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The main task of this report is:

You are required to carry out an in depth investigation

into the organisation, with a view to the strategy of
Siemens. The assignment is based around the topics that
we have discussed


Read the first 4 slides very carefully to get a brief

understanding of the renewable energy strategy
that Siemens is following. The slides are not enough
so you need to do a bit of internet searching as well.
Prepare a report covering the following parts:

Introduction about Siemens and report

1.Internal and external analysis (SWOT, PESTLE)

2.Political economy in which SIEMENS operates
(view slide of chapter 2 of Hills international
3.International strategies that Siemens follows
(View slide of chapter 13 of Hills book): first
briefly describe the major strategies and then
identify and discuss the ones that Siemens
4.Critical analysis of Siemens renewable
energy strategy. What it is, how it will add
value to the firm, what are its limitations or
challenges of implementing it etc. (THIS NEEDS
TO BE DETAILEDwhile describing the pros
make sure you talk about global warming,
growing demand due to globalization etc.)
5.Organisational design needed to implement
the renewable eergy strategy.what
organizational architecture, structure, culture
does siemens needs to follow to implement its
strategy (view slide of chapter 14 of Hills
6.Entry Strategy: If siemens decides to
implement its renewable strategy abroad then
what entry strategy can it follow? (joint
venture, export, import, Strategic Alliance)- go
for strategic alliance ((view slide of chapter 15
of Hills book)
7.Ethical implications: What are the ethical
effects of the strategy


Dont write too much on points 1,2&3.

Main focus should be on point 4. It should be
detailed and analytical.
Points 5,6&7 are also important give them
second priority after point 4

Ive given the updated slides in the zip file..follow


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