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March 2017


From skeptical to booming

By Matt Payne and Jenna Duncan

efore the birth of Cindy Ty-

B singers woman-owned, multi-

million-dollar IT firm GSATi,
she remembers being the chief in-
formation officer and senior vice
president of information technology
at marketing firm Mannatech.
She was skeptical of being the
only female executive in the compa-
ny, and once it sold to a larger com-
pany, her skepticism grew. So she
decided to do things her own way:
She went to start her own business.
The staff of GSATi which start-
ed at Tysingers home in Denton,
with her two sons and a collection of
employees who worked with her at
Mannatech pride themselves on
the IT firms familial mindset. GSATi
employs staff from five states and
four countries, with multilingual
team members to negotiate with
clients worldwide.
Diversity is very important to us.
Its one of our highest values our
culture is based upon, Tysinger said.
The proudest thing Ive seen in this
culture is this family. We call every-
body family.
Since 2009, theres been a 192
percent increase in loan dollars for
woman-owned businesses across the
county, said Darla Booker, regional
communications director for the
Small Business Association. The
boom is statewide, with Texas ranked
No. 2 for woman-owned businesses
in the country.
With the numbers increasing,
support is too. In 2010, the Denton
Chamber of Commerce started the
Women in Commerce group, looking
to support its female members.
With resources expanding,
The chamber felt, given that we
have so many women contributing
great things to our community, that
female business owners
we needed a place to develop more
women leaders, said Angelica Del
Rosal, director of membership and
better able to follow
programs for the chamber. Even
though we dont necessarily zero in
on other particular segments, we did
example of Dentons GSATi
feel that it was justified given the
As the group, known as WINC, ABOVE GSATi CEO and founder Cindy Tysinger poses Thursday with
has established itself, Del Rosal says her companys core values at her office on the second floor of the Texas
there are plans to grow its influence. Building on the Denton Square.
Over the past seven years, the group
Photo by Jeff Woo
has focused on providing training,
networking and professional devel-
opment resources. Soon, it hopes to LEFT The Denton Chamber of Commerce holds regular mixers through
add another component: mentorship. its Women in Commerce group.
WOMEN | CONTINUED ON PAGE 7 Courtesy photo

Bills where you can cut a better deal

By Liz Weston | NerdWallet

The word bills used to be synon-

ymous with fixed expenses. But
theres nothing fixed about many of
the bills a typical household pays
Some bills have introductory rates
that expire, shooting monthly costs
skyward. Others offer secret dis-
counts or upgrades to those in the
know. Providers constantly tweak
their plans and pricing, which means
long-term customers can overpay by
hundreds of dollars a year.
Its like airline seating pricing,
By Jenna Duncan | Staff Writer running the shop. Move-out is set for says Steven McKean, founder and
the end of March. CEO of BillShark, a bill negotiating
Noles General Store is moving Speaking of moves, Old West service based in Boston. I wouldnt
to a booth space at Antique Gallery Cafe is moving by the end of the say [people] are overcharged, but I
in Lewisville after operating at 315 W. month. The new location (formerly would just say that the pricing is very
Hickory St. for almost six years. the Black-eyed Pea) will double the opaque. Getty Images
Christye Price, the stores buyer, said restaurants seating area. BillShark calculates that Americans Some bills have introductory rates that expire, shooting monthly costs skyward. Provid-
the business wanted to downsize and ers constantly tweak their plans and pricing, which means long-term customers can
take away the daily commitment of DUNCAN | CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 BILLS | CONTINUED ON PAGE 10 overpay by hundreds of dollars a year.

2 MARCH 2017 D
BC Denton Record-Chronicle

Enterprising Voices
Challenges faced by womens small businesses
omen small busi-

W ness owners are

extremely optimistic
about the future, business
... and how were changing the world
performance and plans to is up 18 percent since 2007
invest in their businesses The strongest employment
through marketing and prod- growth among women-owned
uct and service development. firms is seen among [small
But women in small busi- businesses] employing be-
ness also face a particular set Ren PAULSON | tween 50 and 99 workers.
of hurdles: limited access to a Disappearing are the work-
support network, balancing COMMENTARY ers who wanted to work hard
business and family life, and just for a paycheck. They want
coping with the fear of failure Im a perfectionist, so dele- to be engaged, they want to
while at the same time owning gation is something I really work for a company with
our accomplishments. struggle with. Clients initially purpose, etc. Women are
How can we make direct were referred to my business better at creating companies
changes to this in the immedi- because of the quality my that have a purpose.
ate future? work, but in order to grow So how do you motivate
personally and professionally, employees? Commit to a set
Balancing business its critical to delegate. amount of time each week or
and family life How do you overcome that month to engage your em-
As women, we no doubt delegation hurdle? First, take ployees. Have a group meeting
have a lot on our plates be- the time to train your staff, but to gather their ideas on your
tween work and life responsi- also train yourself in thinking business directions and report
bilities. Work-life balance is a differently. There is not always on the ones you implement.
goal of many entrepreneurs one way to complete a task, Many of our greatest business
regardless of their gender, but and recognizing that can be ideas came from my employ-
women with their own busi- very freeing. As your company ees.
nesses have to simultaneously grows, your doing hat has to
run their families and their shrink and your training hat Fear of failure vs.
companies. And in this area, has to grow. Take the time to celebrating successes
traditional gender expecta- train your employees and trust Confidence is a big factor
tions often still prevail. their work. in business, and it most defi-
I think one of the greatest Take the time to organize nitely can be learned. This is
contributors to this struggle and plan. Remember that we why I really encourage more
for balance is how we, as always underestimate the time women to take on leadership Getty Images/Thinkstock
women, approach our priori- it takes to do something. The roles and do the things theyre Women who own small businesses face a particular set of hurdles, and women finally are allowing themselves
ties. For example, as a woman to-do list will never truly end, passionate about, even if they to be open and authentic about their struggles.
business owner with children, so be sure to work in time for are scared, dont have the
the amount you juggle is mag- family and yourself and confidence or dont feel that themselves to be open and place to help businesses head- sion and purpose.
nified when you add in the dont feel guilty about it. Youll they are an expert. We have a authentic about their strug- ed by women and minorities
day-to-day management of be more focused for work if tendency to make excuses that gles. More and more women gain a competitive advantage. REN PAULSON is exec-
your companys growth strate- you take the time for personal lead to not doing. are supporting and encourag- However, as women and utive director of the Center
gies and resources in addition things. Its all perspective. Expert ing one another to talk about women business owners, one for Research Design and
to waking up in the morning doesnt mean you know 100 the disappointments of life of our greatest weapons in Analysis at Texas Womans
to get the kids up, fed, dressed Employee engagement percent of something, it and business, and still cele- our fight for true equality is University. Paulson is a
and out the door without even Similar to the shift in how means you have comprehen- brating their wins without our voice. Together, we can senior statistician and presi-
stopping for a cup of coffee. we conduct business, employ- sive knowledge and skills. being judged for it. speak out on the issues that dent of Elite Research LLC,
Women feel compelled to ee work motivation is chang- Recognize that you have what The growing prevalence of are most important to all of the founder of Divergent Web
take care of others first at ing. According to the State of makes you an expert. As your women small business owners us, in our communities, in Solutions LLC and PhD
home and in the workplace. Women-Owned Business business experience grows, didnt happen by accident. our states and in our nations, and a member
Well make time for extra Executive Report (April that confidence will grow, and Legislative acts such as the capital. It is an amazing time of MomMD LLC. She recent-
projects, client lunches, calls 2016), the growth trend in as that happens, take the time Small Business Jobs Act of to be a female business own- ly was named to the Nation-
or employees, but never paus- employment is coming from to celebrate. 2010 and the Womens Equity er; women are stepping up to al Small Business Associa-
ing for ourselves. woman-owned firms, which Women finally are allowing in Contracting Act were put in create careers based in pas- tion Leadership Council.

Biz on the Wire Calendar of Events

APIs and IPAs, hosted by Denton County Young Lake Cities Chamber of

Oil could flow next week TechMill, meets every other

Tuesday at Harvest House, 331
E. Hickory St., for a tech-
centered hangout.
Professionals hosts a month-
ly mixer at a new place each
month. Aprils mixer will be
on the lawn of the Courthouse
Commerce holds weekly
coffee meetings on Wednes-
days. Upcoming locations will
be listed at www.lakecities
Dakota Access Tuesday, March 28, 6:30 p.m. on the Square.
Tuesday, April 11, 6:30 p.m.
firm asks judge to Thursday, April 6, 5:30 p.m. Wednesday, March 22, 7:15 a.m.
Wednesday, March 29, 7:15 a.m.
Wednesday, April 5, 7:15 a.m.
reject tribal plea Argyle Planning and Denton Hispanic Cham- Wednesday, April 12, 7:15 a.m.
Zoning Commission meets ber of Commerce holds its
By Blake Nicholson | AP the first Tuesday of the month monthly lead generator lun- Lake Cities Chamber of
at 308 Denton St. cheon the second Tuesday of Commerce hosts monthly
BISMARCK, N.D. The Tuesday, April 4, 6:30 p.m. the month. It is held at Side- luncheons at rotating loca-
company building the Dakota walk Cafe, 2900 Wind River tions on the third Tuesday of
Access pipeline has asked a Denton Black Chamber Lane, and admission is $5 for the month. This month will be
federal judge to reject the of Commerce meets the members and $10 for guests. at Oakmont Country Club,
latest attempt by two Amer- second Tuesday of the month Tuesday, April 11, 11:30 a.m. 1901 Oakmont Drive in Cor-
ican Indian tribes to halt the at the Denton Housing Au- inth.
project, with oil likely to begin thority, 1225 Wilson St. The Denton League of Tuesday, March 21, 11:30 a.m.
flowing early next week. Tuesday, April 11, 6 p.m. United Latin American
Texas-based Energy Trans- Citizens No. 4366 meets the Little D Open Coffee
fer Partners argues in court Denton Chamber of third Saturday of the month at Club, hosted by TechMill,
documents filed Monday that Commerce will host its annu- the Denton Senior Center, meets every other Tuesday at
it has endured enough delays al banquet at the University of 509 N. Bell Ave. West Oak Coffee Bar, 114 W.
and that the Standing Rock North Texas Gateway Center, Saturday, March 18, 9:30 a.m. Oak St., to discuss technology
and Cheyenne River Sioux 801 North Texas Blvd. In- and startups.
tribes are employing a last- dividual tickets cost $60, and Denton Planning and Tuesday, March 21, 8 a.m.
Tuesday, April 4, 8 a.m.
gasp litigation tactic. sponsorships are still available. Zoning Commission meets
The tribes have appealed a Thursday, March 23, 5:30 p.m. at City Hall, 215 E. McKinney
decision by U.S. District Judge St., every other Wednesday. Sanger Area Chamber of
James Boasberg to not stop Denton Chamber of Wednesday, March 22, 6:30 p.m. Commerce holds a network-
Wednesday, April 5, 6:30 p.m.
construction of the pipelines Commerce hosts regular ing leads luncheon the fourth
final segment under Lake Smart Business 101 seminars Wednesday of every month.
Oahe, a Missouri River reser- at the chamber office, 414 W. Electronics recycling RSVP at http://sangertexas.
voir in North Dakota from Parkway St. This session will takes place at The Cupboard com. This months luncheon
which they get their water. focus on how to increase busi- Natural Foods and Cafe, 200 will be held at the chamber
Theyve asked Boasberg to ness presence on Google. W. Congress St., the second office, 300 Bolivar St.
head off the imminent flow of Tuesday, March 28, 11:45 a.m. Saturday of each month. Drop Wednesday, March 22, noon
oil through the four-state Tom Stromme/AP file photo off any computer-related
pipeline until the appeal is This Feb. 13 photo shows the site of the final phase of the Dakota Access Denton County Young electronics for recycling. Visit
resolved. pipeline near Cannon Ball, N.D. Sioux tribes suing to stop the pipeline Professionals host coffee
The tribes maintain that an want a federal judge to head off the imminent flow of oil. every third Wednesday of the for a list of acceptable items
oil pipeline under the lake month at The Chestnut Tree, and more information.
they consider sacred violates torney William Scherman defend their free exercise of 107 W. Hickory St. Saturday, April 8, 8 a.m.
their right to practice their wrote. religion. Wednesday, April 19
religion. The tribes initially sued In court documents, ETP
In its response, ETP argues over the project last summer, said the hole under the lake is
that the tribes religion-based arguing that it threatens cul- nearly finished, and crews
argument is flawed and that tural sites and their water anticipate pulling pipe
Who to contact
they introduced it too late in supply. Those claims are not through this week and doing
the legal process. yet resolved. The tribes added final testing. Scott K. Parks Managing Editor
The tribe fails to explain the religion argument last As a result, Dakota Access 940-566-6879 |
how the added burden of a month. projects that oil may be in-
pipeline that crosses this part In his decision last week, troduced in this part of the Jenna Duncan Business Editor
of the Missouri River could Boasberg said the tribes didnt line between Monday, March
itself produce irreparable raise the religion argument in 20, 2017, and Wednesday, 940-566-6889 |
harm to the purity of Lake a timely fashion and he ques- March 22, 2017, depending on
Oahes waters when so many tioned its merits. The tribes the success of the testing, Sandra Hammond Advertising Director
other oil pipelines, gas pipe- are appealing his reasoning to Scherman wrote. 940-566-6820 |
lines, refineries, power lines, the U.S. Court of Appeals for The pipeline will carry
railroad tracks and other the District of Columbia Cir- North Dakota oil through Shawn Reneau Retail Advertising
man-made intrusions have cuit and say that if oil flows South Dakota and Iowa to a 940-566-6843 |
burdened the same waters before the appeal is resolved, shipping point in Illinois 1,200
for so long, company at- they will lose any chance to miles away.
MARCH 2017 3
Denton Record-Chronicle D
Enterprising Voices

Some property exempt from seizure

t should be noted that

I Texas history is filled with

residents of other states
and countries moving to Texas
to escape debt and not-so-
friendly debt collection laws,
including debtors prison. For
example, William B. Travis
avoided arrest in Alabama for
unpaid debts by moving to Scott ALAGOOD |
As a result, early Texans COMMENTARY
were not so fond of govern-
ment interference in their policy protection, paid or
private matters, including debt volunteer fire protection, and
collection. That legacy still at least three of the following
exists in Texas. Obtaining a services provided by a munici-
judgment against a resident of pality or under contract to a
Texas may be one thing. But municipality: electric, natural
collecting it is certainly anoth- gas, sewer, storm sewer, and
er. water.
Chapters 41 and 42 of the The proceeds from the sale
Texas Property Code set forth of a homestead continue to be
certain property classifica- exempt for a period of six
tions that are exempt from months following the date of
execution by a judgment sale.
creditor. Execution is the Chapter 42 addresses ex-
process of forcefully taking empt personal property. Per-
the property of a debtor, sonal property includes move-
selling it and paying the able property that is not real
proceeds to a judgment cred- property. Certain amounts
itor. If the property is ex- and types of personal property
empt, it may not be taken to are exempt from garnishment,
satisfy a judgment debt. attachment, execution or
Chapter 41 deals with ex- other seizure. The amount is
empt real property. Real prop- limited to $100,000 of the
erty includes any permanent combined fair market value of
improvements and fixtures the personal property of a
located on land. Except for family. For a single adult, the
certain permitted types of exemption amount is limited
liens and removables, a to $50,000.
homestead and one or more The following are types of
lots used for a place of burial personal property that are
are exempt from seizure for exempt so long as the com-
the claims of a judgment bined value does not exceed
creditor. the limitations set forth
In order to qualify as a above:
homestead, the real property home furnishings, in-
(and improvements) must be cluding family heirlooms; Getty Images/Thinkstock
categorized as either urban or provisions for consump- Two horses and their forage are among the types of personal property that are exempt from execution by a judgment creditor so long as the combined
rural. If a property is urban, tion; value does not exceed set limitations.
then the homestead exemp- farming or ranching
tion is limited to 10 acres. If a vehicles and implements; or single adult who holds a household pets. professionally prescribed lease or abandonment of the
property is rural, then for a tools, equipment, books drivers license or who does Unpaid commissions for health aids of a debtor or a leased premises).
single adult person the home- and apparatuses, including not hold a drivers license but personal services not exceed- dependent of a debtor; Additionally, certain sav-
stead exemption is limited to boats and motor vehicles, used who relies on another person ing 25 percent of the limita- alimony, support or ings and retirement plans and
100 acres, and for a family the in a trade or profession; to operate the vehicle for the tions set forth above also are separate maintenance received college savings plans are ex-
exemption is limited to 200 wearing apparel; benefit of the nonlicensed exempt from seizure. or to be received by the debtor empted from seizure.
acres. jewelery not exceeding person; The following are the types for the support of the debtor
A property is considered 25 percent of the aggregate the following animals of personal property that are or a dependent of a debtor; R. SCOTT ALAGOOD is
rural if it is not urban. A prop- limits set forth above; and forage on hand for their exempt and their combined and certified by the Texas Board
erty is considered urban if the two firearms; consumption: two horses, value is not included in the Bible or other religious of Legal Specialization in
property is located within the athletic and sporting mules or donkeys and a sad- limitations discussed above: book containing sacred writ- commercial and residential
limits of a municipality or the equipment, including bicycles; dle, blanket and bridle for current wages for per- ings (excludes a landlord real estate law. He can be
extraterritorial jurisdiction of a two-wheel, three-wheel each; 12 head of cattle; 60 sonal services (except for exercising a contractual or reached at alagood@
a municipality or a platted or four-wheel motor vehicle head of other types of live- court-ordered child support statutory right to seize proper- and
subdivision; and is served by for each member of a family stock; and 120 fowl; and payments); ty after a tenants breach of a

Biz on the Wire

At AlphaGraphics we offer
Free meals return to coach on American a full range of print services
DALLAS (AP) Amer- Delays up sharply airlines could face fines. to support your business and
ican Airlines says it will offer U.S. airlines are having Only 76 percent of flights
free meals to everyone in trouble keeping flights on time on leading airlines arrived on increase your reach. Our AG
economy on certain cross- this winter, and they are re- time in January, down sharply
country flights starting May cording a sharp increase in from 81.3 percent a year earli- Signs product line is the
1. long delays. er.
The decision at the worlds The Transportation De- Hawaiian, Delta and ideal way to create a BIG
biggest airline copies Delta Air partment said Tuesday that 42 American had the best on-
Lines, which announced a flights in January were stuck time ratings. Virgin America impression and get your
month ago that it would re- on the ground so long that the had the worst.
store free meals in economy company noticed.
on a dozen long-haul U.S.
Fort Worth-based Amer- AUTO INJURIES?
ican said Tuesday that it will Denton Chiropractic Center Indoor, outdoor, trade
open the kitchen on nonstop
flights between New York and Auto & work injuries accepted. show, or banner, we have
both Los Angeles and San Mon. - Fri. 7-9, Sat. 7-6
Francisco. I-35 at McCormick an AG Signs solution for
The airline says that pas-
Se Habla Espaol.
sengers will get a continental all of your large format
breakfast or a sandwich wrap,
chips and dessert, or they can Dr. Melissa (940) 566-3232 Dr. Marcus
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pick a vegetarian meal or a
fruit-and-cheese plate. Were Here to HELP You!
Design Services Vehicle Graphics Wall & Floor Graphics
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4 MARCH 2017 D
BC Denton Record-Chronicle

Enterprising Voices

Set expectations for your marketing firm

omeone once told me (hopefully in the form of

S that expectations are

pre-planned resent-
ments, but if youre paying a
weekly, monthly or quarterly
reports) on exactly how effec-
tive their efforts have been
marketing company for ongo- and how close theyve been
ing services, I think you able to move you to your
should go ahead and set some goals.
expectations. A good marketing firm is
Working with a marketing going to tell you what cant be
company can be a big step for Heather STEELE | done with the time and bud-
many businesses, and theyre get you have. Theyll help you
often completely unsure of COMMENTARY set reasonable expectations
what to expect. around your marketing and
Lets knock that uncertain- $50,000). what their work can or cant
ty out here and now and get Marketing takes time and help you achieve.
you prepared for your first is a cumulative process, but it
interaction with a marketing still very much has a measur- Your marketing firm should
company. And I hope this isnt able effect. be accountable to you
the case, but lets give you the So before you go out and At the end of the day,
tools you need to evaluate hire a marketing company, youre the client, youre the
your current marketing com- educate yourself on just what one shelling out the big bucks
pany if theyre not performing marketing can and cannot do for marketing work, which
as youd like. for a business especially a means youre in control.
Heres what you should business in your industry. If youre not getting work
expect when hiring a market- Find out exactly what is and that meets the expectations
ing firm: isnt reasonable by researching youve set, if your marketing
online, talking to other busi- firm isnt willing to account
Dont expect the moon, but nesses in your industry and for its time or demonstrate
expect an asteroid or two talking to marketing firms results, if you cant get simple
If a marketing firm is that work with businesses like progress reports or data on
promising you the moon, is yours. how their marketing efforts
promising to get you on the If the marketing company are helping you reach your
first page of Google in a youre thinking of working goals
month, is promising you thou- with is promising you the Walk away.
sands of qualified leads each moon, ask them how they Or, at the very least, voice
week or an increase in busi- plan to deliver it. your expectations and ask that
ness of hundreds of percent, they be met. And if theyre not
you should probably run far, Marketing firm should be willing to do so, it might be
far away. able to show you progress best for both parties if you
However, theres a reason By the same token, if your part ways.
that some marketing firms marketing firm is unwilling to
promise their customers the set any sort of expectations (or Or just do your own George Doyle/Getty Images
moon their customers have worse, if they treat marketing marketing A good marketing firm will help you choose reasonable, achievable, measurable goals, then provide feedback.
unreasonable expectations like its some sort of magical Now, if youre the DIY type,
about how marketing (espe- creative process that cant be you can absolutely do your people like you the DIYers processes we use to help our to save 15 percent.
cially digital marketing) measured), this is just as con- own marketing. who just need a little bit of clients identify, and take ad- Happy marketing.
works. cerning. However, if you have no help leveling up before they vantage of, their best market-
Marketing is an accelerant, A good marketing firm is background or training in strike out on their own ad- ing opportunities. HEATHER STEELE is the
but even rocket fuel has limits. going to help you choose rea- marketing, you might find it a venture. You can check it out at founder of Blue Steele Solu-
You cant be teleported to the sonable, achievable, measur- bit of an uphill battle. Its called Level Up to Awe- tions. She can be reached at
top of local search results in a able goals, and then theyre We just recently put out an some, and it walks you, step resources/level-up-to-awesome. heather@bluesteelesolutions.
flash for $500 (or $5,000 or going to provide feedback online marketing course for by step, through the same Enter promo code DRC0317 com.

Biz on

Retiring from Your Marriage? Time to Consider your Employee Benefits & Retirement Funds
Sale one You dont have to be 65 when
you retire from your marriage,
but you still need take care of the
rightfully her separate property.
If this happens, the court cannot
fix the problem, because it is a
Municipal Retirement System,
Texas County District Retirement
System, etc.), and federal
and you were awarded a portion
of your ex-spouses retirement or
employee benefits? You should

option for funds you get when you turn that

age. Will you be able to keep all
of it, some of it, or none of it?
mistake that cannot be reversed.
Example B: a non-employee
loses out because the benefit was
retirement (e.g. military, Federal
Employee Retirement System,
Civil Service Retirement System,
make sure that there is a proper
order on file with the plan. If not,
you should seek legal advice in

Neiman Bad news first: The presumption

in Texas is that all property is
not divided correctly, sending
everyone back to court. In both
cases, a savvy family lawyer
Thrift Savings Plan), and bonuses.

When retirement and employee

order to obtain such an order.
There is usually no time limit to
obtain the order; however, if your

Marcus community property and can be

divided in a divorce.
probably could have avoided a
lot trouble.
benefits and plans are divided in
a divorce, an order in addition
to the final divorce document is
ex-spouse dies or retires and
receives all the funds, then you
may be out of luck.
By Anne DInnocenzio | AP The good news: Texas also Examples of retirement and almost always necessary. Such
recognizes separate property, employee benefits that can additional order is vital for the Likewise, the employee spouse
NEW YORK Luxury which cannot be divided in be divided by the court are: recipient to actually receive their in this example has an interest
retailer Neiman Marcus says a divorce. Separate property pensions, 401(k)s, employee share of the funds. Without the in such orders being completed
its exploring strategic alterna- consists of property a person had stock purchase plans, employee additional order, the recipient for the recipient spouse. This is
tives including a possible sale on the date of marriage, property stock option plans, restricted could lose the benefits forever. because the administrator of the
of the company. that was a gift, or property that stock awards, restricted stock The final divorce document is not plan may have frozen the assets
The announcement Tues- was inherited.
day came as the retailer, which units, deferred compensation, enough. in contemplation of an order
also operates Bergdorf Good- state retirement (e.g. Teacher being received for the recipient
Retirement, and certain employee Retirement System, Texas So what if youve been divorced spouse. If this is the case, then the
man, reported a loss in its benefits are presumed to be (regardless how many years ago), employee spouse may
second fiscal quarter that community property
ended Jan. 28 and its sixth find out at retirement that
and can be divided by they cannot start their
consecutive quarterly drop for the court. If a divorcing
a key revenue measure. retirement benefits until
employee believes that the order is completed,
Like many department
any of their retirement or until they receive proof
stores, Neiman Marcus has
or employee benefits that the ex-spouse did
been wrestling with declining
customer traffic and sluggish are separate property, not receive a portion of
sales as shoppers increasingly the employee will have the asset.
buy online. Even in the world the burden to prove
of luxury, affluent shoppers that it is their separate Lets face it: retirement
are dramatically changing property. and employee benefits
their habits and are buying are often the largest, most
designer bags and clothes It is important for both complicated assets to be
online on places like eBay or divorcing spouses divided in a divorce. Your
consignment shops. to seek legal advice marriage may be over,
The high-end brands are before dividing such but youre still headed
losing momentum, says Mar- assets. Why? Because to 65get with a family
shal Cohen, chief industry bad things can lawyer to make sure you
analyst at NPD Group Inc., a happen. Example A: still have these assets
market research firm. He said an employee spouse when you get there.
the average price for a luxury loses benefits that were (From left to right) Brook Stuntebeck, Sean Abeyta, Charla H. Bradshaw, James Logue, and Sarah Darnell
item dropped 5 percent last
year from the prior year.
The Wall Street Journal Denton Dallas
reported that Neiman Marcus
KoonsFuller, P.C. has experienced attorneys who ABOUT KOONSFULLER
320 West Eagle Drive 1717 McKinney Avenue
is in discussions with depart- Suite 200 Suite 1500
have the knowledge and resources to serve KoonsFuller, P.C. is the
largest Southwest-based
ment store operator Hudsons Denton, Texas 76201 Dallas, Texas 75202 clients in matters including divorce litigation; family law firm with five
Bay Co., which has been on an (940) 442-6677 (214) 871-2727 property division of any size and complexity; Texas locations Dallas,
acquisition spree over the past Southlake, Plano, Denton and
few years and operates such marital agreements both before (prenuptial)
Southlake Plano Houston.
stores as Saks Fifth Avenue, 181 Grand Ave 5700 West Plano Parkway and after marriage (postnuptial); asset tracing, For more information, visit
Lord & Taylor and its name- Suite 225 Suite 2200 valuation and division; child custody, visitation
sake chain. Southlake, Texas 76092 Plano, Texas 75093 with children, child support and paternity;
Neiman Marcus says it has (817) 481-2710 (972) 769-2727
not set up a timetable for grandparent and third party rights to children,
completing the evaluation. Houston such as aunts and uncles; and trial and appellate
Known for its lavish Christ- 109 North Post Oak Lane work, as well as litigation alternatives such
mas catalog, it was bought by Suite 425
as mediation, arbitration and collaborative law,

Ares Management LLC and Houston, Texas 77024

the Canada Pension Plan (713) 828-5090 across Texas, and in certain cases the nation.
Investment Board in 2013.
MARCH 2017 5
Denton Record-Chronicle D
Enterprising Voices
Applications open for next Leadership Denton class
very Leadership Den- mer mayors of Denton, nu-

E ton class is assigned a

group project, with the
results, findings and recom-
merous City Council and
Denton school board mem-
bers and the current heads of
mendations presented publicly the United Way of Denton
at its final session prior to County and Serve Denton.
graduation. Ten directors on the current
The 18 individuals in our chamber board have complet-
current class will graduate ed the program, and 12 or our
April 28 during the Denton Chuck CARPENTER | past board chairmen are
Chamber of Commerces Leadership Denton graduates.
membership luncheon. As COMMENTARY Application to Leadership
required, they will make a Denton entails a written sub-
presentation April 6, propos- ing sessions designed to help mission and personal in-
ing ideas to increase the make interested Denton-area terview. Class participants are Jeff Woo/DRC
amount of housing in Denton residents better aware of op- selected based on demonstrat- The Discover Denton Welcome Center had its ribbon-cutting in July. The Leadership Denton class of 2012
that is affordable to support portunities for community ed personal interest and long- developed the idea for the center.
the goals of the Denton 2030 service, as well as all levels of term commitment to the
Plan. Components of this public office. Applications for Denton area. Interested in- within the boundaries of the ject is mandatory for gradua- potential Leadership Denton
issue are being jointly ad- the 33rd class are now avail- dividuals may apply through Denton school district for at tion validates the foundation graduates.
dressed by the United Way of able from the chamber. May 12. least one year as of Aug. 1, of the program. Team build-
Denton County and Serve With the graduation of the The 2017-18 Leadership 2017. For more details, please ing, reaching consensus and CHUCK CARPENTER is
Denton. 32nd class April 28, a total of Denton class is open to any refer to the Denton Chamber collaboration to carry out a president of the Denton
The chambers Leadership 560 individuals will have individual who is a citizen of of Commerce web site, common goal to ultimately Chamber of Commerce. He
Denton program offers a completed Leadership Den- the United States, is of voting improve or benefit the Denton can be reached at dcoc@
series of comprehensive train- ton. Alumni include two for- age and has lived or worked The fact that a group pro- area remain the profile of

Biz on
4 2016 CREW 3500 4X4S

Ben Torres/DMN file photo

$47,570 Plus Tax, Title & License

Bulleit whiskeys are pictured at

Ruths Chris Steak House in Dal- AND GET 0.0% APR FOR 72 MONTHS FINANCING

opens own 2016 SIERRA 2500HD
By Bruce Schreiner | AP
$30,995 Plus Tax, Title & License

milestone in its maturity with
the opening of its first distill-


ery. Its riding the wave of
bourbons popularity as its
parent company spirits

giant Diageo looks to ex-
pand a brand started 30 years
ago when Kentuckian Tom
Bulleit revived his familys
whiskey recipe.
Plus Tax, Title & License
Company executives gath- READY FOR YOUR BED OR OURS.
ered with state and local offi-
cials Tuesday to mark the
opening of the $115 million

2016 SAVANA 3500

Bulleit distillery near Shelby-
ville, Kentucky, about 30 miles
east of Louisville. Diageo sees
the distillery, built on rolling NEW 14-FOOT GMC BOX VAN*

farmland in Shelby County, as
a catalyst for the brand that
has flexed its muscle with
annual double-digit sales
growth in recent years. Plus Tax, Title & License
This distillery is the most
important thing we can do to
grow our business, said Bul-


leits U.S and global brand
director, Ed Bello. We have


big ambitions to continue to
grow the brand in the U.S.
and expand it globally.
Bulleits growth could
mean an even bigger distillery.
As bourbon production
started in recent days, Diageo
officials were already talking
about expanding. They didnt
offer specifics or a timetable
for the plant that now can COMMERCIAL
produce up to 1.8 million
proof gallons each year, or

about 750,000 9-liter cases.
Diageos other brands in-

clude Johnnie Walker, Smir-
noff and Guinness.
Global sales for the Bulleit
brand, which includes rye
whiskey, reached 1.1 million
I-35E South DENTON
cases in the fiscal year ending
in June, up 29 percent from
the prior year. A decade ago,
Bulleits sales amounted to *CHASSIS CAB: Stock #264105, 264190, 264194. MSRP: $43,745. Wood Discount: $4,500. Rebate: $2,000. Upfit Cash (with qualifying professional bed installation): $750. OFFER #99168
about 37,000 cases. FLATBED: Stock #264272, 264271, 264309, 264263. MSRP: $57,722. Wood Discount: $5,402. Select Model Bonus Cash: $4,000. Upfit Cash: $750.
With Approved Credit: 72 monthly payments of $13.89 per $1,000 financed. Down payment (for example, 15%) may be required. With approved credit. OFFER #99168
While Bulleit bourbon is REGULAR CAB: Stock #263448. MSRP: $35,7990. Wood Discount: $2,795. Rebate: $2,000. OFFER #99168
made in-house, the rye will BOX VAN: Stock #261736. MSRP: $43,475. Wood Discount: $7,000. Rebate: $1,500. Upfit Allowance: $1,200. OFFER #99169
continue to be made under MUST TAKE DELIVERY BY MARCH 31, 2017
contract at a non-Diageo distill-
ery, using the brand recipe.
by Kentucky lawyer Tom Cell: 940-210-7129 Cell: 940-293-7357 Cell: 940-389-3139 Cell: 940-453-4700
Bulleit, who now serves as a
brand ambassador.
6 MARCH 2017 D
BC Denton Record-Chronicle

Enterprising Voices

Are stocks cheap or expensive?

We are not in bubble
territory or anything of the
sort. Measured against in-
terest rates, stocks are actually
on the cheap side. But if in-
terest rates were 7 or 8 per-
cent, these [stock] prices
would look exceptionally
Warren Buffett, Jonathon FITE |
Feb. 27 on CNBC
ver the last 70 years,

O great investors and

teachers such as Ben
Graham and Warren Buffett
to illustrate the concept. Sup-
pose that a company (lets call
it Acme) has a stable, but not
have developed the field of growing, annual dividend of
value investing. Value in- $4 per share and a stock price
vestors see stocks as owner- of $100. Dividing $4 by $100,
ship interests in businesses, Acme has a 4 percent divi-
not merely as ticker symbols dend yield. Thats pretty
on a TV screen. tempting in a world of near-
The discipline of value zero interest rates. In Buffetts
investing boils down to buying words, measured against
stocks of good companies at todays low rates, Acmes 4
cheap prices. Buying a stock percent yielding-stock is actu-
when its price offers a deep ally on the cheap side. Getty Images/Thinkstock
discount to its intrinsic value But lets look at this very
reduces downside risks and same stock in a high-interest yield. Using the $4 annual would be hurt even worse in a do so carefully. growing profits would outpace
creates upside potential. environment. dividend, a fair price for Acme high-rate environment. Thats How might investors man- the drag from rising rates. The
To decide if a stock is a Suppose the prevailing would be $40 per share. why bonds have fallen signif- age this dilemma? First, focus third category, hard assets, is
bargain, we must first calcu- interest rate was 8 percent. So lets recap. In a low- icantly as rates have risen in on value stocks rather than chock-full of natural resource
late its intrinsic value. The Acmes 4 percent dividend interest-rate world, Acme stock the last few months, even as high-priced momentum and real estate companies that
intrinsic value of a business is yield wouldnt seem nearly so is cheap at $100 per share. In most stocks have rallied.) stocks. The deep discount to similarly thrive in inflationary
driven by its assets, profits and juicy, right? You probably a high-interest world, Acmes Buffett has a great knack intrinsic value offers downside environments.
growth prospects. Intuitively wouldnt invest in a 4 percent shares would be expensive at for gauging market sentiment protection.
that makes sense. After all, a yielder (assuming no growth $100 and fairly valued at $40. and valuation. In the late Second, emphasize compa- JONATHON FITE is a
cash-rich, highly profitable, potential) when you could Thats 60 percent lower! 1990s, he loudly warned in- nies that can grow their profits managing partner of KMF
fast-growing business is worth safely get 8 percent on your This is exactly Buffetts vestors about the gigantic as interest rates rise and in- Investments, a Texas-based
more than a highly indebted, bank savings account. point. If interest rates stay low, stock market bubble, and was flation rises. hedge fund. Jonathon is a
unprofitable, shrinking busi- Where might Acmes stock todays lofty stock prices are proven right. In 2008 he In our portfolio, we have lecturer with the College of
ness. become tempting? At a divi- actually rational, even cheap. encouraged investors to buy loaded up on bargains in three Business at the University of
But there is one more dend yield well above the pre- But thats a very big if. stocks. He was a bit early categories. Interest-rate plays, North Texas. This column is
crucial input: the interest rate. vailing 8 percent interest rate. The second half of Buffetts (stocks kept falling until such as undervalued banks, provided for general interest
Thats what Buffett empha- Youd want some excess quote is just as important. If March 2009) but ultimately serve as a direct hedge. The only and should not be con-
sized in the recent interview return to reward you for the we enter a high-interest envi- was proven right. second category is high-qual- strued as a solicitation or as
quoted above. Why does the risk of a stock relative to a safe ronment, todays stock prices Today, with his carefully ity world dominators. Because personal investment advice.
interest rate matter so much savings account offering 8 would look exceptionally chosen words, Buffett is en- of their market dominance, Comments may be sent to
for stock values? percent. So lets say you insist- high and could fall. (Bonds, couraging investors to be they can grow their profits email@KMFInvestments.
Lets use a simple example ed on a 10 percent dividend which are in an epic bubble, engaged in the market, but to faster than inflation. These com.

Biz on
the Wire
soars for
food firms
By Frances DEmilio | AP
ROME Organized crime
has a seemingly insatiable
appetite for farm and food
businesses, one of the few
economic sectors experiencing
growth during Italys protract-
ed economic crisis.
Anti-mafia prosecutors and
Italys farm lobby Coldiretti on
Tuesday expressed concern
that the countrys crime syn-
dicates have increased their
infiltration or control of agri-
culture and food markets,
ranging from citrus exports to
the U.S., Italian wholesale
produce markets and local
supermarket chains. They
urged new legislation to help
law enforcement combat
mobsters involvement in
farming and food production.
A report estimated the
overall volume of business in
what has been called the agri-
Mafia interests jumped by 30
percent in 2016, compared to
2015s volume. The report,
which was presented at Coldi-
rettis Rome headquarters to
anti-Mafia investigators, law
enforcement ministers, law-
makers and police officials,
calculated the amount of busi-
ness at $23 billion, stressing the
estimate was likely low.
The bounty of Italys re-
nowned farm products is so
plentiful, each crime syndicate
and sometimes specific clans
are specializing in certain items.
Investigators alleged the
Piromalli crime clan was
behind the export to major
U.S. stores of what was labeled
extra virgin olive oil but what
was really oil made from resi-
due from the Middle East.
The report noted that the
same clan had controlled ex-
ports of oranges, mandarin
oranges and lemons to the U.S.
MARCH 2017 7
Denton Record-Chronicle D
Cover Story

It will be a great chance

for those women who have
been in their careers for a
considerable amount of time
to ... basically put themselves
out on a platform as a sup-
port, she said.
Tysinger is a member of
the WINC committee, work-
ing to foster the woman-
owned business community.
In the years since she start-
ed in her Denton home, GSATi
has upgraded. Its offices are
now perched on the second
floor of the Texas Building on
West Oak Street thanks to its
leaders will to beat the odds.
Tysinger remembers how
women working in technology
through the 1970s and 80s
were virtually nonexistent
much less in leadership posi-
Tysinger didnt let that
impact her. She developed a
passion for all things tech
growing up. She has a strong
sense of patriotism meshed
with that passion, as many of
Tysingers family members
enlisted in the military. She Jeff Woo
often would go to her fathers Cindy Tysinger is the CEO and founder of GSATi, a multimillion-dollar information technology firm.
base to observe and help work
on equipment at the age of 11.
Her official foray into the
industry came when she
joined the Department of
Defense and Civil Service at
the age of 16 as a programmer,
and she helped design a col-
lection of weapons. A con-
stantly fluctuating work agen-
da embodied her simple an-
swer to why she loves technol-
ogy so much change.
Its always evolving and
moving forward, Tysinger
said. My desire was always to
make life easier. Theres every-
day tech, then the benefits of
the military side of tech to
position the U.S. strongly. I
hate routine work and get
bored easily. Courtesy photo
Her gender, nevertheless, GSATi owner Cindy Tysinger, left, Sally Beautys Carolyn Corporon,
has always been a talking center, and Texas Womans University Chancellor and President
point. Carine Feyten attend a Women in Commerce event.
As a 22-year-old, she man- Courtesy photo
aged a team of 80 engineers Faculty members at Texas Womans University provide one-on-one help to aspiring entrepreneurs at the source of income. these behaviors that might be
part of the Hughes Aircraft Center for Women in Business. Simply put, staff members considered typical for men.
Ground Systems Group in the at the center encourage en-
Department of Defense and working with existing resourc- entrepreneurs, so she and incorporate moving forward. trepreneurs to think big. MATT PAYNE can be
Civil Service. es in the city of Denton to fellow counselors in the pro- Women tend to start busi- Part of this is really help- reached at 940-566-6845
Tysinger was the first wom- maximize impact. gram continually strive to try ness ventures with less capital ing women ask for more and and via Twitter at
an to run an engineering Methods the center uses to new efforts, gauging them as than men. With that in mind, take risks, to put themselves @MattePaper.
division in data management propel women include a vari- they go. the center encourages women out there and not be as hes- JENNA DUNCAN can be
for Hughes Aircraft, and near- ety of scholarships to get busi- Funding is given to re- to start collecting capital for itant, Phillips said. Women reached at 940-566-6889
ly all of her 80 engineers were ness ideas off the ground. A searchers at TWU who pro- new ventures early on in order are socialized differently than and via Twitter at
men. Tysinger was influential variety of workshops and duce findings the center can to not merely settle for a men, but we have to embrace @JennaFDuncan.
in developing confidential seminars help women and
software that would go on to anybody in the community get
win awards and help push hold of the ropes.
computer usage throughout
the entire military.
We look at what support
we can provide for the com- ALL Real Estate Professionals-check this out!
I broke through a lot of munity, being a university Dont wait! Google our Meetup, JOIN our FREE membership, & RSVP for Thursday, March 16th!
glass ceilings for women pret- here in Denton, Phillips said.
ty quickly as a result of being Its a part of our role as stu- NETWORKING
willing to do whatever it took, dents to support the commu- EVENT our Monthly Meetup!
Tysinger said. nity, and we try to see where in Lewisville
Aspiring female entrepre- the gaps are to fill for women Have questions, just ask RUSS! AGENDA~
neurs in Denton can follow starting businesses. 817-800-7877(RUSS) 6:30pm Snacks & NETWORKING NO COST
Tysingers footsteps with re-
sources available to them at
the Texas Womans University
Center for Women in Busi-
As the Center for Women
in Business is slightly more
than a year old, Phillips said
the center is still in the bench-
7:00pm Invision Meeting Room;
NETWORKING to follow
March 16th Topics~
to attend!

First American Title Insurance presents~

ness. marking phase to see what See you at DFW Area Crush IT! Meetup
MyFirstAm FREE Appvery cool tool! for real estate professionals on the
Annie Phillips, interim works and what doesnt. It
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executive director of the Cen- doesnt make sense to dupli- Russ Keith with HOMES R RUSS Presents~ Springhill Suits in Lewisville.
ter for Women in Business, cate resources that are already
Hard Money Explained: JOIN & RSVP to get your
said the center emphasizes available to aspiring Denton Kim & Russ Keith
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Biz on
the Wire
Cabelas axes
call center
Cabelas has laid off several
dozen people as part of the
outdoor gear sellers efforts to
reduce its expenses.
Cabelas spokesman Na-
than Borowski said Tuesday
the exact number of layoffs
will be determined after af-
fected workers decide whether
to apply for other jobs within
the company.
Cabelas plans to close its
call center in Sidney, Nebras-
ka, and consolidate operations
at its North Platte call center
within 30 days. CO

The other layoffs were at

Cabelas corporate headquar-
ters in Sidney.
Borowski says the layoffs
arent related to Bass Pros
pending $4.5 billion deal to
buy Cabelas.
8 MARCH 2017 D
BC Denton Record-Chronicle

Business Spotlight
To reach your savings goals, take these steps
By Lauren Schwahn | NerdWallet

Saving money is often

easier said than done, but it
doesnt have to be difficult.
Setting clear goals can moti-
vate you to take action, focus
on whats important and steer
clear of overspending.
Here are a few tips for how
to set your savings goals:

Map out your goals

Ask yourself, What do I
want to save for? Your goals
may be short-term, like buy-
ing a new TV or taking a trip
to Europe; long-term, like
purchasing a new home or
saving for retirement; or
somewhere in the middle, like
paying off your student loans.
When setting goals, factor
in needs like an emergency
fund in addition to the
things you want to save for.
Anna Sergunina, a certified
financial planner at Main-
Street Financial Planning,
recommends prioritizing your
emergency fund before other
goals; otherwise, you can
suffer a major setback if some-
thing unexpected comes up.
If there are no funds, thats Getty Images/Thinkstock
going to put a break into the If you want to reduce your spending in order to put even more money toward savings, identify your needs and wants.
whole system, she says.
After you identify and expenses. That way, youll penses, give the 50/30/20 Pick a time and place An easy way to contribute month, to periodically look
prioritize your savings goals, know where your money is budget calculator a try. Choose a deadline. You can to your savings goals with little over your financial activity.
you can start to make a cus- going, how much you have left stockpile your funds as that effort is to automate the pro- Review your income, expenses
tomized plan. and what amount is reason- Do your research date approaches. cess. Apps like Digit let you and how much youve saved so
able to set aside each month. Find out not only how Once you begin to cut back specify your goals and will far.
Assess your finances If you want to reduce your much you can save, but how on or restructure your expens- automatically transfer a cer- If youre not quite where
Take a good look at your spending in order to put even much you need to save. es, decide where to store the tain amount of your funds you want to be, dont get dis-
finances to see if your goals more money toward savings, For example, if your goal is money you save until you need into a special account. couraged. We all make mis-
are within reach. Calculate identify your needs and wants to vacation in Italy, research it. Consider putting it in a takes, Sergunina says. Life
your monthly income based and try to indulge in the the cost of plane tickets, a savings account or certificate Follow up happens. So as long as you
on your paycheck, Social Secu- wants less. Needs are things hotel stay and sightseeing. of deposit, preferably one that Reminding yourself to check in, pick yourself back up
rity benefits or any other mon- you must spend money on This will give you an estimate offers a competitive interest track your progress is an effec- and keep going, thats what
ey you receive. Then, check like food and housing and of the price tag and, therefore, rate, to keep it safe and help tive way to stay on top of your counts.
your transaction history on wants are the nonessentials your savings total. Expand reach your goals faster. It savings goals. Sergunina sug-
your banks website, or use an like entertainment and restau- your search to find the best might even be worth creating gests setting up a money LAUREN SCHWAHN is a
app, spreadsheet or simply a rant meals. If youre not sure discounts and savings meth- separate accounts for your date with yourself or your staff writer at NerdWallet, a
piece of paper to track your how to budget for these ex- ods. individual goals. significant other, say once a personal finance website.

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the Wire for Us as
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and AC/Heater
Repair Co.


AP file photo
Orson Welles is pictured during a
press conference Feb. 22, 1982, in RESIDENTIAL OR COMMERCIAL


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Netflixs announcement
Tuesday brings to a close the
decades-long mystery sur-
rounding one cinemas greatest
filmmakers. Welles began
shooting the film in 1970 but
never completed it. The Citizen
Kane director died in 1985. Your Full Service Dealer: Sales, Parts, and Service
The Other Side of the Wind Kenneth Roque, Sales Manager
is a Hollywood satire about a 940-498-9800 Denton Fleet/Business Sales
filmmaker attempting a come- Classic Chrysler Jeep Dodge Ram
back. Its stars include John 4984 South I-35 East exit 462 940-498-9800
Huston, Dennis Hopper and
Peter Bogdanovich, who has
helped in its editing.
Sales: Monday - Friday 8am - 8pm Saturday 8am - 6pm
Producer Frank Marshall Parts/Service: Monday - Friday 7am - 7pm Saturday 8am - 5pm
will oversee the films comple-
Netflix chief content officer
Ted Sarandos says he grew up
worshipping Welles and re-
leasing Welles last film is a
point of pride for him and for
Netflix. CO
MARCH 2017 9
Denton Record-Chronicle D
Unemployment Update
National numbers
By Christopher S. Rugaber | AP
ployers boosted hiring in 13
states in January, while employ-
ment changed little in 36 states.
The Labor Department
says Alaska is the only state to
show a significant decline in
jobs, shedding 2,100.
Nationwide, hiring picked
up in January as employers
added 238,000 jobs, a clear
improvement over last year's
average gains. A broad re-
bound in the global economy
and greater optimism among
U.S. businesses have spurred
more hiring.
More positive jobs data
came out Friday, when the
government reported hiring
and wage gains were healthy
in February, and the U.S.
unemployment rate slipped to
4.7 percent from 4.8 percent.
New Hampshire reported
the largest jobs gain among
the states on a percentage
basis, with a 1 percent in-
crease. The healthy increase
pushed the states unemploy-
ment rate to the lowest in the
nation, at 2.7 percent.
New Mexico has the na-
tions highest unemployment
rate, at 6.7 percent.
Texas unemployment rate
held steady in January at a
seasonally adjusted 4.8 per-
cent, the Texas Workforce
Commission reported Friday.

Business Spotlight
Study: Despite positive economic numbers, student loan defaults rising
By Sarah Skidmore Sell | AP The good news is that the found Navient had the lowest In January, the Consumer them bad information, pro- own. Navient disputed the
number of people who are percentage of borrowers in Financial Protection Bureau cessing payments incorrectly charges.
The stock market is up, defaulting for the first time is two income-based repayment sued Navient, accusing it of and failing to act on com- The USDE did not imme-
unemployment is down but down. But the number of plans, which are designed to making it harder for borrow- plaints. Several states fol- diately respond to a request
things arent rosy for all Amer- people defaulting for the sec- help struggling borrowers. ers to repay loans by giving lowed with lawsuits of their for comment.
icans. ond time or more is up. And
A new analysis of govern- that worries the CFA, an asso-
ment data by the Consumer ciation of more than 250
Federation of America found nonprofit consumer groups
that the number of Americans We thought in an improv-
in default on their student ing labor market, default rates
loans jumped by nearly 17 would improve but we simply
percent last year. are not seeing that, Chopra
As of the end of 2016, there said.
were 4.2 million Federal Di- Other reports have also
rect Loan borrowers in de- painted a bleak picture for
fault, meaning theyve not student loan borrowers in the
made a payment in more than U.S.
270 days. Thats up from 3.6 The New York Federal
million at the end of 2015. Reserve, which looks at slight-
Despite all improvements ly different data, reported last
in the economy, student loan month that total household
borrowers are still struggling, debt in America in 2016 began
said Rohit Chopra, senior nearing its previous peak from
fellow at the Consumer Feder- 2008, driven largely by stu-
ation of America and formerly dent debt and auto debt.
the Consumer Financial Pro- It finds that student loan
tection Bureaus Student Loan defaults jumped sharply in
Ombudsman. 2012 and the default rate has
As of the end of 2016, 42.4 held fairly steady since. But
million Americans owed $1.3 the New York Fed also warns
trillion in federal student that the true number of peo-
loans, according to the U.S. ple unable to pay is much
Department of Education higher because about half of
data. This doesnt include loans are in forebearance,
borrowing through private deferment or a grace period so
student loans, credit cards and are not at risk of being in
home equity loans to finance default.
the growing costs of college. The CFA also said Tuesday
The Federal Reserve Sys- that the report validates some
tem puts the measure slightly of the recent claims made by
higher at $1.4 trillion, as it federal regulators that the
includes private loans as well. nations largest loan servicer
Defaulting on a federal put borrowers at greater risk
student loan can be a financial for default by failing to help
disaster for the borrower. them find the best repayment
Unlike other types of debts, plans for their needs.
most federal student loans The USDE contracts with
cannot be discharged in bank- four major servicers to collect
ruptcy. Those who go into payments owed the federal
default face serious repercus- government. Navient, for-
sions including wage garnish- merly known as Sallie Mae, is
ment, damaged credit scores the largest of them. The report
and potentially added costs in
fees, interest and legal fees. DORANSKI AGENCY
Bill Doranski
Student debt has risen (940) 387 6289
(940) 387-6289
along with the cost of educa- 2000
Denison St.,ST
tion, which makes repayment DENTON
difficult. The average amount
owed per borrower rose to
$30,650 in 2016, after rising
steadily for years. In 2013,
borrowers on average owed
2011Allstate ance Company
Insurance Company
$26,300. JB


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10 MARCH 2017 D
BC Denton Record-Chronicle

Enterprising Voices

SBA assisting more female entrepreneurs

t was just 38 years ago owned firms with 866,700. WOSBs were able to com- women nationwide in the last you start up, grow and suc-

I when the U.S. Small Busi-

ness Administration be-
gan to dedicate resources and
Their numbers continue to
In the Dallas-Fort Worth
pete for federal contracts.
This program enables eco-
nomically disadvantaged
five years. These centers help
women entrepreneurs start
and grow successful busi-
For more information on
assistance SBA provides wom-
services to improve and in- District, which covers 72 WOSBs to compete for con- nesses. Each provides training en entrepreneurs, visit https://
crease female entrepreneurs, counties, women were ap- tracts that are set aside in in finance, management,
who now lead some of Amer- proved for SBA-backed loans industries where woman- marketing and the internet, how-start-business/
icas most powerful and lucra- worth $321 million in fiscal owned small businesses are while offering access to all of business-types/women-owned-
tive job-creating firms. 2016 an 86 percent in- underrepresented. the SBAs financial and pro- businesses. You also can contact
The SBA established the Herbert AUSTIN | crease over the fiscal 2009 Since the WOSB program curement assistance pro- the Dallas-Fort Worth District
Office of Womens Business loan volume. Nearly 4,210 was implemented, Dallas-Fort grams. at 817-684-5000 for assistance.
Ownership in response to a COMMENTARY women were approved for a Worth woman-owned firms Entrepreneurship is not
1979 executive order signed total of $1.8 billion to start or have been awarded $1.8 bil- just about making money, HERBERT AUSTIN serves
by President Jimmy Carter. woman-owned firms in the expand a business in the last lion in federal contracts. but rather building societies as the U.S. Small Business
Prior to 1979, the term United States that generate eight years. Business counseling and that value competition and Administrations Dallas-Fort
woman entrepreneur was $1.4 trillion in receipts. Thats In 2011, the Women- training is a huge part of compassion. And the Dallas- Worth District director and
rarely used. They called them more than the annual GDP of Owned Small Business Fed- growth. Through its Womens Fort Worth District office is oversees the agencys pro-
sidelines or part-time Russia, South Korea, Spain or eral Contract Program was Business Center Program, proud to serve the Denton grams and services in 72
projects. Mexico. Texas has the second- implemented to expand the established in 1988, the SBA County small business com- Texas counties, including
Today, there are 9.8 million highest number of woman- number of industries where was able to serve 2.3 million munity we are here to help Denton, Tarrant and Dallas.

Open/Closed Chamber Roundup

DUNCAN | CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 In the same complex, the Aubrey 380 Area seniors Riley Steward, Kyle
culinary team behind Barley & Chamber of Commerce Anderson and Sarah Vetters.
All nine theaters are now Board is finalizing a new con- The directors, members, We also celebrated ribbon-
open, yall: The Movie Tavern cept: Bumbershoot Barbe- volunteers and staff of the cuttings with Everest Heating
renovations are over! In addi- cue. Bumbershoots barbecue Aubrey 380 Area Chamber of and Cooling, Steves Wine Bar,
tion to the new big, reclining menu will include brisket Commerce are busy preparing the Denton school district and
seats, theres also a new menu (smoked with hickory, then for Casino Night 2017, Bet Beatitudes Tea Room. We
for the dine-in theater. pecan); pulled pork; St. Louis- Your Bucks!, scheduled for 6 rode in the Lake Dallas Mardi
Another season, another style ribs; roasted chicken and p.m. April 29 at Diamond T Gras Parade and read Dr.
ownership change for a Fry turkey; and at least two variet- Arena in Denton. Seuss books to students at
Street-area bar. Local 109 is ies of sausage. Its expected to Event sponsors JP & Asso- Hawk Elementary.
open at 109 Ave. A, the former open by the end of the month. ciates Realtors, LIFE Credit Our monthly luncheon will
home of Library Bar. The bar Bonus round: More sushi Union, PointBank, Raphaels be held Tuesday, March 21, at
is a modern cocktail lounge and could be coming to downtown and Winterhavens Crowning Oakmont Country Club from
opened in late February. Denton. Rick Villarreal, who Touch invite you to join them 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m., and all are
Denton favorite West Oak was the athletic director at the for a night of food, drinks, invited to attend. Our speaker
Coffee Bar has a little sister University of North Texas for casino-style games, music, is from the Texas Department
now: Kimzeys Coffee in 15 years, just signed a lease to raffles and silent and live of Transportation and will give
Argyle. The whimsical exterior open a sushi restaurant. The auctions. an update on all the construc-
has us thinking about Lord of spot is where Tea2Go used to Raphaels Restaurante tion along Interstate 35E. Our
the Rings or a fairy tale, but be: 321 W. Hickory St. Mexicano will provide a deli- sponsor for this luncheon is
the quality of coffee is the cious dinner buffet. Picture Huffines Kia Subaru.
same. It opened March 6 at JENNA DUNCAN can be This! Photo Booth Rentals
Jeff Woo the intersection of U.S. High- reached at 940-566-6889 will be on hand to help com- Pilot Point
General manager Ben Cooper participates in a ribbon-cutting Thursday way 377 at FM407 near and via Twitter at memorate your evening of Chamber of Commerce
at Movie Tavern. Earls 377 Pizza. @JennaFDuncan. fun. Special guest DJ Manny The Pilot Point Chamber of
B of Commerce is hosting its
will have you scootin your monthly luncheon Thursday,

Business Spotlight boots. And thats all in addi-

tion to an evening of profes-
sional casino gaming.
March 16, at 11:30 a.m. at the
PointBank Community Cen-
ter, 730 E. Liberty St. in Pilot
Sponsorships are still Point.
BILLS | CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1 Kurland says. Switching Dont accept the first available, starting at $150. Representatives from
providers a lot of times just offer. If Cant you do any Tickets cost $20 in advance Whistle Post Brewing Co.
could save $50 billion a year comes with an instant payoff, better than that? doesnt and $25 at the door. For will speak on their new
by haggling over their bills for and then over the long term, produce a deeper discount, tell more information on spon- brewery. It was started in
cellphone service, home secu- as long as you switch smart, them youll sleep on it. That sorships or to purchase tick- June 2016 as a spinoff from
rity, internet and pay televi- youll find that you can save may produce another price ets, visit Western Son Distillery, also
sion. The company, like its money month after month. break, or you may get a differ- or call the chamber office at located in Pilot Point. The
competitors BillFixers of Knowing you have that ent agent the next day whos 940-365-9781. brewery recently started
Nashville, Tennessee, and kind of leverage can help you more eager to deal. We look forward to seeing bottling its brews and selling
BillCutterz of Corpus Christi, negotiate better deals and save Get clear on expiration you Saturday, April 29 bet them in the area.
offers to negotiate for consum- money. Here are the steps: Liz Weston dates. Any discounts you your bucks youll have a great The Pilot Point Economic
ers in exchange for 40 percent Gather competitors negotiate may expire in a few time! Development Corporation will
to 50 percent of the savings. offers. These may be touted your bill. Keep an open mind as months. To help you keep sponsor the meeting. Grace
Some of the biggest savings on the providers websites, or you talk; there are many ways getting the best deals, enter Lake Cities Point Church will be the door
right now can be found in you may have to call and ask to cut the cost of cable, for the expiration dates on your Chamber of Commerce greeter, and Buffs will cater.
cellphone plans as a price war what the best deals are for example, not just negotiating calendar with a reminder to The Lake Cities Chamber
roils the industry, says BillFix- new customers. Make sure the price. restart negotiations before of Commerce has had a busy Sanger Area
ers founder Ben Kurland. A you nail down the details, Tell them what you your bill jumps up again. year already. We are growing Chamber of Commerce
lot of the cellphone providers such as the speed of the inter- know. Companies have Think bigger. Monthly bills with several new members. This month, the Sanger
have introduced multiple net service and which televi- caught on to empty threats to such as mortgages and car We held our annual awards Area Chamber of Commerce
plans just this year, he says. sion channels are included. cancel, Kurland says. But if insurance arent negotiable in banquet Feb. 16 and recog- will merge its after-hours
If you have a cell plan thats Call your provider. Let the you call up and you say, Hey, the same way, but you can and nized Corinth Police Chief mixer with a ribbon-cutting
more than six months old, you telephone representative know, this is the other provider on should revisit those rates at Debra Walthall as our Mem- for Sportsman Liquor.
may not be on the most effi- right away, that youre thinking my street, and this is the new least annually. The savings ber of the Year and PointBank The event at 499 W. Chap-
cient plan for you anymore. of switching to a competitor or price that theyre offering. I could be bigger than all your as Business of the Year. man Drive is scheduled to run
In addition to cellphone canceling the service if you cant know that your new customer smaller bills put together. The Citizen of the Year from 5 to 8 p.m. Friday,
plans, bill negotiators say the get a better deal. That typically pricing is even lower than LIZ WESTON is a certi- award was given to Mike March 17, with light refresh-
following services often have means a transfer to the custom- that. Why dont we strike a fied financial planner and Drozd of Lakeview Marina. ments provided.
plenty of room for negotiation: er retention department, which deal? Kurland says. Then columnist at NerdWallet, a We awarded college schol- Sportsman Liquor is this
cable or satellite TV often has more leeway to adjust youre talking their language. personal finance website. arships to Guyer High School months mixer sponsor.
satellite radio
landline phones
alarm systems
storage units
bottled water delivery
gym memberships
What these bills have in
common is competition: In
most areas, theres another
Buying? Selling? Refinancing?
provider that you can hire.
You also can opt out, at least Knowledge Beyond the Boundary Line
theoretically. Its typically
much harder to tell your elec-
Choose Experience - Call us today!
tric company that you can do
without lights.
Most BillShark customers
would rather stick with the
service they have than deal
with the sometimes consider-
able hassles of changing pro-
viders, McKean says. We are a full service law firm that provides quality
They dont want to rip out representation in the areas of Real Estate Title and Litigation,
their DVR, and they dont want Divorce, Child Custody & Support, Business Formation
new equipment, and they dont
want to sit around [waiting to]
& Litigation, Probate, Wills & Powers of Attorney,
set up all this stuff, he says. Guardianship and Criminal Law.
They just want a lower price. If you are unsure whether we can help with your particular
Sometimes a competitors Rebecca Arnold Michelle Neely
deals are so much better that problem please feel free to contact us for a free initial consultation.
its worth the switch, he says.
Legal Assistant/Escrow Officer Branch Mgr/Escrow Officer
Thats particularly true for Adams, Bennett, Duncan & Henley
cellphone providers, which are
paying customers early termi-
2745 Wind River Ln Denton, Texas 76210
nation fees and offering other
bounties to switch. 940-566-6221 2745 Wind River Dr., Denton, TX 76210
Theyre all desperate to DE-1596570-01 Fax 940-566-4977
steal each others clients,
MARCH 2017 11
Denton Record-Chronicle D
Vital Statistics
Frilly's, 1803 S. U.S. Highway 287, Decatur, $907.85 Lake Ray Roberts Area Elks Lodge, 1601 Marina Circle, On The Border, 2829 S. Interstate 35E, Denton, Sweetie Pie's Ribeyes, 201 W. Main St., Decatur,
Fry Street Public House, 125 Ave. A, Denton, $6,853.16 Sanger, $146.52 $2,388.41 $344.51
Fuzzy's Taco Shop, 109 N. State St., Decatur, $836.29 Lake Ray Roberts Area Elks Lodge, 1601 Marina Circle, Outback Steakhouse, 300 S. Interstate 35E, Denton, Sweetwater Grill & Tavern, 115 S. Elm St., Denton,
The following mixed beverage tax information was issued by the state comptrollers office for February. The list Fuzzy's Taco Shop, 115 Industrial St., Denton, $933.31 Sanger, $310.41 $1,752.92 $1,110.32
includes the name of the business, address and reported tax. Fuzzy's Taco Shop, 2412 S. Interstate 35E, Denton, Lantana Golf Club, 800 Golf Club Drive, Argyle, Parker Brothers Trail Dust, 1200 S. Stemmons St., Tex Tapas, 109 Industrial St., Denton, $991.73
$1,091.02 $1,219.46 Sanger, $557.84 Texas Roadhouse, 2817 S. Interstate 35E, Denton,
380 Bar and Grill, 26781 E. U.S. Highway 380, Little Cabana Beverages Inc., 2330 W. University Drive, Fuzzy's Taco Shop, 1004 Maple St., Suite 101, Sanger, Las Cabos Cantina, 4451 FM2181, Corinth, $96.74 Pedro's Tex Mex & Grill, 420 E. McKinney St., Suite $3,164.34
Elm, $3,072.21 Denton, $134.06 $229.67 Leeper Creek BBQ & Cantina Club, 3142 N. U.S. Highway 100, Denton, $0 The Abbey Inn Restaurant & Pub, 101 W. Hickory St.,
940s Kitchen & Cocktails, 219 W. Oak St., Denton, Casa Torres Mexican Restaurant, 2708 S. FM51, Fuzzys Taco Shop, 421 S. U.S. Highway 377, Argyle, 287, Decatur, $41.00 Pedro's Tex Mex & Grill, 209 S. Washington St., Pilot Denton, $2,995.83
$2,008.99 Decatur, $1,099.13 $669.06 Library Bar, 109 Ave. A, Denton, $1,038.03 Point, $429.26 The Abbey Inn Restaurant & Pub, 101 W. Hickory St.,
American Legion Post No. 550, 905 Foundation Drive, Caskey's Bar & Grill, 1206 W. Hickory St., Denton, Fuzzy's Taco Shop Cross Roads, 11450 U.S. Highway Lone Star Attitude Burger Co., 113 W. Hickory St., Pedro's Tex Mex & Grill, 209 S. Washington St., Pilot Denton, $2,830.08
Pilot Point, $971.03 $861.01 380, Suite 160, Cross Roads, $1,325.12 Denton, $5,245.63 Point, $491.44 The Aztec Club, 720 W. University Drive, Denton,
Andy's Bar and Grill, 122 N. Locust St., Denton, Chili's Grill & Bar, 600 S. U.S. Highway 287, Decatur, Gates Of Texas Argentina Caf, 1313 N. U.S. Highway Los Jalapenos Restaurant, 420 E. Eldorado Parkway, Pei Wei Fresh Kitchen, 1931 S. Loop 288, Suite 130, $1,133.10
$5,767.89 $2,889.10 377, Pilot Point, $52.66 Little Elm, $186.32 Denton, $64.38 The Backyard On Bell, 410 N. Bell Ave., Denton, $912.40
Angelina's Mexican Restaurant, 1400 N. Corinth St., Chili's Grill & Bar No. 1562, 2825 W. University Drive, Genti's Private Club Inc., 3700 FM2181, Hickory Creek, Lowbrows Beer and Wine Garden, 200 S. Washington Phil Miller Post No. 2205VFW, 909 Sunset St., Denton, The Bears Den, 11670 Massey Road, Pilot Point,
Suite 111, Corinth, $892.17 Denton, $2,620.77 $385.92 St., Pilot Point, $538.88 $1,562.44 $140.70
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill, 707 S. Interstate 35E, Chili's Grill& Bar, 2406 S. Interstate 35E, Denton, Good Eats No. 729, 5812 N. Interstate 35, Denton, $0 Lucky Lou's, 1207 W. Hickory St., Denton, $7,346.75 Phil Miller Post No. 2205 VFW, 909 Sunset St., Denton, The Clubhouse at Robson Ranch, 9428 Ed Robson Circle,
Denton, $2,884.88 $1,897.97 Hangout Bar & Dine, 827 Eagle Drive, Denton, $87.43 Luigi's Pizza Italian Restaurant, 2000 W. University $1,250.89 Denton, $59.56
Applebee's Neighborhood Grill, 2672 FM423, Little Elm, Chiloso Mexican Bistro, 2215 S. Loop 288, Suite 312, Hannahs, 111 W. Mulberry St., Denton, $3,148.73 Drive, Denton, $238.65 Pilot Point Columbus Club, 221 N. Prairie St., Pilot The Draft House Bar & Grill, 2700 E. Eldorado Parkway,
$1,785.01 Denton, $77.51 Harvest House, 331 E. Hickory St., Denton, $5,166.43 Mable Peabody's Beauty Parlor, 1125 E. University Point, $11.85 Suite 250, Little Elm, $2,040.15
Aramark Educational Services, 303 Administration Chipotle Mexican Grill, 1224 W. Hickory St., Denton, Hickory Street Lounge, 212 E. Hickory St., Denton, Drive, Suite 107, Denton, $1,350.98 Pizza Hut, 730 S. U.S. Highway 377, Pilot Point, $24.12 The Fry Street Tavern, 121 Ave. A, Denton, $4,185.89
Drive, Denton, $327.76 $35.30 $2,313.77 Mellow Mushroom, 217 E. Hickory St., Denton, Pollo Tropical Beverages LLC, 2220 S. Loop 288, The Garage, 113 Ave. A, Denton, $2,455.55
Ashton Gardens, 2001 Ashton Gardens Lane, Corinth, Chipotle Mexican Grill-Rayzor, 2735 W. University Hilton Garden Inn Denton, 3110 Colorado Blvd., Denton, $1,255.24 Denton, $0 The Green House, 600 N. Locust St., Denton, $1,277.02
$1,468.77 Drive, Suite 105, Denton, $19.56 $637.10 Meritt Ranch Beverages, 2946 W. Ganzar Road, Denton, Prairie House Restaurant, 10001 U.S. Highway 380, The Labb, 218 W. Oak St., Denton, $1,819.45
Azul Mexican Kitchen, 2831 W. Eldorado Parkway, Chuy's Denton, 3300 Wind River Lane, Denton, Hooligans LLC, 104 N. Locust St., Denton, $5,015.48 $167.56 Cross Roads, $1,174.30 The Loophole, 119 W. Hickory St., Denton, $3,401.59
Little Elm, $616.46 $4,296.44 Hooters, 985 N. Interstate 35E, Denton, $3,596.82 Metzler's Food and Beverage, 1251 S. Bonnie Brae St., Queenie's Steakhouse, 113 E. Hickory St., Denton, The Milestone, 1301 W. Sherman Drive, Aubrey,
B.P.O.E. Denton No. 2446, 228 E. Oak St., Denton, Cool Bean's, 1210 W. Hickory St., Denton, $3,376.86 Horny Toad Cafe & Bar, 5812 N. Interstate 35, Denton, Denton, $110.88 $1,347.30 $2,308.08
$996.69 Courtyard By Marriott, 2800 Colorado Blvd., Denton, $1,116.22 Mi Taza Latin Tex-Mex Caf, 5017 Teasley Lane, Suite Red Lobster No. 6349, 2801 S. Interstate 35E, Denton, Tokyo Samurai, 3600 E. FM407, Suite 100, Bartonville,
Barley & Board, 100 W. Oak St., Suite 160, Denton, $199.05 Horny Toad Cafe & Bar, 5812 N. Interstate 35, Denton, 101, Denton, $593.75 $1,100.27 $534.12
$5,202.14 Crossroads Bar, 1803 N. Elm St., Denton, $1,237.08 $1,153.94 Miguelito's, 1521 E. McCart St., Krum, $702.02 Riprock's, 1211 W. Hickory St., Denton, $3,797.02 Toms Daiquiri Place, 1212 W. Mulberry St., Denton,
Best Western Atrea Crown Chase, 2450 Brinker Road, Dani Rae's Gulf Coast Kitchen, 2303 S. Interstate 35E, Hula Hut Restaurant, 210 E. Eldorado Parkway, Little Miguelitos, 1412 N. Stemmons St., No. 178, Sanger, Rockin Rodeo, 1009 Ave. C, Denton, $3,138.68 $1,518.35
Denton, $345.18 Denton, $1,051.90 Elm, $1,864.07 $983.42 Rooster's Roadhouse, 113 Industrial St., Denton, Tower Tap House, 290 E. Eldorado Parkway, Little Elm,
BJ's Restaurant & Brewery, 3250 S. Interstate 35E, Dan's Silverleaf, 103 Industrial St., Denton, $2,318.40 II Charlies Bar & Grill, 809 Sunset St., Denton, Movie Tavern Denton 4, 916 W. University Drive, $2,230.02 $1,366.26
Denton, $4,459.38 Denton Country Club, 1213 Country Club Road, Argyle, $3,910.92 Denton, $2,560.20 Rooster's Roadhouse Decatur, 106 N. Trinity St., University Lanes, 1212 E. University Drive, Denton,
Black-Eyed Pea, 2420 S. Interstate 35E, Denton, $2,376.95 J R Pockets Club, 1127 Fort Worth Drive, Denton, Muddy Jake's Sports Grille, 222 W. Hickory St., Suite Decatur, $2,071.64 $1,014.51
$326.55 Drunken Donkey Bar & Grill, 3350 Unicorn Lake Blvd., $2,317.99 104, Denton, $0 Rosa's Cafe & Tortilla Factory, 1275 S. Loop 288, Verona Pizza Italian Restaurant, 201 Loop 81, Decatur,
Bone Daddys House Of Smoke, 3258 S. Interstate 35E, Denton, $5,453.73 Jem Beverage Company LLC, 217 W. Division St., Pilot Muddy Jake's Sports Grille, 222 W. Hickory St., Suite Denton, $135.34 $32.83
Denton, $1,879.88 Dusty's Bar & Grill & Marina, 119 S. Elm St., Denton, Point, $118.79 104, Denton, $0 RT's Neighborhood Bar, 1100 Dallas Drive, Suite 124, Villa Grande Mexican Restaurant, 12000 U.S. Highway
Bono's Chop House & Saloon, 2025 N. U.S. Highway $3,941.34 Johnny Carino's Italian, 1516 Centre Place Drive, Mulberry Street Cantina, 110 W. Mulberry St., Denton, Denton, $6,663.08 380, Suite 100, Cross Roads, $1,482.04
287, Decatur, $1,616.17 Earl's 377 Pizza, 427 S. U.S. Highway 377, Argyle, Denton, $672.94 $2,794.90 Rusty Taco Denton, 1 210 E. Hickory St., Denton, Villa Grande Mexican Restaurant, 2530 W. University
Boomerjack Wings No. 8, 407 W. University Drive, $1,260.00 Keiichi LLC, 500 N. Elm St., Denton, $332.25 Oak Street Drafthouse, 308 E. Oak St., Denton, $1,102.48 Drive, Suite 114, Denton, $1,380.53
Denton, $1,381.20 East Side Denton Oak Street, 117 E. Oak St., Denton, Kobe Sushi & Steak LLC, 2832 E. Eldorado Parkway $3,573.57 Savory Bistro & Gourmet To Go, 2650 E. FM407, Suite Vitty's Sports Bar, 1776 Teasley Lane, Suite 102,
Brunswick Zone Denton, 2200 San Jacinto Blvd., $10,372.27 Suite 208, Little Elm, $181.36 Oakmont Country Club, 1200 Clubhouse Drive, Corinth, 165, Bartonville, $1,452.42 Denton, $2,633.63
Denton, $1,559.02 El Fenix-Denton Texas, 2229 S. Interstate 35E, Denton, Komodo Loco, 109 Oakland St., Denton, $1,075.14 $1,687.39 Shots and Crafts LLC, 103 Ave. A, Denton, $1,652.42 Vizcarra, 114 W. Congress St., Denton, $98.55
Buffalo Wild Wings Grill & Bar, 1400 S. Loop 288, Suite $595.16 La Milpa Mexican Restaurant, 820 S. Interstate 35E, Olive Garden of Texas No. 1611, 2809 S. Interstate 35E, Springhill Suites By Marriott, 1434 Centre Place Drive, Wildhorse Grill, 9440 Ed Robson Circle, Denton,
110, Denton, $3,395.22 End Zone Little Elm Inc., 2833 Eldorado Parkway, Suite Unit 1, Denton, $680.51 Denton, $1,482.37 Denton, $131.92 $2,502.11
Buff's Grill, 400 S. U.S. Highway 377, Pilot Point, 301, Little Elm, $3,408.29 La Milpa Mexican Restaurant, 820 S. Interstate 35E, Ollimac Company, 1400 Corinth Bend, Suite 103, Starbucks No. 6698, 4600 Swisher Road, Hickory Creek, Wing Daddy's Sauce House, 2763 E. Eldorado Parkway,
$513.55 Ernesto's Mexican Restaurant, 10279 E. FM455, Suite 1, Unit 1, Denton, $1,247.47 Corinth, $544.04 $0.33 Suite 105, Little Elm, $2,500.97
Pilot Point, $1,943.73 Wing Town, 4271 FM2181, No. C316, Corinth, $0


Kimberly J. Elliott, Kimmie Made, 3648 Fairview Drive,
Ronald E. McNair Elementary PTA, Ronald E. McNair
The following liens were posted in February at the Denton County Clerks office. The following sales permits were issued by the state comptrollers office for February. The list includes the owner, PTA, 1212 Hickory Creek Road, Denton
name of business and address within ZIP codes 75034, 75065, 75068, 76201, 76205, 76207, 76208, 76209, 76210, Texas Diesel.Com LLC, Texas Diesel.Com LLC, 1801
76226, 76227, 76234, 76249, 76259 and 76266. Cordero Court, Denton
Tonya Lanee Ward, Magic and Dreams, 3901 Centenary
STATE TAX LIENS 75034 Jenna M. Elsik, D. Bar E. Studio, 1803 Wisteria St.,
Drive, Denton
Elevated Roofing LLC, Elevated Roofing LLC, 15222 King Denton 76226
Mazico Electric and Construction LLC, 2713 Clubhouse Drive, Denton Limited sales excise and use tax $1,087.71 2/17/2017
Road, Suite 402, Little Elm Justin Paul Wright, Wright Way Landscaping, 1200 Dawnelle Darlene Thompson, Dawnelle Thompson
Magdiel Sagastume, My Appliances, 1954 Bishop, Little Dallas Drive, Apt. 523, Denton Design, 407 Goodnight Trail, Argyle
Kristina Lee Reca, 1451 Centre Place Drive, Denton Heather M. Shimala, Shimala Exterior Group, 2650 E.
Portaboards Enterprises LLC, Portaboards Enterprises FM407, Suite 144, Bartonville
NAME/ADDRESS TYPE AMOUNT REC. DATE 75065 LLC, 312 Dallas Drive, Suite 101, Denton Icedust Books LLC, Icedust, 2650 E. FM407, Suite 145,
Ace Tech Motors Inc., 3232 N. Locust St., Apt. 1321, Denton Limited sales excise and use tax $1,718.55 2/15/2017 Derrick Naidoo, Nerds Sales Services and Support, 102 Steven G. Eagle, Remember Simple Pleasures, 40 Bartonville
Gaws Pizza LLC, 2327 Bolivar St., Denton Limited sales excise and use tax $1,630.24 2/27/2017 Woodridge Road, Hickory Creek Rolling Hills Circle, Denton Jason Glenn Thompson, Cobotiq, 1413 7th St., Argyle
Venture Equine Solutions LLC, Venture Equine Mckoy Land Surveys Inc., Mckoy Land Surveys Inc.,
Solutions LLC, 139 S. Hook St., Hickory Creek 76207 9321 Athens Drive, Denton
Eym Diner of DFW, LLC Denny's No. 8190, 4007 N.
Interstate 35, Denton
Peter B. Keck, Choose To Be A Warrior, 4087 Thousand
Oaks Drive, Argyle
NAME/ADDRESS TYPE AMOUNT REC. DATE Carry Brown, Carrie's Boutique, 1453 Whitewater Drive, James M. Fraley, Frack Bargain Sales, 3232 N. Locust Tribute Tactical LLC, Tribute Tactical, 6050 FM1830, Argyle
Steven L. and Leslie A. Rico, 6204 Highfield Park, Denton 1040 $3,530.65 2/1/2017 Little Elm St., Apt. 725, Denton
Integrated Pain Relief 941 $2,108.22 2/7/2017 Cynthia L. Palmeri, Crate Envy, 2112 Scott Creek Drive, Marklyn Jet Parts LLC, Marklyn Jet Parts LLC, 5040 76227
AER Inc., 2436 S. Interstate 35E, Suite 346, Denton 941 $28,116.80 2/7/2017 Little Elm Warbird Drive, Suite 2, Denton North Texas Wings LLC, Wingstop, 11750 U.S. Highway
C-Store Products Inc., 6603 Smoketree Trail, Denton 940 $1,648.17 2/27/2017 Jessica San Miguel, Taylor Blossom Boutique, 1220 Marklyn Jet Parts LLC, Marklyn Jet Parts LLC, 5040 380, Suite 280, Cross Roads
Wheatear Drive, Little Elm Warbird Drive, Suite 3, Denton Conor Thomas Dwyer, Mr. Dwyer Cattle Co. LLC, 262
Lacey Nalley, Lacey Nalley, 2220 White Oak Drive, Private Road 4462, Decatur
Little Elm 76208
Matthew Jeannet, Matts Merchandise, 1433 Brandy- Deborah Henkes, Santa's Secret Shop, 409 Lakeview 76234
wine Lane, Little Elm Blvd, Denton Deborah K. Reynolds, Dedikated Resource, 1713 County

The following building permits were issued by the Denton Planning and Development department in February. Commercial alterations and commercial permits reflect the owner
Melissa Diana Aviles, Pure Romance By Melissa, 173
Cottonwood Lane, Little Elm
Stephanie Wood and Jymi Bernard, SJ Designs, 1104
Denton Biofuels LLC, Denton Biofuels LLC, 1527 S.
Mayhill Road, No. 200, Denton
Jennifer R. Null, Jennifer Null, 6303 W. Shady Shores
Road 4280, Decatur
Eagle Auto Body Of Decatur, LLC Eagle Auto Body 2618
S. U.S. Highway 287, Decatur
or tenant and the address of the business. Villa Paloma Blvd., Little Elm Road, Apt. 132, Denton Flintstone Enterprises Inc., Flintstone Enterprises Inc.,
Mactracks LLC, Mactracks LLC, 3305 S. Mayhill Road, 2398 County Road 2360, Decatur
76201 Suite 109, Denton Little Frilly's Tex-Mex LLC, Little Frilly's Tex-Mex LLC,
CERTIFICATES OF OCCUPATION Design Classics, 3604 Bentley Court 3904 Roxbury St. Baxter International Inc., Baxter International Inc., 909 Marisol Granados, Rodriguez Mayhill Taqueria, 3922 E. 1816 S. FM51, Suite 900, Decatur
Auto Towing Dallas LLC, 2810 N. Elm St. 1908 Pavilion Lane Ave. C, Suite C, Denton McKinney St., Denton Sara Nicklaus-Ratliff, Hello Jolie, 4480 E. U.S. Highway
Woodrow Morse Properties, 820 S. Woodrow Lane DR Horton Texas LTD 1917 Sapphire St. Debbie K. White, Over The Hill Collectibles, 118 N. 380, Decatur
Frontrie Communications, 309 W. Oak St. 3809 Crosstrees Drive 4208 Fanita Place Locust St., Denton 76209 Shalyn Champagne, Champagne Taste, 5352 N. FM51,
W&W Commercial Real, 102 Maple St., No. 102 3901 Cuddy Drive 1913 Hollister Lane Ik Boon Eum, Donut Company, 830 W. University Drive, Denton Together LLC, Denton Together, 226 Bluebird Decatur
Kukahi Corporate Solutions, 627 S. Mayhill Road, No. 4008 Ranchman Blvd. 3921 Roxbury St. Denton Circle, Denton Shirley S. Wood, The Gift Shop, 1650 S. FM51, Suite
109 4012 Ranchman Blvd. 1913 Nob Hill Court In-N-Out Burgers Inc., In-N-Out Burgers, 322 2835 W. Mae Beth Works, Julies Jumpers Party Supplies and 400, Decatur
Perfect Season Properties, 1205 Bent Oaks Court, No. 4016 Ranchman Blvd. 1909 Nob Hill Court University Drive, Denton Rentals, 2703 Woodhaven St., Denton Wise County Winsupply Plumbing Co., Wise County
105 4020 Ranchman Blvd. 4127 Boxwood Drive Jennifer Lynn Matthew, Downtown Mini Mall Indoor Rachel Elizabeth Nokes, Peachtree Lane, 3213 Bob O Winsupply Plumbing Co., 300 N. Stratton St., Decatur
Russell E. Kulle, 515 N. Interstate 35E 3601 Helm Lane Flea Market, 118 N. Locust St., Denton Link Lane, Denton
James Richard Denham, 3745 Mingo Road, No. 504 4000 Crosstrees Drive Megatel Homes Inc.
Jpmk Investment LLC, Donut Inn, 830 W. University Roger Duane Davis Jr., Davis Construction, 1508 E. 76249
MJ Sings Inc., 723 S. Woodrow Lane 3901 Crosstrees Drive 4221 Roxbury St.
Drive, Denton McKinney St., Denton Carrie Straka, Red Velvet Quilts, 1627 Kawati Way, Krum
Kerala Holdings LLC, 3350 Unicorn Lake Blvd. 3908 Crosstrees Drive 4008 Hialeah Drive
Keep Exploring LLC, Keep Exploring LLC, 810 W. Taqueria Monterrey LLC, Taqueria Monterrey, 111 E. Dragon Spur Holdco LLC, Dragon Spur Holdco, 11153
Columbia Medical Center, 3535 S. Interstate 35E 4217 Roxbury St.
Congress St., Denton University Drive, Suite 102, Denton Jackson Road, Krum
Dotson Properties LLC, 607 S. Locust St., No. 102 Forestar Real Estate
Onyx Builders LLC, 4017 Winston Drive Lora E. O'Shaughnessy, Egan Street Design, 1330 Egan Personalized Attitude LLC, Personalized Attitude LLC,
Jane and Mike Boyle, 1920 S. Locust St., Suite 100 7920 Hudson Bay Lane 76210
St., Denton 6486 FM2450, Krum
Gabriel Cortez, 5017 Teasley Lane, No. 129 3116 Lakeview Blvd. Courtney Nicole Brown, The Ombre Cactus, 2408 Tahoe
Red Gable Homes LLC Randal W. Brittain, Lara Enterprises, 425 Oakhill Drive,
3104 Lakeview Blvd. Lane, Denton 76259
2301 Chebi Lane Denton
COMMERCIAL ALTERATION 3012 Lakeview Blvd. Crystal & Sage LLC, Crystal & Sage, 2226 Yellowstone Ponder Social Club, Ponder Social Club, 309 N. FM156,
2317 Paxton Way Roberta A Halden, Mini Mall II, 816 N. Locust St., Denton
City of Denton, 804 Texas St. 3204 Lakeview Blvd. Lane, Corinth Ponder
2301 Paxton Way Sharon E. Nichols, Paper Wings Boutique Events, 714
Kian Motors inc., 831 E. McKinney St. 3120 Lakeview Blvd. Datcu, Datcu, 3005 FM2181, Corinth
W. Hickory St., Apt. 1, Denton
Walters Wedding Estates, 421 E. Oak St. 7913 Hudson Bay Lane Dorinda Mikelle Patterson, Texas Barn Girls, 2016 76266
3129 Dawn Oaks Drive Robson Denton Dev. LP
Luxary Nail Bar, 2219 S. Loop 288, No. 108 76205 Postwood Court, Corinth Caroline B. Price, Caroline Price Photography, 2514
8100 Sanderling Drive
Outback Steakhouse, 300 S. Interstate 35E Aero Opco LLC, Aeropostale Golden Triangle Mall, 2201 Duane Ragas, Your Sweet Cakes & More ..., 1520 Caddo Trail, Sanger
Gehan Homes, 6521 Roaring Creek 9600 Rivercrest Drive
Carter Blood Care, 2215 S. Loop 288, No. 335 S. Interstate 35E, Spc. L09A, Denton Mosscreek Drive, Denton Cindy R. Vasquez, Studio V., 8195 Bernard Road, Sanger
8217 American Way
Studio 6 Denton, 700 Fort Worth Drive Gedc Of Texas LLC, Great Expressions Lillian Miller, Eym Diner Of DFW LLC, Denny's No. 8864, 8000 S. Donna Mason, GDS, 11300 Lakecrest Drive, Sanger
History Maker Homes 11820 Willet Way
Captiva Salon, 204 W. Oak St., Denton 2430 S. Interstate 35E, Suite 210, Denton Interstate 35E, Corinth Four Leaf Trading Company LLC, Four Leaf Trading
5717 Del Rey Drive 11900 Willet Way
Pennys Playtown, 5800 N. Interstate 35, No. 402 Great Expressions Dental Centers Of Texas LLC, Great Inx LLC, Inx LLC, 3512 Saint Johns Drive, Denton Company LLC, 6662 Indian Trail, Sanger
5713 Del Rey Drive 9908 Lindenwood Trail
Fama Beauty Salon, 500 N. Bell Ave., No. 109 Expressions Lillian Miller, 2430 S. Interstate 35E, Suite Just Bassin LLC, Just Bassin LLC, 1511 Oceano Drive, Jose De La Cruz, Rodriguez Fast Electric, 8025 Jane
5705 Del Rey Circle 12001 Brant Way
Brad Hardy, 2434 S. Interstate 35E, No. 100 210, Denton Corinth Long Road, Sanger
3812 Juniperio St. 10312 Lindenwood Trail
Red Horse Motorsports, 3825 Market St.
3713 Juniperio St. 8212 American Way
Renal Venture, 4309 Mesa Drive
5701 Del Rey Circle 12105 Willet Way
COMMERCIAL 3808 Juniperio St. 8213 American Way
Loves Travel Stops, 6421 N. Interstate 35 5608 Dolores 11928 Brant Way
Bloomfield Plumbing LLC, 9101 John Paine Road 5612 Dolores 11928 Willet Way
3417 San Lucas Lane 9608 Rivercrest Drive

OC Mobile
City of Denton, 1150 S. Locust St.
Huffman Builders, 3303 Unicorn Lake Blvd. 9905 Orangewood Trail
Innovation Builders 12100 Willet Way
Terry People Solutions, 3105 Unicorn Lake Blvd.
4909 Brookside 8200 Willet Way
RESIDENTIAL 4905 Brookside 12016 Brant Way
Araf Inc., 5813 New Ballinger Drive 11920 Cinnamon Drive

Country Lakes West LLC

6216 Meandering Creek Drive
Lennar Homes
1905 Nob Hill Court
1908 Hollister Lane
11828 Willet Way
12013 Brant Way
11709 Cinnamon Drive
Welding & Fabrication Services
6401 Meandering Creek Drive
6416 Meandering Creek Drive
4109 Roxbury St.
4001 Hialeah Drive
9805 Ironwood Drive
11805 Cinnamon Drive
Your Location or Ours!
6113 Roaring Creek 1904 Hollister Lane
6412 Meandering Creek Drive 4105 Roxbury St. Scott Homebuilders, 5009 Thistle Hill
6204 Roaring Creek Repairs Residential
Commercial Industrial
New Fabrication
The following names (followed by DBA and address) were posted in February at the Denton County Clerks office.

(972) 510-4294

Brittannie Marion, Eagleton Photography, 721 S. Elm Jared Janacek, TXDRONECO, 3604 Big Horn Trail, Lindsey Lott, Emerson Lane, 1207 Stanley St., Denton JS JS
St., Suite 101, Denton Denton Reyna Jaramillo, Interior Cleaning, 9100 Teasley Lane,
Cristie French and Jennifer Horler, Jenn and Christie Jeffrey C. Smith, Red Rock Sales, 612 E. McKinney St., Denton
LuLaRoe, 7530 Barthold Road, Denton Denton Robert J. Gray, Bobs Classic Cars, 2013 Marshall Road,

Digital Copy Center Offset Printing

Dallas County Hospital District, Denton Rehabilitation John Potess, The Podcast Creative, 501 W. Parkway St., Denton
and Nursing Center Denton Robert Von Preston, Air Solutions, 1705 W. University
Danny H. Cogdill, D&D Cattle Company, 613 Chisholm Jose Carrillo, JCs Lawn Service, 6109 Countless Lane, Drive, Suite 102, Denton
Trail, Denton Denton Salvador Rios Jr., Nifty Walls, 1023 S. Welch St.,
Denver Benedict, Hockey Stick Technologies, 7513 Juan Pablo Villarroel, Karate-Do of Denton, 416 S. Elm Denton
Stream Road, Denton St., Denton Susan Depauw, Outfront Graphic Apparel, 3800 Lake
Jaqueline Morgan, Swine Solutions, 704 Windfields, Kathryn Kerekes, Whimsy You, 111 E. University Drive, Country Drive, Denton
Denton Suite 105-212, Denton Tanya Franklin, Aria 51 All Purpose Bunnies and Animal
Landon Hunt, Prosperity Inc., 2517 Chaparral Court, Farm, 2202 Fowler Drive

Direct Mail Merge Full In-House Bindery

We are a Dave Ramsey

Graphic Design Services Signs and Banners

SmartVestor Pro
2412 Old North Road, Suite 103
Denton, TX 76209

Gl bl
940.566.1212 DIRECT

Mike Woods, CFP

940 648 3581 x401
President & CEO / Wealth Advisor


IMPRESSIONS 9750 Industrial Rd Justin, TX 76247
Securities offered through Cambridge Investment Research, Inc., a Broker/Dealer. Member FINRA/SIPC.
Investment Advisor Representative, Cambridge Investment Research Advisors, Inc., a Registered Invest-
ment Advisor.Cambridge and SWF are not affiliated. Best of Denton award results are based on a general
reader poll and do not reflect investment performance or client experience.
12 MARCH 2017 D
BC Denton Record-Chronicle



The Winner will be announced
only at the banquet


Beauty Supply
February 13, 2017

Movie Tavern
March 9, 2017


Home Team of North Texas Absolute Heat & Air
Brokered by Real T Team 2106 E Highway 82, Gainesville
Heaven At Home
Apex Air and Heat 623 Londonderry Lane, Denton
2101 Colorado Blvd. Unit 50002, Denton
Reinecke Design, LLc
Alliance Air Charter 203 Comanche Trail, Krum
4933 Sabre Lane, Denton

Interested in Membership? Call 940.382.9693

414 W. Parkway
Denton, TX 76201

In Denton!
Americas Drive-In

Happy Ho
p m
2pm - 4

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2450 Brinker Road Denton Crossroads Paloma Creek
(940) 387-1000 Aubrey Pilot Point Sanger Krum
/()*%'( #% 0-( !$('+($ "+&(,.

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