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Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS

Category A/B1/B2

Sub Module 1.1 ARITHMETIC

Sub Module 1.2 ALGEBRA

Sub Module 1.3 LOGARITHMS

Sub Module 1.4 GEOMETRY

Sub Module 1.5


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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 i Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2

List of Amendments

Sub-Module &
Amendment No. Issue Date: Date Inserted: Inserted By: Date Removed: Removed By:

Issue 01, Rev-00 All 31 March 2014

ISO9001:2008Certified ForTrainingPurposeOnly
PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 ii Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2

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1.1 iii Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Sub Module 1.1


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1.1 1 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics


Contents LowestCommonDenominator..................................................15
ARITHMETICALTERMSANDSIGNS..................................................5 SubtractionofFractions.............................................................16
PRACTICEQUESTIONS.....................................................................6 OperationswithFractions..........................................................18
ARITHMETICOPERATIONS..............................................................7 PRACTICEQUESTIONS...................................................................19
TheLawsofSigns..........................................................................7 DECIMALS.....................................................................................20
PRACTICEQUESTIONS...................................................................11 PowersofTen.............................................................................21
FACTORSANDMULTIPLES.............................................................12 EstimationTechniques...............................................................23

Factors&Multiples.....................................................................12 PRACTICEQUESTIONS...................................................................24
LowestCommonMultiple(L.C.M.).............................................12 WEIGHTS,MEASURESANDCONVERSIONFACTORS.......................25
PRACTICEQUESTIONS...................................................................12 FactorsofMultiples&Submultiples:........................................25
FRACTIONS...................................................................................13 Space&Time:.............................................................................25

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1.1 2 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Mechanics:..................................................................................25 Squares.......................................................................................41
Heat:............................................................................................26 Cubes..........................................................................................41
ExpressingSIUnits......................................................................26 SquareRoots...............................................................................41

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1.1 3 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics


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1.1 4 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

ARITHMETICAL TERMS AND SIGNS The natural numbers are positive integers, but suppose we wish
to subtract a larger natural number from a smaller natural
Rational and Irrational Numbers number, e.g. 10 subtracted from 7, we obviously obtain a
number which is less than zero, i.e. 7 10 3 . So our idea of
It is generally believed that our present number system began numbers must be enlarged to include numbers less than zero
with the use of the natural numbers, such as 1, 2, 3, 4, . . . called negative numbers. The number zero (0) is unique, it is
These whole numbers, known as the positive integers, were not a natural number because all natural numbers represent
used primarily for counting. However, as time went on, it positive integer values, i.e. numbers above zero and quite
became apparent that whole numbers could not be used for clearly from what has been said, it is not a negative number
defining certain mathematical quantities. For example, a period either. It sits uniquely on its own and must be added to our
in time might be between 3 and 4 days or the area of a field number collection.
might be between 2 and 3 acres (or whatever unit of measure
was used at the time). So the positive fractions were introduced, So to the natural numbers (positive integers) we have added
. These two groups of numbers, the positive negative integers, the concept of zero, positive rational numbers
2 4 4 and negative natural numbers. What about numbers like 2 ?
integers and the positive fractions, constitute what we call the This is not a rational number because it cannot be represented
positive rational numbers. Thus, 317 is an integer or whole by the quotient of two integers. So yet another class of number
number, is a positive fraction and 3
is a rational number. needs to be included, the irrational or non-rational numbers.
4 Together all, the above kinds of numbers constitute the broad
In fact a rational number is any number that can be expressed class of numbers known as real numbers.
as the quotient of two integers, i.e. any number that can be
written in the form where a and b represent any integers.
4 7
Thus , and 1 are all rational numbers.
5 9

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1.1 5 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Absolute Value of a Number PRACTICE QUESTIONS

Although we have mentioned negative numbers, we have not 1. 6, 7, 9, 15 are ___________ numbers.
considered their arithmetic manipulation. All positive and 8 1 7
negative numbers are referred to as signed numbers and they 2. , and are ___________ numbers.
5 4 64
obey the arithmetic laws of sign. Before we consider these laws, a
let us first consider what we mean by signed numbers. 3. Rewrite the numbers 5, 13, 16 in the form , where
Conventional representation of signed numbers is shown below, b
with zero at the midpoint. Positive numbers are conventionally b 6.
shown to the right of zero and negative numbers to the left: a
4. Express the negative integers 4, 7, 12 in the form
, 4, 3, 2, 1, 0, +1, +2, +3, +4, , where b 4 .
The number of units a point is from zero, regardless of its 5. 16 can be expressed as a positive ___________. It
direction, is called the absolute value of the number is ___________.
corresponding to the point on the above number system when 6. 10 cannot be expressed as a/an ___________
points are drawn to scale. Thus the absolute value of a positive number; however, it is a/an ___________.
number, or of zero, is the number itself. While the absolute
value of a negative number is the number with its sign changed.
For example, the absolute value of +10 is 10 and the absolute
value of 10 is also 10. Now the absolute value of any number n
is represented by the symbol |n|. Thus |+24| means the absolute
value of +24. Which is larger, |+3| or |14|? The answer is |14|
because its absolute value is 14, while that of |+3| is 3 and of
course 14 is larger than 3.

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1.1 6 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

ARITHMETIC OPERATIONS Fourth law: To multiply (or divide) one signed number by
another, multiply (or divide) their absolute values; then, if the
The Laws of Signs numbers have like signs, prefix the plus sign to the result; if they
have unlike signs, prefix the minus sign to the result.
First law: To add two numbers with like signs, add their absolute
values and prefix their common sign to the result. Therefore, applying this rule to the multiplication of two positive
numbers, e.g. 3 4 12 ; 7 9 63 and so on, which of
This law works for ordinary arithmetic numbers and simply course, is simple arithmetic! Now applying the rule to the
defines what we have always done in arithmetic addition. For multiplication of mixed sign numbers we get e.g.
example: ( 3) ( 4) 7 ; (-7) (-5) -12 and so on. ( 8) (-3) -24 ; - 5 7 -35 and so on.

Second law: To add two signed numbers with unlike signs,

subtract the smaller absolute value
from the larger and prefix the sign of the number with the larger
absolute value to the results.

So following this rule, we get for example: ( 5) (-2) 3 ;

(-10) ( 6) -4 and so on.

Third law: To subtract one signed number from another, change

the sign of the number to be subtracted and follow the rules for

For example, if we subtract 5 from -3, we get

(-3) ( 5) ( 3) ( 5) -8 .

Now what about the multiplication and division of negative and

positive numbers, so as not to labour the point the rules for
these operations are combined in our fourth and final law.

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1.1 7 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

The Use of Symbols defined in mathematics. This is because there is no such

quotient that meets the conditions required of quotients.
We have introduced earlier the concept of symbols to represent
numbers when we defined rational numbers where the letters a For example, you know that to check the accuracy of a division
and b were used to represent any integer. Look at the symbols problem, you can multiply the quotient by the divisor to get the
below, do they represent the same number? dividend. For example, if 21/7 = 3, then 7 is the divisor, 21 is the
dividend and 3 is the quotient and so 3 7 = 21, as expected.
So, if 17/0 were equal to 17, then 17 0 should again equal 17
IX; 9; nine; 81 but it does not! Or, if 17/0 were equal to zero, then 0 0 should
equal 17 but again it does not. Any number multiplied by zero is
The answer is yes, since each expression is a perfectly valid always zero. Therefore, division of any number by zero (as well
way of representing the positive integer 9. In algebra we use as zero divided by zero) is excluded from mathematics. If b=0,
letters to represent Arabic numerals such numbers are called or if both a and b are zero, then a/b is meaningless.
general numbers or literal numbers, as distinguished from
explicit numbers like 1, 2, 3, etc. Thus a literal number is simply When multiplying literal numbers together we try to avoid the
a number represented by a letter, instead of a numeral. Literal multiplication sign ( ), this is because it can be easily mistaken
numbers are used to state algebraic rules, laws and formulae; for the letter x .
these statements being made in mathematical sentences called
equations. Thus, instead of writing a b for the product of two general
numbers, we write a.b (the dot notation for multiplication) or
If a is a positive integer and b is 1, what is a ? Ofcourse more usually just ab to indicate the product of two general
numbers a and b . We can also write
a a . Any number divided by 1 is always itself. Thus a a
b 1
, c c, 7 7 and so on.
1 1

Suppose a is again any positive integer, but b is 0 . What is the

value of a/b? What we are asking is, what is the value of any
positive integer divided by zero? Well the answer is that we
really do not know! The value of the quotient a/b, if b=0, is not

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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 8 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

The Commutative, Associative and Distributive Laws The above laws are valid no matter whether or not the number
is positive or negative. So, for example, 8 (16 5) 3 and
We all know that 6 5 30 and 5 6 30 , so is it true that (8 16) 5 3 .
when multiplying any two numbers together, the result is the
same no matter what the order? The answer is yes. The above In order to complete our laws we need to consider the following
relationship may be stated as: The product of two real numbers problem: 4(5 6) ? We may solve this problem in one of two
is the same no matter in what order they are multiplied. That is,
ways, firstly by adding the numbers inside the brackets and then
ab ba ; this is known as the commutative law of multiplication.
multiplying the result by 4, this gives: 4(11) 44 . Alternatively,
If three or more real numbers are multiplied together, the order we may multiply out the bracket as follows:
in which they are multiplied still makes no difference to the ( 4 5) ( 4 6) 20 24 44 . Thus, whichever method we
product. For example, 2 3 4 24 and 4 2 3 24 . This choose, the arithmetic result is the same. This result is true in all
relationship may be stated formally as: The product of three or cases, no matter how many numbers are contained within the
more numbers is the same no matter in what manner they are brackets! So in general, using literal numbers we have:
grouped. That is, a (bc) (ab)c ; this is known as the associative a (b c ) ab ac . This is the distributive law.
law of multiplication.
Remember that the distributive law is valid no matter how many
These laws may seem ridiculously simple, yet they form the numbers are contained in the brackets, and no matter whether
basis of many algebraic techniques, which we will be using the sign connecting them is a plus or minus. As we will see
later! We also have commutative and associative laws for later, this law is one of the most useful and convenient rules for
addition of numbers, which by now will be quite obvious to us, manipulating formulae and solving algebraic expressions and
here they are: equations.

The sum of two numbers is the same no matter in what order

they are added. That is, a b b a . This is known as the
commutative law of addition.

The sum of three or more numbers is the same no matter in

what manner they are grouped. That is, ( a b) c a (b c ) .
This is known as the associative law of addition.
Long Multiplication
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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 9 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

We now multiply the 4 units by 35 . That is 4 5 20 put down

Suppose we wish to multiply 35 by 24, i.e. 24 35 . The the nought carry 2 into the ten column, then multiply the 4
numbers are first set out, one under the other, like this:
units by the 3 tens or, 4 3 12 and add to it the 2 we carried
to give 140 , i.e.:
24 35
where the right-hand integers 5 and 4 are the units and the
left-hand integers are the tens, i.e. 3 10 and 2 10 . We
multiply the tens on the bottom row by the tens and units on the 700
top row. So to start this process, we place a nought in the units 140
column underneath the bottom row, then multiply 2 by 5 to get
All that remains for us to do now is add 700 to 140 to get the
1 10 , carry the 1 into the tens column and add it to the product result by long multiplication, i.e.:
2 3 ; i.e.:
0 140
then multiply the 2 5 10 , put in the nought of the ten and
carry the one
now multiply 2 3 6 (the tens) and add the carried ten to it, to
give 7, then

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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 10 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Sequence of Arithmetical Operations Practice Questions

Numbers are often combined in a series of arithmetical 1. Find the value of:
operations. When this happens a definite sequence must be a. a (b c d ) , where a 3 , b 4 , c 6 and
observed. d 1 .
b. ( 21 6 7)3
1. Brackets are used if there is any danger of ambiguity.
The contents of the bracket must be evaluated before c. 6 4 5 3
performing any other operation. Thus: d. 2 2 2

2 (7 + 4) = 2 11 = 22 2. Which of the following has the largest absolute value:

7, 3, 15, 25, 31?
15 - (8 - 3) = 15 - 5 = 10
3. 16 ( 4) ( 3) 28 ?
2. Multiplication and division must be done before addition
and subtraction. Thus: 4. Find the absolute value of 4 (14 38) ( 82 ) ?

5 8 + 7 = 40 + 7 = 47 (not 5 15) 15 12 14
5. What is: (a) ; (b) ; (c) 1 .
8 4 + 9 = 2 + 9 = 11 (not 8 13) 3 2 2

5 4 - 12 3 + 7 = 20 - 4 + 7 = 27 - 4 = 6. What is: (a) (3)(2)(5) ; (b) 3 2(15) .

7. Evaluate 2 a (b 2c 3d ) , when a 4 , b 8 , c 2
So far we have used the standard operations of add, subtract, and d 2 .
multiply and divide.
8. Use long multiplication to find the products of the
a. 234 82
b. 1824 236

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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 11 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

FACTORS AND MULTIPLES Highest Common Factor (H.C.F.)

Factors & Multiples The H.C.F. of a set of numbers is the greatest number which is
a factor of each of the numbers. Thus 12 is the H.C.F. of 24, 36
If one number divides exactly into a second number the first and 60. Also 20 is the H.C.F. of 40, 60 and 80.
number is said to be a factor of the second. Thus:
Example: Find the LCM and HCF of 12 and 18.
35 = 5 7 .5 is a factor of 35 and so is 7.
240 = 3 8 10 .3, 8 and 10 are all factors of The multiples of 12 are 12, 24, 36, 48, 60, 72, and so on;
240. whereas the multiples of 18 are 18, 36, 54, 72, 90, and so on.
Therefore the LCM of 12 and 18 is 36.
63 = 3 21 = 7 9.. 63 is said to be a multiple
of any of the numbers 3, 7, 9 and 21 because each of them The factors of 12 are 2, 3, 4 and 6; whereas the factors of 18
divides 63 exactly. are 2, 3, 6, and 9. Therefore the HCF of 12 and 18 is 6.

Finally, it is to remember that any number n multiplied by 1 is Practice Questions

itself, or n 1 = n . So every number has itself and 1 as factors; 1. What numbers are factors of:
1 and n are considered trivial factors and when asked to find (a) 24 (b) 56 (c) 42
the factors of an explicit or literal number, we will exclude the
number itself and 1. If a number has no other factors apart from 2. Which of the following numbers are factors of 12: 2, 3, 4,
these, it is said to be prime number. Thus 2, 3, 7, 11, 13, 17, 19 5, 6, 12, 18 and 24?
and so on are all prime numbers.
3. Write down all the multiples of 3 between 10 and 40.
Lowest Common Multiple (L.C.M.)
4. Find the L.C.M. of the following set of numbers:
The L.C.M. of a set of numbers is the smallest number into (a) 8 and 12 (b) 3, 4 and 5 (c) 2, 6 and 12
which each of the given numbers will divide. Thus the L.C.M. of
3, 4 and 8 is 24 because 24 is the smallest number into which 5. Find the H.C.F. of each of the following sets of numbers:
the numbers 3, 4 and 8 will divide exactly. a) 8 and 12 (b) 24 and 36 (c) 10, 15
and 30
The L.C.M. of a set of numbers can usually be found by
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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 12 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics


A fraction is a division of one number by another. Thus, the

fraction 2/3 means two divided by three. The fraction x/y means
the literal number x divided by y. The number above the line is
called the numerator; the number below the line is the
denominator, as you learnt before. Thus, fractions are
represented as:

denominato r

One question arises, why do we need to use fractions at all?

Why not use only decimal fractions? Well, one very valid reason
is that fractions provide exact relationships between numbers.
From what has been said above we see that a fraction is always
For example, the fraction 1/3 is exact, but the decimal fraction
a part of something. The number below the line (the
equivalent has to be an approximation, to a given number of
denominator) gives the fraction its name and tells us the
decimals 0.3333, is corrected to four decimal places. Thus, 1/3
number of equal parts into which the whole has been divided.
+ 1/3 + 1/3 = 1 but 0.3333 + 0.3333 + 0.3333 = 0.9999, not
The top number (the numerator) tells us the number of these
quite 1.
equal parts that are to be taken. For example the fraction 4
Vulgar Fractions
means that the whole has been divided into four equal parts and
The circle in the diagram below has been divided into eight that three of these parts are to be taken.
equal parts. Each part is called one-eighth of the circle and
1 The value of a fraction is unchanged if we multiply or divide both
written as 8 . If five of the eight equal parts are taken then we its numerator and denominator by the same amount.
have taken 8 of the circle. 3 12
5 = 20 (by multiplying the numerator and denominator
by 4)
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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 13 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

2 10 5
7 = 35 (by multiplying the numerator and denominator = 8 (by dividing top and bottom by 7)
by 5) 210 5
Hence, 336 reduced to its lowest terms is 8 .

12 3
32 = 8 (by dividing the numerator and denominator by 4)
Types of Fractions
16 1
64 = 4 (by dividing the numerator and denominator by If the numerator of a fraction is less than its denominator, the
16) 2 5 3
fraction is called a proper fraction. Thus, 3 , 8 and 4 are all
2 proper fractions. Note that a proper fraction has a value which is
Example: Write down the fraction 7 with a denominator less than 1.
(bottom number) of 28.
If the numerator of a fraction is greater than its denominator, the
In order to make the denominator 28, we must multiply the fraction is called an improper fraction or a top heavy fraction.
original denominator of 7 by 4 because 7 4 = 28. 5 3 9
Thus 4 , 2 and 7 are improper fractions. Note that all improper
Remembering that to leave the value of the fraction unchanged
we must multiply both numerator and denominator by the same fractions have a value which is greater than 1.
amount, then
2 2 4 8 Every improper fraction can be expressed as a whole number
7 = 7 4 = 28 and a proper fraction. These are sometimes called mixed
1 1 3
numbers. Thus, 12 , 53 and 94 are all mixed numbers. In
Example: Reduce 336 to its lowest terms. order to convert an improper fraction into a mixed number it
210 105 must be remembered that:
336 = 168 (by dividing top and bottom by 2)
35 top number
= (by dividing top and bottom by 3) top number bottom number
56 bottom number

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1.1 14 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

15 3 5 7 11
Example: Express 8 as a mixed number. Example: Arrange the fractions 4 , 8 , 10 and 20 in order of
15 7 size starting with the smallest.
8 = 18 (Because 15 8 = 1 and remainder 7).
The lowest common denominator of 4, 8, 10 and 20 is 40.
From the above example we see that we convert an improper Expressing each of the given fractions with a bottom number of
fraction into a mixed number by dividing the bottom number into 40 gives:
the top number. Notice that the remainder becomes the 3 3 10 30
numerator in the fractional part of the mixed number. To change 4 = 4 10 = 40
a mixed number into an improper fraction we multiply the whole 5 5 5 25
number by the denominator of the fractional part. To this we add 8 = 8 5 = 40
the numerator of the fractional part and this sum then becomes 7 7 4 28
the numerator of the improper fraction. Its denominator is the 10 = 10 4 = 40
same as the bottom number of the fractional part of the mixed
number. 11 11 2 22
20 = 20 2 = 40
5 22 25 28 30 11 5 7 3
Example: Express 38 as a top heavy (improper) fraction. Therefore the order is 40, 40, 40, 40 or 20, 8, 10 and 4 .

5 (8 3) + 5 24 + 5 29
38 = 8 = 8 = 8 Addition of Fractions

The steps when adding fractions are as follows:

Lowest Common Denominator
1. Find the lowest common denominator of the fractions to
When we wish to compare the values of two or more fractions
be added.
the easiest way is to express the fractions with the same bottom
2. Express each of the fractions with this common
number. This common denominator should be the L.C.M. of the
denominators of the fractions to be compared and it is called the
3. Add the numerators of the new fractions to give the
lowest common denominator.
numerator of the answer. The denominator of the
answer is the lowest common denominator found in first

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1.1 15 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

2 3 1 2 2
Example: Find the sum of 7 and 4 . Example: Add together 52, 23 and 35

First find the lowest common denominator (this is the L.C.M. of First add the whole numbers together, 5 + 2 + 3 = 10. Then
2 3 add the fractional parts in the usual way. The L.C.M. of 2, 3 and
7 and 4). It is 28. Now express 7 and 4 with a bottom number 5 is 30.
of 28.
2 2 4 8 3 3 7 21 1 2 2 15 1 + 10 2 + 6 2
52 + 23 + 35 = 10 +
7 = 7 4 = 28 4 = 4 7 = 28 30
15 + 20 + 12
= 10 + 30
Adding the top numbers of the new fractions:
2 3 8 21 29 1 47 17
= 10 +30 = 10 + 130
7 + 4 = 28 + 28 = 28 = 128
= 1130
A better way of setting out the work is as follows:
2 3 2 4 + 3 7 8 + 21 29 1
7 + 4 = 28 = 28 = 28 = 128 Subtraction of Fractions

3 2 7 The method is similar to that in addition. Find the common

Example:Simplify 4 + 3 + 10 . denominator of the fractions and after expressing each fraction
with this common denominator, subtract.
The L.C.M. of the bottom numbers 4, 3 and 10 is 60.
5 2
Example: Simplify 8 - 5
3 2 7 3 15 + 2 20 + 7 6
4 + 3 + 10 = 60
45 + 40 + 42 The L.C.M. of the bottom numbers is 40.
= 60 5 2 5 5 - 8 2 25 - 16 9
127 7 8 - 5 = 40 = 40 = 40
= 60 = 260

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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 16 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

When mixed numbers have to be subtracted the best way is to 5 3 5 3 15

turn the mixed numbers into improper fractions and then 8 7 = 8 7 = 56
proceed in the way shown in Example 9.

7 3 2 2
Example: Simplify 310 - 24 Example: Simplify 5 33

7 3 37 11 37 2 - 11 5 2 2 2 11 2 11 22 7
310 - 24 = 10 - 4 = 20 3 1
5 3 5 3 5 3 15 15
74 - 55 19
= 20 = 20
Cancellation of Fractions
Multiplication of Fractions
16 7 35
When multiplying together two or more fractions we first multiply Example: Simplify
all the numerators together and then we multiply all the 20 8 4
denominators together. Mixed numbers must always be
1 6 1 7 3 5 7 1 7 7 49
converted into improper fractions before multiplication. Similarly, 4
if the answer is an improper fraction, this can be finally 2 5 5 8 1 4 2 5 1 2 10 10
converted into the corresponding mixed number.

Sometimes in calculations with fractions the word 'of' appears. It Division of Fractions
should always be taken as meaning multiply. Thus:
To divide by a fraction, all we have to do is to invert it (i.e. turn it
4 4 20
/ 4 4 4 16 upside down) and multiply. Thus:
5 of 20 = 5/1 1 = 1 1 = 1 = 16
3 2 3 7 3 7 21 1
5 3 5 7 = 5 2 = 5 2 = 10 = 210
Example: Simplify 8 7

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1.1 17 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

4 1 With problems of this kind it is best to work in stages as shown

Example: Divide 15 by 23 below.

4 1 9 7 9 3 27 4 1 16 + 5 21 1
15 23 = 5 3 = 5 7 = 35 25 + 14 = 3 20 = 320 = 420

Operations with Fractions 81 18 81 5 9
3 = 20 5 = 20 18 = 8
The sequence of operations when dealing with fractions is the 35
same as those used with whole numbers. They are, in order:
9 5 18 - 5 13
1st Work out brackets; 8 - 16 = 16 = 16
2nd Multiply and divide;
3rd Add and subtract.

1 1 1
Example: Simplify 5 3 2

1 1 1 1 1 2
5 3 2 = 5 3 1

1 2 1 3 3
= 5 3 = 5 2 = 10

4 1
25 + 1 4
Example: Simplify 3 - 16

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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Practice Questions 1 5 2 7 3 5 3 13
(a) , , , (b) , , ,
2 6 3 12 4 8 5 20
1. Write down the following fractions with the denominator
(bottom number) stated. 6. Arrange the following sets of fractions in order of size,
3 beginning with the smallest:
(a) 4 with denominator 28 1 5 2 7 3 5 3 13
3 (a) , , , (b) , , ,
(b) 5 with denominator 20 2 6 3 12 4 8 5 20
(c) 6 with denominator 30 7. Simplify:
(d) 1 1 1 2 3
9 with denominator 63 (a) 2 + 3 (b) 8 + 3 + 5
3 9 1 5 1
2. Reduce the following fractions to their lowest terms: (c)18 + 316 (d) 42 + 36 + 23
8 15 210
(a) 16 (b) 25 (c)294 3 7 1 10
(e) 4 19 (f) 55 13

3. Express each of the following as a mixed number: 5 7 5

(g) 18 26 (h) 7 of 140
7 22 21
(a) 2 (b) 10 (c) 8 1 5 3 1 7
(i) 315 29 (j) 314 149 10

2 2 4
4. Express each of the following as top heavy (improper) (k) 33 3 + 5
3 2 3
(a) 28 (b) 83 (c)47

5. Arrange the following sets of fractions in order of size,

beginning with the smallest:

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1.1 19 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

place for the missing hundredths. Also 100 + 1000 would be
The Decimal System written

The decimal system is an extension of our ordinary number

system. When we write the number 666 we mean 600 + 60 + 6. 0.067; the zero in this case keeps the place for the missing
Reading from left to right each figure 6 is ten times the value of tenths.
the next one.
When there are no whole numbers it is usual to insert a zero in
We now have to decide how to deal with fractional quantities, front of the decimal point so that, for instance, .35 would be
that is, quantities whose values are less than one. If we regard written 0.35.
6 6 6
666.666 as meaning 600 + 60 + 6 + 10 + 100 + 1000 then
Fraction to Decimal Conversion
the dot, called the decimal point, separates the whole numbers
from the fractional parts. Notice that with the fractional or We found, when doing fractions, that the line separating the
decimal parts, e.g. 0.666, each figure 6 is ten times the value of numerator and the denominator of a fraction takes the place of
6 17
the following one, reading from left to right. Thus 10 is ten times a division sign. Thus 80 is the same as 17 80.
6 6 6
as great as 100 , and 100 is ten times as great as 1000 , and Therefore to convert a fraction into a decimal we divide the
so on. denominator into the numerator.

Decimals then are fractions, which have denominators of 10, 27

Example: Convert 32 to decimal number.
100, 1000 and so on, according to the position of the figure after
the decimal point.
If we have to write six hundred and five we write 605; the zero 32 = 27 32
keeps the place for the missing tens. In the same way if we
3 5
want to write 10 + 1000 we write 0.305; the zero keeps the

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1.1 20 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

32 8
0.32 = 100 = 25

Operations of Decimal Numbers

The basic operations (that is addition, subtraction, multiplication

and division) of decimals is same as of integers. However, in
addition and subtraction of decimals, the decimal points of each
number are aligned vertically. For the multiplication and division
of decimal numbers, the numbers are first converted into
fractions and then simplified, and then the result is finally
converted into decimal number.

Powers of Ten

Decimal numbers may be expressed in index form, using the

powers of ten. For example:

1 1,000,000 = 1 106
Sometimes a fraction will not divide out exactly. For example, 3 100,000 = 1 105
= 0.333 10,000 = 1 104
1000 = 1 103
100 = 1 102
Conversion of Decimals to Fractions 10 = 1 101
0 = 1 100
We know that decimals are fractions with denominators 10, 100, 1/10 = 0.1 = 1 10-1
1000, etc. Using this fact we can always convert a decimal to a 1/100 = 0.01 = 1 10-2
fraction. 1/1000 = 0.001 = 1 10-3
1/10,000 = 0.0001 = 1 10-4
Example: Convert 0.32 to a fraction. 1/100,000 = 0.00001 = 1 10-5
1/1,000,000 = 0.000001 = 1 10-6
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We show the number one million (1,000,000) as 1106, i.e. 1

multiplied by 10, six times. The exponent (index) of 10 is 6, thus
the number is in exponent or exponential form.

Note that we multiply all the numbers, represented in this

manner by the number 1. This is because we are representing
one million, one hundred thousand, one tenth, etc.

When representing decimal numbers in index (exponent) form,

the multiplier is always a number which is 1.0 or <10; i.e. a
number greater than or equal to (1.0) one or less than (<10)

So, for example, the decimal number is 8762.0 = 8.762 103 in

index form. Note that with this number, greater than 1.0, we
displace the decimal point three (3) places to the left; i.e. three
powers of ten. Numbers rearranged in this way, using powers of
ten, are said to be in index form or exponent form or standard

Now consider the decimal number 0.000245? In order to obtain

a multiplier that is greater than or equal to one and less than 10,
we need to displace the decimal point four (4) places to the
right. Note that the zero in front of the decimal point is placed
there to indicate that a whole number has not been omitted.
Therefore, the number in index form now becomes 2.45 104.
Notice that for numbers less than 1.0, we use a negative index.
In other words, all decimal fractions represented in index form
have a negative index and all numbers greater than 1.0,
represented in this way, have a positive index.

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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Estimation Techniques (ii)(a) For the number 8762.87412355, the two required
significant figures are to the left of the decimal place. So we are
In most areas of engineering, there is little need to work to so concerned with the whole number 8762 and the first two figures
many places of decimals. If we have so many decimal places
accuracy in a number, this is unlikely to be needed, unless we are of primary concern again to find our approximation we need
are dealing with a subject like rocket science or astrophysics! to first consider the three figures 876, again since 6 is above
So this leads us into the very important skill of being able to halfway between 1 and 10, then we round up to give the
provide approximations or estimates to a stated degree of required answer 8800. Note that we had to add two zeros to the
accuracy. left of the decimal point. This should be obvious when you
consider that all we have been asked to do is approximate the
Example: For the numbers (a) 8762.87412355 and (b) number 8762 to within two significant figures.
(b) For the number 0.0000000234876 the significant figures are
1. Convert these numbers into standard form with any integers to theright of the decimal point and the zeros. So,
three decimal place accuracy. in this case, the number to the required number of significant
figures is 0.000000023.
2. Write down these numbers in decimal form, correct
to two significant figures.

(i)(a) By converting the given number in the standard form we

get 8.76287412355 103. Now looking at the decimal places
for the stated accuracy we must consider the first four places
8.7628 and since the last significant figure is 8, in this case
(greater than 5) we round up to give the required answer as
8.763 103.

(b) 0.0000000234876 = 2.34876 108 and now following the

same argument as above, this number is to three decimal
places = 2.349 108.

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1.1 23 Mar,2014
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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Practice Questions 6. Express the following numbers in standard form:

(a) 318.62; (b) 0.00004702;
1. Read off as decimals: (c) 51,292,000,000; (d) 0.00041045
7 3
(a) 10 (b) 100 7. Round-off the following numbers correct to three
3 7 1 7 significant figures:
(c)10 + 100 (d) 100 + 1000 (a) 2.713; (b) 0.0001267; (c) 5.435 104
5 8 9
(e) 10 + 100 + 1000

2. Convert the following to decimals correcting the

answers, where necessary, to 4 decimal places:
1 1 5
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c)16
7 11
(d) 216 (e) 16

3. Convert the following to fractions in their lowest terms:

(a) 0.2 (b) 0.312 5 (c) 0.007 5
(d) 0.45 (e) 2.55 (f) 2.125

4. Evaluate the following:

(a) 2.375 + 0.625 (b) 12.48 - 8.36
(c) 3.196 + 2.475 + 18.369 (d) 2.42 8
(e) 3.35 2.5 (f) 2.05 1.5

5. Express the following numbers in normal decimal

(a) 3 101 + 5 102 + 8 102
(b) 5 103 + 81 100

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1.1 24 Mar,2014
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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics


Space & Time:
The International System of Units
Quantity Unit Symbol
Together with major metric countries, Britain has adapted the
International System of Units known worldwide as the S.I. Area square metre m2
(System International) Units. The effect of this system is to Volume cubic metre m3
introduce standard units for many of the quantities for which a Velocity metre per second m/s
multitude of units exist as present. Acceleration metre per second squared m/s2
Angular Velocity radian per second rad/s
S I Base Units: Angular Acceleration radian per second squared rad/s2
Frequency Hertz Hz
Quantity Unit Symbol
Length metre m
Mass kilogram kg Quantity Unit Symbol
Time second s
Electric Current Ampere A Density Kilogram per cubic metrekg/m3
Thermodynamic Temperature Kelvin K Momentum Kilogram metre per second
kg m/s
Plain Angle Radians Rad Force Newton N =
Luminous Intensity candela cd. kg.m/s2
Torque or Moment Newton metre N m
Factors of Multiples & Sub-multiples: Energy, work Joule J = Nm
Power Watt W = J/s
Multiple Prefix Symbol Pressure & Stress Newton per square metre N/m2 = Pa
or Pascal
106 Mega M
103 kilo k
10-3 milli m
10-6 micro
10-9 nano n
10-12 pico p
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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Heat: 1000 mm = 1m
1 000 000 J = 1 MJ (MegaJoule)
Quantity Unit Symbol 0.000 000 001 s = 1ns (nanosecond).
Leave a small space between figures and symbols.
Celsius Degrees Celsius C
Conversion Factors
Expressing SI Units
The units which it is thought most likely you will be required to
The symbol for SI units and the conventions which govern their know are set out below with appropriate conversion factors.
use should be strictly followed.
Use the correct symbols used in the foregoing lists. To go from the first quantity into the second multiply by the
Never use a prefix without a unit either in writing or number given.
speech, e.g. kilogram or kilometre not kilo, or millimetre
or millilitre not mil. Inches Millimetres 25.4
Always put a zero before a decimal quantity less than m Inches 39.37
Unit, e.g. 0.705 m. Knot km/hr 1.852
When two units are multiplied together use a small Pounds Kilograms 0.4536
space between the symbols as the multiplier, e.g. Kilograms Pounds 2.205
o Kilogram metresquared kg m2. Imp. Galls Liters 4.546
o Newton metre N m. bar p.s.i. 14.5
When dividing, use an oblique stroke to separate the p.s.i. Pa (Pascal) 6895
numerator and denominator. bar Pa 105
metre per second m/s N/m2 Pa 1
Joule per second J/s 1bf N (Newton) 4.45
Use a space as a thousands marker not the comma. horsepower W (Watt) 746
The comma is used as a decimal marker in most B.T.U. KJ 1.055
countries using the metric system and its use as a ft 1bf J (Joule) 1.356
thousand marker will cause confusion. Up to four figures
may be blocked together but five or more figures should
be grouped in threes, e.g.

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1.1 26 Mar,2014
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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

RATIO AND PROPORTION Example: Two lengths are in the ratio 8:5. If the first length is
120 meters, what is the second length?
A ratio is a comparison between two similar quantities. If the The second length = 8 of the first length
length of a certain aircraft is 20 metres and a model of it is 1 5
1 = 8 120 = 75 meters.
metre long then the length of the model is 20 th of the length of
the aircraft. In making the model the dimensions of the aircraft
are all reduced in the ratio of 1 to 20. The ratio 1 to 20 is
usually written 1 : 20.

As indicated above a ratio may be expressed as a fraction and

all ratios may be looked upon as fractions. Thus the ratio 2 : 5 =
5 . The two terms of a ratio may be multiplied or divided without
altering the value of the ratio. Hence 6:36 = 1:6 = 6 . Again,
1:5 = 0.20.

Before a ratio can be stated the units must be the same. We

can state the ratio between 7 paisa and Rs.2 provided both
sums of money are brought to the same units. Thus if we
convert Rs.2 to 200 paisa the ratio between the two amounts of
money is 7 : 200.

Example: Express the ratio 20p to Rs.4 in its simplest form.

Rs.4 = 4 100p = 400p

20 1
20 : 400 = 400 = 20
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1.1 27 Mar,2014
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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Proportional Parts
Length of BC = 5 2 = 10 centimeters.
The following diagram shows a line AB whose length is 16
centimeters divided into two parts in the ratio 3 : 5. As can be Example: Divide Rs.1100 into two parts in the ratio 7:3.
seen in the diagram the line has been divided into a total of 8
parts. Total number of parts = 7 + 3 = 10
Amount of each part = 10 = Rs.110
Amount of first part = 7 110 = Rs.770
Amount of second part = 3 110 = Rs.330

Example: An aircraft carries 2880 liters of fuel distributed in

three tanks in the ratio 3 : 5 : 4. Find the quantity in each

Total number of parts = 3 + 5 + 4 = 12.

The length AC contains 3 parts and the length BC contains 5
parts. Amount of each part = 12 = 240 liters.

Each part is Amount of 3 parts = 3 240 = 720 liters.

Amount of 4 parts = 4 240 = 960 liters.
16 Amount of 5 parts = 5 240 = 1200 liters.
8 = 2 centimeters long; hence AC is The three tanks contain 720, 1200 and 960 liters.
3 2 = 6 centimeters long, and BC is
5 2 = 10 centimeters long.
Direct Proportion
We could tackle the problem in this way:
Two quantities are said to vary directly, or be in direct
Total number of parts = 3 + 5 = 8 parts. proportion, if they increase or decrease at the same rate. Thus
the quantity of fuel used and the distance travelled by an aircraft
Length of each parts = 8 = 2 centimeters. are in direct proportion.
Length of AC = 3 2 = 6 centimeters.
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1.1 28 Mar,2014
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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

In solving problems on direct proportion we can use either the Example: 20 men working at a company produce 3000
unitary method or the fractional method. components in 12 working days. How long will it take 15 men to
produce the 3000 components.
Example: If 25 kilograms of dry powder fire extinguishant cost 15 3
Rs.1700, how much does 8 kilograms cost? The number of men is reduced in the ratio 20 = 4 .

1. Using the unitary method: Since this is an example of inverse proportion the number of
25 kilograms cost Rs.1700. 4
1700 days required must be increased in the ratio 3 .
1 kilograms cost 25 = Rs.68.
8 kilograms cost 8 68 Number of days required = 3 12.
= Rs.544. = 16 days.

2. Using the fractional method:

Cost of 8 kilograms.
8 8 1700
= 25 1700 = 25
= Rs.544

Inverse Proportion

Two quantities are said to vary inversely, or be in inverse

proportion, if one quantity increases on decreasing the other
quantity and vice versa. Suppose that 8 fitters working on an
aircraft 'C' check takes 10 days to complete it. If we double the
number of men then we should halve the time taken. If we halve
the number of men then the job will probably take twice as long.
This is an example of inverse proportion.

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PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 29 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Practice Questions 10. 10 men produce 500 composite panels in a week. How
long would it take 15 men to produce the same amount?
1. Express the following ratios as fractions in their lowest
11. Two gear wheels mesh together. One has 40 teeth and
the other has 25 teeth. If the larger wheel makes 100
(a) 8 : 3 (b) 9 : 15 (c) 12 : 4
revolutions per minute how many revolutions per minute
does the smaller wheel make?
2. Express the ratio of 30p to Rs.2 as a fraction in its
lowest terms. 12. 4 men can do a piece of work in 30 hours. How many
men would be required to do the work in 6 hours?
3. Express the ratio Rs.5 : 80p as a fraction in its lowest

4. Divide Rs.800 in the ratio 5 : 3.

5. A sum of money is divided into two parts in the ratio 5 :

7. If the smaller amount is Rs.200, find the larger

6. A alloy consists of copper, zinc and tin in the ratios 2 : 3

: 5. Find the amount of each metal in 75 kilograms of
the alloy.

7. If 7 kilograms of silica gel cost Rs.280, how much do 12

kilograms cost?

8. If 40 rivets cost Rs.3500, how much does 1 cost? What

is the cost of 55 rivets?

9. An aircraft flies 2000 kilometres in 4 hours. How long

will it take to complete a journey of 3500 kilometres?

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1.1 30 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

AVERAGES Then average mass of all 22 boxes is 297.5 22

= 13.52 kg
To find the average of a set of quantities, add the quantities
together and divide by the number of quantities in the set. Practice Questions
1. Find the average of the following readings: 22.3 mm,
sum of the quantities 22.5 mm, 22.6 mm, 21.8 mm and 22.0 mm.
Average = number of quantities
2. A train travels 300 km in 4 hours. What is its average
Example: A student falls asleep in every lesson, the following speed?
number of times: 8, 20, 3, 0, 5, 9, 15 and 12. What is his
average per lesson? 3. If a car travels for 5 hours at an average speed of 70
km/h how far has it gone?
Average score =
8 + 20 + 3 + 0 + 5 + 9 + 15 + 12 4. If an aircraft flies a four-hour flight at the rate of 550
8 km/h and then two-hour flight at the rate of 450 km/h,
72 what is the average speed of the whole journey?
= 8 = 9

Example (Weighted Average): A light aircraft is loaded with 22

boxes. If nineboxes have a mass of 12 kg, eight boxes have a
mass of 14 kg and five boxes have a mass of 14.5 kg. What is
the total mass of the boxes and the average mass per box?

By finding the total mass of all 22 boxes, we can then find the
average mass per box. So we have:

9 12 = 108 kg
8 14 = 112 kg
5 15.5 = 77.5kg

Total mass = 297.5kg

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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

The same rule result is produced if we omit the intermediate
When comparing fractions it is often convenient to express them step of turning 0.3 into vulgar fraction and just multiply 0.3 by
with a denominator of a hundred. Thus: 100. Thus:
0.3 = 0.3 100 = 30
1 50
2 = 100 To convert a percentage into a fraction we divide by 100. For
2 40 example,
5 = 100
45% = 100 = 0.45
Fractions with a denominator of 100 are called percentages.
1 25 3.9
3.9% = 100 = 0.039
4 = 100 = 25 percent
3 30
10 = 100 = 30 percent Note that all we have done is to move the decimal point 2
places to the left.
The sign % is usually used instead of the words per cent.

To convert a fraction into a percentage we multiply it by 100.

For example:
3 3
4 = 4 100 = 75

17 17
20 = 20 100 = 85

Decimal numbers may be converted into percentages by using

the same rule. Thus:
3 3
0.3 = 10 = 10 100 = 30%

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Percentage of a Quantity Complete length = 100 2.5 cm = 250 cm

It is easy to find the percentage of a quantity if we first express Alternatively,

the percentage as a fraction.
22% of the length = 55 cm
Examples: 100
Complete length = 22 55
1. What is 10% of 40? 100 55
= 22 = 250 cm
Expressing 10% as a fraction it is 100 and the problem then
4. What percentage is 37 of 264? Give the answer correct
becomes: to 5 significant figures.
What is 100 of 40?
10 Percentage = 264 100
10% of 40 = 100 40 = 4
37 100
= 264
= 14.015%
2. What is 25% of 50?

25% of 50 = 100 50 = 12.50

3. 22% of a certain length is 55 cm. What is the complete


1% of the length = 22 cm = 2.5 cm

Now the complete length will be 100%, hence:

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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Practice Questions

1. Convert the following fractions to percentages:

7 4 11
(a) 10 (b) 5 (c) 20

2. Convert the following decimal numbers into

(a) 0.7 (b) 0.68 (c) 0.819

3. Convert the following percentages into decimal fractions:

(a) 32% (b) 31.5% (c) 3.95%

4. What is:
(a) 20% of 50 (b) 12% of 20 (c) 3.7% of 68

5. What percentage is:

(a) 25 of 200 (b) 29 of 178 (c) 15 of 33

6. If 20% of a length is 23 cm, what is the complete length?

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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

AREAS AND VOLUMES Example: An office 8.5m by 6.3m is to be fitted with a carpet, so
as to leave surround 600mm wide around the carpet. What is
Areas the area of the surround?

We are already familiar with the concept of length, e.g. the With a problem like this, it is often helpful to sketch a diagram.
distance between two points, we express length in some
chosen unit, e.g. in meters; but if we wish to fit a carpet to the
room floor, the length of the room is insufficient. We obviously
need to know the width as well. This 2-dimensional concept of
size is termed Area.

The area of the surround = office area - carpet area.

= (8.5 x 6.3) - (8.5 - 2 x 0.6) (6.3 - 2 x 0.6)

= 53.55 - (7.3) (5.1)
= 53.55 - 37.23
= 16.32 m2

Consider a room 4m by 3m as shown above. Clearly it can be Note that 600mm had to be converted to 0.6m. Don't forget to
divided up into 12 equal squares, each measuring 1m by 1m. include units in the answer e.g. m2.
Each square has an area of 1 square meter. Hence, the total
area is 12 square meters (usually written as 12m2 for The following table shows the formulae for the more common
convenience). So, to calculate the area of a rectangle, multiply shapes.
length of 1 side by the length of the other side.

Note: 4 m x 3 m = 12 m2 (Don't forget the m2).

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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Example: The cross section of a block of metal is shown. Find Example: A hollow shaft has an outside diameter of 2.5cm.
its area. Calculate the cross-sectional area of the shaft.

Area of trapezoid Area of cross-section

= x 40 x (30 + 50) = area of outside circle area of inside circle
= x 40 x 80 = x 1.626 - x 1.25
= 1600 mm = (1.625 - 1.25)
= 3.142 x (2.640 1.563)
= 3.142 x 1.077
= 3.388 cm

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Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Example: Calculate the length of arc of a circle whose radius is Each layer contains
8m and which subtends an angle of 56 at the centre. 4 x 3 = 12 cubes.
There are 2 layers.
Length of arc = 2r x 0 Hence the volume is
360 12 x 2 = 24m3.
360 Basically, therefore, when calculating volume, it is necessary to
= 31.28 m look for 3 dimensions, at 90 to each other, and then multiply
Volumes them together. For a box-type shape, multiplying length x width
x height = volume.
The concept and calculation of volume is the logical extension
of length and area. The volume of a solid figure is measured by seeing how many
Instead of squares, we now consider cubes. This is a three- cubic units it contains. A cubic meter is the volume inside a
dimensional concept and the typical units of volume are cubic cube which has a side of 1 meter. Similarly a cubic centimeter is
meters (m3). the volume inside a cube which has a side of 1 centimeter. The
standard abbreviations for units of volume are:
If we have a box, length 4m, width 3m and height 2m, we see
that the total volume = 24 cubic meters (24m3). Cubic meter m
Cubic centimeter cm
Cubic millimeter mm

Example: How many cubic centimeters are contained in 1 cubic


1m = 10 cm

1m = (10 cm) = 10 cm
= 1 000 000 cm

The following table gives volumes of some simple solids

ISO9001:2008Certified ForTrainingPurposeOnly
PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 38 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

Practice Questions

1. The area of a rectangle is 220mm. If its width is 25mm

find its length.

2. A sheet metal plate has a length of 147.5mm and a

width of 86.5mm find its length to the nearest four
decimal places.

3. Find the area of a triangle whose base is 7.5cm and

whose altitude is 5.9cm.

4. Find the area of a trapezium whose parallel sides are

75mm and 82mm long respectively and whose vertical
height is 39mm.

5. The parallel sides of a trapezium are 12cm and 16cm

long. If its area is 220cm, what is its altitude?

6. Find the areas of the shaded portions in the diagram.

ISO9001:2008Certified ForTrainingPurposeOnly
PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 39 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics

7. Find the circumference of a circle whose radii are: 16. Calculate the diameter of a cylinder whose height is the
(a) 3.5mm (b) 13.8mm (c) 4.2cm same as its diameter and whose volume is 220 cm.

8. Find the diameter of a circle whose circumference is


9. How many revolutions will a wheel make in travelling

2km if its diameter is 700mm?

10. If r is the radius and 0 is the angle subtended at the

centre by an arc find the length of arc when: r = 2cm, 0

11. Convert the following volumes into the units stated:

(a) 5 m into cm (b) 0.08 m into mm
(c) 830 000 cm into m (d) 850 000 mm into m

12. A steel ingot whose volume is 2 m is rolled into a plate

15mm thick and 1.75m wide. Calculate the length of the
plate in m.

13. A block of lead 2.0 m x 1m x 0.72m is hammered out to

make a square sheet 10mm thick. What are the
dimensions of the square?

14. The volume of a small cylinder is 180 cm. If the radius

of the cross-section is 25mm, find its height.

15. A cone has a diameter of 28mm and a height of 66mm.

What is its volume?

ISO9001:2008Certified ForTrainingPurposeOnly
PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 40 Mar,2014
PIA Training Centre (PTC) Module 1 MATHEMATICS
Category A/B1/B2 Sub Module 1.1 Arithmetics


Squares The square root of a number is the number whose square

equals the given number. Since 52 = 25, the square root of
When a number is multiplied by itself the result is called the 25 = 5.
square of the number. The square of 9 is 9 9 = 81. Instead
of writing 9 9, it is usual to write 92 which is read as the The sign is used to denote a square root and hence we write
square of 9. Thus:
25 5
122 = 12 12 = 144 Similarly, since 9 = 81, so .
(1.3)2 = 1.3 1.3 = 1.69
81 9
Example: Find (168.8) .
Cube Roots
(168.8) 2
= 168.8 168.8
= 28,480 The cubed root of a number is the number which cubed equals
the number. For example, the cubed root of 64 = 4.
2 The sign 3 is used to denote a cubed root and hence we write
0.9 .
Example: Find the value of . 3
64 4
2 Practice Questions
6 2 36
0.15 1. Find the square of the following numbers:
Cubes (a) 1.5 (b) 23 (c) 3.15

When a number is multiplied by itself, i.e. 3 3 = 9, it is usual 2. Find the cube of the following numbers:
to write it as 32 or 3 squared. We can take this a stage further (a) 7 (b) 1.5
and multiply by another 3, i.e.
3. Find the value of (3.142)2 correct to 2 places of decimal.
3 3 3 = 27, it is usual to write it as 33 or 3 cubed.

ISO9001:2008Certified ForTrainingPurposeOnly
PTC/CM/B Basic/M01/01 Rev. 00
1.1 41 Mar,2014

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