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What is the Major Difference between API & ASME Standards? Contact Us
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POSTED BY : oilandgasclub December 11, 2015 in Blog 2 Comments
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ASME (American Society of Mechanical Engineers) produces a series of documents. API (American Petroleum Industry) also
produces a series of documents. I dont know where in this small world of ours you are located but in the United States, all
states except for two have adopted ASME as code or law. This means that the facilities located in these states must comply
with what is in those ASME documents. These documents describe how a pressure vessel is to be constructed and what
must be done to that vessel to prevent a catastrophic failure caused by over pressure. They also tell you the types of devices
that are acceptable to use to accomplish this.
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Being that ASME dictates what your facility must comply with, API documents tell you how to achieve compliance. The three
most common of those documents are API RP520 Parts 1 and 2 (RP stands for Recommended Practices) and API Standard Youremailaddress Submit

521. Note that these API documents are not law but only packages of standards and recommendations (by the way, RP or
standard makes no difference, they both carry the same weight as being nothing more than standards). So these (API) Trending on Social Sites
documents give you all the details you need (well, almost) to comply with the law (ASME). In other words, API provides those
rules of thumb you are looking for. Turbine Generator
Be aware that many of these rules of thumb may not be good for every relief device you have. For instance, the effective
coefcient of discharge for a gas/vapor/steam relief valve is given as 0.975 as a rule of thumb but Farris PSVs use 0.953!
So you can use API documents as a rst approximation but must eventually check your design against the true values for Typical Questions for
the device you eventually purchase. Piping Engineers
Knowledge Testing (With
OK, even though the API documents are just standards and recommended practices, in the United States they are basically Answers)

considered to be good engineering practice and you would be very foolish not to follow them as a minimum. You can be
Process Flow Diagram
more conservative than what these documents say but you should not be any less. (OR) System Flow

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