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Tutorial 1

Group 6
Dayang Puteri Nadhirah Binti Abang Omar- 0310617
Ooi Hong Jian-0317796
Tan Pei Ling-0326028
Yap Chien Yee-0325071
Yvonne Koesyonoe Khoe- 0319340

1. Compare the batch and continuous methods in pasteurization.

The batch pasteurization is more suitable for small capacity. Processing of subsequent batches
must wait until the current batch is finished hence its time consuming. Continuous pasteurization
use higher temperature and shorter time but the production line require higher capital to set up.

2. Interpret the following graph.

Heating for 3 minutes at 90C, it will not kill pathogen and vitamin. Heating for 40 minutes at
90C, it will kill pathogen and vitamin. Heating for 0.5 minutes at 11C, it will destroy the
pathogen but not vitamin. Heating for 25 minutes at 90 C, it will destroy the vitamin but not the
pathogen. So, it is useless for us to do the pasteurization process. Hence, the most effective
pasteurization temperature is at 110C and heating for 0.5 minutes because it can preserve the
vitamin and kill the pathogen at the same time.
3. Briefly explain the design of plate heat exchanger.

Plate heat exchanger consists of series of thin vertical stainless steel plated, compressed together
in a steel frame. The plates used in a plate and frame heat exchanger are obtained by one piece
pressing of metal plates. The tiny plates in between provide a larger surface area in order to speed
up the process and allow for the fastest possible transfer. Stainless steel is a commonly used metal
for the plates because of its ability to withstand high temperatures, its strength, and its corrosion
resistance.The plates form parallel channels for liquid food and heating medium. Hence, the
heating medium and liquid food can pass through the plate alternatively, thereby exchanging heat.
Next, regeneration is to recycle the raw and pasteurized milk. The raw milk can get the heat from
the pasteurized milk in order to reduce the energy required to reach the pasteurized temperature
during heating process while pasteurized milk can cool down faster. The second step is to heat
the milk to pasteurized temperature. Next, flow diversion valve acts as a monitor or controller to
check the temperature of the pasteurized milk. If the temperature does not achieve the pasteurized
temperature, it will pump back to the raw milk balance tank and do the whole process again.
After that, reduce the temperature of the pasteurized milk to 32C and 10C/9C. Lastly, send
the product to the chiller.

4. State the four basic steps involved in sterilization with brief explanations.

Heating is done until the temperature reached 110 Celsius - 125 Celsius.
The objective of heating is to destroy the microorganisms.
The surface will be hotter than the center part of the container.
Due to that reason, some equilibration need to be done.
Holding time is needed to make sure that all of the microorganisms are destroyed by
giving it a period of time. Usually the holding time will be according to the time needed
for all the microorganisms to be killed. This is because if there was no holding time given,
some of the microorganisms might still be activated inside the product.
Cooling is one of the step that needs to be done. The reason is to prevent further heat
effects, such as overcooking the food, by putting it through the heat for a long time.
5. Define canning and suggest a few packaging materials suitable for its application.

Canning is a food preservation method in which the food contents (whether cooked or uncooked)
are placed into an airtight container (usually a tin plated or lacquered steel) which will then be
heated as to sterilize it. The heating process destroys microorganisms and inactivates enzymes
that may cause food spoilage, and at the same time compresses the air inside which will form a
vacuum seal during cooling that prevents air and microorganisms from entering the food as well
as reducing risks of oxidization from the air. Packaging materials that are usually suitable for this
method are glass jars, tin plated steel or lacquered steel, as well as laminated vacuum pouches
(those usually used in retort processes, or ready to eat meals).

6. State three criteria in selecting a frying oil.

Low tendency to foam, low tendency to smoke formation, good flavour stability of the
product .

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