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Technical Note


Use of Loopback Tests in

Horizon Compact Troubleshooting

Date: 8/18/2014
Supersedes: HC-TN-006.0
Issuer: PT Customer Support

006.0 Initial Release

006.1 Removed Eb/No specifications, revised expected SNR specifications to per-modulation

HC-TN-006.1 2 DragonWave 2014

Introduction .................................................................................................................................................. 4
Radio Loopback RF only ............................................................................................................................. 4
Example of Radio Loopback ...................................................................................................................... 6
Radio Loopback Network ........................................................................................................................... 8
Example of Radio Loopback with Network ............................................................................................. 10
Network Loopback Near End ................................................................................................................... 12
Example of Network Loopback Near End ............................................................................................ 13
Network Loopback Far End ...................................................................................................................... 15
Example of Network Loopback Far End ............................................................................................... 16

HC-TN-006.1 3 DragonWave 2014

The Horizon Compact is equipped with both radio (RF) and Ethernet traffic loopback functions to assist
in identifying hardware faults. Using these tests the majority of RF components and Ethernet traffic
performance can be tested.
This document refers to features and functions available in Horizon Compact release 1.04.07 and above.
Refer to the User Manual for specific loopback testing instructions for other Horizon Compact releases.

Radio Loopback RF only

Tx Rx

P1/2 Rx Tx
Local Peer
This test can be performed using either Port1 or Port2 management.
Before beginning a radio loopback test, the Peer (far-end) radio transmitter must be muted, or
shutdown. This can be done remotely using the set radio transmitter state off
<time> CLI command where the shutdown time is stated in seconds. After the indicated shutdown
time has passed the Peer unit will automatically re-enable its transmitter.
*Note that there may be no confirmation message returned from this command if management to the
Peer unit is over the link, as the transmitter is shut down immediately upon issuing the command.
With the Peer radio transmitter muted, the Local unit should report RF statistics (using the get
modem statistics CLI command) as shown below. Prior to establishing the loopback, the
Equalizer Stress and RSL should be checked.
Equalizer Stress should be 0 (zero).
SNR should be less than 25 dB. Between 3 and 23 dB typically.
RSL should be less than -82 dBm. (Ex. -92 or -108)
The RF/MODEM LED on the Horizon Compact unit should be alternating between red and green
indicating an RF ON state with no RF link (modsync).

HC-TN-006.1 4 DragonWave 2014

Once the peer radio transmitter is muted, the Local unit can be put into radio loopback using the set
radio loopback on <time> CLI command, where the loopback run time is stated in seconds.
Immediately after establishing the loopback, it is recommended to clear the traffic statistics with the
set traffic statistics 0 CLI command. This will simplify verification of the loopback
While the loopback is running the system should not record any Rx Blocks Error in the output of the
get traffic statistics CLI command. Ideally traffic statistics should be checked several
times during the loopback test, however a single check at or near the end of the loopback duration will
provide a cumulative counter of Rx Block Error, if any were encountered. Note that once the loopback
times out, the system will revert to 100% Rx Block Errors until the Peer transmitter returns to service.
The RF/MODEM LED on the Horizon Compact unit should be on solid green indicating RF link while the
loopback is running.
The RF statistics reported by the system using the get modem statistics CLI command should
reflect values as follows:
Equalizer Stress should be less than 80 and stable.
SNR should be evaluated based on the system mode:
o Greater than 10 dB for QPSK system modes
o Greater than 12 dB for 16 QAM system modes
o Greater than 17 dB for 32 QAM system modes
o Greater than 19 dB for 64 QAM system modes
o Greater than 25 dB for 128 QAM system modes
o Greater than 30 dB for 256 QAM system modes
Receiver RSL should be above sensitivity for the configured system mode and stable to within
1 dB. The RSL will vary depending on system mode, radio band, RF channel bandwidth and
specific channel chosen.
The output of the get alarms CLI command should not include the Modem receiver loss of signal
or RSL Below Threshold alarms.

HC-TN-006.1 5 DragonWave 2014

Example of Radio Loopback

Local Peer
->set radio transmitter state off 400

Link removed from service, no data transmission, access to Peer lost (if P1 management)

->get modem statistics

Modem Performance Statistics:

Eb/No :15.21 dB
Equalizer Stress :0
SNR :23.86 dB
Receiver RSL :-94.62 dBm
->set radio loopback on 300
This may affect user traffic. Continue?
Enter Y(Yes) or N(No) :y

Radio loopback is :on.

**Notes: Far end radio transmitter should

be muted for the loop back to work
->set traffic statistics 0
Traffic Statistics :cleared
->get modem statistics
Modem Performance Statistics:

Eb/No :29.32 dB
Equalizer Stress :28
SNR :37.98 dB
Receiver RSL :-47.40 dBm
->get traffic statistics

-- Enet Port1 (Payload):

(lines omitted)
-- Wireless Port1
Tx Blocks :13705317
Rx Blocks OK :13705318
Rx Blocks Error :0
->get alarms
Network Interface :
No Alarms.

Modem :
No Alarms.

No Alarms

Frequency File :
No Alarms.
->get modem statistics
Modem Performance Statistics:

HC-TN-006.1 6 DragonWave 2014

Eb/No :29.13 dB
Equalizer Stress :28
SNR :37.79 dB
Receiver RSL :-47.36 dBm
->set radio loopback off
Radio loopback is: off

Radio transmitter switches on after 400 seconds.

Link returns to service, data transmission restored, access to Peer restored (if P1 management)

HC-TN-006.1 7 DragonWave 2014

Radio Loopback Network

Tx Rx

Rx Tx
P2 Local Peer

Do not perform this test while Port1 is connected to a live network.

This test should only be performed when using Port2 management.
Prior to beginning a radio loopback test with network, the Peer (far-end) radio transmitter must be
muted, or shutdown. This can be done remotely using the set radio transmitter state
off <time> CLI command where the shutdown time is stated in seconds. After the indicated
shutdown time has passed the Peer unit will automatically re-enable its transmitter.
*Note that there may be no confirmation message returned from this command as the transmitter is
shut down immediately upon issuing the command.
With the Peer radio transmitter muted, the Local unit should report RF statistics (using the get
modem statistics CLI command) as shown below. Prior to establishing the loopback, the
Equalizer Stress and RSL should be checked.

Eb/No should be less than 21 dB. Generally between 3 and 19 dB typically.

Equalizer Stress should be 0 (zero).
SNR should be less than 25 dB. Generally between 3 and 23 dB typically.
RSL should be less than -82 dBm. (Ex. -92 or -108)
The RF/MODEM LED on the Horizon Compact unit should be alternating between red and green
indicating an RF ON state with no RF link (modsync).
Once the peer radio transmitter is muted, the Local unit can be put into radio loopback with network
using the set radio loopback on <time> CLI command, where the loopback run time is
stated in seconds.
Immediately after establishing the loopback, it is recommended to clear the traffic statistics with the
set traffic statistics 0 CLI command. This will simplify verification of the loopback

HC-TN-006.1 8 DragonWave 2014

While the loopback is running the system should not record any Rx Blocks Error in the output of the
get traffic statistics CLI command. Ideally traffic statistics should be checked several
times during the loopback test, however a single check at or near the end of the loopback duration will
provide a cumulative counter of Rx Block Error, if any were encountered. Note that once the loopback
times out, the system will revert to 100% Rx Block Errors until the Peer transmitter returns to service.
Ethernet frames received on Port1 will be sent through the loopback and sent back out through Port1.
The maximum Ethernet rate through the loopback may be limited by the lowest of:

System Mode
Current System Speed
QoS CIR setting for the transmitted traffic, if QoS is enabled
Enet Port1 traffic statistics will be live and accurate during the period of the loopback test. BW
Utilization, Ingress Data Rate and Egress Data Rate will reflect the Layer 1 Ethernet data rate being
received and sent on Port1. The following counters should not increase during the loopback test:

Enet Port1, Rx Frames Length Error

o Indicates Ethernet Port 1 frames received too small or large
Enet Port1, Rx Frames CRC Error
o Indicates Ethernet Port 1 frames received with CRC errors
Aggregated Wireless Port, Rx Frames Error
o Indicates received Ethernet frames (from RF) with errors
Aggregated Wireless Port, Rx Queue Frames Discarded
o Indicates received Ethernet frames (from RF) unable to be forwarded to NIC
Wireless Port1, Rx Blocks Error
o Indicates modem blocks received with errors
The RF/MODEM LED on the Horizon Compact unit should be on solid green indicating RF link while the
loopback is running.
The RF statistics reported by the system using the get modem statistics CLI command should
reflect values as follows:
Equalizer Stress should be less than 80 and stable.
SNR should be evaluated based on the system mode:
o Greater than 10 dB for QPSK system modes
o Greater than 12 dB for 16 QAM system modes
o Greater than 17 dB for 32 QAM system modes
o Greater than 19 dB for 64 QAM system modes
o Greater than 25 dB for 128 QAM system modes
o Greater than 30 dB for 256 QAM system modes

HC-TN-006.1 9 DragonWave 2014

Receiver RSL should be above sensitivity for the configured system mode and stable to within
1 dB. The RSL will vary depending on system mode, radio band, RF channel bandwidth and
specific channel chosen.
The output of the get alarms CLI command should not include the Modem receiver loss of signal
or RSL Below Threshold alarms.
Example of Radio Loopback with Network

Local Peer
->set radio transmitter state off 400

Link removed from service, no data transmission, access to Peer lost (if P1 management)

->get modem statistics

Modem Performance Statistics:

Eb/No :15.21 dB
Equalizer Stress :0
SNR :23.86 dB
Receiver RSL :-94.62 dBm
->set radio loopback on 300 network
This may affect user traffic. Continue?
Enter Y(Yes) or N(No) :y

Radio loopback is :on.

**Notes: Far end radio transmitter should

be muted for the loop back to work
->set traffic statistics 0
Traffic Statistics :cleared
->get modem statistics
Modem Performance Statistics:

Eb/No :29.32 dB
Equalizer Stress :28
SNR :37.98 dB
Receiver RSL :-47.40 dBm
->get traffic statistics

-- Enet Port1 (Payload):

Tx Frames :224838
Tx Bytes :14389632
Rx Frames OK :224841
Rx Bytes OK :14389824
Rx Frames Length Error :0
Rx Frames CRC Error :0
BW Utilization(%) :2
Ingress Data Rate :9.98
Egress Data Rate :9.98
Frames in Queue1 :0
Frames in Queue2 :0
Frames in Queue3 :0
Frames in Queue4 :224840
Frames in Queue5 :0

HC-TN-006.1 10 DragonWave 2014

Frames in Queue1 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue2 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue3 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue4 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue5 Discarded :0

-- Enet Port2 (Secondary):

Tx Frames :52
Tx Bytes :7403
Rx Frames OK :63
Rx Bytes OK :4320
Rx Frames Length Error :0
Rx Frames CRC Error :0

-- Aggregated Wireless Port

Tx Frames :232524
Rx Frames OK :232521
Rx Frames Error :0
Rx Queue Frames Discarded :0

-- Wireless Port1
Tx Blocks :2445836
Rx Blocks OK :2445837
Rx Blocks Error :0
->get alarms
Network Interface :
No Alarms.

Modem :
No Alarms.

No Alarms

Frequency File :
No Alarms.
->get modem statistics
Modem Performance Statistics:

Eb/No :29.13 dB
Equalizer Stress :28
SNR :37.79 dB
Receiver RSL :-47.36 dBm
->set radio loopback off
Radio loopback is: off

Radio transmitter switches on after 400 seconds.

Link returns to service, data transmission restored, access to Peer restored (if P1 management)

HC-TN-006.1 11 DragonWave 2014

Network Loopback Near End

Tx Rx

P2 Local Rx Tx Peer

This test can be performed on a live network.

The Network Loopback Near End test can be performed on a Horizon Compact unit in or out of an RF
link. The Near End test exercises the Network Interface and Modem of the Local Horizon Compact unit;
traffic with the configured Destination MAC address is not transmitted across the RF link while the
loopback is on.
If QoS is not enabled on the Horizon Compact unit under test (get qos), then the target queue
should be queue 4.
The Network Loopback Near End test can be performed at up to 1 Gbps, depending on the Ethernet
connection established between the tester and Port 1 of the Horizon Compact unit. Neither QoS CIRs,
nor system speeds (current or licensed) are applied during the Network Loopback Near End test.
Configure or determine the Destination MAC address of the Ethernet traffic to be looped. Note the
MAC address limitations in the Horizon Compact Product Manual Release 1.04.07 Volume 2, Section
Issue the set network loopback nearend <MAC address> queue <queue #>
<time> CLI command. Answering Y will establish the loop immediately.
Ethernet traffic received on Port 1 with the programmed Destination MAC address will have the Source
and Destination MAC address fields swapped (logical loopback) and then re-sent out Port 1.
Ethernet traffic received on Port 1 without the programmed Destination MAC address will be processed
and transmitted across the link as usual.
The test traffic generator is the best indicator of the performance and success of the test. There should
be no Rx Frames Length Error or Rx Frames CRC Error counters increases on Enet Port1 (Payload) during
the test.

HC-TN-006.1 12 DragonWave 2014

If the test is performed on an out-of-service link or device, then Ingress/Egress data rates should reflect
the looped traffic rate. The Frames in Queuen counters should increase appropriately; no Frames in
Queuen Discarded counters should be seen.
Example of Network Loopback Near End

Local Peer

No action necessary
->set traffic statistics 0
Traffic Statistics :cleared
->set network loopback nearend
00:80:16:45:03:01 queue 4 600
This may affect user traffic. Continue?
Enter Y(Yes) or N(No) :y
Network loopback is: on
->get traffic statistics

-- Enet Port1 (Payload):

Tx Frames :467982
Tx Bytes :119803392
Rx Frames OK :467982
Rx Bytes OK :119803392
Rx Frames Length Error :0
Rx Frames CRC Error :0
BW Utilization(%) :0
Ingress Data Rate :32.99
Egress Data Rate :32.99
Frames in Queue1 :0
Frames in Queue2 :0
Frames in Queue3 :0
Frames in Queue4 :467981
Frames in Queue5 :0
Frames in Queue1 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue2 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue3 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue4 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue5 Discarded :0

-- Enet Port2 (Secondary):

Tx Frames :94
Tx Bytes :6827
Rx Frames OK :362
Rx Bytes OK :46916
Rx Frames Length Error :0
Rx Frames CRC Error :0

-- Aggregated Wireless Port

Tx Frames :0
Rx Frames OK :0
Rx Frames Error :0
Rx Queue Frames Discarded :0

-- Wireless Port1
Tx Blocks :9242470
Rx Blocks OK :9242467
Rx Blocks Error :0

HC-TN-006.1 13 DragonWave 2014

->set network loopback off
This may affect user traffic. Continue?
Enter Y(Yes) or N(No) :y
Network loopback is: off

HC-TN-006.1 14 DragonWave 2014

Network Loopback Far End

Tx Rx

P2 Local Rx Tx Peer

This test can be performed on a live network.

The Network Loopback Far End test must be performed on an operational Horizon Compact RF link.
Traffic with the configured Destination MAC address is not transmitted out the Peer Port1 while the
loopback is on.
If QoS is not enabled on the Local Horizon Compact unit under test (get qos), then the target
queue should be queue 4.
The Network Loopback Far End test can be performed at up to the lowest of licensed speed, current
speed, or target queue CIR of the Local Horizon Compact unit.
Configure or determine the Destination MAC address of the Ethernet traffic to be looped. Note the
MAC address limitations in the Horizon Compact Product Manual Release 1.04.07 Volume 2, Section
Issue the set network loopback farend <MAC address> queue <queue #>
<time> CLI command. Answering Y will establish the loop immediately.
Ethernet traffic received over the RF at the Peer Horizon Compact with the programmed Destination
MAC address will have the Source and Destination MAC address fields swapped (logical loopback) and
then it will be transmitted back to the Local Horizon Compact.
Ethernet traffic received without the programmed Destination MAC address will be processed and
transmitted across the link as usual.
The test traffic generator is the best indicator of the performance and success of the test. There should
be no Rx Frames Length Error or Rx Frames CRC Error counters increases on Enet Port1 (Payload) during
the test.

HC-TN-006.1 15 DragonWave 2014

There should be no Wireless Port1 Rx Blocks Errors on either Horizon Compact unit. Errors here
indicate a problem with the RF connection between the units; the Radio Loopback test should be
performed to further isolate the cause of the problem if hardware is suspected.
There should be no Aggregated Wireless Port Errors or Discards on either Horizon Compact unit. Errors
here indicate a problem with the RF connection between the units; the Radio Loopback test should be
performed to further isolate the cause of the problem if hardware is suspected.
Example of Network Loopback Far End

Local Peer
->set traffic statistics 0 ->set traffic statistics 0
Traffic Statistics :cleared Traffic Statistics :cleared
->set network loopback farend
00:80:16:45:03:01 queue 4 600
This may affect user traffic. Continue?
Enter Y(Yes) or N(No) :y
Network loopback is: on
->get traffic statistics ->get traffic statistics

-- Enet Port1 (Payload): -- Enet Port1 (Payload):

Tx Frames :459729 Tx Frames :294104
Tx Bytes :117690624 Tx Bytes :75290624
Rx Frames OK :664999 Rx Frames OK :0
Rx Bytes OK :170239744 Rx Bytes OK :0
Rx Frames Length Error :0 Rx Frames Length Error :0
Rx Frames CRC Error :0 Rx Frames CRC Error :0
BW Utilization(%) :0 BW Utilization(%) :8
Ingress Data Rate :32.99 Ingress Data Rate :0.0
Egress Data Rate :32.99 Egress Data Rate :0.0
Frames in Queue1 :197071 Frames in Queue1 :0
Frames in Queue2 :0 Frames in Queue2 :0
Frames in Queue3 :0 Frames in Queue3 :0
Frames in Queue4 :459733 Frames in Queue4 :0
Frames in Queue5 :0 Frames in Queue5 :0
Frames in Queue1 Discarded :0 Frames in Queue1 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue2 Discarded :0 Frames in Queue2 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue3 Discarded :0 Frames in Queue3 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue4 Discarded :0 Frames in Queue4 Discarded :0
Frames in Queue5 Discarded :0 Frames in Queue5 Discarded :0

-- Enet Port2 (Secondary): -- Enet Port2 (Secondary):

Tx Frames :67 Tx Frames :25
Tx Bytes :4741 Tx Bytes :1632
Rx Frames OK :258 Rx Frames OK :307
Rx Bytes OK :24101 Rx Bytes OK :35702
Rx Frames Length Error :0 Rx Frames Length Error :0
Rx Frames CRC Error :0 Rx Frames CRC Error :0

-- Aggregated Wireless Port -- Aggregated Wireless Port

Tx Frames :672913 Tx Frames :552436
Rx Frames OK :467642 Rx Frames OK :846542
Rx Frames Error :0 Rx Frames Error :0
Rx Queue Frames Discarded :0 Rx Queue Frames Discarded :0

-- Wireless Port1 -- Wireless Port1

Tx Blocks :5365344 Tx Blocks :6749737

HC-TN-006.1 16 DragonWave 2014

Rx Blocks OK :5365342 Rx Blocks OK :6749742
Rx Blocks Error :0 Rx Blocks Error :0
->set network loopback off
This may affect user traffic. Continue?
Enter Y(Yes) or N(No) :y
Network loopback is: off

HC-TN-006.1 17 DragonWave 2014

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