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and after i got

the following statement is very important in understanding the importance of all
those are just don't in the trans mutation of desire in which physical or monet
ary acquittal and
here's a state of mind that may be induced or created by after major law repeate
d instructions to the so gotcha small and through the principle of auto suggest
the repetition of the have formations is like giving orders to your so gone to s
mall and and it is the only moments ago ball wondering development of the emotio
n of a
absolutely leaf did you can do something
as an illustration consider why you were listening to this book
you want whoa acquire the ability to trans ruby and tangible fought him balls of
desire into which physical counterpart mani
by following the instructions laid down in the waiter chapters on auto suggestio
n and the so conscious mind you will learn techniques to convince you're so god
just mind that you believe that you will receive that for which you were asked
you're so unconscious will act upon that really
impressive back to you on the form of the
followed by definite plans for pro curing what you desire
the emotions or the feeling portion of flocks are what give your boss vitality w
ife and action
all fog suburban emotional eyes given feeling and mixed with faith
absolute belief in your ability
again immediately to translate themselves into their physical equivalent quarter
hour or
however this is not only drove on impulse levin mixed with faith
what is wrong with any emotion including negative emotions
what this means is that the self conscious mind will translate into which visibl
e equivalent of plot impulse of a negative or destructive manager just as readil
y as it will act upon cotton balls of applause of the or construct of nature
this is the equivalent of saying that a negative with him also for the that is r
epeatedly passed on to listen conscious mind often enough is finally accepted an
active upon whether some conscious mind
the so gorgeous ben proceeds to translate them bowls into with physical equivale
nt by the most practical procedure roberta local
this also jones was strange phenomenon that so many millions of people experienc
for two or as
and lock
for millions of people who believe themselves doomed to poverty and failure beca
use of some strange force they call bad luck
over which they believe they have no control
the truth is that they are the creator is over all misfortune because this negat
ive be leave in babylon is picked up by the so conscious mind and translated int
o which physical equivalent
your beliefs or freight
is the element that will determine the action of yours so gotcha small and once
again let me stress that you will benefit by passing on to your so conscious min
d any desire that you wish translated into with physical or monetary equivalent
in the state over expect him to you or belief
but the trans mutation we'll actually take place
listen conscious mind woke friends knew it was physically global and by the most
direct and practical way available any order that is given to work in this stat
e of relief
or frank that the order will be carried out

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