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3. R4
4. R4
6. R4
7. MSG
9. 700
14. MSG

Rules of Dia

1. Never hit castle with a guild

2. Hitting resources tiles are prohibited
3. Contact any R4 or R5 ASAP if there is any conflict
4. If u cant online, please contact any R4 or R5 to request leave
5. Anyone who change his player name please send mail to R4 for a record.
6. Members are prohibited to have any comment on ALL diplomatic board.
Only R4 and R5 are allow to comment
7. Avoid to hit Dia and MSG members in Colosseum
8. Everyone must contribute points in the GUILD FEST event. 0 contribution
will be kicked out without fail.
9. At least 700 point when GUILD FEST
10. During KVK, do NOT attack players from our own kingdom
11. We will have war from time to time. Make sure you keep your resources,
troops and leaders safely. Extra resources can be send to guild
12. If you lost your leader during the war, we are not responsible of your lost.
13. We are brother guild with MSG, we are supporting MSG till the last blood.
14. To prevent conflict please take a screenshot every time you send your
troops to gather resource

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