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Performance Task 4: Cladistic Analysis

Step 1: Table
Rabbits Starfish Flatwor Crocodiles Jellyfish Ray-finned Sponge Snails Methanococcus
Sets Traits m fish

1 Cells X X X X X X X X X
2 Possess true X X X X X X X X
3 Symmetry X X X X X X X
4 Bilateral X X X X X
5 Mesoderm X X X X X X
6 Head X X
develops first
7 Anus develops X X X
8 Vertebrae X X X

9 Bony Skeleton X X

10 Four limbs X X

11 Amniotic egg x X

12 Eggs with X X
Total #of Xs 10 5 5 11 4 8 2 5 1

Step 2: Cladogram (include a picture of your original cladogram here it does not have
part 4 added to it yet)
Performance Task 4: Cladistic Analysis

Step 3: Pieces of Information Derived from Cladogram

1. All the species except the methanococcus posses true nucleus.

2. Only Ray-finned fish and crocodiles have eggs with shells.

3. Starfish and Jellyfish are closely related.

Step 4: Updated Cladogram (include a picture of your cladogram that has the new
vertebrates added to it)

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