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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 1


We studied about banks, apart from banks Indian financial system has a large number of
privately owned, decentralised and small sized financial institutions known as Non-banking
financial companies (NBFCs). In the Indian Financial system , the NBFCs play a very
important role in converting services and provide credit to the unorganized sector and small

Capital Finserve Limited is one of the private finance bank which falls under the category of
Non-banking financial companies (NBFCs).The company has many branches spread across
the states of the country. Capital Finserve provide financial services like gold loans, business
loans, investments, money transfer etc. Capital Finserve also provide a user friendly platform
for their customers to get the notifications, for the payments, helping for loans and any type of
transactions available in the organization. The customer can get all these purposes within
their homes by using this website.

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 2


Capital Finserve Limited provides financial services like gold loans, business loans,
investments, money transfer etc. Capital Finserve also provide a user friendly platform for
their customers to get the notifications, for the payments, helping for loans and any type of
transactions available in the organization. The customer can get all these purposes within
their homes by using this website.

The Capital Finserve is the financial intermediateries, provides financial support for next
generation financial services. Customers are the highly incredible factor of us. We provide the
risk capital and supplied to growing companies and it takes the form of share capital in the
business firms. We provide money as start-up capital and as development capital for small but
growing firms. And we offers our services to a wide range of customers includes corporate,
financial institution and retails inventers.

Capital Finserve Limited provides investment facility to help the customers in their urgent
situations against gold and gold jewellery without having to sell them. We should provide best
value for your gold at that emergency situation.We the Capital Finserve are enlisted as one of
the noticeable service providers indulged in offering Business Loan services, by equipped for
giving business loans to encourage new entrepreneurs as well as support the baron in their
business activities .Around world, from anywhere our customers can transfer their money to
their beloved ones. The Capital Finserve Money Transfer brought you to a world of networks
where you can recieve your money safely.

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 3



The traditional banking system was not fast and convenient for the customers who dont get
time to wait in line for carrying out their banking transactions. Customers were not able to
check out their status by their own and it dependent on working employees of bank. In the
existing system all the processes are done within the bank. Customers are forced to go to the
bank for paying interest, for money transactions and all other purpose. Transactions in
different branches cant be monitorized by the director.

All the transactions and payments are done by the staffs.

Involves reference into number of file.
Must need to go to the bank for everything.
Time consuming.
Difficult for payments and transactions in holidays.
It is difficult for the director to deal with all the branches.


The proposed system will not only enable their customers to have their banking and balances
at their fingertips but a convenient method to operate from any location. Through this system,
you can pay yourn bill payments at your own time. This system will able to know you the
extra charges which will involve in carrying out such transactions. This system will able to
make you variety of operations such as view current status, balances, daily and monthly
transactions, transfer funds and even order online payments. It will also facilitate to make
transfer of fixed date and time of particular account to a valid account. All the transactions can
be monitorized day by day by the director.

Most the transactions and payments are done by ourself at any location.
No need to go to the bank.
It saves our time.
Easy for payments and transactions in holidays.
It is helpful for the director to deal with all the branches.
Can avoid the risk of money in our hand.
Independent from the dealings of the bank staffs.

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 4


3.3.1 Hardware Specification

The selection of hardware configuration is very important task related to the software
development, particularly inefficient RAM may affect adversely on the speed and
corresponding on the efficiency of the entire system. The processor should be powerfull to
handle all the operations. The hard disk should have the sufficient capacity to solve the
database and the application. The network should be efficient to handle the communication

Microprocessor : Pentium 4 or higher

Processor Speed : 500MHz

Cache Memory : 512 KB

System bus : 32bits

RAM : 1 GB

Hard Disk : 40GB

Key Board : Standard keyboard

Mouse : MS Serial Mouse

Monitor : 15" CRT Monitor

3.3.2 Software Specification

To develop application software we use different types of software. The software for the
development has been selected based on several factors such as,

support and stability

cost effectiveness
development speed
ability to create robust application in least time

The softwares used for storage area network are,

Operating System : Windows 10

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 5

IDE : Visual Studio 2013

Front End : Asp.Net

Scripting Language : JavaScript

Back End : SQL Server 2012

3.3.3 Front End

ASP.NET is a web application framework developed and marketed by Microsoft to allow

programmers to build dynamic web sites, web applications and web services. ASP.NET is
built on the Common Language Runtime (CLR), allowing programmers to write ASP.NET
code using any supported .NET language.

ASP.NET is a unified Web development model that includes the services necessary for you to
build enterprise-class Web applications with a minimum of coding. ASP.NET is part of the
.NET Framework, and when coding ASP.NET applications you have access to classes in
the .NET Framework. You can code your applications in any language compatible with the
common language runtime (CLR), including Microsoft Visual Basic and C#. These languages
enable you to develop ASP.NET applications that benefit from the common language runtime,
type safety, inheritance, and so on.

3.3.4 Back End

SQL SERVER 2012 is a client server model relational database management system which
supports structured query language. Structured query language is the set of commands that
allows modifying or retrieving information from the database. Client server means that SQL
SERVER is designed to store data in the central location and deliver it on demand to
numerous other locations (clients).

SQL Server 2012 aims to make data management self-tuning, self-organizing, and self-
maintaining with the development of SQL Server Always On technologies, to provide near-
zero downtime. SQL Server 2012 also includes support for structured and semi-structured
data, including digital media formats for pictures, audio, video and other multimedia data. In
current versions, such multimedia data can be stored as BLOBs (binary large objects), but
they are generic bit streams. Intrinsic awareness of multimedia data will allow specialized
functions to be performed on them. According to Paul Flessner, senior Vice President, Server

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 6

Applications, Microsoft Corp., SQL Server 2012 can be a data storage backend for different
varieties of data: XML, email, time/calendar, file, document, spatial as well as perform
search, query, analysis, sharing, and synchronization across all data types.


It is a procedure that identifies, describes, and evaluates banking s y s t e m s a n d
s e l e c t s t h e b e s t s ys t e m s f o r t h e j o b . A feasibility study is needed to determine if a
project or end result of a project is feasible and beneficial. The main objective of feasibility
study is to test the technical, social and economic feasibility of developing a new computer
system. Investigating the existing system in the areas under investigation and generating
ideas about a new system does this.
The key considerations involved in the feasibility analysis are the following:

Economic feasibility
Technical feasibility
Behavioural feasibility
Operational feasibility

Economic Feasibility

Economic feasibility is a method for evaluating the effectiveness of a candidate system. This
study is mainly concerned with cost-benefit analysis that is how much money the user is
investing in any system and how much he is getting as a benefit in output. Our project is
Economical Feasible because anyone uses this software would need only to buy the machine.
Our hardware requirement is not too expensive. The money and human effort needed for the
existing system is high .In the new system benefits outweigh costs. So as compare to cost the
project is economically feasible.

Technical Feasibility

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 7

Technical feasibility includes whether the technology is available in the market for the
development and its availability. The assessment of technical feasibility must be based on an
outline design of the system requirements in terms of input, output, files, programs and
procedures. This study checks the technical aspects of system. Minimum requirements of the
proposed system are a computer and internet connectivity, which will not add any additional
expense in implementing the system. This software is simple to use and manage.

Behavioural Feasibility

People are inherently resisted to change and computers have been known to facilitate change.
Since a new proposed system has nothing to do with the ordinary staff, the worker resistance
to the system is very much less. The users might be scared of job losses and other problems
when the new system is introduced.

Operational Feasibility

The new system is very much easier and user friendly than the existing system. It satisfies the
requirements identified in the requirements analysis phase of system development. It reduces
the operational time considerably. Operational cost is very less. The maintenance and
modification of the new system needs very less human effort. Using command buttons
throughout the application programs enhances the operational feasibility. The new system is
operationally feasible and makes the operations simpler and quite easier


3.5.1 Introduction

A Data Flow Diagram is a network that describes the flow of data and processes that data
throughout the system. This network is constructed by using a set of symbols that do not
imply a physical implementation. It is a graphical tool for structured analysis of the system
requirements. DFD models a system by using external entities from which data flows to a
process, which transforms the data and creates, output-data-flows which go to other processes
or external entities or files. Data in files may also flow to processes as inputs.

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 8

There are various symbols used in a DFD. Bubbles represent the processes. Named arrows
indicate the data flow. External entities are represented by rectangles and are outside the
system such as venders or customers with whom the system interacts. Entities supplying data
are known as sources and those that consume data are called sinks. Data are stored in a data
store by a process in the system. Each component in a DFD is labeled with a descriptive
name. Process names are further identified with a number.

DFDs can be hierarchically organized, which help in partitioning and analyzing large systems.
As a first step, one Data Flow Diagram can depict an entire system, which gives the system
overview. It is called Context Diagram of level 0 DFD. The Context Diagram to those giving
more details is known as leveling of DFD. Thus a stop down approach is used, starting with
an overview and then working out the details.

Components of Data Flow Diagram

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Figure No: 1

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Figure No: 2

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Figure No: 3

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Figure No: 4

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Figure No: 5

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Figure No: 6

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System design sits at the technical kernel of the software engineering and is applied regardless
of the software process model that is used. Beginning once software requirements have been
analyzed and specified, software design is the first technical activity that is used to build and
verify the software. Each activity (designing, coding and testing) transform information in a
manner that ultimately results in validated computer software.


There are four modules in the Private banking system. They are:-

1. Admin
Manage type of Accounts.
Approve/reject Branch manager.
View complaints.
View transactions.
Add notifications.
Add Branch.
Add interest Rates.
Manage Banks.
Whole users view.

2. Branch manager

Staff approve/reject.
Manage transactions.
Loan approve/reject.
View user details

3. Staff
User approve/reject.
Manage transactions.
View user details

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 16

4. User

Apply for loan.
Account statements.
Add complaints.


Input design is the link that ties the information system into the world of its users. The input
design involves determining what the inputs are, how the data should be performed, how to
validate data, how minimize data entry and how to provide a multi-user facility. Inaccurate
input data are the most common cause of errors in data processing. Errors entered by data
entry operators can be controlled by input design. Input design is the process of converting
user-originated inputs to a computer-based format.

Input data are collected and organized into groups of similar data. Once identified, appropriate
input media are selected for processing.All the input data validated in the order and if any data
violates any condition, the user is warned by a message. If the data satisfies all the conditions
then it is transferred to the appropriate tables in the database. The data that have to be entered
in the software is the details of owner, details of members, details of maintanence, details of
rent. A form is designed to enter these details which should be user friendlier so that
authorized user with even less computer knowledge can enter the data.

Input design is a part of overall system design, which requires very careful attention.
Generally, software is prone to error if the user operating on it is not aware of constraints.
Usual procedures for eliminating errors is carried out in the application program itself.
However, there are cases where the data redundancy and consistency are violated. The goal of
designing input data entry as easy, logical and free from errors as possible. In entering data,
operators need to know the following.


Database design refers to the table design used to store data. The database involves name of
records, data item with its name, type and size. In the design of the database program first we
have to thoroughly look into the requirements of the program for the design of database. Then
we have to design how much tables are required in the database. Thereafter as per

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 17

requirement of the end users we can decide which fields that must be in this table. As per a
general rule a provision must be taken in the design for the future enhancement of the
program. Here I have designed a database with 12 tables as shown below

Table Name : TBL_ADMIN

Description : Table contain the details of admin

Primary key: admin_id

fields Data type&Size Description

Admin_id. int Admin id
name Varchar(50) name
address Varchar(50) address
state Varchar(50) State
pincode int Pincode
phone Varchar(50) Phone
email Varchar(50) Email
idfact Varchar(50) Identification factor
bankname Varchar(50) Bankname
ifsc Varchar(50) Ifsc details

Table Name : TBL_LOGIN

Description : Table contain the login details

Primary key: user_name

fields Data type&Size Description

User_name Varchar(50) name
passsword Varchar(50) password

Table Name : TBL_BMREG

Description : Table contain the details of Branch manager

Primary key: manager_id

Fields Data type&Size Description

Manager_id Int Branch manager id
name Varchar(20) Branch manager name
address Varchar(50) Address
city Varchar(50) City
State Varchar(50) State
pincode int Pincode
age int Age
gender Nvarchar(50) gender

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eduq Nvarchar(50) Educational qualification

exp Nvarchar(50) experience
phone Nvarchar(50) phone number
Bank_name Varchar(50) Name of bank
ifsc Varchar(50) Ifsc details
email Varchar(20) Email address
password Varchar(20) Password
rpassword Nvarchar(50) Repeat password
status Nchar(10) status

Table Name : TBL_USERREG

Description : Table contain the details of User

Primary key: user_id

Fields Data type&Size Description

User_id Int CUSTOMER id
acno Int Account number
name Varchar(20) CUSTOMER name
address Varchar(50) address
age int age
gender Nvarchar(50) gender
phone Nvarchar(50) phone number
email Varchar(20) Email address
pincode int pincode
ifsc Varchar(50) Ifsc details
Trans_id Varchar(50) Transaction details
password Varchar(20) Password
rpassword Nvarchar(50) Repeat password
status Nchar(10) status


Description : Table contain the details of Staff

Primary key: staff_id

Fields Data type&Size Description

Staff_id Int Branch manager id
name Varchar(20) Branch manager name
address Varchar(50) address
age int age
gender Nvarchar(50) gender
Marital status Varchar(50) Marital status
desg Nvarchar(500 Designation of staff

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city Varchar(50) city

state Varchar(50) state
pincode int pincode
eduq Nvarchar(50) Educational qualification
exp Nvarchar(50) experience
phone Nvarchar(50) phone number
email Varchar(20) Email address
password Varchar(20) Password
rpassword Nvarchar(50) Repeat password
status Nchar(10) status

Table Name : TBL_NOTIFY

Description : Table contain the Notification details

Primary key: id

Fields Data type&Size Description

id Int Notification id
date datetime date
title Varchar(50) title
description int descrption

Table Name : TBL_BANK

Description : Table contain the details of Banks

Primary key: ifsc

Fields Data type&Size Description

ifsc Int Ifsc code of bank
bname Varchar(20) Bank name
address Varchar(50) address
bPlace Varchar(50) place
bdistrict Varchar(50) district
bpincode Nvarchar(50) pincode
bmanager Nvarchar(50) Branch manager
amanager Nvarchar(50) Assistant manager
phone Nvarchar(50) phone number
email Varchar(20) Email address
B_branch Varchar(50) Branch of bank

Table Name : TBL_ADDCOMP

Description : Table contain the details of Complaints

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Primary key: comp_id

Fields Data type&Size Description

Comp_id Int complaint id
name Varchar(20) Name of person
acctype Varchar(50) Ac type
Accnt_name Varchar(50) Name of ac
subject Varchar(50) subject
Bank_name Varchar(50) Name of bank
ifsc Varchar(50)fk(tbl_bank) Ifsc details
section Varchar(50) Section ofcomplaint
details Nvarchar(50) Detailed complaint
date datetime Date of compaint
email Varchar(50) email
Phone Varchar(50) phone
User_id Varchar(50)fk(tbl_user) User id
status Nvarchar(50) status

Table Name : TBL_ACCOUNT

Description : Table contain the details of Accounts

Primary key: acnt_no

Fields Data type&Size Description

Acnt_no Int Account number
accounttype Varchar(50) accounttype
address Varchar(50) addeess
phone Varchar(50) phone
Ac_min_bal Varchar(50) Account min balance
Ac_bal Varchar(50) Current balance
Acnt_name Varchar(50) Accountant name
Ac_ident1 Varchar(50) Identification sourse 1
Ac_ident2 Varchar(50) Identification sourse
Ac_ownership Varchar(50) Ownership of account
Trans_id Int fk(tbl_transaction) Transaction id


Description : Table contain the details of Transactions

Primary key: trans_id

Fields Data type&Size Description

Trans_id int Transaction id
Account number Varchar(50) Account number
Trans_date Varchar(50) Date of transaction

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Trans_amt Varchar(50) Transaction amunt

To trans_no Varchar(50) To ac number
Trans_name Varchar(50) Name of transaction
Trans_purpose Varchar(50) Aim of transaction
phone Varchar(50) contct
Bank_name Varchar(50) Bank to which transaction
ifsc Varchar(50)fk(tbk_bank) Ifsc c ode

Table Name : TBL_LOAN

Description : Table contain the details of Loan

Primary key: loan_id

Fields Data type&Size Description

Loan_id int loan id
lname Varchar(50) Loan name
duration int Duration of time
date Varchar(50) date
amount Varchar(50) Amount of loan
propertyno Varchar(50) Number of property
Acnt_no Varchar(50) Account number


Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user. Output
design is a very important phase because the output needs to be in an attractive manner.
Efficient, intelligible output design improves the system relationship with the user and help in
decision making. A major form of the output is the hard copy from the printer and screen
reports. Printouts are designed around the output requirements of the user. Allowing the user
to view to the sample screen is important because the user is ultimate judge of the quality of

Outputs from computer system are required primarily to communicate the result of processing
to users. Computer output is the most important and direct source of information to the user.
Efficient, intelligible output should improve the systems relationship with the user and help
in decision making. The output devices to consider depend on factors as compatibility of the
device with the system, response time requirements, expected print quality, number of copies
needed etc.

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Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 22

4.5.1 Introduction

An entity relationship diagram (ERD) shows the relationships of entity sets stored in a
database. An entity in this context is a component of data. In other words, ER diagrams
illustrate the logical structure of databases.

Three Conceptual Levels

To get a framework of understanding about the symbols used in entity relationship diagrams;
it helps to examine three different conceptual levels used in the approach.

Conceptual model.

Here youll describe entities from a broad perspective. The model will include high-level
entities and their relationships, and attributes and keys are left out.
Logical model.

Building on the conceptual model, this level has more detail. It is not concerned with how the
data will be physically utilized in a database. It includes entities and their relationships,
attributes and primary keys for entities and foreign keys.
Physical model.

The next level is the physical model, and expands on the logical model. In this level, you will
add information that represents the processes involved. Table structure, column information,
primary and foreign keys and relationships among tables are depicted at this level.

ER Diagram Symbols

Entity relationship diagrams have specific symbols that represent each element. One of the
primary concepts is the idea of entities.

The symbol used in use case are shown below


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Relation ship


ER Diagram

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Figure No: 7


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Testing is a process of executing a program with the interest of finding an error. A good test is
one that has a high probability of finding the yet undiscovered error. Testing should
systematically uncover different classes of errors in a minimum amount of time with a
minimum amount of effort.

Two classes of inputs are provided to the test process:

A. Software configuration that includes a software requirement specification, a design

specification and source code

B. A test configuration that includes a test plan and procedure, any testing tools that rare to be
used and test cases and their expected results

Testing is divided into three distinct operations: modular testing, integration testing and
system testing. In the series of testing, the following steps are implemented.

The testing was one of the most important features of the project. A person other than us
tested the forms thoroughly for the defects based on test plans. Actual results were noted
against the expected results. The defects came across while testing and the defects were
closed.The first test of a system is to see whether it producing the correct output. No other test
can be more crucial following this step a variety of tests were conducted and found the system
smoothly working.


The programmer itself did this testing. We had test unit of the software separately and found
that every unit was working perfectly. Several validations were done for making the system
from accepting the wrong data.


The programmer and the quality assurance group of the company did this testing together. The
volume testing and stress testing were conducted and system passed the testing successfully.
The integrated software is completed tested to see that every unit in the software work
together without any problem.


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For the acceptance testing the software was given to the client. After their suggestions and
making necessary enhancements the system pass the acceptance test.


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Once the functional requirements study is complete and management gives the go-ahead,
the next step is to develop the document which will solicit proposals from interested
geographic information system(GIS) vendors. This document is the Request for
proposal(RFP). Results from the RFP will produce a number of different GIS options for the
organization, each of which will have strong points and weakness. At this point, different
decisions will need to be made in an attempt to match needs with products available in the
current marketplace. Management will need assurance that the system chosen is the best
option available. Responses of the RFP will indicate the feasibility of achieving the projects
goal. An open attitude to the relationship with suppliers and the conduct of tests essential,
evaluations must be open to outside scrutiny.


Implementation is the final stage and its an important phase. It involves the individual
programming; system testing, user training and the operational running of developed
proposed system that constitutes the application subsystems. One major task of preparing for
implementation is education of users, which should really have been taken place much
earlier in the project when they were being involved in the investigation and design work.
During the implementation phase system actually takes physical shape. In order to develop a
system implemented, planning is very essential. The implementation phase of the software
development is concerned with translating design specifications in to source code.

The implementation phase ends with an evaluation of the system after placing it into
operation for a period of time. Implementation is the third phase of the system process. In
order to achieve the objectives and the expected performance the system has been developed
in a highly interactive and user-friendly manner.

Implementation plan

The following are the steps involved in the implementation plan:

Test system with sample data

Detection and correction of errors

Make the necessary changes in the system

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Check with the existing system

Installation of hardware and software utilities

Training and involvement of user personnel


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Maintenance is making adaptation of the software for external changes (requirements changes
or enhancements) and internal change (fixing buggs). When changes are made during
maintenance phase all preceeding steps of the model must be revisited.

There are 4 type of maintenance,

1. Corrective(fixing buggs/errors)
Corrective maintenance deals with the repair of faults or defects found. A defect can
result from design errors, logic errors and coding errors (Takang and Grubb [1996]).
Design errors occur when, for example, changes made to the software are incorrect,
incomplete, wrongly communicated or the change request is misunderstood. Logic
errors result from invalid tests and conclusions, incorrect implementation of design
specifications, faulty logic flow or incomplete test of data. Coding errors are caused by
incorrect implementation of detailed logic design and incorrect use of the source code

2. Adaptive(updates due to the environment changes)

Adaptive maintenance consists of adapting software to changes in the environment,
such as the hardware or the operating system. The term environment in this context
refers to the totality of all conditions and influences which act from outside upon the
system, for example, business rule, government policies, work patterns, software and
hardware operating platforms (Takang and Grubb [1996]). The need for adaptive
maintenance can only be recognized by monitoring the environment (Coenen and
Bench-Capon [1993]).

3. Perfective(enhancements, requirement changes)

Perfective maintenance mainly deals with accommodating to new or changed user
requirements. Perfective maintenance concerns functional enhancements to the system
and activities to increase the systems performance or to enhance its user interface
(van Vliet [2000]). A successful piece of software tends to be subjected to a succession
of changes, changes, resulting in an increase in the number of requirements. This is
based on the premise that as the software becomes useful, the users tend to experiment
with new cases beyond the scope for which it was initially developed (Takang and
Grubb [1996]).

4. Preventive

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Preventive maintenance concerns activities aimed at increasing the systems

maintainability, such as updating documentation, adding comments, and improving the
modular structure of the system (van Vliet [2000]). The long-term effect of corrective,
adaptive and perfective changes increases the systems complexity (Takang and Grubb
[1996]). As a large program is continuously changed, its complexity, which reflects
deteriorating structure, increases unless work is done to maintain or reduce it. This
work is known as preventive change.


The project entitled CAPITAL FINSERVE; PRIVATE BANK was completed on time
and was tested with proper date. In this system, neat formatted reports can be printed within a
short period of time. The system is very user friendly and reports are screen oriented.
Accurate updating, data validation and integrity are observed in the system. All the effects
have put to make sure that the system can manage the details efficiently. The results are
obtained in a timely and constrained manner since each process is implemented using single
module. The system is reliable to further modification. It also provides easy maintenance
adequate security has also provided to ensure that only authorized persons may use this

Department of Computer Science Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 31

Private banking system is easy for payments and transactions

Private banking system would provide the way to save time.
Private banking system helps to view details in a significant manner.
Independent from the dealings of the bank staffs.
Transactions can be monitorized day by day.

All the existing inconsistencies are fully solved as this system is implemented. This reduced
the burden of the administration of the system. All the modules are tested separately and put
together to form the main system. Finally the system is tested with real data and it worked
successfully. Thus the system has fulfilled the entire objective defined.


1. Elias M Awards SYSTEM ANALYSIS AND DESIGN II Edition,1999



Department of Computer Science Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

Capital Finserve Ltd; Private Bank 32

Department of Computer Science Nirmala College, Muvattupuzha

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