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Summary and Reflection on the Key to Classroom

Sushma Tamang Syangtan

Alignment II


The main point that authors want their readers/teachers to learn from this article is

building positive classroom dynamics by using research based on strategies combining

appropriate levels of dominance, appropriate levels of cooperation, and an awareness of high-

needs students.

One of the significant jobs of an effective teacher is to managing the classroom

effectively. Authors have defined appropriate levels of dominance as a significant characteristic

of effective teacher-students relationships. Teacher can display it by establishing clear behavior

expectations and learning goals and by manifesting confident behaviors. The other characteristic

of an effective teacher is Levels of cooperation which focuses on the students and teacher

functioning as team. According to the authors The quality of teacher-students relationships is

the key stone for all other aspects of classroom management. Teacher can convey it by

providing flexible learning goals, taking personal interest in students, using equal/fair and

positive classroom behaviors/interaction with students. The last characteristic of an effective

teacher is an aware of high-needs student. According to the authors Teachers with effective

classroom management skills are aware of high-needs students and have a repertoire of specific

techniques for meeting some of their needs. Teacher should build strong relationship with

diverse students by not only treating them equal but by engaging different strategies with

different types of children.

Authors have concluded the article with the statement that The relationships between

teachers with their students should not be left to chance. Teacher may build strong relationships

with their students and that will help them learning.


I agree with the authors thought because teacher is the model for students and whatever

teacher do and teach in the class students will imitate and learn therefore teacher should be aware

of using inappropriate words and behaviors. As a Christian I believe that all the teachers are the

guider or shepherd and our students are disciples or sheep. When Jesus came on earth he also had

followers/ disciples. Jesus was the perfect shepherd and guider for them because he taught and

led them in the truth and taught them how to live their life according to the scriptures. He did not

only teach but displayed by in his life by loving them unconditionally.

As a Christian teacher we need to teach our students in Lords way so first of all we need

to find out students high-need and guide them by providing appropriate rules and regulation and

make them responsible. I agree that the teacher-students relationship is the key point for other

areas of classroom management when teacher have a quality relation with the students then

students will know their responsibilities of what to do and how to do and it makes teachers to

guide or teach them. But teacher should not always be loving but strict because whenever there is

cooperative works teacher should control students with authority then students will respect the

teacher and others when they work in a group.

Teacher should always know that all the students are made in Gods image. Teacher also

should know that students have different experiences, background about life, and each has

different level of thinking because without knowing it teacher cannot achieve the teaching goal.

To achieve the goal teacher should scaffold each student by being available whenever they need

help. I found these ideas very useful and effective and I will use these in my future classroom.

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