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Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 867872

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Clinical Biomechanics
j o u r n a l h o m e p a g e : w w w. e l s ev i e r. c o m / l o c a t e / c l i n b i o m e c h

Biomechanical effects of the extent of sacrectomy on the stability of lumbo-iliac

reconstruction using iliac screw techniques: What level of sacrectomy requires the
bilateral dual iliac screw technique?
Bin-Sheng Yu a,, Xin-Ming Zhuang a, Ze-Min Li a, Zhao-Min Zheng a, Zhi-Yu Zhou a,
Xue-Nong Zou a, William W. Lu b,
Department of Spine Surgery, the First Afliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University, 183 Huangpu East Road, Guangzhou, China, 510700
Department of Orthopaedics and Traumatology, the University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Although both single and dual iliac screw techniques are used in spino-pelvic reconstruction
Received 26 November 2009 following sacrectomy for treating sacral tumors, the basis for choosing between the two techniques for
Accepted 16 June 2010 different instability types remains undetermined. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effects of the
extent of sacrectomy on the stability of the lumbo-iliac xation construct using single and dual iliac screw
Keywords: techniques.
Sacral tumor
Methods: Nine human L2-pelvic specimens were tested for their intact condition simulated by L3L5 pedicle
Lumbo-iliac xation
screw xation. Sequential partial sacrectomies and L3-iliac xation using bilateral single and dual iliac
Iliac screw screws were conducted on the same specimens as follows: under-S1 sacrectomy + single screw, under-S1
Biomechanics sacrectomy + single screw, one-side sacroiliac joint resection + single screw, total sacrectomy + single
screw, and total sacrectomy + dual screw. Biomechanical testing was performed on a material testing
machine for evaluating the stiffness of the L3-iliac xation construct in compression and torsion.
Findings: Single iliac screw technique was found to effectively restore the local stability in under-S1
sacrectomy. However, it could not provide adequate stability for further resection of one-side sacroiliac joint
in torsion and total sacrectomy in compression (P b 0.05). On the other hand, dual iliac screw technique could
restore the stability to the intact condition after total sacrectomy in both compression and torsion.
Interpretation: The single iliac screw technique for L3-iliac xation could effectively restore the local stability
for under-S1 sacrectomy. However, for instabilities of the under-S1 sacrectomy with one-side sacroiliac
joint resection or total sacrectomy, the dual iliac screw technique should be considered.
2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction Therefore, the extent of sacral resection may be an important factor

that affects the stability of the lumbo-iliac xation construct.
Spino-pelvic fusion with screw-rod instrumentation is commonly To overcome the biomechanical limitations faced by the single iliac
adopted in the surgical treatment of sacral tumors requiring high level screw technique, the dual iliac screw technique was developed
sacrectomy (Acharya et al., 2008; Fujibayashi et al., 2007; Dickey et al., (Zhang et al., 2003). Yu et al. (2010) have conrmed the biomechan-
2005; Doita et al., 2003; Mindea et al., 2003; Xiao et al., 2003; Zhang et ical advantage of dual over single iliac screw in restoring the stability
al., 2003). Compared with the Galveston technique, the iliac screw is of the lumbo-iliac xation construct in vertical and rotational planes.
able to increase the initial stability and simplify the operative Furthermore, several clinical studies (Acharya et al., 2008; Fujibayashi
manipulation (Schwend et al., 2003). Although providing good clinical et al., 2007; Dickey et al., 2005) have demonstrated that the dual iliac
and functional results for patients with partial sacrectomy and screw technique provides good clinical results for patients with the
preserved total (or partial) S1 (Xiao et al., 2003), the single iliac partial or total sacrectomy with no iliac screw failure. However,
screw technique frequently results in a considerable rate of iliac screw clinical practices caution that the dual iliac screw technique may
failure (loosening and breakage) and nonunion when it is used for increase bone stock loss, prominence of the instrumentation, and
total sacrectomy condition (Doita et al., 2003; Mindea et al., 2003). screw-rod connection difculty as compared with the single iliac
screw technique (Moshirfar et al., 2005; Doita et al., 2003).
Consequently, single iliac screw technique should be preferred to
Corresponding authors. avoid these problems as long as sufcient stability can be maintained
E-mail addresses: (B.-S. Yu), (W.W. Lu). by this simpler procedure. Therefore, the extent of sacrectomy that

0268-0033/$ see front matter 2010 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
868 B.-S. Yu et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 867872

demands for a dual iliac screw xation in lumbo-iliac reconstruction were carefully removed, leaving the spinal ligaments, osseous and
should be determined. articular structures intact. Keeping the anterio-superior iliac spines
The sacrum, serving as the foundation of spine, transmits the stress and pubic tubercles in the vertical plane to simulate standing, the
between spine and pelvis through sacroiliac joints. Depending upon cranial (L2 and partial L3 vertebrae) and caudal (both sides of
the tumor nature and location, the surgical procedure may include ischiadic tuberosities) ends of the specimens were embedded with
complete or partial sacrectomy, which induces various instabilities. polyester resin to mount the specimen to the mechanical testing
Biomechanical studies have conrmed that the distal partial sacrect- machine (Yu et al., 2009) (Fig. 1A).
omy involving S1 may notably damage the biomechanical functions of
sacrum and sacroiliac joints (Gunterberg et al., 1976; Hugate et al., 2.2. Partial sacrectomies and lumbo-iliac reconstructions
2006; Yu et al., 2009). Up till now, previous studies have been focusing
on whether the spino-pelvic reconstruction should be used and which The specimens were rmly clamped to the upper and lower
reconstruction technique could improve the local stability. However, xtures of a material testing machine (MTS 858 Bionix, MTS System
no previous study has investigated how to select the single and dual Inc, Minneapolis, MN) (Fig. 1A). Under the displacement control
iliac screw techniques for different instability types caused by various mode, ensuring that the specimen is held rmly in place without any
sacrectomies. movement, the L3, L4, and L5 pedicle screws (6.5-mm diameter and
Therefore, the purpose of this study was to biomechanically 45-mm long), and iliac screws (7.5-mm diameter and 70-mm length)
compare the single and dual iliac screw xation techniques in lumbo- were bilaterally inserted with the use of a posterior spino-pelvic
iliac reconstruction for sequential partial sacrectomies. By making this xation system (Medtronic-WeiGao Inc., Weihai, China). The pedicle
comparison, this study aimed to investigate the extent of partial screws were laterally straight and parallel to the vertebral endplate as
sacrectomy requiring the application of dual iliac screw technique. described in a previous study (Zheng et al., 2009). A trapezoid-shaped
tricortical iliac bone block, of which the bottom reached the surface of
2. Methods sacral ala, was cut around the center of the postero-superior iliac
spine (PSIS) (Acharya et al., 2008; Fujibayashi et al., 2007). Two iliac
2.1. Specimen preparation screws were inserted from the two centers of the superior and inferior
portions of the exposed cancellous bone to the antero-inferior iliac
Nine fresh human cadavers (5 male and 4 female) of age ranging spine (AIIS) (Fig. 2). In this procedure, after pilot holes were made
from 25 to 75 years (mean: 49.3 years) were used in this study. The using a straight surgical probe under direct vision, a 7.0-mm surgical
medical history of each cadaver was inspected and their radiographs tap was used to tap the holes. Then the iliac screws were inserted into
were taken to exclude specimen with metastatic or primary the superior and inferior screw tracts, respectively (Zheng et al.,
neoplastic bone lesions or evidence of any other gross abnormalities. 2009). Radiography was used to conrm the correct insertion of
For each specimen, the bone mineral density (BMD) was measured at screws.
L1L4 by CT scan (DEXA, Densiscan 1000, Scanco Medical, Two rods were pre-bent based on the lumbo-iliac alignment and
Switzerland) with a slice thickness of 2 mm, and the average value L3L5 xation was conducted in situ. Thereafter, two cross-links were
was used as the specimen's BMD (Yu et al., 2009; Zheng et al., 2009). set at the L3L4 and L5-S1 levels respectively to connect the two
L2-pelves were harvested from the cadavers and stored in double- longitudinal rods. This state was dened as the lumbo-iliac intact
wrapped plastic bags at 20 C. Before the experiment, the specimens condition in this study. Following intact testing, L3-iliac xation using
were thawed for 24 h at room temperature. The residual musculatures bilateral single iliac screw technique was carried out by further

Fig. 1. Photograph and radiograph showing the dual iliac screw technique after total sacrectomy. A: the cranial and caudal sites of the specimen were mounted by polyester resin, by
which the specimen was rmly clamped between the upper and lower grips of the MTS machine; B: two short iliac screws were placed in the lower iliac column.
B.-S. Yu et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 867872 869

(3) One-side (left) sacroiliac joint resection + single screw: the left
side of residual sacroiliac joint and part of sacral ala from 1 cm
to the articular surface were removed;
(4) Total sacrectomy + single screw: the residual sacrum was
completely cut leaving the bilateral ilio-lumbar ligaments
intact (Fig. 4A);
(5) Total sacrectomy + dual screw: the bilateral superior iliac
screws were additionally connected to the rods (Fig. 4B).

All the instrumentation xation and destabilization procedures

were performed under MTS displacement control mode to prevent
any possible change in position of the specimens. All the screw-rod
junctions were tightened to 60 inch-pounds of torque using a torque

2.3. Biomechanical testing

Nondestructive biomechanical testing was rst performed on the

intact condition. After each reconstruction, the testing was repeated
to evaluate the lumbo-iliac stability. The testing protocol included
compression (0 to 800 N) and axial rotation (7 Nm to + 7 Nm
with 100 N compressive preload). These maximum loading levels
chosen are similar to those in previous in vitro studies (Yu et al., 2009;
Zheng et al., 2009). Each testing mode was repeated 5 cycles at a rate
of 0.5 Hz, the data from the fourth cycle of compression and torsion
Fig. 2. Photograph showing two iliac screws inserted into the lower iliac column. For
the single iliac screw technique, the inferior iliac screw was connected to the rod. were used for analysis. The linear, angular range of motion (ROM) of
the xation constructs and the loads were measured by the inbuilt
displacement transducers and load cells of MTS. During the experi-
ments, a saline humidier was used to keep the cadaveric specimens
connecting the inferior iliac screws to the rods. With the lumbo-iliac moist. Each specimen was tested within 4 h after thawing. After the
xation, sequential sacrectomies (Yu et al., 2009) and biomechanical nal testing, antero-posterior and lateral radiographies were taken for
testing were performed in each specimen as follows (Fig. 3): each specimen.

(1) Under-S1 sacrectomy + single screw: sacrum amputation 2.4. Data analysis
along with the attached ligaments below the inferior border
of the rst sacral foramen was performed using a surgical Two typical curves, load vs linear displacement and torque vs
T-saw. The cut-line corresponded to the level of S1/2 disc; angular displacement, were plotted from the data of the 4th cycle. The
(2) Under-S1 sacrectomy + single screw: the cut-line passed maximal compressive (linear) and rotational (angular) displacements
through the superior border of the rst posterior sacral between the peak and trough points were obtained to calculate the
foramen at the level of 1 cm below sacral promontory. Below stiffness of xation construct (Yu et al., 2009). The construct stiffness
this cut-line, the sacrum bone was osteotomized; was furthermore normalized to the corresponding data from the

Fig. 3. Sketch showing the patterns of partial sacrectomy.

870 B.-S. Yu et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 867872

Fig. 4. Diagrams showing the single and dual iliac screw technique after total sacrectomy. A: single iliac screw technique; B: dual iliac screw technique.

intact condition of the same specimen. Statistical analyses were 3.2. Torsional stiffness of the L3-iliac xation construct
performed with SPSS software (version 11.5, Chicago, IL). One-way
ANOVA and post hoc LSD test were used for statistical analysis of the Signicant differences on construct torsion stiffness were found
data at a signicance level of P b 0.05. between the six groups (F = 18.2; P = 0.001). No signicant differences
were detected among under-S1 sacrectomy+ single screw, under-S1
sacrectomy + single screw, and the intact condition (P N 0.05), also
3. Results
between the two groups of one-side sacroiliac joint resection and total
sacrectomy with single iliac screw technique (P N 0.05). However, the
The average BMD value of the 9 specimens was 1.07 (standard
one-side sacroiliac joint resection + single screw and total sacrectomy
deviation: 0.14) g/cm2, ranging from 0.83 to 1.26 g/cm2. None of the
+ single screw exhibited signicantly lower torsion stiffness than the
specimens was osteoporotic. All the specimens successfully went
under-S1 sacrectomy+ single screw and the intact condition. Impor-
through the biomechanical testing after reconstruction. No radiolu-
tantly, total sacrectomy + dual screw offered remarkably higher torsion
cent halo around the screws was observed in radiographs, and high
stiffness than the under-S1 sacrectmy + single screw, one-side
torque was still required for removing the iliac screws after each
sacroiliac joint resection + single screw, and total sacrectomy + single
testing. The mean values and standard deviations of all biomechanical
screw (P b 0.05); moreover, its stiffness was comparable with those of
parameters are summarized in Table 1.
the under-S1 sacrectomy + single screw and intact state (P N 0.05)
(Table 1).
3.1. Compressive stiffness of the L3-iliac xation construct
4. Discussion
Signicant differences were detected among the six groups under
compressive loading condition (F = 21.55; P = 0.001). No signicant We evaluated the single and dual iliac screw techniques in
differences were demonstrated when the three groups of under-S1 different instability types caused by various sacrectomies and found
sacrectomy, under-S1 sacrectomy, and one-side sacroiliac joint that: single iliac screw technique could effectively restore local
resection with the single iliac screw xation were compared with the stability for under-S1 sacrectomy and it could not provide adequate
intact state (P N 0.05); however, the above four groups showed stability for further resection of one-side sacroiliac joint in tortion and
signicantly higher compressive stiffness than total sacrectomy + total sacrectomy in compression; however, dual iliac screw technique
single screw (P b 0.05). Although total sacrectomy + dual screw exhib- could restore the stability after total sacrectomy to the intact
ited no signicant difference from under-S1 sacrectomy+ single screw, condition in both compression and torsion.
under-S1 sacrectomy+ single screw, and the intact state, it displayed Our biomechanical ndings from this study are in agreement with
markedly higher compressive stiffness than one-side sacroiliac joint some of the previous clinical studies. Xiao et al. (2003) performed L3-
resection + single screw and total sacrectomy+ single screw (P b 0.05) iliac screw-rod xation with single iliac screw technique and
(Table 1). posterolateral fusion followed by under-S1 or S1 partial sacrectomy
for 12 patients with the primary distal sacral tumor. They observed a
Table 1 solid fusion within the early postoperative period in all patients and
Construct stiffness (% of intact state): mean (standard deviation). no implant failure until 25 months of postoperative follow-up in any
Compressive Torsional
of the patients. For 3 patients of total sacrectomy, Doita et al. (2003)
stiffness (%) stiffness (%) conducted L3-iliac screw-rod xation using single iliac screw
technique and bone fusion between the iliac wings (with bular
Intact condition 100(0) 100(0)
Under-S1 sacrectomy + single screw 106.4(9.0) 105.4(8.8) bone) and the posterolateral sides of the spine (with iliac bone).
Under-S1 sacrectomy + single screw 102.7(8.0) 89.8(12.3) Unfortunately, nonunion in 1 case and iliac screw loosening in all the
One-side sacroiliac joint resection + single screw 92.2(10.1) 75.9a(10.6) cases were observed in Doita et al.'s study within the rst year of
Total sacrectomy + single screw 72.7b(8.0) 71.2a(10.2)
postoperative follow-up. In contrast, Acharya et al. (2008) and Dickey
Total sacrectomy + dual screw 107.7c(10.7) 109.1d(16.9)
et al. (2005) executed the L4-iliac fusion and screw-rod instrumen-
Signicantly different from the under-S1 sacrectomy + single screw, total sacrect- tation using the bilateral dual iliac screw technique in sacral tumor
omy + dual screw, and intact condition.
Signicantly different from all the other groups.
patients with total sacrectomy. In both these studies, good clinical and
Signicantly different from the one-side sacroiliac joint resection + single screw. functional results were obtained with no failure of the instrumenta-
Signicantly different from the under-S1 sacrectomy + single screw. tion even at 2 years of postoperative follow-up.
B.-S. Yu et al. / Clinical Biomechanics 25 (2010) 867872 871

Biomechanical studies by Gunterberg et al. (1976) and Hugate et to create an environment of mechanical stability in which fusion can
al. (2006) conrmed that partial sacrectomy cephalad to 1/2 of S1 occur. If a lumbo-iliac xation cannot provide adequate initial
notably damaged the vertical loading function of sacrum. Yu et al. stability, the long-term stability through fusion, which might take
(2009) further conducted a detailed analysis of 5 sequential partial many months, would likely not occur. Thus, the evaluation of the
sacrectomies on sacroiliac joints by applying rotational and compres- initial stability is perhaps more important than that of the delayed
sive loads. They concluded that, the under-S1 partial sacrectomy stability through fusion.
procedure could result in rotational instability; the distal resection The results of this study suggest that total sacrectomy or under-
beyond S1 lead to vertical instability; and the under-S1 partial S1 partial sacrectomy with one-side sacroiliac joint resection is an
sacrectomy with one-side sacroiliac joint resection produced a more indication to choose the dual iliac screw technique in the lumbo-iliac
unstable condition with about 50% loss in the stiffness from the intact reconstruction procedures. To the best of our knowledge, this is the
sacroiliac joints. Based on these studies, we have simulated 4 rst study to investigate how to select the single and dual iliac screw
sequential destabilized patterns which need local instrumentation technique for treating the instabilities generated from various
in this study. sacrectomy. However, iliac screw technique is also commonly applied
In this study, for the unstable condition of under-S1 partial in long segment xation during the treatment of spinal deformities
sacrectomy with one-side sacroiliac joint resection, the single iliac and severe lumbo-sacral injuries (Moshirfar et al., 2005; Schildhauer
screw technique could still maintain 92.2% compressive stiffness of et al., 2002). Therefore, in those spinal elds, how to choose the single
the intact condition. Furthermore, such instability instrumented with or dual iliac screw technique needs to be investigated further by
the single iliac screw offered obviously higher construct compression clinical and biomechanical studies.
stiffness than the total sacrectomy + single screw. These ndings
reveal that partially preserving the S1 body may be benecial to 5. Conclusions
support the lumbo-iliac implantation. However, in torsional loading,
the one-side sacroiliac joint resection + single screw restored only For under-S1 partial sacrectomies, L3-iliac xation using single
75.9% construct stiffness of the intact condition and further exhibited iliac screw could effectively restore local stability; however, it could
signicantly lower stiffness than the intact state. The purpose of not provide adequate stability for further resection of one-side sacro-
reconstruction is to improve stability in all three-dimensions of the iliac joint or total sacrectomy. In such situations, the use of dual iliac
spine to eliminate local pain and improve the quality of life (Jackson screw technique could obtain sufcient construct stability. Therefore,
and Gokaslan, 2000). Consequently, single iliac screw xation should lumbo-iliac reconstruction with the dual iliac screw technique should
not be applied for the treatment of the instability resulting from high be considered for treating unstable conditions following total
level sacrectomy combined with one-side sacroiliac joint resection, sacrectomy or under-S1 sacrectomy with one-side sacroiliac joint
because it fails to restore the rotational stability as observed in this resection.
Although anatomically ideal for biomechanical evaluation, human Acknowledgement
cadavers provide large specimen-to-specimen differences in BMD,
size, and gender. This study has been carefully designed to minimize The authors would like to thank Medtronic-WeiGao Inc. for
such variation. Firstly, sequential sacral resections and testing were providing the posterior spinal xation system. This study was supported
performed on the same specimen; secondly, all destabilizations and by Guangdong Provincial Medical Research Foundation of China
reconstructions were carried out under the displacement control (A2008161 and 2008B050100012).
mode of MTS machine to maintain the consistency of the experimen-
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