rodriguez1, M. Darrieux3, L. C. Leite1;
Centro de Biotecnologia, Instituto Butantan, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Programa de Ps-Graduao Interunidades em Biotecnologia USP-IB-IPT, So Paulo, Brazil, 3Laboratrio de biologia molecular e
farmacologia, Universidade So Francisco, Bragana Paulista, Brazil.
P.D.02.13 Closing the gap between bench and bedside: Manufacturing individual multi-peptide vaccines for phase I/II clinical trials in cancer immunotherapy
M. Stieglbauer1,2, P. Hrsti1,2, N. Zuschke1, K. Graf1,2, S. Stevanovi1, H. Rammensee1,2;
Institute for Cell Biology, Department of Immunology, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany, 2German Cancer Consortium (DKTK), Tbingen, Germany.
P.D.02.14 Protective efficacy of the conserved NP, PB1, and M1 proteins as immunogens in DNA- and vaccinia virus-based universal influenza A virus vaccines in mice
W. Wang1, R. Li1,2, Y. Deng1, N. Lu1, H. Chen1, X. Meng1, W. Wang1, X. Wang1, K. Yan1, X. Qi1, X. Zhang1, W. Xin1, Z. Lu1, X. Li1, T. Bian1, Y. Gao1, W. Tan1, L. Ruan1;
National Institute for Viral Disease Control & Prevention, Chinese Center for Disease Control and Pr, Beijing, China, 2Institute of Immunization and Prevention, Beijing Center for Disease Control and
Prevention, Beijing, China.
P.D.02.15 Long-term protective effect and immune memory response induced by attenuated antigen against scorpion envenoming
L. Boussag-Abib, F. Rebbouh, F. Laraba-Djebari;
USTHB, Facult des Sciences Biologiques, Laboratoire de Biologie Cellulaire et Molculaire, Bab Ezzouar, Algeria.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 37
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.D.02.16 Vaccination with rRBD Protein Induces Neutralising Antibodies in Rhesus Macaques and Confers Limited Protection Against MERS-CoV Challenge
Y. Deng1, W. Tan1, J. Lan1, Y. Yao2, H. Chen1, W. Wang1, W. Wang1, G. Lu3, L. Bao2, W. Deng2, Q. Wei2, G. F. Gao3, C. Qin2;
National Institute for Viral Disease Control and PreventionChina CDC, Beijing, China, 2Institute of Laboratory Animal Sciences, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences (CAMS) & Comparative Medicine
Center, Peking Union Medical Collage (PUMC); Key Laboratory of Human Disease Comparative Medicine, Ministry of Health, Beijing, China, Beijing, China, 3CAS Key Laboratory of Pathogenic Microbiology
and Immunology, Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100101, China, Beijing, China.
P.D.02.17 Epitope mapping for prediction of T cell epitope of proteins of mymA operon binding to MHC Class I alleles
I. Saraav, S. Singh, K. Pandey, M. Sharma, S. Sharma;
D S Kothari Centre for Research and Innovation Science Education, Miranda House, Delhi, India.

P.D.02.18 Effects of adjuvant, mouse strain and dose regimen on immune responses in mice immunized with a meningococcal A+W outer membrane vesicle (OMV) vaccine
G. Tunheim1, M. Arnemo2,1, K. Bolstad1, . K. Fjeldheim1, K. Sinnadurai1, L. M. Nss1, G. Norheim1, A. Mandiarote3, D. Gonzalez3, L. Garcia3, T. Gjen2, E. Rosenqvist1;
Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Oslo, Norway, 2Department of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, School of Pharmacy, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 3Finlay Institute, Havana, Cuba.
P.D.02.19 Mono- and bivalent anti-PCSK9 vaccines for the treatment of hypercholesterolemia.
G. Galabova, C. Juno, A. Mairhofer, A. von Bonin, G. Staffler;
AFFiRiS AG, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.02.20 Nanocapsules integrating biomaterials for vaccine delivery: influence of the polymeric coating on the interaction with the immune system
M. Peleteiro Olmedo1, E. Presas2, J. Gonzlez Aramundiz2, B. Snchez Correa1, R. Simn Vzquez1, N. Csaba2, M. Alonso Fernndez2, . Gonzlez Fernndez1;
University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, 2University of Santiago de Compostela, Santiago de Compostela, Spain.

P.D.02.21 Testing microcrystalline tyrosine (MCT) as adjuvant for vaccine against malaria (P. vivax)
G. Cabral de Miranda1, A. El-Turabi1, M. A. Skinner2, S. Hewings2, A. C. Gomes1, E. Montoya-Diaz1, A. Reyes-Sandoval1, M. F. Bachmann1;
Centre for Cellular and Molecular Physiology (CCMP); The Jenner Institute; University of Oxford; Oxf, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Allergy Therapeutics, Brighton, United Kingdom.
P.D.02.22 Empowering educators with vaccination-related knowledge: a French community-based mediation program
C. Journo1,2, C. H. Eyraud3, V. Charbonnier3, G. Vidal3, F. Morel-Deville3, N. Davoust1,4;
Dpartement de Biologie, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, 2Equipe Oncogense Rtrovirale, labellise Ligue Nationale Contre le Cancer, Centre international de recherche en infectiologie, INSERM U1111 -
CNRS UMR5308, Lyon, France, 3Institut Franais de lEducation, ENS de Lyon, Lyon, France, 4Laboratoire de Biologie Molculaire de la Cellule, UMR5239, Lyon, France.
P.D.02.23 Effect of color Doppler ultrasound guided dendritic cell vaccine injection on the level of CD4+CD25+Treg cells in tumor patients
W. Huang, S. Jia, J. Hu, L. Jiang;
The 81st hospital of PLA, NanJing, China.
P.D.02.24 Development of therapeutic cancer vaccines targeting tumor-specific matrix proteins
F. Saupe1, E. Huijbers1, J. Femel1, L. Hellman2, A. Olsson1;
Uppsala University / IMBIM, Uppsala, Sweden, 2Uppsala University / ICM, Uppsala, Sweden.

P.D.03 Vaccines & Veterinary Immunology - Part 1

Chairpersons: Ursula Wiedermann; Vienna, Austria / Armin Saalmller; Vienna, Austria

P.D.03.01 Novel approach to therapeutic vaccination for bacterial infection

E. D. Williamson, I. J. Thompson, R. Page, C. A. Rowland, G. C. Clark;
DSTL Porton Down, Salisbury, United Kingdom.
P.D.03.02 The potency of adaptive immunity against conserved and evolving antigens
J. Nowak1, D. Augustyniak2, R. Figura2, B. Borkowska1, J. Roszkowiak2, Z. Drulis-Kawa2, B. Pawlowski1;
Department of Human Biology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland, 2Department of Pathogen Biology and Immunology, University of Wroclaw, Wroclaw, Poland.
P.D.03.03 CCR2 deficiency promotes Tfh polarization for mucosal IgA induction after intradermal immunization
O. Bonduelle1,2, B. Bellier3,4,5, L. Chonco1,2, T. Vazquez3,4,5, C. Levin1,2, F. Pitoiset3,4,5, C. Nuttens1,2, C. Combadire1,2, B. Combadire1,2;
Sorbonne Universits, UPMC Univ Paris 06, Unit Mixte de Recherche de Sant (UMR S) CR7, Centre dImmunologie et de Maladies Infectieuses Paris (Cimi-Paris), Paris, France, 2Institut National de
Sant et de Recherche Mdicale (INSERM) U1135, Cimi-Paris, Paris, France, 3Sorbonne Universits, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMRS 959, I3, Paris, France, 4INSERM, UMRS 959, Paris, France, 5CNRS, FRE3632,
Paris, France.
P.D.03.04 Targeting DC-SIGN as a vaccination strategy against mycobacteria
P. Stve1, M. Swallow1, C. Hesse1, W. Unger2, Y. van Kooyk2, T. Sparwasser1, L. Berod1;
Institute of Infection Immunology, TWINCORE, Hannover, Germany, 2Dept. of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.D.03.05 Development of a novel heat shock protein-enriched pneumococcal vaccine
W. Chan1, P. Cecchini2, C. Entwisle2, C. Bailey2, J. X. Wheeler3, J. S. Brown1;
Centre for Inflammation and Tissue Repair, Division of Medicine, UCL, London, United Kingdom, 2ImmunoBiology Ltd., Babraham Research Campus, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3NIBSC, MHRA, South
Mimms, Hertfordshire, United Kingdom.
P.D.03.06 Children 4 years of age reporting local adverse events after the 5th DTaP-IPV vaccination show elevated immune responses to several vaccine antigens
S. van der Lee1, J. M. Kemmeren1, L. G. de Rond1, K. ztrk1, A. Westerhof1, H. E. de Melker1, G. A. Berbers1, N. A. van der Maas1, H. C. Rmke2, A. Buisman1;
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, Netherlands, 2Pharmacovigilance Centre LAREB, s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands.
P.D.03.07 Changing the delivery route of DNA vaccines to Respiratory Syncytial Virus (RSV) can lead to diverse outcomes after infection from vaccine enhanced disease to
E. Kinnear1, L. J. Caproni2, J. S. Tregoning1;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Touchlight Genetics, Leatherhead, United Kingdom.
P.D.03.08 Characterisation of the Immunological responses in chickens infected with influenza A/Duck/Laos/XBY004/2014 (H5N6), a new reassortant highly pathogenic
avian influenza type
J. Butler1, C. Stewart1, D. Layton1, M. Bruce1, C. Rootes1, A. Rohringer1,2, T. Gough1, S. Fardy1, A. Karpala1, S. Shan1, S. Valdeter1, S. Walker1, J. Wang1, F. Y. Wong1, D. T. Williams1, A. G. Bean1, J. Bingham1;
CSIRO - AAHL, Geelong, Australia, 2Deakin University, Geelong, Australia.
P.D.03.09 The evaluation of candidate biomarkers of cell-mediated immunity for the diagnosis of Mycobacterium bovis infection in African buffaloes (Syncerus caffer)
W. J. Goosen, M. A. Miller, R. M. Warren, P. D. van Helden, S. D. Parsons;
Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa.
P.D.03.10 Comparative Analysis of the Cytokine Pattern Production in Human and Canine Monocyte Derived Dendritic Cells Against Infection with Brucella canis
M. Pujol1, C. Alvarez2, J. Arias2, M. Fresno1, C. Rojas2, A. Ferreira3, R. Vernal2;
Facultad de Ciencias Silvoagropecuarias y Veterinarias, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile., Santiago, Chile, 2Facultad de Odontologa, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 3Facultad de Medicina,
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile., Santiago, Chile.
P.D.03.11 Immunomodulatory Effects of Canine Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
J. Lee, J. Byeon, N. Gu, H. Kim, G. Lee, S. Cha;
Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Anyang-si, Korea, Republic of.
P.D.03.12 Characterisation of mononuclear cells in the Tasmanian devil (Sarcophilus harrisii) by generating monoclonal antibodies
G. Kalodimos1, C. Tovar1, J. Darby1, A. B. Lyons2, G. M. Woods1;
Menzies Institute for Medical Research, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia, 2School of Medicine, University of Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
P.D.03.13 Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a recombinant adenoviral based vaccine expressing heat-stable enterotoxin (STa) and K99 adhesion antigen of
Enterotoxigenic Escherichia coli in mice
G. Deng;
Ningxia University, Yinchuan, China.
P.D.03.14 Isolation and Characterization of Feline Mesenchymal Stem Cells
J. Lee, H. Kim, N. Gu, G. Lee, J. Byeon, S. Cha;
Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Anyang-si, Korea, Republic of.

38 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.D.04 Immune Interventions in Autoimmunity - Part 1
Chairpersons: David Hafler; New Haven, United States / Lotta Jansson; Diepenbeek, Belgium

P.D.04.01 Establishing cut-off of infliximab levels and anti-infliximab antibodies by commercial ELISA in patients with rheumatoid arthritis
D. Hernndez-Flrez, L. Valor, J. Nieto, T. del Rio, I. de la Torre, C. Gonzalez, E. Naredo, J. Lpez-Longo, I. Monteagudo, L. Carreo;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.04.02 Anti-TNF- therapy for RA affect LIGHT/HVEM/BTLA signaling pathway in patients with rheumatoid arthritis

B. Yang;
Department of Laboratory Medicine, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
P.D.04.03 Anti-tumor necrosis factor therapy restores peripheral blood B cell subsets and CD40 expression in inflammatory bowel diseases
Z. Li1, S. Vermeire1, D. Bullens1, M. Ferrante1, K. Van Steen1,2, M. Noman1, X. Bossuyt1, P. Rutgeerts1, J. L. Ceuppens1, G. Van Assche1;
Catholic University of Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Universit de Lige, Lige, Belgium.
P.D.04.04 Autoimmune hepatitis in a murine APS-1 model is directed against multiple autoantigens and can be controlled by polyspecific Tregs
M. Hardtke-Wolenski1, R. Taubert1, F. Noyan1, M. Sievers1, J. Dywicki1, J. Schlue1, C. S. Falk1, B. Ardesj Lundgren2, H. S. Scott3, A. Pich1, M. S. Anderson4, M. P. Manns1, E. Jaeckel1;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Uppsala University, Uppsala, Sweden, 3Centre for Cancer Biology, Adelaide, Australia, 4University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United
P.D.04.05 Neutralization of autoreactive T cells by monoclonal antibody in pristane-induced mouse model of Systemic lupus erythematosus
N. Mihaylova1, S. Bradyanova1, P. Chipinski1, S. Chausheva1, M. Herbth2, F. DAcquisto3, J. Prechl2, A. I. Tchorbanov1;
Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Immunology Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 3Centre for Biochemical Pharmacology,
William Harvey Research Institute, Charterhouse Square, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.04.06 Targeting dihydroorotate dehydrogenase for treating relapsing-remitting and chronic experimental autoimmune uveitis
M. Diedrichs-Mhring1, J. Leban2, S. Strobl2, F. Obermayr3, G. Wildner1;
Klinikum der LMU, Munich, Germany, 24SC Discovery GmbH, Planegg-Martinsried, Germany, 3Panoptes Pharma GmbH, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.04.07 Effects of epratuzumab, a monoclonal antibody targeting human CD22, on B cell function in human CD22 knock-in mice
L. zgr1, C. Brandl1, M. Whner2, A. Shock3, L. Nitschke1;
Friedrich-Alexander University, Erlangen, Germany, 2Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria, 3UCB, Slough, United Kingdom.
P.D.04.08 IL-7 receptor blockade prevents intestinal human T cells infiltration by modulation of alpha4-beta7 integrin expression
L. Belarif1, N. Poirier1, V. Daguin2, G. Blancho2, B. Vanhove1;
EFFIMUNE, Nantes, France, 2INSERM UMR 1064, Nantes, France.
P.D.04.09 Preclinical efficacy of anti-IL7 receptor monoclonal antibodies in non human primate
N. Poirier1, L. Belarif1, H. Mai Le2, C. Mary1, J. Hervouet2, D. Minault2, V. Thepenier1, S. Le Bas-Bernardet2, E. NGUYEN2, J. Soulillou2, S. Brouard2, G. Blancho2, B. Vanhove1;
EFFIMUNE, Nantes, France, 2INSERM UMR 1064, Nantes, France.
P.D.04.10 Selective CD28 blockade controls imiquimod-induced psoriasiform skin inflammation in non-human primates
N. Poirier1, M. Chevalier2, J. Hervouet2, D. Minault2, C. Mary1, L. Belarif1, E. Cassagnau3, B. Vanhove1, G. Blancho2;
EFFIMUNE, Nantes, France, 2INSERM UMR 1064, Nantes, France, 3CHU Hotel Dieu, Nantes, France.
P.D.04.11 Expression of indoleamine-2,3-dioxygenase only during inflammation state: Initial study to develop novel strategy for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis
M. Karaay1,2, A. . Barazi3, M. Pashazadeh4, F. Gven5, F. Ersoy1,1, H. B. Oral6;
Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Faculty of Arts & Sciences, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 2Department of Biology/Molecular Biology, Institute of Natural Sciences, Uludag University,
Bursa, Turkey, 3Department of Immunology, Institute of Health Sciences, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, 4Department of Microbiology/Immunology, Institute of Health Sciences, Uludag University, Bursa,
Turkey, 5Life Sciences Program, Immunology, Toronto University, Toronto, ON, Canada, 6Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.
P.D.04.12 Impact of IgG sialylation for anti-inflammatory activity of intravenous immunoglobulin
I. Schwab, F. Nimmerjahn;
Institute of Genetics, Department Biology, University of Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany.
P.D.04.13 Efficacy of low-dose rituximab for the treatment of mixed cryoglobulinemia vasculitis: phase II clinical trial
M. Visentini1, C. Tinelli2, M. Monti3, J. Ranieri3, L. Gragnani3, S. Ludovisi4, S. Colantuono1, M. Mitrevski1, M. U. Mondelli4, A. Zignego3, M. Fiorilli1, M. Casato1;
Sapienza, University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2Clinical Epidemiology and Biometric Unit, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, Pavia, Italy, 3Research Center for Systemic Manifestations of Hepatitis

Viruses, Department of Internal Medicine, University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 4Infectious Diseases Research Laboratories, IRCCS Policlinico San Matteo Foundation, Pavia, Italy.
P.D.04.14 Differential role of antigen presenting cells in the induction of Th3 cells and oral tolerance
C. Kuhn1,2, R. Machado Rezende1,2, S. Rubino1,2, H. L. Weiner1,2;
Brigham and Womens Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States.
P.D.04.15 The mechanism of encephalomyelitis remission during Heligmosomoides polygyrus infection in C57BL/6 mice
K. Krawczak, K. Donskow-ysoniewska, M. Doligalska;
University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
P.D.04.16 Interleukin-22 reduced liver inflammation and fibrosis in primary biliary cirrhosis
Y. Chuang;
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.D.04.17 Targeting of antigen into XCR1+ dendritic cells effectively induces tolerance
N. Reeg, A. Jkel, S. Gurka, H. W. Mages, R. A. Kroczek;
Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany.

P.D.05 Intervention & Therapy of Allergy - Part 1

Chairpersons: Mbeccel Akdis; Davos, Switzerland / Rudolf Valenta; Vienna, Austria

P.D.05.01 Immunotherapy of allergic patients with the B cell epitope-based recombinant grass pollen allergy vaccine BM32 induces allergen-specific IgG antibodies which
inhibiting immediate allergic inflammation and allergen-specific T cell responses
M. Focke-Tejkl1, M. Weber1, R. Zieglmayer2, P. Lemell2, F. Horak2, A. Neubauer3, F. Stolz3, H. Huber3, R. Henning3, R. Valenta1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Vienna
Challenge Chamber, Vienna, Austria, 3Biomay AG, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.05.02 Mechanisms of the suppression of asthmatic responses in mice by Fab fragments of a pathogenic allergen-specific monoclonal antibody IgG1
S. Yoshino, N. Mizutani;
Kobe Pharmaceutical University, Kobe, Japan.
P.D.05.03 Novel drug design for birch pollen and associated food allergies
H. Hofer1, C. Asam1, M. Hauser1, P. Briza1, M. Himly1, C. Ebner2, F. Ferreira1, M. Wallner1;
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2Allergieambulatorium, Vienna, Austria.

P.D.05.04 The C1Q regulatory dendritic cell marker is a potent inhibitor of allergic inflammation
L. Mascarell, S. Airouche, E. Nony, V. Bodo, P. Moingeon;
Stallergenes, Antony, France.
P.D.05.05 Development of a mouse model to study tolerance induction to the major fish allergen parvalbumin
R. Freidl1, U. Baranyi2, I. Swoboda1, M. Focke-Tejkl1, R. Valenta1, B. Linhart1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.05.06 Skin test evaluation of a novel virus carrier-based vaccine, BM32, in grass pollen allergic patients
V. Niederberger1, K. Marth1,2, J. Eckl-Dorna1, M. Focke-Tejkl2, M. Weber2, W. Hemmer3, U. Berger1, A. Neubauer4, R. Henning4, R. Valenta2;
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Centre for Pathophysiology,
Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3FAZ Floridsdorf Allergy Center, Vienna, Austria, 4Biomay AG, Vienna, Austria.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 39
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.D.05.07 Selective elimination of allergen-specific B lymphocytes with chimeric protein-engineered molecule in humanized SCID model
N. Kerekov1, A. Michova2, G. Nikolov2, M. Muhtarova2, B. Petrunov2, M. Nikolova2, A. I. Tchorbanov1;
Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2National Reference Laboratory of Immunology, National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria.
P.D.05.08 Increased basophil allergen sensitivity is associated with adverse systemic reactions during the build-up phase of honeybee venom immunotherapy
P. Korosec, K. iberna, M. ilar, M. Deman, N. Smodi, M. Rijavec, P. Kopa, R. Eren, N. Lalek, N. Bajrovi, M. Konik, M. Zidarn;
University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases, Golnik, Slovenia.
P.D.05.09 Conversion of Der p 23, a new major house dust mite allergen, into a hypoallergenic vaccine

S. Banerjee1, M. Weber1, K. Blatt2, I. Swoboda1, M. Focke-Tejkl1, P. Valent2, R. Valenta1, S. Vrtala1,3;

Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology, Department of Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna,, Vienna, Austria,
Christian Doppler Laboratory for the Development of Allergen Chips, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.05.10 Allergen-specific immunotherapy (SIT) induce sialylated immunosuppressive IgG antibodies
J. Hobusch1, C. M. Oefner2, A. Winkler2, C. Hess2, W. Pftzner3, C. Mbs3, A. Petersen4, U. Jappe4, D. Petzold5,2, Y. Bartsch1, M. Ehlers1,2;
Institute for Inflammation Research, University of Luebeck, Luebeck, Germany, 2German Rheumatism Research Center, Leibniz Institute, Berlin, Germany, 3Depatment of Dermatology and Allergology,
Phillips University, Marburg, Germany, 4Depatment of Clinical & Molecular Allergology, Research Center Borstel, Borstel, Germany, 5Charit University Medicine, Berlin, Germany.
P.D.05.11 IgG4, but not IgG1, drive macrophages to release cortisol and IL-10 - implications in the mechanism of allergen immunotherapy
R. Bianchini1, F. Roth-Walter1, L. Glenk1, R. Palme2, G. Roth3, G. Hofstetter1, S. Wagner1, K. Hufnagl1, E. Jensen-Jarolim1,4;
Dept. of Comparative Medicine, Messerli Research Institute, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Medical University Vienna and University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Unit of Physiology,

Pathophysiology and Experimental Endocrinology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Dept. of Anesthesiology, General Intensive Care and Pain Medicine, Medical University Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 4Dept. of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.05.12 PACIFIC (Prospective Allergy and Immune Function Cohort): Induction of Th2 associated regulatory T cells during specific immunotherapy
K. Dietz1, U. Zissler1, F. Braza1, K. Suttner1, F. Guerth1, Z. Hajdu2, C. Schmidt-Weber1, A. Chaker1,2;
ZAUM - Centre of Allergy and Environment, Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM), Helmholtz Centre Munich and member of German Centre for Lung Research (DZL), Mnchen, Germany, 2Department of
Otolaryngology, Allergy Section, Klinikum Rechts der Isar, Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM), Mnchen, Germany.
P.D.05.13 Single allergen-induced oral tolerance inhibits airway inflammation in conjugated allergen immunized mice
C. H. Chien1, H. H. Yu2, B. L. Chiang1,2;
Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department of Pediatrics, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.D.05.14 Non interventional 2 year study of sublingual immunotherapy (SLIT) in children with allergic rhinitis and asthma
I. Filipovic1, M. Stojanovic2, D. Filipovic3;
Faculty of Medical Science, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2Clinic of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Clinical Center of Serbia,, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Emergecy institute Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.

P.D.06 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 1

Chairpersons: Wolfgang Holter; Vienna, Austria / Lorenzo Mortara; Varese, Italy

P.D.06.01 Redirection of potent anti-viral CD8 T-cell immunity as a novel immunotherapeutic strategy against cancer
L. Morton, D. Millar, M. C. Gaspar, P. Mistry, M. Cobbold;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.D.06.02 Activation of CD8+ effector memory T cells and the control of myeloid-derived suppressor cells promote protection against HPV-16-associated tumors
M. O. Diniz, N. S. Sales, J. R. Silva, L. C. Ferreira;
Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Univerity of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
P.D.06.03 Proteomic analysis of a heat-conditioned cancer cell lysate used for DC-based immunotherapy
F. Gonzlez1, C. Pereda1, A. Chernobrovkin2, C. Fuentes1, J. Lpez1, F. Salazar-Onfray1, R. Zubarev2;
Millennium Institute on Immunology and Immunotherapy, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institute, Stockolm, Sweden.
P.D.06.04 Linking Glioblastoma Multiforme microRNA profiles with a potential susceptibility to Dendritic Cell-based cancer immunotherapy
F. Erhart1, A. M. Dohnal1, M. Hackl2, J. Hainfellner3, R. Reitermeier4, T. Felzmann4, C. Visus4;
CCRI St. Anna Childrens Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria, 2TAmiRNA GmbH, Vienna, Austria, 3Institute of Neurology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Activartis Biotech GmbH,
Vienna, Austria.
P.D.06.05 Early DC and NK cell activation during the anticancer therapeutic response induced by TNFa tumor vessel delivery and melphalan
E. Balza1, S. Zanellato2,3, A. Poggi4, D. M. Noonan2,5, A. Rubartelli1, L. Mortara2;
Laboratory of Cell Biology, Department of Translational Oncology, IRCSS AOU San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy, 2Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy,
Department of Surgical and Morphological Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 4Unit of Molecular Oncology and Angiogenesis, IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy, 5Science and
Technology Center, IRCCS MultiMedica, Milano, Italy.
P.D.06.06 Effect of TRIMELs fractions on clinically effective Dendritic Cells against melanoma
F. Falcn-Beas1,2,3, J. Gatica1,2,3, I. Flores1,2,3, N. Meza1,2,3, C. Falcn-Beas1,2,3, P. Caban4, F. Salazar-Onfray1,2,3, M. N. Lpez1,2,3;
Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 3Millennium Institute on Immunology and
Immunotherapy, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 4Clinical Hospital, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
P.D.06.07 Allogeneic activated NK cells from healthy donors are effective against chemoresistant bladder cancer stem cells
M. Ferreira-Teixeira1,2, D. Paiva-Oliveira1,2, B. Parada1,3, F. Reis1,2, C. Gomes1,2,4, P. Rodrigues-Santos2,5;
Pharmacology and Experimental Therapeutics, IBILI - Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2CNC.IBILI - University of Coimbra, Portugal, Coimbra, Portugal, 3Urology and Renal
Transplantation Department - Centro Hospitalar Universitrio de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 4Center of Investigation in Environment, Genetics and Oncobiology (CIMAGO), Faculty of Medicine, University
of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 5Institute of Immunology - Faculty of Medicine, University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
P.D.06.08 Boosting the immunogenicity of an oncolytic vaccinia virus to enhance anti-tumor immunity
M. Hirvinen1, C. Capasso1, K. Guse2, M. Garofalo1, A. Vitale1, M. Ahonen2, L. Kuryk1, M. Vh-Koskela3, A. Hemminki2, D. Greco4, V. Cerullo1;
Laboratory of ImmunoViroTherapy, Division of Pharmaceutical Biosciences, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2Cancer Gene Therapy Group, Department of Pathology and
Transplantation laboratory, Haartman Institute, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 3Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 4Finnish Institute of Occupational Health,
Helsinki, Finland.
P.D.06.09 Heat Shock Conditionated Ovarian carcinoma cell lines lysate induces maturation and proinflamatory response on human Dendritic Cells
J. Gatica1,2,3, F. Falcn-Beas1,2,3, I. Flores1,2,3, C. Falcn-Beas1,2,3, A. Gleisner1,2,3, F. Salazar-Onfray1,2,3, M. N. Lpez1,2,3;
Faculty of Medicine, University of Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Institute of Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 3Millennium Institute on Immunology and
Immunotherapy, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
P.D.06.11 Vaccine-induced but not tumor-derived interleukin-10 dictates the efficacy of interleukin-10 blockade in therapeutic vaccination
D. Llopiz1,2, F. Aranda1, N. Daz-Valds1, M. Ruiz1,2, S. Infante1, V. Belse1, J. Lasarte1,2, P. Sarobe1,2;
Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), University of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 2IdiSNA, Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain.
P.D.06.12 Harnessing the phagocytic potential of tumor-associated macrophages using a novel bispecific antibody targeting CD19/CD47 to effectively promote treatment of
B cell malignancies
V. Buatois, X. Chauchet, A. Papaioannou, L. Cons, L. Chatel, V. Moine, L. Broyer, N. Fischer, K. Masternak, M. Kosco-Vilbois, W. Ferlin, Z. Johnson;
Novimmune S.A., Geneva, Switzerland.
P.D.06.13 Preclinical activity of dasatinib in mantle cell lymphoma
A. Marcos Jimnez, A. De Rosendo Serrano, I. Portero Sainz, B. Colom-Fernndez, F. Herrera, C. Muoz Calleja;
Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria Princesa, Servicio de Inmunologa, Hospital Universitario La Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.06.14 Delivery of dietary compound regulates MCP-1 in murine prostate cancer cells
M. K. Mishra1, J. Stokes III1, U. Singh2, E. Nyairo1, D. Dean1;
Alabama State University, Montgomery, AL, United States, 2University of South Carolina, Columbia, AL, United States.
P.D.06.15 Sorafenib, nilotinib and dasatinib, but not sunitinib, decrease MDSC frequencies and function in vitro
A. Heine1, J. Schilling2, C. Llanto3, C. Kurts3, P. Brossart1, P. A. Knolle4, B. Hchst4;
Medical Clinic for Oncology, Bonn, Germany, 2Institute of molecular medicine, Bonn, Germany, 3Institute of experimental immunology, Bonn, Germany, 4Institute of molecular immunology, Mnchen,

40 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.D.06.16 Ipilimumab reshapes T cell memory subsets in melanoma patients with clinical response
J. Felix1, J. Lambert2, C. Pages3, H. Guermouche1, I. Sidina3, R. Porcher2, D. Jorge Cordeiro1, G. Maki1, M. Viguier3, E. Maubec4, A. Toubert1, C. Lebb3, H. Moins-Teisserenc1;
INSERM U1160, Hpital de Saint-Louis, Paris, France, 2Laboratoire de Biostatistiques, Hpital de Saint-Louis, Paris, France, 3Service de Dermatologie, Hpital de Saint-Louis, Paris, France, 4Service de
Dermatologie, Hpital Bichat, Paris, France.
P.D.06.17 Immunotherapy of Merkel Cell Carcinoma by DC vaccination against the large T antigen of the Merkel Cell Polyomavirus
K. F. Gerer1,2, G. Schuler1, N. Schaft1, J. Drrie1, S. Hoyer1;
Universittsklinikum Erlangen, Department of Dermatology, Erlangen, Germany, 2Friedrich-Alexander Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg, Department of Genetics, Erlangen, Germany.

P.D.06.18 Inhibiting the IFNAR receptor increases antitumor potency of mRNA vaccines
A. De Beuckelaer1, C. Pollard1,2, S. De Koker1, J. Grooten1;
Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 2Institute of Tropical Medicine, Antwerp, Belgium.
P.D.06.19 Overcoming multidrug resistance with inhibitor of ABC transporters bound to HPMA copolymer carrier as a potential therapeutic approach for treatment of
chemoresistant cancer
L. Sivak1, V. Subr2, K. Ulbrich2, M. Kovar1, B. Rihova1;
Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR, v. v. i., Prague, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry of the ASCR, v. v. i., Prague, Czech Republic.
P.D.06.20 The Efficient Generation of Immunocompetent Dendritic Cells from Leukemic Blasts in Acute Myeloid Leukemia: A Local Experience
K. Bagheri1, A. A. pourfathollah1, K. Alimoghadam2, Z. M. Hassan1, J. Hdjati3, S. Moazzeni1;
Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Hematology, Oncology and Bone Marrow Transplantation Research Center, Shariati Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.06.21 A novel therapy for melanoma developed in mice: transformation of melanoma into dendritic cells with Listeria monocytogenes
C. Alvarez-Dominguez1, R. calderon-gonzalez1, L. Bronchalo-Vicente1,2, J. Freire3, L. Alaez-Alvarez1, J. Gomez-Roman3, S. Yaez-Diaz2;
Instituto de Formacion e Investigacin Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain, 2Servicio de Dermatologia. Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain, 3Servicio de Anatomia
Patologica. Hospital Universitario Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain.
P.D.06.22 Tumor localization matters: pre-clinical evaluation of mRNA-based immunotherapy against cervical cancer
L. Bialkowski1, A. van Weijnen1, K. Van der Jeught1, D. Renmans1, G. Stang2, K. Breckpot1, C. Heirman1, J. L. Aerts1, K. Thielemans1;
Laboratory of Molecular and Cellular Therapy, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium, 2Diabetes Research Center, Vrije Universiteit Brussel, Brussels, Belgium.

P.D.06.23 Reversible NTAmer allow improved analysis and sorting of antigen-specific CD8+ T cells
P. Guillaume1, A. Kennel1, J. Schmidt1, M. Hebeisen2, N. Rufer2, I. Luescher3;
TC Metrix Ltd, Epalinges, Switzerland, 2Department of Oncology, University Hospital center, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Ludwig Center of the University of Lausanne, Epalinges, Switzerland.

P.D.07 Stem Cells & Cell Based Therapies - Part 1

Chairpersons: Catarina R. Almeida; Porto, Portugal / Marina Garin; Madrid, Spain

P.D.07.01 Hypoxia Promotes Differentiation Potential of Canine Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells
J. Lee, J. Byeon, N. Gu, H. Kim, G. Lee, S. Cha;
Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Anyang-si, Korea, Republic of.
P.D.07.02 The role of mesenchymal stem cell-derived matrix metalloproteinase 9 (MMP-9) in immunomodulation
T. Y. Feng, B. L. Chiang;
The Graduate Institute of Immunology, National Taiwan University, College of Medicine, Taipei City, Taiwan.
P.D.07.03 Adiponectin isoforms and leptin impact on rheumatoid infrapatellar fad pad-derived mesenchymal stem cells function
U. Skalska, E. Kontny;
Department of Pathophysiology and Immunology, Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland.
P.D.07.04 Immunomodulatory effects of MSC on T cell reconstitution following HSC transplantation in lymphoma patients
E. Shevela, E. Batorov, N. Pronkina, I. Kryuchkova, A. Ostanin, E. Chernykh;
Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Immunology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
P.D.07.07 Phagocytic activity of peritoneal macrophages under the influence of allogenic stem cells
O. Dzhus1, L. Kladnytska2, A. Mazurkevych2, D. Shelest1, G. Svitina1, L. Garmanchuk1, S. Velychko2, V. Kovpak2;
Educational and Scientific Centre Institute of Biology of Taras Shevchenko National University of, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2National University of Life and Environmental Sciences of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine.
P.D.07.08 The incidence of CD34+ hematopoietic stem cells in Georgian newborns
N. Nanava, N. Kukuladze, I. Pantsulaia, N. Kikodze, T. Chikovani;
Tbilisi State Medical University, Tbilisi, Georgia.
P.D.07.09 Lymphotoxin-beta receptor signalling regulates self-renewal during stress induced hematopoiesis
S. Hoepner1, D. Korner1, C. Riether1, A. Ochsenbein1,2;
Tumor-Immunology,Department Clinical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Institute for Medical Oncology, Inselspital, University Hospital Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
P.D.07.10 Engineered Smooth Muscle from Human Adipose Derived Stem Cells for Vascular Dysfunction Repair in Systemic Sclerosis
N. Hammam1, H. Orabi2,1, T. F Lue2;
Faculty of Medicine, Assiut University, Assiut, Egypt, 2Knuppe Molecular Laboratory, School of Medicine, University of California, San Francisco, CA, United States.
P.D.07.11 In vitro generation of HCMV specific T-lymphocytes
J. Mackova, K. Zurkova, V. Sroller, L. Piskova, J. Musil, K. Babiarova, S. Nemeckova;
Institute of Hematology and Blood Transfusion, Prague 2, Czech Republic.
P.D.07.12 The Impact Of Intraartricular PRP Therapy In Gonarthrosis
M. Bicer, N. Isiksacan, E. Ercin, H. Cumen, A. Kural, C. Kural;
Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.D.07.13 Dickkopf-3 is essential for tumor-associated mesenchymal stem cells to regulate anti-tumor immune responses
K. Lu1,2, A. Tounsi1, N. Shridhar3, G. Kblbeck1, A. Klevenz1, S. Prokosch1, T. Bald3, T. Tting3, B. Arnold1;
German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Netherlands Cancer Institutee, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Laboratory of Experimental Dermatology, Department of Dermatology and

Allergy, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany.

P.D.07.14 Hematopoietic Stem Cells have distinct responses to acute and chronic bacterial infection
J. L. Dunn1,2,3, F. Tzelepis1,2,3, M. Verway1,2,3, A. Nyznck1,4, M. Divangahi1,2,5;
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2McGill International TB Centre, Montreal, QC, Canada, 3Meakins-Christie Laboratories, Montreal, QC, Canada, 4Complex Traits Group, Montreal, QC, Canada,
Meakins-Christie, Montreal, QC, Canada.

P.D.08 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 1
Chairpersons: Gerhard Zlabinger; Vienna, Austria / Gabriella Sarmay; Budapest, Hungary

P.D.08.01 Circulating miRNA in critical inflammatory conditions

S. Caserta, F. Kern, J. Cohen, S. Drage, S. Newbury, M. Llewelyn;
University of Sussex -Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Falmer, Brighton, United Kingdom.
P.D.08.02 Role of cytokines in preterm birth
V. Tyagi, T. Sharma, B. D. Banerjee, R. S. Ahmed, A. K. Tripathi, K. Guleria;
University College of medical sciences and GTB Hospital (University of Delhi), Delhi, India.
P.D.08.03 An optimized ELISpot assay to determine CMV protein-reactive cells of cell-mediated immunity
S. Barabas, T. Spindler, C. Tonar, T. Widmann, H. Bendfeldt, K. Bckl, L. Deml;
Lophius Biosciences GmbH, Regensburg, Germany.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 41
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.D.08.04 Impact of storage time, temperature and anticoagulants on extracellular vesicles distribution in whole blood
C. Lamm1, J. Hartmann1, F. Preiing1, L. Hell2, C. Ay2, K. Dragosits1, A. Bee3, L. Wisgrill4, A. Spittler1,5;
Medical University of Vienna, Department of Surgery, Research Laboratories, Vienna, Austria, 2Medical University of Vienna, Department of Internal Medicine I, Vienna, Austria, 3University Clinic St. Plten,
St. Plten, Austria, 4Medical University of Vienna, Department of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 5Medical University of Vienna, Core Facility Flow Cytometry, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.08.05 Danger signal-dependent activation of human dendritic cells by plasma-derived factor VIII products
L. Miller, S. Weissmller, E. Ringler, Junior Research Group Novel Vaccination Strategies and Early Immune Responses, P. Crauwels, G. van Zandbergen, Division of Immunology, R. Seitz, Division of
Haematology/Transfusion Medicine, Z. Waibler, Junior Research Group Novel Vaccination Strategies and Early Immune Responses;
Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Langen, Germany.

P.D.08.06 In vitro Homing Routes to evaluate migration characteristics of CD4+ cells of healthy and GVHD mice
V. C. Hirschfeld-Warneken1,2, M. Danner1,2, J. P. Spatz1,2;
Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems, Department New Materials and Biosystems, Stuttgart, Germany, 2Institute for Physical Chemistry, Department Biophysical Chemistry, University of
Heidelberg, Germany.
P.D.08.08 Subpopulations of neutrophilic granulocytes CD16brightCD11bbright and CD16dimCD11bbright: new differential biomarkers in diagnostics of acute viral and
acute bacterial infections
I. V. Nesterova1, N. V. Kolesnikova2, G. A. Chudilova2, L. V. Lomtatidze2, S. V. Kovaleva2;
The Russian Peoples Friendship University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Kuban State Medical University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation.
P.D.08.09 Interferon g level from lymphocytes cell culture that induced with ESAT-6 as a diagnostic marker for Latent TB Infection (LTBI)
D. F. Leona1, A. E. Putra1, T. Faadhila1, H. Milfiadi1, O. Khairsyaf1, Y. Widjajanti2, N. Rintiswati2;
Andalas University, Padang, Indonesia, 2Gadjah Mada University, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
P.D.08.10 Milieu Interieur - defining the boundaries of a healthy immune response through standardized immunophenotyping
D. Duffy1,2, A. Urrutia1,2, C. Posseme1, R. Djebali1, V. Rouilly1, M. Hasan1, S. Thomas1,2, V. Libri1, E. Patin1,3, L. Rogge1, M. Fontes1, L. Quintana-Murci1,3, M. L. Albert1,2, &. The Milieu Intrieur Consortium1;
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 2Inserm U818, Paris, France, 3CNRS URA3012, Paris, France.
P.D.08.11 Circulating microRNAs in sera correlate with soluble biomarkers of immune activation but do not predict mortality in treated individuals with HIV-1 infection: a
case control study
D. D. Murray1, K. Suzuki1, M. Law1, J. Trebicka2, J. Neuhaus3, D. Wentworth3, M. Johnson4, M. J. Vjecha5, A. D. Kelleher1, S. Emery1, INSIGHT Study Group;
Kirby Institute for Infection and Immunity in Society, Sydney, Australia, 2Department of Internal Medicine, University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 3University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States,
Ian Charleson Day Centre, Royal Free Hampstead NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom, 5Institute for Clinical Research, Veterans Affairs Medical Centre, Washington D.C., DC, United States.
P.D.08.12 Patient-specific immunological imprint: dissecting tissue complexity to clinical relevance
A. Meshcheryakova1, E. Bajna1, M. Svoboda1, G. Heinze2, P. Birner3, D. Mechtcheriakova1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology & Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and
Intelligent Systems, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.08.13 Detection of defensin alpha1 in the urine of leptospirosis patients with kidney injury
H. Chagan-Yasutan1,2, Y. Chen2, P. Leano3, H. Iwasaki1, F. Hanan2, D. Taurustiati2, Y. Ashino2,1, F. Telan3, T. Hattori1,2;
Disaster-related Infectious Disease, International Research Institute of Disaster Science, Tohoku University, Sendai, Japan, 2Emerging Infectious Diseases, Graduate School of Medicine, Tohoku University,
Sendai, Japan, 3SACCL, San Lazaro Hospital, Manila, Philippines.
P.D.08.15 Lymphocytes are low in severe sepsis
J. Jms1, V. Huotari2, E. Savolainen2, H. Syrjl3, T. Ala-Kokko1;
Department of Anaesthesiology, Division of Intensive Care Medicine, Oulu University Hospital, Medical Research Center Oulu, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 2Nordlab Oulu, Oulu University Hospital,
Medical Research Center Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 3Department of Infection Control, Oulu University Hospital, Medical Research Center Oulu, Oulu, Finland.
P.D.08.16 Serum IgG1 antibodies against phase-dependent Mycobacterium tuberculosis antigens are increased in active tuberculosis and after initiation of anti-TB
A. M. Mattos1, A. S. Chaves1, B. B. Figueiredo1, K. Franken2, A. Ferreira1, T. H. Ottenhoff2, H. C. Teixeira1;
Federal University of Juiz de Fora (UFJF) - Department of Parasitology, Microbiology and Immunology - ICB, Juiz de Fora, Brazil, 2Leiden University Medical Centre - Department of Infectious Diseases,
Leiden, Netherlands.
P.D.08.17 Barcoding of live PBMC for multiplexed mass cytometry analyses
H. E. Mei, M. D. Leipold, A. R. Schulz, C. Chester, H. T. Maecker;
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States.

P.D.09 Bone Marrow Transplantation and GVHD - Part 2

Chairpersons: Niklas Beyersdorf; Wuerzburg, Germany / Antoine Toubert; Paris, France

P.D.09.01 Linking CD8+ T cell homing biomarkers to distinct organ manifestations of acute graft versus host disease (aGVHD)
N. Lupsa1,2, B. Ersek1,2, A. Bencsik1,2, E. Sarzsinszky1,2, A. Horvath1,2, P. Remenyi3, J. Matko4, T. Masszi3, E. Buzas1, Z. Pos1,2;
Semmelweis University, Dept. of Genetics, Cell and Immunbiology, Budapest, Hungary, 2Hungarian Academy of Sciences - Semmelweis University Lendlet Experimental and Translational Immunomics
Research Group, Budapest, Hungary, 3St. Istvan and St. Laszlo Hospital, Dept. of Hematology and Stem Cell Transplantation, Budapest, Hungary, 4Etvs Lornd University, Dept. of Immunology,
Budapest, Hungary.
P.D.09.02 Inducible CD28 deletion on donor T cells in a mouse model of acute graft versus host disease
A. Uri, S. Werner, T. Hnig, T. Kerkau, N. Beyersdorf;
Institut for Virology and Immunobiology, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.D.09.03 Plasma levels of Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 and Insulin-like Growth Factor Binding Protein 3 following chemotherapy and allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell
S. Weischendorff1,2, K. Kielsen1,2, H. Sengelv3, L. P. Ryder4, A. Juul5, K. G. Mller1,2;
Institute for Inflammation Research, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Copenhagen University Hospital
Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 3Department of Hematology, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 4Department of Clinical Immunology, Copenhagen University
Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 5Department of Growth and Reproduction, Copenhagen University Hospital Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark.
P.D.09.04 The serine protease aPC regulates T-cell activation and GvHD via the protease activated receptor PAR-3
S. Ranjan1, B. Giriyapura1, T. Madhusudhan1, K. Shahzad1, D. Reinhold2, B. Schraven2, T. Fischer3, T. Luft4, F. Heidel3, B. Isermann1;
Institute of Clinical Chemistry and Pathobiochemistry, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Institute for Molecular and Clinical Immunology, Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg,
Germany, 3Department of Hematology and Oncology, Center of Internal Medicine, , Otto-von-Guericke-University, Magdeburg, Germany, 4Department of Medicine V, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg,
P.D.09.05 Association of CD19+CD21low B-cells with active chronic graft-versus-host-disease: A validation study in two independent patient cohorts
Z. Kuzmina1, M. Kralj2, R. Weigl2, J. Rose3, S. Z. Pavletic4, A. Rottal5, U. Koermoeczi5, W. Pickl6, F. T. Hakim3, H. T. Greinix7;
Hietzing Hospital, Fifth Department of Internal Medicine Oncology/Hematology, Vienna, Austria, 2Internal Medicine I department, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Preclinical Service
Experimental Transplantation & Immunology Branch, NCI, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4Center for Cancer Research Experimental Transplantation and Immunology Branch , Graft-versus-Host
and Autoimmunity Unit, National Cancer Institute, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 5Institute of Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 6Division of Cellular Immunology &
Immunohematology Institute of Immunology Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology & Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 7Hematology department, Graz, Austria.
P.D.09.06 CD19+CD21low B-cells as biomarkers for prediction and monitoring of response in chronic graft-versus-host disease
M. Kralj1, R. Weigl1, Z. Kuzmina1, A. Rottal1, U. Koermoeczi1, W. Pickl1, H. T. Greinix2;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.D.09.07 Detectable functional CMV T-cells predicts end of CMV reactivation post HSCT, virus control fails with glucocorticoids
O. Pelak, L. Krol, P. Hubacek, P. Keslova, R. Formankova, P. Sedlacek, O. Hrusak, T. Kalina;
Department of Paediatric Hematology/Oncology, 2nd Medical School, Charles University Prague, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.D.09.08 Deletion of Blimp-1 in Donor T Cells Significantly Attenuates Mouse Graft-versus-host Disease
K. Xu, C. Chen;
The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou, China.
P.D.09.09 Graft-versus-host disease after syngeneic allogeneic stem cell transplantation - A case report
J. Egua-Nez1, J. L. Monserrat-Coll2, E. Martnez-Barba3, M. Muro-Amador1, J. A. Campillo-Marquina1, A. M. Garca-Alonso1, J. M. Moraleda-Jimnez2;
Immunology Department, Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 2Hematology Department, Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 3Pathology
Department, Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain.

42 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.D.09.11 Cdc42 inhibitor ML141 enhances G-CSF-induced hematopoietic stem and progenitor cell mobilization
K. Xu, C. Chen, X. Song;
The Affiliated Hospital of Xuzhou Medical College, Xuzhou, China.
P.D.09.12 Validation and implementation of next generation sequencing technology for HLA typing in our laboratory routine
F. Rudilla, F. Vidal, M. Herrero, E. Palou, I. Corrales, N. Borrs, E. Campos, J. Caro, C. Ambros, L. Mongay, J. Caro;
Banc de Sang i Teixits de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
P.D.09.13 KIR B-content score 2 in donors reduces risk of relapse and improve survival after allogeneic hematopoietic stem cell transplant

J. Jimenez1, W. G. Vazquez1, J. C. Martinez2, M. A. Arrazola2, M. M. Contreras3, M. L. Gonzalez3, M. E. Perez1;
Immunology Research Department, Pediatric Hospital, CMN SXXI, IMSS, Mexico City, Mexico, 2Blood Bank, Specialty Hospital, CMN SXXI, IMSS, Mexico City, Mexico, 3Hematopoietic Cell Transplantation,
Specialty Hospital, CMN S XXI, IMSS, Mexico City, Mexico.
P.D.09.14 A simple and practical method for increasing of proliferation the mesenchymal stem cells in mouse
A. Aghebati Maleki, L. Aghebati Maleki;
Immunology, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

P.D.10 Immunomodulation by Nutrients & Vitamines

Chairpersons: Roman Khanferyan; Moscow, Russian Federation / Ralf A. Linker; Erlangen, Germany

P.D.10.01 Oral administration of baicalein attenuates food allergy symptoms by inducing regulatory T cells in a mouse model
D. Shon, H. S. Shin;
Korea Food Research Institute, Seongnam-si, Korea, Republic of.
P.D.10.02 In vitro and in vivo immunomodulating activity of red seaweed - Eucheuma denticulatum obtained from Sabah, Malaysia
S. Y. Pan, B. E. Cheong, P. Matanjun, P. L. Teoh, T. Y. Lau, P. C. Lee;
University Malaysia Sabah, Kota Kinabalu, Malaysia.
P.D.10.03 Vaccination with MOG plus vitamin D is tolerogenic and prevents experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
L. A. Mimura1, F. Chiuso-Minicucci1, T. C. Fraga-Silva1, S. G. Zorzella-Pezavento1, T. D. Frana1, L. W. Ishikawa1, M. Penitenti2, M. V. Ikoma2, A. Sartori1;
So Paulo State University, Botucatu, Brazil, 2Dr. Amaral Carvalho Foundation, Ja, Brazil.
P.D.10.04 Efficacy of tolerogenic vaccination with MOG/VitD in EAE is not disrupted by Candida albicans infection
T. C. Fraga-Silva, L. N. Mimura, S. G. Zorzella-Pezavento, T. D. Frana, L. W. Ishikawa, A. Sartori;
So Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu, Brazil.
P.D.10.05 Epicutaneous therapy with MOG and vitamin D analogue association blocks EAE development
S. G. Zorzella-Pezavento, L. N. Mimura, T. C. Fraga-Silva, T. D. Frana, L. W. Ishikawa, A. Sartori;
So Paulo State University (UNESP), Botucatu, Brazil.
P.D.10.06 Germ free mice during 7 day conventionalization: an initial study
J. Krizan;
Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR, v. v. i., Prague, Czech Republic.
P.D.10.07 Immunomodulatory effects of L-glutamic acid and L-cysteine on T- and B-cell immunity
N. Salyha, R. Iskra;
Institute of Animal Biology, Lviv, Ukraine.
P.D.10.08 Mechanisms of influence of licorice root flavonoids on apoptosis of tumor cells in vitro
M. D. Tsitsuashvili, D. Z. Albegova;
The Russian National Research Medical University named after N.I. Pirogov, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.D.10.09 Study the role of Mitogen-Activated Protein Kinases activation in proliferation and apoptosis processes of the pharyngeal tumour cells
M. Bostan, G. Matei, C. Hotnog, M. Mihaila, V. Roman, L. I. Brasoveanu;
Stefan S. Nicolau Institute of Virology, Bucharest, Romania.
P.D.10.12 Dietary fatty acids directly impact CNS autoimmunity via the small intestine
S. Jrg1, A. Haghikia2, A. Hammer1, D. A. Akkad2, D. N. Mller3, R. Gold2, R. A. Linker1;
University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 3Experimental and Clinical Research Center & Max-Delbrck Center Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
P.D.10.13 Assessment of Effects of Micronutrient Supplementation on Products of Macrophage Activation during Treatment of Pulmonary Tuberculosis Patients
M. O. Akiibinu1, T. J. Oyewumi2;
Caleb University Lagos, Lagos, Nigeria, 2Immunology Unit, Department of Chemical Pathology, College of Medicine, University of Ibadan,, Ibadan,, Nigeria.
P.D.10.14 Resveratrol increases cd68+ kupffer cells co-localized with adipose differentiation-related protein (adfp) and ameliorates high-fat-diet-induced fatty liver in mice
K. Nishikawa1, K. Iwaya2, M. Kinoshita2, Y. Fujiwara3, S. Thiruppathi4, T. Suzuki4, S. Hiroi2, S. Seki2, T. Sakamoto2;
Chuo university, Tokyo, Japan, 2National Defense Medical College, Saitama, Japan, 3Ochanomizu University, Tokyo, Japan, 4National Institute of Health Sciences, Tokyo, Japan.
P.D.10.15 Do Quinton solutions exert any modulation on the immune system?
S. Pascual-Garca, P. Martnez-Peinado, M. de la Sen, F. Marco de la Calle, M. Garca-Irles, Y. Segovia-Huertas, J. Sempere-Ortells;
University of Alicante, Alicante, Spain.
P.D.10.16 Affinities for 25(OH)D3/D2 of the three main genetic isoforms of human vitamin D binding proteins (VDBP)
P. Kiszel1,2, S. Pohl1, M. Biehl1, L. von Proff1, T. Meier1, A. Engel1, M. Schraeml1;
Roche Diagnostics, Penzberg, Germany, 2German Academic Exchange Service (DAAD), Bonn, Germany.
P.D.10.17 The capacity of major cows milk allergen Bos d 5 suppressing T-cell responses upon binding of the active vitamin A metabolite retinoic acid
K. Hufnagl1, S. Wagner1, L. F. Pacios2, F. Roth-Walter1, R. Bianchini1, E. Jensen-Jarolim1,3;
Comparative Medicine, Messerli Research Institute of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Medical University Vienna and University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Biotechnology Department, Center for Plant
Biotechnology and Genomics, Technical University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3Comparative Immunology and Oncology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology,
Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.10.18 Riboflavin deficiency increases the proinflammatory activation of fat cells - in vitro study
A. I. Mazur-Bialy1, J. Homa2, E. Pochec2;
Faculty of Health Science, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland, 2Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.

Track E Other
P.E.01 Structural Biology & Imaging of the Immune System
Chairpersons: Johannes Huppa; Vienna, Austria / Walter Keller; Graz, Austria

P.E.01.01 Human milk IgG and sIgA Fab-arms exchange, promoted by the specific factor
S. Sedykh1,2, V. Prints2, V. Buneva1,2, G. Nevinsky1,2;
SB RAS ICBFM, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 2Novosibirsk State University, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
P.E.01.02 Examination of coexistance and connection of antinuclear antibody (ANA) with the positivity of thyroid autoantibodies
R. Kesli, . Cetinkaya, G. Ask, C. Demir;
Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey.
P.E.01.03 Expression and solution of the three-dimensional structure of the wheat allergen beta amylase
G. Hofer1, S. Pahr2, R. Valenta2, W. Keller1;
Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and
Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 43
Monday, September 7, 2015
P.E.01.04 Recombinantly produced insect Thaumatin-like protein (Sgre1) and its role as putative allergen
M. Eder, W. Keller;
Institute of Molecular Biosciences, University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.E.01.05 Establishment of keratinocyte cell lines from human hair follicles
T. Berger1, M. Gschwandtner1, A. Starjeriu2, A. Elbe-Brger1, J. Grillari2, R. Grillari-Voglauer2, E. Tschachler1, M. Mildner1;
Medical University of Vienna, Department of Dermatology, Wien, Austria, 2University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Wien, Austria.
P.E.01.06 Structural Recognition of CD1d-restricted Microbial lipid antigen by Type II Natural killer T cells

S. Sundararaj;
Monash University, Clayton, Australia.
P.E.01.07 New fluorogenic dyes for analysis of cellular processes by flow cytometry and confocal microscopy
I. Balabanov1, A. Kurutos2, K. Nikolova1, N. Mihaylova1, S. Stoitsova3, T. Deligeorgiev2, A. Tchorbanov1;
Laboratory of Experimental Immunology, Department of Immunology, Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Department of Applied Organic Chemistry, Faculty
of Chemistry and Pharmacy, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3Department of Morphology of microorganisms and electron microscopy, Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia,
P.E.01.08 Incorporation of BD Horizon BV421 and BD Horizon BV480 immunofluorescence reagents improves immunofluorescence microscopy
J. Rohrer, A. Wright, J. Martin, Y. Marrari;
BD Biosciences, La Jolla, CA, United States.
P.E.01.09 The percentages of endothelial progenitor cell with expression of CD133+, CD309+, CD34+ at 6. hour after both artery laceration and 20 years tooth extraction
procedure in peripheral blood samples
B. Saraymen1, I. Karaman2, Z. B. Gnen3, F. Doruel3, M. Y. Kker1;
Department of Immunology, Erciyes University Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey, 2Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, Erciyes University Medical Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey, 3Department of Oral
and Maxillofacial Surgery, Erciyes University Dentistry Faculty, Kayseri, Turkey.
P.E.01.10 Whole-cell MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry as a rapid method for leukocyte subtyping
K. Strasser1, E. Zareva2, M. Holzlechner2, H. Birnleitner1, M. Marchetti-Deschmann2, M. Bergmann1, R. Oehler1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
P.E.01.11 Visualization of Mechanical Forces within the Immunological Synapse
J. Ghring1, F. Kellner2, G. Schtz1, J. Huppa2;
Institute of Applied Physics, Wien, Austria, 2Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Wien, Austria.
P.E.01.12 Maturation of synaptobrevin2-containing lytic granules (LGs) following endocytosis in primary mouse cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTLs)
H. Bzeih;
University of Saarland, Geb 59, Homburg, Germany.
P.E.01.13 Platelet rich plasma reduced vascular endothelial growth factor receptor-2 (VEGFR2) levels in human vascular endothelial cell culture
M. Shahidi1,2, P. Hayat3;
Cellular & Molecular Research Center (CMRC), Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Hematology department, school of Allied Medicine, Iran University of Medical sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of,
Cellular & Molecular Research Center (CMRC), Iran University of Medical Science, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.E.01.14 Mechanical Forces in T-Cell Antigen Recognition
F. Kellner1, J. Ghring1,2, L. Schrangl2, R. Platzer1, G. J. Schtz2, J. B. Huppa1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
P.E.01.15 Imaging in cancer immunology: Phenotyping of multiple immune cell subsets in-situ in FFPE tissue sections
J. R. Mansfield1, B. Wendik2, C. C. Hoyt1, E. Stack1, M. Feldman3, C. Bifulco4, B. Fox4;
PerkinElmer, Hopkinton, MA, United States, 2PerkinElmer, Rodgau, Germany, 3University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 4Providence Cancer Center, Portland, OR, United States.
P.E.01.16 Optimism affect the immune response
K. Curzytek, M. Kubera, R. Rygula, J. Kregiel, W. Duda, E. Trojan, W. Lason;
Institute of Pharmacology, Polish Academy of Sciences, Krakow, Poland.

44 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015


Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 45
Tuesday, September 8, 2015

Posters of the Day according to Tracks A, B, C, D, E

Track A Adaptive Immunity Track C Innate Immunity

P.A.11 Lymphocyte Development - Part 1 P.C.09 Innate Immunity - Inflammation - Part 1
P.A.12 Antigen Receptor Signalling P.C.10 NK and NKT Cells - Part 2
P.A.13 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 2 P.C.11 Macrophages - Part 1
P.A.14 Th1 and Th2 Cells - Part 2 P.C.12 Macrophages - Part 2
P.A.15 Regulatory T Cells - Part 2 P.C.13 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 2
P.A.16 Regulatory T Cells - Part 3 P.C.14 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 2

P.A.17 CD8+ T Cells - Part 2 P.C.15 Cytokines - Part 1

P.A.18 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 2 P.C.16 Cell Signaling - Part 2
P.A.19 Antibody Engineering and B Cell Effector Molecules

Track B Diseases Track D Disease Intervention

P.B.15 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 1 P.D.11 Vaccines - Part 2
P.B.16 Immunity to Bacterial Infection and Parasites P.D.12 Vaccines & Veterinary Immunology - Part 2
P.B.17 Immunity to Parasite Infection P.D.13 Immune Interventions in Autoimmunity - Part 2
P.B.18 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 2 P.D.14 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 2
P.B.19 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 2 P.D.15 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 3
P.B.20 Inflammatory Bowel Disease P.D.16 Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases
P.B.21 Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis P.D.17 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity
against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 2
P.B.22 (Chronic) Inflammatory Joint Disease - Part 2
P.D.18 Immunopharmacology
P.B.23 Animal Models of Autoimmunity
P.B.24 Mediators of (Neuro) Immune Regulation
P.B.25 Allergen Specific Immune Response - Part 2
P.B.26 Allergic Disorders - Part 2 Track E Other
P.B.27 Tumor Immunity - Part 2 P.E.02 Immune Response in Aging & Systems Biology - Part 1
P.B.28 Tumormarkers P.E.03 Metabolism & Immunity

46 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
Track A Adaptive Immunity
P.A.11 Lymphocyte Development - Part 1
Chairpersons: Francesca Di Rosa; Roma, Italy / Pablo Engel; Barcelona, Spain

P.A.11.01 Down-regulation of autoreactive T and B lymphocytes by antibody therapy in humanized murine SCID model of Systemic lupus erythematosus
S. L. Bradyanova1, N. M. Mihaylova2, P. P. Chipinski2, S. H. Chausheva2, T. Velikova3, E. Todorova3, D. Kyurkchiev3, D. Kalinova4, M. Herbath5, J. Prechl5, F. Dcquisto6, A. Tchorbanov2;
Faculty of Biology, Sofia University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Institute of Microbiology, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 32Laboratory of Clinical Immunology, University Hospital St. Ivan Rilski , Sofia, Bulgaria, 43Clinic of
Rheumatology, University Hospital St. Ivan Rilski , Sofia, Bulgaria, 54Immunology Research Group, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 65Centre for Biochemical Pharmacology, William
Harvey Research Institute, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.11.03 The immature T cell receptor repertoire impairs the neonatal CD8+ T cell response to influenza infection
A. J. Carey1, D. T. Gracias1,2, J. L. Thayer1, Y. M. Mueller1,3, J. L. Hope1,3, P. D. Katsikis1,3;
Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2La Jolla Institute of Immunology, San Diego, CA, United States, 3Erasmus University, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.11.04 Influence of surrogate light chain non-Ig parts on B-cell development in vivo
I. Wolf1, M. Knoll1,2, S. Simmons1,3, F. Melchers1;
Max Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany, 2Whitehead Institute for Biomedical Research, Cambridge, MA, United States, 3Frontier Research Center, Osaka, Japan.
P.A.11.05 Analysis of antigen-specific responses by high throughput sequencing of the T cell receptor repertoire
T. Oakes1, A. L. Popple2, K. Best1, J. Williams3, R. J. Dearman2, I. Kimber2, B. Chain1;
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 3Salford Royal NHS Foundation Trust, Salford, United Kingdom.
P.A.11.06 Deep sequencing of thymic TCR alpha and beta repertoires in identical twins

N. Heikkil1, R. Vanhanen1, D. Yohannes1, J. Saramki2, H. Jarva1,3, H. Sairanen1,4, T. P. Arstila1;
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2Aalto University, Espoo, Finland, 3HUSLAB, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, 4Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.
P.A.11.07 TCR beta diversity in human thymus
R. Vanhanen1, N. Heikkil1, J. Saramki2, P. Arstila1;
Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2Department of Biomedical Engineering and Computational Science, Aalto University, Espoo, Finland.
P.A.11.08 Trojan, a possible regulator of apoptosis, belongs to a novel protein family
P. Petrov1, R. Syrjnen1, D. W. Burt2, T. Uchida1, O. Vainio1;
Institute of Diagnostics, Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 2Division of Genetics and Genomics, The Roslin Institute and R(D)SVS, University of Edinburgh, Roslin,
United Kingdom.
P.A.11.09 Reduced numbers of mature medullary thymic epithelial cells in SKG mice
R. Engelmann, A. Johl, A. Biemelt, B. Mller-Hilke;
University of Rostock, Institute of Immunology, Rostock, Germany.
P.A.11.10 Molecular and phenotypical analysis of soluble human CD6 transgenic mice
I. T. Simes1, V. G. Martinez1, E. Carreras1, M. Orta1, M. Man1, R. Fenutra1, J. Alberola-Ila2, F. Lozano1,3,4;
IDIBAPS (Institut dInvestigacions Biomdicas August Pi i Sunyer), Barcelona, Spain, 2Oklahoma Medical Research Foundation, Oklahoma, OK, United States, 3Servei dImmunologia, Hospital Clnic de
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 4Departament de Biologia Cellular, Immunologia i Neurocincies, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
P.A.11.11 Notch1 signaling regulates intrathymic cell migration
B. Bajoghli1, P. Kuri1, D. Inoue2, N. Aghaallaei2, M. Hanelt1, M. Rauzi1, A. Toyoda3, Y. Taniguchi4, J. Wittbrodt2, M. Leptin1;
EMBL, Heidelberg, Germany, 2Heidelberg University, Heidelberg, Germany, 3National Institute of Genetics, Shizuoka, Japan, 4Kyorin University School of Medicine, Tokyo, Japan.
P.A.11.12 Promiscuous gene expression in medullary thymic epithelial cells is a highly coordinated and evolutionary conserved process
K. Rattay, B. Kyewski;
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.A.11.13 Murine medullary thymic epithelial cells express peptidylarginine deiminases and citrullinated proteins
R. Engelmann, A. Cordshagen, A. Johl, A. Biemelt, B. Mller-Hilke;
University of Rostock, Institute of Immunology, Rostock, Germany.
P.A.11.14 The role of HDAC2 in T cells
T. Preglej1, L. Gschl1,2, L. Andersen1, P. Mathias3, C. Seiser4, W. Ellmeier1;
Division of Immunobiology, Institute of Immunology, CePII, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland, 4Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Vienna Biocenter, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.11.15 GABP2 inhibitory effect on IL7R expression
B. Shamloo1, B. Atasever1,2, L. Behmoiras1, E. Deniz3,1, J. Eryilmaz1,4, B. Erman1,3;
Sabanci University, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Uskudar University, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Sabanci University Nanotechnology Research and Application Center (SUNUM), Istanbul, Turkey, 4SANKO textile, Bursa, Turkey.

P.A.12 Antigen Receptor Signalling

Chairpersons: Jutta Horejs-Hoeck ; Salzburg, Austria (tbc) / Klaus G. Schmetterer; Vienna, Austria

P.A.12.01 Regulation of the Th2 dependent immune response by Swiprosin-1/ EFhd2

D. Reimer1, V. Wiesmann2, T. Wittenberg2, D. Mielenz1;
Division of Molecular Immunology, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany, 2Image Processing and Medical Engineering Department, Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS,
Erlangen, Germany.
P.A.12.02 Transcriptional control of SLAMF1 gene in B-cells
L. V. Putlyaeva1, A. M. Schwartz1, M. Covic1, K. V. Korneev2, I. E. Vorontsov1,3, K. A. Akulich4, S. E. Dmitriev1,2,4, O. L. Polanovsky1, D. V. Kuprash1,2;
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Vavilov
Institute of General Genetics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation, 4Belozersky Institute of Physico-Chemical Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian
P.A.12.03 CIN85 as a novel marker for X-chromosome-linked antibody deficiency in humans
B. Keller1, M. Shoukier2, K. Schulz3, K. Warnatz1, J. Wienands3;
Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency (CCI), Freiburg, Germany, 2Institute of Human Genetics, Gttingen, Germany, 3Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Gttingen, Germany.
P.A.12.04 The guanine-nucleotide exchange factor Vav1 controls Ca2+ mobilization in antigen-activated B cells
C. Hitzing, N. Engels;
Institute of Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Gttingen, Germany.
P.A.12.05 The 3-phosphoinositide-dependent kinase-1 targeting drug BX795 promotes interleukin-2 but shuts off T helper 1 and 2 cytokine secretion upon activation of
allergen-specific T cells
P. A. Tauber1, M. R. Candia1, D. Trapin1, A. Neunkirchner1,2, W. F. Pickl1,2;
Institute of Immunology, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Immunomodulation, Center for Pathophysiology,
Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.12.06 Selective immunosuppressive effects of chloroquine and hydroxychloroquine in CD4+ T-cells
R. L. Schmidt1, F. Ratzinger1, S. Jutz2, P. Steinberger2, W. Pickl2, K. Schmetterer1;
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.12.07 A novel, label-free technique to monitor the integrated cellular response of immunocompetent cells
I. Kurucz1, B. Peter2,3, A. Erdei1,4;
HAS-ELTE, Immunology Research Group, Budapest, Hungary, 2HAS, Centr for Energy Reasearch, Inst Techn Physics and Materials Science, Budapest, Hungary, 3Doctoral School of Molecular- and
Nanotechnologies, Univ Pannon, Veszprem, Hungary, 4Department of Immunology, Eotvos University, Budapest, Hungary.
P.A.12.08 Studies of immunological synapse formation and downstream signaling events using imaging flow cytometry
H. R. Pugsley1, S. Seth2, K. Eberhart2, S. Friend1, P. Morrissey1;
Merck Millipore, Seattle, WA, United States, 2Merck Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 47
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.A.12.09 Different potency of macrolide antibiotics in their potential to inhibit CD4+ T-cell activation
F. Ratzinger1, M. Kim1, R. Schmidt1, K. Goldhahn2, B. Klsch2, W. F. Pickl3, K. G. Schmetterer1;
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster for Rheumatology, Balneology and Rehabilitation, Vienna, Austria, 3Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.12.10 Rapid multiplex analysis of lipid raft components with single cell resolution
P. Schatzlmaier, J. B. Huppa, H. Stockinger;
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.12.11 Characterization of the CD22 and Siglec-G interactomes
S. Mrotzek1, A. Bser2, B. Warscheid2, L. Nitschke1;
Friedrich-Alexander University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2Albert-Ludwigs University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany.
P.A.12.12 A cell membrane permeable phosphopeptide of Grb2 associated binder (Gab1) modulates B cell activation by interacting with SHP2 phosphatase
E. Szarka1, D. Szili1, . Kertsz1, J. Varga2, . Garai2, G. Ggl2, A. Alexa3, T. Janky4, G. Vradi4, G. Tth4, A. Remnyi3, G. Srmay1;
Department of Immunology, Etvs Lornd University, Budapest, Hungary, 2Department of Biochemistry, Etvs Lornd University, Budapest, Hungary, 3Institute of Enzymology, Research Centre for
Natural Sciences, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary, 4Department of Medical Chemistry, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary.
P.A.12.13 Contact-dependent and -independent mixed lymphocyte cultures result in different phenotypes of responder CD4+ T cells and cell-derived vesicles
A. S. Revenfeld, A. Elbk, K. Varming;
Department of Clinical Immunology, Aalborg University Hospital, Aalborg, Denmark.
P.A.12.14 Study of electrical activity and vesicular exocytosis during activation of human T lymphocytes
E. Petrovcikova1, K. Pfisterer2, M. Hotka1, I. Zahradnik1, V. Leksa1;
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2MUW, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.12.15 Specific suppression of CD4+ T-cell proliferation and metabolic activity by the tryptophan metabolite picolinic acid
J. Prodinger1, G. Greiner1, F. Ratzinger1, R. Schmidt1, G. Hrmann1, S. Jutz2, P. Steinberger2, W. F. Pickl2, K. G. Schmetterer1;

Department of Laboratory Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.12.16 Angiopoietin-1 and -2: Full and differential agonists of human neutrophil biological activities
M. G. Sirois1, E. Dumas1, D. Chaar1, S. Lavoie1, P. Neagoe1, P. P. McDonald2, M. White1;
Montreal Heart Institute, Montreal, QC, Canada, 2Universit de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.

P.A.12.17 Ligands for inhibitory and activating NK cell receptor in T, B and myeloid acute childhood leukemia
M. V. Martnez-Snchez1, J. F. Pascual-Gzquez2, L. Gimeno-Arias1, A. M. Galera-Miarro2, M. M. Bermdez-Corts2, M. Blanquer-Blanquer3, A. M. Garca-Alonso1, J. M. Moraleda-Jimnez3, J. L. Fuster-
Soler2, A. Minguela-Puras1;
Immunology Service. Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. Instituto Murciano de Investigacin Biomdica, El Palmar-Murcia, Spain, 2Oncology Service. Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen
de la Arrixaca. Instituto Murciano de Investigacin Biomdica, El Palmar-Murcia, Spain, 3Haematology Service. Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca. Instituto Murciano de Investigacin
Biomdica, El Palmar-Murcia, Spain.
P.A.12.18 NKG2D variability in patients with cutaneous malignant melanoma
L. Gimeno1, H. Martnez-Banaclocha1, M. Bernardo-Pisa1, J. Bolarin1, M. Muro1, R. Lpez-Hernndez1, L. Marn2, B. Las Heras Ferre1, M. Moya-Quiles1, A. Minguela1, A. Mrowiec1, I. Legaz1, M. Martinez-
Sanchez1, J. Frias3, A. Garca-Alonso1, M. lvarez-Lpez1, J. Martnez-Escribano3, J. Campillo1;
Immunology Service.Hospital Clinico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca.Servicio Murciano de Salud-IMIB, El Palmar-Murcia, Spain, 2Department of Hematology, University Hospital., Salamanca, Spain,
Dermatology Service.Hospital Clinico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca.Servicio Murciano de Salud-IMIB, El Palmar-Murcia, Spain.
P.A.12.19 Scavenger receptor type A-mediated expression of CCL21 in spleen and lymph nodes
T. Kim1,2, C. Kim1,3, H. Bae2, J. Kwak1,3;
Immune-network Pioneer Research Center, Ajou University Medical Center, Suwon 443-380, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Dong-A University, Busan 602-714, Korea,
Republic of, 3Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine Ajou University, Suwon 443-380, Korea, Republic of.

P.A.13 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 2

Chairpersons: Louise Boyle; Cambridge, United Kingdom (tbc) / Anne Hosmalin; Paris, France

P.A.13.01 Changes in the immunological properties induced by glycofullerenes and nanohorns

M. Palomares Jerez1, T. Fernandez Duarte1, A. Muoz2, B. Illescas2, M. Nazario2, R. Maria Jose1, G. Luisa1, R. Javier3, T. Maria Jose1, M. Cristobalina1;
IBIMA-HRUM, Malaga, Spain, 2Department of Organic Chemistry Faculty of Chemistry, Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Spain, 3Glycosystems Laboratory Institute for Chemical Research (IIQ), CSIC
Universisdad de Sevilla, Spain.
P.A.13.02 Controllable mitogenic response by peptidoglycan-activated macrophages loaded on laser micro-structured Si scaffolds
E. Katsoni1, I. Zerva1, C. Simitzi1,2, A. Ranella2, E. Stratakis2, I. Athanassakis1;
Biology Department, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece, 2Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser (IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology, Heraklion, Greece.
P.A.13.03 Anti-tumor response elicited by the necrotic tumor cell-stimulated macrophage
X. Yuan;
The Affiliated Hospital of Dalian University, Dalian, China.
P.A.13.04 Destruction of glycosylating enzymes is necessary for functional MHC class I
M. Jongsma1, V. Blomen2, M. Raaben2, P. van Veelen3, R. Plomp3, T. van der Heijden2, L. Janssen2, G. Janssen3, A. Mulder3, F. Claas3, M. Griffioen3, M. Heemskerk3, M. Whrer3, T. Brummelkamp2, J. Neefjes2,
R. Spaapen1,2;
Sanquin Research, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2The Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
P.A.13.05 Evasion of immune system response by Microsporidia infection: modulation of MHC-I expression and antigenic presentation
C. Hurtado, I. Silvela, J. Aguilar, A. Magnet, F. Izquierdo, S. Fenoy, C. del Aguila;
Universidad San Pablo-CEU, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.13.07 Capture and processing of opsonized HIV-1 in immature and differentially matured DCs
U. Knackmuss, W. Posch, M. Steger, M. Blatzer, C. Lass-Flrl, D. Wilflingseder;
Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.A.13.08 Innate responses and antigen-presenting capacity of oral epithelial cells
C. Kitzmueller, M. Schuschnig, B. Bohle;
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Immunomodulation, Institute for Pathophysiology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.13.09 Human blood plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells cross-present antigens from live cells
S. Isnard, L. Vimeux, M. Iannetta, J. Manuzak, V. Feuillet, M. Valente, A. Schaefer, J. Guillerme*, A. Hosmalin*;
Institut Cochin, Inserm U1016, CNRS UMR 1084, Universit Paris-Descartes, AP-HP, Paris, France.
P.A.13.10 Protease recognition sites in Bet v 1a are cryptic, explaining its slow processing relevant to its allergenicity
H. Brandstetter;
University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
P.A.13.11 Immune reactions against Gene Gun vaccines are differentially modulated by distinct dendritic cell subsets in the skin
C. Weber1, K. Hainz1, T. Deressa1, H. Strandt1, D. Florindo Pinheiro1, R. Mittermair1, J. Pizarro Pesado1, P. Hammerl1, J. Thalhamer1, A. Stoecklinger1,2;
University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Allergy Diagnosis and Therapy, University of Salzburg, Austria.
P.A.13.12 Tapasin is a key component to understand immunogenicity in glioblastoma
C. Thuring1, L. Geironson1, E. Freyhult2, S. Buus3, K. M. Paulsson1;
Experimental Medical Science, Lund, Sweden, 2Medical Science, SciLifeLab, Uppsala, Sweden, 3Experimental Immunology, Copenhagen, Denmark.
P.A.13.13 How antigen is presented to sensitize T-cells
R. Platzer1, M. Brameshuber2, G. Schtz2, H. Stockinger1, J. Huppa1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.13.14 Monocytes Pulsed with Liposomes Co-encapsulating D-Type CpG ODN and an Antigen Differentiate into Functional DCs and Elicit Antigen-Specific Effector T-cells
H. Koksal, B. Bayyurt;
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.

48 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.A.13.15 Role of PD-1/PD-L interactions in hepatocyte-dependent CD8+ T cell tolerance
M. Damo, D. S. Wilson, J. A. Hubbell;
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.A.13.16 Presentation of bacterial and viral antigens by antigens-presenting T cells
V. Boccasavia, B. Alarcon;
Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.13.17 Chasing recycled MHC class I molecules
G. Blagojevi Zagorac1, H. Mahmutefendic1, S. Maei, L. Karleua, P. Luin;
Medical faculty University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 2Tehnical faculty University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
P.A.13.18 Late endosomal trafficking and endosecretory recycling route of open MHC-I conformers
H. Mahmutefendi1, G. Blagojevi Zagorac1, K. K. Grabui, L. Karleua, F. Momburg3, P. Luin1;
Department of Physiology and Immunology, Medical faculty University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 2Department of Biotechnology, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 3Division of Translational Immunology,
German Cancer Research Center and NCT, Heidelberg, Germany.

P.A.14 Th1 and Th2 Cells - Part 2

Chairpersons: Valerie Julia; Valbonne, France / Federica Sallusto; Bellinzona, Switzerland

P.A.14.01 Phagocytosis of apoptotic cells infected with Streptococcus pneumoniae by dendritic cells induce differentiation of Th1 cells
V. Nio1, N. Dejani1,2, F. Verdan1,2, A. I. Medeiros1;
Universidade Estadual Paulista, Araraquara, Brazil, 2University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.

P.A.14.02 Predicting T-helper cell differentiation and plasticity using logical modelling and model-checking
W. Abou-Jaoud1, M. Grandclaudon2, P. T. Monteiro3, C. Chaouiya4, V. Soumelis2, D. Thieffry1;
IBENS, Paris, France, 2Laboratoire dImmunologie Clinique de lInstitut Curie, Paris, France, 3Instituto de Engenharia de Sistemas e Computadores - Investigao e Desenvolvimento, Lisbon, Portugal,

Instituto Gulbenkian de Cincia, Oeiras, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal.


P.A.14.03 Isolation of untouched rat T cells and T cell subsets in less than 20 minutes
S. de Jong1, P. Morin1, N. MacDonald1, M. Nauer1, M. Fairhurst1, T. Thomas1, A. Eaves1,2;
STEMCELL Technologies Inc., Vancouver, BC, Canada, 2Terry Fox Laboratory, BC Cancer Agency, Vancouver, BC, Canada.
P.A.14.04 Activation induced expression of LAT adaptor is mediated by an Sp1/Sp3 based mechanism
K. Marek-Bukowiec, A. Miazek;
Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Wroclaw, Poland.
P.A.14.05 Analysis of T cell signaling using vector-mediated RNAi of CTLA4 in human leukaemia T cells
R. Vassileva1, F. Ryan1, J. Kelly2, J. Curtin1;
Dublin Institute of Technology, Dublin, Ireland, 2National Childrens Research Centre, Dublin, Ireland.
P.A.14.06 Stable Th2 cells mediate suppression of virus-specific T cell responses via IL-10
M. Munoz1, A. Hegazy2, P. Saikali1, A. Froehlich1, M. Loehning1;
DRFZ-Charit, Berlin, Germany, 2University of Oxford, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.14.07 Inhibitor of DNA binding 2 (Id2) controls CD4+ T cell differentiation
L. Shaw1, K. Omilusik1, J. Scott-Browne2, I. Bilic3, M. Busslinger3, A. Goldrath1;
University of California San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.14.08 Modulation of immune responses by stable quantitative regulation of T helper cell functions
M. Peine1, C. Helmstetter1, M. Flossdorf2, S. Rausch3, A. Kupz4, A. Frhlich1, A. N. Hegazy1, J. Zhu5, A. A. Khl1, A. Radbruch6, S. H. Kaufmann4, W. E. Paul5, S. Hartmann3, T. Hfer2, M. Lhning1;
Charit, Berlin, Germany, 2DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany, 3Freie Universitt, Berlin, Germany, 4Max-Planck Institute for Infection Biology, Berlin, Germany, 5NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 6DRFZ, Berlin,
P.A.14.09 Chemokine Receptors and Cytokine Profile of T Lymphocytes in Human Asthma
L. Cevhertas1, A. Yilmaz1, I. Tahrali1, U. C. Kucuksezer1, B. Gemicioglu2, G. Deniz1, G. Erten1;
Istanbul University, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Immunology Department, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pulmonary Diseases, Istanbul,
P.A.14.10 Dopamine receptors D3 and D5 regulate CD4+ T-cell activation and differentiation by modulating ERK activation and cAMP production
R. Pacheco1,2, D. Franz1, F. Contreras1, F. Osorio1, H. Gonzlez1, C. Prado1, D. Elgueta1,2;
Laboratorio de Neuroinmunologa, Fundacin Ciencia & Vida, Santiago, Chile, 2Departamento de Ciencias Biolgicas, Facultad de Ciencias Biolgicas, Universidad Andres Bello, Santiago, Chile.
P.A.14.11 Treatment of human T cells with tetanus neurotoxin Hcc recombinant protein causes T cell activation and IFN- secretion
S. Sadreddini1, S. Sadreddini1, A. Afkham1, V. Younesi2, M. Yousefi1;
Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, ,, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 22 Monoclonal Antibody Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR ,,
Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.A.14.12 The effect of heavy chain carboxy terminal (HCC) subdomain of tetanus toxin on purified human T lymphocytes
M. Ghaffari_Khameneh1, M. Hosseini2, M. Haji-Fatahaliha2, S. Rasoulzadeh2, D. Shanehbandi2, L. Aghebati2, M. Shabani3, M. Yousefi2;
Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Avicenna Research Institute, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.A.14.13 A high-dimensional profile of TH cell specialisation and effector functions
F. J. Hartmann1, D. Mrdjen1, C. Krieg1, T. Olsson2, B. Becher1;
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2Karlolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.A.14.14 Interferon Regulatory Factor 4 controls Th1 effector function and metabolism
F. Raczkowski, J. Mahnke, V. Schumacher, H. Mittrcker;
Institute for Immunology, Hamburg, Germany.
P.A.14.15 Tetanus Neurotoxin Hcc Subdomain commits T cell to be TH1 IFN- producing cells
V. Younesi1, S. Sadreddini2, M. Seifi-Najmi2, S. Sadreddini2, M. Yousefi3;
Monoclonal Antibody Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Tabriz University of Medical Scinces, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Tabriz University
Medical Of sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.A.14.16 Regulation of Th2 cell development by Grail
R. Nurieva, A. Sahoo, A. Alekseev;
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX, United States.
P.A.14.17 Acetyltransferase Tip60 interacts with transcriptional silencer Ets-2 to initiate IL-2 transcription
I. Aggeletopoulou, I. Panagoulias, F. Karagiannis, T. Georgakopoulos, A. Mouzaki;
Division of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.
P.A.14.18 Molecular analysis of MAZR function in CD4+ T cells
L. Andersen, A. Glich, A. Schebesta, S. Sakaguchi, W. Ellmeier;
Division of Immunobiology, Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.14.19 CD4+CD25+FOXP3+ T regulatory cells, Th1 (CCR5, IL-2, IFN-) and Th2 (CCR4, IL-4, IL-13) type chemokine receptors and intracellular cytokines in children with
common variable immunodeficiency
E. Azarsiz, N. Kutukculer, G. Aksu, N. E. Karaca;
Ege University Medical faculty Dep of Pediatric Immunology, Izmir, Turkey.
P.A.14.20 The E3 ubiquitin ligase Cbl-b limits Th9 differentiation
I. Cornez1, S. Parampalli Yajnanarayana1, N. Hermann-Kleiter2, S. Schmidt3, P. Brossart1, N. Garbi4, G. Baier2, D. Wolf1,3;
Department of Internal Medicine III, Oncology, Hematology and Rheumatology, University Clinic Bonn (UKB), Bonn, Germany, 2Department for Pharmacology and Genetics, Division of Translational Cell
Genetics, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria, 3Internal Medicine V, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria, 4Institute of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology (IMMEI),
University Clinic Bonn (UKB), Bonn, Germany.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 49
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.A.14.21 Investigating differential T-cell polarization in the two pathological forms of sheep paratuberculosis
L. Nicol1, A. Gossner1, C. Watkins2, R. Dalziel1, J. Hopkins1;
Roslin Institute, Midlothian, United Kingdom, 2Moredun Research Institute, Midlothian, United Kingdom.

P.A.15 Regulatory T Cells - Part 2

Chairpersons: Vivianne Malmstrm; Stockholm, Sweden (tbc) / Jasper Koning; Amsterdam, Netherlands (tbc)

P.A.15.01 Genetic predisposition and environmental danger signals initiate chronic autoimmune hepatitis that can be controlled by steroids or biologicals
M. Hardtke-Wolenski, K. Fischer, F. Noyan, J. Schlue, C. S. Falk, J. Dywicki, R. Taubert, M. P. Manns, E. Jaeckel;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.A.15.02 Semaphorin 3a/plexinA4/neuropilin-1 form a functional B7-H4 receptor complex
J. R. Podojil1, M. Chiang1, W. Burke1, L. Liu2, S. Langermann2, D. A. Vignali3, S. D. Miller1;
Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, United States, 2Amplimmune, Inc, Gaithersburg, MD, United States, 3University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA, United States.
P.A.15.03 The transcriptional regulator Bcl-3 impaires the function of regulatory T cells leading to the development of intestinal inflammation
S. Reiig, A. Nikolaev, A. Waisman, N. Hvelmeyer;
Uniklinik Mainz, Mainz, Germany.
P.A.15.04 Subtype-specific Ca2+ signaling in human effector CD4+ T cells
S. C. Kircher, B. A. Niemeyer, D. Alansary;
Molecular Biophysics Saarland University, Homburg, Germany.
P.A.15.05 TGF- induces CD39 expression on regulatory T (Treg) cells by a mechanism dependent of the SMAD2/CREB pathway

R. S. Peres1, J. Talbot1, P. B. Donate1, R. D. Oliveira1, J. C. Alves-Filho1, T. M. Cunha1, F. Liew2, F. Q. Cunha1;

University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 2University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
P.A.15.06 Distinct tolerogenic signals differentially regulate CD39 expression in CD4+ T-cells
M. Gerner1, J. Leitner2, P. Steinberger2, C. Gerner3, K. G. Schmetterer1;
Department of Laboratory Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 3Institute of Analytical Chemistry, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.15.07 Increase in the frequency of CD4+CD39+ cells in SCD compared to healthy controls
U. Al-Maskari, M. Boulssel, H. Al-Ghaithi, A. Alansari;
Sultan Qaboos University, Al-Khoud, Oman.
P.A.15.08 Expansion of cynomolgus monkey alloantigen-reactive regulatory T cells using activated B cells for in vivo testing
H. Zhang1, H. Guo1, L. Lu1, Q. Tang2, M. Ezzelarad1, A. Thomson1;
university of pittsburgh, pittsburgh, PA, United States, 2university of California at San Francisco, San Francisco, CA, United States.
P.A.15.09 CD8+ Treg differentiation and function is dependent on pro-inflammatory cytokines
U. Bjarnadttir1, B. R. Lvksson1,2;
Department of Immunology, Landspitali, National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, 2Faculty of Medicine, Biomedical Center, University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland.
P.A.15.10 Regulatory t, natural killer t and gamma delta t cells in multiple sclerosis and chronic Fatigue syndrome/myalgic encephalomyelitis: a comparison
S. Ramos, T. Nguyen, S. Marshall-Gradiskin;
Menzies Health Institution, Gold Coast, Australia.
P.A.15.11 Functional defects in regulatory T cells are age dependent in new-onset Type 1 Diabetes and First Degree Relatives
G. Treiber1, B. Prietl1,2, E. Frhlich-Reiterer1, M. Tauschmann1, V. Pfeifer1,2, E. Lechner1,2, W. Graninger1, T. R. Pieber1,2;
Medical University Graz, 8036 Graz, Austria, 2CBmed Center for Biomarker Research in Medicine, Graz, Austria.
P.A.15.12 The influence of urban air pollution on the changes in immunological status and in concentration of BTEX
I. Mrakovcic-Sutic1, A. Bulog2, V. Micovic2, I. Sutic3, Z. Baricev-Novakovic3;
Department of Physiology and Immunology, Medical Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia, 2Department of Public Health, Medical Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia, 3Department of Family Medicine, Medical Faculty, Rijeka,
P.A.15.13 Blockage of FOXP3 dimerization or FOXP3/AML1 interaction with a synthetic peptide inhibits T regulatory cell activity
T. Lozano, M. Gorraiz, M. Durantez, M. Ruiz, V. Belse, O. Rabal, J. Oyarzabal, P. Sarobe, J. Prieto, N. Casares, J. J. Lasarte;
Centre for Applied Medical Research, CIMA, Pamplona, Spain.
P.A.15.14 Can Foxp3+ regulatory T cells synthesize and secrete catecholamines?
M. G. Guereschi, J. T. Maricato, L. P. Araujo, F. M. Melo, A. S. Basso;
Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Parasitology, Paulista Medical School, Federal University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.A.15.15 Role of HIF-2 in T cell differentiation and regulatory T cell function
Y. Lin, M. Lai;
Institute of Molecular Biology, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.A.15.16 The role of human -defensin 2 in T cell activation and proliferation
D. Chen, J. George, D. Rowley, S. Outram;
School of Health, Sport & Bioscience, University of East London, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.15.17 Foxp3+ T cells expressing RORgammat represent a regulatory T effector lineage with enhanced suppressive capacity during intestinal inflammation
S. C. Hagemann1, B. Yang2, P. Mamareli1, T. Sparwasser1, S. Floess2, J. Huehn2, M. Lochner1;
Twincore, Hannover, Germany, 2Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany.
P.A.15.18 Reduced numbers and suppression capacity of regulatory T cells in PCOS
T. Madhwani, A. Patil, S. Khavle, G. Shinde, S. Mukherjee;
National Institute for Research in Reproductive Health (ICMR), Mumbai, India.
P.A.15.19 Differential effects of TNF-blocking agents on regulatory T-cells in axial spondyloarthritis
K. Maly, S. Kemmerling, M. Schirmer;
Medical University of Innsbruck, department of internal medicine, clinic VI, Innsbruck, Austria.

P.A.16 Regulatory T Cells - Part 3

Chairpersons: Iris K. Gratz; Salzburg, Austria / Juan J. Lasarte; Pamplona, Spain

P.A.16.01 Characterization of resident T cells within secondary lymphoid organs

A. Audemard-Verger, A. Durand, A. Delpoux, R. Mattiuz, N. Bonilla, B. Martin, C. Auffray, B. Lucas;
Institut Cochin, Paris, France.
P.A.16.02 Adenosine-A2a receptor orchestrates regulatory T cells expansion and promotes sepsis-induced immunosuppression
D. C. Nascimento, P. H. Mello, A. Pineros, R. G. Ferreira, P. B. Donate, R. S. Peres, V. C. Pereira, F. Q. Cunha, J. C. Alves-Filho;
University of Sao Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.A.16.03 Antigen dose defines T cell fate in vivo: effector versus regulatory T cells
D. F. Pinheiro1, M. M. Klicznik1, R. Holly1, S. K. Kitzmueller1,2, M. M. Maurano1,2,3, G. Achatz-Straussberger1, J. Thalhamer1, A. K. Abbas4, I. K. Gratz1,2,3;
Department of Molecular Biology, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2Division of Molecular Dermatology and EB House, Salzburg, Austria, 3Department of Dermatology, University of California San
Francisco, San Francisco, CA94143, CA, United States, 4Department of Pathology, University of California San Francisco, San Francisco, CA94143, CA, United States.
P.A.16.04 Role of sphingolipids in the regulation of anti-viral T cell responses in persistent viral CNS infection
C. Hollmann, J. Schneider-Schaulies, N. Beyersdorf;
Institute for Virology and Immunobiology, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.A.16.05 Immunotoxicity of orally administered silica nanoparticles
I. Gmoshinski, E. Trushina, O. Mustaphina, S. Khotimchenko, R. Khanferyan;
Institute of Nutrition, Moscow, Russian Federation.

50 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.A.16.06 Senescent Tregs occur in RA and are distinct from conventional Tregs
J. Fessler, A. Ficjan, R. Husic, A. Lackner, W. Graninger, C. Dejaco;
Medical University Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.A.16.07 Inhibition of FOXP3:NFAT interaction enhances T cell proliferation and cytokine production after TCR stimulation
T. Lozano1, L. Villanueva1, M. Durantez1, M. Gorraiz1, M. Ruiz1, V. Belse1, J. I. Riezu-Boj1, J. Oyarzabal1, H. Bandukwala2, P. Sarobe1, J. Prieto1, N. Casares1, N. Casares1, J. J. Lasarte1,3,4;
Centre for Applied Medical Research, CIMA, Pamplona, Spain, 2La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, San Diego, CA, United States, 3Universiy of Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 4IDISNA, Pamplona,
P.A.16.08 Distinct surface marker expression of Th9 cells indicates suppression of Th1 responses
K. Stanko, J. Schumann, K. Vogt, S. Schlickeiser, C. Appelt, B. Sawitzki;
Charit - University Medicine Berlin, Institute of Medical Immunology, Berlin, Germany.
P.A.16.09 Donor MHC-derived peptide recognized by TCR biased-CD8+ Tregs suppresses organ rejection
E. Picarda1, S. Bzie1, V. Venturi2, K. Echasserieau3, K. Bernardeau3, I. Anegon1, C. Guillonneau1;
INSERM UMR1064, Nantes, France, 2University of New South Wales, Kensington, Australia, 3Plateforme de protines recombinantes P2R IFR26, Nantes, France.
P.A.16.10 Lack of CD154 expression discriminates stable from instable Foxp3-expressing CD137+ Treg
A. Nowak1, P. Bacher2, T. Hohnstein2, K. Vogt3, B. Sawitzki3, A. Thiel4, A. Scheffold1,2;
German Rheumatism Research Centre (DRFZ) Berlin, Leibniz Association, Berlin, Germany, 2Clinic for Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Charit - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany,
Institute for Medical Immunology, Charit - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 4Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative Therapies (BCRT), Charit - University Medicine Berlin, Berlin,
P.A.16.11 Fam65b a new molecular link between RhoA and TGF- signaling pathways in iTregs differentiation
J. Froehlich1,2,3, L. Bertrand1,2,3, A. Lain1,2,3, J. Delon1,2,3, C. Charvet1,2,3, M. Mangeney1,2,3;
Inserm U1016, Institut Cochin, Paris, France, 2CNRS, UMR8104, Paris, France, 3Universit Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cit, Paris, France.

P.A.16.12 The frequencies of peripheral blood regulatory T cells and T helper 17 cells in idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
D. Stettner-Leonkiewicz, E. Grywalska, J. Rolinski, A. Wysokinski;
Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland.
P.A.16.13 Study on the role of galectins in the regulatory function of Regulatory T cells induced by B cells
Y. C. Tsai, C. C. Yang, B. L. Chiang;
Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.A.16.14 Rheumatoid arthritis alters the phenotype of bone-marrow-resident Tregs
M. Massalska1, M. Plebanczyk1, M. Prochorec-Sobieszek2,3, A. Radzikowska1, E. Kuca-Warnawin1, U. Musialowicz1, U. Skalska1, A. Kornatka1, T. Burakowski1, P. Maldyk4,5, E. Kontny1, W. Maslinski1, W.
Dept of Pathophysiology and Immunology, Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland, 2Dept of Pathology, Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland, 3Dept of Diagnostic Haematology, Institute of
Haematology and Transfusion Medicine, Warsaw, Poland, 4Department of Rheumoorthopaedic Surgery, Institute of Rheumatology, Warsaw, Poland, 5Clinical Dept of Orthopaedic and Traumatology of
Locomotor System, Enfant-Jesus Clinical Hospital, Warsaw, Poland.
P.A.16.15 Tuning IL-2 signaling by ADP-ribosylation of CD25
F. Koch-Nolte1, S. Teege1, A. Hann1, M. Miksiewicz1, C. Mac-Millan1, B. Rissiek1, B. Rissiek1, S. Menzel1, M. Nissen1, M. Nissen1, F. Haag1, S. Adriouch2;
University Medical Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2University Hospital, Rouen, France.
P.A.16.16 Immunomodulatory effects of allogeneic blood transfusion (ABT)
P. Spadidea1, M. Rodi1, A. G. Kastrenopoulou1, I. Tatani2, A. Chatziantoniou2, E. Panagiotopoulos2, A. Mouzaki1;
Division of Hematology, Dpt. of Internal Medicine, School of Medicine, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, 2Orthopedics Clinic, Medical School and University Hospital, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.
P.A.16.17 A significant fraction of neonatal regulatory T cells is preserved throughout life.
C. F. Nunes1, J. Nogueira1, F. Canto1, P. Vianna1, M. Bellio1, A. Nbrega1, R. Fucs2;
UFRJ, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2UFF, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
P.A.16.18 Association of -3279 C/A (rs3761548) polymorphism in the FoxP3 gene with susceptibility to bronchial asthma in Slovak population
M. Olejarova1, B. Gajdosechova1, J. Javor1, M. Suchankova1, E. Tibenska2, E. Tedlova3, J. Demian3, I. Majer3, H. Novosadova3, M. Tedla4, M. Bucova1;
Institute of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2Medirex Ltd., Bratislava, Slovakia, 3Department of Pneumology and Phthisiology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius
University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 41st Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia.

P.A.17 CD8+ T Cells - Part 2

Chairpersons: Vincenzo Barnaba; Rome, Italy / Deborah Palliser; Bronx, United States

P.A.17.01 Effect of age and CMV latent infection on CD8+CD56+ T cells (NKT-like) frequency and functionality
F. Hassouneh1, C. Campos1, N. Lpez-Sejas1, C. Alonso1, R. Tarazona2, R. Solana1, A. Pera1;
Department of Immunology, Maimonides Institute for Biomedical Research (IMIBIC) Reina Sofa University Hospital University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain, 2Immunology Unit, Department of
Physiology, University of Extremadura, Cceres, Spain.
P.A.17.02 Characterization of NLRC3-deficient mice upon viral infection
A. Dang1, W. Castro1, K. Ludigs1, M. Rebsamen2, G. Guarda1;
University of Lausanne, Epalinges, Switzerland, 2CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.17.03 Vaccination with MHC class I synthetic long peptides provokes the induction of vigorous and polyfunctional CD8 T cells responses that protect against acute
MCMV infection
E. Panagioti, A. Redeker, S. van Duikeren, J. W. Drijfhout, S. van der Burg, R. Arens;
Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
P.A.17.04 Different modulation of polyfunctional CD8 T cell response by cART in primary and chronic HIV infection
R. Casetti, G. De Simone, C. Pinnetti, F. Besi, A. Sacchi, I. Abbate, G. Rozera, P. Pierro, C. Agrati, E. Cimini, V. Bordoni, N. Tumino, D. Viola, M. Capobianchi, A. Antinori, F. Martini, A. Ammassari;
National Institute for Infectious Diseases Lazzaro Spallanzani, Rome, Italy.
P.A.17.05 Inhibition of T-cell apoptosis reprograms M2 into M1 macrophages in mice infected with Trypanosoma cruzi
M. P. Piccin, L. C. Guillermo, N. S. Vellozo, S. P. Marques, W. F. Pereira-Manfro, T. S. Rigoni, G. A. DosReis, M. F. Lopes;
Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
P.A.17.06 Decreased polyfunctionality of CD8+ T cells in sepsis patients with cytomegalovirus reactivation
Y. Choi, E. Shin;
Laboratory of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of.
P.A.17.07 SIDT1 as a marker of highly functional memory CD8+ T cells
E. Yakob, J. A. Katakowski, R. Furtado, S. MHoma Soudja, G. Lauvau, D. Palliser;
AECOM, Bronx, NY, United States.
P.A.17.08 Novel regulatory candidates of NK and CD8+ T-cells dependent cytotoxicity as identified by microarray analysis
E. C. Schwarz1, K. Friedmann1, A. Knrck1, C. Hoxha1, G. Schwr1, C. Backes2, P. Leidinger3, M. Hamed2, V. Helms2, E. Meese3, E. Meese3, A. Keller2, M. Hoth1;
Biophysics, Homburg, Germany, 2Center of Bioinformatics, Saarbrcken, Germany, 3Human Genetics, Homburg, Germany.
P.A.17.09 A molecular basis for broad TCR cross-recognition of influenza A viruses
S. M. Quiones Parra1, A. Uldrich1, A. C. Boon2, G. F. Rimmelzwaan3, D. I. Godfrey1, J. Rossjohn4, S. Gras4, K. Kedzierska1;
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, at Peter Doherty Institute for Infection and Immunity, Melbourne, Australia, 2Department of Medicine, Washington University
School of Medicine, St Louis, WA, United States, 3Department of Viroscience, Erasmus Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 4Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Biomedical
Sciences, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
P.A.17.10 T cells and CMV in acute myocardial infarction
S. Murali1, E. Shmeleva2, S. Boag2, J. Hoffmann2, I. Spyridopoulos2, S. Todryk1;
Northumbria University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
P.A.17.11 Relationship between CD4 and CD8 T cell and the presence of the parasite in organs of dogs with visceral leishmaniasis
P. R. R Moreira, F. S. Fernando, H. J. Montasier, R. O. Vasconcelos;
Faculdade de Cincias Agrrias e Veterinrias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal, Brazil.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 51
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.A.17.12 Engineering of chimeric T-cell receptors based on single chain VHH antibodies of Vicugna pacos
Y. Lezhnin1,2, S. Chumakov1,2, P. Chumakov1;
Engelhardt Institute of molecular biology, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Institute of bioorganic chemistry of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.A.17.13 Imaging antigen recognition of human T-cells in health and disease
L. Scharf, T. Stary, S. Knigsberger, J. B. Huppa;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.17.14 T cells expressing two additional receptors (TETARs) form a multiple-hit therapy against melanoma
U. Uslu1, S. Hfflin1, S. Prommersberger1, G. Schuler1, C. W. Schmidt2, V. Lennerz3, J. Drrie1, N. Schaft1;
Universittsklinikum Erlangen, Department of Dermatology, Erlangen, Germany, 2Cancer Immunotherapy Laboratory, QIMR Berghofer Medical Research Institute, Brisbane, Australia,
Universittsmedizin der Johannes Gutenberg-Universitt Mainz, Dept. Internal Medicine III, Mainz, Germany.
P.A.17.15 The use of a Transgenic Rodent Malaria Challenge Model for Assessment of Novel Liver-Stage Malaria Vaccines
A. M. Salman1,2, R. J. Longley1, A. J. Spencer1, S. M. Khan2, C. J. Janse2, A. V. Hill1;
The Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Leiden Malaria Research Group (LMRG), LUMC, Leiden University, Leiden, Netherlands.

P.A.17.16 Enhancement of CD8+ T-cell memory by removal of a vaccinia virus NF-B inhibitor
H. Ren, B. J. Ferguson, C. M. de Motes, R. P. Sumner, L. Harman, G. L. Smith;
Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
P.A.17.17 S100A8/A9 proteins act as amplifiers of RANK-RANKL-mediated anti-viral immunity during cutaneous Herpes simplex infection
L. Klenner1, W. Hafezi2, T. Vogl3, N. Sucker1, C. Baumann1, K. Holz1, M. Schneewei1, T. Luger1, J. Roth3, J. Khn2, K. Loser1;
Department of Dermatology, University of Mnster, Mnster, Germany, 2Department of Medical Microbiology, University of Mnster, Mnster, Germany, 3Department of Immunology, University of
Mnster, Mnster, Germany.
P.A.17.18 Dynamics of KLRG1 and IL-7R expression on virus-specific CD8 T cells during primary hCMV and EBV infection

E. B. M. Remmerswaal1, M. C. van Aalderen1, H. Pircher2, I. J. ten Berge1, R. A. van Lier3;

AMC, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 3Sanquin, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.17.19 DNA prime/MVTT boost enhances immune response against mosaic HIV-1 Gag antigen by engaging innate immunity in vivo
W. Liu, Z. Chen;
AIDS institution, HKU Li Ka Shing Faculty of Medicine, hk, Hong Kong.
P.A.17.20 Gene expression signatures of spleen-memory-CD8 T lymphocytes reveal migration and epitope-spreading as two essential properties associated with protection
J. Marvel1, L. Brinza1, S. Djeballi1, M. Tomkowiak1, J. Mafille1, C. Loiseau1, P. Jouve2, S. de Bernard2, Y. Leverrier1;
CIRI-Inserm-ENS de lyon, Lyon, France, 2Altrabio, Lyon, France.
P.A.17.21 Plasmacytoid dendritic cell survival during acute sterile inflammation is controlled by the CD8 T cell-dependent perforin pathway
A. Mossu, A. Daoui, F. Bonnefoy, P. Saas, S. Perruche;
INSERM UMR1098, EFS BFC, Besanon, France.

P.A.18 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 2

Chairpersons: Stephanie Graff-Dubois; Paris, France / Rushad Pavri; Vienna, Austria

P.A.18.01 Investigation of the Effects of Cigarette Smoke on Immunoglobulin Levels in Smokers, Non-Smokers and B cell differentiation
N. Tarbiah, P. Tighe, L. Fairclough, I. Todd;
The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
P.A.18.02 High-resolution description of post-vaccination B cell dynamics and identification of vaccine-specific sequences
J. D. Galson1, J. Trck1, A. Fowler2, E. A. Clutterbuck1, R. Van Der Most3, G. Lunter2, A. J. Pollard1, D. F. Kelly1;
Oxford Vaccine Group, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Wellcome Trust Centre for Human Genetics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3GlaxoSmithKline Vaccines, Rixensart,
P.A.18.03 Dynamics in B cell subset and B cell repertoire distribution during human aging
A. F. Muggen, M. M. de Jong, I. L. Wolvers-Tettero, M. J. Kallemeijn, J. A. Verhaar, J. J. van Dongen, A. W. Langerak;
Erasmus Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.18.04 Repertoires of acute phase plasmablasts and convalescent phase memory B cells after viral infection are unrelated
R. Appanna1, S. Kg1, M. Xu1, Y. Toh1, S. Velumani1, F. Zolezzi1, D. Dunn-Walters2, C. Wang1, D. Kipling3, K. Fink1;
Singpore Immunology Network, A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore, 2Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
P.A.18.05 Differential BAFF-receptor signaling in naive, marignal zone and switched memory B cells
C. R. Smulski1, N. Wingert1, P. Kury1, D. Istanbullu1, T. M. Schleyer1, N. Mayer1, M. Speletas2, V. Lougaris3, A. Plebani3, P. Schneider4, H. Eibel1;
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2University of Thessaly, Larissa, Greenland, 3University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy, 4University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.A.18.07 Distinct metabolic remodeling in human B cell subsets following TLR9 stimulation
G. Bantug, S. Wiedemann, C. Kunz, K. Wagner, C. Hess;
Univ. Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
P.A.18.08 The microRNA processing subunit DGCR8 is required for immune response and germinal center formation
P. Daum, J. Cort-Real, J. Schmid, K. Pracht, J. Wittmann, H. Jck;
Division of Molecular Immunology, Department of Internal Medicine III, University of Erlangen-Nuremberg, Erlangen, Germany.
P.A.18.09 Evidence for targeting of CD38 mRNA by the post-transcriptional regulator protein ZFP36L1
A. Alcaraz1, J. D. Norton2, J. J. Murphy1;
Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Westminster, London, United Kingdom, 2Department of Biological Sciences, University of Essex, Colchester, United Kingdom.
P.A.18.10 Kidins220/ARMS binds to the B cell antigen receptor and regulates B cell development and activation
G. J. Fiala1,2,3, E. Hobeika4, F. Cesca5, M. Reth1,2,4, T. Brummer2,6, W. W. Schamel1,2,7, S. Minguet1,2;
Universtity of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2BIOSS - Centre for Biological Signalling Studies, Freiburg, Germany, 3Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM), Freiburg, Germany, 4Max
Planck-Institute of Immunobiology and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany, 5Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia, Geneva, Italy, 6Institute of Molecular Medicine and Cell Research and Comprehensive Cancer Centre,
Freiburg, Germany, 7Centre of Chronic Immunodeficiency (CCI), Freiburg, Germany.
P.A.18.11 Characterization of B-cell subsets in follicular structures: from classical germinal centers to ectopic follicles at tumor site
F. Mungenast1, A. Meshcheryakova1, A. Oswald1, E. Bajna1, D. Tamandl2, O. Koperek3, P. Birner3, D. Mechtcheriakova1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Radiology and Nuclear
Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Division of Clinical Pathology, Department of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.18.12 B-cell Activating Factor (BAFF) binding receptors (BBR) on B cells: characterization in patients with rheumatoid arthritis receiving biological therapies: anti-TNF,
anti-IL6R and anti-CTLA4: a longitudinal study
D. Hernndez-Flrez1, L. Valor1, A. Gallego2, E. Chamizo2, T. del Rio1, I. de la Torre1, M. Salvat1, C. Gonzlez1, I. Monteagudo1, E. Naredo1, L. Carreo1;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Clnico, Merida, Spain.
P.A.18.13 Evaluating the effect of belimumab on clinical disease activity and B-cell in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
L. Valor, D. Hernndez-Flrez, J. Ovalles, J. Martnez, J. Nieto, T. del Ro, C. Gonzalez, J. Lopez-Longo, I. Monteagudo, E. Naredo, L. Carreo;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.18.14 Quantification of genetic and environmental selection factors that shape B-cell repertoires
U. Menzel1, V. Greiff1, R. Riedel2, S. Reddy1;
ETH Zrich, Basel, Switzerland, 2DRFZ, Berlin, Germany.
P.A.18.15 Proximity screening for the BCR interactome
L. Awoniyi, E. Kuokkanen, P. Mattila;
Institute of Biomedicine, University of Turku, Turku, Finland.
P.A.18.16 The ontogeny, differentiation and function of human mature CD5+ B cells
M. Przekopowitz1, S. Taudien1, A. Grgens2, C. C. Oakes3, P. Rusch4, P. Kern4, B. Giebel2, C. Plass3, R. Kppers1, M. Seifert1;
Institute of Cell Biology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany, 2Institute of Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany, 3Division of Epigenomics and Cancer Risk Factors, DKFZ,
Heidelberg, Germany, 4Clinic for Obstetrics and Gynecology, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany.

52 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.A.19 Antibody Engineering and B Cell Effector Molecules
Chairpersons: Tchavdar Vassilev; Sofia, Bulgaria / Gertrude Achatz-Straussberger; Salzburg, Austria

P.A.19.01 Preparation of monoclonal antibody against carcinoembryonic antigen Glypican-3 and its preliminary application
Y. Wang;
Tianjin First Center Hospital, Tianjin, China.
P.A.19.02 Sensitivity of therapeutic antibodies to redox microenvironment: mechanism and relevance for therapy
A. Jarossay1,2,3, L. Gilardin1,2,3, S. Kaveri1,2,3, S. Lacroix-Desmazes1,2,3, J. D. Dimitrov1,2,3;
Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, France, 2Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, Paris, France, 3Universit Paris Descartes, Paris, France.
P.A.19.03 Production of Anti-CD14 Monoclonal Antibody Using Synthetic Peptide of Human CD14 as Immunizing Antigen
L. Mohamed Khosroshahi, B. Baradaran, L. Aghebati Maleki;
Immunology, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.A.19.04 Production and characterization of mouse monoclonal antibody against human IgA
J. Majidi, l. Aghebati Maleki;
Immunology Research Center, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.A.19.05 Development and characterization of monoclonal antibodies against leukocyte common antigen
L. Aghebati Maleki, J. Majidi;
Immunology Research Center, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.A.19.06 Comparative Human and Mouse Antibody Responses Against Tetanus Toxin at Clonal Level
M. Yousefi1, V. Younesi2, F. Jadidi-Niaragh1, R. Khosravi-Eghbal2, F. Shokri2;
Tabriz University of Medical Scinces, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Tehran University of Medical Scinces, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

P.A.19.07 Engineering single domain antibodies (Nanobodies) as potent antagonists of lymphocyte ecto-enzymes, ion channels, and bacterial toxins
F. Koch-Nolte, A. Eichhoff, T. Eden, K. Schtze, S. Menzel, B. Rissiek, F. Haag;
University Medical Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany.
P.A.19.08 Construction and characterization of anti tetanus toxin single-chain Fvs from human immune phage library
M. Seifi-Najmi1, S. Sadreddini1, S. Sadreddini1, F. Jadidi-Niaragh1, V. Younesi2, M. Yousefi1,3;
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Immunology research center, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic
P.A.19.09 IVIg with additionally enhanced polyspecificity improves survival in experimental sepsis and aseptic SIRS
I. Djoumerska-Alexieva1, L. Roumenina2, A. Pashov1, J. Dimitrov2, M. Hadzhieva1, S. v. Gunten3, S. Kaveri2, J. Cavaillon4, T. Vassilev1;
Stefan Angelov Institute of Microbiology, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2INSERM UMRS 1138, Centre de recherche des Cordeliers, Paris, France, 3University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 4Institut Pasteur, Paris, France.
P.A.19.10 Unconventional class I myosins regulate B cell immunological-related functions
J. L. Maravillas-Montero1,2, O. Lpez-Ortega2,1, L. Santos-Argumedo2;
Universidad Nacional Autnoma de Mxico, Mexico City, Mexico, 2CINVESTAV, Mexico City, Mexico.
P.A.19.11 Acidic phospholipids govern the burst-enhanced activation of IgG-B cell receptor
W. Liu1, X. Chen1, W. Pan2, C. Xu2;
Tsinghua University, Beijing, China, 2Shanghai Institutes for Biological Sciences, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Shanghai, China.
P.A.19.12 An efficient method for EBV immortalization of human memory B lymphocytes isolated by FACS and MACS methods
S. Sadreddini1, S. Sadreddini1, M. Seifi-Najmi1, F. Jadidi-Niaragh1, V. Younesi2, M. Yousefi1,3;
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Immunology research center, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic
P.A.19.13 Role of the adapter protein Grb2 in canonical B cell receptor signaling
C. Bartsch, C. Hitzing, J. Lutz, W. Schulze, J. Wienands, N. Engels;
Institute for Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Goettingen, Germany.
P.A.19.15 Localization and functional implication of synaptobrevins in human antibody secreting cells
L. Gmez-Jaramillo, R. Romero-Garca, F. Mora-Lpez, G. Jimnez-Gmez, A. Ramos-Amaya, J. A. Brieva, A. Campos-Caro;
Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain.
P.A.19.16 Investigating the pharmacokinetics and therapeutic potential of PEPITEM: a novel peptide inhibitor of T cell transmigration
B. Apta, M. Chimen, M. Harrison, H. M. McGettrick, P. Narendran, P. F. Lalor, G. E. Rainger;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.A.19.17 Screening and identification of anti-HLA antibodies by ELISA and Luminex in Moroccan patients assessment of renal transplantation
G. Saadane1,2, M. Oudghiri1, S. Bennani2, A. Naya1, N. Mdaghri2;
Hassan II University, Casablanca, Morocco, 2Pasteur institute of Morocco, Casablanca, Morocco.
P.A.19.19 Type I interferon production by B cells controls the balance between immunopathology and pathogen burden in lungs during Mycobacterium tuberculosis
A. Bnard1, I. Sakwa2, P. Schierloh3, I. Mercier1, L. Jouneau4, P. Boudinot4, L. Tailleux5, T. Al-Saati6, R. Lang7, J. Rehwinkel8, S. Kaufmann9, V. Anton-Le Berre10, A. OGarra11, B. Gicquel5, M. Sasiain3, S.
Fillatreau2, O. Neyrolles1, D. Hudrisier1;
IPBS, CNRS & Universit de Toulouse, Toulouse, France, 2DRFZ, Berlin, Germany, 3IMEX CONICET- Academia Nacional de Medicina, Buenos Aires, Argentina, 4INRA, Jouy-en-Josas, France, 5Institut Pasteur,
Paris, France, 6INSERM, Toulouse, France, 7ICMIH, University Hospital, Erlangen, Germany, 8MRC Human Immunology Unit, Oxford, United Kingdom, 9MPIIB, Berlin, Germany, 10INSA, UPS, INP, LISBP,
Toulouse, France, 11MRC NIMR, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.19.20 Bi-polar distribution of IgG1 levels to Staphylococcus aureus observed in the general population
J. Whitehouse1, Y. Yamaguchi1, A. Flaxman1, C. Rollier2, M. K. OShea3,1, J. Fallowfield4, M. Lindsay4, F. Gunner4, K. Knox5, D. H. Wyllie1,6;
Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Oxford Vaccine Group, Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Department of Academic Medicine, Royal
Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4Environmental Medicine and Science Division, Institute of Naval Medicine, Gosport, United Kingdom, 5Nuffield Department of Primary Care
Health Sciences, Oxford, United Kingdom, 6Nuffield Department of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom.
P.A.19.21 Neutralization hierarchy, V gene-restriction and limits to viral drift in the antibody response to the globular head of pandemic H1N1 HA
A. Frhwirth1,2, M. Foglierini Perez1, E. Ketelaars1, B. Maria Fernandez Rodriguez1, K. Pieper1, S. Jovic1, C. Silacci1, S. Barbieri1, D. Corti1, A. Lanzavecchia1,2;
IRB Bellinzona, Bellinzona, Switzerland, 2Institute of Microbiology, ETH Zrich, Zrich, Switzerland.

Track B Diseases
P.B.15 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 1
Chairpersons: Mala Maini; London, United Kingdom / Rene van Lier; Amsterdam, Netherlands

P.B.15.01 Innate immune profiling of uninfected Irish women with iatrogenic exposure to hepatitis C virus
M. W. Robinson1, C. Keane1, M. Needham1, G. Roche1, C. Gardiner1, D. Houlihan2, C. OFarrelly1,3;
School of Biochemistry and Immunology, Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Dublin, Ireland, 2Liver Unit, St. Vincents University Hospital, Dublin, Ireland, 3School of Medicine, Trinity Biomedical Sciences
Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
P.B.15.02 Are HLA and killer cell immunoglobulin-like receptors relevant for the course of HBV infection?
A. Georgieva1, V. Varbanova2, M. Ivanova1, D. Petrova1, A. Mihaylova1, E. J. Naumova1;
University Hospital Alexandrovska, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment of Hematological Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria.
P.B.15.03 Lack of Fas/FasL signalling leads to dysregulation of innate and adaptive immune response during HSV-2 vaginal infection in mice
P. Orlowski, M. Krzyzowska;
Military Institute of Hygiene and Epidemiology, Warsaw, Poland.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 53
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.15.04 Polymorphism of ATG16L1 gene associated with chronic hepatitis B virus infection in Thais
I. Kimkong;
Kasetsart University, Bangkok, Thailand.
P.B.15.05 Human amniotic fluid contains neutralizing antibodies that protect the neonate from respiratory syncytial virus infection
S. R. Jacobino1, M. Nederend1, M. Hennus1,2, M. L. Houben2, J. O. Ngwuta3, M. Viveen4, F. E. Coenjaerts4, C. E. Hack1, R. J. van Neerven5, B. S. Graham3, L. Bont1,2, J. H. Leusen1;
Laboratory of Translational Immunology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Department of Pediatrics, Wilhelmina Childrens Hospital, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3Viral Pathogenesis Laboratory, National
Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4Medical Microbiology, UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 5Cell Biology and Immunology, Wageningen University, Wageningen,
P.B.15.06 Determination of human papillomavirus (HPV) genotypes and viral load in urogenital papillomavirus infections in women
L. V. Solomatina1,2, N. P. Evstigneeva3, Y. N. Kuznetsova3, N. V. Zilberberg3, N. A. Gerasimova3, N. A. Balbert3;
Ural Federal University Named After the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2Institute of Immunology and Physiology, Ural Branch of the RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russian
Federation, 3Federal state institution Ural scientific research Institute of dermatovenerology and immunopathology of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.B.15.07 Mck2-dependent infection of alveolar macrophages promotes replication of MCMV in nodular inflammatory foci of the neonatal lung
F. Stahl1,2, K. A. Keyser3, K. Heller2, Y. Bischoff2, S. Halle2, K. Wagner3, M. Messerle3, R. Frster2;
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Hannover Medical School, Institute of Immunology, Hannover, Germany, 3Hannover Medical School, Institute of Virology, Hannover,
P.B.15.08 Cross-species infectivity of H3N8 influenza virus in swine
A. Solorzano1, E. Foni2, L. Cordoba3, M. Baratelli3, E. Razzuoli4, D. Bilato5, M. Martin del Burgo6, D. Perlin1, J. Martinez3,7, P. Martinez-Orellana3, L. Fraile8, C. Chiapponi2, M. Amadori5, G. del Real6, M.
Public Health Research Institute and Regional Biocontainment Laboratory, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey, Newark, NJ, United States, 2OIE Reference Laboratory for Swine influenza, Istituto
Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della Lombardia e dellEmilia-Romagna, Parma, Italy, 3Centre de Recerca en Sanitat Animal (CReSA) - Institut de Recerca i Tecnologia Agroalimentries (IRTA), Campus UAB,
Barcelona, Spain, 4S.S. Genova, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale del Piemonte, Liguria e Valle dAosta, Genoa, Italy, 5Laboratory of Cellular Immunology, Istituto Zooprofilattico Sperimentale della

Lombardia e dellEmilia-Romagna, Brescia, Italy, 6Department of Biotechnology, Instituto Nacional de Investigacin y Tecnologa Agraria y Alimentaria (INIA), Madrid, Spain, 7Departament de Sanitat i
Anatomia Animals, Universitat Autnoma Barcelona, 08193, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain, 8Universitat de Lleida, Lleida, Spain, 9The Pirbright Institute, Pirbright, Surrey, United Kingdom.
P.B.15.10 Expression and purification of a folded recombinant surface protein subunit F2 of human respiratory syncytial virus (HRSV)
K. Borochova, K. Niespodziana, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Valenta;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.15.11 Immunopathology in a new model of haemorrhagic fever caused by hantavirus infection
M. Raftery, L. Kobak, G. Schnrich;
Institut fr Virologie, Berlin, Germany.
P.B.15.12 The role of macroautophagy in the immune response against Influenza A infection
P. Paul1, M. Loi1, M. Gannag2, C. Mnz1;
University of Zurich, Zurich, Switzerland, 2University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland.
P.B.15.13 Focused antibody response to influenza linked to antigenic drift
K. Huang1, P. Rijal2, L. Schimanski2, T. J. Powell2, T. Lin3, J. McCauley4, R. Daniels4, A. R. Townsend2;
Division of Pediatric Infectious Diseases, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 2University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Chang Gung University, Taoyuan, Taiwan, 4Crick Worldwide Influenza Centre, London, United

P.B.15.14 Role of N6-methyladenosine in viral pathogenicity
V. Laukemper1, A. Kaufmann1, M. Matrosovich2, S. Bauer1;
Institut fr Immunologie, Marburg, Germany, 2Institut fr Virologie, Marburg, Germany.
P.B.15.15 Role of single-nucleotide polymorphisms in the susceptibility and severity of influenza virus infection
M. Lpez-Rodrguez1, J. Sol-Violn2, E. Herrera-Ramos1, J. Ruiz-Hernndez3, N. Gonzlez-Quevedo1, Y. Florido1, T. Rodrguez4, L. Borderas5, J. Horcajada6, J. Blanquer7, J. Ferrer2, O. Rajas8, J. Aspa8, F.
Rodrguez de Castro9,10, C. Rodrguez-Gallego11;
Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr Negrn, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr Negrn, Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Spain, 3Internal Medicine Department, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr Negrn, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 4Biochemistry Department, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr
Negrn, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 5Department of Respiratory Diseases, Hospital San Jorge, Huesca, Spain, 6Department of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Universitari del Mar, Barcelona, Spain,
Intensive Care Unit, Hospital Clnico y Universitario de Valencia, Valencia, Spain, 8Department of Respiratory Diseases, Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain, 9Department of Respiratory
Diseases, Hospital Universitario de Gran Canaria Dr Negrn, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 10Department of Medical and Surgical Sciences, School of Medicine, University of Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 11Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
P.B.15.16 Highly pathogenic avian influenza virus (H5N1) causes severe symptoms due to insufficient induction of humoral immune responses
A. Ikejiri1, F. Yasui1, Y. Itoh2, N. Sakaguchi1,3, K. Ogasawara2, M. Kohara1;
Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Setagaya-ku, Tokyo, Japan, 2Division of Pathology and Disease Regulation, Department of Pathology, Shiga University of Medical Science, Shiga, Japan,
Immunology Frontier Research Center (IFReC), Osaka University, Osaka, Japan.
P.B.15.17 Persistent intrahepatic V9V2 T-cells impairment in HCV-infected patients
C. Agrati1, E. Cimini2, V. Bordoni2, U. Visco - Comandini2, M. Montalbano2, R. Lionetti2, A. Sacchi2, R. Casetti2, N. Tumino2, G. DOffizi2, M. Capobianchi2, F. Martini2;
Inmi l Spallanzani, Rome, Italy, 2Inmi L Spallanzani, Rome, Italy.

P.B.16 Immunity to Bacterial Infection and Parasites

Chairpersons: Anca Dorhoi; Berlin, Germany / Dunja Bruder; Braunschweig, Germany

P.B.16.01 Analysis of the virulence and immunogenicity of porcine and human M. avium ssp. hominissuis isolates in an experimental mouse model
N. Bruffaerts1, C. Vluggen1, L. Duytschaever2, J. Denol3, R. Wattiez4, J. Letesson5, V. Roupie2, V. Mathys1, D. Fretin2, C. Saegerman3, K. Huygen1;
Scientific Institute of Public Health, Brussels, Belgium, 2CODA-CERVA, Brussels, Belgium, 3Lige University, Lige, Belgium, 4UMons, Mons, Belgium, 5FUNDP, Namur, Belgium.
P.B.16.02 Evaluation of the endocrine changes during tuberculosis treatment
L. Kleynhans, S. Ruzive, P. D. van Helden, G. Walzl, K. Ronacher;
Stellenbosch University, Cape Town, South Africa.
P.B.16.03 Immunosuppressive properties by IL-10 and regulatory T cells in nontuberculous mycobacterial lung disease
M. Jung1, S. Kang2, E. Shin1;
Laboratory of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Gachon University Gil
Hospital, Incheon, Korea, Republic of.
P.B.16.04 Dectin-1/CARD9 single nucleotide polymorphisms and susceptibility to pulmonary tuberculosis
J. Irure Ventura, A. R. Guerra, E. Asensio, F. Ausn, J. Arroyo, R. Agero, M. Farias, J. Ocejo-Vinyals;
Hospital Universitario Marqus de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain.
P.B.16.05 TNF dependent regulation and activation of innate immune cells are essential for host protection against cerebral tuberculosis
N. Francisco1, N. Hsu1, R. Keeton1, P. Randall1, B. Sebesho1, N. Allie1, D. Govender1, V. Quesniaux2, B. Ryffel2, L. Kellaway1, M. Jacobs1;
University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 2CNRS, Orleans, France.
P.B.16.06 A novel strategy for the detection of active tuberculosis
A. Asbach-Nitzsche1, S. Barabas1, K. Drexler1, M. Fleck2, K. Avsar3, K. Bckl1, M. Reuter4, J. Kstler5, S. Blaas6, L. Deml1;
Lophius Biosciences GmbH, Regensburg, Germany, 2Asklepios Klinik Bad Abbach Klinik fr Rheumatologie, Bad Abbach, Germany, 3Asklepios Fachkliniken Mnchen-Gauting, Gauting, Germany, 4Praxis

Reuter, Regensburg, Germany, 5Institut fr Mikrobiologie und Hygiene Universittsklinikum Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, 6Klinik Donaustauf Zentrum fr Pneumologie, Donaustauf, Germany.
P.B.16.07 Experimental BCG vaccination induces preeminent CD4 T-cell responses to lipopeptide antigens unique for the mycobacterium tuberculosis complex
E. Kaufmann1, C. Spohr1, S. Battenfeld1, E. Balks1, N. Reiling2, M. Gilleron3, M. Bastian1;
Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Langen, Germany, 2Forschungszentrum Borstel, Borstel, Germany, 3CNRS, Institut de Pharmacologie et de Biologie Structurale, Toulouse, France.
P.B.16.08 Immunological profiling of tuberculosis patients reveals their great variability
A. V. Panteleev, I. Y. Nikitina, G. A. Kosmiadi, I. A. Vasilieva, I. V. Lyadova;
Central Tuberculosis Research Institute, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.B.16.09 Primary human airway epithelial cells are early responders to tuberculosis infection
A. Reuschl, M. Edwards, D. Connell, S. Bremang, O. Kon, R. Shattock, A. Lalvani;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.

54 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.16.10 Early Secreted Antigenic Target 6 kDa Protein of Mycobacterium tuberculosis Stimulates Macrophage Production of Monocyte Chemotactic Protein 1 and Its
Regulation by p38 MAPK and Interleukin-4
J. Ma, B. Jung, N. Yi, B. Samten;
University of Texas Health Science Center at Tyler, Tyler, TX, United States.
P.B.16.12 ESX-1-mediated type I interferon-signaling promotes a regulatory macrophage phenotype refractory to IFN-mediated killing of intracellular mycobacteria
J. Lienard, E. Movert, C. Valfridsson, E. Sturegrd, F. Carlsson;
Lund University, Lund, Sweden.
P.B.16.13 Platelets and the regulation of matrix metalloproteinase secretion in tuberculosis
K. Fox, B. Mistry, J. Friedland;
Imperial College of London, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.16.14 TNF-mediated restriction of arginase 1 expression in myeloid cells contributes to the control of Leishmania major infections
U. Schleicher1, K. Paduch1, A. Debus1, P. J. Murray2, H. Krner3, C. Bogdan1;
Mikrobiologisches Institut Klinische Mikrobiologie, Immunologie und Hygiene, Universittsklinikum Erlangen and Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt (FAU) Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany,
Departments of Infectious Diseases and Immunology, St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 3Menzies Institute for Medical Research Tasmania, Hobart, Australia.
P.B.16.15 Molecular characterization and antigenic properties of a novel Babesia gibsoni glutamic acid-rich protein (BgGARP)
S. S. Elballal1, X. Xuan2, A. Mousa1, M. Attia1, S. Abd El Aziz3;
Faculty of veterinary medicine/University of Sadat city, Sadat city, Egypt, 2National Research Center for Protozoan Diseases, Obihiro University of Agriculture and Veterinary Medicine, Obihiro, Hokkaido,
Obihiro, Japan, 3Faculty of veterinary medicine/Cairo university, Giza, Egypt.
P.B.16.16 T cell-intrinsic IL-17RA-signaling modulates CD8+ T cell differentiation and exhaustion during Trypanosoma cruzi infection
J. Tosello Boari1, C. Araujo1, F. Fiocca1, M. C. Ramello1, M. C. Amezcua1, M. Gorosito1, N. Nuez2, N. Cagnard3, E. Piaggio2, C. Montes1, A. Gruppi1, E. Acosta Rodriguez1;
School of Chemistry, National University of Cordoba (FCQ-UNC), Crdoba, Argentina, 2INSERM U932, Institut Curie, Paris, France, 3Plateforme Bio-informatique Paris Descartes, Paris, France.

P.B.16.17 Enhanced presence of anergic/exhausted CD8+ T-cells contributes towards sustaining Indian Post Kala-azar Dermal Leishmaniasis
S. Mukherjee1, D. Mukhopadhyay1, C. Braun2, S. Mitra1, N. k. Das3, U. Chatterjee1, E. vonStebut2, M. Chatterjee1;
Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education & Research, Kolkata, India, 2Johannes Gutenberg University, Mainz, Germany, 3Calcutta Medical College, Kolkata, India.

P.B.16.18 Guanylate binding proteins (GBPs) act as supramolecular complexes in T. gondii defense
E. Kravets1, D. Degrandi1, Q. Ma2, S. Felekyan2, T. Peulen2, S. Weidtkamp-Peters3, C. Seidel2, K. Pfeffer1;
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene, Dsseldorf, Germany, 2Chairpersons: for Molecular Physical Chemistry, Dsseldorf, Germany, 3Center for Advanced Imaging, Dsseldorf, Germany.
P.B.16.19 Method of a flow cytometry in an assessment of subpopulations of immunocompetent cells of patients at tuberculosis
O. V. Berdugina, A. V. Ershova;
Ural Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.B.16.20 Studying of cells of immunity and fagotcytosis at patients from tuberkulema
O. V. Berdugina, A. V. Ershova;
Ural Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.B.16.21 P2x7 receptor expression on hematopoietic cells contributes to severe tuberculosis
C. Barbosa Bomfim, E. Amaral, A. Cassado, R. Nascimento, M. Hirata, J. Alvarez, M. DImprio Lima;
University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.

P.B.17 Immunity to Parasite Infection

Chairpersons: Adrian Hill; Oxford, United Kingdom / Thomas Jacobs; Hamburg, Germany

P.B.17.01 Multiplex chemokine profile in chronic Chagas disease cardiomyopathy: a strong Th1-mediated response possibly associated with pathological myocardial
G. R. Sousa1, J. A. Gomes1, M. P. Damsio1, H. S. Costa1, M. C. Nunes1, N. I. Medeiros2, A. C. Souza1, R. G. Fares2, R. Corra-Oliveira2, M. O. Rocha1;
Universidade Federal e Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2Centro de Pesquisa Rene Rachou, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

P.B.17.02 Does Chagas cardiomyopathy have more intense inflammatory response than idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy?
G. R. Sousa, H. S. Costa, A. C. Souza, A. L. Teixeira, M. O. Costa Rocha, M. C. Pereira Nunes;
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
P.B.17.03 Changes in circulating cytokine levels after meglumine antimoniate treatment of cutaneous leishmaniasis
M. M. Albuquerque1, A. B. Sousa1, F. R. Santos1, A. T. Vieira1, K. D. Amorim1, J. R. Souza1,2, C. B. Madruga3, G. S. Meireles3, A. I. Fernandes1,3, L. R. Castellano1;
Human Immunology Research and Education Group, Escola Tcnica de Sade da UFPB, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 2Department of
Physiology and Pathology, Center for Health Sciences, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 3Division of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Universitrio
Lauro Wanderley, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil.
P.B.17.04 Strategy to assess the overall cytokine profile and its association with severity of human Chagas disease
G. R. Sousa1, J. A. Gomes1, M. P. Damsio1, H. S. Costa1, M. C. Nunes1, N. I. Medeiros2, A. C. Souza1, K. S. Ferreira1, R. Correa-Oliveira2, M. O. Rocha1;
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2Centro de Pesquisa Rene Rachou, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
P.B.17.05 Galectin-1 subverts immunity by fostering immunoregulatory mechanisms during a trypanosomatid infection
C. V. Poncini1, J. M. Ilarregui2, E. Batalla1, M. Cucher1, Y. van Kooyk2, J. P. Cerliani3, S. Gonzlez Cappa1, G. Rabinovich3;
Departamento de Microbiologa, Parasitologa e Inmunologa, Fac. Medicina, Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina, 2Department of Molecular Cell Biology and Immunology, VU University Medical
Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 3Laboratorio de Inmunopatologa, Instituto de Biologa y Medicina Experimental (IBYME), CONICET, Ciudad Autnoma de Buenos Aires, Argentina.
P.B.17.06 Unraveling the role of IL-17A in the intestinal immune response against the protozoan parasite Giardia muris by an RNA sequencing approach
O. Paerewijck1, L. Dreesen1, F. Van Meulder1, D. Ratman2, K. De Bosscher2, R. W. Li3, P. Geldhof1;
Department of Virology, Parasitology and Immunology, Laboratory of Parasitology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Merelbeke, Belgium, 2VIB Department of Medical Protein Research,
Cytokine Receptor Lab, Nuclear Receptor Signaling Unit, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 3United States Department of Agriculture, Agriculture Research Service, Animal Genomics and Improvement
Laboratory, Beltsville, MD, United States.
P.B.17.07 Lack of IL-22 induces an increased immune response during malaria infection in mice
J. Sellau1, S. Huber2, T. Jacobs1;
Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany, 2University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.B.17.08 Apoptotic-like Leishmania exploit the hosts autophagy machinery to reduce T-cell-mediated parasite elimination
P. Crauwels1,2, R. Bohn1, M. Thomas1, S. Gottwald2, F. Jckel2, S. Krmer1, E. Bank1, S. Tenzer3, P. Walther4, M. Bastian5, G. van Zandbergen1,2,3;
Paul-Ehrlich-Institute, Division of Immunology, Langen, Germany, 2Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University Clinic Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 3Institute of Immunology, University Medical Center,
Mainz, Germany, 4Central Facility for Electron Microscopy, University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 5Paul-Ehrlich-Institute, Division of Veterinary Medicine, Langen, Germany.
P.B.17.09 Immunomodulatory activity of leishmania kinetoplast associated DNA
I. C. Ayanolu1, C. Yangnlar1, S. zensoy Tz2, Y. zbel2, A. zbilgin3, N. Girginkardeler3, I. Grsel4, M. Grsel1;
Department of Biological Sciences, Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Department of Medical Parasitology, School of Medicine, Ege University, zmir, Turkey, 3Department of Medical
Parasitology, School of Medicine, Celal Bayar University, Manisa, Turkey, 4Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.B.17.10 Evaluation of phenotypic profile and immune response of Leishmania infantum tropism in Post-kala-azar dermal leishmaniasis (PKDL)
A. K. M. Santana1, T. R. Moura1, A. M. de Jesus1, J. S. Silva2, R. P. Almeida1, V. C. Pereira2;
University of Sergipe, Aracaju, Brazil, 2University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.B.17.11 Prevalence of Leismaniasis in a region of Western Greece. Twenty-years study
N. Zotos1, T. Potsis2, M. Gianniki3, D. Bougias3, A. Papadopoulou1, C. Georgiou1, L. Papageorgiou1, E. Chrisostomou1, A. Pournou1, N. Tsifetaki3;
Microbiology Department, General Hospital of Ioannina G.Hatzikosta, Ioannina, Greece, 2Private Cardiology Office, Ioannina, Greece, 3Department of Rheumatology, General Hospital of Ioannina
G.Hatzikosta, Ioannina, Greece.
P.B.17.12 Plasmodium falciparum erythrocyte membrane protein 1 (PfEMP1) inhibits transcription factor activation in monocytes/macrophages and modulates early
cytokine response
N. G. Sampaio1, E. M. Eriksson1, L. Schofield1,2;
The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Australia, 2Australian Institute of Tropical Health and Medicine, Townsville, Australia.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 55
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.17.13 Dynamic flux of microvesicles modulate parasite-host cell interaction of Trypanosoma cruzi in eukariotic cells
M. I. Ramirez1, I. Evans-Osses1, I. C. Almeida2;
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2university of texas El paso, EL paso Texas, TX, United States.
P.B.17.14 A single base polymorphism -3499 G/T of FOXP3 gene and CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ T cells phenotype is associated with the indeterminate form of Chagas disease
K. S. Ferreira1, R. Corra-Oliveira2, G. R. Sousa1, J. C. Alves1, N. S. Souza1, T. K. Lima3, M. P. Damsio1, V. A. Valente1, R. G. Fares2, A. D. Arajo1, N. I. Medeiros1, A. T. Chaves2, F. F. de Arajo2, M. O. Rocha1, J.
A. Gomes1;
Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2Centro de Pesquisa Rene Rachou, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 3Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Norte, Natal, Brazil.
P.B.17.15 Origin of Foxp3+ regulatory T cells during Plasmodium yoelii infection in BALB/c mice
K. Ueffing, S. Abel, R. Tatura, J. Kehrmann, A. M. Westendorf, J. Buer, W. Hansen;
UK Essen - Institute of Medical Microbiology, 45147 Essen, Germany.
P.B.17.16 Impact of galectin-3 on the course of experimental Trypanosoma cruzi infection
D. Silva dos Santos1, J. Barreto de Albuquerque1, L. R. Berbert1, L. V. Guillermo2, D. A. Farias de Oliveira1, W. Savino1, J. de Meis1, D. M. Villa Verde1;
Instituto Oswaldo Cruz, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Federal University of Rio de Janeiro State, UNIRIO, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.
P.B.17.17 The influence of Human leucocyte antigen-G (HLA-G) and its murine functional homolog Qa2 during Trypanosoma cruzi infection
F. C. Dias1, C. T. Mendes-Junior2, M. C. Silva3, F. S. Tristao4, P. Moreau5, E. G. Soares6, A. Schmidt1, R. O. Dantas1, J. A. Marin-Neto1, J. S. Silva3, E. A. Donadi1;
Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine of Ribeiro Preto, University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 2Departamento de Qumica, Faculdade de Filosofia, Cincias e Letras de Ribeiro Preto,
Universidade de So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 3Departamento de Bioqumica e Imunologia, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeiro Preto, Universidade de So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 4Departamento
de Morfologia, Fisiologia e Patologia Bsica, Faculdade de Odontologia de Ribeiro Preto, Universidade de So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 5CEA, Institute of Emerging Diseases and Innovative Therapies,
Research Division in Hematology and Immunology, Paris, France, 6Departamento de Patologia e Medicina Legal, Faculdade de Medicina de Ribeiro Preto, Universidade de So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.B.17.18 Trypanosoma cruzi infection through the oral route promotes a severe infection in mice
J. Barreto de Albuquerque1, D. Silva dos Santos1, A. R. Prez2, L. R. Berbert1, E. de Santana van Vliet1, D. A. Farias de Oliveira1, O. Moreira1, E. Roggero2, C. E. de Carvalho Pinto3, J. Jurberg1, V. Cotta de

Almeida1, O. Bottasso2, W. Savino1, J. de Meis1;

Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2National University of Rosario, Rosario, Argentina, 3Federal Fluminense University, Niteroi, Brazil.
P.B.17.19 IL-17 is associates with protection in human visceral leishmaniasis
O. P. Singh1, N. Ansari2, R. Kumar1,3, S. Nylen4, D. Sacks2, S. Sundar1;
Institute of Medical Sciences, Banaras Hindu University, Varanasi, India, 2NIAID, National Institute of Health, Bethesda, MD, United States, 3National Institute of Technology, Rourkela, India, 4Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.17.20 Monocytes in Indian Visceral Leishmaniasis demonstrated an IL-10 driven polarization
S. Roy1, D. Mukhopadhyay2, S. Mukherjee2, R. P. Goswami3, N. Pramanik3, S. K. Guha3, B. Saha3, M. Chatterjee2;
German Leprosy and TB Relief Association India (GLRA-India), Kolkata, India, 2Institute of Post Graduate Medical Education and Research, Kolkata, India, 3School of Tropical Medicine, Kolkata, India.
P.B.17.21 PI3K/AKT1 signaling in macrophages is essential for resistance against Trypanosoma cruzi infection
T. M. Cunha1, M. Silva1, K. Lyroni2, T. S. Medina1, G. K. Silva1, J. C. Alves-Filho1, E. Hirsch3, F. Q. Cunha1, C. Tsatsanis2, J. S. Silva1;
University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil, 2University of Crete, School of Medicine, Crete, Greece, 3University of Turin, Turin, Italy.

P.B.18 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 2

Chairpersons: Daniela Pende; Genova, Italy / Ellen Renner; Munich, Germany

P.B.18.01 Targeted panel re-sequencing for primary immunodeficiencies

N. Frede1, K. Huebscher1, J. Rojas1, A. Bullashevska1, B. Grimbacher1,2;
Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, Freiburg, Germany, 2University College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.18.02 A novel NFKB2 mutation modulates the canonical and noncanonical NFB pathways
Y. Liu1,2, M. A. Ibrahim1;
Kings College Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, 2Viapath, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.18.03 Lymphocyte subsets in healthy adult individuals; determination of reference values
I. Ogulur, D. Cicekkoku, S. Baris, E. Karakoc-Aydiner, A. Ozen, I. Barlan;
Marmara University, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.18.04 Disease-targeted sequencing: A potent next-generation sequencing approach successfully employed to identify disease causing mutations in primary
immunodeficiencies (PIDs)
A. Krolo1, T. Hirschmugl1, I. Bilic1, B. Erman2, J. Arora1, M. Schuster1, K. Boztug1,3;
CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Pediatric Pathology, Hacettepe University Faculty of Medicine, Ankara, Turkey,
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.18.05 Broad spectrum antibodies to self-antigens and cytokines in RAG deficiency
J. E. Walter1,2, L. B. Rosen3, K. Csomos1, J. M. Rosenberg4, B. Ujhazi1, K. Chen5, Y. Lee2, W. Al-Herz6, J. Puck7, S. De Ravin8, A. R. Gennery9, R. S. Abraham10, M. J. Butte11, M. Adeli12, C. Cancrini13, B. T. Costa-
Carvalho14, T. Niehues15, C. Schuetz16, T. Kuijpers17, R. Geha2, S. M. Holland3, M. Reche18, P. Utz19, S. K. Browne3, L. D. Notarangelo2,20;
Pediatric Allergy & Immunology and the Center for Immunology and Inflammatory Diseases, Massachusetts General Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 2Division of
Immunology, Boston Childrens Hospital, Boston, MA, United States, 3Laboratory of Clinical Infectious Diseases, NIAID, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4) Department Medicine, Division of Immunology
and Rheumatology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 5Division of Allergy, Immunology & Rheumatology, Department of Pediatrics, University of Utah, Salt Lake city, UT, United States,
Pediatric Department, Faculty of Medicine, Kuwait University, Kuwait, Kuwait, 7Pediatric Allergy Immunology and Blood and Marrow Transplant Division, University of California, San Francisco, CA, United
States, 8Laboratory of Host Defenses, National Institutes of Allergy and Infectious Diseases, NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States, 9Department of Pediatric Immunology and Institute of Cellular Medicine,
Newcastle upon Tyne Hospitals, Newcastle, United Kingdom, 10Department of Laboratory Medicine and Pathology, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States, 11Department of Pediatrics, Division of
Allergy, Immunology, Rheumatology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 12Pediatrics Department, Weill Cornell Medical College, Hamad Medical Corporation, Qatar, Qatar, 13University
Department of Paediatrics, Bambino Ges Childrens Hospital IRCCS, Rome, Italy, 14Federal University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 15Centre for Child Health and Adolescence, Helios Klinikum Krefeld
Academic Hospital, Heinrich Heine University of Dsseldorf, Dsseldorf, Germany, 16Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, University Hospital Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 17Emma Childrens Hospital,
Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 18Immunodeficiency Clinic, Medical Outpatient Unit and Immunodeficiency Lab, Department of Biomedicine,University Hospital, Basel, Switzerland,
Department Medicine, Division of Immunology and Rheumatology, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 20Harvard Stem Cell Instit
P.B.18.06 The extended clinical phenotype and the search for modifiers in patients with CTLA4 germline mutations
C. Schwab1, D. Schubert1, N. Frede1, A. Bulashevska1, M. Kanariou2, C. Speckmann1, D. Wolff3, T. Giese4, H. Lorenz4, K. Warnatz1, M. Seidl1,5, G. Dckers6, F. Emmerich7, P. Fisch5, A. Franke8, B. Grimbacher1;
CCI (Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency), University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department of Immunology and Histocompatibility, Aghia Sophia Childrens Hospital, Athens, Greece,
Department of Transplantation, University Hospital Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, 4Institute for Immunology and Serology, University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 5Department of
Pathology, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 6HELIOS Childrens Hospital Krefeld, Krefeld, Germany, 7Institute for Cell and Gene Therapy, University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany, 8Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Christian-Albrechts University of Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
P.B.18.07 Lethal influenza virus A H1N1 infection in two relatives with autosomal dominant GATA-2 deficiency
I. Sologuren1, M. Martnez-Saavedra1, J. Sol-Violn2, E. Betancor3, S. Zhang4, I. Casas5, J. Pestano3, E. Herrera-Ramos1, C. Prez6, M. Ciancanelli4, M. Lpez-Rodrguez1, N. Franco7, J. Ruiz-Hernndez8, J.
Ferrer2, M. lvarez Fernndez7, J. Bustamante9,10,11, M. Martnez-Gallo12, R. Colobran13,14, J. Casanova4,15,16, C. Rodrguez-Gallego17;
Immunology Department. Gran Canaria Dr. Negrn University Hospital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 2Intensive Care Unit. Gran Canaria Dr. Negrn University Hospital, Las Palmas de Gran
Canaria, Spain, 3Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Physiology, Genetics and Immunology Department, School of Medicine, University of Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain,
St Giles Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States, 5National Influenza Center-Madrid, National Center of Microbiology, Madrid,
Spain, 6Microbiology Department. Gran Canaria Dr. Negrn University Hospital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 7Intensive Care Unit, Mostoles University Hospital, Madrid, Spain, 8Internal Medicine
Department, Gran Canaria Dr. Negrn University Hospital, Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, Spain, 9Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Necker Branch, INSERM U1163, Necker Hospital for
Sick Children, Paris, France, 10Paris Descartes University, Imagine Institute, Paris, France, 11Center for the Study of Primary Immunodeficiencies, Necker Hospital for Sick Children, AP-HP, Paris, France,
Immunology Department, Vall d`Hebrn University Hospital, Barcelona, Spain, 13Immunology Division, Hospital Universitari Vall dHebron (HUVH). Vall dHebron Research Institute (VHIR), Barcelona,
Spain, 14Deparment of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, Universitat Autnoma de Barcelona (UAB), Barcelona, Spain, 15Laboratory of Human Genetics of Infectious Diseases, Institut National de la
Sant et de la Recherch Mdicale, U980, Paris, France, 16University Paris Descartes, Necker Medical School, Paris, France, 17Immunology Department, Son Espases University Hospital, Palma de Mallorca,
P.B.18.08 De novo inflammatory bowel disease after early cord blood hematopoietic stem cell transplant in an infant with X-linked SCID
B. Derfalvi1, J. V. Limbergen1, G. Mahdi1, M. McHenry1, A. C. Issekutz1, E. Haddad2, M. Duval2, T. B. Issekutz1;
Dalhousie University/IWK Health Centre, Halifax, NS, Canada, 2CHU Sainte-Justine, Montreal, QC, Canada.
P.B.18.09 Mutations in the non-homologous end-joining component XRCC4: a new PID without immunodeficiency
H. IJspeert1, J. E. Murray2, H. Kok1, A. Jackson2, G. Stewart3, L. Bicknell2, M. van der Burg1;
Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 3University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

56 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.18.10 Mitogen-induced proliferative capacities of pediatric immune deficiency patients following bone marrow transplantation
U. C. Kucuksezer1, I. Tahrali1, S. Nepesov2, A. Yesilipek3, G. Deniz1, Y. Camcioglu2;
Istanbul University, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Dept. of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Pediatrics, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Bahcesehir
University, Faculty of Medicine, Dept. of Pediatrics, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.18.11 Leaky RAG deficiency in adult patients with impaired antibody production against bacterial polysaccharide antigens
C. B. Geier, K. M. Sauerwein, A. Piller, A. Linder, M. M. Eibl, H. M. Wolf;
Immunologische Tagesklinik, Wien, Austria.
P.B.18.12 B-regulatory cells in CVID patients
M. Vlkova1, J. Nechvatalova1, O. Ticha1, J. Litzman1, T. Kalina2;
Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, St Annes University Hospital and Faculty of Me, Brno, Czech Republic, 2CLIP - Childhood Leukemia Investigation Prague, Department of Pediatric
Hematology and Oncology, 2nd Medical Faculty, Charles University Prague and University Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.B.18.13 First degree relatives of individuals with IgA deficiency are at manyfold risk of having IgA deficiency
A. L. Lemarquis1, H. K. Einarsdttir2, I. Jnsdttir2,3, B. R. Ludviksson2;
Department of Immunology, Landspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland,, Reykjavk, Iceland, 2Department of Immunology, Landspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland., Reykjavk,
Iceland, 3deCODE Genetics/AMGEN, Reykjavk, Iceland.
P.B.18.14 Delayed onset of atypical IL7RA deficiency in a Tunisian patient
A. Rais1, N. Mekki1, I. Chabchoub2, A. Safi1, B. Largueche1, M. Hachicha2, I. Ben Mustapha1, M. R. Barbouche1;
Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Hedi Chaker Hospital, Sfax, Tunisia.
P.B.18.15 Screening of Slovene blood donors for severe immunoglobulin A deficiency with an in-house ELISA
M. Cernilec1, M. Gracar1, V. Hrasovec2, V. Galvani3, V. Curin Serbec1;
Department for Production of Diagnostic Reagents and Research, Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2Centre for Blood Donor Testing, Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia,

Ljubljana, Slovenia, 3Quality System Management Service, Blood Transfusion Centre of Slovenia, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
P.B.18.16 Early-onset monogenic systemic lupus erythematosus caused by deficiency of protein kinase C delta
E. Salzer1, E. Santos-Valente1, S. Klaver-Flores1,2, S. Ban1, B. Keller3, W. Emminger4, N. Serwas1, W. Garncarz1, L. Mllauer5, R. Kain5, M. G. Seidel6, W. Holter7, W. F. Pickl8, K. Bennett1, E. Frster-Waldl4, K.
Warnatz3, K. Boztug1,4;
CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 2Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas, So Paulo, Brazil, 3University Medical Center Freiburg Center for
Chronic Immunodeficiency Division of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Freiburg, Germany, 4Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Department of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 6Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 7Department of Paediatrics, St.
Anna Kinderspital and Childrens Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria, 8Christian Doppler Laboratory for Immunomodulation and Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology
and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.18.17 Revertant T cells in human CD3delta deficiency?
A. C. Briones1, A. V. Marin1, A. Jimenez-Reinoso1, B. Garcillan Goyoaga1, R. Cedeo2, E. Lpez-Granados3, J. Gil4, O. de la Calle5, M. J. Recio1, J. R. Regueiro1;
Department of Immunology, Complutense University School of Medicine and Hospital 12 de Octubre Health and Reseach Institute, Madrid, Spain, 2Pediatrics, Oncologic Hospital Dr. Julio Villareces
Colmont, Portoviejo, Ecuador, 3Inmunology, University Hospital La Paz-IdiPAZ, Madrid, Spain, 4Division of Immunology, Gregorio Maran University Hospital, Madrid, Spain, 5Inmunology, Hospital Sant
Pau-Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
P.B.18.18 Functional and molecular characterization of a novel nonsense mutation in IL2RG gene in a family with atypical presentation
M. Martinez-Gallo, R. Colobran, J. Sayos, M. Garca-Prat, A. Aguil Cucurull, A. Martn-Nalda, R. Pujol-Borrell, P. Soler-Palacn;
Hospital U. Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain.
P.B.18.19 A novel heterozygous CD45 wedge mutation in a family with autoimmunity
D. J. Swan, K. R. Engelhardt, A. Grainger, D. Barge, Y. Xu, M. Santibanez Koref, A. Cant, S. Hambleton;
Newcastle University, Newcastle-upon-Tyne, United Kingdom.
P.B.18.20 ENU Mutagenesis Identifies Novel Molecular Pathomechanism of Severe Immunodeficiency
I. Treise1,2, E. M. Huber3, T. Adler1, T. Klein-Rodewald4, C. Andres5, T. M. Strom6, T. Wieland6, K. D. McCoy7, A. J. Macpherson7, M. Ollert5, V. Gailus-Durner1, H. Fuchs1, M. Hrab de Angelis1, M. Groll3, D. H.
Institute of Experimental Genetics, German Mouse Clinic, Munich, Germany, 2Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany, 3Center
for Integrated Protein Science at the Department Chemistry, Chairpersons: of Biochemistry, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Garching, Germany, 4Institute of Pathology, Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen,
Munich, Germany, 5Department of Dermatology and Allergy Biederstein, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany, 6Institute for Human Genetics, Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, Munich,
Germany, 7University Clinic of Visceral Surgery and Medicine, Departement Klinische Forschung, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
P.B.18.21 Immunological features of DiGeorge Syndrome in a cohort of 20 patients
M. Jimenez Leon1,2, M. Juli Benique1,2, J. Ferrer Balaguer1,2, J. Mila LLambi1,2, J. Pons de Ves1,2, J. Iglesias Alzueta1,2, N. Martinez Pomar1,2;
Department of Immunology, Hospital Son Espases, Palma Mallorca, Spain, 2Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria de Palma (IdISPa), Palma Mallorca, Spain.

P.B.18.23 Accuracy of Next Generation Sequencing for the Diagnosis of Monogenetic Disorders
J. Rojas, N. Frede, K. Huebscher, A. Bullashevska, B. Grimbacher;
Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, Freiburg, Germany.

P.B.19 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 2

Chairpersons: Francesco Annunziato; Florence, Italy / Denis Mulleman; Tours, France

P.B.19.01 Effect of colchicine treatment on clinical parameters and coagulation markers with respect to MEFV mutations
G. Aksu, C. Ozturk, N. Gulez, N. E. Karaca, K. Kavakli, N. Kutukculer;
Ege University Medical School, Izmir, Turkey.
P.B.19.02 T cell-derived IL-9 is proinflammatory in nephrotoxic serum nephritis
A. H. Kirsch1, K. Artinger1, E. Rho2, A. M. Wolf3, I. Cornez3, P. Eller4, D. Wolf3, A. R. Rosenkranz1, K. Eller1;
Clinical Division of Nephrology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Clinical Division of Nephrology, Medical University of Graz, 8036, Austria, 3University Hospital Bonn (UKB), Division of Oncology,
Hematology and Rheumatology, Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 4Clinical Division of Angiology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.B.19.03 Panencephalitogenic aquaporin 4-specific T cells and NMO-IgG produce large astrocyte-destructive lesions in the CNS
B. Zeka1, M. Pohl1, S. Hochmeister2, N. Kgl1, N. Kaufmann1, T. Misu3, K. Fujihara3, M. Reindl4, H. Lassmann1, M. Bradl1;
Medical University Vienna, Center for Brain Research, Department for Neuroimmunology, Wien, Austria, 2Medical University Graz, Department for Neurology, Graz, Austria, 3Department of Neurology,
Tohoku University Graduate School of Medicine, Sendai, Japan, 4Innsbruck Medical University, Clinical Department for Neurology, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.B.19.04 The inhibitory effect of killed Tsukamurella inchonensis on nitric oxide production in murine activated peritoneal macrophages
M. Aghapour1, K. Nofouzi1, B. Baradaran2, B. Ghahvechi3, F. Mahmoodi2, F. Yahyavi4;
Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Immunology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic
Republic of, 3Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 4Department of Basic Sciences, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of
Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.19.05 Low level laser therapy as a novel therapeutic strategy in oral lichen planus
M. N. Draganova-Filipova1, M. Z. Mutafchieva2, P. I. Zagorchev3, G. T. Tomov2;
Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Medicine, Medical University-Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2Department Periodontology and Oral diseases, Faculty of Dental Medicine, Medical University-Plovdiv,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 3Department of Medical Physics and Biophysics, Faculty of Pharmacy, Medical University-Plovdiv, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
P.B.19.06 Clinicoserologic correlations of patients with paraneoplastic dermatomyositis: a retrospective single center study
L. Maier1,2, A. Udvardi1,2, Z. E. Betteridge3, B. Volc-Platzer1,2;
Department of Dermatology, Sozialmedizinisches Zentrum Ost- Donauspital, Vienna, Austria, 2Medical Research Society, Donaustadt, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Pharmacy and Pharmacology,
University of Bath, Somerset, United Kingdom.
P.B.19.07 Recruitment of abundant NK cells to the tonsils support the crucial role of innate immunity in pathogenesis of PFAPA syndrome
S. Chiesa1, F. Bellora2, I. Ingrosso1, R. Caorsi1, F. Penco1, A. Bertoni1, C. Pastorino1, A. Omenetti1, M. Finetti1, S. Borghino3, A. Sementa4, R. DAgostino5, A. Martini1, C. Bottino2,6, M. Gattorno1;
Laboratory of Immunology and Rheumatic Diseases , UO Pediatria II, G.Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy, 2Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Universit degli Studi di Genova, Genoa, Italy, 3Molecular
Genetics, G.Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy, 4Anatomic Pathology, G.Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy, 5UO Otorinolaringoiatria, G.Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy, 6G.Gaslini Institute, Genoa, Italy.
P.B.19.08 Regulatory T cells induced by B cells alleviated inflammatory process in an animal model of primary biliary cirrhosis
J. Huang1, Y. Chuang2, B. Chiang1,3;
Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department of Clinical Laboratory Sciences and Medical Biotechnology, College of Medicine,
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Allergy Center, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 57
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.19.09 Type I Interferon Associated Immune Responses In Patients With STING-Associated Vasculopathy With Onset In Infancy
E. Gl1, F. K. Erolu2, C. Yakcer3, I. Grsel4, S. zen2, M. Grsel1;
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Hacettepe University, Ankara, Turkey, 3Acbadem University, stanbul, Turkey, 4Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.B.19.10 Secretory IgA (SIgA): An immunomodulator of clinical activity in undifferentiated spondylitis and reactive arthritis?
C. Romero-Snchez1, C. Arias2, J. Bello-Gualtero1, D. Herrera1, W. Bautista-Molano1, D. Castillo3, J. Londoo4, R. Valle-Oate4;
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogot, Colombia, Bogot, Colombia, 2Instituto de Gentica Humana, Facultad de Medicina, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Bogot, Colombia, 3UIBO Institute
(Oral Basic Research Unit), Universidad El Bosque, 4., Bogot, Colombia, Bogot, Colombia, 4Spondyloarthropathy Group, Rheumatology Department, Hospital Militar Central/Universidad de La Sabana,
Bogot, Colombia.
P.B.19.11 Clinical features and autoantibody patterns in Zimbabwean patients with autoimmune conditions
E. N. Sibanda1, R. Ntozini2, F. Mutapi3;
Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Clinic, Harare, Zimbabwe, 2Zvitambo Institute for Medical & Child Health Research, Harare, Zimbabwe, 3Immunology and Infection Research, University of Edinburgh,
Ashworth Laboratories, United Kingdom.
P.B.19.12 Differential susceptibility of Th17 and T regulatory cells to CD95-mediated apoptosis in systemic lupus erythematous subjects
J. Sun, J. Frostegrd, A. Liu;
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.19.13 The loss of CD25 expression in genuine Treg from SLE patients is associated with reduced Treg activity, which can be restored by IL-2 therapy
C. von Spee-Mayer1, J. Y. Humrich1, D. Abdirama1, A. Klaus1, A. Rose1, A. Radbruch2, G. Burmester1, G. Riemekasten3;
Charit University Hospital, Berlin, Germany, 2German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, Germany, 3University Hospital Schleswig-Holstein, Lbeck, Germany.
P.B.19.14 Cell composition of vaginitis: a study on fixed vagina section
M. J. Hussain1, O. M. Altaee2, G. B. Alomashi3, A. H. Alhamadani3;
Kings College Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 2Al-Qadisiyah University,, Diwaniya, Iraq, 3Al-Qadisiyah University, Diwaniya, Iraq.

P.B.19.15 Anti-signal recognition particle autoantibodies: our experience in a series of twelve patients at the initial diagnosis approach
A. Tejeda Velarde1, I. Gan Nieto1, P. B. Gonzlez Urra1, B. Padilla Merlano2, R. lvarez Doforno2, G. Roy Ario1;
Immunology Department. Ramn y Cajal Hospital, Madrid, Spain, 2Immunology Department. La Paz Hospital, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.19.16 Atypical serological profiles of case of autoimmune hepatitis in children
S. Gadiri1, H. Meriche1, A. Alliouche kerboua1, H. Brouk2, H. Ouelaa2, N. BouChairpersons: 3;
Departement of immunology, Clinical Hospital St Thrse ANNABA, Algeria, 2CTS, Hospital Ibn Rochd Annaba, Algeria, 3Departement of paediatric, Clinical Hospital St Thrse ANNABA, Algeria.

P.B.19.17 Multifunctional Th1/Th17 CD4+ T cells dominate in the lungs of pulmonary sarcoidosis patients with a good prognosis
Y. Kaiser, R. Lepzien, B. Dahlberg, J. Wahlstrm, A. Eklund, A. Smed Srensen, J. Grunewald;
Dept. of Medicine, Solna, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.19.18 Inflammatory macrophages contribute to the progression of kidney fibrosis
T. T. Braga1, H. Azevedo1, R. R. Silva1, K. R. Perez2, M. E. Almeida1, N. O. Camara1,2;
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2Federal University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.19.19 Modulation of local cytokine network in chronic periodontitis by low-level laser therapy
B. Ismaili1, D. Bokonjic1, Z. Dolicanin2, M. Colic3,1;
Medical Faculty Foca,University of East Sarajevo, Sarajevo, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 2State University of Novi Pazar, Novi Pazar, Serbia, 3Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade,
P.B.19.20 Autophagy mediates tolerance to wolbachial antigens induced apoptosis and senescence during filarial infections
K. Vijayan, N. RB;
Anna University, Chennai, India.
P.B.19.21 Di(2-ethylhexyl) phthalate-induced cell damage in MES-13 cells is related with ROS, Nrf2, NF-B, and inflammatory cytokine
P. T. Shen, B. F. Lin;
National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.B.19.22 An assessment of neutrophil function in children with Papillon Lefvre Syndrome
H. M. Roberts, P. White, M. Grant, I. Chapple;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.B.19.23 Chemerin increases osteoclasts activity and bone resorption
S. Y. Fukada, G. C. Leite, E. S. Ramos-Junior, F. Q. Cunha;
University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.B.19.24 Anti-fibrotic activity of natural killer cells is impaired by hepatic stellate cells- and TGF--dependent emperipolesis in liver cirrhosis with chronic HBV infection
J. Zhao, Z. Zhang, F. Wang;
Beijing 302 hospital, Beijing, China.

P.B.20 Inflammatory Bowel Disease

Chairpersons: Sheena Cruickshank; Manchester, United Kingdom / Helena Tlaskalova-Hogenova; Prague, Czech Republic

P.B.20.01 Escherichia coli Nissle 1917 supernatant protects BALB/c mice from DSS-induced colitis
J. Malkova, K. Klimesova, A. Dusilova, M. Kverka, H. Tlaskalova-Hogenova;
Institute of Microbiology, ASCR, Prague 4, Krc, Czech Republic.
P.B.20.02 The role of the Tec-family kinase Itk in the development of inflammatory bowel disease
S. Steiner, R. Atreya, M. F. Neurath, B. Weigmann;
Medizinische Klinik 1, Uniklinik Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany.
P.B.20.03 Investigating the role of the TGF--activating integrin 8 in inflammatory bowel disease
A. Kelly1,2,3, J. Worthington1,2,3, T. Fenton1,2,3, E. Shuttleworth1,2,3, S. Campbell4, S. Levison4, M. Travis1,2,3;
Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Wellcome Trust Centre for Cell-Matrix Research, University of Manchester,

Manchester, United Kingdom, 3Manchester Immunology Group, Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4Gastroenterology Unit, Manchester Royal Infirmary,
Central Manchester University Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.B.20.04 Regulatory T cells induced by B cells protect mice from colitis induced by effector T cells
T. Y. Shao1, B. L. Chiang1,2;
Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Ta, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate Institute of Immunology,College of Medicine, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.B.20.05 Association of IL-1RA single nucleotide Polymorphisms (SNPs) with clinical features of Iranian Inflammatory Bowel Disease(IBD)subjects
S. Shahkarami1, N. Ebrahimi Daryani2, M. Sadr1, S. Moossavi3, S. Soltani1, E. Farhadi4, N. Rezaei1,5;
Molecular Immunology Research Center, Department of Immunology, School of Medicine,Tehran University, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Tehran
University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Digestive Oncology Research Center, Digestive Disease Research Institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran,
Islamic Republic of, 4Hematology Department, School of Allied Medical Science, Iran University of Medical Sciences,, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 5Research Center for Immunodeficiencies, Childrens
Medical Center Hospital, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.20.07 Differences in Gut Mucus Microbiota Precede Dysbiosis in a Mouse Model of Inflammatory Bowel Disease
M. Glymenaki1, G. Warhurst2, A. Mcbain1, K. Else1, S. Cruickshank1;
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2Salford Royal Hospital, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.B.20.08 Role of DNAM-1 family co-receptors on mucosal and peripheral blood T cells populations in paediatric subjects and inflammatory bowel diseases (IBD) patients
S. Battella1, S. Oliva2, G. Di Nardo2, S. Cucchiara2, A. Santoni3, G. Palmieri1;
Department of Experimental Medicine - Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2Department of Pediatry and child neuropsychiatry - Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 3Department of
Molecular Medicine - Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
P.B.20.09 Ex vivo analysis of cytokine production profile in intestinal mucosa of children with inflammatory bowel disease
S. Vitale1,2, C. Strisciuglio2,3, L. Pisapia4, E. Miele2, P. Barba4, A. Vitale2, S. Cenni2, G. Del Pozzo4, R. Troncone2, A. Staiano2, C. Gianfrani1,2;
Institute of Protein Biochemistry- CNR, Naples, Italy, 2Department of Translational Medical Science, University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, 3Department of Women, Child and General and
Specialized Surgery, Second University of Naples, Naples, Italy, 4Institute of Genetics and Biophysics Adriano Buzzati Traverso- CNR, Naples, Italy.

58 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.20.10 Defective IL-10 signaling in antigen presenting cells increases the sensitivity to colitis
S. Veenbergen1, L. M. Costes1, M. A. van Leeuwen1, M. J. Girard-Madoux1, G. Driessen1, L. F. de Ruiter1, H. C. Raatgeep1, D. J. Lindenbergh-Kortleve1, L. A. van Berkel1, Y. Simons-Oosterhuis1, A. A. Brouwers-
Haspels1, A. P. Heikema1, L. de Ridder2, J. C. Escher2, B. E. Clausen3, J. N. Samsom1;
ErasmusMC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2ErasmusMC-Sophia Childrens hospital, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 3Institute for Molecular Medicine, Johannes Gutenberg-University, Mainz, Germany.
P.B.20.11 Indomethacin-induced ileitis in rats is mediated by the NLRP3 inflammasome
A. Zherebiatiev, A. Kamyshnyi;
Zaporozhye State Medical University, Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
P.B.20.12 Is PR3-ANCA a reliable marker of primary sclerosing cholangitis in patients with inflammatory bowel diseases?
M. Meddeb1, I. Namouchi1, L. Kallel2, L. Laadhar1, A. Filali2, M. Kallel-Sellami1;
La Rabta Hospital , Immunology Department, Tunis, Tunisia, 2La Rabta Hospital , Gastroenterology Department, Tunis, Tunisia.
P.B.20.13 Protective effect of the aqueous extract from siegesbeckia pubescens on iodoacetamide-induced colitis in rats
Y. P. Ye, T. L. Teng, Q. Li, S. F. Xu, F. Y. Chen, X. Y. Li;
Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hangzhou, China.
P.B.20.14 Elevated Levels Of Gastro-Intestinal Auto-Antibodies And Symptoms Are Associated With Higher Disease Activity In Colombian Patients With Spondyloarthritis
C. Romero-Snchez1, W. Bautista-Molano2, V. Parra3, C. Martinez4, F. Garca5, J. De Avila6, H. Juliao7, J. Bello-Gualtero2, J. Rueda8, J. Londoo9, R. Valle-Oate10;
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogot, Colombia, Bogot, Colombia, 2Faculty of Medicine, Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogot, Colombia, Bogot, Colombia, 3Faculty of Medicine,
Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia, Chia, Colombia, 4Coloproctology Deparment, Hospital Militar Central, Faculty of Medicine Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogot, Colombia, Bogot,
Colombia, 5Coloproctology Deparment, Hospital Militar Central, Bogot, Colombia, Bogot, Colombia, 6UIBO Institute, Universidad El Bosque, Bogot, Colombia, Bogot, Colombia, 7Gastroenterology
Deparment, Hospital Militar Central, Bogot Colombia, Bogot, Colombia, 8Faculty of Medicine, Universidad de la Sabana, Cha, Colombia, Chia, Colombia, 9Spondyloarthropathy Group, Rheumatology
Department, Hospital Militar Central/Universidad de La Sabana, Chia, Colombia, Chia, Colombia, 10Spondyloarthropathy Group, Rheumatology Department, Hospital Militar Central, Faculty of Medicine,
Universidad Militar Nueva Granada, Bogot, Colombia, Bogot, Colombia.

P.B.20.15 T-bet is a Key Modulator of IL-23-driven Pathogenic CD4+ T cell Responses in the Intestine
T. Krausgruber1,2, C. Schiering1,3, K. Adelmann1, O. Harrison4, A. Chomka1, C. Pearson1, P. Ahern4, M. Oukka5, F. Powrie1,2;
Translational Gastroenterology Unit, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2The Kennedy Institute of Rheumatology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Division of Molecular
Immunology, MRC National Institute for Medical Research, London, United Kingdom, 4Sir William Dunn School of Pathology, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 5Center for Immunity and
Immunotherapies, Seattle, WA, United States.
P.B.20.16 Specific activation of TNFR2 increases suppressor cells in mice with DSS-induced chronic colitis
T. Schmid1, D. Weber-Steffens1, H. Wajant2, D. N. Mnnel1;
Institute of Immunology, Regensburg, Germany, 2Division of Molecular Internal Medicine, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.B.20.17 Analysis of regulatory T cells in the Inflammatory Bowel Diseases
R. Marrakchi1, B. Neili1, A. Abidi1, G. Guggino2, A. Gati1, K. Hamdi3, N. Ben Moustapha4, F. Dielli2, A. benammar Elgaaied1;
1Laboratory of Genetics, Immunology and Human Pathology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tunis El, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Center for advanced diagnostics and biomedical research CLADIBIOR, University of
Palermo, and Palermo, Italy, Palermo, Italy, 3Laboratory of genetics, Immunology and Human Pathologies, Faculty of Sciences of Tunis, University Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, Tunis, Tunisia, 41Service of
Gastroenterology A University Hospital El Rabta, Tunis, Tunisia, Tunis, Tunisia.
P.B.20.18 Trichuris muris infection exacerbates experimental CD45RBhi T cell transfer-colitis characterised by a selective depletion of CD103+ CD11b+ dendritic cells
D. Sorobetea1, A. Rivollier2, W. Agace1,2, M. Svensson-Frej1;
Immunology Section, Department of Experimental Medical Sciences, Medical Faculty, Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 2Section of Immunology and Vaccinology, National Veterinary Institute, Technical
University of Denmark, Fredriksberg, Denmark.
P.B.20.19 Fishers linear discriminant model for complex cytokine profiling: a new approach to prediction of response to tumour necrosis factor antagonists in ulcerative
colitis patients
I. V. Obraztsov1,2, M. V. Shapina1, K. E. Shirokikh1, I. L. Khalif1;
A.N. Ryzhikh State Scientific Centre for Coloproctology, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2D. Rogachev State Scientific and Clinical Centre for Paediatric Oncology, Haematology and Immunology, Moscow,
Russian Federation.
P.B.20.20 Microbial inactivation of pancreatic proteases protects epithelial barrier integrity in the large intestine
H. Yoon, G. Hrmannsperger, D. Haller;
Technical University of Munich, Freising, Germany.
P.B.20.21 The expression intensity studies of NOD-like receptors with lymphocytes of colon after recombinant antagonist of receptors of interleukin-1 treatment in
oxazolone-induced colitis in rats
E. Melihova, A. Kamyshnyi;
Zaporozhye State Medical University, Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
P.B.20.22 Absence of LPS in the lamina propria of UC identifies patients in remission who share immunological and mucosal structural features with active disease and may
be at risk of relapse
L. Greathead1, R. Goldin1, P. Kelleher1, A. Steel2;
Imperial College, London, United Kingdom, 2Chelsea & Westminster Hospital NHS Trust, London, United Kingdom.

P.B.21 Neuroimmunology and Multiple Sclerosis

Chairpersons: Hans Lassmann; Vienna, Austria / Luisa M. Villar-Gumerans; Madrid, Spain

P.B.21.01 Regulatory T cells control central nervous system inflammation by TNF / TNFR2 signaling pathway
C. Pouchy1, D. Sleurs1, S. Gregoire1, Y. Lombardi1, N. Chanson1, G. Martin2, G. Marodon1, Y. Grinberg-Bleyer3, B. Salomon1;
CIMI - UPMC UMRS CR7 - Inserm U1135, Paris, France, 2Departments of Pathology and Laboratory Medicine, Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY, United States, 3Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, College of Physicians and Surgeons, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States.
P.B.21.02 Rheumatoid arthritis leads to altered gene expression in the brain and behavioral changes in mice
K. M. Andersson1, L. Leifsdottir1, M. C. Erlandsson1, M. Pekna2, K. Olmarker3, M. Pekny2, M. I. Bokarewa1;
Dep. Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, Inst. Medicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2Center for Brain Repair and Rehabilitation, Department
of Clinical Neuroscience and Rehabilitation, Institute of Neuroscience and Physiology, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden, 3Musculoskeletal Research,
Department of Medical Chemistry and Cell Biology, Institute of Biomedicine, Sahlgrenska University Hospital, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
P.B.21.03 Increased Tim-3 expressions in the brains of different mouse models with toxoplasmic encephalitis
F. Lu1,2, B. Wu1,2, S. Huang3;
Zhongshan School of Medicine, Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, 2Key Laboratory of Tropical Disease Control (Sun Yat-sen University), Ministry of Education, Guangzhou, China, 3School of
Medicine, Jinan University, Guangzhou, China.
P.B.21.04 Direct ex vivo characterization of autoreactive T cells provides no evidence for autoantigen-based high affinity selection and expansion in autoimmune patients
S. Gamradt1, F. Hahn1, J. Ahlers1, B. Rosche2, M. Assenmacher3, P. Bacher1, A. Scheffold1;
Dep. of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Charit-Universittsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 2Dep. of Neurology and Experimental Neurology, Charit-Universittsmedizin, Berlin, Germany, 3Miltenyi
Biotec GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany.
P.B.21.05 Correlation between HMGB1 plasma levels and the number of MRI lesions and EDSS in MS patients
M. Buc1, B. Gajdosechova1, V. Durmanova1, Z. Vascakova1, L. Maruscakova1, D. Cudrakova-Copikova2, P. Turcani2, I. Lisa3, K. Gmitterova3, E. Klimova4, M. Bucova1;
Department of Immunology, Comenius University School of Medicine, Bratislava, Slovakia, 21st Department of Neurology, Comenius University School of Medicine and University Hospital, Bratislava,
Slovakia, 32nd Department of Neurology, Comenius University School of Medicine and University Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4Department of Neurology, Teaching Hospital of JA Reiman and Faculty of
Health, University of Presov in Presov, Presov, Slovakia.
P.B.21.06 Characteristics of lung T cell subsets in multiple sclerosis patients with respect to smoking and -interferon treatment
M. Ostadkarampour1, S. Kullberg1, J. ckinger1, M. Hagemann-Jensen1, A. Eklund1, F. Piehl2, T. Olsson2, J. Grunewald1, J. Wahlstrm1;
Respiratory Medicine Unit, Department of Medicine Solna and CMM, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Neuroimmunology Unit, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institutet,
Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.21.07 Anti-inflammatory effect of CD6 blockade
R. F. de Freitas*1,2, A. Agua-Doce*1,2, S. Perez3, L. Padron3, K. Leon3, L. Graca1,2;
Instituto de Medicina Molecular, Lisboa, Portugal, 2Instituto Gulbenkian de Cincia, Oeiras, Portugal, 3Centro de Inmunologia Molecular, Habana, Cuba.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 59
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.21.08 Krebs cycle potentiation through coenzyme A fueling has immunosuppressive effects and inhibits autoimmune disease development
S. Angiari, T. Carlucci, S. L. Budui, S. D. Bach, B. Rossi, C. Laudanna, G. Constantin;
University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
P.B.21.09 Nature-derived circular peptides as oral immunosuppressive therapeutics
K. Thell, R. Hellinger, E. Sahin, T. Haider, G. Schabbauer, C. W. Gruber;
Center for Physiology and Pharmacology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.21.10 Andrographolide ameliorates experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
J. E. Tichauer1, E. Acua1, M. Castro2, L. Reyes3, C. Crcamo4, R. A. Burgos5, J. L. Hancke5, R. Naves1;
Biomedical Sciences Institute, School of Medicine, Universidad de Chile., Santiago, Chile, 2Department of Health Sciences, Universidad San Sebastin, Santiago, Chile., Santiago, Chile, 3Department of
Biological and Chemistry Sciences, Universidad San Sebastin, Santiago, Chile., Santiago, Chile, 4Department of Neurology, School of Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Catlica de Chile., Santiago, Chile,
Institute of Pharmacology and Morphophysiology, Faculty of Veterinary Sciences, Universidad Austral de Chile., Valdivia, Chile.
P.B.21.11 Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony-Stimulating Factor: Expression and Role in Human Immune Cells and Relevance to Multiple Sclerosis
J. Aram, B. Gran, C. S. Constantinescu;
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
P.B.21.12 Twelve-months follow-up of minoritary peripheral B and T cell subsets during fingolimod treatment in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients
A. Teniente-Serra, J. Hervs, B. Quirant-Snchez, M. Mansilla, L. Grau-Lpez, C. Ramo-Tello, E. Martnez-Cceres;
Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Badalona, Spain.
P.B.21.13 microRNA-155 contributes to re-activation of encephalitogenic T cells
S. M. Stanisavljevic1, B. Jevti1, G. Timotijevi2, M. Momilovi1, M. Mostarica Stojkovi3, D. Miljkovi1;
Institute for Biological Research Sinia Stankovi, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute for Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Institute for Microbiology and Immunology, School of
Medicine, Belgrade, Serbia.

P.B.21.14 Vitamin D and MS: relationship with response to treatment and with patient inflammatory profile
R. Alenda1, L. Costa-Frossard2, O. Pastor3, E. Rodrguez-Martn1, C. Picn1, J. C. lvarez-Cermeo2, L. M. Villar1;
Department of Immunology. Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain, 2Department of Neurology. Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain, 3Department of Biochemistry. Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Madrid,
P.B.21.15 Autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation for multiple sclerosis - A Singapore experience
P. Ratnagopal;
Singapore General Hospital, Singapore, Singapore.
P.B.21.16 Autophagy and SQSTM1/p62 expression in multiple sclerosis
V. Paunovic1, K. Janjetovic1, M. Milenkovic1, Z. Stanojevic2, I. Dujmovic3, J. Drulovic3, V. Pravica1, V. Trajkovic1;
Institute for Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute for Medicinal and Clinical Biochemistry, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade,
Belgrade, Serbia, 3Clinic of Neurology, Clinical Centre Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.B.21.17 Increased caspase-1 and EBV load in active phase of Multiple Sclerosis disease
M. Izad1,2, M. Beheshti1, Z. Salehi1, B. Nomanpour3, H. Shirzad4, R. Abolfazli5, M. Naseri6;
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2MS Research Center, Neuroscience institute, Tehran University of Medical
Sciences,, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Department of Microbiology,Kermanshah University of Medical Sciences, Kermanshah, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 4Cellular and Molecular research center, Shahr-
e-kord University of Medical Sciences,, Shahr-e- kord, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 5Department of Neurology, Amiralam General Hospital Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran,
Iran, Islamic Republic of, 6Department of Virology, Faculty of public health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.21.18 Differential frequency of CD8+ T cell subsets in multiple sclerosis patients with various clinical patterns
Z. Salehi1, M. Izad1,2, M. A. Sahraian2, E. Janzamin3, P. Khosravani3;
Immunology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2MS Research Center, Neuroscience institute, Tehran University of Medical Sciences,
Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Flow Cytometry laboratory, Department of Stem Cell and Developmental Biology, Royan Institute, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.21.19 Changes in lymphocyte subsets as a potentially useful biomarker of conversion from CIS to clinically definite MS
H. Posov1, D. Horkov2, V. Capek2, T. Uher2, Z. Hrukov1, E. Havrdov2;
Inst. Immunology and Microbiology, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic, 2Department of Neurology, 1st Medical Faculty, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.B.21.20 Study of the pathogenic activity IgM antibodies against phosphatidilcoline in a new animal model of experimental allergic encephalitis
C. Sebal1, U. Muoz1, J. Fraussen2, V. Somers2, C. Paino3, E. Escudero1, M. Sdaba1;
Dept. of Medical Physiology, School of Medicine, CEU-San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain, 2Hasselt University, Biomedical Research Institute and Transnationale Universiteit Limburg, School of Life
Sciences, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 3Servicio de Investigacin. Hospital Ramn y Cajal., Madrid, Spain.
P.B.21.21 Study of the relation between humoral immune response and oxidative stress in multiple sclerosis patients
C. Sebal1, M. Sdaba1, E. Escudero1, C. Sloan2, . Muoz1;
Dept. of Medical Physiology, School of Medicine, CEU-San Pablo University, Madrid, Spain, 2Neuropathology Dept. Level 1, West Wing, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom.

P.B.22 (Chronic) Inflammatory Joint Disease - Part 2

Chairpersons: Winfried Graninger; Graz, Austria / Leonie Taams; London, United Kingdom

P.B.22.01 CD4+ T cells of patients with rheumatic disorders show phenotypic and functional exhaustion
D. Buschjger1, T. Frenz1, L. Vaas1, R. E. Schmidt2, T. Witte2, U. Kalinke1;
Twincore, Institute for Experimental Infection Research, Hannover, Germany, 2Clinic for Immunology and Rheumatology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.B.22.02 Understanding Apoptotic Epitope-specific CD8+ T cell fate: the borderline between tolerance and autoimmunity
A. Citro, C. Martire, H. Martini, R. Scrivo, F. Miranda, G. Valesini, V. Barnaba;
Department of Internal Medicine and Medical Specialties, Sapienza University of Rome, Roma, Italy.
P.B.22.03 Pro-inflammatory FcRL4+ memory B cells in joints of RA patients; immunoglobulin gene characteristics and antigen specificity
K. Amara1, L. Yeo2, N. Sippl1, E. Clay2, P. Titcombe1, A. Filer2, K. Raza2, V. Malmstrom1, D. Scheel-Toellner2;
Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 2University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.

P.B.22.04 Iga autoantigens a link between the gut and the anti-tnf therapy response in rheumatoid arthritis patients analysed in two idependt clinical trials
Z. Konthur1, U. Nonhof1, M. Wiemkes2, J. Detert2, T. Braun2, G. Burmester2, K. Skriner2;
Drug Response Dx GmbH, Hennigsdorf, Germany, 2Charit University Medicine, Berlin, Germany.
P.B.22.05 Culture expanded primary chondrocytes have potent immunomodulatory properties and do not induce an allogeneic immune response
P. Lohan, O. Treacy, K. Lynch, F. Barry, M. Murphy, M. D. Griffin, T. Ritter, A. E. Ryan;
Regenerative Medicine Institute, Galway, Ireland.
P.B.22.06 Interaction between activated lymphocytes and mesenchymal cells promotes IL-17 secretion, partly mediated by podoplanin
M. Noack, N. Thiam, P. Miossec;
EA4130 Immunogenomics and Inflammation Unit, Lyon, France.
P.B.22.07 Changes in zinc and cadmium homeostasis can alter survival and inflammatory status in mesenchymal cells
P. Bonaventura1, G. Benedetti1, F. Lavocat1, A. Lamboux2, F. Albarde2, P. Miossec1;
Edouard Herriot hospital- Immunogenomic and inflammation unit EA4130, Lyon, France, 2Ecole Normale Suprieure (ENS) of Lyon- geology laboratory department of earth sciences, Lyon, France.
P.B.22.08 Novel candidates for genetic control of Collagen Induced Arthritis are involved in transcriptional regulation of lymphocyte activity
S. Sardar1, D. Vaartjes2, A. Kerr3, K. Kanne1, K. Svan1, . Andersson1;
Section for Systems Pharmacology, Department of Drug Design and Pharmacology, University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen , Denmark, 2Division of Medical Inflammation Research, Department of
Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 3School of Biomolecular and Biomedical Science, University College Dublin, Ireland, Dublin, Ireland.
P.B.22.09 Specific angiotensin type II receptor stimulation attenuates collagen-induced arthritis by modulating the Th17/Treg balance
B. Sehnert1,2, V. Valero-Esquitino3, G. Schett4, U. M. Steckelings5, R. E. Voll1,2;
Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, Medical Center-University Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, Medical Center-University Freiburg, Freiburg,
Germany, 3Center for Cardiovascular Research, Charit-Medical Faculty Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 4Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, University Hospital Erlangen, University of
Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 5IMM - Dept. of Cardiovascular & Renal Research, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark., Odens, Denmark.

60 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.22.10 Computer model analysis of the difference between F759 and wild type mice in rheumatoid-like arthritis emergence
S. Yamada1, A. Yoshimura2, T. Atsumi3, M. Murakami3;
Okayama University of Science, Okayama, Japan, 2Keio University, Tokyo, Japan, 3Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan.
P.B.22.11 Meloxicam effects on serum cytokine levels and cartilage degradation in iodoacetate-induced rat osteoarthritis
E. E. Nagy1,2, E. Vajda3, F. Annamaria4, T. Aczel1, E. Horvath5;
Dept. of Pharm. Biochemistry, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu-Mures, Romania, 2Lab. Med. Anal., Clinical County Hospital, Targu-Mures, Romania, 3Dept. of Drug Analysis, University of
Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu-Mures, Romania, 4Dept. of Physiopathology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Targu-Mures, Romania, 5Dept. of Pathology, University of Medicine and Pharmacy,
Targu-Mures, Romania.
P.B.22.12 Nanobody-based sandwich ELISA for human TL1A: a promising tool for diagnosis and monitoring of several autoimmune and inflammatory diseases
L. Vanrell, N. Silva, G. Gonzlez-Sapienza;
Facultad de Qumica-UdelaR, Montevideo, Uruguay.
P.B.22.13 Proinflammatory crosstalk between rheumatoid arthritis synovial fibroblasts and THP-1 monocytic cells is mediated via secreted extracellular vesicles
B. Sdar1, X. Osteikoetxea1, A. Nmeth1, K. Plczi1, M. Pszti1, K. Szab-Taylor1, K. Vukman1, . Pllinger1, A. Zakar1, . Kittel2, E. Buzs1;
Department of Genetics, Cell- and Immunobiology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary, 2Institute of Experimental Medicine, Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary.
P.B.22.14 A transititional fibroblast phenotype exists in very early rheumatoid arthritis: Modulation of endothelial responses and lymphocyte recruitment
H. M. McGettrick1, H. Munir2, C. S. Davies3, K. Raza1, G. B. Nash2, C. D. Buckley1, A. Filer1;
Rheumatology Research Group, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2School of Clinical and Experimental Medicine, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom,
Sandwell and South West Birmingham NHS Trust, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.B.22.15 Distinct expression of T-cell homing molecules in human autoimmune lymph node stromal cells upon TLR-3 triggering
J. Hhnlein1,2, T. Ramwadhdoebe1,2, F. Berger3, T. Geijtenbeek2, P. Tak4,5,6, L. van Baarsen1,2;
Amsterdam Rheumatology & immunology Center (ARC), Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Department of Experimental Immunology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam,

Netherlands, 3Division of Radiology, Academic Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 4University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 5Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 6GlaxoSmithKline,
Stevenage, United Kingdom.
P.B.22.16 Upregulation of IL23A mRNA and IL-23 serum level in chronic inflammatory arthritides
I. Manolova1, L. Miteva2, M. G. Ivanova3, R. Stoilov3, S. A. Stanilova2;
Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Department of Molecular Biology, Immunology and Medical genetics, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 3Clinic of
Rheumatology, University Hospital, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
P.B.22.17 Anti-infliximab antibodies production and clinical consequences: adverse reaction and loss of response
A. Matucci1, A. Vultaggio1, F. Nencini2, S. Pratesi2, E. Maggi2;
AOU Careggi, Florence, Italy, 2Dept of Sperimental and Clinic Medicine, University of Florence, Italy.
P.B.22.19 Effect of non-functional LILRA3 variants on susceptibility to spondyloarthropaties
D. Ordez del Valle, K. Kniesch, H. Z. Low, N. T. Baerlecken, R. E. Schmidt, T. Witte;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.B.22.20 The role of microRNA-146a in inflammatory arthritis
V. Saferding, A. Puchner, E. GoncalvesAlves, E. Sahin, M. Hofmann, S. Hayer, J. S. Smolen, K. Redlich, S. Blml;
Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.22.21 Metabolic profiling of synovial tissue shows altered glucose metabolism in rheumatoid arthritis samples.
R. Volchenkov1, M. Dung Cao2, K. B. Elgsten3, G. L. Goll4, K. Eikvar4, O. Bjrneboe5, T. F. Bathen2, H. L. Holen6, B. S. Sklhegg1;
Department of Nutrition, Institute of Basic Medical Sciences, University of Oslo, Oslo, Norway, 2Department of Circulation and Medical Imaging, Faculty of medicine, Norwegian University of Science and
Technology (NTNU), Trondheim, Norway, 3Department of Medical Biochemistry, Oslo University Hospital, Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway, 4Department of Rheumatology, Diakonhjemmet Hospital, Oslo,
Norway, 5Martina Hansens Hospital, Gjettum, Norway, 6Rheumatech AS, Oslo, Norway.
P.B.22.22 Novel biomarker for rheumatoid arthritis disease activity
A. Myngbay1, A. Adilbayeva1, Y. Bexeitov1, B. P. Yevstratenko2, R. M. Aitzhanova2, N. K. Otarbayev2, V. A. Adarichev1,3,4;
National Laboratory Astana, Nazarbayev University, Astana, Kazakhstan, 2Republican Diagnostic Center, Astana, Kazakhstan, 3Albert Einstein College of Medicine, Department of Medicine (Division of
Rheumatology) and Department of Microbiology & Immunology, Bronx, NY, United States, 4Nazarbayev University, Department of Biology, Astana, Kazakhstan.
P.B.22.23 FGF receptor antagonists show anabolic, anti-catabolic and anti-inflammatory effects in OA cartilage
E. Nummenmaa1, M. Hmlinen1, T. Moilanen1,2, K. Vuolteenaho1, E. Moilanen1;
The Immunopharmacology Research Group, University of Tampere School of Medicine and Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland, 2Coxa Hospital for Joint Replacement, Tampere, Finland.
P.B.22.24 Identification of small molecule inhibitors of elastase-mediated IL-36 activation
E. V. Belotcerkovskaia1, P. B. Davidovich1, S. Sura-Trueba1, S. J. Martin1,2;
St. Petersburg State Technological Institute, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation, 2Trinity College, Dublin 2, Ireland.

P.B.23 Animal Models of Autoimmunity

Chairpersons: Axel Roers; Dresden, Germany / Fons van de Loo; Nijmegen, Netherlands

P.B.23.01 Activin-A attenuates central nervous system (CNS) autoimmune inflammation

A. Trochoutsou1, M. Semitekolou1, S. Tousa1, V. Kloukina1, I. Morianos1, T. Kalamatas2, G. Xanthou1;
Biomedical Research Foundation of the Academy of Athens, Athens, Greece, 2Department of Neurology G. Gennimatas, General Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece.
P.B.23.02 ADAMTS13 reactive CD4+ T cells targeting a single CUB-2 domain derived peptide in autoimmune thrombotic thrombocytopenic purpura
F. C. Verbij1, F. de Heij1, P. Kaijen1, M. Zuurveld1, W. Bril1, R. Fijnheer2, N. Sorvillo1, A. ten Brinke1, J. Voorberg1;
Sanquin Blood Supply, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands.
P.B.23.04 Expression of micro-RNA 181a in NOD/J and congenic NOD.CD45.2 mice
G. Beilhack1, L. Schirmbeck1, W. Sattler1, B. Jug1, A. Beilhack2, R. Monteforte1;
Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Zentrum fr Experimentelle Molekulare Medizin, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.B.23.05 Respiratory infection with a bacterial pathogen attenuates CNS autoimmunity through IL-10 induction
S. C. Edwards, S. C. Higgins, K. H. Mills;
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland.
P.B.23.07 Autoimmunization processes in Collagen XVII transgenic mice
N. Kokkonen1,2, T. Hurskainen1,2, R. Sormunen3, J. Jackow4, S. Lffek5, R. Soininen3, C. W. Franzke6, L. Bruckner-Tuderman6, K. Tasanen1,2;
University of Oulu, Dept. of Dermatology, Oulu, Finland, 2Medical Research Center Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 3Biocenter Oulu, Oulu, Finland, 4Laboratory of genetic skin diseases, Paris, France, 5University

Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 6University of Freiburg, Dept. of Dermatology, Freiburg, Germany.

P.B.23.08 C1q deficiency accelerates the development of murine lupus independently of C3 activation
G. Ling, B. Lau, C. Giacomassi, B. Norzawani, J. Strid, M. Botto;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.23.09 Accelerated release of CD11bbrightCD18dim neutrophils and peripheral destruction by anti-neutrophil antibodies in a canine model of drug induced immune
mediated neutropenia
M. Winter1, M. Stefan-Gueldner2, A. Braendli-Baiocco1, S. Kustermann3, M. Festag3, M. Juedes2;
Roche Pharmaceutical Research and Early Development, Pharmaceutical Sciences Pathology and Immunology, Roche Innovation Center, Basel, Switzerland, 2Roche Pharmaceutical Research and
Early Development, Pharmaceutical Sciences Project Leaders, Roche Innovation Center, Basel, Switzerland, 3Roche Pharmaceutical Research and Early Development, Pharmaceutical Sciences
Pharmacology and Mechanistic Safety, Roche Innovation Center, Basel, Switzerland.
P.B.23.10 The role of regulatory T cells in experimental autoimmune glomerulonephritis
S. Ahrens1, S. Hnemrder1, V. Schumacher1, H. Hopfer2, H. Mittrcker1;
Institute of Immunology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Institute of Pathology, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland.
P.B.23.11 Relapsing-remitting experimental autoimmune uveitis (EAU) in rats is efficiently treated by oral tolerance induction
G. Wildner, A. Huber, M. Diedrichs-Mhring;
Section of Immunobiology, Dept. of Ophthalmology, Clinic of the University of Munich, Munich, Germany.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 61
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.23.13 The melanocortin-receptor agonist NDP-MSH ameliorates ongoing experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis by preventing leukocyte extravasation and
neuronal damage
N. Sucker1, A. Herrmann2, C. Faber3, L. Klenner1, C. Baumann1, K. Holz1, M. Schneewei1, H. Wiendl2, T. A. Luger1, S. G. Meuth2, K. Loser1;
Department of Dermatology, Mnster, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, Mnster, Germany, 3Institute for Clinical Radiology, Mnster, Germany.
P.B.23.15 Aicardi-Goutires syndrome: Lupus-like autoimmune disease caused by inappropriate intracellular nucleic acid sensing
B. Hiller, K. Peschke, S. Tina, M. Kleefisch, M. Schulz, A. Hennig, R. Behrendt, A. Roers;
Institute for Immunology, TU Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
P.B.23.16 Nanobodies that antagonize the P2X7 ion channel ameliorate inflammatory diseases
F. Koch-Nolte1, W. Danquah1, C. Meyer-Schwesinger1, B. Rissiek1, C. Pinto1, P. Lorenz1, A. Serracant1, F. Haag1, E. Tolosa1, T. Laeremans2, C. Stortelers2;
University Medical Center Hamburg, Hamburg, Germany, 2Ablynx nv, Ghent, Belgium.
P.B.23.17 Deletion of Galectin 3 Enhances Primary Biliary Cirrhosis in Mice by Enhanced Apoptosis of Biliary Epithelial Cells and Release of Autoantigens
A. Arsenijevi, Marija Milovanovi, Jelena Milovanovi, Bojana Stojanovi, Nataa Zdravkovi, Patrick Leung, Fu-Tong Liu, Erick Gershwin, Miodrag L. Luki;
Center for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences University of Krag, Kragujevac, Serbia.
P.B.23.18 Development of a mouse model mimicking paraneoplastic neurological disease: how anti-tumor immunity can lead to autoimmunity in the CNS
C. Gebauer1, B. Pignolet1, L. Yshii1, B. Engelhardt2, D. Brassat1, R. Liblau1;
CPTP, INSERM U1043 - CNRS UMR5282-Universit Toulouse III, Toulouse, France, 2Theodor Kocher Institut, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
P.B.23.19 Role of Prostaglandin E2 Receptor EP4 in Nephrotoxic Serum Nephritis
I. Aringer1,2, A. Kirsch3, K. Artinger1, C. Schabhttl1, K. Jandl2, A. Kozina4, T. Stojakovic5, P. Eller6, A. Rosenkranz1, . Heinemann2, K. Eller1;
Division of Nephrology,Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Institute of Experimental and Clinical Pharmacology, Graz, Austria, 3Division of Nephrology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria,
Institute of Molecular Biology and Biochemistry, Graz, Austria, 5Clinical Institute of Medical and Chemical Laboratory Diagnostics, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 6Division of Angiology,Medical
University of Graz, Graz, Austria.

P.B.23.20 ROS deficiency exacerbates glucose-6-phosphate isomerase-peptide induced arthritis by regulating -interferon-inducible-lysosomal thiol reductase expression
M. Yang, R. Holmdahl;
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.23.21 P-selectin deficiency alters the population balance of immune circulating cells
R. Gonzlez-Tajuelo, E. Lozano-Andrs, J. Silvn, A. Urzainqui;
Fundacin de Investigacin Bimedica, IISPrincesa, Immunology Department, Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.23.22 Deleting the BAFF receptor TACI protects against systemic lupus erythematosus without extensive reduction in B cell numbers
W. A. Figgett1, D. Deliyanti1, K. A. Fairfax2,1,3, P. Quah1, J. L. Wilkinson-Berka1, F. Mackay1;
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia, 3Melbourne University, Melbourne, Australia.
P.B.23.23 Mouse SCID models of Systemic lupus erythematosus
A. I. Tchorbanov, N. Kerekov, K. Nikolova-Ganeva, N. Mihaylova;
Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.
P.B.23.24 Increased salt exposure affects both lymphoid and myeloid effector functions, influencing antibody-induced arthritis but not autoimmunity
B. Raposo1, D. Vaartjes1, K. Nandakumar1, R. Holmdahl1,2;
Section for Medical Inflammation Research, Department of Medical Biochemistry and Biophysics, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Section for Medical Inflammation Research, Southern Medical
University,, Guangzhou, China.

P.B.24 Mediators of (Neuro) Immune Regulation

Chairpersons: Jon Lampa; Stockholm, Sweden / Manuel Friese; Hamburg, Germany

P.B.24.01 Novel Nuclear factor-kappa B targeting peptide suppresses beta-amyloid induced inflammatory and apoptotic responses in neuronal cells
M. Srinivasan, D. Lahiri;
Indiana University, Indianapolis, IN, United States.
P.B.24.02 Vagus nerve stimulation decrease CD4+ but not CD8+ T cell activation in immune organs in mice
J. Estelius, E. Le Matre, J. Lampa;
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.24.03 Morphological changes in Substance P myenteric varicosities of the small intestine after chronic F exposure
C. G. Melo1, S. R. Souza2, A. D. Heubel1, J. G. Souza1, I. Zignani2, P. S. Watanabe2, J. P. Matins2, J. N. Zanoni2, M. R. Buzalaf1;
University of Sao Paulo, Bauru-SP, Brazil, 2State University of Maringa, Maringa-PR, Brazil.
P.B.24.04 Repeated challenge with the hapten oxazolone provokes persistent vulvar mechanical sensitivity and inflammatory tissue changes in previously sensitized ND4
D. Chatterjea1, T. Martinov2, C. Benck1;
Macalester College, Saint Paul, MN, United States, 2University of Minnesota, Minneapolis, MN, United States.
P.B.24.05 Ischemic stroke induces a loss of innate-like marginal zone B cell functions and a susceptibility to bacterial pneumonia via b-adrenergic receptor signalling
L. McCulloch1, S. Hulme2, P. Tyrrell3,2, S. J. Hopkins4, C. J. Smith3,2, B. W. McColl1;
Roslin Institute and R(D)SVS, University of Edinburgh, Easter Bush Campus, United Kingdom, 2Stroke Services, Clinical Sciences Building, Hope Hospital, Salford, United Kingdom, 3University of
Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4North Western Injury Research Collaboration (NWIRC), Clinical Sciences Building, Hope Hospital, Salford, United Kingdom.
P.B.24.06 Modulatory effects of Nicotine on human astrocytes stimulated with Interleukin-1beta
P. Revathikumar, S. Gopalakrishnan, E. le matre, J. Lampa;
Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.24.07 Prostaglandins as central mediators of neuro-immune pathways
P. Revathikumar1, N. Agalave2, E. Le Matre1, C. I. Svensson2, P. Jakobsson1, M. Korotkova1, J. Lampa1;
Department of Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Department of Physiology & Pharmacology, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.24.08 Thymic and immunological phenotype of growth hormone releasing hormone (GHRH)-deficient mice in basal conditions
G. Bodart1, K. Fahrat1, C. Renard-Charlet1, R. Salvatori2, V. Geenen1, H. Martens1;
Center of Immunoendocrinology, GIGA-I3, University of Liege, Lige, Belgium, 2Division of Endocrinology, Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States.
P.B.24.10 IL-17A and IFN-gamma are up-regulated both in CD4 and gamma/delta T cells in active Behcets disease patients
V. Abbasova, A. Gl, G. Saruhan-Direskeneli;
Istanbul Medical Faculty, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.24.11 the effect of siRNA caveolin-1 on the expression of tumor associated factors SDF-1, EGF, FSP-1 in fibroblasts co-cultured with breast cancer cells
W. Li;
Nanchang University,China, Nanchang, China.
P.B.24.12 Macrophage inhibitory cytokine 1 (MIC-1)/growth differentiation factor 15 (GDF15) suppresses pulmonary inflammation and pathology in a mouse model of
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
M. Fricker1, V. W. Tsai2, D. A. Brown2, S. N. Breit2, P. M. Hansbro1;
University of Newcastle, Hunter Medical Research Institute, New Lambton Heights, Australia, 2St. Vincents Centre for Applied Medical Research, St. Vincents Hospital and University of New South Wales,
Sydney, Australia.
P.B.24.13 IL-36alpha expression is elevated in ulcerative colitis and promotes colonic inflammation
S. E. Russell1, R. M. Horan1, A. Stefanska1, A. Carey2, S. Hussey2, P. T. Walsh1,2;
Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2National Childrens Research Centre, Dublin, Ireland.
P.B.24.14 Proinflammatory cytokine gene polymorphisms in Greek asthmatic patients
E. Kontakioti1, K. Domvri1, A. Gerofotis2, A. Vassilaki3, G. Kokaraki3, K. Porpodis1, K. Zarogoulidis1, D. Papakosta1, M. Daniilidis2;
Asthma Clinic, Pulmonary Department, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, George Papanikolaou Hospital, Exochi, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2First Department of Internal Medicine, Ahepa University Hospital,
Thessaloniki, Greece, 3Immunogenetics Research Laboratory, 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, AHEPA University Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.

62 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.24.15 Serum level of IL-12 and sVEGFR1/VEGF ratio in patients with cognitive disorders
I. K. Malashenkova1, S. A. Krynskiy1,2, N. A. Hailov1, E. I. Dobrovolskaia1, N. A. Didkovsky2, D. P. Ogurtsov2, S. I. Gavrilova3, E. V. Ponomareva3, I. V. Kolyhalov3;
NRC Kurchatov Instutute, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Science Research Institute of Physical-Chemical Medicine, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Mental Health Research Center, Moscow, Russian
P.B.24.16 Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Equine Adipose Mesenchymal Stem Cells for Bone Fracture in Thoroughbred Racehorses
J. Lee, G. Lee, N. Gu, J. Byeon, H. Kim, S. Cha;
Animal and Plant Quarantine Agency, Anyang-si, Korea, Republic of.
P.B.24.17 Correlation between clinical symptoms and peripheral immune response in HAM/TSP
H. T. Fuzii, G. A. Dias, G. T. Yoshikawa, R. V. Koyama, S. Fujihara, R. Medeiros, J. A. Quaresma;
Universidade Federal do Par, Belm, Brazil.
P.B.24.18 Human cytomegalovirus encoded cmvIL-10 induces human IL-10 protein secretion via induction of heme oxygenase 1
S. Avdic1, B. P. McSharry1, M. Steain1, E. Poole2, J. Sinclair2, A. Abendroth1, B. Slobedman1;
The University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
P.B.24.19 The role of reactive oxygen species in avian influenza H5N1 and H7N9 infection
S. Ye1, S. Lowther2, J. Stambas1;
Deakin University, Waurn Ponds, Australia, 2CSIRO AAHL, Geelong, Australia.
P.B.24.20 S. aureus and E. coli induce IL-32 gene expression to different extents during infection of bovine mammary gland epithelial cells
M. Deplanche1, L. Alexeeva2, P. Germon3, P. Rainard3, F. Dessauge4, L. Finot4, Y. Le Loir1, D. G. Smith5, N. Berkova1;
INRA, Agrocampus Ouest, Rennes, France, 2Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3INRA, Universit Franois Rabelais de Tours, Nouzilly, France, 4INRA,

Saint Gilles, France, 5University of Glasgow, Institute of Infection, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
P.B.24.21 Neurological manifestations in patients with primary biliary cirrhosis(PBC)

C. J. Kalliouli-Antonopoulou1, X. Koufomichali2, S. Kokkoris2, M. Agrogianni2, A. Ioannidou2, L. Karasavidou2, E. Pappa1, C. Drakoulis2;
Department of Immunology, General State Hospital of Nikea-Piraeus Agios Panteleimon, Nikea-Piraeus, Greece, 22nd Department of Internal Medicine, General State Hospital of Nikea-Piraeus Agios
Panteleimon, Nikea-Piraeus, Greece.
P.B.24.22 Acute Toxoplasma gondii infection in Alzheimers disease
R. C. Montacute, S. Cruickshank, S. M. Allan;
University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.B.24.23 Investigation of the Response of the NF-B Signalling Pathway of SK-Hep-1 Cells treated with Wild-Type and Mutant Pre-Ligand Assembly Domain
S. Albogami, O. Negm, I. Todd, L. Fairclough, P. Tighe;
The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
P.B.24.24 The features of immunopathogenesis at the metabolic syndrome from patients of Khakassia
E. S. Ageeva, O. Y. Kilina, O. V. Shtygasheva;
Khakas State University, Abakan, Russian Federation.
P.B.24.25 The level of cytokines in patients with metabolic syndrome of the Republic of Khakassia
E. S. Ageeva, Y. V. Saranchina, O. V. Shtygasheva, O. Y. Kilina, A. A. Afanasyeva;
Khakas State University, Abakan, Russian Federation.
P.B.24.26 Assessment of T cell lineage-specific transcription factors and cytokines expression in multiple sclerosis and neuro-behet disease patients
M. Belghith1, k. Bahrini1, M. Kchaou2, S. Belal2, M. R. Barbouche1;
Pasteur Institut, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Charles Nicolle Hospital, Tunis, Tunisia.

P.B.25 Allergen Specific Immune Response - Part 2

Chairpersons: Martina Prelog; Innsbruck, Austria / Revaz I. Sepiashvili; Moscow, Russian Federation (tbc)

P.B.25.01 Differences of molecular sensitization profile towards animal and pollen allergens revealed by allergen micro-array in two generations of patients with respiratory
V. Garib1,2, E. Wollmann1, G. Djambekova1, G. Hudoyarova1, F. Gastager2, R. Valenta1,2;
Div. of Immunopathology, Dept. of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2International Network f of Universities or Molecular Allergology and Immunology,
Vienna, Austria.
P.B.25.02 Molecular sensitization profiles to grass pollen allergens in Central Asia revealed with micro-arrayed allergens
V. Garib, E. Wollmann, G. Djambekova, R. Valenta;
Div. of Immunopathology, Dept. of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.25.03 Mapping IgE epitopes of food allergens which cross-react with the major birch pollen allergen, Bet v 1
M. A. A. Kodydek, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber, R. Valenta, M. Focke-Tejkl;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.25.04 Cloning, expression in insect cells and immunological characterization of Par j 2.0101, a major allergen of Parietaria judaica pollen
Y. Dorofeeva, M. Asumta Anyango Kodydek, R. Valenta, M. Focke-Tejkl;
Medical university of Vienna, Wien, Austria.
P.B.25.05 Role of 8-oxoG in pollen-induced allergic airway inflammation
K. L. Pzmndi1, A. Varga1, I. Boldogh2, . Rajnavlgyi1, T. Br1, A. Bcsi1;
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Texas Medical Branch at Galveston, Galveston,
TX, United States.
P.B.25.06 Non specific lipid transfer proteins - are they really unspecific
P. Dubiela, P. Humeniuk, S. Pfeifer, M. Bublin, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.25.07 Recombinant expression, characterization and epitope mapping of gamma gliadins as major allergens in IgE-mediated wheat food allergy
S. Pahr1,2, A. Baar1,2, B. Srinivasan1, N. Papadopoulos3, S. Giavi4, M. Mkel5, A. Pelkonen5, C. Ebner6, J. Thalhamer7, S. Vrtala1,2, R. Valenta1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian
Doppler Laboratory for the Development of Allergen Chips, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Allergy Department, 2nd Pediatric Clinic, University of Athen, Athen, Greece, 4Allergy Department,
2nd Pediatric Clinic, University of Athen, Athens, Greece, 5Skin and Allergy Hospital, Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, 6Ambulatory for Allergy and Clinical Immunology Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 7Department of Molecular Biology, Division of Allergy and Immunology, University of Salzburg,, Salzburg, Austria.
P.B.25.08 Identification and characterization of natural adjuvants in birch pollen
D. Werner1,2, N. Zulehner1,2, B. Nagl1, G. J. Zlabinger3, B. Bohle1,2;
Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Immunomodulation, Vienna, Austria, 3Institute of Immunology, Medical University
Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.25.09 Mouse lung-specific initiation of allergic asthma ignorome
M. Riba1, J. Garcia Manteiga1, B. Bosnjak2, D. Cittaro1, P. Mikolka2,3, C. Le2, M. M. Epstein2, E. Stupka1,4;
Center for Translational Genomics and Bioinformatics, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy, 2Experimental Allergy, Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Comenius University in Bratislava, Institute of Physiology (Jessenius Faculty of Medicine), Bratislava, Slovakia, 4Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH & Co. KG, Biberach a.d. Riss, Germany.
P.B.25.10 Proanthocyanidins from the bark of Metasequoia glyptostroboides ameliorate allergic contact dermatitis through directly inhibiting T cells activation and Th1/Th17
F. Chen, X. Ye, Y. Yang, T. Teng, X. Li, S. Xu, Y. Ye;
Zhejiang Academy of Medical Sciences, Hangzhou, China.
P.B.25.11 Autoantibody reactivity in patients with allergic diseases, comobordity or distinct entities
E. N. Sibanda;
Asthma, Allergy and Immunology Clinic, Harare, Zimbabwe.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 63
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.25.12 Epicutaneous allergen application induces allergen-specific IgG and T cell responses but not boosts of IgE production
R. Campana1, K. Moritz2, A. Neubauer3, H. Huber3, R. Henning3, K. Blatt4, G. Hoermann5, T. Brodie6, A. Kaider7, P. Valent4, F. Sallusto6, S. Whrl2, R. Valenta1;
Division of Immunopathology, Center of Physiology and Pathophysiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Immunology, Department of Dermatology, Allergy and Infectious
Diseases, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Biomay AG, Vienna, Austria, 4Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology, Department of Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 5Department of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 6Cellular Immunology Laboratory, Institute for Research in Biomedicine, Bellinzona, Switzerland,
Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics and Intelligent Systems, Section for Clinical Biometrics, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.25.13 Hymenoptera venoms multi-sensitization in Brazilian patients
K. M. De Amicis1,2, A. S. Watanabe1, C. E. Galvao1, D. D. Figo1, J. A. Santos-Pinto3, M. S. Palma3, F. Castro1, J. Kalil1, F. Ferreira-Briza2, G. Gadermaier2, K. S. Santos1;
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 3UNESP, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.25.14 Th1/Th2 cytokine profiles in sera and mononuclear cells supernatants in mono- and polysensitization
H. Janaeva1, N. Riger2;
Clinical center Planet of Health, Urus-Martan, Russian Federation, 2Institute of Nutrition, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.B.25.15 Analysis of the inflammatory and allergic properties of moulds
P. Lehebel, M. Vincent, S. De Prins, G. Tima, G. Treutens, K. Huygen, O. Denis;
Public Health Institute, Bruxelles, Belgium.
P.B.25.17 Allergic asthma increases the susceptibility of mice to Brucella melitensis after intranasal infection
A. Machelart1, G. Potemberg1, F. Bureau2, J. Letesson1, E. Muraille1,3;
University of Namur, Namur, Belgium, 2University of Lige, Lige, Belgium, 3Universit Libre de Bruxelles, Bruxelles, Belgium.
P.B.25.18 Do mast cells contribute to the development of house dust mite-induced allergic airway inflammation in mice?
E. Mendez-Enriquez1, A. Westin1, T. B. Feyerabend2, H. Rodewald2, J. Hallgren1;
Uppsala University, Uppsala Biomedical Center, Uppsala, Sweden, 2Division for Cellular Immunology, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum, Heidelberg, Germany.

P.B.25.19 Stem cell factor and Interleukin-31 expression: Association with serum Immunoglobulin E antibody among atopic and non-atopic Egyptian patients with Bronchial
M. Moaaz;
Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
P.B.25.20 Interaction of fish and peanut allergens with intestinal and bronchial epithelial cells
T. Kalic1, C. Palladino1, I. Ellinger1, E. Waltl2, K. Ashjaei1, V. Niederberger2, H. Breiteneder1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.25.21 Serum albumin - an important allergen also in processed meat products
P. Romn-Carrasco1, C. Klug1, G. Augustin1, S. Quirce2, I. Swoboda1, W. Hemmer3;
FH Campus Wien, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Allergy, Hospital La Paz, Madrid, Spain, 3FAZ-Floridsdorf Allergy Center, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.25.22 Staphylococcus aureus derived protease induces Th2 driven airway inflammation in mice
A. R. Teufelberger1,2, S. Stentzel3, T. Maes4, G. Holtappels1, K. De Grove4, D. V. Krysko2, B. Brker3, C. Bachert1, O. Krysko1;
Upper Airways Research Laboratory, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 2Inflammation Research Center, Vlaams Instituut voor Biotechnologie, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 3Department of
Immunology, University Medicine Greifswald, Greifswald, Germany, 4Laboratory for Translational Research in Obstructive Pulmonary Diseases, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium.
P.B.25.23 Sensitivity and specificity of lymphocyte transformation test in assessment of hypersensitivity reactions following anticonvulsant usage
M. Mesdaghi1, Z. Karami2, Z. Chavoshzadeh1, M. Mansouri1, P. Karimzadeh3;
Department of immunology, Mofid childrens hospital, Shahid university of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of immunology, School of medicine, Shahid university of medical
sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Department of pediatric neurology, Mofid childrens hospital, Shahid university of medical sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

P.B.26 Allergic Disorders - Part 2

Chairpersons: Hans Grnlund; Stockholm, Sweden / Michelle M. Epstein; Vienna, Austria

P.B.26.01 In vitro studies of a novel, potent and selective PI3K inhibitor: CPL-302-266
P. Turowski1, A. Bujak1,2, M. Sekular1, M. Dziachan1, M. Zagozda1, M. Wieczorek1, P. Gunerka1,3;
Innovative Drugs R&D Department, Celon Pharma S.A, Kielpin/Lomianki, Poland, 2Postgraduate School of Molecular Medicine, Warsaw Medical University, Warsaw, Poland, 3Department of Medical
Biotechnology, Medical University of Lodz, Lodz, Poland.
P.B.26.02 Preconception immunization with OVA can influence offspring thymic T cells maturation down-regulating IL-17 production
M. G. de-Oliveira, F. R. Sgnotto, A. J. Duarte, M. N. Sato, J. R. Victor;
Laboratory of Medical Investigation LIM 56, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.26.03 Isolation and characterization of SSEA-1+ pulmonary stem/progenitor cells for treatment of allergic asthma
C. Chiu1, B. Chiang1,2;
Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.B.26.04 Delayed type hypersensitivity reactions to subcutaneously applied anticoagulants
K. Syre, A. Zbyszewski, T. Kinaciyan;
DIAID, Dept. of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.26.05 The role of GSTM1 and GSTT1 gene polymorphisms in bronchial asthma
M. Castro1, A. Matos2, M. Loureno2, J. Ferreira2, M. Bicho2;
Immunoallery Department-CHLN, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Genetic Department, Lisbon Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal.

P.B.26.06 Inducible nitric oxide synthase polymorphism in asthmatic patients

M. Castro1, A. Matos2, R. Prabhudas2, F. Joana2, A. Gil2, M. Bicho2;
ImmunoAllergy Department-CHLN, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Genetic Department, Lisbon Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal.
P.B.26.07 The role of Lelp-1 polymorphism in asthmatic patients
M. Castro1, M. Westerling2, A. Matos2, A. Gil2, J. Ferreira2, M. Bicho2;
ImmunoAllergy Department-CHLN, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Genetic Department, Lisbon Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal.
P.B.26.08 The role of myeloperoxidase gene promoter region polymorphism in asthma
M. Castro1, A. Matos2, R. Prabhudas,2, J. Ferreira2, A. Gil2, M. Bicho2;
ImmunoAllergy Department-CHLN, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Genetic Department; Lisbon Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal.
P.B.26.09 The role of methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase polymorphism in asthmatic patients
M. Castro1, M. Westerling2, A. Matos2, A. Gil2, J. Ferreira2, M. Bicho2;
ImmunoAllergy Department-CHLN, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Genetic Department; Lisbon Medical School, Lisbon, Portugal.
P.B.26.10 Substance P alleviates the symptoms of TNCB-induced allergic contact dermatitis in NC/Nga transgenic mice
H. Choi1, M. K. Shin2, E. Chung1, Y. Son1,3;
Department of Genetic Engineering, College of Life Science and Graduate School of Biotechnology, Yong In, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Dermatology, Kyung Hee University Hospital, Seoul,
Korea, Republic of, 3Kyung Hee Institute of Regenerative Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.B.26.11 Differential expression of Toso in moderate/severe and mild persistent allergic rhinitis and their possible correlation with clinical characteristics
A. Pirayesh, H. Shirzad, S. shahsavan;
Cellular and Molecular Research Center, Shahrekord University of Medical Sciences, Shahrekord, Iran, Shahrekord, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.26.12 Lipids from peanut reduce Ara h 1-induced TNF- production in MoDCs of donors without peanut allergy
C. Palladino1, B. Gepp1, S. Sirvent2, A. Angelina2, M. Bublin1, C. Radauer1, N. Lengger1, T. Eiwegger3, O. Palomares2, H. Breiteneder1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, School of Chemistry, Complutense University of
Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.26.13 Transcriptome profile of the maturing murine lung and susceptibility for allergic airway disease
R. M. Grychtol, R. Sherburn, J. Vasiliou, A. Filia, M. Lovett, S. Saglani, C. Lloyd;
Imperial College, London, London, United Kingdom.

64 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.27 Tumor Immunity - Part 2
Chairpersons: Erhard Hofer; Vienna, Austria / Jose M. Martin-Villa; Madrid, Spain

P.B.27.01 Isolation and characterization of lymphocytes and fibroblasts from the skin of mycosis fungoides patients
B. Beksa1,2, G. Gunaydin2, D. Guc2;
Gazi University Faculty of Medicine Department of Dermatology, Ankara, Turkey, 2Hacettepe University Cancer Institute Department of Basic Oncology, Ankara, Turkey.
P.B.27.02 Rapid dissemination of RET-transgene driven melanoma in the presence of Non-Obese Diabetic alleles : critical roles of Dectin-1 and Nitric-Oxide Synthase type 2
E. Dabbeche1,2, L. Krause1,2, M. Kato3, A. Prvost-Blondel1, H. J. Garchon1,2;
Cochin Institute, University Paris Descartes, INSERM U1016, Paris, France, 2University of Versailles Saint-Quentin, INSERM U1173, Montigny-le-Bretonneux, France, 3Unit of Environmental Health
Sciences, Chubu University, Aichi, Japan.
P.B.27.03 Regulatory T cells and myeloid-derived suppressor cells in patients with peptic ulcer and gastric cancer
A. Ajami1,2, M. Tehrani1, H. Mesali1, Z. Rajabian1, V. Hosseini1;
Mazandarn University of Medical Sciences, Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Molecular and Cell Biology Research Center, Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.27.04 Evaluation of the cytotoxic activities of CD8+ T Lymphocytes and NK cells in patients with non-small cell lung cancer
B. Eryasar1, E. Cetin Aktas1, U. Kucuksezer1, N. Akdeniz1, A. Yilmaz1, A. Turna2, G. Deniz1;
Istanbul University, The Institute of Experimental Medicine (DETAE), Department of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Istanbul University, Cerrahpasa Medical School, Department of Thoracic Surgery,
Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.27.05 Natural killer (NK) cells in tumor microenvironment inhibit the differentiation of Th1 and Th17
G. Lal, S. Paul;
National Centre for Cell Science, Pune, India.
P.B.27.06 A low NK cell count and a high percentage of CD8+CD38+ cells are peripheral blood markers of PTLD

V. Morel1, S. Choquet1, M. Moussali2, I. Mauger3, C. Lebbe4, C. Frances5, V. Leblond3, B. Autran1, G. Carcelain1, A. Guihot1;
INSERMU1135, Paris, France, 2AP-HP Piti Salpetriere, Paris, France, 3AP-HP, Piti Salpetriere, Paris, France, 4AP-HP, hpital St. Louis, Paris, France, 5AP-HP, hpital Tenon, Paris, France.
P.B.27.07 Histamine plus IL-2 induces expansion of activated CD56bright NK cells during maintenance therapy in acute myeloid leukemia
A. Cuapio1, M. Post1, M. Osl1, S. Cerny-Reiterer2, K. V. Gleixner2, W. R. Sperr2,3, S. Herndlhofer2,3, P. Valent2,3, E. Hofer1;
Department of Vascular Biology and Thrombosis Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Hematology & Hemostaseology, Medical University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Ludwig Boltzmann Cluster Oncology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.27.08 Enhanced NK cell-dependent surveillance of tumors in NKG2D-deficient mice
V. Jeleni, F. M. Wensveen, M. Lenarti, B. Poli;
School of medicine Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
P.B.27.09 Imaging-based TVA measurements of natural killer cell activity provides results comparable to classic chromium release assays but without radioactivity, using
fewer cells, and with less labor
K. Horvath1, S. Sundararaman2, K. Karacsony2, D. Roen2, P. V. Lehmann2;
CTL Europe GmbH, Bonn, Germany, 2Cellular Technology Limited, Shaker Heights, OH, United States.
P.B.27.10 Invariant natural killer T cells impair the deleterious effect of B-1 lymphocytes on murine melanoma cells
E. C. Perez1,2, M. F. Laurindo2, L. Osugi2, B. Vivanco2, J. Nogueira2, J. D. Lopes2, A. C. Keller2;
Universidade Paulista, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.27.11 Unconventional peripheral T-lymphocyte subsets in patients with oncology diseases and precancerous states
S. Penickova, L. Schandene, O. Pradier;
Hospital Erasme, Bruxelles, Belgium.
P.B.27.12 The potential immunomodulatory role of cortisol on NKG2D activating NK cells receptor in ovarian cancer
A. A. Seida;
Microbiology and Immunology Department, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Cairo University, Giza, P.O., Giza, Cairo, Egypt.
P.B.27.13 Low dose chemotherapy induces PD-L1 upregulation in tumors
D. Quandt, B. Seliger;
University of Halle, Halle, Germany.
P.B.27.15 Regulatory T cells showing phenotypical, epigenetic and functional features of immune suppression are enriched in human colorectal cancer
E. Timperi1, I. Pacella1, V. Schinzari1, L. Sacco2, F. Farelli2, F. Longo3, A. Ciardi4, P. Chirletti2, V. Barnaba1, S. Piconese1;
Sapienza Universit di Roma, Dip. di medicina interna e specialit mediche, Italy, 2Sapienza Universit di Roma, Sezione di Chirurgia interdisciplinare F. Durante, Italy, 3Sapienza Universit di Roma, Dip. di
medicina molecolare, Italy, 4Sapienza Universit di Roma, Dip. di Scienze Radiologiche e Oncologiche, Italy.
P.B.27.16 Dual role of transforming growth factor beta promoter polymorphism in colorectal cancer
S. A. Stanilova1, L. Miteva1, G. Cirovski2, N. S. Stanilov3;
Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Department of Molecular Biology, Immunology and Medical genetics, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2Trakia Hospital, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 3Trakia University, Medical
Faculty, Department of Surgery, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.
P.B.27.17 Inducible regulatory T cells (Tr1) in the peripheral blood, lymph nodes and tumor tissues of patients with breast cancer
F. Riazi-Rad1, Z. Saraf2, R. Omranipour3, M. H. Alimohammadian1, S. Ajdary1;
Pasteur institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Cancer Institute of Tehran University Of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic
Republic of.
P.B.27.18 Upregulation of TRAIL-R2/DR5 by diclofenac sensitizes resistant melanoma to TRAIL-induced apoptosis
M. Vzquez-Strauss, G. Stingl;
Department of Dermatology, Division of Immunology, Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Medical Universi, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.27.19 Interactions between NKT and regulatory T cells (Tregs) in patients with prostatic cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia
I. Mrakovcic-Sutic1, S. Sotosek2, V. Sotosek-Tokmadzic3, I. Sutic4, V. Pavisic5, M. Petkovic6;
Department of Physiology and Immunology, Medical Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia, 2Clinic of Urology, Clinical Hospital Centre Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia, 3Department of Anaesthesiology, Reanimatology and
Intensive Care, Medical Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia, 4Department of Family Medicine, Medical Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia, 5Medical Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia, 6Department of Oncology and Radiotherapy, Medical
Faculty, Rijeka, Croatia.
P.B.27.20 The value of tumor infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) as prognostic/predictive biomarkers in patients with breast cancer (BCa)
S. P. Fortis1, C. Haritos1, M. Sofopoulos2, N. N. Sotiriadou2, N. Anastasopoulos1, M. Papamichail1, S. A. Perez1, C. N. Baxevanis1;
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Center, Saint Savas Cancer Hospital, Athens, Greece, 2Saint Savas Cancer Hospital, Pathology Department, Athens, Greece.
P.B.27.21 Role of tumor microenvironment in the development of cutaneous and ocular melanomas
J. R. de Carvalho1, A. Lallo1, J. G. Xavier1, L. Bonamin1, F. T. Konno1, J. D. Lopes2, E. C. Perez1,2;
Universidade Paulista, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Universidade Federal de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.27.23 Tumor-infiltrating T cells improve clinical outcome of therapy-resistant neuroblastoma
M. Mina1, R. Boldrini2, A. Citti2, P. Romania2, V. DAlicandro2, M. De Ioris2, A. Castellano2, C. Furlanello1, F. Locatelli2, D. Fruci2;
Fondazione Bruno Kessler, Trento, Italy, 2Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Ges, Rome, Italy.
P.B.27.24 Timely vaccination with a MHC class II peptide attenuates CD8+ T cell tolerance in a mouse model of sporadic cancer
C. Schn1, T. Blankenstein1,2, G. Willimsky1,2;
Charit - Universittsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, 2Max-Delbrck-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany.

P.B.28 Tumormarkers
Chairpersons: Paul A. Beavis; Melbourne, Australia / Dmitry Kuprash; Moscow, Russian Federation

P.B.28.01 1068 G>A and 1513A>C Polymorphisms in the P2X7 Receptor Gene in lymphoma Patients
A. Al-Shukaili1, A. Al-Ansari2, I. Burney3;
Health & Social Development Sector, The Research Council, Muscat, Oman, 2Department of Biology, College of Science, Sultan Qaboos University, (SQU ), Muscat, Oman, 3Oncology Unit, Department of
Medicine, College of Medicine &Health Sciences, SQU, Muscat, Oman.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 65
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.B.28.02 CXCL8 as candidate biomarker for detecting metastatic processes in cutaneous melanoma
M. Neagu1,2, C. Constantin1, D. Boda3, S. Zurac3,4;
Victor Babes National Institute of Pathology, Bucharest, Romania, 2University of Bucharest, Bucharest, Romania, 3Carol Davila University of Medicine & Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania, 4Colentina
University Hospital, Bucharest, Romania.
P.B.28.03 Evaluation of systemic and local levels of nitric oxide in Algerian breast cancer patients: correlation with clinico-pathological parameters
M. Amri1, A. Lekehal1, R. Miloudi1, N. Benzidane2, A. Kouchkar3, N. Terki3, C. Touil-Boukoffa1;
Team Cytokines and NOSynthases, laboratory of cellular and molecular biology, faculty of biological sciences, university of science and technology Houari Boumediene, Algiers, Algeria, 2Department of
senology, Centre Pierre and Marie Curie, Algiers, Algeria, 3Department of anatomic-pathology, Centre Pierre and Marie Curie, Algiers, Algeria.
P.B.28.04 Estrogen activates protein kinase CK2 via ROS generation
S. Im, S. Jung, H. Bang;
Dept. of Biological Sciences, Chonnam National University, Gwangju, Korea, Republic of.
P.B.28.05 Clinical importance of S100A9 and S100A2 in breast cancer
M. Gnald1, Y. Okuturlar2, A. Kural3, C. Akarsu4, M. Karabulut4, A. Gedikba3;
Bakrky Dr Sadi Konuk Research and Training Hospital,Medical Oncology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Bakrky Dr Sadi Konuk Research and Training Hospital,Internal Medicine, Istanbul, Turkey, 3Bakrky Dr Sadi
Konuk Research and Training Hospital,Department of Biochemistry, Istanbul, Turkey, 4Bakrky Dr Sadi Konuk Research and Training Hospital,General Surgery, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.28.06 KRAS and BRAF status in colorectal cancer from Algerian Patients
K. Berkane1, S. Ait-Younes2, K. Bouzid1;
Molecular & Medical Oncology Pierre & Marie Curie Center, Hospital Mustapha, University Algiers 1, Algiers, Algeria, 2Pathology Department Pierre & Marie Curie Center, Algiers, Algeria.
P.B.28.07 Clinical significance of serum survivin in cancer patients
M. Gunaldi1, N. Isiksacan1, Y. Okuturlar1, H. Kocoglu1, O. Gunaldi2;
Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Bakirkoy Mental and Neurological Diseases Education and Training Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.

P.B.28.08 Investigation of tumor-associated carbonic anhydrase XII expression in cancer cells

D. Dekaminaviciute, R. Lasickiene, A. Vaitiekaite, P. Andrejauskas, V. Petrikaite, D. Matulis, A. Zvirbliene;
Institute of Biotechnology, Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania.
P.B.28.09 NFkB-dependent regulation of chemokine receptor CXCR5 gene by p53 family of tumor suppressors in MCF-7 breast cancer cells
N. A. Mitkin1, A. M. Muratova1,2, A. M. Schwartz1, C. D. Hook1, S. Biswas3, M. A. Afanasyeva1, A. Bhattacharyya3, D. V. Kuprash1,2;
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow,
Russian Federation, 3Department of Zoology, University of Calcutta, Calcutta, India.
P.B.28.10 Enhanced detection and quantification of circulating tumor cells using Imaging Flow Cytometry
S. Vaidyanathan1, D. Weldon2, P. Rhein3, D. A. Basiji1, P. Morrissey1;
Amnis part of EMD Millipore, Seattle, WA, United States, 2EMD Millipore, Hayward, CA, United States, 3Merck Chemicals GmbH, Schwalbach, Germany.
P.B.28.11 Serum auto-antibody against calreticulin as a potential biomarker for detection of colorectal cancer
G. Ghalamfarsa1, M. Mahmoudi2, S. Hosseini3, A. Ghaderi4, Z. Mojtahedi4;
Cellular & Molecular Research Center, Yasuj University of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Immunology Research Center, Department of Immunology and Allergy, School of Medicine,
Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Department of Colorectal Surgery, Colorectal Research Center, Faghihi Hospital, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz,
Iran, Islamic Republic of, 4Shiraz Institute for Cancer Research, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.28.12 Anti-retinol binding protein 1 auto-antibody is a tumor biomarker for advanced stages of colorectal cancer
F. Jadidi-Niaragh1,2,3, G. Ghalamfarsa4, M. Mahmoudi5, S. Hosseini6, A. Ghaderi7, Z. Mojtahedi7;
Department of Immunology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Immunology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz,
Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 4Cellular & Molecular Research Center, Yasuj University
of Medical Sciences, Yasuj, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 5Immunology Research Center, Department of Immunology and Allergy, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran,
Islamic Republic of, 6Department of Colorectal Surgery, Colorectal Research Center, Faghihi Hospital, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 7Shiraz Institute for Cancer
Research, School of Medicine, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.28.13 Negative association of the HLA-DQB1*02 allele with breast cancer development among Jordanians
M. F. Atoum, R. Tanashat, S. Alhaj mahmoud;
Hashemite University, Zarqa, Jordan.
P.B.28.14 Phosphatidylethanolamine-binding protein 4 is associated with breast cancer metastasis through Src-mediated Akt tyrosine phosphorylation
T. Zhang1, H. Li2, X. Wang3;
Second affiliated hospitial, ZheJiang Universitity school of medicine, HangZhou, China, 2The Tumor Hospital of Zhejiang Province, HangZhou, China, 3Immunology institution, ZheJiang Universitity school
of medicine, HangZhou, China.
P.B.28.15 The study of relationship between ERK1/2 and p38 MAPK signal pathway and LOX expression in gastric cancer cells
M. Han1, R. Liu2;
Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan, China, 2General hospital, Ningxia Medical University, Yinchuan, China.
P.B.28.16 MHC-I and matrix metalloproteinase 9 immunodetection in mammary tumors of dogs
A. Matsui, P. R. Moreira, R. O. Vasconcelos;
Faculdade de Cincias Agrrias e Veterinrias, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Jaboticabal, Brazil.
P.B.28.17 miRNAs in Sera of Tunisian patients discriminate between inflammatory breast cancer and non-inflammatory breast cancer
R. Marrakchi1, K. Hamdi1, D. Goerlitz2, J. Blancato2, M. Islam2, A. Ben Ammar Elgaaied11;
Laboratory of Genetics, Immunology and Human Pathology, Faculty of Sciences, University of Tunis El, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center, Georgetown University Medical Center,
Washington, WA, United States.
P.B.28.18 The development of an angiogenic protein signature in ovarian cancer ascites as a tool for biologic and prognostic profiling
N. G. Gavalas1, S. Trachana1, E. Pilalis2, K. Tzannis1, O. Papadodima2, M. Liontos1, A. Chatziioannou2, M. A. Dimopoulos1, A. Bamias1;
University of Athens, Medical School, Athens, Greece, 2Metabolic Engineering and Bioinformatics Program Institute of Biology, Medical Chemistry & Biotechnology, National Hellenic Research Foundation,
Athens, Greece.
P.B.28.20 Could loss of CD5 on T-lymphocytes characterize ongoing immunopathology and malignant processes ?
S. Penickova, L. Schandene, O. Pradier;
Hospital Erasme, Bruxelles, Belgium.
P.B.28.21 Gene expression profiling of circulating tumor cells and peripheral blood mononuclear cells from breast cancer patients
M. Hensler;
SOTIO, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.B.28.22 YKL-40 and colorectal cancer - is there a link?
M. Kazakova1, Y. Feodorova1, K. Simitchiev2, G. Kostov3, R. Dimov4, V. Sarafian1;
Medical University - Plovdiv, Department of Medical Biology, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 2University of Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Faculty of Chemistry, Department of Analytical Chemistry and Computer Chemistry,
Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 3Medical University - Plovdiv, Clinic of Surgery, Hospital Kaspela Plovdiv, Bulgaria, Plovdiv, Bulgaria, 4Medical University - Plovdiv, Department of Special Surgery, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.

Track C Innate Immunity

P.C.09 Innate Immunity - Inflammation - Part 1
Chairpersons: Peter Pietschmann; Vienna, Austria / Ihsan Gursel; Ankara, Turkey (tbc)

P.C.09.01 Mast cells form antibody-dependent degranulatory synapse for dedicated secretion and defence
R. Joulia1, N. Gaudenzio2, M. Rodrigues1, J. Lopez1, N. Blanchard1, S. Valitutti1, E. Espinosa1;
INSERM CPTP, Toulouse, France, 2School of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Stanford, Stanford, CA, United States.

66 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.C.09.02 The role of mast cell tryptases in allergic airways disease
A. Essilfie1, A. Jarnicki1, S. Gellatly1, A. Brown1, A. Deane1, K. Budden1, R. Stevens2, P. Hansbro1;
University of Newcastle and Hunter Medical Research Institute, Newcastle, Australia, 2Brigham and Womens Hospital and Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States.
P.C.09.03 Mast cells migration in mechanism of delayed-type hypersensitivity reaction
T. V. Sydorenko, L. A. Dyugovska, O. F. Melnikov;
Institute of Otolaryngology, Kyiv, Ukraine.
P.C.09.04 Cytochemical characteristics of human thymic mast cells
V. V. Guselnikova;
St. Petersburg State University, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
P.C.09.05 Negative regulatory roles of ORMDL3 in the FcRI-triggered expression of proinflammatory mediators, chemotactic response, and passive cutaneous anaphylaxis
V. Bugajev, I. Halova, L. Draberova, M. Bambouskova, L. Potuckova, H. Draberova, T. Paulenda, S. Junyent, P. Draber;
Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.C.09.06 The reaction of population pulmonary mast cells under the action of -blockers on the rats asthma model
M. Syrtsova;
Institute of Experimental Medicine, St. Petersburg, Russian Federation.
P.C.09.07 Epigenetic regulation of keratinocyte derived antimicrobial peptides during skin development
T. Berger, L. Beer, A. Elbe-Brger, E. Tschachler, M. Mildner;
Medical University of Vienna, Department of Dermatology, Wien, Austria.
P.C.09.08 Immunomodulating effect of antimicrobial peptide defensin RatNP3
G. M. Aleshina, I. A. Yankelevich, V. N. Kokryakov;
Institute of Experimental Medicine, Saint Petersburg, Russian Federation.

P.C.09.09 A pilot investigation: Inflammatory and oxidative pathways in isolated peripheral mononuclear cells from Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis
T. Nguyen;
Menzies Health Institution, Gold Coast, Australia.
P.C.09.11 Keratinocytes and their participation on innate immunity against dengue virus
M. Lpez-Gonzlez1,2, J. Garcia-Cordero1, L. Cedillo-Barron1;
Pasteur Institute, Paris, France, 2CINVESTAV, Mxico D.F., Mexico.
P.C.09.12 Modulation of dendritic cells by exosomes derived from human breast milk and plasma
M. Eldh, P. Larssen, S. Gabrielsson;
Karolinska Institutet, Department of Medicine, Translational Immunology Unit, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.C.09.13 Non-toxic concentrations of graphene quantum dots exhibit anti-proliferative, anti-inflammatory and immunoregulatory properties in a model of human
peripheral blood mononuclear cells
D. Mihajlovic1, S. Tomic1, Z. Markovic2, V. Trajkovic3, M. Colic1;
Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defence, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Vinca Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Institute for Microbiology and
Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.C.09.14 IDO1 deficiency does not affect disease in systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis and hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis mouse models
K. Put1, E. Brisse1, A. Avau1, M. Imbrechts1, T. Mitera1, F. Fallarino2, C. Wouters3, P. Matthys1;
Laboratory of Immunobiology, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2Department of Experimental Medicine and Biochemical Sciences, University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy, 3Laboratory of Pediatric Immunology,
University Hospital Leuven, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
P.C.09.15 Anti-inflammation of amide compounds in LPS-induced human gingival fibroblasts
N. Aroonrerk1, N. Niyomtham2, B. Yingyoungnarongkul2;
Department of Stomatology, Faculty of Dentistry, Srinakharinwirot University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Science, Ramkhamhaeng University, Bangkok, Thailand.
P.C.09.16 PTX3 is involved in the regulation of bone mass in physiological and pathological conditions
D. Grcevic1, T. Kelava1, V. Katavic1, S. Ivcevic1, N. Kovacic1, M. Sironi2, S. Valentino2, H. Cvija1, L. Deban2, B. Bottazzi2;
University of Zagreb School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia, 2Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano (Milan), Italy.
P.C.09.17 Role of inflammation induced by the serine-protease granzyme A in development of colorectal carcinoma in vivo
L. Santiago1, M. Castro2, M. Arias1, M. Bernal3, P. Sota4, G. Muoz4, M. Domper5, A. Alcalde2, A. Fernndez5, J. Pardo1,6,7;
Centro de Investigacin Biomdica de Aragn (CIBA), IIS Aragon/Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain, 2Departamento de Fisiologia, Facultad de Veterinaria, Universidad de Zaragoza, Zaragoza,
Spain, 3Servicio de Bioqumica, Hospital Clnico Universitario Lozano Blesa, IIS Aragon/ Instituto Aragones de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS), Zaragoza, Spain, 4Servicio de Anatomia Patologica, Hospital
CLinico Universitario Lozano Blesa, IIS Aragon/Instituto Aragones de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS), Zaragoza, Spain, 5Servicio de Aparato Digestivo, Hospital CLinico Universitario Lozano Blesa, IIS Aragon/
Instituto Aragones de Ciencias de la Salud (IACS), Zaragoza, Spain, 6Instituto de Nanociencia de Aragon (INA), Zaragoza, Spain, 7Fundacin Aragon I+D (ARAID), Zaragoza, Spain.
P.C.09.18 Malondialdehyde adducts constitute metabolic danger signals in vitro and in vivo
C. J. Busch1, D. Weismann1, T. Hendrikx1,2, V. Millischer1, G. Haas1, R. Shiri-Sverdlov2, C. J. Binder1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands.
P.C.09.19 Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG regulates T cell proliferation and differentiation by inducing prostaglandin E2 and vascular endothelial growth factor from gut
dendritic cells
Z. Ye, C. Huang, K. Chua, I. Kuo;
National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore.
P.C.09.20 The effect of one bout eccentric exercise of elbow muscles on G-CSF ,Mb, MPO And PGE2
F. Nameni1, H. Poursadra2;
varamin pishva branch, islamic azad university, Varamin, pishva, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Financial Management, Dustan Equipment, teran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.C.09.21 Intracellular signaling for platelet-activating factor (PAF) production in macrophages and high-throughput screening for a specific inhibitor for PAF synthetic
enzyme (LPCAT2)
R. Morimoto1,2, H. Shindou2,3, M. Tarui2, T. Shimizu1,2;
The University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan, 2National Center for Global health and Medicine, Tokyo, Japan, 3CREST, Saitama, Japan.
P.C.09.22 Targeting the sphingosine pathway to resolution of inflammatory response induced by LPS
D. Perez, R. Athayde, A. Reis, P. Menezes, L. Ribeiro, M. Teixeira, L. Sousa, V. Pinho;
UFMG, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.
P.C.09.23 Proresolving actions of synthetic and natural protease inhibitors are mediated by Annexin A1
J. P. Vago1,2,3, L. P. Tavares3, M. A. Sugimoto1,4, I. Galvo3, G. L. Lima1,3, T. R. Caux1,3, K. M. Lima1,2,3, A. C. Ribeiro1,3, F. S. Carneiro1,4, F. F. Nunes1, V. Pinho2,3, M. Perretti5, M. M. Teixeira3, L. P. Sousa1,2,3;
Departamento de Anlises Clnicas e Toxicolgicas, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2Programa de Ps-Graduao em Biologia Celular, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais,
Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 3Laboratrio de Imunofarmacologia, Departamento de Bioqumica e Imunologia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 4Programa de Ps-Graduao em Cincias Farmacuticas, Faculdade de
Farmcia, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 5William Harvey Research Institute, Barts and The London School of Medicine, Queen Mary University of London, London, United Kingdom.
P.C.09.24 Expression and role of the long Pentraxin PTX3 in lymphatic endothelial cells
M. Sironi1, A. Doni1, S. Valentino1, M. Nebuloni2, F. Pasqualini1, A. Vecchi1, C. Garlanda1, B. Bottazzi1, A. Mantovani1,3;
Humanitas Research Hospital, Rozzano, Italy, 2University of Milano, Milano, Italy, 3Humanitas University, Rozzano, Italy.
P.C.09.25 Developing antibodies against chemerin using phage display technology
S. Valaris1,2, D. R. Greaves1, M. Wright2;
Sir WIlliam Dunn School of Pathology, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2UCB Pharma, Slough, United Kingdom.
P.C.09.26 Selective expression of CCRL2 transcript variants associates with inflammatory response in breast cancer
P. Sarmadi1, G. Tunali1, G. Esendagli-Yilmaz2, K. Yilmaz3, G. Esendagli1;
Hacettepe University Cancer Institute, Department of Basic Oncology, Ankara, Turkey, 2Department of Pathology, Medical Faculty, Gazi University, Ankara, Turkey, 3Department of General Surgery, Diskapi
Yildirim Beyazit Training and Research Hospital, Ankara, Turkey.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 67
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.C.10 NK and NKT Cells - Part 2
Chairpersons: Angela Santoni; Rome, Italy / Veronika Sexl; Vienna, Austria

P.C.10.01 LFA-1 activation in Natural Killer cells and their subsets

D. Urlaub1, K. Kohl2, M. Mller2, C. Watzl1;
Leibniz Research Centre, IfADo, Dortmund, Germany, 2Institute for Immunology, University Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.C.10.02 CD57 shades poly-functionality of Natural Killer cells during human aging
H. Kared1, S. Martelli2,3, V. S. Chew4, T. Ng5, A. Larbi2;
Singapore Immnunology Network (SIgN), A*STAR, Singapore, Singapore, 2Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Aging and Immunity Program, Agency for Science Technology and Research (A*STAR),
Singapore, Singapore, 3Division of Infection, Inflammation, and Repair, School of Medicine, University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom, 4Singhealth Translational Immunology and
Inflammation Centre (STIIC), DUKE-NUS, Singapore, Singapore, 5Gerontological Program, Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore, Singapore, Singapore.
P.C.10.03 The structure of the atypical Killer Cell Immunoglobulin-like Receptor, KIR2DL4
S. Moradi1, R. Berry1, P. Pymm1, C. Hitchen1, S. A. Beckham11, M. C. Wilce1, N. G. Walpole1, C. S. Clements1, H. H. Reid1, M. A. Perugini2, A. G. Brooks3, J. Rossjohn1, J. P. Vivian1;
Monash university, Clayton, Australia, 2La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia, 3University of Melbourne, Parkville, Australia.
P.C.10.04 Dimorphism of KIR3DL1 allotype recognition of HLA based on Bw4 motif subtype
P. Pymm1, P. Saunders2, G. OConnor2, J. Vivian1, D. McVicar3, A. Brooks2, J. Rossjohn1;
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 3National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, United States.
P.C.10.05 CD56brightperforinlow non-cytotoxic human NK cells are abundant in both healthy and neoplastic solid tissues and recirculate to secondary lymphoid organs via
afferent lymph
S. Campana1, I. Bonaccorsi1, E. Di Carlo2, L. Moretta3, G. Ferlazzo1, P. Carrega3;
Universit degli studi di Messina, Messina, Italy, 2Fondazione Universit G. d Annunzio, Chieti, Italy, 3Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genova, Italy.

P.C.10.06 The role of tumor infiltrating and tumor associated natural killer cells in promotion of angiogenesis in colorectal cancer patients
S. Zanellato1,2, A. Bruno3, B. Bassani3, L. Dominioni1, L. Boni1, E. Cassinotti1, G. David1, A. Albini4, L. Mortara2, D. M. Noonan2,2;
Department of Surgical and Morphological Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 2Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 3Scientific and Technology
Pole, IRCCS MultiMedica, Milano, Italy, 4Department of Research and Statistics Infrastructure, IRCCS Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
P.C.10.07 Natural killer cells from malignant pleural effusions show a decidual-like, pro-angiogenic phenotype
S. Zanellato1,2, A. Bruno3, M. Cattoni1, B. Bassani3, A. Imperatori1, L. Dominioni1, A. Albini4, D. M. Noonan2,3, L. Mortara2;
Department of Surgical and Morphological Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 2Department of Biotechnology and Life Sciences, University of Insubria, Varese, Italy, 3Scientific and Technology
Pole, IRCCS MultiMedica, Milano, Italy, 4Department of Research and Statistics Infrastructure, IRCCS Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova, Reggio Emilia, Italy.
P.C.10.08 NKG2C receptor in HCMV infection: Generation of a cellular model to identify the putative ligand
A. Pupuleku1, A. Muntasell2, M. Lpez-Botet1,2;
Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 2Institut Hospital del Mar dInvestigacions Mdiques, Barcelona, Spain.

P.C.10.09 Novel non-canonical role of STAT1 in Natural Killer cell cytotoxicity

E. M. Putz1, D. Gotthardt1, A. Majoros2, M. Prchal-Murphy1, M. Mller1,3, C. Gerner4, T. Decker2, V. Sexl1;
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Biomodels Austria, Vienna, Austria, 4Faculty of Chemistry, University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria.
P.C.10.10 Effect of IL-1-producing AML blasts on NK cell differentiation: implications in haplo-HSCT
C. Vitale1,2, P. Ambrosini3, F. Ballerini1,2, L. Moretta3, M. Mingari1,2;
Universit degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy, 2IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy, 3IRCCS G.Gaslini, Genova, Italy.
P.C.10.11 Activated NKT cells imprint essential NK cell features
S. Trittel1,2, B. J. Chambers2, L. Cicin-Sain1, C. A. Guzmn1, P. Riese1;
Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany, 2Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.C.10.13 Phenotypic and functional characterization of the peripheral blood Natural Killer (NK) cells in Crohn disease patients
A. Ahmad, S. Samarani, P. Sagala, C. Deslandres, D. Amre;
CHU Ste-Justine/University of Montreal, Montreal, QC, Canada.
P.C.10.14 The regulation of NK cell detachment as a key factor for serial killing and NK cell effector function
P. Netter1,2, M. Anft1, C. Watzl1;
IfADo - Leibniz Research Centre for Working Environment and Human Factors, Dortmund, Germany, 2Center for Human Immunobiology, Baylor College of Medicine Texas Childrens Hospital, Baylor College
of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States.
P.C.10.15 NK cell licensing after double umbilical cord blood transplantation is driven by the self-HLA from the emerging cord blood
N. Guillaume1, P. Loiseau2, C. Retire3, K. Gagne3, G. Henry2, G. Soci4, J. Cayuela5, N. Dulphy2, A. Toubert2;
INSERM U1160 Hpital Saint-Louis; EA 4666 CHU dAmiens, Amiens, France, 2INSERM U1160; Universit Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cit; Laboratoire dImmunologie, Hpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP, Paris,
France, Paris, France, 3EFS Nantes, laboratoire EA4271, Nantes, France, 4INSERM U1160; Universit Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cit; Service dHmatologie-Greffe de Moelle, Hpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP,
Paris, France, Paris, France, 5Universit Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cit; Laboratoire dHmatologie Biologique, Hpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP, Paris, France.
P.C.10.16 NK cell activation as a possible signature of the alarmin IL-33 released during kidney transplantation
M. Ferhat1,2, A. Robin1,3, S. Giraud1,3, M. Charron3,4, C. Giraud3,4, T. Hauet1,2,5, A. Herbelin1, J. Gombert1,2,6, A. Thierry1,7;
INSERM U1082, Poitiers, France, 2Facult de Mdecine et de Pharmacie. Universit de Poitiers, Poitiers, France, 3CHU de Poitiers, Poitiers, France, 4Etablissement Franais du sang (EFS), Poitiers, France,
Laboratoire de Biochimie, CHU de Poitiers, Poitiers, France, 6Laboratoire dImmunologie, CHU de Poitiers, Poitiers, France, 7Service de Nphrologie-Hmodialyse-Transplantation rnale, CHU de Poitiers,
Poitiers, France.
P.C.10.17 Uptake of CCR7 by KIR2DS4+ NK cells is induced upon recognition of certain HLA-C alleles
S. Pesce1, S. Carlomagno1, A. Moretta1,2, S. Sivori1,2, E. Marcenaro1,2;
Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale, Universit degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy, 2Centro di Eccellenza per le Ricerche Biomediche, Universit degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy.
P.C.10.18 Activation of human NK cells by Leishmania parasites occurs indirectly via monocyte-derived signals
H. Melinger, U. Schleicher, C. Bogdan;
Microbiology Institute - University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany.
P.C.10.19 CXCL7 secreted by NK cell leads to increased MSC recruitment
C. R. Almeida1,2, D. P. Vasconcelos1,2,3, H. R. Caires1,2,3, M. A. Barbosa1,2,3;
INEB - Instituto de Engenharia Biomdica, Porto, Portugal, 2Instituto de Investigao e Inovao em Sade, Porto, Portugal, 3ICBAS - Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas Abel Salazar, Porto, Portugal.
P.C.10.20 Multiple myeloma cell-derived exosomes: characterization and immunomodulatory role on NK cell-mediated functions
A. Zingoni, E. Vulpis, F. Cecere, R. Molfetta, A. Soriani, C. Fionda, L. Masuelli, L. Simonelli, R. Paolini, M. Cippitelli, A. Santoni;
University, Rome, Italy.
P.C.10.21 Differential requirements of activating and inhibitory Ly49 receptors in recognition of MCMV-infected cells
J. eleznjak1, B. Popovi1, V. Jurani Lisni1,2, A. LHernault3, N. Trautwein4, M. Babi a1, B. Lisni2, A. Halenius5, H. Hengel5, S. Stevanovi4, L. Dolken3, A. Krmpoti1, S. Jonji1,2;
Department of Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia, 2Center for Proteomics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Croatia, 3Department of Medicine, University
of Cambridge, United Kingdom, 4Department of Immunology, Interfaculty Institute for Cell Biology, University of Tbingen, Germany, 5Institute of Virology, Albert-Ludwigs-University, Freiburg, Germany.
P.C.10.22 Effect of CMV seropositivity and ageing on the expression of activating NK receptors IL-2 activated NK cells
N. Lpez Sejas1, F. Hassouneh1, C. Campos1, A. Pera1, J. Gordillo2, R. Tarazona2, R. Solana1;
IMIBIC-HURS-UCO, Crdoba, Spain, 2Universidad de Extremadura, Cceres, Spain.

P.C.11 Macrophages - Part 1

Chairpersons: Gunnur Deniz; Istanbul, Turkey / Alberto Mantovani; Milan, Italy

P.C.11.01 Macrophage plasticity is mediated by p21 through regulation of p50/p50 and IFN- expression
G. Rackov1, E. Hernndez-Jimnez2, M. lvarez de Mon3, E. Lpez-Collazo2, C. Martnez-A4, D. Balomenos4;
National Center for Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain, 2Innate Immunity Group, IdiPAZ, La Paz Hospital, Madrid, Spain, 3Department of Immune System Diseases and Oncology, University Hospital Prncipe
de Asturias, Alcala University, Madrid, Spain, 4Department of Immunology and Oncology, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologa/Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (CNB/CSIC), Madrid, Spain.

68 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.C.11.02 Differential activation mechanisms are induced in macrophages by BCG infection with low bacterial doses
L. Chavez-Galan1,2, D. Vesin1, D. Mantinvalet1, I. Garcia1;
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2National Institute Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City, Mexico.
P.C.11.03 Role of CD31 signaling in macrophage polarization and arterial wound healing
K. Guedj, M. Clement, J. Khallou-Laschet, G. Fornasa, M. Morvan, A. T. Gaston, F. Andreata, G. Even, M. Le Borgne, B. Escoubet, J. B. Michel, A. Nicoletti, G. Caligiuri;
INSERM U1148, Paris, France.
P.C.11.04 Regenerative medicine: the role of macrophages during bone tissue regeneration
C. Boiziau1, M. Fenelon1, H. Oliveira1, C. Germain-Genevois2, F. Couillaud2, O. Chassande1, S. Rey1, Z. Ivanovic3, E. Engel4, J. Amedee1, J. Fricain1;
INSERM U1026, Bordeaux, France, 2CNRS UMS3428, Bordeaux, France, 3French Blood Institute Aquitaine-Limousin, Bordeaux, France, 4Institute for Bioengineering of Catalonia, Barcelona, Spain.
P.C.11.05 Intrathecal administration of M2-macrophages for treatment of non-acute stroke patients
E. Chernykh, E. Shevela, N. Starostina, S. Morozov, M. Davydova, A. Ostanin;
Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Immunology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
P.C.11.06 Macrophages - Development, Tissue Specialization and Speficic Functions
S. Jung, D. Varol, A. Shemer, B. Bernshtein, M. Gross, Y. Wolf, S. Boura-Halfon;
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
P.C.11.07 Suppressive exosome-treated macrophages release hapten-MHC complex-bearing secondary exosomes inhibiting contact sensitivity in mice
K. Nazimek1, W. Ptak1, P. W. Askenase2, K. Bryniarski1;
Department of Immunology Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, Krakow, Poland, 2Section of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States.
P.C.11.08 Macrophages are required for T cell-derived suppressive exosome generation and action
K. Nazimek, M. Ptak, W. Ptak, K. Bryniarski;
Department of Immunology Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, Krakow, Poland.

P.C.11.09 The essential role of IL-13 in immunisation against Porphyromonas gingivalis-induced alveolar bone resorption in murine periodontitis model
R. S. Lam, N. M. OBrien-Simpson, J. A. Holden, J. C. Lenzo, G. C. Brammar, Y. Tan, E. C. Reynolds;
Oral Health Cooperative Research Centre, Melbourne Dental School, Bio 21 Institute, The University of Melbourne, Carlton, Victoria, Melbourne, Australia.
P.C.11.10 Inflammatory response to saline in the skin of older individuals is driven in part by macrophages
E. S. Chambers, N. Patel, M. Vukmanovic-Stejic, A. N. Akbar;
University College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.C.11.11 Differential regulation of intestinal macrophage function by interleukin-10 and the gut microbiota in the colon versus the small bowel
E. Mann, P. Andersen, Y. Dong, D. Wang, W. Jiang, J. Foster, D. Peterson, X. Li;
Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States.
P.C.11.12 Differential cytokine profiles in in vitro re-programmed monocytes/macrophages: the different types of innate memory
P. Italiani1,2, E. Tpfer3, D. Melillo1, D. Boraschi1;
National Research Council of Italy, Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Napoli, Italy, 2Institute of Biomedical Technologies, National Research Council of Italy, Milano, Italy, 3AvantiCell Science, Ayr, United
P.C.11.13 M1/M2 macrophages balance is altered in multiple sclerosis
A. Leuti1,2, A. Gentile1,3, L. Battistini1, D. Centonze1,3, M. Maccarrone1,2, V. Chiurchi1,2;
European Center for Brain Research (CERC)/Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, Rome, Italy, 2School of Medicine and Center of Integrated Research, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Rome, Italy,
Rome, Italy, 3Department of Systems Medicine, Multiple Sclerosis Clinical and Research Center, Tor Vergata University and Hospital, Rome, Italy, Rome, Italy.
P.C.11.14 Neuroimmune crosstalk in uterus among patients suffered with pelvic pain due to adenomyosis
O. Sulaieva1, M. Orazov2, E. Nosenko3;
Zaporozhye State Medical University, Zaporozhye, Ukraine, 2M. Gorky Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine, 3Odessa National Medical University, Odessa, Ukraine.
P.C.11.15 Characterization of trefoil factor-3 as a chemokine for monocytes
M. Nowak1, W. Vogel1, O. Andrn2, S. Perner1;
Section of Prostate Cancer Research/Institute of Pathology, University hospital Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 2Institute of Health and Medical Science, University of rebro, rebro, Sweden.
P.C.11.16 Pseudomonas aeruginosa and macrophage vitamin D receptor expression
W. Nouari, M. Aribi;
Laboratory of Applied Molecular Biology and Immunology. University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria.
P.C.11.17 GM-CSF activated monocytes regulate innate and adaptive immune responses during Intestinal Inflammation
T. Weinhage1, J. Dbritz2, K. Walscheid1, A. Brockhausen3, T. Wirth1, D. Foell1, G. Varga1;
Department of Pediatric Rheumatology and Immunology, University Childrens Hospital Mnster, Mnster, Germany, 2Department of Pediatrics, University Hospital Rostock, Rostock, Germany,
Department of Dermatology, University Hospital Mnster, Mnster, Germany.
P.C.11.18 TIARA - a methodology for improved discrimination of monocyte and macrophage effector functions
M. Biburger, F. Nimmerjahn;
Division of Genetics, Biology Department, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany.
P.C.11.19 A lung-resident Ly6c+ monocyte proliferates to give rise to immunosuppressive lung macrophages
C. Sabatel1, C. Radermecker1, S. Chakarov2, L. Fivez1, G. Paulissen1, M. Toussaint1, C. Desmet1, F. Ginhoux2, T. Marichal1, F. Bureau1;
University of Liege, GIGA-Research, Liege, Belgium, 2Singapore Immunology Network (SIgN), Singapore, Singapore.
P.C.11.20 Crosstalk between epithelial cells and macrophages in the gut: the role of TNFR2
M. Kristek1, M. Lynch1, J. deCourcey1, L. E. Collins1, T. Darby2, C. T. Murphy2, A. Quinlan2, C. Hill2, P. Casey2, S. Melgar2, C. E. Loscher1;
Dublin City University, Dublin 9, Ireland, 2University College Cork, Cork, Ireland.
P.C.11.21 The effects of Paracoccidioides brasiliensis infection on GM-CSF- and M-CSF-induced mouse bone marrow-derived macrophage from resistant and susceptible
mice strains
C. M. de Souza Silva, A. H. Tavares, D. Paiva Agustinho, M. Sousa Jeronimo, Y. Soares de Lima, L. da Silveira Derengowski, A. Lorenzetti Bocca, I. Silva-Pereira;
University of Brasilia (UnB), Biology Institute, Brasilia-DF, Brazil.
P.C.11.22 Fate mapping reveals prenatal origin of tissue macrophages
K. Klapproth1, A. Forsthuber2, S. Schfer1, K. Busch1, H. R. Rodewald1;
Division of Cellular Immunology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Department of Dermatology, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.11.23 Fibrodysplasia ossificans progressiva: can PB imunophenotype tell us something?
G. Del Zotto1, F. Antonini1, C. Ortolani2, S. Cappato1, R. Ravazzolo1,3, R. Bocciardi1,3;
Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 2Department of Biomolecular Sciences University of Urbino, Pesaro-Urbino, Italy, 3Department of Neuroscience, Rehabilitation, Ophthalmology, Genetics, Maternal and
Child Health (DiNOGMI) and CEBR - University of Genova, Genova, Italy.

P.C.12 Macrophages - Part 2

Chairpersons: Domingo F. Barber; Madrid, Spain / Cecilia Johansson; London, United Kingdom

P.C.12.01 Effects of polyethylenimine-coated SPIONs on macrophage activation and podosome dynamics

V. Mulens-Arias1, J. M. Rojas1, S. Prez-Yage1, M. P. Morales2, D. F. Barber1;
Department of Immunology and Oncology and NanoBiomedicine Initiative, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologa (CNB)/CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 2Department of Biomaterials and Bioinspired Materials, Instituto
de Ciencia de Materiales de Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
P.C.12.02 studies of the human NOD-like receptor family CARD domain containing 5 (NLRC5) protein in macrophages after LPS treatment
E. Kovcs1, M. M. Budai1, S. Benk1, A. Jenei2, J. Tzsr3;
University of Debrecen, Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Debrecen, Hungary, 2University of Debrecen, Department of Biophysics and Cell Biology, Debrecen, Hungary, 3University of
Debrecen, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Debrecen, Hungary.
P.C.12.03 The Effect of Cigarette Smoke on Macrophage Function in relation to Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD)
A. A. Sharaf;
The University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 69
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.C.12.04 The p50 NF-kB subunit orchestrates tumor-promoting inflammation in colitis-associated colorectal cancer development
A. Ippolito1, C. Porta1, L. Carraro1, F. Consonni1, G. Celesti2, F. Grizzi2, L. Laghi2, F. Pasqualini2, A. Sica1;
University of Eastern Piemonte, Novara, Italy, 2Humanitas Clinical Institute, Rozzano, Italy.
P.C.12.05 Homing regulation of distinct macrophage subsets in infection and cancer
F. Consonni1, M. Totaro1, C. Porta2, A. Sica1;
Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano, Italy, 2Universit Piemonte Orientale, Novara, Italy.
P.C.12.06 Aged rat macrophages exhibit impaired response to in vitro stimulation with IL-4
V. Blagojevic1, I. uruvija1, R. Petrovi1, I. Vujnovi1, M. Dimitrijevi1, V. Vuji2, S. Stanojevi1, G. Leposavi3;
Immunology Research Centre Branislav Jankovi, Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera Torlak, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Department of Chemistry, Faculty of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia,
Department of Physiology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.C.12.07 Functional aspects of peritoneal macrophages after femoral nerve injury
B. Bozic1,2, P. Nedeljkovic3, D. Zmijanjac1,2, B. Pavlovic Draskovic2, M. Vasiljevska2, D. Vucevic2;
University of Belgrade, Faculty of biology, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute for Medical Research, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Department for Plastic and Reconstructive
Surgery, Institute for Orthopaedic Surgery Banjica, University of Belgrade, Serbia, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.C.12.08 Deciphering the function of folate receptor beta
C. N. Machacek1, V. Supper1, G. Mitulovi1, H. Tichovska2, H. Stockinger1, A. Ohradanova-Repic1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Exbio Praha, Vestec, Czech Republic.
P.C.12.10 ST2 is a negative regulator of the the immune response against squamous cell carcinoma.
N. Amr1, C. E. Oliveira1, T. H. Gasparoto1, R. Kaneno2, G. P. Garlet1, J. S. Silva3, G. A. Martins4, C. Hogaboam5, K. A. Cavassani6, A. P. Campanelli1;
Department of Biological Sciences, Bauru School of Dentistry, University of So Paulo, Bauru, Brazil, 2Department of Microbiology and Immunology; Institute of Biosciences of Botucatu - So Paulo State

University, Botucatu, Brazil, 3Department of Biochemistry and Immunology, School of Medicine of Ribeiro Preto - University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 4F. Widjaja Foundation Inflammatory

Bowel and Immunobiology Research Institute, Dept. of Biomedical Sciences and Medicine, CedarsSinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 5Division of Pulmonary and Critical Care Medicine,
Department of Medicine, Cedar Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States, 6Samuel Oschin Comprehensive Cancer Institute, Cedars Sinai Medical Center, Los Angeles, CA, United States.
P.C.12.11 LYVE-1, a tumor- associated macrophages marker in mouse and human and its role in cancer biology
C. S. Dollt, K. Schoenhaar, J. Michel, L. Kloss, A. Krewer, K. Schledzewski, S. Goerdt, A. Schmieder;
Department of Dermatology, Venereology and Allergology, University Medical Center and Medical Faculty Mannheim, University of Heidelberg, Mannheim, Germany.
P.C.12.12 Innate immune response alterations in elderly subjects after hip fracture
B. Sarra1, F. Cabana2, G. Dupuis3, T. Fulop4;
Research Center on Aging, Universite de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 2Division of Orthopedics, Department of Surgery, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 3Department of Biochemistry, Immunology

Programme, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada, 4Research Center on Aging, Universit de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC, Canada.
P.C.12.13 Monocyte phenotype and polyfunctionality are associated with elevated soluble inflammatory markers, cytomegalovirus infection and functional and cognitive
decline in the elderly
R. S. de Pablo-Bernal1, M. I. Galv2, R. Ramos2, J. Caizares2, S. Ferrando-Martnez3, M. B. Rafii-El-Idrissi1, Y. M. Pacheco1, M. Leal1, E. Ruiz-Mateos1;
Biomedicine Institute of Seville, Seville, Spain, 2Heliopolis Nursing Home, Seville, Spain, 3Vaccine Research Center NIAID NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States.
P.C.12.14 Monocyte subsets have different potential for phagocytosis
Z. Akbulut, F. T. Akdeniz, . Albayrak, G. Terziolu, B. Aru, G. Yankkaya Demirel;
Yeditepe University, Faculty of Medicine, Immunology Dept, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.C.12.16 Characterization of the murine pulmonary phagocytic network during Aspergillus fumigatus infection
P. Seddigh1, M. Hasenberg1, M. Gunzer1, L. Otto1, T. Bracht2, B. Sitek2;
Experimental immunology and imaging, Essen, Germany, 2Medical proteom center, Bochum, Germany.
P.C.12.17 The role of mazEF toxin-antitoxin system in M. tuberculosis to macrophage
L. Yuan, a. shen, s. cao;
Medical School of Shihezi University, Shihezi City, China.
P.C.12.18 Antigen targeting to splenic CD169+ macrophages stimulates strong T and B cell responses and is more efficient than antigen targeting to DEC205+ dendritic cells
H. Veninga, E. Borg, D. van Dinther, M. Revet, H. Kalay, Y. van Kooyk, G. Kraal, J. M. den Haan;
VU University Medical Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.C.12.19 Local inflammatory reactions determine the risk of rebleeding in patients with peptic ulcers
O. Sulaieva;
Zaporozhye State Medical University, Zaporozhye, Ukraine.
P.C.12.20 Human airway macrophage regulation in health & disease
M. Kaur1, D. Singh2, T. Hussell1;
Manchester Collaborative Centre for Inflammation Research, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.C.12.21 Switch of the red pulp esplenic macrophages activation profile during acute and chronic phases of Plasmodium chabaudi malaria
A. A. Cassado, E. M. Salles, E. P. Amaral, M. N. Menezes, J. M. Alvarez, M. R. DImprio Lima;
University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.C.12.22 Inhibition of phagocytosis by a novel generated monoclonal antibody COS3A
P. Khunkaewla1, S. Wansook1, S. Pata2,3, W. Kasinrerk2,3;
Biochemistry-Electrochemistry Research Unit, School of Biochemistry, Institute of Science, Suranaree University of Technology, Nakhon Ratchasima, Thailand, 2Division of Clinical Immunology,
Department of Medical Technology, Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 3Medical Biotechnology Unit, National Center for Genetic Engineering and
Biotechnology, National Science and Technology Development Agency at the Faculty of Associated Medical Sciences, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand.
P.C.12.23 chronic granulomatous disease:genetic studies from one PID center
S. Nepesov1, F. D. Aygun1, M. Y. Koker2, B. Saraymen2, H. Cokugras1, Y. Camcioglu1;
Pediatric Allergy And Immunology, Cerrahpasa Medical School, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Hematology-Immunology, University Of Erciyes, Kayseri, Turkey.
P.C.12.24 Metabolic activity of monocytes of blood at progressing tuberculosis of the lungs at gender distinctions
O. V. Berdugina, A. V. Ershova;
Ural Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.

P.C.13 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 2

Chairpersons: Silke Appel; Bergen, Norway / Georgina Clark; Sydney, Australia (tbc)

P.C.13.01 Assessment of cytokine pattern in intact and generated dendritic cells in rheumatoid arthritis patients
S. Falaleeva, V. Kurilin, N. Shkaruba, O. Chumasova, A. Sizikov, S. Sennikov;
Federal State Budgetary Scientific Institution Research Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Immunology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
P.C.13.02 Interplay between the c-kit/Stem Cell Factor axis and the TLR ligands CpG and PolyI:C in mouse Dendritic Cells
A. B. Barroeta Seijas1, S. Simonetti1, D. Runci2, S. Vitale1,3, A. C. Quinci1, A. Soriani1, I. Filippi4, A. Naldini4, A. Santoni1, F. Di Rosa5;
Department of Molecular Medicine, University of Rome Sapienza, Rome, Italy, 2Istituto Pasteur Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Rome, Italy, 3Istituto Superiore di Sanit, Rome, Italy, 4Department of
Molecular and Developmental Medicine, University of Siena, Siena, Italy, 5Institute of Biology and Molecular Pathology (IBPM), National Research Council (CNR), Rome, Italy.
P.C.13.03 Cytokine production by T cells activated by dendritic cells generated in the environment of immunosuppressive agents
M. Machciska1, M. Rzca1, A. Cielikowska1, Z. Kotkowska1, A. aski1, G. Korczak-Kowalska1,2;
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2Transplantation Institute, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
P.C.13.05 Unravelling the key functions of conserved genes in XCR1+ dendritic cells by systems immunology
C. Arnold-Schrauf, S. Balan, S. Ghilas, F. Imperatore, R. Chelbi, K. Crozat, M. Dalod;
Centre dImmunology de Marseille-Luminy, Aix Marseille Universit UM2, Inserm, U1104, CNRS UMR7280, Marseille, France.
P.C.13.07 Effects of genetically modified Lactobacillus casei BL23 on human monocyte-derived dendritic cell functions
M. Tth1, P. Gogolk1, K. Regulski2, M. Chapot-Chartier2, . Rajnavlgyi1;
University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Jouy-en-Josas, France.

70 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.C.13.08 Skin inflammation-induced uptake of mast cell granules by dendritic cells and active shuttling to draining lymph nodes
J. Dudeck1, A. Karutz1, A. Hoppe1, S. Speier2,3,4, A. Dudeck1;
University of Technology Dresden, Medical Faculty, Institute for Immunology, Dresden, Germany, 2Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden (PLID) of Helmholtz Centre Munich at the University Clinic Carl Gustav
Carus of the Technische Universitt Dresden, Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, German Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany, 3German Centre for Diabetes Research (DZD),
Dresden, Austria, 4DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies Dresden (CRTD), Faculty of Medicine, Technische Universitt Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
P.C.13.10 Regulating immunogenicity and tolerogenicity of BMDCs through modification of cell surface glycosylation
K. Lynch1, H. Annuk2, J. Gerlach2, L. OFlynn1, A. Ryan1, P. Lohan1, M. Kilcoyne2, L. Joshi2, T. Ritter1;
Regenerative Medicine Institute (REMEDI), College of Medicine, Nursing & Health Sciences, National University of Ireland, Galway., Galway, Ireland, 2Glycoscience Group, NCBES National Centre for
Biomedical Engineering Science, National University of Ireland, Galway., Galway, Ireland.
P.C.13.11 Role of skin migratory antigen-presenting cells in T follicular helper cell polarization after intradermal vaccination
C. Levin1,2, C. Nuttens1,2, O. Bonduelle1,2, N. Fazilleau3, B. Verrier4, B. Combadiere1,2;
INSERM U1135 Cimi-Paris, Paris, France, 2Sorbonne Universits, UPMC Univ Paris 06, UMR S CR7 Cimi-Paris, Paris, France, 3Centre de physiopathologie de Toulouse-Purpan, UMR 1043, CHU Purpan,
Toulouse, France, 4Institut de Biologie et Chimie des Protines, Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, Universit Claude Bernard de Lyon, Lyon, France.
P.C.13.12 Effect of protein aggregates from therapeutic proteins on dendritic cells maturation: Examples of Rituximab and Somatropin
Y. Gallais1, N. Szely1, F. Legrand2, A. Leroy3, M. Pallardy1, I. Turbica1;
INSERM UMR996, Chtenay Malabry, France, 2CNRS UMR 8612, Chtenay Malabry, France, 3CNRS, UMR 8525, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France.
P.C.13.13 Autophagic protein Atg5 is required for MHC class II presentation of tumor antigens by dendritic cells
D. Oh, H. Lee;
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of.
P.C.13.14 Regulation of necroptosis as a viral immune antagonist mechanism
B. M. Hartmann, R. A. Albrecht, N. Marjanovic, S. C. Sealfon;

Icahn School of Medicine at Mount Sinai, New York, NY, United States.
P.C.13.15 Trans-activation of innate immune cells by Hepatitis C subgenomic replicon cells
V. Kloess, O. Gruenvogel, T. Eigenbrod, V. Lohmann, A. H. Dalpke;
University Heidelberg, Dept. of Infectious Diseases, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.C.13.16 The Anti-Inflammatory Effects of Microparticles in Human Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells Involves Liver X Receptor Activation
A. Ceroi1,2, F. Angelot-Delettre1, C. Marotel1, T. Gauthier1, A. Asgarova1, S. Biichl1, A. Duperrier1, S. Perruche1,2, L. Lagrost3,2, D. Masson3,2, P. Saas1,2;
UMR 1098 INSERM, Universit de Bourgogne Franche-Comt, EFS Bourgogne Franche-Comt, Besanon, France, 2LabEx LipSTIC, Besanon/Dijon, France, 3INSERM U866, Facult de Mdecine, Universit
de Bourgogne Franche-Comt, Dijon, France.
P.C.13.17 V2+ T cells contain the cytolytic effector molecule granulysin, and can be activated and induced to release this molecule in response to BCG treatment
E. L. Sparrow, D. W. Fowler, A. G. Dalgleish, M. D. Bodman-Smith;
St.Georges, University of London, London, United Kingdom.
P.C.13.18 The immune-modulatory role of Apolipoprotein E
E. Kaminska, T. Alaguthurai, J. P. Copier, A. G. Dalgleish, M. D. Bodman-Smith;
Institute of Infection and Immunity, St. Georges University of London, London, United Kingdom.

P.C.14 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 2

Chairpersons: Esther Wilk; Braunschweig, Germany / Albert Duschl; Salzburg, Austria

P.C.14.01 STIM1 assumes a regulatory role in LPS-induced sepsis

G. Sogkas1, E. Rau1, T. Vgtle2, D. Stegner2, B. Nieswandt2, R. Schmidt1, J. Gessner1;
Hannover Medical University, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Hannover, Germany, 2University Hospital and Rudolf Virchow Center, DFG Research Center for Experimental Biomedicine, University
of Wrzburg, Chairpersons: of Experimental Biomedicine, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.C.14.02 Cooperation of TLRs and cytosolic innate immune sensors
G. Tincer Knig, I. Gursel;
Thorlab, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.14.03 TLR4 /TREM-1 co-expression in CD14+ monocytes as a diagnostic and predictive tool in sepsis
I. Gkougkourelas, A. Sarantopoulos, K. Tselios, P. Boura;
Hippokration General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.
P.C.14.04 TNIP1 negatively regulates the Propionibacterium acnes-induced innate immune and inflammatory signaling pathways in human immortalized keratinocytes
L. Erdei1, G. Tax1, B. S. Bolla1, E. Urbn2, L. Kemny1,3, K. Szab3;
Department of Dermatology and Allergology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 2Institute of Clinical Microbiology, University of Szeged, Hungary, Szeged, Hungary, 3MTA-SZTE Dermatological
Research Group, Szeged, Hungary, Szeged, Hungary.
P.C.14.05 Ubiquitylation of Unc93b1 controls Toll-like receptor sorting and responses to self-ligands
O. Majer, B. Liu, G. Barton;
University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States.
P.C.14.06 Lysosomal trafficking regulator Lyst links membrane trafficking to Toll-like receptor-mediated inflammatory responses
A. Westphal, W. Cheng, J. Yu, K. Lee, N. Fger;
Institute for Clinical Chemistry, Div. Inflammation Research, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.C.14.07 Mycobacterium leprae signalling through Toll-like Receptor-4, and the influence of Bacillus Calmette-Guerin vaccination
A. Polycarpou, M. J. Holland, S. L. Walker, S. Willcocks, D. N. Lockwood;
London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom.
P.C.14.08 Toll-like receptor 7 and 9 in the pathogenesis of inflammatory autoimmune arthritis
A. Fischer, S. Herman, C. Bhm, V. Saferding, E. Goncalves-Alves, G. Steiner;
Department of Rheumatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.14.09 A bioinformatics-based approach to identify new candidate pathogen resistance genes in corals
K. E. Garrison;
Saint Marys College of California, Moraga, CA, United States.
P.C.14.10 Immunomudulatory effects of extracellular vesicles
B. Yildiz;
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.14.11 Mannose receptor negatively modulates the TLR4-AhR-IDO axis in dendritic cells with implications in allergic responses
F. Salazar, L. Hall, F. Shakib, A. Ghaemmaghami;
University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
P.C.14.12 Targeting of DEC205 and DCIR on human dendritic cells elicits differential immune responses
G. Heidkamp1, J. Lhr1, N. Eissing1, L. Heger1, A. Baranska1, C. Lehmann1, I. Bhme1, L. Bozzacco2, C. Trumpfheller2, E. Kremmer3, H. Zebroski4, G. Schuler5, M. C. Nussenzweig6, F. Nimmerjahn7, D. Dudziak1;
Department of Dermatology, Laboratory of Dendritic Cell biology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg, Universitiy Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2Laboratory of Cellular Physiology
and Immunology, and Chris Browne Center of Immunology and Immune Disease, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States, 3Institute of Molecular Immunology, Helmholtz-Center Munich,
Mnchen, Germany, 4Proteomics Resource Center, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States, 5Department of Dermatology, Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg, Universitiy
Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 6Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, The Rockefeller University, New York, NY, United States, 7Department of Biology, Chairpersons: of Genetics, Friedrich-
Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany.
P.C.14.13 In vitro assessment of immunomodulatory effects of recombinantly produced BanLec isoform on murine peritoneal macrophages
E. Marinkovic1, I. Lukic1, A. Filipovic1, O. Krnjaja1, D. Kosanovic1, M. Gavrovi-Jankulovi2, M. Stojanovic1;
Institute of Virology, Vaccines and Sera-Torlak, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Department of Biochemistry, Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.C.14.14 Cell-based reporter assay using innate and acquired fusion immune receptors for detecting beta-glucans
Y. Adachi, K. Ishibashi, D. Yamanaka, N. Ohno;
Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Hachioji, Tokyo, Japan.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 71
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.C.14.15 Hypoallergenic Bet v 1.0101-Mannan neoglycoconjugates are highly immunogenic when applied via laserporated skin
Y. J. Machado1, M. Mayr1, T. Thalhamer1, M. Schmid2, U. Ritter2, S. Gordon3, C. Lehr3, S. Scheiblhofer1, J. Thalhamer1, R. Weiss1;
University of Salzburg, Department of Molecular Biology, Salzburg, Austria, 2University of Regensburg, Department of Immunology, Regensburg, Germany, 3Helmholtz-Institute for Pharmaceutical
Research Saarland, Saarbrcken, Germany.
P.C.14.16 Anti-inflammatory effect of Pectin is Toll-like receptor dependent
N. M. Sahasrabudhe;
University Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands.
P.C.14.17 Optimization of the immunogenicity of VLPs-based vaccines using TLR ligands.
A. Cruz Gomes, A. El-Turabi, A. Reyes Sandoval, M. F. Bachmann;
University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
P.C.14.18 Epigenetic modifications regulate Toll-like receptor 3 expression in intestinal epithelial and monocytic cells
C. Hennessy, D. P. Mckernan;
NUI Galway, Galway, Ireland.
P.C.14.19 Involvement of infectious agents on trafficking of effector T cells is mediated by a polymorphic site of TLR2 and CD44 isoforms expression
G. Di Sante1,2, M. Valentini1, G. Migliara1, A. Piermattei1, B. Tolusso2, G. Constantin3, E. Stigliano4, M. Geloso4, S. Hayrabedyan5, G. Delogu6, F. Ria1;
Institute of General Pathology - Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy, 2Institute of Rheumatology - Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy, 3Institute of General Pathology - Universit
di Verona, Verona, Italy, 4Institute of Anatomy - Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy, 5Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria,
Institute of Microbiology - Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy.
P.C.14.20 TLR8 and HLA-G up-regulation in placental tissue from infected-mother compare to uninfected control
E. C. Cardoso, M. N. Sato, E. F. Bevilacqua;
USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil.

P.C.15 Cytokines - Part 1

Chairpersons: Danka Grcevic; Zagreb, Croatia / Rudolf Oehler; Wien, Austria

P.C.15.01 12/15-lipoxygenase counteracts the activity of NLRP3 inflammasome in monocytes

Y. Kusche, J. Roth, K. Barczyk-Kahlert;
Institute of Immunology, Mnster, Germany.
P.C.15.02 Increased TNF levels in the intestinal tissue, but not in the brain, following severe acute pancreatitis
M. Y. Hamasaki;
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
P.C.15.03 Down-regulation of atypical chemokine receptor ACKR2 expression by hematopoietic progenitors promotes myeloid cell mobilization and differentiation
O. Bonavita1,2, N. Caronni1,2, B. Savino1,2, M. Massara1,2, L. Crisafulli1,3, F. Ficara1,3, A. Mantovani1,4, M. Locati1,2, R. Bonecchi1,4;
Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano, Italy, 2Department of Medical Biotechnologies and Translational Medicine, Universit degli Studi di Milano, Rozzano, Italy, 3Istituto di Ricerca Genetica e
Biomedica, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche, Milan, Italy, 4Humanitas University, Rozzano, Italy.
P.C.15.04 Caffeine modulates cytokine production by M-MFs: study of the NLRP3 inflammasome-mediated IL-1 cytokine
B. M. Marietta1, B. gnes1, T. Jzsef2, B. Szilvia1;
University of Debrecen, Department of Physiology, Debrecen, Hungary, 2University of Debrecen, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Debrecen, Hungary.
P.C.15.05 Evaluation of cytokine profile in Ipilimumab treated Melanoma patients
E. Palella1, R. Tallerico1, C. M. Cristiani1, M. Capone2, G. Madonna2, C. Garofalo1, E. Staaf3, D. Mallardo2, E. Simeone2, A. M. Grimaldi2, G. Ciliberto1,2, M. Greco4, E. Gulletta4, F. Colucci5, K. Karre3, P. A.
Ascierto2, E. Carbone1,3;
Tumorimmunology and Immunopathology Laboratory, Department of Experimental and Clinic Medicine, University Magna Graecia of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy, 2Melanoma Cancer Immunotherapy
and Innovative Therapy Unit, Tumor National Institute, Napoli, Italy, 3Department of Microbiology Cell and Tumorbiology (MTC), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 4Department of Health Sciences,
Magna Grcia University of Catanzaro, Catanzaro, Italy, 5Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology, University of Cambridge Clinical School, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
P.C.15.06 Cytokines correlates with outcomes in trauma hemorrhagic shock patients
M. Kumar1, D. Rao2, V. Kamal3, S. Bhoi1;
Department of Emergency Medicine, JPN Apex Trauma Center, AIIMS, New Delhi, New Delhi, India, 2Department of Biochemistry, AIIMS, New Delhi, New Delhi, India, 3AIIMS, New Delhi, New Delhi, India.
P.C.15.07 The involvement of H3 histamine receptors in the synthesis of cytokines and chemokines by mononuclear and dendritic cells
V. Evstratova1, N. Rieger1, A. Tutelyan2, R. Khanferyan1;
Scientific Research Institute of Nutrition, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Federal Scientific Clinical Centre of Pediatric Hematology, Oncology and Immunology, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.C.15.08 Anti-IL-20 monoclonal antibody suppresses prostate cancer growth and bone osteolysis in murine models
Y. Hsu1,2, M. Chang2;
Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 2Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, College of Medicine, National Cheng Kung
University, Tainan, Taiwan.
P.C.15.09 Interleukin-4 (IL-4) gene polymorphism is associated with febrile seizure in Iranian children
S. Zoghi1, A. Zare-shahabadi2, S. Soltani1, M. Ashrafi3, A. Shahrokhi4,5, N. Rezaei1,2,3;
Molecular Immunology Research Center; and Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Research Center for
Immunodeficiencies, Pediatrics Center of Excellence, Childrens Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Pediatrics Center of Excellence, Childrens Medical
Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 4Pediatrics Center of Excellence, Childrens Medical Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, tehran, Iran, Islamic
Republic of, 5Pediatric Neurorehabilitation Research Center, University of Social Welfare and Rehabilitation Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.C.15.10 Strain differences in sterile inflammation and immune suppression induced by acute cadmium administration in rats depend on the affected activity and tissue
J. Demenesku1, I. Mirkov1, M. Ninkov1, A. Popov Aleksandrov1, L. Zolotarevski2, V. Subota3, D. Mileusnic1, D. Kataranovski1,4, M. Kataranovski1,5;
Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute of Pathology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Institute for Biochemistry, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade,
Serbia, 4Institute of Zoology, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 5Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.C.15.11 Molecular dissection of signaling pathways initiated at IL-33/ST2 axis in human cord blood derived mast cells
P. Pushparaj, K. Narasimhan, M. Rasool, M. I. Naseer, K. Gauthaman;
Center of Excellence in Genomic Medicine Research, King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
P.C.15.12 Investigating a novel function of a novel cytokine: the role of interleukin-34 in anti-viral responses
M. Sims, S. Spence, M. Greene, D. McAuley, A. Kissenpfennig;
Queens University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom.
P.C.15.13 IL-12 signals directly to the intestinal epithelium via IL-12R2
N. R. Gicheva, K. Ivory, C. Deen, A. Man, C. Nicoletti;
Institute of Food Research, Norwich, United Kingdom.
P.C.15.14 Virus-induced type I interferon deteriorates control of systemic Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection
K. Merches1, V. Khairnar1, N. Shaabani1, N. Honke1, F. Lang2, E. Gulbins3, B. Tmmler4, K. S. Lang1;
Institute of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 2Department of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany, 3Department of
Molecular Biology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 4Department of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, University of Hannover, Hannover, Germany.
P.C.15.15 A critical neutrophil/gamma-delta T17 cell axis in innate host response to acute Streptococcus pneumoniae infection
M. Hassane;
Pasteur institute of Lille, Lille, France.
P.C.15.16 The role of IL-33/ST2 axis in alteration of antioxidative parameters in acute inflammation
M. Stankovic1, S. De Luka1, N. Petronijevic2, M. Velimirovic2, T. Stojkovic2, N. Puskas3, I. Zaletel3, A. Trbovich1;
University of Belgrade Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathophysiology, Belgrade, Serbia, 2University of Belgrade Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Clinical and Medical Biochemistry, Belgrade, Serbia,
University of Belgrade Faculty of Medicine, Institute of Histology, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.C.15.17 Processing of apoptotic cell remnants
Y. Y. Liang, D. Rainprecht, E. Eichmayr, B. Messner, R. Oehler;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

72 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.C.15.18 Cytokine-induced neutrophil chemokine responses following burn and sepsis
N. Fazal, E. Cheptene, E. Arabian, A. Royan;
Chicago State University, Chicago, IL, United States.
P.C.15.19 Double-stranded RNA induced cytokines in ex vivo cultivated peripheral blood mononuclear cells
K. Vaivode1, R. Petrovska1, I. Marksa2, R. Brvere1, S. Magone1, D. Pjanova1;
Latvian Biomedical Research and Study Center, Riga, Latvia, 2University of Latvia Experimental and Clinical Research Center, Riga, Latvia.
P.C.15.20 The Effect of Exhaustion Training on HSP 70 and Glucose
F. Nameni1, H. Poursadra2;
Varamin Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, pishva, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Financial Managemenmt, Dustan Equipent, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.C.15.21 H3/H4 histamine receptor antagonists and their impact on IgE and IgE-regulatory cytokines synthesis
N. Riger, V. Evstratova, E. Savtchenko, R. Khanferyan;
Institute of Nutrition, Moscow, Russian Federation.

P.C.16 Cell Signaling - Part 2

Chairpersons: Elke Scandella; St.Gallen, Switzerland / Hannes Stockinger; Vienna, Austria

P.C.16.01 Multiplexing NFB translocation with immunophenotyping and screening of NFB inhibitors using imaging flow cytometry
H. R. Pugsley1, K. Eberhart2, K. Tyagarajan1, K. Gillis3, S. Friend1, P. Morrissey1;
Merck Millipore, Seattle, WA, United States, 2Merck Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany, 3Merck Millipore, Hayward, CA, United States.
P.C.16.02 Analyses of intracellular molecule expression in gated effectors NK cells by flow cytometry in comparison to rate of death target, K-562 cells

V. Jurisic1, K. Mirjacic-Martinovic2, T. Srdic-Rajic2, A. Radovanovic3, N. Tisma3, G. Konjevic3;
University of Kragujevac, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2Institute of Oncology and Radiology, Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Institute of Oncology and Radiology, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.C.16.03 Molecular determinants of NLRC5-mediated MHC class I transcriptional regulation in human cells
A. Neerincx1, F. Hezel2, K. Jakobshagen3, H. Bning4, O. Utermhlen3, V. Steimle5, T. A. Kufer2;
Department of Pathology, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Dep. of Immunology, University Hohenheim, Stuttgart, Germany, 3Institute for Medical Microbiology, Immunology and
Hygiene, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 4Center for Molecular Medicine Cologne, University of Cologne, Cologne, Germany, 5Dpartement de Biologie, Universit de Sherbrooke, Sherbrooke, QC,
P.C.16.04 The influence of peritoneal macrophages from animals with Lewis lung carcinoma on endothelial cell cycle
T. Nikolaienko1, D. Shelest1, I. Gutich1, L. Garmanchuk1, O. Khudiakova2;
Educational and Scientific Centre Institute of Biology of Taras Shevchenko National University of, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2Luhansk Taras Shevchenko National University, Luhansk, Ukraine.
P.C.16.05 Non-canonical and cell type-specific functions of Tyk2 in the defence against Listeria monocytogenes
N. Boovi1, C. Lassnig1,2, S. Stockinger1, K. Meissl1, B. Strobl1, M. Mller1,2;
Institute for Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Biomodels Austria, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.16.06 Mechanisms of immune modulation by vaccinia virus protein C16
S. R. Scutts1, N. E. Peters1, C. Leonarz2, M. Mazzon1, R. P. Sumner1, D. L. Veyer1, G. L. Smith1;
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.

P.C.16.07 Measuring autophagic flux by assessing LC3, p62 and LAMP1 co-localization in Jurkat cells using imaging flow cytometry
H. R. Pugsley1, K. Eberhart2, S. Seth2, S. L. Friend1, P. Morrissey1;
Merck Millipore, Seattle, WA, United States, 2Merck Millipore, Darmstadt, Germany.
P.C.16.08 Microparticles produced by flavivirus-infected endothelium are antiviral and effectively immunise against flavivirus infection
Z. L. Ling1, V. Combes1,2, G. E. Grau1, N. J. King1;
Discipline of Pathology, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia, 2University of Technology Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
P.C.16.09 Response to interferons and antibacterial innate immunity in absence of tyrosine-phosphorylated STAT1
A. Majoros1, H. Cheon2, C. Vogl3, P. Shukla3, G. R. Stark2, V. Sexl4, R. Schreiber5, C. Schindler6, M. Mller3, T. Decker1;
Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna, Veinna, Austria, 2Department of Molecular Genetics and Proteomics Core, Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH, United States,
Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Veinna, Austria, 4Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, Department for Biomedical Sciences, University of
Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Veinna, Austria, 5Department of Pathology and Immunology, Washington University School of Medicine, St Louis, MO, United States, 6Departments of Microbiology &
Immunology and Medicine, Columbia University, New York, NY, United States.
P.C.16.10 Calpain activity is essential for ATP-driven unconventional protein secretion and inflammasome activation in human macrophages
E. Vlimki1,2, W. Cypryk3, J. Virkanen4, K. Nurmi5, T. A. Nyman3, S. Matikainen2;
University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2Finnish Institute of Occupational Health, Helsinki, Finland, 3Institute of Biotechnology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 4Department of Geosciences and
Geography, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 5Wihuri Research Institute, Biomedicum Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
P.C.16.11 SOCS1 up-regulates Nrf2-mediated antioxidant factors to inhibit inflammatory cytokine production induced by TLR4 signal
C. Lee, G. Kim, B. Jeong, H. Yoon;
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of.
P.C.16.12 Mechanism of SOCS3 action on the M1 and M2 type macrophage differentiation
C. Lee, H. Yoon, G. Kim;
Sungkyunkwan University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of.
P.C.16.13 Transmembrane adaptor protein SCIMP and its role in immune cell signaling
J. Kralova, M. Fabisik, I. Danyi, T. Brdicka;
Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.C.16.14 Role of IP3R3 in CD14-NFAT pathway activation
L. Marongiu1, M. Di Gioia2, V. Poli1, I. Zanoni2,1, F. Granucci1,3;
University of Milano Bicocca, Milano, Italy, 2Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States, 3Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano (MI), Italy.
P.C.16.15 A signal transduction map of inflammatory macrophages during bacterial lung infections: Topologically central proteins, pathogen-affected subnetworks and
drug-regulated proteins unravel potential mechanism of immunomodulation
P. Wentker1, M. Eberhardt1, M. Cantone1, N. Tomar1, U. Schmitz2, S. Gupta2, O. Wolkenhauer2, J. Vera1;
University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2University of Rostock, Rostock, Germany.

Track D Disease Intervention

P.D.11 Vaccines - Part 2
Chairpersons: Sukanya Raghavan; Gothenburg, Sweden / Susanne Vrtala; Vienna, Austria

P.D.11.01 Age-related differences of humoral and cellular immune responses to primary vaccination against Japanese Encephalitis
A. Wagner1, E. Garner-Spitzer1, J. Jasinska1, M. Prelog2, K. Stiasny3, F. Heinz3, H. Kollaritsch1, U. Wiedermann1;
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Pediatrics, Wuerzburg, Germany, 3Department of Virology, Vienna, Austria.

P.D.11.02 Isolation, Preparation and Evaluation of The Immunogenicity Effectiveness of A Novel Inactivated Rotavirus Vaccine Strain: ZTR-68, Rotavirus A Genotype G1P[8]
J. Wu, G. Zhang, S. Yi, Y. Zhou, N. Yin, Y. Xie, H. Li, M. Sun;
Institute of Medical Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Science and Peking Union Medical College, Kunming, China.
P.D.11.03 Humoral and cellular responsiveness to routine vaccines in allergic individuals with and without specific immunotherapy
E. Garner-Spitzer1, M. Hofer1, C. Seidl-Friedrich1, R. Jarisch2, T. Kinaciyan3, M. Kundi4, U. Wiedermann1;
Institute for Specific Prophylaxis &Tropical Medicine, Medical University of Vienna (MUV), Vienna, Austria, 2Allergiezentrum Floridsdorf, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Dermatology, DIAID, MUV, Vienna,

Austria, 4Institute for Public Health, MUV, Vienna, Austria.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 73
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.D.11.04 Schistosoma mansoni Venom Allergen-Like (SmVAL) protein co-administration in a vaccine assay against schistosomiasis
R. S. Fernandes1, T. C. Barbosa1, H. K. Roffato1, L. P. Farias2, L. C. Leite1;
Instituto Butantan, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2Fundao Oswaldo Cruz, Salvador, Brazil.
P.D.11.05 Role of social mobilization in polio eradication program in marginalised communities of Aligarh, India
M. A. Ansari, Z. Khan;
Community Medicine, J.N.Medical College, Aligarh, India.
P.D.11.06 Analysis of the immune response elicited by the PspA-PlD1 protein chimera in a mouse model of pneumococcal pneumonia
D. Rodriguez1, T. Santos2, C. Goulart1, T. R. Converso1, J. Pereira3, L. Leite1, M. Darrieux3;
Instituto Butantan, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 3Universidade So Francisco, Bragana Paulista, Brazil.
P.D.11.07 Evaluation of recombinant BCG overexpressing the antigen heparin-binding hemmagglutinin adhesin in a murine model of progressive pulmonary tuberculosis
K. Garca-Rodrguez1, D. Mata-Espinosa1, J. Barrios-Payan1, B. Marquina-Castillo1, M. Flores2, R. Hernndez-Pando1;
National Institute of Medical Sciences and Nutrition, Mexico, Mexico, 2Center of Technology and Research, Jalisco, Mexico.
P.D.11.08 Human XCL1 targeted vaccines induce strong and protective antibody responses in mice
A. Gudjonsson, E. Fossum, B. Bogen;
K.G. Jebsen Center for Influenza Vaccine Research, Institute of Immunology, University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
P.D.11.09 Induction of massive antigen-specific CD8+ T cell cytotoxicity by targeting of antigen into XCR1+ DC combined with potent amplification regimes
Y. Yang, E. Hartung, A. Jkel, N. Reeg, S. Gurka, H. W. Mages, R. A. Kroczek;
Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany.
P.D.11.10 Diphtheria toxoid (Diph)-, tetanus toxoid (Tet)-, and Pneumococcus (PCP)-, Haemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) specific IgG levels in healthy subjects and in
patients with immunodeficiency in hungary
Z. Szab1, A. Kulcsr2, I. Csrke3, E. Galbicsek4, N. Hartvig1, . Kalmr5, . Karszi2, G. Krivn2, B. Mosdsi6, . Rimanczy4, J. Simon1, M. Szolnoky7, L. Tmr2,4, K. Mikls1;

HDF MC Military Hospital, Budapest, Hungary, 2United St Istvan and St Laszlo Hospital, Budapest, Hungary, 3Jsa Andrs Teaching Hospital, Nyregyhza, Hungary, 4Heim Pl Childrens Hospital,
Budapest, Hungary, 5St Johns Hospital, Budapest, Hungary, 6University of Pcs, Clinical Center, Department of Pediatrics, Pcs, Hungary, 7St Johns Hospital, Budapest, Budapest, Hungary.
P.D.11.11 A cationic micelle carrier improves vaccination outcomes against unmodified whole protein antigen
C. E. Brubaker1, V. Panagiotou1, J. A. Hubbell1,2;
Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States.
P.D.11.12 Recombinant adeno-vaccine expressing enterovirus 71-like particles against hand, foot, and mouth disease
Y. Tsou1,2, Y. Lin1, H. Shao1,2, S. Yu1, S. Wu3, H. Lin1, C. Liu1, C. Huang1, P. Chong1,4, Y. Chow1,4;
Institute of Infectious Disease and Vaccinology, NHRI, Zhunan, Miaoli County, Taiwan, 2Graduate Program of Biotechnology in Medicine, Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, NTHU, Hsinchu,
Taiwan, 3Institute of Oral Medicine, National Cheng Kung University College of Medicine and Hospital, Tainan, Taiwan, 4Graduate Institute of Immunology, China Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan.
P.D.11.13 Design of a vaccine made of a synthetic gene composed by T cell epitopes of putative proteins of Rhipicephalus microplus ticks
A. Fisch, I. K. Santos, S. R. Maruyama, E. Anatriello, B. R. Ferreira;
Universidade de So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.D.11.14 Immunogenicity and protective efficacy of a novel vaccine candidate against tuberculosis based on recombinant BCG
C. C. Santos1,2, I. P. Nascimento1, D. Rodriguez1, L. C. Leite1;
Instituto Butantan, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Programa de ps-graduao interunidades em biotecnologia USP-IB-IPT, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.D.11.15 Photochemical internalization as novel vaccination technology to enhance antigen-specific CD8+ T cell responses
M. Haug1,2, H. Ibrahim1,2, G. Brede2, T. H. Flo1,2, A. Hgset3, . Halaas2;
Centre of Molecular Inflammation Research (CEMIR), NTNU, Trondheim, Norway, 2Department of Cancer Research and Molecular Medicine (IKM), Trondheim, Norway, 3PCI Biotech AS, Lysaker, Norway.
P.D.11.16 Intradermal injection of antibodies against lectin receptors targets defined subsets of dendritic cells in human skin
S. Schaffenrath1,2, C. H. Tripp1, D. Reider1, B. Del Frari1, G. Djedovic1, S. Ebner1, N. Romani1, P. Stoitzner1;
Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria, 2Oncotyrol Center for Personalized Cancer Medicine, Innsbruck, Austria.

P.D.11.17 The role of immune cells and cytokines in vaccine-induced protection against gastric Helicobacter pylori infection
L. S. Ottsj1, R. Malefyt2, A. K. Walduck3, S. Raghavan1;
Microbiology and Immunology, Gothenburg, Sweden, 2Department of Immunology, Merck Pharmaceuticals, CA, United States, 3RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia.
P.D.11.18 Mucosal delivery of novel secreted proteins that protect against infection by the parasitic nematode Trichinella spiralis
A. Taccogna1, T. Lamb2, M. Selkirk3, D. Guiliano1;
Univerisity of East London, London, United Kingdom, 2Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 3Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.11.19 Polybacterial sublingual vaccines in actively immunosuppressed patients with systemic autoimmune disease
J. Ochoa Grulln1, G. Candelas2, C. Morado2, M. Nez-Beltrn1, A. Comins-Boo1, J. Jover2, S. Snchez-Ramn1;
Department of Clinical Immunology, Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain, 2Department of Rheumatology, Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.11.20 Particulate form of antigen and routes of immunization drive the magnitude and quality of HIV-specific mucosal immune responses in mice
T. L. Vazquez1, L. Torrieri-Dramard1, F. Pitoiset2, B. Levacher1, J. Vigneron1, F. Brimaud1, D. Klatzmann2, B. Bellier2;
UPMC - INSERM U959, Paris, France, 2UPMC - INSERM U959 - CIC-BTi GHPS, Paris, France.
P.D.11.21 Gut homing response as a marker of mucosal immunity to oral vaccines
A. Dey1, A. Sinha2, R. K. Nandy2, S. Kanungo2, D. R. Kim1, T. F. Weirzba1, W. A. Petri3, C. Czerkinsky4;
International Vaccine Institute, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2National Institute of Cholera and Enteric Diseases, Kolkata, India, 3University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, United States, 4INSERM University of
Nice, Nice, France.
P.D.11.22 Development of a magnetic bead based method to probe salivary humoral immune responses to oral consortia
T. Madhwani, A. J. McBain;
School of Pharmacy and Pharmaceutical Sciences, University of Manchester, Greater Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.D.11.23 Switching the sole CH1 domain of an antibody impacts antigen recognition and function
D. Tudor1,2,3, M. Kamassi1,2,3, D. David1,2,3, P. Tuffery4, M. Bomsel1,2,3;
Mucosal Entry of HIV-1 and Mucosal Immunity, Infection, Immunity, Inflammation Department, Cochin Institute, Universit Paris Descartes, Paris, France, 2CNRS (UMR 8104), Paris, France, 3INSERM,
U1016, Paris, France, 4Molcules Thrapeutiques in silico (MTi), INSERM UMR S973 and RPBS, Universit Paris Diderot, Paris, France.
P.D.11.24 Expression Profile of Human Fc Receptors in Mucosal Tissue: implications for antibody-dependent cellular effector functions targeting HIV-1 transmission
H. M. Cheeseman, D. F. King, A. B. Evans, P. Ziprin, R. J. Shattock;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.

P.D.12 Vaccines & Veterinary Immunology - Part 2

Chairpersons: Andreas Bergthaler; Vienna, Austria / Erika Jensen-Jarolim; Vienna, Austria

P.D.12.01 Immunological profile in rabbits experimentally infected with different antigenic variants of RHD (rabbit haemorrhagic disease) virus
P. Niedzwiedzka-Rystwej, B. Tokarz-Deptula, W. M. Deptua;
University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland.
P.D.12.02 Sodium octanoate improves the innate immune response of bovine mammary epithelial cells during Staphylococcus aureus internalization via TLR2
N. Alva-Murillo, I. Medina-Estrada, A. Ochoa-Zarzosa, J. E. Lpez-Meza;
Universidad Michoacana, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y Zootecnia, Morelia, Mexico.
P.D.12.03 The porcine MHC - linked inheritance of particular SLA class I and class II haplotypes in purebred German Landrace pigs
U. Gimsa1, C. S. Ho2, S. E. Hammer3;
Institute of Behavioural Physiology, Leibniz Institute for Farm Animal Biology, Dummerstorf, Germany, 2Gift of Life Michigan, Histocompatibility Lab, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 3Institute of
Immunology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.12.04 Characterization of the local and systemic T-cell response to Swine Influenza A virus infections
S. C. Talker1, H. C. Koinig2, M. Stadler1, K. H. Mair1, I. M. Rodriguez-Gomez1, R. Graage2, B. Wchtl2, A. Ladinig2, I. Hennig-Pauka2, R. Drrwald3, A. Saalmller1, W. Gerner1;
University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, University Clinic for Swine, Vienna, Austria, 3Viral Vaccines, Business Unit

Animal Health, IDT Biologika GmbH, Dessau-Roslau, Germany.

74 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.D.12.05 Identification of CD3+NKp46+ porcine lymphocytes with NK-cell characteristics that are recruited to the lung during early influenza infection
K. H. Mair1, M. Stadler1, S. C. Talker1, H. Forberg-Fossum2, A. K. Storset3, A. Mllebner4, J. C. Duvigneau4, S. E. Hammer1, A. Saalmller1, W. Gerner1;
Institute of Immunology, Department of Pathobiology, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Laboratory Services, Norwegian Veterinary Institute, Oslo, Norway,

Department of Food Safety and Infection Biology, Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Oslo, Norway, 4Institute of Medical Biochemistry, Department of Biomedical Sciences, University of Veterinary

Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

P.D.12.06 C-reactive protein in the blood serum of rabbits experimentally infected with five different strains of RHDV (rabbit haemorrhagic disease virus)
M. Malinowska, W. M. Deptua, B. Tokarz-Deptua;
University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland.
P.D.12.07 Changes in the expression of gene encoding the TLRs 2,3,4 and cytokines IL-6, IL-8, IFN-, TNF- in peripheral blood leukocytes of rabbits infected with RHDV
(haemorrhagic disease virus)
A. Trzeciak-Ryczek, B. Tokarz-Deptua, W. M. Deptua;
University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland.
P.D.12.08 Immunological and genetic characteristics of European strains of RHD (Rabbit haemorrhagic Disease) virus
B. Hukowska-Szematowicz, B. Tokarz-Deptua, W. M. Deptua;
University of Szczecin, Szczecin, Poland.
P.D.12.09 Dietary administration of Verbascum speciosum enhances innate immune responses of rainbow trout, Oncorhynchus mykiss
M. Aghapour1, K. Nofouzi1, A. Ezazi1, A. Tukmechi2, N. Sheikhzadeh3, M. Akbari4;
Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Pathobiology and Quality Control, Artemia and Aquatic Animals Research
Institute, Urmia University, Urmia, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Department of Food Hygiene and Aquatic Animals, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of,
Agricultural, Medical and Industrial Research School, Nuclear Science & Technology Research Institute, Karaj, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.12.10 The role of IgA subtypes in infection by pathogenic vs. non-pathogenic forms of RHDV in the European rabbit

P. Sousa-Pereira1,2, T. Strive3,4, P. J. Eteves1,2,5, J. Abrantes1;
CIBIO, InBIO - Research Network in Biodiversity and Evolutionary Biology, Vairo, Portugal, 2Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Cincias da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 3Commonwealth
Scientific and Industrial Research Organisation, Ecosystem Sciences Division, Canberra, Australia, 4Invasive Animals Cooperative Research Centre, University of Canberra, Canberra, Australia, 5CITS - Centro
de Investigao em Tecnologias de Sade, CESPU, Gandra, Portugal.
P.D.12.11 Expression of a CD8 homodimers on porcine NK cells and CD4+ T-cells
J. Weiss, C. Zabik, A. Saalmller, W. Gerner, M. Patzl;
University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.12.13 Construction of a recombinant adenovirus expressing immunogenic protein e2 of the bovine viral diarrhea virus (BVDV) and evaluation of their immune responses
in Colombia
J. Jaime, D. Vargas, G. Ramrez, V. Vera;
Universidad Nacional de Colombia, Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria y de Zootecnia, Bogot, Colombia.

P.D.13 Immune Interventions in Autoimmunity - Part 2

Chairpersons: Simon Fillatreau; Berlin, Germany / Marije I. Koenders; Nijmegen, Netherlands (tbc)

P.D.13.01 A novel therapeutic approach for autoimmunity: PD-1 agonist

S. Shibayama, M. Imai, T. Shimbo, T. Tezuka, Y. Nakano;
Tsukuba Research Institute, Ono Pharmaceutical Co., Ltd., Tsukuba, Japan.
P.D.13.02 Prevention of FVIII inhibitor formation by ATX-F8-117 in humanized HLA-DR2tg mice
K. Pletinckx1, K. S. Nicolson2, H. Streeter2, W. Sanderson3, S. Aerts1, L. Jansson1, D. C. Wraith4,1;
Apitope International NV, Diepenbeek, Belgium, 2Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Bristol School of Medical Sciences, Bristol, United Kingdom, 3Apitope Technology Ltd., Bristol

& Bath Science Park, Dirac Crescent, Emersons Green, Bristol, United Kingdom, 4Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, University of Bristol School of Medical Sciences,, Bristol, United Kingdom.
P.D.13.03 Programmed cell death-ligand 1 controls psoriatic inflammation by suppressing PD-1hiIL-17A+ T cells
J. Kim1,2, Y. Choi1, B. Lee3, M. Song4, C. Ban1, S. Kim2, J. Kim1, T. Kim5, S. Park6, H. Kim5, Y. Sung3,4, S. Kim2, E. Shin1;
Laboratory of Immunology and Infectious Diseases, Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of, 2Department
of Dermatology and Cutaneous Biology Research Institute, Gangnam Severance Hospital, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 3Genexine, Inc., Seongnam, Korea, Republic
of, 4Division of Integrative Biosciences and Biotechnology, Pohang University of Science and Technology, Pohang, Korea, Republic of, 5Department of Environmental Medical Biology, Institute of Tropical
Medicine, Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 6Laboratory of Translational Immunology and Vaccinology, Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, Korea Advanced
Institute of Science and Technology, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of.
P.D.13.04 LAG3+Foxp3- regulatory T cells induced by B cells alleviated joints inflammation in collagen induced arthritis
S. Y. Chen1, B. L. Chiang1,2;
Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.D.13.05 Combination blocking of IL-6 and IL-21 in experimental arthritis inhibits their redundant role in Th17-driven joint pathology
D. M. Roeleveld1, R. J. Marijnissen1, B. Walgreen1, M. Helsen1, L. van den Bersselaar1, C. Nickerson-Nutter2, F. van de Loo1, W. B. van den Berg1, M. I. Koenders1;
Radboud umc, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Pfizer Inc, Cambridge, MA, United States.
P.D.13.06 High plasmablast frequency and lymphocyte count define populations unresponsive to rituximab in rheumatoid arthritis
M. H. Stradner, C. Dejaco, K. Brickmann, W. B. Graninger, H. Brezinschek;
Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.D.13.07 Repeated CD4+ T-cell depletion in patients with rheumatoid arthritis over multiple cycles of rituximab treatment
M. Lavielle1, D. Mulleman1,2,3, P. Goupille1,2,3, H. C. Sung2,3, H. Watier1,2,3, G. J. Thibault1,2,3;
CHRU, Tours, France, 2Universite Franois Rabelais, Tours, France, 3UMR CNRS 7292, Tours, France.
P.D.13.08 Immune response repression by tolerant CD4-derived soluble MHCII molecules
A. Giannaki, G. Papadogianni, I. Athanassakis;
Biology Department University of Crete, Heraklion Crete, Greece.
P.D.13.09 Antigen-specific TCR-modified Treg for treatment of EAE
E. Kieback1,2, E. Hilgenberg3, U. Stervbo3, V. Lampropoulou3, P. Shen3, M. Bunse2, W. Uckert1,2, S. Fillatreau3;
Humboldt University, Berlin, Germany, 2Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin, Germany, 3German Arthritis Research Center, Immune Regulation Group, Berlin, Germany.
P.D.13.10 Targeted inhibition of macrophage derived proinflammatory cytokines
G. Efimov1,2, D. Shvarev1, O. Goriainova1,3, F. Rozov1, E. Beketova1, E. Shilov1, M. Drutskaya1, A. Kruglov1,4,5, S. Tillib3, S. Nedospasov1;
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology and Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Hematology Research Center, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Institute of Gene Biology,

Moscow, Russian Federation, 4German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, Germany, 5Lobachevsky University, Nizhny Novgorod, Russian Federation.
P.D.13.11 Genetic variations in interleukin-6-signal transducer (IL6ST/gp130) may aid the prediction of tocilizumab therapy outcome in rheumatoid arthritis
C. Enevold1, B. Baslund1, L. Linde2, N. L. Josephsen3, U. Tarp3, H. Lindegaard4, S. Jacobsen1, C. H. Nielsen1;
Institute for Inflammation Research, Dept. of Rheumatology, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark, 2Department of Rheumatology, Copenhagen University Hospital, Gentofte, Copenhagen, Denmark,
Department of Rheumatology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus, Denmark, 4Department of Rheumatology, Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark.
P.D.13.12 Standardized derivate of bovine colostrum inhibits development of experimentally induced type 1 diabetes
T. Saksida, I. Nikolic, M. Vujicic, I. Stojanovic, S. Stosic-Grujicic;
Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.D.13.13 Idiotypic network immunotherapy as a possible cure or prevention of autoimmune diabetes
C. H. Brogren;
The Bartholin Institute, Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen N, Denmark.
P.D.13.14 IL-33 induces CD4+CD25highFOXP3+ regulatory T cells in ex vivo cultures of PBMCs from children with type 1 diabetes
M. Ryba-Stanisawowska1, P. Werner1, M. Skrzypkowska1, A. Brandt2, J. Myliwska1;
Department of Immunology, Medical University of Gdask, Gdask, Poland, 2Clinic of Pediatrics, Department of Diabetology and Endocrinology, Medical University of Gdask, Gdask, Poland.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 75
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.D.13.15 Therapy with regulatory T cells preserves beta cell function in children with type 1 diabetes- 2 year follow-up
N. M. Marek- Trzonkowska1, M. Myliwiec2, A. Dobyszuk3, M. Grabowska3, I. Techmaska2, J. Juciska4, R. Owczuk5, A. Szadkowska6, P. Witkowski7, W. Mynarski6, P. Jarosz- Chobot8, A. Bossowski9, J.
Siebert10, P. Trzonkowski3;
Laboratory of Immunoregulation and Cellular Therapies, Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Gdask, Gdask, Poland, 2Department of Pediatric Diabetology and Endocrinology, Medical
University of Gdask, Gdask, Poland, 3Department of Clinical Immunology and Transplantology, Medical University of Gdask, Gdask, Poland, 4Regional Center of Blood Donation and Treatment,
Gdask, Poland, 5Department of Anesthesiology and Critical Care, Medical University of Gdask, Gdask, Poland, 6Department of Pediatrics, Oncology, Hematology and Diabetology, Medical University
of d, d, Poland, 7Department of Surgery, Section of Transplantation, The University of Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 8Department of Pediatrics, Endocrinology and Diabetes, Medical University
of Silesia, Katowice, Poland, 9Department of Pediatrics Endocrinology and Diabetology, Medical University of Biaystok, Biaystok, Poland, 10Department of Family Medicine, Medical University of Gdask,
Gdask, Poland.

P.D.14 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 2

Chairpersons: Eric Tartour; Paris, France / Bruno Silva-Santos; Lisboa, Portugal

P.D.14.01 TLR9-mediated targeted A20 in vivo silencing potentiates antitumor immune response
F. C. Braun1, S. Thomas1, J. van den Brandt2, G. K. Przybylski3, K. Schmoeckel4, B. M. Brker4, C. A. Schmidt1, P. Grabarczyk1;
University Medicine Greifswald, Molecular Hematology, Greifswald, Germany, 2University of Greifswald, Central Core & Research Facility of Laboratory Animals, Greifswald, Germany, 3Polish Academy of
Sciences, Institute of Human Genetics, Poznan, Poland, 4University of Greifswald, Institute of Immunology and Transfusion Medicine, Greifswald, Germany.
P.D.14.02 Generation of functionally active Mart1-specific CD8+ T cells from cord blood-derived T cells by using artificial antigen-presenting cells
J. Kwoczek1, C. Bunse1, J. Lahrberg1, S. Tischer1, J. Hbner1, M. Oelke2, R. Blasczyk1, M. Sauer1, B. Eiz-Vesper1;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Johns Hopkins School of Medicine, Baltimore, MD, United States.
P.D.14.03 SKOV3 cell artificially expressing CD137L, CD80 and p53 increased cytotoxicity effects of PBMCs

M. Jaberipour1, M. Habibagahi2, M. Razmkhah1, A. Hosseini1, F. Amirmoezi1, L. Roshandel1,3, H. Ghaznavi1, M. Shahbazi3, A. Ghaderi1,2;

Institute for Cancer Research, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Immunology Department, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran, Islamic Republic of,
Medical Cellular & Molecular Research Center, Gorgan University of Medical Sciences, Gorgan, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.14.04 Redirecting immune subsets through genetic manipulation for enhancing adoptive immunotherapy
C. S. Yong1,2, J. A. Westwood1, C. Devaud1, P. K. Darcy1,2, M. H. Kershaw1,2;
Cancer Immunology Program, Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre, East Melbourne, Australia, 2Sir Peter MacCallum Department of Oncology, University of Melbourne, Parkville, Victoria, Australia.
P.D.14.05 Transforming growth factor- (TGF-) confers a central memory-like phenotype to ex-vivo stimulated human T cells for viral/cancer Adoptive Immunotherapy
A. Dahmani, C. Carli, M. Richaud, M. Goupil, V. Janelle, M. Khalili, J. Delisle;
Centre de Recherche de lHpital Maisonneuve-Rosemont, Montral, QC, Canada.
P.D.14.07 A new fusion receptor overcomes PD-1-mediated immunosuppression in adoptive T cell therapy
F. Rataj, S. Grassmann, M. Chaloupka, C. Lampert, S. Wenk, F. Kraus, M. Rapp, P. Dwell, S. Rothenfuer, M. Schnurr, S. Endres, S. Kobold;
Center of Integrated Protein Science Munich (CIPS-M) and Division of Clinical Pharmacology, Department of Internal Medicine IV, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany, Member of
the German Center for Lung Research, Munich, Germany.
P.D.14.08 Combined aerosolization of immunomodulators in the treatment of lung metastases
V. Le Noci1, M. Tortoreto2, A. Gulino3, C. Storti2, F. Bianchi1, N. Zaffaroni2, C. Tripodo3, E. Tagliabue2, A. Balsari1, L. Sfondrini1;
Universit degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, 2Fondazione IRCCS Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori, Milan, Italy, 3Universit degli Studi di Palermo, Palermo, Italy.

P.D.14.09 CD22 as a target for antibody therapy of resistant forms of childhood B-cell precursor acute lymphoblastic leukemia
D. Kuzilkova, V. Kanderova, T. Kalina, O. Hrusak, E. Mejstrikova;
CLIP (Childhood Leukaemia Investigation Prague), Department of Paediatric Haematology and Oncology, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.D.14.10 Deciphering CD20 immunogenicity to generate protective anti-tumor CD4+ and CD8+ T cells
S. Siberil1, B. Milcent1, Q. Riller1, C. Deligne1, M. Hamieh2, O. Toutirais3, J. Latouche2, J. Teillaud1;
Cordeliers Research Center, INSERM UMRS1138, Paris, France, 2Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB), INSERM U1079, Rouen University Hospital, Rouen, France, 3INSERM U919, Caen
University Hospital, Caen, France.
P.D.14.11 Novel therapeutic strategies in breast cancer using genistein and apigenin
L. I. Brasoveanu, C. Hotnog, V. Roman, M. Mihaila, M. Bostan;
Stefan S. Nicolau Institute of Virology, Center of Immunology, Romanian Academy, Bucharest, Romania.
P.D.14.12 Development of a universal antibody-based T cell retargeting system for cancer immunotherapy
C. Arndt1,2, A. Feldmann1,2, S. Koristka1,2, M. Cartellieri1,2, M. von Bonin3, A. Ehninger4, M. Bornhuser3, G. Ehninger1,3,4, M. Bachmann1,2,4;
Tumorimmunology, University Cancer Center Dresden, Dresden, Germany, 2Radioimmunology, Institute of Radiopharmaceutical Cancer Research, HZDR, Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf,
Dresden, Germany, 3Medical Clinic and Policlinic I, Dresden, Germany, 4GEMoaB Monoclonals GmbH, Dresden, Germany.
P.D.14.13 Focussing and sustaining the antitumor CTL effector killer response by agonist anti-CD137 mAb
E. Bolaos-Mateo1, B. Weigelin2, A. Teijeira1, I. Martinez-Forero1, S. Labiano1, A. Azpilikueta1, A. Morales-Kastresana1, J. I. Quetglas1, E. Wagena2, A. Rodrguez1, L. Chen3, P. Friedl2, I. Melero1;
CIMA, Pamplona, Spain, 2Radboud University Nijmegen Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 3Yale University School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States.
P.D.14.14 An optimized peptide vaccine strategy capable of inducing multivalent CD8 T-cell responses with potent antitumor effects
H. Cho1, S. Jung1, H. Sohn1, E. Celis2, T. Kim1,3;
Catholic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank, The Catholic University of Korea., Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Cancer Immunology, Inflammation and Tolerance Program, Georgia Regents University Cancer Center,
Augusta, GA, United States, 3Department of Microbiology, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.D.14.15 Targeting of Langherhans cells in cancer vaccination by Laser-assisted epidermal immunogen delivery
L. Buonaguro1, M. Tagliamonte1, A. Petrizzo1, M. Tornesello1, L. Circelli1, A. Luciano1, D. Rea1, A. Barbieri1, C. Arra1, C. Coscia2, F. M. Buonaguro1;
Istituto Nazionale Tumori, NAPLES, Italy, 2Pantec Biosolutions AG, Ruggell, Liechtenstein.
P.D.14.16 Vaccine-induced functional T cells targeting HER-2/neu in prostate cancer patients
E. A. Anastasopoulou, I. F. Voutsas, S. A. Perez, C. N. Baxevanis;
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Center,St Savvas Cancer Hospital, Athens, Greece.
P.D.14.17 Tumorantigen-specific CD40B cells: Combining enhanced antigen-presentation and antibody-secretion for tumor targeting
K. Wennhold, M. Thelen, M. Garcia-Marquez, A. Shimabukuro-Vornhagen, M. von Bergwelt-Baildon;
Cologne Interventional Immunology, Department I for Internal Medicine, University Hospital Cologne, Cologne, Germany.
P.D.14.18 Generation of exhaustion-resistant memory CD8 T-cells by simultaneous downmodulation of mTORC1 and PD-1 in activated CD8 T-cells
A. Berezhnoy, A. Levay, A. Rajagopalan, Y. Dove, E. Gilboa;
University of Miami, Miami, FL, United States.
P.D.14.19 Longitudinal Effects of Ibrutinib Therapy on T Lymphocytes: Implications for Combination Adoptive Cell Strategies to Treat Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia (CLL)
J. A. Fraietta1, K. A. Beckwith2, P. R. Patel1, S. E. McGettigan1, M. Ruella1, D. R. Cook1, J. Hulitt3, S. B. Kudchodkar1, A. P. Cogdill1, Z. Zheng1, J. J. Melenhorst1, D. L. Porter1, D. M. Barrett3, B. L. Levine1, C. H.
June1, J. C. Byrd2, M. V. Maus1;
University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States, 3The Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
P.D.14.20 Clinical efficacy of dendritic cells in combination with cytokine-induced killer cells in the treatment of advanced colorectal cancer
J. Zheng1, L. Jiang1, L. Yao1, Y. Ai1, Y. Zhang1, W. Huang1, Y. Gao1, C. Zhang1, H. Zhao1, S. Yu2, S. Jia1, J. Hu1;
Tumor Biotherapy Department of Hospital 81 of PLA, Nanjing, China, 2Oncology Department of Hospital 187 of PLA, Haikou, China.
P.D.14.21 Correlating structure and molecular function of chimeric antigen receptors by advanced microscopy
V. Gudipati1, J. Rydzek2, M. Brameshuber3, A. Plach1, S. Knigsberger1, M. Hudecek2, J. Huppa1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Universittsklinikum Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany, 3Vienna University of Technology, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.14.22 The use of anchored agonists of phagocytic receptors for effective cancer immunotherapy
V. Caisova1, A. Vieru1, Z. Kumzakova1, S. Glaserova1, H. Husnikova1, N. Vacova1, J. Kopecky1,2, J. Zenka1;
Department of Medical Biology, Faculty of Science, University of South Bohemia, Ceske Budejovice, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Parasitology, Biology Centre of the Czech Academy of Sciences, v.v.i., Ceske
Budejovice, Czech Republic.

76 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.D.14.23 In vitro neutralization of IL-17A sensitizes dendritic cells to vinblastine in Langerhans cell histiocytosis
S. Olsson kefeldt1,2, M. Ismail2,3, A. Belot2,4, M. Lourda1, H. Valentin5,2, C. Maisse2,6, G. Salvatore2,7, N. Bissay2, M. Svensson1, M. Aric8, J. Henter1, C. Delprat2,9;
Childhood Cancer Research Unit, Department of Womens and Childrens Health, Karolinska Institutet, Center for Infectious Medicine, Karolinska University Hospital Solna, Stockholm, Sweden, 2CNRS,
UMR5239, Laboratoire de Biologie Molculaire de la Cellule, Ecole Normale Suprieure de Lyon, Universit de Lyon, Universit de Lyon 1, Lyon, France, 3Laboratoire de microbiologie sant et environnement,
universit Libanaise, Tripoli, Lebanon, 4Hpital Femme Mre Enfant, Bron, France, 5UMR5239, Oullins, France, 6INRA-UCBL-ENVL, UMR 754, Rtrovirus et Pathologie Compare, Lyon, France, 7Universit
degli Studi di Firenze, Firenza, Italy, 8Azienda Sanitaria Provinciale 7, Ragusa, Italy, 9Institut Universitaire de France, Paris, France.

P.D.15 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 3

Chairpersons: Bastian Hchst; Mnchen, Germany / Maha Ayyoub; Nantes-Saint Herblain, France (tbc)

P.D.15.01 Construction of DNA vaccines expressing the novel tumor antigen neuroplastin: protective efficacy against mammary adenocarcinoma in immunized mice
A. Tiptiri-Kourpeti1, E. Poimenidis1, P. Ypsilantis2, C. Simopoulos2, V. Schirrmacher3, K. Chlichlia1;
Department of Molecular Biology & Genetics, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2Medical School, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 3Immunology &

Oncology Center of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.

P.D.15.03 Exposure of blood mononuclear cells to BCG leads to enhanced recognition of bladder cancer cells by CD56bright NK cells
E. M. Garca-Cuesta1, G. Esteso1, O. Ashiru2, M. lvarez-Maestro3, S. Lpez-Cobo1, A. Linares3, H. T. Reyburn1, M. M. Ho2, L. Martnez-Pieiro3, M. Vals-Gmez1;
Spanish National Centre for Biotechnology, Madrid, Spain, 2National Institute for Biological Standards and Control, South Mimms, United Kingdom, 3Infanta Sofia Hospital, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.15.04 Development and characterization of Natural Killer T cell Vaccine for oral squamous cell carcinoma
S. N. Das, A. K. Singh, N. K. Shukla;
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
P.D.15.05 dl922-947 virotherapy reduces IL-8 production and impairs anaplastic thyroid carcinoma-induced angiogenesis

C. Passaro, F. Borriello, V. Vastolo, V. Cosimato, S. Di Somma, G. Marone, G. Portella;
University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy.
P.D.15.06 ChAdOx1-MVA vaccination platform as a novel prostate cancer immunotherapy
F. Cappuccini1, S. Stribbling1, E. Pollock1, C. A. Lygate2, C. Verrill3, A. V. Hill1, I. Redchenko1;
The Jenner Institute - University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2BHF Centre of Research Excellence, Division of Cardiovascular Medicine, John Radcliffe Hospital - University of Oxford, Oxford, United
Kingdom, 3Department of Cellular Pathology, Oxford University Hospitals NHS Trust, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom.
P.D.15.07 Foxp3-Fc (IgG) fusion construct/protein vaccination launches immune responses against regulatory T cells in mice
N. Mousavi Niri1, N. Zarghami1, J. Hajati2, A. Memarnejadian3, M. Aghasadeghi4;
Tabriz university of medical science, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Tehran university of medical science, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Pasteur Institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of,
Pasteur institute of Iran, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.15.08 Evaluation of a Novel anti-Tumor Immunotherapeutic Strategy Targeting Regulatory T cells
R. Mustapha;
CNRS UMR 8161, Lille, France.
P.D.15.10 Efficient production of NY-ESO-1-specific CD4+ and CD8+ T-cell clones for epitope discovery and immunotherapy via activation marker expression
D. J. Verdon1,2, A. E. Brooks1,2, P. R. Dunbar1,2;
University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 2Maurice Wilkins Centre for Molecular Biodiscovery, Auckland, New Zealand.

P.D.15.11 Affinity-optimized TCR-engineering of dual tumor- & virus- specific CD8 T cells for cancer immunotherapy
M. Allard1, S. A. Fuertes Marraco2, P. O. Gannon1, M. Hebeisen1, D. E. Speiser1,2, N. Rufer1,2;
Department of Oncology, Lausanne University Hospital (CHUV) and University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Ludwig Center for Cancer Research of the University of Lausanne, Lausanne,
P.D.15.13 T-cell reconstitution after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation with or without mesenchimal stromal cells co-infusion in patients with
E. A. Blinova1, E. V. Batorov1, E. Y. Shevela1, V. V. Sergeevicheva2, I. V. Kruchkova2, A. V. Gilevich2, E. R. Chernykh1, V. A. Kozlov1;
Research Institute of Fundamental and Clinical Immunology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 2Clinic of Immunopathology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
P.D.15.14 STING activation of tumor endothelial cells initiates spontaneous and therapeutic antitumor immunity
O. Demaria1, A. De Gassart2, S. Coso2, N. Gestermann1, J. Di Domizio1, L. Flatz1, T. Petrova1, D. Speiser1, M. Gilliet1;
CHUV, Epalinges, Switzerland, 2UNIL, Epalinges, Switzerland.
P.D.15.15 Polymer conjugates of cytotoxic drugs for tumor-specific drug delivery and anti-tumor immune responses
M. Sirova1, T. Etrych2, M. Kabesova1, L. Sivak1, P. Chytil2, B. Rihova1;
Inst. of Microbiology ASCR, Prague 4, Czech Republic, 2Inst. of Macromolecular Chemistry ASCR, Prague 6, Czech Republic.
P.D.15.16 Fully synthesized Mucin 1 glycopeptides are effective cancer vaccines and induce high antigen-specific antibody titers
N. Stergiou1, B. Palitzsch2, R. Zentel2, E. Schmitt1, H. Kunz2;
Institute of Immunology, Mainz, Germany, 2Institute of Organic Chemistry, Mainz, Germany.
P.D.15.17 Investigating the role of dendritic cells in tumour immunotherapy with gene-modified T cells
A. Hotblack, A. Holler, S. Ward, A. Piapi, H. Stauss, C. Bennett;
UCL, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.15.18 Co-encapsulation of the invariant NKT cell agonist with antigen induces strong T cell-mediated anti-tumor immune responses
Y. Dolen1, M. Kreutz1, U. Gileadi2, J. Tel1, A. Vasaturo1, E. Dinther1, M. Hout-Kuijer1, V. Cerundolo2, C. Figdor1;
Radboud Institute for Molecular Life Sciences, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 2Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom.
P.D.15.19 High throughput flow screening assays for immune checkpoint inhibitors: example assays for PD-L1/2 functional blocking antibodies
Z. Liu, T. Duensing, K. Luu;
IntelliCyt Corporation, Albuquerque, NM, United States.
P.D.15.20 Alteration of CD4+ T cell subsets following multiple doses of DC-based vaccine in murine tumor model
A. Jamali1, A. Pourgholaminejad2, A. Amari2, J. Hadjati3;
Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Tarbiat Modarres University, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

P.D.15.21 High Throughput Flow Screening Assays to Profile Cell-Mediated Killing

W. Johnson, R. Narang, K. Luu;
IntelliCyt Corporation, Albuquerque, NM, United States.

P.D.16 Immunotherapy for Infectious Diseases

Chairpersons: Ren Geyeregger; Vienna, Austria / Joel Edmundo Lopez-Meza; Morelia, Mexico

P.D.16.01 The heat-inactivated Actinomycetes modulate cell-mediated and humoral immunity in murine model
M. Aghapour1, K. Nofouzi1, K. Tahapour1, B. Ghahvechi2, B. Baradaran3, F. Mahmoodi3;
Department of Pathobiology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Natural Sciences, University of Tabriz, Tabriz, Iran,
Islamic Republic of, 3Immunology Research Center, Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.16.03 Adoptive transfer of splenocytes to study cell mediated immune protection in influenza infected mice
C. Stavaru, A. Iancu, S. Ciulean;
Cantacuzino National Institute of Research-Development for Microbiology and Immunology, Bucharest, Romania.
P.D.16.04 Augmentation of anti-beta-glucan antibody by oral intake of edible mushroom and its role for excluding fungal infection
D. Yamanaka, K. Ishibashi, Y. Adachi, M. Motoi, N. Ohno;
Laboratory for Immunopharmacology of Microbial Products, School of Pharmacy, Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Sciences, Tokyo, Japan.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 77
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.D.16.05 Beneficial effects of soluble CD6 forms in experimental polymicrobial sepsis
M. Martnez-Florensa1, M. Consuegra-Fernndez1, F. Aranda-Vega1, N. Armiger1, M. Di Scala2, L. Muoz3, G. Gonzlez-Aseguinolaza2, J. Vila3, F. Lozano1,4,5;
Institut de Investigacio Biomdica August Pi i Sunyer, Barcelona, Spain, 2Centro de Investigacin Aplicada (CIMA), Universidad de Navarra, Spain, 3Barcelona Centre for International Health Research
CRESIB, Barcelona, Spain, 4Servei de Inmunologa, Hospital Clinic, Hospital Clinic de Barcelona, Spain, 5Departament de Biologa Cellular, Immunologa i Neurocincies , Facultat de Medicina, University of
Barcelona, Spain.
P.D.16.06 Optimizing the herpesvirus-specific CD8+ T-cell response by targeting the IL-10 receptor pathway
C. S. Lewis1, M. Clement2, D. C. Woods3, D. A. Price2, L. Wooldridge1, I. R. Humphreys2;
University of Bristol, Bristol, United Kingdom, 2Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 3University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.
P.D.16.07 Differential effects of Burkholderia bacteria and CpG on human myeloid and plasmacytoid dendritic cells
D. Reddi1, D. Bernardo1, H. Al-Hassi1, N. R. English1, R. Vora1, G. Han Lee1, P. Hendy1, G. Malietzis1, Y. Siaw1, A. L. Hart1,2, D. Williamson3, S. C. Knight1;
Antigen Presentation Research Group, Imperial College London, Harrow, United Kingdom, 2St. Marks Hospital, North West London Hospitals NHS Trust, Harrow, United Kingdom, 3Defence Science and
Technology Laboratory, Porton Down, United Kingdom.
P.D.16.08 A systematic review of preventive and therapeutic approaches to the Ebola virus
C. P. Atukpawu1, P. T. Ozoh2, I. O. Onyeocha2;
Department of Biotechnology, Federal University of Technology Owerri, Imo state, Nigeria, 2Federal University of Technology, Imo state, Nigeria.
P.D.16.09 Enhanced effectiveness of immunotherapy using anti-2kGy gamma irradiated Cerastes cerastes venom in the treatment of experimental envenomation
H. Oussedik-Oumehdi, S. Boumaiza, F. Laraba-Djebari;
USTHB, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Algiers, Algeria.
P.D.16.10 Immune status features in HCV contacts
Y. R. Sepiashvili1, I. P. Balmasova2, E. V. Malova2, R. I. Sepiashvili3;
Institute of Immunophysiology, Moscow, Georgia, 2Peopels Friendhip University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Institute of Immunophysiology, Moscow, Russian Federation.

P.D.16.11 A retrospective longitudinal within-subject analysis of immunoglobulin treatment for recurrent acute exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
J. Cowan1, L. Gaudet2, S. Mulpuru1,2, V. Corrales-Medina1,2, S. Hawken2, C. Cameron2, S. Aaron1,2, D. W. Cameron1,2;
University of Ottawa, Ottawa, ON, Canada, 2The Ottawa Hospital Research Institute, Ottawa, ON, Canada.
P.D.16.12 Effect of avocado fatty acids and derivatives on the regulation of innate immunity in bovine mammary epithelial cells infected with Staphylococcus aureus
M. Bez-Magaa1,2, R. Salgado-Garciglia1, L. Macas-Rodrguez1, A. Ochoa-Zarzosa2, J. E. Lpez-Meza2;
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicols de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico, 2Centro Multidisciplinario de Estudios en Biotecnologa-FMVZ, Morelia, Mexico.
P.D.16.13 Cell permeable Mx1 enhances protection against influenza virus infection
H. Jung, H. Lee;
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of.
P.D.16.14 Aptamer against mannose-capped lipoarabinomannan inhibits virulent Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection in mice and rhesus monkeys
Q. Pan, Q. Wang, X. Sun, X. Zhang;
Wuhan University School of Medicine, Wuhan, Hubei Province, China.
P.D.16.15 New immunotropic drugs for local treatment of inflammatory periodontal diseases
N. Sarkisian1,2,3, I. Tuzankina3,2, T. Khonina4, I. Shtanko4;
Ural state medical University, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2Institute of Immunology and Physiology of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 3Ural
Federal University named after first President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 4I. Ya. Postovsky Institute of Organic Synthesis of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences,
Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.D.16.16 Selection of adenovirus and Epstein-Barr-virus-specific T-cells with MHC class I streptamers under good manufacturing practice (GMP)-compliant conditions
C. Freimueller1, J. Stemberger1, M. Artwohl1, L. Germeroth2, V. Witt3, G. Fischer4, S. Tischer5, B. Eiz-Vesper5, T. Lion1, G. Fritsch1, R. Geyeregger1;
CCRI, Vienna, Austria, 24Stage Cell Therapeutics, Goettingen, Germany, 3St. Anna Childrens Hospital, Vienna, Austria, 4Department of Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine, Vienna, Austria,

Institute of Transfusion Medicine, Hannover, Germany.
P.D.16.17 Immunotherapeutic potential of monophosphoryl lipid A (MPLA) on experimental paracoccidioidomycosis in mice
T. N. Landgraf, I. T. Brando, A. P. Masson, W. C. da Silva, A. A. Coelho-Castelo, A. Panunto-Castelo;
University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.D.16.18 Construction of pseudotype virus-like particles harbouring a functionally active Fc-engineered single-chain antibody against hepatitis B virus surface antigen
A. Zvirbliene1, M. Pleckaityte1, I. Kucinskaite-Kodze1, A. Gedvilaite1, C. M. Bremer2, D. Glebe2;
Institute of Biotechnology of Vilnius University, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2Institute of Medical Virology, Justus-Liebig University Giessen, Giessen, Germany.
P.D.16.19 BCG immunotherapy - a promising approach for treatment of recurrent respiratory papillomatosis
E. Vetskova1, M. Muhtarova1, T. Avramov2, M. Nikolova1;
National Center for Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2University Hospital for Active Treatment Tsaritsa Joanna , Sofia, Bulgaria.
P.D.16.20 Different approaches to the conduct of interferon- and immunotherapy in viral and associated viral- bacterial infections of respiratory tract in
immunocompromised children
I. V. Nesterova1, V. V. Malinovskaj2, S. V. Kovaleva3, G. A. Chudilova3, L. V. Lomtatidze3;
The Russian Peoples Friendship University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Federal Research Center of Epidemiology and Microbiology. N.F. Gamalei, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Kuban State Medical
University, Krasnodar, Russian Federation.
P.D.16.21 EBV epitope-specific T cells expand in vivo following unselected donor lymphocyte infusion for post-transplant lymphoproliferative disease
D. Burns1, C. Harvey2, G. Ryan1, V. Sovani2, E. Nagy1, P. Murray1, C. Fox2, H. M. Long1;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
P.D.16.22 The role of virus-specific CD4+ T cells in protective immunity against retrovirus infection
A. Malyshkina, I. Akhmetzyanova, U. Dittmer;
Institute for Virology University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany.

P.D.17 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 2
Chairpersons: Diana Mechtcheriakova; Vienna, Austria / Henrique C. Teixeira; Juiz de Fora, Brazil

P.D.17.01 Antibodies to mitotic apparatus: New association with liver disease

V. Pascual, I. Perez-Enciso, P. Snchez-Pobre, L. Fernndez-Paredes, S. Snchez-Ramn;
Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.17.02 Biomarkers of gut barrier damage as a tool for early diagnosis of necrotizing enterocolitis
S. Coufal1, A. Kokesova2, H. Tlaskalova-Hogenova1, J. Nahlovsky2, M. Rygl2, J. Snajdauf2, M. Kverka1;
Institute of Microbiology, ASCR, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic, 2Department of Pediatric Surgery, 2nd Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Teaching Hospital Motol, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.D.17.03 ImmunExplorer (IMEX): A detailed analysis of the health status of the immune system using NGS immunoglobulin and T cell receptor IMGT HighV-QUEST data
S. Schaller1, J. Weinberger2, R. Jimenez-Heredia2, M. Danzer3, S. Winkler1;
Bioinformatics Research Group, University of Applied Sciences Upper Austria, Hagenberg i. M., Austria, 2Experimental and Clinical Traumatology, Ludwig Boltzmann Institute, Linz, Austria,
Immunogenetics Department, Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service of Upper Austria, Linz, Austria.
P.D.17.04 Primary Membranous Nephropaty: Phospholipase A2 receptor (PLA2R) antibodies and clinical follow up
A. Llobell Uriel1, A. Mensa-VIlar1, L. Rodas2, N. Martin3, X. Barros3, L. Rubio1, N. Prez2, J. Campistol2, L. Quintana2, M. Blasco2, M. Garca Ormaechea1, O. Vias-Gomis1;
Immunology Department, Hospital Clnic Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 2Nephrology Department, Hospital Clnic Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 3Nephrology Department, Hospital Josep Trueta, Girona,
P.D.17.05 CXCL11 and IL-17 in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid and TGF-beta, TNF and CD69 in serum reflect severity and progression in sarcoidosis
R. Fillerova1, T. Dyskova1, P. Schneiderova1, M. Zurkova2, V. Lostakova2, V. Kolek2, E. Kriegova1;
Dept. of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2Dept. of Respiratory Diseases, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc,
Czech Republic.
P.D.17.06 The functional polymorphism in DARC gene regulating serum levels of CCL2/MCP-1 is associated with aseptic osteolysis of total joint replacements
P. Schneiderova1, M. Vasinek2, P. Gajdos2, R. Fillerova1, J. Gallo3, E. Kriegova1;
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
VSB-Technical University of Ostrava, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 3Department of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.

78 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.D.17.07 Exudate suction blister: A novel in vivo model of acute inflammation and resolution in humans.
M. Motwani1, R. De Maeyer1, D. Marks2, J. Fullerton1, A. Smith2, D. W. Gilroy1;
Centre for Clinical Pharmacology, Division of Medicine, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Centre for Molecular Medicine, Division of Medicine, University College London, London,

United Kingdom.
P.D.17.08 Time dependent alterations of monocyte HLA-DR expression, LPS induced TNF-alpha and IL-6 levels in whole blood in dependence of various anticoagulants and
different temperature conditions
J. Hartmann1, C. Lamm1, F. Preiing1, K. Dragosits1, A. Bee2, L. Wisgrill3, A. Spittler1,4;
Medical University of Vienna, Department of Surgery, Research Laboratories, Center of Translational, Vienna, Austria, 2University Clinic St. Plten, St. Plten, Austria, 3Medical University of Vienna,
Department of Pediatrics & Adolescent Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 4Medical University of Vienna, Core Facility Flow Cytometry, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.17.10 Autoantibody to MDM2:a potential serological marker of systemic lupus erythematosus associated with thrombocytopenia
Y. Liu, G. Shi;
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, The First Hospital of Xiamen University, Xiamen, China.
P.D.17.11 Response to nasally delivered TLR agonists in normal adult volunteers
A. Jha1, G. A. Campbell1, T. T. Hansel1, R. J. Shattock2, P. J. Openshaw1;
Centre for Respiratory Infections, National Heart and Lung Institute, Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Section of Infectious Diseases, Faculty of Medicine, St. Marys Campus, Imperial
College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.17.12 Increased frequency of circulating CD4+CD25+CD127low/neg T regulatory cells as a prognostic marker in patients with acute pancreatitis
K. S. Halacheva1, G. Minkov2, Y. Yovtchev2;
Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2University Hospital, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria.
P.D.17.13 Association of serum levels of vitamin D3 with TREM-1 and TREM-2 expressions on myeoid cell surfaces in pulmonary sarcoidosis patients
M. Bucova1, M. Suchankova1, E. Tibenska2, I. Majer3, E. Tedlova3, H. Novosadova3;

Institute of Immunology School of Medicine Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2Medirex, ltd., Bratislava, Slovakia, 3Department of Pneumology and Phtisiology, Bratislava, Slovakia.
P.D.17.14 Whole-blood assays reveal inter-individual variations of innate and adaptive immune cell responses
J. Dellacasagrande1, P. Apoil2,3, N. Congy2,3, B. Puissant2,3, A. Blancher2,3;
Blood Assay Solutions, Toulouse, France, 2EA 3034, Laboratoire dimmunogntique Molculaire, Universit Toulouse 3, Toulouse, France, 3Laboratoire dimmunologie, CHU de Toulouse, Toulouse, France.
P.D.17.15 Effectiveness of natalizumab in extended dosing interval
J. Puet-Ortiz, J. Hervs, A. Teniente-Serra, M. Mansilla, B. Quirant-Snchez, J. Navarro, E. Martnez-Cceres, C. Ramo-Tello;
Germans Trias i Pujol University Hospital, Badalona, Spain.
P.D.17.16 Choice of the tests for immunological monitoring of the slowed-down consolidation of bone fabric at damage
O. V. Berdugina;
Ural Research Institute of Phthisiopulmonology, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.D.17.17 Development of a flexible, personalized multiplexing platform
C. Lu, P. Liu, C. Smith, E. Kukreti, J. Han, L. Dzantiev, B. Sun, J. Zhang, D. Stewart, M. Higgins, C. Frye, J. Suschak, J. Kenten, S. Kumar, E. N. Glezer, G. B. Sigal, P. Oberoi, J. Wilbur, J. N. Wohlstadter;
Meso Scale Discovery (MSD), Rockville, MD, United States.
P.D.17.18 Fit-for-purpose multiplex panels and their utility in biomarker screening
D. Russell, J. Lewis, E. Spang, P. Oberoi, J. N. Wohlstadter;
Meso Scale Discovery (MSD), Rockville, MD, United States.

P.D.18 Immunopharmacology
Chairpersons: Krzysztof Bryniarsky; New Haven, United States / Eric Vivier; Marseille, France

P.D.18.02 Autoantibodies able to penetrate into living cells are present not only in sera from patients with SLE but also in sera from healthy individuals and intravenous
Immunoglobulin preparations
A. D. Sali, I. Karakasiliotis, M. Evangelidou, S. Avrameas, P. Lymberi;
Hellenic Pasteur Institute, Athens, Greece.
P.D.18.03 Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of chitosan nanoparticles in human peripheral blood cells
J. M. Lima1,2, I. M. Rocha1,2, I. M. Fernandes1,2, E. G. Pires1,2, D. M. Dutra1,2, A. B. Sousa1, R. R. Sarmento1, J. R. Souza1,3, I. J. Porto4, R. F. Bonan1,2, F. A. Brayner5, J. E. Oliveira6, E. S. Medeiros4, P. R. Bonan1,2,7,
L. R. Castellano1,2;
Human Immunology Research and Education Group, Escola Tcnica de Sade da UFPB, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 2Post-graduation Program in Dental Sciences,
Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 3Department of Physiology and Pathology, Center for Health Sciences, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil,
Department of Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 5Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhes, CPqAM/FIOCRUZ and Laboratory of Immunopathology Keizo
Asami, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Pernambuco, Brazil, 6Department of Engineering, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras Minas Gerais, Brazil, 7Department of Clinical and Social
Dentistry, Center for Health Sciences, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil.
P.D.18.04 Anti-proliferative activity of ruthenium (III) compounds on human colon tumor cell growth
A. Mihaila1, C. Hotnog1, M. Bostan1, V. Roman1, V. Uivarosi2, L. I. Brasoveanu1;
Institute of Virology, Bucharest, Romania, 2Inorganic Chemistry Dept., Faculty of Pharmacy, Carol Davila University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Bucharest, Romania.
P.D.18.05 Suppressive activity of novel derivatives of MPA
D. Iwaszkiewicz-Grzes1,2, G. Cholewinski2, M. Gliwinski1, K. Dzierzbicka2, P. Trzonkowski1;
Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland, 2Gdansk University of Technology, Gdansk, Poland.
P.D.18.06 A novel ImageStream cytometry technique demonstrates the dexamethasone-induced nuclear translocation of glucocorticoid receptor in primary human
M. Kjerrulf, M. Nurkkala Karlsson;
Department of Rheumatology and Inflammation Research, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden.
P.D.18.07 Phenotypic screenings to discover novel immunoregulators to treat inflammatory diseases
S. Frischbutter, O. Trupp, A. Schaus, V. D. Dang, I. Sakwa, S. Fillatreau, A. Hamann;
German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, Germany.
P.D.18.08 In vitro immunomodulatory properties of 5-amino-3-methyl-4-isoxazolecarboxylic acid hydrazide and its 01K and 06K derivatives
A. Drynda1, M. Zimecki2, E. Zaczyska2, B. Obmiska-Mrukowicz1, M. Mczyski3, S. Ryng3;
Department of Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Wrocaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocaw, Poland, 2Laboratory of Immunobiology,
Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocaw, Poland, 3Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Wrocaw Medical University, Wrocaw, Poland.
P.D.18.09 Immunosuppressive activity of 5-amino-3-methyl-4-isoxazolecarboxylic acid hydrazide and its derivative (06K) in mouse in vivo models
A. Drynda1, M. Zimecki2, J. Arytm2, E. Zaczyska2, B. Obmiska-Mrukowicz1, M. Mczyski3;
Department of Biochemistry, Pharmacology and Toxicology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Wrocaw University of Environmental and Life Sciences, Wrocaw, Poland, 2Laboratory of Immunobiology,
Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy, Polish Academy of Sciences, Wrocaw, Poland, 3Department of Organic Chemistry, Faculty of Pharmacy, Wrocaw Medical University, Wrocaw, Poland.
P.D.18.10 Paradigm shift in understanding the mechanism of IVIg: massive immune response against IgG interferes with efficient immune response against a specific
L. Sord1, A. Karle1, S. Spindeldreher2;
Novartis Pharma AG, Basel, Switzerland, 2Novartis Institute for Biomedical Research, Basel, Switzerland.
P.D.18.11 A novel modulator of the antioxidant response pathway attenuates inflammatory response in macrophages
M. Obliers1, E. Collie-Duguid1, T. Morley2, H. M. Wilson1;
University of Aberdeen, Institute of Medical Sciences, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 2Smith & Nephew, Research Centre Heslington, York, United Kingdom.
P.D.18.12 Buprenorphine, but not oxycodone, enhances humoral immune response in mice by activation of macrophages
I. Filipczak-Bryniarska1, K. Nazimek2, B. Nowak2, J. Woron1, J. Wordliczek1, K. Bryniarski2;
Department of Pain Treatment and Palliative Care Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, Krakow, Poland, 2Department of Immunology Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, Krakow, Poland.
P.D.18.13 GTW amelioratesimiquimod-induced skin lesions via a STAT3-dependent mechanism involving inhibition of Th17-mediated inflammatory responses
L. Ping, J. Zhao, T. Di;
Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 79
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.D.18.14 Validation of neutrophil elastase assays using human whole blood or isolated neutrophils
F. Jiang, J. Mo, M. van Geest;
Astrazeneca, Mlndal, Sweden.
P.D.18.15 Effect of perioperative analgesia with opioid and non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs on the immune function of renal cancer patients
R. I. Sydor1,2, N. M. Khranovska1, I. I. Lisnyy1, O. V. Skachkova1, O. I. Gorbach1, E. O. Stakhovsky1, V. K. Pozur2;
National Cancer Institute of the Ministry of Public Health of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv, Kyiv, Ukraine.
P.D.18.16 Novel inhibitors of inflammatory mediators: derivatives of pyrimidine
Z. Zidek1, P. Jansa2;
Inst. Experimental Medicine, Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic, 2Inst. Organic Chemistry and Biochemistry, Acad. Sci., Prague, Czech Republic.
P.D.18.17 Evaluation of the immunomodulatory activity of silver nanoparticles in human cells
A. B. Sousa1, C. L. Gouveia2, D. M. Dutra1,2, J. M. Lima1,2, I. M. Rocha1,2, I. M. Fernandes1,2, E. G. Pires1,2, R. R. Sarmento1, J. R. Souza1,3, I. J. Porto4, R. F. Bonan1,2, L. C. Alves5,6, L. H. Gil5, J. V. Silva Jr5, J. E.
Oliveira7, E. S. Medeiros4, P. R. Bonan1,2,8, L. R. Castellano1,2;
Human Immunology Research and Education Group, Escola Tcnica de Sade da UFPB, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 2Post-graduation Program in Dental Sciences,
Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 3Department of Physiology and Pathology, Center for Health Sciences, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil,
Department of Materials Engineering, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 5Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhes, CPqAM/FIOCRUZ, Recife Pernambuco, Brazil, 6Laboratory of
Immunopathology Keizo Asami, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Pernambuco, Brazil, 7Department of Engineering, Universidade Federal de Lavras, Lavras Minas Gerais, Brazil, 8Department of
Clinical and Social Dentistry, Center for Health Sciences, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil.
P.D.18.18 Stephanthraniline A, a natural steroid from Stephanotis mucronata, inhibits immune responses of T cells in vitro and in vivo
X. Y. Li1, F. Y. Chen1, Y. P. Ye1, H. X. Sun2, S. F. Xu1;
Zhejiang academy of medical sceinces, Hangzhou, China, 2Zhejiang University, Hangzhou, China.
P.D.18.19 Skin rashes induced by vemurafenib are caused by a non-allergic mechanism

H. C. Friedrich1, P. A. Gerber1, A. Kislat1, K. Schindler2,3, N. Klossowski1, S. A. Braun1, P. Chapman2, M. E. Lacouture2, B. Homey1, S. Meller1;
Department of Dermatology, Medical Faculty, Heinrich-Heine-University, Duesseldorf, Germany, 2Dermatology Service, Department of Medicine, Memorial Sloan-Kettering Cancer Center, New York, NY,
United States, 3Department of Dermatology, Division of General Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.18.21 Potential nitric oxide involvement in renal tissue protection in sevoflurane anesthetized rats pretreated with glibenclamide
M. I. Leite1,2,3, L. R. Castellano3, C. W. Pissetti4,3, P. T. Vianna1, Y. M. Castiglia1;
Departamento de Anestesiologia, Faculdade de Medicina de Botucatu, Universidade Estadual Paulista, Botucatu SP, Brazil, 2Servio de Anestesiologia, Hospital Universitrio Lauro Wanderley,
Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa PB, Brazil, 3Human Immunology Research and Education Group, Escola Tcnica de Sade da UFPB, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa PB, Brazil,
Programa de Ps-Graduao em Ateno Sade, Universidade Federal do Tringulo Mineiro, Uberaba MG, Brazil.
P.D.18.22 Suppressive effect of ,-dimethylacryloyl Alkannin on activated dendritic cells in a Imiquimod-induced psoriasis mouse model
Y. Wang, J. Zhao, P. Li;
Beijing Traditional Chinese Medicine Hospital, Capital Medical University, Beijing, China.

Track E Other
P.E.02 Immune Response in Aging & Systems Biology - Part 1
Chairpersons: Anne-Marie Buisman; Bilthoven, Netherlands / Florian Kern; Brighton, United Kingdom

P.E.02.03 Widespread seasonal gene expression reveals annual differences in human immunity and physiology
X. Castro Dopico1, M. Evangelou2, R. C. Ferreira2, H. Guo2, M. L. Pekalski2, D. J. Smyth2, N. Cooper2, O. S. Burren2, A. J. Fulford3, B. J. Hennig3, A. M. Prentice3, A. Ziegler4, E. Bonifacio5, C. Wallace2, J. A.
University of Cambridge & University of Edinburgh, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3MRC International Nutrition Group at MRC Unit The Gambia &
London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine, London, United Kingdom, 4Institute of Diabetes Research, Helmholtz Zentrum Munchen, Neuherberg, Neuherberg, Germany, 5CRTDDFG Research Center
for Regenerative Therapies Dresden, Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden, Technische Universitat Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
P.E.02.04 Integrative approach to the analysis of pathogenesis and the control of the within-host HIV infection dynamics
V. A. Chereshnev1,2, G. A. Bocharov3,2, M. V. Chereshneva1;
Institute of Immunology and Physiology, Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2Ural Federal University, Yekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 3Institute of
Numerical Mathematics, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.E.02.05 Analysis of Dendritic Cells in human lymphoid organs
G. F. Heidkamp1, J. Sander2, N. Eissing1, L. Heger1, C. Lehmann1, A. Baranska1,3, J. Lhr1, A. Hoffmann1, S. Sder4, A. Hartmann4, J. Zenk5, M. Rudes6, C. Alexiou6, B. Spriewald7, A. Mackensen7, G. Schuler8,
B. Schauf9, S. Geiler9, R. Repp10, A. Purbojo11, R. Cesnjevar11, E. Ullrich12, F. Nimmerjahn13, J. Schultze2, D. Dudziak1;
University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Dermatology, Laboratory of Dendritic Cell Biology, Erlangen, Germany, 2LIMES Life and Medical Sciences Center, Genomics and Immunoregulation, Bonn,
Germany, 3Centre dImmunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Aix Marseille Universit, INSERM-CNRS, Marseille-Luminy, France, 4University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Pathology, Erlangen, Germany,
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Klinikum Augsburg Sd, Augsburg, Germany, 6University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Erlangen, Germany, 7University Hospital Erlangen,
Department of Hematooncology, Erlangen, Germany, 8University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Dermatology, Erlangen, Germany, 9Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Sozialstiftung Bamberg,
Bamberg, Germany, 10Department of Hematology and Internal Oncology, Sozialstiftung Bamberg, Bamberg, Germany, 11University Hospital Erlangen, Department of Pediatric Heart Surgery, Erlangen,
Germany, 12Johann Wolfgang Goethe-Universitt Frankfurt am Main, Center of Paediatrics and Youth Medicine, Medical Clinic III, Frankfurt am Main, Germany, 13Friedrich-Alexander Universitt Erlangen-
Nrnberg, Chairpersons: of Genetics, Department of Biology, Erlangen, Germany.
P.E.02.07 Global high-resolution mapping of TTP-binding sites in the murine macrophage transcriptome during LPS-induced inflammation
V. Sedlyarov1, J. Fallmann2, F. Ebner1, M. Ivin1, K. Kreiner1, A. Tanzer2, I. Hofacker2, P. Kovarik1;
Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute for Theoretical Chemistry, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.E.02.08 A consolidation phase in immune memory
F. Mantile1, A. Capasso1, P. De Berardinis2, M. Nicodemi3, A. Prisco1;
Institute of Genetics and Biophysics, Napoli, Italy, 2Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Napoli, Italy, 3University of Naples, Napoli, Italy.
P.E.02.09 CD8+/CD28+ nave T cells: a potential biomarker of immunosenescence and active vaccine responsiveness
M. Prcina1, Z. Kazmerova1,2, E. Kontsekova1,2, M. Novak1,2;
Axon Neuroscience, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2Institute of Neuroimmunology, Bratislava, Slovakia.
P.E.02.11 Aging and infections: two burdens for T cells
H. Kared;
SIgN, Singapore, Singapore.
P.E.02.12 Molecular and functional characterization of human circulating hematopoietic progenitors (HPC) subsets in elderly individuals
T. Fali, V. Fabre, S. Fastenackels, V. Appay, D. Sauce;
CIMI-Paris Inserm U1135, Paris, France.
P.E.02.13 Disease complexity in acute coronary syndrome is related to the patients immunological status
M. A. Moro Garca, F. Lpez Iglesias, A. Echeverra, M. Iglesias Escudero, R. Alonso Arias;
Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.
P.E.02.14 Development of the vascular system in prenatal human skin
C. Schuster1, M. Mildner2, A. Botta1, L. Nemec1, R. Rogojanu3, L. Beer2, C. Fiala4, W. Eppel5, W. Bauer1, P. Petzelbauer6, A. Elbe-Brger1;
DIAID, Department of Dermatology, Vienna, Austria, 2Research Division of Biology and Pathobiology of the Skin, Vienna, Austria, 3TissueGnostics GmbH, Vienna, Austria, 4Gynmed-Ambulatorium, Vienna,
Austria, 5Department of Gynaecology and Obstetrics, Vienna, Austria, 6Skin & Endothelium Research Division SERD, Vienna, Austria.

80 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Tuesday, September 8, 2015
P.E.03 Metabolism & Immunity
Chairpersons: / Jona Freysdottir; Reykjavik, Iceland / Daniel Pennington; London, United Kingdom (tbc)

P.E.03.01 Characterization and isolation of camelide immune cell populations

M. Butze, D. Weschke, P. Holzlhner, K. Hanack;
University of Potsdam, 14476 Potsdam, Germany.
P.E.03.02 The impact of chemotherapy on T-cell mitochondrial function
H. Y. Wilson, S. Thirdborough, M. Edwards, C. Ottensmeier;
Southampton University Hospital, Southampton, United Kingdom.
P.E.03.03 Elevated levels of IL-6 and IFN in Iraqi patients with colorectal cancer
H. A. Al-saadi;
Kerbala University, Kerbala, Iraq.
P.E.03.04 H63D/H63D genotype and H63D allele predispose patients with hyperferritinemia to develop metabolic syndrome
M. De Juan Echavarri1, L. Aragn1, A. Castiella2, E. Zapata3, L. Zubiaurre2, A. Iribarren2, P. Otazua4;
Immunology Hospital Donostia, Donostia San Sebastian, Spain, 2Gastroenterology, Mendaro Hospital,, Mendaro, Spain, 3Gastroenterology, Mendaro Hospital, Mendaro, Spain, 4Gastroenterology,
Mondragon Hospital., Mondragon, Spain.
P.E.03.05 IL-6 and leptin in obese patients with taste alteration
N. Remla1, Z. Hadjidj1, S. Moulessehoul2, N. Akhtar Khan3, M. Aribi1;
Laboratory of Applied Molecular Biology and Immunology. University of Tlemcen, Tlemcen, Algeria, 2Laboratory of Biotoxicology, University of Sidi Bel-Abbs, 22000 Sidi Bel-Abbs, Sidi Bel-Abbs, Algeria,
UMR U866 INSERM, University of Burgundy, Dijon, France.
P.E.03.06 Sedoheptulose kinase regulates the early phase of inflammation-associated reprogramming of carbohydrate metabolism

C. Nagy1, A. E. Miller1, M. Schwaiger2, P. Kosma2, M. Sibilia1, T. Rlicke3, O. Wagner1, A. Haschemi1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 3University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
P.E.03.07 Functional interactions between systemic and intestinal immunity in human obesity
S. Touch1,2, A. Gestin1,2, M. Fradet2, L. Genser1,2,3, J. Aron-Wisnewsky1,2,3, C. Poitou1,2,3, E. Brot-Laroche4,2, K. Clment1,2,3, M. Guerre-Millo1,2, S. Andr1,2;
INSERM U1166 Team 6, Paris, France, 2Institute of Cardiometabolism And Nutrition, Paris, France, 3AP-HP Piti Salptrire Hospital, Paris, France, 4INSERM U1138 Cordeliers Research Center, Paris,
P.E.03.09 Study on the role of adipogenesis-related genes in the differentiation and immune regulatory activities of mesenchymal stem cell
H. L. Kuo1, M. J. Fan-Jiang2, B. L. Chiang1,2;
Graduate Institute of Immunology, Collage of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate Institute of Oral Biology School of Dentistry, Collage of Medicine, National
Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.E.03.10 Metabolic profiling of human monocytes and T cells
N. Jones;
Swansea University, SA2 8PP, United Kingdom.
P.E.03.11 The role of AMP-activated protein kinase in T helper cell differentiation
G. A. Gualdoni1, K. A. Mayer1, L. Gschl2, M. Gerner3, K. G. Schmetterer3, G. J. Zlabinger1;
Institute of Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Rheumatology, Internal Medicine 3, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Laboratory
Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.E.03.12 metabolic requirements for neutrophil extracellular traps (NETs) formation
O. Rodriguez-Espinosa, O. Rojas-Espinosa, M. M. Moreno-Altamirano, E. O. Lopez-Villegas, F. J. Snchez-Garca;
Instituto Politcnico Nacional, Mxico D. F., Mexico.
P.E.03.13 Role of Th17 cells-related cytokines in human obesity: inflammatory and metabolic impact in adipose tissue
C. Car1,2,3, C. Rouault1,2,3, K. Clment1,2,3, M. Guerre-Millo1,2,3, S. Andr1,2,3;
Sorbonne Universits, UPMC Universit Paris 6, UMRS 1166 and UMRS 1138, Paris, France, 2INSERM, UMRS 1166, Nutriomics team 6, Paris, France, 3Institute of Cardiometabolism and Nutrition, ICAN,
Piti-Salptrire Hospital, Paris, France.
P.E.03.14 Serum levels of IgA and IgG antibodies against gliadin and glutenin in obese subjects
M. Zrnic Ciric1, I. Stankovic1, S. Zilic2, M. Jankovic2, T. Srdic-Rajic3, A. Konic Ristic4;
Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Department of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Maize Research Institute, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia,
Department of Experimental Oncology, Institute for Oncology and Radiology, Belgrade, Serbia, 4Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, Institute for Medical Research, University of
Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.E.03.15 ST2 deletion attenuates high fat diet-induced steatosis, inflammatory cell infiltration and collagen deposition in liver
N. Jovicic1, I. Jeftic2, M. Miletic Kovacevic1, I. Tanaskovic1, N. Arsenijevic3, M. L. Lukic3, N. Pejnovic2;
Center for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, Institute of Histology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2Center for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell
Research, Institute of Pathophysiology, Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 3Center for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences,
University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia.
P.E.03.16 Differential regulation of TNF receptor signaling during viral infection of hepatocytes determines cell death
M. Janas1, M. Heikenwlder2, P. Knolle3, D. Wohlleber3;
Institutes of Molecular Medicine and Experimental Immunology, Bonn, Germany, 2Institute of Virology, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Mnchen, Germany, 3Institute of Molecular Immunology,
Technische Universitt Mnchen, Mnchen, Germany.
P.E.03.17 Interaction between palmitate stimulated HEPG2 and monocytic cells reduces the expression of TNF-alpha
A. Nadeem, S. Sindhu, R. Ahmad;
Dasman Diabetes Institute, Kuwait, Kuwait.
P.E.03.18 An insight on antibody-mediated immune-metabolism in inflammation and homeostasis: The role of Fc gamma receptors in regulation of Indoleamine 2,3
Dioxygenase Activity in Dendritic cells
H. Morsi1,2,3, F. Salazar2, A. Ghaemmaghami2;
kings College Hospital, london, United Kingdom, 2Division of Immunology, School of Life Sciences, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Khatoum, Khartoum, Sudan.
P.E.03.19 Vitamn D Levels Of Turkish Children
N. Isiksacan1, M. Koser2;
Bakirkoy Dr. Sadi Konuk Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Mehmet Akif Ersoy Cardiology and Cardiovascular Surgery Training and Research Hospital, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.E.03.20 The metabolic basis enabling tissue-recirculation of human effector memory CD4+ T cells
S. Dimeloe1, M. Mehling1,2, C. Frick1, J. Loeliger1, G. R. Bantug1, U. Sauder1, M. Fischer1, R. Belle1, L. Develioglu1, S. Tay2, A. Langenkamp3, C. Hess1;
University of Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 2ETH Zurich, Basel, Switzerland, 3Roche Pharmaceutical Research and Early Development, Basel, Switzerland.
P.E.03.21 The comparison of A Single Bout Endurance and Resistance Training on HSP70 and Glucose
H. Poursadra1, F. Nameni2;
Financial Management, Dustan Equipment, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Dep. Physical Education, Varamin-Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.E.03.22 The influence of the joint supplementation of the diet by micronutrients (Routine and Hesperidin) on the immune system of rats
E. Trushina, O. Mustafina, L. Kravchenko, A. Balakina, N. Rieger, I. Alexeeva;
Institute of Nutrition, Moscow, Russian Federation.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 81
Wednesday, September 9, 2015


September 9, 2015

82 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Posters of the Day according to Tracks A, B, C, D, E

Track A Adaptive Immunity Track C Innate Immunity

P.A.20 Dynamics of T Cell Activation and Contraction - Part 1 P.C.17 Innate Immunity - Inflammation - Part 2
P.A.21 Lymphocyte Development - Part 2 P.C.18 NK and NKT Cells - Part 3
P.A.22 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 3 P.C.19 Macrophages - Part 3
P.A.23 Costimulatory Pathways in Immunity and Tolerance P.C.20 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 3
P.A.24 Th17 Cells - Part 2 P.C.21 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 3
P.A.25 Regulatory T Cells - Part 4 P.C.22 Complement and Fc Receptors
P.A.26 CD8+ T Cells - Part 3 P.C.23 Cytokines - Part 2
P.A.27 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 3 P.C.24 microRNAs and Epigenetics
P.A.28 Dynamics of T cell activation and contraction - Part 2

Track B Diseases Track D Disease Intervention
P.B.29 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 2 P.D.19 Vaccines for Infectious Diseases
P.B.30 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 3 P.D.20 Vaccine Adjuvants
P.B.31 Secondary Immunodeficiencies P.D.21 Intervention & Therapy of Allergy - Part 2
P.B.32 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 3 P.D.22 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 4
P.B.33 Environmental and Genetic Factors in Autoimmunity P.D.23 Stem Cells & Cell Based Therapies - Part 2
P.B.34 Multiple Sclerosis P.D.24 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity
against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 3
P.B.35 Immune Regulation at Barrier Sites - Part 1
P.D.25 Organ Transplantation
P.B.36 Immune Regulation at Barrier Sites - Part 2
P.D.26 Immunosuppressive and Tolerogenic Treatment
P.B.37 Cytokines in Regulation of Disease
P.D.27 MHC and other Gene Polymorphisms in Health & Disease
P.B.38 Allergen Specific Immune Response - Part 3
P.B.39 Tumor Immunity - Part 3
P.B.40 Myelo-and Lymphoproliferative Disorders Track E Other
P.B.41 Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Diseases P.E.04 Immune Response in Aging & Systems Biology - Part 2
P.B.42 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 3 P.E.05 Reproductive Immunology

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 83
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
Track A Adaptive Immunity
P.A.20 Dynamics of T Cell Activation and Contraction - Part 1
Chairpersons: Ren Geyeregger; Vienna, Austria / Pierre Bob; Orsay, France (tbc)

P.A.20.01 Adrenomedullin reduces the release of interleukin 6 from thymic epithelial cells by interacting with the canonical NF-kB pathway
G. Paliuri1, G. Castellani1, G. Orso2, S. Bova1, S. De Martin1;
University of Padova, Dept. of Pharmaceutical and Pharmacological Sciences, Padova, Italy, 2Eugenio Medea Scientific Institute, Conegliano (TV), Italy.
P.A.20.02 miR-183/96 promotes AKT expression and proliferation upon activation of CD4+ T cells
J. Thiel, C. Alter, A. M. Westendorf, J. Buer, W. Hansen;
University Hospital Essen, Medical Microbiology, Essen, Germany.
P.A.20.03 The role of Lymphocyte-specific protein tyrosine kinase Lck in the process of T-cell-activation
C. Bonstingl, H. Stockinger;
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.20.04 T cell activation is centrally regulated by microRNA 155
E. Goncalves Alves1, V. Saferding1, A. Puchner1, R. Benson2, M. Kurowska-Stolarska2, J. Brewer3, C. Schliehe4, A. Bergthaler4, J. Smolen1, K. Redlich1, S. Blml1;
Department of Rheumatology- Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Infection, Immunity & Inflammation-University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 3Institute of Infection,
Immunity & Inflammation, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 4CeMM - Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.20.05 Live Fast, Die Young: Urokinase receptor expressing T cells are adherent, hyper-reactive & undergo activation induced cell death
A. Zwirzitz1, K. Pfisterer1, V. Leksa2, A. Elbe-Brger3, H. Stockinger1;
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, Institute of Molecular Biology, Academy of Sciences, Bratislava,
Slovakia, 3Division of Immunology, Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Department of Dermatology,, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.20.06 The BMP pathway participates in human naive CD4+ T cell activation and homeostasis
V. G. Martinez, R. Sacedn, L. Hidalgo, L. M. Fernndez-Sevilla, A. Vicente, A. Varas;
Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.20.07 The late endosomal transporter CD222 directs the spatial distribution and activity of Lck
V. Leksa1, K. Pfisterer2, W. Paster2, V. Supper2, A. Ohradanova-Repic2, A. Zwirzitz2, C. Donner2, H. Stockinger2;
Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2MUW, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.20.08 Stress induced by hip fracture is associated with immune alterations in humans
C. Bayard1, H. Lepetitcorps1, M. Larsen1, V. Appay1, J. Boddaert2, D. Sauce1;
CIMI PARIS US1135, Paris, France, 2APHP Geriatrie, Paris, France.
P.A.20.09 The CXCL12-induced interaction of the adapter proteins Nck and HS1 facilitates actin polymerization and migration in T cells

M. Lettau, D. Kabelitz, O. Janssen;

Institute of Immunology, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel, Germany.
P.A.20.10 Nucleotide-induced membrane-proximal proteolysis controls the substrate specificity of T cell ecto-ADP-ribosyltransferase ARTC2.2
S. Menzel1, B. Rissiek2, P. Bannas3, T. Jakoby4, M. Miksiewicz1, N. Schwarz1, M. Nissen1, F. Haag1, A. Tholey4, F. Koch-Nolte1;
Institute of Immunology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 3Department
of Diagnostic Radiology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 4Institute of Experimental Medicine AG Systematic Proteome Research, Christian-Albrechts-Universitt,
Kiel, Germany.
P.A.20.11 Determining the influence of cell adhesion and costimulation on T-cell antigen recognition
I. Doel-Perez1, M. Brameshuber2, R. Platzer1, J. B. Huppa1;
Molecular Immunology Unit, Institute of Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Applied Biophysics, Technical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.20.12 Unexpected roles for nTreg, digital inflammation, and TLR9 in the regulation of helper-independent CD8+ T cell responses
S. P. Schoenberger, L. Labarta Bajo, J. Dolina;
La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunology, La Jolla, CA, United States.
P.A.20.13 Intracellular dynamics of phosphatase of regenerating liver 1 in T lymphocytes
P. Castro-Snchez1, R. Ramrez-Muoz1, J. Muoz2, P. Roda-Navarro1;
Universidad Complutense Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Center of Cytometry and Fluorescence Microscopy. UCM, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.20.14 Deep TCR repertoire profiling after seasonal influenza vaccination
M. V. Pogorelyy1, A. L. Sycheva1, E. A. Komech1, Q. Marcou2, Y. Elhanati2, T. Mora3, A. Walczak4, I. Z. Mamedov1, Y. B. Lebedev1;
ShemyakinOvchinnikov Institute of bioorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Laboratoire de Physique Thorique, Ecole Normale Suprieure, Paris, France, 3Laboratoire de Physique
Statistique, Ecole Normale Suprieure, Paris, France, 4Laboratoire de Physique Thorique, Ecole Normale Suprieure, Paris, France.
P.A.20.15 The interaction between osteopontin and T cells is implicated in the migration of T cells into adipose tissue and can be blocked with immunoglobulins
B. Wanko1, K. Schuch1,2, A. Jrets1, N. Kavian-Jaromi2, N. Sommer1, V. Moreno-Viedma1, G. Staffler3, M. Zeyda1, T. M. Stulnig1;
Christian Doppler Laboratory for Cardio-Metabolic Immunotherapy and Clinical Division of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Department of Medicine III, Medical University, Vienna, Austria, 2FH Campus

Wien, University of Applied Sciences, Department Health, Section Biomedical Science, Vienna, Austria, 3AFFiRiS AG, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.20.16 Dynamics of human T cell repertoire in course of influenza vaccination and subsequent revaccination within a year
A. L. Sycheva1,2, M. V. Pogorelyy1, E. A. Komech1, I. Z. Mamedov1, Y. B. Lebedev1;
ShemyakinOvchinnikov Institute of bioorganic chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.A.20.17 Macroautophagy in T cell function
D. Murera, J. Arnold, F. Arbogast, S. Muller, F. Gros;
Institut de Biologie Molculaire et Cellulaire - UPR3572 CNRS, Strasbourg, France.
P.A.20.18 The protein tyrosine phosphatase PTPN22/Lyp is a novel regulator of integrin signaling in T cells
G. H. Cornish1, G. L. Burn1, L. M. Svensson2, R. Zamoyska3, A. P. Cope1;
Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Lund University, Lund, Sweden, 3University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
P.A.20.19 IL-7 enhances the responsiveness of CMV effectors
N. Terrazzini1, G. Morrow2, F. Kern2, S. Caserta2;
University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2BSMS, Brighton, United Kingdom.
P.A.20.20 A single non-synonimous polymorphism of Toll Like Receptor 2 modifies a binding site for small ligands, alters Th1/Th17 and Treg polarization of T cells and
modifies clinic outcome of EAE
G. Di Sante1,2, G. Migliara1, A. Piermattei1, M. Valentini1, S. Hayrabedyan3, M. Foti4, G. Constantin5, M. Geloso1, G. Delogu1, F. Ria1;
Universit Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Rome, Italy, 2Institute of Rheumatology Catholic University, Rome, Italy, 3Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction at Bulgarian Academy of Sciences,
Sofia, Bulgaria, 4Universit degli studi di Milano Bicocca, Milan, Italy, 5Institute of General Pathology - Universit di Verona, Verona, Italy.
P.A.20.21 Assessing Immunogenetic Basis of Adaptive Response to Radiation
I. Kofiadi1, L. Alexeev1, G. Vikulov2, G. Goudima1;
FSBI NRC Institute of immunology FMBA of Russia, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Scientific Information Center for Prophylaxis and Treatment of Viral Diseases, Moscow, Russian Federation.

P.A.21 Lymphocyte Development - Part 2

Chairpersons: Balbino Alarcn; Madrid, Spain / Riitta Lahesmaa; Turku, Finland

P.A.21.01 Investigation of glucocorticoid-induced apoptosis in mouse thymocytes

L. Prenek, F. Boldizsr, T. Berki;
University of Pcs Medical School Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, Pcs, Hungary.
P.A.21.02 Glucocorticoid synthesis in the thymus
L. Rocamora-Reverte, A. Villunger, J. Wiegers;
Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.

84 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.A.21.03 Impact of the MHC-restricting allele expression on the human Ag-specific thymic T cell repertoire
L. Hesnard1,2, F. Legoux1,2, L. Gautreau1,3, M. Moyon1, M. Devilder1, M. Bonneville1, X. Saulquin1,3;
U892 CRCNA, nantes, France, 2equally contributed to this work, Nantes, France, 3Universit Nantes, Nantes, France.

P.A.21.04 Expression and regulation of Human Endogenous Retroviruses during human T cell development
V. Mendes-Passos, A. E. Sousa, H. Nunes-Cabao;
Instituto de Medicina Molecular, IMM, Lisboa, Portugal.
P.A.21.06 Nuclear receptor corepressor 1 (NCoR1) in T cell development and homeostasis
L. Mller1, H. Hassan1, D. Hainberger1, A. Villunger2, J. Auwerx3, W. Ellmeier1;
Division of Immunobiology, Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Developmental Immunology,
Biocenter, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 3Laboratory of Integrative Systems Physiology, cole Polytechnique Fdrale de Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.A.21.07 CD3-delta controls positive selection of alpha-beta T cells by a quantitative developmental signaling mechanism
K. M. Wilton1, A. Huseby1, A. Ferrer1, M. M. Hoffmann1, P. J. Wettstein1, E. M. Carmona1, D. J. Kappes2, D. Gil1, A. J. Johnson1, A. H. Limper1, A. G. Schrum1;
Mayo Clinic College of Medicine, Rochester, MN, United States, 2Fox Chase Cancer Center, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
P.A.21.08 Molecular and functional analysis of a point mutation affecting the signaling function of CD5
G. Blaize1,2,3, F. Duguet1,2,3, A. Gonzalez de Peredo4, M. Marcellin4, M. Corre1,2,3, A. Saoudi1,2,3, P. Love5, R. Lesourne1,3,2;
CPTP - Inserm U1043, Toulouse, France, 2Universit Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France, 3CPTP - CNRS 5282, Toulouse, France, 4IPBS UMR CNRS/UPS 5089, Toulouse, France, 5Laboratory of Mammalian Genes
and Development, Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development, Bethesda, MD, United States.
P.A.21.09 Expression profiling of MAZR and its splicing variants in CD4+ helper T cells
A. Glich, L. Andersen, A. Schebesta, S. Sakaguchi, W. Ellmeier;
Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.21.10 Efficient algorithm for computing the generation probability of an immune receptor nucleotide sequence
V. I. Nazarov1,2, M. V. Pogorelyy1, I. V. Zvyagin1, E. A. Komech1, I. Z. Mamedov1, Y. B. Lebedev1;
Shemyakin-Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2National Research University Higher School of Economics, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.A.21.11 Effect of atopic and non-atopic IgG antibodies on T and T cells cytokine production in human thymus
F. R. Sgnotto, M. G. de-Oliveira, A. J. Duarte, L. Bento-de-Sousa, M. N. Sato, J. R. Victor;
School of Medicine - USP, Sao Paulo, Brazil.
P.A.21.12 Spatial regulation of Notch ligand expression in the human thymus defines specific functional microenvironments of TCR cell development
M. J. Garca-Len1, L. Parreira2, M. L. Toribio1;
Centro de Biologia Molecular Severo Ochoa. CSIC-UAM, Madrid, Spain, 2Faculdade de Medicina, Universidade de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal.
P.A.21.13 CD6 expression influences thymocyte selection and development
M. Orta-Mascar1, E. Carreras1, R. Roncagalli2, A. Carreras-Sureda3, L. Girard2, I. Simes1, V. Martnez1, M. Consuegra-Fernndez1, M. Martnez-Florensa1, R. Vicente3, A. Sarukhan1, M. Malissen2, B.
Malissen2, F. Lozano1,4,5;
Institut de Recerca biomedica August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain, 2Centre dImmunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Aix Marseille Universit UM2, Inserm, U1104, CNRS UMR7280, Marseille, France,

Universitat Pompeu Fabra, Barcelona, Spain, 4Servei dImmunologia, Hospital Clnic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 5Departament de Biologia Cellular, Immunologia i Neurocincies, Universitat de
Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
P.A.21.14 Spontaneous development of thymic cell populations in long-term cultures of mouse and human thymuses
V. Shichkin1, N. Grabchenko1, N. Korotkevich1, O. Karpachova1, V. Glinka1, V. Sulyma1, I. Aksyonova1,2, B. Todurov1,2;
Research Centre of Immunology and Biomedical Technologies, Open International University of Human Development Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2Institute of Heart, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv,

P.A.21.15 Thymic output in patients after autologous hematopoietic stem cell transplantation (autoHSCT) preceded by irradiation or high-dose chemotherapy based
M. Gowala-Kosiska, A. Chwieduk, W. Fidyk, A. Smagur, I. Mitrus, J. Najda, S. Giebel;
1Department of Bone Marrow Transplantation and Oncohematology, Maria Sklodowska-Curie Memorial Cancer Center and Institute, Gliwice, Poland.
P.A.21.16 Deciphering the mechanisms of thymic infection-induced tolerance
B. Cerqueira-Rodrigues1,2, P. Barreia-Silva1,2, C. L. Santos1,2, C. Nobrega1,2, M. Correira-Neves1,2;
Life and Health Sciences Research Institute (ICVS), School of Health Sciences, University of Minho, Braga, Portugal, 2ICVS/3BsPT Government Associate Laboratory, Braga/Guimaraes, Portugal.

P.A.22 Antigen Processing and Presentation - Part 3

Chairpersons: Diana Dudziak; Erlangen, Germany / Angelika Stcklinger; Salzburg, Austria

P.A.22.01 A possible role of neutrophils in ige-mediated allergy

D. Polak, B. Nagl, C. Kitzmller, B. Bohle;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.22.02 Differential effects of Parkinson-associated alpha-synuclein variants in human dendritic cells
S. Lopez1,2, C. Roodveldt1, C. Mayorga3, M. Blanca4, D. Pozo1,2;
CABIMER-Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Seville, Spain, Seville, Spain, 2Department of Medical Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Immunology, The University of
Seville Medical School, Seville, Spain, 3Research Laboratory, Carlos Haya Hospital-IBIMA, Malaga, Spain, 4Allergy Service Carlos Haya Hospital-IBIMA, Malaga, Spain.
P.A.22.03 Establishment and evaluation of a cellular, fluorescent-based, peptide-binding assay for the selection of altered peptide ligands (APL) of immunodominant
peptides of major pollen allergens
M. R. Candia1, S. Rosskopf1, P. A. Tauber1, D. Trapin1, A. Neunkirchner1,2, P. Steinberger1, W. F. Pickl1,2;
Institute of Immunology, Center of pathophysiology, infectiology and immunology, Medical University, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Immunomodulation, Center for Pathophysiology,
Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.22.04 Amyloid form of Ovalbumin evokes native antigen specific immune response in the host: prospective immuno-prophylactic potential
S. M. Faisal, S. Kazmi, M. Owais;
Interdisciplinary Biotechnology Unit, Aligarh Muslim University , Aligarh, India.
P.A.22.05 Antidepressant drugs impair macrophage antigen-presenting activity
P. Bryniarski, M. Myszka, A. Bryk, M. Santocki, S. Strobel, A. Tyszka, P. Gniady, K. Nazimek;
Department of Immunology Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, Krakow, Poland.
P.A.22.06 Cross-tolerance versus cross-priming after miRNA-142-3p regulated transgene delivery with recombinant adeno-associated virus vectors
P. Chappert1,2, A. Ghenassia1,2, M. Carpentier1,2, S. Lorain3,4, D. A. Gross1,2, J. Davoust1,2;
INEM Inserm U1151 CNRS8253, Paris, France, 2Universit Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cit, Paris, France, 3Institut de Myologie, INSERM U974 / CNRS FRE 3617, Paris, France, 4Sorbonne Universits,
UPMC Universit Paris 06, Paris, France.
P.A.22.08 MARCH E3 ligases and novel ubiquitination events that shape immunity
J. Villadangos;
The University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia.
P.A.22.09 Antigens from mitochondria are not presented through the classical MHC class I pathway, but through a vacuolar pathway implicating Mitochondria Derived
D. Matheoud1, A. Sugiura2, A. Bellemare-Pelletier1, M. Azuma1, M. Chemali1, A. Laplante1, C. Rondeau1, A. Fazel2, J. Bergeron2, P. Thibault1, E. Gagnon1, H. McBride2, M. Desjardins1;
Universit de Montral, Montral, QC, Canada, 2McGill University, Montral, QC, Canada.

P.A.22.10 Antigen-presenting cells are required for antigen-specific suppression of murine contact sensitivity mediated by T cell-derived exosomes
K. Nazimek, M. Ptak, W. Ptak, K. Bryniarski;
Department of Immunology Jagiellonian University College of Medicine, Krakow, Poland.
P.A.22.11 ERAP1-ERAP2 dimers trim MHC I-bound precursor peptides: a molecular understanding of peptide editing
M. Bouvier1, H. Chen1, L. Li1, M. Weimershaus2, I. Evnouchidou2, P. van Endert2;
University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, IL, United States, 2INSERM, Paris, France.
P.A.22.12 ERAP1 regulates natural killer cell function by controlling the engagement of inhibitory receptors
L. Cifaldi1, P. Romania1, V. DAlicandro1, G. Guida1, M. Falco2, R. Meazza3, D. Pende3, F. Locatelli1, D. Fruci1;
Ospedale Pediatrico Bambino Ges, Rome, Italy, 2Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genoa, Italy, 3AOU San Martino-IST, Genoa, Italy.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 85
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.A.22.13 TAPBPR associates with UDP-glucose:glycoprotein glucosyltransferase 1 to provide quality control in the MHC class I pathway
C. Hermann, R. Antrobus, L. H. Boyle;
University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
P.A.22.14 Altered expression of the ER aminopeptidase ERAP1 in HPV-induced malignancies
A. Steinbach1, J. Winter1, A. K. Grabowska1, M. Reuschenbach2, S. Hoppe1,3, A. Klevenz1, R. Blatnik1,3, H. Khallouf1, M. von Knebel Dberitz2, A. B. Riemer1,3;
German Cancer Research Center, Heidelberg, Germany, 2Institute of Pathology, Heidelberg, Germany, 3German Center for Infection Research, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.A.22.15 CD8 T cell epitope determination and immunogenicity enhancement by modulating antigen processing
A. C. Platteel, M. de Groot, A. J. Sijts;
Department of Infectious diseases and Immunology, Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
P.A.22.16 Cross presentation pathway in murine alveolar epithelial cells against Mycobacterium bovis (BCG) infection.
Z. A. Rizvi1, N. Puri1, R. K. Saxena2;
Jawaharlal Nehru University, Delhi, India, 2South Asian University, Delhi, India.
P.A.22.17 Expression of Surface SpecificAntigen of echovirus and Establishment of Rapid Detection Technique
S. Li1,2, Y. Qi1, T. Xu1,2, Y. Pan1, S. Li1, J. Li1, C. Chen1,3, X. Wang1,3, Y. Xu1,3, Y. Li1;
Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechniques,Nanjing210002, China, Nanjing, China, 2School of Basic Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210005, China, Nanjing, China, 3School
of Life Science and Technology,China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing 210009,China, Nanjing, China.

P.A.23 Costimulatory Pathways in Immunity and Tolerance

Chairpersons: Lucy S. Walker; London, United Kingdom / Peter Steinberger;Vienna, Austria

P.A.23.01 Blocking costimulatory signal for the treatment of steroid resistant asthma
A. Mori1, S. Kouyama1, M. Yamaguchi1, Y. Iijima1, A. Ohtomo-Abe1, A. Kinoshita1, H. Hayashi1, K. Watai1, C. Mitsui1, C. Oshikata1, K. Sekiya1, T. Tsuburai1, M. Ohtomo1, Y. Fukutomi1, M. Taniguchi1, T. Ohtomo2,
O. Kaminuma3;
National Hospital Organization, Sagamihara National Hospital, Sagamihara, Japan, 2Tokyo University of Pharmacy and Life Science, Tokyo, Japan, 3Tokyo Metropolitan Institute of Medical Science, Tokyo,
P.A.23.02 Cloning and characterization of the CD40 extracellular domain from rhesus monkey
L. Wan, S. Zhu, H. Yang, J. Cheng, X. Lu;
Key Lab of Transplant Engineering and Immunology, Ministry of Health, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China.
P.A.23.03 Bidirectional polarization of T cell function via CD43
M. Modak, O. Majdic, P. Cejka, P. Waidhofer-Sllner, S. Jutz, P. Steinberger, G. Zlabinger, J. Stckl;
Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.23.04 Differential control of CD80 and CD86 on T-cells

B. Soskic1, L. E. Jeffery2, G. M. Hirschfield3, D. M. Sansom1;

Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, Royal Free Campus, University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Medical Research Council Centre for Immune Regulation, School of Immunity and
Infection, Institute of Biomedical Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3Centre for Liver Research and National Institute for Health Research Biomedical Research Unit in Liver
Disease, Institute of Biomedical Research, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.A.23.05 New insights in CD28 T cell signaling and inflammation
S. O. Morin1, M. Poggi2, V. Giroux1, C. Favre1, M. C. Alessi2, M. Malissen3, J. A. Nuns1;
Centre de Recherche en Cancrologie de Marseille - CRCM, Inserm U1068, CNRS UMR7258, Aix Marseille Universit, Institut Paoli Calmettes, Marseille, France, 2Nutrition, Obsit et Risque Thrombotique -
NORT, Marseille, France, 3Centre dImmunologie de Marseille Luminy - CIML, Marseille, France.
P.A.23.06 Costimulation blockade by belatacept inhibits allo-specific T cell responses but preserves virus-specific memory T cell-responses in kidney transplant recipients
C. Neudrfl1, K. Daemen1, M. Stevanovic-Meyer1, F. Lehner2, H. Haller3, C. Blume4, G. Grannas2, C. S. Falk1;
Inst. of Transplant Immunology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Department of General, Visceral, and Transplantation Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany,

Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 4Institute of Technical Chemistry, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany.

P.A.23.07 The CD28/CTLA-4 - CD80/86 pathway in control of T cell activation

V. Ovcinnikovs, R. Kenefeck, C. Wang, F. Heuts, A. Kogimtzis, H. Stauss, D. M. Sansom, L. S. Walker;
UCL, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.23.08 Requirement for IRF4-dependent DCs during generation of Th2 responses towards infection with the murine gastrointestinal nematode Trichuris muris
M. Demiri1, E. K. Persson1, W. W. Agace1,2, M. Svensson-Frej1;
Immunology, Lund, Sweden, 2Section of Immunology and Vaccinology, Frederiksberg, Denmark.
P.A.23.09 Costimulation through GITR enhances quantitative and qualitative CD4 T cell responses, leading to protective anti-viral CD8 T cell responses without exacerbating
M. F. Pascutti1, S. Geerman1, E. Slot1, K. P. van Gisbergen1, L. Boon2, R. Arens3, R. A. van Lier1, R. A. van Lier1, M. C. Wolkers1, M. A. Nolte1;
Sanquin, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Bioceros BV, Utrecht, Netherlands, 3LUMC, Leiden, Netherlands.
P.A.23.10 Epithelium expressing the E7 oncoprotein of HPV16 attracts immune-modulatory dendritic cells to the skin
J. Chandra, Y. Miao, N. Romoff, I. H. Frazer;
University of Queensland, Woolloongabba, Australia.
P.A.23.11 Prevention of Graft-vs-Host-Disease with maintenance of Graft-vs-Leukemia in humanized mice treated with an anti-ICOS monoclonal antibody
A. Burlion1, N. Petit1, D. Olive2, G. Marodon1;
CIMI PARIS, PARIS, France, 2Paoli-Calmettes Institute, Marseille, France.
P.A.23.12 Cancer immunotherapy with immunomodulatory anti-CD137 and anti-PD-1 monoclonal antibodies requires Batf3-dependent dendritic cells
A. R. Snchez-Paulete1, F. J. Cueto2, M. Martnez-Lpez2, S. Labiano1, A. Morales-Kastresana1,3, M. E. Rodrguez-Ruiz4, M. Jure-Kunkel5, A. Azpilicueta1, . M. Aznar1, J. I. Quetglas1, D. Sancho2, I. Melero1,4;
Division of Immunology and Immunotherapy, Center for Applied Medical Research (CIMA), University of Navarra, and Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria de Navarra (IdISNA), Pamplona, Spain, 2Centro
Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III (CNIC), Madrid, Spain, 3Current address: Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Bethesda, MD, United States, 4University Clinic,
University of Navarra and Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria de Navarra (IdISNA), Pamplona, Spain, 5Bristol-Myers Squibb Company, Princeton, NJ, United States.
P.A.23.13 Selective CD28 blockade blunts memory lymphocytes responses in non human primates
N. Poirier1, M. Chevalier2, J. Hervouet2, D. Minault2, C. Mary1, P. Baker3, S. Ville2, S. Le Bas-Bernardet2, N. Dilek2, L. Belarif1, E. Cassagnau4, L. Scobie5, G. Blancho2, B. Vanhove1;
EFFIMUNE, Nantes, France, 2INSERM UMR 1064, Nantes, France, 3Glasgow university, Gaslgow, United Kingdom, 4CHU Hotel Dieu, Nantes, France, 5Glasgow university, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
P.A.23.14 Insights on the co-stimulatory role of TLR5 in neonatal CD4 T cells by means of computational modelling
O. Rodriguez Jorge1,2, L. Kempis Calanis1,2, D. Thieffry3, A. Santana Caldern1,2;
Universidad Autnoma del Estado de Morelos (UAEM), Cuernavaca, Mexico, 2Centro de Investigacin en Dinmica Celular, Cuernavaca, Mexico, 3Institute de Biologie de LEcole Normale Suprieure
(IBENS), Paris, France.
P.A.23.15 The effect of co-stimulatory signals derived from acute myeloid leukemia cells (AML) on helper T lymphocyte activation and exhaustion
D. zkazan, G. Esendal;
Hacettepe University Cancer Institute, Ankara, Turkey.
P.A.23.16 CD58/CD2 is the primary costimulatory pathway in human CD28- CD8+ T cells
J. Leitner1, D. Herndler-Brandstetter2, G. J. Zlabinger1, B. Grubeck-Loebenstein2, P. Steinberger1;
Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute for Biomedical Aging Research, Universitt Innsbruck, Austria.
P.A.23.17 Regulation of allergen-specific immune responses through the human members of the T cell immunoglobulin and mucin domain (TIM) family
A. Hennig, J. Leitner, S. Jutz, S. Rosskopf, P. Steinberger;
Institute of Immunology, MUW, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.23.18 Modulation of co-signals for generating allo-tolerant T-cells in humans
B. Dillinger1, S. Ahmadi-Erber1, B. Vanhove2, A. M. Dohnal1;
Department of Immunology, Childrens Cancer Research Institute, St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung, Vienna, Austria, 2Institut de Transplantation, INSERM, Nantes, France.

P.A.23.19 The role of the co-stimulatory receptor herpes virus entry mediator (HVEM) in B-cell activation and differentiation. Implications for SLE pathogenesis
A. Seretis1,2, A. Zampoulaki1,2, C. Choulaki1,2, I. Gergianaki1,2, P. Sidiropoulos2, D. Boumpas3,1, G. Bertsias1,2;
Laboratory of Autoimmunity & Inflammation, IMBB-FORTH, Heraklion, Greece, 2Rheumatology, Clinical Immunology and Allergy, University of Crete Medical School, Heraklion, Heraklion, Greece, 34th

Department of Internal Medicine, Attikon University Hospital, National University of Athens, Athens, Greece.

86 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.A.23.20 Identification of pathways indicative of allo-specific T-cell tolerance in murine stem cell transplantation
S. M. Ahmadi1, S. Schrom1, B. Dillinger1, M. Laakso2, A. M. Dohnal1;
(1) Department of Immunology, Childrens Cancer Research Institute, St. Anna Kinderkrebsforschung, Vienna, Austria, 2Significo Research Oy, Helsinki, Finland.
P.A.23.21 TGF-b1 controls skin homeostasis through the Vitamin K-dependent receptor tyrosine kinase Axl
T. Bauer;
Institute of Cancer Research, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.23.22 Antigen presenting cell trafficking in murine lupus
M. R. Bono1, N. Crisostomo1, C. Fuentes1, A. Gleisner1, M. Rosemblatt1,2;
Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile, 2Fundacion Ciencia Vida, Santiago, Chile.

P.A.24 Th17 Cells - Part 2

Chairpersons: Nicole Boucheron; Vienna, Austria / Francesco Annunziato; Florence, Italy

P.A.24.01 C-kit is regulated by aryl hydrocarbon receptor and is expressed on a subset of TH17 cells
K. A. de Lima, J. Talbot, P. B. Donate, T. Cunha, J. C. Alves-Filho, P. Louzada, F. Q. Cunha;
Center for Research in Inflammatory Diseases, Ribeirao Preto Medical School, University of Sao Paulo, Ribeirao Preto, Brazil.
P.A.24.02 ArtinM display different effects on murine T cells and human Jurkat T cells
T. A. da Silva, M. A. Souza, M. C. Roque-Barreira;
University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.A.24.03 Th22 and Th17 cells originate from distinct CD4+ T cell subsets and are dysregulated in Psoriatic Arthritis
A. N. Ezeonyeji, H. M. Baldwin, M. Vukmanovic-Stejic, M. R. Ehrenstein;
University College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.24.04 B-1a cells stimulate T cells in producing IL-17 through IL-6
S. Y. Lin1, B. L. Chiang1,2;
Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University,
Taipei, Taiwan, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.A.24.05 CCR7+ nave and memory T lymphocyte detection in periodontitis-affected tissues
C. Alvarez, L. Rojas, F. Castillo, P. Carvajal, A. Bentez, J. Daz-Zuiga, R. Vernal;
University of Chile, Santiago, Chile.
P.A.24.07 Blockade of Costimulation as an Option in the Treatment of Glomerulonephritis
K. Artinger1, A. H. Kirsch1, D. J. Cooper2, I. Aringer1, C. Schabhuettl1, P. Eller3, P. J. Lane2, A. R. Rosenkranz1, K. Eller1;
Clinical Division of Nephrology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Medical Research Council Centre for Immune Regulation, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3Intensive Care Unit at the Department

of Internal Medicine, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria.
P.A.24.08 EBI2 confers pathogenicity to Th17 cells
F. Wanke1, A. L. Croxford2, A. P. Heinen1, S. Moos1, S. Firmenich1, Y. Tang1, N. Israel1, K. Karram1, D. Tischner3, S. Reiig1, C. Reichhold1, I. Mufazalov1, T. Kuhlmann4, N. Wettschureck3, A. W. Sailer5, K.
Rajewsky6, S. Casola7, A. Waisman1, F. C. Kurschus1;
Institute for Molecular Medicine, Mainz, Germany, 2Institute of Experimental Immunology, Zrich, Switzerland, 3Max-Planck-Institute for Heart and Lung Research, Bad Nauheim, Germany, 4Institute of
Neuropathology, Mnster, Germany, 5Novartis Institutes for BioMedical Research, Basel, Switzerland, 6Max-Delbrueck-Center for Molecular Medicine, Berlin-Buch, Germany, 7IFOMThe FIRC Institute for
Molecular Oncology, Milano, Italy.
P.A.24.09 The role of histone deacetylase 1 (HDAC1) in T helper 17 cells
L. Gschl1,2, T. Preglej1, L. Andersen1, P. Mathias3, C. Seiser4, G. Steiner2, W. Ellmeier1;
Department of Immunolgy, Medical University of Vienna, Wien, Austria, 2Department of Rheumatology, Medical University of Vienna, Wien, Austria, 3Friedrich Miescher Institute for Biomedical Research,
Basel, Switzerland, 4Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Medical University of Vienna, Wien, Austria.
P.A.24.10 IkappaBNS, regulator of Th17 cell differentiation
M. Annemann1, Z. Wang2, C. Plaza-Sirvent3, R. Glauben4, M. Schuster3, F. Ewald Sander3, P. Mamareli2, A. A. Khl4, B. Siegmund4, M. Lochner2, I. Schmitz3;
Institute for Molecular and Clinical Immunology, Otto-von-Guericke University, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Institute of Infection Immunology, TWINCORE, Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection

Research, Hannover, Germany, 3Systems-Oriented Immunology and Inflammation Research Group, HZI Braunschweig, Germany and Institute for Molecular and Clinical Immunology, Otto-von-Guericke
University Magdeburg, Braunschweig, Germany, 4Medizinische Klinik I, Charit Universittsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
P.A.24.11 Characterisation of IL-17A, IL-17F and IL-17E expression in human health and inflammatory disease
L. A. Burns1, W. Cheng1, D. Marshall2, B. W. Kirkham3, L. S. Taams1;
Centre for Molecular & Cellular Biology of Inflammation, Division of Immunology, Infection and Inflammatory Disease, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, 2UCB Pharma, Slough, London,
United Kingdom, 3Dept Rheumatology, Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.24.12 New tools for research on viable human IL-22- or GM-CSF-secreting T cells
D. S. Stolle, M. Niemller, M. Vahldieck, M. Assenmacher, A. Richter;
Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany.
P.A.24.13 Transcription factor Foxo1 directs the differentiation of IL-9+ T helper cells
A. Awasthi, S. Malik, S. Sadhu, R. Pandey;
Translational Health Science & Technology Institute, Faridabad, India.
P.A.24.14 Retinoic Acid suppresses TH9 development by promoting Regulatory T Cell Differentiation
S. Malik1, R. Rampal2, V. Ahuja2, A. Awasthi1;
Translational Health Science & Technology Institute, Faridabad, India, 2All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Delhi, India.
P.A.24.16 The role of IL-6 in the adaptive immune response against Listeria monocytogenes
K. Lcke1, J. Schwarz2, I. Yan1, V. Schumacher1, S. Rose-John2, A. Chalaris2, H. Mittrcker1;
University Medical Center Hamburg Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Christian-Albrechts University, Kiel, Germany.

P.A.25 Regulatory T Cells - Part 4

Chairpersons: Gisa Tiegs; Hamburg, Germany / Alexander Visekruna; Marburg, Germany

P.A.25.01 Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy for a Murine Model of Arthritis

H. Kim1, C. Eun-Jeong1, J. Mi-Seon1, K. Jeong-Hae2, S. Ju-Young1;
Department of microbiology, Ewha Womans Univiersity Medical Center, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Pathology, National Health Insurance Cooperation Ilsan Hospital, Ilsan, Korea, Republic of.
P.A.25.02 The enzymatic activity of IDO and TGF-beta establish tolerance and non-enzymatic IDO signalling and Tregs regulate the effector phase in type I IFN-mediated
protection against antigen-induced arthritis
J. Prakash Chalise1, M. T. Pallotta2, S. Chenna Narendra1, B. Carlsson1, A. Iacono2, S. Biggs1, J. Namale1, M. Magnusson1;
Linkping Universitet, Linkping, Sweden, 2University of Perugia, Perugia, Italy.
P.A.25.03 Insulin-like growth factor-1 mediated Treg induction modulates the immune response after tissue damage
S. Sattler1, B. Johanneson2, T. Kennedy-Lydon1, E. Gallego-Colon1, J. Tonkin1, D. Bilbao2, E. Semenova3, N. Rosenthal1;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2European Molecular Biology Laboratory (EMBL), Monterotondo, Italy, 3Netherlands Cancer Institute, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.25.04 Lipid metabolism affects regulatory T cell dynamics in cancer
I. Pacella1, C. Focaccetti1, E. Timperi1, V. Barnaba1,2, S. Piconese1,2;
Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Specialit Mediche, Sapienza Universit di Roma, Rome, Italy, 2Istituto Pasteur - Fondazione Cenci Bolognetti, Rome, Italy.
P.A.25.05 CD39+ regulatory T cells control immune response against wild type HER2 but not mutated HER2 in breast cancer patients
S. Occhipinti1, A. Amici2, C. Marchini2, S. Bulfamante1, S. Bustreo3, M. Donadio3, C. Marchi1, D. Pierobon1, F. Novelli1, M. Giovarelli1;
Universtiy of Turin, Turin, Italy, 2Universtiy of Camerino, Camerino, Italy, 3AOU Citt della salute e della scienza, Turin, Italy.
P.A.25.06 The macrophage galactose-type c-type lectin (MGL) modulates regulatory T cell functions
I. Zizzari, P. Martufi, F. Battisti, H. Rahimi, S. Caponnetto, F. Bellati, M. Nuti, A. Rughetti, C. Napoletano;
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 87
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.A.25.07 Self-mediated shaping of nave CD4 T cell effector fate
N. Bonilla1,2, A. Durand1,2, B. Martin1,2, B. Lucas1,2, C. Auffray1,2;
Cochin Institute, Paris, France, 2CNRS UMR8104, INSERM U1016, Paris Descartes University, Cochin Hospital, Paris, France.
P.A.25.08 CD6 is required for proper T-cell activation during mouse allogeneic response
M. Consuegra-Fernndez1, M. Martnez-Florensa1, F. Aranda1, J. de Salort1, N. Armiger-Borrs1, M. Orta-Mascar1, E. Carreras1, P. Engel2, V. Martnez1, F. Lozano1,2,3;
Institut dInvestigacions Biomdiques August Pi i Sunyer (IDIBAPS), Barcelona, Spain, 2Departament de Biologia Cellular, Immunologia i Neurocincies, Universitat de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 3Servei
dImmunologia, Hospital Clnic de Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
P.A.25.10 Fastest immunomagnetic enrichment of regulatory T cells from whole blood
P. Steinbrck, S. Knig, A. Richter, C. Dose;
Miltenyi Biotec GmbH, Bergisch Gladbach, Germany.
P.A.25.11 Human natural regulatory T cells exhibit gender-associated variations
A. Velichkov1, R. Susurkova1, I. Antonova2, I. Manoylov3, G. Nikolov2, V. Terzieva1;
Institute of Biology and Immunology of Reproduction, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Medical center for reproductive biology and medicine RebroBioMed, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3Institute of Microbiology, BAS, Sofia,
P.A.25.12 Expression of HLA-DR on natural regulatory T cells in pregnancy failure
R. Susurkova1, A. Velichkov1, I. Manoylov2, I. Antonova3, G. Nikolov3, V. Terzieva1;
IBIR-BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Institute of Microbiology, BAS, Sofia, Bulgaria, 3Medical center for Reproductive Biology and Medicine Reprobiomed, Sofia, Bulgaria.
P.A.25.13 The role of PGE2 in in vitro Treg differentiation
S. Crittenden, S. Anderton, S. E. Howie, C. Yao;
MRC Centre for Inflammation Research. University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
P.A.25.14 Clonal patterns in regulatory T cell subsets in APECED patients
T. T. Koivula, S. M. Laakso, H. J. Niemi, A. Tuulasvaara, E. Keklinen, T. P. Arstila;
Haartman Institute, Department of Bacteriology and Immunology, and Research Programs Unit, Immunobiology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland.
P.A.25.15 Acute exercise effects on Treg cells and anti-inflammatory cytokines in master athletes
L. G. Minuzzi1, L. Rama1, F. Rosado1, A. Paiva2, A. Teixeira1;
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, 2Portuguese Institute for Blood and Transplantation, Coimbra, Portugal.
P.A.25.16 Modulation of the proliferative and suppressive activity of regulatory T cells by IL-2
J. Kie1, B. Moon2, J. Seoh2;
National Health Insurance Cooperation Ilsan Hospital, Koyang, Korea, Republic of, 2Ewha Womans University, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.A.25.17 Functionally impaired regulatory T cells in systemic sclerosis
E. Ugor1, D. Simon1, K. Bodnr1, R. Pap1, P. Nmeth1, T. Minier2, L. Czirjk2, T. Berki1;
University of Pcs Medical School Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, Pcs, Hungary, 2University of Pcs Medical School Department of Rheumatology and Immunology, Pcs, Hungary.
P.A.25.18 Highly activated ST2+ Tregs accumulate at mucosal surfaces and strongly suppress CD4 T cell responses independent of IL-33 signals

J. Siede1, A. Frhlich1, A. Datsi1, A. N. Hegazy2, S. Nakae3, M. Lhning1;

Charit - DRFZ, Berlin, Germany, 2University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan.

P.A.26 CD8+ T Cells - Part 3

Chairpersons: Beatrice Jahn-Schmid; Vienna, Austria / Kim Klonowski; Athens, United States

P.A.26.01 Magnitude and kinetics of CD8+ T cell activation in hyperacute HIV infection impact viral set point
Z. M. Ndhlovu1,2, P. Kamya2, N. Mewalal1, T. Nkosi1, N. Ismail1, K. Dong2, T. Ndungu1, B. D. Walker2;
University of KwaZulu Natal, Durban, South Africa, 2Ramon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, United States.
P.A.26.02 Assessment of factors affecting lymphocyte activation in the neonate
F. Sava, A. Treszl, B. Vsrhelyi, G. Toldi;
First Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.
P.A.26.03 Memory T cell and plasma cell niches in the human bone marrow
L. Pangrazzi1, A. Meryk1, J. Lair2, B. Grubeck Loebenstein1;
University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 2Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.A.26.04 Usage of memory T cell subpopulations for adoptive T cell therapy
A. Djordjevic, B. Mosetter, B. Frankenberger;
Institute of Molecular Immunology, Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, Munich, Germany.
P.A.26.05 Non-IPEX autoimmune enteropathy is associated with uncontrolled IL-17 production by intraepithelial lymphocytes
M. Paroni1, A. Magarotto2, G. Nizzoli1, U. Gianelli2,3, M. Pagani1, S. Abrignani1, D. Conte2,4, J. Geginat1, F. Caprioli2,4;
INGM, milano, Italy, 2Department of Pathophysiology and Transplantation, Universit degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy, milano, Italy, 3Pathology Unit, Fondazione IRCCS C Granda, Ospedale Policlinico
di Milano,, Milano, Italy, 4Gastroenterology and Endoscopy Unit, Fondazione IRCCS C Granda, Ospedale Policlinico di Milano, Milano, Italy.
P.A.26.06 Altered programming of anti-viral CD8 T cells by monocytes recruited to the lymph nodes after respiratory infection
H. Shane, K. Reagin, K. Klonowski;
University of Georgia, Athens, GA, United States.
P.A.26.07 A comparative assessment of the role of CD8+ T cells in Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Myalgic Encephalomyelitis and Multiple Sclerosis
E. W. Brenu1,2, S. Broadley3,4, S. B. Ramos1,2, T. K. Huth1,2, D. R. Staines1,2, S. M. Marshall-Gradisnik1,2;
Natitional Centre for Neuroimmunology and Emerging Diseases, Menzies Health Institute, Griffith University, Southport, Australia, 2School of Medical Science, Griffith University, Southport, Australia,
School of Medicine, Griffith University, Southport, Australia, 4Gold Coast University Hospital, Queensland Health, Southport, Australia.
P.A.26.08 Paradigm violating HLA class II-restricted CD8 T cells exist in HIV infected individuals
S. Ranasinghe1, P. Lamothe-Molina1, D. Soghioan1, R. B. Jones1, J. Sidney2, A. Sette2, M. Carrington1, H. Streeck3, L. Picker4, D. E. Kaufmann1, B. D. Walker1;
Ragon Institute of MGH, MIT and Harvard, Cambridge, MA, United States, 2La Jolla Institute of Allergy and Immunity, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3MHRP, Silverspring, DC, United States, 4OHSU, Portland,
OR, United States.
P.A.26.09 Phenotype and function of CD8+ T cells activated by pMHCI-bearing lymphatic endothelial cells
E. Vokali1, S. Hirosue1, M. Rincon-Restrepo1, S. Scherer2, A. W. Lund1,3, P. Corthsy-Henrioud1, A. Mondino4, S. Hugues5, D. Zehn2, M. A. Swartz1;
Laboratory of Lymphatic and Cancer Bioengineering (LLCB), Institute of Bioengineering (IBI), School of Life Sciences (SV), Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL), Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Swiss
Vaccine Research Institute, Centre des laboratoires dEpalinges, Epalinges, Switzerland, and the Division of Immunology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne,
Switzerland, 3Swiss Institute for Experimental Cancer Research (ISREC), Lausanne, Switzerland, 4Lymphocyte Activation Unit, Program in Immunology and Bio-Immunotherapy of Cancer, Division of
Immunology, Transplantation and Infectious Disease, San Raffaele Scientific Institute, Milan, Italy, 5Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pathology, Centre Mdical Universitaire, Universit de Genve,,
Geneva, Switzerland.
P.A.26.10 Expression of human leukocyte receptor FCRL6 associates with activated rather than exhausted CD8 T cell phenotype in chronic and acute viral infection
L. Mechetina1, S. Kulemzin1, Y. Sokolov2, L. Badaliyan3, N. Chikaev1, A. Najakshin1, E. Reshetnikova1, O. Volkova1, A. Taranin1;
Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 2AIDS Centre, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation, 3Central Hospital, Department of Infectious Diseases, Berdsk, Russian
P.A.26.12 Fingolimod targeting protein phosphatase 2A differentially affects IL-33-induced IL-2 and IFN- in CD8+ lymphocytes
F. Ottenlinger, A. Schwiebs, K. Pfarr, A. Wagner, J. M. Pfeilschifter, H. H. Radeke;
pharmazentrum Frankfurt, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
P.A.26.13 Defining highly cytotoxic CD8+ T cell subsets by flow cytometry and a real-time cytotoxicity assay
A. Knrck, K. S. Friedmann, C. Hoxha, M. Hoth, E. Schwarz;
Department of Biophysics, Homburg, Germany.
P.A.26.14 Expression of functional natural cytotoxicity receptors on peripheral blood CD8+ T cells
M. Correia, A. Stojanovic, K. Bauer, A. Cerwenka;
DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany.

88 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
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P.A.26.15 NKG2D-dependent innate-like cytotoxicity of activated CD8+ T cells in acute hepatitis A
J. Kim, D. Chang, P. Sung, E. Shin;
KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of.
P.A.26.16 Analysis of in vitro generated pp65-specific CD8+ T-cell clones using a novel real-time killing assay
K. S. Friedmann1, A. Knrck1, C. Hoxha1, C. Kummerow1, B. Qu1, I. Mller2, H. Eichler2, M. Hoth1, E. C. Schwarz1;
Saarland University, Biophysics, CIPMM, Homburg, Germany, 2Saarland University, Clinical Hemostaseology and Transfusion Medicine, Homburg, Germany.
P.A.26.17 Characterization of the CD8+ T cell response to allergens
N. Samadi1, C. Kitzmller1, B. Bohle1, R. Geyeregger2, B. Jahn-Schmid1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Childrens Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.26.18 Strong CD8+ T cell cross-reactivity between influenza A virus M1-58 and a subdominant HCV epitope
S. Zhang, V. Schlaphoff, M. P. Manns, H. Wedemeyer, M. Cornberg, P. V. Suneetha;
Hannover medical school, Hannover, Germany.
P.A.26.19 Two distinct species of lysosome-related cytotoxic effector vesicles in activated human T cells
O. Janssen, L. Drews, T. Poch, H. Ebsen, H. Schmidt, D. Kabelitz, M. Lettau;
Institute for Immunology UKSH Campus Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
P.A.26.20 Self-tolerant CD8+ T cells are transcriptionally distinct from exhausted T cells
K. Bhatt, T. Kenna, P. Leo, G. Thomas, R. Steptoe;
UQ Diamantina Institute, Brisbane, Australia.
P.A.26.21 Adaptive immunity and rs12979860 IL28B polymorphism in chronic hepatitis C patients treated with pegIFN/RBV
N. I. Ralln1, J. Garca-Samaniego2, A. Madejn2, E. de la Vega3, L. Cortejoso4, M. Romero5, L. Martn-Carbonero5, J. M. Benito1;
IIS-Fundacin Jimnez Daz, UAM, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Carlos III-La Paz, CIBERehd, Madrid, Spain, 3Hospital carlos III-La Paz, Madrid, Spain, 4Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran,
Madrid, Spain, 5Hospital Carlos III-La Paz, Madrid, Spain.

P.A.27 Germinal Centre Reaction - Part 3

Chairpersons: Marta Rizzi; Freiburg, Germany / Wolfgang Schuh; Erlangen, Germany

P.A.27.01 Role of FAS signalling in negative selection of B cells in human germinal centres
A. Janda1, K. Schwarz2, M. van der Burg3, W. Vach1, H. Ijspeert3, M. R. Lorenz2, M. Magdeldin1, K. Pieper1, P. Fisch1, J. Hagel1, R. Lorenzetti1, M. Seidl1, J. Roesler4, F. Hauck5, E. Traggiai6, C. Speckmann1, A.
Rensing-Ehl1, S. Ehl1, H. Eibel1, M. Rizzi1;
University Medical Center Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2University of Ulm, Ulm, Germany, 3Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 4University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany, 5Ludwig-
Maximilians-University, Munich, Germany, 6Novartis Institute for Biomedical research, Basel, Switzerland.
P.A.27.02 EFhd1 regulates metabolic activity and influences early B cell development

M. Stein1, S. Dtting1, W. Schuh1, T. Steinmetz1, S. Urbanczyk1, D. Mougiakakis2, H. Jck1, M. R. Bsl3, D. Mielenz1;
Division of Molecular Immunology, Nikolaus-Fiebiger-Centre, University hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2Division of translational tumor and transplantation immunology, TRC, University hospital
Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 3Division of Biomedicine, University clinic Wuerzburg, Erlangen, Germany.
P.A.27.03 The Polycomb Repressive Complex 1 is critical for peripheral B cell maturation and to ensure B cell identity
S. Casola1, F. Alberghini1, F. Zanardi1, L. DArtista1,2, F. Pisati3, F. Mainoldi1, M. Vidal4, H. Koseki5;
IFOM, Milano, Italy, 2European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy, 3Cogentech, Milano, Italy, 4Centro de Investigaciones Biolgicas, Department of Cellular and Molecular Biology, Madrid, Spain,
Developmental Genetics Laboratory; RIKEN-IMS, Yokohama, Japan, Yokohama, Japan.
P.A.27.04 Effect of bacterially derived products on B cell activation
K. Qazi Rahman;
Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.A.27.05 The role of hedgehog protein signalling in B cell development
C. E. Umukoro1,2, S. V. Outram1,2;
University of East London, London, United Kingdom, 2School of Health, Sports and Bioscience, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.27.06 Dissecting the role of surface IgD in individuals with heterozygous IgD deficiency
J. Nechvatalova1, S. J. Bartol2, Z. Chovancova1, M. Vlkova1, J. Litzman1, M. C. van Zelm2;
Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergology, St Annes University Hospital and Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic, 2Department of Immunology, Erasmus MC,
University Medical Center, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
P.A.27.07 Rise in total IgE levels upon omalizumab treatment is not caused by activation of IgE+ memory B cells
J. Eckl-Dorna1, R. Froeschl1, C. Lupinek1, R. Kiss1, K. Marth1, R. Campana1, K. Blatt1, P. Valent1, R. M. Selb1, A. Mayer1, I. Steiner1, P. Gevaert2, R. Valenta1, V. Niederberger1;
Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Ghent University Hospital, Ghent, Belgium.
P.A.27.08 IL21 deficiency results in early-onset inflammatory bowel disease and common variable immunodeficiency-like disease
E. Salzer1, A. Kansu2, H. Sic3, A. Ikinciogullari4, P. Majek1, F. E. Dogu4, E. Santos-Valente1, S. Ban1, W. Pickl5, J. Colinges1, M. Rizzi3, H. Eibel3, K. Boztug1,6;
CeMM Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 2Pediatric Gastroenterology Department Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, 3Center for Chronic
Immunodeficiency, University Medical Center, Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 4Pediatric Immunology Department Ankara University, Ankara, Turkey, 5Christian Doppler Laboratory for Immunomodulation and
Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 6Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of
Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.27.09 Prioritization of the IgH 3 regulatory region: proximal and distal domains feature distinct functions
E. F. Pinaud1,2, A. Garot1, M. Marquet1, S. Le Noir1, A. Saintamand1, S. Bender3, O. Martin1, C. Carrion1, Z. Oruc1, Y. Denizot1, M. Cogn1;
CNRS UMR7276 CRIBL, Limoges, France, 2Universit de Limoges, Limoges, France, 3Centre Hospitalier Universitaire Dupuytren : Centre de Rfrence des Amyloses, Limoges, France.

P.A.27.10 A plasma cell differentiation quality control process ablates B-cell clones with biallelic Ig rearrangement and truncated Ig production
S. Nivine, T. Aurlien, C. Guillaume, S. Christophe, P. Sophie, C. Michel, D. Laurent;
University of Limoges, CNRS UMR 7276, Limoges, France.
P.A.27.12 A systematic screen of memory B-cell expansion conditions for use in antigen specific ELISpot assays to help understand effective vs ineffective vaccine responses
L. Muir, P. F. McKay, R. Shattock;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.A.27.13 Boost of allergen-peptide-specific secondary antibody responses by oligomeric peptide without allergen-specific T cell help
M. Narayanan, M. Focke-Tejkl, R. Valenta, B. Linhart;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.27.14 The adjuvant LT-K63 enhances survival of neonatal B-cells, plasmablasts/plasma cells by increasing their expression of BAFFR and BCMA, respectively
S. P. Bjarnarson1,2, A. A. Aradottir Pind1,2, G. Del Giudice3, I. Jonsdottir1,2,4;
Landspitali, the National University Hospital of Iceland, Department of Immunology, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2University of Iceland, Faculty of Medicine, Reykjavik, Iceland, 3Novartis Vaccines (a GSK company),
Siena, Italy, 4deCODE genetics, Reykjavik, Iceland.
P.A.27.15 Adjuvants can increase cell types in bone marrow of neonatal mice that produce survival signals critical for antibody secreting cells
A. A. Aradottir Pind1,2, S. P. Bjarnarson1,2, G. Del Giudice3, I. Jonsdottir1,2,4;
Department of immunology Landspitali University Hospital, Reykjavk, Iceland, 2University of Iceland, Reykjavk, Iceland, 3Novartis Vaccines (a GSK company), Siena, Italy, 4deCODE Genetics, Reykjavk,

P.A.28 Dynamics of T Cell Activation and Contraction - Part 2

Chairpersons: Thomas Brocker; Vienna, Austria / Johannes Stckl; Vienna, Austria

P.A.28.01 A Role for PRMT5 in memory T cell responses

M. Guerau, K. Jablonski, L. Webb, H. Savardekar, S. Amici, A. Panfil, K. Thornton, L. Li, P. Green, C. Li, R. Baiocchi;
The Ohio State University, Columbus, OH, United States.

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P.A.28.03 T cell death and proliferative responses regulated by cFLIP
J. Zhang, L. Qian, C. Curcione, A. Glibicky;
Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, United States.
P.A.28.04 Induced IL-7 and IL-15 proliferation of CD4+31+ and CD8+31+ cells in vitro
E. A. Blinova, E. A. Pashkina, V. A. Kozlov;
Research Institute of Clinical Immunology, Novosibirsk, Russian Federation.
P.A.28.05 Aurora A is required for early signaling and vesicle dynamics during T cell activation
N. Blas-Rus1, E. Bustos-Morn2, I. Prez de Castro3, G. De Crcer3, M. Malumbres3, N. Martn-Cfreces2, F. Snchez-Madrid1;
Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain, 2Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain, 3Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Oncolgicas, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.28.06 Two-faced MAP4: Dual role on the regulation of early and late T cell activation
E. Bustos-Morn1, N. Blas-Rus2, N. Martn-Cfreces1, F. Snchez-Madrid2,1;
Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares (CNIC), Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.28.08 Mathematical modelling of CD8+ T cell activation during skin sensitisation
N. Gellatly, R. Cubberley, S. Dhadra, C. Mackay, R. Pendlington, J. Pickles, J. Reynolds, O. Saib, D. Sheffield, R. Stark, D. Tang, G. Maxwell;
Unilever, Sharnbrook, United Kingdom.
P.A.28.09 The Y571 residue of ADAP is required for CXCR4-mediated F-actin reorganisation and T-cell migration
S. Kliche1, N. Waldt1, A. Witte1, B. Kuropka2, C. Freund3, B. Schraven1;
Institute of Molecular and Clinical Immunology, Magdeburg, Germany, 2Leibniz-Institute for Molecular Pharmacology, Berlin, Germany, 3Institute for Chemistry and Biochemistry, Berlin, Germany.

P.A.28.10 Cell-autonomous expression of the insulin receptor is critical for full activation of CD4+ and CD8+ T cells in vivo
H. J. Fischer, E. Schumann, H. M. Reichardt;
Institute for Cellular and Molecular Immunology, Gttingen, Germany.
P.A.28.11 T cells kill bacteria captured by transinfection from dendritic cells and confer protection in mice
A. Cruz Adalia1,2, G. Ramirez Santiago3, C. Calabia-Linares21, M. Torres-Torresano1, L. Feo1, M. Galn-Dez4, E. Fernandez-Ruiz4, G. Martnez del Hoyo5, F. Snchez Madrid1,4, E. Veiga1,2;
Centro Nacional de Biotecnologa (CNB/ CSIC), Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Santa Cristina (Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria Princesa), Madrid, Spain, 3CNB/CSIC, Madrid, Spain, 4Instituto de Investigacin
Sanitaria Princesa, at Hospital de la Princesa, Madrid, Spain, 5Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, CNIC, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.28.12 Role of the transcriptional repressor IRF2BP2 on CD4 T cell activation
C. Secca da Silva1, S. Hanschke1, P. Arajo Souza2, D. V. Faget1, J. P. Viola1;
Brazilian National Cancer Institute (INCA), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Fluminense Federal University (UFF), Niteroi, Brazil.
P.A.28.13 Elucidation of transcription factor profiles in HIV-specific CD4+ T cells using single-cell multiplex RT-PCR
C. Phetsouphanh1, Y. Xu1, M. Bailey1, N. Seddiki2, J. J. Zaunders1,3, A. D. Kelleher1,3;
The Kirby Insitute, University of New South Wales, Kensington, Australia, 2INSERM U955 quipe 16, Institut Mondor de Recherche Biomdicale, Crteil, France, 3St Vincents centre of applied medical
research, Darlinghurst, Australia.
P.A.28.14 The role of the immunomodulatory receptor CD160 in a model of experimental malaria infection

F. Muscate, T. Jacobs;
Bernhard-Nocht-Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany.
P.A.28.15 Assessment of costimulation and coinhibition in a triple parameter T cell reporter line: simultaneous measurement of NF-B, NFAT and AP-1
S. Jutz1, J. Leitner1, K. Schmetterer2, K. Grabmeier-Pfisterhammer3, P. Steinberger1;
Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2) Department of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 3Division of Immunology, Allergy and Infectious Diseases, Department of Dermatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.A.28.16 Intracellular dynamics of phosphatase of regenerating liver 1 in T lymphocytes
P. Castro Snchez*1, R. Ramrez-Muoz*1, J. Muoz2, P. Roda-Navarro1;
Faculty of Medicine. UCM, Madrid, Spain, 2Center of Cytometry and Fluorescence Microscopy. UCM, Madrid, Spain.
P.A.28.17 Golgi-microtubule associated protein (GMAP-210) is involved in the trafficking of vesicles-containing linker for activation of T-cell (LAT) during T cell activation
A. Zucchetti, J. Carpier, S. Dogniaux, L. Bataille, C. Hivroz;
Institut Curie, Centre de Recherche, Pavillon Pasteur, INSERM, Unit 932, Immunit et Cancer, Paris, France.
P.A.28.18 CD5-mediated inhibition of T cell activation: a detailed analysis of CD5 extracellular and intracellular interactions
R. F. Santos1,2, A. M. Santos3, L. Oliveira1,2, J. Huo3, S. J. Davis3, A. M. Carmo1,2,4;
IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Porto, Portugal, 2Cell Activation and Gene Expression Group, Instituto de Investigao e Inovao em Sade, Porto, Portugal, 3Weatherall Institute of
Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 4ICBAS Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
P.A.28.19 A cholesterol-based allostery model of T cell receptor phosphorylation
M. Swamy1,2, K. Beck-Garcia1,3,4, E. Beck-Garcia1,5,6, F. A. Hartl1,4, S. Yousefi1,4,3, A. Morath1,4,3, E. Molnr1, A. K. Schulze7, B. Alarcon8, T. Hfer7, S. Minguet1,4,9, W. W. Schamel1,4,9;
Universtity of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2College of Life Sciences, Dundee, United Kingdom, 3Spemann Graduate School of Biology and Medicine (SGBM), Freiburg, Germany, 4BIOSS Centre for
Biological Signalling Studies, Freiburg, Germany, 5International Max Planck-Research School for Molecular and Cellular Biology (IMPRSMCB), Freiburg, Germany, 6Max Planck- Institute of Immunobiology
and Epigenetics, Freiburg, Germany, 7German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 8Centro de Biologa Molecular Severo Ochoa, CSIC-UAM, Madrid, Spain, 9Centre for Chronic
Immunodeficiency CCI, Freiburg, Germany.
P.A.28.20 Natural killer T cells: Potential role in immunometabolism of morbid obesity
S. Lopez1,2, S. Garcia-Serrano3, C. Gutierrez-Repiso3, J. Garcia-Arnes4, A. Rodriguez-Caete4, F. J. Moreno-Ruiz4, E. Garcia-Fuentes3, D. Pozo1,2;
CABIMER-Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine (CSIC-University of Seville-UPO-Junta de Andalucia), Seville, Spain, 2Department of Medical Biochemistry, Molecular
Biology and Immunology, The University of Seville Medical School, Seville, Spain, 3Unidad de Gestin Clnica de Endocrinologa y Nutricin, Instituto de Investigacin Biomdica de Mlaga (IBIMA), Hospital
Regional Universitario, Malaga, Spain, 4Unidad de Gestin Clnica de Ciruga General, Digestiva y Trasplantes, Instituto de Investigacin Biomdica de Mlaga (IBIMA), Hospital Regional Universitario,
Malaga, Spain.
P.A.28.22 P2X7 receptor signaling pathways and expression are dissociated in conventional T cells according to their state of activation, but not in Foxp3+ regulatory T cells
A. Mellouk, H. Safya, P. Bob;
Universit Paris Sud and INSERMU1174, Orsay, France.

Track B Diseases
P.B.29 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 2
Chairpersons: Lucio R. Castellano; Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil / Kjell-Olov Grnvik; Uppsala, Sweden

P.B.29.01 Lcn2 dampens anti-viral immune responses and restores tissue homeostasis
B. Drobits1,2, K. Lakovits2, S. Knapp1,2;
Research Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM) of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 2Medical University of Vienna, Department of Medicine I, Infection Biology Lab, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.29.02 Relevance of Mincle during infection with Vaccinia virus
F. J. Cueto, S. Iborra, D. Sancho;
Spanish National Center for Cardiovascular Research, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.29.03 Analysis of the cellular immune response to Nipah virus-like particles in mice and pigs
E. Stroh, S. Diederich, M. H. Groschup;
Institute for Novel and Emerging Infectious Diseases, Friedrich-Loeffler Institute, Greifswald - Island Riems, Germany.
P.B.29.04 Microarray-based profiling of human rhinovirus-specific antibody responses
K. Niespodziana1, C. R. Cabauatan1, C. Lupinek1, D. Ebner2, T. Schlederer2, C. Harwanegg2, K. Stenberg-Hamar3, C. Sderhll4, J. R. Konradsen3,5, E. Meln6,7, M. van Hage8, G. Hedlin3,5, R. Valenta1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Phadia
Austria GmbH, Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific ImmunoDiagnostics, Vienna, Austria, 3Astrid Lindgren Childrens Hospital, Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 4Department of Biosciences
and Nutrition, and Center for Innovative Medicine (CIMED), Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 5Department of Womens and Childrens Health, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 6Institute
of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 7SachsChildrens Hospital, Sdersjukhuset, Stockholm, Sweden, 8Clinical Immunology and Allergy Unit, Department of Medicine,
Solna, Karolinska Institutet and University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden.

90 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.29.05 Anti-ribosomal P protein antibody outside SLE
M. Castao Pinardo1, M. Tellez2, M. Nez-Beltrn1, A. Comins-Boo1, G. Candelas3, J. Jover3, S. Snchez-Ramn1;
Department of clinical immunology, Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain, 2Department of internal medicine, Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain, 3Department of rheumatology, Hospital Clnico

San Carlos, Madrid, Spain.

P.B.29.06 The presence of Japanese encephalitis antibodies and the risk of hospitalization due to dengue infection
K. C. Jeewandara1,2, L. Gomez1, S. A. Paranavitane1, M. Tantirimudalige1, S. Panapitiya1, A. Jayewardane2, S. Fernando1, R. H. Fernando1, S. Prathapan1, G. S. Ogg3,4, G. N. Malavige1,3;
Centre for Dengue Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences,University of Sri Jayawardanapura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, 2Department of Family Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences,University of Sri
Jayawardanapura, Nugegoda, Sri Lanka, 3MRC Human Immunology Unit, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine,NIHR Biomedical Research Centre and University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom,
Department of Dermatology, Churchill Hospital,, Oxford, OX3 7LJ, United Kingdom.
P.B.29.07 Factors related to the development of CMV-specific CD8+ T-cell response in CMV-seropositive solid organ transplant candidates
S. Cantisn1,2, C. Rodelo-Hadd3, A. Pez-Vega1,2, A. Nieto4, J. M. Vaquero5,2, A. Poyato6, M. Montejo7,2, M. C. Farias8,2, A. Rivero1,9, R. Solana1,10,2, A. Martin-Malo3, J. Torre-Cisneros1,9,2;
IMIBIC/Reina Sofia Hospital/University of Cordoba, Cordoba, Spain, 2Spanish Network for the Research in Infectious Diseases (REIPI RD12/0015), Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, 3Department
of Nephrology, Reina Sofia Hospital, Cordoba, Spain, 4Deparment of Immunology, Puerta del Mar Hospital, Cadiz, Spain, 5Department of Neumology, Reina Sofia Hospital, Cordoba, Spain, 6Department
of Hepatology, Reina Sofia Hospital, Cordoba, Spain, 7Infectious Diseases Unit, Cruces Hospital, Bilbao, Spain, 8Infectious Diseases Unit, Marqus de Valdecilla Hospital, University of Cantabria, IDIVAL,
Santander, Spain, 9Infectious Diseases Unit, Reina Sofia Hospital, Cordoba, Spain, 10Department of Immunology, Reina Sofia Hospital, Cordoba, Spain.
P.B.29.08 Soluble human leukocyte antigen E in chronic HBV infection
I. Zidi1, A. Laaribi1,2, D. Bortolotti3, N. Hannachi2, H. Ben Yahia1, A. Mehri2, H. Chaouch4, N. Zidi5, A. Letaif4, S. Yacoub6, A. Boudabous1, J. Boukadida2, R. Rizzo3;
Laboratory Microorganismes et Biomolcules Actives, Sciences Faculty of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Laboratory of Microbiology-Immunology, UR02SP13, University Hospital
Farhat Hached, Sousse, Tunisia, 3Department of Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, Section Microbiology, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, 4Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases,
University Hospital Farhat Hached, Sousse, Tunisia, 5Faculty of Medicine Ibn Al Jazzar, Sousse, Tunisia, 6Regional Center of Blood Transfusion, University Hospital Farhat Hached, Sousse, Tunisia.
P.B.29.09 Increase of soluble Human leukocyte antigen-G in patients with chronic hepatitis B infection
A. Laaribi1,2, R. Rizzo3, D. Bortolotti3, N. Hannachi2, H. Ben Yahia1, A. Mehri2, H. Chaouch4, N. Zidi5, A. Letaif4, S. Yacoub6, A. Boudabous1, J. Boukadida2, I. Zidi1;
Laboratory Microorganismes et Biomolcules Actives, Sciences Faculty of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Laboratory of Microbiology-Immunology, UR02SP13, University Hospital
Farhat Hached, Sousse, Tunisia, 3Department of Experimental and Diagnostic Medicine, Section Microbiology, University of Ferrara, Ferrara, Italy, 4Department of Internal Medicine and Infectious Diseases,
University Hospital Farhat Hached, Sousse, Tunisia, 5Faculty of Medicine Ibn Al Jazzar, Sousse, Tunisia, 6Regional Center of Blood Transfusion, University Hospital Farhat Hached, Sousse, Tunisia.
P.B.29.10 Solute Carriers: Proteins at the Interface of Host Metabolism and Viral Life Cycle
A. Moskovskich, C. Trefzer, E. Girardi, B. Snijder, R. K. Kandasamy, G. Superti-Furga;
CeMM, Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.29.11 Neutral sphingomyelinase in physiological and measles virus induced T cell suppression
N. Mller, E. Avota, L. Collenburg, S. Schneider-Schaulies;
University Wuerzburg, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.B.29.12 Ex vivo analysis of herpes simplex virus type 2 (HSV-2) reactive T cells derived from the human female genital tract
C. M. Posavad1,2, L. Zhao1, L. Dong1, C. E. Stevens1, D. M. Koelle1,2, A. S. Magaret1,2, A. Wald1,2, L. Corey1,2;
University of Washington, Seattle, WA, United States, 2Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States.

P.B.29.13 Respiratory Syncytial Virus targets a regulatory B cell population early in life
D. Zhivaki1, X. Zhang2, M. Rameix-Welti3, A. LIm1, D. Descamps4, S. Riffault4, J. Elout4, P. Tissires5, C. Leclerc1, R. Lo-Man1;
Institut Pasteur, PARIS, France, 2Institut Pasteur of Shanghai, Shanghai, China, 3APHP, Hpital Ambroise Par, Boulogne-Billancourt, France, 4INRA, unit Virologie et Immunologie Molculaires, Jouy en
Josas, France, 5APHP, Hpital Bictre, Kremlin Bicetre, France.
P.B.29.15 Detection of p16 and Ki67 cell transformation markers in urogenital papilloma virus infections
L. V. Solomatina1,2, Y. N. Kuznetsova3, N. P. Evstigneeva3, N. V. Zilberberg3, N. A. Gerasimova3, N. A. Balbert3;
Ural Federal University Named After the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2Institute of Immunology and Physiology, Ural Branch of the RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russian
Federation, 3Federal state institution Ural scientific research Institute of dermatovenerology and immunopathology of the Ministry of health of the Russian Federation, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.B.29.16 Expression of HAdV Immunogenic Epitope Chimeric Protein and Application for Detection of Antibodies against HAdV
X. Wang1,2, Y. Qi1, T. Xu1,3, Y. Pan1, S. Li1, J. Li1, S. Li1,3, C. Chen1,2, Y. Xu1,2, Y. Li1;
Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechniques,Nanjing 210002, China, Nanjing, China, 2School of Life Science and Technology,China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing 210009,China,
Nanjing, China, 3School of Basic Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing 210005, China, Nanjing, China.
P.B.29.17 In-silico analysis of Chikungunya viral proteome: Implications for autoimmunity through molecular mimicry
V. Janakiraman, V. Srivatsava;
IIT-M, Chennai, India.
P.B.29.18 Correlation of pro-inflammatory mediators in patients with HTLV-1
H. V. Neco1, V. G. Teixeira2, A. C. Trindade2, P. M. Magalhes2, V. M. Lorena3, V. M. Silva4, P. A. Fernandes4, J. R. Souza4, L. R. Castellano4, C. W. Pissetti5,4, P. M. Moura2, C. N. Morais1;
Departament of Virology, Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhes (CPqAM), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Recife PE, Brazil, 2Laboratory of Virus Molecular Biology, Pernambuco University (UPE),
Recife PE, Brazil, 3Departament of Immunology, Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhes (CPqAM), Oswaldo Cruz Foundation (Fiocruz), Recife PE, Brazil, 4Human Immunology Research and Education
Group, Escola Tcnica de Sade da UFPB, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa PB, Brazil, 5Programa de Ps-Graduao em Ateno Sade, Universidade Federal do Tringulo Mineiro, Uberaba,

P.B.30 Primary Immunodeficiencies - Part 3

Chairpersons: Elisabeth Frster-Waldl; Vienna, Austria / Hermann Wolf; Vienna, Austria

P.B.30.01 CVID patients display an IgG-isotype-specific defect in ABO blood group antibody formation as detected by surface plasmon resonance analysis
M. B. Fischer1,2, W. Wolfram1, C. J. Binder3, G. A. Bhmig4, M. Wahrmann4, M. M. Eibl5, H. M. Wolf5;
Department of Transfusion Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Center of Biomedical Technology, Danube University Krems, Krems an der Donau, Austria, 3Department of Laboratory
Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Division of Nephrology and Dialysis, Department of Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 5Immunologische Tagesklinik,
Vienna, Austria.
P.B.30.02 AIRE is required for recruitment of Dectin-1 and Dectin-2 receptors at macrophage-hyphae interface, and in cytokine mediated regulation of innate immune
J. Tavares de Albuquerque1, P. P. Banerjee2,3, M. W. Barbosa-Carvalho1, C. Arslanian1, F. G. Weiler4, M. Lazaretti4, L. A. Pedroza5, J. Orange2,3, A. Condino-Neto1;
Biomedical Science Institute, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 2Center for Human Immunobiology, Texas Childrens Hospital, Houston, TX, United States, 3Baylor College of Medicine, Houston, TX, United States, 4Federal
University of Sao Paulo, Sao Paulo, Brazil, 5Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Quito, Ecuador.
P.B.30.03 Investigation of alpha-Gal natural antibodies in all IgG, IgA, IgM and IgE isotypes
V. Thon1, M. Hamanova1, S. Pesak1, M. Vesela2, Z. Chovancova1, J. Litzman1, J. Lokaj1;
Department of Clinical Immunology and Allergy, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University and St. Annes University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic, 2First Department of Pathological Anatomy, St. Annes
University Hospital, Brno, Czech Republic.
P.B.30.04 The quantity of naive T-helper cells with patients having primary antibody deficiencies
M. Karakina, P. Irina;
Institute Immunology and Phisiology, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.B.30.05 IgG scintigraphy is helpful to diagnose an asymptomatic inflammatory bowel condition in antibody deficiencies and low IgG trough levels despite high doses of Ig
C. Milito, F. Pulvirenti, V. Megna, M. Liberatore, I. Quinti;
Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
P.B.30.06 A possible type II Bare lymphocyte syndrome: a case report
G. Salgado-Cecilia1, J. Egua-Nez1, E. M. Novoa-Bolvar1, M. R. Moya-Quiles1, S. Alfayate-Migulez2, A. I. Menasalvas-Ruz2, A. Bernal-Ramos1, H. Martnez-Banaclocha1, M. V. Martnez-Snchez1, M.
Muro-Amador1, A. Minguela-Puras1, A. M. Garca-Alonso1;
Immunology Department, Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 2Pediatric Infectious Disease Department, Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain.
P.B.30.07 A nonsense CD33 mutation is associated with lack of CD33 surface expression and myeloid cell dysregulation
C. B. Geier, K. M. Sauerwein, D. Bra, A. Linder, A. Piller, M. M. Eibl, H. M. Wolf;
Immunology Outpatient Clinic, Vienna, Austria.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 91
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.30.08 DHR assay in brazilian patients with Chronic Granulomatous Disease: What is the limit?
N. B. Zurro, E. B. de Oliveira, A. Condino-Neto;
University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.30.09 Clinical, immunological and cytogenetic findings in children with Nijmegen breakage syndrome and ataxia-telangiectasia from Latvia
A. Dzalbs, T. Prokofjeva, I. Grinfelde, L. Kornejeva, Z. Krumina;
Childrens Clinical University Hospital, Riga, Latvia.
P.B.30.10 Chronic granulomatous disease and McLeod neuroacanthocytosis syndrome: a contiguous gene syndrome
J. Egua-Nez1, G. Salgado-Cecilia1, E. M. Novoa-Bolvar1, M. R. Moya-Quiles1, S. Alfayate-Migulez2, A. I. Menasalvas-Ruz2, C. Funes-Vera3, A. Bernal-Ramos1, M. Muro-Amador1, A. Minguela-Puras1, A.
M. Garca-Alonso1;
Immunology Department, Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 2Pediatric Infectious Disease Department, Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain,
Hematology Department, Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain.
P.B.30.11 Characteristics and complications of the patients with common variable immune deficiency
N. Gulez, S. Bahceci, F. Genel, S. Karaman, H. Nacaroglu, S. Karkner;
Dr. Behcet Uz Children Hospital, Izmir, Turkey.
P.B.30.12 Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic purpura and poly-adenopathic syndrome, secondary to Common Variable Immunodeficiency
E. Novoa-Bolvar, J. Galian-Megias, J. Eguia-Nuez, G. Salgado-Cecilia, A. Minguela-Puras, R. Moya-Quiles, A. Garcia-Alonso;
Hospital Clnico Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain.
P.B.30.13 Identification of novel mutations in Common Variable Immunodeficiency Syndrome (CVID) through targeted re-sequencing of a CVID cohort
F. Atschekzei1, C. Schrder1, T. Witte1, B. Grimbacher2, R. Schmidt1;
MHH, Department for Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology, Hannover, Germany, 2Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, Freiburg University Medical Center, Hannover, Germany.
P.B.30.14 Serum protein electrophoresis allows the detection of a case of complement factor I (CFI) deficiency in an adult patient due to a novel homozygous mutation
C. Franco-Jarava1,2, M. Martnez-Gallo1,2, R. Colobran1,2, J. Mestre-Torres3, E. Garcia-Guantes1, R. Pujol-Borrell1,2, M. Hernandez-Gonzalez1,2;
Immunology Division, Hospital Universitari Vall dHebron (HUVH), Vall dHebron Research Institute (VHIR)., Barcelona, Spain, 2Department of Cell Biology, Physiology and Immunology, Universitat

Autnoma de Barcelona. Spain, Bellaterra, Barcelona, Spain, 3Internal Medicine Department, Hospital Universitari Vall dHebron (HUVH), Barcelona, Spain.
P.B.30.15 CD117 (cKit)+ Innate lymphoid cells are reduced in patients with common variable immunodeficiency
C. B. Geier, D. Bra, M. M. Eibl, H. M. Wolf;
Immunologische Tagesklinik, Wien, Austria.
P.B.30.16 NFB1 mutations in common variable immunodeficiency
M. Fliegauf1, V. Bryant2,3, N. Frede1, C. Slade2,3,4, S. Woon5, K. Lehnert6, S. Winzer1, A. Bulashevska1, T. Scerri2,3, E. Leung6, A. Jordan5, B. Keller1, E. de Vries7, H. Baxendale8, H. Cao9, F. Yang9, A. A. Schffer10,
K. Warnatz1, P. Browett6, J. Douglass4,3, R. V. Ameratunga5, J. W. van der Meer11, B. Grimbacher1,12;
Center for Chronic Immunodeficiency, University Medical Center Freiburg and University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2The Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research, Parkville, Australia,
University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 4Royal Melbourne Hospital, Melbourne, Australia, 5Auckland City Hospital, Auckland, New Zealand, 6University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand, 7Jeroen
Bosch Hospital, s-Hertogenbosch, Netherlands, 8Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 9Bejing Genomics Institute, Shenzhen, China, 10NCBI, NIH, Department of Health
and Human Services, Bethesda, MD, United States, 11Radboud University Medical Centre, Nijmegen, Netherlands, 12University College, London, United Kingdom.

P.B.30.17 Defective specific antibody response in common variable immunodeficiency

N. Kechout1, N. Abdellaoui1, F. Doudou1, M. Abbadi1, R. Boukari2, N. Attal1;
Institut Pasteur dAlgrie, Algiers, Algeria, 2CHU Mustapha Pacha, Algiers, Algeria.

P.B.30.18 Clinical, immunological and genetic features of Algerian patients with leukocyte adhesion deficiency type I
N. Kechout1, N. Benmesbah1, N. Touri2, C. kaddache2, F. Doudou1, M. Abbadi1, R. Boukari3, N. Attal1;
Institut Pasteur dAlgrie, Algiers, Algeria, 2CHU Blida, Algiers, Algeria, 3CHU Mustapha Pacha, Algiers, Algeria.
P.B.30.19 Evaluation of patients with Down Syndome in pediatric immunology practice
N. Gulez, F. Hazan, E. Durgun, F. Genel, P. Gulez;
Dr. Behcet Uz Children Hospital, Izmir, Turkey.
P.B.30.20 Diverse clinical phenotypes in recombinase-activating gene 1 deficiency: a single-center experience
E. Ulusoy, N. E. Karaca, G. Aksu, E. Azarsiz, N. Kutukculer;
Ege University Medical School, Department of Pediatric Immunology, Izmir, Turkey.
P.B.30.22 Identifying new definitions of humoral immunity risk for development of recurrent community acquired pneumonia
J. Carbone, E. Sarmiento, M. Arraya, J. Navarro, J. Rodriguez-Molina, A. Polo, E. Donis, E. Fernandez-Cruz;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.30.23 Long-term survival after echovirus meningoencephalitis in a XLA patient: Sequential combined therapy with high dose intravenous immunoglobulin, pleconaril
and intrathecal immunoglobulin
J. Carbone1, D. Hipola2, S. Sanchez-Ramon1, E. Sarmiento1, F. de Ory3, J. Rodriguez-Molina1, S. Sanchez-Alarcos4, E. Fernandez-Cruz1;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon. Immunology Department., Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario Infanta Leonor. Neurology Department., Madrid, Spain, 3Centro Nacional de
Microbiologa, Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Serology Department, Madrid, Spain, 4Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon. Neurosurgery Department., Madrid, Spain.
P.B.30.24 The Effect of Resistance Training on HSP 70 and Glucose
F. Nameni1, H. Poursadra2;
Varamin Pishva Branch, Islamic Azad University, Varamin, Pishva, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Financial Management, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

P.B.31 Secondary Immunodeficiencies

Chairpersons: Doris Wilflingseder; Innsbruck, Austria / Nabila Seddiki; Creteil, France (tbc)

P.B.31.01 A91V mutation in perforin PRF1-gene in patient with hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis, leishmaniasis and chronic lymphocytic leukemia
V. Cunill1,2, M. R. Jimnez1,2, A. Molina1,2, J. Snchez Raga3, J. Iglesias1,2, M. C. Ballester3, M. A. Durn3, N. Martnez-Pomar1,2;
Department of Immunology, Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 2Institut dInvestigaci Sanitria de Palma (IdISPa), Palma de Mallorca, Spain, 3Department of Hematology,
Hospital Universitari Son Espases, Palma de Mallorca, Spain.
P.B.31.02 Immunodeficiency in CLL patients: impact of immunoglobulin replacement therapy
F. Cinetto, N. Compagno, A. Visentin, L. Trentin, C. Agostini;
University of Padova, Padova, Italy.
P.B.31.03 Local regulation of glucocorticoid action is involved in altered inflammatory response pattern caused by intrauterine undernourishment
A. M. Balbino1, D. B. Vaz1, E. H. Akamine2, M. C. Carvalho2, R. G. Landgraf1, M. A. Landgraf2;
Federal University of So Paulo, Diadema, Brazil, 2University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.31.04 Adrenalectomy fails to reverse the decreased lung inflammation presented by intrauterine undernourished rats
N. L. Gil1, G. A. Azevedo1, M. M. Silva1, L. Fernandes1, M. A. Landgraf1,2, R. G. Landgraf1;
Federal University of So Paulo, Diadema, Brazil, 2University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.B.31.05 Have the exposure to anti-TNFa-mAbs during 3rd trimester of pregnancy got an impact on immune development in the neonate?
A. Esteve-Sole1,2, N. de Moner2, I. Teixid3, E. Ricart4,5, E. A. Gonzalez6, A. Dey1, A. Plaza1, J. Yage2, M. Juan2, L. Alsina1;
Allergy and Clinical Immunology Department. Hospital Sant Joan de Du, Esplugues del Llobregat, Spain, 2Servei dImmunologia. Centre de Diagnstic Biomdic. Hospital Clnic, Barcelona, Spain, 3Casa

Maternitat. Hospital Clnic, Barcelona, Spain, 4Centro de Investigacin Biomdica en Red de Enfermedades Hepticas y Digestivas (CIBEREHD), Barcelona, Spain, 5Department of Gastroenterology,
Hospital Clnic de Barcelona, IDIBAPS, University of Barcelona,, Barcelona, Spain, 6Servei dImmunologia. Centre de Diagnstic Biomdic CDB. Hospital Clnic, Barcelona, Spain.
P.B.31.06 Indoleamine 2,3-Dioxygenase (IDO) is a new player in sepsis-induced immunosuppressoin
R. G. Ferreira, D. Nascimento, P. Melo, A. Alvarez, D. Prado, G. Souza, T. Cunha, F. Cunha, J. Alves-Filho;
Ribeiro Preto Medical School, University of So Paulo-USP, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.B.31.07 Comparative studies of different cryopreservation methods for thymus stromal cells derived from human thymus
N. Grabchenko1, N. Korotkevich1, O. Karpachova1, V. Glinka1, V. Sulyma1, I. Aksyonova2,1, B. Todurov2,1, V. Shichkin1;
Research Centre of Immunology and Biomedical Technologies, Open International University of Human Development Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2Institute of Heart, Ministry of Health of Ukraine, Kyiv,


92 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.31.08 Genetic variation in CCR5 correlate with CD4+ T cell recovery in Omani AIDS patients on combined antiretroviral therapy
A. A. Al-Jabri, S. H. Al-Mahruqi;
Sultan Qaboos University, Muscat, Oman.
P.B.31.09 Dendritic cell infection by complement-opsonized HIV is associated with an aberrant type I IFN response
M. Steger1, W. Posch1, U. Knackmu1, M. Blatzer1, A. Moris2, C. Lass-Flrl1, O. T. Keppler3, D. Wilflingseder1;
Division of Hygiene and Medical Mikrobiology, Innsbruck, Austria, 2INSERM UMRS-945, Infection and Immunity, Paris, France, 3Institute of Medical Virology, Frankfurt, Germany.

P.B.31.10 HIV infection impairs bone marrow environment blunting Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells differentiation toward T cells and immune reconstitution
V. Bordoni, D. Viola, M. Bibas, A. Sacchi, C. Agrati, E. Cimini, R. Casetti, N. Tumino, A. Amendola, F. Martini;
INMI L.Spallanzani, Rome, Italy.
P.B.31.11 Distinct subsets of central memory CD4+ T cells are differential altered by HIV infection: Implications for homeostasis
D. Wrsch1, D. Romero-Rodrguez1, J. Ziga1, S. Prez-Patrigeon2, G. Olvera-Garcia1, E. Espinosa1;
Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias Ismael Cosio Villegas, Distrito Federal, Mexico, 2Instituto Nacional de Ciencias Mdicas y Nutricin Salvador Zubiran, Distrito Federal, Mexico.
P.B.31.12 HIV microarray for multiplexed antibody profiling
D. Gallerano1, E. Wollmann1, C. Lupinek1, T. Schlederer2, D. Ebner2, C. Harwanegg2, K. Niespodziana1, K. Schmetterer3, W. Pickl4, E. Puchhammer-Stoeckl5, E. Sibanda6, R. Valenta1;
Div. Immunopathology, Inst. of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, MUW, Vienna, Austria, 2Phadia Austria GmbH, Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific ImmunoDiagnostics, Vienna, Austria, 3Institute of
Laboratory Medicine, MUW, Vienna, Austria, 4Institute of Immunology, MUW, Vienna, Austria, 5Institute of Virology, MUW, Vienna, Austria, 6Asthma, Allergy and Immune Dysfunction Clinic, Parirenyatwa
University Teaching Hospital, Harare, Zimbabwe.
P.B.31.13 Recognition of multiple PTE Gag peptides variants by HIV-1 Infected Indian Individuals
N. Negi, B. Das, M. Vajpayee;
All India Institute of Medical Sciences, New Dlehi, India.
P.B.31.14 HIV-2+ individuals feature preserved gut homeostasis despite evidence of mucosal viral replication
S. M. Fernandes1,2, A. R. Pires1, P. Matoso1, C. Ferreira2, A. E. Sousa1, R. B. Foxall1;
Instituto de Medicina Molecular-Edifico Egas Moniz, Lisbon, Portugal, 2Hospital Santa Maria, Centro Hospitalar Lisboa Norte, Lisbon, Portugal.

P.B.31.15 Impact of concomitant HCV infection on the impaired T cell immune response in cART naive HIV+ individuals
M. Alexandrova1, M. Muhtarova1, O. Angelova1, I. Elenkov2, N. Yancheva2, E. Golkocheva-Markova1, M. Nikolova1;
National Center of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Specialized Hospital for Active Treatment of Infectious and Parasitic Diseases Professor Ivan Kirov, Sofia, Bulgaria.
P.B.31.16 Complement-opsonized HIV-1 beats SAMHD1 in dendritic cells
W. Posch1, M. Steger1, U. Knackmuss1, M. Blatzer1, A. Moris2, C. Lass-Flrl1, O. T. Keppler3, D. Wilflingseder1;
Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 2INSERM, Paris, France, 3University of Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany.
P.B.31.17 HIV-infection accentuates phenotype and polyfunctional alterations in monocytes of cART-treated patients independently of age
R. S. de Pablo-Bernal1, J. Caizares2, M. I. Galv2, R. Ramos2, S. Ferrando-Martnez3, M. B. Rafii-El-Idrissi1, Y. M. Pacheco1, E. Ruiz-Mateos1, M. Leal1;
Biomedicine Institute of Seville, Seville, Spain, 2Heliopolis Nursing Home, Seville, Spain, 3Vaccine Research Center NIAID NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States.
P.B.31.18 TLR8 regulation of LILRA3 in monocytes is abrogated in human immunodeficiency virus infection and correlates to CD4 counts and virus loads

H. Low1, G. Ahrenstorf1, P. Claudia2, N. Habermann1, K. Schughart2, D. Ordez1, R. Stripecke1, E. Wilk2, T. Witte1;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Helmholtz Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany.
P.B.31.19 The presence of uncontrolled viral load in HIV-infected patients produces a marked impairment in the number, phenotype and suppressive capacity of Treg cells
J. Lopez-Abente1, D. Jaramillo-Ruiz2, M. Martinez-Bonet2, M. Leal3, Y. M. Pacheco3, M. . Muoz-Fernndez2, M. Pion1,2, R. Correa-Rocha1;
Laboratorio de Inmuno-regulacin. Instituto de Investigacin Sanitaria Gregorio Maran (IISGM), Madrid, Spain, 2Laboratorio de Inmunobiologa Molecular. Hospital General Universitario Gregorio
Maran and Insitituto de Investigacin Sanitaria Gregorio Maran (IISGM), Madrid, Spain, 3Laboratorio de Inmunovirologa, Hospital Universitario Virgen del Roco and Instituto de Biomedicina de Sevilla
(IBIS), Sevilla, Spain.
P.B.31.20 Potential role of mucosal vaccination against bacterial respiratory infections in patients with immunodeficiency
J. Carbone, M. Arraya, E. Sarmiento, E. Fernandez-Cruz;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon. Immunology Department, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.31.22 Production of lentiviral particles for the in vivo analysis of sterilizing immunity provided by broadly neutralizing anti-HIV antibodies
V. Stab1, B. Tippler1, C. Stahl-Hennig2, K. Sure1, M. Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann3, M. Tenbusch1, K. berla4;
Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2German Primate Center, Gttingen, Germany, 3University Duisburg-Essen, Essen, Germany, 4University Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany.

P.B.32 Diseases - Inflammation - Part 3

Chairpersons: Nada Pejnovic; Kragujevac, Serbia / Detlef Neumann; Hannover, Germany (tbc)

P.B.32.01 The impact of fibrinogen carbamylation on blood coagulation in inflammatory diseases

V. Binder1, C. Scavenius2, E. Spriet3, A. Nyhaug3, A. Hellvard1, B. Bergum1, C. Koro1, P. Mydel1;
Department of Clinical Science, University of Bergen, Bergen, Norway, 2Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark, 3Department of Biomedicine, University of
Bergen, Bergen, Norway.
P.B.32.02 Effects of chronic fluoride exposure on the CGRP myenteric varicosities of the small intestine
C. S. Melo1, S. R. Souza2, A. D. Heubel1, I. Zignani2, J. P. Martins2, J. N. Zanoni2, M. A. Buzalaf1;
University of Sao Paulo, Bauru-SP, Brazil, 2State University of Maringa, Maringa-PR, Brazil.
P.B.32.03 Galectin-3 deletion attenuates inflammation and IL-33 dependent fibrosis in mouse model of nonalcoholic steatohepatitis
I. Jeftic, N. Jovicic, J. Pantic, N. Arsenijevic, M. L. Lukic, N. Pejnovic;
Center for Molecular Medicine and Stem Cell Research, Faculty of Medical Sciences, Kragujevac, Serbia.
P.B.32.04 Inhibition of epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase by erlotinib prevents sclerodermatous graft versus host disease in a mouse model
F. Morin1,2, N. Kavian1,2, W. Marut1, C. Chreau1, O. Cerles1, P. Grange1, B. Weill1,2, C. Nicco1, F. Batteux1,2;
Institut Cochin, Paris, France, 2Laboratoire dimmunologie - Hpital Cochin, Paris, France.
P.B.32.05 Epidemiology of hepatitis B,C and HIV in pregnant women of a secondary care hospital in Greece
P. Karapavlidou, A. Hasiou, O. Sotiriou;
Immunology department, general hospital, Kastoria, Greece.
P.B.32.06 Increased anti-Hsp72 autoantibodies in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis patients correlates with better prognosis
R. Mills, A. Mathur, L. Nicol, W. Wallace, S. Howie, N. Hirani;
Edinburgh University, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
P.B.32.07 Profiling Autoantibodies in COPD using Antigen Microarrays
R. A. Shindi;
Nottingham University, Nottingham, United Kingdom.
P.B.32.08 Restoration of extracellular bicarbonate of Cystic fibrosis pulmonary epithelium modulates innate immunomodulatory pathways
R. Basu1, K. McCall1, F. Schwartz1, J. P. Clancy2, D. R. Straley1;
Ohio University HCOM, Athens, OH, United States, 2Cincinnati Childrens Hospital, Cincinnati, OH, United States.
P.B.32.09 The effect of Ischemia-reperfusion injury on human proximal tubular epithelial cell phenotype
R. Kapoor, J. Kirby, N. Sheerin;
Newcastle university, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
P.B.32.10 The impact of KLF2/RelA imbalance on neutrophil apoptosis of neutrophilic asthma guinea pig model
L. Zhu, H. Li, J. Huang, A. Dai, D. Zeng, X. Hong, Y. Zhu, X. Lei;
Hunan Geriatric Hospital, Chang sha city, China.
P.B.32.11 A successful safety trial of an attenuated visceral leishmaniasis vaccine in an endemic area
M. J. Namazi1,2, H. Daneshvar3;
Sabzevar university of medical sciences, Sabzevar, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom, 3Kerman university of medical sciences, Kerman, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.32.12 Study on the role of aristolochic acid in the pathogensis of renal inflammation and fibrosis
H. Y. Huang, B. Lin;
National Taiwan University, Tapei, Taiwan.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 93
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.32.13 Stromal cells promote metabolic regulation of hepatic inflammation by myeloid-derived suppressor cells
L. J. Pallett1, U. S. Gill2, A. Quaglia3, L. V. Sinclair4, M. Jover-Cobos1, A. Schurich1, K. P. Singh1, N. Thomas1, A. Das1, A. Chen1, G. Fusai1, A. Bertoletti5, D. A. Cantrell4, P. T. Kennedy2, N. A. Davies1, M. Haniffa6,
M. K. Maini1;
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, London, United Kingdom, 3Kings College Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 4University of
Dundee, Dundee, United Kingdom, 5Agency of Science and Technology, Singapore, Singapore, 6Newcastle University, Newcastle, United Kingdom.
P.B.32.14 Microbiome-mediated immune activation differently shapes the stroma of bowel both in healthy and pathological conditions
F. Caja1, J. Krizan1, D. Stakheev1, L. Rajsiglova1, J. Dvorak1, O. Chernyavskiy2, R. Stepankova3, H. Kozakova3, T. Hudcovic3, P. Makovicky4, P. Rossmann1, L. Vannucci1;
Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Physiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague, Czech Republic,
Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Novy Hradek, Czech Republic, 4Institute of Molecular Genetics, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i., Prague, Czech
P.B.32.15 Peripheral blood monocyte profiles and P2X7 expression in chronic kidney disease and end-stage renal disease
S. Naicker1, S. Logue1, D. Cotter2, G. OMalley1, S. Hanley3, V. Tormey2, R. Ceredig1, M. D. Griffin1,4;
Regenerative Medicine Institute, National University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 2Immunology Services, Saolta University Hospital Group, Galway, Ireland, 3Flow Cytometry Core Facility, National
University of Ireland, Galway, Ireland, 4Nephrology Services, Saolta University Hospital Group, Galway, Ireland.
P.B.32.16 Low levels of natural IgM antibodies towards oxidation specific epitopes are associated with human non-alcoholic steatohepatitis
T. Hendrikx1,2,3, M. Watzenboeck2,3, S. M. Walenbergh1, S. Amir2,3, S. Gruber2,3, M. Ozsvar-Kozma2,3, S. Kalhan4, G. H. Koek1, D. Jonkers1, C. J. Binder2,3, R. Shiri-Sverdlov1;
Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 2Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Center for Molecular Medicine (CeMM), Vienna, Austria, 4Lerner Research Institute, Cleveland, OH, United
P.B.32.17 Basophils trigger fibroblast activation in cardiac allograft fibrosis development
G. Schiechl1, F. J. Hermann1, M. Rodriguez Gomez1, S. Kutzi1, K. Schmidbauer1, S. Neumayer1, Y. Talke1, N. Goebel1, H. Bruehl1, H. Karasuyama2, K. Obata-Ninomiya2, E. K. Geissler3, S. Fichtner-Feigl3, M.
University Hospital Regensburg / Internal Medicine II - Nephrology, Regensburg, Germany, 2Tokyo Medical and Dental University Graduate School, Tokyo, Japan, 3University Hospital Regensburg / Surgery,
Regensburg, Germany.
P.B.32.18 O-GlcNAcylation protein modification regulates osteoclast differentiation
E. S. Ramos-Junior1, P. H. Melo2, P. A. Pereira2, C. C. Carmo-Silva3, F. Q. Cunha2, J. C. Alves-Filho2, S. Y. Fukada1;
School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeiro Preto, University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 2Ribeiro Preto Medical School, University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 3Centro Universitrio
Baro de Mau, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil.
P.B.32.19 Implication of the PSGL-1/Selectins axis in the development of autoimmune rheumatic diseases
J. Silvn, A. Prez-Fras, R. Gonzlez-Tajuelo, E. Vicente, S. Castaeda, C. Gamallo, A. Urzainqui;
Hospital Universitario La Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.32.20 Decoy chemokine receptor ACKR2 acts to limit alveolar destruction in cigarette smoking-induced COPD in mice
T. T. Ferreira1, D. S. Coutinho1, A. S. Arantes1, B. T. Ciambarella1, M. F. Serra1, A. J. Fernandes1, A. J. Fernandes1, A. G. Silva1, P. M. Silva1, M. Locati2, M. Martins1;
Oswaldo Cruz Foundation, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 2Humanitas Clinical and Research Center University, MIlan, Italy.
P.B.32.21 Roles of proinflammatory/profibrotic cytokines in the process of PEX production

N. S. Zdravkovic, S. M. Pavlovic, T. Sarenac Vulovic;

Faculty of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia.
P.B.32.22 Investigation the role of serum level of Haptoglobulin (HP) in patients suffered from chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD)
H. Khazaei1, N. A. Moulaei2, F. Jamalzehi3;
Department of Medical Immunology, Clinical Immunology Research Center at Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Research
Centre for Tropical, Zahedan, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Infectious Diseases of Zahedan University of Medical Sciences, Zahedan, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.32.23 Mast cell distribution in painful bladder syndrome/interstitial cystitis
S. T. Malik, D. Voegeli, B. Lwaleed;
University of Southampton, Southampton, United Kingdom.
P.B.32.24 Cytokine polymorphisms association with fibromyalgia syndrome
L. Gimeno1, G. Salgado1, E. Novoa1, A. Mrowiec1, I. Legaz2, J. Bolarin1, P. Martinez1, S. Soriano-Diaz1, A. Bernal1, A. Bermudez-Torrente3, A. Martinez-Leon4, I. Ibernon-Caballero5, M. Muro1, M. Moya-
Quiles1, J. Campillo1, A. Minguela1, M. Alvarez-Lopez1, I. Lozano5, A. Garcia-Alonso1;
Immunology Service-University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB, El Palmar-Murcia, Spain, 2Department of Social and Health Sciences; Area of Legal and Forensic Medicine, University of Murcia,
Murcia, Spain, 3Rheumatology Service-University Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB, El Palmar, Spain, 4Medical Family Health San Andres-Murcia, El Palmar, Spain, 5Psychiatry Service-University
Clinical Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca-IMIB. Murcia, El Palmar, Spain.

P.B.33 Enviromental and Genetic Factors in Autoimmunity

Chairpersons: Karin Loser; Mnster, Germany / Maria Bucova; Bratislava, Slovakia (tbc)

P.B.33.01 Possible roles of Klebsiella pneumoniae in the pathogenesis of ankylosing spondylitis

M. Jan1,2, C. Lin1, S. Chuang3, Y. Hsia4,5, Y. Wei6,7, W. Cheng8, J. Wei2,7;
Institute of Biochemistry, Microbiology and Immunology, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 2Division of Allergy, Immunology and Rheumatology, Department of Internal Medicine, Chung
Shan Medical University Hospital, Taichung, Taiwan, 3Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 4Department of Microbiology and Immunology of
National Cheng Kung University, Tainan, Taiwan, 5Department of Biomedical Science, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 6Department of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine,
Stanford University, Stanford, CA, United States, 7Institute of Medicine, Chung Shan Medical University, Taichung, Taiwan, 8Department of Emergency, Tian-Sheng Memorial Hospital, Ping Tong, Taiwan.
P.B.33.02 Investigation of the role of obesity on the development of Hashimotos thyroiditis
A. Gati;
Facult des Sciences de Tunis, Tunis, Tunisia.
P.B.33.03 The enzymatic functions of house dust mites facilitate epithelial barrier impairment
K. Oida1,2, L. Einhorn1,3, I. Herrmann4, S. Vrtala5,6, Y. Resch5, L. Panakova4, G. Hofstetter1, H. Matsuda2, A. Tanaka7, E. Jensen-Jarolim1,3;
Comparative Medicine, Messerli Research Institute of the University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Medical University Vienna and University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Laboratory of Veterinary
Molecular Pathology and Therapeutics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan, 3Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology
and Immunology, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Department for Companion Animals and Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 5Division of Immunopathology,
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 6Christian Doppler Laboratory for the
Development of Allergen Chips, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 7Laboratory of Comparative Animal Medicine, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo, Japan.
P.B.33.04 Elevated levels of streptococcal antibodies in Finnish children who developed narcolepsy after Pandemrix vaccination
M. Melin1, A. Vuorela1, L. Orivuori2, M. Partinen3, P. Saavalainen2, T. Kirjavainen4, P. Olsen5, O. Saarenp-Heikkil6, J. Ilonen7, T. Kilpi1, J. Vuopio8, O. Vaarala2;
National Institute for Health and Welfare, Helsinki, Finland, 2University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 3Vitalmed Research Centre Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 4Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland,
Oulu University Hospital, Oulu, Finland, 6Tampere University Hospital, Tampere, Finland, 7University of Turku, Turku, Finland, 8National Institute for Health and Welfare, Turku, Finland.
P.B.33.06 Prenatal steroid treatment results in immunological consequences for the offspring
C. Pekar1, I. Diepenbruck1, C. Remus2, N. Raabe2, E. Tolosa1;
Department of Immunology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Diagnostic and Interventional Radiology Department, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf,
Hamburg, Germany.
P.B.33.07 Comparison of five different damaging models of the respiratory epithelium
E. E. Waltl1, R. E. Selb1, J. E. Eckl-Dorna1, R. E. Valenta2, V. E. Niederberger-Leppin1;
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology,
Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.33.08 Anti-inflammatory effects of vitamin D are maintained under inflammatory cytokine conditions
L. E. Jeffery1, K. Raza1,2, D. M. Sansom3;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Department of Rheumatology, Sandwell and West Birmingham Hospitals NHS Trust,, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3University College London,
London, United Kingdom.
P.B.33.09 Evaluation of DNMT1 gene expression profile and methylation of its promoter region in patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
S. Aslani;
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.

94 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.33.10 Study of programmed cell death 1 (PDCD1) gene polymorphims in Iranian patients with Ankylosing Spondylitis
N. Soleimanifar1, M. Nicknam2, A. Amirzargar3;
Department of Molecular Medicine, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Molecular Immunology Research Center, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Department of Immunology,
School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.33.11 Characteristics of genotypes of ACE gene in obese patients with asthma
G. Yeryomenko, T. Pasiyeshvili;
Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkov, Ukraine.
P.B.33.12 FoxP3 gene polymorphisms in Behets Disease
Z. Babaloo1,2,3, A. Hoseini1, E. Sakhinia1,3, A. Khabazi1, D. Shanebandi1;
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Drug Applied Research Center, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Connective Tissue Disorder Research Center, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic
Republic of.
P.B.33.13 Association study between CTLA-4 A49G polymorphism in patients with anti-sperm antibody related infertility
M. Zamani1, N. Rezaei1, A. Salmaninejad2;
Department of Immunology & Biology, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Medical Genetics, School of Medicine, Tehran University
of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.33.14 A combined genome-wide DNA methylation and transcription analysis identified genes related with pathogenesis of systemic sclerosis
Q. Li1, H. Zhu1,2, H. Luo1,2, T. Chen1, S. Liu1, M. Yan1, X. Zuo2;
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 2Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China.
P.B.33.15 Lupus-Associated Functional Polymorphism in PNP Causes Cell Cycle Abnormalities in Human Immune Cells
Y. Ghodke-Puranik, J. M. Dorschner, D. M. Vsetecka, S. Amin, A. Makol, F. Ernste, T. Osborn, K. Moder, V. Chowdhary, M. A. Jensen, T. B. Niewold;
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States.
P.B.33.16 Association of single-nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) rs143383 growth and differentiation factor 5 (GDF5) with Knee osteoarthritis
M. M. Hassanien;
Asyut University Hospital, Asyut, Egypt.
P.B.33.17 Association of STAT4 rs75748665 polymorphism with susceptibility to systemic lupus erythematosus in Algerian population
S. Salah1, H. Iguerguezdaoune1, D. Hakem2, D. Fodil3, M. Djennane4, A. Moussa Mebarek1, A. Djendi1, D. Charron5, A. Ladjouz-Rezig6, S. Lefkir-Tafiani3, R. Tamouza5, N. Attal1;
Pasteur Institute of Algeria, Algiers, Algeria, 2Bab El Oued Hospital, Algiers, Algeria, 3Beni Messous Hospital, Algiers, Algeria, 4Tizi Ouzou Hospital, Tizi Ouzou, Algeria, 5Saint Louis Hospital, Paris, France,
Ben Aknoun Hospital, Algiers, Algeria.
P.B.33.18 Association of TRAF-1 (rs10818488) and TNFAIP3 (rs2230926) polymorphisms with rheumatoid arthritis and systemic lupus erythematosus and their relationship
to disease activity among Egyptian patients.
M. Moaaz;
Medical Research Institute, Alexandria University, Alexandria, Egypt.
P.B.33.19 Expression of enterovirus protein in the pancreas, duodenum and spleen of type 1 diabetic (T1D) and prediabetic autoantibody positive (aab+) subjects

M. Oikarinen1, J. E. Laiho1, S. Richardson2, M. Campbell-Thompson3, N. G. Morgan2, A. Pugliese4, S. Tauriainen5, H. Hyty1;
University of Tampere, Tampere, Finland, 2University of Exeter Medical School, Exeter, United Kingdom, 3University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States, 4University of Miami, Miami, FL, United States,
University of Turku, Turku, Finland.
P.B.33.20 Comparison of a high salt and a low diet in the murine serum transfer arthritis
C. Heuberger1, B. Sehnert1, F. Nimmerjahn2, J. Titze3,4, R. E. Voll1;
Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology and Centre of Chronic Immunodeficiency, University Medical Centre and University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 2Institute of Genetics at the
Department of Biology, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 3Interdisciplinary Center of Clinical Research, Research Group N2, Nikolaus Fiebiger Center of Molecular
Medicine, University of Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 44Department of Clinical Pharmacology, Vanderbilt University School of Medicine, Nashville, TN, United States.
P.B.33.21 Association of +190 G/A (rs1799864) polymorphism in the C-C chemokine receptor 2 (CCR2) gene with susceptibility to multiple sclerosis in the Slovak population
J. Javor1, Z. Parnicka1, J. Michalik2, D. Copikova-Cudrakova3, I. Shawkatova1, V. Durmanova1, K. Gmitterova4, E. Klimova5, M. Buc1, M. Bucova1;
Institute of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2Neurology Clinic, Jessenius Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava, Martin, Slovakia,
1st Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University in Bratislava and University Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia, 42nd Department of Neurology, Faculty of Medicine, Comenius University
in Bratislava and University Hospital, Bratislava, Slovakia, 5Department of Neurology, Teaching Hospital of J.A. Reiman and Faculty of Health, University of Presov, Presov, Slovakia.
P.B.33.22 Association of PTPN22 mRNA expression with the disease activity markers IL-10, OAS2 and CD70 in patients with systemic lupus erythematosus
J. R. Machado-Contreras1, J. F. Muoz-Valle1, A. Cruz1, D. C. Salazar-Camarena1, M. Marn-Rosales2, C. A. Palafox-Snchez1;
Instituto de Investigacin en Ciencias Biomdicas, Departamento de Clnicas Mdicas, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2Departamento de
Inmunologa y Reumatologa del Hospital General de Occidente, Secretaria de Salud Jalisco, Zapopan, Mexico.

P.B.34 Multiple Sclerosis

Chairpersons: Hans Lassmann; Vienna, Austria / Roland Liblau; Toulouse, France

P.B.34.01 Increased CD4+ T cell reactivity to citrullinated myelin in the context of HLA-DR4 with progression of demyelinating disease
A. Kersh, B. Evavold;
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States.
P.B.34.02 Key role of CXCL10/ IP10 in Multiple Sclerosis Onset
L. Fernndez-Paredes1, A. Casrouge2, J. Decalf2, C. de Andrs3, R. Prez de Diego4, B. Alonso1, L. Villar5, J. lvarez Cermeo5, R. Arroyo6, M. Tejera-Alhambra7, J. Navarro7, C. Oreja-Guevara8, M. Lpez-
Trascasa9, A. Seyfferth10, M. Garca Martnez8, R. lvarez-Lafuente8, M. L. Albert2, S. Snchez Ramn1;
Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Servicio de Inmunologa., Madrid, Spain, 2Institut Pasteur,Laboratory of Dendritic Cell Biology, Paris, France, 3Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran, Servicio de
Neurologa., Madrid, Spain, 4Instituto de Investigacin de la Salud IdiPAZ, Laboratorio de Inmunogentica., Madrid, Spain, 5Hospital Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Servicio de Inmunologa., Madrid, Spain,
Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Servicio de Neurologa, Madrid, Spain, 7Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran, Servicio de Inmunologa., Madrid, Spain, 8Hospital Clnico San Carlos, Servicio de
Neurologa., Madrid, Spain, 9Hospital Universitario La Paz, Servicio de Inmunologa., Madrid, Spain, 10STAT-UP Statistical Consulting&Services, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.34.03 Functional analysis of SNP rs630923 located in the promoter of CXCR5 gene and associated with risk of multiple sclerosis
N. A. Mitkin1, A. M. Schwartz1, A. M. Muratova1,2, D. V. Kuprash1,2,3;
Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow,
Russian Federation, 3Institute of Molecular Biology and Regional Ecology, Lobachevsky State University of Nizhni Novgorod, Nizhni Novgorod, Russian Federation.
P.B.34.04 Maternally or adult acquired probiotic E. coli Nissle 1917 suppresses central nervous system inflammation
T. Secher, S. Kassem, M. Boury, I. Bernard-Cadenat, E. Oswald, A. Saoudi;
INSERM-CPTP, Toulouse, France.
P.B.34.05 Role of transcriptional silencers Ets-2 and FoxP3 in the pathogenesis of multiple sclerosis (MS)
I. Panagoulias1, F. Karagiannis1, S. Anastasopoulou1, I. Aggeletopoulou1, S. Prekatsakis2, P. Papathanasopoulos2, T. Georgakopoulos1, A. Mouzaki1;
Division of Hematology, Department of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Patras, Rion, Patras, Greece, 2Department of Neurology, Patras University Hospital, Patras, Greece, Rion,
Patras, Greece.
P.B.34.06 Glial iron management in multiple sclerosis
S. Hametner1, J. Zarruk2, S. David2, H. Lassmann1;
Center for Brain Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Center for Research in Neuroscience, The Research Institute of The McGill University Health Center, Montreal, QC, Canada.
P.B.34.07 CD56bright/CD56dim NK ratio specifically increases in cerebrospinal fluid of multiple sclerosis patients
E. Rodriguez-Martin1, C. Picon1, L. Costa-Frossard2, R. Alenda1, S. Sainz de la Maza2, E. Roldan1, M. Espio1, J. C. Alvarez-Cermeo2, L. M. Villar1;
Department of Immunology, Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, Spain, 2Department of Neurology, Hospital Ramon y Cajal, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.34.09 The topography of Multiple Sclerosis lesions in the brain reveals insights into the mechanisms of demyelination and neurodegeneration
T. Zrzavy, L. Haider, S. Hametner, H. Lassmann;
Medical University Vienna, Center for brain research, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.34.10 Results of a centralized unit for the assessment of oligoclonal bands in patients with neurological diseases
I. Toboso1, A. Tejeda1, M. Espio1, E. Fernndez-Daz2, L. Brieva1, A. B. Caminero1, L. Gabaldn1, I. Garca-Castan1, J. L. Snchez-Menoyo1, M. Muoz-Pasadas1, F. Prez-Parra1, E. Durn1, V. Meca3, L.
Gmez1, C. Arnal1, D. Muoz-Garca1, A. Muz-Mlaga1, J. C. lvarez-Cermeo1, L. M. Villar-Guimerans1;
Ramn y Cajal Hospital. IRYCIS, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital universitario de Albacete, Albacete, Spain, 3La Princesa Hospital, Madrid, Spain.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 95
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.34.11 Ameliorating effects of Sesamum indicum seeds oil on animal model of multiple sclerosis
M. Zamani;
Department of Immunology & Biology,Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.34.13 Association of TREM-1 A/T SNP polymorphism (rs2234237) with the risk of multiple sclerosis in Slovak population
B. Gajdosechova1, M. Bucova1, J. Javor2, P. Turani3, D. Cudrakova-Copikova3, J. Michalik4;
Institute of Immunology, School of Medicine, Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 2Institute of Immunology, Scool of Medicine Comenius University, Bratislava, Slovakia, 3Ist Department of
Neurology, School of Medicine Comenius University, Centre for MS therapy,, Bratislava, Slovakia, 4Department of Neurology, Jesenius School of Medicine Comenius University, Martin, Slovakia.
P.B.34.14 CX3CR1-dependent recruitment of mature NK cells into the CNS contributes to the control of CNS autoimmunity
L. Hertwig1, S. Romero Suarez1, J. M. Millward1, H. Stuis1, R. M. Ransohoff2, A. Cardona3, C. Infante Duarte1;
Universittsklinikum Charit Berlin, Institute for Medical Immunology, Berlin, Germany, 2Lerner Research Institute, Department of Neurosciences, Cleveland, OH, United States, 3University of Texas at San
Antonio, Department of Biology, San Antonio, TX, United States.
P.B.34.15 Foxp3+ cells are present and produce both pro- and anti- inflammatory cytokines in lesions of multiple sclerosis patients
S. E. Zandee1, M. D. Leech1, A. Williams2, S. M. Anderton1;
University of Edinburgh, MRC Centre for Inflammation Research, Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research, Queens Medical Research Institute, Edinburgh, United Kingdom, 2University of Edinburgh, MRC
Centre for Regenerative Medicine, Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research, Edinburgh, United Kingdom.
P.B.34.16 T helper cells 1/17-related genes in interferon--treated relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis patients - correlation to clinical status
E. Miloevi1, I. Dujmovic2, M. Markovic1, S. Mesaros2, J. Drulovic2, M. Mostarica Stojkovic1, D. Popadic1;
Institute of Microbiology and Immunology, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Neurology Clinic, Clinical Centre of Serbia, School of Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade,

P.B.34.18 Inflammatory response in Multiple Sclerosis lesions
J. Machado-Santos, E. Saji, J. Bauer, H. Lassmann;
Center for Brain Research, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.34.19 Rai promotes astrocyte-dependent inflammation during experimental autoimmune encephalomyelitis
C. Ulivieri1, M. Savino1, I. Luccarini2, E. Fanigliulo1, A. Aldinucci2, E. Bonechi2, M. Benagiano2, B. Ortensi3, G. Pelicci3, M. DElios2, C. Ballerini2, C. T. Baldari1;
University of Siena, Siena, Italy, 2University of Florence, Florence, Italy, 3European Institute of Oncology, Milan, Italy.
P.B.34.20 Mannan-conjugated myelin peptides induce dendritic cell (DC)-driven tolerogenic response
M. Rodi1, A. de Lastic1, S. Prekatsakis2, I. Panagoulias1, P. Spadidea1, A. Tapinou3, T. Tselios3, I. Matsoukas3, P. Papathanasopoulos2, A. Mouzaki1;
Division of Hematology, Dept. of Internal Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, University of Patras, Patras, Greece, 2Department of Neurology, Patras University Hospital, Patras, Greece, 3Department of
Chemistry, University of Patras, Patras, Greece.

P.B.35 Immuneregulation at Barrier Sites - Part 1

Chairpersons: Nadine Cerf-Bensussan; Paris, France / Verena Niederberger-Leppin; Vienna, Austria (tbc)

P.B.35.01 Function of the Aryl hydrocarbon Receptor Repressor during polymicrobial and parasitic infections
J. Knig1, J. Vorac1, D. Degrandi2, K. Pfeffer2, H. Weighardt1,3, I. Frster1;
LIMES Intsitute, Bonn, Germany, 2Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hospital Hygiene, Dsseldorf, Germany, 3IUF Leibniz-Institut fr Umwelt-medizinische Forschung, Dsseldorf, Germany.
P.B.35.02 Regulation of AhRR expression through environmental AhR ligands in intestinal immune cell subsets
O. Schanz, O. Brandsttter, H. Weighardt, I. Frster;
LIMES-Institute, Bonn, Germany.
P.B.35.03 Changes of the Wnt signalling in bronchial epithelial cells can affect the immune response in asthma
K. Dietz1, H. Baarsma2, M. Knigshoff2, C. Schmidt-Weber1, K. Suttner1;
ZAUM - Centre of Allergy and Environment, Technische Universitt Mnchen (TUM), Helmholtz Centre Munich and member of German Centre for Lung Research (DZL), Mnchen, Germany, 2CPC-
Comprehensive Pneumology Centre, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen (LMU), Helmholtz Centre Munich and member of German Centre for Lung Research (DZL), Mnchen, Germany.
P.B.35.04 Oral cadmium intake and immune responses in the gut: intestinal inflammation and immune priming of mesenteric lymph nodes
M. Ninkov1, A. Popov Aleksandrov1, J. Demenesku1, I. Mirkov1, D. Mileusnic1, M. Tolinacki2, L. Zolotarevski3, D. Kataranovski1,4, I. Brceski5, M. Kataranovski1,6;
Department of Ecology, Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute of Molecular Genetics and Genetic Engineering, Laboratory for Molecular
Microbiology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Institute of Pathology, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, 4Faculty of Biology, Institute of Zoology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia,
Faculty of Chemistry, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 6Institute of Physiology and Biochemistry, Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.B.35.05 Zonulin level correlates with density of enteroviruses and tolerogenic dendritic cells in small bowel mucosa in celiac disease patients
T. Vorobjova1, H. Raikerus1, O. Uibo2, K. Heilman3, R. Uibo1;
University of Tartu, Department of Immunology, Institute of Biomedicine and Translational Medicine, Tartu, Estonia, 2Department of Pediatrics, University of Tartu; Childrens Clinic of Tartu University
Hospital, Tartu, Estonia, 3Department of Pediatrics, University of Tartu; Tallinns Childrens Hospital, Tartu, Estonia.
P.B.35.06 Chemerin is an antimicrobial agent in mouse skin
A. Zegar1, M. Banas1, B. Zabel2, J. Cichy1;
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biochemistry, Biophysics and Biotechnology, Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland, 2Palo Alto Veterans Institute for Research, VA Palo Alto Health Care System,
Palo Alto, CA, United States.
P.B.35.07 Influence of the microbiome in regulating ConA-induced-liver injury
B. Schiller1, C. Wegscheid1, A. Rehman2, A. Horst1, P. Rosenstiel2, G. Tiegs1;
Institute of Experimental Immunology and Hepatology, Hamburg, Germany, 2Institute of Clinical Molecular Biology, Kiel, Germany.
P.B.35.08 Langerhans cells (CD1a and CD207), dermal dendrocytes (FXIIIa) and plasmacytoid dendritic cells (CD123) in skin lesions of leprosy patients
J. A. Quaresma1,2, H. Fuzii1, K. Hirai1,2, T. Aaaro1,2, L. Mota1,2, J. Sousa1;
Federal University of Para, Belem, Brazil, 2State University of Para, Belem, Brazil.
P.B.35.09 Re-examining urban endotoxins: abundance and inflammatory capacity in polluted air
S. A. Moretti, E. Oerlemans, S. Lebeer;
University of Antwerp, Antwerpen, Belgium.
P.B.35.10 Abnormal humoral immune response to oral antigens casein and ovalbumin in complement C3-deficient patients
P. T. Pekkarinen1, M. Helminen2, S. Meri1,3, H. Jarva1,3, T. P. Arstila1;
Haartman Institute and Research Programs Unit, Immunobiology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2The Paediatric Research Centre, Tampere University and University Hospital, Tampere, Finland,
HUSLAB and Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.
P.B.35.11 MyD88 signaling in dendritic and intestinal epithelial cells is sufficient for protection against intestinal bacterial infection
C. Friedrich1, P. Mamareli1, Z. Wang1, S. Hagemann1,2, T. Sparwasser1, M. Lochner1;
Institute of Infection Immunology, Twincore, Hannover, Germany, 2Institute for Infectious Diseases, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
P.B.35.12 Characterization of the mouse NKC-encoded intestine-specific glycoprotein Clr-a
E. Rutkowski, S. Leibelt, A. Steinle;
Institute for Molecular Medicine, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
P.B.35.13 Rapid activation of the mTOR pathway in human resident lamina propria macrophages during the initiation of intestinal inflammation
J. Gras1, A. Heninger1, F. Lasitschka1, M. Dinkelacker2, G. Wabnitz1, M. Al Saeedi1, B. Jocher1, T. Giese1, S. Meuer1, J. Schrder-Braunstein1;
University Hospital Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, 2DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.B.35.14 Laminin-derived peptides are involved in inflammation, wounding and skin infections
I. Aschermann1, G. Klein2, H. Kalbacher2, B. Schittek1;
Department of Dermatology, University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany, 2University of Tbingen, Tbingen, Germany.
P.B.35.15 Basolateral sphingosine-1-phosphate regulates barrier function in polarized intestinal epithelial cells
E. Fuerst, S. C. Diesner, S. Exenberger, E. Untersmayr;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.35.17 Spatiotemporal Interplay of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus and Respiratory Mucosal Cells Drives Viral Dissemination in Rhesus Macaques
L. Liu, K. Nishiura, J. Peng, Z. Chen;
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.

96 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.35.18 Delineating the role of indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase-1 in the pathogenesis of staphylococcal superantigen-induced toxic Shock syndrome using humanized mice
T. Rutherford, G. Rajagopalan;
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN, United States.
P.B.35.19 Parvalbumin and matrix components from Atlantic cod induce differential gene expression of cytokines and chemokines in intestinal and airway epithelia
T. Kalic1, I. Ellinger1, E. Waltl2, V. Niederberger2, H. Breiteneder1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

P.B.36 Immuneregulation at Barrier Sites - Part 2

Chairpersons: Maureen McGargill; Memphis, United States / Per Brandtzaeg; Oslo, Norway

P.B.36.01 The protective effect of the skin barrier against bacterial infection is influenced by its microbiota and the interplay of bacteria and host-derived bioactive peptides
M. S. Burian, B. Kraft, B. Schittek;
University Hospital Tbingen Detartment of Dermatology, Tbingen, Germany.
P.B.36.02 A broncho-epithelial co-culture model to study mucosal defense after Bordetella Pertussis booster vaccination in children 4 year of age
M. A. Schijf, A. M. Buisman, G. A. Berbers, F. R. van der Klis;
National Institute for Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, Netherlands.
P.B.36.03 The prognostic value of the neutrophil / lymphocyte ratio in patients with snake bites for clinical outcomes and complications
B. Baykal1, B. Elbey2, U. C. Yazgan3;
Dicle University, Faculty of Medicine,Departments of Medical Biology & Genetics, Diyarbakr, Turkey, 2Dicle Univercity, Faculty of Medicine. Department of Immunology, Diyarbakr, Turkey, 3Dicle Univercity,
Faculty of Medicine. Department of Physiology, Diyarbakr, Turkey.
P.B.36.04 Elevated expression of programmed cell death-1 antigen on the surface of T lymphocytes in patients with idiopathic dilated cardiomyopathy
D. Stettner-Leonkiewicz, E. Grywalska, J. Rolinski, A. Wysokinski;
Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland.
P.B.36.05 Anti-inflammatory Immune Regulation by Anionic Phospholipids in nARDS
S. Kupsch1, D. Spengler2, M. Krause2, S. Schtze3, H. Fehrenbach4, A. B. Schromm1;
Division of Immunobiophysics, Research Center Borstel, Borstel, Germany, 2Center for Pediatrics, University Hospital, Kiel, Germany, 3Institute of Immunology, Christian-Albrechts-University, Kiel,

Germany, 4Division of Experimental Pneumology, Research Center Borstel, Borstel, Germany.

P.B.36.06 The gut barrier failure in indometacin model of intestinal injury is dependent on type of colonization
M. Hornova1, Z. Zakostelska1, H. Tlaskalova-Hogenova1, T. Hudcovic2, H. Drasarova1, K. Klimesova1, J. Malkova1, M. Kverka1;
Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR, Novy Hradek, Czech Republic.
P.B.36.07 Lysate of Lactobacillus casei DN-114 001 strengthen the gut barrier function in mice
Z. Zakostelska1, M. Kverka1, K. Klimesova1, P. Rossmann1, J. Mrazek2, J. Kopecny2, M. Hornova1, D. Srutkova3, T. Hudcovic3, J. Ridl4, H. Tlaskalova-Hogenova1;

Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Animal Physiology and Genetics of the ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic, 3Institute of Microbiology of the ASCR, Novy Hradek,
Czech Republic, 4Institute of Molecular Genetics of the ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.B.36.08 Deciphering the intestinal microbiota-driven modulation of regulatory T cells responses using a functional metagenomic approach
N. Lapaque, C. Martin-Gallausiaux, T. Santos-Lacerda, A. Cultrone, F. Ledue, T. de Wouters, J. Dor, H. Blottiere;
INRA, MICALIS UMR1319, Jouy-en-Josas, France.
P.B.36.09 Unravelling the dynamics of mucosal immune response during Clostridium difficile infection
I. Marszalowska1, M. Lynch1, A. Ravida2, C. E. Loscher1;
Immunomodulation Laboratory, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland, 2Parasite Immunomodulation Laboratory, Dublin City University, Dublin, Ireland.
P.B.36.10 Investigation of the relation between anaerobic bacteria genus Clostridium and late-onset autism etiology in children
R. Kesli1, C. Gkcen2, U. Bulu3, Y. Terzi4;
Department of Medical Microbiology , School of Medicine, Afyon Kocatepe University, Afyonkarahisar, Turkey, 2Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, School of Medicine, Gaziantep University,
Gaziantep, Turkey, 3Department of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, Konya Education and Research Hospital, Konya, Turkey, 4Department of Statistics, Faculty of Arts and Sciences, Ondokuz Mays
University, Samsun, Turkey.
P.B.36.11 Methanoarchaea as part of the human microbiota: Friends or Foes?
C. Bang1,2, K. Weidenbach2, T. Gutsmann1, H. Heine1, R. A. Schmitz2;
Research Center Borstel, Borstel, Germany, 2Christian-Albrechts-University Kiel, Kiel, Germany.
P.B.36.12 Alteration of gut microbiota affects tumor development in the mouse model of inflammation-related tumorigenesis
K. Klimesova1,2, J. Malkova1, M. Kverka1,3, H. Tlaskalova - Hogenova1;
Institute of Microbiology, ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Molecular Genetics ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic, 3Institute of Experimental Medicine ASCR, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.B.36.14 Deriving germfree zebrafish larvae to study the impact of the microbiota on the innate immune response to bacterial infection
A. C. King, R. Lawrence, I. McGonnell;
Royal Veterinary College, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.36.15 Role of anti-oxidative stress pathways for T cell differentiation and intestinal immune regulation in neuroinflammation
A. Hammer1, S. Jrg1, A. Haghikia2, D. Lee1, R. Gold2, R. A. Linker1;
University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2St. Josef Hospital Bochum/Ruhr-University Bochum, Bochum, Germany.
P.B.36.16 Studying the effect of the skin microbiome on the barrier properties of human keratinocytes
B. S. Bolla1, G. Tax1, L. Erdei1, E. Urbn2, L. Kemny1,3, K. Szab3;
Department of Dermatology and Allergology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 2Institute of Clinical Microbiology, University of Szeged, Szeged, Hungary, 3MTA-SZTE Dermatological Research
Group, Szeged, Szeged, Hungary.
P.B.36.17 Dysregulation of ERK signaling in CD4-expressing cells induces osteochondromas
M. Wehenkel1, M. Corr2, C. Guy1, B. A. Edwards1, C. Calabrese1, G. Pages3, J. Pouyssegur3, P. Vogel1, S. Hedrick2, M. A. McGargill1;
St. Jude Childrens Research Hospital, Memphis, TN, United States, 2University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA, United States, 3Institute for Research of Cancer & Aging (IRCAN), University of Nice
Sophia-Antipolis, Nice, France.
P.B.36.18 The participation of the urokinase-type plasminogen activator on inflammatory cell migration
B. R. C. Costa1,2, J. P. Vago1,2,3, A. F. Carmo1,2, L. C. Oliveira4, L. P. Tavares1,2, K. M. Lima1,2,3, A. S. Barbosa2, B. F. Brasil4, L. S. Barcelos2, C. A. Bonjardim4, M. M. Teixeira2, L. P. Sousa1,2;
Clinical and Toxicological Analysis Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 2Immunopharmacology Laboratory, Biochemistry and Immunology
Department, Institute of Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 3Post-Graduation Program on Cell Biology, Morphology Department, Institute of Biological
Sciences, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 4Microbiology Department, Institute of Biological Sciences, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

P.B.37 Cytokines in Regulation of Disease

Chairpersons: Tobias Bopp; Mainz, Germany / Wenling Wang; Beijing, China (tbc)

P.B.37.01 MERS-CoV ORF4b inhibits the type I interferon signaling pathway through direct interaction with IKK and TBK1 as well as enforces in the nucleus
W. Tan, Y. Yang, Y. Deng, W. Wang;
National Institute for Viral Disease Control and Prevention, China CDC, Beijing, China.
P.B.37.02 PD-L1 controls the Th1 immune response in experimental Glomerulonephritis
A. Ostmann1, H. Paust2, U. Panzer2, G. Tiegs1;
Experimental Immunology and Hepatology, University Medical Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2III.Medical Clinic, University Medical Clinic Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.B.37.03 Saffron aqueous extract (Crocus sativus L.) attenuate TNF- and IL-6 in STZ-induced diabetic rat aorta
S. Samarghandian, M. Azimi-Nezhad;
Neyshabur University of Medical Sciences, Neyshabur, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.37.04 The Role of Previous Thyroid State in T-cell Mediated Immunity and Chemotherapy Response in New Cases of Tuberculosis
D. O. Butov1, S. O. Cherenko2, S. L. Matveyeva1, O. S. Shevchenko1, I. M. Kalmikova3;
Kharkiv National Medical University, Kharkiv, Ukraine, 2National Institute of Phthisiology and Pulmonology after named F.G.Yanovsky of Ukrainian NAMS, Kiev, Ukraine, 3Kharkiv Regional Antituberculosis
Dispensary N 1, Kharkiv, Ukraine.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.37.05 LPS-induced TNF- production is governed by SFKs in PBMC of patients with Behets disease
S. Irtegun, M. F. Turkcu, Z. M. Akkurt, S. Kalkanl, M. Bozkurt;
Dicle University, Diyarbakr, Turkey.
P.B.37.06 Atypical chemokine receptor ACKR4 regulates the formation of lymphoid aggregates in a model of tertiary lymphoid organ formation in the salivary glands
J. Campos1, B. Lucas2, S. Nayar1, K. Toellner2, C. D. Buckley1, A. Rot3, F. Barone1;
Centre for Translational Inflammation Research, School of Immunity and Infection, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2School of Immunity
and Infection, College of Medical and Dental Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 3Centre for Immunology and Infection, Department of Biology, University of York, York,
United Kingdom.
P.B.37.07 A dysregulated IFN-+ memory T helper cell subpopulation in NZB/W F1 Lupus prone mice exhibits features of a partially exhausted phenotype
A. Abajyan1, M. Venzke1, T. Scheel1, T. Lischke1, G. Riemekasten2, R. Baumgrass1;
German Rheumatism Research Center (DRFZ), Berlin, Germany, 2Charit University Medicine Berlin, Berlin, Germany.
P.B.37.08 STAT5 activation in Systemic Lupus Erythematosus
S. S. Meshaal, R. E. El Hawary, A. El Saie, R. El Refai;
Faculty of Medicine, Cairo University, Cairo, Egypt.
P.B.37.09 Cytokine production in winter sports elite athletes with various body and muscle mass
R. Khanferyan1, R. Radzhabkadiev1, T. Solntseva1, V. Sjomin1, N. Fedjanina1, A. Samoilov2, J. Dorofeeva1;
Institute of Nutrition, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Center of Sport Medicine FMBA, Moscow, Russian Federation.

P.B.37.10 STAT1 and STAT1 in vivo: a delicate balance during innate immunity?
M. Parrini1, C. Semper1, A. Puga1, C. Lassnig1,2, N. R. Leitner1, K. Lorenz1, T. Decker3, M. Mller1,2, B. Strobl1;
Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Biomodels Austria, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 3Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University
of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.37.11 Season dependent changes in the expression of protein kinase C isoenzymes in the mononuclear cells of a pateint with acut systemic lupus erythematosus and in
her parents
S. Sipka, B. Brgos, G. Czifra, Z. Griger, N. Balogh, T. Tarr, T. Br, M. Zeher;
University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary.
P.B.37.12 T cell subsets and cytokines in selected acute crisis states
B. O. Musa, G. C. Onyemelukwe;
Immunology Unit, Department of Medicine, A.B.U.Teaching hospital, Zaria, Nigeria.
P.B.37.14 Immune-related protein signature in pseudosynovial tissue from patients with various stages of periprosthetic osteolysis in total knee arthroplasty
T. Dyskova1, J. Gallo2, P. Schneiderova1, R. Fillerova1, E. Kriegova1;
Dept. of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2Dept. of Orthopaedics, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University and University
Hospital, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
P.B.37.15 T-regulatory profile of mRNA gene expression in chronic inflammatory arthritides

L. Miteva1, I. Manolova2, M. G. Ivanova3, R. Stoilov3, S. A. Stanilova1;

Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Department of Molecular Biology, Immunology and Medical genetics, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 2Trakia University, Medical Faculty, Stara Zagora, Bulgaria, 3Clinic of
Rheumatology, University Hospital, Medical University, Sofia, Bulgaria.
P.B.37.16 Targeting Thymic Stromal Lymphopoietin in Airway Epithelium Alleviated Inflammation Through CCL17 in A Murine Asthma Model
Y. L. Chen1, B. L. Chiang1,2;
Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.B.37.17 Cytokine spectrum shows an individual pattern in patients with undifferentiated arthritis and differs from healthy controls
E. Brzustewicz1, I. Henc1, A. Daca1, M. Szarecka2, M. Sochocka- Bykowska2, E. Bryl1;
Medical University of Gdask, Gdask, Poland, 2Voivodal Rheumatology Hospital, Sopot, Poland.
P.B.37.18 Activation of immune splenocytes response to venom components: in vivo and ex vivo murine models
H. Saidi, D. Khemili, c. Saidani, F. Laraba-Djebari, D. Hammoudi-Triki;
University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumdine, Algiers, Algeria.
P.B.37.19 Characteristic of immune response during herpes simplex virus infection in childhood
H. M. Stamenkovic, L. Saranac, L. Brankovic, R. Milicevic, B. Kamenov;
Clinic of Pediatric, Nis, Serbia.
P.B.37.20 IL-17AF signaling deficient mice show spontaneous infections with Staphylococcus aureus concomitant with expanded populations of T cells
S. Moos1, A. P. Heinen1, T. Regen1, S. Voglis1, K. El Malki1, F. Wanke1, I. Prinz2, A. Diefenbach3, A. Waisman1, F. C. Kurschus1;
Institute for Molecular Medicine, Mainz, Germany, 2Institute of Immunology, Hannover, Germany, 3Institute for Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Mainz, Germany.
P.B.37.21 Early growth response gene (Egr) 2 and 3 regulate interferon gamma expression in activated CD4 T cells by controlling Tbet activity
R. Singh1, T. Miao2, A. J. Symonds2, B. Omodho1, S. Li1, P. Wang2;
Brunel University London, College of Health and Life Science, Heinz Wolff, Uxbridge, London, United Kingdom, 2Barts and the London School of Medicine and Dentistry, Blizzard Institute, Queen Mary
University of London, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.37.22 Investigating genetic polymorphisms in relation to asymptomatic Clostridium difficile infection
R. Biggart, S. Caserta, M. Llewelyn;
Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Brighton, United Kingdom.
P.B.37.23 Conditional IL1R1 deficient mice
W. Abdulaal, R. Costello, C. Walker, E. Pnteaux, W. Muller;
Faculty of Life Science, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.B.37.24 Acute inflammation is diminished in mice eating western diet
A. Kielland1, O. A. Haabeth2, H. Carlsen1;
Norwegian University of Life Sciences, Aas, Norway, 2University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital Rikshospitalet, Oslo, Norway.

P.B.37.25 Association of IL-10 gene polymorphism with diabetic nephropathy in patients from the western Mexico
L. E. Chavarria Buenrostro1, J. G. Macias-Barragan2, J. F. Muoz Valle3, J. Hernandez Bello4, P. E. Snchez Hernndez5, M. G. Ramrez Dueas6, J. Armendariz Borunda7, N. Torres Carrillo3, N. M. Torres
Carrillo3, T. Garca Iglesias6, M. Montoya Buelna6;
Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, 2Departamento de Ciencias Naturales y Exactas, Cu Valles, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, 3Instituto de Investigacin en Ciencias
Biomdicas, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, 4Instituto de investigacin en ciencias biomdicas, centro universitario de ciencias de la salud,
Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, 5Laboratorio de Inmunologa, departamento de Fisiologa, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico,
Laboratorio de Inmunologa, Departamento de Fisiologa, Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico, 7Departamento de Biologa Molecular y Genmica,
Centro Universitario de Ciencias de la Salud, Universidad de Guadalajara, Guadalajara, Mexico.

P.B.38 Allergen Specific Immune Response - Part 3

Chairpersons: Edward Knol; Utrecht, Netherlands / Eva Sverremark-Ekstrom; Stockholm, Sweden

P.B.38.01 Contact sensitizers alter CD1-specific immunity

R. J. Betts1, S. Mahapatra2, S. Martinozzi Teissier2, G. De Libero3,4, L. Mori4;
LOreal Research and Innovation, Singapore, Singapore, 2LOreal Research and Innovation, Aulnay-sous-Bois, France, 3Department of Biomedicine, University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland,
Singapore Immunology Network, Agency for Science, Technology and Research, Singapore, Singapore.
P.B.38.02 CD23 density on B cells is an important parameter for IgE facilitated allergen presentation and allergen-specific T cell activation
R. Selb1, J. Eckl-Dorna1, A. Neunkirchner2, W. F. Pickl2, R. Valenta3, V. Niederberger1;
Department of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna,

Vienna, Austria, 3Divison of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,

98 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.38.03 Modulation of IgA and IgG immunoreactivity to gliadin and glutenin by sprouting and steeping of wheat kernels
M. Zrnic Ciric1, S. Zilic2, I. Stankovic1, M. Jankovic2, J. Antic-Stankovic3, A. Konic Ristic4;
Department of Bromatology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Department of Food Technology and Biochemistry, Maize Research Institute, Belgrade-Zemun, Serbia,
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 4Centre of Research Excellence in Nutrition and Metabolism, Institute for Medical Research,
University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.B.38.04 Recombinant species-specific FcRI alpha chain proteins for allergy diagnosis of dogs, cats and horses
L. Einhorn1,2, J. Fazekas1,2, M. Muhr1,2, A. Schoos1,2, L. Panakova3, I. Herrmann3, K. Manzano-Szalai1, K. Oida1,4, E. Fiebiger5, J. Singer2, E. Jensen-Jarolim1,2;
Comparative Medicine, Messerli Reasearch Institute, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Pathophysiology and Allergy Reasearch, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department for Companion
Animals and Horses, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Laboratory of Veterinary Molecular Pathology and Therapeutics, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Tokyo,
Japan, 5Division of Gastroenterology and Nutrition, Boston Childrens Hospital and Department of Pediatrics, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, United States.
P.B.38.05 Sensitization patterns of buckwheat-allergic patients
S. Pfeifer1, P. Dubiela1, A. C. Pedersen2, M. Bublin1, R. Aina1, P. Humeniuk1, C. Bindslev-Jensen2, C. Gotthard Mrtz2, K. Hoffmann-Sommergruber1;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Odense University Hospital, Odense, Denmark.
P.B.38.06 Dissection of specific IgG responses with recombinant house dust mite allergens reveals that poor effect of specific immunotherapy is due to failure of blocking
antibody induction towards certain allergens
K. Chen1, R. Zieglmayer2, P. Zieglmayer2, P. Lemell2, F. Horak2, R. Valenta1, S. Vrtala1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Vienna
Challenge Chamber, Allergy Center Vienna West, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.38.07 Novel cassette vectors for the targeted expression of HLA class II molecules for presentation of human-relevant allergens in murine models of allergy
B. Kratzer1, A. Neunkirchner1, R. Naumann2, W. F. Pickl1;
Institute of Immunology; Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology; Medical University, Vienna, Austria, 2Max Planck Institute of Molecular Cell Biology and Genetics; Transgenic Core
Facility; Dresden, Dresden, Austria.
P.B.38.08 The placement of novel in-vitro diagnostic tests in Hymenoptera sting allergy diagnosis
J. elb, M. Konik, M. ilar, P. Koroec;
University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Golnik, Slovenia.
P.B.38.09 IgE and IgG subclasses to Gal in meat-allergic patients
D. Kollmann1,2, C. Ebner3, W. Emminger4, A. Mangold1, H. J. Ankersmit1, B. Bohle2;
Department of Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Allergy Clinic Reumannplatz,
Vienna, Austria, 4Allergy Clinic Rennweg, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.38.10 Exacerbation of allergic asthma by Moraxella catarrhalis infection is mediated by IL-17
S. Alnahas1, U. Steinhoff1, H. Garn2, S. Hagner3;
Institut fr Med.Mikrobiologie, Marburg, Germany, 2Institute for Laboratory Medicine and Pathobiochemistry, Molecular Diagnostics,, Marburg, Germany, 3Institute for Laboratory Medicine and
Pathobiochemistry, Molecular Diagnostics, Marburg, Germany.
P.B.38.11 Towards establishing an adoptive transfer model for initiation and progression of allergic airways hyperresponsiveness in humanized allergy mice

B. Srinivasan, A. Neunkirchner, W. F. Pickl;
Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.38.12 Suppressive effects of Hsp70 on activated neutrophils in allergic airway inflammation
M. A. Shevchenko1, N. I. Troyanova1, A. M. Posyovskaya1,2, E. A. Servuli1,3, A. M. Sapozhnikov1;
Shemyakin and Ovchinnikov Institute of Bioorganic Chemistry RAS, Moscow, Russian Federation, 2Lomonosov Moscow State University, Moscow, Russian Federation, 3Pirogov Russian National Research
Medical University, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.B.38.13 The immune response against major grass pollen allergen Phl p 5 in non-allergic humans
A. Isakovic1, C. Hillebrand1, G. Fichtinger1, M. Danzer2, C. Gabriel2, T. Thalhamer1, S. Scheiblhofer1, J. Thalhamer1, R. Weiss1;
University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria, 2Red Cross Blood Transfusion Service, Linz, Austria.

P.B.38.14 Diagnostic challenges in patients with perennial rhinitis

M. Kacar, M. ilar, R. Eren, P. Kopa, K. Jenko, T. Sokli, I. Kern, P. Koroec, M. Zidarn;
University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Golnik, Slovenia.
P.B.38.15 Birch pollen-allergic patients have increased serum levels of the chemokines CCL11, CCL17, CCL22, CXCL9, CXCL10 and decreased serum levels of CXCL1 out of the
pollen season
T. G. Batsalova, Z. B. Kostova, D. A. Moten, I. I. Teneva, B. M. Dzhambazov;
Plovdiv University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
P.B.38.16 Isolation and characterization of an IgG-derived ScFv specific for the major birch pollen allergen Bet v 1 from a healthy donor immunized with hypoallergenic Bet v
1 fragments: High affinity binding despite germline configuration - challenging the principle of affinity maturation
E. Gadermaier1, K. Marth1, K. Blatt2, C. Lupinek1, U. Roder3, M. Focke-Tejkl1, S. Vrtala1, P. Valent2, R. Valenta1, S. Flicker1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna General Hospital,
Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology, Department of Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna General Hospital, Vienna, Austria, 3GE Healthcare Europe GmbH,
Freiburg, Germany.
P.B.38.17 Diagnostics of specific IgE-antibodies to the apple and orange allergens
O. Prylutskyi, K. Tkachenko, N. Abylgazinova;
Department of Clinical Immunology, Allergology and Endocrinology, Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine.
P.B.38.18 Adaptive IgE effector mechanisms can increase the resistance of mice to Russells viper venom
P. Starkl, T. Marichal, N. Gaudenzio, L. L. Reber, R. Sibilano, M. Tsai, S. J. Galli;
Stanford University School of Medicine, Stanford, CA, United States.
P.B.38.19 Development of sandwich ELISAs for the quantification of clinically relevant house dust mite allergens
A. Rodrguez, Y. Resch, M. Curin, H. Huang, S. Banerjee, R. Valenta, S. Vrtala;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Division of Immunopathology, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology. Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.38.20 The particularities of ragweed pollen allergy within the sensitization patterns of patients allergic to inhaled allergens
C. Panaitescu, L. Marusciac, P. T. Tamas;
University of Medicine and Pharmacy Victor Babes Timisoara, Timisoara, Romania.
P.B.38.21 Effectiveness of molecular diagnostics in the context of polyvalent sensitization
M. Lomikovska, S. Zubchenko;
Lviv medical university, Lviv, Ukraine.
P.B.38.22 Changes in intestinal intraepithelial lymphocytes in an oral sensitization model in rats
M. Camps-Bossacoma1,2, M. Abril-Gil1,2, M. Massot-Cladera1,2, . Franch1,2, F. Prez-Cano1,2, M. Castell1,2;
Physiology Department, Faculty of Pharmacy, University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 2Nutrition and Food Safety Research Institute (INSA-UB), Barcelona, Spain.
P.B.38.23 Antigenspecificity in a NOD-SCID IL-Rynull mice asthma model engrafted with hPBMC
M. Fhlinger1, P. Palamides2, J. Caesar2, M. Siebeck1, R. Gropp1;
Department of General Visceral Transplantation Vascular Thoracic Surgery, Hospital of the University of Munich, Munich, Germany, 2Veterinrwissenschaftliches Department, Gene center, Munich,

P.B.39 Tumor Immunity - Part 3

Chairpersons: Stephen Schoenberger; La Jolla, United States / Nicola Tamassia; Verona, Italy

P.B.39.01 Assess immune-oncology profile of allograft of spontaneous mouse tumors

H. Li, X. An, J. Liu, Z. Wang, J. Qu, J. Wery;
Crown Bioscience, Santa Clara, CA, United States.
P.B.39.02 B cells and their chemoattractant CXCL13 in tertiary lymphoid structures formation in the anti-breast cancer immune response
E. Migliori, C. Gu-Trantien, S. Garaud, L. Buisseret, H. Duvillier, J. Lodewyckx, L. Van Schoonwinkel, A. Boisson, C. Naveaux, C. Solinas, P. De Silva, K. Willard-Gallo;
Institut Jules Bordet - ULB, Bruxelles, Belgium.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 99
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.39.03 Improved systemic anti-tumor T cell responses induced by local high-dose radiotherapy in cancer patients
E. Muraro1, M. Trov2, E. Comaro1, A. Rizzo1, F. Colizzi1, D. Martorelli1, C. Furlan2, M. Berretta3, L. Militello3, A. Del Conte4, S. Spazzapan3, E. Minatel2, R. Dolcetti1;
Department of Translational Research, C.R.O. National Cancer Institute, Aviano (PN), Italy, 2Department of Radiation Oncology, C.R.O. National Cancer Institute, Aviano (PN), Italy, 3Department of
Medical Oncology, C.R.O. National Cancer Institute, Aviano (PN), Italy, 4Department of Medical Oncology, Santa Maria degli Angeli Hospital, Pordenone, Italy.
P.B.39.05 Bladder tumor-derived exosomes inhibited the cytotoxicity of primary natural killer cells
Q. Li, T. Huyan, Y. wang, Q. Huang;
Key laboratory for space bioscience and space biotechnology, school of life sciences, Northwestern p, Xian, China.
P.B.39.06 Immunomodulatory effects of hemagglutinin-modified A20 B-cell lymphoma expanded as a brain tumor on adoptively transferred hemagglutinin-specific CD4+ T
R. M. Moriev1, V. P. Shichkin1,2;
Research Center of Immunology and Biomedical Technologies, Open International University of Human Development Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine, 2Department of Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering,
Whiting School of Engineering, Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States.
P.B.39.08 Malignant melanoma rejection by ICER deficient mice
T. Bohn, A. Ulges, T. Brhl, M. Klein, N. Stergiou, S. Dietzen, E. Schmitt, T. Bopp;
Institute for Immunology, Mainz, Germany.
P.B.39.09 Activation of the adaptor Stimulator of Interferon Genes (STING) attenuates anti-tumor immune responses in mice
H. Lemos, E. Mohamed, L. Huang, R. Ou, A. L. Mellor;
Georgia Regents University, Augusta, GA, United States.
P.B.39.10 Characterization of Cancer Associated Fibroblasts and the investigation of their contribution on mechanisms of immune evasion in a rat chemical breast
carcinoma model
G. Gunaydin, D. Guc;
Hacettepe University Cancer Institute, Ankara, Turkey.
P.B.39.11 Chimeric weapon: is it neoplastic Armageddon time?
H. R. Mirzaei1, H. Mirzaei2, J. Hadjati1;
Deaprtment of Immunology, School of Medicine, Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Medical Biotechnology, School of Medicine, Mashhad University of
Medical Sciences, Mashhad, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.B.39.14 LAP TGF-beta subset of CD4+CD25+CD127- Treg cells is increased and overexpresses LAP TGF-beta in lung adenocarcinoma patients
L. Islas-Vazquez, H. Prado-Garcia, D. Aguilar-Cazares, M. Meneses-Flores, M. Galicia-Velasco, S. Romero-Garcia, C. Camacho-Mendoza, J. S. Lopez-Gonzalez;
Instituto Nacional de Enfermedades Respiratorias Ismael Cosio Villegas, Mexico City, Mexico.
P.B.39.15 Pleural effusion CD8+ T cells from lung cancer patients express higher levels of PD-1 but do not show an exhausted phenotype
H. Prado-Garcia, S. Romero-Garcia, C. Parache-Facio, A. Osorio-Ochoa, U. Rumbo-Nava, J. Lopez-Gonzalez;
National Institute of Respiratory Diseases, Mexico City, Mexico.
P.B.39.17 CEA-specific T cells are associated with tumour recurrence in patients with colorectal cancer

D. F. Costa Bento1, M. Scurr1, C. Brown1, G. Betts2, A. Gallimore1, A. Godkin1,3;

Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom, 2Oxford University, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3University Hospital Wales, Cardiff, United Kingdom.
P.B.39.18 Impact of cancer senescent cells on the growth of murine tumours and anti-tumour immunity
I. tpnek, J. mov, R. Mikykov, G. Michlits, M. Indrov, O. Korolov, S. Hubkov, J. Brtek, Z. Hodn, M. Reini;
Institute of Molecular Genetics AS CR, v.v.i., Prague 4, Czech Republic.
P.B.39.19 3D coculture of cancer cells and dendritic cells in nanofibrous scaffold
T. Kim1,2, C. Kim1,3, H. Bae2, Y. Jeung4, J. Kwak1,3;
Immune-network Pioneer Research Center, Ajou University Medical Center, Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Physiology, College of Medicine, Dong-A University, Busan, Korea, Republic of,
Department of Pharmacology, School of Medicine Ajou University, Suwon, Korea, Republic of, 4School of Mechanical Engineering, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea, Republic of.
P.B.39.20 Response of monocyte - derived dendritic cells, pretreated with tissue conditioned media from colorectal carcinoma, to TLR-3 and TLR-7 agonists
S. R. Vasilijic1, M. Markovic2, D. Vucevic1, B. Bozic3, I. Rajkovic4, Z. Kostic5, S. Jankovic6, D. Mikic7, M. Colic8;
Institute for Medical Research, Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defense in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia, 3Faculty of

Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 4Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defense in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 5Clinic for General Surgery, Military Medical
Academy, Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defense in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 6University Childrens Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia, 7Clinic for Infectious and Tropical
Diseases, Military Medical Academy, Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defense in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 8Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy,
University of Defense in Belgrade, Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, Belgrade, Nis, Serbia.
P.B.39.21 TGF-1 polymorphisms may identify metastasis-prone patients with gastric adenocarcinoma
I. Juarez1, A. Guitierrez2, A. Blazquez2, E. Ovejero2, I. Lasa2, A. Lopez2, R. Gomez3, J. M. Martin-Villa1;
Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 2Servicio de Ciruga General y Aparato Digestivo Hospital Universitario Prncipe de Asturias, Alcala de Henares, Spain, 3Servicio de Ciruga General y
Aparato Digestivo Hospital Universitario Prncipe de Asturias, Alcala de Henarea, Spain.
P.B.39.23 Sox2 communicates with Tregs through Ccl1 to promotes the stemness property of breast cancer cells
Y. Xu1, Y. Ye1, X. Luo1, X. Li1, Y. Chen1, L. Wang1, Y. Liu1, P. Sun2, Y. Wei3, R. Xiang1,4,5, N. Li1,4,5;
School of Medicine, Nankai University, Tianjin, China, 2Departments of Cell and Molecular Biology, The Scripps Research Institute, 10550 N. Torrey Pines Rd., La Jolla, CA 92037, CA, United States, 3Sichuan
University, Chengdu, Sichuan, China, 4Tianjin Key Laboratory of Tumor Microenvironment and Neurovascular Regulation, Tianjin, China, 5Collaborative Innovation Center for Biotherapy, Nankai University,,
Tianjin, China.
P.B.39.24 Tissue conditioned media from colorectal carcinoma stimulate in an inverse dose-dependent manner accessory capacity of human monocyte - derived dendritic
S. Vasilijic1,2, D. Vucevic1,2, M. Markovic3, B. Bozic4, I. Rajkovic1, Z. Kostic1,5, S. Jankovic6, D. Mikic1,7, M. Colic1,3;
Faculty of Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defence, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Institute for Medical Research, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Faculty of Medicine, University
of Nis, Nis, Serbia, 4Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 5Clinic for General Surgery, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, 6University Childrens Hospital, Belgrade, Serbia,
Clinic for Infectious and Tropical Diseases, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.B.39.25 NK cell activation mediates protection against mesothelioma in a mouse model of viral infection
M. F. Mandour, J. P. Coutelier;
Unit of Experimental Medicine, De Duve Institute, Universit Catholique de Louvain, Brussels, Belgium.

P.B.40 Myelo- and Lymphoproliferative Disorders

Chairpersons: Antoine Toubert; Paris, France / Paolo Romania; Rome, Italy (tbc)

P.B.40.01 Defective NK cells in AML patients at diagnosis are associated with blasts transcriptional signatures of immune evasion and a poor clinical outcome
Z. Khaznadar1, S. Agaugue1, N. Boissel2, G. Henry1, M. Cheok3, J. Cayuela4, C. Preudhomme3, H. Dombret2, N. Dulphy1, A. Toubert1;
INSERM U1160, Universit Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris Cit; Laboratoire dImmunologie, Hpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP, Paris, France, 2Service dHmatologie Adulte, Hpital Saint-Louis, AP-HP, Universit
Paris Diderot, EA3518, Paris, France, 3INSERM, UMR-837; Universit de Lille, Laboratoire dHmatologie, Centre de Biologie-Pathologie CHRU Lille, Lille, France, 4Universit Paris Diderot Sorbonne Paris
Cit; Hpital Saint-Louis, Laboratoire dHmatologie Biologique, AP-HP, Paris, France.
P.B.40.02 Analysing pathogenic B-cell clonal dynamics
R. J. Bashford-Rogers1,2, A. Palser2, P. Kelllam2,3;
Department of Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 2Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 3Research Department of Infection, University College
London, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.40.03 Detection of somatic calreticulin mutations in patients with essential thrombocythemia with nonmutated-JAK2
R. de la Varga Martnez1, B. Rodrguez-Bayona2, F. Mora-Lpez1, A. Paz-Coll3;
Immunology Department. Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain, 2Biochemistry Department. Hospital Universitario Puerta del Mar, Cdiz, Spain, 3Hematology Department. Hospital
Universitario Puerto Real, Cdiz, Spain.
P.B.40.04 Changes in AID, Dicer and Drosha mRNA Levels in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia Patients with Chromosomal Deletions
M. Gelmez1, E. Coskunpinar2, G. Deniz1, M. Aktan3;
Istanbul University, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Department of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetic, Istanbul, Turkey,
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Hematology, Istanbul, Turkey.

100 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.40.05 The Role of mir-93 and mir-155 expressions in AID Regulation in Chronic Lymphocytic Leukemia
M. Gelmez1, E. Coskunpinar2, G. Deniz1, M. Aktan3;
Istanbul University, Institute of Experimental Medicine, Department of Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, 2Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Medical Genetic, Istanbul, Turkey,
Istanbul University, Istanbul Faculty of Medicine, Department of Hematology, Istanbul, Turkey.
P.B.40.06 T lymphocytes contribute to differentiation of leukemic stem cells and promote leukemia development
C. A. Ruckstuhl1, C. Riether1, A. F. Ochsenbein2;
Department of Clinical Research, University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland, 2Department of Medical Oncology, Inselspital, Bern University Hospital and University of Bern, Bern, Switzerland.
P.B.40.07 Investigation of ZAP-70 expression in chronic lymphocytic leukemia patients using flow cytometry
Z. Kohl1, H. Losonczy2, T. Berki1, F. Boldizsr1;
University of Pcs, CC, Department of Immunology and Biotechnology, Pcs, Hungary, 2University of Pcs, CC, 1st Department of Internal Medicine, Pcs, Hungary.
P.B.40.09 HLA polymorphism in Algerian children with lymphomas
A. Galleze1, R. Raache1, H. Amroun2, N. Cherif3, F. Meabih2, B. Mecheti2, M. Belhani3, A. Bensenouci3, M. Abbadi2, N. Attal2;
University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumdiene, Algiers, Algeria, 2Immunology Department, Pasteur Institute of Algeria (IPA), Algiers, Algeria, 3Department of Pediatrics B, CHU Beni Messous,

Algiers, Algeria.
P.B.40.10 Tissue biopsies retrieved from relapsed patients with Hodgkin lymphoma are characterized by low density of CD30+ Hodgkin-Reed-Sternberg cells and low
CD30:CD68 ratio
R. Cahlikova1, V. Prochazka2, Z. Prouzova3, T. Dyskova1, T. Papajik2, E. Kriegova1;
Dept. of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2Dept. of Hemato-Oncology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech
Republic, 3Dept. of Clinical and Molecular Pathology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
P.B.40.11 Contribution of serum free light chains measurement in Non Secretory Multiple Myeloma diagnosis among adult patients with hypogammaglobulinemia
I. Kakkas, S. Delibasi, K. Papageorgiou, N. Harhalakis, A. Tsirogianni;
Evaggelismos General Hospital, Athens, Greece.
P.B.40.13 CD84 regulates the interaction of CLL cells with their microenvironment and the ECM
M. P. Kramer, A. F. Barak, I. Sagi, I. Shachar;
Weizmann Institute of Science, Rehovot, Israel.
P.B.40.14 Funtional IL7R signaling in B-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia.
P. Fuentes1, S. Gonzlez-Garca1, A. Murcia1, J. Alcain1, M. Ramrez-Orellana2, M. L. Toribio1;
Centro de Biologa Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario del Nio Jess, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.40.15 The JAK2-STAT5 pathway as a novel therapeutic target in canine mastocytoma
A. Keller1, B. Peter1,2, S. Cerny-Reiterer1,2, M. Willmann3, P. Valent1,2, E. Hadzijusufovic1,2,3;
Ludwig-Boltzmann-Cluster Oncology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Internal Medicine I, Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 3Department of Companion Animals and Horses, Clinical Unit of Internal Medicine in Small Animals, University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.B.40.16 New prognostic biomarkers predicting progression in transplanted multiple myeloma patients

M. Espio1, A. Arteche2, S. Medina1, C. Muoz-Calleja2, M. Blanchard1, F. Lopez-Jimenez1, L. Villar1;
Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital La Princesa, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.40.18 Inhibition of BET bromodomain proteins increases NKG2D-ligand MICA expression and sensitivity to NK cell-mediated cytotoxicity in Multiple Myeloma cells: role
of cMYC/IRF4
M. Abruzzese1, C. Fionda1, A. Zingoni1, A. Soriani1, E. Vulpis1, R. Molfetta1, R. Paolini1, M. Ricciardi2, M. Petrucci2, A. Santoni1, M. Cippitelli1;
Dept. of Molecular Medicine, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy, 2Division of Hematology, Department of Cellular Biotechnologies and Hematology, Sapienza University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
P.B.40.19 Hematopoietic development from the Notched point of view
M. Antica1, I. Feliciello1, I. Kardum-Skelin2;
Ruer Bokovi Institute, Zagreb, Croatia, 2Klinicki bolnicki centar Merkur, Zagreb, Croatia.
P.B.40.20 Comparison of PIBF expression in normal peripheral blood cells and malignant haematological cell lines
G. Schilli1, B. Polgr1, G. Berta2;
University of Pcs, Department of Medical Microbiology and Immunology, Pcs, Hungary, 2University of Pcs, Department of Medical Biology, Pcs, Hungary.
P.B.40.22 Sphingosine-1-phosphate receptors are involved in cell migration in T-cell acute lymphoblastic leukemia/lymphoma
C. V. Messias, E. Santana-van-Vliet, J. P. Lemos, V. Cotta-de-Almeida, W. Savino, D. A. Mendes-da-Cruz;
Oswaldo Cruz Institution, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

P.B.41 Atherosclerosis and Cardiovascular Diseases

Chairpersons: Alexander Bobik; Dingley, Australia / Georg Wick; Innsbruck, Austria

P.B.41.01 B cells are atherogenic in atherosclerosis aggravated following Myocardial Infarction.

T. Kyaw1,2, P. Loveland1,2, P. Kanellakis1, A. Cao1,2, V. Deswaerte1,2, P. Tipping2, B. Toh2, A. Bobik1,3;
Baker IDI Heart and Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 2Centre for Inflammatory Diseases, Medicine, Monash University, Australia, 3Immnology, Monash University, Australia.
P.B.41.02 Migration of peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) into human healthy and diseased arteries in vitro
B. Jakic1, C. Krapf2, M. Buszko1, G. Cappellano1, M. Grimm2, G. Wick1;
Laboratory of Autoimmunity, Division of Experimental Pathophysiology and Immunology, Biocenter, Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 2Department of Cardiac Surgery, Medical University
Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.B.41.03 +3142 C>G HLA-G polymorphism as a genetic indicator for acurate cornonary artery disease
N. Kharrat1, R. Abdelhedi2, A. Ben Hassine3, N. Abdelmouleh4, L. Abid5, A. Rebai1, I. Zidi3;
Centre de Biotechnologie de Sfax, laboratory of microorganismes and biomolecules route Sidi Mansour, Sfax, Tunisia, 2Centre de Biotechnologie de Sfax, laboratory of microorganismes and biomolecules
route Sidi Mansour, Tunis, Tunisia, 3Laboratory Microorganismes et Biomolcules Actives, Sciences Faculty of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, 4Facult de Mdecine de Sfax, Laboratory of
Histology, Avenue Majida Bou Leila, Sfax, Tunisia, 5Hospital of Hedi chaker (CHU), Service de cardiologie,Route el Ain Km, Sfax, Tunisia.
P.B.41.04 An Obligatory Role for B Cells in the Development of Angiotensin II-dependent Hypertension
C. T. Christopher1, C. G. Sobey1,2, M. Lieu1, D. Ferens1, M. Kett3, H. Diep1, H. Kim1, S. M. Krishnan1, E. Salimova4, A. Vinh5, C. Samuel6, P. Tipping7, T. S. Kyaw8, B. Toh7, A. Bobik8;
Vascular Biology & Immunopharmacology Group, Department of Pharmacology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2Department of Surgery, School of Clinical Sciences, Monash Medical Centre,
Melbourne, Austria, 3Department of Physiology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 4Rosenthal Group, Australian Regenerative Medicine Institute, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
Cardiovascular Immunology Lab, Department of Pharmacology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 6Fibrosis Laboratory, Department of Pharmacology, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia,
Centre for Inflammatory Diseases, Department of Medicine, Southern Clinical School, Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 8Vascular Biology & Atherosclerosis Laboratory, Baker IDI Heart and
Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia.
P.B.41.05 Increased glycolytic capacity in CD16+ monocyte subset-derived M2 macrophages is linked to foam cell formation
M. Lee1, A. Murphy1, K. Woollard2, D. Henstridge1, D. Sviridov1, J. Chin-Dusting1;
Baker IDI Heart & Diabetes Institute, Melbourne, Australia, 2Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.41.06 Macrovascular involvement in autoimmune patients in correlation with autoantibodies presence
K. Tziomalos1, I. Gkougkourelas2, A. Sarantopoulos2, K. Tselios2, M. Pantoura2, E. Bekiari2, A. Hatzitolios1, P. Boura2;
Ahepa General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2Hippokration General Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece.
P.B.41.07 A lipid metabolite profile in atherosclerotic plaques associated with increased inflammation and cardiovascular risk
L. Tomas1, H. Bjrkbacka1, A. Edsfeldt1,2, A. Danielsson1, M. Wigren1, H. Grufman1,2, A. Persson1,2, C. Prehn3, J. Adamski3,4, J. Nilsson1, I. Gonalves1,2;
Department of Clinical Sciences, Lund University, Malm, Sweden, 2Department of Cardiology, Skne University Hospital, Malm, Sweden, 3Institute of Experimental Genetics, Helmholtz Zentrum
Mnchen, German Research Center, Neuherberg, Germany, 4Institute of Experimental Genetics, Life and Food Science Center Weihenstephan, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Freising-Weihenstephan,
P.B.41.08 Effect of pro-inflammatory cytokines on the generation of CD4+CD28null T cells in patients with myocardial infarction
J. Bullenkamp, I. Chhetri, J. Kaski, I. E. Dumitriu;
St. Georges University of London, London, United Kingdom.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 101
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.41.09 Interleukin-22 pathway in giant cell arteritis
S. Croci1, A. Zerbini1, F. Muratore2, L. Belloni1, F. Ciccia3, L. Boiardi2, E. Simonazzi1, A. Cavazza4, L. Cimino5, A. Moramarco5, A. Rizzo6, M. Parmeggiani1, C. Salvarani2;
Unit of Clinical Immunology, Allergy and Advanced Biotechnologies, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 2Unit of Rheumatology, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS, Reggio
Emilia, Italy, 3Unit of Rheumatology,Dipartimento Biomedico di Medicina Interna e Specialistiche, Universit di Palermo, Palermo, Italy, 4Unit of Pathology, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS, Reggio
Emilia, Italy, 5Unit of Ophthalmology, Arcispedale Santa Maria Nuova-IRCCS, Reggio Emilia, Italy, 6Unit of Pathology, Azienda Ospedaliera Ospedali Riuniti Villa Sofia-Cervello, Palermo, Italy.
P.B.41.10 Role of fractalkine receptor CX3CR1 in excess atherosclerotic inflammation in renal impairment
S. von Vietinghoff, S. Ge, J. Nordlohne, B. Hertel, H. Haller;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.B.41.11 Atorvastatin suppresses the oxLDL-induced maturation of human dendritic cells and inhibits the subsequent T cell activation
A. Liu, Y. Zhang, J. Sun, J. Frostegrd;
Institute of Environmental Medicine, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.41.12 Enhanced suppressive function of regulatory T-cells in patients with myocardial infarction
S. Dinkla, J. Kaski, I. Dumitriu;
St. Georges University London, London, United Kingdom.
P.B.41.13 Deficiency of Siglec-G protects from metabolically-induced inflammation
S. Gruber1,2, T. Hendrikx1,2,3, D. Tsiantoulas1,2, M. Ozsvar-Kozma1,2, L. Gderle1,2, L. Nitschke4, R. Shiri-Sverdlov3, C. J. Binder1,2;
CeMM Research Centre for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Laboratory Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of
Molecular Genetics, School of Nutrition and Translational Research in Metabolism (NUTRIM), Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 4Division of Genetics, Department of Biology, University of
ErlangenNuremberg, Erlangen, Germany.
P.B.41.14 Biomarkers in human atherosclerosis: serum IL-33 as a marker of plaque stability
B. Ljujic1, M. Stankovic1,2, I. Tanaskovic1, S. L. Mitrovic3, N. Pejnovic1, N. Arsenijevic1, M. L. Lukic1;
Center for Molecular Medicine, Faculty of Medical Sciences,University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 2Surgical clinic, Clinical center Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia, 3Department of Pathology, Faculty
of Medical Sciences, University of Kragujevac, Kragujevac, Serbia.
P.B.41.15 Advanced atherosclerosis is associated with systemic and end-organ inflammation, and vascular dysfunction but not hypertension in mice
Q. N. Dinh, S. Chrissobolis, H. Diep, C. T. Chan, D. Ferens, G. R. Drummond, C. G. Sobey;
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
P.B.41.16 N-Acetylcysteine protects against cardiac oxidative stress and mitochondrial dysfunction induced by isoproterenol
M. Izem, B. Djerdjouri;
University of Sciences and Technology Houari Boumediene (USTHB), Bab Ezzouar Alger., Algeria.
P.B.41.17 Pharmacological inhibition of IL-1 signalling reduces systolic blood pressure and expression of inflammatory markers in renal and vascular tissue in 1K/DOCA/salt
induced hypertension in mice
Y. Ling1, S. M. Krishnan1, C. T. Chan1, A. Mansell2, C. G. Sobey1, G. R. Drummond1;
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia, 2Monash Institute of Medical Research Prince Henrys Institute, Melbourne, Australia.

P.B.41.18 IL-25 has a protective role in experimental atherosclerosis via type 2 immune responses
P. T. Mantani1, P. Dunr1, E. Bengtsson1, A. N. McKenzie2, J. Nilsson1, H. Bjrkbacka1, G. Nordin Fredrikson1;
Department of Clinical Sciences, Skne University Hospital Malm, Lund University, Malm, Sweden, 2MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, United Kingdom.
P.B.41.19 Leukocyte overexpression of intracellular NAMPT attenuates atherosclerosis by regulating PPAR-dependent monocyte differentiation and function
B. Bermudez1, T. Dahl2, I. Medina3, P. Aukrust4, B. Halvorsen4, E. A. Biessen3;
Sevilla University, Sevilla, Spain, 2Oslo University, Oslo, Norway, 3Maastricht University, Maastricht, Netherlands, 4Oslo University Hospital, Oslo, Norway.
P.B.41.20 The role of complement properdin in fatty liver disease
R. Kheder;
University of Leicester, Leicester, United Kingdom.
P.B.41.21 Contribution of CD16-expressing monocytes to the pathophysiology of patients with MetS
I. Snchez-Vera1, M. C. Sdaba1, C. Garca de Durango1, R. Ortiz2, F. Vidal-Vanaclocha1, J. F. Varona3;
Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital de Madrid, Madrid, Spain, 3Hospital de Madrid. Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spain.

P.B.42 Immunity to Virus Infection - Part 3

Chairpersons: Malgorzata Krzyzowska; Warsaw, Poland / Peter Openshaw; London, United Kingdom

P.B.42.01 Titers of anti-CMV antibodies reflect intensity and frequency of virus reactivations
I. E. Maria, M. A. Moro Garca, M. E. lvarez-Argelles, M. L. Surez Fernndez, M. Rodrguez Garca, R. Alonso Arias;
Hospital Central De Asturias, Oviedo-Asturias, Spain.
P.B.42.02 Altered immune defense against human cytomegalovirus in APECED
I. Hetemki1, K. Hedman2,3, H. Jarva1,3, T. P. Arstila1;
Department of Immunology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2Department of Virology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 3Helsinki University Central Hospital, Helsinki, Finland.
P.B.42.03 Qualitative and quantitative analysis of bronchus-associated lymphoid tissue (BALT) formation on whole lung lobes by light-sheet microscopy
D. Mzinza, H. Fleige, R. Frster;
Institute of Immunology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.B.42.04 Monitoring of BKV-specific T-cell responses before and after kidney transplantation
E. Mutlu1,2, S. Koksoy1,2, D. Mutlu3, V. Ylmaz4,2, H. Kocak4,2, A. Dinckan5,2, G. Suleymanlar4,2, M. Gultekin1;
Department of Medical Microbiology, Division of Immunology, Akdeniz University School of Medicine, Antalya, Turkey, 2Transplantation Institute, Akdeniz University Medical Faculty, Antalya, Turkey,
Department of Medical Microbiology, Akdeniz University School of Medicine, Antalya, Turkey, 4Department of Internal Medicine, Division of Nephrology, Akdeniz University School of Medicine, Antalya,
Turkey, 5Department of General Surgery, Akdeniz University School of Medicine, Antalya, Turkey.
P.B.42.05 Identification of CD4 T cell epitope in hemagglutinin stalk of pandemic H1N1 virus and characterization of its antigen-driven T-cell repertoire
I. Lu, S. Farinelle, W. J. Faison, A. Sausy, C. P. Muller;
Department of Immunology, Luxembourg Institute of Health, Esch-sur-Alzette, Luxembourg.
P.B.42.06 IL-7 in-vitro treatment recovers HCV-specific CTL reactivity in chronic HCV infection through 4-1BB/TRAF1 co-stimulatory pathway restoration
E. Moreno-Cubero1,2, D. Subir3, E. Sanz-de-Villalobos1, J. Mquel1, A. Lzaro4, R. Borobia1, A. Gonzlez-Praetorius5, T. Parra-Cid6, J. R. Larrubia1,7;
Translational Hepatology Unit. Guadalajara University Hospital, Guadalajara, Spain, 2Department of Biology of Systems. University of Alcal, Madrid, Spain, 3Hematology Service. Guadalajara University
Hospital, Guadalajara, Spain, 4Hospital Pharmacy Service. Guadalajara University Hospital, Guadalajara, Spain, 5Microbiology Service. Guadalajara University Hospital, Guadalajara, Spain, 6Clinical
Analysis Service. Guadalajara University Hospital, Guadalajara, Spain, 7Department of Medicine and Medical Specialities. University of Alcal, Madrid, Spain.
P.B.42.07 Monitoring the Cytomegalovirus-specific cellular immunity in lung transplant recipients: A comparative analysis of two assay systems
H. Striebinger1, N. Kneidinger2, K. Bckl3, S. Barabas3, C. Neurohr2, H. Nitschko1, G. Jger1;
Max von Pettenkofer-Institut, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, Mnchen, Germany, 2Department of Internal Medicine V, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitt Mnchen, Mnchen, Germany, 3Lophius
Biosciences GmbH, Regensburg, Germany.
P.B.42.08 Coordinated expansion of both memory T- and NK-cells in response to CMV in human
C. Bayard1, H. Lepetitcorps1, A. Roux1, M. Larsen1, S. Fastenackels1, A. Marchant2, J. Boddaert3, F. Bajolle4, V. Appay1, D. Sauce1;
INSERM U1135, Cimi-Paris, Paris, France, 2Institute for Medical Immunology, Charleroi, Belgium, 3APHP, Service de Griatrie, Paris, France, 4Hpital Necker-Enfants malades, Paris, France.
P.B.42.09 Efficient generation of primary and memory immune responses to LCMV-WE in constitutively DC-ablated mice
C. Hilpert, S. Sitte, D. Vhringer;
Department of Infection Biology, University Hospital Erlangen and Friedrich-Alexander-University Erlangen-Nuremberg (FAU), Erlangen, Germany.
P.B.42.10 Monocyte viability, phagocytosis and bactericidal activity in bovine-leukemia virus-infected dairy cows
M. G. Blagitz1, F. N. Souza2, C. F. Batista1, L. F. Azevedo1, E. M. Sanchez3, A. M. Della Libera1;
Faculdade de Medicina Veterinria e Zootecnia - Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Escola de Veterinria - Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil, 3Instituto de Medicina
Tropical - Universidade de So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.

102 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.B.42.11 The correlation between disease severity and circulating levels of nitric oxide and cytokines in dengue patients
A. I. Fernandes1,2, C. M. Queiroz1,3,4, J. R. Souza1,5, F. R. Santos1, A. T. Vieira1, K. D. Amorim1, A. B. Sousa1, L. C. Alves3,4, F. A. Brayner3,4, M. T. Cordeiro3, D. N. Silva-Teixeira6, L. R. Castellano1,7;
Human Immunology Research and Education Group, Escola Tcnica de Sade da UFPB, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 2Division of Infectious Diseases, Hospital Universitrio
Lauro Wanderley, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil, 3Centro de Pesquisas Aggeu Magalhes, CPqAM/FIOCRUZ, Recife Pernambuco, Brazil, 4Laboratory of Immunopathology
Keizo Asami, Universidade Federal de Pernambuco, Recife Pernambuco, Brazil, 5Department of Physiology and Pathology, Center for Health Sciences, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba,
Brazil, 6Laboratory for Immunobiology and Cell Activation, ICS, Universidade Federal do Tringulo Mineiro, Uberaba Minas Gerais, Brazil, 7Post-graduation Program in Dental Sciences, Universidade Federal
da Paraba, Joo Pessoa Paraba, Brazil.
P.B.42.12 Dengue virus infection in humans elicits highly polarized cytotoxic CD4+ T cells as a function of HLA phenotype and infection history
D. Weiskopf1, D. J. Bangs1, J. Sidney1, R. V. Kolla1, A. D. de Silva2, A. de Silva3, S. Crotty1, B. Peters1, A. Sette1;
La Jolla Institute for Allergy and Immunolog, La Jolla, CA, United States, 2Genetech Research Institute, Colombo, Sri Lanka, 3University of North Carolina School of Medicine, Chapel Hill, NC, United States.
P.B.42.13 Study of the metabolism-based mechanism for DENV-2 subversion of immune responses
M. B. M. Bertha Maximina, O. Rodriguez-Espinosa, O. Rojas-Espinosa, S. Islas-Trujillo, F. J. Snchez-Garca;
Departamento de Inmunologa Escuela Nacional de Ciencias Biolgicas del IPN, Mexico, Mexico.
P.B.42.14 Enteroviral antibodies development pecularities in patients with cardiac pathology
O. Prylutskyi, Y. Zhdanyuk, D. Liesnichenko;
Donetsk National Medical University, Donetsk, Ukraine.
P.B.42.15 EBV prevalence and its impact on the B cell compartment in healthy children
C. Carvalho-Queiroz1, S. Saghafian-Hedengren2, I. Mayer1, B. Nussbaum1, T. Kjerstadius3, J. Persson4, M. Bemark5, C. Nilsson6,7, E. Sverremark-Ekstrm1;
Department of Molecular Biosciences, Wenner-Gren Institute (MBW), Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Department of Womens and Childrens Health, Astrid Lindgren Childrens Hospital,
Karolinska University Hospital, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Department of Clinical Microbiology, Central Hospital, Karlstad, Sweden, 4Department of Mathematics, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden,
Mucosal Immunology and Vaccine Center, Gothenburg University, Gothenburg, Sweden, 6Clinical Science and Education, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden, 7Sachs Childrens and Youth Hospital,
Stockholm, Sweden.
P.B.42.16 Detection and characterisation of human anti-AAV CD8+ T cells using MHC class I tetramer-associated magnetic enrichment
C. Vandamme1, L. Hesnard2, M. Devaux1, N. Jaulin1, M. Guilbaud1, J. Le Duff1, M. Bonneville2, P. Moullier1, X. Saulquin2, O. Adjali1;
Atlantic Gene Therapies/INSERM UMR 1089, Nantes, France, 2CRCNA/INSERM UMR 892, Nantes, France.
P.B.42.17 Tumor necrosis factor-alpha blockage therapy impairs hepatitis B viral clearance and enhances T cell exhaustion in a mouse model
P. Hsu, C. Sung;
Graduate Institute of Immunology, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.B.42.18 Hepatitis B virus causes mixed cryoglobulinemia by driving clonal expansion of innate B cells producing a VH1-69-encoded antibody
M. Del Padre1, S. Pascolini1, R. Marrapodi1, L. Todi1, M. Mitrevski1, A. De Santis2, M. Casato1, M. Fiorilli1, M. Visentini1;
Policlinico Umberto I, Department of Clinical Medicine, Division of Clinical Immunology, Rome, Italy, 2Policlinico Umberto I, Department of Clinical Medicine, Division of Gastroenterology and Hepatology,

Rome, Italy.

Track C Innate Immunity
P.C.17 Innate Immunity - Inflammation - Part 2
Chairpersons: Jorge Kalil; Sao Paulo, Brazil (tbc) / Dicle Guc; Ankara, Turkey (tbc)

P.C.17.01 12/15-lipoxygenase mediates GC-induced anti-inflammatory mechanisms in monocytes

Y. Kusche, J. Roth, K. Barczyk-Kahlert;
Institute of Immunology, Mnster, Germany.
P.C.17.02 Metallothionein regulates cadmium-induced apoptosis in macrophages
Y. Yoshida, T. Sugiura;
Univ.Occup.& Environ. Health, Dep. Imm., Kitakyushu, Japan.
P.C.17.03 Microvesicles released by apoptotic neutrophils suppress the proliferation and IL-2/ IL-2R expression of resting T helper cells
G. Shen1, P. Schiller2, A. Nieen2, M. Schiller2, H. Lorenz2, L. Tykocinski2;
Division of Rheumatology, Tongji Hospital, Tongji Medical College, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China, 2Department of Medicine V, Division of Rheumatology, University of
Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.C.17.04 Metal oxide nanoparticles induce conformational changes in plasma proteins and have effects on the coagulation cascade
T. Lozano Fernndez1, R. Simn Vzquez1, M. Dobrovolskaia2, T. Camacho Garca3, . Gonzlez Fernndez1;
University of Vigo, Vigo, Spain, 2Nanotechnology Characterization Laboratory, Frederick, MD, United States, 3Lema&Bandn laboratory, Vigo, Spain.
P.C.17.06 Tannic acid, an inhibitor of calcium-activated chloride channels, blocks ATP-mediated calcium influx into T lymphocytes
S. Javed1, B. Rissiek2, S. Menzel1, G. Dubberke1, S. Adriouch3,4, F. Koch-Nolte1, F. Haag1;
Institute of Immunology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2Department of Neurology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 3U905,
INSERM, Rouen, France, Hamburg, Germany, 44) Institute for Research and Innovation in Biomedicine (IRIB), Normandy University, Rouen, France.
P.C.17.07 CX3CR1 rupture differentially influences dopaminergic neuron degeneration in parkinsonian mice depending on the neurotoxin and its route of administration
F. S. M. Tristo1,2, M. Lazzarini3, S. Martin3,4, M. Amar2, W. Sthmer3,4, F. Kirchhoff5, L. A. Gomes3, L. Lanfumey6, R. D. Prediger7, E. Del-Bel1, R. Raisman-Vozari2;
University of So Paulo, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 2Institut du Cerveau et de la Moelle Epinire, Paris, France, 3Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Gttingen, Germany, 4Center Nanoscale
Microscopy and Molecular Physiology of the Brain (CNMPB), Gttingen, Germany, 5University of Saarland, Homburg, Germany, 6Universit Pierre et Marie Curie, UPMC, Paris, France, 7Universidade Federal
de Santa Catarina, UFSC, Florianpolis, Brazil.
P.C.17.08 Effects of defensin -thionin (Capsicum chinense) on the innate immune response of bovine mammary epithelial cells infected with Staphylococus aureus
V. Daz, J. E. Lpez, A. Ochoa;
Universidad Michoacana de San Nicols de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico.
P.C.17.09 Modulation of mRNA and miRNA expression in Leishmania-infected human phagocytes by Phlebotomus papatasi salivary gland components
G. Mkannez1,2, F. Z. Guerfali1,2, R. M. Sghaier1,2, H. Attia1,2, A. Bali1,2, I. Chelbi1,2, S. Cherni1,2, E. Zhioua1,2, D. Laouini1,2;
Institut Pasteur de Tunis, Tunis-Belvedere, Tunisia, 2Universit Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia.

P.C.17.10 Aiming for a Kill: Calcium-Dependent Initial Interaction of Perforin with the Membrane
O. Naneh1, F. Merzel1, G. Anderluh1,2;
National Institute of Chemistry, Ljubljana, Slovenia, 2University of Ljubljana, Biotechnical faculty, Department of Biology, Ljubljana, Slovenia.
P.C.17.11 Using FRET-based sensors to monitor ATP concentrations at the cell surface
E. Schneider1, S. Menzel1, D. Plundrich1, I. M. Wolf2, F. Koch-Nolte1, F. Haag1;
Institute of Immunology, University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany, 2The Calcium Signalling Group, Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Cell Biology, University Medical
Center Hamburg-Eppendorf, Hamburg, Germany.
P.C.17.12 FNDC4: a novel secreted factor with anti-inflammatory properties targeting macrophages
M. Bosma, M. Gerling, J. Pasto, O. Shilkova, S. Almer, J. Sderman, R. Toftgrd, F. Wermeling, E. Almer Bostrm, P. Almer Bostrm;
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.
P.C.17.13 Anti-inflammatory effect of colonic helminth infection in mice is driven by local TGF1-induced epithelial repair pathways.
B. M. Eldakhakhny1,2, S. Levison3, L. Zeef4, P. Padfield1, J. McLaughlin1, J. Pennock1;
GI Sciences, Institute of Inflammation & Repair, Faculty of Medicine and Human Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom, 2King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia,
Manchester Royal Infirmary, Manchester, United Kingdom, 4Faculty of Life Sciences, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.C.17.14 CD4+ T cell transmigration through hepatic epithelia induces a Th1 effector memory phenotype
B. G. Wiggins1, D. Niesen2, E. Liaskou1, G. J. Webb1, S. Purswani1, S. P. Davies1, T. Bruns3, H. McGettrick1, D. H. Adams1, J. A. McKeating1, R. Thimme2, Z. Stamataki1;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2University of Freiburg, Freiburg, Germany, 3University of Jena, Jena, Germany.
P.C.17.15 Natural nitration of CXCL12 at tyrosine 7 reduces its in vitro signaling and chemotactic activity and abrogates in vivo lymphocyte migration to intra-articularly
injected CXCL12 in mice treated with the CD26 inhibitor sitagliptin
R. Janssens1, A. Mortier1, D. Boff2, V. Vanheule1, S. Struyf1, J. Van Damme1, F. A. Amaral2, M. M. Teixeira2, P. Proost1;
Rega Institute, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2University of Minas Gerais, Belo Horizonte, Brazil.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 103
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.C.17.16 Caffeine and VAP-1: a potential immunomodulatory role for coffee
J. R. Tickle, E. L. Shepherd, D. H. Adams, C. J. Weston;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.C.17.17 Mast cell-derived TNF controls neutrophil infiltration into sites of sterile inflammation
J. Dudeck1, S. Winzer1, R. Immler2, A. Hoppe1, A. Karutz1, V. Alexaki3, S. Nedospasov4,5, S. Speier6,7,8, M. Sperandio2, T. Chavakis3, A. Dudeck1;
University of Technology Dresden, Medical Faculty, Institute for Immunology, Dresden, Germany, 2Walter Brendel Centre of Experimental Medicine, Ludwig-Maximilians University Munich, Germany,
Mnchen, Germany, 3University of Technology Dresden, Division for Vascular Inflammation, Diabetes and Kidney, Department of Internal Medicine, University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus, Dresden, Germany,
Germany German Rheumatism Research Center, Berlin, Germany, Berlin, Germany, 5Engelhardt Institute of Molecular Biology, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia, Moscow, Russian
Federation, 6Paul Langerhans Institute Dresden (PLID) of Helmholtz Centre Munich at the University Clinic Carl Gustav Carus of the Technische Universitt Dresden, Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, German
Research Center for Environmental Health, Neuherberg, Germany, Neuherberg, Germany, 7German Centre for Diabetes Research (DZD), Dresden, Germany, 8DFG-Center for Regenerative Therapies
Dresden (CRTD), Faculty of Medicine, Technische Universitt Dresden, Dresden, Germany.
P.C.17.18 Mesenchymal stem cells lose their immunomodulatory effects upon differentiation
H. Munir, H. M. McGettrick, G. B. Nash;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.C.17.19 Regulating neutrophil response and myelopoiesis under chronic inflammatory conditions
Y. Liu, Z. Bian;
Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA, United States.
P.C.17.21 Mesenchymal stem cells influence the ability of inflamed endothelial cells to recruit neutrophils: A comparative study
L. S. Clarke, H. Munir, R. Andrews, G. B. Nash, H. M. McGettrick;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.C.17.22 Stress induced temporary lymphocyte drop in blood during percutaneous coronary intervention
E. V. Shmeleva1, S. E. Boag1, K. Bennaceur1, I. Spyridopoulos1,2,3;
Institute of Genetic Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 2Institute of Cellular Medicine, Newcastle University, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom, 3Department of
Cardiology, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
P.C.17.23 Molecular-genetic analysis of defensins in chronic periodontitis
N. Sarkisjan1,2,3, I. Tuzankina2,3, M. Dolgikh1, L. Solomatina2,3;
USMU, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2Federal State Autonomous, Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Ural Federal University Named After the First President of Russia B. N.
Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 3Institute of Immunology and Physiology of Ural Branch of the Russian Academy of Sciences, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation.
P.C.17.24 Probiotics in Crohn disease: selecting strains able to trigger Paneth cells-derived antimicrobial response and downregulate inflammatory responses
J. Hrdy1, A. Cesaro2, C. Lapadatescu3, M. Chamaillard2, B. Pot4, C. Grangette4;
First Faculty of Medicine, Charles University in Prague, Prague, Czech Republic, 2Rcepteurs Nods-Like dans lInfection et lImmunit, Centre dInfection et dImmunit de Lille, Inserm U1019-CNRS
UMR8204, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France, 3Proxis, Bioprox, Levallois-Perret, France, 4Bactries Lactiques et Immunit des Muqueuses, Centre dInfection et dImmunit de Lille, CNRS UMR8204,
Institut Pasteur de Lille, Universit Lille Nord de France, Lille, France.
P.C.17.25 Irisin - adipomiokine with potential anti-inflammatory properties

A. I. Mazur-Bialy1, E. Pochec2, J. Bilski1;

Faculty of Health Sciences, Jagiellonian University Medical College, Krakow, Poland, 2Jagiellonian University, Krakow, Poland.
P.C.17.26 Modulation of NAD+ homeostasis controls TNF- secretion in differentiated macrophages
A. Al-Shabany1, A. D. Foey2, A. J. Moody1, R. A. Billington1;
School of Biological Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, United Kingdom, 2School of Biomedical and Healthcare Sciences, University of Plymouth, Drake Circus, Plymouth, United

P.C.18 NK and NKT Cells - Part 3

Chairpersons: Carsten Watzl; Dortmund, Germany / Felix M. Wensveen; Rijeka, Croatia

P.C.18.01 IL-1 promotes in vitro UCB-derived CD34+ cell differentiation towards NK cells
P. Ambrosini1, F. Loiacono1, R. Conte2, L. Moretta1, C. Vitale3, M. Mingari3;
IRCCS G.Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 2IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy, 3Universit degli studi di Genova, Genova, Italy.
P.C.18.02 Immunogenetic of NK receptors in melanoma patients
M. Messaoudene1, S. Rusakiewicz2, D. Enot3, L. Zitvogel2, R. Tamouza1, W. Boukouaci1, M. Avril4, A. Toubert1, A. Caignard1;
INSERM U1160, Paris, France, 2INSERM U1015, Villejuif, France, 3Cancer Institute Gustave Roussy, Villejuif, France, 4APHP Hospital Cochin, Paris, France.
P.C.18.03 Immune profile and expression of NKG2D in chronic lymphocytic leukemia
M. Villa-lvarez1,2, L. Huergo-Zapico1,2, A. Acebes-Huerta1,2, A. Lpez-Soto1,2, S. Lorenzo-Herrero1,2, A. P. Gonzlez-Rodrguez3, A. R. Payer3, S. Gonzalez1,2;
Department of Functional Biology, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain, 2IUOPA, University of Oviedo, Oviedo, Spain, 3Department of Hematology, Hospital Universitario Central de Asturias, Oviedo, Spain.
P.C.18.04 B7-H6-mediated downregulation of NKp30 in NK cells contributes to ovarian carcinoma immune escape
S. Pesce1, G. Tabellini2, C. Cantoni1,3, O. Patrizi2, D. Coltrini2, F. Rampinelli4, J. Matta5, E. Vivier5, A. Moretta1, S. Parolini2, E. Marcenaro1;
Universit degli Studi di Genova, Genova, Italy, 2Dipartimento di Medicina Molecolare e Traslazionale, Brescia, Italy, 3Istituto Giannina Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 4Dipartimento di Ostetricia e Ginecologia,
Spedali Civili di Brescia, Brescia, Italy, 5Centre dImmunologie de Marseille-Luminy, UM2 Aix-Marseille Universit, Marseille, France.
P.C.18.05 Natural killer cells are indispensable for resolution of antigen-induced inflammation in mice
J. Freysdottir1,2, O. U. Anuforo1,2, H. S. Jonasdottir3, M. Giera3, I. Hardardottir2;
Landspitali - The National University Hospital of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 2University of Iceland, Reykjavik, Iceland, 3Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
P.C.18.06 Phenotypic and functional stages in the intrathymic development of human NK cells
L. Hidalgo, V. Martnez, L. Fernndez-Sevilla, R. Sacedn, A. Varas, . Vicente;
Department of Cell Biology, School of Medicine. Complutense University of Madrid, Madrid, Spain.
P.C.18.07 Resistance to B-RAF inhibitor confers increased immunogenicity of melanoma cells to Natural Killer cell mediated lysis
A. Frazao1, M. Colombo1, E. Neves1, F. Bouquet2, A. Savina2, M. Avril3, A. Caignard1;
INSERM U1160, Paris, France, 2Roche Pharmaceuticals Scientific Partnerships, Boulogne Billancourt, France, 3APHP Hospital Cochin, Paris, France.
P.C.18.08 Relationship between NKG2C copy number and different NK-cell subset redistribution patterns detected in HCMV+ individuals
A. Muntasell1, A. Pupuleku2, E. Cisneros3, A. Vera2, M. Moraru3, C. Vilches3, M. Lpez-Botet1,2;
Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute (IMIM), Barcelona, Spain, 2Pompeu Fabra University, Barcelona, Spain, 3Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Majadahonda, Spain.
P.C.18.09 Analysis of memory-like NK cells in HCMV-infected pediatric patients undergoing +T- and B-cell depleted HSCT for hematological malignancies
L. Muccio1, A. Bertaina2,3, M. Falco4, D. Pende5, R. Meazza5, M. Lopez-Botet6, L. Moretta4, F. Locatelli2,3, A. Moretta1, M. Della Chiesa1;
Dipartimento di Medicina Sperimentale and Centro di Eccellenza per la Ricerca Biomedica, Universita` di Genova, Genova, Italy, 2Dipartimento di Onco-Ematologia Pediatrica, Ospedale Bambino Gesu`,
Rome, Italy, 3Department of Pediatrics and Surgical Science, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy, 4Istituto Giannina Gaslini, GenovaQuarto, Genova, Italy, 5Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico,
Azienda Ospedaliera Universitaria San Martino-Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italy, 6Universitat Pompeu Fabra and Institut Hospital del Mar dInvestigacions Mdiques, Barcelona,
P.C.18.10 The human C-type lectin-like NK receptor NKp80 uses a distinct proximal signaling mechanism to stimulate natural killer cell activation
B. Bauer, T. Rckrich, A. Steinle;
Institute for Molecular Medicine, Frankfurt am Main, Germany.
P.C.18.11 IL-1beta curtails NK cell stimulation by DCs and regulates CD95-induced apoptosis
D. M. Tufa, F. Ahmad, D. Chatterjee, G. Ahrenstorf, R. E. Schmidt, R. Jacobs;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.C.18.12 Functional effects of HMGB1 released following NK/melanoma cell interaction
M. Parodi1, M. Pedrazzi1, C. Cantoni1,2,3, M. Averna1,2, M. Patrone4, M. Cavaletto4, S. Spertino4, D. Pende5, M. Balsamo1, G. Pietra1,2, S. Sivori1, S. Carlomagno1, M. Mingari5,1,2, L. Moretta3, B. Sparatore1,2, M.
Universit di Genova, Genova, Italy, 2CEBR Universit di Genova, Genova, Italy, 3Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 4University of Piemonte Orientale, Alessandria, Italy, 5IRCCS AOU S.Martino-IST, Genova,

104 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.C.18.13 The alphaherpesvirus gD glycoprotein suppresses DNAM-1-dependent Natural Killer cell-mediated lysis of infected cells through modulation of CD112
K. Grauwet1,2, C. Cantoni3,4,5, M. Parodi3, A. De Maria6,7,8, B. Devriendt2, D. Pende8, L. Moretta5, M. Vitale8, H. Favoreel2;
equal, contributors, Belgium, 2Laboratory of Immunology, Department of Virology, Parasitology and Immunology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, 3Dept. of Experimental
Medicine (DIMES), University of Genova, Genova, Italy, 4equal, Contributors, Italy, 5Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 6Center of Excellence for Biomedical Research (CEBR), University of Genova, Genova,
Italy, 7Dept. of Health Sciences (DISSAL), University of Genova, Genova, Italy, 8IRCCS AOU San Martino-IST, Genova, Italy.
P.C.18.15 Quantitative and functional deficiency of innate-memory-like CD8+ T lymphocytes in chronic myeloid leukemia patients
D. Desmier1,2, F. Jacomet1,2, E. Cayssials1,2, S. Basbous1, N. Piccirilli1, A. Barra1,2, F. Guilhot1,2,3, L. Roy3, C. Giraud2, A. Herbelin1, J. Gombert1,2;
INSERM U1082, poitiers, France, 2CHU de Poitiers, Poitiers, France, 3CIC 802, Poitiers, France.
P.C.18.16 Catecholamine-induced alterations of cytokine secretion profiles of healthy donors PBMC and iNKT cells recapitulate the effects of serum from brain-injured
patients susceptible to infection
A. Patinec1, K. Asehnoune2, J. Rocher1, J. Le Pendu3;
University of Nantes, Nantes, France, 2Nantes University Hospital, Nantes, France, 3Inserm, Nantes, France.
P.C.18.17 Phenotypic and functional alterations of iNKT cells in HIV+ patients with low CD4/CD8 ratio after successful treatement
D. Sara1, M. Nasi1, E. Bianchini1, M. Digaetano2, L. Gibellini1, S. Pecorini1, R. Bartolomeo1, V. Borghi2, M. Pinti1, C. Mussini1,2, A. Cossarizza1;
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, 2Hospital of Modena, Modena, Italy.
P.C.18.18 Altered phenotype and polyfunctionality of iNKT cells in different forms and treatment of multiple sclerosis
D. Sara1, M. Nasi1, A. Simone2, E. Bianchini1, D. Ferraro2, F. Vitetta2, L. Gibellini1, M. Pinti1, C. Del Giovane1, P. Sola2, A. Cossarizza1;
University of Modena and Reggio Emilia, Modena, Italy, 2MS Center, Neurology Clinic, Nuovo Ospedale Civile SantAgostino Estense (NOCSAE), Modena, Italy.
P.C.18.19 Recovery of invariant NKT cell deficiency and increase of SLAM-SAP signalling factors mRNA expression characterizes sarcoidosis remission: a 4-year longitudinal
M. Rijavec, K. Osolnik, P. Koroec;
University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Golnik, Slovenia.
P.C.18.20 The role of the transcription factor MAZR during iNKT cell development
C. Tizian, D. Hainberger, S. Sakaguchi, W. Ellmeier;
Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.18.21 Both positive selection and maturation of iNKT cells require natural ligand recognition
C. Joseph1, S. Li1, V. Olivo-pimental1, J. klibi2, A. Toubert1, K. Benlagha1;
inserm U1160, Paris, France, 2Pasteur institute, Paris, France.
P.C.18.22 Implications of KIR/HLA-C in the presence of depression in patients with fibromyalgia syndrome
I. Legaz Prez1,2, G. Salgado2, E. Novoa2, J. Bolarin2, A. Mrowiec3, P. Martinez2, S. Soriano-Diaz2, A. Bernal Ramos2, A. Bermudez-Torrente4, A. Martinez-Leon5, I. Ibernon-Caballero4, M. Muro2, M. Moya-
Quiles2, J. Campillo2, A. Minguela2, M. Alvarez-Lpez2, I. Lozano6, A. Garcia-Alonso2;
Department of Social and Health Sciences. University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 2Immunology Service, Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 3Mrowiec, Murcia, Spain, 43Psychiatry Department-
Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain, 5Medical Family Health, San Andrs-Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 6Psychiatry Department-Hospital Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain.

P.C.18.23 Investigating the role of c-Abl kinase in natural killer cells
S. Ganesan1, N. Kadri2, T. Luu Thanh2, S. Meinke2, E. Vivier3, D. Wetzel4, A. Koleske4, I. Douagi1, P. Hglund1;
Centre for Hematology and Regenerative Medicine (HERM), Dept. of Medicine Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Centre for Hematology and Regenerative Medicine (HERM), Dept. of
Medicine Huddinge, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, Stockholm, Sweden, 3Centre dImmunologie de Marseille-Luminy, Aix-Marseille University UM2, Inserm U1104, CNRS UMR7280, Marseille,
France, and the Assistance Publique-Hpitaux de Marseille, Marseille, France, Marseille, France, 4Department of Pediatrics, Yale School of Medicine, Yale University, New Haven, Connecticut, USA, New
Haven, CT, United States.

P.C.19 Macrophages - Part 3

Chairpersons: Dimitrios Balomenos; Madrid, Spain / Pavel Kovarik; Vienna, Austria

P.C.19.01 Knock-out of osteopontin affects the phenotype of adipose tissue macrophages but not polarization of bone marrow-derived macrophages
K. Schuch1,2, K. Ambroz1, A. Castelo-Rosa1, B. Wanko2, V. Moreno-Viedma2, N. G. Sommer2, M. Zeyda2, T. M. Stulnig2;
FH Campus Wien, University of Applied Sciences, Department Health, Section Biomedical Science, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Cardio-Metabolic Immunotherapy and Clinical Division
of Endocrinology and Metabolism, Dept. of Medicine III, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.19.02 IL-3 synergizes with basophil-derived IL-4 and IL-13 to promote human monocyte alternative activation
F. Borriello1, M. Longo1, R. Spinelli1, A. Pecoraro1, F. Granata1, R. I. Staiano1, S. Loffredo1, G. Spadaro1, F. Beguinot1, J. T. Schroeder2, G. Marone1;
University of Naples Federico II, Naples, Italy, 2Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States.
P.C.19.03 CD163 Levels and Cytokine Secretion of Monocytes of in Children With Pulmonary Tuberculosis
E. Cetin Aktas1, E. Cakir2, Y. Gelmez1, A. H. Gedik2, L. Pur Ozyigit3, G. Deniz1;
Istanbul University, The Institute of Experimental Medicine (DETAE), Department of Immunology, stanbul, Turkey, 2Bezmialem Vakif University Medical Faculty, Department of Pediatric Pulmonology,
Istanbul, Turkey, stanbul, Turkey, 3Koc University, Department of Allergy and Immunology, Istanbul, Turkey, stanbul, Turkey.
P.C.19.05 The fate of monocytes: a tale of two viruses
L. D. Vu, N. J. King;
University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia.
P.C.19.06 Testing biocompatibility of thermo-sensitive elastin-like recombinamer (ELR) biogels for bone repair and regeneration in vivo in BALB/c mice
K. Changi1, B. Bosnjak1, A. Ibez-Fonseca2, C. Gonzalez-Obeso2, J. Rodrguez-Cabello2, M. M. Epstein1;
MedUniWien, Vienna, Austria, 2University of Valladolid, Valladolid, Spain.
P.C.19.07 Novel regulation of inflammation by lysophosphatidylcholine acyltransferase (LPCAT) 3 through COX2 and PPAR- expression
W. Abate, C. Okorie, A. Sattar, C. OSullivan, S. K. Jackson;
Plymouth University, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
P.C.19.08 Sustained high glucose exposure alters the phenotype and function of bone marrow derived macrophages
M. Chen, S. Pavlou, A. Stitt, H. Xu;
Queens University Belfast, Belfast, United Kingdom.
P.C.19.09 A murine model of sterile peritonitis
J. Boyken, A. Laux-Biehlmann, J. Nagel, T. Zollner, N. Schmidt;
Bayer HealthCare Pharmaceuticals GDD-GTRG-GT, Berlin, Germany.
P.C.19.10 Genetically modified live attenuated L.donovani parasites induce innate immunity through classical activation of macrophages that direct Th1 response in mice
P. Bhattacharya1, R. Dey1, P. Dagur2, M. Kruhlak2, A. Debrabant1, H. Nakhasi1;
Food and drug administration, Silver Spring, MD, United States, 2NIH, Bethesda, MD, United States.
P.C.19.11 Characterization of the expression of murine CD163
L. Fischer-Riepe1, M. Wolf1, D. Holzinger1, J. Fischer2, F. Rosenbauer2, J. Roth1, K. Barczyk-Kahlert1;
Institute of Immunology, Muenster, Germany, 2Laboratory of Molecular Stem Cell Biology, Muenster, Germany.
P.C.19.13 Innate immune receptors of canine kupffer cells sense Leishmania infantum
A. Rodrigues1, G. Alexandre-Pires2, D. Santos-Mateus1, D. Ligeiro3, A. Valrio-Bolas1, C. Martins4, M. Rafael-Fernandes1, M. Pereira1, I. Pereira da Fonseca2, G. Santos-Gomes1;
Unidade de Ensino e Investigao de Parasitologia Mdica, Global Health and Tropical Medicine, Instituto de Higiene e Medicina Tropical, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 2CIISA-FCT-Faculty
of Veterinary Medicine, University of Lisbon, Lisbon, Portugal, 3IPST-Instituto Portugus do Sangue e da Transplantao-centro do sangue e da transplantao de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal, 4CEDOC, Chronic
Diseases Research Center, Immunology, NOVA Medical School, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Portugal, Lisbon, Portugal.
P.C.19.14 Investigations of the mechanisms that regulate the differentiation of newborn monocyte under M1 and M2 polarizing conditions
A. Schneider1,2,3, M. Weier1,2,3, T. Calandra1,3, T. Roger1,3, E. Giannoni1,2,3;
UNIL/CHUV, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Service of Neonatology, Departement of Pediatrics, Lausanne, Switzerland, 3Infectious Diseases Service, Departement of Medicine, Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.C.19.15 Nicotinamide affects macrophage polarization
R. Weiss1,2,3, E. Schilling1,2, A. Grahnert1,2, V. Klling1,2,3, J. Dorow4,5, U. Ceglarek4,5, U. Sack1,2, S. Hauschildt3;
University of Leipzig Translational Centre for Regenerative Medicine (TRM) Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany, 2University Hospital Leipzig, Institute for Clinical Immunology, Leipzig, Germany, 3University of
Leipzig, Institute of Biology, Leipzig, Germany, 4University Hospital Leipzig, Institute of Laboratory Medicine, Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, Leipzig, Germany, 5University of Leipzig, LIFE
Leipzig Research Center for Civilization Diseases, Leipzig, Germany.

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Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.C.19.17 Monocyte chemoattractant proteins differentially affect macrophage polarization
C. V. Lewis, M. Canals, J. Ludeman, M. J. Stone, C. G. Sobey, G. R. Drummond, B. K. Kemp-Harper;
Monash University, Melbourne, Australia.
P.C.19.19 Novel pathway that controls M1-to-M2 transition of human macrophages
A. Ohradanova-Repic1, C. Machacek1, R. Platzer1, T. R. Burkard2, V. Leksa1,3, C. Charvet4,5,6, V. Feuillet4,5,6, G. J. Zlabinger7, M. B. Fischer8,9, G. Bismuth4,5,6, H. Stockinger1;
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Bioinformatics Department of the Research
Institute of Molecular Pathology and the Institute of Molecular Biotechnology of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 3Institute of Molecular Biology, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Bratislava,
Slovakia, 4Institut National de la Sant et de la Recherche Mdicale, INSERM U1016, Institut Cochin, Paris, France, 5Universit Paris Descartes, Paris, France, 6Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique,
UMR 8104, Paris, France, 7Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 8Department of Transfusion Medicine, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 9Center for Biomedical Technology, Danube University Krems, Krems, Austria.
P.C.19.21 The transformation effects of Polyporus polysaccharide(PPS) on polarized macrophages
X. Zeng;
Immunology Laboratory of Chinese Medicine, The Second Affiliated Hospital of Guangzhou University of, Guangzhou, China.
P.C.19.22 CCRL2 regulates M1/M2 polarization during EAE recovery phase
A. Del Prete1,2, C. Mazzon1,2, L. Zanotti2, L. Wang2, E. Fontana1, V. Salvi1, P. Poliani1, S. Sozzani1,2;
Dept. Molecular and Translational Medicine - University of Brescia, Brescia, Italy, 2Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano (MI), Italy.

P.C.20 Dendritic Cell Biology - Part 3

Chairpersons: Charlotte Esser; Duesseldorf, Germany / va Rajnavlgyi; Debrecen, Hungary

P.C.20.01 Mouse conventional dendritic cells can be universally classified based on the mutually exclusive expression of XCR1 and SIRP
S. Gurka, E. Hartung, M. Becker, R. A. Kroczek;
Robert Koch-Institute, Berlin, Germany.
P.C.20.02 Differential modulation of inflammatory mediator production by dendritic cell subsets in an in-vitro model of red blood cell transfusion
K. K. Ki1,2, R. L. Flower1, H. M. Faddy1,2, M. M. Dean1;
Australian Red Cross Blood Service, Brisbane, Australia, 2University of Queensland, Brisbane, Australia.
P.C.20.03 CCR2-mediated dendritic cell recruitment by the human colon
D. Bernardo1, L. Durant1, M. Paulsen1, R. Man2, I. Moret3, R. Vora1, D. Reddi1, G. Lee1, G. Malietzis1, Y. Siaw1, P. Hendy1, A. L. Hart2, H. O. Al-Hassi1, S. C. Knight1;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2St Marks Hospital, London, United Kingdom, 3Hospital la Fe, Valencia, Spain.
P.C.20.04 Characterization of human afferent lymph dendritic cells from seroma fluids
C. De Pasquale1, B. Morandi2, I. Bonaccorsi1, P. Carrega3, C. Cantoni3, S. Ferrone4, L. Moretta3, G. Ferlazzo1;
Laboratory of Immunology and Biotherapy, Dept. Human Pathology, University of Messina, Messina, Italy, 2IRCCS A.O.U. San Martino-IST-Istituto Nazionale per la Ricerca sul Cancro, Genova, Italy,

Istituto G. Gaslini, Genova, Italy, 4Department of Surgery, Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston, MA, United States.

P.C.20.05 Expression and functional role of murine tetraspanin-2 in dendritic cells

C. Ruland1, J. Patzig2, K. Lahl3, V. Lukacs-Kornek4, A. Fattahi-Mehr1, A. Zimmer5, I. Frster6, T. Kuhlmann7, H. Werner2, T. Sparwasser8, S. Scheu9, J. Alferink1,10;
Department of Psychiatry, University Hospital Mnster, Germany, Mnster, Germany, 2Department of Neurogenetics, Max Planck Institute of Experimental Medicine, Gttingen, Germany, 3National
Veterinary Institute, Technical University of Denmark, Frederiksberg, Denmark, 4Department of Medicine II, Saarland University Medical Center, Homburg, Germany, 5Institute of Molecular Psychiatry,
University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 6Department of Immunology and Environment, Life & Medical Sciences Institute (LIMES), University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, 7Institute of Neuropathology, University
Hospital Mnster, Mnster, Germany, 8Institute of Infection Immunology, TWINCORE, Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research, Hannover, Germany, 9Institute of Medical Microbiology and
Hospital Hygiene, University of Dsseldorf, Dsseldorf, Germany, 10Cells-in-Motion Cluster of Excellence (EXC 1003-CiM), University of Mnster, Mnster, Germany.
P.C.20.06 Notch-dependent repression of monocyte identity factor KLF4 is essential for Langerhans-type dendritic cell differentiation
C. Krump1, J. Jurkin2, I. Borek1, A. Elbe-Brger2, G. Stingl2, H. Strobl1;
Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 2Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.20.07 An electrical engineering approach to modulate innate immunity
S. K. Joshi;
Frank Reidy Research Center for Bioelectrics, Norfolk, VA, United States.
P.C.20.08 MyD88 signaling in CD11c+ cells controls immune responses to MCMV infection
M. Francozo1, F. Puttur1, G. Solmaz1, M. Lindenberg1, L. Cicin-Sain2, D. Tufa3, R. Jacobs3, T. Sparwasser1;
Institute of Infection Immunology, TWINCORE, Centre for Clinical and Experimental Infection Research, Hannover, Germany, 2Department of Immune Ageing and Chronic Infections, Helmholtz Centre for
Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany, 3Clinic for Immunology and Rheumatology, Medical School Hannover, Hannover, Germany.
P.C.20.09 Novel mechanisms of mesenchymal stromal cell-mediated immune suppression
A. Mzl1, S. Poliska1, I. Bacskai1, N. Miltner1, . Apti2, . Rajnavlgyi1;
University of Debrecen, Debrecen, Hungary, 2Semmelweis University, Budapest, Hungary.
P.C.20.10 Bioactive lipid Anandamide regulates maturation and function of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
V. Chiurchiu1, E. Talamonti1, A. Leuti2, M. Maccarrone2;
Neurochemistry of Lipids, Santa Lucia Foundation, Rome, Italy, 2School of Medicine and Center of Integrated Research, Campus Bio-Medico University of Rome, Rome, Italy.
P.C.20.11 PTEN-deficiency in myeloid cells alters tumor immune surveillance in a murine model of inflammation driven colon cancer
M. Kuttke1, E. Sahin1, J. Pisoni1, S. Percig1, A. Vogel1, D. Kraemmer1, L. Hanzl1, K. Soukup2, A. Halfmann2, A. Dohnal2, B. Hochreiter1, B. Hoesel1, J. Schmid1, G. Schabbauer1;
Institute for Physiology, Vienna, Austria, 2Childrens Cancer Research Institute, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.20.12 INTERFERing with the pathogenesis of Rosacea
A. Mylonas1, O. Demaria1, A. Navarini2, P. Dzuniycz2, S. Meller3, M. Gilliet1, C. Conrad1;
Lausanne University Hospital, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Zurich University Hospital, Zurich, Switzerland, 3Dusseldorf University Hospital, Dusseldorf, Germany.
P.C.20.13 Role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in the induction and regulation of anti-tumor immune responses
M. Terra1,2, M. Oberkampf1,2, C. Fayolle1,2, G. Dadaglio1,2, C. Leclerc1,2;
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 2INSERM U1041, Paris, France.
P.C.20.14 The role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells on Paracoccidioidomycosis infection
F. V. Loures, E. F. Arajo, A. Condino-Neto, V. G. Calich;
Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.C.20.15 Fas ligation amplifies the immunosuppressive function of regulatory dendritic cells via ERK/beta-catenin pathway
C. Qian, L. Qian, Y. Yu, X. Cao;
National Key Laboratory of Medical Immunology & Institute of Immunology, Second Military Medical University, Shanghai, China.
P.C.20.16 The TLR7/8 agonist resiquimod ameliorates the immune response of neonatal antigen-presenting cells - possible adjuvants in neonatal vaccination
L. Wisgrill1, S. Schller1, K. Sadeghi1, A. Spittler2, A. Berger1, H. Helmer3, P. Husslein3, E. Frster-Waldl1;
Department of Pediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Divison of Neonatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Surgery & CF Flow Cytometry, Medical University of Vienna,
Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.20.17 The role of plasmacytoid dendritic cells in imiquimod induced skin inflammation and melanoma clearance in mice
G. Stulnig, B. Drobits, P. Novoszel, M. Holcmann, M. Sibilia;
Institute of Cancer Research, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.20.19 Role of the AP-1 protein c-Jun in Imiquimod mediated tumor clearance
P. Novoszel, B. Drobits, G. Stulnig, M. Holcmann, M. Sibilia;
Institute of Cancer Research, Vienna, Austria.

106 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.C.21 Pattern Recognition Receptors - Part 3
Chairpersons: Adelheid Elbe-Brger; Vienna, Austria / Bernhard Fleischer; Hamburg, Germany (tbc)

P.C.21.01 Segregation of the Klrd1 (CD94) mutation in DBA/2 mouse substrains

D. Shin1, A. K. Pandey2, M. K. Mulligan2, R. W. Williams2, R. Geffers3, K. Schughart1,2, E. Wilk1;
Department of Infection Genetics, Helmholtz-Zentrum fr Infektionsforschung, Braunschweig, Germany, 2Center for Integrative and Translational Genomics, University of Tennessee Health Science Center,

Memphis, TN, United States, 3Research Group Genome Analytics, Helmholtz-Zentrum fr Infektionsforschung, Braunschweig, Germany.
P.C.21.02 Inflammasome independent control of antibody responses by GPRC6A in Alum adjuvant settings
D. Quandt1, K. Rothe2, C. Baerwald2, B. Seliger1, M. Rossol2;
University of Halle, Halle, Germany, 2University of Leipzig, Leipzig, Germany.

P.C.21.03 Influence of KIR2DS1 in acute liver graft rejection in alcoholic cirrhosis patients with viral infection
I. Legaz-Prez1, E. Navarro-Noguera2, J. Bolarin2, L. Gimeno2, G. Salgado2, A. Luna-Maldonado1, J. Campillo2, R. Moya2, M. lvarez-Lpez2, A. Minguela-Puras2;
University of Murcia, Murcia, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario Virgen de la Arrixaca, Murcia, Spain.
P.C.21.04 Leishmania targets a novel Mincle/SHP-1 axis on dendritic cells to subvert adaptive immunity to infection
M. Martnez-Lpez1, S. Iborra1, H. Izquierdo1, C. Abram2, R. Conde-Garrosa1, Y. Campos-Martn3, R. Reguera4, B. Kemp5, M. Robinson5, M. Soto6, C. Lowell2, D. Sancho1;
Fundacin Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares Carlos III, Madrid, Spain, 2University of California, San Francisco, CA, United States, 3Hospital Virgen de la Salud, Toledo, Spain, 4Univesidad
de Len, Len, Spain, 5Medimmune, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 6Centro de Biologa Molecular Severo Ochoa, Madrid, Spain.
P.C.21.05 Inhibition of MMP-9 prevents sTREM-1 expression and sepsis during secondary bacterial pneumonia
G. Weiss1, C. Lai1, B. Tildy1, R. Snelgrove1, G. Xin1, C. Lloyd1, T. Hussell1,2;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom, 2University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.C.21.06 The role of inflammasomes for A microglia phagocytosis in Alzheimers disease
F. La Rosa1, M. Saresella1, M. Clerici1,2, M. Heneka3;
Don Gnocchi Foundation, Milan, Italy, 2University of Milan, Milan, Italy, 3Departiment of Neurology University of Bonn Germany, Bonn, Germany.
P.C.21.07 Differential peripheral immune responses mediated by Toll-like receptor ligands in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis: preclinical and clinical studies
M. Cejudo-Guilln1,2, D. Caballero-Hernandez1,3, C. Marquez4, C. Roodveldt1, D. Pozo1,2;
CABIMER - Andalusian Center for Molecular Biology and Regenerative Medicine, Seville, Spain, 2Department of Medical Biochemistry, Molecular Biology and Immunology, School of Medicine. University of
Seville, Seville, Spain, 3Autonomous University of Nuevo Len, Nuevo Leon, Mexico, 4Virgen del Roco University Hospital, Seville, Spain, Seville, Spain.
P.C.21.08 Differential Activation of Immune Cells by Commensal versus Pathogen-derived Bacterial DNA
S. Gnalp, B. Toygar, B. Gngr, E. Alpdundar, M. Grsel;
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.21.09 Schistosome-activated B cell surface Toll-like receptor-4 expression correlates with CD23 and IgM expression
D. O. Onguru1,2,3, A. V. Ofulla2, L. Ganley-Leal4, P. N. Mwinzi1;
Kenya Medical Research Institute, Kisumu, Kenya, 2Maseno University, Kisumu, Kenya, 3Jaramogi Oginga Odinga University of Science and Technology, Kisumu, Kenya, 4Boston University School of

Medicine, Boston, MA, United States.
P.C.21.10 Liposome encapsulation overcomes D-type and K-type CpG ODN dichotomy and induces synergistic immune activation
B. H. Horuluoglu;
Thorlab, Department of Molecular Biology and Genetics, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.21.11 The capsule of cryptococcus neoformans interferes with macrophage stimulation and promotes permissiveness of intracellular infection
A. Tavares1, A. L. Bocca1, A. Casadeval2;
University of Brasilia, BRASILIA, Brazil, 2Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD, United States.
P.C.21.12 Enhancement of synergy between CDN and ODN by coencapsulating within pH sensitive nanoliposomes
B. Bayyurt, I. Gursel;
Thorlab, Molecular Biology and Genetics Department, Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.21.13 Murine cytomegalovirus triggers interferon- in a TLR-, RLH-, and STING-dependent manner, whereas only TLR- and RLH-dependent signaling is needed to
confer survival
P. Tegtmeyer1, J. Spanier1, M. Dring1, C. Hirche1, S. Lienenklaus1, S. Jonjic2, U. Kalinke1;
Twincore GmbH, Hannover, Germany, 2Department for Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Medicine, University of Rijeka, Rijeka, Croatia.
P.C.21.14 Masked E. coli LPS is not detectable by commercially available endotoxin tests but elicits immune responses in primary human immune cells
J. Gornicec, H. Schwarz, A. Duschl, J. Horejs-Hoeck;
University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria.
P.C.21.15 Opportunities for Lactobacillus exopolysaccharides as immunomodulatory molecules
C. Allonsius, I. Claes, D. Vandenheuvel, E. Lanckacker, P. Delputte, S. Lebeer, Environmental Ecology and Applied Microbiology;
University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
P.C.21.16 improved immunostimulatory activity of D-type CpG oligonucleotides encapsulated into exosomes in cancer treatment
G. Gucluler1, T. Kahraman1, D. Bayik1, M. Gursel2, I. Gursel1;
Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.21.17 Use of recombinant flagellin enhances hemagglutinin-specific mucosal IgA production and IL-17 secreting T cells against H5N1 avian influenza virus infection
C. Lai1, N. Tang1, J. Jan2, M. Huang3, C. Lu4, B. Chiang4, L. Huang4, S. Wu1;
Institute of Biotechnology, National Tsing Hua University, Hsinchu, Taiwan, 2Genomics Research Center, Academia Sinica, Taipei, Taiwan, 3National Institute of Infectious Diseases and Vaccinology,
National Health Research Insitutes, Zhunan, Taiwan, 4Department of Pediatrics, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.C.21.18 A role for Sp in the control of infection and inflammation
L. Oliveira1,2, S. Almeida1,2,3, R. F. Santos1,2, C. Bessa-Pereira1,2,4, A. M. Carmo1,2,4;
Cell Activation and Gene Expression Group, Instituto de Investigao e Inovao em Sade, Porto, Portugal, 2IBMC - Instituto de Biologia Molecular e Celular, Porto, Portugal, 3Universidade de Aveiro,
Aveiro, Portugal, 4ICBAS Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas Abel Salazar, Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal.
P.C.21.19 Targeting of the NLRP3 inflammasome protects against pathogenic Influenza A virus
A. Mansell;
MIMR-PHI Institute of Medical Research, Melbourne, Australia.

P.C.22 Complement and Fc Receptors

Chairpersons: Rudolf Oehler; Vienna, Austria / Gabriella Sarmay; Budapest, Hungary

P.C.22.01 Antigen targeting of Fc-receptors induces strong T cell responses in vivo

C. H. Lehmann1, A. Baranska1, K. Neubert1, M. Woigk2, D. Soulat1, A. Krug3, J. V. Ravetch4, F. Nimmerjahn2, D. Dudziak1;
University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany, 2Friedrich-Alexander-Universitt Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 3Ludwig-Maximilian Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany, 4The Rockefeller
University, New York, NY, United States.
P.C.22.02 On the mechanism of IVIg-associated hemolysis by antibodies against A and B blood group antigens in IVIg products
C. W. Bruggeman1, S. Q. Nagelkerke1, W. Lau2, T. K. van den Berg1, R. S. Yeung3, T. W. Kuijpers1,4;
Department of Blood Cell Research, Sanquin Research and Landsteiner Laboratory, Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands, 2Department of Transfusion
Medicine, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada, 3Department of Paediatrics, Immunology and Medical Science, Hospital for Sick Children, University of Toronto, Toronto,
ON, Canada, 4Emma Childrens Hospital, Academic Medical Center (AMC), University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, Netherlands.
P.C.22.03 Antiphospholipid Syndrome and complement activation in a transversal retrospective study
A. Tejeda Velarde1, P. B. Gonzlez Urra1, I. Gan Nieto1, M. Nez Beltrn2, S. Snchez-Ramn2, . Carrasco Sayalero1;
Immunology Department. Ramn y Cajal Hospital, Madrid, Spain, 2Immunology Department. Clnico San Carlos Hospital, Madrid, Spain.
P.C.22.04 Altered B cell distribution but not CD21 phenotype in mouse models with secondary C3 deficiency
A. V. Marin1, L. Juana-Lpez2, A. Jimnez-Reinoso1, A. C. Briones1, M. L. Gaspar3, B. de Andrs3, S. Rodrguez de Crdoba2, J. R. Regueiro1;
Department of Immunology, Complutense University School of Medicine and Hospital 12 de Octubre Health and Reseach Institute, Madrid, Spain, 2Centro de Investigaciones Biolgicas (CSIC) and Centro
de Investigacin Biomdica en Red de Enfermedades Raras, Madrid, Spain, 3Centro Nacional de Microbiologa, Instituto de Salud Carlos III, Madrid, Spain.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 107
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.C.22.05 Complement C3a and C5a in amniotic fluid for predicting intra-amniotic infection and spontaneous preterm delivery in women with cervical insufficiency
K. Park1,2, S. Kim2, E. Jung1, S. Cho1, B. Han1, S. Park1, J. Hong1,2;
Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnamsi, Korea, Republic of, 2Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.C.22.06 Reduction of complement factor H binding to CLL cells improves the induction of rituximab-mediated complement-dependent cytotoxicity
Z. Banki1, S. Hrl1, G. Huber1, A. Ejaz1, D. Windisch1, B. Muellauer1, B. Schiela1, E. Willenbacher2, M. Steurer2, H. Stoiber1;
Division of Virology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 2Department of Internal Medicine V, Laboratory for Molecular Genetics, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.C.22.07 Serum-dependent processing of late apoptotic cells for enhanced efferocytosis
Y. Y. Liang, T. Arnold, A. Michlmayr, D. Rainprecht, B. Petricevic, A. Spittler, R. Oehler;
Medizinische Universitt Wien, Wien, Austria.
P.C.22.08 Complement analysis in patients with Juvenile Idiopathic Arthritis (WIELISA, SC5b9-ELISA)
J. Brunner, T. Giner, L. Hackl, R. Wuerzner;
Medical University Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.C.22.09 TCC capacity for monitoring complement inhibition in patients with atypical hemolytic uremic syndrome treated with eculizumab
M. Riedl1, J. Hofer1, T. Giner1, A. Rosales1, T. C. Jungraithmayr1, R. Wrzner2;
Dept. of Pediatrics, Innsbruck Med. Univ., Innsbruck, Austria, 2Div. of Hyg. & Med. Microbiology, Innsbruck Med. Univ., Innsbruck, Austria.
P.C.22.10 Functional differences between human CR3 (CD11b/CD18) and CR4 (CD11c/CD18): CD11b dominates iC3b mediated phagocytosis, while CD11c prevails adherence
N. Sndor1, S. Lukcsi2, R. Ungai-Salnki3, N. Orgovn4, B. Szab3, R. Horvth4, A. Erdei1,2, Z. Bajtay2;
Immunology Research Group of Hungarian Academy of Sciences at Etvs Lornd University, Budapest, Hungary, 2Department of Immunology, ELTE TTK, Budapest, Hungary, 3Department of Biological
Physics, ELTE TTK, Budapest, Hungary, 4Nanobiosensorics Lendlet Group, MTA TTK, Budapest, Hungary.
P.C.22.11 Complement activation and regulation in pre-eclampsia
A. Lokki1,2,3, M. Siwetz4, B. Huppertz4, H. Laivuori5,2, S. Meri1,3;
Bacteriology and Immunology, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 2Medical Genetics, University of Helsinki and Helsinki University Hospital, Helsinki, Finland, 3Immunobiology, Research programs
unit, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland, 4Institute of Cell Biology, Histology and Embryology, Medical University of Graz, Graz, Austria, 5Institute for Moleculare Medicine Finland, University of Helsinki,
Helsinki, Finland.
P.C.22.12 Severe congenital plasma C3 deficiency does not preclude intracellular C3 expression by singular immortalized HTLV-1 cell lines derived from two unrelated
patients T cells
A. Jimnez-Reinoso1, A. V. Marin1, A. Lpez-Lera2, S. Rodrguez de Crdoba3, E. Romn-Ortiz4, M. Lpez-Trascasa2, J. R. Regueiro1;
Department of Immunology, Complutense University School of Medicine and Hospital 12 de Octubre Health and Reseach Institute, Madrid, Spain, 2Immunology Unit of Hospital Universitario La Paz, Centro
de Investigacin Biomdica en Red de Enfermedades Raras, IdiPAZ, Madrid, Spain, 3Centro de Investigaciones Biolgicas (CSIC) and Centro de Investigacin Biomdica en Red de Enfermedades Raras,
Madrid, Spain, 4Servicio de Nefrologa Peditrica, Hospital La Fe, Valencia, Spain.
P.C.22.13 Negative regulation of NK cell function through engagement of CR3 with its compliment ligand
C. Liu1, X. Min1, N. Ma1, N. Wang1, W. Zhou2, K. Li1;
Core Research Laboratory, The Second Affiliated Hospital, School of Medicine, Xian Jiaotong Univ, shaanxi, China, 2Medical Research Council Centre for Transplantation, Kings College London, London,
United Kingdom.

P.C.22.14 ORMDL, homolog of asthma-associated ORMDL3, regulates sphingolipid biosynthesis in Drosophila melanogaster S2 cells
T. Paulenda, P. Drber;
Institute of Molecular Genetics, Prague, Czech Republic.
P.C.22.15 The long pentraxin PTX3 shapes activation of the Alternative Pathway of Complement on Aspergillus fumigatus
F. Petroni1, R. Parente1, M. Sironi1, S. Valentino1, M. Gobbi2, B. Bottazzi1, A. Mantovani1,3, A. Inforzato1,4;
Humanitas Clinical and Research Center, Rozzano, Italy, 2Mario Negri Institute for Pharmacological Research, Milan, Italy, 3Humanitas University, Rozzano, Italy, 4Department of Medical Biotechnologies
and Translational Medicine, University of Milan, Rozzano, Italy.

P.C.23 Cytokines - Part 2

Chairpersons: Raffaella Bonecchi; Rozzano, Milano, Italy / Vito Pistoia; Genoa, Italy

P.C.23.01 Effect of acute inflammation induced by lipopolysaccharide on Fas-mediated hepatocyte apoptosis in mice
T. Kelava1, A. Markotic1, I. Cavar2, P. Turcic3, A. Sucur1, S. Ivcevic1, D. Flegar1, D. Grcevic1;
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine, Zagreb, Croatia, 2University of Mostar, School of Medicine, Mostar, Bosnia and Herzegovina, 3University of Zagreb, Faculty of Pharmacy, Zagreb, Croatia.
P.C.23.02 The role of the DEAD-box helicase DDX3X in innate immune responses
D. Szappanos1, R. Tschismarov1, T. Decker1, T. Perlot2, J. Penninger2, K. L. Bennett3, M. Mller4, C. Lassnig4;
Max F. Perutz Laboratories, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Molecular Biotechnology, Vienna, Austria, 3Research Center of Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences,
Vienna, Austria, 4University of Veterinary Medicine Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.23.03 Increased neutrophil infiltration, IL-1 production, and a SAPHO syndrome-like phenotype in PSTPIP2-deficient mice
H. Tsai1,2;
Graduate Intitute of Clinical Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Taipei Medical University Shuang Ho Hospita, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.C.23.04 Immune modulatory effects of the small peptide molecules derived from CXCL chemokines
D. Yoyen-Ermis, P. Karasar, G. Esendagli;
Hacettepe University Cancer Institute, Ankara, Turkey.
P.C.23.05 Genetic characterization of Interleukins with relevant biological roles in lagomorphs (rabbits, hares and pikas)
F. Neves1,2, J. Abrantes1, T. Almeida1, A. L. de Matos3, P. P. Costa2,4, P. J. Esteves1,5,6;
CIBIO - Centro de Investigao em Biodiversidade e Recursos Genticos, Vairo, Vila do Conde, Portugal, 2UMIB/UP Unidade Multidisciplinar de Investigao Biomdica/Universidade do Porto, Porto,
Portugal, 3Department of Molecular Genetics & Microbiology, College of Medicine, University of Florida, Gainesville, FL, United States, 4Dpt. Gentica, CSPGF, Instituto Nacional de Sade Dr. Ricardo Jorge,
Porto, Portugal, 5Departamento de Biologia, Faculdade de Cincias da Universidade do Porto, Porto, Portugal, 6CITS - Centro de Investigao em Tecnologias de Sade, CESPU, Gandra, Portugal.
P.C.23.06 Selective expression of type I IFNs by plasmacytoid DCs is sufficient to protect mice from lethal CHIKV infection
S. W. Werneke1,2, B. Zafirova1,2, M. L. Albert1,2;
Institut Pasteur, Paris, France, 2INSERM, Paris, France.
P.C.23.07 Evaluation of proinflammatory potential of lipopolysaccharide-contaminated seawater using in vitro cell-based bioassays
A. A. Sattar, W. Abate, G. Bradley, G. Fejer, S. K. Jackson;
Centre for Biomedical Research, Plymouth University Schools of Medicine and Dentistry, Plymouth, United Kingdom.
P.C.23.08 Role of nutritional status and metabolism on susceptibility to tuberculosis
C. La Rocca1, C. Palma2, V. Gigantino1,3, F. Perna4, G. Matarese5,6;
Istituto di Endocrinologia e Oncologia Sperimentale, Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (IEOS-CNR), Napoli, Italy, 2Dipartimento di malattie infettive,parassitarie ed immunomediate, Istituto Superiore
di Sanit, Roma, Italy, 3Unit di patologia, istituto nazionale tumori di Napoli, Naples, Italy, 4Dipartimento di Medicina Clinica e Chirurgia, Universit di Napoli Federico II, Napoli, Italy, 5Dipartimento di
Medicina e Chirurgia, Universit di Salerno, Baronissi Campus, Salerno, Italy, 6IRCCS Multimedica, Milano, Italy.
P.C.23.09 Myeloid p38 signaling contributes to colitis-associated tumorigenesis in mice
C. Youssif, A. R. Nebreda;
IRB (Institue for Research in Biomedicine) Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain.
P.C.23.10 Expansion Tregs and Inhibition Th17/Th1 by Sirolimus-based Regimen is Dependent on STAT-signaling in Renal Transplant Recipients
Y. Li1, Y. Shi2, l. luo2, j. chen2;
Department of Clinical Immunological Laboratory, West China Hospital, Sichuan University, Chengdu, China, 2Department of Clinical Immunological Laboratory, West China Hospital, Sichuan University,
chengdu, China.
P.C.23.11 Salivary anti-microbial proteins and plasma cytokine changes after 3 different exercise programs in frail elderly
A. M. Teixeira, M. U. Chupel, G. Furtado, A. F. Pedrosa, M. F. Rosado, J. P. Ferreira, L. Rama;
Coimbra University, Faculty of Sport Sciences and Physical Education, Coimbra, Portugal.
P.C.23.12 Local inflammatory effect induced by CcH1, a P-I metalloproteinase isolated from Cerastes cerastes venom
H. Boukhalfa-Abib, F. Laraba-Djebari;
USTHB, Faculty of Biological Sciences, Laboratory of Cellular and Molecular Biology,, Bab ezzouar, Algiers, Algeria.

108 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.C.23.13 Dynamics of TNF inhibitor mediated regulation of IL-10 expression by human T cells
L. E. Durham1,2, C. A. Roberts2, B. W. Kirkham1, L. S. Taams2;
Guys and St Thomas NHS Foundation Trust, London, United Kingdom, 2Kings College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.C.23.14 Tyrosine kinase 2 (Tyk2) deficiency or inactivation of its enzymatic activity protects against LPS-induced sepsis
A. Poelzl1, M. Prchal-Murphy2, C. Lassnig1,3, R. Rom1, M. Mueller1,3, B. Strobl1;
Institute of Animal Breeding and Genetics, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Pharmacology and Toxicology, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 3Biomodels
Austria, University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna, Austria.
P.C.23.15 The proteins of human serum -globulin fraction transformed with metal ions chelating inhibit production of growth factors and chemokines
M. Apresova, A. Mezdrokhina, A. Babajanz, S. Cheknev;
The Federal State N.F.Gamaleya Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.C.23.16 The proteins of human serum -globulin fraction transformed with metal ions chelating promote Th1/Th2 shifts in immune regulation
S. Cheknev, M. Apresova, I. Efremova, A. Mezdrokhina, A. Babajanz;
The Federal State N.F.Gamaleya Research Centre for Epidemiology and Microbiology, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.C.23.17 Dual function of Interleukin-33 on Human gastric adenocarcinoma cells (AGS) and Human gastric epithelial cells (GES-1)
L. F. Pisani1, N. Munizio1, P. Creo1, V. Bronzo2, M. Vecchi1,2, L. Pastorelli1,2;
IRCCS Policlinico San Donato, San Donato Milanese, Italy, 2University of Milan, Milan, Italy.
P.C.23.18 IL-33 expressing resident cells in lung homeostasis and upon infection
J. H. Fritz, C. U. Duerr;
McGill University, Montreal, QC, Canada.
P.C.23.19 mRNA expressions of cytokines by rhinovirus infection in human keratinocyte cell lines
S. Kang1,2,3, K. Sohn1,2,3, S. Kim3, S. Kim1,2,3, J. Yu4, Y. Chang1,2,3;
Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Korea, Republic of, 2Department of Internal Medicine, Seoul National University College of Medicine, Seoul,

Korea, Republic of, 3Biomedical Research Institutue, Seoul National University Bundang Hospital, Seongnam, Gyeonggi-do, Korea, Republic of, 4Department of Pediatrics, Asan Medical Center, University of
Ulsan College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.C.23.20 Mucosal Immune response in young soccer players during a regular in-season training week
L. G. Minuzzi, L. M. Rama, A. B. Teixeira, R. F. Lopes;
University of Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal.
P.C.23.21 Development and analytical validation of a flexible multiplexing platform for cytokine assays
P. Liu, Q. Ning, S. Rangwala, C. Shelburne, L. Kobayashi, C. Lu, D. Stewart, M. Tsionsky, T. Plisova, E. N. Glezer, P. Oberoi, J. N. Wohlstadter;
Meso Scale Discovery (MSD), Rockville, MD, United States.

P.C.24 microRNAs and Epigenetics

Chairpersons: Massimo Locati; Milan, Italy / Markus Feuerer; Heidelberg, Germany

P.C.24.01 Liquid biopsies as tool for prognostic/predictive biomarker discovery in Breast Cancer patients
S. P. Fortis1, L. Mahaira1, N. Anastasopoulos1, C. Haritos1, M. Sofopoulos2, E. Iliopoulou1, I. Kalogeropoulou1, S. A. Perez1, C. N. Baxevanis1;
Cancer Immunology and Immunotherapy Center, Saint Savas Cancer Hospital, Athens, Greece, 2Saint Savas Cancer Hospital, Pathology Department, Athens, Greece.
P.C.24.02 Reduced expression of let-7a in bronchial biopsies of severe asthmatics
M. Rijavec, P. Koroec, M. avbi, I. Kern, M. Marc Malovrh;
University Clinic of Respiratory and Allergic Diseases Golnik, Golnik, Slovenia.
P.C.24.03 MicroRNAs calibrate the immune response in Mycobacterium tuberculosis infection
J. Basu;
Bose Institute, Department of Chemistry, Kolkata, India.
P.C.24.04 MicroRNA-200b represses TGF-1 induced epithelial-mesenchymal transition in immortalized primary human epithelial cells (BEAS-2B)
S. S. Ladak, C. Ward, S. Ali;
Newcastle University, Newcastle Upon Tyne, United Kingdom.
P.C.24.05 Intercellular transfer of microRNA between regulatory T cells and dendritic cells: a possible mechanism of regulation of dendritic cell function
L. A. Smyth1, S. Tung1, M. Letizia1, D. Boardman1, L. Dioni2, V. Bollati2, R. Lechler1, G. Lombardi1;
Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, 2Universit degli Studi di Milano, Milan, Italy.
P.C.24.06 Targeting microRNAs in plasmatocytoid DCs to predict and cease systemic sclerosis development
M. Rossato1, E. Chouri1, M. Cossu1, K. Nikitopoulou1, J. Drylewicz1, L. van Bon1, R. Wichers1, C. Bekker1, J. A. Borghans1, L. Beretta2, T. R. Radstake1;
UMC Utrecht, Utrecht, Netherlands, 2Fondazione IRCCS Ca Granda Ospedale Maggiore Policlinico di Milano, Milan, Italy.
P.C.24.07 Optimizing the purification and analysis of miRNAs and mRNAs from RIP in primary human neutrophils
S. Ghasemi, M. Castellucci, S. Gasperini, B. Mariotti, N. Tamassia, F. Bazzoni;
Department of Pathology and Diagnostics, Division of General Pathology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy.
P.C.24.08 Progressing sarcoidosis is associated with altered miRNA profile in bronchoalveolar (BAL) cells obtained from sarcoidosis patients
T. Dyskova1, R. Fillerova1, T. Novosad2, S. B. Tiscordio2, M. Zurkova3, V. Kolek3, E. Kriegova1;
Dept. of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic, 2Dept. of Computer Science, VSB - Technical University, Ostrava, Czech Republic, 3Dept. of
Respiratory Diseases, Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry, Palacky University, Olomouc, Czech Republic.
P.C.24.09 DNA methylation dynamics regulating mast cells in health and disease
L. Cristina1,2, S. Montagner1,2, S. Monticelli1;
Institue for Research in Biomedicine, Universit della Svizzera italiana, Bellinzona, Switzerland, 2Graduate School for Cellular and Biomedical Sciences, University of Bern, Switzerland.
P.C.24.10 The histone deacetylase HDAC1 expression in human periodontitis - preliminary results
A. C. Morandini1, E. J. Franco2, E. S. Ramos-Junior3, A. A. Pedra1, F. B. Andrade4, C. F. Santos1;
University of So Paulo - Department of Biological Sciences, Bauru School of Dentistry, Bauru, Brazil, 2Catholic University of Braslia - Department of Periodontology, School of Dentistry, Braslia, Brazil,
University of So Paulo - Department of Physics and Chemistry, School of Pharmaceutical Sciences of Ribeiro Preto, Ribeiro Preto, Brazil, 4University of So Paulo - Department of Endodontics, Bauru
School of Dentistry, Bauru, Brazil.
P.C.24.11 Enhanced H3K27 acetylation by HDAC8 inhibition prevents anthrax lethal toxin-induced immune suppression in macrophages
S. KIM, S. Ha;
University of Western Ontario, London, ON, Canada.
P.C.24.12 Epigenetic regulation of cytokine production in endotoxin tolerance
C. Reschke1, C. Walter2, P. Hansen3,4, D. M. Ibrahim3,5, J. Fischer6, J. Hecht3,5, H. Volk1, G. Grtz1;
Charite - Institute for Medical Immunology, Berlin, Germany, 2Institute of Medical Informatics, Medical Faculty of the WWU Mnster, Mnster, Germany, 3Berlin-Brandenburg Center for Regenerative
Therapies (BCRT), Berlin, Germany, 4Charit - Institute for Medical and Human Genetics, Berlin, Germany, 5Max Planck Institute for Molecular Genetics, Berlin, Germany, 6Institute of Molecular Tumor
Biology, Medical Faculty of the WWU Mnster, Mnster, Germany.
P.C.24.13 The methyltransferase Setdb2 mediates virus-induced susceptibility to bacterial superinfection
C. Schliehe1, E. K. Flynn2,3, B. Vilagos1, U. Richson1, S. Swaminathan4, B. Bosnjak5, L. Bauer1, R. K. Kandasamy1, L. J. Kosack1, I. M. Griesshammer1, F. Schmitz4, V. Litvak6, J. Sissons4, A. Lercher1, A.
Bhattacharya1, K. Khamina1, A. L. Trivett2, L. Tessarollo2, I. Mesteri7, A. Hladik1,8, D. Merkler9,10, S. Kubicek1, S. Knapp1,8, M. M. Epstein5, D. E. Symer2, A. Aderem4, A. Bergthaler1;
CeMM - Research Center for Molecular Medicine of the Austrian Academy of Sciences, Vienna, Austria, 2Center for Cancer Research, National Cancer Institute, Frederick, MD, United States, 3GeneDx,
Gaithersburg, MD, United States, 4Seattle Biomedical Research Institute, Seattle, WA, United States, 5Department of Dermatology, DIAID, Experimental Allergy, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna,
Austria, 6University of Massachusetts, Worcester, MA, United States, 7Department of Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 8Department of Medicine 1, Medical University of Vienna,,
Vienna, Austria, 9Department of Pathology and Immunology, Division of Clinical Pathology, University & University Hospital of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 10Department of Neuropathology, Georg-
August-University Goettingen, Goettingen, Germany.
P.C.24.14 Identification and characterization of long noncoding RNAs in primary human monocytes and neutrophils
B. Mariotti1, F. Bianchetto1, N. Tamassia1, M. Rossato2, M. Castellucci1, R. Ostuni3, M. A. Cassatella1, F. Bazzoni1;
Department of Pathology and Diagnostic, Division of General Pathology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology, UMC, Utrecht, Netherlands,

Department of Experimental Oncology, IEO, Milan, Italy.


Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 109
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.C.24.15 Genome-wide patterns of PU.1 and H3K4me1 localization in human neutrophils and monocytes
F. Bianchetto1, N. Tamassia1, M. Zimmermann1, G. Natoli2, M. A. Cassatella1;
Department of Pathology and Diagnostics, Division of General Pathology, University of Verona, Verona, Italy, 2Department of Experimental Oncology, European Institute of Oncology (IEO), Milan, Italy.
P.C.24.16 Dectin-1 is critical for miR155 up regulation in murine macrophages invaded by Candida albicans hyphae
D. P. Agustinho1, M. Oliveira1, A. H. Tavares1, L. Derengowski1, V. Stolz2, M. R. Mortari1, K. Kuchler2, I. Silva-Pereira1;
University of Brasilia, Brasilia, Brazil, 2Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Vienna, Austria.

P.C.24.17 MicroRNA-150 regulates the cytotoxicity of natural killers by targeting perforin-1

T. Kim1,2, N. Kim1, I. Choi1,2;
Korea Research Institute of Bioscience and Biotechnology (KRIBB), Daejeon, Korea, Republic of, 2Korea University of Science and Technology (UST), Daejeon, Korea, Republic of.

Track D Disease Intervention

P.D.19 Vaccines for Infectious Diseases
Chairpersons: Birgit Weinberger; Innsbruck, Austria / Reinhard Wrzner; Innsbruck, Austria (tbc)

P.D.19.01 A comprehensive analysis of LACK (Leishmania homologue of receptors for activated C kinase) in the context of Visceral Leishmaniasis
S. Sinha, S. Sundaram, A. Kumar;
Centre for Biotechnology, University of Allahabad, Allahabad, India.
P.D.19.02 Development of a dual protective mucosal vaccine against botulism and influenza
M. Zeng, J. Li, D. Diaz-Arvalo, Y. Chen;
Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center, El Paso, TX, United States.
P.D.19.03 Marginal role of phosphorylations on CMV tegument phosphoproteins
F. J. J. Rieder1, M. Kastner1, W. J. Britt2, K. Djinovic-Carugo3, C. Steininger1;
Medical University of Vienna, Clinic of Internal Medicine I, Department of Infectious Diseases and T, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Pediatrics, Childrens Hospital, Birmingham, AL, United States,
Department of Structural & Computational Biology, Max F. Perutz Laboratories, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.19.04 DNA motif immunization
X. Wu;
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, Hong Kong.
P.D.19.05 Restricted antibody response to Bordetella pertussis filamentous hemagglutinin induced by whole-cell and acellular pertussis vaccines
H. Asgarian-Omran1,2, M. Golara2, S. Abdolmaleki2, S. S. Navabi2, H. Alipour3, J. Khoshnoodi2, A. Hemmati4, S. Zarei4, M. Jeddi-Tehrani4, F. Shokri2,4;

Department of Immunology, School of Medicine, Mazandaran University of Medical Sciences,, Sari, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Department of Immunology, School of Public Health, Tehran University of
Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Department of Agronomy and Plant Breeding, Campus of Agriculture and Natural Resource, Tehran University, Karaj, Iran, Karaj, Iran,
Islamic Republic of, 4Monoclonal Antibody Research Center, Avicenna Research Institute, ACECR, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.19.06 Eucaryotic Expression of HSV Glycoproteins gC2, gD1, gD2 and Immunogenicity Analysis
Y. Li1, S. Li1,2, Y. Qi1, T. Xu1, T. Xu1, J. Zhou1, Y. Pan1, S. Li1;
Huadong Research Institute for Medicine and Biotechniques, Nanjing, China, 2School of Basic Medicine, Nanjing Medical University, Nanjing, China.
P.D.19.07 Employing improved antigens allows streamlining of heterologous DNA-prime and NYVAC/protein-boost HIV vaccine regimens in rhesus macaques
B. Asbach1, A. Kliche1, J. Kstler1, B. Perdiguero2, M. Esteban2, B. Jacobs3, D. Montefiori4, C. Labranche4, N. L. Yates4, G. D. Tomaras4, G. Ferrari4, K. Foulds5, M. Roederer6, N. Hawkins6, S. Self6, S. Phogat7, J.
Tartaglia7, S. W. Barnett8, B. Burke8, A. Cristillo9, J. Francis9, S. Ding10, J. L. Heeney11, G. Pantaleo12, R. Wagner1;
Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, Universitt Regensburg, Regensburg, Germany, 2Centro Nacional de Biotecnologa, Madrid, Spain, 3The Biodesign Institute at Arizona State University,
Tempe, AZ, United States, 4Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 5Vaccine Research Center, National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID), National Institutes of Health (NIH),
Bethesda, MD, United States, 6Statistical Center for HIV/AIDS Research and Prevention, Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States, 7Sanofi Pasteur, Swift Water, PA, United
States, 8Novartis Vaccines and Diagnostics, Inc., Cambridge, MA, United States, 9Advanced BioScience Laboratories, Inc., Kensington, MD, United States, 10EuroVacc Foundation, Lausanne, Switzerland,
Lab of Viral Zoonotics, Department of Veterinary Medicine, University of Cambridge, Cambridge, United Kingdom, 12Division of Immunology and Allergy, Department of Medicine, Centre Hospitalier
Universitaire Vaudois, University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland.
P.D.19.09 Induction of immune response in mice after injection of mesenchymal stem cells transfected with gD gene of herpes simplex virus
A. Murzakova, R. Klimova, A. Kushch;
Federal Research Centre of Epidemiology and Microbiology named after the academician N. F. Gamaleya, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.D.19.10 Efficacy of Flu SAM (HA) vaccine against Influenza infection in mice and ferrets
M. Brazzoli1, D. Magini1, A. Bonci1, S. Buccato1, V. Zurli1, S. Mangiavacchi1, D. Casini1, R. Kratzer2, L. A. Brito3, E. De Gregorio1, P. W. Mason4, J. B. Ulmer3, A. J. Geall5, S. C. Bertholet1;
GSK, Siena, Italy, 2Transgene, Lyon, France, 3GSK, Cambridge, MA, United States, 4Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Tarrytown, NY, United States, 5Avidity NanoMedicines, La Jolla, CA, United States.
P.D.19.11 Specificities of human CD4+ T cell responses to the live attenuated yellow fever virus vaccine (17D-204)
M. Koblischke1, I. Fae2, G. Fischer2, M. Mackroth3, B. Fleischer3, K. Stiasny1, F. X. Heinz1, J. H. Aberle1;
Department of Virology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department for Blood Group Serology and Transfusion Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of
Immunology, Bernhard Nocht Institute for Tropical Medicine, Hamburg, Germany.
P.D.19.12 New approaches to localize protective CD8 T-cell responses in liver stage malaria
A. Gola1, A. A. Walters1, B. R. Halbroth1, A. Salman1, S. M. Khan2, C. J. Janse2, A. J. Spencer1, A. V. Hill1;
University of Oxford, Jenner Institute, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Leiden University, Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.

P.D.19.13 Longitudinal analysis of antibody responses following vaccination against group B meningococcus (MenB) and the impact on their functional activity
A. Mariani, M. Bruttini, V. Masignani, G. Del Giudice, O. Finco, E. Bartolini, F. Buricchi;
GSK Vaccines, Siena, Italy.
P.D.19.14 Enhanced protection of human PD1-based HIV-1 mosaic DNA vaccine
S. M. Chen, J. Tang, X. Wu, Z. Chen;
The University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong SAR, Hong Kong.
P.D.19.15 The development of a protein-based vaccine against Buruli ulcer
K. M. Mangas1, E. Marion2,3, L. Marsollier2,3, B. Y. Chua1, N. J. Tobias1, D. C. Jackson1, T. P. Stinear1;
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, University of Melbourne, Melbourne, Australia, 2ATOMycA, Inserm Avenir Team, CRCNA, Inserm U892, 6299 CNRS Angers, Angers, France, 3LUNAM,
Universit dAngers, Angers, France.
P.D.19.16 A gold glyco-nanoparticle carrying a listeriolysin O peptide and formulated with advax delta inulin adjuvant induces robust t-cell protection against listeria
C. Alvarez-Dominguez1, R. calderon-gonzalez1, L. Alaez-Alvarez1, S. Penades2, N. Petrovsky3;
Instituto de Formacion e Investigacin Marques de Valdecilla, Santander, Spain, 2CIC-biomaGUNE, San Sebastian, Spain, 3Flinders University, Adelaide, Australia.
P.D.19.17 Schistosoma mansoni tegument protein Sm29 elicits robust immunogenicity in the baboon model
P. Ogongo;
Institute of Primate Research, Nairobi, Kenya.
P.D.19.18 sero Surveillance of Measles virus among-st vaccinated children of rural population of Pakistan
Z. Hussain, M. Qureshi, S. Sharafat;
Dow University of Health Sciences, Karachi, Pakistan.
P.D.19.19 Dengue neutralizing antibody responses in mice receiving heterologous prime/boost of tetravalent live-attenuated and DNA vaccines
E. Prompetchara1, C. Ketloy1,2, P. Keelapang3, R. Sriburi3, N. Sittisombut3,4, K. Ruxrungtham1,5;
Dengue Vaccine Research Unit, ChulaVRC, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand, 2Department of Laboratory Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand,
Department of Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Chiang Mai University, Chiang Mai, Thailand, 4Medical Biotechnology Research Unit, National Center for Genetic Engineering and Biotechnology, National
Science and Technology Development Agency, Bangkok, Thailand, 5Department of Medicine, Faculty of Medicine, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Thailand.
P.D.19.20 Competition of adenovirus epitopes with transgene epitopes - investigation of particular mechanisms of immonusuppression in adenovirus pre-immune mice
C. Hrycak, D. Schne, S. Windmann, W. Bayer, U. Dittmer;
Institute for Virology University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany.

110 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.D.19.21 Balance between activation and regulation of HIV-specific CD8 T cells response after MVA-B therapeutic vaccination
N. I. Ralln1,2, B. Mothe3, J. C. Lopez Bernaldo de Quiros4, M. Plana5, J. M. Ligos6, M. Montoya6, M. A. Muoz4, M. Esteban7, F. Garca5, C. Brander3,8, J. M. Benito1,2;
IIS-Fundacin Jimnez Daz, UAM, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario Rey Juan Carlos, Mstoles, Spain, 3IrsiCaixa/HIVCAT, Barcelona, Spain, 4Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maran, Madrid,
Spain, 5Hospital Clinic, Barcelona, Spain, 6Centro Nacional de Investigaciones Cardiovasculares, Madrid, Spain, 7Centro Nacional de Biotecnologa, Madrid, Spain, 8Instituci Catalana per la Recerca i
Estudis Avancats (ICREA), Barcelona, Spain.
P.D.19.22 Antibody and plasmablast response to 13-valent pneumococcal conjugate vaccine in patients with chronic kidney disease
E. Grywalska1, W. Zaluska2, I. Smarz-Widelska3, D. Niespodziewaska-Mierzyska3, M. Zgurski1, J. Drabik4, J. Rolinski1;
Department of Clinical Immunology and Immunotherapy, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland, 2Department of Nephrology, Medical University of Lublin, Lublin, Poland, 3Department of

Nephrology, Lublin, Poland, 4Department of Nephrology, Lubartow, Poland.

P.D.19.23 Importance of the pentameric complex in vaccine development against cytomegalovirus
Y. Choi, A. McGregor;
Texas A&M Health Science Center, College Station, TX, United States.

P.D.20 Vaccine Adjuvants

Chairpersons: frica Gonzlez-Fernndez; Vigo, Spain / Franz X. Heinz; Vienna, Austria

P.D.20.01 Adjuvant effect of Propionibacterium acnes on the immunogenicity of a CD4+ epitope-based HIV vaccine
D. Teixeira1, J. S. Apostlico1, J. M. Viel1, V. C. Passarelli1, M. E. Ishimura1, G. P. Silveira1, M. Gambero1, E. Cunha-Neto2, D. S. Rosa1, I. M. Longo-Maugri1;
Federal University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 2University of So Paulo-School of Medicine, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.D.20.02 Cholesterol-coupling of dsRNA serves as a potent adjuvant delivery system
H. Obermann, I. Lederbogen, A. Kaufmann, S. Bauer;
Institute for Immunology, Marburg, Germany.
P.D.20.03 Increasing influenza vaccine efficacy through the use of inflammasome targeting adjuvants
R. F. Russell, J. U. McDonald, J. S. Tregoning;
Imperial College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.20.04 The vaccine adjuvant alum inhibits Th1 responses by promoting the induction of interleukin-10
E. Oleszycka, S. McCluskey, F. A. Sharp, E. C. Lavelle;
Trinity Biomedical Sciences Institute, Dublin, Ireland.
P.D.20.05 Adjuvant effect of killed-Propionibacterium acnes on immunogenicity of the dendritic-tumor cells hybrid vaccine
M. E. Ishimura, D. Teixeira, G. P. Silveira, M. Gambero, G. A. Colozza Gama, B. S. Ozane Pimenta, I. M. Longo-Maugri;
Federal University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.D.20.06 Effect of recombinant Leishmania major lipophosphoglycan 3 (LPG3) on human B-cells activation and cytokine secretion

M. Haji-Fatahaliha1, M. Hosseini1, S. Rasoulzadeh1, M. Ghafari-Khamene2, M. Shabani3, J. Majidi1, M. Yousefi1;
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 3Avicenna Research Institute, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.20.07 CpG ODN/cationic peptide nanorings as anti-viral and anti-tumor agents
B. Gungor1, M. Gursel1, &. Gursel2, G. Tincer Konig2, F. C. Yagci2;
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.D.20.08 Combined use of CpG ODN and CDNs promote synergistic activation in immune cells
S. Yildiz1, E. Alpdundar1, B. Gungor1, T. Kahraman2, B. Bayyurt2, I. Gursel2, M. Gursel1;
Middle East Technical University, Ankara, Turkey, 2Bilkent University, Ankara, Turkey.
P.D.20.09 Intramuscular vaccination together with RNAdjuvant induces local effects that enhance immune responses in a TLR- and RLH-dependent manner
A. Kessler1, C. Soldner1,2, S. Lienenklaus3,4,1, J. Spanier1, T. Kramps5, K. Kallen6, R. Heidenreich6, M. Fotin-Mleczek6, U. Kalinke1;
Twincore, Centre for Experimental and Clinical Infection Research GmbH, Hannover, Germany, 2Vakzine Projekt Management GmbH, Hannover, Austria, 3Molecular Immunology, Helmholtz Centre for
Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany, 4nstitute for Laboratory Animal Science and Central Animal Facility, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 5Boehringer Ingelheim Pharma GmbH &
Co. KG, Ingelheim, Germany, 6CureVac GmbH, Tbingen, Germany.
P.D.20.10 The impact of different influenza vaccines on viral-bacterial co-infection in the mouse model
V. Zurli1,2, M. Gallotta3, M. Taccone1, E. Chiarot1, M. Brazzoli1, E. De Gregorio1, S. Bertholet1, B. Baudner1, A. Seubert1;
GSK Vaccines, Siena, Italy, 2University of Padua, Padua, Italy, 3Dynavax, Berkeley, CA, United States.
P.D.20.11 Signaling molecules of the innate immune system as genetic adjuvants in DNA immunizations against Influenza A viruses
D. Lapuente1, V. Stab1, A. Maaske1, C. Ehrhardt2, D. Hannaman3, M. Tenbusch1;
Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany, 2University of Muenster, Muenster, Germany, 3Ichor Medical Systems, San Diego, CA, United States.
P.D.20.12 The effect of recombinant Leishmania major lipophosphoglycan 3 (LPG3) on purified human T lymphocytes
M. Hosseini1, M. Haji-Fatahaliha1, M. Jabbarzadegan1, S. Rasoulzadeh1, M. Ghafari-Khamene2, M. Yousefi1;
Tabriz University of Medical Sciences, Tabriz, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Islamic Azad University, Urmia, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.D.20.13 Impaired post vaccination influenza-specific humoral immune responses in mice genetically predisposed to metabolic dysfunction can be partially restored by
P. Riese1, S. Trittel1, M. Rohm2, T. Ebensen1, S. Herzig2, C. A. Guzmn1;
Helmholtz-Centre for Infection Research, Braunschweig, Germany, 2DKFZ, Heidelberg, Germany.
P.D.20.14 Intranasal vaccination with Pam3CSK4 and FSL-1 as adjuvants enhances mucosal and systemic immune responses to an Enterovirus 71 vaccine
Y. L. Lin1, C. L. Chin2, P. Y. Cheng1, H. P. Yuan1, B. L. Chiang1,2;
Department of Medical Research, National Taiwan University Hospital, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate Institute of Immunology, Collage of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.D.20.15 A liposome-based influenza vaccine induces potent neonatal antibody responses
B. Mastelic Gavillet1, C. S. Eberhardt1, F. Auderset1, D. Christensen2, E. Agger2, P. Andersen2, P. Lambert1, C. Siegrist1;
University of Geneva, Geneva, Switzerland, 2Statens Serum Institut, Copenhagen, Denmark.
P.D.20.16 Neutrophil responses to adjuvants used in allergy vaccines
M. Reithofer, D. Polak, B. Bohle, B. Jahn-Schmid;
Institute for Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, MCCA PhD Programme, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.20.17 Development of an adjuvant system based on pathogen-mimicking nanoparticles to enhance dendritic cell activation
N. Munoz-Wolf1, E. Collison1, J. Sirard2, E. C. Lavelle1;
Trinity Biomedical Science Institute -Trinity College Dublin, Dublin, Ireland, 2Center for Infection and Immunity of Lille, Institut Pasteur de Lille, Lille, France.
P.D.20.18 CD8+ T cell fate and function influenced by antigen-specific virus-like nanoparticles co- expressing membrane tethered IL-2
D. Wojta-Stremayr1,2, A. Neunkirchner1,2, B. Srinivasan1, D. Trapin1, K. G. Schmetterer1, W. F. Pickl1,2;
Institute of Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 2Christian Doppler Laboratory for Immunomodulation, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.20.19 Evaluating Use of the Probiotic Yeast Saccharomyces boulardii for the Synthesis and Delivery of Oral Therapeutics and Vaccines
L. E. Hudson1, C. D. McDermott1, M. B. Fasken1, E. G. Kuiper1, D. B. Guiliano2, A. H. Corbett1, T. J. Lamb1;
Emory University, Atlanta, GA, United States, 2University of East London, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.20.20 CXCL10 production and antigen presentation to CD8 T cells after transcutaneous and intradermal administration of MVA vaccine in human skin
J. Gonnet1, L. Weiss1,2, D. Boccara1,3, C. Sylvain1, N. Yahia1, M. Dufossee1, R. Wagner4, B. Verrier5, A. Moris1, A. Vogt1,2, M. Mimoun3, B. Combadiere1, H. Perrin1;
Centre dImmunologie et des Maladies Infectieuses-Paris (Cimi-Paris), Inserm U1135, Sorbonne Universits UPMC universit Paris 06 UMRS CR7, CNRS ERL8255, Paris, France, 2Clinical Research Center for
Hair and Skin Science, Department of Dermatology and Allergy, Charit-Universittsmedizin Berlin, Berlin, Germany, Berlin, Germany, 3Service de chirurgie plastique reconstructrice, esthtique, centre des
brls, hopital Saint-Louis, Assistance Publique Hpitaux de Paris, Paris, France, 4Molecular Microbiology and Gene Therapy Unit, Institute of Medical Microbiology and Hygiene, University of Regensburg,
Regensburg, Germany, 5Institut de Biologie et Chimie des proteins UMR 5305, CNRS/Universit de Lyon, Lyon, France.
P.D.20.21 Subcutaneous application of a tick-borne-encephalitis vaccine leads to a higher reactogenicity profile but similar protective immune responses as the intra
muscular route
S. Hopf1, E. Garner-Spitzer1, M. Hofer1, M. Kundi2, O. Kistner3, U. Wiedermann1;
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology & I, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Environmental Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Clinical Virology & Scientific Affairs, BioScience, Baxter Innovations GmbH, Vienna, Austria.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 111
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.D.21 Intervention & Therapy of Allergy - Part 2
Chairpersons: Peter Korosec; Golnik, Slovenia / Laurent Mascarell; Antony, France

P.D.21.01 Perinatal application of a probiotic Escherichia coli strain for primary prevention of type I allergy in mice
C. Zwicker1, M. R. Hassler2, A. Neunkirchner3, G. Egger2, U. Wiedermann1, I. Schabussova1;
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Clinical Institute of Pathology, Medical
University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Institute of Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Immunology and Infectiology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.21.02 A therapeutic approach for allergy based on antibody conjugates bi-specific for ICAM1 and allergens to prevent migration of allergens through mucosal barriers
C. Madritsch1, J. Eckl-Dorna2, K. Blatt3, I. Ellinger4, M. Kundi5, V. Niederberger2, P. Valent3, R. Valenta1, S. Flicker1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department
of Otorhinolaryngology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Division of Hematology and Hemostaseology, Department of Internal Medicine I, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Division of Cellular and Molecular Pathophysiology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 5Institute of Environmental Health, Center of
Public Health, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.21.03 A novel glutarimide derivative XC8 suppresses acute experimental allergic asthma in BALB/c mice
S. Kazemi1, D. Reiner1, R. Lee1, G. Dekan2, T. Kromova3, A. Rydlovskaya3, O. Proskurina3, V. E. Nebolsin3, M. M. Epstein1;
Department of Dermatology DIAID, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Clinical Pathology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3LLC Pharmenterprises, Moscow, Russian
P.D.21.04 the immunomodulatory effect of imperatonin on dendritic cells and in ovalbumin-induced asthmatic mice
C. L. Lin1, C. C. Wang2, H. L. Wu1, Y. L. Lee3;
Graduate Institute of Medical Sciences, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2School of Pharmacy, College of Pharmacy, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan, 3Department of
Microbiology and Immunology, College of Medicine, Taipei Medical University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.D.21.05 Prevention and therapy of allergy by parasite derived immunomodulators
M. Drinic1, I. Schabussova1, A. Wagner1, B. Ruttkowski2, A. Joachim2, U. Wiedermann1;
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2University of Veterinary Medicine, Vienna,
P.D.21.06 Humanized mice as in vivo model for therapy of IgE-mediated allergy
C. Vizzardelli1, B. Nagl1, A. Neunkirchner2, C. Kitzmller1, B. Jahn-Schmid1, B. Bohle1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.21.07 Recombinant probiotic bacteria expressing allergen-chimers for the neonatal prevention of poly-sensitization
P. J. Sarate1, S. Heinl2, C. Daniel3, H. Kozkova4, R. Grabherr2, I. Schabussova1, U. Wiedermann1;
Institute of Specific Prophylaxis and Tropical Medicine, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology & Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Kinderspitalgasse 15, Wien, Austria, 2(c/o) CD Laboratory for
Genetically Engineered Lactic Acid Bacteria Department of Biotechnology University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences VIBT, Wien, Austria, 3Institut Pasteur de Lille, Center for Infection and Immunity
of Lille, Universite Lille Nord de France, CNRS, UMR 8204, Institut National de la Sante et de la Recherche Me dicale, Lille, France, 4Laboratory of Immunology and Gnotobiology, Institute of Microbiology
of Academy of Sciences of Czech republic,V.V.I., Novy Hradek, Czech Republic.

P.D.21.08 QS-21 in combination with alum allows reduction of antigen-amount in allergen-specific grass pollen immunotherapy in a preclinical model
U. Baranyi1,2, M. Focke-Tejkl1,3, B. Linhart1,3, F. Stolz4, A. Neubauer4, R. Henning4, T. Wekerle1,2, R. Valenta1,3;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Surgery, Vienna, Austria, 3Div. of Immunopathology, Dept. of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology
and Immunology, Vienna, Austria, 4Biomay AG, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.21.09 Allergen-specific IgG antibodies suppress allergen-induced lung inflammation and airway hyperresponsiveness in murine models of birch and grass pollen allergy
B. Linhart, M. Narayanan, M. Focke-Tejkl, S. Vrtala, R. Valenta;
Dept. of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center of Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.21.10 The Vienna Challenge Chamber as a tool to monitor immediate allergic reactions and treatment effects in patients with mite allergic rhinitis
P. Zieglmayer, R. Zieglmayer, P. Lemell, F. Horak;
Vienna Challenge Chamber, Allergy Center Vienna West, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.21.11 Molecular-based allergy diagnostics in atopic dermatitis patients
O. V. Shtyrbul, E. S. Fedenko, O. G. Elisyutina;
Institute of Immunology, Moscow, Russian Federation.
P.D.21.12 Oral delivery of allergen-specific vaccination using recombinant Lactobacillus rhamnosus GG in a murine model of birch pollen allergic asthma
I. Spacova1, S. F. Seys1, R. Dockx1, M. I. Petrova1, F. C. Devos1, A. Kasran1, J. A. Vanoirbeek1, J. L. Ceuppens1, J. Vanderleyden1, S. Lebeer1,2;
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, 2University of Antwerp, Antwerp, Belgium.
P.D.21.13 Superior immunogenicity of BM32 a recombinant B cell epitope-based grass pollen allergy vaccine over established allergen extract-based vaccines
M. Weber1, M. Focke-Tejkl1, K. Niespodziana1, B. Linhart1, A. Neubauer2, H. Huber2, R. Henning2, R. Valenta1;
Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Biomay AG,
Vienna, Austria.
P.D.21.14 Interaction of neuraminidase-coated microparticles with human intestinal epithelial cells
S. C. Diesner1,2, C. Schultz1, S. Exenberger1, E. Fuerst1, X. Wang3, F. Roth-Walter1,4, D. Heiden1, I. Pali-Schll1,4, E. Jensen-Jarolim1,4, F. Gabor3, E. Untersmayr1;
Medical University of Vienna, Department of Pathopysiology and Allergy Research, Vienna, Austria, 2Medical University of Vienna, Department of Paediatrics and Adolescent Medicine, Vienna, Austria,
University of Vienna, Department of Pharmaceutical Technology and Biopharmaceuticals, Vienna, Austria, 4Comparative Medicine, Messerli Research Institute of the University of Veterinary Medicine
Vienna, Medical University Vienna and University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.21.15 Modulation of atopic immune responses by transfer of allergen laden alveolar macrophages
K. Kolberg1,2, S. Barth3, R. Fischer1,4, T. Thepen1;
Fraunhofer IME, Dept. Pharmaceutical Product Development, Aachen, Germany, 2Uniklinik RWTH Aachen, Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Applied Medical Engineering,
Dept. of Experimental Medicine and Immunotherapy, Aachen, Germany, 3South African Research Chairpersons: in Cancer Biotechnology, Institute of Infectious Disease and Molecular Medicine (IDM),
Department of Integrative Biomedical Sciences, Faculty of Health Sciences, University of Cape Town, Cape Town, South Africa, 4RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Molecular Biotechnology, Aachen,
P.D.21.16 Production of a hypoallergenic variant of the major peanut allergen Ara h 2 in the baculovirus insect cell system for allergen-specific immunotherapy
A. Tscheppe1, D. Palmberger2, M. Bublin1, C. Radauer1, C. Palladino1, B. Gepp1, N. Lengger1, R. Grabherr2, H. Breiteneder1;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Biotechnology, University of Natural Resources and Life Sciences, Vienna, Austria.

P.D.21.17 Targeting allergens to Xcr1+DCs for allergen-specific immunotherapy

S. Bobic, A. Gudjonsson, E. Fossum, B. Bogen;
K.G. Jebsen Influenza Vaccine Research Centre, Institute of Immunology, Oslo, Norway.

P.D.22 Cancer Immunotherapy - Part 4

Chairpersons: Christine S. Falk; Heidelberg, Germany

P.D.22.01 Immune-stimulatory cytokines as an adjuvant to enhance cancer immunotherapy

A. AlSaieedi1,2, A. Holler1, G. Bendle3, H. Stauss1;
Institute of Immunity and Transplantation, University College London (UCL), London, United Kingdom, 2King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, 3School of Cancer Sciences, University of
Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.D.22.02 Induction of anti tumor responses against malignant melanoma via antigen targeting in vivo
C. Lehmann1, K. Neubert1, L. Heger1, A. Baranska1, A. M. Staedtler1, V. Buchholz2, S. Yamazaki3, G. F. Heidkamp1, N. Eissing1, H. Zebroski4, M. C. Nussenzweig5, F. Nimmerjahn6, D. Dudziak1;
University Hospital Erlangen, Dept of Dermatology, Laboratory of DC Biology, Erlangen, Germany, 2TU-Munich, Institute of Medical Microbiology, Immunology and Hygiene, Munich, Germany, 3Hokkaido
University, Department of Microbiology and Immunology, Graduate School of Medicine, Sapporo, Japan, 4The Rockefeller University, Proteomics Resource Center, New York, NY, United States, 5The
Rockefeller University, Laboratory of Molecular Immunology, New York, NY, United States, 6University of Erlangen, Department of Biology, Chairpersons: of Genetics, Erlangen, Germany.
P.D.22.03 Cytotoxicity of defensins -thionin (Capsicum chinense) and PaDef (Persea americana var. drymifolia) against cancer cell lines
J. Guzmn Rodrguez, R. Lpez Gmez, A. Ochoa Zarzosa, J. Lpez Meza;
Universidad Michoacana de San Niculs de Hidalgo, Morelia, Mexico.

112 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.D.22.06 Galactose oxidase treatment of human or mouse mature dendritic cells enhances their potential in T cell priming and anti-tumor therapy
M. Heuer, A. Brandl, L. Schwab, K. Strecker, A. Beilhack, M. B. Lutz;
University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.D.22.07 Batf3-dependent dendritic cells direct antitumor cytotoxic T-lymphocyte vaccination
M. Enamorado, S. Iborra, D. Sancho;
CNIC, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.22.08 Long-term outcome of extranodal NK/T cell lymphoma patients treated with post-remission therapy using EBV LMP1 and LMP2a-specific CTLs
S. G. Cho1, N. Kim2, H. J. Sohn3, S. K. Lee4, S. T. Oh5, H. J. Lee3, H. I. Cho6, H. W. Yim7, S. E. Jung8, G. Park9, J. H. Oh10, B. O. Choi11, S. W. Kim12, S. W. Kim12, N. G. Chung13, J. W. Lee1, Y. S. Hong14, T. G. Kim3;
Department of Hematology, Catholic Blood and Marrow Transplantation Center, Seoul St. Marys Hospital. College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Institute for
Translational Research and Molecular Imaging, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 3Catholic Hematopoietic Stem Cell Bank, College of Medicine, The Catholic
University of Korea,, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 4Department of Medical Lifescience, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea3Medical Lifescience, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 5Department of
Medical Lifescience, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 6Cancer Research Institute, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic
of, 7Department of Preventive Medicine, Seoul St. Marys Hospital. College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 8Department of Radiology, Seoul St. Marys Hospital.
College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 9Department of Pathology, Seoul St. Marys Hospital. College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea,
Republic of, 10Department of Nuclear Medicine, Seoul St. Marys Hospital. College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 11Department of Radiation Oncology, Seoul St.
Marys Hospital. College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 12Department of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Seoul St. Marys Hospital. College of Medicine, The
Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 13Department of Pediatrics, Seoul St. Marys Hospital. College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 14Department of
Medical Oncoogy, Seoul St. Marys Hospital. College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.D.22.09 Erythrocytes used as tumor antigen carrier to target antigen-presenting cells: innovative approach for in situ cancer immunotherapy
M. Cremel, N. Guerin, W. Berlier, F. Horand, Y. Godfrien;
ERYTECH Pharma, Lyon, France.
P.D.22.11 Devising a glycoantigen specific DC immunotherapy to develop an efficient anti-tumor response in the hypoxic environment of glioblastoma
R. A. Ginwala1, D. Sagar1, L. Betesh1, X. Huang2, C. Foss3, S. Karakashev1, Z. K. Khan1, A. Mehta1, R. Philip2, M. Pomper3, M. Reginato1, P. Jain1;
Drexel University College of Medicine, Philadelphia, PA, United States, 2Immunotope Inc., Doylestown, PA, United States, 3Johns Hopkins Medicine, Bethesda, MD, United States.
P.D.22.12 In vivo potential of recombinant granulysin against human tumors
S. Al-Wasaby, D. de Miguel, A. Aporta, J. Naval, B. Conde, L. Martinez-Lostao, A. Anel;
University of Zaragoza, Zaragoza, Spain.
P.D.22.13 Anti-cancer properties of Gastropodan hemocyanins in murine model of colon carcinoma
V. Gesheva1, S. Chausheva1, N. Mihaylova1, I. Manoylov1, L. Doumanova1, K. Idakieva2, A. I. Tchorbanov1;
Institute of Microbiology, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Institute of Organic Chemistry, Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria.

P.D.22.14 The critical role of immune microenvironment in Hepatocellular carcinoma- the potential of TLR3 ligand as a novel immunotherapy
V. Chew;
Singhealth Translational Immunology and Inflammation Centre, Singapore, Singapore.
P.D.22.15 Application of polymer donors of nitric oxide for intensification of targeted therapy of solid tumors with polymer cytotoxic drugs

V. Horkov1, L. Sivk1, M. Studenovsk2, M. rov1;
Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague 4, Czech Republic, 2Institute of Macromolecular Chemistry, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, Prague 6, Czech
P.D.22.16 Graphene quantum dots suppress differentiation, maturation and anti-tumour functions of human dendritic cells
S. Tomic1, D. Mihajlovi1, Z. Markovi2, V. Trajkovic3, M. Colic1;
Medical Faculty of the Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Vina Institute of Nuclear Sciences, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Institute for Microbiology and Immunology, School of
Medicine, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.D.22.17 Nivolumab and urelumab enhance antitumor activity of human T lymphocytes engrafted in Rag2-/-IL2Rnull immunodeficient mice
I. Rodrguez1, F. Miguel1,2,3, O. Carmen2, A. Arantza1, R. Mara Esperanza1,2, M. Aizea1, L. Sara1, P. Jose Luis2, M. Salvador2, A. Carlos2, S. A. Kurt3, M. Guillermo4, S. Francesca5, H. Manuel5,6, K. J. Alan7, J.
Maria8, M. Ignacio1,2;
CIMA, Pamplona, Spain, 2Clnica Universidad de Navarra, Pamplona, Spain, 3Yale School of Medicine, New Haven, CT, United States, 4Universidad Austral, Pilar, Argentina, 5Centro Integral Oncolgico
Clara Campal, Madrid, Spain, 6Spanish National Cancer Research Centre (CNIO), Madrid, Spain, 7Bristol Myers Squibb, Redwood City, CA, United States, 8Bristol Myers Squibb, Princeton, NJ, United States.
P.D.22.18 Peptide libraries for comprehensive coverage of the tumor mutanome in immune monitoring and immunotherapy
P. von Hoegen, U. Reimer;
JPT Peptide Technologies GmbH, Berlin, Germany.
P.D.22.19 The combination of a trifunctional bispecific antibody with a CTLA-4-blocking antibody affects the induction of a CD4+ T-cell memory in a preclinical mouse model
N. Deppisch1, P. Ruf2, N. Eissler1,3, H. Lindhofer2, R. Mocikat1;
Helmholtz Zentrum Mnchen, Institut fr Molekulare Immunologie, Munich, Germany, 2Trion Research GmbH, Martinsried, Germany, 3Karolinska Institutet, Department of Oncology-Pathology,
Stockholm, Sweden.
P.D.22.20 Zoledronic acid-induced targeting of macrophages by T cell
D. W. Fowler, J. Copier, A. G. Dalgleish, M. D. Bodman-Smith;
St. Georges University of London, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.22.21 Polypeptide modification to alter plasma stability in a novel immunotherapeutic
L. Roberts, D. G. Miller, O. Goodyear, M. Cobbold;
University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom.
P.D.22.22 Tumor cytotoxic dendritic cells modulate regulatory T cell responses
A. Gautheron1, N. Janikashvili1, M. Trad1, M. Samson1, M. Ciudad1, N. Larmonier2, S. Audia1, B. Bonnotte1;
INSERM UMR 1098, Universit de Bourgogne Franche-Comt, Dijon, France, 2Department of Pediatrics and Immunobiology, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, United States.
P.D.22.23 Generation of novel SNAP-tag conjugated immunotherapeutics
M. Woitok1,2, K. Kolberg3,1, R. Fischer1,2, S. Barth4;
Fraunhofer IME, Dept. of Pharmaceutical Product Development, Aachen, Germany, 2RWTH Aachen University, Institute for Molecular Biotechnology, Aachen, Germany, 3University Hospital RWTH
Aachen, Helmholtz Institute for Biomedical Engineering, Institute of Applied Medical Engineering, Dept. of Experimental Medicine and Immunotherapy, Aachen, Germany, 4South African Research
Chairpersons: in Cancer Biotechnology, Cape Town, South Africa.

P.D.23 Stem Cells & Cell Based Therapies - Part 2

Chairpersons: Marina Garin; Madrid, Spain / Ralf Dressel; Gttingen, Germany

P.D.23.01 Metabolic reprogramming of tumor-specific t cells boosts anti-tumor immunity by readjusting t cell metabolic fitness in the tumor microenvironment
P. Ho1,2, J. Bihuniak2, A. N. Macintyre3, X. Liu4, Y. Tsui2, E. Abel5, K. Insogna2, S. Feske6, J. W. Locasale4, M. W. Bosenberg2, J. C. Perales7, J. C. Rathmell3, S. M. Kaech2,8;
University of Lausanne, Lausanne, Switzerland, 2Yale University, New Haven, CT, United States, 3Duke University, Durham, NC, United States, 4Cornell University, Ithasca, NY, United States, 5University of
Iowa, Iowa City, IA, United States, 6New York University, New York City, NY, United States, 7University of Barcelona, Barcelona, Spain, 8Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Chevy Chase, MD, United States.
P.D.23.02 Quantifying Antigen Thresholds for CAR T Cell Mediated Tumor Cell Killing
A. Plach1, V. Gudipati1, J. Rydzek2, M. Hudecek2, J. Huppa1;
Institute for Hygiene and Applied Immunology, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Department of Medicine II - Hematology and
Medical Oncology, University of Wrzburg, Wrzburg, Germany.
P.D.23.04 In vivo TCR transduced T cells demonstrate antigen-specific functionality upon systemic application of retroviral vectors
I. Edes1, I. Schneider2, Q. Zhou2, C. J. Buchholz2, W. Uckert1;
Max Delbrck Center for Molecular Medicine in the Helmholtz Association, Berlin, Germany, 2Paul-Ehrlich-Institut, Langen, Germany.
P.D.23.05 Study on the role of STAT3 activation in the stemness and immune suppressive activities of mesenchymal stem cells
H. C. Yu1, B. L. Chiang1,2;
Graduate Institute of Clinical Medicine, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan, 2Graduate Institute of Immunology, College of Medicine, National Taiwan University, Taipei, Taiwan.
P.D.23.06 Adipose-derived mesenchymal stem cells ameliorate established experimental arthritis by rapid induction of myeloid cells with a suppressive phenotype in
draining lymph nodes
M. Lopez-Santalla1, P. Mancheo-Corvo2, R. Menta2, J. Lopez-Belmonte3, O. DelaRosa2, J. Bueren1, W. Dalemans4, E. Lombardo2, M. Garin1;
CIEMAT/IIS Fundacin Jimnez Daz/CIBERER, Madrid, Spain, 2TiGenix SAU, Madrid, Spain, 3Farmacros, Albacete, Spain, 4TiGenix NV, Leuven, Belgium.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 113
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.D.23.07 Tissue-specific Stem Cells - Localization, Preparation and Phenotype Characteristics
U. Kozowska1, A. Klimczak1, T. Jurek2, M. Czuba2, M. Rorat2;
Ludwik Hirszfeld Institute of Immunology and Experimental Therapy Polish Academy of Sciences, Wroclaw, Poland, 2Department of Forensic Medicine, Medical University, Wroclaw, Poland.
P.D.23.08 Immunomodulatory effect of human adipose-stromal cells is related to the administration route
M. Lopez-Santalla1, P. Mancheo-Corvo2, R. Menta2, O. DelaRosa2, J. A. Bueren1, W. Dalemans3, E. Lombardo2, M. Garin1;
CIEMAT/IIS Fundacin Jimnez Daz/CIBERER, Madrid, Spain, 2TiGenix SAU, Madrid, Spain, 3TiGenix NV, Leuven, Belgium.
P.D.23.09 Cyclosporine A and IFN- enhance human mesenchymal stromal cells immunosuppressive ability
J. Corbett1, I. Coulter2, K. English1;
Maynooth University, County Kildare, Ireland, 2Sigmoid Pharma Ltd., Dublin, Ireland.
P.D.23.10 How immune cell responses to 3D scaffolds stimulate MSC recruitment
H. R. Caires1,2,3, R. M. Gonalves1,2, S. G. Santos1,2, M. A. Barbosa1,2,3, C. R. Almeida1,2;
INEB - Instituto de Engenharia Biomdica, Porto, Portugal, 2Instituto de Investigao e Inovao em Sade, Porto, Portugal, 3ICBAS - Instituto de Cincias Biomdicas Abel Salazar, Porto, Portugal.

P.D.23.11 New protocols for development of antigen-specific T regulatory cells in vitro

I. D. Stojanovic, T. Saksida, M. Kojdic, I. Nikolic, M. Vujicic, S. Stosic-Grujicic, D. Miljkovic;
Institute for Biological Research Sinisa Stankovic, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.D.23.12 Genetically engineering HBV-specific CD8+T cells resistant to TRAIL-mediated apoptosis
I. Otano, F. Arce, H. Singh, A. Schurich, D. Peppa, R. Gilson, G. Fusai, H. Stauss, D. Escors, M. Maini;
University College of London, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.23.13 Comparative immunomodulatory effect of clonogenic hASCs on PBMCs vs. isolated CD3+ lymphocytes
P. Martinez-Peinado1, S. Pascual-Garca1, D. Expsito1, M. Arribas-Garca de Len2, E. Roche2, J. Sempere-Ortells1;
University of Alicante, San Vicente del Raspeig, Spain, 2University Miguel Hernndez, Elche, Spain.

P.D.24 Biomarkers of Human Immune Responses & Immunogenicity against Biopharmaceuticals - Part 3
Chairpersons: Anna Fogdell-Hahn; Stockholm, Sweden / Eva Kriegova; Olomouc, Czech Republic

P.D.24.01 Joint bleeds increase the inhibitor response to human coagulation factor VIII in a haemophilia A rat model
K. M. Lvgren1,2, H. Soendergaard1, S. Skov2, B. Wiinberg1;
Novo Nordisk A/S, Maaloev, Denmark, 2University of Copenhagen, Frederiksberg, Denmark.
P.D.24.02 Risk factors of anti-drug antibodies (ADA) occurrence in multiple sclerosis
S. Hssler1,2, D. Bachelet1,2, C. Mbogning1,2, J. Link3,2, R. Ramanujam3,2, M. Auer4,2, P. Hyldgaard Jensen5,2, C. Warnke6,2, K. Wolffram6,2, D. Buck7,2, V. Grummel7,2, B. Kieseier6,2, B. Hemmer7,2, H. Hartung6,2, P.
Soelberg Sorensen5,2, F. Deisenhammer4,2, P. Dnnes8,2, J. Davidson9,2, A. Fogdell-Hahn3,2, P. Brot1,10,2;
INSERM UMR1178, hpital Paul Brousse, Villejuif, France, 2ABIRISK Consortium, Brentford, Middlesex, United Kingdom, 3Karolinska Institutet, Department of Clinical Neuroscience, Clinical

Neuroimmunology, Stockholm, Sweden, 4Department of Neurology, Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria, 5Danish Multiple Sclerosis Center, Copenhagen University Hospital, Copenhagen,
Denmark, 6University of Dsseldorf, Department of Neurology, Dsseldorf, Germany, 7Department of Neurology, Technische Universitt Mnchen, Munchen, Germany, 8Scicross AB, Skvde, Sweden,
GlaxoSmithKline, Uxbridge, Middlesex, United Kingdom, 10Facult de Mdecine, Universit Paris Sud, Kremlin-Bictre, France.
P.D.24.03 Antibodies against interferon beta and natalizumab in European multiple sclerosis patients
A. Fogdell-Hahn1, J. Link1, R. Ramanujam1, M. Auer2, S. Hssler3, D. Bachelet3, C. Sievers4, P. Hyldgaard Jensen5, C. Warnke6, K. Ingenhoven6, D. Buck7, B. Hemmer7, V. Grummel7, B. Kieseier6, H. Hartung6,
P. Soelberg Soerensen5, M. Comabella8, R. Lindberg4, T. Derfuss4, F. Deisenhammer2, C. Mbogning3, P. Brot3, A. Lawton9, J. Davidson9, P. Dnnes10;
Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden, 2Innsbruck Medical University, Innsbruck, Austria, 3INSERM, Paris, France, 4University Hospital Basel, Basel, Switzerland, 5Rigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark,
University of Dsseldorf, Dsseldorf, Germany, 7Technische Universitt Mnchen, Munich, Germany, 8Hospital Universitari Vall dHebron, Barcelona, Spain, 9GlaxoSmithKline R&D, London, United
Kingdom, 10Sci Cross AB, Skvde, Sweden.
P.D.24.05 Comprehensive analysis of the CD4 T cell epitopes of chimeric therapeutic antibodies Infliximab and Rituximab identified in healthy donors and immunized
B. Maillere1, M. Hamze1, S. Meunier1, A. Goudet1, A. Gdoura1, N. Szely2, M. Pallardy2, F. Carbonnel3, X. Mariette4, C. Miceli-Richard4;
CEA, Gif sur Yvette, France, 2INSERM UMR 996, Chatenay-Malabry, France, 3Hpitaux Universitaires Paris-Sud, Service de gastro-entrologie, Le Kremlin Bictre, France, 4Hpitaux Universitaires Paris-
Sud, Service de Rhumatologie, Le Kremlin Bictre, France.
P.D.24.06 Effect of Ganoderma lucidum basidiocarps cultivated on alternative substrate to functional aspects of human monocyte-derived dendritic cells
D. Zmijanjac1,2, M. Markovic3, S. Vasilijic1,4, D. Vucevic1,4, J. Cilerdzic2, M. Stajic2, J. Vukojevic2, B. Bozic1,2;
Institute for Medical Research, Military Medical Academy, Belgrade, Serbia, 2Faculty of Biology, University of Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia, 3Faculty of Medicine, University of Nis, Nis, Serbia, 4Faculty of
Medicine of the Military Medical Academy, University of Defense in Belgrade, Belgrade, Serbia.
P.D.24.07 FVIII tolerization in a hemophilic mouse model
P. Milanov1, P. Quade-Lyssy1, S. Roth1, E. Seifried1, A. Pashov2, S. Lacroix-Desmazes3, J. Schttrumpf4, J. Schwble1;
Transfusion Medicine and Immunohaematology, German Red Cross Blood Donor Service Baden-Wuerttemberg - Hessen, Frankfurt, Germany, 2Department of Immunology, Institute of Microbiology, Sofia,
Bulgaria, 3Centre de Recherche des Cordeliers, Universit Pierre et Marie Curie-Paris 6, INSERM UMR S 1138, Paris, France, 4Biotest AG, Dreieich, Germany.
P.D.24.08 In vitro assessment of immunogenicity of drug delivery systems
M. A. de Groot, T. C. Habraken, L. A. van der Linden, R. van der Zee, W. van Eden, F. Broere, A. J. Sijts;
Utrecht University, Utrecht, Netherlands.
P.D.24.09 Persistent non-pathogenic antibodies against human proteins in healthy individuals
F. M. Horling1, C. J. Hofbauer1, P. Allacher2, S. Till1, B. Abbhl1, F. Scheiflinger1, B. M. Reipert1;
Baxalta, Vienna, Austria, 2IMC University of Applied Sciences, Krems, Austria.
P.D.24.10 Novel insights into antibodies against polyethylene glycol (PEG) in healthy subjects
C. Lubich1, P. Allacher2, A. Bauer1, T. Prenninger1, F. M. Horling1, J. Siekmann1, F. Scheiflinger1, B. M. Reipert1;
Baxalta Innovations GmbH, Vienna, Austria, 2IMC University of Applied Sciences Krems, Krems, Austria.
P.D.24.11 Towards understanding the impact of sub-visible particles in protein therapeutics on the induction of unwanted immune responses
C. Lubich, M. Malisauskas, T. Prenninger, E. Hopfner, F. Scheiflinger, B. Reipert;
Baxalta Innovations GmbH, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.24.12 Synthetic vaccine particles for the induction of immunological tolerance to prevent anti-drug antibodies
T. K. Kishimoto, J. D. Ferrari, R. A. LaMothe, P. N. Kolte, A. P. Griset, C. ONeil, A. Chalishazar, V. Chan, D. H. Altreuter, L. Johnston, R. A. Maldonado;
Selecta Biosciences, Watertown, MA, United States.
P.D.24.13 AID/APOBECs linking immunity, chronic inflammation and cancer
D. Mechtcheriakova1, M. Svoboda1, A. Meshcheryakova1, E. Jensen-Jarolim1,2, M. Jaritz3, P. Zimmermann4, R. Zeillinger5, G. Heinze6;
Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, Center for Pathophysiology, Infectiology and Immunology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 2Comparative Medicine, Messerli Research
Institute of the Veterinary University of Vienna, Medical University of Vienna and University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Research Institute of Molecular Pathology, Vienna Biocenter, Vienna, Austria,
Nebion AG, Zrich, Switzerland, 5Molecular Oncology Group, Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Comprehensive Cancer Center, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 6Section for Clinical
Biometrics, Center for Medical Statistics, Informatics, and Intelligent Systems, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.24.14 Revisiting antiphospholipid cut-off levels in obstetric morbidity versus thrombosis
M. Nez-Beltrn1, A. Tejeda2, L. Fernndez-Paredes1, A. Comins-Boo1, A. Carrasco2, S. Snchez-Ramn1;
Department of Clinical Immunology, Hospital Clinico San Carlos, Madrid, Spain, 2Department of Clinical Immunology, Hospital Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.24.15 New biomarkers for the diagnosis and prognosis of asthma
S. Baos1, D. Calzada1, J. Quiralte2, F. Florido3, B. Crdaba1,4;
IIS-Fundacin Jimnez Daz-UAM, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario Vrgen del Roco, Seville, Spain, 3Hospital Universitario San Cecilio, Granada, Spain, 4Ciber de Enfermedades Respiratorias,
CIBERES, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.24.16 Characterization of four functionally distinct human B-cell subsets that are defined by the expression of CD21 and CD86
M. A. Garca-Mrquez, A. Shimabukuro-Vornhagen, M. von Bergwelt-Baildon;
University Hospital of Cologne, Cologne, Germany.

114 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.D.24.17 Usefulness of recombinant -gliadin 1 for identifying celiac disease patients and monitoring of adherence to gluten-free diet
B. Srinivasan1,2, M. Focke-Tejkl2, M. Weber2, S. Pahr2, A. Baar2, R. Atreya3, M. F. Neurath3, H. Vogelsang4, W. Huber5, R. Valenta2;
Institute of Immunology, CePII, MUW, Vienna, Austria, 2Division of Immunopathology, Department of Pathophysiology and Allergy Research, CePII, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Medical
Clinic 1, Friedrich-Alexander University Erlangen-Nrnberg, Erlangen, Germany, 4Department of Gastroenterology and Hepatology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 5Department of Pediatrics
and Adolescent Medicine, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.

P.D.25 Organ Transplantation

Chairpersons: Vera Rebmann; Essen, Germany / Alexander Rosenkranz; Graz, Austria

P.D.25.01 Retrospective study of the impact of C1q-binding donor-specific antibodies on allograft outcome in kidney transplantation
J. Molina Alcaide1,2, A. Navas Romo1,2, M. Agera Morales1,2, P. Aljama Garcia1,2, A. Rodriguez Benot1,2, R. Solana Lara1,2;
Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia, Cordoba, Spain, 2Instituto Maimonides de Investigacion Biomedica de Cordoba (IMIBIC), Cordoba, Spain.
P.D.25.02 An extended pre-transplant humoral immunity profile to identify risk of severe infection in heart recipients. A multicenter study
J. Carbone1, J. Fenandez-Yaez1, J. Palomo1, M. Gomez-Sanchez2, M. Crespo-Leiro3, M. Paniagua3, L. Almenar4, M. Cebrian4, G. Rabago5, J. Segovia6, M. Gomez6, J. Lopez7, L. Garcia-Guereta8, S. Mirabet9,
M. Jaramillo1, J. Navarro1, E. Sarmiento1;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario Doce de Octubre, Madrid, Spain, 3Complejo Hospitalario Universitario Juan Canalejo, La Corua, Spain, 4Hospital
Universitario La Fe, Valencia, Spain, 5Clinica Universitaria, Navarra, Spain, 6Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Madrid, Spain, 7Hospital Clnico Universitario, Valladolid, Spain, 8Hospital Universitario La
Paz, Madrid, Spain, 9Hospital de la Santa Creu i Sant Pau, Barcelona, Spain.
P.D.25.03 Preliminary analysis of a randomized multicenter clinical trial of therapeutic use of intravenous immunoglobulin in solid organ transplantation with severe
infections and IgG hypogammaglobulinemia
J. Carbone1, J. Fernandez-Yaez1, P. Diez1, I. Sousa1, M. Rodriguez1, M. Salcedo1, D. Rincon1, J. Segovia2, R. Laporta2, A. De Pablos3, L. Calahorra1, J. Navarro1, M. Valerio1, M. Arraya1, E. Fernandez-Cruz1, E.
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon, Madrid, Spain, 2Hospital Universitario Puerta de Hierro, Madrid, Spain, 3Hospital Universitario Doce de Octubre, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.25.04 Heart recipients treated with specific anti-cytomegalovirus intravenous immunoglobulin show a decrease in activation status of T cells
J. Carbone, N. Lanio, A. Gallego, J. Navarro, J. Fernandez-Yaez, I. Sousa, E. Sarmiento;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.25.05 HLA Allels and Anti-HLA Antibodies Frequencies in the Mediterranean Region of Turkey
B. Basturk1, B. Kantaroglu2, M. Kavuslu2, A. Noyan3, D. Torun4;
Baskent University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Immunology, Ankara, Turkey, 2Baskent University Adana Research and Medical Center, Immunology-Tisse Typing Laboratory, Adana, Turkey,
Baskent University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Pediatry, Adana, Turkey, 4Baskent University Faculty of Medicine, Department of Internal Medicine, Adana, Turkey.
P.D.25.06 HCMV-specific HLA-E-restricted CD8 T cells in kidney transplant recipients: a non conventional but frequent and long lasting response
N. Jouand1,2, M. Allard1, J. Desfranois-Nol3, P. Guerif2,4, M. Giral2,4, N. Gervois1, B. Charreau2,4;
UMR INSERM 892, CNRS 6299, Universit de Nantes, CRCNA, Nantes, France, 2UMR INSERM 1064, Universit de Nantes, ITUN, Nantes, France, 3Cytocell Facility, Nantes, France, 4CHU de Nantes,

Nantes, France.
P.D.25.07 Reconstitution of specific antibodies in heart recipients with hypogammaglobulinemia by preventive use of intravenous immunoglobulin: results of a clinical trial
J. Carbone, J. Navarro, J. Rodriguez-Molina, M. Jaramillo, L. Calahorra, M. Arraya, P. Diez, I. Sousa, J. Fernandez-Yaez, J. Palomo, J. Hortal, P. Muoz, R. Alonso, E. Fernandez-Cruz, E. Sarmiento;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.25.08 Immune mechanisms of allograft rejection between lamellar and penetrating keratoplasty in murine model
H. Lee, J. Kwon, C. Joo;
Department of Ophthalmology and Catholic Institute for Visual Science, Seoul St. Marys Hospital, College of Medicine, The Catholic University of Korea, Seoul, Korea, Republic of.
P.D.25.09 Co-stimulation Blockade by Belatacept suppresses allo- but not virus-specific T cell responses in vitro, adjusts peripheral T cell subsets and suppresses cytokine
and chemokine levels in long-term treated kidney recipients
C. S. Falk1, C. Neudrfl1, K. Daemen1, J. Keil1, A. Zierau1, W. Hammerschmidt2, R. Zeidler3, C. Blume4, H. Haller5, H. Schrem6, G. Grannas6, F. Lehner6;
Inst. Transplant Immunology, IFB-Tx, MHH, Hannover, Germany, 2Research Unit Gene Vectors, HMGU,, Munich, Germany, 3research Unit Gene VExtors, HMGU, Munich, Germany, 4Institute of Technical
Chemistry, Leibniz University, Hannover, Germany, 5Dept. of Nephrology and Hypertension, MHH, Hannover, Germany, 6Dept. of Abdominal and Transplant Surgery, MHH, Hannover, Germany.
P.D.25.10 Innate cytokine responses are required for T cell activation leading to clinically rejection after pediatric liver transplantation
C. S. Falk1, I. Goldschmidt2, F. Mutschler2, E. Pfister2, F. Lehner3, C. Neudrfl1, C. Neudrfl1, J. Keil1, K. Daemen1, K. Daemen1, A. Karch4, R. Mikolajczyk4, U. Baumann2;
Inst. of Transplant Immunology, IFB-Tx, MHH, Hannover, Germany, 2Dept. Pediatric Nephrology and Metabolic Diseases, MHH, Hannover, Germany, 3Dept. of Abdominal and Transplant Surgery, MHH,

Hannover, Germany, 4Dept. of Epidemiology, HZI, Braunschweig, Germany.

P.D.25.11 NFkB location in T-cells is promising to monitor immunosuppression after lung transplantation
U. Sommerwerck1, M. Lindemann2, B. E. Kleibrink1, T. Rabis1, G. Weinreich1, M. Kamler3, H. Teschler1, P. A. Horn2, V. Rebmann2;
Department of Pneumology, Ruhrlandklinik, West German Lung Center, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany, 2Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany,
Department of Thoracic Transplantation, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany.
P.D.25.12 a peptide to reduce pulmonary edema in a rat model of lung transplantation
K. Schossleitner1, A. Habertheuer2, P. Petzelbauer1;
Dermatology, Vienna, Austria, 2Surgery, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.25.13 Modulation of Cell Microenvironments with Oxygen Tension and Macromolecular Crowding: A Multifactorial Approach Towards In Vitro Organogenesis
A. Satyam, P. Kumar, A. Pandit, D. Zeugolis;
Network of Excellence for Functional Biomaterials (NFB), National University of Ireland, Galway, Galway, Ireland.
P.D.25.14 Role the platelet in an experimental model of renal ischemia and reperfusion
R. C. Silva1, R. J. Felizardo2, M. A. Cenedeze2, T. T. Braga1, A. P. Silva2, M. D. Casa3, N. O. Camara1;
University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 2Federal University of So Paulo, So Paulo, Brazil, 3Institute Butanta, So Paulo, Brazil.
P.D.25.15 CD8+ KIR2D/3D+ T cells in samples of blood versus fine needle aspiration cytology in stable kidney transplant patients: a longitudinal cohort study
A. Caballero, E. Palma, P. Ruiz-Esteban, E. Sola, L. Fuentes, E. Rudas, L. Perea, D. Hernandez;
Carlos Haya Regional University Hospital, IBIMA, University of Malaga, Malaga, Spain.
P.D.25.16 Novel role for NK cells in solid organ transplantation
T. Lieke, O. Beetz, J. Hauschildt, B. Buck, B. Trautewig, H. Bektas, F. Vondran;
Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany.
P.D.25.17 Evaluation of TLR2 R753Q in Heart Transplant Recipients as Risk Factor for Cytomegalovirus Infection
M. Schneider1, T. Matiqi1, M. Andreas2, R. Strassl3, A. Zuckermann2, C. Jungbauer4, C. Steininger1;
MUV, Clinic of Internal Medicine I, Department of Infectious Diseases and Tropical Medicine, Vienna, Austria, 2Departments of Surgery, Div. of Cardiac Surgery, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria,
Institute of Virology, Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Blood Service for Vienna, Lower Austria and Burgenland, Austrian Red Cross, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.25.18 Early outcome in prospective study of five transplanted patients with preformed non-C1q-binding donor-specific antibodies
A. Navas Romo1,2, J. Molina Alcaide1,2, M. Agera Morales1,2, P. Aljama Garcia1,2, A. Rodriguez Benot1,2, R. Solana Lara1,2;
Hospital Universitario Reina Sofia, Cordoba, Spain, 2Instituto Maimonides de Investigacion Biomedica de Cordoba (IMIBIC), Cordoba, Spain.
P.D.25.19 CMV-induced expression of CD244 after liver transplantation is associated with CD8+ T-cell hyporesponsiveness to allo-antigen
E. L. de Mare-Bredemeijer1, X. Shi1, S. Mancham1, R. van Gent1, M. van der Heide-Mulder1, R. de Boer2, M. H. Heemskerk2, J. de Jonge1, L. J. van der Laan1, H. J. Metselaar1, J. Kwekkeboom1;
Erasmus MC - University Medical Centre, Rotterdam, Netherlands, 2Leiden University Medical Center, Leiden, Netherlands.
P.D.25.21 The new technique for receiving autoprostheses for the bladder wall defects replacement
B. Iushkov1,2,3, N. Tyumentseva1,2,3, S. Medvedeva1,2,3, A. Sarapultsev1,3;
Institute of Immunology and Physiology, Ural Branch of RAS, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 2GBUZSO Institute of Medical Cell Technologies, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation, 3Federal State

Autonomous, Educational Institution of Higher Professional Education, Ural Federal University Named After the First President of Russia B. N. Yeltsin, Ekaterinburg, Russian Federation.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 115
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.D.26 Immunosuppressive and Tolerogenic Treatment
Chairpersons: Giuseppe Cappellano; Innsbruck, Austria / Eduard Palou; Barcelona, Spain

P.D.26.01 Low risk of allo-sensitization after intravenous administration of allogeneic adipose derived stem cells in refractory rheumatoid arthritis patients
C. Martn1, C. Ramirez2, M. Moreno1, E. Lombardo2, W. Dalemans3, J. Castaer1, O. DelaRosa2;
Hospital Universitario Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain, 2R&D department.Tigenix S.A.U, Madrid, Spain, 3R&D department.Tigenix NV, Lovaina, Belgium.
P.D.26.02 LabscreenMix assay allows us to discriminate between a memory response and development de novo anti-HLA antibodies
C. Martn Martn, M. Moreno, I. Gan, J. Castaer;
Hospital Universitario Ramn y Cajal, Madrid, Spain.
P.D.26.03 Development of a screening assay to detect new targets in B cell activation cascade
K. Van Belle, J. Herman, M. Waer, T. Louat;
KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium.
P.D.26.04 Clinical grade Multipotent Adult Progenitor Cells suppress IL-7 driven stimulation of T cells in vivo
F. Carty1, J. L. Reading2, T. I. Tree2, A. E. Ting3, R. Deans3, K. English1;
Institute of Immunology, Maynooth University, Kildare, Ireland, 2Department of Immunobiology, Kings College London, London, United Kingdom, 3Athersys Inc., Cleveland, OH, United States.
P.D.26.05 Pre-activation of recipient-derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) enhances their immunosuppressive properties and can prolong corneal allograft survival
N. Murphy1, O. Treacy1, A. E. Ryan1, P. Lohan1, K. Lynch1, M. Morcos1, G. Fahy2, M. D. Griffin1, T. Ritter1;
Regenerative Medicine Institute, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland, 2University Hospital Galway, National University of Ireland Galway, Galway, Ireland.
P.D.26.06 Effects of cyclosporine A and rapamycin on the ability of immature dendritic cells to activate T cells
M. Machciska1, A. Cielikowska1, M. Rzca1, G. Korczak-Kowalska1,2;
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Biology, University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland, 2Transplantation Institute, Medical University of Warsaw, Warsaw, Poland.
P.D.26.07 The effect of IL-2/-IL-2 complexes on distinct lymphocyte populations
B. Mahr, L. Unger, K. Hock, N. Pilat, U. Baranyi, C. Schwarz, A. M. Farkas, T. Wekerle;
Medical University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.26.08 Nk cells of kidney transplanted patients display an activated phenotype that is influenced by immunosuppression and pathological staging
C. Neudrfl1, U. Hoffmann1, K. Daemen1, J. Keil1, M. Stevanovic-Meyer1, F. Lehner2, H. Haller3, C. Blume4, C. S. Falk1;
Inst. of Transplant Immunology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Department of Visceral and Transplant Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 3Department of
Nephrology and Hypertension, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 4Institute of Technical Chemistry, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany.
P.D.26.09 Immunosuppressive drugs modulate the microenvironment in solid organ transplantation by suppressing the mTOR signaling pathway and chemokine secretion
in epithelial cells
A. Akhdar1, B. Mueller2, C. Neudoerfl1, M. Stevanovic-Meyer1, K. Daemen1, J. Keil1, F. Lehner3, F. Vondran3, H. Haller4, C. Blume4,5, C. Falk1;
Institute of Transplant Immunology, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2current working adress: MorphoSys, Munich, Germany, 3Department of General, Visceral, and Transplantation Surgery,
Hannover, Germany, 4Department of Nephrology and Hypertension, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 5Institute of Technical Chemistry, Leibniz University Hannover, Hannover, Germany.

P.D.26.10 Targeting the PD-1:PD-Ligand inhibitory pathway in transgenic models for xenotransplantation
A. Buermann1, S. Petkov2, B. Petersen2, W. Baars1, H. Niemann2, R. Schwinzer1;
Transplant Laboratory, Department of General-, Visceral-, and Transplantation Surgery, Hannover Medical School, Hannover, Germany, 2Institute of Farm Animal Genetics, Friedrich-Loeffler-Institut,
Mariensee, Germany.
P.D.26.11 Interleukin-34, a new role in regulatory T cell function and transplant tolerance
S. Bzie1, E. Picarda1, J. Ossart1, L. Tesson1, C. Usal1, K. Renaudin2, I. Anegon1, C. Guillonneau1;
INSERM U1064-ITUN, Nantes, France, 2CHU, Nantes, France.
P.D.26.12 The impact of induction immunosuppression for renal transplant patients
L. Dican1,2, L. Loga2, R. Lucaciu1;
Iuliu Hatieganu University of Medicine and Pharmacy, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, 2Clinical Institute of Urology and Renal Transplantation, Cluj-Napoca, Romania.
P.D.26.13 Transplantable immune modulation in response to autologous cancer cells
I. Zerva1, C. Simitzi1, A. Ranella2, E. Stratakis2, I. Athanassakis1;
Department of Biology, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece, 2Institute of Electronic Structure and Laser(IESL), Foundation for Research and Technology, Heraklion, Greece.
P.D.26.14 Thymoglobuline: more than T-cell depletion
M. Buszko1, B. Jakic1, P. Hoertnagl2, H. Schennach2, L. Chatenoud3, H. Dietrich4, G. Wick1, G. Cappellano1;
Division of Experimental Pathophysiology & Immunology, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria, 2Central Institute of Blood Transfusion and Immunology, University Clinics, Innsbruck, Austria,
Universit Paris Descartes, Sorbonne Paris Cit, Hpital Necker-Enfants Malades, Paris, France, 4Central Laboratory Animal Facility, Medical University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck, Austria.
P.D.26.15 The secret behind antithymocyte globulins
I. Popow1, J. Leitner2, K. Grabmeier-Pfistershammer3, O. Majdic2, G. Zlabinger2, M. Kundi4, P. Steinberger2;
St.Anna Childrens Hospital, Vienna, Austria, 2Institute of Immunology, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 3Department of Dermatology, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria, 4Institute of
Environmental Health, Medical University Vienna, Vienna, Austria.
P.D.26.16 The generation of allogeneic regulatory T cells from umbilical cord blood
S. Srivastava1,2, J. Girdlestone2, C. Navarrete1,2;
University College London, London, United Kingdom, 2NHS Blood and Transplant, London, United Kingdom.
P.D.26.17 Effect of storage time on T cell subsets in red blood cell suspensions
S. H. Bal1,2, Y. Heper3, F. Gven4, L. T. Kuma1,2, F. Budak1, G. Gral5, H. B. Oral1;
Department of Immunology, Faculty of Medicine, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 2Department of Microbiology/Immunology, Institute of Health Sciences, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 3Department
of Infectious Diseases and Clinical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey, 4Life Sciences Program, Immunology, Toronto University, Toronto, ON, Canada, 5Department of
Medical Microbiology, Faculty of Medicine, Uludag University, Bursa, Turkey.
P.D.26.18 The effect of dichloroacetate on certain glycolytic enzymes and on the signature transcription factors of Th1, Th2, Th17 and Treg in human alloreactive CD4+
M. Sounidaki, T. Eleftheriadis, G. Pissas, I. Stefanidis;
1Department of Nephrology, School of Medicine, University of Thessaly, Larisa, Greece.
P.D.26.19 Short term rapamycin treatment permits antigen-encoding bone marrow engraftment and tolerance induction in mice under immune-preserving conditioning
K. Bhatt, R. Steptoe;
UQDI, TRI, Brisbane, Australia.

P.D.27 MHC and other Gene Polymorphisms in Health & Disease

Chairpersons: Milan Buc; Bratislava, Slovakia / Ines Zidi; Tunis, Tunisia

P.D.27.01 Apoptosis activity of p53 in leukemia cell lines retaining wild-type p53
S. Gu1, Z. LIU2;
School of Rehabilitation Sciences, Seirei Christopher University, Hamamatsu, Japan, 2Southwest Hospital, Chongqing, China.
P.D.27.02 Susceptibility genes HLA and microvascular complications of auto immune diabetes in the Algerian population
E. Mihoubi1, H. Amroun2, M. Azzouz3, F. Bouldjennet1, A. Boudiba3, M. Abbadi2, R. Raache1, N. Attal2;
University of Sciences adn Technology Houari Boumdiene, Alger, Algeria, 2Dpartement dimmunologie, Institut Pasteur dAlgrie (IPA), Alger, Algeria, 3Service de diabtologie, CHU Mustapha, Alger,
P.D.27.03 Expression level of celiac disease predisposing DQA1*05 and DQB1*02 alleles in professional antigen presenting cells carrying the DR3-DQ2.5 haplotype
L. Pisapia1, S. Pisascia2, A. Camarca3, P. Barba1, G. Del Pozzo1, C. Gianfrani2;
CNR-Institute of Genetics and Biophysics Adriano Buzzati Traverso, Naples, Italy, 2CNR- Institute of Protein Biochemistry, Naples, Italy, 3CNR-Institute of Food Sciences-ISA, Avellino, Italy.
P.D.27.04 Analysis of HFE and non-HFE gene mutations (TFR2 and FPN1) in patients with phenotypic hemochromatosis from the Deba valley,Basque country
L. Aragon1, M. de Juan1, A. Gorostidi2, O. Zuriarrain2, A. Castiella3, E. Zapata3, L. Zubiaurre3, A. Iribarren3, P. Otazua4;
Immunology Hospital Donostia, Donostia San Sebastian, Spain, 2Biodonostia Hospital Donostia, Donostia San Sebastian, Spain, 3Gastroenterology, Mendaro Hospital,, Mendaro.Guipuzcoa, Spain,
Gastroenterology, Mondragon Hospital., Mondragon .Guipuzcoa, Spain.

116 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.D.27.05 Aspirin susceptibility Study based in HLA genes from Amerindian Colombian Population
C. H. Parga Lozano1,2, Y. R. Ortega Garca2;
Universidad Libre, Barranquilla, Colombia, 2Pharmacotherapy and immunology group GRUFAIN, Cartagena, Colombia.
P.D.27.06 The peptidome of the Behets disease- associated HLA-B*51:01 allotype includes two sub-peptidomes differentially shaped by ERAP1
P. Guasp1, C. Alvarez-Navarro1, M. Marcilla2, E. Barnea3, A. Admon3, J. Lpez de Castro1;
Centro de Biologa Molecular Severo Ochoa (CSIC-UAM), Madrid, Spain, 22Proteomics Unit, Centro Nacional de Biotecnologa (CSIC), Madrid, Spain, 3Faculty of Biology, Technion -Israel Institute of
Technology, Haifa, Israel.
P.D.27.07 Association of the HLA-G, the HLA-E and HLA-F genes with thyroid diseases
W. Babay1, E. Zeddini1, N. Nefzi1, A. Laaribi1, H. Ben Yahia1, A. Bouaziz2, H. Tlili3, I. Zidi1;
Laboratory Microorganismes et Biomolcules Actives, Sciences Faculty of Tunis, University of Tunis El Manar, Tunis, Tunisia, 2Ecole suprieure des Sciences et Techniques de la Sant de Sousse, Sousse,
Tunisia, 3Groupement de sante de base, Sousse, Tunisia.
P.D.27.08 Casp-8 gene polymorphism (rs13416436) is not associated with preeclampsia in a Brazilian population
I. C. Orlando Jnior, S. C. Tanaka, R. F. Oliveira, M. A. Balarin, S. R. Silva, C. W. Pissetti;
UFTM, Uberaba, Brazil.
P.D.27.09 Soluble HLA-E and HLA-E polymorphism - predictors of early disease progression in CLL
B. Wagner1, F. da Silva Nardi1, S. Schramm1, T. Kraemer2, J. Drig3, C. Bade-Dding2, P. A. Horn1, U. Dhrsen3, H. Nckel3, V. Rebmann1;
Institute for Transfusion Medicine, University Hospital Essen, Essen, Germany, 2Institute for Transfusion Medicine, MH Hannover, Hannover, Germany, 3Department of Hematology, University Hospital
Essen, Essen, Germany.
P.D.27.10 A case of Stiff Person Syndrome: immunomodulatory effect of benzodiazepines. Successful rituximab and tizanidine therapy
P. Zdziarski;
Dept Clin Immunol Lower Silesian Center for Cellular Transplantation, Wroclaw, Poland.
P.D.27.11 The impact of STRs mutations in parentage testing cases
D. Kouniaki1, V. Kitsiou1, T. Athanassiades1, K. Tarassi1, E. Tziotziou1, P. Nisioti1, S. Dendrinos2, G. Kreatsas2, C. Papasteriades1, A. Tsirogianni1;
Immunology-Histocompatibility Dept., Evangelismos Hospital, Athens, Greece, 22nd Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Aretaieio Hospital, Medical School, National & Kapodistrian University of
Athens, Athens, Greece.
P.D.27.12 A genetic variation in HLA-DR region associated with hypomethylation and high expression of HLA-DRB1 and DRB5 genes contribute to enhanced autoantibody
production in systemic lupus erythematosus
Q. Li1, H. Zhu1,2, H. Luo1,2, D. Karp1, X. Zuo2, E. K. Wakeland1;
University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, Dallas, TX, United States, 2Xiangya Hospital, Central South University, Changsha, China.
P.D.27.14 Association of Human Leukocyte Antigen with Chronic Periodontitis Patients in Libya
A. O. Daeki1,2,3;
Faculty of medicine, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 2Tripoli University, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, 3Ministry of Higher Education and Scientific Research, Tripoli, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya.

Track E Other
P.E.04 Immune Response in Aging & Systems Biology - Part 2
Chairpersons: Martina Prelog; Wrzburg, Germany / Antonella Prisco; Napoli, Italy

P.E.04.01 Arterial stiffness is associated with cytomegalovirus-specific senescent CD8+ T cells

J. Youn1, H. Yu1,2, S. Park1, E. Shin2;
Yonsei University College of Medicine, Seoul, Korea, Republic of, 2Graduate School of Medical Science and Engineering, KAIST, Daejeon, Korea, Republic of.
P.E.04.03 Senescent T cells acquire innate-like functions regulated by NKG2D signaling
B. I. Pereira, M. Vukmanovic-Stejic, A. Akbar;
University College London, London, United Kingdom.
P.E.04.02 Ageing and damaged red blood cells display novel, distinct molecular patterns that can engage different immune receptors
H. Cao1, M. Moss1, B. Minter1, H. Wassall1, M. Forrester1, D. Tampakis2, W. Pickford1, L. Hall1, P. Crocker3, L. Erwig1, M. Vickers1, R. Barker1;
Institute of Medical Sciences, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 2Centre for Biological Engineering, Loughborough, United Kingdom, 3College of Life Sciences, Dundee, United Kingdom.
P.E.04.04 The overall age-related increase of human Cytomegalovirus-specific T cell frequencies has been exaggerated as a result of limited protein target inclusion
M. Bajwa1, S. Vita2, H. Smith3, D. Thomas1, P. Sansoni4, R. Vescovini4, F. Kern1;
Brighton and Sussex Medical School, Division of Medicine, Brighton, United Kingdom, 2University Sapienza of Rome, Department of Public Health and Infectious Diseases, Rome, Italy, 3Brighton and
Sussex Medical School, Division of Primary Care and Public Health, Brighton, United Kingdom, 4University of Parma, Dipartimento di Medicina Interna e Scienze Biomediche, Parma, Italy.
P.E.04.05 Role of Immune System in Muscle Regeneration
S. Al-Dabbagh1, J. S. McPhee, N. Al-Shanti;
Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom.
P.E.04.06 Is there an increased frequency of autoantibodies in aging?
A. Martinez-Rodriguez1, E. Vergara1, A. Suarez-Cordero1, I. Alcal1, M. J. Baz2, M. L. Vargas1;
Service of Inmunology. Complejo Hospitalario Universitario de Badajoz, Badajoz, Spain, 2Service of Biochemistry. Hospital Comarcal Llerena., Badajoz, Spain.
P.E.04.07 HCMV-mediated memory-inflation towards a HLA-C-restricted epitope
L. Hosie1, A. Pachnio1, S. Riddell2, P. Moss1;
Cancer Sciences, University of Birmingham, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 2Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center, Seattle, WA, United States.
P.E.04.08 Population variation in anti-S. aureus IgG isotypes influences surface protein A mediated immune subversion
J. Whitehouse1, Y. Yamaguchi1, A. Flaxman1, C. Rollier2, M. K. OShea1,3, J. Fallowfield4, M. Lindsay4, F. Gunner4, K. Knox5, D. H. Wyllie1,6;
Jenner Institute, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 2Oxford Vaccine Group, Department of Paediatrics, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom, 3Department of Academic Medicine, Royal
Centre for Defence Medicine, Birmingham, United Kingdom, 4Environmental Medicine and Science Division, Institute of Naval Medicine, Gosport, United Kingdom, 5Nuffield Department of Primary Care
Health Sciences, Oxford, United Kingdom, 6Nuffield Department of Medicine, Department of Microbiology, John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford, United Kingdom.
P.E.04.09 Fate mapping of hematopoietic stem cell activity in situ
K. Busch1, K. Klapproth1, T. Hfer2, H. R. Rodewald1;
Division of Cellular Immunology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany, 2Division of Theoretical Systems Biology, German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ), Heidelberg, Germany.
P.E.04.10 Atypical chemokine receptor 4 regulates CCR7-dependent migration of dendritic cells from the skin at rest and under inflammatory conditions
R. A. M. Wilson, S. A. Bryce, R. J. Nibbs;
Institute of Infection, Immunity and Inflammation, Glasgow, United Kingdom.
P.E.04.11 Evaluation of tumour immune response in immune cells to genotoxic drugs and environmental agents using systems immunological methods
P. Pushparaj, M. Rasool, M. Naseer, K. Gauthaman;
King Abdulaziz University, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia.
P.E.04.12 Immunization before the onset of immunosenescence? IgG responses and B-cell subset kinetics following vaccination in pre-elderly
M. van der Heiden1,2, G. Berbers1, M. C. van Zelm3, A. M. Boots2, A. Buisman1;
Center of Infectious Disease Control, National Institute of Public Health and the Environment (RIVM), Bilthoven, Netherlands, 2Department of Rheumatology and Clinical Immunology at the University
Medical Center Groningen, Groningen, Netherlands, 3Department of Immunology, Erasmus MC, Rotterdam, Netherlands.
P.E.04.13 The expression profile of small noncoding RNAs in human CD4+ T cells in centenarians as compared to individuals in selected age groups
J. E. Frackowiak1, K. A. Lisowska1, A. Jasiulewicz1, A. Mikosik1, K. Ruckemann-Dziurdzinska2, Z. Wicik3, R. Bartoszewski4, J. M. Witkowski1;
Department of Pathophysiology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland, 2Department of Pathology and Experimental Rheumatology, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk, Poland, 3Department
of Human Epigenetics, Mossakowski Medical Research Centre, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw, Poland, 4Department of Biology and Pharmaceutical Botany, Medical University of Gdansk, Gdansk,
P.E.04.14 Age-related change of cytokines and Th1/Th2 ratio in healthy individuals in Korea
W. Chang, E. Kim, Y. Lim, D. Yoon, J. Son, J. Lee;
Korea National Institute of Health, Korea Center for Disease Control and Prevention, Cheongju, Chungcheongbuk-do, Korea, Republic of.

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 117
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
P.E.04.15 Chronic effects of strength training on inflammation mediated by high-sensitive C-reactive protein and nitric oxide in hypertensive elderly women
F. F. Dantas1, L. R. Castellano2, J. R. Souza2,3, M. S. Brasileiro-Santos1,4, A. C. Santos1,4;
Programa Associado de Ps-Graduao em Educao Fsica UFPB/UPE, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa, Paraba, Brazil, 2Human Immunology Research and Education Group, Escola Tcnica
de Sade da UFPB, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa, Paraba, Brazil, 3Departamento de Fisiologia e Patologia, Centro de Cincias da Sade, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa,
Paraba, Brazil, 4Departamento de Educao Fsica, Centro de Cincias da Sade, Universidade Federal da Paraba, Joo Pessoa, Paraba, Brazil.
P.E.04.16 How the immune system faces seasonal threats
M. B. Whalen1, G. Sole1, M. Steri1, V. Serra1, M. Marongiu1, M. Dei1, S. Lai1, F. Virdis1, V. Orru1, E. Fiorillo1, F. Cucca1,2;
Institute of Genetic and Biomedical Research of the National Research Council, Cagliari, Italy, 2University of Sassari, Sassari, Italy.

P.E.05 Reproductive Immunology

Chairpersons: Claytus Davis; Beer Sheva, Israel / Nardhy Gomez-Lopez; Detroit, United States

P.E.05.01 Immunosuppressive CD71+ erythroid cells in the cord blood of patients who underwent term and preterm labor
Y. Xu1, R. Romero1,2,3, R. Unkel1, D. Miller1, S. S. Hassan4,1, N. Gomez-Lopez4,1;
Perinatology Research Branch, NICHD/NIH/DHHS, Detroit, MI, United States, 2University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, United States, 3Michigan State University, East Lansing, MI, United States, 4Wayne
State University, Detroit, MI, United States.
P.E.05.02 Association between follicular fluid levels of chemokines with implantation potential of the human embryo in natural cycle in vitro fertilization
T. Chaushev1, V. Staykov1, T. Batsalova2, G. Stamenov1, B. Dzhambazov2;
Nadezhda Fertility Clinic, Sofia, Bulgaria, 2Plovdiv University, Plovdiv, Bulgaria.
P.E.05.03 Cytokine gene polymorhisms and endometeriosis in a Hellenic population
I. Strergioudas1, V. Dalavitsou2, A. Gerofotis3, G. Makedos1, I. Prapas1, S. Metallidis3, M. Daniilidis3;
Third Obstetrics and Gynaecological Clinic, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Hippocration Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece, 2Immunogenetics Research Laboratory, 1st Department of Internal Medicine,
Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, AHEPA University Hospital, Thessaloniki, Greece, 3First Department of Internal Medicine, Ahepa University Hospital, Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki,
P.E.05.04 Functional impairment of CMV-reactive cellular immunity during pregnancy
E. Reuschel1, S. Barabas2, H. Bendfeldt2, L. Deml2, K. Bckl2, B. Seelbach-Gbel1;
Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, University of Regensburg, Hospital of the Barmherzige Brueder, Clinic St. Hedwig, Regensburg, Germany, 2Lophius Biosciences GmbH, Regensburg, Germany.
P.E.05.05 Association of IL-17A and IL-17 F gene polymorphisms with recurrent pregnancy loss in Iranian women
S. Najafi1, H. Hadinedoushan2, G. Eslami2;
Tehran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran, Islamic Republic of, 2Yazd University of Medical Sciences, Yazd, Iran, Islamic Republic of.
P.E.05.06 Immunostimulation of placental cells by Fc fragments: potential replacement of IVIg therapy in recurrent abortions
E. Drougkas, C. Dimitropoulos, I. Athanassakis Irene;
Department of Biology, University of Crete, Heraklion, Greece.

P.E.05.07 Peripheral blood microparticles` influence on THP-1 molecules` expression in case of healthy pregnancy and preeclampsia
V. A. Mikhaylova, O. M. Ovchinnikova, S. A. Selkov, D. I. Sokolov;
FSBSI The Research Institute of Obstetrics, Gynecology and Reproductology named after D.O.Ott, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation.
P.E.05.08 A Study of Natural Autoantibodies in Ectopic Pregnancy (Preliminary results)
T. G. Konstantinidis1,2, T. Christina1, E. Kontomanolis3, M. Aslanidou1, T. Gkioka1, G. Romanidou4,2, A. Tsirogianni5, G. Kampouromiti1, P. Tsikouras3;
Biopathology Laboratory, University General Hospital of Alexandroupolis, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 2MRB Center, Drama Greece, Drama, Greece, 3Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Democritus
University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece, Alexandroupolis, Greece, 4Nephrology Department, Nephrology Department, Democritus University of Thrace, Alexandroupolis, Greece, Alexandroupolis,
Greece, 5Immunology-Histocompatibility Department. Evangelismos General Hospital of Athens, Athens, Greece.
P.E.05.10 Influence of soluble factors derived from placenta on phenotype of THP-1 cells cultured on Matrigel
T. Lvova;
The D.O.Ott Research Institute of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Saint-Petersburg, Russian Federation.
P.E.05.11 Immunomodulatory treatment with low-dose prednisone in women with spontaneous recurrent miscarriage
J. Carbone, M. Arraya, O. Gonzalez, J. Navarro, J. Gil, E. Fernandez-Cruz;
Hospital General Universitario Gregorio Maraon, Madrid, Spain.
P.E.05.12 Immunology of human reproduction
B. Onderova;
MEDIREX, a.s., Bratislava, Slovakia.
P.E.05.13 Fetal innate immunity: the embryonic response to direct MVM viral infection in utero
I. Rostovsky, C. Davis;
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
P.E.05.14 Treg/Th17 balance in murine embryo implantation and pregnancy
B. Polese1, V. Gridelet1, E. Araklioti1, C. Legrand1, C. Munaut1, N. Lde2, H. Martens1, S. Perrier dHauterive1, V. Geenen1;
University of Lige, Lige, Belgium, 2University Paris Diderot, Paris, France.
P.E.05.15 Fetal innate immunity: mid-trimester response to direct LPS challenge in utero
N. Cohen, I. Rostovsky, C. Davis;
Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.

118 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index

Author Index


Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 119
Author Index
A Agera Morales, M.: P.D.25.01, P.D.25.18 Alfonso-Prez, M.: P.B.14.20 Amaral, E. P.: P.C.12.21
Aaaro, T.: P.B.35.08 Agero, R.: P.B.16.04, P.C.02.15 Al-Ghaithi, H.: P.A.15.07 Amaral, F. A.: P.C.17.15
Aaron, S.: P.D.16.11 Aguilar, J.: P.A.13.05 Alhaj mahmoud, S.: P.B.28.13 Amari, A.: P.D.15.20
Aarsland, D.: P.B.07.01 Aguilar-Cazares, D.: P.B.39.14 Alhamadani, A. H.: P.B.19.14 Amatngalim, G. D.: P.B.12.07
Aarts, C. E.: P.C.01.09 Aguillon, J.: P.A.10.06 Al-Hassi, H. O.: P.C.20.03 Amberg, N.: P.B.10.23
Abajyan, A.: P.B.37.07 Aguil, A.: P.B.04.02 Al-Hassi, H.: P.D.16.07 Ambros, C.: P.D.09.12
Abate, W.: P.C.19.07, P.C.23.07 Aguil Cucurull, A.: P.B.18.18 Al-Herz, W.: P.B.18.05 Ambrosini, P.: P.C.10.10, P.C.18.01
Abbadi, M.: P.B.40.09, P.D.27.02 Agustinho, D. P.: P.C.24.16 Ali, S.: P.C.24.04 Ambroz, K.: P.C.19.01
Abbadi, M.-C.: P.B.30.17, P.B.30.18 Ahammer, L.: P.A.03.11 Alici, E.: P.C.02.22 Amedee, J.: P.C.11.04
Abbas, A. K.: P.A.16.03 Ahern, P.: P.B.20.15 Alimoghadam, K.: P.D.06.20 Amendola, A.: P.B.31.10
Abbasova, V.: P.B.24.10 Ahlers, J.: P.B.21.04 Alimohammadian, M. H.: P.B.27.17 Ameratunga, R. V.: P.B.30.16
Abbate, I.: P.A.17.04 Ahmad, A.: P.C.10.13 Alipour, H.: P.D.19.05 Amezcua, M. C.: P.B.16.16
Abbotts, B.: P.D.01.14 Ahmad, F.: P.C.02.12, P.C.18.11 Alivernini, S.: P.B.09.23 Amich, J.: P.B.03.19
Abbhl, B.: P.D.24.09 Ahmad, R.: P.B.08.02, P.E.03.17 Al-Jabri, A. A.: P.B.31.08 Amici, A.: P.A.25.05
Abd El Aziz, S.: P.B.16.15 Ahmadi, H.: P.C.05.13 Aljama Garcia, P.: P.D.25.01, P.D.25.18 Amici, S.: P.A.28.01
Abdel Hay, R.: P.C.06.16 Ahmadi, S. M.: P.A.23.20 Aljurayyan, A.: P.A.09.05 Amin, S.: P.B.33.15
Abdelhedi, R.: P.B.41.03 Ahmadi-Erber, S.: P.A.23.18 Allacher, P.: P.D.24.09, P.D.24.10 Amir, S.: P.B.32.16
Abdellaoui, N.: P.B.30.17 Ahmed, R. S.: P.D.08.02 Allan, S. M.: P.B.24.22 Amirghofran, Z.: P.C.05.13
Abdelmouleh, N.: P.B.41.03 Ahmetli, F.: P.B.13.03 Allard, M.: P.D.15.11, P.D.25.06 Amirmoezi, F.: P.D.14.03
Abdirama, D.: P.B.19.13 Ahonen, M.: P.D.06.08 Allen, E.: P.B.02.22 Amirzargar, A.: P.B.33.10
Abdolmaleki, S.: P.D.19.05 Ahrens, S.: P.B.23.10 Allie, N.: P.B.16.05 Ammassari, A.: P.A.17.04
Abdulaal, W.: P.B.37.23 Ahrenstorf, G.: P.B.31.18, P.C.18.11 Alliouche Kerboua, A.: P.B.05.09, P.B.19.16 Amr, N.: P.C.12.10
Abed Maillard, S.: P.C.03.13 Ahuja, V.: P.A.24.14 Allonsius, C.: P.C.21.15 Amorim, K. D.: P.B.17.03, P.B.42.11
Abel, A.: P.A.04.05 Ai, Y.: P.D.14.20 Allouch, M.: P.B.10.06 Amr, K.: P.C.06.16
Abel, E.: P.D.23.01 A. Iancu, S. Ciulean,: P.D.16.03 Almacioglu, K.: P.C.06.17 Amre, D.: P.C.10.13
Abel, S.: P.B.17.15 Aina, R.: P.B.11.11, P.B.38.05 Al-Mahruqi, S. H.: P.B.31.08 Amri, M.: P.B.28.03
Abendroth, A.: P.B.24.18 Airoldi, I.: P.A.08.13 Al-Maskari, U.: P.A.15.07 Amroun, H.: P.B.40.09, P.D.27.02
Aberle, J. H.: P.D.19.11 Airouche, S.: P.D.05.04 Almeida, C. R.: P.C.10.19, P.D.23.10 Amslinger, S.: P.A.08.03
Abid, L.: P.B.41.03 Ait-Younes, S.: P.B.28.06 Almeida, I. C.: P.B.17.13 Amu, S.: P.B.09.16
Abidi, A.: P.A.05.08, P.B.20.17 Aitzhanova, R. M.: P.B.22.22 Almeida, M. E.: P.B.19.18 An, X.: P.B.39.01
Abir, K.: P.B.01.07 Aizea, M.-K.: P.D.22.17 Almeida, R. P.: P.B.17.10 Anastasopoulos, N.: P.B.27.20, P.C.24.01
Abo Eiela, M.: P.C.06.16 Ajami, A.: P.B.27.03 Almeida, S.: P.C.21.18 Anastasopoulou, E. A.: P.D.14.16
Abolfazli, R.: P.B.21.17 Ajdary, S.: P.B.27.17 Almeida, S. L.: P.B.09.01 Anastasopoulou, S.: P.B.34.05
Abooali, M.: P.C.08.14 Akaln, H.: P.B.01.08, P.B.01.09, P.B.01.10 Almeida, T.: P.C.23.05 Anatriello, E.: P.D.11.13
Abossolo, B.: P.B.03.12 Akamine, E. H.: P.B.31.03 Almenar, L.: P.D.25.02 Anderle, H.: P.C.02.14
Abou-Jaoud, W.: P.A.14.02 Akarsu, C.: P.B.28.05 Almer, S.: P.C.17.12 Anderluh, G.: P.C.17.10
Aboutaleb, N.: P.D.01.12 Akbar, A.: P.E.04.03 Almer Bostrm, E.: P.C.17.12 Andersen, L.: P.A.11.14, P.A.14.18, P.A.21.09,
Abraham, R. S.: P.B.18.05 Akbar, A. N.: P.C.11.10 Almer Bostrm, P.: P.C.17.12 P.A.24.09
Abram, C.: P.C.21.04 Akbari, M.: P.D.12.09 Al-Mughales, J. A.: P.B.08.17 Andersen, P.: P.C.11.11, P.D.20.15
Abrantes, J.: P.C.23.05, P.D.12.10 Akbulut, Z.: P.A.01.12, P.C.12.14 Alnahas, S.: P.A.06.12, P.B.38.10 Anderson, G.: P.A.01.13
Abrignani, S.: P.A.02.08, P.A.05.07, P.A.26.05 Akcali, C.: P.C.04.13 Alomashi, G. B.: P.B.19.14 Anderson, M. S.: P.D.04.04
Abril-Gil, M.: P.B.38.22 Akdeniz, F. T.: P.A.01.12, P.C.12.14 Alonso, B.: P.B.34.02 Anderson, R. P.: P.A.04.04
Abruzzese, M.: P.B.40.18 Akdeniz, N.: P.B.12.08, P.B.27.04 Alonso, C.: P.A.17.01 Andersson, .: P.B.22.08
Abylgazinova, N.: P.B.38.17 Akhdar, A.: P.D.26.09 Alonso, R.: P.D.25.07 Andersson, K. M.: P.B.09.16, P.B.21.02
Acebes-Huerta, A.: P.C.02.17, P.C.18.03 Akhmetzyanova, I.: P.D.16.22 Alonso Arias, R.: P.A.02.07, P.B.42.01, P.E.02.13 Anderton, S. M.: P.A.06.08, P.B.34.15
Achar, P.: P.A.09.05 Akhtar Khan, N.: P.E.03.05 Alonso Fernndez, M.: P.D.02.20 Anderton, S.: P.A.25.13
Achatz-Straussberger, G.: P.A.16.03 Akiibinu, M. O.: P.D.10.13 Alonso-Garcia, L.: P.B.04.04 Andosch, A.: P.B.11.03
Acosta Rodriguez, E.: P.B.16.16 Akkad, D. A.: P.D.10.12 Alpdundar, E.: P.C.04.13, P.C.21.08, P.D.20.08 Andrade, F. B.: P.C.24.10
Acuff, N. V.: P.C.01.21 Akkurt, Z. M.: P.B.37.05 Alrayahi, I. A.: P.C.04.16 Andr, S.: P.E.03.07, P.E.03.13
Acua, E.: P.B.21.10 Akpnar, S.: P.B.04.20 Alrefai, H.: P.A.10.14 Andreas, M.: P.D.25.17
Aczel, T.: P.B.22.11 Aksu, G.: P.A.14.19, P.B.05.20, P.B.19.01, Al-saadi, H. A.: P.E.03.03 Andreata, F.: P.C.11.03
Adachi, Y.: P.C.14.14, P.D.16.04 P.B.30.20, P.C.01.07 Al-Saati, T.: P.A.19.19 Andrejauskas, P.: P.B.28.08
Adalid-Peralta, L.: P.B.03.22 Aksyonova, I.: P.A.21.14, P.B.31.07 Alsadeq, A.: P.A.09.14 Andrn, O.: P.C.11.15
Adam, D.: P.A.08.14 Aktan, M.: P.B.40.04, P.B.40.05 Al Saeedi, M.: P.B.35.13 Andres, C.: P.B.18.20
Adam, I.: P.B.09.17 Akulich, K. A.: P.A.12.02 AlSaieedi, A.: P.D.22.01 Andres, V.: P.A.04.17
Adams, D. H.: P.B.02.03, P.C.17.14, P.C.17.16 A. Kykm, A.: P.B.04.21 Alsn, S.: P.A.09.06 Andr-Schmutz, I.: P.D.01.01

Adams, E. J.: P.A.08.03 Akyol, G.: P.B.04.20 Al-Shabany, A.: P.C.17.26 Andrews, R.: P.C.17.21
Adamski, J.: P.B.41.07 Alaez-Alvarez, L.: P.D.06.21, P.D.19.16 Al-Shanti, N.: P.E.04.05 Andrews, S.: P.A.09.11
Adarichev, V. A.: P.B.22.22 Alaguthurai, T.: P.C.13.18 Alshevskaya, A.: P.B.10.17 Andjar, E.: P.A.09.16
Adegnika, A.: P.B.03.12 Ala-Kokko, T.: P.D.08.15 Al-Shukaili, A.: P.B.28.01 Anegon, I.: P.A.16.09, P.D.26.11
Adeli, M.: P.B.18.05 Alan, K. J.: P.D.22.17 Alsina, L.: P.B.04.02, P.B.31.05 Anel, A.: P.D.22.12
Adelmann, K.: P.B.20.15 Alanio, A.: P.C.04.01 Altaee, O. M.: P.B.19.14 Aez, G. A.: P.A.10.20
Aderem, A.: P.C.24.13 Al-Ansari, A.: P.B.28.01 Altelaar, M.: P.A.02.15 Anft, M.: P.C.10.14
Adilbayeva, A.: P.B.22.22 Alansari, A.: P.A.15.07 Alter, C.: P.A.20.02 Angelina, A.: P.B.26.12
Adjali, O.: P.B.42.16 Alansary, D.: P.A.15.04 Altfeld, M.: P.C.02.09 Angelot-Delettre, F.: P.C.13.16
Adjobimey, T.: P.B.03.08 Alarcon, B.: P.A.13.16, P.A.28.19 Altomare, A.: P.B.10.19 Angelova, O.: P.B.31.15
Adler, T.: P.B.18.20 Albarde, F.: P.B.22.07 Altomare, G.: P.B.10.19 Angiari, S.: P.B.21.08
Admon, A.: P.A.03.18, P.D.27.06 Albarrn-Planelles, C.: P.B.10.11 Altorki, T. A.: P.C.05.17 Angulo, I.: P.B.04.13
Adotvi, O.: P.A.04.02 Albayrak, .: P.C.12.14 Altreuter, D. H.: P.D.24.12 Ankersmit, H. J.: P.B.38.09
Adoue, V.: P.A.06.10 Albegova, D. Z.: P.D.10.08 Alva-Murillo, N.: P.D.12.02 Annamaria, F.: P.B.22.11
Adrienn, G.: P.B.14.14 Albeidaq, A.: P.A.10.08 Alvarez, A.: P.B.31.06 Annemann, M.: P.A.24.10
Adriouch, S.: P.A.16.15, P.C.17.06 Alberghini, F.: P.A.27.03 Alvarez, C.: P.A.24.05, P.D.03.10 Annuk, H.: P.C.13.10
Aerts, J. L.: P.D.06.22 Alberola-Ila, J.: P.A.11.10 Alvarez, J.: P.B.16.21 Annunziato, F.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12, P.B.09.20,
Aerts, S.: P.D.13.02 Albert, M. L.: P.B.01.02, P.C.23.06, P.D.08.10 lvarez, J. L.: P.B.09.09 P.B.10.02
Afanasyeva, A. A.: P.B.24.25 Albini, A.: P.C.10.06, P.C.10.07 Alvarez, J. M.: P.C.12.21 Ansari, M. A.: P.D.11.05
Afanasyeva, M. A.: P.B.28.09 Albogami, S.: P.B.24.23 Alvarez, J.: P.B.03.23 Ansari, N.: P.B.17.19
Afkham, A.: P.A.05.06, P.A.14.11 Albrecht, R. A.: P.C.13.14 lvarez-Argelles, M. E.: P.B.42.01 Anselmo, A.: P.C.06.01
Afonina, I.: P.B.10.24 Albuquerque, M. M.: P.B.17.03 lvarez Cermeo, J.: P.B.34.02 Antica, M.: P.B.40.19
Agace, W.: P.B.20.18, P.C.01.04 Alcain, J.: P.B.40.14 lvarez-Cermeo, J. C.: P.B.21.14, P.B.34.07, Antic-Stankovic, J.: P.B.38.03
Agace, W. W.: P.A.23.08 Alcal, I.: P.B.09.09, P.E.04.06 P.B.34.10 Antinori, A.: P.A.17.04
Agalave, N.: P.B.24.07 Alcalde, A.: P.C.09.17 Alvarez de la Sierra, D.: P.B.04.17 Anton, M.: P.B.05.13
Agaugue, S.: P.B.40.01 Alcaraz, A.: P.A.18.09 lvarez de Mon, M.: P.C.11.01 Antonini, F.: P.C.11.23
Ageeva, E. S.: P.B.24.24, P.B.24.25 Al-Dabbagh1, S.: P.E.04.05 lvarez Doforno, R.: P.B.19.15 Anton-Le Berre, V.: P.A.19.19
Aggarwal, N.: P.C.08.01 Aldajani, W. A. S.: P.C.06.09 Alvarez-Dominguez, C.: P.D.06.21, P.D.19.16 Antonova, I.: P.A.25.11, P.A.25.12
Aggeletopoulou, I.: P.A.14.17, P.B.34.05 Aldawsari, F.: P.A.04.20 lvarez Fernndez, M.: P.B.18.07 Antrobus, R.: P.A.22.13
Agger, E.: P.D.20.15 Aldinucci, A.: P.B.34.19 lvarez-Lafuente, R.: P.B.34.02 Anuforo, O. U.: P.C.18.05
Aghaallaei, N.: P.A.11.11 Alekseev, A.: P.A.14.16 lvarez-Lpez, M.: P.A.12.18, P.B.32.24, Aoki, J.: P.A.01.11
Aghapour, M.: P.B.05.11, P.B.05.12, P.B.05.18, Alekseeva, L.: P.B.02.09 P.C.02.22, P.C.21.03, P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22 Apti, .: P.C.20.09
P.B.19.04, P.D.12.09, P.D.16.01 Alenda, R.: P.B.21.14, P.B.34.07 Alvarez-Lopez, R.: P.B.09.21 Apoil, P.-A.: P.D.17.14
Aghasadeghi, M.: P.D.15.07 Aleshina, G. M.: P.C.09.08 lvarez-Luqun, D. D.: P.B.03.22 Aporta, A.: P.D.22.12
Aghebati, L.: P.A.14.12 Alessi, M.-C. C.: P.A.23.05 lvarez-Maestro, M.: P.D.15.03 Apostlico, J. S.: P.D.20.01
Aghebati Maleki, A.: P.D.09.14 Alexa, A.: P.A.12.12 Alvarez-Navarro, C.: P.D.27.06 Appanna, R.: P.A.18.04
Aghebati Maleki, L.: P.A.19.03, P.A.19.04, Alexaki, V.-I.: P.C.17.17 Alvarez-Vallina, L.: P.C.07.15 Appay, V.: P.A.20.08, P.B.42.08, P.E.02.12
P.A.19.05, P.B.13.02, P.D.09.14 Alexander, T.: P.A.02.12 Alves, J. C.: P.B.17.14 Appel, S.: P.C.06.19
Aghebati Maleki, R.: P.B.13.02 Alexandre-Pires, G.: P.C.01.03, P.C.19.13 Alves, L. C.: P.B.42.11, P.D.18.17 Appelt, C.: P.A.02.06, P.A.16.08
Agnandji, S.: P.B.03.12 Alexandrova, M.: P.B.31.15 Alves-Filho, J. C.: P.A.24.01, P.A.15.05, P.A.16.02, Apresova, M.: P.C.23.15, P.C.23.16
Agnarsson, B. A.: P.B.09.24 Alexeev, L.: P.A.20.21 P.B.09.01, P.B.17.21, P.B.32.18 Apta, B.: P.A.19.16
gnes, B.: P.C.15.04 Alexeeva, I.: P.E.03.22 Alves-Filho, J.: P.B.03.23, P.B.31.06 Arabian, E.: P.C.15.18
Agostini, C.: P.B.31.02 Alexeeva, L.: P.B.24.20 Al-Wasaby, S.: P.D.22.12 Aradottir Pind, A. A.: P.A.27.14, P.A.27.15
Agrati, C.: P.A.17.04, P.B.15.17, P.B.31.10, Alexiou, C.: P.E.02.05 Amadori, M.: P.B.15.08 Aragon, L.: P.D.27.04, P.E.03.04
P.C.03.03, P.C.04.03, P.C.04.12 Alfaro, C.: P.A.09.01 Amar, M.: P.C.17.07 Araklioti, E.: P.E.05.14
Agrogianni, M.: P.B.24.21 Alfayate-Migulez, S.: P.B.30.06, P.B.30.10 Amara, K.: P.B.22.03 Aram, J.: P.B.21.11
Agua-Doce*, A.: P.B.21.07 Alferink, J.: P.C.20.05 Amaral, E.: P.B.16.21 Aranda, A.: P.B.11.09

120 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Aranda, F.: P.A.25.08, P.B.13.13, P.D.06.11 Athanassiades, T.: P.D.27.11 Bailey, C.: P.D.03.05 Barnea, E.: P.A.03.18, P.D.27.06
Aranda-Vega, F.: P.D.16.05 Athayde, R.: P.C.09.22 Bailey, M.: P.A.28.13 Barnett, S. W.: P.D.19.07
Arantes, A. S.: P.B.32.20 Atik, A.: P.B.05.09 Baiocchi, R.: P.A.28.01 Barone, F.: P.A.01.04, P.A.01.09, P.B.37.06
Arantza, A.: P.D.22.17 Atoum, M. F.: P.B.28.13 Bajaj-Elliott, M.: P.B.10.04 Barquero-Calvo, E.: P.C.01.14
Arajo, A. D.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.14 Atreya, R.: P.B.20.02, P.D.24.17 Bajna, E.: P.A.18.11, P.D.08.12 Barra, A.: P.C.18.15
Araujo, C.: P.B.16.16 Atschekzei, F.: P.B.30.13 Bajoghli, B.: P.A.11.11 Barreia-Silva, P.: P.A.21.16
Arajo, E. F.: P.B.03.07, P.C.20.14 Atsumi, T.: P.B.22.10 Bajolle, F.: P.B.42.08 Barreto, A.: P.B.13.14
Araujo, L. P.: P.A.15.14 Attal, N.: P.B.40.09, P.B.30.17, P.B.30.18, Bajrovi, N.: P.D.05.08 Barreto de Albuquerque, J.: P.B.17.16, P.B.17.18
Arajo-Pires, A. C.: P.A.06.09 P.B.33.17, P.D.27.02 Bajtay, Z.: P.C.22.10 Barrett, D. M.: P.D.14.19
Arajo Souza, P.: P.A.28.12 Attia, H.: P.C.17.09 Bajwa, M.: P.E.04.04 Barrios-Payan, J.: P.D.11.07
Aravena-Madariaga, O. A.: P.A.10.06 Attia, M.: P.B.16.15 Baker, P.: P.A.23.13 Barroeta Seijas, A. B.: P.C.13.02
Arbogast, F.: P.A.20.17 Atukpawu, C. P.: P.D.16.08 Bakx, R.: P.A.02.10 Barros, X.: P.D.17.04
Arboleya, S.: P.B.07.16 Audemard-Verger, A.: P.A.16.01 Bal, H.: P.B.01.08, P.B.01.09, P.B.01.10 Barry, F.: P.B.22.05
Arce, F.: P.D.23.12 Auderset, F.: P.D.20.15 Bal, S. H.: P.D.26.17 Brtek, J.: P.B.39.18
Arce-Paredes, P.: P.B.08.19 Audia, S.: P.D.22.22 Balabanov, I.: P.E.01.07 Bartel, Y.: P.C.02.13
Arce-Sillas, A.: P.B.03.22 Audonnet, S.: P.B.06.05 Balakina, A.: P.E.03.22 Barth, S.: P.D.21.15, P.D.22.23
Arck, P. C.: P.A.06.17 Auer, M.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Balan, S.: P.C.13.05 Bartholom, N.: P.B.10.01
Arcos, M. J.: P.C.02.03 Auffray, C.: P.A.08.08, P.A.16.01, P.A.25.07 Balarin, M. A.: P.D.27.08 Bartol, S. J.: P.A.27.06
Ardesj Lundgren, B.: P.D.04.04 Augustin, G.: P.B.25.21 Balbert, N. A.: P.B.15.06, P.B.29.15 Bartolini, E.: P.D.19.13
Arens, R.: P.A.17.03, P.A.23.09 Augustyniak, D.: P.B.02.05, P.D.03.02 Balbino, A. M.: P.B.31.03 Bartolomeo, R.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17
Arese, P.: P.B.03.24 Aukrust, P.: P.B.41.19 Bald, T.: P.D.07.13 Barton, G.: P.C.14.05
Arias, C.: P.B.19.10 Aurlien, T.: P.A.27.10 Baldari, C. T.: P.B.34.19 Bartoszewski, R.: P.E.04.13
Arias, J.: P.D.03.10 Auricchio, R.: P.A.04.03 Baldwin, H. M.: P.A.06.14, P.A.24.03 Bartsch, C.: P.A.19.13
Arias, M.: P.C.09.17 Ausn, F.: P.B.16.04, P.C.02.15 Baleeiro, R. B.: P.C.05.11 Bartsch, Y.: P.A.09.10, P.D.05.10
Aribi, M.: P.A.04.01, P.C.11.16, P.E.03.05 Autran, B.: P.A.09.03, P.B.27.06 Bali, A.: P.C.17.09 Baruah, P.: P.B.14.17
Aric, M.: P.B.04.22, P.D.14.23 Auwerx, J.: P.A.21.06 Balks, E.: P.B.16.07 Barutcu, N.: P.A.02.13
Aringer, I.: P.A.24.07, P.B.05.14, P.B.23.19 Avau, A.: P.C.09.14 Ballbach, M.: P.C.04.06 Basbous, S.: P.C.18.15
Ariza, A.: P.B.12.11 Avclar, H.: P.B.04.19, P.B.04.20, P.C.01.11, Ballerini, C.: P.B.34.19 Bashford-Rogers, R. J.: P.B.40.02
Armendariz Borunda, J.: P.B.37.25 P.C.01.12 Ballerini, F.: P.C.10.10 Basiji, D. A.: P.B.28.10
Armiger, N.: P.D.16.05 Avdic, S.: P.B.24.18 Ballester, M. C.: P.B.31.01 Baslund, B.: P.D.13.11
Armiger-Borrs, N.: P.A.25.08 Avelar, M. R.: P.C.07.06 Balmasova, I. P.: P.D.16.10 Bassani, B.: P.C.10.06, P.C.10.07
Arnal, C.: P.B.34.10 Averna, M.: P.C.18.12 Balogh, N.: P.B.37.11 Basso, A. S.: P.A.15.14
Arndt, C.: P.D.14.12 Avota, E.: P.B.29.11 Balogh, P.: P.A.01.02, P.A.10.21 Bastian, M.: P.B.16.07, P.B.17.08
Arndts, K.: P.B.03.10 Avots, A.: P.B.03.21 Balomenos, D.: P.C.11.01 Basturk, B.: P.D.25.05
Arnemo, M.: P.D.02.18 Avrameas, S.: P.D.18.02 Balsamo, M.: P.C.18.12 Basu, J.: P.C.24.03
Arnold, B.: P.D.07.13 Avramov, T.: P.D.16.19 Balsari, A.: P.D.14.08 Basu, R.: P.B.32.08
Arnold, J.: P.A.20.17 Avril, M.-F.: P.C.18.02, P.C.18.07 Balza, E.: P.B.05.10, P.D.06.05 Bata-Csrg, Z.: P.B.10.10, P.B.10.13, P.B.10.16
Arnold, S.: P.B.02.02 Avsar, K.: P.B.16.06 Bambouskova, M.: P.C.09.05 Bataille, L.: P.A.28.17
Arnold, T.: P.C.22.07 Awasthi, A.: P.A.24.13, P.A.24.14 Bamias, A.: P.B.28.18 Batalla, E.: P.B.17.05
Arnold-Schrauf, C.: P.C.13.05 Awasthi, G.: P.A.04.19 Ban, C.: P.D.13.03 Bathen, T. F.: P.B.22.21
Aron-Wisnewsky, J.: P.E.03.07 Awoniyi, L.: P.A.18.15 Ban, M.: P.A.09.09 Batista, C. F.: P.B.02.04, P.B.42.10
Aroonrerk, N.: P.C.09.15 Ay, C.: P.D.08.04 Ban, S.: P.A.27.08, P.B.18.16 Batorov, E.: P.D.07.04
Arora, J.: P.B.18.04 Ayabe, T.: P.C.07.16 Baas, H.: P.C.02.03 Batorov, E. V.: P.D.15.13
Arostegui, J.: P.B.05.13 Ayadi, E.: P.B.14.22 Banas, M.: P.B.35.06 Batsa, L.: P.B.03.10
Arra, A.: P.A.07.01 Ayadi, H.: P.B.14.22 Banchereau, J.: P.A.06.05 Batsalova, T.: P.E.05.02
Arra, C.: P.D.14.15 Ayadi, I.: P.B.07.18 Bandukwala, H.: P.A.16.07 Batsalova, T. G.: P.B.38.15
Arraya, M.: P.B.09.08, P.B.30.22, P.B.31.20, Ayanolu, I. C.: P.B.17.09 Banerjee, B. D.: P.D.08.02 Battaglia, S.: P.A.07.21
P.D.25.03, P.D.25.07, P.E.05.11 Aydin, M.: P.C.04.13 Banerjee, P. P.: P.B.30.02 Battella, S.: P.B.20.08
Arrazola, M. A.: P.D.09.13 Aydner, E.: P.B.04.21 Banerjee, S.: P.A.04.11, P.B.38.19, P.D.05.09 Battenfeld, S.: P.B.16.07
Arriaga Pizano, L.: P.C.03.20 Aygun, F. D.: P.C.12.23 Banfi, G.: P.B.10.19 Batteux, F.: P.B.32.04
Arribas-Garca de Len, M.: P.D.23.13 Azaiez, F.: P.B.05.17 Bang, C.: P.B.36.11 Battin, C.: P.C.06.20
Arroyo, J. L.: P.C.02.15 Azarsiz, E.: P.A.14.19, P.B.05.20, P.B.30.20, Bang, H.: P.B.28.04 Battisti, F.: P.A.25.06
Arroyo, J.: P.B.16.04 P.C.01.07 Bangs, D. J.: P.B.42.12 Battistini, L.: P.A.06.01, P.C.11.13
Arroyo, R.: P.B.34.02 Azevedo, G. A.: P.B.31.04 Bani, G. M.: P.B.03.06 Baudner, B.: P.D.20.10
Arruda, L. C.: P.D.01.07 Azevedo, H.: P.B.19.18 Bank, E.: P.B.17.08 Bauer, A.: P.D.24.10
Arruda-Silva, F.: P.C.01.19 Azevedo, L. F.: P.B.02.04, P.B.42.10 Banki, Z.: P.A.01.10, P.C.22.06 Bauer, B.: P.C.02.13, P.C.18.10

Arsenijevi, A.: P.B.23.17, P.B.07.04 Azevedo, V.: P.B.02.09 Bank, Z.: P.A.10.10 Bauer, D.: P.B.05.05
Arsenijevic, N.: P.B.07.04, P.B.32.03, P.B.41.14, Azimi-Nezhad, M.: P.B.37.03 Bannas, P.: P.A.20.10 Bauer, J.: P.B.34.18
P.C.02.07, P.C.02.10, P.E.03.15 Aznar, . M.: P.A.23.12 Bansal, A.: P.B.07.06 Bauer, K.: P.A.26.14
Arslan, B.: P.B.03.19 Aznar, M. A.: P.A.09.01 Bantug, G.: P.A.18.07 Bauer, S.: P.B.15.14, P.D.20.02
Arslanian, C.: P.B.30.02 Azouz, A.: P.A.07.13 Bantug, G. R.: P.E.03.20 Bauer, T.: P.A.23.21, P.C.05.09
Arstila, P.: P.A.11.07 Azpilicueta, A.: P.A.23.12, P.D.14.13 Bao, L.: P.D.02.16 Bauer, W.: P.E.02.14
Arstila, T. P.: P.A.11.06, P.A.25.14, P.B.42.02, Azuma, M.: P.A.22.09 Baos, S.: P.D.24.15 Bauer1, R. K. Kandasamy, L.: P.C.24.13
P.B.35.10 Azzouz, M.: P.D.27.02 Bar, S.: P.B.04.21 Buerlein, C. A.: P.B.02.20
Artan, R.: P.B.04.01 Barabas, S.: P.B.16.06, P.B.42.07, P.D.08.03, Baumann, C.: P.A.17.17, P.B.23.13, P.A.04.13
Arteche, A.: P.B.40.16 B P.E.05.04 Baumann, U.: P.D.25.10
Artinger, K.: P.A.24.07, P.B.05.14, P.B.19.02, Baar, A.: P.B.25.07, P.D.24.17 Baradaran, B.: P.A.19.03, P.B.05.11, P.B.05.12, Baumgaertner, P.: P.A.04.02, P.C.02.18
P.B.23.19 Baars, W.: P.D.26.10 P.B.05.18, P.B.13.02, P.B.19.04, P.D.16.01 Baumgrass, R.: P.B.37.07
Artukovic, M.: P.B.09.04 Baarsma, H.: P.B.35.03 Barak, A. F.: P.B.40.13 Bautista-Molano, W.: P.B.19.10, P.B.20.14
Artwohl, M.: P.D.16.16 Babajanz, A.: P.C.23.15, P.C.23.16 Baranska, A.: P.A.03.06, P.C.14.12, P.C.22.01, Baxendale, H.: P.B.30.16
Aru, B.: P.A.01.12, P.C.12.14 Babaloo, Z.: P.B.33.12 P.D.22.02, P.E.02.05 Baxevanis, C. N.: P.B.27.20, P.C.24.01, P.D.14.16
Aruasa, W. K.: P.B.02.13 Babay, W.: P.B.08.03, P.D.27.07 Baranwal, M.: P.D.02.09 Bayard, C.: P.A.20.08, P.B.42.08
Arul Nathan, A.: P.D.02.08 Babi a, M.: P.C.10.21 Baranyi, U.: P.D.05.05, P.D.21.08, P.D.26.07 Bayer, W.: P.D.19.20
Arytm, J.: P.D.18.09 Babiarova, K.: P.D.07.11 Barata, J. T.: P.A.08.19 Bayik, D.: P.C.08.13, P.C.21.16
Asam, C.: P.D.05.03 Babic Cac, M.: P.C.02.06 Baratelli, M.: P.B.15.08 Baykal, B.: P.B.36.03
Asaoka, T.: P.C.06.11 Babu, S.: P.D.02.08 Barazi, A. .: P.D.04.11 Bayyurt, B.: P.A.13.14, P.C.21.12, P.D.20.08
Asbach, B.: P.D.19.07 Bacci, M.: P.C.06.01 Barba, P.: P.B.20.09, P.D.27.03 Baz, M. J.: P.E.04.06
Asbach-Nitzsche, A.: P.B.16.06 Bach, S. D.: P.B.21.08 Barbagallo, M.: P.C.01.15 Bazan, S. B.: P.B.03.07
Aschenbrenner, D.: P.A.05.10 Bache, E.: P.B.03.12 Barbarito, G.: P.A.08.13 Bazzoni, F.: P.C.24.07, P.C.24.14
Aschermann, I.: P.B.35.14 Bachelerie, F.: P.C.05.05 Barber, D. F.: P.C.12.01 Bean, A. G.: P.D.03.08
Ascierto, P. A.: P.C.15.05 Bachelet, D.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Barbieri, A.: P.D.14.15 Becher, B.: P.A.01.03, P.A.14.13
Asehnoune, K.: P.C.18.16 Bacher, P.: P.A.16.10, P.B.21.04 Barbieri, S.: P.A.19.21 Bechtle, M.: P.B.02.18
Asensio, E.: P.B.16.04 Bachert, C.: P.B.25.22 Barbosa, A. S.: P.B.36.18 Becker, M.: P.C.20.01
Asensio-Montas, E.: P.C.02.15 Bachmann, M. F.: P.D.02.21 Barbosa, M. A.: P.C.10.19, P.D.23.10 Beck-Garcia, E.: P.A.28.19
Asgarian-Omran, H.: P.D.19.05 Bachmann, M.: P.D.14.12, P.C.14.17 Barbosa, T. C.: P.D.11.04 Beck-Garcia, K.: P.A.28.19
Asgarova, A.: P.C.13.16 Backa(Cico), T.: P.B.09.14 Barbosa Bomfim, C.: P.B.16.21 Beckham1, S. A.: P.C.10.03
Ashino, Y.: P.D.08.13 Backes, C.: P.A.17.08 Barbosa-Carvalho, M. W.: P.B.30.02 Beckmann, J.: P.B.10.01
Ashiru, O.: P.D.15.03 Bacon, A.: P.A.01.13 Barbouche, M. R.: P.B.18.14, P.B.24.26 Beckstette, M.: P.A.01.08
Ashjaei, K.: P.B.25.20 Bcsi, A.: P.B.25.05 Barbuto, J. M.: P.C.05.11 Beckwith, K. A.: P.D.14.19
Ashrafi, M.: P.C.15.09 Bacskai, I.: P.C.20.09 Barcelos, L. S.: P.B.36.18 Bedmar, M.: P.B.07.16
Ask, G.: P.A.02.14, P.A.03.14, P.E.01.02 Badaliyan, L.: P.A.26.10 Barczyk-Kahlert, K.: P.C.15.01, P.C.17.01, Bee, A.: P.D.08.04, P.D.17.08
Askenase, P. W.: P.A.02.03, P.C.11.07 Badanai, S.: P.C.08.03 P.C.19.11 Beelen, D.: P.D.01.05
aski, A.: P.C.13.03 Bade-Dding, C.: P.D.27.09 Bardelli, M.: P.A.02.16 Beer, H.: P.A.09.05
Aslani, S.: P.B.33.09 Bae, H.-R.: P.A.12.19, P.B.01.01, P.B.39.19 Bar-Ephraim, Y. E.: P.C.03.17 Beer, L.: P.C.09.07, P.E.02.14
Aslanidou, M.: P.E.05.08 Baerlecken, N. T.: P.B.22.19 Barge, D.: P.B.18.19 Beerens, D.: P.C.03.01
Aspa, J.: P.B.15.15 Baerwald, C.: P.C.21.02 Bargen, I.: P.C.05.02 Beeson, D.: P.B.07.23
Assenmacher, M.: P.A.24.12, P.B.21.04 Bez-Magaa, M.: P.D.16.12 Baricev-Novakovic, Z.: P.A.15.12 Beetz, O.: P.D.25.16
Assounga, A. G.: P.B.13.23 Bagheri, K.: P.D.06.20 Baris, S.: P.B.18.03 Beguinot, F.: P.C.19.02
Asumta Anyango Kodydek, M.: P.B.25.04 Bahceci, S.: P.B.30.11 Barisani-Asenbauer, T.: P.B.01.12 Beheshti, M.: P.B.21.17
Asut, E.: P.B.04.18 Bahlas, S.: P.B.05.02, P.B.09.11, P.B.12.03 Barker, R.: P.E.04.02 Behmoiras, L.: P.A.11.15
Atasever, B.: P.A.11.15 Bahrini, k.: P.B.24.26 Barlan, I. B.: P.B.04.21 Behrendt, R.: P.B.23.15
Athanassakis, I.: P.A.13.02, P.C.04.07, P.D.13.08, Baier, G.: P.A.14.20 Barlan, I.: P.B.18.03 Beilhack, A.: P.B.03.19, P.B.23.04, P.D.22.06
P.D.26.13, P.E.05.06 Baik, S.: P.A.01.13 Barnaba, V.: P.A.25.04, P.B.22.02, P.B.27.15 Beilhack, G.: P.B.23.04

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 121
Author Index
Beketova, E.: P.D.13.10 Berlier, W.: P.D.22.09 Bissay, N.: P.D.14.23 Boldizsr, F.: P.A.21.01, P.B.09.18, P.B.40.07
Bekiari, E.: P.B.41.06 Bermudez, B.: P.B.41.19 Biswas, S.: P.B.28.09 Boldogh, I.: P.B.25.05
Bekker, C.: P.C.24.06 Bermdez-Corts, M. M.: P.A.12.17 Bjarnadttir, U.: P.A.15.09 Boldrini, R.: P.B.27.23
Beksa, B.: P.B.27.01 Bermudez-Torrente, A.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, Bjarnarson, S. P.: P.A.27.14, P.A.27.15 Bolkov, M. A.: P.B.04.24
Bektas, H.: P.D.25.16 P.B.09.21, P.B.32.24 Bjrkbacka, H.: P.B.41.07, P.B.41.18 Bolla, B. S.: P.B.36.16, P.C.14.04
Belal, S.: P.B.24.26 Bernadette, R.: P.A.10.10 Bjrneboe, O.: P.B.22.21 Bollati, V.: P.C.24.05
Belarif, L.: P.A.23.13, P.D.04.08, P.D.04.09, Bernal, A.: P.B.09.21, P.B.32.24 Blaas, S.: P.B.16.06 Bolpacic, J.: P.B.03.04
P.D.04.10 Bernal, M.: P.C.09.17 Blagitz, M. G.: P.B.02.04, P.B.42.10 Bolstad, K.: P.D.02.18
Belghith, M.: P.B.24.26 Bernal Ramos, A.: P.C.18.22, P.C.06.06, P.B.30.06, Blagojevic, V.: P.C.12.06 Bomsel, M.: P.D.11.23
Belhani, M.: P.B.40.09 P.B.30.10 Blagojevi Zagorac, G.: P.A.13.17, P.A.13.18 Bonaccorsi, I.: P.C.10.05, P.C.20.04
Belij-Rammerstorfer, S.: P.B.01.12 Bernard-Cadenat, I.: P.B.34.04 Blaize, G.: P.A.21.08 Bonamin, L.: P.B.27.21
Belkhodja, C.: P.B.10.18 Bernardeau, K.: P.A.16.09 Blanc, E.: P.B.13.12 Bonan, P. R.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17
Bell, S. E.: P.A.09.11 Bernardo, D.: P.C.20.03, P.D.16.07 Blanca, M.: P.A.22.02, P.B.11.09, P.B.12.11 Bonan, R. F.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17
Bellati, F.: P.A.25.06 Bernardo-Pisa, M.: P.C.02.22, P.A.12.18 Blancato, J.: P.B.28.17 Bonaventura, P.: P.B.22.07
Belle, R.: P.E.03.20 Bernshtein, B.: P.C.11.06 Blanchard, M.: P.B.40.16 Bonavita, E.: P.C.01.15
Bellemare-Pelletier, A.: P.A.22.09 Berod, L.: P.D.03.04 Blanchard, N.: P.C.09.01 Bonavita, O.: P.C.15.03
Bellier, B.: P.D.03.03, P.D.11.20 Berquez, M.: P.A.02.04 Blancher, A.: P.D.17.14 Bonci, A.: P.D.19.10
Bellio, M.: P.A.16.17 Berretta, M.: P.B.39.03 Blancho, G.: P.A.23.13, P.D.04.08, P.D.04.09, Bonduelle, O.: P.C.13.11, P.D.03.03
Bello-Gualtero, J.: P.B.09.07, P.B.19.10, P.B.20.14 Berry, R.: P.C.10.03 P.D.04.10 Bonecchi, R.: P.C.08.03, P.C.15.03
Belloni, L.: P.B.41.09 Berta, G.: P.B.40.20 Blanco, P.: P.B.06.06 Bonechi, E.: P.B.34.19
Bellora, F.: P.B.19.07 Bertaina, A.: P.A.08.13, P.C.18.09 Blanco-Berrocal, M.: P.A.04.17 Bonelli, M.: P.A.06.11, P.B.09.02
Belohradsky, B. H.: P.B.04.07 Bertaina, V.: P.A.08.13 Blanco-Toribio, A.: P.C.07.15 Boni, L.: P.C.10.06
Belot, A.: P.D.14.23 Bertha Maximina, M.-A. B. M.: P.B.42.13 Blankenstein, T.: P.B.27.24 Bonifacio, E.: P.E.02.03
Belotcerkovskaia, E. V.: P.B.22.24 Bertho, N.: P.C.05.16 Blanquer, J.: P.B.15.15 Bonifer, C.: P.B.03.21
Belse, V.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07, P.D.06.11 Bertholet, S.: P.D.20.10 Blanquer-Blanquer, M.: P.A.12.17 Bonilla, N.: P.A.08.08, P.A.16.01, P.A.25.07
Beltrame, L.: P.A.05.12 Bertholet, S. C.: P.D.19.10 Blasco, M.: P.D.17.04 Bonilla, W. V.: P.A.04.13
Bemark, M.: P.B.42.15 Bertoletti, A.: P.B.32.13 Blasczyk, R.: P.D.14.02 Bonjardim, C. A.: P.B.36.18
Bena, S.: P.B.06.01 Bertoni, A.: P.B.05.10, P.B.19.07 Blas-Rus, N.: P.A.28.05, P.A.28.06 Bonnefoy, F.: P.A.17.21
Benagiano, M.: P.B.34.19 Bertrand, L.: P.A.16.11 Blatnik, R.: P.A.03.04, P.A.22.14 Bonneville, M.: P.A.21.03, P.B.42.16
Benammar Elgaaied, A.: P.A.05.08, P.B.20.17 Bertsias, G.: P.A.23.19 Blatt, K.: P.B.11.07, P.D.21.02, P.A.27.07, Bonnotte, B.: P.D.22.22
Ben Ammar Elgaaied1, A.: P.B.28.17 Besi, F.: P.A.17.04 P.B.25.12, P.B.38.16, P.D.05.09 Bono, M. R.: P.A.23.22
Bnard, A.: P.A.19.19 Bessa, T. C.: P.D.02.06 Blatzer, M.: P.A.13.07, P.B.31.09, P.B.31.16 Bonstingl, C.: P.A.20.03
Benbijja, M.: P.B.14.19 Bessa-Pereira, C.: P.C.06.18, P.C.21.18 Blazevski, J.: P.A.04.14 Bont, L.: P.B.15.05
Benck, C.: P.B.24.04 Best, K.: P.A.11.05 Blazickova, S.: P.B.08.16 Boon, A. C.: P.A.17.09
Bencsik, A.: P.A.02.11 Betancor, E.: P.B.18.07 Blazquez, A.: P.B.39.21 Boon, L.: P.A.23.09
Bencsik, A.: P.D.09.01 Betesh, L.: P.D.22.11 Blinova, E. A.: P.A.28.04, P.D.15.13 Boos, A. C.: P.B.04.07
Bender, S.: P.A.27.09 Betteridge, Z. E.: P.B.19.06 Bliss, C. M.: P.A.07.16 Boots, A. M.: P.E.04.12
Bendfeldt, H.: P.D.08.03, P.E.05.04 Betts, G.: P.B.39.17 Blix, I. S.: P.A.05.03 Boovi, N.: P.C.16.05
Bending, D.: P.B.10.04 Betts, R. J.: P.B.38.01 Blomen, V.: P.A.13.04 Bopp, T.: P.B.13.19, P.B.39.08
Bendle, G.: P.D.22.01 Betuela, I.: P.A.08.17 Blottiere, H.: P.B.36.08 Boraschi, D.: P.C.11.12
Bendriss-Vermare, N.: P.B.13.12 Bevilacqua, E. F.: P.C.14.20 Bloy, N.: P.B.13.13 Borderas, L.: P.B.15.15
Benedetti, G.: P.B.22.07 Bexeitov, Y.: P.B.22.22 Blueml, S.: P.A.06.11 Bordoni, V.: P.A.17.04, P.B.15.17, P.B.31.10,
Ben Ghorbel, I.: P.B.05.17 Beyaert, R.: P.B.10.24 Blume, C.: P.A.23.06, P.D.25.09, P.D.26.08, P.C.03.03, P.C.04.03, P.C.04.12
Bengoechea, J.: P.B.01.04 Beyersdorf, N.: P.A.16.04, P.D.09.02 P.D.26.09 Bordry, N.: P.B.13.18
Bengtsson, E.: P.B.41.18 Bzie, S.: P.A.16.09, P.D.26.11 Blml, S.: P.A.05.02 Borek, I.: P.C.05.09, P.C.20.06
Ben Hassine, A.: P.B.41.03 Bhat, J.: P.A.08.14 Blml, S.: P.A.20.04, P.B.09.02, P.B.22.20 Borg, E.: P.C.12.18
Benina, M.: P.C.06.02 Bhatt, K.: P.A.26.20, P.D.26.19 Boag, S.: P.A.17.10 Borghans, J. A.: P.C.24.06
Benites, N. R.: P.B.02.04 Bhattacharya, P.: P.C.19.10 Boag, S. E.: P.C.17.22 Borghi, V.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17
Bentez, A.: P.A.24.05 Bhattacharya, K.: P.C.24.13 Boardman, D.: P.C.24.05 Borghini, S.: P.B.05.10
Benito, J. M.: P.A.26.21, P.D.19.21 Bhattacharyya, A.: P.B.28.09 Bob, P.: P.A.28.22, P.B.14.19 Borghino, S.: P.B.19.07
Benito-Len, M.: P.B.07.25 Bhoi, S.: P.C.15.06 Bobic, S.: P.D.21.17 Borkowska, B.: P.D.03.02
Benk, S.: P.C.12.02 Bhushal, S.: P.A.02.09 Bobik, A.: P.B.41.01, P.B.41.04 Bornhuser, M.: P.D.14.12
Benlagha, K.: P.C.18.21 Biaggio, M.: P.B.01.17 Bocca, A. L.: P.C.21.11 Brnsen, L.: P.A.10.03
Ben Mahfoudh, K.: P.B.01.17 Bialkowski, L.: P.D.06.22 Boccara, D.: P.D.20.20 Borobia, R.: P.B.42.06
Benmeiza, L.: P.B.05.08 Bian, T.: P.D.02.14 Boccasavia, V.: P.A.13.16 Borochova, K.: P.B.15.10
Benmesbah, N.: P.B.30.18 Bian, Z.: P.C.17.19 Bocciardi, R.: P.C.11.23 Borovecki, F.: P.B.05.19

Ben Moustapha, N.: P.B.20.17 Bianchetto, F.: P.C.01.19, P.C.24.14, P.C.24.15 Bocharov, G. A.: P.E.02.04 Borrs, N.: P.D.09.12
Ben Mustapha, I.: P.B.18.14 Bianchi, F.: P.D.14.08 Bochkova, A. G.: P.B.10.03 Borriello, F.: P.C.19.02, P.D.15.05
Bennaceur, K.: P.C.17.22 Bianchini, E.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17, P.C.18.18 Bckl, K.: P.B.16.06, P.B.42.07, P.D.08.03, Borroni, E. M.: P.C.08.03
Bennani, S.: P.A.19.17 Bianchini, R.: P.B.11.18, P.D.05.11, P.D.10.17 P.E.05.04 Borsche, M.: P.B.03.14
Bennett, C.: P.D.15.17 Bibas, M.: P.B.31.10 Bockmann, R.: P.A.03.02 Borsellino, G.: P.A.06.01
Bennett, K.: P.B.18.16, P.C.08.08 Biburger, M.: P.C.11.18 Boda, D.: P.B.28.02 Borte, S.: P.B.04.23
Bennett, K. L.: P.C.23.02 Bicer, M.: P.B.02.19, P.D.07.12 Bodart, G.: P.B.24.08 Bortolotti, D.: P.B.07.18, P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09
Ben Othmane, L.: P.B.09.03 Bicho, M.: P.B.26.05, P.B.26.06, P.B.26.07, Boddaert, J.: P.A.20.08, P.B.42.08 Bortoluci, K.: P.B.03.23
Bensenouci, A.: P.B.40.09 P.B.26.08, P.B.26.09 Boddeke, E.: P.B.07.24 Bsch, M.: P.B.14.11
Benson, R.: P.A.20.04 Bicknell, L.: P.B.18.09 Bode, U.: P.A.01.08 Bosenberg, M. W.: P.D.23.01
Bentabak, K.: P.B.14.21 Biegon, R. K.: P.B.02.13 Bodinier, M.: P.D.02.02 Bser, A.: P.A.12.11
Bentli, E.: P.B.04.19 Biehl, M.: P.D.10.16 Bodman-Smith, M. D.: P.A.08.23, P.C.13.17, Bsl, M. R.: P.A.27.02
Bento-de-Sousa, L.: P.A.21.11 Biemelt, A.: P.A.11.09, P.A.11.13 P.C.13.18, P.D.22.20 Bosma, M.: P.C.17.12
Ben Yahia, H.: P.B.08.03, P.B.09.03, P.B.29.08, Bien, K.: P.B.07.19 Bodnr, K.: P.A.25.17 Bosnjak, B.: P.B.25.09, P.C.19.06, P.C.24.13
P.B.29.09, P.D.27.07 Bienvenu, F.: P.B.11.12 Bodnr, V.: P.B.03.01 Bosque, M.: P.B.05.13
Benzidane, N.: P.B.28.03 Bier, F.: P.B.02.02 Bodo, J.: P.A.02.13 Bossowska, A.: P.B.05.04
Berardi, S.: P.A.07.21 Biessen, E. A.: P.B.41.19 Bodo, V.: P.D.05.04 Bossowski, A.: P.B.05.04, P.D.13.15
Berberich, I.: P.C.08.02 Bifulco, C.: P.E.01.15 Boeffard, F.: P.A.02.04 Bossuyt, X.: P.D.04.03
Berberich, S.: P.B.03.12 Biggart, R.: P.B.37.22 Boelke, F.: P.C.08.04 Bostan, M.: P.B.14.01, P.D.10.09, P.D.14.11,
Berberich-Siebelt, F.: P.A.02.06 Biggs, S.: P.A.25.02 Boer, R.: P.A.08.02 P.D.18.04
Berbers, G.: P.E.04.12 Biguetti, C. C.: P.A.06.09 Boesteanu, A. C.: P.C.08.07 Botta, A.: P.E.02.14
Berbers, G. A.: P.B.36.02, P.D.03.06 Bihoue, T.: P.D.02.02 Boff, D.: P.C.17.15 Bottasso, O.: P.B.17.18
Berbert, L. R.: P.B.17.16, P.B.17.18 Bihuniak, J.: P.D.23.01 Bogdan, C.: P.B.16.14, P.C.10.18 Bottazzi, B.: P.C.06.15, P.C.09.16, P.C.09.24,
Berdichevskaya, E.: P.C.01.17, P.C.01.18 Biichl, S.: P.C.13.16 Bogdanovic, A.: P.B.03.04 P.C.22.15
Berdugina, O. V.: P.B.16.19, P.B.16.20, P.C.12.24, Bilato, D.: P.B.15.08 Bogen, B.: P.B.14.12, P.D.11.08, P.D.21.17 Bttcher, K.: P.A.09.07
P.D.17.16 Bilbao, D.: P.A.25.03 Bogic, M.: P.B.03.04 Bottino, C.: P.B.04.22, P.B.19.07
Beretta, L.: P.C.24.06 Bilic, I.: P.A.14.07, P.B.18.04 Bognr, A.: P.A.10.21 Botto, M.: P.B.23.08
Berezhnoy, A.: P.D.14.18 Bilitewski, U.: P.B.03.05 Bohle, B.: P.A.13.08, P.A.22.01, P.A.26.17, Bouayed Abdelmoula, N.: P.B.07.18
Berg, D.: P.B.07.02 Billington, R. A.: P.C.17.26 P.B.25.08, P.B.38.09, P.D.20.16, P.D.21.06 Bouaziz, A.: P.B.08.03, P.B.09.03, P.D.27.07
Bergami-Santos, P. C.: P.C.05.11 Bilski, J.: P.C.17.25 Bhm, C.: P.C.14.08 Bouchair, N.: P.B.19.16
Bergen, I.: P.C.03.01 Binder, C. J.: P.B.30.01, P.B.32.16, P.B.41.13, Bhme, I.: P.C.14.12 Bouchaud, G.: P.D.02.02
Berger, A.: P.C.20.16 P.C.09.18 Bhmig, G. A.: P.B.30.01 Boucheron, N.: P.A.05.14
Berger, F.: P.B.22.15 Binder, E.: P.B.05.06 Bohn, R.: P.B.17.08 Boudabous, A.: P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09
Berger, T.: P.C.06.14, P.C.09.07, P.E.01.05 Binder, N.: P.B.09.02 Bohn, T.: P.B.13.19, P.B.39.08 Boudiba, A.: P.D.27.02
Berger, U.: P.D.05.06 Binder, V.: P.B.32.01 Bohnen, A.: P.B.09.17 Boudinot, P.: P.A.19.19
Bergeron, J.: P.A.22.09 Bindslev-Jensen, C.: P.B.38.05 Boiardi, L.: P.B.41.09 Bougias, D.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11
Bergmann, M.: P.E.01.10 Binet, B.: P.A.06.10 Boissel, N.: P.B.40.01 Bouguyon, E.: P.C.05.16
Bergmeier, L. A.: P.A.08.18 Bingham, J.: P.D.03.08 Boisson, A.: P.B.39.02 Boukadida, J.: P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09
Bergthaler, A.: P.A.20.04, P.C.24.13 Bintner, N.: P.B.01.12 Boiziau, C.: P.C.11.04 Boukari, R.: P.B.30.17, P.B.30.18
Bergua, J. M.: P.C.02.03 Birekul, A.: P.A.03.03 Bojana Stojanovi,: P.B.23.17 Boukhalfa-Abib, H.: P.C.23.12
Bergum, B.: P.B.32.01 Birkinshaw, R. W.: P.A.07.19 Bokarewa, M. I.: P.B.09.16, P.B.21.02 Boukouaci, W.: P.C.18.02
Berkane, K.: P.B.28.06 Birner, P.: P.A.18.11, P.D.08.12 Bkers, S.: P.A.10.04 Boulares, H. A.: P.B.12.05
Berkers, C. R.: P.A.07.03 Birnleitner, H.: P.E.01.10 Bokonjic, D.: P.B.19.19 Bouldjennet, F.: P.D.27.02
Berki, T.: P.A.06.15, P.A.10.21, P.A.21.01, Br, T.: P.B.25.05, P.B.37.11 Bolaos-Mateo, E.: P.D.14.13 Boulssel, M.: P.A.15.07
P.A.25.17, P.B.09.18, P.B.40.07 Bischoff, Y.: P.B.15.07 Bolarin, J.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.A.12.18, Boumaiza, S.: P.D.16.09
Berkova, N.: P.B.02.09, P.B.24.20 Bismuth, G.: P.C.19.19 P.B.32.24, P.C.02.22, P.C.21.03, P.B.09.21 Boumpas, D.: P.A.23.19
Berkovitz, S.: P.B.07.06 Bisogno, T.: P.A.06.01 Boldizsr, E.: P.B.14.14 Bouquet, F.: P.C.18.07

122 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Boura, P.: P.B.08.20, P.B.41.06, P.C.14.03 Bronzo, V.: P.C.23.17 Bunk, S.: P.C.02.14 Campana, R.: P.A.04.11, P.A.27.07, P.B.25.12
Boura-Halfon, S.: P.C.11.06 Brooker, J.: P.B.04.10 Bunse, C.: P.D.14.02 Campana, S.: P.C.10.05
Bourbon-Caillet, C.: P.C.06.08 Brooks, A.: P.C.10.04 Bunse, M.: P.D.13.09 Campanelli, A. P.: P.C.12.10
Bourge, M.: P.C.05.16 Brooks, A. G.: P.C.10.03 Buonaguro, F. M.: P.D.14.15 Campbell, G. A.: P.D.17.11
Boury, M.: P.B.34.04 Brooks, A. E.: P.D.15.10 Buonaguro, L.: P.D.14.15 Campbell, S.: P.B.20.03
Boussag-Abib, L.: P.D.02.15 Brooks, T.: P.A.06.16 Burakowski, T.: P.A.16.14, P.B.09.05 Campbell-Thompson, M.: P.B.33.19
Bouvier, M.: P.A.22.11 Brossart, P.: P.A.14.20, P.D.06.15 Bureau, F.: P.B.25.17, P.C.11.19 Campillo, J.: P.A.12.18
Bouzid, C.: P.B.14.21 Brossay, L.: P.C.03.19 Burger, E.: P.B.03.06 Campillo, J.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.B.09.21,
Bouzid, K.: P.B.28.06 Brot-Laroche, E.: P.E.03.07 Brgler, S.: P.B.14.12 P.B.32.24, P.C.02.22, P.C.21.03
Bova, S.: P.A.20.01 Brouard, S.: P.A.02.04, P.A.07.14, P.A.07.18, Burgos, R. A.: P.B.21.10 Campillo-Marquina, J. A.: P.D.09.09
Boyano-Martnez, T.: P.B.11.22 P.D.02.02, P.D.04.09 Burian, M. S.: P.B.36.01 Campistol, J.: P.D.17.04, P.B.05.13
Boyken, J.: P.C.19.09 Broughton, S. E.: P.A.04.04 Buricchi, F.: P.D.19.13 Campos, C.: P.A.17.01, P.C.02.03, P.C.10.22
Boyle, L. H.: P.A.22.13 Brouk, H.: P.B.19.16 Burkard, T. R.: P.C.19.19 Campos, E.: P.D.09.12
Boyles, M. S.: P.B.11.03 Brouwers-Haspels, A. A.: P.B.20.10 Burke, B.: P.D.19.07 Campos, J.: P.A.01.09, P.B.37.06
Bozcal, E.: P.B.01.19 Browett, P.: P.B.30.16 Burke, W.: P.A.15.02 Campos-Caro, A.: P.A.09.16, P.A.19.15
Bozic, B.: P.B.39.20, P.B.39.24, P.C.12.07, Brown, A.: P.C.09.02 Burlion, A.: P.A.23.11 Campos-Martn, Y.: P.C.21.04
P.D.24.06 Brown, C.: P.B.39.17 Burmester, G.- .: P.B.22.04 Campoverde, J.: P.B.04.12
Bozkurt, E.: P.A.02.14 Brown, D. A.: P.B.24.12 Burmester, G.-R.: P.B.19.13 Camps-Bossacoma, M.: P.B.38.22
Bozkurt, M.: P.B.37.05 Brown, J. S.: P.D.03.05 Burn, G. L.: P.A.20.18 Canals, M.: P.C.19.17
Boztug, K.: P.A.27.08, P.B.04.01, P.B.18.04, Brown, M. A.: P.C.04.08 Burney, I.: P.B.28.01 Cancellieri, C.: P.C.08.03
P.B.18.16 Brown, R.: P.B.02.03 Burns, D.: P.D.16.21 Cancrini, C.: P.B.18.05
Bozzacco, L.: P.C.14.12 Browne, S. K.: P.B.18.05 Burns, L. A.: P.A.24.11 Candelas, G.: P.B.29.05, P.D.11.19
Bra, D.: P.B.30.07, P.B.30.15 Browning, M.: P.C.04.16 Burns, S. O.: P.B.04.13 Candia, M. R.: P.A.03.08, P.A.12.05, P.A.22.03
Bracher, F.: P.B.12.07 Broyer, L.: P.D.06.12 Burren, O. S.: P.E.02.03 Canellas, F.: P.B.07.16
Bracht, T.: P.C.12.16 Brubaker, C. E.: P.D.11.11 Burt, D. W.: P.A.11.08 Caellas, J.: P.B.05.13
Bracke, K. R.: P.C.03.11 Bruce, M.: P.D.03.08 Busch, C. J.: P.C.09.18 Canestri, S.: P.A.10.23
Bradl, M.: P.B.19.03 Brckner, S.: P.B.03.12 Busch, D. H.: P.B.18.20 Caizares, J.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13
Bradley, G.: P.C.23.07 Bruckner-Tuderman, L.: P.B.23.07 Busch, K.: P.C.11.22, P.E.04.09 Cant, A.: P.B.18.19
Bradyanova, S.: P.D.04.05 Bruder, D.: P.B.01.13 Busch, R.: P.B.03.21 Cantisn, S.: P.B.29.07
Bradyanova, S. L.: P.A.11.01 Bruehl, H.: P.B.32.17 Buschjger, D.: P.B.22.01 Canto, F.: P.A.16.17
Braendli-Baiocco, A.-M.: P.B.23.09 Bruffaerts, N.: P.B.16.01 Busnelli, M.: P.C.08.03 Cantone, M.: P.C.16.15
Braga, T. T.: P.B.19.18, P.D.25.14 Bruggeman, C. W.: P.C.22.02 Buss, P.: P.B.02.16 Cantoni, C.: P.C.18.04, P.C.18.12, P.C.18.13,
Brameshuber, M.: P.A.13.13, P.A.20.11, P.D.14.21 Brgos, B.: P.B.37.11 Busslinger, M.: P.A.14.07 P.C.20.04
Brammar, G. C.: P.C.11.09 Brhl, T.-J.: P.B.13.19, P.B.39.08 Bustamante, J.: P.B.04.16, P.B.18.07 Cantrell, D. A.: P.B.32.13
Brand, A.: P.C.04.06 Brummelkamp, T.: P.A.13.04 Bustos-Morn, E.: P.A.28.05, P.A.28.06 Cao, A.: P.B.41.01
Brando, I. T.: P.D.16.17 Brummer, T.: P.A.18.10 Bustreo, S.: P.A.25.05 Cao, H.: P.B.02.14, P.B.30.16, P.E.04.02
Brander, C.: P.D.19.21 Brun, J. G.: P.C.06.19 Buszko, M.: P.B.41.02, P.D.26.14 Cao, S. L.: P.C.12.17
Brandl, A.: P.B.03.19, P.D.22.06 Bruni, D.: P.C.08.06 Butler, J.: P.D.03.08 Cao, X.: P.C.20.15
Brandl, C.: P.D.04.07 Brning, J.: P.B.08.09 Butler, M.: P.C.08.06 Caorsi, R.: P.B.19.07
Brandsttter, O.: P.B.35.02 Brunner, J.: P.B.05.06, P.C.22.08, P.A.05.02 Butov, D. O.: P.B.02.17, P.B.37.04 Capasso, A.: P.E.02.08
Brandstetter, H.: P.A.03.11, P.A.13.10 Brunner, P. M.: P.B.10.23 Butova, T.: P.B.02.17 Capasso, C.: P.D.06.08
Brandt, A.: P.B.08.06, P.D.13.14 Brunner-Weinzierl, M. C.: P.A.04.07 Butt, M. R.: P.A.06.14 Capek, V.: P.B.21.19
Brankovic, L.: P.B.37.19 Brunner-Weinzierl, M.: P.A.07.01 Butte, M. J.: P.B.18.05 Capobianchi, M.: P.A.17.04, P.B.15.17
Brasil, B. F.: P.B.36.18 Bruno, A.: P.C.10.06, P.C.10.07 Butterweck, H.: P.C.02.14 Capone, M.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12, P.B.09.20,
Brasileiro-Santos, M. S.: P.E.04.15 Bruns, A.: P.A.02.12 Butze, M.: P.E.03.01 P.B.10.02, P.C.15.05
Brasoveanu, L. I.: P.B.14.01, P.D.10.09, P.D.14.11, Bruns, T.: P.C.17.14 Buus, S.: P.A.13.12 Caponnetto, S.: P.A.25.06
P.D.18.04 Brusselle, G.: P.C.03.11 Buzalaf, M. A.: P.B.32.02 Cappato, S.: P.C.11.23
Brass, A.: P.C.05.17 Brutsche, M.: P.B.14.11 Buzalaf, M. R.: P.B.24.03 Cappellano, G.: P.B.41.02, P.D.26.14
Brassat, D.: P.B.23.18 Bruttini, M.: P.D.19.13 Buzs, E.: P.A.02.11, P.D.09.01, P.B.22.13 Cappuccini, F.: P.D.15.06
Braster, Q.: P.A.02.05 Brvere, R.: P.C.15.19 Buziba, N. G.: P.B.02.13 Caprioli, F.: P.A.26.05
Braubach, P.: P.B.14.13 Bryant, A. H.: P.C.07.08 Byeon, J.: P.B.24.16, P.D.03.11, P.D.03.14, Caproni, L. J.: P.D.03.07
Brault, V.: P.C.07.12 Bryant, V.: P.B.30.16 P.D.07.01 Carbajo, P.: P.B.07.22
Braun, A.: P.B.14.13 Bryce, S. A.: P.E.04.10 Byrd, J. C.: P.D.14.19 Carballeda Sangiao, M.: P.B.11.20
Braun, C.: P.B.16.17 Bryk, A.: P.A.22.05 Byrne, S. N.: P.A.10.16 Carballeda-Sangiao, N.: P.B.07.22
Braun, F. C.: P.D.14.01 Bryl, E.: P.A.10.11, P.B.37.17 Bystrzycka, W.: P.C.01.24 Carbone, E.: P.C.02.04, P.C.15.05
Braun, S. A.: P.D.18.19 Bryniarski, K.: P.A.02.03, P.A.22.10, P.C.11.07, Bzeih, H.: P.E.01.12 Carbone, J.: P.B.09.08, P.B.30.22, P.B.30.23,

Braun, T.: P.B.22.04 P.C.11.08, P.D.18.12 P.B.31.20, P.D.25.02, P.D.25.03, P.D.25.04,
Brayner, F. A.: P.B.42.11, P.D.18.03 Bryniarski, P.: P.A.22.05 C P.D.25.07, P.E.05.11
Braza, F.: P.D.02.02, P.D.05.12 Brynjolfsdottir, A.: P.C.05.04 Caamao, J.: P.A.01.09 Carbonnel, F.: P.D.24.05
Brazzoli, M.: P.D.19.10, P.D.20.10 Brzustewicz, E.: P.A.10.11, P.B.37.17 Caamao, J. H.: P.A.01.04 Crcamo, C.: P.B.21.10
Brceski, I.: P.B.35.04 Buatois, V.: P.D.06.12 Caballero, A.: P.D.25.15 Carcelain, G.: P.B.27.06
Brdicka, T.: P.C.16.13 Bublin, M.: P.B.11.12, P.B.25.06, P.B.26.12, Caballero-Hernandez, D.: P.C.21.07 Crdaba, B.: P.D.24.15
Breckpot, K.: P.D.06.22 P.B.38.05, P.D.21.16 Cabana, F.: P.C.12.12 Cardenas, G.: P.B.03.22
Brede, G.: P.D.11.15 Buc, M.: P.B.21.05, P.B.33.21 Caban, P.: P.D.06.06 Cardenes, M. A.: P.B.04.12
Breit, S. N.: P.B.24.12 Buccato, S.: P.D.19.10 Cabauatan, C. R.: P.B.29.04, P.B.11.04 Cardinaud, S.: P.A.09.03
Breiteneder, H.: P.B.25.20, P.B.26.12, P.B.35.19, Buchacher, T.: P.B.01.22 Cabral de Miranda, G.: P.D.02.21 Cardona, A.: P.B.34.14
P.D.21.16 Buchholz, C. J.: P.D.23.04 Car, C.: P.E.03.13 Cardoso, E. C.: P.C.14.20
Brem, M.: P.C.03.01 Buchholz, V.: P.D.22.02 Caesar, J.: P.B.38.23 Careche, M.: P.B.11.20
Bremang, S.: P.B.16.09 Buchmann, K.: P.B.11.20 Cagnard, N.: P.B.16.16 Carey, A. J.: P.A.11.03
Bremer, C. M.: P.D.16.18 Buck, B.: P.D.25.16 Cagnon, L.: P.C.03.13 Carey, A.: P.B.24.13
Brenu, E.: P.A.08.01 Buck, D.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Cahill, L.: P.D.01.03 Carli, C.: P.D.14.05
Brenu, E. W.: P.A.26.07, P.C.02.05, P.C.02.20 Buckley, C. D.: P.A.01.04, P.A.01.09, P.B.22.14, Cahlikova, R.: P.B.40.10 Carlomagno, S.: P.C.10.17, P.C.18.12
Brescia, L.: P.A.08.13 P.B.37.06 Cai, H.: P.B.14.02 Carlos, A.: P.D.22.17
Brewer, J.: P.A.20.04 Bucova, M.: P.A.16.18 Caignard, A.: P.C.18.07, P.C.18.02 Carlos, I. Z.: P.C.07.06
Brezar, V.: P.A.06.05 Bucova, M.: P.B.14.18, P.B.21.05, P.B.33.21, Caires, H. R.: P.C.10.19, P.D.23.10 Carlsen, H.: P.B.37.24
Brezinschek, H.-P.: P.D.13.06 P.B.34.13, P.D.17.13 Caisova, V.: P.D.14.22 Carlsson, B.: P.A.25.02
Brickmann, K.: P.D.13.06 Budai, M. M.: P.C.12.02 Caja, F.: P.B.32.14 Carlsson, F.: P.B.16.12
Brieva, J. A.: P.A.09.16, P.A.19.15 Budak, F.: P.B.01.08, P.B.01.09, P.B.01.10, Cakir, E.: P.C.19.03 Carlucci, T.: P.B.21.08
Brieva, L.: P.B.34.10 P.D.26.17 Calabia-Linares2, C.: P.A.28.11 Carl-Walter, S.: P.A.06.11
Bril, W.: P.B.23.02 Budden, K.: P.C.09.02 Calabrese, C.: P.B.36.17 Carmagnac, A. B.: P.A.08.17
Brilha, S.: P.B.02.15 Budui, S. L.: P.B.21.08 Calahorra, L.: P.D.25.03, P.D.25.07 Carmen, O.: P.D.22.17
Brimaud, F.: P.D.11.20 Buer, J.: P.A.20.02, P.B.17.15 Calandra, T.: P.C.19.14 Carmo, A. M.: P.A.28.18, P.C.06.18, P.C.21.18
Brimnes, M. K.: P.A.10.03 Bueren, J.: P.D.23.06 Calderon-Gonzalez, R.: P.D.06.21, P.D.19.16 Carmo, A. F.: P.B.36.18
Brinza, L.: P.A.17.20 Bueren, J. A.: P.D.23.08 Calich, V. L.: P.B.03.07 Carmona, E. M.: P.A.21.07
Briones, A. C.: P.B.18.17, P.C.22.04 Buermann, A.: P.D.26.10 Calich, V. G.: P.C.20.14 Carmo-Silva, C. C.: P.B.32.18
Brisse, E.: P.C.09.14 Buettner, M.: P.A.01.08 Caligiuri, G.: P.C.11.03 Carneiro, F. S.: P.C.09.23
Brisslert, M.: P.B.09.16 Bugajev, V.: P.C.09.05 Callejas, J.: P.B.05.13 Caro, J.: P.D.09.12, P.D.09.12
Brito, L. A.: P.D.19.10 Buigut, A. J.: P.B.02.13 Calmette, J.: P.C.05.05 Caronni, N.: P.C.15.03
Britt, W. J.: P.D.19.03 Buisman, A.-M.: P.D.03.06, P.E.04.12 Calzada, D.: P.D.24.15 Carpentier, M.: P.A.22.06
Briza, P.: P.A.03.11, P.D.05.03 Buisman, A. M.: P.B.36.02 Camacho Garca, T.: P.C.17.04 Carpier, J.-M.: P.A.28.17
Brizic, I.: P.C.02.06 Buisseret, L.: P.B.39.02 Camacho-Mendoza, C.: P.B.39.14 Carraro, L.: P.C.12.04
Broadley, S.: P.A.26.07 Bujak, A.: P.B.26.01 Cmara, M.: P.C.01.03 Carrasco, A.: P.D.24.14, P.B.07.17
Brock, M.: P.B.03.19 Bulashevska, A.: P.B.04.06, P.B.18.06, P.B.30.16 Camara, N.: P.B.08.07 Carrasco, C.: P.B.09.09
Brockhausen, A.: P.C.04.05, P.C.11.17 Bulfamante, S.: P.A.25.05 Camara, N. O.: P.B.19.18, P.D.25.14 Carrasco, G.: P.B.07.09
Brodie, T.: P.B.25.12 Bullashevska, A.: P.B.18.01, P.B.18.23 Cmara Hijn, C.: P.B.04.05, P.B.11.05 Carrasco Sayalero, .: P.C.22.03
Broere, F.: P.D.24.08 Bullenkamp, J.: P.B.14.17, P.B.41.08 Camarca, A.: P.D.27.03 Carrega, P.: P.C.03.08, P.C.10.05, P.C.20.04
Brot, P.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Bullens, D.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03 Camargo, Z. P.: P.B.03.06 Carreo, L.: P.A.18.12, P.A.18.13, P.D.04.01
Broggi, M.: P.B.13.18 Bulog, A.: P.A.15.12 Cambridge, G.: P.B.07.06 Carreras, E.: P.A.11.10, P.A.21.13, P.A.25.08
Brogren, C.-H. H.: P.D.13.13 Bulu, U.: P.B.36.10 Camcioglu, Y.: P.B.18.10, P.C.12.23 Carreras-Sureda, A.: P.A.21.13
Brker, B.: P.B.25.22 Bunders, M. J.: P.A.02.10 Camcolu, Y.: P.B.04.21 Carrington, M.: P.A.26.08
Brker, B. M.: P.D.14.01 Buneva, V.: P.E.01.01 Cameron, C.: P.D.16.11 Carrion, C.: P.A.27.09
Brokstad, K. A.: P.B.09.19 Bunik, V. I.: P.A.09.11 Cameron, D. W.: P.D.16.11 Carta, S.: P.B.05.10
Bronchalo-Vicente, L.: P.D.06.21 Bning, H.: P.C.16.03 Caminero, A. B.: P.B.34.10 Cartellieri, M.: P.D.14.12

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 123
Author Index
Carty, F.: P.D.26.04 Cesca, F.: P.A.18.10 Chen, X.: P.C.04.15, P.A.19.11, P.B.14.10 Chung, E.: P.B.26.10
Carullo, P.: P.C.06.01 Cesnjevar, R.: P.E.02.05 Chen, Y.: P.B.39.23, P.D.19.02 Chung, N. G.: P.D.22.08
Caruso, F.: P.C.06.07 Cetica, V.: P.B.04.22 Chen, Y. L.: P.B.37.16 Chupel, M. U.: P.C.23.11
Carvajal, P.: P.A.24.05 Cetin, E. A.: P.B.12.08 Chen, Y.-Y.: P.C.06.07 Chwieduk, A.: P.A.21.15, P.D.01.13
Carvalho, M. C.: P.B.31.03 etin, M.: P.A.03.03, P.B.04.20 Chen, Y.: P.D.08.13 Chytil, P.: P.D.15.15
Carvalho-Queiroz, C.: P.B.42.15 Cetin Aktas, E.: P.B.27.04, P.C.19.03 Chen, Z.: P.D.19.14, P.A.17.19, P.B.35.17 Ciambarella, B. T.: P.B.32.20
Casa, M. D.: P.D.25.14 Cetinkaya, .: P.A.02.14, P.A.03.14, P.E.01.02 Cheng, H.-W.: P.A.01.03, P.B.14.11, P.C.08.10 Ciancanelli, M.: P.B.18.07
Casadeval, A.: P.C.21.11 Ceuppens, J. L.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03, P.D.21.12 Cheng, J.: P.A.23.02 Ciardi, A.: P.B.27.15
Casado, J. G.: P.C.02.03 Cevhertas, L.: P.A.14.09 Cheng, P.: P.A.05.02 Ciccia, F.: P.B.41.09
Casanova, J.-L.: P.B.04.16, P.B.18.07 Cha, S.-H.: P.B.24.16, P.D.03.11, P.D.03.14, Cheng, P. Y.: P.D.20.14 Cicco, S.: P.A.07.21
Casares, N.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07, P.A.16.07 P.D.07.01 Cheng, Q.: P.A.10.15 Cicekkoku, D.: P.B.18.03
Casas, I.: P.C.02.03, P.B.18.07 Chaar, D.: P.A.12.16 Cheng, W.-C.: P.A.24.11 Cichy, J.: P.B.35.06
Casato, M.: P.B.42.18, P.D.04.13 Chabchoub, I.: P.B.18.14 Cheng, W.: P.C.14.06 Cicin-Sain, L.: P.A.03.04, P.C.10.11, P.C.20.08
Casely-Hayford, M. A.: P.C.08.14 Chabrol, E.: P.A.08.02 Cheng, W.-J.: P.B.33.01 Cielikowska, A.: P.C.13.03, P.D.26.06
Caserta, S.: P.A.20.19, P.B.37.22, P.D.08.01 Chacn Salinas, R.: P.C.03.20 Chenna Narendra, S.: P.A.25.02 Ciepiela, O.: P.C.01.24
Casetti, R.: P.A.17.04, P.B.15.17, P.B.31.10, Chagan-Yasutan, H.: P.D.08.13 Cheok, M.: P.B.40.01 Cifaldi, L.: P.A.22.12
P.C.03.03, P.C.04.03, P.C.04.12 Chaigne, B.: P.A.10.05 Cheon, H.: P.C.16.09 Cilerdzic, J.: P.D.24.06
Casey, P.: P.C.11.20 Chain, B.: P.A.11.05 Cheong, B. E.: P.D.10.02 Ciliberto, G.: P.C.15.05
Casini, D.: P.D.19.10 Chakarov, S.: P.C.11.19 Cheour, I.: P.B.10.06 Cimaz, R.: P.B.09.20, P.B.10.02
Casola, S.: P.A.24.08, P.A.27.03 Chaker, A.: P.D.05.12 Cheptene, E.: P.C.15.18 Cimini, E.: P.B.15.17, P.A.17.04, P.B.31.10,
Casrouge, A.: P.B.34.02 Chakraborty, R.: P.C.06.10 Chreau, C.: P.B.32.04 P.C.03.03, P.C.04.03, P.C.04.12
Cassado, A.: P.B.03.23, P.B.16.21 Chalaris, A.: P.A.24.16 Cherenko, S. O.: P.B.37.04 Cimino, L.: P.B.41.09
Cassado, A. A.: P.C.12.21 Chalasani, M. L.: P.A.04.21 Chereshnev, V. A.: P.E.02.04 Cinetto, F.: P.B.31.02
Cassagnau, E.: P.A.23.13, P.D.04.10 Chalishazar, A.: P.D.24.12 Chereshneva, M. V.: P.E.02.04 Cippitelli, M.: P.B.40.18, P.C.02.19, P.C.10.20
Cassatella, M. A.: P.C.01.19, P.C.24.14, P.C.24.15 Chaloupka, M.: P.D.14.07 Cherif, B.: P.B.14.22 Circelli, L.: P.D.14.15
Cassinotti, E.: P.C.10.06 Chamaillard, M.: P.C.17.24 Cherif, N.: P.B.40.09 Cirovski, G.: P.B.27.16
Castaeda, S.: P.B.32.19 Chambers, B. J.: P.C.10.11 Cherni, S.: P.C.17.09 Cisneros, E.: P.C.18.08
Castaer, J.: P.D.26.01 Chambers, E. S.: P.C.11.10 Chernobrovkin, A.: P.D.06.03 Citro, A.: P.B.22.02
Castaer, J.: P.D.26.02 Chamizo, E.: P.A.18.12 Chernyavskiy, O.: P.B.32.14 Cittaro, D.: P.B.25.09
Castao Pinardo, M.: P.B.29.05 Chan, C. T.: P.B.41.15, P.B.41.17 Chernykh, E.: P.C.11.05, P.D.07.04 Citti, A.: P.B.27.23
Castell, M.: P.B.38.22 Chan, V.: P.D.24.12 Chernykh, E. R.: P.D.15.13 Ciudad, M.: P.D.22.22
Castellani, G.: P.A.20.01 Chan, W.-Y.: P.D.03.05 Chesn, J.: P.D.02.02 Ciurtin, C.: P.B.07.06
Castellani, P.: P.B.05.10 Chandra, J.: P.A.23.10 Chester, C.: P.D.08.17 Claas, F.: P.A.13.04
Castellano, A.: P.B.27.23 Chang, B. J.: P.B.11.06 Cheuk, S.: P.B.10.15, P.B.10.20 Claerebout, E.: P.B.03.11
Castellano, L. R.: P.B.17.03, P.B.29.18, P.B.42.11, Chang, D.: P.B.10.20 Chevalier, C.: P.C.05.16 Claes, I.: P.C.21.15
P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17, P.D.18.21, P.E.04.15 Chang, D.-Y.: P.A.26.15 Chevalier, M.: P.C.03.13, P.A.23.13, P.D.04.10 Clancy, J. P.: P.B.32.08
Castellucci, M.: P.C.24.07, P.C.24.14 Chang, H.-F.: P.A.07.15 Chew, V.: P.D.22.14 Clark, G. C.: P.D.03.01
Castelo-Rosa, A.: P.C.19.01 Chang, H.-D.: P.A.02.12, P.A.02.13, P.A.05.11 Chew, V. S.: P.C.10.02 Clarke, L. S.: P.C.17.21
Castiella, A.: P.D.27.04, P.E.03.04 Chang, M.-S.: P.C.15.08 Cheynier, R.: P.A.09.03 Claudia, P.: P.B.31.18
Castiglia, V.: P.B.01.23 Chang, W.-S.: P.E.04.14 Chhetri, I.: P.B.41.08 Clausen, B. E.: P.B.20.10
Castiglia, Y. M.: P.D.18.21 Chang, Y.-S.: P.C.23.19 Chiang, B.: P.B.13.17 Clave, E.: P.D.01.01, P.D.01.07
Castillo, D.: P.B.09.07, P.B.19.10 Changi, K.: P.C.19.06 Chiang, B. L.: P.A.16.13, P.A.24.04, P.B.20.04, Clay, E.: P.B.22.03
Castillo, F.: P.A.24.05 Chanson, N.: P.B.21.01 P.B.37.16, P.C.07.16, P.D.05.13, P.D.07.02, Clment, K.: P.E.03.07, P.E.03.13
Castro, F.: P.B.25.13 Chaouat, M.: P.C.04.01 P.D.13.04, P.D.20.14, P.D.23.05, P.E.03.09, Clement, M.: P.C.11.03, P.D.16.06
Castro, M.: P.B.26.05, P.B.26.06, P.B.26.07, Chaouch, H.: P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09 P.B.19.08, P.B.26.03, P.C.21.17 Clemente, A.: P.B.07.16
P.B.26.08, P.B.26.09, P.B.21.10, P.C.09.17 Chaouiya, C.: P.A.14.02 Chiang, C.: P.C.02.22 Clemente, D.: P.B.05.13
Castro, W.: P.A.17.02 Chapman, P.: P.D.18.19 Chiang, M.-Y.: P.A.15.02 Clements, C. S.: P.C.10.03
Castro Dopico, X.: P.E.02.03 Chapman, S. J.: P.B.01.14 Chiapponi, C.: P.B.15.08 Clerici, M.: P.C.21.06
Castro Snchez, P.: P.A.28.16, P.A.20.13 Chapot-Chartier, M.-P.: P.C.13.07 Chiarot, E.: P.D.20.10 Clutterbuck, E. A.: P.A.18.02
Catalan, D.: P.A.10.06 Chappert, P.: P.A.22.06 Chien, C. H.: P.D.05.13 nar, S.: P.B.04.21
Cattoni, M.: P.C.10.07 Chapple, I.: P.B.19.22 Chiesa, S.: P.B.05.10, P.B.19.07 Cobbold, M.: P.D.06.01, P.D.22.21
Cauli, A.: P.A.03.02 Charbonnier, V.: P.D.02.22 Chikaev, N.: P.A.26.10 Coelho-Castelo, A. A.: P.D.16.17
Causton, B.: P.C.03.10 Charfeddine, B.: P.B.09.03 Chikovani, T.: P.D.07.08 Coenjaerts, F. E.: P.B.15.05
Caux, C.: P.B.13.12 Charreau, B.: P.D.25.06 Chimen, M.: P.A.19.16 Cogdill, A. P.: P.D.14.19
Caux, T. R.: P.C.09.23 Charron, D.: P.B.33.17 Chin, C. L.: P.D.20.14 Cogn, M.: P.A.09.15, P.A.27.09
Cavaillon, J.-M.: P.A.19.09 Charron, M.: P.C.10.16 Chin-Dusting, J.: P.B.09.12, P.B.41.05 Cohen, J.: P.D.08.01

Cavalcanti, C. M.: P.C.05.11 Charvet, C.: P.A.08.08, P.A.16.11, P.C.19.19 Chini, B.: P.C.08.03 Cohen, N.: P.E.05.15
Cavaletto, M.: P.C.18.12 Chassande, O.: P.C.11.04 Chipinski, P.: P.D.04.05 Cokugras, H.: P.C.12.23
Cavalieri, D.: P.A.05.12 Chatel, L.: P.D.06.12 Chipinski, P. P.: P.A.11.01 Colantuono, S.: P.D.04.13
Cavalla, F.: P.A.06.09, P.C.02.04 Chatenoud, L.: P.D.26.14 Chirletti, P.: P.B.27.15 Coles, M. C.: P.A.01.09
Cavar, I.: P.C.23.01 Chatterjea, D.: P.B.24.04 Chitadze, G.: P.B.13.05 Colic, M.: P.B.19.19, P.B.39.20, P.B.39.24,
Cavassani, K. A.: P.C.12.10 Chatterjee, B.: P.A.07.07 Chiu, C.-J.: P.B.26.03 P.C.05.18, P.C.09.13, P.D.22.16
Cavazza, A.: P.B.41.09 Chatterjee, D.: P.C.18.11 Chiu, C. Y.: P.B.03.16 Colineau, L.: P.A.09.03
Cayssials, E.: P.C.18.15 Chatterjee, M.: P.B.16.17, P.B.17.20 Chiurchiu, V.: P.A.06.01, P.C.11.13, P.C.20.10 Colinges, J.: P.A.27.08
Cayuela, J.-M.: P.B.40.01, P.C.10.15 Chatterjee, U.: P.B.16.17 Chiuso-Minicucci, F.: P.D.10.03 Colizzi, F.: P.B.39.03
Cebrian, M.: P.D.25.02 Chatziantoniou, A.: P.A.16.16 Chlichlia, K.: P.D.15.01 Collenburg, L.: P.B.29.11
Ceccherini, I.: P.B.05.10 Chatziioannou, A.: P.B.28.18 Cho, H. I.: P.D.22.08, P.D.14.14 Collie-Duguid, E.: P.D.18.11
Cecchini, P.: P.D.03.05 Chauchet, X.: P.D.06.12 Cho, S. G.: P.D.22.08 Collins, A. T.: P.B.14.16
Cecere, F.: P.C.10.20 Chaushev, T.: P.E.05.02 Cho, S.-H.: P.C.22.05 Collins, L. E.: P.C.11.20
Cecil, J. D.: P.C.06.07 Chausheva, S.: P.D.04.05, P.D.22.13 Choi, B. O.: P.D.22.08 Collison, A. M.: P.B.06.07
Cedazo-Minguez, A.: P.B.07.01 Chausheva, S. H.: P.A.11.01 Choi, H.: P.B.26.10 Collison, E.: P.D.20.17
Cedeo, R.: P.B.18.17 Chaussard, M.: P.C.04.01 Choi, I.: P.C.24.17 Colobran, R.: P.B.04.02, P.B.04.04, P.B.04.17,
Cdile, O.: P.A.01.07 Chavakis, T.: P.C.17.17 Choi, Y.: P.D.19.23, P.A.06.07, P.A.17.06, P.B.18.07, P.B.18.18, P.B.30.14
Cedillo-Barron, L.: P.C.09.11 Chavarria Buenrostro, L. E.: P.B.37.25 P.D.13.03 Colombe, A.: P.B.13.12
Ceglarek, U.: P.C.19.15 Chaverri, D.: P.B.07.22 Cholewinski, G.: P.D.18.05 Colombo, M.: P.C.18.07
Cejka, P.: P.A.23.03 Chaves, A. S.: P.D.08.16 Chomka, A.: P.B.20.15 Colom-Fernndez, B.: P.D.06.13
Cejudo-Guilln, M.: P.B.07.20, P.C.21.07 Chaves, A. T.: P.B.17.14 Chonco, L.: P.D.03.03 Colonna, M.: P.C.03.10
Cekic, S.: P.B.04.18 Chavez-Galan, L.: P.C.11.02 Chong, P.: P.D.11.12 Colozza Gama, G. A.: P.D.20.05
Celesti, G.: P.C.12.04 Chavoshzadeh, Z.: P.B.25.23 Choquet, S.: P.B.27.06 Colston, J.: P.A.01.10
Celichowski, G.: P.A.03.07 Cheeseman, H. M.: P.D.11.24 Chougnet, C.: P.A.06.04 Coltrini, D.: P.C.18.04
elik, S.: P.A.02.14 Cheknev, S.: P.C.23.15, P.C.23.16 Choulaki, C.: P.A.23.19 Colucci, F.: P.C.15.05
elikzencir, H.: P.B.04.19 Chelbi, I.: P.C.17.09 Chouri, E.: P.C.24.06 Comabella, M.: P.D.24.03
elikzincir, H.: P.A.03.03 Chelbi, R.: P.C.13.05 Chovancova, Z.: P.A.27.06, P.B.30.03 Comaro, E.: P.B.39.03
Celis, E.: P.D.14.14 Chemali, M.: P.A.22.09 Chow, Y.-H.: P.D.11.12 Combadiere, B.: P.C.13.11, P.D.03.03, P.D.20.20
Celletti, E.: P.B.08.22 Cheminant, M.-A.: P.D.02.02 Chowdhary, V.: P.B.33.15 Combadire, C.: P.D.03.03
Cendn, C.: P.A.02.12, P.A.02.13 Chen, A.: P.B.32.13 Chrisostomou, E.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11 Combes, V.: P.C.16.08
Cenedeze, M. A.: P.D.25.14 Chen, C.: P.D.01.10, P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, Chrissobolis, S.: P.B.41.15 Comby, E.: P.A.03.01
Cenni, S.: P.B.20.09 P.B.29.16, P.D.09.08, P.D.09.11 Christensen, D.: P.D.20.15 Comins-Boo, A.: P.B.29.05, P.D.11.19, P.D.24.14
Centonze, D.: P.C.11.13 Chen, D.: P.A.15.16 Christina, T.: P.E.05.08 Compagno, N.: P.B.31.02
Ceredig, R.: P.B.32.15 Chen, F. Y.: P.B.20.13, P.D.18.18, P.B.25.10 Christophe, C.: P.A.07.04 Compte, M.: P.C.07.15
Cerles, O.: P.B.32.04 Chen, H.: P.A.22.11, P.D.02.11, P.D.02.14, Christophe, S.: P.A.27.10 Conchon, S.: P.A.02.04
Cerliani, J. P.: P.B.17.05 P.D.02.16, P.B.11.02 Christopher, C. T.: P.B.41.04 Conde, B.: P.D.22.12
Cernilec, M.: P.B.18.15 Chen, J.: P.C.23.10 Chrobok, M.: P.C.02.22 Conde-Garrosa, R.: P.C.21.04
ern, V.: P.B.14.08 Chen, K.: P.B.18.05, P.C.07.01 Chruewkamlow, N.: P.A.04.16 Condino-Neto, A.: P.B.30.02, P.B.30.08, P.C.20.14
Cerny-Reiterer, S.: P.B.27.07, P.B.40.15 Chen, K.-W.: P.A.04.11, P.B.11.13, P.B.38.06, Chua, B. Y.: P.D.19.15 Congy, N.: P.D.17.14
Ceroi, A.: P.C.13.16 P.D.02.02 Chua, K.: P.C.09.19 Conlon, J.: P.C.02.07
Cerqueira, M. O.: P.B.02.10 Chen, L.: P.A.05.02, P.D.14.13, P.B.06.03 Chuang, S.-H.: P.B.33.01 Connell, D.: P.B.16.09
Cerqueira-Rodrigues, B.: P.A.21.16 Chen, M.: P.C.19.08 Chuang, Y.-H.: P.B.19.08, P.D.04.16 Conrad, C.: P.B.10.18, P.C.20.12
Cerullo, V.: P.D.06.08 Chen, S. M.: P.D.19.14 Chudakov, D. M.: P.D.01.08 Conran, N.: P.B.12.12
Cerundolo, V.: P.D.15.18 Chen, S. Y.: P.D.13.04 Chudilova, G. A.: P.D.08.08, P.D.16.20 Cons, L.: P.D.06.12
Cerutti, A.: P.C.03.12 Chen, S.-T.: P.C.06.04 Chumakov, P.: P.A.17.12 Consonni, F.: P.C.12.04
Cerwenka, A.: P.A.26.14, P.C.02.02 Chen, T.: P.B.33.14 Chumakov, S.: P.A.17.12 Consonni, F.: P.C.12.05
Cesaro, A.: P.C.17.24 Chen, T. H.: P.C.07.16 Chumasova, O.: P.C.13.01 Constans, J.: P.B.06.06

124 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Constantin, C.: P.B.28.02 Croudace, J.: P.D.01.14 Danuser, R.: P.C.01.06 Dekhtiarenko, I.: P.A.03.04
Constantin, G.: P.A.20.20, P.B.21.08, P.C.14.19 Croxatto, D.: P.C.03.16 Danyi, I.: P.C.16.13 Dekkers, J. S.: P.B.10.05
Constantinescu, C. S.: P.B.21.11 Croxford, A. L.: P.A.24.08 Danzer, M.: P.A.03.11, P.B.38.13, P.D.17.03 De Koker, S.: P.D.06.18
Consuegra-Fernndez, M.: P.A.21.13, P.A.25.08, Crozat, K.: P.C.13.05 Daoui, A.: P.A.17.21 de la Calle, O.: P.B.18.17
P.D.16.05 Cruickshank, S.: P.B.20.07, P.B.24.22, P.C.01.04, Dapena, J.: P.B.04.04 del Aguila, C.: P.A.13.05
Conte, D.: P.A.26.05 P.C.05.17 Darby, J.: P.D.03.12 DelaRosa, O.: P.D.23.06, P.D.23.08, P.D.26.01
Conte, R.: P.C.03.08, P.C.18.01 Cruz, A.: P.B.33.22 Darby, T.: P.C.11.20 de la Sen, M.: P.D.10.15
Conti, L.: P.C.02.04 Cruz Adalia, A.: P.A.28.11 Darcy, P. K.: P.D.14.04 del Frari, B.: P.D.11.16
Contin-Bordes, C.: P.B.06.06 Cruz Gomes, A.: P.C.14.17 Dardenne, M.: P.B.08.10 de Lastic, A.-L.: P.B.34.20
Contreras, F.: P.A.14.10 Csaba, N.: P.D.02.20 Darrieux, M.: P.D.02.12, P.D.11.06 de la Torre, I.: P.A.18.12, P.D.04.01
Contreras, M. M.: P.D.09.13 Csomos, K.: P.B.18.05, P.C.03.10 Darrigues, J.: P.A.06.10 de la Varga Martnez, R.: P.A.10.20, P.B.10.11,
Converso, T. R.: P.D.02.12, P.D.11.06 Csrke, I.: P.D.11.10 DArtista, L.: P.A.27.03 P.B.40.03
Cook, D. R.: P.D.14.19 Cuapio, A.: P.B.27.07 Das, A.: P.B.32.13 de la Vega, E.: P.A.26.21
Cooper, D. J.: P.A.24.07 Cubberley, R.: P.A.28.08 Das, B.: P.B.31.13 Del-Bel, E.: P.C.17.07
Cooper, N.: P.E.02.03 Cubells-Baeza, N.: P.B.11.09 Das, N. k.: P.B.16.17 Del Conte, A.: P.B.39.03
Cope, A. P.: P.A.20.18 Cucak, H.: P.A.09.06 Das, S.: P.B.08.04 Delgado, C.: P.B.05.13
Copier, J.: P.D.22.20 Cucca, F.: P.E.04.16 Das, S. N.: P.D.15.04 Delgado-Wicke, P.: P.C.07.15
Copier, J. P.: P.C.13.18 Cucchiara, S.: P.B.20.08 Da Silva, T. A.: P.A.24.02 Del Giovane, C.: P.C.18.18
Copikova-Cudrakova, D.: P.B.33.21 Cucher, M.: P.B.17.05 Da Silva, W. C.: P.D.16.17 Del Giudice, G.: P.A.02.16, P.A.27.14, P.A.27.15,
Coque, E.: P.B.07.09 Cudrakova-Copikova, D.: P.B.21.05, P.B.34.13 Da Silva Nardi, F.: P.D.27.09 P.D.19.13
Corbett, A. H.: P.D.20.19 Cuesta-Mateos, C.: P.B.14.20 Da Silveira Derengowski, L.: P.C.11.21 Delibasi, S.: P.B.40.11
Corbett, J.: P.D.23.09 Cueto, F. J.: P.A.23.12, P.B.29.02 Datsi, A.: P.A.25.18 De Libero, G.: P.A.08.03, P.B.38.01
Cordeiro, M. T.: P.B.42.11 ufal, D.: P.A.03.14 Daturpalli, S.: P.B.07.20 Deligeorgiev, T.: P.E.01.07
Cording, S.: P.A.01.08 Cultrone, A.: P.B.36.08 Daum, P.: P.A.18.08 Deligne, C.: P.D.14.10
Cordoba, L.: P.B.15.08 Cumen, H.: P.D.07.12 Davanso, M. R.: P.B.08.07 De Lima, K. A.: P.B.09.01, P.A.24.01
Cordshagen, A.: P.A.11.13 Cunha, F. Q.: P.A.24.01, P.A.15.05, P.A.16.02, Davda, D.: P.B.06.01 DElios, M.: P.B.34.19
Corey, L.: P.B.29.12 P.B.09.01, P.B.17.21, P.B.19.23, P.B.32.18 David, D.: P.D.11.23 Delisle, J.: P.D.14.05
Corleis, B.: P.C.02.09 Cunha, F.: P.B.31.06 David, G.: P.C.10.06 Deliyanti, D.: P.B.23.22
Cornberg, M.: P.A.26.18 Cunha, J. M.: P.D.02.06 David, S.: P.B.34.06 Dellacasagrande, J.: P.D.17.14
Cornelius, C.: P.D.02.10 Cunha, T.: P.A.24.01 Davidovich, P. B.: P.B.22.24 Della Chiesa, M.: P.C.18.09
Cornez, I.: P.A.14.20, P.B.19.02 Cunha, T. M.: P.A.15.05, P.B.09.01, P.B.17.21 Davidson, J.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Della Libera, A. M.: P.B.02.04, P.B.42.10
Cornish, G. H.: P.A.20.18 Cunha, T.: P.B.31.06 Davies, C. S.: P.B.22.14 Della Libera, A. M.: P.B.02.10
Corpeleijn, W. B.: P.A.02.10 Cunha-Neto, E.: P.D.20.01 Davies, N. A.: P.B.32.13 Delogu, G.: P.A.20.20, P.C.14.19
Corr, M.: P.B.36.17 Cunill, V.: P.B.07.16, P.B.31.01 Davies, S. P.: P.C.17.14 Delon, J.: P.A.16.11
Corrales, I.: P.D.09.12 Cunningham, A. F.: P.A.09.11 Davis, B. K.: P.C.07.09 Del Padre, M.: P.B.42.18
Corrales-Medina, V.: P.D.16.11 Curcione, C.: P.A.28.03 Davis, C.: P.E.05.13, P.E.05.15 Delpoux, A.: P.A.16.01
Corre, M.-H.: P.A.21.08 Curi, R.: P.B.08.07 Davis, S. J.: P.A.28.18 Del Pozzo, G.: P.B.20.09, P.D.27.03
Corra-Oliveira, R.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.01 Curin, M.: P.A.04.11, P.B.11.10, P.B.38.19 Davoust, J.: P.A.22.06 Delprat, C.: P.D.14.23
Correa-Oliveira, R.: P.B.17.04, P.B.17.14 Curin Serbec, V.: P.B.18.15 Davoust, N.: P.D.02.22 Del Prete, A.: P.C.19.22
Correa-Rocha, R.: P.B.31.19 Curk, T.: P.A.09.11 Davydova, M.: P.C.11.05 Delputte, P.: P.C.21.15
Correia, M.: P.A.26.14 Curtin, J.: P.A.14.05 Daza Cajigal, V.: P.B.04.13 del Real, G.: P.B.15.08
Correia, M. P.: P.C.02.02 Curzytek, K.: P.E.01.16 De Amicis, K. M.: P.B.25.13 del Rio, T.: P.A.18.12. P.A.18.13, P.D.04.01
Correira-Neves, M.: P.A.21.16 Cvija, H.: P.C.09.16 Dean, D.: P.D.06.14 Del Rosso, M.: P.B.09.20
Corte Iglesias, V.: P.A.02.07 Cypryk, W.: P.C.16.10 Dean, M. M.: P.C.20.02 De Luka, S.: P.C.15.16
Cortejoso, L.: P.A.26.21 Czerkinsky, C.: P.D.11.21 de Andrade, C. R.: P.C.07.06 Del Zotto, G.: P.C.11.23
Cort-Real, J.: P.A.18.08 Czifra, G.: P.B.37.11 de Andrs, B.: P.C.22.04 De Maeyer, R.: P.D.17.07
Corthsy-Henrioud, P.: P.A.26.09 Czirjk, L.: P.A.10.21, P.A.25.17 de Andrs, C.: P.B.34.02 Deman, M.: P.D.05.08
Corti, D.: P.A.19.21 Czuba, M.: P.D.23.07 Deane, A.: P.C.09.02 de Mare-Bredemeijer, E. L.: P.D.25.19
Coscia, C.: P.D.14.15 Deans, R.: P.D.26.04 De Maria, A.: P.C.18.13
Cosic, A.: P.B.06.19, P.B.06.20 D de Arajo, F. F.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.14 Demaria, O.: P.B.10.18, P.C.20.12, P.D.15.14
Cosimato, V.: P.D.15.05 Dabbeche, E.: P.B.27.02 Dearman, R. J.: P.A.11.05 De Martin, S.: P.A.20.01
Coskunpinar, E.: P.B.40.04, P.B.40.05 Dbritz, J.: P.C.04.05, P.C.11.17 De Avila, J.: P.B.09.07, P.B.20.14 de Matos, A. L.: P.C.23.05
Cosmi, L.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12, P.B.09.20, Dabrowska, M.: P.B.05.04 Deban, L.: P.C.09.16 de Meis, J.: P.B.17.16, P.B.17.18
P.B.10.02 Daburon, S.: P.C.07.14 De Bardi, M.: P.A.06.01 de Melker, H. E.: P.D.03.06
Coso, S.: P.D.15.14 Daca, A.: P.A.10.11, P.B.37.17 De Berardinis, P.: P.E.02.08 Demenesku, J.: P.B.12.10, P.B.35.04, P.C.15.10
Cossarizza, A.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17, P.C.18.18 D`Acquisto, F.: P.C.05.09, P.D.04.05, P.A.11.01 de Bernard, S.: P.A.17.20 Demian, J.: P.A.16.18

Cossins, J. A.: P.B.07.23 Dadaglio, G.: P.C.20.13 De Beuckelaer, A.: P.D.06.18 de Miguel, D.: P.D.22.12
Cossu, M.: P.C.24.06 Daeki, A. O.: P.D.27.14 De Biasi, S.: P.C.07.03 Demir, A.: P.B.04.01
Costa, B. R. C.: P.B.36.18 Daemen, K.: P.A.23.06, P.D.25.09, P.D.25.10, de Boer, R.: P.D.25.19 Demir, C.: P.A.02.14, P.A.03.14, P.E.01.02
Costa, H. S.: P.B.17.01, P.B.17.02, P.B.17.04 P.D.25.10, P.D.26.08, P.D.26.09 De Bosscher, K.: P.B.17.06 Demiri, M.: P.A.23.08
Costa, P. P.: P.C.23.05 Dagdeviren, M.: P.B.01.19 Debrabant, A.: P.C.19.10 Deml, L.: P.B.16.06, P.D.08.03, P.E.05.04
Costa Bento, D. F.: P.B.39.17 DAgostino, R.: P.B.19.07 Debrah, A.: P.B.03.10 de Moner, N.: P.B.31.05
Costa-Carvalho, B. T.: P.B.18.05 Daguin, V.: P.D.04.08 Debrah, A. Y.: P.B.03.08 de Motes, C. M.: P.A.17.16
Costa-Frossard, L.: P.B.21.14, P.B.34.07 Dagur, P.: P.C.19.10 De Bruijn, M.: P.C.03.01 Demoures, B.: P.B.06.06
Costa Garca, M.: P.C.02.01, P.C.02.21 Dahl, T.: P.B.41.19 Debus, A.: P.B.16.14 Dendrinos, S.: P.D.27.11
Costa-Nunes, C.: P.A.04.02 Dahlberg, B.: P.B.19.17 Decalf, J.: P.B.34.02 Deng, G.: P.D.03.13
Costa Rocha, M. O.: P.B.17.02 Dahlberg, C.: P.C.03.10 De Crcer, G.: P.A.28.05 Deng, S.: P.B.07.16
Costello, R.: P.B.37.23 Dahlgren, M. W.: P.A.09.06 de Carvalho, J. R.: P.B.27.21 Deng, W.: P.D.02.16
Costes, L. M.: P.B.20.10 Dahmani, A.: P.D.14.05 de Carvalho Pinto, C. E.: P.B.17.18 Deng, Y.: P.B.37.01, P.D.02.11, P.D.02.14,
Cotta de Almeida, V.: P.B.17.18, P.B.08.10, Dai, A.: P.B.32.10 Dechanet-Merville, J.: P.A.08.10, P.C.07.14 P.D.02.16
P.B.40.22 Dai, X.: P.C.05.15 Decker, T.: P.B.06.15, P.B.37.10, P.C.10.09, den Haan, J. M.: P.A.03.05, P.C.12.18
Cotter, D.: P.B.32.15 Daigo, K.: P.C.06.15 P.C.16.09, P.C.23.02 Denis, B.: P.C.04.01
Coufal, S.: P.D.17.02 Dalavitsou, V.: P.E.05.03 Deckers, J.: P.B.03.24 Denis, O.: P.B.25.15
Couillaud, F.: P.C.11.04 Dalemans, W.: P.D.26.01 De Courcey, J.: P.C.11.20 Deniz, E.: P.A.11.15
Coukos, G.: P.C.03.13 Dalemans, W.: P.D.23.06, P.D.23.08 de Diego, J. L.: P.C.01.14 Deniz, G.: P.A.14.09, P.B.04.21, P.B.12.08,
Coulon, P.-G.: P.A.09.03 Dalgaard, J.: P.B.14.12 Deen, C.: P.C.15.13 P.B.18.10, P.B.27.04, P.B.40.04, P.B.40.05,
Coulter, I.: P.D.23.09 Dalgleish, A. G.: P.A.08.23, P.C.13.17, P.C.13.18, de Freitas*, R. F.: P.B.21.07 P.C.02.11, P.C.19.03
Cousins, D. J.: P.C.03.07 P.D.22.20 De Gassart, A.: P.D.15.14 Deniz, R.: P.B.05.07
Coutelier, J. P.: P.B.39.25 DAlicandro, V.: P.A.22.12, P.B.27.23 Degauque, N.: P.A.07.14, P.A.07.18 Denizot, Y.: P.A.09.15, P.A.27.09
Coutinho, D. S.: P.B.32.20 Dalod, M.: P.C.13.05 De Genst, E. J.: P.B.07.20 Denol, J.: P.B.16.01
Couzi, L.: P.C.07.14 Dalpke, A. H.: P.C.13.15 de Gracia Roldan, X.: P.B.04.12 Denton, A. E.: P.A.01.10
Covic, M.: P.A.12.02 Dalziel, R.: P.A.14.21 Degrandi, D.: P.B.01.16, P.B.16.18, P.B.35.01 den Toom, M.: P.A.02.05
Cowan, J.: P.A.01.13 Damanhouri, L. H.: P.B.08.01 De Gregorio, E.: P.D.19.10, P.D.20.10 de Oliveira, E. B.: P.B.30.08
Cowan, J.: P.D.16.11 Damsio, M. P.: P.A.06.02 de Groot, M.: P.A.22.15, P.D.24.08 de-Oliveira, M. G.: P.A.21.11, P.B.26.02
Crameri, R.: P.B.11.16 Damsio, M. P.: P.B.17.01, P.B.17.04, P.B.17.14 De Grove, K.: P.B.25.22 de Ory, F.: P.B.30.23
Crauwels, P.: P.B.17.08, P.D.08.05 Damgaard, D.: P.B.09.06 De Grove, K. C.: P.C.03.11 de Pablo-Bernal, R. S.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13
Cremel, M.: P.D.22.09 Damiati, L. A.: P.B.05.02, P.B.09.11, P.B.12.03 de Heij, F.: P.B.23.02 De Pablos, A.: P.D.25.03
Creo, P.: P.C.23.17 Dammacco, F.: P.A.07.21 Dei, M.: P.E.04.16 De Palma, R.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12
Crespo-Leiro, M.: P.D.25.02 Dammermann, W.: P.C.03.04 De Inocencio, J.: P.B.05.13 De Pasquale, C.: P.C.20.04
Crisafulli, L.: P.C.15.03 Damo, M.: P.A.13.15 De Ioris, M.: P.B.27.23 Deplanche, M.: P.B.02.09, P.B.24.20
Crisci, E.: P.C.05.16 Damotte, D.: P.A.06.13 Deisenhammer, F.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Deppisch, N.: P.D.22.19
Crisma, A.: P.B.08.07 Daneshvar, H.: P.B.32.11 Dejaco, C.: P.A.16.06, P.D.13.06 De Prins, S.: P.B.25.15
Crisostomo, N.: P.A.23.22 Dang, A.: P.A.17.02 Dejani, N.: P.A.14.01 Deptua, W. M.: P.D.12.01, P.D.12.06, P.D.12.07,
Cristiani, C. M.: P.C.15.05 Dang, V. D.: P.D.18.07 de Jesus, A. M.: P.B.17.10 P.D.12.08
Cristillo, A.: P.D.19.07 Daniel, C.: P.D.21.07 de Jesus, K. E.: P.D.02.06 De Ravin, S.: P.B.18.05
Cristina, L.: P.C.24.09 Daniels, R.: P.B.15.13 de Jong, M. M.: P.A.18.03 De Re, V.: P.A.07.21
Cristobalina, M.: P.A.13.01 Danielsson, A.: P.B.41.07 de Jong, S.: P.A.14.03 Derengowski, L.: P.C.24.16
Crittenden, S.: P.A.25.13 Daniilidis, M.: P.B.24.14, P.E.05.03 de Jonge, J.: P.D.25.19 Deressa, T.: P.A.13.11
Croci, S.: P.B.41.09 Danis, J.: P.B.10.10, P.B.10.13 de Jonge, K.: P.C.02.18 Derfalvi, B.: P.B.18.08
Crocker, P.: P.E.04.02 Danner, M.: P.D.08.06 de Juan, M.: P.D.27.04 Derfuss, T.: P.D.24.03
Crompton, T.: P.A.08.24 Danquah, W.: P.B.23.16 De Juan Echavarri, M.: P.E.03.04 de Ridder, D.: P.A.08.15
Crook, D.: P.B.02.22 Dantas, F. F.: P.E.04.15 Dekaminaviciute, D.: P.B.28.08 de Ridder, L.: P.B.20.10
Crotty, S.: P.B.42.12 Dantas, R. O.: P.B.17.17 Dekan, G.: P.D.21.03 De Riz, M.: P.A.05.07

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 125
Author Index
de Rond, L. G.: P.D.03.06 Direskeneli, H.: P.B.05.07 Drakoulis, C.: P.B.24.21 Eaves, A.: P.A.14.03
Deroost, K.: P.B.03.24 Di Rosa, F.: P.C.13.02 Drasarova, H.: P.B.36.06 Ebensen, T.: P.D.20.13
De Rosendo Serrano, A.: P.D.06.13 Di Sante, G.: P.A.20.20, P.B.09.23, P.C.14.19 Dreesen, L.: P.B.17.06 Eberhardt, C. S.: P.D.20.15
Derr, L.: P.C.03.13 Di Scala, M.: P.D.16.05 Drenjancevic, I.: P.B.06.19, P.B.06.20 Eberhardt, M.: P.C.16.15
Dersch, P.: P.A.01.08 Di Somma, S.: P.D.15.05 Drews, L.: P.A.26.19 Eberhart, K.: P.A.12.08, P.C.16.01, P.C.16.07
de Ruiter, L. F.: P.B.20.10 Ditonno, P.: P.A.07.21 Drexler, K.: P.B.16.06 Ebner, C.: P.B.25.07, P.B.38.09, P.D.05.03
Deryabina, S. S.: P.B.04.24 Dittmer, M.: P.B.07.10 Driessen, G.: P.B.20.10 Ebner, D.: P.B.29.04, P.B.31.12
de Salort, J.: P.A.25.08 Dittmer, U.: P.D.16.22, P.D.19.20 Drinic, M.: P.D.21.05 Ebner, F.: P.C.01.08, P.E.02.07
de Santana van Vliet, E.: P.B.17.18 Divangahi, M.: P.D.07.14 Drobits, B.: P.B.10.23, P.B.29.01, P.C.20.17, Ebrahimi Daryani, N.: P.B.20.05
Desanti, G. E.: P.A.01.04 Dixit, A.: P.D.02.01 P.C.20.19 Ebsen, H.: P.A.26.19
De Santis, A.: P.B.42.18 Dixit, M.: P.D.02.08 Drouet, A.: P.A.03.01 Echniz, P.: P.B.04.15
Descamps, D.: P.B.29.13 Djambekova, G.: P.B.25.01, P.B.25.02 Drougkas, E.: P.E.05.06 Echasserieau, K.: P.A.16.09
Desfranois-Nol, J.: P.D.25.06 Djebali, R.: P.D.08.10 Drube, S.: P.C.08.04 Echeverra, A.: P.A.02.07, P.E.02.13
de Silva, A.: P.B.42.12 Djeballi, S.: P.A.17.20 Drulis-Kawa, Z.: P.D.03.02 Echeveste, J. I.: P.A.09.01
de Silva, A. D.: P.B.42.12 Djedovic, G.: P.D.11.16 Drulovic, J.: P.B.21.16, P.B.34.16 Echternach, C.: P.B.04.11
De Silva, P.: P.B.39.02 Djendi, A.: P.B.33.17 Drummond, G. R.: P.B.41.15, P.B.41.17, P.C.19.17 Eckl-Dorna, J.: P.D.21.02, P.A.27.07, P.B.38.02,
De Simone, G.: P.A.17.04 Djennane, M.: P.B.33.17 Drutskaya, M.: P.D.13.10 P.D.05.06
DeSimone, M.: P.A.05.07 Djenouhat, K.: P.B.11.14 Drylewicz, J.: P.C.24.06 Eckl-Dorna, J. E.: P.B.33.07
Desjardins, M.: P.A.22.09 Djerdjouri, B.: P.B.14.21, P.B.41.16 Drynda, A.: P.D.18.08, P.D.18.09 Eckle, S.: P.A.08.02
Deslandres, C.: P.C.10.13 Djinovic-Carugo, K.: P.D.19.03 Duarte, A. J.: P.A.21.11, P.B.26.02 Eckle, S. B.: P.A.07.19
Desmet, C.: P.C.11.19 Djoki, J.: P.C.01.10 Dubberke, G.: P.C.17.06 Eden, T.: P.A.19.07
Desmier, D.: P.C.18.15 Djordjevic, A.: P.A.26.04 Dubiela, P.: P.B.11.11, P.B.11.12, P.B.25.06, Eder, M.: P.E.01.04
de Souza Silva, C. M.: P.C.11.21 Djoumerska-Alexieva, I.: P.A.19.09 P.B.38.05 Edes, I.: P.D.23.04
De Soyza, A.: P.A.04.18 Djurdjevic, P.: P.B.13.20 Dckers, G.: P.B.18.06 Edsfeldt, A.: P.B.41.07
Dessauge, F.: P.B.24.20 Djuric-Filipovic, I.: P.B.03.04 Duda, W.: P.E.01.16 Edwards, B. A.: P.B.36.17
Deswaerte, V.: P.B.41.01 Dmitriev, S. E.: P.A.12.02 Dudda, J. C.: P.B.13.21 Edwards, M.: P.E.03.02, P.B.16.09
Deswarte, C.: P.B.04.16 Dobrovolskaia, E. I.: P.B.07.08, P.B.24.15 Dudeck, A.: P.C.08.04, P.C.13.08, P.C.17.17 Edwards, S. C.: P.A.08.06, P.B.23.05
Detert, J.: P.B.22.04 Dobrovolskaia, M.: P.C.17.04 Dudeck, J.: P.C.13.08, P.C.17.17 Efimov, G.: P.D.13.10
Devaud, C.: P.D.14.04 Dobson, C. M.: P.B.07.20 Dudziak, D.: P.A.03.06, P.C.14.12, P.C.22.01, Efremova, I.: P.C.23.16
Devaux, M.: P.B.42.16 Dobyszuk, A.: P.D.13.15 P.D.22.02, P.E.02.05 Eger, K.: P.B.12.07
Develioglu, L.: P.E.03.20 do Carmo, J. M.: P.C.05.11, P.D.02.06 Duensing, T.: P.D.15.19 Eggen, B.: P.B.07.24
Devi, P.: P.A.06.13 Dockx, R.: P.D.21.12 Duerr, C. U.: P.C.23.18 Egger, G.: P.D.21.01
Devilder, M.-C.: P.A.21.03 Doel-Perez, I.: P.A.20.11 Duffau, P.: P.B.06.06 Egua-Nez, J.: P.B.30.06, P.B.30.10
De Vliegher, S.: P.B.02.10 DOffizi, G.: P.B.15.17, P.C.03.03 Duffy, D.: P.D.08.10 Eguia-Nuez, J.: P.B.30.12, P.D.09.09
Devos, F. C.: P.D.21.12 Dogan, A. L.: P.B.13.09 Dufossee, M.: P.D.20.20 Ehl, S.: P.A.27.01
Devriendt, B.: P.C.18.13 Dogniaux, S.: P.A.28.17 Duguet, F.: P.A.21.08 Ehlers, M.: P.A.09.10, P.B.12.02, P.D.05.10
de Vries, E.: P.B.30.16 Dogu, F. E.: P.A.27.08 Dhrsen, U.: P.D.27.09 Ehninger, A.: P.D.14.12
de Wouters, T.: P.B.36.08 Doherty, P. C.: P.A.07.09 Dujmovic, I.: P.B.21.16, P.B.34.16 Ehninger, G.: P.D.14.12
Dey, A.: P.D.11.21 Dohnal, A.: P.C.20.11 Dulphy, N.: P.B.40.01, P.C.10.15 Ehrchen, J.: P.C.04.05
Dey, R.: P.C.19.10 Dohnal, A. M.: P.A.23.18, P.A.23.20, P.D.01.02, Dumas, E.: P.A.12.16 Ehrenstein, M. R.: P.A.06.14, P.A.24.03, P.C.04.08
Dey, A.: P.B.31.05 P.D.06.04 dumez, m.: P.B.11.14 Ehrhardt, C.: P.D.20.11
Dezutter-Dambuyant, C.: P.B.13.12 Dohnal, A.: P.A.05.02 Dumitriu, I.: P.B.41.12 Eibel, H.: P.A.18.05, P.A.27.01, P.A.27.08
Dhadra, S.: P.A.28.08 Dolanin, Z.: P.C.01.10 Dumitriu, I. E.: P.B.41.08 Eibl, M. M.: P.B.04.09, P.B.18.11, P.B.30.01,
Di, T.: P.D.18.13 Dolcetti, R.: P.B.39.03 Dumitriu, I.: P.B.14.17 P.B.30.07, P.B.30.15
Diamanti, M. A.: P.C.08.04 Dolen, Y.: P.C.04.02, P.D.15.18 Dumoitier, N.: P.A.10.05 Eichhoff, A.: P.A.19.07
Diani, M.: P.B.10.19 Dolgikh, M.: P.C.17.23 Dunay, I. R.: P.B.03.14 Eichhorn, T.: P.A.04.14
Dias, F. C.: P.B.17.17 Dolicanin, Z.: P.B.19.19 Dunbar, P. R.: P.D.15.10 Eichler, H.: P.A.26.16
Dias, G. A.: P.B.24.17 Doligalska, M.: P.D.04.15 Dunr, P.: P.B.41.18 Eichmayr, E.: P.C.15.17
Daz, V.: P.C.17.08 Dolina, J.: P.A.20.12 Dung Cao, M.: P.B.22.21 Eidsheim, M.: P.B.09.19
Diaz-Arvalo, D.: P.D.19.02 Dolken, L.: P.C.10.21 Dunn, J. L.: P.D.07.14 Eidsmo, L.: P.B.10.15, P.B.10.20
Diaz de Heredia, C.: P.B.04.04 Dollt, C. S.: P.C.12.11 Dunne, M.: P.B.13.24 Eigenbrod, T.: P.C.13.15
Diaz-Munoz, M. D.: P.A.09.11 Dombret, H.: P.B.40.01 Dunne, R.: P.B.13.24 Eikvar, K.: P.B.22.21
Diaz-Perales, A.: P.B.11.09 Dombrowski, Y.: P.B.07.10 Dunne, S.: P.C.08.06 Einarsdttir, H. K.: P.B.09.24, P.B.18.13
Daz-Valds, N.: P.D.06.11 Dme, B.: P.B.14.14 Dunn-Walters, D.: P.A.18.04 Einhorn, L.: P.B.33.03, P.B.38.04
Daz-Zuiga, J.: P.A.24.05 Domnguez Conde, C.: P.B.04.01 Duperrier, A.: P.C.13.16 Einsele, H.: P.B.03.19
Dican, L.: P.D.26.12 Dominioni, L.: P.C.10.06, P.C.10.07 Dupre, L.: P.A.07.04 Eissing, N.: P.A.03.06, P.C.14.12, P.D.22.02,

Di Carlo, E.: P.C.03.08, P.C.10.05 Domonova, E. A.: P.B.07.08 Dupuis, G.: P.C.12.12 P.E.02.05
Didkovsky, N. A.: P.B.07.08, P.B.24.15 Domper, M.: P.C.09.17 Durn, E.: P.B.34.10, P.C.02.03 Eissler, N.: P.D.22.19
Di Domizio, J.: P.B.10.18, P.D.15.14 Domvri, K.: P.B.24.14 Durn, M. A.: P.B.31.01 Eiwegger, T.: P.B.26.12
Diederich, S.: P.B.29.03 Doa, I.: P.B.12.11 Durand, A.: P.A.08.08, P.A.16.01, P.A.25.07 Eiz-Vesper, B.: P.D.14.02, P.D.16.16
Diedrichs-Mhring, M.: P.B.23.11, P.D.04.06 Donadi, E. A.: P.B.17.17 Durand-Onayli, V.: P.C.06.12 Ejaz, A.: P.C.22.06
Diefenbach, A.: P.B.37.20 Donadio, M.: P.A.25.05 Durant, L.: P.C.20.03 Eklund, A.: P.B.19.17, P.B.21.06
Dieh, L.: P.C.04.04 Donate, P. B.: P.A.24.01, P.A.15.05, P.A.16.02, Durantez, M.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07 Eksioglu, E. A.: P.C.04.15
Diehl, L.: P.C.04.14 P.B.09.01 DUrbano, M.: P.B.08.22 El-Aouar Filho, R.: P.B.02.09
Dieli, F.: P.C.02.04 Dong, J.: P.A.02.12, P.A.02.13, P.A.05.11 Durek, P.: P.A.02.12 Elbk, A.: P.A.12.13
Dieli-Crimi, R.: P.B.05.03 Dong, K.: P.A.26.01 Durgun, E.: P.B.30.19 Elballal, S. S.: P.B.16.15
Dielli, F.: P.B.20.17 Dong, L.: P.A.05.04, P.B.29.12 Durham, L. E.: P.C.23.13 Elbe-Brger, A.: P.A.20.05, P.C.06.14, P.C.09.07,
Diep, H.: P.B.41.04, P.B.41.15 Dong, Y.: P.C.11.11 Durham, S.: P.B.06.01 P.C.20.06, P.E.01.05, P.E.02.14
Diepenbruck, I.: P.B.33.06 Doni, A.: P.C.09.24 Drig, J.: P.D.27.09 Elbey, B.: P.B.08.15, P.B.12.14, P.B.36.03
Diesner, S. C.: P.B.35.15, P.D.21.14 Donis, E.: P.B.30.22 Durlik, M.: P.B.06.08 Eldakhakhny, B. M.: P.C.17.13
Dietrich, E.: P.B.13.06 Donner, C.: P.A.20.07 Durmanova, V.: P.B.21.05, P.B.33.21 Eldershaw, S.: P.D.01.14
Dietrich, H.: P.D.26.14 Dnnes, P.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Drrwald, R.: P.D.12.04 Eldh, M.: P.C.09.12
Dietz, K.: P.B.35.03, P.D.05.12 Donskow-ysoniewska, K.: P.D.04.15 Duru, A. D.: P.C.02.22 Eleftheriadis, T.: P.D.26.18
Dietzen, S.: P.B.13.19, P.B.39.08 Dopali, T.: P.C.05.10 Duschl, A.: P.B.11.03, P.C.06.03, P.C.06.12, Elenkov, I.: P.B.31.15
Dieu-Nosjean, M.-C.: P.A.06.13 Dor, J.: P.B.36.08 P.C.21.14 Elout, J.-F.: P.B.29.13
Diez, P.: P.D.25.03, P.D.25.07 Dorgham, K.: P.A.09.03 Dusilova, A.: P.B.20.01 eleznjak, J.: P.C.10.21
Digaetano, M.: P.C.18.17 Dring, M.: P.C.21.13 Dutra, D. M.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17 Elgsten, K. B.: P.B.22.21
Digaetano, M.: P.C.07.03 Drner, T.: P.A.02.12 Dutta, M.: P.B.11.04 Elgueta, D.: P.A.14.10
Di Gioia, M.: P.C.16.14 Dorofeeva, J.: P.B.37.09 Dtting, S.: P.A.27.02 Elhaj Mahmoud, D.: P.B.10.06
Dilek, N.: P.A.23.13 Dorofeeva, Y.: P.B.25.04 Duurland, C. L.: P.A.06.16 Elhanati, Y.: P.A.20.14
Dillinger, B.: P.A.23.18, P.A.23.20 Dorow, J.: P.C.19.15 Duval, M.: P.B.18.08 El Hawary, R. E.: P.B.37.08
di Marco Barros, R.: P.A.08.04 Drrie, J.: P.A.17.14, P.D.06.17 Duvigneau, J. C.: P.D.12.05 Elias, J.: P.B.03.12
Di Mario, C.: P.A.10.23 Dorschner, J. M.: P.B.33.15 Duvillier, H.: P.B.39.02 Elisyutina, O. G.: P.D.21.11
Di Marzo, V.: P.A.06.01 Doruel, F.: P.E.01.09 Dwell, P.: P.D.14.07 ElKomy, M.: P.C.06.16
Dimeloe, S.: P.E.03.20 Dose, C.: P.A.25.10 Duytschaever, L.: P.B.16.01 Ellenrieder, V.: P.B.03.21
Dimitrijevi, M.: P.C.12.06 DosReis, G. A.: P.A.17.05 Dvorak, J.: P.B.32.14 Eller, K.: P.A.24.07, P.B.05.14, P.B.19.02,
Dimitropoulos, C.: P.E.05.06 dos Santos, Y. T.: P.D.02.06 Dyskova, T.: P.B.37.14, P.B.40.10, P.C.24.08, P.B.23.19, P.A.24.07, P.B.05.14, P.B.19.02,
Dimitrov, J.: P.A.19.09 Douagi, I.: P.C.18.23 P.D.17.05 P.B.23.19
Dimitrov, J. D.: P.A.19.02 Douay, C.: P.D.01.07 Dyugovska, L. A.: P.C.09.03 Ellinger, A.: P.C.05.09
Dimopoulos, M. A.: P.B.28.18 Douchet, I.: P.B.06.06 Dywicki, J.: P.A.15.01, P.D.04.04 Ellinger, I.: P.D.21.02, P.B.25.20, P.B.35.19
Dimov, R.: P.B.28.22 Doudou, F.: P.B.30.17, P.B.30.18 Dzalbs, A.: P.B.30.09 Elliott, T.: P.A.03.09
DImprio Lima, M. R.: P.C.12.21 Douglass, J.: P.B.30.16 Dzantiev, L.: P.D.17.17 Ellmeier, W.: P.A.05.14, P.A.11.14, P.A.14.18,
DImprio Lima, M.: P.B.16.21, P.B.03.23 Doumanova, L.: P.D.22.13 Dzarova, M. A.: P.B.07.08 P.A.21.06, P.A.21.09, P.A.24.09, P.C.18.20
Di Nardo, G.: P.B.20.08 Dove, Y.: P.D.14.18 Dzhambazov, B.: P.E.05.02 Ellouze, M.: P.C.05.05
Dinccag, N.: P.B.08.08 Draber, P.: P.C.09.05, P.C.08.12, P.C.22.14 Dzhambazov, B. M.: P.B.38.15 El Malki, K.: P.B.37.20
Dinckan, A.: P.B.42.04 Draberova, H.: P.C.09.05 Dzhus, O.: P.D.07.07 Elmore, J.: P.C.01.21
Ding, S.: P.D.19.07 Drberov, L.: P.C.08.12, P.C.09.05 Dziachan, M.: P.B.26.01 El Refai, R.: P.B.37.08
Dinh, Q. N.: P.B.41.15 Drabik, J.: P.D.19.22 Dzierzbicka, K.: P.D.18.05 El Saie, A.: P.B.37.08
Diniz, M. O.: P.D.06.02 Draganova-Filipova, M. N.: P.B.19.05 Dzoro, S.: P.B.11.08 Else, K.: P.B.20.07, P.C.01.04
Dinkelacker, M.: P.B.35.13 Drage, S.: P.D.08.01 Dzuniycz, P.: P.C.20.12 El-Shanti, H.: P.B.05.20
Dinkla, S.: P.B.41.12 Drger, A.: P.C.05.09 El-Turabi, A.: P.C.14.17, P.D.02.21
Dinther, E.: P.D.15.18 Dragoljevic, D.: P.B.09.12 E Emami, N.: P.A.08.22
Dioni, L.: P.C.24.05 Dragosits, K.: P.D.08.04, P.D.17.08 Ear, T.: P.C.01.22 Emery, S.: P.D.08.11

126 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Emmerich, F.: P.B.18.06 Fernandes, J.: P.B.03.12 Fionda, C.: P.B.40.18, P.C.02.19, P.C.10.20
Emminger, W.: P.B.38.09, P.B.18.16 F Fernandes, L.: P.B.31.04 Fiorentino, S.: P.B.13.14
Enamorado, M.: P.D.22.07 Faadhila, T.: P.D.08.09 Fernandes, P. A.: P.B.29.18 Fiorilli, M.: P.B.42.18, P.D.04.13
Endres, S.: P.B.13.16, P.D.14.07 Faber, C.: P.B.23.13 Fernandes, R. S.: P.D.11.04 Fiorillo, E.: P.E.04.16
Enevold, C.: P.D.13.11 Fabisik, M.: P.C.16.13 Fernandes, S. M.: P.B.31.14 Fiorillo, M.: P.A.03.02
Engel, A.: P.D.10.16 Fabre, V.: P.E.02.12 Fernndez, A.: P.C.09.17 Firmenich, S.: P.A.24.08
Engel, E.: P.C.11.04 Facciotti, F.: P.A.02.08 Fernandez, T. D.: P.B.12.11 Fisch, A.: P.D.11.13
Engel, P.: P.A.25.08 Faddy, H. M.: P.C.20.02 Fernandez, T.: P.B.11.09 Fisch, P.: P.A.27.01, P.B.18.06
Engelhardt, B.: P.B.23.18 Fae, I.: P.D.19.11 Fernandez-Cruz, E.: P.B.09.08, P.B.30.22, Fischer, A.: P.C.14.08
Engelhardt, K.: P.B.04.06 Fagarasan, S.: P.C.03.12 P.B.30.23, P.B.31.20, P.D.25.03, P.D.25.07, Fischer, G.: P.D.16.16, P.D.19.11
Engelhardt, K. R.: P.B.18.19 Faget, D. V.: P.A.28.12 P.E.05.11 Fischer, H. J.: P.A.28.10
Engelmann, R.: P.A.11.09, P.A.11.13 Fahrat, K.: P.B.24.08 Fernndez-Daz, E.: P.B.34.10 Fischer, J.: P.C.19.11, P.C.24.12
Engels, N.: P.A.12.04, P.A.19.13 Fahy, G.: P.D.26.05 Fernandez Duarte, T.: P.A.13.01 Fischer, K.: P.A.15.01
Engen, S. A.: P.A.05.03 Fairclough, L.: P.A.18.01, P.B.24.23 Fernandez-Gutierrez, B.: P.B.09.22 Fischer, M.: P.E.03.20
Engler, J. B.: P.A.06.17 Fairfax, B. P.: P.B.01.14 Fernndez-Paredes, L.: P.B.05.03, P.B.34.02, Fischer, M. B.: P.B.01.22, P.B.30.01, P.C.19.19
English, K.: P.D.23.09, P.D.26.04 Fairfax, K.: P.A.09.11 P.D.17.01, P.D.24.14 Fischer, N.: P.D.06.12
English, N. R.: P.D.16.07 Fairfax, K. A.: P.B.23.22 Fernndez Pereira, L.: P.B.04.05, P.B.11.05 Fischer, R.: P.D.21.15, P.D.22.23
Enot, D.: P.C.18.02 Fairhurst, M.: P.A.14.03 Fernandez-Ruiz, E.: P.A.28.11 Fischer, T.: P.D.09.04
Enriquez-Merayo, E.: P.B.05.13 Fairlie, D.: P.A.07.19 Fernndez-Sevilla, L. M.: P.A.20.06 Fischer-Riepe, L.: P.C.19.11
Ensari, A.: P.B.04.01 Faisal, S. M.: P.A.22.04 Fernndez-Sevilla, L.: P.C.18.06 Fitzgerald, D. C.: P.B.07.10
Entwisle, C.: P.D.03.05 Faison, W. J.: P.B.42.05 Fernandez-Yaez, J.: P.D.25.03, P.D.25.04, Fjeldheim, . K.: P.D.02.18
Epling-Burnette,, P.: P.C.04.15 Falaleeva, S.: P.C.13.01 P.D.25.07 Flamand, N.: P.C.01.22
Epp, A.: P.B.12.02 Falco, M.: P.A.22.12, P.B.04.22, P.C.18.09 Fernando, F. S.: P.A.17.11 Flamand, V.: P.A.07.13
Epp, C.: P.B.03.10 Falcn-Beas, C.: P.D.06.06, P.D.06.09 Fernando, R. H.: P.B.29.06 Flatz, L.: P.D.15.14
Eppel, W.: P.E.02.14 Falcn-Beas, F.: P.D.06.06, P.D.06.09 Fernando, S.: P.B.29.06 Flavell, R.: P.A.02.08
Epstein, M. M.: P.B.25.09, P.C.19.06, P.C.24.13, Fali, T.: P.E.02.12 Ferraccioli, G.: P.A.10.23, P.B.09.23 Flaxman, A.: P.A.19.20, P.B.02.22, P.E.04.08
P.D.21.03 Falk, C.: P.D.26.09 Ferrando-Martnez, S.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13 Fleck, M.: P.B.16.06
Ercin, E.: P.D.07.12 Falk, C. S.: P.A.15.01, P.A.23.06, P.D.04.04, Ferrante, M.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03 Flegar, D.: P.B.08.18, P.B.09.04, P.C.23.01
Erdei, A.: P.A.10.12, P.A.12.07, P.C.22.10 P.D.25.09, P.D.25.10, P.D.26.08 Ferrari, G.: P.D.19.07 Fleige, H.: P.B.42.03
Erdei, L.: P.B.36.16, P.C.14.04 Fallarino, F.: P.C.09.14 Ferrari, J. D.: P.D.24.12 Fleischer, B.: P.B.02.06, P.B.02.07, P.B.02.08,
Erdem, G. O.: P.B.14.09 Fallmann, J.: P.E.02.07 Ferraro, A.: P.C.08.03 P.D.19.11
Eren, R.: P.B.38.14, P.D.05.08 Fallowfield, J.: P.A.19.20, P.E.04.08 Ferraro, D.: P.C.18.18 Fleissner, D.: P.A.01.08
Erfani, N.: P.B.13.25 Fan, Q.: P.B.14.02 Ferreira, A.: P.D.08.16 Fletcher, J. T.: P.A.09.17
Ergun, T.: P.B.05.07 Fanigliulo, E.: P.B.34.19 Ferreira, A.: P.D.03.10 Fleury, A.: P.B.03.22
Erhart, F.: P.D.06.04 Fan-Jiang, M. J.: P.E.03.09 Ferreira, B. R.: P.D.11.13 Fleville, S.: P.B.07.10
Erick, T. K.: P.C.03.19 Fankhauser, M.: P.B.13.18 Ferreira, C.: P.B.31.14 Flicker, S.: P.B.11.07
Erick Gershwin,: P.B.23.17 Fardy, S.: P.D.03.08 Ferreira, F.: P.A.03.11, P.D.05.03 Flicker, S.: P.B.11.03, P.B.38.16, P.D.21.02
Eriksson, E. M.: P.A.08.17, P.B.17.12 Farelli, F.: P.B.27.15 Ferreira, H. H. A.: P.B.12.12 Fliegauf, M.: P.B.04.06, P.B.30.16
Erlandsson, M. C.: P.B.09.16, P.B.21.02 Fares, R. G.: P.B.17.01, P.B.17.14 Ferreira, J.: P.B.26.05, P.B.26.07, P.B.26.08, Flo, T. H.: P.D.11.15
Erman, B.: P.B.18.04, P.A.11.15, P.B.13.07, Farge, D.: P.D.01.07 P.B.26.09 Floess, S.: P.A.01.08, P.A.15.17
P.C.02.22 Farhadi, E.: P.B.20.05 Ferreira, J. P.: P.C.23.11 Flisand, Y.: P.B.14.12
Ernste, F.: P.B.33.15 Farias, A. S.: P.B.05.21 Ferreira, K. S.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.04, P.B.17.14 Flores, I.: P.D.06.06, P.D.06.09
Erolu, F. K.: P.B.19.09 Farias, L. P.: P.D.11.04 Ferreira, L. S.: P.C.07.06 Flores, M.: P.D.11.07
rsek, B.: P.A.02.11 Farias de Oliveira, D. A.: P.B.17.16, P.B.17.18 Ferreira, L. C.: P.D.06.02 Florian, R.: P.A.07.12
Ersek, B.: P.D.09.01 Farias, M. C.: P.C.02.15, P.B.29.07 Ferreira, R. G.: P.A.16.02, P.B.31.06 Florido, F.: P.D.24.15
Ershova, A. V.: P.B.16.19, P.B.16.20, P.C.12.24 Farias, M.: P.B.16.04 Ferreira, R. C.: P.E.02.03 Florido, Y.: P.B.04.12, P.B.15.15
Ersoy, F.: P.D.04.11 Farinelle, S.: P.B.42.05 Ferreira, T. T.: P.B.32.20 Florindo Pinheiro, D.: P.A.13.11
Erten, G.: P.A.14.09 Farkas, A. M.: P.D.01.04, P.D.26.07 Ferreira-Briza, F.: P.B.25.13 Flossdorf, M.: P.A.14.08
Erwig, L.: P.E.04.02 Fasken, M. B.: P.D.20.19 Ferreira-Gomes, M.: P.B.03.02 Flower, R. L.: P.C.20.02
Eryasar, B.: P.B.27.04 Fasler-Kan, E.: P.C.08.14 Ferreira-Teixeira, M.: P.D.06.07 Flynn, E. K.: P.C.24.13
Eryilmaz, J.: P.A.11.15 Fastenackels, S.: P.B.42.08, P.E.02.12 Ferrer, A.: P.A.21.07 Focaccetti, C.: P.A.25.04
Escher, J. C.: P.B.20.10 Fattahi-Mehr, A.: P.C.20.05 Ferrer, B.: P.B.04.04 Focke, M.: P.B.11.21, P.B.11.22
Eschweiler, S.: P.A.09.10 Faustin, B.: P.A.08.10, P.C.07.14 Ferrer, J.: P.B.15.15, P.B.18.07 Focke-Tejkl, M.: P.B.11.10, P.D.05.01, P.D.21.09,
Escors, D.: P.D.23.12 Fauth, C.: P.B.05.06 Ferrer Balaguer, J.: P.B.18.21 P.D.21.13, P.A.04.11, P.A.27.13, P.B.11.04,
Escoubet, B.: P.C.11.03 Favoreel, H.: P.C.18.13 Ferreres, J.: P.B.04.04 P.B.15.10, P.B.25.03, P.B.38.16, P.D.05.05,
Escudero, E.: P.B.21.20, P.B.21.21 Favre, C.: P.A.23.05 Ferrier, A.: P.A.10.06 P.D.05.06, P.D.05.09, P.D.21.08, P.D.24.17,

Esen, M.: P.B.03.12 Faye, I.: P.A.08.22 Ferrone, S.: P.C.20.04 P.B.25.04
Esendagli, G.: P.B.13.01, P.C.04.02, P.C.09.26, Fayolle, C.: P.C.20.13 Ferry, N.: P.A.02.04 Fodil, D.: P.B.33.17
P.C.23.04 Fazal, N.: P.C.15.18 Feske, S.: P.D.23.01 Foell, D.: P.C.11.17
Esendagli-Yilmaz, G.: P.C.09.26 Fazekas, J.: P.B.38.04 Fessler, J.: P.A.05.05, P.A.16.06 Foey, A. D.: P.C.17.26
Esendal, G.: P.A.23.15 Fazel, A.: P.A.22.09 Fest, S.: P.B.12.01 Fogdell-Hahn, A.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03
Eser, B.: P.A.03.03, P.B.04.20 Fazilleau, N.: P.A.06.10, P.C.13.11 Festag, M.: P.B.23.09 Fger, N.: P.C.14.06
Eslami, G.: P.E.05.05 Fazlollahi, M.: P.B.04.23 Feuillet, V.: P.A.13.09, P.C.19.19 Foglierini, M.: P.A.05.10
Espejel, A.: P.C.07.10 Fearon, D. T.: P.A.01.10 Feyerabend, T. B.: P.B.25.18 Foglierini Perez, M.: P.A.19.21
Espio, M.: P.B.34.07, P.B.34.10, P.B.40.16 Febbraio, M.: P.B.09.12 Fiala, C.: P.E.02.14 Fhlinger, M.: P.B.38.23
Espinosa, E.: P.B.31.11, P.C.09.01 Fedele, A.: P.A.10.23, P.B.09.23 Fiala, G. J.: P.A.18.10 Fll, D.: P.C.04.05
Esser, C.: P.C.05.02 Fedenko, E. S.: P.D.21.11 Fibbi, G.: P.B.09.20 Foni, E.: P.B.15.08
Essilfie, A.-T.: P.C.09.02 Fedjanina, N.: P.B.37.09 Ficara, F.: P.C.15.03 Fonseca, E. S.: P.B.05.21
Esteban, M.: P.D.19.07, P.D.19.21 Fehling, H.: P.C.03.01 Fichna, J.: P.B.07.19 Fontana, E.: P.C.19.22
Estelius, J.: P.B.24.02 Fehlings, M.: P.A.07.17 Fichtinger, G.: P.B.38.13 Fontes, M.: P.D.08.10
Esteso, G.: P.D.15.03 Fehrenbach, H.: P.B.36.05 Fichtner, A. S.: P.A.08.03 Forberg-Fossum, H.: P.D.12.05
Esteve, N.: P.B.13.10 Fejer, G.: P.C.23.07 Fichtner-Feigl, S.: P.B.32.17 Forman, R.: P.C.01.04
Esteves, P. J.: P.C.23.05 Feki, M.: P.A.05.08 Ficjan, A.: P.A.16.06 Formankova, R.: P.D.09.07
Esteve-Sole, A.: P.B.31.05 Feldhoff, L.: P.A.06.04 Fidyk, W.: P.A.21.15, P.D.01.13 Fornasa, G.: P.C.11.03
Estrada, G.: P.C.07.10 Feldman, M.: P.E.01.15 Fiebiger, E.: P.B.38.04 Forrest, C.: P.A.07.20
Estrada, L.: P.B.05.03 Feldmann, A.: P.D.14.12 Fields, M.: P.A.06.04 Forrester, M.: P.E.04.02
Estrada Garca, I.: P.C.03.20 Felekyan, S.: P.B.16.18 Fivez, L.: P.C.11.19 Frster, I.: P.B.10.08, P.B.35.01, P.B.35.02,
Estrada Parra, S.: P.C.03.20 Feliciello, I.: P.B.40.19 Figdor, C.: P.D.15.18 P.C.20.05
Eteves, P. J.: P.D.12.10 Felix, J.: P.D.06.16 Figgett, W. A.: P.B.23.22 Frster, R.: P.B.10.07, P.B.15.07, P.B.42.03
Etrych, T.: P.D.15.15 Felizardo, R. J.: P.D.25.14 Figo, D. D.: P.B.25.13 Frster-Waldl, E.: P.B.18.16, P.C.20.16
Etzioni, A.: P.B.04.06 Felzmann, T.: P.D.06.04 Figueiredo, B. B.: P.D.08.16 Forsthuber, A.: P.C.11.22
Eun-Jeong, C.: P.A.25.01 Femel, J.: P.D.02.24 Figura, R.: P.D.03.02 Fortis, S. P.: P.B.27.20, P.C.24.01
Evangelidou, M.: P.D.18.02 Fenandez-Yaez, J.: P.D.25.02 Fijnheer, R.: P.B.23.02 Foss, C.: P.D.22.11
Evangelopoulos, D.: P.B.04.13 Fenelon, M.: P.C.11.04 Filali, A.: P.B.20.12 Fossum, E.: P.D.11.08, P.D.21.17
Evangelou, M.: P.E.02.03 Feng, T. Y.: P.D.07.02 Filer, A.: P.B.22.03, P.B.22.14 Foster, J.: P.C.11.11
Evans, A. B.: P.D.11.24 Fenn, J. R.: P.A.08.23 Filia, A.: P.B.26.13 Foti, M.: P.A.20.20
Evans-Osses, I.: P.B.17.13 Fenninger, F.: P.A.02.02 Filipczak-Bryniarska, I.: P.D.18.12 Fotin-Mleczek, M.: P.D.20.09
Evavold, B.: P.B.34.01 Fenoglio, C.: P.A.05.07 Filipovic, A.: P.C.14.13 Foukas, P.: P.B.13.21
Even, G.: P.C.11.03 Fenoy, S.: P.A.13.05 Filipovic, D.: P.D.05.14 Foulds, K.: P.D.19.07
Evnouchidou, I.: P.A.22.11 Fenton, T.: P.B.20.03 Filipovic, I.: P.D.05.14 Fournier, I.: P.D.01.07
Evstigneeva, N. P.: P.B.15.06, P.B.29.15 Fenutra, R.: P.A.11.10 Filippi, I.: P.C.13.02 Fowler, A.: P.A.18.02
Evstratova, V.: P.C.15.07, P.C.15.21 Feo, L.: P.A.28.11 Fillatreau, S.: P.A.19.19, P.D.13.09, P.D.18.07 Fowler, D. W.: P.C.13.17, P.D.22.20
Ewald Sander, F.: P.A.24.10 Feodorova, Y.: P.B.28.22 Fillerova, R.: P.B.06.04, P.B.37.14, P.C.24.08, Fox, B.: P.E.01.15
Ewer, K. J.: P.A.07.16 Ferat Osorio, E.: P.C.03.20 P.D.17.05, P.D.17.06 Fox, C.: P.D.16.21
Exenberger, S.: P.B.35.15, P.D.21.14 Ferens, D.: P.B.41.04, P.B.41.15 Fimmers, R.: P.B.03.10 Fox, K.: P.B.16.13
Expsito, D.: P.D.23.13 Ferguson, B. J.: P.A.17.16 Finco, O.: P.A.02.16 Foxall, R. B.: P.B.31.14
Eyraud, C. H.: P.D.02.22 Ferhat, M.: P.C.10.16 Finco, O.: P.D.19.13 Frackowiak, J. E.: P.E.04.13
Eysteinsdttir, J. H.: P.B.09.24 Feriotti, C.: P.B.03.07 Finetti, M.: P.B.19.07 Fradet, M.: P.E.03.07
Ezazi, A.: P.D.12.09 Ferlazzo, G.: P.C.03.08, P.C.10.05, P.C.20.04 Fink, K.: P.A.18.04 Fraga-Silva, T. C.: P.D.10.03, P.D.10.04, P.D.10.05
Ezeonyeji, A.: P.A.06.14 Ferlin, W.: P.D.06.12 Finkelman, F.: P.B.12.02 Fragoso, G.: P.B.03.22
Ezeonyeji, A. N.: P.A.24.03 Fernandes, A. I.: P.B.17.03, P.B.42.11, P.B.32.20, Finkelman, F. D.: P.B.11.04 Fraietta, J. A.: P.D.14.19
Ezquerra, A.: P.C.05.16 P.B.32.20 Finot, L.: P.B.24.20 Fraile, L.: P.B.15.08
Ezzelarad, M.: P.A.15.08 Fernandes, I. M.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17 Fiocca, F.: P.B.16.16 Frame, F. M.: P.B.14.16

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 127
Author Index
Frana, T. D.: P.D.10.03, P.D.10.04, P.D.10.05 Gabriella, S.: P.A.10.10 Garmatiuk, T.: P.A.04.11 Ghalamfarsa, G.: P.B.28.11, P.B.28.12
Francelin, C.: P.B.05.21 Gabrielsson, S.: P.A.03.10, P.C.09.12 Garn, H.: P.B.38.10 Ghasemi, S.: P.C.24.07
Frances, C.: P.B.27.06 Gabrilovich, D.: P.C.04.15 Garncarz, W.: P.B.18.16 Ghaznavi, H.: P.D.14.03
Francesca, S.: P.D.22.17 Gad, M.: P.D.01.09 Garner-Spitzer, E.: P.D.11.01, P.D.11.03, P.D.20.21 Ghazn, E. A.: P.B.02.21
Franch, .: P.B.38.22 Gadat, S.: P.A.07.04 Garnier, A.: P.A.03.01 Ghenassia, A.: P.A.22.06
Francis, J.: P.D.19.07 Gadermaier, E.: P.B.38.16 Garofalo, C.: P.C.02.04, P.C.15.05 Gherardin, N.: P.A.07.19
Francisco, N.: P.B.16.05 Gadermaier, G.: P.B.25.13 Garofalo, M.: P.D.06.08 Ghilas, S.: P.C.13.05
Francisconi, C. F.: P.A.06.09 Gadiri, S.: P.B.05.08, P.B.19.16 Garot, A.: P.A.09.15, P.A.27.09 Ghodke-Puranik, Y.: P.B.33.15
Franco, E. J.: P.C.24.10 Gadiri Meriche, S.: P.B.05.09 Garrison, K. E.: P.C.14.09 Ghoghaei, H.: P.A.05.06
Franco, N.: P.B.18.07 Gagliani, N.: P.A.02.08 Garssen, J.: P.A.02.15 Ghonim, M. A.: P.B.12.05
Franco-Jarava, C.: P.B.30.14 Gagne, K.: P.C.10.15 Gaspar, M. C.: P.D.06.01 Ghribi, F.: P.B.07.18
Francozo, M.: P.C.20.08 Gagnon, E.: P.A.22.09 Gaspar, M. L.: P.C.22.04 Giacomassi, C.: P.B.23.08
Frank, I.: P.A.01.07 Gahmberg, C. G.: P.C.08.11 Gasparoto, T. H.: P.C.12.10 Gianelli, U.: P.A.26.05
Franke, A.: P.B.18.06 Gailus-Durner, V.: P.B.18.20 Gasperini, S.: P.C.24.07 Gianfrani, C.: P.A.04.03, P.B.20.09, P.D.27.03
Franken, K.: P.D.08.16 Gajdos, P.: P.D.17.06 Gastager, F.: P.B.25.01 Giannaki, A.: P.D.13.08
Frankenberger, B.: P.A.26.04 Gajdosechova, B.: P.A.16.18 Gaston, A.T. T.: P.C.11.03 Gianniki, M.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11
Franz, D.: P.A.14.10 Gajdosechova, B.: P.B.21.05, P.B.34.13 Gati, A.: P.A.05.08, P.B.20.17, P.B.33.02 Giannoni, E.: P.C.19.14
Franzini, A.: P.B.14.11 Gajovic, N.: P.C.02.10 Gatica, J.: P.D.06.06, P.D.06.09 Giavi, S.: P.B.25.07
Franzke, C. W.: P.B.23.07 Galabova, G.: P.D.02.19 Gatti, E.: P.C.06.08 Gibbs, B. F.: P.C.08.14
Frassanito, M.: P.A.07.21 Galn-Dez, M.: P.A.28.11 Gattorno, M.: P.B.05.10, P.B.19.07 Gibellini, L.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17, P.C.18.18
Frauscher, B.: P.B.07.21 Galbicsek, E.: P.D.11.10 Gaubitzer, E.: P.B.11.22 Gicheva, N. R.: P.C.15.13
Fraussen, J.: P.B.21.20 Galdiero, M.: P.C.01.15 Gaudenzio, N.: P.B.38.18, P.C.09.01 Gicquel, B.: P.A.19.19
Frazao, A.: P.C.18.07 Galera-Miarro, A. M.: P.A.12.17 Gaudet, L.: P.D.16.11 Giebel, B.: P.A.18.16
Frazer, I. H.: P.A.23.10, P.C.06.10 Galian-Megias, J.: P.B.30.12 Gause, K.: P.C.06.07 Giebel, S.: P.A.21.15, P.D.01.13
Frede, N.: P.B.04.06, P.B.18.01, P.B.18.06, Galicia-Carren, J.: P.B.12.01 Gauthaman, K.: P.B.05.02, P.C.15.11, P.E.04.11 Gieler, U.: P.B.12.06
P.B.18.23, P.B.30.16 Galicia-Velasco, M.: P.B.39.14 Gautheron, A.: P.D.22.22 Giera, M.: P.C.18.05
Frehse, B.: P.A.10.08 Galimberti, D.: P.A.05.07 Gauthier, T.: P.C.13.16 Gieras, A.: P.B.11.04
Freidl, R.: P.D.05.05 Galkowska, H.: P.B.06.08 Gautreau, L.: P.A.21.03 Giese, T.: P.A.04.15, P.B.18.06, P.B.35.13
Freier, R.: P.A.03.11 Gallais, Y.: P.C.13.12 Gauttier, V.: P.A.02.04 Giesecke, C.: P.A.02.12
Freimueller, C.: P.D.16.16 Gallais Srzal, I.: P.B.10.20, P.B.10.20 Gavalas, N. G.: P.B.28.18 Gigantino, V.: P.C.23.08
Freire, J.: P.D.06.21 Gallego, A.: P.A.18.12 Gavrilova, S. I.: P.B.24.15 Giil, L. M.: P.B.07.01
Frentzel, S.: P.B.01.13 Gallego, A.: P.D.25.04 Gavrovi-Jankulovi, M.: P.C.14.13 Gil, A.: P.B.26.06, P.B.26.07, P.B.26.08, P.B.26.09
Frenz, T.: P.B.22.01 Gallego-Colon, E.: P.A.25.03 Gay, S.: P.B.09.17 Gil, D.: P.A.21.07
Fresno, M.: P.D.03.10 Galleni, M.: P.B.11.14 Gdoura, A.: P.D.24.05 Gil, J.: P.B.18.17, P.E.05.11
Fretin, D.: P.B.16.01 Gallerano, D.: P.B.31.12 Ge, H.: P.B.14.06 Gil, L. H.: P.D.18.17
Freudenberg, K.: P.A.06.03 Galleze, A.: P.B.40.09 Ge, S.: P.B.41.10 Gil, N. L.: P.B.31.04
Freund, C.: P.A.28.09 Galli, S. J.: P.B.38.18 Geall, A. J.: P.D.19.10 Gilardin, L.: P.A.19.02
Freyhult, E.: P.A.13.12 Gallikov, V.: P.B.03.03 Gebauer, C.: P.B.23.18 Gilboa, E.: P.D.14.18
Freysdttir, J.: P.B.09.24, P.C.05.04, P.C.18.05 Gallimore, A.: P.B.39.17 Gedik, A. H.: P.C.19.03 Gilchrist, J. J.: P.B.01.14
Frias, J.: P.A.12.18, P.C.02.22 Gallo, J.: P.B.37.14, P.D.17.06 Gedik, M. E.: P.B.13.09 Gil-Cruz, C.: P.C.08.10
Fricain, J.-C.: P.C.11.04 Gallotta, M.: P.D.20.10 Gedikba, A.: P.B.28.05 Gileadi, U.: P.D.15.18
Frick, C.: P.E.03.20 Galson, J. D.: P.A.18.02 Gedvilaite, A.: P.D.16.18 Gilevich, A. V.: P.D.15.13
Fricker, M.: P.B.24.12 Galv, M. I.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13 Geenen, V.: P.B.24.08, P.E.05.14 Gilis, d.: P.B.11.14
Fridman, W.: P.A.06.13 Galvani, V.: P.B.18.15 Geerman, S.: P.A.02.09, P.A.23.09 Gill, U. S.: P.B.32.13
Friedl, P.: P.D.14.13 Galvao, C. E.: P.B.25.13 Geffers, R.: P.C.21.01 Gilleron, M.: P.B.16.07
Friedland, J.: P.B.16.13 Galvo, I.: P.C.09.23 Geginat, J.: P.A.02.08, P.A.05.07, P.A.26.05 Gilliet, M.: P.B.10.18, P.C.20.12, P.D.15.14
Friedland, J. S.: P.B.02.15 Gamallo, C.: P.B.32.19 Geha, R.: P.B.18.05 Gillis, C.: P.A.10.16
Friedmann, K.: P.A.17.08 Gambero, M.: P.D.20.01, P.D.20.05 Geier, C. B.: P.B.18.11, P.B.30.07, P.B.30.15 Gillis, K.: P.C.16.01
Friedmann, K. S.: P.A.26.13, P.A.26.16 Gamez Diaz, L. Y.: P.B.04.01 Geijtenbeek, T.: P.A.05.13, P.B.22.15 Gilroy, D. W.: P.D.17.07
Friedrich, C.: P.B.35.11 Gamradt, S.: P.B.21.04 Geijtenbeek, T. B.: P.A.02.10 Gilson, R.: P.D.23.12
Friedrich, H. C.: P.A.10.13, P.D.18.19 Gan, I.: P.B.07.17, P.D.26.02 Geiler, S.: P.E.02.05 Gimeno, L.: P.C.06.06
Friedrich, M.: P.B.03.19 Gan Nieto, I.: P.B.19.15, P.C.22.03 Geironson, L.: P.A.13.12 Gimeno, L.: P.A.12.18, P.B.09.21, P.B.32.24,
Friend, S.: P.A.12.08, P.C.16.01 Gandizadeh Dezfouli, M.: P.D.01.12 Geissler, E. K.: P.B.32.17 P.C.02.22, P.C.21.03
Friend, S. L.: P.C.16.07 Ganesan, S.: P.C.18.23 Geldhof, P.: P.B.03.11, P.B.17.06 Gimeno-Arias, L.: P.A.12.17
Friese, M. A.: P.A.06.17 Ganley-Leal, L.: P.C.21.09 Gellatly, N.: P.A.28.08 Gimsa, U.: P.D.12.03
Frischbutter, S.: P.D.18.07 Gannag, M.: P.B.15.12 Gellatly, S.: P.C.09.02 Giner, T.: P.C.22.08, P.C.22.09

Fritsch, G.: P.D.16.16 Gannon, P. O.: P.D.15.11 Gelmez, M.: P.B.40.04, P.B.40.05 Ginhoux, F.: P.C.11.19
Fritsch, J.: P.A.08.14 Gao, G. F.: P.D.02.16 Gelmez, Y.: P.C.19.03 Ginwala, R. A.: P.B.07.12, P.D.22.11
Fritz, J. H.: P.C.23.18 Gao, J.: P.B.11.02 Geloso, M.: P.A.20.20, P.C.14.19 Giono, S.: P.C.07.10
Froehlich, A.: P.A.14.06 Gao, Y.: P.D.14.20, P.D.02.14 Gemicioglu, B.: P.A.14.09 Giovarelli, M.: P.A.25.05
Froehlich, J.: P.A.16.11 Garai, .: P.A.12.12 Genel, F.: P.B.30.11, P.B.30.19 Giral, M.: P.A.07.14, P.A.07.18, P.D.25.06
Froeschl, R.: P.A.27.07 Garaud, S.: P.B.39.02 Gennery, A. R.: P.B.18.05 Girard, L.: P.A.21.13
Frhlich, A.: P.A.04.13, P.A.14.08, P.A.25.18 Garbe, C.: P.B.14.05 Genser, L.: P.E.03.07 Girardi, E.: P.B.29.10
Frhlich-Reiterer, E.: P.A.15.11 Garbi, N.: P.A.14.20 Gentile, A.: P.C.11.13 Girard-Madoux, M. J.: P.B.20.10
Frostegrd, J.: P.B.19.12, P.B.41.11 Garchon, H.-. J.: P.B.27.02 Gentile, S.: P.C.01.15, P.C.06.01 Giraud, C.: P.C.10.16, P.C.18.15
Fruci, D.: P.A.22.12, P.B.27.23 Garca, F.: P.B.20.14, P.D.19.21 Georgakopoulos, T.: P.A.14.17, P.B.34.05 Giraud, S.: P.C.10.16
Frhwirth, A.: P.A.19.21 Garcia, I.: P.C.11.02 George, J.: P.A.15.16 Girdlestone, J.: P.D.26.16
Frye, C.: P.D.17.17 Garcia, L.: P.D.02.18 Georgieva, A.: P.B.15.02 Girginkardeler, N.: P.B.17.09
Ftoohi, N.: P.B.13.02 Garcia Alonso, A.: P.C.02.22, P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22 Georgiou, C.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11 Giriyapura, B.: P.D.09.04
Fuchs, H.: P.B.18.20 Garca-Alonso, A. M.: P.B.30.06, P.B.30.10, Gepp, B.: P.B.26.12, P.D.21.16 Giroux, V.: P.A.23.05
Fuchs, J. E.: P.A.03.11 P.D.09.09 Gerard Lina, G.: P.B.02.09 Gismondi, A.: P.C.02.19
Fucs, R.: P.A.16.17 Garca-Alonso, A.: P.A.12.18, P.B.09.21, P.B.30.12, Gerasimova, N. A.: P.B.15.06, P.B.29.15 Gjen, T.: P.D.02.18
Fuentes, C.: P.A.23.22, P.D.06.03 P.B.32.24 Gerber, P. A.: P.D.18.19 Gkioka, T.: P.E.05.08
Fuentes, L.: P.D.25.15 Garca-Alonso, A. M.: P.A.12.17 Gerer, K. F.: P.D.06.17 Gkougkourelas, I.: P.B.08.20, P.B.41.06,
Fuentes, P.: P.B.40.14 Garcia-Arnes, J.: P.A.28.20 Gergianaki, I.: P.A.23.19 P.C.14.03
Fuerst, E.: P.B.35.15, P.D.21.14 Garca-Castan, I.: P.B.34.10 Gerlach, C.: P.A.03.06 Glaserova, S.: P.D.14.22
Fuertes Marraco, S. A.: P.D.15.11 Garcia-Cordero, J.: P.C.09.11 Gerlach, J.: P.C.13.10 Glasner, A.: P.B.08.09
Fugmann, T.: P.A.03.17, P.B.14.05 Garca-Cuesta, E. M.: P.D.15.03 Gerling, M.: P.C.17.12 Glauben, R.: P.A.24.10
Fujihara, K.: P.B.19.03 Garca de Durango, C.: P.B.41.21 Germain, C.: P.A.06.13 Glauzy, S.: P.D.01.01
Fujihara, S.: P.B.24.17 Garcia-Fuentes, E.: P.A.28.20 Germain-Genevois, C.: P.C.11.04 Glaysher, B.: P.A.01.09
Fujiwara, Y.: P.D.10.14 Garcia-Guantes, E.: P.B.30.14 Germeroth, L.: P.D.16.16 Glebe, D.: P.D.16.18
Fukada, S. Y.: P.B.19.23, P.B.32.18 Garcia-Guereta, L.: P.D.25.02 Germon, P.: P.B.24.20 Gleisner, A.: P.A.23.22, P.D.06.09
Fukuhara, S.: P.A.01.11 Garca Iglesias, T.: P.B.37.25 Gerner, C.: P.A.15.06, P.C.10.09 Gleixner, K. V.: P.B.27.07
Fukui, R.: P.C.06.02 Garca-Irles, M.: P.D.10.15 Gerner, M.: P.A.15.06, P.E.03.11 Glenk, L.-M.: P.B.11.18, P.D.05.11
Fukutomi, Y.: P.A.23.01 Garca-Len, M. J.: P.A.21.12 Gerner, W.: P.D.12.04, P.D.12.05, P.D.12.11 Glezer, E. N.: P.C.23.21, P.D.17.17
Fulford, A. J.: P.E.02.03 Garcia Manteiga, J.: P.B.25.09 Gerofotis, A.: P.B.24.14, P.E.05.03 Glibicky, A.: P.A.28.03
Fullerton, J.: P.D.17.07 Garcia-Marquez, M.: P.D.14.17 Gervois, N.: P.D.25.06 Glinka, V.: P.A.21.14, P.B.31.07
Fulop, T.: P.C.12.12 Garca-Mrquez, M. A.: P.D.24.16 Gesheva, V.: P.D.22.13 Glitzner, E.: P.B.10.23
Funes-Vera, C.: P.B.30.10 Garca Martnez, M.: P.B.34.02 Gessner, J.: P.C.14.01 Gliwinski, M.: P.D.18.05
Furlan, C.: P.B.39.03 Garca Ormaechea, M.: P.D.17.04 Gestermann, N.: P.D.15.14 Glocker, C.: P.B.04.06
Furlanello, C.: P.B.27.23 Garcia-Prat, M.: P.B.04.17, P.B.18.18 Gestin, A.: P.E.03.07 Gloger, A.: P.A.03.17, P.B.14.05
Furtado, G.: P.C.23.11 Garca-Rodrguez, K.: P.D.11.07 Gevaert, P.: P.A.27.07 Glowacki, A. J.: P.A.06.09
Furtado, R.: P.A.17.07 Garca-Samaniego, J.: P.A.26.21 Geyeregger, R.: P.A.26.17, P.D.16.16 Glowala-Kosinska, M.: P.D.01.13
Fusai, G.: P.B.32.13, P.D.23.12 Garcia-Serrano, S.: P.A.28.20 Ghaderi, A.: P.B.13.25, P.B.28.11, P.B.28.12, Gluszko, P.: P.B.09.05
Fuster-Soler, J. L.: P.A.12.17 Garca Trujillo, J.: P.B.04.05, P.B.11.05 P.D.14.03 Glymenaki, M.: P.B.20.07
Fu-Tong Liu,: P.B.23.17 Garcia-Vicua, R.: P.B.09.22 Ghaemmaghami, A.: P.C.06.09, P.C.14.11, Gmitterova, K.: P.B.21.05, P.B.33.21
Fuzii, H.: P.B.35.08 Garcillan Goyoaga, B.: P.B.18.17 P.E.03.18 Gmoshinski, I.: P.A.16.05
Fuzii, H. T.: P.B.24.17 Gardiner, C.: P.B.15.01 Ghaemmaghami, A. M.: P.B.03.09 Gniadek, M.: P.A.03.07
Garib, V.: P.B.11.19, P.B.25.01, P.B.25.02 Ghafari-Khamene, M.: P.C.02.16, P.D.20.06, Gniady, P.: P.A.22.05
G Garin, M.: P.D.23.06, P.D.23.08 P.D.20.12 Gobbi, M.: P.C.22.15
Gabaldn, L.: P.B.34.10 Garlanda, C.: P.C.01.15, P.C.06.01, P.C.09.24 Ghaffari Khameneh, M.: P.A.14.12 Gbls, A.: P.B.10.10, P.B.10.13
Gabor, F.: P.D.21.14 Garlet, G. P.: P.A.06.09, P.C.12.10 Ghahvechi, B.: P.B.05.11, P.B.05.12, P.B.05.18, Goc, J.: P.A.06.13
Gabriel, C.: P.B.38.13 Garmanchuk, L.: P.C.16.04, P.D.07.07 P.B.19.04, P.D.16.01 Gderle, L.: P.B.41.13

128 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Godfrey, D. I.: P.A.07.19, P.A.17.09 Gorukmez, O.: P.B.04.18 Groschup, M. H.: P.B.29.03 Gursel, I.: P.C.04.13, P.C.06.17, P.C.07.05,
Godfrien, Y.: P.D.22.09 Gorvel, J.: P.C.01.14 Gross, D. A.: P.A.22.06 P.C.08.13, P.C.14.02, P.C.21.12, P.C.21.16,
Godkin, A.: P.B.39.17 Gschl, L.: P.A.05.14, P.A.11.14, P.A.24.09, Gross, M.: P.C.11.06 P.D.02.07, P.D.20.08
Godot, V.: P.C.05.05 P.E.03.11 Grotius, K.: P.B.04.11 Grsel, M.: P.B.17.09, P.B.19.09, P.C.21.08
Goebel, N.: P.B.32.17 Gossner, A.: P.A.14.21 Grubczak, K.: P.B.05.04 Gursel, M.: P.C.04.13, P.C.07.05, P.C.21.16,
Goebeler, M.: P.A.10.14 Goswami, R. P.: P.B.17.20 Grubeck Loebenstein, B.: P.A.26.03, P.A.09.09, P.D.20.07, P.D.20.08
Goerdayal, S. S.: P.A.02.15 Gotovac, K.: P.B.05.19 P.A.23.16 Gurskaia, O. G.: P.B.07.08
Goerdt, S.: P.C.12.11 Gotthard Mrtz, C.: P.B.38.05 Gruber, C. W.: P.B.21.09 Guse, K.: P.D.06.08
Goerlitz, D.: P.B.28.17 Gotthardt, D.: P.C.10.09 Gruber, S.: P.B.32.16, P.B.41.13 Guselnikova, V. V.: P.C.09.04
Goeschl, L.: P.A.06.11 Gottwald, S.: P.B.17.08 Gruen, J.: P.A.02.12 Gustafsson-Hedberg, T.: P.A.09.06
Ggl, G.: P.A.12.12 Gtz, F.: P.B.02.09 Gruenvogel, O.: P.C.13.15 Gutich, I.: P.C.16.04
Gogolk, P.: P.C.13.07 Goudet, A.: P.D.24.05 Grufman, H.: P.B.41.07 Gutierrez-Repiso, C.: P.A.28.20
Ghring, J.: P.E.01.11, P.E.01.14 Goudima, G.: P.A.20.21 Gruia, M. I.: P.B.14.01 Gu-Trantien, C.: P.B.39.02
Gkcen, C.: P.B.36.10 Gough, T.: P.D.03.08 Grummel, V.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Gutsmann, T.: P.B.36.11
Goksu, S.: P.B.13.04 Goulart, C.: P.D.02.12, P.D.11.06 Grunewald, J.: P.B.19.17, P.B.21.06, P.C.07.18 Gven, F.: P.D.04.11, P.D.26.17
Gola, A.: P.D.19.12 Goupil, M.: P.D.14.05 Grunt, T. W.: P.B.14.03 Guy, C.: P.B.36.17
Golara, M.: P.D.19.05 Goupille, P.: P.D.13.07 Gruppi, A.: P.B.16.16 Guzmn, C. A.: P.C.10.11
Gold, R.: P.B.36.15, P.D.10.12 Gouveia, C. L.: P.D.18.17 Grusdat, M.: P.A.09.04 Guzmn, C. A.: P.D.20.13
Gold, S. M.: P.A.06.17 Govender, D.: P.B.16.05 Grutsch, S.: P.A.03.11 Guzmn Rodrguez, J.: P.D.22.03
Goldberg, G.: P.B.09.12 Gowala-Kosiska, M.: P.A.21.15 Grtz, G.: P.C.24.12 Gyrgy, N.: P.A.10.10
Goldeck, D.: P.B.07.02 Graage, R.: P.D.12.04 Grychtol, R. M.: P.B.26.13
Goldhahn, K.: P.A.04.20, P.A.12.09 Grabarczyk, P.: P.D.14.01 Grywalska, E.: P.A.16.12, P.B.36.04, P.D.19.22 H
Goldin, R.: P.B.20.22 Grabchenko, N.: P.A.21.14, P.B.31.07 Gschwandtner, M.: P.E.01.05 Ha, S.-D.: P.C.24.11
Goldrath, A.: P.A.14.07 Grabherr, R.: P.D.21.07, P.D.21.16 Gtif, I.: P.B.07.18 Haabeth, O. A.: P.B.37.24
Goldschmidt, I.: P.D.25.10 Grabmeier-Pfisterhammer, K.: P.A.28.15, Gu, N.-Y.: P.B.24.16, P.D.03.11, P.D.03.14, Haag, F.: P.A.16.15, P.A.19.07, P.A.20.10,
Golkocheva-Markova, E.: P.B.31.15 P.D.26.15 P.D.07.01 P.B.23.16, P.C.17.06, P.C.17.11
Goll, G. L.: P.B.22.21 Grabowska, A. K.: P.A.22.14 Gu, S.-Z.: P.D.27.01 Haagsman, H. P.: P.B.01.21
Golubovic, J.: P.C.02.07 Grabowska, M.: P.D.13.15 Gu, S.: P.A.08.03 Haarer, J.: P.A.01.01
Gomariz, R. P.: P.B.09.22 Grabui, K.: P.A.13.18 Guagnano, M.: P.B.08.22 Haas, G.: P.C.09.18
Gombert, J.-M.: P.C.10.16, P.C.18.15 Graca, L.: P.B.21.07 Gualdoni, G. A.: P.C.07.17 Habermann, N.: P.B.31.18
Gomes, A. C.: P.D.02.21 Gracar, M.: P.B.18.15 Gualdoni, G. A.: P.E.03.11 Habertheuer, A.: P.D.25.12
Gomes, C.: P.D.06.07 Gracias, D. T.: P.A.11.03 Guan, J.: P.D.02.11 Habibagahi, M.: P.D.14.03
Gomes, J. A.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.01, P.B.17.04, Graf, K.: P.D.02.13 Guarda, G.: P.A.17.02 Habraken, T. C.: P.D.24.08
P.B.17.14 Graff-Dubois, S.: P.A.09.03, P.A.09.13 Guasp, P.: P.D.27.06 Hachicha, M.: P.B.18.14
Gomes, L. A.: P.C.17.07 Gragnani, L.: P.D.04.13 Gubin, M. M.: P.A.07.17 Hack, C. E.: P.B.15.05
Gomez, F.: P.B.11.09 Graham, B. S.: P.B.15.05 Guc, D.: P.B.27.01, P.B.39.10, P.C.04.02 Hackl, L.: P.C.22.08
Gomez, L.: P.B.29.06, P.B.34.10 Grahnert, A.: P.C.19.15 Gucluler, G.: P.C.08.13, P.C.21.16, P.D.02.07 Hackl, M.: P.D.06.04
Gomez, M.: P.D.25.02 Grainger, A.: P.B.18.19 Gudipati, V.: P.D.14.21 Haddad, E.: P.B.18.08
Gomez, R.: P.B.39.21 Gran, B.: P.B.21.11 Gudipati, V.: P.D.23.02 Hadinedoushan, H.: P.E.05.05
Gomez Cadena, A.: P.B.13.14 Granata, F.: P.C.19.02 Gudjonsson, A.: P.D.11.08, P.D.21.17 Hadjati, J.: P.B.39.11, P.D.15.20
Gmez-Jaramillo, L.: P.A.19.15 Grandclaudon, M.: P.A.14.02 Gudmundsdottir, A. B.: P.C.05.04 Hadjidj, Z.: P.E.03.05
Gomez-Lopez, N.: P.E.05.01 Grandjean, C. L.: P.A.08.05 Guedj, K.: P.C.11.03 Hadzhieva, M.: P.A.19.09
Gomez-Roman, J.: P.D.06.21 Grange, P.: P.B.32.04 Guenounou, M.: P.B.06.05 Hadzijusufovic, E.: P.B.40.15
Gomez-Sanchez, M.: P.D.25.02 Grangette, C.: P.C.17.24 Guenter, S.: P.A.06.11 Hafezi, W.: P.A.17.17
Gonalves, A. C.: P.C.07.06 Graninger, W.: P.A.05.05, P.A.15.11, P.A.16.06, Guerau, M.: P.A.28.01 Hafizoglu, D.: P.B.04.18
Gonalves, I.: P.B.41.07 P.D.13.06 Guereschi, M. G.: P.A.15.14 Hfner, N.: P.C.08.04
Gonalves, R. M.: P.D.23.10 Grannas, G.: P.A.23.06, P.D.25.09 Guerfali, F. Z.: P.C.17.09 Hagel, J.: P.A.27.01
Goncalves Alves, E.: P.A.20.04, P.B.09.02, Grano, F. G.: P.B.07.14 Guerif, P.: P.D.25.06 Hagemann, S.: P.B.35.11
P.C.14.08 Granoff, M.: P.C.02.09 Guerin, N.: P.D.22.09 Hagemann, S. C.: P.A.15.17
GoncalvesAlves, E.: P.B.22.20 Grant, E.: P.A.07.09 Guermouche, H.: P.D.06.16 Hagemann-Jensen, M.: P.B.21.06, P.C.07.18
Gonalves Silva, I.: P.C.08.14 Grant, M.: P.B.19.22 Guerra, A. R.: P.B.16.04 Haghikia, A.: P.B.36.15, P.D.10.12
Goncalves-Sousa, N.: P.A.08.11 Granucci, F.: P.C.16.14 Guerra, P. V.: P.D.02.06 Haghshenas, M. R.: P.B.13.25
Gonelle-Gispert, C.: P.B.13.08 Gras, J.: P.B.35.13 Guerre-Millo, M.: P.E.03.07, P.E.03.13 Hagl, B.: P.B.04.07
Gnen, Z. B.: P.E.01.09 Gras, S.: P.A.08.02, P.A.17.09 Guerth, F.: P.D.05.12 Hagner, S.: P.B.38.10
Gonnet, J.: P.D.20.20 Grassmann, S.: P.D.14.07 Guerville, F.: P.C.07.14 Hahn, F.: P.B.21.04
Gonzlez, C.: P.A.18.12, P.A.18.13, P.D.04.01 Gratz, I.: P.A.06.18 Guggino, G.: P.B.20.17 Hahn, J.: P.B.10.09

Gonzalez, D.: P.D.02.18 Gratz, I. K.: P.A.16.03 Guha, S. K.: P.B.17.20 Hhnlein, J.: P.B.22.15
Gonzalez, E. A.: P.B.31.05 Gratz, N.: P.C.01.08 Guida, G.: P.A.22.12 Haider, L.: P.B.34.09
Gonzlez, F.: P.D.06.03 Grau, G. E.: P.C.16.08 Guihot, A.: P.B.27.06 Haider, T.: P.B.21.09, P.A.05.02
Gonzlez, H.: P.A.14.10 Grau, V.: P.C.08.01 Guilbaud, M.: P.B.42.16 Haileselassie, Y.: P.C.05.12
Gonzlez, M.: P.C.07.10 Grau-Lpez, L.: P.B.21.12 Guilhot, F.: P.C.18.15 Hailov, N. A.: P.B.07.08, P.B.24.15
Gonzalez, M. L.: P.D.09.13 Grauwet, K.: P.C.18.13 Guiliano, D.: P.D.11.18 Hain, T.: P.C.04.09
Gonzalez, O.: P.E.05.11 Grcevic, D.: P.B.08.18, P.B.09.04, P.C.09.16, Guiliano, D. B.: P.D.20.19 Hainberger, D.: P.A.21.06, P.C.18.20
Gonzalez, S.: P.C.02.17, P.C.18.03 P.C.23.01 Guillaume, C.: P.A.27.10 Hainfellner, J.: P.D.06.04
Gonzalez-Alvaro, I.: P.B.09.22 Greathead, L.: P.B.20.22 Guillaume, N.: P.C.10.15 Hainz, K.: P.A.13.11
Gonzlez Aramundiz, J.: P.D.02.20 Greaves, D. R.: P.C.09.25 Guillaume, P.: P.D.06.23 Hainzl, E.: P.B.06.15
Gonzlez-Aseguinolaza, G.: P.D.16.05 Greco, D.: P.D.06.08 Guillerme*, J.-B.: P.A.13.09 Hajati, J.: P.D.15.07
Gonzlez Cappa, S.: P.B.17.05 Greco, L.: P.A.04.03 Guillermo, L. C.: P.A.17.05 Hajdu, Z.: P.D.05.12
Gonzalez de Peredo, A.: P.A.21.08 Greco, M.: P.C.15.05 Guillermo, L. V.: P.B.17.16 Haji-Fatahaliha, M.: P.A.14.12, P.C.02.16,
Gonzlez Fernndez, .: P.C.17.04, P.D.02.20 Green, P.: P.A.28.01 Guillermo, M.: P.D.22.17 P.D.20.06, P.D.20.12
Gonzlez-Garca, S.: P.B.40.14 Greene, M.: P.C.15.12 Guillonneau, C.: P.A.16.09, P.D.26.11 Hakem, D.: P.B.33.17
Gonzalez-Granado, J. M.: P.A.04.17 Gregoire, S.: P.B.21.01 Guimaraes, J.: P.B.06.06 Hakim, F. T.: P.D.09.05
Gonzlez-Hernndez, A.: P.B.03.11 Gregorova, P.: P.B.06.04 Guipouy, D.: P.A.07.04 Halaas, .: P.D.11.15
Gonzlez-Muoz, M.: P.B.07.22, P.B.11.20 Greiff, V.: P.A.18.14 Guitierrez, A.: P.B.39.21 Halacheva, K.: P.B.07.07
Gonzalez-Navarro, E. A.: P.A.03.13 Greiner, G.: P.A.12.15 Gl, A.: P.B.24.10 Halacheva, K. S.: P.D.17.12
Gonzalez-Obeso, C.: P.C.19.06 Greinix, H. T.: P.D.09.05, P.D.09.06 Gl, E.: P.B.19.09, P.C.07.05 Halbroth, B. R.: P.D.19.12
Gonzalez-Porta, M.: P.A.09.11 Gremese, E.: P.A.10.23, P.B.09.23 Gulbins, E.: P.C.15.14 Halenius, A.: P.A.03.12, P.C.10.21
Gonzlez-Praetorius, A.: P.B.42.06 Greten, F. R.: P.C.08.04 Guleria, K.: P.D.08.02 Halfmann, A.: P.A.05.02, P.C.20.11
Gonzalez-Quevedo, N.: P.B.04.12, P.B.15.15 Gridelet, V.: P.E.05.14 Gulez, N.: P.B.19.01, P.B.30.11, P.B.30.19 Hall, L.: P.C.14.11
Gonzalez-Roca, E.: P.B.05.13 Griesshammer, I. M.: P.C.24.13 Gulez, P.: P.B.30.19 Hall, L.: P.E.04.02
Gonzalez-Rodriguez, A.: P.C.02.17, P.C.18.03 Griffin, M. D.: P.B.22.05, P.B.32.15, P.D.26.05 Glich, A.: P.A.14.18, P.A.21.09 Hall, T.: P.C.04.06
Gonzlez-Sapienza, G.: P.B.22.12 Griffioen, M.: P.A.13.04 Gulino, A.: P.D.14.08 Halle, S.: P.B.15.07
Gonzlez-Tajuelo, R.: P.B.23.21, P.B.32.19 Griger, Z.: P.B.37.11 Gulletta, E.: P.C.15.05 Haller, D.: P.B.20.20
Gonzlez Urra, P. B.: P.B.19.15, P.C.22.03 Grigoriadou, S.: P.B.04.10 Gultekin, M.: P.B.42.04 Haller, H.: P.A.05.04, P.A.23.06, P.B.41.10,
Goodyear, O.: P.D.22.21 Grillari, J.: P.E.01.05 Gnald, M.: P.B.28.05 P.D.25.09, P.D.26.08, P.D.26.09
Goosen, W.: P.B.02.16 Grillari-Voglauer, R.: P.E.01.05 Gunaldi, M.: P.B.13.04, P.B.28.07 Hallgren, J.: P.B.25.18
Goosen, W. J.: P.D.03.09 Grimaldi, A. M.: P.C.15.05 Gunaldi, O.: P.B.28.07 Halliday, G. M.: P.A.10.16
Gopalakrishnan, S.: P.B.24.06 Grimbacher, B.: P.B.04.01, P.B.04.06, P.B.18.01, Gnalp, S.: P.C.21.08 Halm, B. E.: P.B.04.07
Gpfert, C.: P.C.08.04 P.B.18.06, P.B.18.23, P.B.30.13, P.B.30.16 Gunaydin, G.: P.B.27.01, P.B.39.10, P.C.04.02 Halova, I.: P.C.09.05
Goral, G.: P.B.01.08, P.B.01.09, P.B.01.10 Grimm, M.: P.B.41.02, P.B.07.05 Gunduz, S.: P.B.13.04 Halvorsen, B.: P.B.41.19
Gral, G.: P.D.26.17 Grinberg-Bleyer, Y.: P.B.21.01 Gunerka, P.: P.B.26.01 Hmlinen, M.: P.B.22.23
Gorbach, O. I.: P.D.18.15 Grinfelde, I.: P.B.30.09 Gngr, B.: P.C.21.08 Hamann, A.: P.D.18.07
Gordillo, J. J.: P.C.02.03 Griset, A. P.: P.D.24.12 Gungor, B.: P.D.20.07, P.D.20.08 Hamanova, M.: P.B.30.03
Gordillo, J.: P.C.10.22 Grizzi, F.: P.C.12.04 Gunner, F.: P.A.19.20, P.E.04.08 Hamasaki, M. Y.: P.C.15.02
Gordon, S.: P.C.14.15, P.A.09.05 Grobelny, J.: P.A.03.07 Gunten, S. v.: P.A.19.09 Hambleton, S.: P.B.18.19
Grgens, A.: P.A.18.16 Groh, S.: P.A.07.05 Gunzer, M.: P.C.01.06, P.C.12.16 Hamdi, K.: P.B.20.17, P.B.28.17
Goriainova, O.: P.D.13.10 Groll, M.: P.B.18.20 Guo, H.: P.A.15.08 Hamdoun, M.: P.B.10.06
Goriely, S.: P.A.07.13 Grne, J.: P.A.02.13 Guo, H.: P.E.02.03 Hamed, M.: P.A.17.08
Gorki, A. D.: P.C.03.18 Grnholm, M.: P.C.08.11 Gupta, S.: P.B.08.04 Hametner, S.: P.B.34.06, P.B.34.09
Gornicec, J.: P.C.21.14 Grooten, J.: P.D.06.18 Gupta, S.: P.C.16.15 Hamieh, M.: P.D.14.10
Gorosito, M.: P.B.16.16 Gropp, R.: P.B.38.23 Gurka, S.: P.C.20.01, P.D.04.17, P.D.11.09 Hammam, N.: P.D.07.10
Gorostidi, A.: P.D.27.04 Gros, F.: P.A.20.17 Gursel, &.: P.D.20.07 Hammarstrm, L.: P.B.04.23
Gorraiz, M.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07 Gros, M.: P.A.06.10 Grsel, I.: P.B.17.09, P.B.19.09 Hammer, A.: P.B.36.15, P.D.10.12

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 129
Author Index
Hammer, S. E.: P.D.12.03, P.D.12.05 Hazan, F.: P.B.30.19 Hernandez Bello, J.: P.B.37.25 Hoffmann-Sommergruber, K.: P.B.11.11,
Hammerl, P.: P.A.13.11, P.C.04.11 Haziot, A.: P.C.04.01 Hernndez-Chvez, V. G.: P.B.08.19 P.B.11.12, P.B.25.03, P.B.25.06, P.B.38.05
Hammerschmidt, W.: P.D.25.09 Hdjati, J.: P.D.06.20 Hernndez-Flrez, D.: P.A.18.12, P.A.18.13, Hofgaard, P.: P.B.14.12
Hammond, V.: P.B.06.01 He, X.: P.B.02.14, P.B.10.22 P.D.04.01 Hofmann, K.: P.A.10.08
Hammoudi-Triki, D.: P.B.37.18 Heagerty, A.: P.C.01.04 Hernandez-Gonzalez, M.: P.B.30.14 Hofmann, M.: P.B.22.20
Hamze, M.: P.D.24.05 Hebecker, B.: P.B.03.02 Hernndez-Jimnez, E.: P.C.11.01 Hofmeyer, J.: P.B.02.16
Han, B.: P.C.22.05 Hebeisen, M.: P.D.06.23, P.D.15.11 Hernndez Martinez, O.: P.C.03.20 Hofstetter, G.: P.B.33.03, P.D.05.11
Han, J.: P.D.17.17 Hecht, J.: P.C.24.12 Hernndez-Pando, R.: P.D.11.07 Hogaboam, C.: P.C.12.10
Han, M.: P.B.28.15 Hedlin, G.: P.B.29.04 Herndler-Brandstetter, D.: P.A.23.16 Hgl, B.: P.B.07.21
Hanack, K.: P.B.02.02, P.B.03.05, P.E.03.01 Hedman, K.: P.B.42.02 Herndlhofer, S.: P.B.27.07 Hglund, P.: P.C.18.23
Hanahan, D.: P.B.13.18 Hedrick, S.: P.B.36.17 Herrera, D.: P.B.19.10 Hgset, A.: P.D.11.15
Hanan, F.: P.D.08.13 Heemskerk, M.: P.A.08.02, P.A.13.04 Herrera, F.: P.D.06.13 Hohnstein, T.: P.A.16.10
Hancke, J. L.: P.B.21.10 Heemskerk, M. H.: P.D.25.19 Herrera-Ramos, E.: P.B.04.12, P.B.15.15, P.B.18.07 Hol, S.: P.A.08.21
Hancock, A. S.: P.C.08.07 Heeney, J. L.: P.D.19.07 Herrero, M.: P.D.09.12 Holcmann, M.: P.B.10.23, P.C.20.17, P.C.20.19
Hancz, D.: P.C.07.02, P.C.07.11 Hee Seung, S.: P.B.09.18 Herrmann, A.: P.B.23.13 Holden, J. A.: P.C.11.09
Handgretinger, R.: P.A.01.01, P.A.08.16, P.C.04.06 Hegazy, A.: P.A.14.06 Herrmann, I.: P.B.33.03, P.B.38.04 Holden, J.: P.C.06.07
Hanelt, M.: P.A.11.11 Hegazy, A. N.: P.A.14.08, P.A.25.18 Herrmann, T.: P.A.08.03 Holen, H. L.: P.B.22.21
Hanieh, M.: P.A.03.01 Hegemann, J.: P.B.01.16 Hertel, B.: P.B.41.10 Holes, L.: P.B.11.15
Haniffa, M.: P.B.32.13 Heger, L.: P.C.14.12, P.D.22.02, P.E.02.05 Hertwig, L.: P.B.34.14 Holland, M. J.: P.C.14.07
Hanish, I.: P.B.06.07 Hegyesi, H.: P.A.02.11 Hervs, J.: P.B.21.12, P.D.17.15 Holland, S. M.: P.B.18.05
Han Lee, G.: P.D.16.07 Hehlgans, T.: P.C.08.10 Hervouet, J.: P.A.23.13, P.D.04.09, P.D.04.10 Holler, A.: P.D.15.17, P.D.22.01
Hanley, S.: P.B.32.15 Heidel, F.: P.D.09.04 Herzig, S.: P.D.20.13 Hollmann, C.: P.A.16.04
Hann, A.: P.A.16.15 Heiden, D.: P.D.21.14 Hesnard, L.: P.A.21.03, P.B.42.16 Holly, R.: P.A.16.03
Hannachi, N.: P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09 Heidenreich, R.: P.D.20.09 Hess, C.: P.A.18.07, P.E.03.20, P.A.09.10, Holmdahl, R.: P.B.23.20, P.B.23.24
Hannaman, D.: P.D.20.11 Heider, S.: P.B.06.15 P.D.05.10 Holm-von Laer, D.: P.A.01.10
Hansbro, P.: P.C.09.02 Heidkamp, G.: P.C.14.12 Hesse, C.: P.D.03.04 Holtappels, G.: P.B.25.22
Hansbro, P. M.: P.B.06.07, P.B.24.12 Heidkamp, G. F.: P.A.03.06, P.D.22.02, P.E.02.05 Hetemki, I.: P.B.42.02 Holtappels, R.: P.A.03.04
Hanschke, S.: P.A.28.12 Heijhuurs, S.: P.A.08.21 Heubel, A. D.: P.B.24.03, P.B.32.02 Holter, W.: P.B.18.16
Hansel, T. T.: P.D.17.11 Heikema, A. P.: P.B.20.10 Heuberger, C.: P.B.33.20 Holtman, I.: P.B.07.24
Hansen, D. S.: P.A.08.17, P.B.03.16 Heikenwlder, M.: P.E.03.16 Heuer, M.: P.D.22.06 Holz, K.: P.A.17.17, P.B.23.13
Hansen, P.: P.C.24.12 Heikkil, N.: P.A.11.06, P.A.11.07 Heuts, F.: P.A.23.07 Holzinger, D.: P.C.19.11
Hansen, T.: P.C.06.19 Heiligenhaus, A.: P.B.05.05 Hewings, S.: P.D.02.21 Holzki, J.: P.A.03.04
Hansen, W.: P.A.20.02, P.B.17.15 Heilman, K.: P.B.35.05 Hezel, F.: P.C.16.03 Holzlechner, M.: P.E.01.10
Hansmann, S.: P.C.04.06 Heilmann, C.: P.D.01.09 Hickey, A.: P.B.04.10 Holzlhner, P.: P.E.03.01
Hanzl, L.: P.C.20.11 Heimesaat, M.: P.A.04.12 Hidalgo, L.: P.A.20.06, P.C.18.06 Homa, J.: P.D.10.18
Hardardottir, I.: P.C.05.04, P.C.18.05 Heimisson, H.: P.C.05.04 Hiemstra, I. H.: P.C.01.09 Homey, B.: P.B.10.18, P.D.18.19
Hardcastle, S. L.: P.A.08.01, P.C.02.05 Heine, A.: P.D.06.15 Hiemstra, P. S.: P.B.12.07 Homicsko, K.: P.B.13.18
Hardman, C.: P.C.03.07 Heine, H.: P.B.36.11 Hiepe, F.: P.A.10.15 Homyrda, L.: P.C.04.01
Hardtke-Wolenski, M.: P.A.15.01, P.D.04.04 Heinemann, .: P.B.23.19 Higgins, M.: P.D.17.17 Hong, E.: P.B.12.01
Hardy, M.: P.A.04.03 Heinemann, M. B.: P.B.02.10 Higgins, S. C.: P.B.23.05 Hong, J.: P.C.22.05
Harhalakis, N.: P.B.40.11 Heinen, A. P.: P.A.24.08 Hildner, K.: P.A.03.06, P.A.03.06 Hong, S.: P.C.07.04
Haritos, C.: P.B.27.20, P.C.24.01 Heinen, A. P.: P.B.37.20 Hilgenberg, E.: P.D.13.09 Hong, X.: P.B.32.10
Harjacek, M.: P.B.05.19 Heinl, S.: P.D.21.07 Hill, A. V.: P.A.07.16, P.A.17.15, P.B.01.14, Hong, Y. S.: P.D.22.08
Harjula, S.-K.: P.B.02.20 Heinrich, F.: P.A.04.12 P.D.15.06, P.D.19.12 Honke, N.: P.C.15.14
Harly, C.: P.A.08.10 Heinz, F. X.: P.A.03.15, P.D.19.11 Hill, C.: P.C.11.20 Hook, C. D.: P.B.28.09
Harman, L.: P.A.17.16 Heinz, F.: P.D.11.01 Hillebrand, C.: P.B.38.13 Hope, J. L.: P.A.11.03
Harrison, M.: P.A.19.16 Heinz, V.: P.B.04.07 Hiller, B.: P.B.23.15 Hopf, S.: P.D.20.21
Harrison, O.: P.B.20.15 Heinze, G.: P.D.08.12, P.D.24.13 Hilpert, C.: P.B.42.09 Hopfer, H.: P.B.23.10
Hart, A. L.: P.C.20.03, P.D.16.07 Heinze, K.: P.B.03.19 Hiltbrunner, S.: P.A.03.10 Hopfner, E.: P.D.24.11
Hart, R.: P.A.08.04 Heirman, C.: P.D.06.22 Himly, M.: P.B.11.03, P.D.05.03 Hopkins, J.: P.A.14.21
Hartberger, J.: P.B.04.06 Heitzeneder, S.: P.D.01.02 Hinojosa, L. S.: P.C.08.11 Hopkins, S. J.: P.B.24.05
Hartl, D.: P.C.04.06 Heja, D.: P.D.01.02 Hinterholzer, A.: P.A.03.11 Hoppe, A.: P.C.13.08, P.C.17.17
Hartl, F. A.: P.A.28.19 Held-Feindt, J.: P.B.13.05 Hipola, D.: P.B.30.23 Hoppe, S.: P.A.22.14
Hartl, I.: P.A.04.06 Hell, L.: P.D.08.04 Hirai, K.: P.B.35.08 Horak, F.: P.B.38.06, P.D.05.01, P.D.21.10,
Hartmann, A.: P.E.02.05 Heller, K.: P.B.15.07 Hirani, N.: P.B.32.06 P.B.11.15
Hartmann, B. M.: P.C.13.14 Hellhund, A.: P.B.06.16 Hirata, M.: P.B.16.21 Horkov, D.: P.B.21.19

Hartmann, F. J.: P.A.14.13 Hellinger, R.: P.B.21.09 Hirche, C.: P.C.21.13 Horan, R. M.: P.B.24.13
Hartmann, J.: P.D.08.04, P.D.17.08 Hellman, L.: P.D.02.24 Hiroi, S.: P.D.10.14 Horand, F.: P.D.22.09
Hartmann, S.: P.A.06.12, P.A.14.08 Hellvard, A.: P.B.32.01 Hirosue, S.: P.A.26.09 Horcajada, J.: P.B.15.15
Hartung, E.: P.C.20.01, P.D.11.09 Helmer, H.: P.C.20.16 Hirsch, E.: P.B.17.21 Horejs-Hoeck, J.: P.A.03.11, P.B.11.03, P.C.06.03,
Hartung, H.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Helminen, M.: P.B.35.10 Hirschfeld-Warneken, V. C.: P.D.08.06 P.C.06.12, P.C.21.14
Hartvig, N.: P.D.11.10 Helms, V.: P.A.17.08 Hirschfield, G. M.: P.A.23.04 Horkov, V.: P.D.22.15
Harvey, C.: P.D.16.21 Helmstetter, C.: P.A.04.13, P.A.14.08 Hirschl, A.: P.B.11.08 Hrl, S.: P.C.22.06
Harwanegg, C.: P.B.29.04, P.B.31.12 Helsen, M.: P.D.13.05 Hirschmugl, T.: P.B.18.04 Horling, F. M.: P.D.24.09, P.D.24.10
Hasan, M. S.: P.A.08.18 Hemmati, A.: P.D.19.05 Hirvinen, M.: P.D.06.08 Hrmann, G.: P.A.12.15
Hasan, M.: P.D.08.10 Hemmer, B.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Hislop, A.: P.A.07.20 Hrmannsperger, G.: P.B.20.20
Hasan, S.: P.A.04.18 Hemmer, W.: P.B.11.22, P.B.25.21, P.D.05.06 Hitchen, C.: P.C.10.03 Horn, P. A.: P.D.01.05, P.D.25.11, P.D.27.09
Haschemi, A.: P.E.03.06 Hemminki, A.: P.D.06.08 Hitzing, C.: P.A.12.04, P.A.19.13 Hornova, M.: P.B.36.06, P.B.36.07
Hasenberg, A.: P.C.01.06 Henc, I.: P.A.10.11, P.B.37.17 Hivroz, C.: P.A.28.17 Horst, A.: P.B.35.07
Hasenberg, M.: P.C.12.16 Henderson, N. C.: P.A.06.08 Hladik, A.: P.C.03.18, P.C.24.13 Horst, K.: P.B.11.20
Hasiou, A.: P.B.32.05 Hendriks, R. W.: P.C.03.01 Hlebarska, D.: P.D.02.05 Hortal, J.: P.D.25.07
Hassan, A.: P.B.03.09 Hendrikx, T.: P.B.32.16, P.B.41.13, P.C.09.18 Ho, C. S.: P.D.12.03 Horuluoglu, B. H.: P.C.21.10
Hassan, H.: P.A.21.06 Hendy, P.: P.C.20.03, P.D.16.07 Ho, M. M.: P.D.15.03 Horvat, J. C.: P.B.06.07
Hassan, S. S.: P.E.05.01 Heneka, M.: P.C.21.06 Ho, P.-C.: P.D.23.01 Horvath, A.: P.D.09.01
Hassan, Z. M.: P.D.06.20 Hengel, H.: P.A.03.12, P.C.10.21 Hobeika, E.: P.A.09.14, P.A.18.10 Horvath, E.: P.B.22.11
Hassane, M.: P.C.15.15 Heninger, A.: P.B.35.13 Hobusch, J.: P.D.05.10 Horvath, K.: P.B.27.09
Hassanien, M. M.: P.B.33.16 Henneke, P.: P.B.10.01 Hochmeister, S.: P.B.19.03 Horvth, R.: P.C.22.10
Hassler, M. R.: P.D.21.01 Hennessy, C.: P.C.14.18 Hochreiter, B.: P.C.20.11 Hoseini, A.: P.B.33.12
Hssler, S.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Hennig, A.: P.B.23.15, P.A.23.17, P.C.06.20, Hchst, B.: P.C.04.04, P.D.06.15 Hosie, L.: P.E.04.07
Hassoun, D.: P.D.02.02 P.C.07.17 Hock, K.: P.D.01.04, P.D.26.07 Hosmalin, A.: P.A.09.03, P.A.13.09
Hassouneh, F.: P.A.17.01, P.C.10.22 Hennig, B. J.: P.E.02.03 Hocqueloux, L.: P.A.09.13 Hosseini, A.: P.D.14.03
Hatrnaz Ng, .: P.B.04.21 Hennig-Pauka, I.: P.D.12.04 Hodn, Z.: P.B.39.18 Hosseini, M.: P.A.14.12, P.C.02.16, P.D.20.06,
Hattori, T.: P.D.08.13 Henning, R.: P.D.05.01, P.B.25.12, P.D.05.06, Hoekstra, A. T.: P.A.07.03 P.D.20.12
Hatzitolios, A.: P.B.41.06 P.D.21.08, P.D.21.13 Hoepflinger, V.: P.C.04.11 Hosseini, S.: P.B.28.11, P.B.28.12
Hauck, F.: P.A.27.01 Hennus, M.: P.B.15.05 Hoepner, S.: P.D.07.09 Hosseini, V.: P.B.27.03
Hauet, T.: P.C.10.16 Henry, G.: P.B.40.01, P.C.10.15, P.B.02.09 Hoerauf, A.: P.B.03.08, P.B.03.10, P.B.03.14, Hotblack, A.: P.D.15.17
Haug, M.: P.D.11.15 Hensler, M.: P.B.28.21 P.B.03.17 Hoth, M.: P.A.17.08, P.A.26.13, P.A.26.16
Hauschildt, J.: P.D.25.16 Henstridge, D.: P.B.41.05 Hoermann, G.: P.B.25.12 Hotka, M.: P.A.12.14
Hauschildt, S.: P.C.19.15 Henter, J.-I.: P.D.14.23 Hoertnagl, P.: P.D.26.14 Hotnog, C.: P.D.10.09, P.D.14.11, P.D.18.04,
Hauser, A.: P.A.07.12 Heper, Y.: P.D.26.17 Hoesel, B.: P.C.20.11 P.B.14.01
Hauser, M.: P.D.05.03 Hrault, Y.: P.C.07.12 Hofacker, I.: P.E.02.07 Houben, M. L.: P.B.15.05
Havenith, H.: P.B.11.01 Herbath, M.: P.A.11.01, P.D.04.05 Hofbauer, C. J.: P.D.24.09 Houlihan, D.: P.B.15.01
Havlicek, Z.: P.B.01.03 Herbelin, A.: P.C.10.16, P.C.18.15 Hofer, E.: P.B.27.07 Houman, H.: P.B.05.17
Havrdov, E.: P.B.21.19 Herbera, P.: P.B.07.16 Hofer, G.: P.B.11.07, P.B.11.10, P.E.01.03 Hout-Kuijer, M.: P.D.15.18
Haw, T. J.: P.B.06.07 Herman, J.: P.D.26.03 Hofer, H.: P.D.02.10, P.D.05.03 Hvelmeyer, N.: P.A.15.03
Hawken, S.: P.D.16.11 Herman, S.: P.C.14.08 Hofer, J.: P.C.22.09 Howie, S.: P.B.32.06
Hawkins, N.: P.D.19.07 Hermann, C.: P.A.22.13, P.C.02.14 Hofer, M.: P.D.11.03, P.B.06.16, P.D.20.21 Howie, S. E.: P.A.25.13
Hawranek, T.: P.B.11.03 Hermann, F. J.: P.B.32.17 Hfer, T.: P.A.14.08, P.A.28.19, P.E.04.09 Hoxha, C.: P.A.17.08, P.A.26.13, P.A.26.16
Hayashi, H.: P.A.23.01 Hermann, J.: P.A.05.05 Hfflin, S.: P.A.17.14 Hoyer, B. F.: P.A.10.15
Hayat, P.: P.E.01.13 Hermann-Kleiter, N.: P.A.14.20 Hoffmann, A.: P.E.02.05 Hoyer, S.: P.D.06.17
Hayday, A.: P.A.08.04, P.C.03.05 Hernandez, D.: P.D.25.15 Hoffmann, J.: P.A.17.10 Hoyos G, L.: P.B.09.07
Hayer, S.: P.B.09.02, P.B.22.20 Hernandez, J.: P.B.07.09, P.B.13.22 Hoffmann, M. M.: P.A.21.07 Hoyt, C. C.: P.E.01.15
Hayrabedyan, S.: P.A.20.20, P.C.14.19 Hernandez, M.: P.B.07.22, P.B.03.22 Hoffmann, U.: P.D.26.08 Hrab de Angelis, M.: P.B.18.20

130 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Hrasovec, V.: P.B.18.15 Ibrahim, H.: P.D.11.15 Jaberipour, M.: P.D.14.03 Jenkinson, W.: P.A.01.13
Hrdy, J.: P.C.17.24 Ibrahim, M. A.: P.B.18.02 Jablonski, K.: P.A.28.01 Jenko, K.: P.B.38.14
Hrsti, P.: P.D.02.13 Idakieva, K.: P.D.22.13 Jck, H. M.: P.A.18.08, P.A.27.02 Jensen, M. A.: P.B.33.15
Hrukov, Z.: P.B.21.19 Idoate, M. A.: P.A.09.01 Jckel, F.: P.B.17.08 Jensen-Jarolim, E.: P.B.11.18, P.B.33.03, P.B.38.04,
Hrusak, O.: P.D.09.07, P.D.14.09 Ifversen, M.: P.D.01.09 Jackow, J.: P.B.23.07 P.D.05.11, P.D.10.17, P.D.21.14, P.D.24.13
Hrycak, C.: P.D.19.20 Iglesias, J.: P.B.31.01 Jackson, A.: P.B.18.09 Jeon, S.: P.C.07.19
Hsia, Y.-P.: P.B.33.01 Iglesias Alzueta, J.: P.B.18.21 Jackson, D. C.: P.D.19.15 Jeong, B.: P.C.16.11
Hsu, N.-J.: P.B.16.05 Iglesias Escudero, M.: P.A.02.07, P.E.02.13 Jackson, S. K.: P.C.19.07, P.C.23.07 Jeong-Hae, K.: P.A.25.01
Hsu, P.-N.: P.B.42.17 Ignacio, M.: P.D.22.17 Jackson, S. E.: P.B.07.20 Jerala, R.: P.C.06.02
Hsu, Y.-H.: P.C.15.08 Iguerguezdaoune, H.: P.B.33.17 Jacobino, S. R.: P.B.15.05 Jeron, A.: P.B.01.13
Hu, D.: P.A.05.10 Iida, T.: P.A.01.11 Jacobs, B.: P.D.19.07 Jetzinger, A.: P.C.06.12
Hu, J.: P.D.14.20, P.D.02.23 Iijima, Y.: P.A.23.01 Jacobs, M.: P.B.16.05 Jeung, Y.-H.: P.B.39.19
Huang, C.: P.D.11.12 Ijspeert, H.: P.A.27.01, P.B.18.09 Jacobs, R.: P.C.02.12, P.C.18.11, P.C.20.08 Jevti, B.: P.B.21.13
Huang, C.-H.: P.C.09.19 Ikeda, F.: P.C.06.11 Jacobs, T.: P.A.04.05, P.A.28.14, P.B.03.13, Jha, A.: P.D.17.11
Huang, H. Y.: P.B.32.12 Ikejiri, A.: P.B.15.16 P.B.17.07 Jia, S.: P.D.02.23, P.D.14.20
Huang, H. J.: P.A.04.11, P.B.38.19 Ikinciogullari, A.: P.A.27.08 Jacobsen, I. D.: P.B.03.02 Jiang, F.: P.D.18.14
Huang, J.: P.B.32.10 Ikoma, M. V.: P.D.10.03 Jacobsen, S.: P.D.13.11 Jiang, L.: P.D.02.23, P.D.14.20
Huang, J.-H.: P.B.19.08 Ilarregui, J. M.: P.B.17.05 Jacomet, F.: P.C.18.15 Jiang, W.: P.C.11.11
Huang, K.-Y.: P.B.15.13 Ilas, J.: P.C.02.14 Jacquemin, C.: P.B.06.06 Jimenez, J.: P.D.09.13
Huang, L.: P.B.39.09 Iliaz, R.: P.B.12.08 Jadidi-Niaragh, F.: P.A.19.06, P.A.19.08, Jimnez, M. R.: P.B.07.16, P.B.31.01
Huang, L.-M.: P.C.21.17 Iliopoulou, E.: P.C.24.01 P.A.19.12, P.B.28.12 Jimnez-Escrig, A.: P.B.07.17
Huang, M.-H.: P.C.21.17 Illa, I.: P.B.07.25 Jaeckel, E.: P.A.15.01, P.D.04.04 Jimnez-Gallo, D.: P.B.10.11
Huang, Q.-S.: P.B.39.05 Illescas, B.: P.A.13.01 Jger, G.: P.B.42.07 Jimnez-Gmez, G.: P.A.19.15
Huang, S.: P.B.21.03 Ilonen, J.: P.B.33.04 Jger, M.: P.C.01.06 Jimenez-Heredia, R.: P.D.17.03
Huang, W.: P.D.02.23, P.D.14.20 Im, S.-Y.: P.B.28.04 Jger, P.: P.B.10.08 Jimenez Leon, M.: P.B.18.21
Huang, X.: P.D.22.11 Imai, M.: P.D.13.01 Jahan, F. A.: P.C.08.11 Jimnez-Martinez, M.: P.B.12.01
Hubacek, P.: P.D.09.07 Imbrechts, M.: P.C.09.14 Jahn-Schmid, B.: P.A.26.17, P.D.20.16, P.D.21.06 Jimenez-Reinoso, A.: P.B.18.17, P.C.22.04,
Hubkov, S.: P.B.39.18 Immler, R.: P.C.17.17 Jahraus, B.: P.A.07.05 P.C.22.12
Hubank, M.: P.A.06.16 Imperatore, F.: P.C.13.05 Jaillon, S.: P.C.01.15 Jimenez-Trevio, S.: P.B.05.13
Hubbell, J. A.: P.A.13.15, P.D.11.11 Imperatori, A.: P.C.10.07 Jaime, J.: P.D.12.13 Jindra, C.: P.D.02.03
Huber, A.: P.B.23.11 Impola, U.: P.D.01.11 Jain, P.: P.B.07.12, P.D.22.11 Jiskoot, W.: P.B.08.14
Huber, B.: P.D.02.03 Indrov, M.: P.B.39.18 Jajic, Z.: P.B.09.04 Jlidi, R.: P.B.14.22
Huber, C.: P.B.11.03 Infante, S.: P.D.06.11 Jkel, A.: P.D.04.17, P.D.11.09 Joachim, A.: P.D.21.05
Huber, E. M.: P.B.18.20 Infante Duarte, C.: P.B.34.14 Jakic, B.: P.B.41.02, P.D.26.14 Joana, F.: P.B.26.06
Huber, G.: P.C.22.06 Inforzato, A.: P.C.06.15, P.C.22.15 Jakobshagen, K.: P.C.16.03 Jocher, B.: P.B.35.13
Huber, H.: P.D.05.01, P.B.25.12, P.D.21.13 Ingenhoven, K.: P.D.24.03 Jakobsson, P.-J.: P.B.24.07 Joffre, O.: P.A.06.10
Huber, K.: P.A.10.09 Ingersoll, M. A.: P.B.01.02 Jakoby, T.: P.A.20.10 Johanneson, B.: P.A.25.03
Huber, M.: P.A.07.01 Inglese, E.: P.A.08.13 Jamali, A.: P.D.15.20 Johansson, C.: P.B.11.16, P.B.11.08
Huber, S.: P.B.17.07 Ingrosso, I.: P.B.19.07 Jamalzehi, F.: P.B.32.22 Johansson-Lindbom, B.: P.A.09.06
Huber, W.-D.: P.D.24.17 Inic-Kanada, A.: P.B.01.12 James, E.: P.A.03.09 Johl, A.: P.A.11.09, P.A.11.13
Hbner, J.: P.D.14.02 Inman, C.: P.D.01.14 Jms, J.: P.D.08.15 Johnson, A. J.: P.A.21.07
Hudcovic, T.: P.B.32.14, P.B.36.06, P.B.36.07 Inman, M. D.: P.B.06.07 Jan, J.-T.: P.C.21.17 Johnson, C. M.: P.A.03.11
Hudecek, M.: P.D.14.21, P.D.23.02 Inoue, A.: P.A.01.11 Jan, M.-S.: P.B.33.01 Johnson, M.: P.D.08.11
Hudoyarova, G.: P.B.25.01 Inoue, D.: P.A.11.11 Janaeva, H.: P.A.04.08, P.B.25.14 Johnson, W.: P.D.15.21
Hudrisier, D.: P.A.19.19 Inouye, M.: P.A.07.09 Janaeva, N.: P.A.04.08 Johnson, Z.: P.D.06.12
Hudson, L. E.: P.D.20.19 Insogna, K.: P.D.23.01 Janakiraman, V.: P.B.29.17 Johnston, L.: P.D.24.12
Huebscher, K.: P.B.18.01, P.B.18.23 Ioannidis, L. J.: P.A.08.17, P.B.03.16 Janky, T.: P.A.12.12 Johnston, S.: P.A.08.01, P.C.02.05
Huehn, J.: P.A.01.08, P.A.06.06, P.A.15.17 Ioannidou, A.: P.B.24.21 Janas, M.: P.E.03.16 Jolin, H.: P.C.03.07
Huergo-Zapico, L.: P.C.02.17, P.C.18.03 Ioannou, Y.: P.B.10.04 Janciauskiene, S.: P.C.08.01 Jonasdottir, H. S.: P.C.18.05
Hufnagl, K.: P.B.11.18, P.D.05.11, P.D.10.17 Ippolito, A.: P.C.12.04 Janda, A.: P.B.10.01 Jones, N.: P.E.03.10
Hugues, S.: P.A.26.09 Iqbal, T.: P.B.02.03 Janda, A.: P.A.27.01 Jones, R. B.: P.A.26.08
Huijbers, E.: P.D.02.24 Iribarren, A.: P.D.27.04, P.E.03.04 Jandke, A.: P.A.08.04 Jones, R. H.: P.C.07.08
Huizinga, T. W.: P.B.08.14, P.B.10.05 Irina, P.: P.B.30.04 Jandl, K.: P.B.23.19 Jongsma, M.: P.A.13.04
Hukowska-Szematowicz, B.: P.D.12.08 Irtegun, S.: P.B.37.05 Jandus, C.: P.A.04.02, P.B.13.21, P.C.03.13 Jonigk, D.: P.B.14.13
Hulin, I.: P.B.14.18 Irure Ventura, J.: P.B.16.04 Janelle, V.: P.D.14.05 Jonji, S.: P.C.10.21, P.B.07.04, P.C.02.06,
Hulitt, J.: P.D.14.19 Isaev, R.: P.B.06.18 Janikashvili, N.: P.D.22.22 P.C.21.13

Hulme, S.: P.B.24.05 Isakovic, A.: P.A.03.11, P.B.38.13 Janjetovic, K.: P.B.21.16 Jonkers, D.: P.B.32.16
Humeniuk, P.: P.B.11.11, P.B.25.06, P.B.38.05 Isermann, B.: P.D.09.04 Jankovic, M.: P.B.38.03, P.E.03.14 Jonsdottir, I.: P.A.27.14, P.A.27.15, P.B.18.13
Humeniuk, P. P.: P.B.11.12 Ishibashi, K.-I.: P.C.14.14, P.D.16.04 Jankovic, S.: P.B.39.20, P.B.39.24 Jonsson, M.: P.B.09.19
Humphreys, I. R.: P.D.16.06 Ishii, M.: P.A.01.11 Janos, M.: P.B.01.23 Jonsson, R.: P.C.06.19
Humrich, J. Y.: P.B.19.13 Ishikawa, L. W.: P.D.10.03, P.D.10.04, P.D.10.05 Jansa, P.: P.D.18.16 Joo, C.-K.: P.D.25.08
Hnemrder, S.: P.B.23.10 Ishimura, M. E.: P.D.20.01, P.D.20.05 Jnsch, L.: P.A.06.06 Joos, G. F.: P.C.03.11
Hnig, T.: P.D.09.02 Isiksacan, N.: P.B.02.19, P.B.13.04, P.B.28.07, Janse, C. C.: P.B.03.24 Jordan, A.: P.B.30.16
Hunter, K.: P.C.01.23 P.D.07.12, P.E.03.19 Janse, C. J.: P.A.07.16, P.A.17.15, P.D.19.12 Jordan, C. K.: P.C.04.08
Hunter, S.: P.B.02.03 Iskra, R.: P.D.10.07 Janssen, G.: P.A.13.04 Jordan, K. K.: P.D.01.09
Huo, J.: P.A.28.18 Islam, M.: P.B.28.17 Janssen, G. M.: P.B.10.05 Jordan, S.: P.C.02.06
Huotari, V.: P.D.08.15 Islas-Trujillo, S.: P.B.42.13 Janssen, L.: P.A.13.04 Jrg, S.: P.B.36.15, P.D.10.12
Huppa, J.: P.A.13.13, P.C.06.20, P.D.14.21, Islas-Vazquez, L.: P.B.39.14 Janssen, O.: P.A.20.09, P.A.26.19, P.B.13.05 Jorge Cordeiro, D.: P.C.04.01, P.D.06.16
P.E.01.11, P.D.23.02 Ismail, M.: P.D.14.23 Janssens, R.: P.C.17.15 Jose Luis, P.-G.: P.D.22.17
Huppa, J. B.: P.A.07.02, P.A.12.10, P.A.17.13, Ismail, N.: P.A.26.01 Jansson, L.: P.D.13.02 Joseph, C.: P.C.18.21
P.A.20.11, P.E.01.14 Ismaili, B.: P.B.19.19 Janzamin, E.: P.B.21.18 Josephsen, N. L.: P.D.13.11
Huppertz, B.: P.C.22.11 Isnard, S.: P.A.13.09 Janzen, J.: P.A.09.07 Joshi, H. K.: P.C.08.02
Hurskainen, T.: P.B.23.07 Israel, N.: P.A.24.08 Jappe, U.: P.D.05.10 Joshi, L.: P.C.13.10
Hurtado, C.: P.A.13.05 Issekutz, A. C.: P.B.18.08 Jaramillo, M.: P.D.25.02, P.D.25.07 Joshi, S. K.: P.C.20.07
Hurtado, J.: P.B.04.16 Issekutz, T. B.: P.B.18.08 Jaramillo-Ruiz, D.: P.B.31.19 Jost, S.: P.C.02.09
Huseby, A.: P.A.21.07 Istanbullu, D.: P.A.18.05 Jardin, J.: P.B.02.09 Jouand, N.: P.D.25.06
Husic, R.: P.A.16.06 Istomina, E. L.: P.B.04.24 Jarisch, R.: P.D.11.03 Joulia, R.: P.C.09.01
Husnikova, H.: P.D.14.22 Itl-Remes, M.: P.D.01.11 Jaritz, M.: P.D.24.13 Jouneau, L.: P.A.19.19
Hussain, M. J.: P.B.19.14 Italiani, P.: P.C.11.12 Jarmer, J.: P.A.03.15 Journo, C.: P.D.02.22
Hussain, Z.: P.D.19.18 Itoh, Y.: P.B.15.16 Jarnicki, A.: P.C.09.02 Jouve, P.-E.: P.A.17.20
Hussell, T.: P.C.12.20, P.C.21.05 Iushkov, B.: P.D.25.21 Jarossay, A.: P.A.19.02 Jovanovic, I.: P.C.02.07, P.C.02.10
Hussey, S.: P.B.24.13 luo, l.: P.C.23.10 Jarosz- Chobot, P.: P.D.13.15 Jovanovic, J.: P.B.12.10
Husslein, P.: P.C.20.16 Ivanova, I.: P.D.02.04 Jarrossay, D.: P.A.05.03, P.A.05.10 Jover, J.: P.B.29.05, P.D.11.19
Huth, T. K.: P.A.08.01, P.A.26.07, P.C.02.05, Ivanova, I. I.: P.D.02.05 Jarva, H.: P.A.11.06, P.B.35.10, P.B.42.02 Jover-Cobos, M.: P.B.32.13
P.C.02.20 Ivanova, M. G.: P.B.22.16, P.B.37.15 Jasinska, J.: P.D.11.01 Jovic, S.: P.A.19.21
Hutloff, A.: P.C.03.15 Ivanova, M.: P.B.15.02 Jasiulewicz, A.: P.E.04.13 Jovicic, N.: P.B.32.03, P.E.03.15
Hutzler, S.: P.A.10.04 Ivanovic, Z.: P.C.11.04 Jaskiewicz, E.: P.B.03.18 Jzsef, T.: P.C.15.04
Huyan, T.: P.B.39.05 Ivcevic, S.: P.B.08.18, P.B.09.04, P.C.09.16, Jaulin, N.: P.B.42.16 Juan, M.: P.B.31.05
Huygen, K.: P.B.16.01, P.B.25.15 P.C.23.01 Javed, S.: P.C.17.06 Juana-Lpez, L.: P.C.22.04
Hwang, I.: P.C.07.04 Ivin, M.: P.E.02.07 Javier, R.: P.A.13.01 Juan Otero, M.: P.A.03.13
Hyldgaard Jensen, P.: P.D.24.03, P.D.24.02 Ivory, K.: P.C.15.13 Javor, J.: P.A.16.18, P.B.33.21, P.B.34.13 Jurez, C.: P.B.07.25
Hyty, H.: P.B.33.19 Iwasaki, H.: P.D.08.13 Jayewardane, A.: P.B.29.06 Juarez, I.: P.B.39.21
Iwaszkiewicz-Grzes, D.: P.D.18.05 Jean-Pierre, D.: P.A.10.08 Juarranz, Y.: P.B.09.22
I Iwaya, K.: P.D.10.14 Jeddi-Tehrani, M.: P.D.19.05 Juciska, J.: P.D.13.15
Iacono, A.: P.A.25.02 Izad, M.: P.B.21.17, P.B.21.18 Jeewandara, K. C.: P.B.29.06 Judit, P.: P.A.10.10
Iannetta, M.: P.A.13.09 Izem, M.: P.B.41.16 Jefferies, W. A.: P.A.02.02 Judor, J.: P.A.02.04
Ibez-Fonseca, A.: P.C.19.06 Izotova, N.: P.A.08.18 Jeffery, H. C.: P.B.02.03 Juedes, M.: P.B.23.09
Ibba, S.: P.B.12.05 Izquierdo, F.: P.A.13.05 Jeffery, L. E.: P.A.23.04, P.B.33.08 Jug, B.: P.B.23.04
Ibernon-Caballero, I.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, Izquierdo, H.: P.C.21.04 Jeftic, I.: P.B.32.03, P.E.03.15 Juhas, U.: P.B.08.06, P.B.08.11
P.B.09.21, P.B.32.24 Jelena Milovanovi,: P.B.23.17 Juli, M. R.: P.B.07.16
Iborra, S.: P.A.04.17, P.B.29.02, P.C.21.04, J Jeleni, V.: P.B.08.09, P.B.27.08, P.C.03.02 Juli Benique, M.: P.B.18.21
P.D.22.07 Jaat, F.: P.A.04.18 Jenei, A.: P.C.12.02 Juliao, H.: P.B.20.14
Ibrahim, D. M.: P.C.24.12 Jabbarzadegan, M.: P.D.20.12 Jenkinson, E.: P.A.01.13 Jumaa, H.: P.A.10.04

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 131
Author Index
June, C. H.: P.D.14.19 Karaca, N. E.: P.A.14.19, P.B.05.20, P.B.19.01, P.E.01.03, P.E.01.04 Kim, R. Y.: P.B.06.07
Jung, B.: P.B.16.10 P.B.30.20, P.C.01.07 Kelllam, P.: P.B.40.02 Kim, S.-H.: P.C.23.19
Jung, E.: P.C.22.05 Karaay, M.: P.D.04.11 Kellner, F.: P.C.06.20, P.E.01.11, P.E.01.14 Kim, S.-E.: P.D.13.03
Jung, H.: P.D.16.13 Karacsony, K.: P.B.27.09 Kelly, A.: P.B.20.03 Kim, S. W.: P.D.22.08
Jung, M.: P.B.16.03 Karagiannis, F.: P.A.14.17, P.B.34.05 Kelly, D. F.: P.A.18.02 Kim, S.-C.: P.D.13.03
Jung, S. E.: P.D.22.08 Karakashev, S.: P.D.22.11 Kelly, J.: P.A.14.05 Kim, S.-H.: P.C.23.19
Jung, S.-H.: P.D.14.14 Karakasiliotis, I.: P.D.18.02 Kemny, L.: P.B.03.01, P.B.10.10, P.B.10.13, Kim, S.: P.C.22.05
Jung, S.-Y.: P.B.28.04 Karakina, M.: P.B.04.03, P.B.06.11, P.B.30.04 P.B.10.16, P.B.36.16, P.C.14.04 Kim, S. W.: P.D.22.08
Jung, S.: P.C.11.06 Karakoc-Aydiner, E.: P.B.18.03 Kemmeren, J. M.: P.D.03.06 Kim, S.: P.C.24.11
Jungbauer, C.: P.D.25.17 Karaku, E.: P.A.03.03 Kemmerling, S.: P.A.15.19 Kim, T.-E.: P.A.12.19, P.B.01.01, P.B.39.19
Jungnickel, B.: P.A.09.07, P.B.03.02 Karall, D.: P.B.05.06 Kemp, B.: P.C.21.04 Kim, T.: P.C.24.17
Jungraithmayr, T. C.: P.C.22.09 Karaman, I.: P.E.01.09 Kempers, A. C.: P.B.08.14 Kim, T. G.: P.D.22.08, P.D.13.03, P.D.14.14
Juno, C.: P.D.02.19 Karaman, S.: P.B.30.11 Kemp-Harper, B. K.: P.C.19.17 Kimber, I.: P.A.11.05
Junyent, S.: P.C.09.05 Karami, Z.: P.B.25.23 Kempis Calanis, L.: P.A.23.14 Kimkong, I.: P.B.15.04
Juranic Lisnic, V.: P.C.02.06 Karapavlidou, P.: P.B.32.05 Kendall, M.: P.C.06.10 Kinaciyan, T.: P.D.11.03, P.B.26.04
Jurani Lisni, V.: P.C.10.21 Karasar, P.: P.C.23.04 Kenefeck, R.: P.A.23.07 Kindermann, M.: P.C.03.06
Jurberg, J.: P.B.17.18 Karasavidou, L.: P.B.24.21 Kenna, T.: P.A.26.20 King, A. C.: P.B.36.14
Jurek, T.: P.D.23.07 Karasuyama, H.: P.B.32.17 Kennedy, P. T.: P.B.32.13 King, D. F.: P.D.11.24
Jure-Kunkel, M.: P.A.23.12 Karszi, .: P.D.11.10 Kennedy-Lydon, T.: P.A.25.03 King, N. J.: P.A.07.06, P.C.16.08, P.C.19.05
Jrets, A.: P.A.20.15 Karbach, S.: P.B.10.14 Kennel, A.: P.D.06.23 Kinnear, E.: P.D.03.07
Jurisic, V.: P.C.16.02 Karch, A.: P.D.25.10 Kenner, L.: P.B.06.15, P.C.01.08 Kinoshita, A.: P.A.23.01
Jurkin, J.: P.C.20.06 Kardum-Skelin, I.: P.B.40.19 Kenten, J.: P.D.17.17 Kinoshita, M.: P.D.10.14
Jurkovi, S.: P.C.03.02 Kared, H.: P.C.10.02, P.E.02.11 Kepp, O.: P.B.13.13 Kinsella, F. A.: P.D.01.14
Just, S.: P.B.02.12 Karelin, A. A.: P.B.03.03 Keppler, O. T.: P.B.31.09, P.B.31.16 Kipling, D.: P.A.18.04
Jutz, S.: P.A.03.08, P.A.12.06, P.A.12.15, P.A.23.03, Karimi, K.: P.C.03.04, P.C.04.14 Kerekov, N.: P.B.23.23, P.D.02.04, P.D.05.07 Kirby, J.: P.B.32.09
P.A.23.17, P.A.28.15, P.C.06.20 Karimi, M.: P.C.05.13 Kerkau, T.: P.D.09.02 Kircher, S. C.: P.A.15.04
Juul, A.: P.D.09.03 Karimzadeh, P.: P.B.25.23 Kern, F.: P.A.20.19, P.D.08.01, P.E.04.04 Kirchgessner, H.: P.A.07.05
Ju-Young, S.: P.A.25.01 Karkner, S.: P.B.30.11 Kern, I.: P.B.38.14, P.C.24.02 Kirchhoff, F.: P.C.17.07
Karl, S.: P.A.08.17 Kern, P.: P.A.18.16 Kirjavainen, T.: P.B.33.04
K Karle, A.: P.D.18.10 Kerr, A.: P.B.22.08 Kirkham, B. W.: P.A.24.11, P.C.23.13
Kaba, H.: P.B.03.05 Karleua, L.: P.A.13.17, P.A.13.18 Kersh, A.: P.B.34.01 Kirnbauer, R.: P.D.02.03
Kabelitz, D.: P.A.08.12, P.A.08.14, P.A.20.09, Karlsen, M.: P.C.06.19 Kershaw, M. H.: P.D.14.04 Kirsch, A. H.: P.A.24.07, P.B.05.14, P.B.19.02
P.A.26.19, P.B.13.05 Karlsson, M.: P.A.03.10 Kerstan, A.: P.A.10.14 Kirsch, A.: P.B.23.19
Kabesova, M.: P.D.15.15 Karlstetter, M.: P.B.05.05 Kertsz, .: P.A.12.12 Kishimoto, T. K.: P.D.24.12
Kabourkova, E.: P.B.01.03 Karonitsch, T.: P.A.06.11 Kesli, R.: P.A.02.14, P.A.03.14, P.B.36.10, Kislat, A.: P.D.18.19
Kacar, M.: P.B.38.14 Karp, D.: P.D.27.12 P.E.01.02 Kiss, E.: P.A.10.12
kaddache, C.: P.B.30.18 Karpachova, O.: P.A.21.14, P.B.31.07 Keslova, P.: P.D.09.07 Kiss, R.: P.A.27.07
Kadow, S.: P.C.05.02 Karpala, A.: P.D.03.08 Kespohl, M.: P.A.06.12 Kissenpfennig, A.: P.C.15.12
Kadri, N.: P.C.18.23 Karram, K.: P.A.24.08 Kessler, A.: P.D.20.09 Kistner, O.: P.D.20.21
Kaech, S. M.: P.D.23.01 Karre, K.: P.C.15.05 Ketelaars, E.: P.A.19.21 Kiszel, P.: P.D.10.16
Kahraman, S.: P.B.13.04 Karsidag, K.: P.B.08.08 Ketloy, C.: P.D.19.19 Kitazawa, Y.: P.A.01.11
Kahraman, T.: P.C.08.13, P.C.21.16, P.D.02.07, Karunakaran, M. M.: P.A.08.03 Kett, M.: P.B.41.04 Kitsiou, V.: P.D.27.11
P.D.20.08 Karutz, A.: P.C.13.08, P.C.17.17 Ketterl, N.: P.C.06.12 Kittel, .: P.B.22.13
Kaider, A.: P.B.25.12 Kasinrerk, W.: P.A.04.16, P.C.12.22 Keuning, E. D.: P.A.03.05 Kitzmueller, C.: P.A.13.08
Kaijen, P.: P.B.23.02 Kaski, J.: P.B.41.08, P.B.41.12 Keyser, K. A.: P.B.15.07 Kitzmueller, S. K.: P.A.16.03
Kain, R.: P.B.18.16 Kasper, M.: P.B.05.05 Kg, S.: P.A.18.04 Kitzmller, C.: P.A.22.01, P.A.26.17, P.D.21.06
Kaiser, Y.: P.B.19.17 Kasran, A.: P.D.21.12 Khabazi, A.: P.B.33.12 Kitzmller, S.: P.A.06.18
Kakkas, I.: P.B.40.11 Kassem, S.: P.B.34.04 Khademi, B.: P.B.13.25 Kiyan, E.: P.C.02.11
Kalamatas, T.: P.B.23.01 Kastner, M.-T.: P.D.19.03 Khadijeh K.: P.B.02.21 Kjerrulf, M.: P.D.18.06
Kalantar, F.: P.C.05.13 Kastrenopoulou, A. G.: P.A.16.16 Khairallah, C.: P.A.08.10 Kjerstadius, T.: P.B.42.15
Kalaora, S.: P.A.03.18 Katakowski, J. A.: P.A.17.07 Khairnar, V.: P.C.15.14 Kladnytska, L.: P.D.07.07
Kalay, H.: P.C.12.18 Kataranovski, D.: P.B.12.10, P.B.35.04, P.C.15.10 Khairsyaf, O.: P.D.08.09 Klapproth, K.: P.C.11.22, P.E.04.09
Kalbacher, H.: P.B.35.14 Kataranovski, M.: P.B.12.10, P.B.35.04, P.C.15.10 Khalif, I. L.: P.B.20.19 Klarmann-Schulz, U.: P.B.03.10
Kalhan, S.: P.B.32.16 Katavic, V.: P.B.08.18, P.B.09.04, P.C.09.16 Khalili, M.: P.D.14.05 Klsener, K.: P.A.09.14, P.A.10.04
Kalic, T.: P.B.25.20, P.B.35.19 Katawa, G.: P.B.03.08 Khallouf, H.: P.A.22.14 Klaen, C.: P.B.12.04
Kalil, J.: P.B.25.13 Kato, M.: P.B.27.02 Khallou-Laschet, J.: P.C.11.03 Klatzmann, D.: P.D.11.20

Kalina, T.: P.B.18.12, P.D.09.07, P.D.14.09 Katsikas, G.: P.B.09.10 Khamina, A.: P.C.24.13 Klaus, A.: P.B.19.13
Kalinke, U.: P.B.22.01, P.C.04.09, P.C.21.13, Katsikis, P. D.: P.A.11.03, P.C.08.07 Khan, S. M.: P.A.07.16, P.A.17.15, P.D.19.12 Klaver-Flores, S.: P.B.18.16
P.D.20.09 Katsoni, E.: P.A.13.02 Khan, Z. K.: P.B.07.12, P.D.22.11 Kler, M.: P.C.01.12
Kalinova, D.: P.A.11.01 Kaufmann, A.: P.B.15.14, P.D.20.02 Khan, Z.: P.D.11.05 Klebow, S.: P.B.10.14
Kalkanl, S.: P.B.37.05 Kaufmann, D. E.: P.A.26.08 Khanferyan, R.: P.A.04.08, P.A.16.05, P.B.37.09, Kleefisch, M.: P.B.23.15
Kalleda, N.: P.B.03.19 Kaufmann, E.: P.B.16.07 P.C.15.07, P.C.15.21 Kleibrink, B. E.: P.D.25.11
Kallel, L.: P.B.20.12 Kaufmann, N.: P.B.19.03 Kharrat, N.: P.B.07.18, P.B.41.03 Klein, G.: P.B.35.14
Kallel-Sellami, M.: P.B.20.12, P.B.05.17, P.B.10.06 Kaufmann, S.: P.B.02.18 Khavle, S.: P.A.15.18 Klein, M.: P.B.13.19, P.B.39.08
Kallemeijn, M. J.: P.A.08.15, P.A.18.03 Kaufmann, S. H.: P.A.14.08 Khazaei, H.: P.B.32.22 Kleinau, S.: P.A.10.13
Kallen, K.-J.: P.D.20.09 Kaufmann, S.: P.A.19.19 Khaznadar, Z.: P.B.40.01 Kleinjan, A.: P.C.03.01
Kalliouli-Antonopoulou, C. J.: P.B.24.21 Kaur, H.: P.B.07.05 Kheder, R.: P.B.41.20 Klein-Rodewald, T.: P.B.18.20
Kalmr, .: P.D.11.10 Kaur, M.: P.C.12.20 Khemili, D.: P.B.37.18 Klenerman, P.: P.A.01.10, P.B.02.03
Kalmikova, I. M.: P.B.37.04 Kavakli, K.: P.B.19.01 Khemili, S.: P.B.11.14 Klenner, L.: P.A.17.17, P.B.23.13
Kalodimos, G.: P.D.03.12 Kavathas, P.: P.A.08.21 Khodadadi, L.: P.A.10.15 Klevenz, A.: P.A.22.14, P.D.07.13
Kalogeropoulou, I.: P.C.24.01 Kaveri, S.: P.A.19.09, P.A.19.02 Khodoun, M.: P.B.11.04 Kleynhans, L.: P.B.16.02
Kaludjerovic, G.: P.A.04.14 Kavian, N.: P.B.32.04 Khonina, T.: P.D.16.15 Klibi, J.: P.C.18.21
Kamal, V.: P.C.15.06 Kavian-Jaromi, N.: P.A.20.15 Khoshnoodi, J.: P.D.19.05 Kliche, A.: P.D.19.07
Kamassi, M.: P.D.11.23 Kavuslu, M.: P.D.25.05 Khosravani, P.: P.B.21.18 Kliche, S.: P.A.06.06, P.A.28.09
Kamdougha, H.: P.B.07.18 Kawano, H.: P.A.01.06 Khosravi-Eghbal, R.: P.A.19.06 Klicznik, M.: P.A.06.18
Kamenov, B.: P.B.37.19 Kayali, E. S.: P.C.08.13 Khotimchenko, S.: P.A.16.05 Klicznik, M. M.: P.A.16.03
Kaminska, E.: P.C.13.18 Kaynar, L.: P.A.03.03, P.B.04.20 Khranovska, N. M.: P.D.18.15 Klimczak, A.: P.D.23.07
Kaminski, H.: P.A.08.10 Kazakova, M.: P.B.28.22 Khudiakova, O.: P.C.16.04 Klimesova, K.: P.B.20.01, P.B.36.06, P.B.36.07,
Kaminuma, O.: P.A.23.01 Kazanova, G. V.: P.B.07.08 Khunkaewla, P.: P.C.12.22 P.B.36.12
Kamler, M.: P.D.25.11 Kazemi, S.: P.D.21.03 Ki, K. K.: P.C.20.02 Klimova, E.: P.B.21.05, P.B.33.21
Kampouromiti, G.: P.E.05.08 Kazmerova, Z.: P.B.07.15, P.E.02.09 Kie, J.: P.A.25.16 Klimova, R.: P.D.19.09
Kamradt, T.: P.C.08.04 Kazmi, S.: P.A.22.04 Kieback, E.: P.D.13.09 Klingberg, A.: P.C.01.06
Kamya, P.: P.A.26.01 Kchaou, M.: P.B.24.26 Kielland, A.: P.B.37.24 Klippstein, R.: P.B.07.20
Kamyshnyi, A.: P.B.20.11, P.B.20.21 Keane, C.: P.B.15.01 Kielsen, K.: P.D.01.09, P.D.09.03 Kloesch, B.: P.A.04.20
Kanariou, M.: P.B.18.06 Kebler, C.: P.A.02.13 Kierkels, G. J. J.: P.A.08.21 Kloess, V.: P.C.13.15
Kandalaft, L.: P.C.03.13 Kechout, N.: P.B.30.17, P.B.30.18 Kieseier, B.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Klonowski, K.: P.A.26.06
Kandasamy, R. K.: P.B.29.10, P.C.08.08 Kedzierska, K.: P.A.07.09, P.A.17.09 Kikodze, N.: P.D.07.08 Klsch, B.: P.A.12.09
Kanderova, V.: P.D.14.09 Keelapang, P.: P.D.19.19 Kilcoyne, M.: P.C.13.10 Kloss, L.: P.C.12.11
Kanellakis, P.: P.B.41.01 Keeton, R.: P.B.16.05 Kilic, S.: P.B.04.18 Klossowski, N.: P.D.18.19
Kaneno, R.: P.C.12.10 Kehrmann, J.: P.B.17.15 Kilina, O. Y.: P.B.24.24, P.B.24.25 Kloukina, V.: P.B.23.01
Kang, S.: P.B.16.03 Keil, J.: P.D.25.09, P.D.25.10, P.D.26.08, P.D.26.09 Kilpi, T.: P.B.33.04 Klug, C.: P.B.11.22, P.B.25.21
Kang, S.-Y.: P.C.23.19 Keklinen, E.: P.A.25.14 Kim, C.: P.A.12.19, P.B.01.01, P.B.39.19 Knackmuss, U.: P.A.13.07, P.B.31.16
Kanitez, M.: P.B.08.08 Kelava, T.: P.B.08.18, P.B.09.04, P.C.09.16, Kim, D. R.: P.D.11.21 Knackmu, U.: P.B.31.09
Kanne, K.: P.B.22.08 P.C.23.01 Kim, E.-J.: P.E.04.14 Knapp, S.: P.A.05.14, P.B.01.17, P.B.29.01,
Kansu, A.: P.A.27.08, P.B.04.01 Kellaway, L.: P.B.16.05 Kim, G.-Y.: P.C.16.11, P.C.16.12 P.C.03.18, P.C.24.13
Kansu, E.: P.B.13.09, P.B.14.09 Kelleher, A. D.: P.A.09.03, P.A.28.13, P.D.08.11 Kim, H.-R.: P.B.24.16, P.D.03.11, P.D.03.14, Kneidinger, N.: P.B.42.07
Kantaroglu, B.: P.D.25.05 Kelleher, D.: P.A.04.21 P.D.07.01 Kniesch, K.: P.B.22.19, P.C.05.01
Kanungo, S.: P.D.11.21 Kelleher, P.: P.B.20.22 Kim, H.-P.: P.D.13.03 Knight, D. A.: P.B.06.07
Kaplan, D.: P.C.04.11 Keller, A. C.: P.B.27.10 Kim, H.: P.B.41.04 Knight, J. C.: P.B.01.14
Kapoor, R.: P.B.32.09 Keller, A.: P.A.17.08, P.A.07.19, P.B.40.15 Kim, H.-R.: P.A.25.01 Knight, S. C.: P.C.20.03, P.D.16.07
Kappes, D. J.: P.A.21.07 Keller, B.: P.A.12.03, P.B.18.16, P.B.30.16 Kim, J.: P.A.26.15, P.D.13.03, P.D.13.03 Knobeloch, K.-P.: P.B.03.21
Karabinskaya, A.: P.B.12.04 Keller, M.: P.A.09.09 Kim, M.: P.A.12.09 Knockaert, S.: P.A.06.13
Karabulut, M.: P.B.28.05 Keller, W.: P.B.11.07, P.B.11.10, P.B.11.04, Kim, N.: P.D.22.08, P.C.24.17 Knoll, M.: P.A.11.04

132 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Knolle, P.: P.C.04.04, P.E.03.16 Koroec, P.: P.B.11.13, P.B.12.09, P.B.38.08, Kruchkova, I. V.: P.D.15.13 Kuzmina, Z.: P.D.09.05, P.D.09.06
Knolle, P. A.: P.D.06.15 P.B.38.14, P.C.18.19, P.C.24.02 Krug, A.: P.C.22.01 Kuznetsova, Y. N.: P.B.15.06, P.B.29.15
Knrck, A.: P.A.17.08, P.A.26.13, P.A.26.16 Korolov, O.: P.B.39.18 Krger, E.: P.A.03.06 Kverka, M.: P.B.20.01, P.B.36.06, P.B.36.07,
Knox, A.: P.C.06.09 Korosec, A.: P.B.10.23 Krugleeva, O.: P.B.10.17 P.B.36.12, P.D.17.02
Knox, K.: P.A.19.20, P.E.04.08 Korosec, P.: P.D.05.08 Kruglov, A.: P.D.13.10 Kwak, J. Y.: P.B.01.03, P.A.12.19, P.B.01.01,
Kobak, L.: P.B.15.11 Korotkevich, N.: P.A.21.14 Krugluger, W.: P.A.07.12 P.B.39.19
Kobayashi, L.: P.C.23.21 Korotkevich, N.: P.B.31.07 Kruhlak, M.: P.C.19.10 Kwarteng, A.: P.B.03.08
Koblischke, M.: P.D.19.11 Korotkova, M.: P.B.24.07 Krumina, Z.: P.B.30.09 Kwekkeboom, J.: P.D.25.19
Kobold, S.: P.B.13.16, P.D.14.07 Kosack, L. J.: P.C.24.13 Krump, C.: P.C.20.06 Kwoczek, J.: P.D.14.02
Kocak, H.: P.B.42.04 Kosanovic, D.: P.C.14.13 Kruse, J.: P.B.12.06 Kwon, D.: P.C.02.09
Koch-Nolte, F.: P.A.16.15, P.A.19.07, P.A.20.10, Kosco-Vilbois, M.: P.D.06.12 Krutmann, J.: P.B.10.08 Kwon, J.: P.D.25.08
P.B.23.16, P.C.17.06, P.C.17.11 Koseki, H.: P.A.27.03 Krynskiy, S. A.: P.B.07.08, P.B.24.15 Kyaw, T.: P.B.41.01
Kocoglu, H.: P.B.28.07 Koser, M.: P.B.02.19, P.E.03.19 Krysko, D. V.: P.B.25.22 Kyaw, T. S.: P.B.41.04
Kodydek, M. A. A.: P.B.25.03 Kosma, P.: P.E.03.06 Krysko, O.: P.B.25.22 Kyewski, B.: P.A.11.12
Koek, G. H.: P.B.32.16 Kosmiadi, G. A.: P.B.16.08 Kryuchkova, I.: P.D.07.04 Kyurkchiev, D.: P.A.11.01
Koelle, D. M.: P.B.29.12 Kostic, I.: P.B.13.20 Krzyzowska, M.: P.A.03.07, P.B.07.19, P.B.15.03 Kyvelidou, C.: P.C.04.07
Koenders, M. I.: P.D.13.05 Kostic, Z.: P.B.39.20, P.B.39.24 Ktona, E.: P.B.09.14
Koermoeczi, U.: P.D.09.05, P.D.09.06 Kstler, J.: P.B.16.06, P.D.19.07 Kuball, J.: P.A.08.21 L
Koev, I.: P.B.07.07 Kostov, G.: P.B.28.22 Kubera, M.: P.E.01.16 Laadhar, L.: P.B.05.17, P.B.10.06, P.B.20.12
Kffel, R.: P.C.05.09 Kostova, Z. B.: P.B.38.15 Kubicek, S.: P.C.24.13 Laakso, M.: P.A.23.20
Kofiadi, I.: P.A.20.21 Kotkowska, Z.: P.C.13.03 Kblbeck, G.: P.D.07.13 Laakso, S. M.: P.A.25.14
Kogimtzis, A.: P.A.23.07 Kottaiswamy, A.: P.A.04.21 Kucan, P.: P.C.02.06 Laaribi, A.: P.B.08.03, P.B.09.03, P.B.29.08,
Kgl, N.: P.B.19.03 Koturoglu, G.: P.C.01.07 Kuca-Warnawin, E.: P.A.16.14 P.B.29.09, P.D.27.07
Koh, X. L.: P.B.06.02 Kouchkar, A.: P.B.28.03 Kuchler, K.: P.C.06.11, P.C.06.11, P.C.24.16 Labarta Bajo, L.: P.A.20.12
Kohara, M.: P.B.15.16 Koufomichali, X.: P.B.24.21 Kuchroo, V.: P.A.05.10 Labiano, S.: P.A.09.01, P.A.23.12, P.D.14.13
Kohl, K.: P.C.10.01 Kouniaki, D.: P.D.27.11 Kucinskaite-Kodze, I.: P.D.16.18 Labrador-Garrido, A.: P.B.07.20
Kohl, Z.: P.B.09.18, P.B.40.07 Koup, R. A.: P.A.09.03 Kucuksezer, U. C.: P.A.14.09, P.B.12.08, Labranche, C.: P.D.19.07
Kohlbauer, V.: P.A.03.11 Kouyama, S.: P.A.23.01 P.B.18.10, P.C.02.11 Lacabaratz, C.: P.A.06.05
Kohler, A.: P.A.07.13 Kov, M.: P.B.14.08 Kucuksezer, U.: P.B.27.04 Lacher, S. M.: P.A.05.01
Koinig, H. C.: P.D.12.04 Kovacech, B.: P.B.07.15 Kudchodkar, S. B.: P.D.14.19 Lachuer, J.: P.D.01.01
Koivula, T.-T. T.: P.A.25.14 Kovacic, N.: P.B.08.18, P.B.09.04, P.C.09.16 Kuehl, S.: P.B.02.06, P.B.02.07 Lackner, A.: P.A.16.06
Kojdic, M.: P.D.23.11 Kovcs, E.: P.C.12.02 Kuemmerle-Deschner, J.: P.C.04.06 Lackner, P.: P.A.03.11
Kok, H.: P.B.18.09 Kovaleva, S. V.: P.D.08.08, P.D.16.20 Kuepper, J.: P.B.03.17 Lacotte, S.: P.B.13.08
Kokaraki, G.: P.B.24.14 Kovar, M.: P.D.06.19 Kuepper, J. M.: P.B.03.14 Lacouture, M. E.: P.D.18.19
Koker, M. Y.: P.B.04.19, P.B.04.20, P.C.01.05, Kovarik, P.: P.B.01.23, P.C.01.08, P.E.02.07 Kufer, T. A.: P.C.16.03 Lacroix-Desmazes, S.: P.A.19.02, P.D.24.07
P.C.01.11, P.C.01.12, P.C.12.23, P.E.01.09 Kovesdi, D.: P.A.10.09 Kugyelka, R.: P.B.09.18 Ladak, S. S.: P.C.24.04
Kker, Y.: P.A.03.03 Kovpak, V.: P.D.07.07 Khl, A. A.: P.A.14.08, P.A.24.10 Ladier, E.: P.B.02.09
Kokesova, A.: P.D.17.02 Kowalewski, D.: P.A.03.12 Khl, A.: P.A.04.12 Ladinig, A.: P.D.12.04
Kokkinou, D.: P.B.09.10, P.B.09.10 Koyama, R. V.: P.B.24.17 Kuhlmann, T.: P.A.24.08, P.C.20.05 Ladjouz-Rezig, A.: P.B.33.17
Kokkonen, N.: P.B.23.07 Kozakova, H.: P.B.32.14, P.D.21.07 Kuhn, C.: P.D.04.14 Laeremans, T.: P.B.23.16
Kokkoris, S.: P.B.24.21 Kozieradzki, I.: P.C.06.11 Khn, J.: P.A.17.17 Lafaurie, G.: P.B.09.07
Kokryakov, V. N.: P.C.09.08 Kozina, A.: P.B.23.19 Kuijpers, T.: P.B.18.05 Laghi, L.: P.C.12.04
Koksal, H.: P.A.13.14 Kozlov, V. A.: P.A.28.04, P.D.15.13 Kuijpers, T. W.: P.A.02.10, P.C.01.09, P.C.22.02 Lagrost, L.: P.C.13.16
Koksoy, S.: P.B.42.04 Kozowska, U.: P.D.23.07 Kuiper, E. G.: P.D.20.19 Lahiani, S.: P.B.11.14
Kolberg, K.: P.D.21.15, P.D.22.23 Kraaij, M. D.: P.B.01.21 Kujilnaya, J.: P.C.01.17, P.C.01.18 Lahiri, D.: P.B.24.01
Kolek, V.: P.B.06.04, P.C.24.08, P.D.17.05 Kraakman, M.: P.B.09.12 Kukreti, E.: P.D.17.17 Lahl, K.: P.C.20.05
Koleske, A.: P.C.18.23 Kraal, G.: P.C.12.18 Kukuladze, N.: P.D.07.08 Lahrberg, J.: P.D.14.02
Kolesnikova, N. V.: P.D.08.08 Kraemer, T.: P.D.27.09 Kulacoglu, S.: P.B.14.09 Lai, C.: P.C.21.05
Kolla, R. V.: P.B.42.12 Kraemmer, D.: P.C.20.11 Kulcsr, A.: P.D.11.10 Lai, C.-H.: P.C.21.17
Kollaritsch, H.: P.D.11.01 Kraft, B.: P.B.36.01 Kulemzin, S.: P.A.26.10 Lai, M.-Z.: P.A.15.15
Kollth, D.: P.A.01.02 Kragten, N.: P.A.07.03 Kullberg, S.: P.B.21.06, P.C.07.18 Lai, S.: P.E.04.16
Klling, V.: P.C.19.15 Kral, J.: P.A.05.02 Kllmar, M.: P.C.08.01 Laiho, J. E.: P.B.33.19
Kollmann, D.: P.B.38.09 Kral, V.: P.B.08.16 Kulolu, Z.: P.B.04.01 Lain, A.: P.A.16.11
Kolls, J.: P.C.07.01 Kralj, M.: P.D.09.05, P.D.09.06 Kuma, L. T.: P.D.26.17 Lainek, D.: P.C.06.02
Kolopp Sarda, M.-N.: P.B.10.21 Kraller, M.: P.A.07.02 Kumar, A.: P.D.19.01 Lair, D.: P.D.02.02
Kolte, P. N.: P.D.24.12 Kralova, J.: P.C.16.13 Kumar, M.: P.C.15.06 Lair, J.: P.A.09.09, P.A.26.03

Kolyhalov, I. V.: P.B.24.15 Kramer, M. P.: P.B.40.13 Kumar, P.: P.D.25.13 Laivuori, H.: P.C.22.11
Komech, E. A.: P.A.20.14, P.A.20.16, P.A.21.10, Krmer, O. H.: P.C.08.04 Kumar, R.: P.B.17.19 Lajk, A.: P.C.02.08
P.B.10.03, P.D.01.08 Krmer, S.: P.B.17.08 Kumar, S.: P.D.17.17, P.A.04.21, P.C.08.09 Lakatos, L.: P.B.03.01
Komuta, M.: P.B.03.24 Krammer, P.: P.C.05.09 Kummerow, C.: P.A.26.16 Lakeman, K.: P.C.03.17
Kon, O.: P.B.16.09 Kramps, T.: P.D.20.09 Kumzakova, Z.: P.D.14.22 Lakovits, K.: P.B.29.01, P.C.03.18
Koneczny, I.: P.B.07.23 Krapf, C.: P.B.41.02 Kundi, M.: P.D.11.03, P.D.21.02 Lal, G.: P.B.27.05
Konic Ristic, A.: P.B.38.03, P.E.03.14 Kratochvill, F.: P.C.01.08 Kundi, M.: P.A.03.15, P.B.01.12, P.B.11.17, L. Albert, M.: P.B.34.02
Knig, J.: P.B.35.01 Kratzer, B.: P.B.38.07 P.D.20.21, P.D.26.15 Lalek, N.: P.D.05.08
Knig, S.: P.A.25.10 Kratzer, R.: P.D.19.10 Kunik-Krajnik, A.: P.C.06.02 Lalle, E.: P.C.04.03
Knigsberger, S.: P.A.17.13, P.D.14.21 Kraus, F.: P.D.14.07 Kunz, C.: P.A.18.07 Lallo, A.: P.B.27.21
Knigshoff, M.: P.B.35.03 Krause, E.: P.A.07.15 Kunz, H.: P.D.15.16 Lalor, P. F.: P.A.19.16
Konik, M.: P.B.11.13, P.B.12.09, P.B.38.08, Krause, L.: P.B.27.02 Kunzmann, V.: P.A.08.03 Lalvani, A.: P.B.16.09
P.D.05.08 Krause, M.: P.B.36.05 Kuo, H. L.: P.E.03.09 Lam, R. S.: P.C.11.09
Koning, F.: P.A.04.04 Krausgruber, T.: P.B.20.15 Kuo, I.-C.: P.C.09.19 Laman, J.: P.B.07.24
Konjevic, G.: P.C.16.02 Kravchenko, L.: P.E.03.22 Kuokkanen, E.: P.A.18.15 Lamana, A.: P.B.09.22
Konno, F. T.: P.B.27.21 Kravets, E.: P.B.01.16, P.B.16.18 Kppers, R.: P.A.18.16 Lamb, T.: P.D.11.18
Konoplev, A. A.: P.B.04.24 Krawczak, K.: P.D.04.15 Kuppevelt, T. H.: P.A.03.05 Lamb, T. J.: P.B.03.15, P.D.20.19
Konradsen, J. R.: P.B.29.04 Kreatsas, G.: P.D.27.11 Kuprash, D. V.: P.A.12.02 Lambert, J.: P.D.06.16
Konstantinidis, T. G.: P.E.05.08 Kregiel, J.: P.E.01.16 Kuprash, D. V.: P.B.28.09, P.B.34.03 Lambert, P.-H.: P.D.20.15
Kontakioti, E.: P.B.24.14 Kreilinger, D.: P.B.04.07 Kupsch, S.: P.B.36.05 Lambotte, O.: P.A.09.13
Konthur, Z.: P.B.22.04 Kreiner, K.: P.E.02.07 Kupz, A.: P.A.14.08 Lamboux, A.: P.B.22.07
Kontny, E.: P.A.16.14, P.D.07.03 Kremer Hovinga, J. A.: P.A.10.01 Kural, A.: P.B.28.05, P.D.07.12 Lamm, C.: P.D.08.04, P.D.17.08
Kontomanolis, E.: P.E.05.08 Kremlitzka, M.: P.A.10.12 Kural, C.: P.D.07.12 Lammi, M.: P.B.12.05
Kontoyiannis, D. L.: P.A.09.11 Kremmer, E.: P.C.14.12 Kuri, P.: P.A.11.11 Lamot, L.: P.B.05.19
Kontsekova, E.: P.B.07.15, P.E.02.09 Kremsner, P.: P.B.03.12 Kuriakose, T.: P.C.01.21 LaMothe, R. A.: P.D.24.12
Konzok, S.: P.B.14.13 Kretschmer, K.: P.A.06.03 Kurilin, V.: P.C.13.01 Lamothe-Molina, P.: P.A.26.08
Kooy-Winkelaar, Y.: P.A.04.04 Kreutz, M.: P.D.15.18 Kurioka, A.: P.B.02.03 Lampa, J.: P.B.24.02, P.B.24.06, P.B.24.07
Kopa, P.: P.B.11.13, P.B.12.09, P.B.38.14, Kreutzmann, A.: P.B.14.20 Kuropka, B.: P.A.28.09 Lampert, C.: P.D.14.07
P.D.05.08 Krewer, A.: P.C.12.11 Kurowska, W.: P.B.09.05 Lampropoulou, V.: P.D.13.09
Kopecky, J.: P.D.14.22 Krieg, C.: P.A.14.13 Kurowska-Stolarska, M.: P.A.20.04 Lan, J.: P.D.02.16
Kopecny, J.: P.B.36.07 Kriegova, E.: P.B.06.04, P.B.37.14, P.B.40.10, Kurschus, F. C.: P.A.24.08, P.B.07.05, P.B.37.20 Lanaro, C.: P.B.12.12
Koperek, O.: P.A.18.11 P.C.24.08, P.D.17.05, P.D.17.06 Kurt, S. A.: P.D.22.17 Lana, T.: P.A.08.11
Kopitar-Jerala, N.: P.C.07.12 Krienke, S.: P.B.09.17 Kurti, M.: P.B.09.14 Lanckacker, E.: P.C.21.15
Kopp, T.: P.B.10.23 Krishnan, S. M.: P.B.41.04, P.B.41.17 Kurts, C.: P.C.04.04, P.D.06.15 Landgraf, M. A.: P.B.31.03, P.B.31.04
Korczak-Kowalska, G.: P.C.13.03, P.D.26.06 Krismer, M.: P.A.09.09 Kurucz, I.: P.A.12.07 Landgraf, R. G.: P.B.31.03, P.B.31.04
Kordelas, L.: P.D.01.05 Kristek, M.: P.C.11.20 Kurutos, A.: P.E.01.07 Landgraf, T. N.: P.D.16.17
Korir, P. J.: P.B.03.14, P.B.03.17 Kristoffersen, E. K.: P.B.07.01 Kury, P.: P.A.18.05 Lane, P. J.: P.A.24.07
Koristka, S.: P.D.14.12 Krivn, G.: P.D.11.10 Kuryk, L.: P.D.06.08 Lanfumey, L.: P.C.17.07
Korkmaz, D.: P.A.07.07 Krizan, J.: P.B.32.14, P.D.10.06 Kusche, Y.: P.C.15.01, P.C.17.01 Lang, B.: P.B.07.23
Kormann, D.: P.A.03.02 Krmpoti, A.: P.C.10.21, P.C.02.06 Kushch, A.: P.D.19.09 Lang, F.: P.C.15.14
Kornatka, A.: P.A.16.14 Krnjaja, O.: P.C.14.13 Kustermann, S.: P.B.23.09 Lang, K. S.: P.A.09.04, P.C.15.14
Korneev, K. V.: P.A.12.02 Krocova, Z.: P.C.03.09 Kuttke, M.: P.A.05.02, P.C.20.11 Lang, P. A.: P.A.09.04
Kornejeva, L.: P.B.30.09 Kroczek, R. A.: P.D.04.17, P.C.20.01, P.D.11.09 Kutukculer, N.: P.A.14.19, P.B.05.20, P.B.19.01, Lang, R.: P.A.19.19
Krner, C.: P.C.02.09 Kroemer, G.: P.B.13.13 P.B.30.20, P.C.01.07 Langenkamp, A.: P.E.03.20
Korner, D.: P.D.07.09 Krol, L.: P.D.09.07 Kutzi, S.: P.B.32.17 Langerak, A. W.: P.A.08.15, P.A.18.03
Krner, H.: P.B.16.14 Krolo, A.: P.B.18.04 Kuzhko, M.: P.B.02.17 Langermann, S.: P.A.15.02
Koro, C.: P.B.32.01 Kromova, T.: P.D.21.03 Kuzilkova, D.: P.D.14.09 Langmann, T.: P.B.05.05

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 133
Author Index
Lanio, N.: P.D.25.04 Lee, L. N.: P.A.01.10 Li, H.: P.B.32.10, P.B.39.01, P.D.11.02, P.B.28.14 Liu, B.: P.C.14.05
Lnyi, .: P.B.14.14 Lee, M.: P.B.41.05, P.B.14.17 Li, J.: P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, P.B.29.16, P.B.06.03, Liu, C.: P.C.22.13, P.A.08.22
Lanyon, C.: P.A.04.18 Lee, P. C.: P.D.10.02 P.D.19.02 Liu, C.-C.: P.D.11.12
Lanzardo, S.: P.C.02.04 Lee, R.: P.D.21.03 Li, K.: P.C.22.13 Liu, G.: P.B.06.07, P.C.05.15
Lanzavecchia, A.: P.A.05.10, P.A.10.02, P.A.19.21 Lee, S. K.: P.D.22.08 Li, L.: P.A.22.11, P.A.28.01 Liu, J.: P.B.03.21, P.C.04.15, P.B.39.01
Laouini, D.: P.C.17.09 Lee, Y.: P.B.10.12, P.B.18.05 Li, N.: P.B.39.23 Liu, L.: P.B.35.17, P.A.07.19, P.A.15.02
Lapadatescu, C.: P.C.17.24 Lee, Y. L.: P.D.21.04 Li, P.: P.B.10.22, P.C.05.15, P.D.18.22, P.B.14.15 Liu, P.: P.C.23.21, P.D.17.17
Lapaque, N.: P.B.36.08 Leech, M. D.: P.B.34.15 Li, Q.: P.B.39.05, P.B.20.13 Liu, Q.: P.B.14.04
Laplante, A.: P.A.22.09 Lefkir-Tafiani, S.: P.B.33.17 Li, Q. Z.: P.B.33.14, P.D.27.12 Liu, R.: P.B.28.15
Laplaud, D.: P.A.07.18, P.A.07.14 Lega, J.: P.B.10.21 Li, R.: P.D.02.14 Liu, S.: P.B.33.14
Laporta, R.: P.D.25.03 Legaz, I.: P.A.12.18, P.B.09.21, P.B.32.24, Li, R. W.: P.B.17.06 Liu, W.: P.A.17.19, P.A.19.11
Lapuente, D.: P.D.20.11 P.C.02.22 Li, S.: P.C.18.21, P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, P.B.29.16, Liu, X.: P.D.23.01
Laraba-Djebari, F.: P.B.37.18, P.C.23.12, P.D.02.15, Legaz Prez, I.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.C.21.03 P.D.19.06, P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, P.B.29.16, Liu, Y.: P.B.39.23, P.B.18.02, P.C.17.19, P.D.17.10
P.D.16.09 Legoux, F.: P.A.21.03 P.D.19.06 Liu, Z.: P.D.27.01, P.D.15.19
Larbi, A.: P.C.10.02 Legrand, C.: P.E.05.14 Li, S.-L.: P.A.04.22, P.B.37.21 Livingston, M.: P.A.09.06
Largueche, B.: P.B.18.14 Legrand, F.-X.: P.C.13.12 Li, W.: P.B.24.11 Ljujic, B.: P.B.41.14
Larjo, A.: P.D.01.11 Legrand, M.: P.C.04.01 Li, X. Y.: P.B.20.13, P.D.18.18 Llanto, C.: P.D.06.15
Larmonier, N.: P.D.22.22 Le Guen, V.: P.A.02.04 Li, X.: P.B.25.10, P.B.11.02, P.B.39.23, P.D.02.14, Llewelyn, M.: P.B.37.22, P.D.08.01
La Rocca, C.: P.C.23.08 Lehebel, P.: P.B.25.15 P.C.11.11 Llobell Uriel, A.: P.D.17.04
La Rosa, F.: P.C.21.06 Lehmann, C.: P.C.14.12, P.D.22.02, P.E.02.05 Li, Y.: P.B.13.11, P.C.23.10, P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, Llopiz, D.: P.D.06.11
Larrubia, J. R.: P.B.42.06 Lehmann, C. H.: P.A.03.06, P.C.22.01 P.B.29.16, P.D.19.06 Lloyd, C.: P.B.26.13, P.C.21.05
Larsen, M.: P.A.20.08, P.B.42.08 Lehmann, P. V.: P.B.27.09 Li, Z.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03 Lloyd, C. M.: P.B.06.01
Larssen, P.: P.A.03.10, P.C.09.12 Lehner, F.: P.A.23.06, P.D.25.09, P.D.25.10, Liang, Y. Y.: P.C.15.17, P.C.22.07 Locasale, J. W.: P.D.23.01
Lartigue, L.: P.C.07.14 P.D.26.08, P.D.26.09 Liaskou, E.: P.C.17.14 Locatelli, F.: P.A.08.13, P.A.22.12, P.B.27.23,
Lasa, I.: P.B.39.21 Lehnert, K.: P.B.30.16 Liberatore, M.: P.B.30.05 P.C.18.09
Lasarte, J.: P.D.06.11 Lehr, C.-M.: P.C.14.15 Liblau, R.: P.B.23.18 Locati, M.: P.C.08.03, P.C.15.03,P.B.32.20
Lasarte, J. J.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07 Lei, X.: P.B.32.10 Libralato, M.: P.B.07.09 Lochner, M.: P.A.15.17, P.A.24.10, P.B.35.11
Las Heras Ferre, B.: P.A.12.18, P.C.02.22 Leibelt, S.: P.B.35.12 Libri, V.: P.D.08.10 Lock, H. R.: P.B.04.10
Lasickiene, R.: P.B.28.08 Leibundgut-Landmann, S.: P.B.03.20 Lichtinger, M.: P.B.03.21 Lockwood, D. N.: P.C.14.07
Lasitschka, F.: P.B.35.13 Leidinger, P.: P.A.17.08 Liedl, K. R.: P.A.03.11 Lodewyckx, J.-N.: P.B.39.02
Lason, W.: P.E.01.16 Leifsdottir, L.: P.B.21.02 Lieke, T.: P.D.25.16 Loehning, M.: P.A.14.06
Lass, A.: P.B.03.18 Leighton, S.: P.A.10.16 Lienard, J.: P.B.16.12 Loeliger, J.: P.E.03.20
Lass-Flrl, C.: P.A.05.13, P.A.13.07, P.B.31.09, Leipold, M. D.: P.D.08.17 Lienenklaus, S.: P.C.04.09, P.C.21.13, P.D.20.09 Lofek, S.: P.A.10.05
P.B.31.16 Leite, G. C.: P.B.19.23 Liesnichenko, D.: P.B.42.14 Lffek, S.: P.B.23.07
Lassmann, H.: P.B.19.03, P.B.34.06, P.B.34.09, Leite, L.: P.D.11.06 Lieu, M.: P.B.41.04 Loffredo, S.: P.C.19.02
P.B.34.18 Leite, L. C.: P.D.02.12, P.D.11.04, P.D.11.14 Liew, F.: P.A.15.05 Loga, L.: P.D.26.12
Lassnig, C.: P.B.01.17, P.B.06.15, P.B.37.10, Leite, M. I.: P.B.07.23, P.D.18.21 Ligeiro, D.: P.C.19.13 Logue, S.: P.B.32.15
P.C.16.05, P.C.23.02, P.C.23.14 Leitner, J.: P.A.03.08, P.A.15.06, P.A.23.16, Ligos, J. M.: P.D.19.21 Loh, L.: P.A.07.09
Latouche, J.: P.A.03.01 P.A.23.17, P.A.28.15, P.D.26.15 LIm, A.: P.B.29.13 Lohan, P.: P.B.22.05, P.C.13.10, P.D.26.05
Latouche, J.-B.: P.D.14.10 Leitner, N. R.: P.B.37.10 Lim, Y.-M.: P.E.04.14 Lohia, N.: P.D.02.09
Lau, B.: P.B.23.08 Lekehal, A.: P.B.28.03 Lima, G. L.: P.C.09.23 Lohmann, V.: P.C.13.15
Lau, T. Y.: P.D.10.02 Leksa, V.: P.A.12.14, P.A.20.05, P.A.20.07, Lima, J. M.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17 Lhning, M.: P.A.04.13, P.A.14.08, P.A.25.18,
Lau, W.: P.C.22.02 P.C.19.19 Lima, K. M.: P.B.36.18, P.C.09.23 P.B.09.17
Laudanna, C.: P.B.21.08 Le Loir, Y.: P.B.02.09, P.B.24.20 Lima, T. K.: P.B.17.14 Loi, M.: P.B.15.12
Lauffer, A. M.: P.B.09.17 Le Matre, E.: P.B.24.02, P.B.24.06, P.B.24.07 Limbergen, J. V.: P.B.18.08 Loiacono, F.: P.B.04.22, P.C.03.08, P.C.03.16,
Laukemper, V.: P.B.15.14 Lemarquis, A. L.: P.A.10.22, P.B.18.13 Limeres, M.: P.B.04.12 P.C.18.01
Laurent, D.: P.A.27.10 Le Mauff, B.: P.A.03.01 Limper, A. H.: P.A.21.07 Loiseau, C.: P.A.17.20
Laurent, F.: P.B.02.09 Lemell, P.: P.B.38.06, P.D.05.01, P.D.21.10, Lin, B. F.: P.B.06.02, P.B.19.21, P.A.04.09, Loiseau, P.: P.C.10.15
Laurent, P.: P.B.06.06 P.B.11.15 P.B.06.13, P.B.32.12 Loizon, S.: P.C.07.14
Laurindo, M. F.: P.B.27.10 Lemmermann, N.: P.A.03.04 Lin, C.: P.B.13.17 Lokaj, J.: P.B.30.03
Lauvau, G.: P.A.17.07 Lemos, H.: P.B.39.09 Lin, C.-W.: P.B.33.01 Lokki, A.: P.C.22.11
Laux, S.: P.B.12.06 Lemos, J. P.: P.B.08.10, P.B.40.22 Lin, C. L.: P.D.21.04 Lom, H.: P.B.10.04
Laux-Biehlmann, A.: P.C.19.09 Lenac Rovis, T.: P.C.02.06 Lin, H.-Y.: P.D.11.12 Lo-Man, R.: P.B.29.13
Lavarello, C.: P.A.08.13 Le Naour, R.: P.B.06.05 Lin, J.-W.: P.B.03.24 Lombard, C.: P.B.10.21
Lavelle, E. C.: P.D.20.04, P.D.20.17 Lenarti, M.: P.B.27.08, P.C.03.02 Lin, S. Y.: P.A.24.04 Lombardi, G.: P.C.24.05
Lavielle, M.: P.D.13.07 Lengger, N.: P.B.26.12, P.D.21.16 Lin, T.-Y.: P.B.15.13 Lombardi, Y.: P.B.21.01

Lavocat, F.: P.B.22.07 Lennerz, V.: P.A.17.14 Lin, W.-W.: P.C.07.13 Lombardo, E.: P.D.26.01, P.D.23.06, P.D.23.08
Lavoie, S.: P.A.12.16 Lennox-Hvenekilde, D.: P.D.01.09 Lin, Y.: P.B.06.10, P.B.10.22 Lombes, A.: P.A.08.08
Law, M.: P.D.08.11 Le Noci, V.: P.D.14.08 Lin, Y.-L.: P.A.15.15 Lomenech, A.-M.: P.A.08.10
Lawrence, R.: P.B.36.14 Le Noir, S.: P.A.27.09 Lin, Y.-W.: P.D.11.12 Lomikovska, M.: P.B.38.21
Lawton, A.: P.D.24.03 Le Nours, J.: P.A.07.19 Lin, Y. L.: P.D.20.14 Lomtatidze, L. V.: P.D.08.08, P.D.16.20
Layland, L. E.: P.B.03.08, P.B.03.10 Lenzo, J. C.: P.C.11.09 Linares, A.: P.D.15.03 London, J.: P.A.10.05
Lays, N.: P.B.03.24 Lenzo, J.: P.C.06.07 Linares-Barrios, M.: P.B.10.11 Londoo, J.: P.B.09.07, P.B.19.10, P.B.20.14
Layton, D.: P.D.03.08 Leo, O.: P.A.07.13 Lindberg, B.: P.A.08.22 Long, H. M.: P.D.16.21
Lazaretti, M.: P.B.30.02 Leo, P.: P.A.26.20 Lindberg, R.: P.D.24.03 Long, M.: P.B.02.14
Lzaro, A.: P.B.42.06 Leobon, B.: P.A.06.10 Linde, L.: P.D.13.11 Longhi, M.: P.B.10.19
Lazaro, E.: P.B.06.06 Leon, K.: P.B.21.07 Lindegaard, H.: P.D.13.11 Longhini, A. F.: P.B.05.21
Lazzarini, M.: P.C.17.07 Leona, D. F.: P.D.08.09 Lindemann, C.: P.B.02.22 Longley, R. J.: P.A.07.16, P.A.17.15
Le, C.: P.B.25.09 Leonarz, C.: P.C.16.06 Lindemann, M.: P.D.25.11 Longo, F.: P.B.27.15
Leal, M.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13, P.B.31.19 Leone, P.: P.A.07.21 Lindenberg, M.: P.C.20.08 Longo, M.: P.C.19.02
Leal, M. M.: P.B.07.20 Le Pendu, J.: P.C.18.16 Lindenberg, V.: P.B.01.16 Longo-Maugri, I. M.: P.D.20.01, P.D.20.05
Leandro, M.: P.B.07.06 Lepetitcorps, H.: P.A.20.08, P.B.42.08 Lindenbergh-Kortleve, D. J.: P.B.20.10 Lopatnikova, J.: P.B.10.17
Leano, P.: P.D.08.13 Leplat, J.-J.: P.C.05.16 Linder, A.: P.B.18.11, P.B.30.07 Lopes, J. D.: P.B.27.10, P.B.27.21
Leban, J.: P.D.04.06 Leposavi, G.: P.C.12.06 Lindhofer, H.: P.D.22.19 Lopes, M. F.: P.A.17.05
Le Bas-Bernardet, S.: P.A.23.13, P.D.04.09 Le Pottier, L.: P.A.10.17 Lindner, N.: P.A.06.03 Lopes, R. F.: P.C.23.20
Lebbe, C.: P.B.27.06, P.D.06.16 Leptin, M.: P.A.11.11 Lindsay, M.: P.A.19.20, P.E.04.08 Lopez, A.: P.B.39.21
Lebedev, Y. B.: P.A.20.16, P.B.10.03, P.D.01.08, Lepzien, R.: P.B.19.17 Ling, G.: P.B.23.08 Lopez, J.: P.D.25.02, P.D.06.03, P.C.09.01
P.A.20.14, P.A.21.10 Lercher, A.: P.C.24.13 Ling, Y.: P.B.41.17 Lpez, J. E.: P.C.17.08
Lebeer, S.: P.B.35.09, P.C.21.15, P.D.21.12 Leroy, A.: P.C.13.12 Ling, Z. L.: P.C.16.08 Lpez, M. N.: P.D.06.06, P.D.06.09
Le Beux, C.: P.B.13.12 Lesourne, R.: P.A.21.08 Lingel, H.: P.A.07.01 Lopez, S.: P.A.22.02, P.A.28.20
Leblond, V.: P.B.27.06 Letaif, A.: P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09 Lingscheid, T.: P.C.07.17 Lopez-Abente, J.: P.B.31.19
Le Borgne, M.: P.C.11.03 Letesson, J.-J.: P.B.01.07, P.B.16.01, P.B.25.17 Linhart, B.: P.A.27.13, P.B.11.04, P.D.05.05, Lopez-Belmonte, J.: P.D.23.06
Lechler, R.: P.C.24.05 Letizia, M.: P.C.24.05 P.D.21.08, P.D.21.09, P.D.21.13 Lopez Bernaldo de Quiros, J. C.: P.D.19.21
Lechner, E.: P.A.15.11 Le-Trilling, V.: P.A.03.12 Link, C.: P.A.10.08 Lpez-Blanco, R.: P.A.09.16
Leclerc, C.: P.B.29.13, P.C.20.13 Lettau, M.: P.A.20.09, P.A.26.19, P.B.13.05 Link, J.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Lpez-Botet, M.: P.C.02.01, P.C.02.21, P.C.10.08,
Lde, N.: P.E.05.14 Leung, E.: P.B.30.16 Linker, R. A.: P.B.36.15, P.D.10.12 P.C.18.08, P.C.18.09
Lederbogen, I.: P.D.20.02 Leusen, J. H.: P.B.15.05 Lion, T.: P.D.16.16 Lpez-Cobo, S.: P.D.15.03
Ledue, F.: P.B.36.08 Leuti, A.: P.A.06.01, P.C.11.13, P.C.20.10 Lionetti, R.: P.B.15.17, P.C.03.03 Lpez-Collazo, E.: P.C.11.01
Le Duff, J.: P.B.42.16 Levacher, B.: P.D.11.20 Liontos, M.: P.B.28.18 Lpez de Castro, J.: P.D.27.06
Lee, B.: P.D.13.03 Levay, A.: P.D.14.18 Liotta, F.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12, P.B.09.20, Lpez Gmez, R.: P.D.22.03
Lee, C.-E.: P.C.16.11, P.C.16.12 Leverrier, Y.: P.A.17.20 P.B.10.02 Lopez-Gonzalez, J. S.: P.B.39.14
Lee, D.-H.: P.B.36.15 Levin, C.: P.C.13.11, P.D.03.03 Lisa, I.: P.B.21.05 Lopez-Gonzalez, J.: P.B.39.15
Lee, E.: P.C.07.19 Levine, B. L.: P.D.14.19 Lischke, T.: P.B.37.07 Lpez-Gonzlez, M.: P.C.09.11
Lee, G.: P.C.20.03, P.B.24.16, P.D.03.11, P.D.03.14, Levison, S.: P.B.20.03, P.C.17.13 Lisni, B.: P.C.10.21 Lpez-Granados, E.: P.B.18.17
P.D.07.01 Levy, Y.: P.A.06.05 Lisnyy, I. I.: P.D.18.15 Lpez-Hernndez, R.: P.A.12.18
Lee, H.: P.C.13.13, P.D.16.13 Lewis, C. V.: P.C.19.17 Lisowska, K. A.: P.E.04.13 Lopez-Hernandez, R.: P.C.02.22
Lee, H. J.: P.D.22.08 Lewis, C. S.: P.D.16.06 List, A.: P.C.04.15 Lpez-Huete, V.: P.B.14.20
Lee, H.: P.D.25.08 Lewis, J.: P.D.17.18 Listek, M.: P.B.02.02, P.B.03.05 Lpez Iglesias, F.: P.E.02.13
Lee, J.: P.A.06.07, P.B.10.12, P.B.24.16, Leyes, M.: P.B.07.16 Little, S. R.: P.A.06.09 Lopez-Jimenez, F.: P.B.40.16
P.D.03.11, P.D.03.14, P.D.07.01 Lezhnin, Y.: P.A.17.12 Litvak, V.: P.C.24.13 Lpez-Lera, A.: P.C.22.12
Lee, J.-K.: P.E.04.14 LHernault, A.: P.C.10.21 Litzman, J.: P.A.27.06, P.B.04.08, P.B.04.09, Lopez-Lerma, I.: P.B.04.04
Lee, J. W.: P.D.22.08 Li, B.: P.C.03.01 P.B.18.12, P.B.30.03 Lopez-Longo, J.: P.A.18.13, P.D.04.01
Lee, K.-H.: P.C.14.06 Li, C.: P.B.13.17, P.A.28.01 Liu, A.: P.B.19.12, P.B.41.11 Lpez Meza, J.: P.D.22.03

134 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Lpez-Meza, J. E.: P.D.12.02, P.D.16.12 Lundeberg, L.: P.B.11.16, P.B.11.08 Mahnke, J.: P.A.14.14 Marc Malovrh, M.: P.C.24.02
Lpez-Montas, M.: P.C.02.21 Lunter, G.: P.A.18.02 Mahr, B.: P.D.01.04, P.D.26.07 Marco de la Calle, F.: P.D.10.15
Lpez-Ortega, O.: P.A.19.10 Luo, H.: P.B.33.14, P.D.27.12 Maier, F.: P.A.01.03 Marcos Jimnez, A.: P.D.06.13
Lpez-Palacios, N.: P.B.05.03 Luo, X.: P.B.39.23 Maier, L.: P.B.19.06 Marcou, Q.: P.A.20.14
Lopez-Picazo, J. M.: P.A.09.01 Lupinek, C.: P.B.11.16, P.B.29.04, P.A.27.07, Maier, N.: P.B.02.02, P.B.03.05 Marek-Bukowiec, K.: P.A.14.04
Lopez-Robledillo, J.: P.B.05.13 P.B.11.04, P.B.11.17, P.B.31.12, P.B.38.16 Mai Le, H.: P.D.04.09 Marek- Trzonkowska, N. M.: P.D.13.15
Lopez-Rodriguez, M.: P.B.04.12, P.B.15.15, Lupsa, N.: P.A.02.11, P.D.09.01 Maillere, B.: P.D.24.05 Margheri, F.: P.B.09.20
P.B.18.07 Lutgens, E.: P.A.02.05 Maini, M.: P.D.23.12 Maria, I. E.: P.B.42.01
Lopez-Rodriguez, S.: P.B.04.12 Lth, S.: P.C.03.04 Maini, M. K.: P.B.32.13 Maria, J.-K.: P.D.22.17
Lopez-Santalla, M.: P.D.23.06, P.D.23.08 Luther, J.: P.A.10.08 Mainoldi, F.: P.A.27.03 Mara Esperanza, R.-R.: P.D.22.17
Lpez Sejas, N.: P.C.10.22, P.A.17.01 Luther, S. A.: P.A.01.09 Mair, I.: P.A.06.08 Maria Fernandez Rodriguez, B.: P.A.19.21
Lopez-Soto, A.: P.C.02.17, P.C.18.03 Lutterotti, A.: P.B.07.21 Mair, K. H.: P.D.12.04, P.D.12.05 Maria Jose, R.: P.A.13.01
Lpez-Trascasa, M.: P.B.34.02, P.C.22.12 Lutz, J.: P.A.19.13 Mairhofer, A.: P.D.02.19 Maria Jose, T.: P.A.13.01
Lopez-Villegas, E. O.: P.E.03.12 Lutz, M. B.: P.D.22.06 Maisonnasse, P.: P.C.05.16 Mariani, A.: P.D.19.13
Lorain, S.: P.A.22.06 Luu, K.: P.D.15.19, P.D.15.21 Maisse, C.: P.D.14.23 Maricato, J. T.: P.A.15.14
Lorena, V. M.: P.B.29.18 Luu Thanh, T.: P.C.18.23 Maitland, N. J.: P.B.14.16 Marichal, T.: P.B.38.18, P.C.11.19
Lorenz, H.: P.B.18.06 Lvksson, B. R.: P.A.15.09 Majdic, O.: P.A.23.03, P.D.26.15 Marietta, B. M.: P.C.15.04
Lorenz, H.-M.: P.B.09.17, P.C.17.03 Lvksson, B. R.: P.B.09.24 Majek, P.: P.A.27.08 Mariette, X.: P.D.24.05
Lorenz, K.: P.B.37.10 Luzardo, H.: P.B.04.12 Majer, I.: P.A.16.18, P.D.17.13 Marija Milovanovi,: P.B.23.17
Lorenz, M. R.: P.A.27.01 Lvova, T.: P.E.05.10 Majer, O.: P.C.14.05 Marijnissen, R. J.: P.D.13.05
Lorenz, P.: P.B.23.16 Lwaleed, B.: P.B.32.23 Majerova, P.: P.B.07.15 Marin, A. V.: P.B.18.17, P.C.22.04, P.C.22.12
Lorenzetti, R.: P.A.27.01 Ly, A.: P.B.03.16 Majidi, J.: P.A.19.04, P.A.19.05, P.C.02.16, Marn, L.: P.A.12.18
Lorenzetti Bocca, A.: P.C.11.21 Lyadova, I. V.: P.B.16.08 P.D.20.06 Marinkovic, E.: P.B.01.12, P.C.14.13
Lorenzo-Herrero, S.: P.C.02.17, P.C.18.03 Lygate, C. A.: P.D.15.06 Majoros, A.: P.C.10.09, P.C.16.09 Marin-Neto, J. A.: P.B.17.17
Loscher, C. E.: P.B.36.09, P.C.11.20 Lymberi, P.: P.D.18.02 Majstorovic, I.: P.B.13.20 Marn-Rosales, M.: P.B.33.22
Loser, K.: P.A.17.17, P.B.23.13 Lynch, K.: P.B.22.05, P.C.13.10, P.D.26.05 Makatsori, D.: P.D.02.05 Marion, E.: P.D.19.15
Losonczy, H.: P.B.40.07 Lynch, M.: P.B.36.09, P.C.11.20 Makedos, G.: P.E.05.03 Mariotte, D.: P.A.03.01
Lostakova, V.: P.B.06.04, P.D.17.05 Lyons, A. B.: P.D.03.12 Mkel, M.: P.B.25.07 Mariotti, B.: P.C.24.07, P.C.24.14
Louat, T.: P.D.26.03 Lyons, C.: P.C.08.06 Maki, G.: P.D.06.16 Marjanovic, N.: P.C.13.14
Lougaris, V.: P.A.18.05 Lyroni, K.: P.B.17.21 Makol, A.: P.B.33.15 Markotic, A.: P.B.08.18, P.C.23.01
Lourda, M.: P.D.14.23 Makovicky, P.: P.B.32.14 Markovic, M.: P.B.39.20, P.B.39.24, P.C.05.18,
Loureno, M.: P.B.26.05 M Malashenkova, I. K.: P.B.07.08, P.B.24.15 P.D.24.06, P.C.01.10, P.B.34.16
Loures, F. V.: P.B.03.07, P.C.20.14 Ma, J.: P.B.16.10 Malavige, G. N.: P.B.29.06 Markovic, Z.: P.C.09.13, P.D.22.16
Louzada, P.: P.A.24.01 Ma, N.: P.C.22.13 Maldonado, R. A.: P.D.24.12 Markowicz, M.: P.B.01.20, P.B.02.01
Louzada-Junior, P.: P.B.09.01 Ma, Q.: P.B.16.18 Maldyk, P.: P.A.16.14, P.B.09.05 Marks, D.: P.D.17.07
Love, J. F.: P.C.07.02 Maaske, A.: P.D.20.11 Malefyt, R.: P.D.11.17 Marksa, I.: P.C.15.19
Love, P.: P.A.21.08 Maccarana, M.: P.A.03.05 Malietzis, G.: P.C.20.03, P.D.16.07 Marlin, R.: P.A.08.10, P.C.07.14
Loveland, P.: P.B.41.01 Maccarrone, M.: P.A.06.01, P.C.11.13, P.C.20.10 Malik, S.: P.A.24.13, P.A.24.14 Marodon, G.: P.A.23.11, P.B.21.01
Lovett, M.: P.B.26.13 MacDonald, N.: P.A.14.03 Malik, S. T.: P.B.32.23 Marone, G.: P.C.19.02, P.D.15.05
Lvgren, K. M.: P.D.24.01 MacGrath, M.: P.A.02.12 Malinovskaj, V. V.: P.D.16.20 Marongiu, L.: P.C.16.14
Low, H. Z.: P.B.22.19 Machacek, C.: P.C.19.19 Malinowska, M.: P.D.12.06 Marongiu, M.: P.E.04.16
Low, H.: P.B.31.18 Machacek, C. N.: P.C.12.08 Malisauskas, M.: P.C.02.14, P.D.24.11 Marotel, C.: P.C.13.16
Lowell, C.: P.C.21.04 Machado, G. F.: P.B.07.14 Malissen, B.: P.A.21.13 Marques, S. P.: P.A.17.05
Lowther, S.: P.B.24.19 Machado, L.: P.C.04.16 Malissen, M.: P.A.21.13, P.A.23.05 Marquet, M.: P.A.27.09
Lozano, F.: P.A.11.10, P.A.21.13, P.A.25.08, Machado, Y. J.: P.A.03.11, P.C.14.15 Malkova, J.: P.B.20.01, P.B.36.06, P.B.36.12 Marquez, C.: P.C.21.07
P.D.16.05 Machado-Contreras, J. R.: P.B.33.22 Malladi, R.: P.D.01.14 Marquina-Castillo, B.: P.D.11.07
Lozano, I.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.B.09.21, Machado Rezende, R.: P.D.04.14 Mallardo, D.: P.C.15.05 Marrakchi, R.: P.A.05.08, P.B.20.17, P.B.28.17
P.B.32.24 Machado-Santos, J.: P.B.34.18 Malmstrm, A.: P.A.03.05 Marrapodi, R.: P.B.42.18
Lozano, M. D.: P.A.09.01 Machciska, M.: P.C.13.03, P.D.26.06 Malmstrom, V.: P.B.22.03 Marrari, Y.: P.E.01.08
Lozano, T.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07 Machelart, A.: P.B.01.07, P.B.25.17 Malova, E. V.: P.D.16.10 Marshall, D.: P.A.24.11
Lozano-Andrs, E.: P.B.23.21 Macias-Barragan, J. G.: P.B.37.25 Maltese, V.: P.A.05.07 Marshall-Gradiskin, S.: P.A.15.10, P.A.08.01,
Lozano Fernndez, T.: P.C.17.04 Macas-Rodrguez, L.: P.D.16.12 Malumbres, M.: P.A.28.05 P.C.02.05
Lozza, L.: P.B.02.18 Macintyre, A. N.: P.D.23.01 Maly, K.: P.A.15.19 Marshall-Gradisnik, S. M.: P.A.26.07, P.C.02.20
Lu, C.: P.C.23.21, P.D.17.17 Mack, M.: P.B.32.17 Malyshkina, A.: P.D.16.22 Marsh-Wakefield, F.: P.A.10.16
Lu, C.-Y.: P.C.21.17 Mackay, C.: P.A.28.08 Mamalaki, A.: P.D.02.05 Marsollier, L.: P.D.19.15
Lu, F.: P.B.21.03 Mackay, F.: P.B.23.22 Mamareli, P.: P.A.15.17, P.A.24.10, P.B.35.11 Marszalowska, I.: P.B.36.09

Lu, G.: P.D.02.16 Mackensen, A.: P.E.02.05 Mamedov, I. Z.: P.A.20.14, P.A.20.16, P.A.21.10, Martelli, S.: P.C.10.02
Lu, H.-Y.: P.B.06.13 Mackova, J.: P.D.07.11 P.B.10.03, P.D.01.08 Martens, H.: P.B.24.08, P.E.05.14
Lu, I.-N.: P.B.42.05 Mackroth, M.: P.A.04.05, P.D.19.11 Man, A.: P.C.15.13 Marth, K.: P.A.27.07, P.B.38.16, P.D.05.06
Lu, K.-H.: P.D.07.13 MacLennan, C. A.: P.B.01.14 Man, R.: P.C.20.03 Martin, B.: P.A.08.08, P.A.16.01, P.A.25.07
Lu, L.: P.A.15.08 Mac-Millan, C.: P.A.16.15 Mancham, S.: P.D.25.19 Martn, C.: P.D.26.01
Lu, N.: P.D.02.14 Macpherson, A. J.: P.B.18.20 Mancheo-Corvo, P.: P.D.23.06, P.D.23.08 Martin, G.: P.B.21.01
Lu, X.: P.A.23.02, P.B.14.02 Mcsik-Valent, B.: P.A.10.12 Manczinger, M.: P.B.03.01 Martin, J.: P.E.01.08
Lu, Z.: P.D.02.14 Madany, E.: P.B.11.05 Manda-Handzlik, A.: P.C.01.24 Martin, N.: P.D.17.04
Lubich, C.: P.D.24.10, P.D.24.11 Madany Al-Kheder, E.: P.B.04.05 Mandelboim, O.: P.B.08.09, P.C.02.06 Martin, O.: P.A.27.09
Lucaciu, R.: P.D.26.12 Maddox, D. E.: P.B.05.15 Mandiarote, A.: P.D.02.18 Martin, S.: P.C.17.07
Lucarelli, B.: P.A.08.13 Madejn, A.: P.A.26.21 Mandour, M. F.: P.B.39.25 Martin, S. J.: P.B.22.24
Lucas, B.: P.B.37.06, P.A.08.08, P.A.16.01, Madhusudhan, T.: P.D.09.04 Man, M.: P.A.11.10 Martn-Carbonero, L.: P.A.26.21
P.A.25.07 Madhwani, T.: P.A.15.18, P.D.11.22 Manente, F. A.: P.C.07.06 Martn-Cfreces, N.: P.A.28.05, P.A.28.06
Luccarini, I.: P.B.34.19 Madonna, G.: P.C.15.05 Mangas, K. M.: P.D.19.15 Martin del Burgo, M.: P.B.15.08
Luciani, C.: P.B.09.20 Madritsch, C.: P.D.21.02 Mangeney, M.: P.A.16.11 Martinet, V.: P.A.07.13
Luciano, A.: P.D.14.15 Madruga, C. B.: P.B.17.03 Mangiavacchi, S.: P.D.19.10 Martinez, C.: P.B.20.14, P.B.09.22
Lcke, K.: P.A.24.16 Maecker, H. T.: P.D.08.17 Mangin, P.: P.C.03.13 Martinez, J.: P.B.15.08, P.A.18.13
Lcke, S.: P.B.13.05 Maei, S.: P.A.13.17 Mangold, A.: P.B.38.09 Martinez, J. C.: P.D.09.13
Ludeman, J.: P.C.19.17 Maes, T.: P.B.25.22, P.C.03.11 Mann, E.: P.C.11.11 Martnez, M. A.: P.B.07.25
Ludewig, B.: P.A.01.03, P.A.01.10, P.B.14.11, Maetzler, W.: P.B.07.02 Mann, V. M.: P.B.14.16 Martinez, P.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.B.09.21,
P.C.08.10 Mafille, J.: P.A.17.20 Mnnel, D. N.: P.B.20.16 P.B.32.24
Ludigs, K.: P.A.17.02 Magalhes, P. M.: P.B.29.18 Manns, M. P.: P.A.15.01, P.A.26.18, P.D.04.04 Martinez, V. G.: P.A.11.10, P.A.20.06
Ludovisi, S.: P.D.04.13 Magaret, A. S.: P.B.29.12 Manolova, I.: P.B.22.16, P.B.37.15 Martnez, V.: P.A.21.13, P.A.25.08, P.C.18.06
Ludvikson, B. R.: P.A.10.22 Magarotto, A.: P.A.26.05 Manoylov, I.: P.A.25.11, P.A.25.12, P.D.22.13, Martnez-A, C.: P.C.11.01
Ludviksson, B. R.: P.B.18.13 Magdeldin, M.: P.A.27.01 P.D.02.05 Martnez-Banaclocha, H.: P.A.12.18, P.B.30.06,
Ludwig-Portugall, I.: P.C.04.04 Mages, H. W.: P.D.04.17, P.D.11.09 Mansell, A.: P.B.41.17, P.C.21.19 P.C.02.22
Lue, T.F.: P.D.07.10 Maggi, E.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12, P.B.10.02, Mansfield, J. R.: P.E.01.15 Martnez-Barba, E.: P.D.09.09
Luescher, I.: P.D.06.23 P.B.22.17 Mansilla, M.: P.B.21.12, P.D.17.15 Martinez-Bonet, M.: P.B.31.19
Luetz-Meindl, U.: P.B.11.03 Maggi, L.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12, P.B.09.20, Mansouri, M.: P.B.25.23 Martinez-Bravo, M.-J.: P.A.03.10
Luft, T.: P.D.09.04 P.B.10.02 Mantani, P. T.: P.B.41.18 Martnez-Cceres, E.: P.B.21.12, P.D.17.15
Luger, T.: P.A.17.17 Magini, D.: P.D.19.10 Mantile, F.: P.E.02.08 Martinez del Hoyo, G.: P.A.04.17, P.A.28.11
Luger, T. A.: P.B.23.13 Maglie, S.: P.A.05.07 Mantinvalet, D.: P.C.11.02 Martnez-Escribano, J.: P.A.12.18, P.C.02.22
Lhr, J.: P.C.14.12, P.E.02.05 Magnan, A.: P.D.02.02 Mantovani, A.: P.C.01.15, P.C.06.01, P.C.06.15, Martnez-Florensa, M.: P.A.21.13, P.A.25.08,
Luin, P.: P.A.13.17, P.A.13.18 Magnet, A.: P.A.13.05 P.C.09.24, P.C.15.03, P.C.22.15 P.D.16.05
Luisa, G.: P.A.13.01 Magnusson, M.: P.A.25.02 Manuel, H.: P.D.22.17 Martinez-Forero, I.: P.D.14.13
Luis-Dapena, J.: P.B.04.02 Magone, S.: P.C.15.19 Manuzak, J.: P.A.13.09 Martinez-Gallo, M.: P.B.04.02, P.B.04.04,
Lukcsi, S.: P.C.22.10 Magri, G.: P.C.03.12 Manz, R.: P.A.10.08 P.B.04.12, P.B.04.17, P.B.18.07, P.B.18.18,
Lukacs-Kornek, V.: P.C.20.05 Mgriz Tascn, I.: P.B.04.05, P.B.11.05 Manzano-Szalai, K.: P.B.38.04 P.B.30.14
Lukasiak, S.: P.C.08.07 Mahaira, L.: P.C.24.01 Manzoni, D.: P.D.02.06 Martnez-Garca, C.: P.B.13.10
Lukic, I.: P.B.01.12, P.C.14.13 Mahapatra, S.: P.B.38.01 Maravillas-Montero, J. L.: P.A.19.10 Martinez-Leon, A.: P.C.06.06, P.B.09.21,
Lukic, M.: P.C.02.10 Mahasongkram, K.: P.A.04.16 Marcellin, M.: P.A.21.08 P.B.32.24, P.C.18.22
Lukic, M. L.: P.B.07.04, P.B.32.03, P.B.41.14, Mahdi, G.: P.B.18.08 Marcenaro, E.: P.C.10.17, P.C.18.04 Martnez-Lpez, M.: P.A.23.12, P.C.21.04
P.C.02.07, P.E.03.15 Maher, K.: P.C.07.12 Marchant, A.: P.B.42.08 Martinez-Lostao, L.: P.D.22.12
Lukkes, M.: P.C.03.01 Mahmoodi, F.: P.B.05.11, P.B.05.12, P.B.05.18, Marchetti-Deschmann, M.: P.E.01.10 Martinez-Orellana, P.: P.B.15.08
Luna-Maldonado, A.: P.C.21.03 P.B.19.04, P.D.16.01 Marchini, C.: P.A.25.05 Martnez-Peinado, P.: P.D.10.15, P.D.23.13
Lund, A. W.: P.A.26.09 Mahmoudi, M.: P.B.28.11, P.B.28.12 Marchi, C.: P.A.25.05 Martnez-Pieiro, L.: P.D.15.03
Lund, A.: P.B.07.01 Mahmutefendi, H.: P.A.13.18, P.A.13.17 Marcilla, M.: P.D.27.06 Martinez Pomar, N.: P.B.18.21, P.B.31.01

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 135
Author Index
Martnez-Quiles, N.: P.B.07.25 Mazzon, C.: P.C.06.01, P.C.19.22 Melo, C. S.: P.B.32.02 Mik, .: P.C.02.08
Martinez-Rodriguez, A.: P.E.04.06 Mazzon, M.: P.C.16.06 Melo, F. M.: P.A.15.14 Mikolajczyk, R.: P.D.25.10
Martnez-Saavedra, M.: P.B.18.07, P.B.04.12, Mazzoni, A.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12, P.B.09.20, Melo, G. D.: P.B.07.14 Mikolka, P.: P.B.25.09
P.B.04.16 P.B.10.02 Melo, P. H.: P.B.32.18 Mikosik, A.: P.E.04.13
Martinez-Sanchez, M.: P.A.12.18 Mbogning, C.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Melo, P.: P.B.31.06 Miksiewicz, M.: P.A.16.15, P.A.20.10
Martnez-Snchez, M. V.: P.B.30.06, P.A.12.17 McAuley, D.: P.C.15.12 Melville, P. A.: P.B.02.04 Mikykov, R.: P.B.39.18
Martinez Usatorre, A.: P.B.13.21, P.B.13.14 Mcbain, A.: P.B.20.07 Memarnejadian, A.: P.D.15.07 Mil, J.: P.B.13.10
Martin-Gallausiaux, C.: P.B.36.08 McBain, A. J.: P.D.11.22 Menasalvas-Ruz, A. I.: P.B.30.06, P.B.30.10 Mila LLambi, J.: P.B.18.21
Martini, A.: P.B.05.10, P.B.19.07 McBride, H.: P.A.22.09 Mendes, A. C.: P.B.03.06 Milano, G.: P.A.08.13
Martini, E.: P.B.10.15 McCall, K.: P.B.32.08 Mendes, S.: P.C.06.18 Milanov, P.: P.D.24.07
Martini, F.: P.A.17.04, P.B.15.17, P.B.31.10, McCarthy, N. I.: P.A.01.13 Mendes-da-Cruz, D.: P.B.08.10 Milcent, B.: P.D.14.10
P.C.03.03, P.C.04.03, P.C.04.12 McCauley, J.: P.B.15.13 Mendes-da-Cruz, D. A.: P.B.40.22 Mildner, M.: P.C.06.14, P.C.09.07, P.E.01.05,
Martini, H.: P.B.22.02 McCluskey, J.: P.A.07.19, P.A.08.02 Mendes-Junior, C. T.: P.B.17.17 P.E.02.14
Martin-Malo, A.: P.B.29.07 McCluskey, S.: P.D.20.04 Mendes-Passos, V.: P.A.21.04 Milenkovic, M.: P.B.21.16
Martn Martn, C.: P.D.26.02 McColl, B. W.: P.B.24.05 Mendez-Enriquez, E.: P.B.25.18 Miletic Kovacevic, M.: P.E.03.15
Martn-Nalda, A.: P.B.04.02, P.B.04.17, P.B.18.18 McCormick, M.: P.A.09.05 Mendrila, D.: P.B.08.09 Mileusnic, D.: P.B.12.10, P.B.35.04, P.C.15.10
Martinov, T.: P.B.24.04 McCoy, K. D.: P.B.18.20 Meneses-Flores, M.: P.B.39.14 Milfiadi, H.: P.D.08.09
Martinozzi Teissier, S.: P.B.38.01 McCulloch, L.: P.B.24.05 Menezes, M.: P.B.03.23 Milicevic, R.: P.B.37.19
Martins, C.: P.C.01.03, P.C.19.13 McDermott, C. D.: P.D.20.19 Menezes, M. N.: P.C.12.21 Militello, L.: P.B.39.03
Martins, G. A.: P.C.12.10 McDonald, J. U.: P.D.20.03 Menezes, P.: P.C.09.22 Milito, C.: P.B.30.05
Martins, J. P.: P.B.32.02 McDonald, P. P.: P.A.12.16, P.C.01.22 Meng, L.: P.A.10.08 Miljkovi, D.: P.B.21.13
Martins, M.: P.B.32.20 McGargill, M. A.: P.B.36.17 Meng, X.: P.D.02.14, P.B.11.02 Miljkovic, D.: P.D.23.11
Martins, R.: P.C.03.18 McGettigan, S. E.: P.D.14.19 Mengrelis, K.: P.A.08.24 Millar, D.: P.D.06.01
Martin-Villa, J. M.: P.B.07.25, P.B.39.21 McGettrick, H.: P.C.17.14, P.A.19.16, P.B.22.14, Mensah, F.: P.B.07.06 Miller, A. E.: P.E.03.06
Martire, C.: P.B.22.02 P.C.17.18, P.C.17.21 Mensa-Vilaro, A.: P.B.05.13 Miller, D. G.: P.D.22.21
Martorelli, D.: P.B.39.03 McGonnell, I.: P.B.36.14 Mensa-VIlar, A.: P.D.17.04 Miller, D.: P.E.05.01
Martufi, P.: P.A.25.06 McGovern, J. L.: P.C.04.08 Mensurado, S.: P.A.08.11 Miller, L.: P.D.08.05
Maruscakova, L.: P.B.14.18, P.B.21.05 McGregor, A.: P.D.19.23 Menta, R.: P.D.23.06, P.D.23.08 Miller, M.: P.B.02.16
Marusciac, L.: P.B.38.20 Mchedlidze, T.: P.C.03.06 Menzel, S.: P.A.16.15, P.A.19.07, P.A.20.10, Miller, M. A.: P.D.03.09
Marut, W.: P.B.32.04 McHenry, M.: P.B.18.08 P.C.17.06, P.C.17.11 Miller, S. D.: P.A.15.02
Maruyama, S. R.: P.D.11.13 McHugh, T. D.: P.B.04.13 Menzel, U.: P.A.18.14 Millet, A.: P.B.10.21
Marvel, J.: P.A.17.20 McIlwain, D. R.: P.A.09.04 Merad, M.: P.C.03.12 Millischer, V.: P.C.09.18
Mary, C.: P.A.23.13, P.D.04.09, P.D.04.10 McKay, P. F.: P.A.27.12 Merches, K.: P.C.15.14 Mills, K. H.: P.A.08.06, P.A.08.20, P.B.23.05
Mascarell, L.: P.D.05.04 McKeating, J. A.: P.C.17.14 Mercier, I.: P.A.19.19 Mills, R.: P.B.32.06
Maschan, M.: P.D.01.08 McKenzie, A.: P.C.03.18 Meri, S.: P.B.35.10, P.C.22.11 Mills, T. C.: P.B.01.14
Mascias, J.: P.B.07.22 McKenzie, A. N.: P.B.41.18, P.C.03.07 Meriche, H.: P.B.05.08, P.B.05.09, P.B.19.16 Millward, J. M.: P.B.34.14
Masignani, V.: P.D.19.13 Mckernan, D. P.: P.C.14.18 Merino, R.: P.B.05.13 Miloevi, E.: P.B.34.16
Maslinski, W.: P.A.16.14, P.A.16.14, P.B.09.05 McLaughlin, J.: P.C.17.13 Merkler, D.: P.C.24.13 Milosevic-Djordjevic, O.: P.B.13.20
Mason, P. W.: P.D.19.10 McPhee, J. S.: P.E.04.05 Merli, P.: P.A.08.13 Miloudi, R.: P.B.28.03
Massalska, M.: P.A.16.14 McSharry, B. P.: P.B.24.18 Meroni, P.: P.A.02.08 Milovanovic, J.: P.B.07.04
Massara, M.: P.C.15.03 McTish, E.: P.B.07.12 Meryk, A.: P.A.09.09, P.A.26.03 Milovanovic, M.: P.B.07.04
Massey, R.: P.B.02.22 McVicar, D.: P.C.10.04 Merzel, F.: P.C.17.10 Miltner, N.: P.C.20.09
Massinga Loembe, M.: P.B.03.12 Mczyski, M.: P.D.18.08, P.D.18.09 Mesali, H.: P.B.27.03 Mimoun, M.: P.D.20.20
Masson, A. P.: P.D.16.17 Mdaghri, N.: P.A.19.17 Mesaros, S.: P.B.34.16 Mimura, L. A.: P.D.10.03
Masson, D.: P.C.13.16 Meazza, R.: P.A.22.12, P.B.04.22, P.C.18.09 Meschi, S.: P.C.04.03 Mimura, L. N.: P.D.10.04, P.D.10.05
Massot-Cladera, M.: P.B.38.22 Mebazaa, A.: P.C.04.01 Mesdaghi, M.: P.B.25.23 Min, X.: P.C.22.13
Masszi, T.: P.D.09.01 Mebius, R. E.: P.A.03.05, P.C.03.17 Meshaal, S. S.: P.B.37.08 Mina, M.: P.B.27.23
Mastelic Gavillet, B.: P.D.20.15 Meca, V.: P.B.34.10 Meshcheryakova, A.: P.A.18.11, P.D.08.12, Minatel, E.: P.B.39.03
Masternak, K.: P.D.06.12 Meabih, F.: P.B.40.09 P.D.24.13 Minault, D.: P.A.23.13, P.D.04.09, P.D.04.10
Masuelli, L.: P.C.10.20 Mecheti, B.: P.B.40.09 Messaoudene, M.: P.C.18.02 Mingari, M. C.: P.B.04.22, P.C.03.08, P.C.03.16
Mata-Espinosa, D.: P.D.11.07 Mechetina, L.: P.A.26.10 Messerle, M.: P.B.15.07, P.C.02.06 Mingari, M.: P.C.10.10, P.C.18.01, P.C.18.12
Matamoros Flori, N.: P.B.04.12 Mechetina, L. V.: P.A.09.12 Messias, C. V.: P.B.08.10, P.B.40.22 Minguela, A.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.A.12.18,
Matanjun, P.: P.D.10.02 Mechtcheriakova, D.: P.A.18.11, P.D.08.12, Melinger, H.: P.C.10.18 P.B.09.21, P.B.32.24, P.C.02.22
Matar, C. G.: P.B.03.15 P.D.24.13 Messner, B.: P.C.15.17 Minguela-Puras, A.: P.A.12.17, P.B.30.06,
Matarese, G.: P.C.23.08 Meddeb, M.: P.B.20.12 Mesteri, I.: P.C.03.18, P.C.24.13 P.B.30.10, P.B.30.12, P.C.21.03
Matei, G.: P.D.10.09 Medeiros, A.: P.A.14.01 Mestre-Torres, J.: P.B.30.14 Minguet, S.: P.A.18.10, P.A.28.19

Matheoud, D.: P.A.22.09 Medeiros, E. S.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17 Metallidis, S.: P.E.05.03 Minier, T.: P.A.10.21, P.A.25.17
Mathevet, P.: P.C.03.13 Medeiros, N. I.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.01, P.B.17.04, Metselaar, H. J.: P.D.25.19 Mining, S. K.: P.B.02.13
Mathias, P.: P.A.11.14, P.A.24.09 P.B.17.14 Meuer, S.: P.A.07.05, P.B.35.13 Minkov, G.: P.D.17.12
Mathie, S. A.: P.B.06.01 Medeiros, R.: P.B.24.17 Meunier, S.: P.D.24.05 Minter, B.: P.E.04.02
Mathieu, A.: P.A.03.02 Medgyesi, D.: P.A.09.14 Meuth, S. G.: P.B.23.13 Minuzzi, L. G.: P.A.25.15, P.C.23.20
Mathur, A.: P.B.32.06 Medina, F.: P.A.10.20 Mewalal, N.: P.A.26.01 Miodrag L. Luki,: P.B.23.17
Mathys, V.: P.B.16.01 Medina, I.: P.B.41.19 Meyer, B.: P.B.09.13 Miossec, P.: P.B.22.06, P.B.22.07
Matikainen, S.: P.C.16.10 Medina, S.: P.B.40.16 Meyer-Schwesinger, C.: P.B.23.16 Mquel, J.: P.B.42.06
Matins, J. P.: P.B.24.03 Medina, T. S.: P.B.17.21 Meza, N.: P.D.06.06 Mirabet, S.: P.D.25.02
Matiqi, T.: P.D.25.17 Medina-Estrada, I.: P.D.12.02 Meza-Perez, S.: P.C.01.04 Miranda, F.: P.B.22.02
Matko, J.: P.D.09.01 Medoff, B.: P.C.03.10 Mezdrokhina, A.: P.C.23.15, P.C.23.16 Mirjacic-Martinovic, K.: P.C.16.02
Matolcsy, A.: P.A.02.11 Medvedeva, S.: P.D.25.21 MHoma Soudja, S.: P.A.17.07 Mirkov, I.: P.B.12.10, P.B.35.04, P.C.15.10
Matos, A.: P.B.26.05, P.B.26.06, P.B.26.07, Meese, E.: P.A.17.08, P.A.17.08 Miao, T.: P.A.04.22, P.B.37.21 Mirzaei, H.: P.B.39.11
P.B.26.08, P.B.26.09 Meggyes, M.: P.C.02.08 Miao, Y.: P.A.23.10 Mirzaei, H. R.: P.B.39.11
Matoso, P.: P.B.31.14 Meghraoui-Kheddar, A.: P.B.06.05 Miazek, A.: P.A.14.04 Mi-Seon, J.: P.A.25.01
Matrosovich, M.: P.B.15.14 Megna, V.: P.B.30.05 Miceli-Richard, C.: P.D.24.05 Mishra, M. K.: P.D.06.14
Matsoukas, I.: P.B.34.20 Mehling, M.: P.E.03.20 Michalik, J.: P.B.33.21, P.B.34.13 Misiak, A.: P.A.08.06
Matsuda, H.: P.B.33.03 Mehri, A.: P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09 Michalke, F.: P.A.07.05 Mistry, B.: P.B.16.13
Matsui, A.: P.B.28.16 Mehrotra, V.: P.A.04.19 Michaud, K.: P.C.03.13 Mistry, P.: P.D.06.01
Matsumoto, M.: P.A.01.06 Mehta, A.: P.D.22.11 Michel, C.: P.A.27.10 Misu, T.: P.B.19.03
Matsuno, K.: P.A.01.11 Mei, H.: P.A.02.12 Michel, J.-B. B.: P.C.11.03 Mitera, T.: P.C.09.14
Matta, J.: P.C.18.04 Mei, H. E.: P.D.08.17 Michel, J.: P.C.12.11 Miteva, L.: P.B.22.16, P.B.27.16, P.B.37.15
Mattes, J.: P.B.06.07 Meier, T.: P.D.10.16 Michlits, G.: P.B.39.18 Mitkin, N. A.: P.B.28.09, P.B.34.03
Matthias, J.: P.A.05.09 Meiler, S.: P.A.02.05 Michlmayr, A.: P.C.22.07 Mitra, S.: P.B.16.17
Matthys, P.: P.C.09.14 Meiners, J.: P.C.03.04 Michova, A.: P.D.05.07 Mitre, A.: P.B.09.14
Mattila, P.: P.A.18.15 Meinke, S.: P.C.18.23 Micovic, V.: P.A.15.12 Mitrevski, M.: P.B.42.18, P.D.04.13
Mattiuz, R.: P.A.16.01 Meireles, G. S.: P.B.17.03 Miele, E.: P.B.20.09 Mitrovic, S. L.: P.B.41.14
Mattner, J.: P.B.06.14 Meissl, K.: P.C.16.05 Mielenz, D.: P.A.12.01, P.A.27.02 Mitrus, I.: P.A.21.15, P.D.01.13
Mattos, A. M.: P.D.08.16 Mejstrikova, E.: P.D.14.09 Migliara, G.: P.A.20.20, P.C.14.19 Mitsui, C.: P.A.23.01
Matucci, A.: P.B.22.17 Mekki, N.: P.B.18.14 Migliori, E.: P.B.39.02 Mitterling, T.: P.B.07.21
Matulis, D.: P.B.28.08 Melamed, D.: P.A.03.18 Miguel, F.: P.D.22.17 Mittermair, R.: P.A.13.11, P.C.04.11
Matveyeva, S. L.: P.B.37.04 Melandri, E.: P.C.08.11 Mihaila, A.: P.D.18.04 Mittermann, I.: P.B.11.08, P.B.11.16
Maubec, E.: P.D.06.16 Melchers, F.: P.A.01.05, P.A.11.04 Mihaila, M.: P.D.10.09, P.D.14.11 Mittrcker, H.-W.: P.A.14.14, P.A.24.16, P.B.23.10
Mauger, I.: P.B.27.06 Melchers, M.: P.A.03.18 Mihaila, M. A.: P.B.14.01 Mitulovi, G.: P.C.12.08
Maurano, M. M.: P.A.16.03 Meln, E.: P.B.29.04 Mihajlovi, D.: P.C.01.10, P.C.05.10, P.D.22.16, Miyajima, M.: P.C.03.12
Maus, M. V.: P.D.14.19 Melenhorst, J. J.: P.D.14.19 P.C.09.13 Miyake, K.: P.C.06.02
Maxwell, G.: P.A.28.08 Melero, I.: P.A.09.01, P.A.23.12, P.D.14.13 Mihalj, M.: P.B.06.19, P.B.06.20 Miyasaka, M.: P.A.01.11
May, P.: P.B.13.16 Melgar, S.: P.C.11.20 Mihaljevic, O.: P.B.13.20 Mizutani, N.: P.D.05.02
Mayer, A.: P.A.27.07 Melihova, E.: P.B.20.21 Mihaylova, A.: P.B.15.02 Mkannez, G.: P.C.17.09
Mayer, I.: P.B.42.15 Melillo, D.: P.C.11.12 Mihaylova, N.: P.A.11.01, P.B.23.23, P.D.02.04, Mo, J.: P.D.18.14
Mayer, K. A.: P.E.03.11 Melin, M.: P.B.33.04 P.D.02.05, P.D.04.05, P.D.22.13, P.E.01.07 Moaaz, M.: P.B.25.19, P.B.33.18
Mayer, N.: P.A.18.05 Meller, S.: P.C.20.12, P.D.18.19 Mihoubi, E.: P.D.27.02 Moazzeni, S.: P.D.06.20
Mayorga, C.: P.A.22.02, P.B.11.09, P.B.12.11 Mello, P. H.: P.A.16.02 Mijatovic-Teodorovic, L.: P.B.13.20 Mbs, C.: P.D.05.10
Mayr, M.: P.A.03.11, P.C.14.15 Mellor, A. L.: P.B.39.09 Mikasz, P.: P.B.05.04 Mochizuki, N.: P.A.01.11
Mzl, A.: P.C.20.09 Mellouk, A.: P.A.28.22, P.B.14.19 Mikhaylova, V. A.: P.E.05.07 Mocikat, R.: P.B.13.03, P.D.22.19
Mazur-Bialy, A. I.: P.C.17.25, P.D.10.18 Melnikov, O. F.: P.C.09.03 Mikic, D.: P.B.39.20, P.B.39.24 Modak, M.: P.A.23.03
Mazurkevych, A.: P.D.07.07 Melo, C. G.: P.B.24.03 Mikls, K.: P.D.11.10 Moder, K.: P.B.33.15

136 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Moderzynski, K.: P.B.02.07, P.B.02.08 Moriev, R. M.: P.B.39.06 Mller, J.: P.A.10.04, P.B.02.22 Nahlovsky, J.: P.D.17.02
Mohamed, E.: P.B.39.09 Morimoto, J.: P.A.01.06 Mller, K.: P.D.01.09 Nahorski, W.: P.B.03.18
Mohamed Khosroshahi, L.: P.A.19.03 Morimoto, R.: P.C.09.21 Mller, K. G.: P.D.09.03 Naicker, S.: P.B.32.15
Mohapatra, S. R.: P.B.09.17 Morin, F.: P.B.32.04 Mller, L.: P.A.21.06 Nair, P. M.: P.B.06.07
Moilanen, E.: P.B.22.23 Morin, P.: P.A.14.03 Mller, M.-L.: P.C.10.01 Najafi, N.: P.B.11.07
Moilanen, T.: P.B.22.23 Morin, S. O.: P.A.23.05 Mller, M.: P.B.06.15, P.B.37.10, P.C.10.09, Najafi, S.: P.E.05.05
Moine, V.: P.D.06.12 Moris, A.: P.A.09.03, P.A.09.13, P.B.31.09, P.C.16.05, P.C.16.09, P.C.23.02 Najakshin, A.: P.A.26.10
Moingeon, P.: P.D.05.04 P.B.31.16, P.D.20.20 Mller, N.: P.B.29.11 Najda, J.: P.A.21.15, P.D.01.13
Moins-Teisserenc, H.: P.C.04.01, P.D.01.07, Moritz, K.: P.B.25.12 Mller, S.: P.A.07.04, P.A.20.17 Nakae, S.: P.A.25.18
P.D.06.16 Morley, T.: P.D.18.11 Muller, W.: P.B.37.23, P.C.05.17 Nakamura, K.: P.C.07.16, P.A.01.13
Mojtahedi, Z.: P.B.28.11, P.B.28.12 Moro Garca, M. A.: P.A.02.07, P.B.42.01 Mller-Hilke, B.: P.A.11.09, P.A.11.13 Nakamura, S.: P.A.01.11
Molero, J.: P.B.04.12 Moro Garca, M. A.: P.E.02.13 Mulligan, M. K.: P.C.21.01 Nakano, Y.: P.D.13.01
Molero, T.: P.B.04.12 Morone, D.: P.C.06.15 Mulpuru, S.: P.D.16.11 Nakhasi, H.: P.C.19.10
Molfetta, R.: P.B.40.18, P.C.10.20 Morozov, S.: P.C.11.05 Mumcu, G.: P.B.05.07 Nakken, B.: P.B.14.12
Molgora, M.: P.C.01.15 Morrissey, M.: P.B.13.24 Munaut, C.: P.E.05.14 Naldini, A.: P.C.13.02
Molina, A.: P.B.31.01, P.B.13.10 Morrissey, P.: P.A.12.08, P.B.28.10, P.C.16.01, Mungan, Z.: P.B.12.08 Namale, J.: P.A.25.02
Molina Alcaide, J.: P.D.25.01, P.D.25.18 P.C.16.07 Mungenast, F.: P.A.18.11 Namazi, M. J.: P.B.32.11
Mlleken, K.: P.B.01.16 Morrow, G.: P.A.20.19 Munir, H.: P.B.22.14, P.C.17.18, P.C.17.21 Nameni, F.: P.B.30.24, P.C.09.20, P.C.15.20,
Molnr, E.: P.A.28.19 Morsi, H.: P.E.03.18 Munizio, N.: P.C.23.17 P.E.03.21
Momburg, F.: P.A.13.18 Mortara, L.: P.C.10.06, P.C.10.07, P.D.06.05 Muoz, A.: P.A.13.01 Namouchi, I.: P.B.20.12
Momcilovic, M.: P.A.04.14, P.B.21.13 Mortari, M. R.: P.C.24.16 Muoz, G.: P.C.09.17 Nanava, N.: P.D.07.08
Mondae, M.: P.B.06.01 Mortellaro, A.: P.C.07.20 Muoz, J.: P.A.20.13, P.A.28.16 Nandakumar, K.-S.: P.B.23.24
Mondelli, M. U.: P.D.04.13 Mortha, A.: P.C.03.12 Muoz, L.: P.D.16.05 Nandy, R. K.: P.D.11.21
Mondino, A.: P.A.26.09 Mortier, A.: P.C.17.15 Muoz, M. A.: P.D.19.21, P.A.14.06 Naneh, O.: P.C.17.10
Mongay, L.: P.D.09.12 Morton, L.: P.D.06.01 Muoz, P.: P.D.25.07 Napoletano, C.: P.A.25.06
Monge-Lobo, I.: P.B.07.25 Morvan, M.: P.C.11.03 Muoz, U.: P.B.21.20, P.B.21.21 Naranbhai, V.: P.B.01.14
Moniuszko, M.: P.B.05.04 Mosayebi, G.: P.B.02.21 Muoz Calleja, C.: P.D.06.13, P.B.14.20, P.B.40.16 Narang, R.: P.D.15.21
Monroy, A.: P.B.13.22 Mosdsi, B.: P.D.11.10 Muoz-Fernndez, M. .: P.B.31.19 Narasimhan, K.: P.C.15.11
Monserrat-Coll, J. L.: P.D.09.09 Mosetter, B.: P.A.26.04 Muoz-Garca, D.: P.B.34.10 Narayanan, M.: P.D.21.09, P.A.27.13
Montacute, R. C.: P.B.24.22 Moskalik, A.: P.C.01.24 Muz-Mlaga, A.: P.B.34.10 Narayanan, R. B.: P.B.19.20
Montagner, S.: P.C.24.09 Moskovskich, A.: P.B.29.10 Muoz-Pasadas, M.: P.B.34.10 Naredo, E.: P.A.18.12, P.A.18.13, P.D.04.01
Montaini, G.: P.A.05.12, P.A.05.11, P.B.09.20, Moss, M.: P.E.04.02 Muoz Valle, J. F.: P.B.37.25, P.B.33.22 Narendran, P.: P.A.19.16
P.B.10.02 Moss, P.: P.D.01.14, P.E.04.07 Munoz-Wolf, N.: P.D.20.17 Nascimento, D. C.: P.A.16.02, P.B.09.01
Montalbano, M.: P.B.15.17 Mossu, A.: P.A.17.21 Muntasell, A.: P.C.02.01, P.C.02.21, P.C.10.08, Nascimento, D.: P.B.31.06
Montaldo, E.: P.C.03.16 Mostafa, H.: P.B.13.06 P.C.18.08 Nascimento, I. P.: P.D.11.14
Montanaro, J.: P.B.01.12 Mostarica Stojkovi, M.: P.B.21.13, P.B.34.16 Munthe, L.: P.B.14.12 Nascimento, R.: P.B.16.21
Montasier, H. J.: P.A.17.11 Mota, L.: P.B.35.08 Mnz, C.: P.A.07.07, P.B.15.12 Naseer, M.: P.E.04.11
Monteagudo, I.: P.A.18.12, P.A.18.13, P.D.04.01 Mota, M.: P.B.09.09 Muraille, E.: P.B.01.07, P.B.25.17 Naseer, M. I.: P.C.15.11
Montefiori, D.: P.D.19.07 Moten, D. A.: P.B.38.15 Murakami, M.: P.B.22.10 Naseri, M.: P.B.21.17
Monteforte, R.: P.B.23.04 Mothe, B.: P.D.19.21 Murali, S.: P.A.17.10 Nash, G. B.: P.B.22.14, P.C.17.18, P.C.17.21
Monteiro, P. T.: P.A.14.02 Mothes-Luksch, N.: P.B.11.18 Muraro, E.: P.B.39.03 Nasi, M.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17, P.C.18.18
Montejo, M.: P.B.29.07 Motoi, M.: P.D.16.04 Muratore, F.: P.B.41.09 Nataa Zdravkovi,: P.B.23.17
Montes, C.: P.B.16.16 Motooka, D.: P.A.01.11 Muratova, A. M.: P.B.28.09, P.B.34.03 Natoli, G.: P.C.24.15
Monti, M.: P.D.04.13 Motwani, M.: P.D.17.07 Murcia, A.: P.B.40.14 Nauer, M.: P.A.14.03
Monticelli, S.: P.C.24.09 Mougiakakis, D.: P.A.27.02 Murdoch, C.: P.C.01.23 Naumann, M.: P.B.02.12
Montoro, C. A.: P.B.13.22 Moulaei, N. A.: P.B.32.22 Murera, D.: P.A.20.17 Naumann, R.: P.B.38.07
Montoya, M.: P.B.15.08, P.C.05.16, P.D.19.21 Moulessehoul, S.: P.E.03.05 Murias, S.: P.B.05.13 Naumova, E. J.: P.B.15.02
Montoya Buelna, M.: P.B.37.25 Moullier, P.: P.B.42.16 Muro, M.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.A.12.18, Naura, A.: P.B.12.05
Montoya-Diaz, E.: P.D.02.21 Mouquet, H.: P.A.09.13 P.B.09.21, P.B.32.24, P.C.02.22 Nava, S.: P.C.07.10
Monzon-Casanova, E.: P.A.09.11, P.C.08.07 Moura, P. M.: P.B.29.18 Muro-Amador, M.: P.B.30.06, P.B.30.10, Navabi, S. S.: P.D.19.05
Moody, A. J.: P.C.17.26 Moura, T. R.: P.B.17.10 P.D.09.09 Naval, J.: P.D.22.12
Moog, C.: P.A.09.13 Mouri, Y.: P.A.01.06 Murphy, A.: P.B.41.05 Navarini, A.: P.C.20.12
Moon, B.: P.A.25.16 Mourits, V.: P.C.03.17 Murphy, A. J.: P.B.09.12 Navarrete, C.: P.D.26.16
Moos, S.: P.A.24.08, P.B.37.20 Mousa, A.: P.B.16.15 Murphy, C. T.: P.C.11.20 Navarro, J.: P.B.30.22, P.B.34.02, P.D.25.02,
Moossavi, S.: P.B.20.05 Mousavi Niri, N.: P.D.15.07 Murphy, J. J.: P.A.18.09 P.D.25.03, P.D.25.04, P.D.25.07, P.D.17.15,
Mora, J. S.: P.B.07.22 Mousavi Shabestari, T.: P.D.01.12 Murphy, M.: P.B.22.05 P.E.05.11

Mora, M. L.: P.B.13.22 Moussali, M.-L.: P.B.27.06 Murphy, N.: P.D.26.05 Navarro, R.: P.C.07.15
Mora, R. A.: P.C.01.14 Moussa Mebarek, A.: P.B.33.17 Murray, D. D.: P.D.08.11 Navarro-Noguera, E.: P.C.21.03
Mora, T.: P.A.20.14 Mouthon, L.: P.A.10.05 Murray, J. E.: P.B.18.09 Navas, A.: P.B.11.20
Mora-Bau, G.: P.B.01.02 Mouzaki, A.: P.A.14.17, P.A.16.16, P.B.34.05, Murray, P.: P.D.16.21 Navas Romo, A.: P.D.25.01, P.D.25.18
Moradi, S.: P.C.10.03 P.B.34.20 Murray, P. J.: P.B.16.14 Naveaux, C.: P.B.39.02
Morado, C.: P.D.11.19 Movassagh pour, A.: P.C.02.16 Murti, K.: P.B.03.21 Naves, R.: P.B.21.10
Morais, C. N.: P.B.29.18 Movert, E.: P.B.16.12 Murzakova, A.: P.D.19.09 Navis, M.: P.C.05.12
Morais, G. A.: P.B.05.21 Moya, R.: P.C.21.03 Musa, B. O.: P.B.37.12 Naya, A.: P.A.19.17
Moraleda-Jimnez, J. M.: P.D.09.09, P.A.12.17 Moya-Quiles, M.: P.A.12.18, P.B.09.21, P.B.30.06, Muscate, F.: P.A.28.14 Nayar, S.: P.A.01.04, P.A.01.09, P.B.37.06
Morales, M. P.: P.C.12.01 P.B.30.10, P.B.32.24, P.C.02.22, P.C.06.06, Musialowicz, U.: P.A.16.14 Naylor, A. J.: P.A.01.04
Morales, R.: P.B.13.10 P.C.18.22 Musil, J.: P.D.07.11 Nazari, N.: P.B.13.25
Morales-Kastresana, A.: P.A.23.12, P.D.14.13 Moya-Quiles, R.: P.B.30.12 Muslimova, V.: P.A.04.08 Nazario, M.: P.A.13.01
Mora-Lpez, F.: P.A.19.15, P.B.40.03 Moyon, M.: P.A.21.03 Mussini, C.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17 Nazarov, V. I.: P.A.21.10, P.B.10.03
Moramarco, A.: P.B.41.09 Mrakovcic-Sutic, I.: P.A.15.12, P.B.27.19 Mustafina, O.: P.E.03.22 Nazimek, K.: P.A.02.03, P.A.22.05, P.A.22.10,
Moran, Y.: P.B.07.22 Mrazek, J.: P.B.36.07 Mustapha, R.: P.D.15.08 P.C.11.07, P.C.11.08, P.D.18.12
Morand, E.: P.C.05.05 Mrdjen, D.: P.A.14.13 Mustaphina, O.: P.A.16.05 Ndhlovu, Z. M.: P.A.26.01
Morandi, B.: P.C.03.08, P.C.20.04 Mrotzek, S.: P.A.12.11 Mutafchieva, M. Z.: P.B.19.05 Ndungu, T.: P.A.26.01
Morandini, A. C.: P.C.24.10 Mrowiec, A.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.A.12.18, Mutapi, F.: P.B.19.11 Neagoe, P.-E.: P.A.12.16
Moraru, M.: P.C.02.01, P.C.18.08 P.B.09.21, P.B.32.24, P.C.02.22 Muth, S.: P.C.04.09 Neagu, M.: P.B.28.02
Morath, A.: P.A.28.19 Mrvi, V.: P.C.03.02 Muthu Raja, K.: P.B.03.19 Nebolsin, V. E.: P.D.21.03
Mrbe, U.: P.C.08.10 Muccio, L.: P.C.18.09 Mutlu, D.: P.B.42.04 Nebreda, A. R.: P.C.23.09
Morcos, M.: P.D.26.05 Muellauer, B.: P.C.22.06 Mutlu, E.: P.B.42.04 Nebuloni, M.: P.C.09.24
Moreau, J. F.: P.A.08.10, P.C.07.14 Mueller, A. C.: P.C.08.08 Mutschler, F.: P.D.25.10 Nechvatalova, J.: P.A.27.06, P.B.04.08, P.B.18.12
Moreau, P.: P.B.17.17 Mueller, B.: P.D.26.09 Mwinzi, P. N.: P.C.21.09 Neco, H. V.: P.B.29.18
Moreira, O.: P.B.17.18 Mueller, I.: P.A.08.17 Mydel, P.: P.B.32.01 Nedeljkovic, P.: P.C.12.07
Moreira, P. R.: P.B.28.16 Mueller, M.: P.B.01.17, P.C.23.14 Myliwiec, M.: P.B.08.11, P.D.13.15 Nederend, M.: P.B.15.05
Morel, A.-P.: P.B.13.12 Mueller, Y. M.: P.A.11.03, P.C.08.07 Myliwska, J.: P.B.08.06, P.B.08.11, P.D.13.14 Nedospasov, S.: P.C.17.17, P.D.13.10
Morel, P.: P.B.13.08 Mufazalov, I.: P.A.24.08 Myllymki, H.: P.B.02.20 Needham, M.: P.B.15.01
Morel, V.: P.B.27.06 Muggen, A. F.: P.A.08.15, P.A.18.03 Mylonas, A.: P.C.20.12 Neefjes, J.: P.A.13.04
Morel-Deville, F.: P.D.02.22 Muhammad, K.: P.A.10.14 Mynarski, W.: P.D.13.15 Neerincx, A.: P.C.16.03
Moreno, E.: P.C.01.14 Muhr, M.: P.B.38.04 Myngbay, A.: P.B.22.22 Neeson, P. J.: P.A.07.19
Moreno, M.: P.D.26.01, P.D.26.02 Muhtarova, M.: P.D.05.07, P.D.16.19, P.B.31.15 Myszka, M.: P.A.22.05 Nefzi, N.: P.B.08.03, P.D.27.07
Moreno-Altamirano, M. M.: P.E.03.12 Muir, L.: P.A.27.12 Mzinza, D.: P.B.42.03 Negi, N.: P.B.31.13
Moreno-Cubero, E.: P.B.42.06 Mukherjee, S.: P.B.16.17, P.B.17.20 Negm, O.: P.B.24.23
Moreno-Ruiz, F. J.: P.A.28.20 Mukherjee, S.: P.A.15.18 N Nehr, M.: P.B.11.08
Moreno-Viedma, V.: P.A.20.15, P.C.19.01 Mukhopadhyay, D.: P.B.16.17, P.B.17.20 Nacaroglu, H.: P.B.30.11 Neidhart, M.: P.B.09.17
Moret, I.: P.C.20.03 Mulder, A.: P.A.13.04 Nadafi, R.: P.A.03.05 Neili, B.: P.A.05.08, P.B.20.17
Moretta, A.: P.C.10.17, P.C.18.04, P.C.18.09 Mulens-Arias, V.: P.C.12.01 Nadeem, A.: P.E.03.17 Nejadnik, M. R.: P.B.08.14
Moretta, L.: P.A.08.13, P.B.04.22, P.C.03.08, Mllauer, L.: P.B.18.16 Nss, L. M.: P.D.02.18 Nejentsev, S.: P.B.04.13
P.C.03.16, P.C.10.05, P.C.10.10, P.C.18.01, Mllebner, A.: P.D.12.05 Nagarkatti, M.: P.B.07.12 Nemec, L.: P.E.02.14
P.C.18.09, P.C.18.12, P.C.18.13, P.C.20.04 Mulleman, D.: P.D.13.07 Nagel, J.: P.C.19.09 Nemeckova, S.: P.D.07.11
Moretti, S. A.: P.B.35.09 Mller, A.: P.B.01.05, P.B.01.06 Nagelkerke, S. Q.: P.C.22.02 Nmeth, A.: P.B.22.13
Morgado, S.: P.C.02.03 Mller, C.: P.B.12.07 Nagl, B.: P.A.22.01, P.B.25.08, P.D.21.06 Nmeth, P.: P.A.25.17, P.B.09.18
Morgan, N. G.: P.B.33.19 Muller, C. P.: P.B.42.05 Nagy, C.: P.E.03.06 Nencini, F.: P.B.22.17
Mori, A.: P.A.23.01 Mller, D. N.: P.D.10.12 Nagy, E. E.: P.B.22.11 Nepesov, S.: P.B.04.21, P.B.18.10, P.C.12.23
Mori, L.: P.B.38.01 Mller, H.: P.B.11.18 Nagy, E.: P.D.16.21 Nepomnyschih, V.: P.B.10.17
Morianos, I.: P.B.23.01 Mller, I.: P.A.26.16 Nagy, L.: P.B.14.14 Neri, D.: P.A.03.17, P.B.14.05, P.C.04.06

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 137
Author Index
Nesterova, I. V.: P.D.08.08, P.D.16.20 Nivine, S.: P.A.27.10 P.D.16.12 Ordez, D.: P.B.31.18
Neth, O.: P.B.04.16 Niyomtham, N.: P.C.09.15 Ochs, C.: P.B.13.16 Ordez del Valle, D.: P.B.22.19, P.C.05.01
Netter, P.: P.C.10.14 Nizzoli, G.: P.A.26.05 Ochsenbein, A. F.: P.B.40.06 Oreja-Guevara, C.: P.B.34.02
Netzer, S.: P.A.08.10 Nkosi, T.: P.A.26.01 Ochsenbein, A.: P.D.07.09 Orgovn, N.: P.C.22.10
Neubauer, A.: P.D.05.01, P.B.25.12, P.D.05.06, Noack, M.: P.B.22.06 ckinger, J.: P.B.21.06, P.C.07.18 Orivuori, L.: P.B.33.04
P.D.21.08, P.D.21.13 Nbrega, A.: P.A.16.17 OConnor, G.: P.C.10.04 Orlando Jnior, I. C.: P.D.27.08
Neubert, K.: P.A.03.06, P.C.22.01, P.D.22.02 Nobrega, C.: P.A.21.16 OConnor, R. A.: P.A.06.08 Orlowski, P.: P.A.03.07, P.B.07.19, P.B.15.03
Neudoerfl, C.: P.D.26.09 Nofouzi, K.: P.B.05.11, P.B.05.12, P.B.05.18, ODonnell, V.: P.B.06.01 Orru, V.: P.E.04.16
Neudrfl, C.: P.A.23.06, P.D.25.09, P.D.25.10, P.B.19.04, P.D.12.09, P.D.16.01 Oefner, C. M.: P.D.05.10 Orso, G.: P.A.20.01
P.D.25.10, P.D.26.08 Nogueira, J.: P.A.16.17, P.B.27.10 Oehler, R.: P.C.15.17, P.C.22.07, P.E.01.10 Orta, M.: P.A.11.10
Neuhaus, J.: P.D.08.11 Nohara, L. L.: P.A.02.02 Oelke, M.: P.D.14.02 Orta-Mascar, M.: P.A.21.13, P.A.25.08
Neumann, C.: P.A.04.12 Nolte, M. A.: P.A.02.09 Oerlemans, E.: P.B.35.09 Ortega Garca, Y. R.: P.D.27.05
Neumann, D.: P.B.06.18 Nolte, M. A.: P.A.23.09 Oettinger, L.: P.B.07.02 Ortego, N.: P.B.05.13
Neumann, K.: P.A.04.12, P.C.03.04 Nolte - t Hoen, E. N.: P.A.02.15 OFarrelly, C.: P.B.15.01 Ortensi, B.: P.B.34.19
Neumayer, S.: P.B.32.17 Noman, M.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03 OFlynn, L.: P.C.13.10 Ortiz, A. M.: P.B.09.22
Neunkirchner, A.: P.A.03.08, P.A.12.05, P.A.22.03, Nomanpour, B.: P.B.21.17 Ofulla, A. V.: P.C.21.09 Ortiz, R.: P.B.41.21
P.B.38.02, P.B.38.07, P.B.38.11, P.D.20.18, Nonhof, U.: P.B.22.04 OGarra, A.: P.A.19.19 Ortolani, C.: P.C.11.23
P.D.21.01, P.D.21.06 Nony, E.: P.D.05.04 Ogasawara, K.: P.B.15.16 Oruc, Z.: P.A.27.09
Neuper, T.: P.C.06.03 Noonan, D. M.: P.C.10.06, P.C.10.07, P.D.06.05 Ogbe, A.: P.A.04.22 Osborn, T.: P.B.33.15
Neurath, M.: P.C.03.06 Nordin Fredrikson, G.: P.B.41.18 Ogg, G. S.: P.B.29.06, P.C.03.07 OSeaghdha, M.: P.C.07.02
Neurath, M. F.: P.B.20.02, P.D.24.17 Nordlohne, J.: P.B.41.10 Ogongo, P.: P.D.19.17 OShaughnessy, R. F.: P.A.06.16
Neurohr, C.: P.B.42.07 Nordrehaug, J.-E.: P.B.07.01 Ogulur, I.: P.B.18.03 OShea, M. K.: P.A.19.20, P.E.04.08
Neuss, S.: P.C.02.13 Nordstroem, K.: P.A.01.08 Ogurtsov, D. P.: P.B.07.08, P.B.24.15 shepkov, A.: P.B.06.11
Neves, E.: P.C.18.07 Norheim, G.: P.D.02.18 Oh, D.: P.C.13.13 Oshikata, C.: P.A.23.01
Neves, F.: P.C.23.05 Norton, J. D.: P.A.18.09 Oh, J. H.: P.D.22.08 Osl, M.: P.B.27.07
Nevinsky, G.: P.E.01.01 Norzawani, B.: P.B.23.08 Oh, S. T.: P.D.22.08 Osolnik, K.: P.C.18.19
Newbury, S.: P.D.08.01 Nosenko, E.: P.C.11.14 Ohno, N.: P.C.14.14, P.D.16.04 Osorio, F.: P.A.14.10
Newby, A. C.: P.B.05.16 Noster, R.: P.A.05.09 Ohradanova-Repic, A.: P.A.04.06, P.A.20.07, Osorio-Ochoa, A.: P.B.39.15
Newell, E. W.: P.A.07.17 Notarangelo, L. D.: P.B.18.05, P.C.03.10 P.B.01.22, P.C.12.08, P.C.19.19 Ossart, J.: P.D.26.11
Neyrolles, O.: P.A.19.19 Notarbartolo, S.: P.A.05.10 Ohteki, T.: P.C.05.08 Ostadkarampour, M.: P.B.21.06
Ng, T.: P.C.10.02 Notley, C. A.: P.C.04.08 Ohtomo, M.: P.A.23.01 Ostanin, A.: P.C.11.05, P.D.07.04
Ng, Y. Y.: P.B.04.21 Nouari, W.: P.C.11.16 Ohtomo, T.: P.A.23.01 Osteikoetxea, X.: P.B.22.13
Ngo, D.: P.B.09.12 Nourizadeh, M.: P.B.04.23 Ohtomo-Abe, A.: P.A.23.01 sterby Jrgensen, L.: P.A.01.07
Nguyen, D. H.: P.B.06.07 Novak, I. T.: P.C.01.25 Oida, K.: P.B.33.03, P.B.38.04 Osterloh, A.: P.B.02.06, P.B.02.07, P.B.02.08
Nguyen, E.: P.D.04.09 Novak, K.: P.B.04.13 Oikarinen, M.: P.B.33.19 Ostmann, A.: P.B.37.02
Nguyen, M.: P.A.07.13 Novak, M.: P.B.07.15, P.E.02.09 Ojanen, M. J.: P.B.02.20 Ostuni, R.: P.C.24.14
Nguyen, T.: P.A.08.01, P.A.15.10, P.C.02.05, Novak, S.: P.B.06.19, P.B.06.20 Okhrimenko, A.: P.A.02.12, P.A.02.13 Osugi, L.: P.B.27.10
P.C.09.09 Novelli, F.: P.A.25.05 Okorie, C.: P.C.19.07 OSullivan, C.: P.C.19.07, P.A.10.16
Ngwuta, J. O.: P.B.15.05 Novkovic, M.: P.B.14.11 Oksanen, K.: P.B.02.20 OSullivan, J.: P.B.13.24
Niaz, H.: P.C.01.23 Novoa, E.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.B.09.21, Oksenhendler, E.: P.A.09.03 Oswald, A.: P.A.18.11
Nibbs, R. J.: P.E.04.10 P.B.32.24 Okudaira, M.: P.A.01.11 Oswald, E.: P.B.34.04
Nicco, C.: P.B.32.04 Novoa-Bolvar, E. M.: P.B.30.06, P.B.30.10 Okumus, G.: P.C.02.11 Otano, I.: P.D.23.12
Nickerson-Nutter, C.: P.D.13.05 Novoa-Bolvar, E.: P.B.30.12 Okuturlar, Y.: P.B.28.05, P.B.13.04, P.B.28.07 Otarbayev, N. K.: P.B.22.22
Nickisch-Rosenegk, M.: P.B.02.02 Novosad, T.: P.C.24.08 Olafsdottir, E. S.: P.C.05.04 Otazua, P.: P.D.27.04, P.E.03.04
Nicknam, M.: P.B.33.10 Novosadova, H.: P.A.16.18, P.D.17.13 lafsson, J. H.: P.B.09.24 Ottenhoff, T. H.: P.D.08.16
Nicodemi, M.: P.E.02.08 Novoszel, P.: P.C.20.17, P.C.20.19 Olh, P.: P.B.10.16 Ottenlinger, F.: P.A.26.12
Nicol, L.: P.B.32.06, P.A.14.21 Nowak, A.: P.A.16.10 Olasz, K.: P.B.09.18 Ottensmeier, C.: P.E.03.02
Nicoletti, A.: P.C.11.03 Nowak, B.: P.D.18.12 Olbrich, P.: P.B.04.16 Ottmller, K.: P.B.03.19
Nicoletti, C.: P.C.15.13 Nowak, J.: P.B.02.05, P.D.03.02 Oldani, G.: P.B.13.08 Otto, L.: P.C.12.16
Nicolson, K. S.: P.D.13.02 Nowak, M.: P.C.11.15 Olejarova, M.: P.A.16.18 Otto, M.: P.B.02.09
Nie, C. Q.: P.B.03.16 Nowakowska-Plaza, A.: P.B.09.05 Oleszycka, E.: P.D.20.04 Ottsj, L. S.: P.D.11.17
Niederberger, V.: P.D.21.02, P.A.27.07, P.B.11.17, Noyan, A.: P.D.25.05 oli, M.: P.C.01.10, P.C.05.10 Ou, R.: P.B.39.09
P.B.25.20, P.B.35.19, P.B.38.02, P.D.05.06 Noyan, F.: P.A.15.01, P.D.04.04 Oliva, S.: P.B.20.08 OUDGHIRI, M.: P.A.19.17
Niederberger-Leppin, V. E.: P.B.33.07 Ntozini, R.: P.B.19.11 Olive, D.: P.A.08.03, P.A.23.11 Ouelaa, H.: P.B.19.16
Niederreiter, B.: P.A.05.02, P.B.09.02, P.B.09.13 Nckel, H.: P.D.27.09 Oliveira, C. E.: P.C.12.10 Oukka, M.: P.B.20.15
Niedzwiedzka-Rystwej, P.: P.D.12.01 Nummenmaa, E.: P.B.22.23 Oliveira, H.: P.C.11.04 Oussedik-Oumehdi, H.: P.D.16.09

Niehues, T.: P.B.18.05 Nunes, C. F.: P.A.16.17 Oliveira, J. E.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17 Outram, S.: P.A.15.16
Nielsen, C. H.: P.A.10.03, P.B.09.06, P.D.01.09, Nunes, F. F.: P.C.09.23 Oliveira, L. C.: P.B.36.18 Outram, S. V.: P.A.27.05
P.D.13.11 Nuns, J. A.: P.A.23.05 Oliveira, L.: P.A.28.18, P.C.06.18, P.C.21.18 Ovalles, J.: P.A.18.13
Niemann, H.: P.D.26.10 Nunes, M. C.: P.B.17.01, P.B.17.04 Oliveira, M.: P.C.24.16 Ovchinnikova, O. M.: P.E.05.07
Niembro Guerrero, A.: P.C.03.20 Nunes-Cabao, H.: P.A.21.04 Oliveira, R. F.: P.D.27.08 Ovcinnikovs, V.: P.A.23.07
Niemeyer, B. A.: P.A.15.04 Nez, C.: P.B.05.03 Oliveira, R. D.: P.A.15.05, P.B.09.01 Ovejero, E.: P.B.39.21
Niemi, H. J.: P.A.25.14 Nuez, G.: P.C.07.15 Oliveria, R. R.: P.D.02.06 Owais, M.: P.A.22.04
Niemller, M.: P.A.24.12 Nuez, N.: P.B.16.16 Olivier, T. T.: P.B.02.16 Owczuk, R.: P.D.13.15
Niemz, J.: P.A.06.06 Nez Beltrn, M.: P.C.22.03, P.B.29.05, Olivo-Pimental, V.: P.C.18.21 Owens, S. E.: P.C.07.08
Niesen, D.: P.C.17.14 P.D.11.19, P.D.24.14 Ollert, M.: P.B.18.20 Owens, T.: P.A.01.07
Niespodziana, K.: P.B.15.10, P.B.29.04, P.B.31.12, Nuez-Prado, N.: P.C.07.15 Olmarker, K.: P.B.21.02 Oyarzabal, J.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07
P.D.02.10, P.D.21.13 Nurieva, R.: P.A.14.16 Olsen, P.: P.B.33.04 Oyewumi, T. J.: P.D.10.13
Niespodziewaska-Mierzyska, D.: P.D.19.22 Nurkkala Karlsson, M.: P.D.18.06 Olsson, A.-K.: P.D.02.24 Ozane Pimenta, B. S.: P.D.20.05
Nieen, A.: P.C.17.03 Nurmi, K.: P.C.16.10 Olsson, T.: P.A.14.13, P.B.21.06, P.C.07.18 zbek, U.: P.B.04.21
Nieswandt, B.: P.C.14.01 Nussbaum, B.: P.B.42.15 Olsson kefeldt, S.: P.D.14.23 zbel, Y.: P.B.17.09
Nieto, A.: P.B.29.07 Nussbaumer, O.: P.C.03.05 Olszewski, W. L.: P.B.06.08 zbilgin, A.: P.B.17.09
Nieto, J.: P.B.12.01, P.A.18.13, P.D.04.01 Nussenzweig, M. C.: P.C.14.12, P.D.22.02 Olvera-Garcia, G.: P.B.31.11 Ozcan, A.: P.B.13.07
Niewold, T. B.: P.B.33.15 Nuti, M.: P.A.25.06 OMalley, G.: P.B.32.15 zoban, .: P.A.03.03
Nifantiev, N. E.: P.B.03.03 Nuttens, C.: P.C.13.11, P.D.03.03 Omarsdottir, S.: P.C.05.04 zdemir, F. T.: P.B.05.07
Nikitina, I. Y.: P.B.16.08 Nyairo, E.: P.D.06.14 Omdal, R.: P.B.09.19 Ozen, A.: P.B.18.03
Nikitopoulou, K.: P.C.24.06 Nyhaug, A.: P.B.32.01 Omenetti, A.: P.B.19.07 Ozen, G.: P.B.05.07
Nikolaev, A.: P.A.15.03 Nylen, S.: P.B.17.19 Omilusik, K.: P.A.14.07 zen, S.: P.B.19.09
Nikolaienko, T.: P.C.16.04 Nyman, T. A.: P.C.16.10 Omodho, B.: P.A.04.22, P.B.37.21 zensoy Tz, S.: P.B.17.09
Nikolic, I.: P.B.08.12, P.D.13.12, P.D.23.11 Nyznck, A.: P.D.07.14 Omranipour, R.: P.B.27.17 zgr, L.: P.A.10.04, P.D.04.07
Nikolov, G.: P.A.25.11, P.A.25.12, P.D.05.07 Onai, N.: P.C.05.08 zkazan, D.: P.A.23.15
Nikolova, K.: P.E.01.07 O Oate, C.: P.A.09.01 zkul, Y.: P.A.03.03
Nikolova, M.: P.B.31.15, P.D.02.04, P.D.05.07, Oakes, C. C.: P.A.18.16 Onder, L.: P.A.01.03, P.B.14.11, P.C.08.10 Ozmen, F.: P.B.14.09
P.D.16.19 Oakes, T.: P.A.11.05 Onderova, B.: P.E.05.12 Ozmen, M. M.: P.B.14.09
Nikolova-Ganeva, K.: P.B.23.23 Oani, M.: P.C.03.02 ONeil, C.: P.D.24.12 Ozoh, P. T.: P.D.16.08
Nilsson, C.: P.B.42.15 Obando, I.: P.B.04.16 Oner, F. A.: P.B.05.07 Ozsvar-Kozma, M.: P.B.32.16, P.B.41.13
Nilsson, J.: P.B.41.07, P.B.41.18 Obata-Ninomiya, K.: P.B.32.17 Ong, C. W.: P.B.02.15 Ozturk, C.: P.B.19.01
Nimmerjahn, F.: P.A.03.06, P.B.33.20, P.C.11.18, Oberdrfer, L.: P.A.08.07, P.B.10.07 Ong, S. T.: P.A.04.21 ztrk, K.: P.D.03.06
P.C.14.12, P.C.22.01, P.D.04.12, P.D.22.02, Oberg, H.-H.: P.A.08.12, P.B.13.05 Onguru, D. O.: P.C.21.09 Ozyigit, L. P.: P.B.12.08
P.E.02.05 Oberkampf, M.: P.C.20.13 Onyemelukwe, G. C.: P.B.37.12
Ning, Q.: P.C.23.21 Obermann, H.-L.: P.D.20.02 Onyeocha, I. O.: P.D.16.08 P
Ninkov, M.: P.B.12.10, P.B.35.04, P.C.15.10 Obermayr, F.: P.D.04.06 Oo, Y. H.: P.B.02.03 Paauw, N. J.: P.A.03.05
Nio, V.: P.A.14.01 Oberoi, P.: P.C.23.21, P.D.17.17, P.D.17.18 Oosterhof, A.: P.A.03.05 Pabst, O.: P.A.01.08
Nishanth, G.: P.B.02.12 Obliers, M.: P.D.18.11 Opdenakker, G.: P.B.03.24 Pacella, I.: P.A.25.04, P.B.27.15
Nishijima, H.: P.A.01.06 Obmiska-Mrukowicz, B.: P.D.18.08, P.D.18.09 Openshaw, P. J.: P.D.17.11 Pacheco, R.: P.A.14.10
Nishikawa, K.: P.D.10.14 Obraztsov, I. V.: P.B.20.19 Opitz, C. A.: P.B.09.17 Pacheco, Y. M.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13, P.B.31.19
Nishimura, M.: P.A.08.21 OBrien-Simpson, N. M.: P.C.11.09, P.C.06.07 Orabi, H.: P.D.07.10 Pachnio, A.: P.E.04.07
Nishiura, K.: P.B.35.17 Occhipinti, S.: P.A.25.05 Oral, H. B.: P.B.01.08, P.B.01.09, P.B.01.10, Pacios, L. F.: P.B.11.18, P.D.10.17
Nisioti, P.: P.D.27.11 Ocejo-Vinyals, J. G.: P.C.02.15 P.D.04.11, P.D.26.17 Paclik, D.: P.C.03.15
Nissen, M.: P.A.16.15, P.A.16.15, P.A.20.10 Ocejo-Vinyals, J.: P.B.16.04 Orange, J.: P.B.30.02 Padberg, W.: P.C.08.01
Nitschke, L.: P.A.10.04, P.A.10.19, P.A.12.11, Ochoa, A.: P.C.17.08 Oras, A.: P.A.04.15 Padfield, P.: P.C.17.13
P.B.41.13, P.D.04.07 Ochoa Grulln, J.: P.D.11.19 Orazov, M.: P.C.11.14 Padilla Merlano, B.: P.B.19.15
Nitschko, H.: P.B.42.07 Ochoa Zarzosa, A.: P.D.22.03, P.D.12.02, Orci, L.: P.B.13.08 Padron, L.: P.B.21.07

138 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Paduch, K.: P.B.16.14 Park, Y.: P.B.10.12 Pelicci, G.: P.B.34.19 Petroni, F.: P.C.06.15, P.C.22.15
Paerewijck, O.: P.B.17.06 Parlar, A.: P.C.02.22 Pelkonen, A.: P.B.25.07 Petronijevic, N.: P.C.15.16
Pez-Vega, A.: P.B.29.07 Parmeggiani, M.: P.B.41.09 Pellacani, D.: P.B.14.16 Petrov, P.: P.A.11.08
Paganelli, R.: P.B.08.22 Parmiani, G.: P.C.02.04 Pellecchia, C.: P.B.05.10 Petrova, D.: P.B.15.02
Pagani, M.: P.A.05.07, P.A.26.05 Parmryd, I.: P.A.08.22 Pellegrin, J.-L.: P.B.06.06 Petrova, M. I.: P.D.21.12
Page, R.: P.D.03.01 Parnell, S.: P.A.01.13 Pellicci, D. G.: P.A.07.19 Petrova, T.: P.D.15.14
Pagenstecher, A.: P.B.06.16 Parnicka, Z.: P.B.33.21 Penades, S.: P.D.19.16 Petrovcikova, E.: P.A.12.14
Pages, C.: P.D.06.16 Parodi, M.: P.C.18.12, P.C.18.13 Penatti, A.: P.A.02.08 Petrovi, R.: P.C.12.06
Pages, G.: P.B.36.17 Parolini, S.: P.C.18.04 Penco, F.: P.B.05.10, P.B.19.07 Petrovska, R.: P.C.15.19
Pahr, S.: P.B.25.07, P.D.24.17, P.E.01.03 Paroni, M.: P.A.02.08, P.A.05.07, P.A.26.05 Pende, D.: P.A.22.12, P.B.04.22, P.C.18.09, Petrovsky, N.: P.D.19.16
Paino, C.: P.B.21.20 Parra, V.: P.B.20.14 P.C.18.12, P.C.18.13 Petrucci, M.: P.B.40.18
Paiva, A.: P.A.25.15 Parra-Cid, T.: P.B.42.06 Pendlington, R.: P.A.28.08 Petrunov, B.: P.D.05.07
Paiva Agustinho, D.: P.C.11.21 Parreira, L.: P.A.21.12 Peng, J.: P.B.35.17 Petzelbauer, P.: P.D.25.12, P.E.02.14
Paiva-Oliveira, D.: P.D.06.07 Parrini, M.: P.B.37.10 Penickova, S.: P.B.27.11, P.B.28.20 Petzold, D.: P.D.05.10
Pala, A.: P.B.13.06 Parsons, S.: P.B.02.16 Penitenti, M.: P.D.10.03 Peulen, T.: P.B.16.18
Paladini, F.: P.A.03.02 Parsons, S. D.: P.D.03.09 Penninger, J.: P.C.06.11, P.C.23.02 Pezoldt, J.: P.A.01.08
Palafox-Snchez, C. A.: P.B.33.22 Partanen, J.: P.D.01.11 Pennington, D. J.: P.A.08.05, P.A.08.18 Pfaff, M.: P.C.04.14
Palamides, P.: P.B.38.23 Partinen, M.: P.B.33.04 Pennock, J.: P.C.17.13 Pfarr, K.: P.A.26.12
Palella, E.: P.C.15.05 Pascolini, S.: P.B.42.18 Penny, H. L.: P.A.07.17 Pfeffer, K.: P.B.01.16, P.B.16.18, P.B.35.01
Pali-Schll, I.: P.D.21.14 Pascual, V.: P.D.17.01 Peper, J.: P.B.13.15 Pfeifer, S.: P.B.11.11, P.B.11.12, P.B.25.06,
Palitzsch, B.: P.D.15.16 Pascual-Garca, S.: P.D.10.15, P.D.23.13 Peppa, D.: P.D.23.12 P.B.38.05
Paliuri, G.: P.A.20.01 Pascual-Gzquez, J. F.: P.A.12.17 Pera, A.: P.A.17.01, P.C.02.03, P.C.10.22 Pfeifer, V.: P.A.15.11
Palladino, C.: P.B.25.20, P.B.26.12, P.D.21.16 Pascutti, M. F.: P.A.02.09, P.A.23.09 Perales, J. C.: P.D.23.01 Pfeilschifter, J. M.: P.A.26.12
Pallardy, M.: P.C.05.05, P.C.13.12, P.D.24.05 Pashazadeh, M.: P.D.04.11 Perals, C.: P.A.06.10 Pfirschke, C.: P.B.13.13
Pallett, L. J.: P.B.32.13 Pashkina, E. A.: P.A.28.04 Percig, S.: P.C.20.11 Pfister, E.: P.D.25.10
Pllinger, .: P.B.22.13 Pashnina, I.: P.B.06.11 Perdiguero, B.: P.D.19.07 Pfisterer, K.: P.A.04.06, P.A.12.14, P.A.20.05,
Palliser, D.: P.A.17.07 Pashov, A.: P.A.19.09, P.D.24.07 Perea, L.: P.D.25.15 P.A.20.07
Pallotta, M. T.: P.A.25.02 Pasiyeshvili, T.: P.B.33.11 Pereda, C.: P.D.06.03 Pftzner, W.: P.D.05.10
Palm, A.-K. E.: P.A.10.13 Pasqualini, F.: P.C.09.24, P.C.12.04 Perego, J.: P.C.06.08 Pham, H.: P.A.09.03
Palma, C.: P.C.23.08 Passarelli, V. C.: P.D.20.01 Pereira, A. C.: P.B.03.06 Pham, T.-T.: P.B.03.24
Palma, E.: P.D.25.15 Passaro, C.: P.D.15.05 Pereira, B. I.: P.E.04.03 Phetsouphanh, C.: P.A.28.13
Palma, M. S.: P.B.25.13 Paster, W.: P.A.20.07, P.C.06.20 Pereira, J.: P.D.11.06 Philip, R.: P.D.22.11
Palmberger, D.: P.D.21.16 Pasto, J.: P.C.17.12 Pereira, J. A.: P.B.12.12 Philipsen, L.: P.A.06.06
Palme, R.: P.B.11.18, P.D.05.11 Pastor, O.: P.B.21.14 Pereira, M.: P.C.01.03, P.C.19.13 Phogat, S.: P.D.19.07
Palmieri, G.: P.B.20.08 Pastorelli, L.: P.C.23.17 Pereira, P. A.: P.B.32.18 Piaggio, E.: P.B.16.16
Plczi, K.: P.B.22.13 Pastorino, C.: P.B.05.10, P.B.19.07 Pereira, V. C.: P.A.16.02, P.B.17.10 Piapi, A.: P.D.15.17
Palomares, F.: P.B.11.09, P.B.12.11 Pasztoi, M.: P.A.01.08 Pereira da Fonseca, I.: P.C.01.03, P.C.19.13 Picarda, E.: P.A.16.09, P.D.26.11
Palomares, O.: P.B.26.12 Pszti, M.: P.B.22.13 Pereira-Manfro, W. F.: P.A.17.05 Picascia, S.: P.A.04.03
Palomares Jerez, M.: P.A.13.01 Pata, S.: P.A.04.16, P.C.12.22 Pereira Nunes, M. C.: P.B.17.02 Piccart, K.: P.B.02.10
Palomo, J.: P.D.25.02, P.D.25.07 Patel, K.: P.B.02.13 Peres, R. S.: P.A.15.05, P.A.16.02, P.B.09.01 Piccin, M. P.: P.A.17.05
Palou, E.: P.D.09.12 Patel, N.: P.C.11.10 Prez, A. R.: P.B.17.18 Piccioli, D.: P.A.09.08
Palser, A.: P.B.40.02 Patel, P. R.: P.D.14.19 Prez, C.: P.B.18.07 Piccirilli, N.: P.C.18.15
Palucka, K.: P.A.06.05 Patil, A.: P.A.15.18 Perez, D.: P.C.09.22 Pich, A.: P.D.04.04
Pan, B.: P.D.01.10 Patin, E.: P.D.08.10 Perez, E. C.: P.B.27.10, P.B.27.21 Pick, J.: P.A.07.01
Pan, Q.: P.D.16.14 Patinec, A.: P.C.18.16 Perez, K. R.: P.B.19.18 Picker, L.: P.A.26.08
Pan, S. Y.: P.D.10.02 Patra, A. K.: P.B.03.21 Perez, L.: P.A.10.02 Pickford, W.: P.E.04.02
Pan, W.: P.A.19.11 Patrick Leung,: P.B.23.17 Perez, M. E.: P.D.09.13 Pickl, W.: P.A.12.06, P.A.27.08, P.B.31.12,
Pan, Y.: P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, P.B.29.16, P.D.19.06 Patrizi, O.: P.C.18.04 Prez, N.: P.D.17.04 P.D.09.05, P.D.09.06
Panagioti, E.: P.A.17.03 Patrone, M.: P.C.18.12 Perez, S.: P.B.21.07 Pickl, W. F.: P.A.03.08, P.A.12.05, P.A.12.09,
Panagiotopoulos, E.: P.A.16.16 Pattu, V.: P.A.07.15 Perez, S. A.: P.B.27.20, P.C.24.01, P.D.14.16 P.A.12.15, P.B.18.16, P.B.38.02, P.B.38.07,
Panagiotou, V.: P.D.11.11 Patzig, J.: P.C.20.05 Prez-Alegre, M.: P.A.09.16 P.B.38.11, P.A.22.03, P.D.20.18
Panagoulias, I.: P.A.14.17, P.B.34.05, P.B.34.20 Patzl, M.: P.D.12.11 Prez-Cano, F.: P.B.38.22 Pickles, J.: P.A.28.08
Panaitescu, C.: P.B.38.20 Paul, P.: P.B.15.12 Prez de Castro, I.: P.A.28.05 Picn, C.: P.B.21.14
Panakova, L.: P.B.33.03, P.B.38.04 Paul, S.: P.B.27.05 Prez de Diego, R.: P.B.34.02 Picon, C.: P.B.34.07
Panapitiya, S.: P.B.29.06 Paul, W. E.: P.A.14.08 Perez-Enciso, I.: P.D.17.01 Piconese, S.: P.A.25.04, P.B.27.15
Panda, A. K.: P.A.04.21 Paulenda, T.: P.C.09.05, P.C.22.14 Prez-Fras, A.: P.B.32.19 Pieber, T. R.: P.A.15.11

Pandey, A. K.: P.C.21.01 Pauli, G.: P.B.11.12 Perez-Gracia, J. L.: P.A.09.01 Piedavent, M.: P.A.06.17
Pandey, K.: P.D.02.17 Paulissen, G.: P.C.11.19 Prez-Martnez, P.: P.B.08.19 Piehl, F.: P.B.21.06, P.C.07.18
Pandey, R.: P.A.24.13 Pauloviov, E.: P.B.03.03 Prez-Parra, F.: P.B.34.10 Pieper, D.: P.A.01.08
Pandit, A.: P.D.25.13 Pauloviov, L.: P.B.03.03 Prez-Patrigeon, S.: P.B.31.11 Pieper, K.: P.A.19.21, P.A.27.01
Panfil, A.: P.A.28.01 Paulsen, M.: P.C.20.03 Perez-Shibayama, C.: P.C.08.10 Piepers, S.: P.B.02.10
Pang, D. J.: P.A.08.05 Paulsson, K. M.: P.A.13.12 Prez-Tapia, M.: P.B.12.01 Pierau, M.: P.A.04.07, P.A.07.01
Pangrazzi, L.: P.A.26.03 Paunovic, V.: P.B.21.16 Prez-Venegas, J. J.: P.A.10.20 Piermattei, A.: P.A.20.20, P.C.14.19
Paniagua, M.: P.D.25.02 Paust, H.-J.: P.B.37.02 Prez-Yage, S.: P.C.12.01 Pierobon, D.: P.A.25.05
Pantaleo, G.: P.D.19.07 Pavisic, V.: P.B.27.19 Perica, M.: P.B.05.19 Pierre, P.: P.C.06.08
Pantazis, G.: P.B.06.16 Pavletic, S. Z.: P.D.09.05 Perlin, D.: P.B.15.08 Pierro, P.: P.A.17.04
Panteleev, A. V.: P.B.16.08 Pavlou, S.: P.C.19.08 Perlot, T.: P.C.23.02 Pietra, G.: P.C.18.12
Pantic, J.: P.B.32.03, P.C.02.07, P.C.02.10 Pavlovi, B.: P.C.05.10 Perna, F.: P.C.23.08 Pignataro, L.: P.A.02.08
Pantoura, M.: P.B.08.20, P.B.41.06 Pavlovic, S. M.: P.B.32.21 Perner, S.: P.C.11.15 Pignolet, B.: P.B.23.18
Pantsulaia, I.: P.D.07.08 Pavlovic Draskovic, B.: P.C.12.07 Perretti, M.: P.B.06.01, P.C.09.23 Pilalis, E.: P.B.28.18
Panunto-Castelo, A.: P.D.16.17 Pawelec, G.: P.B.07.02 Perrier dHauterive, S.: P.E.05.14 Pilat, N.: P.D.01.04, P.D.26.07
Panzer, U.: P.B.37.02 Pawlowski, B.: P.D.03.02 Perrin, H.: P.D.20.20 Piliiov, R.: P.B.03.03
Paolini, R.: P.B.40.18, P.C.02.19, P.C.10.20 Payer, A.: P.C.02.17 Perruche, S.: P.A.17.21, P.C.13.16 Piller, A.: P.B.18.11, P.B.30.07
Pap, A.: P.B.14.14 Payer, A. R.: P.C.18.03 Perry, G. A.: P.A.09.17 Pinarci, M.: P.B.04.07
Pap, R.: P.A.06.15, P.A.25.17 Paz-Coll, A.: P.B.40.03 Pers, J.-O.: P.A.10.17 Pinaud, E. F.: P.A.27.09
Papadodima, O.: P.B.28.18 Pzmndi, K. L.: P.B.25.05 Persson, A.: P.B.41.07 Pineros, A.: P.A.16.02
Papadogianni, G.: P.D.13.08 Pearce, H.: P.D.01.14 Persson, E. K.: P.A.23.08 Ping, L.: P.D.18.13
Papadopoulos, N.: P.B.25.07 Pearson, C.: P.B.20.15 Persson, J.-O.: P.B.42.15 Ping Tang, S.: P.B.05.13
Papadopoulou, A.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11 Pecoraro, A.: P.C.19.02 Persson, J. J.: P.C.07.02, P.C.07.11 Pinheiro, D.: P.A.06.18
Papageorgiou, K.: P.B.40.11 Pecorini, S.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17 Perugini, M. A.: P.C.10.03 Pinheiro, D. F.: P.A.16.03
Papageorgiou, L.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11 Pecqueur, C.: P.A.07.14, P.A.07.18 Pesak, S.: P.B.30.03 Pinho, V.: P.C.09.22, P.C.09.23
Papaioannou, A.: P.D.06.12 Pedersen, A. E.: P.D.01.09 Pesce, S.: P.C.10.17, P.C.18.04 Pinnetti, C.: P.A.17.04
Papajik, T.: P.B.40.10 Pedersen, A. C.: P.B.38.05 Peschke, K.: P.B.23.15 Pinschewer, D. D.: P.A.04.13
Papakosta, D.: P.B.24.14 Pedra, A. A.: P.C.24.10 Pestano, J.: P.B.18.07 Pinti, M.: P.C.07.03, P.C.18.17, P.C.18.18
Papamichail, M.: P.B.27.20 Pedramrazi, S.: P.B.08.21 Peter, B.: P.B.40.15, P.A.12.07 Pinto, C.: P.B.23.16
Papasteriades, C.: P.D.27.11 Pedrazzi, M.: P.C.18.12 Peterla, E.: P.B.09.14 Pion, M.: P.B.31.19
Papathanasopoulos, P.: P.B.34.05, P.B.34.20 Pedro, R.: P.A.04.02 Peters, B.: P.B.42.12 Pionova, O.: P.B.02.17
Papp, S.: P.B.02.06, P.B.02.07 Pedro, S. A. M.: P.A.04.02 Peters, C.: P.A.08.12 Pipi, E.: P.B.09.10
Pappa, E.: P.B.24.21 Pedrosa, A. F.: P.C.23.11 Peters, E. M.: P.B.12.06 Pirayesh, A.: P.B.26.11
Pappalardo, A.: P.A.08.10 Pedroza, L. A.: P.B.30.02 Peters, N. E.: P.C.16.06 Pircher, H.: P.A.07.07, P.A.17.18
Parache-Facio, C.: P.B.39.15 Peelaers, I.: P.B.03.11 Petersen, A.: P.D.05.10 Pires, A. R.: P.B.31.14
Parada, B.: P.D.06.07 Peffault de Latour, R.: P.D.01.01 Petersen, B.: P.D.26.10 Pires, E. G.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17
Parampalli Yajnanarayana, S.: P.A.14.20 Peine, M.: P.A.04.13, P.A.14.08 Petersen, J.: P.A.04.04 Pisani, L. F.: P.C.23.17
Paranavitane, S. A.: P.B.29.06 Peischler, D.: P.A.05.05 Peterson, D.: P.C.11.11 Pisapia, L.: P.B.20.09, P.D.27.03
Pardo, J.: P.C.09.17 Pejnovic, N.: P.B.32.03, P.B.41.14, P.E.03.15 Petit, N.: P.A.23.11 Pisascia, S.: P.D.27.03
Parekh, K.: P.B.02.03 Pekalski, M. L.: P.E.02.03 Petkau, G.: P.A.01.05 Pisati, F.: P.A.27.03
Parente, R.: P.C.22.15 Pekar, C.: P.B.33.06 Petkov, S.: P.D.26.10 Piscitelli, F.: P.A.06.01
Parente-Ribes, A.: P.B.14.12 Pekkarinen, P. T.: P.B.35.10 Petkovic, M.: P.B.27.19 Piskova, L.: P.D.07.11
Parga Lozano, C. H.: P.D.27.05 Pekna, M.: P.B.21.02 Petretto, A.: P.A.08.13 Pisoni, J.: P.C.20.11
Park, G.: P.D.22.08 Pekny, M.: P.B.21.02 Petri, W. A.: P.D.11.21 Pissas, G.: P.D.26.18
Park, K.: P.C.22.05 Pekta, B.: P.A.03.14 Petricevic, B.: P.C.22.07 Pissetti, C. W.: P.B.29.18, P.D.18.21, P.D.27.08
Park, S.: P.C.07.04, P.C.22.05, P.E.04.01 Pelak, O.: P.D.09.07 Petrikaite, V.: P.B.28.08 Pistoia, V.: P.A.08.13
Park, S.-H.: P.D.13.03 Peleteiro Olmedo, M.: P.D.02.20 Petrizzo, A.: P.D.14.15 Pitard, V.: P.A.08.10, P.C.07.14

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 139
Author Index
Pitenko, M.: P.B.02.17 Pournou, A.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11 Pymm, P.: P.C.10.03, P.C.10.04 Ramirez Santiago, G.: P.A.28.11
Pitoiset, F.: P.D.03.03, P.D.11.20 Pourpak, Z.: P.B.04.23 Rammensee, H.-G.: P.A.01.01, P.A.08.16,
Piton, G.: P.C.05.16 Poursadra, H.: P.B.30.24, P.C.09.20, P.C.15.20, Q P.B.13.15, P.D.02.13
Pittet, M.: P.B.13.13 P.E.03.21 Qazi, K. R.: P.C.05.12 Ramos, R.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13
Pizarro Pesado, J.: P.A.13.11 Pouyssegur, J.: P.B.36.17 Qazi Rahman, K.: P.A.27.04 Ramos, S.: P.A.08.01, P.A.15.10, P.C.02.05
Pjanova, D.: P.C.15.19 Powell, T. J.: P.B.15.13 Qi, W.: P.B.13.11 Ramos, S. B.: P.A.26.07
Plach, A.: P.D.14.21, P.D.23.02 Powrie, F.: P.B.20.15 Qi, X.: P.D.02.14 Ramos-Amaya, A. B.: P.A.09.16
Plana, M.: P.D.19.21 Poyato, A.: P.B.29.07 Qi, Y.: P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, P.B.29.16, P.D.19.06 Ramos-Amaya, A.: P.A.19.15
Plass, C.: P.A.18.16 Pozo, D.: P.A.22.02, P.A.28.20, P.B.07.20, Qian, C.: P.C.20.15 Ramos-Junior, E. S.: P.B.19.23, P.B.32.18,
Platt, A. M.: P.B.01.02 P.C.21.07 Qian, L.: P.C.20.15, P.A.28.03 P.C.24.10
Platteel, A. C.: P.A.22.15 Pozur, V. K.: P.D.18.15 Qin, C.: P.D.02.16 Ramo-Tello, C.: P.B.21.12, P.D.17.15
Platten, M.: P.C.02.02 Prabhudas, R.: P.B.26.06, P.B.26.08 Qin, Z.: P.B.06.03 Rampal, R.: P.A.24.14
Platzer, R.: P.A.07.02, P.A.13.13, P.A.20.11, Pracht, K.: P.A.18.08 Qu, B.: P.A.26.16 Rampinelli, F.: P.C.18.04
P.C.19.19, P.E.01.14 Prada, .: P.B.04.15 Qu, J.: P.B.39.01 Ramwadhdoebe, T.: P.B.22.15
Plaza, A.: P.B.31.05 Prada Iurrategui, A.: P.B.04.12 Quabius, E.: P.A.08.14 Ranasinghe, S.: P.A.26.08
Plaza, S.: P.B.05.13 Pradella, F.: P.B.05.21 Quade-Lyssy, P.: P.D.24.07 Randall, P.: P.B.16.05
Plaza-Sirvent, C.: P.A.24.10 Pradier, O.: P.B.27.11, P.B.28.20 Quaglia, A.: P.B.32.13 Randolph, G. J.: P.B.01.02
Plebanczyk, M.: P.A.16.14, P.B.09.05 Prado, C.: P.A.14.10 Quah, P.: P.B.23.22 Rane, J. K.: P.B.14.16
Plebani, A.: P.A.18.05 Prado, D.: P.B.31.06 Quandt, D.: P.B.27.13, P.C.21.02 Ranella, A.: P.A.13.02, P.D.26.13
Pleckaityte, M.: P.D.16.18 Prado-Garcia, H.: P.B.39.14, P.B.39.15 Quaresma, J. A.: P.B.24.17, P.B.35.08 Rangwala, S.: P.C.23.21
Pletinckx, K.: P.D.13.02 Prakash Chalise, J.: P.A.25.02 Quatrini, L.: P.C.02.19 Ranieri, J.: P.D.04.13
Plisova, T.: P.C.23.21 Pramanik, N.: P.B.17.20 Queiroz, C. M.: P.B.42.11 Ranjan, S.: P.D.09.04
Plomp, R.: P.A.13.04 Prapas, I.: P.E.05.03 Querci, V.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12 Ransohoff, R. M.: P.B.34.14
Plundrich, D.: P.C.17.11 Prasannan, P.: P.A.04.21 Quesniaux, V.: P.B.16.05 Rao, D.: P.C.15.06
Pnteaux, E.: P.B.37.23 Pratesi, S.: P.B.22.17 Quetglas, J. I.: P.A.23.12, P.D.14.13 Raoul, C.: P.B.07.09
Poch, T.: P.A.26.19 Prathapan, S.: P.B.29.06 Quinci, A. C.: P.C.13.02 Raposo, B.: P.B.23.24
Pochec, E.: P.C.17.25, P.D.10.18 Pravica, V.: P.B.21.16 Quinlan, A.: P.C.11.20 Rapp, M.: P.D.14.07
Pcza, P.: P.A.02.11 Prchal-Murphy, M.: P.C.10.09, P.C.23.14 Quiones Parra, S. M.: P.A.17.09 Rapushi, E.: P.B.09.14, P.B.09.14
Podojil, J. R.: P.A.15.02 Prcina, M.: P.E.02.09 Quiones-Parra, S.: P.A.07.09 Rasche, S.: P.B.11.01
Poelzl, A.: P.C.23.14 Prechl, J.: P.A.11.01, P.D.02.04, P.D.02.05, Quintana, L.: P.D.17.04 Raskovic, S.: P.B.03.04
Poggi, A.: P.D.06.05 P.D.04.05 Quintana-Murci, L.: P.D.08.10 Rasolzadeh, S.: P.C.02.16
Poggi, M.: P.A.23.05 Prediger, R. D.: P.C.17.07 Quinti, I.: P.B.30.05 Rasool, M.: P.C.15.11, P.E.04.11
Pogorelyy, M. V.: P.A.20.14, P.A.20.16, P.A.21.10, Preglej, T.: P.A.11.14, P.A.24.09 Quiralte, J.: P.D.24.15 Rasoulzadeh, S.: P.A.14.12, P.D.20.06, P.D.20.12
P.B.10.03 Prehn, C.: P.B.41.07 Quirant-Snchez, B.: P.B.21.12, P.D.17.15 Rataj, F.: P.D.14.07
Pohar, J.: P.C.06.02 Preiing, F.: P.D.08.04, P.D.17.08 Quirce, S.: P.B.11.22, P.B.25.21 Rathmell, J. C.: P.D.23.01
Pohl, M.: P.B.19.03 Prekatsakis, S.: P.B.34.05, P.B.34.20 Qureshi, M.: P.D.19.18 Ratman, D.: P.B.17.06
Pohl, S.: P.D.10.16 Prelog, M.: P.D.11.01 Ratnagopal, P.: P.B.21.15
Poimenidis, E.: P.D.15.01 Prenek, L.: P.A.06.15, P.A.21.01 R Rattay, K.: P.A.11.12
Poirier, N.: P.A.23.13, P.D.04.08, P.D.04.09, Prenninger, T.: P.D.24.10, P.D.24.11 Raabe, N.: P.B.33.06 Ratzinger, F.: P.A.12.06, P.A.12.09, P.A.12.15
P.D.04.10 Prentice, A. M.: P.E.02.03 Raaben, M.: P.A.13.04 Rau, E.: P.C.14.01
Poitou, C.: P.E.03.07 Presas, E.: P.D.02.20 Raache, R.: P.B.40.09, P.D.27.02 Rauch, I.: P.B.06.15
Pokharel, S. M.: P.C.05.04 Preudhomme, C.: P.B.40.01 Raatgeep, H. C.: P.B.20.10 Rausch, S.: P.A.14.08
Polak, D.: P.A.22.01, P.D.20.16 Prvost-Blondel, A.: P.B.27.02 Rabago, G.: P.D.25.02 Rautanen, A. L.: P.B.01.14
Polanovsky, O. L.: P.A.12.02 Price, D. A.: P.D.16.06 Rabal, O.: P.A.15.13 Rauzi, M.: P.A.11.11
Polentarutti, N.: P.C.06.01 Price, P. A.: P.A.04.04 Rabinovich, G.: P.B.17.05 Ravazzolo, R.: P.C.11.23
Polese, B.: P.E.05.14 Prietl, B.: P.A.15.11 Rabis, T.: P.D.25.11 Raverdeau, M.: P.A.08.06, P.A.08.20
Polesi, M. C.: P.C.07.06 Prieto, J.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07 Racanelli, V.: P.A.07.21 Ravetch, J. V.: P.C.22.01
Polgr, A.: P.A.10.12 Prints, V.: P.E.01.01 Rackov, G.: P.C.11.01 Ravida, A.: P.B.36.09
Polgr, B.: P.B.40.20 Prinz, I.: P.A.08.07, P.B.10.07, P.B.37.20 Raczkowski, F.: P.A.14.14 Raza, K.: P.B.22.03, P.B.22.14, P.B.33.08
Poli, V.: P.C.16.14 Prisco, A.: P.E.02.08 Rada, B.: P.C.01.21 Razmkhah, M.: P.D.14.03
Poli, B.: P.B.08.05, P.B.08.09, P.B.27.08, Pritchard, D. I.: P.B.03.09 Radauer, C.: P.B.26.12, P.D.21.16 Razzuoli, E.: P.B.15.08
P.C.03.02 Pritz, T.: P.A.09.09 Radauer-Preiml, I.: P.B.11.03 Rea, D.: P.D.14.15
Poliani, P.: P.C.19.22 Probst, H. C.: P.C.04.09 Radbruch, A.: P.A.02.12, P.A.02.13, P.A.05.11, Reading, J. L.: P.D.26.04
Poliska, S.: P.C.20.09 Prochazka, V.: P.B.40.10 P.A.10.15, P.A.14.08, P.B.19.13 Reagin, K.: P.A.26.06
Poljak, Z.: P.B.14.18 Prochorec-Sobieszek, M.: P.A.16.14 Radeke, H. H.: P.A.26.12 Reali, E.: P.B.10.19
Pollard, A. J.: P.A.18.02 Prodinger, J.: P.A.12.15 Radermecker, C.: P.C.11.19 Rebai, A.: P.B.07.18, P.B.41.03

Pollard, C.: P.D.06.18 Prokhorov, A.: P.C.08.14 Radosavljevic, G.: P.C.02.07, P.C.02.10 Rebbouh, F.: P.D.02.15
Pollock, E.: P.D.15.06 Prokofjeva, T.: P.B.30.09 Radovanovic, A.: P.C.16.02 Reber, L. L.: P.B.38.18
Polo, A.: P.B.30.22 Prokosch, S.: P.D.07.13 Radstake, T. R.: P.C.24.06 Rebmann, V.: P.D.01.05, P.D.25.11, P.D.27.09
Polycarpou, A.: P.C.14.07 Prommersberger, S.: P.A.17.14 Radzhabkadiev, R.: P.B.37.09 Rebsamen, M.: P.A.17.02, P.C.08.08
Pomoni, S.: P.B.09.10 Prompetchara, E.: P.D.19.19 Radzikowska, A.: P.A.16.14, P.B.09.05 Reche, M.: P.B.18.05
Pomper, M.: P.D.22.11 Pronkina, N.: P.D.07.04 Radzikowska, U.: P.B.05.04 Recio, M. J.: P.B.18.17
Poncini, C. V.: P.B.17.05 Proost, P.: P.C.17.15 Rafael-Fernandes, M.: P.C.19.13 Redaelli, C.: P.C.02.02
Ponnuswamy, P.: P.C.02.14 Proskurina, O.: P.D.21.03 Rafii-El-Idrissi, M. B.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13 Redchenko, I.: P.D.15.06
Ponomareva, E. V.: P.B.24.15 Prstling, K.: P.B.14.03 Raftery, M.: P.B.15.11 Reddehase, M.: P.A.03.04
Pons, J.: P.B.13.10 Protheroe, H.: P.D.01.14 Raghavan, B.: P.B.12.06 Reddi, D.: P.C.20.03, P.D.16.07
Pons de Ves, J.: P.B.18.21 Prouzova, Z.: P.B.40.10 Raghavan, S.: P.D.11.17 Reddy, S.: P.A.18.14
Pontoppidan, P. L.: P.D.01.09 Provoost, S.: P.C.03.11 Rahimi, H.: P.A.25.06 Redegeld, F. A.: P.A.02.15
Ponzetta, A.: P.C.01.15 Prusa, T.: P.B.09.13 Raikerus, H.: P.B.35.05 Redeker, A.: P.A.17.03
Poole, D. P.: P.A.08.17 Prylutskyi, O.: P.B.38.17, P.B.42.14 Rainard, P.: P.B.24.20 Redlich, K.: P.A.20.04, P.B.09.02, P.B.22.20
Poole, E.: P.B.24.18 Przekopowitz, M.: P.A.18.16 Rainger, G. E.: P.A.19.16 Redruello, A.: P.B.14.20
Por, G.: P.A.10.12 Przybilla, B.: P.B.04.07 Rainprecht, D.: P.C.15.17, P.C.22.07 Reeg, N.: P.D.04.17, P.D.11.09
Popadic, D.: P.B.34.16 Przybylski, G. K.: P.D.14.01 Rais, A.: P.B.18.14 Regen, T.: P.B.37.20
Popov Aleksandrov, A.: P.B.12.10, P.B.35.04, Ptak, M.: P.A.02.03, P.A.22.10, P.C.11.08 Raisman-Vozari, R.: P.C.17.07 Rgent, A.: P.A.10.05
P.C.15.10 Ptak, W.: P.A.02.03, P.A.22.10, P.C.11.07, P.C.11.08 Raith, M.: P.B.11.21 Reginato, M.: P.D.22.11
Popovi, B.: P.C.10.21, P.B.07.04 Puchhammer-Stoeckl, E.: P.B.31.12 Raj, D.: P.B.07.24 Regueiro, J. R.: P.B.18.17
Popow, I.: P.D.26.15 Puchner, A.: P.A.20.04, P.B.09.02, P.B.22.20 Rajabian, Z.: P.B.27.03 Regueiro, J. R.: P.C.22.04, P.C.22.12
Popple, A. L.: P.A.11.05 Puck, J.: P.B.18.05 Rajagopalan, A.: P.D.14.18 Reguera, R.: P.C.21.04
Porcher, R.: P.D.06.16 Puga, A.: P.B.01.17, P.B.37.10 Rajagopalan, G.: P.B.35.18 Regulski, K.: P.C.13.07
Porpodis, K.: P.B.24.14 Pugliese, A.: P.B.33.19 Rajanayagam, J.: P.B.02.03 Rehman, A.: P.B.35.07
Porta, C.: P.C.12.04, P.C.12.05 Pugsley, H. R.: P.A.12.08, P.C.16.01, P.C.16.07 Rajas, O.: P.B.15.15 Rehwinkel, J.: P.A.19.19
Portella, G.: P.D.15.05 Puhl, G.: P.A.02.13 Rajewsky, K.: P.A.24.08 Rei, M.: P.A.08.11
Porter, D. L.: P.D.14.19 Puissant, B.: P.D.17.14 Rajkovic, I.: P.B.39.20, P.B.39.24, P.C.05.18 Reichardt, H. M.: P.A.28.10, P.B.12.04
Portero Sainz, I.: P.D.06.13 Pujol, M.: P.D.03.10 Rajnavlgyi, .: P.B.25.05, P.C.13.07, P.C.20.09 Reichhold, C.: P.A.24.08
Porto, I. J.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17 Pujol Borrell, R.: P.B.04.04, P.B.18.18, P.B.30.14 Rajsiglova, L.: P.B.32.14 Reid, H. H.: P.A.04.04, P.C.10.03
Ps, Z.: P.A.02.11 Pulvirenti, F.: P.B.30.05 Rakhshan, K.: P.D.01.12 Reider, D. P.D.11.16
Pos, Z.: P.D.09.01 Puet-Ortiz, J.: P.D.17.15 Raljevic, S.: P.B.03.04 Reifenberg, K.: P.B.03.21
Posavad, C. M.: P.B.29.12 Pupuleku, A.: P.C.10.08, P.C.18.08 Ralln, N. I.: P.A.26.21, P.D.19.21 Reijmers, R. M.: P.A.03.05
Posch, W.: P.A.05.13, P.A.13.07, P.B.31.09, Purbojo, A.: P.E.02.05 Rama, L.: P.A.25.15, P.C.23.11 Reiling, N.: P.B.16.07
P.B.31.16 Puri, K.: P.B.11.15 Rama, L. M.: P.C.23.20 Reimer, D.: P.A.12.01
Posov, H.: P.B.21.19 Puri, N.: P.A.22.16 Raman, C.: P.B.07.12 Reimer, U.: P.D.22.18
Posseme, C.: P.D.08.10 Pur Ozyigit, L.: P.C.19.03, P.C.02.11 Ramanujam, R.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Reindl, M.: P.B.07.21, P.B.19.03
Post, M.: P.B.27.07 Purswani, S.: P.C.17.14 Ramberger, M.: P.B.07.21 Reiner, D.: P.D.21.03
Posyovskaya, A. M.: P.B.38.12 Pushparaj, P.: P.B.05.02, P.B.09.11, P.B.12.03, Rameix-Welti, M.-A.: P.B.29.13 Reinhardt, A.: P.A.08.07, P.B.10.07
Pot, B.: P.C.17.24 P.C.15.11, P.E.04.11 Ramello, M. C.: P.B.16.16 Reinhold, D.: P.D.09.04
Potemberg, G.: P.B.25.17 Puskas, N.: P.C.15.16 Rmet, M.: P.B.02.20 Reini, M.: P.B.39.18
Potkov, L.: P.C.08.12 Put, K.: P.C.09.14 Ramirez, C.: P.D.26.01 Reinke, S.: P.A.02.13
Potsis, T.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11 Putkonen, M.: P.D.01.11 Ramrez, G.: P.D.12.13 Reipert, B.: P.D.24.11
Potuckova, L.: P.C.09.05 Putlyaeva, L. V.: P.A.12.02 Ramirez, M. I.: P.B.17.13 Reipert, B. M.: P.C.02.14, P.D.24.09, P.D.24.10
Pouchy, C.: P.B.21.01 Putra, A. E.: P.D.08.09 Ramrez Dueas, M. G.: P.B.37.25 Reis, A.: P.C.09.22
Pourfarzad, F.: P.C.01.09 Puttur, F.: P.C.20.08 Ramrez-Menjbar, A.: P.B.14.20 Reis, F.: P.D.06.07
Pourfathollah, A. A.: P.D.06.20 Putz, E. M.: P.C.10.09 Ramrez-Muoz, R.: P.A.20.13, P.A.28.16 Reis e Sousa, C.: P.C.05.06
Pourgholaminejad, A.: P.D.15.20 Pyakurel, K.: P.B.12.05 Ramrez-Orellana, M.: P.B.40.14 Reiig, S.: P.A.15.03, P.A.24.08

140 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Reiter, M.: P.B.01.05, P.B.01.06 Riva, F.: P.C.06.01 Romagnoli, P.: P.A.06.10 Ruiz-Esteban, P.: P.D.25.15
Reitermeier, R.: P.D.06.04 Rivals, J.-P.: P.C.03.13 Roman, V.: P.D.10.09, P.D.14.11, P.D.18.04 Ruiz-Hernndez, J.: P.B.15.15, P.B.18.07
Reithofer, M.: P.D.20.16 Rivero, A.: P.B.29.07 Romn-Carrasco, P.: P.B.25.21 Ruiz-Mateos, E.: P.B.31.17, P.C.12.13
Reksten, T. R.: P.B.07.01, P.B.09.19 Rivero Vera, J. C.: P.B.04.12 Romania, P.: P.A.22.12, P.B.27.23 Ruiz-Ortiz, E.: P.B.05.13
Remnyi, A.: P.A.12.12 Rivire, M.: P.A.08.08 Romanidou, G.: P.E.05.08 Rukke, H. V.: P.A.05.03
Remenyi, P.: P.D.09.01 Rivollier, A.: P.B.20.18 Romn-Ortiz, E.: P.C.22.12 Ruland, C.: P.C.20.05
Remla, N.: P.E.03.05 Rizvi, Z. A.: P.A.22.16 Rombouts, Y.: P.B.08.14 Rlicke, T.: P.A.01.03, P.C.08.10, P.E.03.06
Remmerswaal, E. B. M.: P.A.17.18 Rizzi, M.: P.A.27.01, P.A.27.08 Romero, M.: P.A.26.21 Rumbo-Nava, U.: P.B.39.15
Remus, C.: P.B.33.06 Rizzo, A.: P.B.41.09, P.B.39.03 Romero, P.: P.B.13.14, P.B.13.21, P.C.03.13 Rmke, H. C.: P.D.03.06
Ren, H.: P.A.17.16 Rizzo, R.: P.B.07.18, P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09 Romero, R.: P.E.05.01 Runci, D.: P.C.13.02
Renard-Charlet, C.: P.B.24.08 R Moreira, P. R.: P.A.17.11 Romero Chala, S.: P.B.04.05, P.B.11.05 Rupp, J.: P.A.06.04
Renaudin, K.: P.D.26.11 Roberts, C. A.: P.C.23.13 Romero-Garca, R.: P.A.19.15 Rusakiewicz, S.: P.C.18.02
Renmans, D.: P.D.06.22 Roberts, H. M.: P.B.19.22 Romero-Garcia, S.: P.B.39.14, P.B.39.15 Rusch, P.: P.A.18.16
Renner, E. D.: P.B.04.07 Roberts, L.: P.D.22.21 Romero-Rodrguez, D.: P.B.31.11 Russell, D.: P.D.17.18
Rensing-Ehl, A.: P.A.27.01 Roberts, S.: P.B.02.03 Romero-Snchez, C.: P.B.09.07, P.B.19.10, Russell, R. F.: P.D.20.03
Repp, R.: P.E.02.05 Robey, E.: P.A.06.10 P.B.20.14 Russell, S. E.: P.B.24.13
Resch, Y.: P.A.04.11, P.B.11.13, P.B.33.03, Robin, A.: P.C.10.16 Romero Suarez, S.: P.B.34.14 Rutgeerts, P.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03
P.B.38.19 Robinson, L. J.: P.A.08.17 Rommel, F. R.: P.B.12.06 Rutherford, T.: P.B.35.18
Reschke, C.: P.C.24.12 Robinson, M. W.: P.B.15.01 Romoff, N.: P.A.23.10 Rutkowski, E.: P.B.35.12
Reshetnikova, E.: P.A.26.10 Robinson, M.: P.C.21.04 Ronacher, K.: P.B.16.02 Ruttkowski, B.: P.D.21.05
Reshetnikova, E. S.: P.A.09.12 Rocamora-Reverte, L.: P.A.21.02 Roncagalli, R.: P.A.21.13 Rutz, S.: P.A.04.12
Ressaire, Q.: P.C.04.01 Rocha, H.: P.C.01.03 Rondeau, C.: P.A.22.09 Ruxrungtham, K.: P.D.19.19
Reth, M.: P.A.09.14, P.A.10.04, P.A.18.10 Rocha, I. M.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17 Roodveldt, C.: P.A.22.02, P.B.07.20, P.C.21.07 Ruzive, S.: P.B.16.02
Rethi, B.: P.C.05.12 Rocha, M. O.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.01, P.B.17.04, Rootes, C.: P.D.03.08 Ryan, A.: P.C.13.10
Retire, C.: P.C.10.15 P.B.17.14 Roque-Barreira, M. C.: P.A.24.02 Ryan, A. E.: P.B.22.05, P.D.26.05
Rettig, J.: P.A.07.15 Rocha, T.: P.B.12.12 Rorat, M.: P.D.23.07 Ryan, F.: P.A.14.05
Reuschel, E.: P.E.05.04 Rocha-Parise, M.: P.B.05.21 Rosa, D. S.: P.D.20.01 Ryan, G.: P.D.16.21
Reuschenbach, M.: P.A.22.14 Rocha-Perugini, V.: P.A.04.17 Rosa, M.: P.C.02.19 Ryan, P. L.: P.A.08.18
Reuschl, A.-K.: P.B.16.09 Roche, E.: P.D.23.13 Rosado, F.: P.A.25.15 Ryba-Stanisawowska, M.: P.B.08.06, P.B.08.11,
Reuter, M.: P.B.16.06 Roche, G.: P.B.15.01 Rosado, M. F.: P.C.23.11 P.D.13.14
Revathikumar, P.: P.B.24.06, P.B.24.07 Rocher, J.: P.C.18.16 Rosales, A.: P.C.22.09 Ryder, L. P.: P.D.01.09, P.D.09.03
Revenfeld, A. S.: P.A.12.13 Rcken, M.: P.B.13.03 Rosche, B.: P.B.21.04 Rydlovskaya, A.: P.D.21.03
Revet, M.: P.C.12.18 Roda-Navarro, P.: P.A.20.13, P.A.28.16 Rose, A.: P.B.19.13 Rydzak, J.: P.B.03.18, P.D.14.21, P.D.23.02
Rey, M.: P.B.04.15 Rodas, L.: P.D.17.04 Rose, J.: P.D.09.05 Ryffel, B.: P.B.16.05
Rey, S.: P.C.11.04 Rodelo-Hadd, C.: P.B.29.07 Rose-John, S.: P.A.24.16 Ryg-Cornejo, V.: P.B.03.16
Reyburn, H. T.: P.D.15.03 Roder, U.: P.B.38.16 Rosemblatt, M.: P.A.23.22 Rygl, M.: P.D.17.02
Reyes, L.: P.B.21.10 Rodewald, H. R.: P.C.11.22, P.E.04.09, P.B.25.18 Rosen, L. B.: P.B.18.05 Rygula, R.: P.E.01.16
Reyes Sandoval, A.: P.C.14.17, P.D.02.21 Rodi, M.: P.A.16.16, P.B.34.20 Rosenbauer, F.: P.C.19.11 Ryng, S.: P.D.18.08
Reynolds, E. C.: P.C.11.09 Rodrigues, A.: P.C.01.03, P.C.19.13 Rosenberg, J. M.: P.B.18.05 Rzca, M.: P.C.13.03, P.D.26.06
Reynolds, E.: P.C.06.07 Rodrigues, M.: P.C.09.01 Rosenkranz, A. R.: P.A.24.07,: P.B.05.14,
Reynolds, J.: P.B.13.24, P.A.28.08 Rodrigues-Santos, P.: P.D.06.07 P.B.19.02, P.B.23.19 S
Rezaei, N.: P.B.20.05, P.B.33.13, P.C.15.09 Rodrguez, A.: P.D.14.13, P.B.38.19 Rosenqvist, E.: P.D.02.18 Saadane, G.: P.A.19.17
Rezaeifard, S.: P.B.13.25 Rodrguez, C.: P.A.10.20, P.B.10.11 Rosenstiel, P.: P.B.35.07 Saalmller, A.: P.D.12.04, P.D.12.05, P.D.12.11
Rezniczek, T.: P.B.06.18 Rodriguez, D.: P.D.02.12, P.D.11.06, P.D.11.14 Rosenthal, N.: P.A.25.03 Saarenp-Heikkil, O.: P.B.33.04
Rhein, P.: P.B.28.10 Rodriguez, F. M.: P.C.01.25 Roshandel, L.: P.D.14.03 Saas, P.: P.A.17.21, P.C.13.16
Rho, E.: P.B.19.02 Rodrguez, I.: P.D.22.17 Rossato, M.: P.C.24.06, P.C.24.14 Saavalainen, P.: P.B.33.04
Rhode, M.: P.C.01.06 Rodriguez, M.: P.B.11.09, P.D.25.03 Rossi, B.: P.B.21.08 Sabatel, C.: P.C.11.19
Ria, F.: P.A.20.20, P.B.09.23, P.C.14.19 Rodrguez, M. J.: P.B.07.17 Rossi, M. C.: P.A.05.12 Sacchi, A.: P.A.17.04, P.B.15.17, P.B.31.10,
Ria, R.: P.A.07.21 Rodriguez, P.: P.B.12.05 Rossi, M.: P.A.05.11, P.B.09.20, P.B.10.02 P.C.03.03, P.C.04.03, P.C.04.12
Riano, F.: P.A.08.03 Rodriguez, R.: P.B.14.11 Rossjohn, J.: P.A.04.04, P.A.07.19, P.A.08.02, Sacco, L.: P.B.27.15
Riazi-Rad, F.: P.B.27.17 Rodrguez, S.: P.C.07.10 P.A.17.09, P.C.10.03, P.C.10.04 Sacedn, R.: P.A.20.06, P.C.18.06
Riba, M.: P.B.25.09 Rodrguez, T.: P.B.15.15 Rosskopf, S.: P.A.03.08, P.A.22.03, P.A.23.17 Sacharczuk, M.: P.B.07.19
Ribeiro, A. C.: P.C.09.23 Rodrguez-Bayona, B.: P.A.09.16, P.A.10.20, Rossmann, P.: P.B.32.14, P.B.36.07 Sack, U.: P.C.19.15
Ribeiro, L.: P.C.09.22 P.B.40.03 Rossol, M.: P.C.21.02 Sacks, D.: P.B.17.19
Ribeiro, S. T.: P.A.08.19 Rodriguez Benot, A.: P.D.25.01, P.D.25.18 Rostovsky, I.: P.E.05.13, P.E.05.15 Sdaba, M. C.: P.B.41.21
Ribot, J. C.: P.A.08.19 Rodrguez-Cabello, J.: P.C.19.06 Roszkowiak, J.: P.B.02.05, P.D.03.02 Sdaba, M.: P.B.21.20, P.B.21.21

Ricart, E.: P.B.31.05 Rodriguez-Caete, A.: P.A.28.20 Rot, A.: P.B.37.06 Sadeghi, K.: P.C.20.16
Ricciardi, M.: P.B.40.18 Rodrguez de Castro, F.: P.B.15.15 Roth, G.: P.B.11.18, P.D.05.11 Sadeghi, M.: P.B.08.21
Richardson, S.: P.B.33.19 Rodrguez de Crdoba, S.: P.C.22.04, P.C.22.12 Roth, J.: P.A.17.17, P.B.05.05, P.C.04.05, P.C.15.01, Sadhu, S.: P.A.24.13
Richardt, U.: P.B.02.06 Rodriguez-Espinosa, O.: P.B.42.13, P.E.03.12 P.C.17.01, P.C.19.11 Sadr, M.: P.B.20.05
Richaud, M.: P.D.14.05 Rodriguez-Gallego, C.: P.B.04.12, P.B.04.16, Roth, S.: P.D.24.07 Sadreddini, S.: P.A.05.06, P.A.14.11, P.A.14.15,
Richert, L.: P.A.06.05 P.B.15.15, P.B.18.07 Rothe, K.: P.C.21.02 P.A.19.08, P.A.19.12
Richez, C.: P.B.06.06 Rodrguez Garca, M.: P.B.42.01 Rothenfuer, S.: P.D.14.07 Saegerman, C.: P.B.16.01
Richson, U.: P.C.24.13 Rodrguez-Godoy, C.: P.B.09.09 Roth-Walter, F.: P.B.11.18, P.D.05.11, P.D.10.17, Saez-Cirion, A.: P.A.05.13
Richter, A.: P.A.24.12, P.A.25.10 Rodriguez Gomez, M.: P.B.32.17 P.D.21.14 Saferding, V.: P.A.05.02, P.A.20.04, P.B.09.02,
Rickinson, A.: P.A.07.20 Rodriguez-Gomez, I. M.: P.D.12.04 Rottal, A.: P.D.09.05, P.D.09.06 P.B.22.20, P.C.14.08
Riddell, S.: P.E.04.07 Rodriguez Jorge, O.: P.A.23.14 Rouaud, P.: P.A.09.15 Safi, A.: P.B.18.14
Ridl, J.: P.B.36.07 Rodriguez-Mahillo, A. I.: P.B.07.22 Rouault, C.: P.E.03.13 Safya, H.: P.A.28.22
Rieber, N.: P.C.04.06 Rodrguez-Mahillo, A. I.: P.B.11.20 Rouers, A.: P.A.09.03, P.A.09.13 Sagala, P.: P.C.10.13
Riedel, R.: P.A.18.14 Rodrguez-Martn, E.: P.B.21.14, P.B.34.07 Rouilly, V.: P.D.08.10 Sagar, D.: P.D.22.11
Riedel, T.: P.B.13.03 Rodriguez-Molina, J.: P.B.30.22, P.B.30.23, Roumenina, L.: P.A.19.09 Saghafian-Hedengren, S.: P.B.42.15
Rieder, F. J. J.: P.D.19.03 P.D.25.07 Roupie, V.: P.B.16.01 Sagi, I.: P.B.40.13
Riedl, M.: P.C.22.09 Rodrguez-Rodrguez, L.: P.B.09.22 Roux, A.: P.B.42.08 Saglani, S.: P.B.26.13
Rieger, N.: P.C.15.07, P.E.03.22 Rodriguez-Ruiz, M. E.: P.A.09.01, P.A.23.12 Roux, K.: P.B.11.04 Saha, B.: P.B.17.20
Riemekasten, G.: P.B.19.13, P.B.37.07 Rodriguez Trabado, A.: P.B.11.05 Rovensky, J.: P.B.08.16 Sahasrabudhe, N. M.: P.C.14.16
Riemer, A.: P.A.03.04 Roederer, M.: P.D.19.07 Rowland, C. A.: P.D.03.01 Sahin, E.: P.A.05.02, P.B.21.09, P.B.22.20,
Riemer, A. B.: P.A.22.14 Roeleveld, D. M.: P.D.13.05 Rowley, D.: P.A.15.16 P.C.20.11
Riese, P.: P.C.10.11, P.D.20.13 Roen, D.: P.B.27.09 Roy, L.: P.C.18.15 Sahoo, A.: P.A.14.16
Riether, C.: P.B.40.06, P.D.07.09 Roers, A.: P.B.23.15 Roy, S.: P.B.17.20 Sahraian, M. A.: P.B.21.18
Riezu-Boj, J. I.: P.A.16.07 Roesler, J.: P.A.27.01 Royan, A.: P.C.15.18 Saib, O.: P.A.28.08
Riffault, S.: P.B.29.13 Roffato, H. K.: P.D.11.04 Roy Ario, G.: P.B.19.15 Saidani, c.: P.B.37.18
Riger, N.: P.A.04.08, P.B.25.14, P.C.15.21 Roger, T.: P.C.19.14 Rozera, G.: P.A.17.04 Saidi, H.: P.B.37.18
Rigoni, T. S.: P.A.17.05 Rogers, N.: P.C.05.06 Rozov, F.: P.D.13.10 Saikali, P.: P.A.14.06, P.B.09.17
Rihova, B.: P.B.14.08, P.D.06.19, P.D.15.15 Rogge, L.: P.D.08.10 Ruan, L.: P.D.02.14 Sailer, A. W.: P.A.24.08
Rijal, P.: P.B.15.13 Roggero, E.: P.B.17.18 Rubartelli, A.: P.B.05.10, P.D.06.05 Saintamand, A.: P.A.09.15, P.A.27.09
Rijavec, M.: P.B.12.09, P.C.18.19, P.C.24.02, Rogojanu, R.: P.E.02.14 Rubino, S.: P.D.04.14 Saintigny, P.: P.B.13.12
P.D.05.08 Rhle, K.: P.B.13.15 Rubio, L.: P.D.17.04 Sainz de la Maza, S.: P.B.34.07
Riller, Q.: P.D.14.10 Rohm, M.: P.D.20.13 Ruci, D.: P.B.09.14 Sairanen, H.: P.A.11.06
Rimanczy, .: P.D.11.10 Rohrer, J.: P.E.01.08 Ruckemann-Dziurdzinska, K.: P.E.04.13 Saji, E.: P.B.34.18
Rimmelzwaan, G. F.: P.A.17.09 Rohringer, A.: P.D.03.08 Rckrich, T.: P.C.18.10 Sakaguchi, N.: P.B.15.16
Rinaldi, A.: P.C.04.12 Rojas, C.: P.D.03.10 Ruckstuhl, C. A.: P.B.40.06 Sakaguchi, S.: P.A.14.18, P.A.21.09, P.C.18.20
Rincon, D.: P.D.25.03 Rojas, J.: P.B.18.01, P.B.18.23 Rudas, E.: P.D.25.15 Sakamoto, T.: P.D.10.14
Rincon-Restrepo, M.: P.A.26.09 Rojas, J. M.: P.C.12.01 Rudes, M.: P.E.02.05 Sakhinia, E.: P.B.33.12
Ringler, E.: P.D.08.05 Rojas, L.: P.A.24.05 Rudilla, F.: P.D.09.12 Saksida, T.: P.B.08.12, P.D.13.12, P.D.23.11
Rintiswati, N.: P.D.08.09 Rojas-Espinosa, O.: P.B.08.19, P.B.42.13, P.E.03.12 Rudolf, R.: P.A.10.14 Sakwa, I.: P.A.19.19, P.D.18.07
Rissiek, B.: P.A.16.15, P.A.16.15, P.A.19.07, Rojo, J.: P.B.11.09 Rueda, C.: P.A.06.04 Salah, S.: P.B.33.17
P.A.20.10, P.B.23.16, P.C.17.06 Roldan, E.: P.B.34.07 Rueda, J.: P.B.20.14 Salas, M.: P.B.12.11
Ritchie, D. S.: P.A.07.19 Rolinski, J.: P.A.16.12, P.B.36.04, P.D.19.22 Ruella, M.: P.D.14.19 Salazar, F.: P.C.06.09, P.C.14.11, P.E.03.18
Ritter, T.: P.B.22.05, P.C.13.10, P.D.26.05 Rolland-Debord, C.: P.D.02.02 Ruf, P.: P.D.22.19 Salazar, J. M.: P.B.09.09
Ritter, U.: P.C.14.15 Rollier, C.: P.A.19.20, P.E.04.08 Rufer, N.: P.D.06.23, P.D.15.11 Salazar, L.: P.B.12.01
Ritz, D.: P.A.03.17, P.B.14.05 Rom, R.: P.B.01.17, P.C.23.14 Ruffin, N.: P.A.06.05 Salazar-Camarena, D. C.: P.B.33.22
Rius, C.: P.A.04.17 Romagnani, C.: P.C.03.15 Rughetti, A.: P.A.25.06 Salazar-Onfray, F.: P.D.06.03, P.D.06.06,
Rius, F.: P.B.05.13 Romagnani, S.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12 Ruiz, M.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07, P.D.06.11 P.D.06.09

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 141
Author Index
Salcedo, M.: P.D.25.03 Santos-Valente, E.: P.A.27.08, P.B.04.01, Schebesta, A.: P.A.14.18, P.A.21.09 Schnthaler, H. B.: P.B.10.23
Salehi, Z.: P.B.21.17, P.B.21.18 P.B.18.16 Scheel, T.: P.B.37.07 Schoos, A.: P.B.38.04
Sales, N. S.: P.D.06.02 Sanz, L.: P.C.07.15 Scheel-Toellner, D.: P.B.22.03 Schossleitner, K.: P.D.25.12
Salgado, G.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.B.09.21, Sanz-de-Villalobos, E.: P.B.42.06 Scheffold, A.: P.A.04.12, P.A.16.10, P.B.21.04 Schtta, A.-M.: P.B.01.06
P.B.32.24, P.C.21.03 Saoudi, A.: P.A.21.08, P.B.34.04 Scheiblhofer, S.: P.A.03.11, P.B.38.13, P.C.14.15 Schraeml, M.: P.D.10.16
Salgado-Cecilia, G.: P.B.30.06, P.B.30.10, Sapozhnikov, A. M.: P.B.38.12 Scheiflinger, F.: P.C.02.14, P.D.24.09, P.D.24.10, Schraml, B.: P.C.05.06
P.B.30.12 Sara, D.: P.C.18.17, P.C.18.18 P.D.24.11 Schramm, C.: P.A.04.05
Salgado-Garciglia, R.: P.D.16.12 Sara, L.: P.D.22.17 Scheinecker, C.: P.A.06.11 Schramm, S.: P.D.27.09
Sali, A. D.: P.D.18.02 Saraav, I.: P.D.02.17 Schellenbacher, C.: P.D.02.03 Schrangl, L.: P.E.01.14
Salimi, M.: P.C.03.07 Saraf, Z.: P.B.27.17 Schena, F.: P.B.05.10 Schrattbauer, K.: P.A.07.12
Salimova, E.: P.B.41.04 Sarafian, V.: P.B.28.22, P.B.07.07 Schenck, K.: P.A.05.03 Schraven, B.: P.A.28.09, P.D.09.04
Salles, .: P.B.03.23 Saramki, J.: P.A.11.06, P.A.11.07 Schennach, H.: P.D.26.14 Schreiber, R.: P.C.16.09
Salles, E. M.: P.C.12.21 Saranac, L.: P.B.37.19 Scheper, W.: P.A.08.21 Schreiber, R. D.: P.A.07.17
Sallusto, F.: P.A.05.03, P.A.05.10, P.A.10.02, Saranchina, Y. V.: P.B.24.25 Scherer, H. U.: P.B.08.14, P.A.10.22 Schrem, H.: P.D.25.09
P.B.25.12 Sarantopoulos, A.: P.B.08.20, P.B.41.06, P.C.14.03 Scherer, S.: P.A.26.09 Schreurs, R. R.: P.A.02.10
Salman, A.: P.D.19.12 Sarapultsev, A.: P.D.25.21 Schett, G.: P.B.22.09 Schrder, C.: P.B.30.13
Salman, A. M.: P.A.07.16, P.A.17.15 Sarate, P. J.: P.D.21.07 Scheu, S.: P.C.20.05 Schrder-Braunstein, J.: P.B.35.13
Salmaninejad, A.: P.B.33.13 Saraymen, B.: P.B.04.19, P.C.01.11, P.C.01.12, Scheynius, A.: P.B.11.16 Schroeder, J. T.: P.C.19.02
Salmenniemi, U.: P.D.01.11 P.C.12.23, P.E.01.09 Scheynius, A.: P.B.11.08 Schroll, A.: P.A.05.13
Salom, B.: P.C.03.13 Sardar, S.: P.B.22.08 Schiechl, G.: P.B.32.17 Schrom, S.: P.A.23.20
Salomon, B.: P.B.21.01 Sarenac Vulovic, T.: P.B.32.21 Schiela, B.: P.C.22.06 Schromm, A. B.: P.B.36.05
Salsac, C.: P.B.07.09 Saresella, M.: P.C.21.06 Schiering, C.: P.B.20.15 Schrum, A. G.: P.A.21.07
Saluzzo, S.: P.C.03.18 Sarkisian, N.: P.D.16.15, P.C.17.23 Schierloh, P.: P.A.19.19 Schubert, D.: P.B.18.06
Salvador, I.: P.B.07.16 Sarmadi, P.: P.C.09.26 Schijf, M. A.: P.B.36.02 Schuch, K.: P.A.20.15, P.C.19.01
Salvador, M.-A.: P.D.22.17 Sarmay, G.: P.A.10.09, P.A.12.12 Schilbach, K.: P.A.01.01, P.A.08.16 Schuetz, C.: P.B.18.05
Salvarani, C.: P.B.41.09 Sarmento, R. R.: P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17 Schild, H.: P.C.04.09 Schuetze, S.: P.A.08.14
Salvat, M.: P.A.18.12 Sarmiento, E.: P.B.09.08, P.B.30.22, P.B.30.23, Schillberg, S.: P.B.11.01 Schughart, K.: P.B.31.18, P.C.21.01
Salvatore, G.: P.D.14.23 P.B.31.20, P.D.25.02, P.D.25.03, P.D.25.04, Schiller, B.: P.B.35.07 Schuh, W.: P.A.27.02
Salvatori, R.: P.B.24.08 P.D.25.07 Schiller, M.: P.C.17.03 Schuler, G.: P.A.17.14, P.C.14.12, P.D.06.17,
Salvi, V.: P.C.19.22 Sarnecka, A.: P.B.06.08 Schiller, P.: P.C.17.03 P.E.02.05
Salyha, N.: P.D.10.07 Sarobe, P.: P.A.15.13, P.A.16.07, P.D.06.11 Schilli, G.: P.B.40.20 Schler, R.: P.B.10.14
Salzer, E.: P.B.04.01, P.A.27.08, P.B.18.16 Sarra, B.: P.C.12.12 Schilling, E.: P.C.19.15 Schller, S.: P.C.20.16
Salzer, U.: P.B.04.11, P.B.10.01 Sartori, A.: P.D.10.03, P.D.10.04, P.D.10.05 Schilling, J.: P.D.06.15 Schultz, C.: P.D.21.14
Samadi, N.: P.A.26.17 Saruhan-Direskeneli, G.: P.B.24.10 Schimanski, L.: P.B.15.13 Schultze, J.: P.A.03.06, P.E.02.05
Samarani, S.: P.C.10.13 Sarukhan, A.: P.A.21.13 Schindler, C.: P.C.16.09 Schulz, A.: P.A.02.12
Samarghandian, S.: P.B.37.03 Saryldz, M. A.: P.B.08.15 Schindler, K.: P.D.18.19 Schulz, A. R.: P.D.08.17
Samoilov, A.: P.B.37.09 Sarzsinszky, E.: P.A.02.11, P.D.09.01 Schindler, S.: P.B.14.13 Schulz, K.: P.A.12.03
Sampaio, N. G.: P.B.17.12 Sasiain, M.: P.A.19.19 Schinzari, V.: P.B.27.15 Schulz, M.: P.B.23.15
Samri, A.: P.A.09.03, P.A.09.13 Sassi, N.: P.B.10.06 Schirmbeck, L.: P.B.23.04 Schulze, A. K.: P.A.28.19
Samsom, J. N.: P.B.20.10 Satman, I.: P.B.08.08 Schirmer, B.: P.B.06.18 Schulze, W.: P.A.19.13
Samson, M.: P.D.22.22 Sato, M. N.: P.A.21.11, P.B.26.02, P.C.14.20 Schirmer, M.: P.A.15.19 Schumacher, V.: P.A.14.14, P.A.24.16, P.B.23.10
Samstag, Y.: P.A.07.05 Sattar, A.: P.C.19.07 Schirrmacher, V.: P.D.15.01 Schumak, B.: P.B.03.14, P.B.03.17
Samten, B.: P.B.16.10 Sattar, A. A.: P.C.23.07 Schittek, B.: P.B.35.14, P.B.36.01 Schumann, E.: P.A.28.10
Samuel, C.: P.B.41.04 Sattler, S.: P.A.25.03 Schlaphoff, V.: P.A.26.18 Schumann, J.: P.A.02.06, P.A.16.08
Sanchez, B.: P.B.04.16 Sattler, W.: P.B.23.04 Schlecht-Louf, G.: P.C.05.05 Schrer, N.: P.B.01.12
Sanchez, C.: P.B.04.16 Satyam, A.: P.D.25.13 Schlederer, T.: P.B.29.04, P.B.31.12 Schurich, A.: P.B.32.13, P.D.23.12
Sanchez, E. M.: P.B.42.10 Sauce, D.: P.A.20.08, P.B.42.08, P.E.02.12 Schledzewski, K.: P.C.12.11 Schuschnig, M.: P.A.13.08
Sanchez-Alarcos, S.: P.B.30.23 Sauder, U.: P.E.03.20 Schleicher, U.: P.B.16.14, P.C.10.18 Schuster, C.: P.E.02.14
Snchez Correa, B.: P.D.02.20, P.C.02.03 Sauer, M.: P.D.14.02 Schlesinger, A.: P.B.04.07 Schuster, H.: P.B.13.15
Snchez-Garca, F. J.: P.B.42.13, P.E.03.12 Sauerwein, K. M.: P.B.18.11, P.B.30.07 Schleyer, T. M.: P.A.18.05 Schuster, M.: P.A.24.10, P.B.18.04
Snchez Hernndez, P. E.: P.B.37.25 Saulquin, X.: P.A.21.03, P.B.42.16 Schlickeiser, S.: P.A.16.08 Schttrumpf, J.: P.D.24.07
Snchez Madrid, F.: P.A.28.11, P.A.04.17, Saunders, P.: P.C.10.04 Schliebe, N.: P.B.03.05 Schtz, G.: P.A.13.13
P.A.28.05, P.A.28.06 Saupe, F.: P.D.02.24 Schliehe, C.: P.A.20.04, P.C.24.13 Schtz, G. J.: P.E.01.14
Snchez-Menoyo, J. L.: P.B.34.10 Sausy, A.: P.B.42.05 Schlue, J.: P.A.15.01, P.D.04.04 Schtz, G.: P.E.01.11
Sanchez-Par, D.: P.B.09.09 Sauts-Fridman, C.: P.A.06.13 Schlter, D.: P.B.02.12 Schtze, K.: P.A.19.07
Sanchez-Paulete, A. R.: P.A.09.01, P.A.23.12 Sava, F.: P.A.26.02 Schmetterer, K.: P.A.04.20, P.A.12.06, P.A.28.15, Schtze, S.: P.B.36.05

Snchez-Pobre, P.: P.D.17.01 Savardekar, H.: P.A.28.01 P.B.31.12 Schwab, C.: P.B.18.06
Snchez Raga, J.: P.B.31.01 Savina, A.: P.C.18.07 Schmetterer, K. G.: P.A.12.09, P.A.12.15, Schwab, I.: P.D.04.12
Snchez Ramn, S.: P.B.34.02, P.B.29.05, Savino, B.: P.C.15.03 P.A.15.06, P.C.07.17, P.D.20.18, P.E.03.11 Schwab, L.: P.D.22.06
P.B.30.23, P.C.22.03, P.D.11.19, P.D.17.01, Savino, M.: P.B.34.19 Schmid, J.: P.C.20.11, P.A.18.08 Schwble, J.: P.D.24.07
P.D.24.14 Savino, W.: P.B.08.10, P.B.17.16, P.B.17.18, Schmid, M. A.: P.A.07.12 Schwaiger, M.: P.E.03.06
Snchez-Vera, I.: P.B.41.21 P.B.40.22 Schmid, M.: P.C.14.15 Schwanz, T.: P.C.04.09
Sancho, D.: P.A.04.17, P.A.23.12, P.B.29.02, Savolainen, E.-R.: P.D.08.15 Schmid, T.: P.B.20.16 Schwr, G.: P.A.17.08
P.C.21.04, P.D.22.07 Savtchenko, E.: P.C.15.21 Schmidbauer, K.: P.B.32.17 Schwartz, A. M.: P.A.12.02, P.B.28.09, P.B.34.03
Sandberg, Y.: P.A.08.15 Sawalle-Belohradsky, J.: P.B.04.07 Schmidt, A.: P.B.17.17 Schwartz, F.: P.B.32.08
Sander, J.: P.A.03.06, P.E.02.05 Sawitzi, B.: P.A.02.06 Schmidt, C. A.: P.D.14.01 Schwartz-Cornil, I.: P.C.05.16
Sanderson, W.: P.D.13.02 Sawitzki, B.: P.A.16.08, P.A.16.10 Schmidt, C. W.: P.A.17.14 Schwarz, C.: P.D.01.04, P.D.26.07
Sndor, N.: P.C.22.10 Saxena, R. K.: P.A.22.16 Schmidt, H.: P.A.26.19 Schwarz, E.: P.A.26.13
Sandoval, F.: P.A.04.02 Sayar, E.: P.B.04.01 Schmidt, J.: P.D.06.23 Schwarz, E. C.: P.A.17.08, P.A.26.16
Sandrock, I.: P.A.08.07, P.B.10.07 Sayitoglu, C.: P.C.02.22 Schmidt, N.: P.C.19.09 Schwarz, H. P.: P.C.02.14
Sangidorj, B.: P.B.12.13 Sayitolu, M.: P.B.04.21 Schmidt, R.: P.A.12.09, P.A.12.15 Schwarz, H.: P.C.21.14
Sansom, D. M.: P.A.23.04, P.A.23.07, P.B.33.08 Sayos, J.: P.B.18.18 Schmidt, R. L.: P.A.12.06 Schwarz, J.: P.A.24.16
Sansoni, P.: P.E.04.04 Scadding, G.: P.B.06.01 Schmidt, R. E.: P.B.22.01, P.B.22.19, P.C.02.12, Schwarz, K.: P.A.27.01
Santana, A. K. M.: P.B.17.10 Scamps, F.: P.B.07.09 P.C.05.01,P.C.18.11 Schwarz, N.: P.A.20.10
Santana Caldern, A.: P.A.23.14 Scandella, E.: P.A.01.03, P.B.14.11, P.C.08.10 Schmidt, R.: P.B.30.13, P.C.14.01 Schwarzer, E.: P.B.03.24
Santana-van-Vliet, E.: P.B.40.22 Scaramuccia, A.: P.C.03.08 Schmidt, S.: P.A.14.20 Schweer, J.: P.A.01.08
Santarlasci, V.: P.A.05.11, P.A.05.12, P.B.09.20, Scarpini, E.: P.A.05.07 Schmidt-Weber, C.: P.B.35.03, P.D.05.12 Schweiger, B.: P.B.03.12
P.B.10.02 Scavenius, C.: P.B.32.01 Schmieder, A.: P.C.12.11 Schwiebs, A.: P.A.26.12
Santiago, L.: P.C.09.17 Scerri, T.: P.B.30.16 Schmitt, E.: P.B.13.19, P.B.39.08, P.D.15.16 Schwinzer, R.: P.D.26.10
Santibanez Koref, M.: P.B.18.19 Schabbauer, G.: P.A.05.02, P.B.21.09, P.C.20.11 Schmitz, F.: P.C.24.13 Sciutto, E.: P.B.03.22
anti, M.: P.C.03.02 Schabhuettl, C.: P.A.24.07, P.B.05.14, P.B.23.19 Schmitz, I.: P.A.24.10, P.B.01.13 Scobie, L.: P.A.23.13
Santocki, M.: P.A.22.05 Schabla, N. M.: P.A.09.17 Schmitz, R. A.: P.B.36.11 Scognamiglio, P.: P.C.03.03
Santoni, A.: P.B.20.08, P.B.40.18, P.C.02.19, Schabussova, I.: P.D.21.01, P.D.21.05, P.D.21.07 Schmitz, U.: P.C.16.15 Scotet, E.: P.A.08.10
P.C.10.20, P.C.13.02 Schaefer, A.: P.A.13.09 Schmoeckel, K.: P.D.14.01 Scott, H. S.: P.D.04.04
Santos, A. C.: P.E.04.15 Schaefer, I.: P.C.04.06 Schmutz, R.: P.B.11.15 Scott, J. A.: P.B.01.14
Santos, A.: P.C.01.03 Schaeverbeke, T.: P.B.06.06 Schneewei, M.: P.A.17.17, P.B.23.13 Scott-Browne, J.: P.A.14.07
Santos, A. M.: P.A.28.18 Schfer, S.: P.C.11.22 Schneider, A.: P.C.19.14 Scrivo, R.: P.B.22.02
Santos, C. C.: P.D.11.14 Schaffenrath, S.: P.D.11.16 Schneider, E.: P.C.17.11 Scully, E.: P.C.02.09
Santos, C. F.: P.C.24.10 Schffer, A.: P.B.04.06 Schneider, I.: P.D.23.04 Scurr, M.: P.B.39.17
Santos, C. L.: P.A.21.16 Schffer, A. A.: P.B.30.16 Schneider, M.: P.B.13.06, P.D.25.17 Scutts, S. R.: P.C.16.06
Santos, F. R.: P.B.17.03, P.B.42.11 Schaft, N.: P.A.17.14, P.D.06.17 Schneider, P.: P.A.18.05 Sealfon, S. C.: P.C.13.14
Santos, I. K.: P.D.11.13 Schallenberg, S.: P.A.06.03 Schneiderova, P.: P.B.37.14, P.D.17.05, P.D.17.06 Sebal, C.: P.B.21.20, P.B.21.21
Santos, K. S.: P.B.25.13 Schaller, M.: P.A.10.01 Schneider-Schaulies, J.: P.A.16.04 Sebastian, D.: P.B.13.23
Santos, L. M.: P.B.05.21 Schaller, S.: P.D.17.03 Schneider-Schaulies, S.: P.B.29.11 Sebesho, B.: P.B.16.05
Santos, M.: P.C.01.03 Schamel, W. W.: P.A.18.10 Schneikart, G.: P.A.02.16 Sebestyen, Z.: P.A.08.21
Santos, R. F.: P.A.28.18, P.C.06.18, P.C.21.18 Schamel, W. W.: P.A.28.19 Schnurr, M.: P.D.14.07 Secca da Silva, C.: P.A.28.12
Santos, S. G.: P.D.23.10 Schandene, L.: P.B.27.11, P.B.28.20 Schoenberger, S. P.: P.A.20.12 Secher, T.: P.B.34.04
Santos, T.: P.D.11.06 Schanz, O.: P.B.35.02 Schoenhaar, K.: P.C.12.11 Seddigh, P.: P.C.12.16
Santos-Argumedo, L.: P.A.19.10 Scharf, L.: P.A.17.13 Schofield, L.: P.A.08.17, P.B.17.12 Seddiki, N.: P.A.06.05, P.A.28.13
Santos-Gomes, G.: P.C.01.03, P.C.19.13 Schatzlmaier, P.: P.A.12.10 Schn, C.: P.B.27.24 Sedlacek, P.: P.D.09.07
Santos-Lacerda, T.: P.B.36.08 Schaub, B.: P.B.04.07 Schne, D.: P.D.19.20 Sedlyarov, V.: P.C.01.08, P.E.02.07
Santos-Mateus, D.: P.C.19.13, P.C.01.03 Schauf, B.: P.E.02.05 Schneweis, K.: P.D.02.10 Sedykh, S.: P.E.01.01
Santos-Pinto, J. A.: P.B.25.13 Schaus, A.: P.D.18.07 Schnrich, G.: P.B.15.11 Seelbach-Gbel, B.: P.E.05.04

142 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Segarra, O.: P.B.04.17 Sharoubim, A.: P.C.06.16 Silva, J. E.: P.B.07.14 Slot, E.: P.A.23.09
Segovia, J.: P.D.25.02, P.D.25.03 Sharp, F. A.: P.D.20.04 Silva, M. C.: P.B.17.17 Smagur, A.: P.A.21.15, P.D.01.13
Segovia-Huertas, Y.: P.D.10.15 Sharpe, S. A.: P.A.08.23 Silva, M.: P.B.17.21 Smaniotto, S.: P.B.08.10
Sehnert, B.: P.B.22.09, P.B.33.20 Shattock, R.: P.A.27.12, P.B.16.09 Silva, M. M.: P.B.31.04 Smarz-Widelska, I.: P.D.19.22
Seida, A. A.: P.B.27.12 Shattock, R. J.: P.D.11.24, P.D.17.11 Silva, N.: P.B.22.12 Smed Srensen, A.: P.B.19.17
Seidel, C.: P.B.16.18 Shaw, L.: P.A.14.07 Silva, P. M.: P.B.32.20 Smeets, E.: P.A.02.05
Seidel, M. G.: P.B.18.16 Shawkatova, I.: P.B.33.21 Silva, R. C.: P.D.25.14 Smith, A.: P.D.17.07
Seidl, M.: P.A.27.01, P.B.18.06 Sheerin, N.: P.B.32.09 Silva, R. R.: P.B.19.18 Smith, C.: P.D.17.17
Seidl-Friedrich, C.: P.D.11.03 Sheffield, D.: P.A.28.08 Silva, R. M.: P.A.06.09 Smith, C. J.: P.B.24.05
Seifert, M.: P.A.18.16 Sheikhzadeh, N.: P.D.12.09 Silva, S. R.: P.D.27.08 Smith, D. G.: P.B.24.20
Seifert, R.: P.B.06.18 Shelburne, C.: P.C.23.21 Silva, V. M.: P.B.29.18 Smith, G. L.: P.A.17.16, P.C.16.06
Seifi-Najmi, M.: P.A.14.15, P.A.19.08, P.A.19.12 Sheldon, I. M.: P.C.07.08 Silva dos Santos, D.: P.B.17.16, P.B.17.18 Smith, H.: P.E.04.04
Seifried, E.: P.D.24.07 Shelest, D.: P.C.16.04, P.D.07.07 Silva Jr, J. V.: P.D.18.17 Smits, H. H.: P.B.12.07
Seifried, H.: P.A.10.19 Shemer, A.: P.C.11.06 Silva Junior, J. A.: P.D.02.06 Smodi, N. &.: P.D.05.08
Seiser, C.: P.A.11.14, P.A.24.09 Shen, A. P.: P.C.12.17 Silvn, J.: P.B.23.21, P.B.32.19 Smolen, J.: P.A.20.04
Seitz, R.: P.D.08.05 Shen, G.: P.C.17.03 Silva-Pereira, I.: P.C.11.21, P.C.24.16 Smolen, J. S.: P.A.06.11, P.B.09.02, P.B.22.20
Seki, S.: P.D.10.14 Shen, P. T.: P.B.19.21 Silva-Santos, B.: P.A.08.05, P.A.08.19, P.A.08.11 Smulski, C. R.: P.A.18.05
Sekiya, K.: P.A.23.01 Shen, P.: P.D.13.09 Silva-Teixeira, D. N.: P.B.42.11 Smyth, D. J.: P.E.02.03
Sekular, M.: P.B.26.01 Sheng, J.: P.A.10.18 Silveira, G. P.: P.D.20.01, P.D.20.05 Smyth, L. A.: P.C.24.05
Selb, R.: P.B.11.17, P.B.38.02 Shepherd, E. L.: P.C.17.16 Silveistrova, O. Y.: P.B.07.08 Snajdauf, J.: P.D.17.02
Selb, R. E.: P.B.33.07 Sherburn, R.: P.B.26.13 Silvela, I.: P.A.13.05 Snelgrove, K.: P.C.05.06
Selb, R. M.: P.A.27.07 Shershnev, V.: P.B.04.03 Simeone, E.: P.C.15.05 Snelgrove, R.: P.C.21.05
elb, J.: P.B.38.08 Shevchenko, M. A.: P.B.38.12 Simitchiev, K.: P.B.28.22 Snijder, B.: P.B.29.10, P.C.08.08
Self, S.: P.D.19.07 Shevchenko, O. S.: P.B.37.04 Simitzi, C.: P.A.13.02, P.D.26.13 Soares, E. G.: P.B.17.17
Seliger, B.: P.B.27.13, P.C.21.02 Shevela, E.: P.C.11.05, P.D.07.04 Simmons, S.: P.A.01.11, P.A.11.04 Soares de Lima, Y.: P.C.11.21
Selkirk, M.: P.D.11.18 Shevela, E. Y.: P.D.15.13 Simms, M. S.: P.B.14.16 Sobey, C. G.: P.B.41.04, P.B.41.15, P.B.41.17,
Selkov, S. A.: P.E.05.07 Shi, G.: P.D.17.10 Simes, I.: P.A.21.13 P.C.19.17
Sellami, M.: P.B.06.05 Shi, W.: P.B.13.11 Simes, I. T.: P.A.11.10 Sochocka-Bykowska, M.: P.B.37.17, P.A.10.11
Sellau, J.: P.B.17.07 Shi, X.-L.: P.D.25.19 Simon, D.: P.A.06.15, P.A.10.21, P.A.25.17 Soci, G.: P.C.10.15, P.D.01.01
Sellebjerg, F.: P.A.10.03 Shi, Y.: P.C.23.10 Simon, G.: P.C.05.16 Sdar, B.: P.B.22.13
Selli, M.: P.B.05.16 Shibayama, S.: P.D.13.01 Simon, J.: P.D.11.10 Sder, S.: P.E.02.05
Selva-OCallaghan, A.: P.B.07.25 Shichkin, V.: P.A.21.14, P.B.31.07 Simonazzi, E.: P.B.41.09 Sderhll, C.: P.B.29.04
Semenova, E.: P.A.25.03 Shichkin, V. P.: P.B.39.06 Simone, A.: P.C.18.18 Sderman, J.: P.C.17.12
Sementa, A.: P.B.19.07 Shilkova, O.: P.C.17.12 Simoneau, C.: P.C.02.09 Soelberg Soerensen, P.: P.D.24.03
Semitekolou, M.: P.B.23.01 Shilov, E.: P.D.13.10 Simonelli, L.: P.C.10.20 Soelberg Sorensen, P.: P.D.24.02
Semper, C.: P.B.37.10 Shimabukuro-Vornhagen, A.: P.D.14.17, P.D.24.16 Simonetti, S.: P.C.13.02 Soendergaard, H.: P.D.24.01
Sempere-Ortells, J.: P.D.10.15, P.D.23.13 Shimbo, T.: P.D.13.01 Simoni, Y.: P.C.03.14 Sofopoulos, M.: P.B.27.20, P.C.24.01
Seneschal, J.: P.B.06.06 Shimizu, T.: P.C.09.21 Simonini, G.: P.B.10.02 Soghioan, D.: P.A.26.08
Sengelv, H.: P.D.01.09, P.D.09.03 Shin, D.-L.: P.C.21.01 Simons-Oosterhuis, Y.: P.B.20.10 Sogkas, G.: P.C.14.01
Sennikov, S.: P.B.10.17, P.C.13.01 Shin, E.-C.: P.A.06.07, P.A.17.06, P.A.26.15, Simn Vzquez, R.: P.C.17.04, P.D.02.20 Sohn, H. J.: P.D.22.08, P.D.14.14
Senolt, L.: P.B.09.06 P.B.16.03, P.D.13.03, P.E.04.01 Simopoulos, C.: P.D.15.01 Sohn, K.-H.: P.C.23.19
Senovilla, L.: P.B.13.13 Shin, H. S.: P.D.10.01 mov, J.: P.B.39.18 Soininen, R.: P.B.23.07
Senturk, G. H.: P.C.02.22 Shin, M. K.: P.B.26.10 Sims, M.: P.C.15.12 Sokli, T.: P.B.38.14
Seoane, I. V.: P.B.09.22 Shinde, G.: P.A.15.18 Sinclair, J.: P.B.24.18 Sokolov, D. I.: P.E.05.07
Seoh, J.: P.A.25.16 Shindi, R. A.: P.B.32.07 Sinclair, L. V.: P.B.32.13 Sokolov, Y.: P.A.26.10
Sepiashvili, R. I.: P.D.16.10 Shindou, H.: P.C.09.21 Sindhu, S.: P.B.08.02, P.E.03.17 Sola, E.: P.D.25.15
Sepiashvili, Y. R.: P.D.16.10 Shipulina, O. Y.: P.B.07.08 Singer, J.: P.B.38.04 Sola, P.: P.C.18.18
estan, M.: P.B.08.05, P.B.08.09 Shiri-Sverdlov, R.: P.B.32.16, P.B.41.13, P.C.09.18 Singh, A.: P.C.04.06 Solana, R.: P.A.17.01, P.B.29.07, P.C.02.03,
Seretis, A.: P.A.23.19 Shirokikh, K. E.: P.B.20.19 Singh, A. K.: P.D.15.04 P.C.10.22
Serfling, E.: P.A.10.14, P.B.03.21 Shirzad, H.: P.B.21.17, P.B.26.11 Singh, D.: P.C.12.20 Solana Lara, R.: P.D.25.01, P.D.25.18
Sergeevicheva, V. V.: P.D.15.13 Shkaruba, N.: P.C.13.01 Singh, H.: P.D.23.12 Solanich, X.: P.B.04.12
Serra, M. F.: P.B.32.20 Shmeleva, E.: P.A.17.10 Singh, K. P.: P.B.32.13 Soldani, C.: P.C.06.01
Serra, V.: P.E.04.16 Shmeleva, E. V.: P.C.17.22 Singh, N.: P.B.07.12 Soldner, C.: P.D.20.09
Serracant, A.: P.B.23.16 Shock, A.: P.D.04.07 Singh, O. P.: P.B.17.19 Sole, G.: P.E.04.16
Serrano, L.: P.C.03.20 Shokri, F.: P.A.19.06, P.D.19.05 Singh, P.: P.B.05.04 Soleimanifar, N.: P.B.33.10
Serre, K.: P.A.08.11 Shon, D.-H.: P.D.10.01 Singh, R.: P.A.04.22, P.B.37.21 Sole-Palacn, P.: P.B.04.02

Servais, S.: P.D.01.01 Shoukier, M.: P.A.12.03 Singh, S.: P.D.02.17 Soler-Palacin, P.: P.B.04.17, P.B.18.18
Servuli, E. A.: P.B.38.12 Shridhar, N.: P.D.07.13 Singh, U.: P.D.06.14 Sol-Violn, J.: P.B.15.15, P.B.18.07
Serwas, N.: P.B.18.16 Shtanko, I.: P.D.16.15 Sinha, A.: P.D.11.21 Solinas, C.: P.B.39.02
Serwas, N. K.: P.B.04.01 Shtygasheva, O. V.: P.B.24.24, P.B.24.25 Sinha, S.: P.D.19.01 Sols, M.: P.C.07.10
Seth, S.: P.A.12.08, P.C.16.07 Shtyrbul, O. V.: P.D.21.11 Sinnadurai, K.: P.D.02.18 Solmaz, G.: P.C.20.08
Sette, A.: P.A.26.08, P.B.42.12 Shukla, N. K.: P.D.15.04 Sintes, J.: P.C.02.21 Solntseva, T.: P.B.37.09
Setty Balakrishnan, A.: P.D.02.08 Shukla, P.: P.C.16.09 Sipka, S.: P.B.37.11 Sologuren, I.: P.B.04.12, P.B.18.07
Seubert, A.: P.D.20.10 Shuttleworth, E.: P.B.20.03 Sippl, N.: P.B.22.03 Solomatina, L.: P.C.17.23
Sewald, K.: P.B.14.13 Shvarev, D.: P.D.13.10 Siracusa, F.: P.A.02.12 Solomatina, L. V.: P.B.15.06, P.B.29.15
Sexl, V.: P.C.10.09, P.C.16.09 Shvydchenko, I.: P.C.01.17, P.C.01.18 Sirard, J.-C.: P.D.20.17 Solorzano, A.: P.B.15.08
Seyfferth, A.: P.B.34.02 Siaw, Y.: P.D.16.07, P.C.20.03 Sirin, B.: P.B.13.09 Solorzano, J. L.: P.A.09.01
Seys, S. F.: P.D.21.12 Siba, P. M.: P.A.08.17 Sirois, M. G.: P.A.12.16 Soltani, S.: P.B.20.05, P.C.15.09
Sfeir, C. S.: P.A.06.09 Sibanda, E.: P.B.31.12 Sironi, M.: P.C.09.16, P.C.09.24, P.C.22.15 Somers, V.: P.B.21.20
Sfondrini, L.: P.D.14.08 Sibanda, E. N.: P.B.19.11, P.B.25.11 Sirova, M.: P.D.15.15 Somiski, B.: P.B.08.06, P.B.08.11
Sfontouris, C.: P.B.09.10 Siberil, S.: P.D.14.10 rov, M.: P.D.22.15 Sommer, N.: P.A.20.15
Sgambelluri, F.: P.B.10.19 Sibilano, R.: P.B.38.18 Sirvent, S.: P.B.26.12 Sommer, N. G.: P.C.19.01
Sghaier, R. M.: P.C.17.09 Sibilia, M.: P.B.10.23, P.C.20.17, P.C.20.19, iko, S.: P.B.04.21 Sommerwerck, U.: P.D.25.11
Sgnotto, F. R.: P.A.21.11, P.B.26.02 P.E.03.06 Sissons, J.: P.C.24.13 Somovilla-Crespo, B.: P.B.14.20
Shaabani, N.: P.C.15.14 Sic, H.: P.A.27.08 Sitek, B.: P.C.12.16 Son, J.-Y.: P.E.04.14
Shabani, M.: P.A.14.12, P.D.20.06 Sica, A.: P.C.12.04, P.C.12.05 Sitnik, K.: P.C.01.04 Son, S.-H.: P.C.07.19
Shabbir, W.: P.B.14.03 Sidina, I.: P.D.06.16 Sitte, S.: P.B.42.09 Son, Y.: P.B.26.10
Shachar, I.: P.B.40.13 Sidiropoulos, P.: P.A.23.19 Sittisombut, N.: P.D.19.19 Sonego, F.: P.B.01.23
Shafti-Keramat, S.: P.D.02.03 Sidney, J.: P.A.26.08, P.B.42.12 Sivak, L.: P.D.06.19, P.D.15.15 Song, M.-Y.: P.D.13.03
Shahbazi, M.: P.D.14.03 Siebeck, M.: P.B.38.23 Sivk, L.: P.D.22.15 Song, X.-G.: P.D.09.11
Shahidi, M.: P.E.01.13 Siebers, R.: P.C.08.01 ivgin, S.: P.A.03.03 Sonnleitner, L.: P.B.11.21
Shahkarami, S.: P.B.20.05 Siebert, J.: P.D.13.15 Sivori, S.: P.C.10.17, P.C.18.12 Sophie, P.: P.A.27.10
Shahrokhi, A.: P.C.15.09 Sieczkowska, S.: P.C.01.24 Siwetz, M.: P.C.22.11 Sord, L.: P.D.18.10
Shahsavan, S.: P.B.26.11 Siede, J.: P.A.25.18 Six, A.: P.A.09.03 Soriani, A.: P.B.40.18, P.C.10.20, P.C.13.02
Shahzad, K.: P.D.09.04 Siegmund, B.: P.A.24.10 Sizikov, A.: P.C.13.01 Soriano-Diaz, S.: P.C.06.06, P.C.18.22, P.B.09.21,
Shakib, F.: P.C.14.11 Siegrist, C.-A.: P.D.20.15 Sjomin, V.: P.B.37.09 P.B.32.24
Shamji, M. H.: P.B.06.01 Siekmann, J.: P.D.24.10 Skachkova, O. V.: P.D.18.15 Sormunen, R.: P.B.23.07
Shamloo, B.: P.A.11.15 Sievers, C.: P.D.24.03 Sklhegg, B. S.: P.B.22.21 Sorobetea, D.: P.B.20.18, P.C.01.04
Shan, S.: P.D.03.08 Sievers, M.: P.D.04.04 Skalska, U.: P.A.16.14, P.D.07.03 Sorrentino, R.: P.A.03.02, P.A.03.02
Shane, H.: P.A.26.06 Sigal, G. B.: P.D.17.17 Skinner, M. A.: P.D.02.21 Sorvillo, N.: P.B.23.02
Shanebandi, D.: P.B.33.12 Sigurgeirsson, B.: P.B.09.24 Skov, S.: P.D.24.01 Soskic, B.: P.A.23.04
Shanehbandi, D.: P.A.14.12 Sigurgrmsdttir, H.: P.B.09.24 Skowronska, M.: P.A.10.01 Sosna, J.: P.A.08.14
Shao, H.-Y.: P.D.11.12 Sijts, A. J.: P.A.22.15, P.D.24.08 Skriner, K.: P.B.22.04 Sota, P.: P.C.09.17
Shao, T. Y.: P.B.20.04 Silacci, C.: P.A.19.21 Skrzypkowska, M.: P.B.08.06, P.D.13.14 Sotiriadou, N. N.: P.B.27.20
Shapina, M. V.: P.B.20.19 ilar, M.: P.B.11.13, P.B.12.09, P.B.38.08, Skurnik, M.: P.B.01.19 Sotiriou, D.: P.C.04.07
Sharaf, A. A.: P.C.12.03 P.B.38.14, P.D.05.08 Slade, C.: P.B.30.16 Sotiriou, O.: P.B.32.05
Sharafat, S.: P.D.19.18 Silva, A. P.: P.D.25.14 Sladek, Z.: P.B.01.03 Soto, L.: P.A.10.06
Sharif, O.: P.A.05.14, P.C.03.18 Silva, A. G.: P.B.32.20 Slama, P.: P.B.01.01, P.B.01.03 Soto, M.: P.C.21.04
Sharma, M.: P.D.02.01 Silva, G. A.: P.B.05.21 Slavov, E.: P.B.07.07 Sotosek, S.: P.B.27.19
Sharma, M.: P.D.02.17 Silva, G. K.: P.B.17.21 Sleurs, D.: P.B.21.01 Sotosek-Tokmadzic, V.: P.B.27.19
Sharma, R.: P.A.09.05 Silva, J. R.: P.D.06.02 Slits, F.: P.B.13.08 Sottile, R.: P.C.02.04
Sharma, S.: P.D.02.17 Silva, J. S.: P.B.17.10, P.B.17.17, P.B.17.21, Sloan, C.: P.B.21.21 Soufleros, K.: P.B.09.10
Sharma, T.: P.D.08.02 P.C.12.10 Slobedman, B.: P.B.24.18 Soukup, K.: P.C.20.11

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 143
Author Index
Soulat, D.: P.C.22.01 Stang, G.: P.D.06.22 Stojakovic, T.: P.B.23.19 Sutic, I.: P.A.15.12, P.B.27.19
Soulillou, J.-P.: P.D.04.09 Stanietsky, N.: P.C.02.06 Stojanovic, A.: P.A.26.14, P.C.02.02 Sutlu, T.: P.C.02.22
Soumelis, V.: P.A.14.02 Stanilov, N. S.: P.B.27.16 Stojanovic, B.: P.B.07.04 Suttner, K.: P.B.35.03, P.D.05.12
Sounidaki, M.: P.D.26.18 Stanilova, S. A.: P.B.22.16, P.B.27.16, P.B.37.15 Stojanovic, I.: P.B.08.12, P.D.13.12 Suzuki, K.: P.D.08.11
Sousa, A. B.: P.B.17.03, P.B.42.11, P.D.18.03, Stanisavljevic, S. M.: P.B.21.13 Stojanovic, I. D.: P.D.23.11 Suzuki, T.: P.D.10.14
P.D.18.17 Stanko, K.: P.A.02.06, P.A.16.08 Stojanovic, M.: P.B.03.04, P.D.05.14, P.B.01.12, Svan, K.: P.B.22.08
Sousa, A. E.: P.A.21.04, P.B.31.14 Stankovic, I.: P.B.38.03, P.E.03.14 P.C.14.13 Svensson, C.: P.B.24.07
Sousa, G. R.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.01, P.B.17.02, Stankovic, M.: P.B.03.04 Stojkovic, T.: P.C.15.16 Svensson, L. M.: P.A.20.18
P.B.17.04, P.B.17.14 Stankovic, M.: P.C.15.16, P.B.41.14 Stokes III, J.: P.D.06.14 Svensson, M.: P.D.14.23
Sousa, I.: P.D.25.03, P.D.25.04, P.D.25.07 Stanojevi, S.: P.C.12.06 Stolle, D. S.: P.A.24.12 Svensson-Frej, M.: P.A.23.08, P.B.20.18, P.C.01.04
Sousa, J.: P.B.35.08 Stanojevic, Z.: P.B.21.16 Stolz, F.: P.D.05.01, P.D.21.08 Sverremark-Ekstrm, E.: P.B.42.15, P.C.05.12
Sousa, L.: P.C.09.22 Starick, L.: P.A.08.03 Stolz, V.: P.C.24.16 Sviridov, D.: P.B.41.05
Sousa, L. P.: P.B.36.18, P.C.09.23 Starjeriu, A.: P.E.01.05 Stone, M. J.: P.C.19.17 Svitina, G.: P.D.07.07
Sousa Jeronimo, M.: P.C.11.21 Stark, G. R.: P.C.16.09 Stoop, J. N.: P.B.10.05 Svoboda, M.: P.D.08.12, P.D.24.13
Sousa-Pereira, P.: P.D.12.10 Stark, R.: P.A.28.08 Storcksdieck genannt Bonsmann, M.: P.B.31.22 Swallow, M.: P.D.03.04
Souto, A.: P.B.05.13 Starkey, M. R.: P.B.06.07 Storset, A. K.: P.D.12.05 Swaminathan, S.: P.C.24.13
Souza, A. C.: P.B.17.01, P.B.17.02, P.B.17.04 Starkl, P.: P.B.38.18 Stortelers, C.: P.B.23.16 Swamy, M.: P.A.28.19
Souza, F. N.: P.B.02.04, P.B.02.10, P.B.42.10 Starostina, N.: P.C.11.05 Storti, C.: P.D.14.08 Swan, D. J.: P.B.18.19
Souza, G.: P.B.31.06 Stary, T.: P.A.17.13 Stosic-Grujicic, S.: P.A.04.14, P.B.08.12, Swanson, P. C.: P.A.09.17
Souza, J. R.: P.B.17.03, P.B.29.18, P.B.42.11, Stassi, G.: P.C.02.04 P.D.13.12, P.D.23.11 Swartz, M.: P.B.13.18
P.D.18.03, P.D.18.17, P.E.04.15 Staszczak, Z.: P.B.06.08 Stover, C.: P.C.04.16 Swartz, M. A.: P.A.26.09
Souza, J. G.: P.B.24.03 Stauss, H.: P.A.23.07, P.D.15.17, P.D.22.01, Stradner, M.: P.A.05.05 Swoboda, I.: P.B.11.21, P.B.11.22, P.B.25.21,
Souza, M. A.: P.A.24.02 P.D.23.12 Stradner, M. H.: P.D.13.06 P.D.05.05, P.D.05.09
Souza, N. S.: P.B.17.14 Stavaru, C.: P.D.16.03 Straley, D. R.: P.B.32.08 Sycheva, A. L.: P.A.20.14, P.A.20.16
Souza, S. R.: P.B.24.03, P.B.32.02 Staykov, D.: P.B.07.07 Strandt, H.: P.A.13.11, P.C.04.11 Sydor, R. I.: P.D.18.15
Sovani, V.: P.D.16.21 Staykov, V.: P.E.05.02 Strasser, K.: P.E.01.10 Sydorenko, T. V.: P.C.09.03
Sozzani, S.: P.C.19.22 Steain, M.: P.B.24.18 Strassl, R.: P.D.25.17 Sylvain, C.: P.D.20.20
Spaapen, R.: P.A.13.04 Steckelings, U. M.: P.B.22.09 Stratakis, E.: P.A.13.02, P.D.26.13 Sylvain-Prvost, S.: P.C.01.22
Spaccapelo, R.: P.B.03.24 Steeg, C.: P.B.03.13 Strau, J.: P.A.03.15 Symer, D. E.: P.C.24.13
Spacova, I.: P.D.21.12 Steel, A.: P.B.20.22 Strecker, K.: P.D.22.06 Symonds, A. J.: P.B.37.21
Spadaro, G.: P.C.19.02 Stefan-Gueldner, M.: P.B.23.09 Streeck, H.: P.A.26.08 Symonds, A. L.: P.A.04.22
Spadidea, P.: P.A.16.16, P.B.34.20 Stefani, A.: P.B.07.21 Streeter, H.: P.D.13.02 Syre, K.: P.B.26.04
Spang, E.: P.D.17.18 Stefanidis, I.: P.D.26.18 Strergioudas, I.: P.E.05.03 Syrjl, H.: P.D.08.15
Spang, R.: P.A.03.06 Stefanska, A.: P.B.24.13 Stribbling, S.: P.D.15.06 Syrjnen, R.: P.A.11.08
Spanier, J.: P.C.21.13, P.D.20.09 Steger, M.: P.A.13.07, P.B.31.09, P.B.31.16 Strid, J.: P.B.23.08 Syrtsova, M.: P.C.09.06
Sparatore, B.: P.C.18.12 Stegner, D.: P.C.14.01 Striebinger, H.: P.B.42.07 Szab, B.: P.C.22.10
Sparber, F.: P.B.03.20 Stehle, C.: P.C.03.15 Stripecke, R.: P.B.31.18 Szab, K.: P.C.14.04, P.B.10.16, P.B.36.16
Sparrow, E. L.: P.C.13.17 Steimle, V.: P.C.16.03 Strisciuglio, C.: P.B.20.09 Szab, Z.: P.D.11.10
Sparwasser, T.: P.A.15.17, P.B.13.03, P.B.35.11, Stein, E.: P.B.01.12 Strive, T.: P.D.12.10 Szab-Taylor, K.: P.B.22.13
P.C.20.05, P.C.20.08, P.D.03.04 Stein, J.: P.C.01.06 Strle, F.: P.B.01.20 Szadkowska, A.: P.D.13.15
Spatz, J. P.: P.D.08.06 Stein, J. V.: P.A.01.03 Strobel, S.: P.A.22.05 Sznt, J.: P.C.02.08
Spazzapan, S.: P.B.39.03 Stein, M.: P.A.27.02 Strobl, B.: P.B.01.17, P.B.06.15, P.B.37.10, Szappanos, D.: P.C.23.02
Specht, S.: P.B.03.08, P.B.03.10 Steinbach, A.: P.A.22.14 P.C.16.05, P.C.23.14 Szarecka, M.: P.A.10.11, P.B.37.17
Spechtl, P.: P.A.07.02 Steinberger, P.: P.A.03.08, P.A.12.06, P.A.12.15, Strobl, H.: P.C.05.09, P.C.20.06 Szarka, E.: P.A.12.12
Speck, S. H.: P.B.03.15 P.A.15.06, P.A.22.03, P.A.23.03, P.A.23.16, Strobl, S.: P.D.04.06 Szll, M.: P.B.10.10, P.B.10.13, P.B.10.16
Speckmann, C.: P.A.27.01, P.B.04.16, P.B.18.06 P.A.23.17, P.A.28.15, P.C.06.20, P.C.07.17, Stroh, E.: P.B.29.03 Szely, N.: P.C.13.12, P.D.24.05
Speier, S.: P.C.13.08, P.C.17.17 P.D.26.15 Strom, T. M.: P.B.18.20 Szereday, L.: P.C.02.08
Speiser, D.: P.A.04.02, P.B.13.18, P.C.02.18, Steinbrck, P.: P.A.25.10 Strunk, D.: P.C.06.12 Szili, D.: P.A.12.12
P.D.15.14 Steiner, B.: P.B.11.15 Struyf, S.: P.C.17.15 Szilvia, B.: P.C.15.04
Speiser, D. E.: P.B.13.21, P.C.03.13, P.D.15.11 Steiner, C. W.: P.B.09.13, P.B.09.02 Stubbs, A.: P.C.08.07 Szlvicz, E.: P.B.10.16
Speletas, M.: P.A.18.05 Steiner, G.: P.A.04.20, P.B.09.13, P.A.24.09, Studenovsk, M.: P.B.14.08, P.D.22.15 Szodoray, P.: P.B.14.12
Spence, S.: P.C.15.12 P.C.14.08 Sthmer, W.: P.C.17.07 Szolnoky, M.: P.D.11.10
Spencer, A. J.: P.A.07.16, P.A.17.15, P.D.19.12 Steiner, I.: P.A.27.07 Stuis, H.: P.B.34.14 Szostakowska, B.: P.B.03.18
Spengler, D.: P.B.36.05 Steiner, M.: P.A.03.11 Stulnig, G.: P.C.20.17, P.C.20.19
Sperandio, F. F.: P.B.03.06 Steiner, S.: P.B.20.02 Stulnig, T. M.: P.A.20.15 T
Sperandio, M.: P.C.17.17 Steinhoff, U.: P.A.06.12, P.B.06.16, P.B.38.10 Stulnig, T. M.: P.C.19.01 Taams, L. S.: P.A.02.15, P.A.24.11, P.C.23.13

Sperr, W. R.: P.B.27.07 Steininger, C.: P.D.19.03, P.D.25.17 Stupica, D.: P.B.01.20 Tabellini, G.: P.C.18.04
Spertino, S.: P.C.18.12 Steinle, A.: P.B.35.12, P.C.02.13, P.C.18.10 Stupka, E.: P.B.25.09 Taccogna, A.: P.D.11.18
Spiegel, H.: P.B.11.01 Steinmetz, T.: P.A.27.02 Sturegrd, E.: P.B.16.12 Taccone, M.: P.D.20.10
Spielberger, B. D.: P.B.04.07 Steinthal, N.: P.A.01.04 Stve, P.: P.D.03.04 Taddeo, A.: P.A.10.15
Spindeldreher, S.: P.D.18.10 Stemberger, J.: P.D.16.16 Su, B.: P.A.09.13 Tagliabue, E.: P.D.14.08
Spindler, T.: P.D.08.03 Stenberg-Hamar, K.: P.B.29.04 Su, C.: P.A.09.02 Tagliamonte, M.: P.D.14.15
Spinelli, R.: P.C.19.02 Stentzel, S.: P.B.25.22 Suarez-Cordero, A.: P.E.04.06 Tahapour, K.: P.B.05.12, P.D.16.01
Spittler, A.: P.C.20.16, P.C.22.07, P.D.08.04, tpnek, I.: P.B.39.18 Surez Fernndez, M. L.: P.B.42.01 Tahrali, I.: P.A.14.09, P.B.18.10, P.C.02.11
P.D.17.08 Stepankova, R.: P.B.32.14 Subir, D.: P.B.42.06 Tailleux, L.: P.A.19.19
Spohr, C.: P.B.16.07 Steptoe, R.: P.A.26.20, P.D.26.19 Subota, V.: P.C.15.10 Tajpara, P. M.: P.C.06.14
Spriet, E.: P.B.32.01 Stepukova, A.: P.C.01.17, P.C.01.18 Subr, V.: P.D.06.19 Tak, P.-P.: P.B.22.15
Spriewald, B.: P.E.02.05 Stergiou, N.: P.B.13.19, P.B.39.08, P.D.15.16 Suchankova, M.: P.A.16.18, P.D.17.13 Takeda, K.: P.A.01.11
Spyridopoulos, I.: P.A.17.10, P.C.17.22 Steri, M.: P.E.04.16 Sucker, N.: P.A.17.17, P.B.23.13 Talamonti, E.: P.C.20.10
Srdic-Rajic, T.: P.C.16.02, P.E.03.14 Sterk, M.: P.A.01.01 Sucur, A.: P.B.08.18, P.B.09.04, P.C.23.01 Talbot, J.: P.A.24.01
Sriburi, R.: P.D.19.19 Stervbo, U.: P.D.13.09 Sugimoto, M. A.: P.C.09.23 Talbot, J.: P.A.15.05, P.B.09.01
Srinivasan, B.: P.B.25.07, P.B.38.11, P.D.20.18, Stettner-Leonkiewicz, D.: P.A.16.12, P.B.36.04 Sugiura, A.: P.A.22.09 Talento, S. M.: P.C.07.09
P.D.24.17 Steurer, M.: P.C.22.06 Sugiura, T.: P.C.17.02 Talke, Y.: P.B.32.17
Srinivasan, M.: P.B.24.01 Stevanovi, S.: P.A.03.12, P.B.13.15, P.C.10.21, Sulaieva, O.: P.C.11.14, P.C.12.19 Talker, S. C.: P.D.12.04, P.D.12.05
Srivastava, S.: P.D.26.16 P.D.02.13 Suleymanlar, G.: P.B.42.04 Tallerico, R.: P.C.02.04, P.C.15.05
Srivatsava, V.: P.B.29.17 Stevanovic-Meyer, M.: P.A.23.06, P.D.26.08, Sulyma, V.: P.B.31.07, P.A.21.14 Tam-Amersdorfer, C.: P.C.05.09
Sroller, V.: P.D.07.11 P.D.26.09 Sumaria, N.: P.A.08.05, P.A.08.18 Tamandl, D.: P.A.18.11
Srutkova, D.: P.B.36.07 Stevens, C. E.: P.B.29.12 Sumbayev, V.: P.C.08.14 Tams, G.: P.A.10.10
Staaf, E.: P.C.15.05 Stevens, R.: P.C.09.02 Sumner, R. P.: P.A.17.16, P.C.16.06 Tamas, P. T.: P.B.38.20
Stab, V.: P.B.31.22, P.D.20.11 Stewart, C.: P.D.03.08 Sun, B.: P.D.17.17 Tamassia, N.: P.C.01.19, P.C.24.07, P.C.24.14,
Stabile, H.: P.C.02.19 Stewart, D.: P.C.23.21, P.D.17.17 Sun, H. X.: P.D.18.18 P.C.24.15
Stachtea, X.: P.A.03.05 Stewart, G. A.: P.B.11.06 Sun, J.: P.B.19.12, P.B.41.11 Tambic Bukovac, L.: P.B.05.19
Stack, E.: P.E.01.15 Stewart, G.: P.B.18.09 Sun, M.: P.D.11.02 Tambovtseva, A.: P.C.01.17, P.C.01.18
Stadler, M.: P.D.12.04, P.D.12.05 Stiasny, K.: P.A.03.15, P.D.11.01, P.D.19.11 Sun, P.: P.B.39.23 Tamouza, R.: P.B.33.17, P.C.18.02
Staedtler, A. M.: P.D.22.02 Stiborova, I.: P.B.08.16 Sun, X.: P.D.16.14 Tampakis, D.: P.E.04.02
Staffler, G.: P.A.20.15, P.D.02.19 Stieglbauer, M.: P.D.02.13 Sundar, S.: P.B.17.19 Tan, Q. Y.: P.A.08.17
Stahl, F.: P.B.15.07 Stigliano, E.: P.C.14.19 Sundaram, S.: P.D.19.01 Tan, W.: P.B.37.01, P.D.02.11, P.D.02.14,
Sthle, M.: P.B.10.15 timac, D.: P.B.08.09 Sundararaj, S.: P.E.01.06 P.D.02.16
Stahl-Hennig, C.: P.B.31.22 Stinear, T. P.: P.D.19.15 Sundararaman, S.: P.B.27.09 Tan, Y.: P.C.11.09
Staiano, A.: P.B.20.09 Stingl, G.: P.B.10.23, P.B.27.18, P.C.20.06 Sunderktter, C.: P.C.04.05 Tanaka, A.: P.B.33.03
Staiano, R. I.: P.C.19.02 Stipic Markovic, A.: P.B.09.04 Suneetha, P. V.: P.A.26.18 Tanaka, S. C.: P.D.27.08
Staines, D.: P.A.08.01, P.C.02.05 Stirling, K.: P.B.02.03 Sung, C.-C.: P.B.42.17 Tanashat, R.: P.B.28.13
Staines, D. R.: P.A.26.07, P.C.02.20 Stitt, A.: P.C.19.08 Sung, H. C.: P.D.13.07 Tanaskovic, I.: P.B.41.14, P.E.03.15
Stairiker, C. J.: P.C.08.07 Stockinger, H.: P.A.04.06, P.A.07.02, P.A.12.10, Sung, P.: P.A.26.15 Tang, D.: P.A.28.08
Stajic, M.: P.D.24.06 P.A.13.13, P.A.20.03, P.A.20.05, P.A.20.07, Sung, Y.-C.: P.D.13.03 Tang, J.: P.B.13.17, P.D.19.14
Stakheev, D.: P.B.32.14 P.B.01.05, P.B.01.06, P.B.01.22, P.B.02.01, Superti-Furga, G.: P.B.29.10, P.C.08.08 Tang, N.: P.C.21.17
Stakhovsky, E. O.: P.D.18.15 P.C.12.08, P.C.19.19 Supper, V.: P.A.20.07, P.C.12.08 Tang, Q.: P.A.15.08
Stamataki, Z.: P.C.17.14 Stockinger, S.: P.B.06.15, P.C.16.05 Sura-Trueba, S.: P.B.22.24 Tang, V. H.: P.B.11.06
Stambas, J.: P.B.24.19 Stckl, J.: P.A.23.03 Sure, K.: P.B.31.22 Tang, Y.: P.A.24.08
Stamenkovic, H. M.: P.B.37.19 Stoecklinger, A.: P.B.11.07, P.A.13.11, P.C.04.11 Surenaud, M.: P.A.06.05 Taniguchi, M.: P.A.23.01
Stamenov, G.: P.E.05.02 Stoiber, H.: P.A.01.10, P.C.22.06 Src, N.: P.C.07.05 Taniguchi, Y.: P.A.11.11
Stanek, G.: P.B.01.05, P.B.01.06, P.B.01.20, Stoilov, R.: P.B.22.16, P.B.37.15 Suschak, J.: P.D.17.17 Tantirimudalige, M.: P.B.29.06
P.B.02.01 Stoitsova, S.: P.E.01.07 Susurkova, R.: P.A.25.12, P.A.25.11 Tanzer, A.: P.E.02.07

144 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Tapinou, A.: P.B.34.20 Thibault, G. J.: P.D.13.07 Tonar, C.: P.D.08.03 Tsaur, G.: P.B.06.11
Taranin, A.: P.A.26.10 Thibault, P.: P.A.22.09 Tong, P.: P.B.11.02 Tschachler, E.: P.C.09.07, P.E.01.05
Taranin, A. V.: P.A.09.12 Thibaut, R.: P.A.06.05 Tonkin, J.: P.A.25.03 Tscheppe, A.: P.D.21.16
Tarantino, I.: P.B.14.11 Thieffry, D.: P.A.14.02, P.A.23.14 Tonon, S.: P.A.07.13 Tschismarov, R.: P.C.23.02
Tarassi, K.: P.D.27.11 Thiel, A.: P.A.05.11, P.A.16.10 Tpfer, E.: P.C.11.12 Tselios, K.: P.B.08.20, P.B.41.06, P.C.14.03
Tarazona, R.: P.A.17.01, P.C.02.03, P.C.10.22 Thiel, J.: P.A.20.02 Tordiffe, A.: P.B.02.16 Tselios, T.: P.B.34.20
Tarbiah, N.: P.A.18.01 Thielemans, K.: P.D.06.22 Toribio, M. L.: P.A.21.12 Tsiantoulas, D.: P.B.41.13
Tarjnyi, O.: P.B.09.18 Thierry, A.: P.C.10.16 Toribio, M. L.: P.B.40.14 Tsifetaki, N.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11
Tarng Cham, W.: P.B.05.13 Thimme, R.: P.C.17.14 Toribio-Fernandez, R.: P.A.04.17 Tsikouras, P.: P.E.05.08
Tarp, U.: P.D.13.11 Thirdborough, S.: P.E.03.02 Tormey, V.: P.B.32.15 Tsionsky, M.: P.C.23.21
Tarr, T.: P.B.37.11 Thiruppathi, S.: P.D.10.14 Tornesello, M.: P.D.14.15 Tsirogianni, A.: P.E.05.08, P.B.09.10, P.B.40.11,
Tartaglia, J.: P.D.19.07 Tholey, A.: P.A.20.10 Trk, S.: P.B.14.14 P.D.27.11
Tarui, M.: P.C.09.21 Thomas, D.: P.E.04.04 Torre-Cisneros, J.: P.B.29.07 Tsitsuashvili, M. D.: P.D.10.08
Tasanen, K.: P.B.23.07 Thomas, G.: P.A.26.20 Torres, D.: P.A.07.13 Tsou, Y.-L.: P.D.11.12
Tatani, I.: P.A.16.16 Thomas, M.: P.B.17.08 Torres, E.: P.B.07.09 Tsouchnikas, G.: P.A.03.15
Tatarinova, O.: P.D.01.08 Thomas, N.: P.B.32.13 Torres, M. J.: P.B.12.11, P.B.11.09 Tsuburai, T.: P.A.23.01
Tataurshchikova, N.: P.B.12.13 Thomas, P.: P.A.07.09 Torres Carrillo, N. M.: P.B.37.25, P.B.37.25 Tsui, Y.-C.: P.D.23.01
Tatl, I. A.: P.B.05.07 Thomas, S.: P.D.14.01 Torres-Torresano, M.: P.A.28.11 Tsukerman, P.: P.C.02.06
Tatura, R.: P.B.17.15 Thomas, S.: P.D.08.10 Torrieri-Dramard, L.: P.D.11.20 Tsvetkov, Y. E.: P.B.03.03
Tauber, P. A.: P.A.12.05, P.A.22.03 Thomas, T.: P.A.14.03 Tortola, L.: P.C.06.11 Tuberosa, C.: P.B.04.22
Taubert, R.: P.A.15.01, P.D.04.04 Thomas, W.: P.B.11.13 Tortoreto, M.: P.D.14.08 Tudor, D.: P.D.11.23
Taudien, S.: P.A.18.16 Thompson, I. J.: P.D.03.01 Torun, D.: P.D.25.05 Tufa, D.: P.C.20.08, P.C.05.01
Tauriainen, S.: P.B.33.19 Thomson, A.: P.A.15.08 Tosello Boari, J.: P.B.16.16 Tufa, D. M.: P.C.18.11
Taurustiati, D.: P.D.08.13 Thon, V.: P.B.04.09, P.B.30.03 Toso, C.: P.B.13.08 Tuffery, P.: P.D.11.23
Tauschmann, M.: P.A.15.11 Thorne, A.: P.C.05.10, P.C.05.18 Totaro, M.: P.C.12.05 Tukmechi, A.: P.D.12.09
Tavares, A.: P.C.21.11 Thornton, C. A.: P.C.07.08 Tth, A.: P.A.02.11 Tumala, S.: P.B.12.06
Tavares, A. H.: P.C.11.21, P.C.24.16 Thornton, K.: P.A.28.01 Tth, G.: P.A.12.12 Tumino, N.: P.A.17.04, P.B.15.17, P.B.31.10,
Tavares, L. P.: P.B.36.18, P.C.09.23 Thrasher, A. J.: P.B.04.13 Tth, M.: P.C.13.07 P.C.03.03, P.C.04.03, P.C.04.12
Tavares de Albuquerque, J.: P.B.30.02 Thuring, C.: P.A.13.12 Totsimon, A.: P.C.02.08 Tmmler, B.: P.C.15.14
Tax, G.: P.B.36.16, P.C.14.04 Tibenska, E.: P.A.16.18, P.D.17.13 Toubert, A.: P.B.40.01, P.C.04.01, P.C.10.15, Tunali, G.: P.B.13.01, P.C.09.26
Tay, C. Y.: P.B.11.06 Ticha, O.: P.B.04.08, P.B.18.12 P.C.18.02, P.C.18.21, P.D.01.01, P.D.01.07, Tung, S.: P.C.24.05
Tay, S.: P.E.03.20 Tichauer, J. E.: P.B.21.10 P.D.06.16 Tunheim, G.: P.D.02.18
Taylor, D. W.: P.B.03.08 Tichovska, H.: P.C.12.08 Touch, S.: P.E.03.07 Turabe, F. M.: P.A.04.21
Tchorbanov, A.: P.A.11.01, P.D.02.05, P.E.01.07 Tichy, T.: P.B.06.04 Touil-Boukoffa, C.: P.B.28.03 Turak, E. E.: P.A.03.03
Tchorbanov, A. I.: P.B.23.23, P.D.02.04, Tickle, J. R.: P.C.17.16 Tounsi, A.: P.D.07.13 Turani, P.: P.B.34.13
P.D.04.05, P.D.05.07, P.D.22.13 Tiegs, G.: P.B.35.07, P.B.37.02, P.C.03.04, Tounsi, N.: P.B.14.21 Turbica, I.: P.C.13.12
Techmaska, I.: P.D.13.15 P.C.04.14 Touri, N.: P.B.30.18 Turcani, P.: P.B.21.05
Tedeschi, V.: P.A.03.02 Tigchelaar, W.: P.A.07.03 Tousa, S.: P.B.23.01 Turchi, F.: P.C.04.03, P.C.04.12
Tedla, M.: P.A.16.18 Tighe, P.: P.A.18.01, P.B.24.23 Toussaint, M.: P.C.11.19 Turcic, P.: P.C.23.01
Tedlova, E.: P.A.16.18, P.D.17.13 Tiken, E.: P.B.13.04 Toutirais, O.: P.A.03.01, P.D.14.10 Turk, B.: P.C.07.12
Teege, S.: P.A.16.15 Tildy, B.: P.C.21.05 Tovar, C.: P.D.03.12 Turkcu, M. F.: P.B.37.05
Tegtmeyer, P.-K.: P.C.21.13 Till, S.: P.D.24.09 Tovar Garca, I.: P.B.04.05, P.B.11.05 Turkkila, M.: P.B.09.16
Tehrani, M.: P.B.27.03 Tillib, S.: P.D.13.10 Townsend, A. R.: P.B.15.13 Turk Wensveen, T.: P.B.08.09
Teich, R.: P.A.06.06 Tilly, G.: P.A.07.14, P.A.07.18 Toygar, B.: P.C.21.08 Turna, A.: P.B.27.04
Teijeira, A.: P.D.14.13 Tima, G.: P.B.25.15 Toyoda, A.: P.A.11.11 Turner, M.: P.A.09.11, P.C.08.07
Teillaud, J.-L.: P.D.14.10 Tmr, L.: P.D.11.10 Tyr Silfverswrd, S.: P.B.09.16 Turowski, P.: P.B.26.01
Teixeira, A.: P.A.25.15 Timotijevi, G.: P.B.21.13 Trabanelli, S.: P.C.03.13 Tutelyan, A.: P.C.15.07
Teixeira, A. M.: P.C.23.11 Timperi, E.: P.A.25.04, P.B.27.15 Trachana, S.-P.: P.B.28.18 Tting, T.: P.D.07.13
Teixeira, A. B.: P.C.23.20 Tina, S.: P.B.23.15 Trad, M.: P.D.22.22 Tutuncu, Y.: P.B.08.08
Teixeira, A. L.: P.B.17.02 Tincer Knig, G.: P.C.14.02, P.D.20.07 Traggiai, E.: P.A.27.01 Tuulasvaara, A.: P.A.25.14
Teixeira, D.: P.D.20.01, P.D.20.05 Tindemans, I.: P.C.03.01 Trajkovic, V.: P.B.21.16, P.C.09.13, P.D.22.16 Tuzankina, I.: P.B.04.03, P.C.17.23, P.D.16.15
Teixeira, H. C.: P.D.08.16 Tinelli, C.: P.D.04.13 Trapin, D.: P.A.12.05, P.A.22.03, P.D.20.18 Tuzankina, I. A.: P.B.04.24
Teixeira, M.: P.C.09.22 Ting, A. E.: P.D.26.04 Trauner, M.: P.D.02.10 Tveita, A.: P.B.14.12
Teixeira, M. M.: P.B.36.18, P.C.09.23, P.C.17.15 Ting, J. P.: P.C.06.04 Trautewig, B.: P.D.25.16 Tyagarajan, K.: P.C.16.01
Teixeira, V. G.: P.B.29.18 Tipping, P.: P.B.41.01, P.B.41.04 Trautwein, N.: P.C.10.21 Tyagi, V.: P.D.08.02
Teixid, I.: P.B.31.05 Tippler, B.: P.B.31.22 Travis, M.: P.B.20.03 Tye-Din, J.: P.A.04.03

Tejada-Palacios, P.: P.B.05.13 Tiptiri-Kourpeti, A.: P.D.15.01 Trbic, A.: P.C.02.14 Tykocinski, L.-O.: P.B.09.17, P.C.17.03
Tejeda, A.: P.B.07.17, P.B.34.10, P.D.24.14 Tischer, S.: P.D.14.02, P.D.16.16 Trbovich, A.: P.C.15.16 Tyrrell, P.: P.B.24.05
Tejeda Velarde, A.: P.B.19.15, P.C.22.03 Tischner, D.: P.A.24.08, P.B.07.05 Treacy, O.: P.B.22.05, P.D.26.05 Tyszka, A.: P.A.22.05
Tejera-Alhambra, M.: P.B.34.02 Tiscordio, S. B.: P.C.24.08 Trebicka, J.: P.D.08.11 Tyumentseva, N.: P.D.25.21
Tel, J.: P.D.15.18 Tisma, N.: P.C.16.02 Tree, T. I.: P.D.26.04 Tzannis, K.: P.B.28.18
Telan, F.: P.D.08.13 Tissires, P.: P.B.29.13 Trefzer, C.: P.B.29.10 Tzelepis, F.: P.D.07.14
Tellez, M.: P.B.29.05 Titcombe, P.: P.B.22.03 Tregoning, J. S.: P.D.03.07, P.D.20.03 Tziomalos, K.: P.B.41.06
ten Berge, I. J.: P.A.17.18 Titze, J.: P.B.33.20 Treiber, G.: P.A.15.11 Tziotziou, E.: P.D.27.11
ten Brinke, A.: P.B.23.02 Tizian, C.: P.C.18.20 Treilleux, I.: P.B.13.12 Tzsr, J.: P.C.12.02
Tenbusch, M.: P.B.31.22, P.D.20.11 Tjnnfjord, G.: P.B.14.12 Treise, I.: P.B.18.20
Teneva, I. I.: P.B.38.15 Tkachenko, K.: P.B.38.17 Trembleau, S.: P.B.09.13 U
Teng, T. L.: P.B.20.13 Tlaskalova - Hogenova, H.: P.B.36.12, P.B.20.01, Trentin, L.: P.B.31.02 berla, K.: P.B.31.22
Teng, T.: P.B.25.10 P.B.36.06, P.B.36.07, P.D.17.02 Treszl, A.: P.A.26.02 Uchida, T.: P.A.11.08
Teniente-Serra, A.: P.B.21.12, P.D.17.15 Tlili, H.: P.B.08.03, P.B.09.03, P.D.27.07 Tretter, T.: P.B.09.17 Uckert, W.: P.D.13.09, P.D.23.04
Tenzer, S.: P.B.17.08 Tobias, N. J.: P.D.19.15 Treutens, G.: P.B.25.15 Udvardi, A.: P.B.19.06
Teoh, P. L.: P.D.10.02 Toboso, I.: P.B.34.10 Trindade, A. C.: P.B.29.18 Ueffing, K.: P.B.17.15
Tepper, S.: P.A.09.07 Tocker, A. M.: P.C.07.09 Tripathi, A. K.: P.D.08.02 Ugor, E.: P.A.06.15, P.A.25.17
Terki, N.: P.B.28.03 Todaro, M.: P.C.02.04 Tripodo, C.: P.D.14.08 Uher, T.: P.B.21.19
Ternette, N.: P.B.02.22 Todd, I.: P.A.18.01, P.B.24.23 Tripp, C. H.: P.D.11.16 Uhlving, H. H.: P.D.01.09
Terra, M.: P.C.20.13 Todd, J. A.: P.E.02.03 Tristao, F. S.: P.B.17.17 Uibo, O.: P.B.35.05
Terrazzini, N.: P.A.20.19 Todi, L.: P.B.42.18 Tristo, F. S. M.: P.C.17.07 Uibo, R.: P.A.04.15, P.B.35.05
Terrier, B.: P.A.10.05 Todorova, E.: P.A.11.01 Trittel, S.: P.C.10.11, P.D.20.13 Uivarosi, V.: P.D.18.04
Terzi, Y.: P.B.36.10 Todryk, S.: P.A.04.18, P.A.17.10 Trivett, A. L.: P.C.24.13 Ujhazi, B.: P.B.18.05, P.C.03.10
Terzieva, V.: P.A.25.11, P.A.25.12 Todurov, B.: P.A.21.14, P.B.31.07 Trochoutsou, A.: P.B.23.01 Ulbrich, K.: P.D.06.19
Terziolu, G.: P.A.01.12, P.C.12.14 Toellner, K.: P.B.37.06 Trojan, E.: P.E.01.16 Uldrich, A.: P.A.17.09
Teschler, H.: P.D.25.11 Toellner, K. M.: P.A.01.09 Trombone, A. P.: P.A.06.09 Uldrich, A. P.: P.A.07.19
Teschner, W.: P.C.02.14 Toes, R. E.: P.B.08.14, P.A.10.22, P.B.10.05 Troncone, R.: P.B.20.09 Ule, J.: P.A.09.11
Tessarollo, L.: P.C.24.13 Toftgrd, R.: P.C.17.12 Trotta, M.: P.B.05.10 Ulges, A.: P.B.13.19, P.B.39.08
Tesson, L.: P.D.26.11 Toh, B.-H.: P.B.41.01, P.B.41.04 Trouw, L. A.: P.B.10.05 Ulivieri, C.: P.B.34.19
Teufelberger, A. R.: P.B.25.22 Toh, Y.: P.A.18.04 Trov, M.: P.B.39.03 Ullrich, E.: P.E.02.05
Tezcan, G.: P.B.01.08, P.B.01.09, P.B.01.10 Tokarz-Deptua, B.: P.D.12.06, P.D.12.07, Troyanova, N. I.: P.B.38.12 Ulmer, J. B.: P.D.19.10
Tezuka, T.: P.D.13.01 P.D.12.08, P.D.12.01 Trstenjak-Prebanda, M.: P.C.07.12 Ulusoy, E.: P.B.05.20, P.B.30.20, P.C.01.07
Thalhamer, J.: P.B.11.07, P.A.03.11, P.A.13.11, Toldi, G.: P.A.26.02 Truchetet, M.-E.: P.B.06.06 Umemoto, E.: P.A.01.11
P.A.16.03, P.B.25.07, P.B.38.13, P.C.14.15 Tolinacki, M.: P.B.35.04 Trck, J.: P.A.18.02 Umukoro, C. E.: P.A.27.05
Thalhamer, T.: P.A.03.11, P.B.38.13, P.C.14.15 Tollinger, M.: P.A.03.11 Trumpfheller, C.: P.C.14.12 Unal, A.: P.A.03.03
Thanos, S.: P.B.05.05 Tolosa, E.: P.B.23.16, P.B.33.06 Trupp, O.: P.D.18.07 nal, A.: P.B.04.20
Thayer, J. L.: P.A.11.03 Tolusso, B.: P.A.10.23, P.B.09.23, P.C.14.19 Trushina, E.: P.A.16.05, P.E.03.22 Unal, A. U.: P.B.05.07
Thelen, M.: P.D.14.17 Tomar, N.: P.C.16.15 Trzeciak-Ryczek, A.: P.D.12.07 nal, M. .: P.A.03.03
Thell, K.: P.A.05.02, P.B.21.09 Tomaras, G. D.: P.D.19.07 Trzonkowski, P.: P.D.13.15, P.D.18.05 Ungai-Salnki, R.: P.C.22.10
The Milieu Intrieur Consortium, &.: P.D.08.10 Tomas, L.: P.B.41.07 Tsai, B.: P.B.13.17 Unger, L.: P.D.01.04, P.D.26.07
Thepen, T.: P.D.21.15 Tomaszewska, E.: P.A.03.07 Tsai, H.-F.: P.C.23.03 Unger, W.: P.D.03.04
Thepenier, V.: P.D.04.09 Tomero, E.: P.B.09.22 Tsai, M.: P.B.38.18 Unkel, R.: P.E.05.01
Thry, C.: P.B.10.21 Tomic, A.: P.C.02.06 Tsai, T.-T.: P.C.08.05 Untersmayr, E.: P.B.35.15, P.D.21.14
Theurich, S.: P.B.08.09 Tomic, S.: P.C.09.13, P.D.22.16, P.C.01.10, Tsai, V. W.: P.B.24.12 Uotila, L. M.: P.C.08.11
Thevenot, J.: P.A.09.13 P.C.05.10 Tsai, Y. C.: P.A.16.13 Upile, N.: P.A.09.05
Thiam, N.: P.B.22.06 Tomkowiak, M.: P.A.17.20 Tsalapaki, C.: P.B.09.10 Urbn, E.: P.B.36.16, P.C.14.04
Thiault, N.: P.A.06.10 Tomov, G. T.: P.B.19.05 Tsatsanis, C.: P.B.17.21 Urban, S.: P.D.02.10

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 145
Author Index
Urbanczyk, S.: P.A.27.02 van der Wel, N. N.: P.A.07.03 Veres, .: P.B.14.14 Vogelsang, H.: P.D.24.17
Uri, A.: P.D.09.02 van der Zee, R.: P.D.24.08 Vergara, E.: P.B.09.09, P.E.04.06 Vogl, C.: P.C.16.09
Urien, C.: P.C.05.16 van Diemen, P.: P.B.02.22 Verhaar, J. A.: P.A.18.03 Vogl, T.: P.A.17.17, P.B.05.05
Urlaub, D.: P.C.10.01 van Dijk, A.: P.B.01.21 Verhamme, F. M.: P.C.03.11 Voglis, S.: P.B.37.20
Urrutia, A.: P.A.09.03, P.D.08.10 van Dinther, D.: P.C.12.18 Verinaud, L. M.: P.B.03.06 Vogt, A.: P.D.20.20
Uruea, C. P.: P.B.13.14 van Dongen, J. J.: P.A.08.15, P.A.18.03 Verma, N. K.: P.A.04.21 Vogt, K.: P.A.16.08, P.A.16.10
uruvija, I.: P.C.12.06 van Doornum, S.: P.B.09.12 Vermeire, S.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03 Vgtle, T.: P.C.14.01
Urzainqui, A.: P.B.23.21, P.B.32.19 van Duikeren, S.: P.A.17.03 Vernal, R.: P.A.24.05, P.D.03.10 Vhringer, D.: P.B.42.09
Usal, C.: P.D.26.11 van Eden, W.: P.D.24.08 Verrier, B.: P.C.13.11, P.D.20.20 Voigt, A.: P.A.03.06
Uslu, U.: P.A.17.14 van Endert, P.: P.A.22.11 Verrill, C.: P.D.15.06 Vojkovics, D.: P.A.01.02
Utermhlen, O.: P.C.16.03 van Geest, M.: P.D.18.14 Verway, M.: P.D.07.14 Vokali, E.: P.A.26.09
Utz, P.: P.B.18.05 van Gent, R.: P.D.25.19 Vescovini, R.: P.E.04.04 Volchenkov, R.: P.B.22.21
Uzel, A.: P.B.01.19 van Gisbergen, K. P.: P.A.07.03, P.A.23.09 Vesela, M.: P.B.30.03 Volc-Platzer, B.: P.A.07.12, P.B.19.06
van Goudoever, J. B.: P.A.02.10 Vesin, D.: P.C.11.02 Volk, H.-D.: P.C.24.12
V Van Greuningen, L.: P.A.05.14 Vetskova, E.: P.D.16.19 Volkova, O.: P.A.26.10
Vaarala, O.: P.B.33.04 van Hage, M.: P.B.29.04 Vey, N.: P.B.13.12 Voll, R. E.: P.B.22.09, P.B.33.20
Vaartjes, D.: P.B.22.08, P.B.23.24 van Ham, M.: P.A.06.06 Veyer, D. L.: P.C.16.06 Volpe, P.: P.B.08.22
Vaas, L.: P.B.22.01 Vanhanen, R.: P.A.11.06, P.A.11.07 Viana, S. M.: P.D.02.06 von Bergwelt-Baildon, M.: P.D.14.17, P.D.24.16
Vacca, A.: P.A.07.21 van Helden, P.: P.B.02.16 Vianna, P. T.: P.D.18.21 von Bonin, A.: P.D.02.19
Vacca, M.: P.C.07.20 van Helden, P. D.: P.B.16.02, P.D.03.09 Vianna, P.: P.A.16.17 von Bonin, M.: P.D.14.12
Vacca, P.: P.C.03.16 van Herwijnen, M. J.: P.A.02.15 Vicente, A.: P.A.20.06, P.C.18.06 Vondran, F.: P.D.25.16, P.D.26.09
Vacchini, A.: P.C.08.03 Vanheule, V.: P.C.17.15 Vicente, E.: P.B.32.19 von Hoegen, P.: P.D.22.18
Vach, W.: P.A.27.01 Vanhove, B.: P.A.23.13, P.A.23.18, P.D.04.08, Vicente, R.: P.A.21.13 von Horn, C.: P.B.03.08
Vachharajani, N.: P.A.06.12, P.B.06.16 P.D.04.09, P.D.04.10 Vickers, M.: P.E.04.02 von Knebel Dberitz, M.: P.A.22.14
Vacova, N.: P.D.14.22 van Kooyk, Y.: P.B.17.05, P.C.12.18, P.D.03.04 Victor, J. R.: P.A.21.11, P.B.26.02 von Mutius, E.: P.B.12.07
Vago, J. P.: P.B.36.18 van Leeuwen, M. A.: P.B.20.10 Vidal, F.: P.D.09.12 von Proff, L.: P.D.10.16
Vago, J. P.: P.C.09.23 van Lier, R. A.: P.A.17.18, P.A.07.03, P.A.23.09, Vidal, G.: P.D.02.22 von Roth, P.: P.A.02.13
Vh-Koskela, M.: P.D.06.08 P.A.23.09 Vidal, M.: P.A.27.03 von Spee-Mayer, C.: P.B.19.13
Vahldieck, M.: P.A.24.12 Van Lierop, A.: P.B.10.18 Vidal-Vanaclocha, F.: P.B.41.21 vonStebut, E.: P.B.16.17
Vaidyanathan, S.: P.B.28.10 van Meerwijk, J.: P.A.06.10 Vidovic, M.: P.B.05.19 von Vietinghoff, S.: P.A.05.04, P.B.41.10
Vainio, O.: P.A.11.08 Van Meulder, F.: P.B.17.06 Vieira, A. T.: P.B.17.03, P.B.42.11 Voorberg, J.: P.B.23.02
Vaitiekaite, A.: P.B.28.08 van Neerven, R. J.: P.B.15.05 Vieira, A. E.: P.A.06.09 Vora, R.: P.C.20.03, P.D.16.07
Vaivode, K.: P.C.15.19 Vannucci, L.: P.B.32.14 Vieira, F.: P.B.03.23 Vorac, J.: P.B.35.01
Vajda, E.: P.B.22.11 Van Nuffel, E.: P.B.10.24 Vieira, M. S.: P.D.02.06 Vorobjova, T.: P.B.35.05
Vajpayee, M.: P.B.31.13 Vanoirbeek, J. A.: P.D.21.12 Vieira Braga, F.: P.A.07.03 Vorontsov, I. E.: P.A.12.02
Valaris, S.: P.C.09.25 Vanrell, L.: P.B.22.12 Viekruna, A.: P.B.06.16 Voutsas, I. F.: P.D.14.16
Valdeter, S.: P.D.03.08 van Rooijen, N.: P.B.01.02 Viel, J. M.: P.D.20.01 Voza, A.: P.C.06.01
Valent, P.: P.B.11.07, P.D.21.02, P.A.27.07, Van Schoonwinkel, L.: P.B.39.02 Vieru, A.: P.D.14.22 Vratskikh, O.: P.A.03.15
P.B.25.12, P.B.27.07, P.B.38.16, P.B.40.15, Van Steen, K.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03 Vignali, D. A.: P.A.15.02 Vrtala, S.: P.B.38.06, P.D.21.09, P.A.04.11,
P.D.05.09 Vantourout, P.: P.A.08.04 Vigneron, J.: P.D.11.20 P.B.11.03, P.B.11.13, P.B.25.07, P.B.33.03,
Valenta, R.: P.A.04.11, P.A.27.07, P.A.27.13, van Veelen, P.: P.A.13.04 Viguier, M.: P.D.06.16 P.B.38.16, P.B.38.19, P.D.02.02, P.D.05.09
P.B.11.04, P.B.11.07, P.B.11.08, P.B.11.10, van Veelen, P. A.: P.B.10.05 Vijayan, K.: P.B.19.20 Vsetecka, D. M.: P.B.33.15
P.B.11.13, P.B.11.16, P.B.11.17, P.B.11.19, van Weijnen, A.: P.D.06.22 Vikulov, G.: P.A.20.21 Vu, L. D.: P.A.07.06, P.C.19.05
P.B.15.10, P.B.25.01, P.B.25.02, P.B.25.03, van Wilgenburg, B.: P.B.02.03 Vila, J.: P.D.16.05 Vucevic, D.: P.B.39.20, P.B.39.24, P.C.05.18,
P.B.25.04, P.B.25.07, P.B.25.12, P.B.29.04, van Zandbergen, G.: P.B.17.08, P.D.08.05 Vilagos, B.: P.C.24.13 P.C.12.07, P.D.24.06
P.B.31.12, P.B.33.07, P.B.38.02, P.B.38.06, van Zelm, M. C.: P.A.27.06, P.E.04.12 Vilches, C.: P.C.02.01, P.C.18.08 Vuji, V.: P.C.12.06
P.B.38.16, P.B.38.19, P.D.02.10, P.D.05.01, Vaquero, J. M.: P.B.29.07 Viljoen, I.: P.B.02.16 Vujicic, M.: P.A.04.14, P.B.08.12, P.D.13.12,
P.D.05.05, P.D.05.06, P.D.05.09, P.D.21.02, Vradi, G.: P.A.12.12 Villa-Alvarez, M.: P.C.02.17, P.C.18.03 P.D.23.11
P.D.21.08, P.D.21.09, P.D.21.13, P.D.24.17, Varas, A.: P.A.20.06, P.C.18.06 Villadangos, J.: P.A.22.08 Vujnovi, I.: P.C.12.06
P.E.01.03 Varbanova, V.: P.B.15.02 Villadangos, J. A.: P.C.05.03 Vukman, K.: P.B.22.13
Valente, M.: P.A.13.09 Varga, A.: P.B.25.05 Villanueva, L.: P.A.16.07 Vukmanovic-Stejic, M.: P.A.24.03, P.C.11.10,
Valente, V. A.: P.A.06.02, P.B.17.14 Varga, G.: P.C.04.05, P.C.11.17 Villar, L. M.: P.B.21.14, P.B.34.07 P.E.04.03
Valenti, S.: P.B.08.05, P.B.08.09 Varga, J.: P.A.12.12 Villar, L.: P.B.34.02, P.B.40.16 Vukojevic, J.: P.D.24.06
Valentin, H.: P.D.14.23 Vargas, D.: P.D.12.13 Villar-Guimerans, L. M.: P.B.34.10 Vulpis, E.: P.B.40.18, P.C.10.20
Valentini, M.: P.A.20.20, P.C.14.19 Vargas, M. L.: P.B.09.09, P.E.04.06 Villa Verde, D. M.: P.B.17.16 Vultaggio, A.: P.B.22.17
Valentino, S.: P.C.06.15, P.C.09.16, P.C.09.24, Varin-Blank, N.: P.A.10.05 Ville, S.: P.A.23.13 Vuolteenaho, K.: P.B.22.23

P.C.22.15 Varming, K.: P.A.12.13 Villegas, E.: P.B.13.10 Vuopio, J.: P.B.33.04
Valerio, M.: P.D.25.03 Varol, D.: P.C.11.06 Villunger, A.: P.A.21.02, P.A.21.06, P.C.01.08 Vuorela, A.: P.B.33.04
Valrio-Bolas, A.: P.C.01.03, P.C.19.13 Varona, J. F.: P.B.41.21 Vimeux, L.: P.A.13.09
Valero-Esquitino, V.: P.B.22.09 Vsrhelyi, B.: P.A.26.02 Vias-Gimnez, L.: P.B.04.02, P.B.04.04 W
Vals-Gmez, M.: P.D.15.03 Vasaturo, A.: P.D.15.18 Vias-Gomis, O.: P.D.17.04 Wabnitz, G.: P.A.07.05, P.B.35.13
Valesini, G.: P.B.22.02 Vascakova, Z.: P.B.21.05 Vincent, A.: P.B.07.23 Wachtlin, J.: P.A.02.13
Valfridsson, C.: P.B.16.12, P.C.07.02, P.C.07.11 Vasconcelos, D. P.: P.C.10.19 Vincent, M.: P.B.25.15 Waddington, J.: P.A.07.19
Validire, P.: P.A.06.13 Vasconcelos, R. O.: P.A.17.11, P.B.28.16 Vincent, T.: P.B.07.09 Waer, M.: P.D.26.03
Vlimki, E.: P.C.16.10 Vasconcelos, Z.: P.A.07.04 Vincent-Naulleau, S.: P.C.05.16 Wagena, E.: P.D.14.13
Valitutti, S.: P.A.07.04, P.C.09.01 Vasilieva, I. A.: P.B.16.08 Vinh, A.: P.B.41.04 Wagner, A.: P.D.11.01, P.D.21.05, P.A.26.12,
Valle-Oate, R.: P.B.09.07, P.B.19.10, P.B.20.14 Vasilijic, S.: P.B.39.24, P.C.05.18, P.D.24.06 Viola, D.: P.A.17.04, P.B.31.10 P.A.03.10
Valor, L.: P.A.18.12, P.A.18.13, P.D.04.01 Vasilijic, S. R.: P.B.39.20 Viola, J. P.: P.A.28.12 Wagner, B.: P.D.27.09
van Aalderen, M. C.: P.A.17.18 Vasiliou, J.: P.B.26.13 Virdis, F.: P.E.04.16 Wagner, E. F.: P.B.10.23
Vanaoica, D.: P.A.07.07 Vasiljevska, M.: P.C.12.07 Virkanen, J.: P.C.16.10 Wagner, K.: P.B.15.07, P.A.18.07
Van Assche, G.: P.B.06.12, P.D.04.03 Vasinek, M.: P.D.17.06 Virlan, A. T.: P.B.05.07 Wagner, O.: P.E.03.06
van Baarsen, L.: P.B.22.15 Vassilaki, A.: P.B.24.14 Visco - Comandini, U.: P.B.15.17 Wagner, P.: P.B.13.15
Van Belle, K.: P.D.26.03 Vassilev, T.: P.A.19.09 Visekruna, A.: P.A.06.12 Wagner, R.: P.D.19.07, P.D.20.20, P.B.14.03
van Bergen, J.: P.A.04.04 Vassileva, R.: P.A.14.05 Visentin, A.: P.B.31.02 Wagner, S.: P.D.05.11, P.D.10.17
van Berkel, L. A.: P.B.20.10 Vastolo, V.: P.D.15.05 Visentini, M.: P.B.42.18, P.D.04.13 Wahlstrm, J.: P.B.19.17, P.B.21.06, P.C.07.18
van Blijswijk, J.: P.C.05.06 Vaughan, C.: P.A.09.05 Visus, C.: P.D.06.04 Wahrmann, M.: P.B.30.01
van Bon, L.: P.C.24.06 Vaz, D. B.: P.B.31.03 Vita, S.: P.E.04.04 Waibler, Z.: P.D.08.05
Van Coppernolle, S.: P.B.03.11 Vazquez, T.: P.D.03.03 Vital, M.: P.A.01.08 Waidhofer-Sllner, P.: P.A.23.03
Van Damme, J.: P.C.17.15 Vazquez, T. L.: P.D.11.20 Vitale, A.: P.B.20.09, P.D.06.08 Waisman, A.: P.A.02.06, P.A.05.01, P.A.15.03,
Vandamme, C.: P.B.42.16 Vazquez, W. G.: P.D.09.13 Vitale, C.: P.C.10.10, P.C.18.01 P.A.24.08, P.B.10.14, P.B.37.20, P.B.03.21
van de Loo, F.: P.D.13.05 Vzquez-Strauss, M.: P.B.27.18 Vitale, M.: P.C.18.12, P.C.18.13 Wajant, H.: P.B.20.16
van den Berg, T. K.: P.C.01.09, P.C.22.02 Vecchi, A.: P.C.09.24 Vitale, S.: P.C.13.02, P.B.20.09 Wakeland, E. K.: P.D.27.12
van den Berg, W. B.: P.D.13.05 Vecchi, M.: P.C.23.17 Vitetta, F.: P.C.18.18 Walczak, A.: P.A.20.14
van den Bersselaar, L.: P.D.13.05 Vedeler, C. A.: P.B.07.01 Vitulano, C.: P.A.03.02 Wald, A.: P.B.29.12
van den Brandt, J.: P.D.14.01 Veenbergen, S.: P.B.20.10 Vivanco, B.: P.B.27.10 Walden, P.: P.C.05.11
Vandenesch, F.: P.B.02.09 Veiga, E.: P.A.28.11 Viveen, M.: P.B.15.05 Waldt, N.: P.A.28.09
Vandenheuvel, D.: P.C.21.15 Velazquez-Martinez, C.: P.A.04.20 Vives, C.: P.B.07.16 Walduck, A. K.: P.D.11.17
Van den Steen, P. E.: P.B.03.24 Velichkov, A.: P.A.25.11, P.A.25.12 Vivian, J.: P.C.10.04 Walenbergh, S. M.: P.B.32.16
van der Burg, M.: P.A.27.01, P.B.18.09 Velikova, T.: P.A.11.01 Vivian, J. P.: P.C.10.03 Walgreen, B.: P.D.13.05
van der Burg, S.: P.A.17.03 Velimirovic, M.: P.C.15.16 Vivier, E.: P.C.18.04, P.C.18.23 Walker, B. D.: P.A.26.01, P.A.26.08
van der Heide-Mulder, M.: P.D.25.19 Vellozo, N. S.: P.A.17.05 Vizzardelli, C.: P.D.21.06 Walker, C.: P.B.37.23
van der Heiden, M.: P.E.04.12 Velumani, S.: P.A.18.04 Vjecha, M. J.: P.D.08.11 Walker, H.: P.B.14.16
van der Heijden, T.: P.A.13.04 Velychko, S.: P.D.07.07 Vladimer, G. I.: P.C.08.08 Walker, L. S.: P.A.23.07
Van der Jeught, K.: P.D.06.22 Venhoff, N.: P.B.10.01 Vlasova, E. V.: P.B.04.24 Walker, S.: P.D.03.08
van der Klis, F. R.: P.B.36.02 Veninga, H.: P.A.03.05, P.C.12.18 Vlassi, C.: P.C.03.03 Walker, S. L.: P.C.14.07
van der Laan, L. J.: P.D.25.19 Venturi, V.: P.A.16.09 Vlkova, M.: P.A.27.06, P.B.04.08, P.B.18.12 Wallace, C.: P.E.02.03
van der Lee, S.: P.D.03.06 Venzke, M.: P.B.37.07 Vluggen, C.: P.B.16.01 Wallace, W.: P.B.32.06
Vanderleyden, J.: P.D.21.12 Vera, A.: P.C.02.01, P.C.18.08 Vo, H.: P.A.09.08 Wallner, M.: P.D.05.03
van der Linden, L. A.: P.D.24.08 Vera, J.: P.C.16.15 Voegeli, D.: P.B.32.23 Wallnoefer, H. G.: P.A.03.11
van der Maas, N. A.: P.D.03.06 Vera, V.: P.D.12.13 Voetlause, R.: P.C.03.04 Walpole, N. G.: P.C.10.03
van der Meer, J. W.: P.B.30.16 Verbij, F. C.: P.B.23.02 Vogel, A.: P.C.20.11 Walscheid, K.: P.C.11.17
Van Der Most, R.: P.A.18.02 Verdan, F.: P.A.14.01 Vogel, P.: P.B.36.17 Walsh, P. T.: P.B.24.13
van der Vlugt, L. E. P.: P.B.12.07 Verdon, D. J.: P.D.15.10 Vogel, W.: P.C.11.15 Walter, C.: P.C.24.12

146 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index
Walter, J. E.: P.B.18.05, P.C.03.10 Weiss, R.: P.A.03.11, P.B.38.13, P.C.14.15, Windisch, D.: P.C.22.06 Xing, G.: P.B.11.15
Walter, J.: P.A.01.08 P.C.19.15 Windmann, S.: P.D.19.20 Xu, C.: P.A.19.11
Walters, A. A.: P.D.19.12 Weiss, S.: P.C.04.09 Wingert, N.: P.A.18.05 Xu, H.: P.C.19.08
Walther, P.: P.B.17.08 Weissmller, S.: P.D.08.05 Winkler, A.: P.D.05.10 Xu, J.: P.A.07.09
Waltl, E.: P.B.25.20, P.B.35.19 Wekerle, T.: P.D.01.04, P.D.21.08, P.D.26.07 Winkler, S.: P.D.17.03 Xu, K.: P.D.01.10, P.D.09.08, P.D.09.11
Waltl, E. E.: P.B.33.07 Weldon, D.: P.B.28.10 Winter, J.: P.A.22.14 Xu, M.: P.A.18.04
Walzl, G.: P.B.16.02 Welker, C.: P.A.01.01, P.A.08.16 Winter, M.: P.B.23.09 Xu, S. F.: P.B.20.13, P.D.18.18
Wan, L.: P.A.23.02, P.B.14.02 Wellington, D. M.: P.A.03.09 Winzer, S.: P.B.30.16 Xu, S.: P.B.25.10
Wan, Y.: P.A.07.09 Wendik, B.: P.E.01.15 Winzer, S.: P.C.17.17 Xu, T.: P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, P.B.29.16, P.D.19.06,
Wang, C.-I.: P.A.18.04 Wenk, D.: P.B.13.16 Wirnsberger, G.: P.C.06.11 P.D.19.06
Wang, C. C.: P.D.21.04 Wenk, S.: P.D.14.07 Wirth, D.: P.C.04.11 Xu, Y.: P.B.18.19, P.E.05.01, P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17,
Wang, C.: P.A.23.07 Wennhold, K.: P.D.14.17 Wirth, T.: P.C.11.17 P.B.29.16, P.A.09.03, P.A.28.13, P.B.39.23
Wang, D.: P.C.11.11, P.B.14.12 Wensveen, F.: P.C.03.02 Wirtz, C.: P.B.13.06 Xuan, X.: P.B.16.15
Wang, F.-S.: P.B.19.24 Wensveen, F. M.: P.B.08.05, P.B.08.09, P.B.27.08 Wirtz, S.: P.C.03.06 Xue, L.: P.C.03.07
Wang, J.: P.B.12.05, P.D.03.08, P.C.07.01 Wentker, P.: P.C.16.15 Wisgrill, L.: P.C.20.16, P.D.08.04, P.D.17.08 Xue, Y.: P.B.10.22
Wang, L.: P.B.14.06, P.C.19.22, P.B.39.23 Wentworth, D.: P.D.08.11 Wissing, J.: P.A.06.06
Wang, N.: P.C.22.13 Wenzel, P.: P.B.10.14 Withers, D.: P.A.01.09 Y
Wang, P.: P.A.04.22, P.B.37.21 Wermeling, F.: P.C.17.12 Withers, D. R.: P.A.01.04 Yacoub, S.: P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09
Wang, Q.: P.D.16.14 Werneke, S. W.: P.C.23.06 Withers, S.: P.C.01.04 Yagci, F. C.: P.D.20.07
Wang, W.: P.D.02.11, P.D.02.14, P.D.02.16, Werner, D.: P.B.25.08 Witkowski, J. M.: P.E.04.13 Yagci, F.: P.C.06.17
P.B.37.01, P.D.02.11, P.D.02.14, P.D.02.16 Werner, H.: P.C.20.05 Witkowski, P.: P.D.13.15 Yagita, H.: P.B.06.07
Wang, X.: P.B.28.14, P.A.03.16, P.A.22.17, Werner, P.: P.D.13.14 Witt, V.: P.D.16.16 Yage, J.: P.B.05.13, P.B.31.05
P.B.29.16, P.D.02.14 Werner, S.: P.D.09.02 Wittbrodt, J.: P.A.11.11 Yahia, N.: P.D.20.20
Wang, X.-Y.: P.D.21.14 Wery, J.-P.: P.B.39.01 Witte, A.: P.A.28.09 Yahyavi, F.: P.B.05.11, P.B.19.04
Wang, Y.: P.D.18.22, P.A.19.01 Wesch, D.: P.A.08.12, P.B.13.05 Witte, T.: P.B.22.01, P.B.22.19, P.B.30.13, Yakcer, C.: P.B.19.09
wang, Y.-L.: P.B.39.05 Weschke, D.: P.E.03.01 P.B.31.18, P.C.05.01 Yakob, E.: P.A.17.07
Wang, Z.: P.A.07.09, P.B.39.01,P.A.24.10, Wessels, M. R.: P.C.07.02 Wittenberg, T.: P.A.12.01 Yakut, T.: P.B.04.18
P.B.35.11 Westendorf, A. M.: P.A.20.02, P.B.17.15 Wittmann, J.: P.A.18.08 Yamada, S.: P.B.22.10
Wank, H.: P.B.11.21, P.B.11.22 Westerberg, L.: P.C.03.10 Wlodarczyk, A.: P.A.01.07 Yamaguchi, M.: P.A.23.01
Wanke, F.: P.A.24.08, P.B.07.05, P.B.37.20 Westerhof, A.: P.D.03.06 Wchtl, B.: P.D.12.04 Yamaguchi, Y.: P.A.19.20, P.B.02.22, P.E.04.08
Wanko, B.: P.A.20.15, P.C.19.01 Westerling, M.: P.B.26.07, P.B.26.09 Wohlleber, D.: P.E.03.16 Yamamoto, C.: P.C.06.02
Wansook, S.: P.C.12.22 Westerlund, E.: P.C.07.02, P.C.07.11 Wohlstadter, J. N.: P.C.23.21, P.D.17.17, P.D.17.18 Yamamoto, T.: P.A.09.03
Ward, C.: P.C.24.04 Westin, A.: P.B.25.18 Whner, M.: P.D.04.07 Yaman, A.: P.B.04.01
Ward, J. P.: P.A.07.17 Weston, C. J.: P.C.17.16 Whrl, S.: P.B.25.12 Yamanaka, D.: P.C.14.14, P.D.16.04
Ward, S.: P.D.15.17 Westphal, A.: P.C.14.06 Woigk, M.: P.C.22.01 Yamazaki, S.: P.D.22.02
Warhurst, G.: P.B.20.07 Westwood, J. A.: P.D.14.04 Woitok, M.: P.D.22.23 Yan, I.: P.A.24.16
Warnatz, K.: P.A.12.03, P.B.04.11, P.B.18.06, Wettschureck, N.: P.A.24.08, P.B.07.05 Wojta-Stremayr, D.: P.D.20.18 Yan, K.: P.D.02.14
P.B.18.16, P.B.30.16 Wettstein, P. J.: P.A.21.07 Wolf, A. M.: P.B.19.02 Yan, M.: P.B.33.14
Warnke, C.: P.D.24.02, P.D.24.03 Wetzel, D.: P.C.18.23 Wolf, D.: P.A.14.20, P.B.19.02 Yancheva, N.: P.B.31.15
Warren, R. M.: P.D.03.09 Weyd, H.: P.C.05.09 Wolf, H. M.: P.B.04.09, P.B.18.11, P.B.30.01, Yaez-Diaz, S.: P.D.06.21
Warren, R.: P.B.02.16 Whalen, M. B.: P.E.04.16 P.B.30.07, P.B.30.15 Yang, A.: P.B.11.02
Warscheid, B.: P.A.12.11 Wheeler, J. X.: P.D.03.05 Wolf, I.: P.A.11.04 Yang, B.-H.: P.A.15.17
Warszwaska, J.: P.C.03.18 Whillas, A.: P.B.09.12 Wolf, I. M.: P.C.17.11 Yang, B.: P.D.04.02
Wassall, H.: P.E.04.02 White, A.: P.A.01.13 Wolf, M.: P.C.19.11 Yang, C. C.: P.A.16.13
Wassilew, G.: P.A.02.13 White, A. D.: P.A.08.23 Wolf, Y.: P.C.11.06 Yang, F.: P.B.30.16
Watai, K.: P.A.23.01 White, M.: P.A.12.16 Wolff, D.: P.B.18.06 Yang, H.: P.A.23.02, P.B.14.02
Watanabe, A. S.: P.B.25.13 White, P.: P.B.19.22 Wolffram, K.: P.D.24.02 Yang, J.: P.C.07.19
Watanabe, A.: P.B.01.03 Whitehouse, J.: P.A.19.20, P.E.04.08 Wolfram, W.: P.B.30.01 Yang, M.: P.B.23.20
Watanabe, P. S.: P.B.24.03 Wichers, R.: P.C.24.06 Wolkenhauer, O.: P.C.16.15 Yang, T.: P.C.07.01
Watford, W. T.: P.C.01.21 Wicik, Z.: P.E.04.13 Wolkers, M. C.: P.A.23.09 Yang, Y.: P.B.25.10, P.B.37.01, P.D.11.09
Watier, H.: P.D.13.07 Wick, G.: P.B.41.02, P.D.26.14 Wollenberg, A.: P.B.04.07 Yangnlar, C.: P.B.17.09
Watkins, C.: P.A.14.21 Wicks, I.: P.B.09.12 Wollmann, E.: P.B.25.01, P.B.25.02, P.B.11.17, Yankelevich, I. A.: P.C.09.08
Wattiez, R.: P.B.16.01 Widjajanti, Y.: P.D.08.09 P.B.31.12 Yankkaya Demirel, G.: P.A.01.12, P.C.12.14
Watzenboeck, M.: P.B.32.16 Widmann, T.: P.D.08.03 Wolvers-Tettero, I. L.: P.A.08.15, P.A.18.03 Yao, C.: P.A.25.13
Watzl, C.: P.C.10.01, P.C.10.14 Wieczorek, M.: P.B.26.01 Won, J.-H.: P.C.07.04, P.C.07.19 Yao, L.: P.D.14.20
Wauben, M. H.: P.A.02.15 Wiedemann, S.: P.A.18.07 Wong, F. Y.: P.D.03.08 Yao, Y.: P.D.02.16

W. Drijfhout, J.: P.A.17.03 Wiedermann, U.: P.D.11.03 Wong, S. C.: P.A.07.17 Yap, M.: P.A.07.14, P.A.07.18
Webb, G. J.: P.C.17.14 Wiedermann, U.: P.D.11.01, P.D.20.21, P.D.21.01, Wong, Y.: P.A.07.04 Yashunsky, D. V.: P.B.03.03
Webb, L.: P.A.28.01 P.D.21.05, P.D.21.07 Wong Baeza, I.: P.C.03.20 Yasinska, I.: P.C.08.14
Weber, A.: P.C.02.14 Wiegers, J.-G.: P.A.21.02 Woods, D. C.: P.D.16.06 Yasui, F.: P.B.15.16
Weber, C.: P.A.13.11 Wieland, T.: P.B.18.20 Woods, G. M.: P.D.03.12 Yates, N. L.: P.D.19.07
Weber, F.: P.C.08.04 Wiemkes, M.: P.B.22.04 Wooldridge, L.: P.D.16.06 Yazgan, U. C.: P.B.08.15, P.B.12.14, P.B.36.03
Weber, M.: P.B.11.10, P.D.05.01, P.B.11.04, Wienands, J.: P.A.12.03, P.A.19.13 Woolf, R.: P.C.03.05 Ye, S.: P.B.24.19
P.D.02.10, P.D.05.06, P.D.05.09, P.D.21.13, Wiendl, H.: P.B.23.13 Woollard, K.: P.B.41.05 Ye, X.: P.B.25.10
P.D.24.17 Wiesmann, V.: P.A.12.01 Woolley, R.: P.A.07.19 Ye, Y. P.: P.B.20.13, P.D.18.18, P.B.25.10, P.B.39.23
Weber, V.: P.B.01.22 Wiggins, B. G.: P.C.17.14 Woon, S.-T.: P.B.30.16 Ye, Z.: P.C.09.19
Weber-Steffens, D.: P.B.20.16 Wigren, M.: P.B.41.07 Wordliczek, J.: P.D.18.12 Yeo, L.: P.B.22.03
Wedderburn, L. R.: P.A.06.16, P.B.10.04 Wiinberg, B.: P.D.24.01 Woron, J.: P.D.18.12 Yeryomenko, G.: P.B.33.11
Wedemeyer, H.: P.A.26.18 Wikberg, G.: P.B.11.16, P.B.11.08 Woroszylo, K.: P.B.11.21 Yesilipek, A.: P.B.18.10
Wegscheid, C.: P.B.35.07, P.C.03.04 Wikn, M.: P.B.10.15 Wrtge, S.: P.B.03.21 Yeung, R. S.: P.C.22.02
Wehenkel, M.: P.B.36.17 Wilbur, J.: P.D.17.17 Worthington, J.: P.B.20.03 Yevsa, T.: P.B.10.07
Wehr, C.: P.B.04.11 Wilce, M. C.: P.C.10.03 Wouters, C.: P.C.09.14 Yevstratenko, B. P.: P.B.22.22
Wei, D.: P.B.14.02 Wildner, G.: P.B.23.11, P.D.04.06 Wraith, D. C.: P.B.05.16, P.D.13.02 Yi, N.: P.B.16.10
Wei, J.-C.: P.B.33.01 Wildschuetz, L.: P.B.05.05 Wright, A.: P.E.01.08 Yi, S.: P.D.11.02
Wei, Q.: P.D.02.16 Wilflingseder, D.: P.A.05.13, P.A.13.07, P.B.31.09, Wright, M.: P.C.09.25 Yildiz, B.: P.C.14.10
Wei, S.: P.C.04.15 P.B.31.16 Wroczynska, A.: P.B.03.18 Yildiz, S.: P.C.04.13, P.D.20.08
Wei, Y.-L.: P.B.33.01 Wilk, E.: P.B.31.18, P.C.21.01 Wu, B.: P.B.21.03 Yilmaz, A.: P.A.14.09, P.B.27.04
Wei, Y.: P.B.39.23 Wilk, M. M.: P.A.08.06 Wu, C.-H.: P.A.04.09 Yilmaz, K.: P.C.09.26
Weide, B.: P.B.14.05 Wilker, S.: P.C.08.01 Wu, H. L.: P.D.21.04 Yim, H. W.: P.D.22.08
Weidenbach, K.: P.B.36.11 Wilkinson-Berka, J. L.: P.B.23.22 Wu, J.: P.D.11.02 Yin, N.: P.D.11.02
Weidtkamp-Peters, S.: P.B.16.18 Willard-Gallo, K.: P.B.39.02 Wu, S.-R.: P.D.11.12 Yingyoungnarongkul, B.-E.: P.C.09.15
Weier, M.: P.C.19.14 Willberg, C.: P.A.01.10 Wu, S.-C.: P.C.21.17 Ylmaz, V.: P.B.42.04
Weigelin, B.: P.D.14.13 Willcocks, S.: P.C.14.07 Wu, X.: P.D.19.14, P.D.19.04 Yoba, S.: P.B.01.04
Weighardt, H.: P.B.10.08, P.B.35.01, P.B.35.02 Willenbacher, E.: P.C.22.06 Wu, Z.: P.B.11.02 Yohannes, D.: P.A.11.06
Weigl, R.: P.D.09.05, P.D.09.06 Williams, A.: P.B.34.15 Wuerzner, R.: P.C.22.08 Yoldas, .: P.A.03.14
Weigmann, B.: P.B.20.02 Williams, D. T.: P.D.03.08 Whrer, M.: P.A.13.04 Yong, C. S.: P.D.14.04
Weiler, F. G.: P.B.30.02 Williams, J.: P.A.11.05 Wullschleger, S.: P.B.13.18 Yoon, D.: P.E.04.14
Weill, B.: P.B.32.04 Williams, R. W.: P.C.21.01 Wunderlich, T. F.: P.B.08.09 Yoon, H.: P.B.20.20
Weimershaus, M.: P.A.22.11 Williams, T. N.: P.B.01.14 Wrsch, D.: P.B.31.11 Yoon, H.-Y.: P.C.16.11, P.C.16.12
Weinberger, B.: P.A.09.09 Williamson, D.: P.D.16.07 Wrzner, R.: P.C.22.09 Yoshida, Y.: P.C.17.02
Weinberger, J.: P.D.17.03 Williamson, E. D.: P.D.03.01 Wyllie, D. H.: P.A.19.20, P.B.02.22, P.E.04.08 Yoshikawa, G. T.: P.B.24.17
Weiner, H. L.: P.D.04.14 Willimsky, G.: P.B.27.24 Wypych, T.: P.A.10.02 Yoshimura, A.: P.B.22.10
Weiner, J.: P.B.02.18 Willmann, M.: P.B.40.15 Wysokinski, A.: P.A.16.12, P.B.36.04 Yoshino, S.: P.D.05.02
Weinhage, T.: P.C.04.05, P.C.11.17 Wilson, A.: P.B.08.02 Youn, J.-C.: P.E.04.01
Weinreich, G.: P.D.25.11 Wilson, D. J.: P.B.02.22 X Younesi, V.: P.A.05.06, P.A.14.11, P.A.14.15,
Weirzba, T. F.: P.D.11.21 Wilson, D. S.: P.A.13.15 Xanthou, G.: P.B.23.01 P.A.19.06, P.A.19.08, P.A.19.12
Weischendorff, S.: P.D.09.03 Wilson, H. M.: P.D.18.11 Xavier, J. G.: P.B.27.21 Young, B.: P.B.02.22
Weiskopf, D.: P.B.42.12 Wilson, H. Y.: P.E.03.02 Xi, Y.: P.B.14.06 Yousefi, M.: P.A.05.06, P.A.14.11, P.A.14.12,
Weismann, D.: P.C.09.18 Wilson, P.: P.B.14.17 Xiang, R.: P.B.39.23 P.A.14.15, P.A.19.06, P.A.19.08, P.A.19.12,
Weiss, B.: P.B.13.22 Wilson, R. A. M.: P.E.04.10 Xie, C.: P.A.09.05 P.C.02.16, P.D.20.06, P.D.20.12
Weiss, G.: P.C.21.05, P.A.05.13 Wilton, K. M.: P.A.21.07 Xie, Y.: P.D.11.02 Yousefi, S.: P.A.28.19
Weiss, J.: P.D.12.11 Wimmer, R.: P.C.06.11 Xin, G.: P.C.21.05 Youssif, C.: P.C.23.09
Weiss, L.: P.D.20.20 Winblad, B.: P.B.07.01 Xin, W.: P.D.02.14 Yovtchev, Y.: P.D.17.12

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 147
Author Index
Yoyen-Ermis, D.: P.C.23.04 Zhang, Y.: P.D.14.20, P.B.41.11
Ypsilantis, P.: P.D.15.01 Zhang, Z.: P.B.19.24
Yrlid, U.: P.A.09.06 Zhao, H.: P.D.14.20
Yshii, L.: P.B.23.18 Zhao, J.: P.D.18.13, P.D.18.22, P.B.19.24
Ysmail-Dahlouk, L.: P.A.04.01 Zhao, K.: P.D.01.10
Yu, A.: P.B.13.11, P.B.11.15 Zhao, L.: P.B.29.12
Yu, H.: P.E.04.01 Zhdanyuk, Y.: P.B.42.14
Yu, H. H.: P.D.05.13 Zheng, J.: P.D.14.20
Yu, H. C.: P.D.23.05 Zheng, Z.: P.D.14.19
Yu, J.-W.: P.C.07.04, P.C.07.19 Zherebiatiev, A.: P.B.20.11
Yu, J.-H.: P.C.23.19 Zhioua, E.: P.C.17.09
Yu, J.: P.C.14.06 Zhivaki, D.: P.B.29.13
Yu, S.: P.C.03.10, P.D.14.20 Zhou, J.: P.D.19.06
Yu, S.-L.: P.D.11.12 Zhou, Q.: P.D.23.04
Yu, Y.: P.C.05.15, P.C.20.15 Zhou, W.: P.C.22.13
Yuan, H. P.: P.D.20.14 Zhou, Y.: P.D.11.02
Yuan, L.: P.C.12.17 Zhu, H.: P.B.33.14, P.D.27.12
Yuan, X.: P.A.13.03 Zhu, J.: P.A.14.08
Zhu, L.: P.B.32.10
Z Zhu, S.: P.A.23.02
Zabel, B.: P.B.35.06 Zhu, Y.: P.B.32.10
Zabik, C.: P.D.12.11 iberna, K.: P.D.05.08
Zach, D.: P.B.11.21 Zidarn, M.: P.B.11.13, P.B.38.14, P.D.05.08
Zaczyska, E.: P.D.18.08, P.D.18.09 Zidek, Z.: P.D.18.16
Zado, K.: P.C.05.02 Zidi, I.: P.B.07.18, P.B.08.03, P.B.09.03,
Zaffaroni, N.: P.D.14.08 P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09, P.B.41.03, P.D.27.07
Zafirova, B.: P.C.23.06 Zidi, N.: P.B.29.08, P.B.29.09
Zafred, D.: P.B.11.04 Ziegler, A.-G.: P.E.02.03
Zaga, V.: P.C.07.10 Ziegler, H.: P.A.01.01, P.A.08.16
Zagorchev, P. I.: P.B.19.05 Zieglmayer, P.: P.B.38.06, P.B.11.15, P.D.21.10
Zagozda, M.: P.B.06.08, P.B.26.01 Zieglmayer, R.: P.B.38.06, P.D.05.01, P.D.21.10,
Zahradnik, I.: P.A.12.14 P.B.11.15
Zakar, A.: P.B.22.13 Zielinski, C.: P.A.05.09
Zakostelska, Z.: P.B.36.06, P.B.36.07 Zierau, A.: P.D.25.09
Zakrzewicz, A.: P.C.08.01 Zignani, I.: P.B.24.03, P.B.32.02
Zaletel, I.: P.C.15.16 Zignego, A.: P.D.04.13
Zaluska, W.: P.D.19.22 Zilberberg, N. V.: P.B.15.06, P.B.29.15
Zamani, M.: P.B.33.13, P.B.34.11 Zilic, S.: P.B.38.03, P.E.03.14
Zambetti, L. P.: P.C.07.20 Zilkova, M.: P.B.07.15
Zamboni, D. S.: P.C.07.06 Zimecki, M.: P.D.18.08, P.D.18.09
Zamoyska, R.: P.A.20.18 Zimmer, A.: P.C.20.05
Zampoulaki, A.: P.A.23.19 Zimmermann, C.: P.A.03.12
Zanardi, F.: P.A.27.03 Zimmermann, M.: P.C.01.19, P.C.24.15
Zandee, S. E.: P.B.34.15 Zimmermann, P.: P.D.24.13
Zanellato, S.: P.C.10.06, P.C.10.07, P.D.06.05 Zingoni, A.: P.B.40.18, P.C.10.20
Zanoni, I.: P.C.16.14 Ziprin, P.: P.D.11.24
Zanoni, J. N.: P.B.24.03, P.B.32.02 Zissler, U.: P.D.05.12
Zanotti, L.: P.C.19.22 Zitti, B.: P.C.02.19
Zapata, E.: P.D.27.04, P.E.03.04 Zitvogel, L.: P.B.13.13, P.C.18.02
Zarei, S.: P.D.19.05 Zivancevic-Simonovic, S.: P.B.13.20
Zare-shahabadi, A.: P.C.15.09 Zizzari, I.: P.A.25.06
Zareva, E.: P.E.01.10 Zlabinger, G.: P.A.23.03
Zarghami, N.: P.D.15.07 Zlabinger, G. J.: P.A.23.16, P.B.25.08, P.C.07.17,
Zarinfar, N.: P.B.02.21 P.C.19.19, P.E.03.11
Zarnack, K.: P.A.09.11 Zlabinger, G.: P.D.26.15
Zarogoulidis, K.: P.B.24.14 Zlatkovic, J.: P.A.03.15

Zarruk, J.: P.B.34.06 Zmijanjac, D.: P.C.12.07, P.D.24.06

Zaunders, J.: P.A.09.03 Zoghi, S.: P.C.15.09
Zaunders, J. J.: P.A.28.13 Zolezzi, F.: P.A.18.04
avbi, M.: P.C.24.02 Zollner, T.: P.C.19.09
Zavrnik, J.: P.C.07.12 Zolotarevski, L.: P.B.35.04, P.C.15.10
Zbyszewski, A.: P.B.26.04 Zonneveld, M. I.: P.A.02.15
Zdravkovic, N. S.: P.B.32.21 Zorzella-Pezavento, S. G.: P.D.10.03, P.D.10.04,
Zdziarski, P.: P.D.27.10 P.D.10.05
Zea, A.: P.B.12.05 Zorzoli, A.: P.A.08.13
Zebroski, H.: P.C.14.12, P.D.22.02 Zoto, A.: P.B.09.14
Zeddini, E.: P.B.08.03, P.D.27.07 Zotos, N.: P.B.01.18, P.B.05.01, P.B.17.11
Zeef, L.: P.C.17.13 Zovko, J.: P.C.08.02
Zegar, A.: P.B.35.06 Zrinski Petrovic, K.: P.B.08.18
Zeher, M.: P.B.37.11 Zrnic Ciric, M.: P.B.38.03, P.E.03.14
Zehn, D.: P.A.26.09 Zrzavy, T.: P.B.34.09
Zeidler, R.: P.D.25.09 Zschocke, J.: P.B.05.06
Zeillinger, R.: P.D.24.13 Zubarev, R.: P.D.06.03
Zeka, B.: P.B.19.03 Zubchenko, S.: P.B.38.21
Zeng, D.: P.B.32.10 Zubiaurre, L.: P.D.27.04, P.E.03.04
Zeng, L.: P.D.01.10, P.C.07.07 Zucchetti, A.: P.A.28.17
Zeng, M.: P.D.19.02 Zuckermann, A.: P.D.25.17
Zeng, Q.: P.B.02.14 Zulehner, N.: P.B.25.08
Zeng, X.: P.C.19.21 Ziga, J.: P.B.31.11
Zengin, Y.: P.B.12.14 Zuo, J.: P.D.01.14
Zenk, J.: P.E.02.05 Zuo, X.: P.B.33.14, P.D.27.12
Zenka, J.: P.D.14.22 Zurac, S.: P.B.28.02
Zenker, S.: P.B.05.05 Zuriarrain, O.: P.D.27.04
Zentel, R.: P.D.15.16 Zurkova, K.: P.D.07.11
Zerbini, A.: P.B.41.09 Zurkova, M.: P.B.06.04, P.C.24.08, P.D.17.05
Zerka, A.: P.B.03.18 Zurli, V.: P.D.19.10, P.D.20.10
Zerva, I.: P.A.13.02, P.D.26.13 Zurro, N. B.: P.B.30.08
Zeugolis, D.: P.D.25.13 Zuschke, N.: P.D.02.13
Zeyda, M.: P.A.20.15, P.C.19.01 Zuurveld, M.: P.B.23.02
Zgurski, M.: P.D.19.22 Zvirbliene, A.: P.B.28.08, P.D.16.18
Zhang, B.: P.B.02.14 Zvyagin, I. V.: P.A.21.10, P.B.10.03, P.D.01.08
Zhang, C.: P.D.14.20 Zwicker, C.: P.D.21.01
Zhang, D.: P.B.09.15 Zwirzitz, A.: P.A.20.05, P.A.20.07
Zhang, E.: P.A.02.13 Zwolanek, F.: P.C.06.11
Zhang, G.: P.D.11.02
Zhang, H.: P.A.15.08, P.C.07.01
Zhang, J.: P.D.17.17, P.A.28.03
Zhang, Q.: P.A.09.05
Zhang, S.-Y.: P.B.18.07
Zhang, S.: P.A.26.18
Zhang, T.: P.B.28.14
Zhang, X.: P.D.02.14, P.B.29.13
Zhang, X.-L.: P.D.16.14

148 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria

Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 149

150 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria
Author Index


Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria 151
Author Index

152 Poster Presentations at the 4th European Congress of Immunology - ECI 2015 - Vienna, Austria

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