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Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 55 (2009) 367371

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WikiPharma A freely available, easily accessible, interactive and

comprehensive database for environmental effect data for pharmaceuticals
Linda Molander, Marlene gerstrand *, Christina Rudn
Royal Institute of Technology/Philosophy, Teknikringen 78B, 10044 Stockholm, Sweden

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: A signicant number of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients (APIs) have been identied in the environment
Received 23 June 2009 and in surface waters. Data on the environmental hazards associated with these substances are emerging
Available online 29 August 2009 but are still scarce. We have compiled publicly available ecotoxicity data for APIs into a database called
WikiPharma. The use of the database is free of charge. It can be accessed and updated continuously as a
Keywords: wiki. The aim of WikiPharma is to provide an easily accessible, comprehensive and up-to-date overview
Pharmaceuticals of effects caused by pharmaceuticals on non-target organisms. The database currently contains basic
information, i.e. substance name, ATC code(s) and pharmaceutical group(s), for 831 APIs representing
Environmental effects
35 different drug classes. Effect data have been identied and included for 116 of these substances. These
MistraPharma ecotoxicity test data have been extracted from 156 different sources. The development of a comprehen-
WikiPharma sive database on ecological hazard of APIs can facilitate identication of data gaps and promote environ-
mental risk assessment of these substances. The database is available at
2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction The aim of the WikiPharma is to provide an easily accessible

overview of effects caused by pharmaceuticals on non-target
Up to now almost 200 pharmaceutical substances have been organisms identied in acute, sub-chronic and chronic ecotoxicity
identied in surface waters. The occurrence of Active Pharmaceu- tests. This concentration of ecotoxicity data for pharmaceuticals in
tical Ingredients (APIs) in the aquatic environment is certainly a one single place can be of help when assessing potential risks of
cause for concern, but exposure is only one prerequisite for there pharmaceutical ingredients in the environment, as well as for iden-
being a risk to the environment. Evidence of harm is the other. tifying data gaps.
So far, relatively little is known about the risks associated with This paper presents the database construction, its contents and
the occurrence of these compounds in the environment but given guidance for users on how to search for data. Furthermore,
their potency to interact with biological target molecules that in quantitative characteristics of the database are presented, such as
many cases are highly conserved among a variety of organisms the frequency of different types of test methods, test species and
(Gunnarsson et al., 2008), a risk to non-target species cannot easily effect measures as well as what pharmaceutical substances
be dismissed. seem to have the highest toxicity. The database is available at
To identify information gaps and thereby contributing to high-
lighting research needs, we have compiled publicly available eco- The database was developed within the Swedish research pro-
toxicity data into a database using Microsoft Access 2000 gramme MistraPharma ( MistraPharma
software. The database is called WikiPharma. It is available at no concerns the identication and reduction of environmental risks
cost and constructed as a wiki so that all users can propose data caused by the use of human pharmaceuticals and is funded by
to be added. This solution enables continuous updating of the data- the Swedish Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research
base. Only published data are allowed to be entered in the data- (Mistra).
base. The peer-review system for published data is used as a
quality control. WikiPharma provides extracted data and biblio- 2. Scope of the database
graphic references to these data. It does however not give direct ac-
cess to the papers from where the data is gathered. The database intends to include all available ecotoxicity data
for APIs. However, in the current version of the database only
the APIs for which an environmental risk assessment is required
* Corresponding author. Fax: +46 8 790 95 99. according to European law are included, hence vitamins, miner-
E-mail address: (M. gerstrand). als, vaccines, etc. are not. The reason for the exceptions is that

0273-2300/$ - see front matter 2009 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
368 L. Molander et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 55 (2009) 367371

these APIs are generally considered to be of low environmental Table 1

risk. Keywords used when searching for information in databases.

The following criteria were initially used to select data to be in- Keywords
cluded in the database: Name of API
Name of API and ecotoxic*
 The data should be published in a peer reviewed journal and Name of API and environment*
presented in the English language. Name of API and environment* and effect*
Name of API and environment* and toxic*
 Both in vivo and in vitro tests on non-target species were Name of API and EC50 or LC50 or NOEC or LOEC
included. Pharmaceutical* and environment*
 Only tests where an EC50, IC50, LC50, NOEC, LOEC, NOEL, LOEL, Pharmaceutical* and aquatic and environment*
NOAEL or LOAEL is presented, or for which such effect measures Pharmaceutical* and aquatic and toxic*
Pharmaceutical* and EC50 or LC50 or NOEC or LOEC
can be derived or calculated, were included.
 The focus is on reports of adverse effects, and also on biological *
Word stem search.
alterations that might lead to an adverse effect. Data on occur-
rence, fate and exposures (including bioconcentration) were
not included. strategy resulted in a good coverage of the publicly accessible eco-
toxicity data.
When available, the following information has been included in
the database:
4. Database structure
 Complete bibliographic reference.
 The name of the tested API. The database is structured according to standard Microsoft Ac-
 The type of test method used (e.g. OECD or ASTM standard cess principles using tables and established relations between
methods). these tables. There are three tables managing the identity of the
 The identity of the tested species. substance and the function of the API, i.e. substance name, ATC-
 The sex of the tested organisms (when relevant). code(s)1 and pharmaceutical group(s).
 The age and/or life stage of the tested organisms. The other two tables contain the ecotoxicity data and the corre-
 Number of organisms used in the test. sponding bibliographic references, respectively. The overall struc-
 Concentrations/doses of the API used in the test (nominal and/or ture of the database is shown in Fig. 1.
 Exposure time.
 Study period (if different from exposure time). 5. Searching the database
 Route of exposure (if other than through water exposure).
 The result of the test reported as one of the following effect The search engine is constructed so that a specic pharmaceuti-
measures: EC50, IC50, LC50, NOEC, LOEC, NOEL, LOEL (NOAEL cal ingredient or a whole drug class, e.g. non-steroidal anti-inam-
and LOAEL were reported as NOEL and LOEL, respectively). matory drugs (NSAIDs), can be selected from a drop-down-list to
 The critical effect (endpoint) identied in the test. obtain all effect data of interest. Information from the WikiPharma
 Any additional information or comments about the test or pub- database can also be retrieved by downloading all information in
lication that could be useful. the database in one table or by downloading the whole database
(requires Microsoft Access). The format of the data extracted from
3. Identication of data search strategy a Microsoft Access database is fully compatible with other Ofce
software such as Excel and Word.
Ecotoxicity data were systematically searched for in relevant
scientic databases such as CSA, ScienceDirect and PubMed. CSA
includes 17 biology databases: ASFA 3 Aquatic Pollution and 6. Overview of database contents
Environmental Quality, Bacteriology Abstracts (Microbiology B),
BioOne Abstracts and Indexes, Biotechnology Research Abstracts, In total the database contains basic information, i.e. substance
Conference Papers Index, Ecology Abstracts, EIS Digests of Envi- name, ATC code(s) and pharmaceutical group(s), for 831 APIs rep-
ronmental Impact Statements, Environmental Engineering resenting 35 different pharmaceutical drug classes. Effect data
Abstracts, TOXLINE, Health and Safety Science Abstracts, Human have been found in the publicly available literature for 116 of these
Population & Natural Resource Management, Industrial and substances. These ecotoxicity test data have been extracted from
Applied Microbiology Abstracts (Microbiology A), Pollution 156 different sources.
Abstracts, Risk Abstracts, Sustainability Science Abstracts, Toxicol- Approximately 60% of the included effect data originates from
ogy Abstracts, Water Resources Abstracts. The search engine Goo- tests conducted according to standardized methods. The most fre-
gle Scholar was also a useful tool. In addition to these search paths quently occurring testing standards are those issued by OECD, the
data from relevant books were extracted, and the reference lists of U.S. EPA, and ISO. The mainly used test guidelines are presented in
the retrieved articles including review articles were searched for Table 2. Modied versions of the standard test guidelines were
information about additional publications. included in the counting.
When searching for data on these substances a number of key-
words were used to obtain relevant information (Table 1). Since 1
Every API has an ATC code according to the Anatomical Therapeutic Chemical
the MistraPharma research programme does not cover the terres- (ATC) classication system established by the World Health Organization (WHO). In
trial compartment, the main focus was on effect studies on non- the ATC classication system the substances are categorized into groups depending
target organisms living in the aquatic environment. Terrestrial on which organ or system they are designed to act on and according to their chemical,
pharmacological and therapeutic properties. In cases when an API has more than one
studies were however included when identied. area of use there is also more than one ATC code for this ingredient (WHO, 2008). To
The aim of the search procedures was to identify all the data enable searches on all ATC codes in the database a table was created linking one of the
that fullled our initial criteria and we believe that this search ATC codes to all codes for that particular substance.
L. Molander et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 55 (2009) 367371 369

Fig. 1. The database structure.

Tests performed using standard kits like the Microtox test, Table 3
Thamnotoxkit, Rotoxkit, Spirotox, Streptoxkit and Artoxkit etc. Top 10 used test species in ecotoxicity testing of pharmaceutical substances.

are also commonly occurring in the database. Species Number of tests (%)
There are 127 different species represented in the data set. Daphnia magna (crustacean) 250 (29.1)
Since the majority of the tests compiled in the database were per- Vibrio scheri (bacterium) 104 (12.1)
formed according to standardized test methods, most of the test Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata (algae) 82 (9.5)
organisms used is consequently also standard test species. The Poeciliopsis lucida (sh)* 75 (8.7)
Oncorhynchus mykiss (sh)** 72 (8.4)
top 10 most frequently used test species are listed in Table 3. Both
Glomus intraradices (mycorrhizal fungus) 60 (7.0)
in vivo and in vitro tests were included in the counting of tests with Ceriodaphnia dubia (crustacean) 59 (6.9)
different species. Pimephales promelas (sh) 57 (6.6)
Crustacean species (Daphnia magna, Ceriodaphnia dubia domi- Brachionus calyciorus (rotifer) 53 (6.2)
Thamnocephalus platyurus (crustacean) 47 (5.5)
nate) are the most commonly used species when looking at the
whole data set. This is not very surprising since daphnid species *
In vitro test with P. lucida hepatocytes in 70 tests.
are extensively used in freshwater toxicity testing because they In vitro test with O. mykiss hepatocytes in 48 tests.
are abundant and widely distributed, easy to maintain in the
laboratory and are sensitive towards a broad range of environ-
mental contaminants (Cooney, 2003). The marine bacterium Vib- and chronic ecotoxicity tests gathered in the database was ob-
rio sheri is also recommended as test species and commonly tained by grouping different species together due to generation
used for ecotoxicity testing of antibiotic agents (Backhaus and time. Based on the rough division of species into microorganisms
Grimme, 1999). Three different sh species are among the top (mainly bacteria), algae (including vascular plants), invertebrates
ten, however, the majority of the tests with Poeciliopsis lucida and vertebrates (sh and amphibians) tests classied as acute
and Oncorhynchus mykiss were conducted in vitro. Ecotoxicity (i.e. exposure 630 min for microorganisms, 672 h for algae,
testing with sh are often used to determine adverse effects of 648 h for invertebrates, 696 h for vertebrates)2 constitute 55% of
the estrogens 17-bestradiol and 17a-ethinylestradiol, where the WikiPharma data set.
vitellogenin (VTG) induction is considered a valuable biomarker In addition, the total number of the effect measures EC50, LC50
for assessing exposure to environmental estrogens in sh (e.g. and IC50 exceed the number of NOEC and LOEC values (Table 4),
Tyler et al., 2002). which could be seen as an indicator of a higher frequency of acute
More than half of the compiled data represent short-term expo- tests. Although, median effect concentrations are often obtained
sure and acute responses. An estimation of the number of acute from short-term toxicity tests it is worth noting that such effect
measures can also result from tests where the exposure is consid-
ered to be sub-chronic or chronic (Jop, 1997). Thus, this is only an
Table 2 estimation of the amount of short-term and long-term tests com-
Most frequently used test standards in ecotoxicity testing of pharmaceutical piled in the database.
Data from ecotoxicity testing compiled in the database show
Standard/guideline Number of tests (%) that the natural estrogen 17b-estradiol and the synthetic estrogen
OECD 225 (33.2) 17a-ethinylestradiol are the substances for which the lowest effect
USEPA 171 (25.2) concentrations have been reported. Both the lowest short-term
ISO 141 (20.8)
ASTM 76 (11.2)
EEC 37 (5.5)
AFNOR 28 (4.1) Exposure time classied as acute was done according to Cooney (2003) for
invertebrate and vertebrate species. For algal species, 72 h E(L)C50 values were
OECD, Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development; ASTM, American classied as acute effect concentrations while 72 h NOEC and LOEC values were
Society for Testing and Materials; EPA, Environmental Protection Agency (US); ISO, classied as chronic effect concentrations in accordance with the Technical Guidance
International Standards Organization; EEC, European Economic Community; Document (TGD) on Risk Assessment (TGD, 2003). Exposure time for microorganisms
AFNOR, Association Franaise de Normalisation. was either 30 min or 20 h. The rst was regarded as acute, the latter as chronic.
370 L. Molander et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 55 (2009) 367371

Table 4 In some cases information of both exposure time and study per-
Frequency of different effect measures used in ecotoxicity testing of pharmaceutical iod can be found. While the exposure time describes the time a test
organism are exposed to a pharmaceutical ingredient, e.g. 48 h, the
Effect measure Number of effect measures (%) study period can include more than one exposure period and/or
EC50 852 (45.8) also include a recovery period after the exposure has ended.
LC50 232 (12.8) There is a column in the APIData table named Substance com-
IC50 86 (4.6) ment with the purpose of informing the users if the pharmaceutical
NOEC 240 (12.9)
LOEC 450 (24.2)
ingredient tested is a metabolite of a substance, e.g. salicylic acid is
the main metabolite of acetylsalicylic acid. In a few cases effect
data of metabolites of APIs were added to the database although
the name of the metabolite was unknown or it had not been given
any ATC code. In these cases the ATC code of the parent substance
median effect concentrations (EC50s) and long-term NOEC and was used and a comment that the test substance is a metabolite
LOEC values are found for these estrogens. Among the lower NOEC was made. Comments of what compounds were added to the test
and LOEC values, ranging from 0.4 ng/L and from 0.03 ng/L respec- solutions, e.g. verapamil-HCl or diclofenac-Na, were also made in
tively up to a few micrograms per liter, a few effect concentrations this eld.
for the non-steroidal anti-inammatory drugs (NSAIDs) ibuprofen
and diclofenac and the selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SSRI)
8. Turning the database into a Wiki
uoxetine are found as well. Approximately 90 days of exposure of
17a-ethinylestradiol (EE2) at a concentration as low as 0.03 ng/L
This paper describes the background and design of the database
signicantly induced intersex in the Japanese ricesh Oryzias latipes
as it is today. We now make the database available to the scientic
(Metcalfe et al., 2001). This is an environmental relevant concentra-
community and make it possible for anyone, after a simple login-
tion since EE2 concentrations up to 7 ng/L have been detected in
registration, to propose changes and additions to it. All proposed
European sewage treatment plant efuents and generally ranges
changes to the database will have to be approved by a database
between 0.5 and less than 0.1 ng/L in surface waters (Desbrow
administrator. The administrator checks whether the proposed
et al. 1998; Lnge et al., 2001).
additions seem reasonable and compatible with the aims of the
Another pharmaceutical group identied in the database for
database. Data that have either been published in the open scien-
producing low median effect concentrations is the antibiotics, rep-
tic literature or that have been sufciently peer reviewed and
resented by amoxicillin, levooxacin, ooxacin and ciprooxacin.
made publicly available by other means, will be included. Apart
The lowest EC50 values were identied at a few lg/L.
from that there will be no additional quality evaluation of data be-
Pharmaceutical concentrations in surface waters, groundwater and
fore they are included and published in the database. In a wiki all
sediment normally range from nanograms to a few micrograms per li-
users and contributors are responsible for quality assurance. For
ter (Kmmerer, 2004) and for the majority of the pharmaceutical ingre-
scrutiny and evaluation of the data, the user is referred to the full
dients adverse effects have been identied at concentrations far above
environmentally measured concentrations.
The goal is that the WikiPharma should be an easy accessible,
comprehensive, and up-to-date source for information about the
7. Database availability, guidance and explanations environmental toxicity of APIs. If this goal will be reached is up
to the scientic community.
In some scientic articles no effect measures are presented
although signicant effects were seen in the study. Where appro-
priate, such critical effect concentrations have been interpreted Conicts of interest
as for example a LOEC value. The basis for the interpretations is
the denition of a LOEC value as the lowest observed signicant ef- The authors declare that there are no conicts of interest.
fect concentration and a NOEC value as the highest concentration
where no signicant effect was observed on the test organisms Acknowledgments
compared to the control in a specic test (Rand et al., 2003).
Whereas signicant effect concentrations have been labeled LOEC The authors thank Anna stensson for help with the gathering
when the test organisms were exposed to the drug substance via of data and Katarzyna Malkiewicz and three anonymous reviewers
the surrounding media, LOEL (Lowest Observed Effect Level) was for valuable comments on the paper. The study was funded by Mis-
used in cases when the test organisms were injected with the sub- tra, the Foundation for Strategic Environmental Research.
stance. To inform the users searching information in the database
that this is our own interpretation a note about this has been made References
in a column named Comment (Fig. 1).
In the comment column there is also room for making notes on Backhaus, T., Grimme, L.H., 1999. The toxicity of antibiotic agents to the
luminescent bacterium Vibrio scheri. Chemosphere 38 (14), 32913301.
if something in the article is unclear or if there are more data avail- Cooney, J.D., 2003. Freshwater tests. In: Rand, G.M. (Ed.), Fundamentals of Aquatic
able from a study that for some reason is not included in the data- Toxicology Effects, Environmental Fate, and Risk Assessment, second ed.
base. For example, in a study conducted by Marques et al. (2004) Taylor & Francis Group, New York, London.
Desbrow, C., Routledge, E.J., Brighty, G.C., Sumpter, J.P., Waldock, M.J., 1998.
containing very much effect data, vague effect data presented as Identication of estrogenic chemicals in sewage treatment works efuent. 1.
>10.00 mg/L were left out with the comment More effect data Chemical fractionation and in vitro biological screening. Environ. Sci. Technol.
on neonates per brood and age at each reproduction available for 32, 15491558.
Gunnarsson, L., Jauhiainen, A., Kristiansson, E., Nerman, O., Larsson, D.G.J., 2008.
which all NOEC and LOEC values >10.00 mg/L. Only the more
Evolutionary conservation of human drug targets in organisms used for
specied data were extracted. environmental risk assessments. Environ. Sci. Technol. 42, 58075813.
One column in the APIData table is named Route of exposure to Jop, K.M., 1997. Overview of ecological toxicity test methods. In: Hamilton, J.D.,
which information regarding the route only was included if the test Sutcliffe, R. (Eds.), Ecological Assessment of Polymers: Strategies for Product
Stewardship and Regulatory Programs. John Wiley & Sons, NewYork.
organisms were exposed in any other way than via the surround- Kmmerer, K., 2004. Pharmaceuticals in the Environment Sources, Fate, Effects
ing test media, e.g. by injection. and Risks, second ed. Springer-Verlag, Berlin, Heidelberg, New York.
L. Molander et al. / Regulatory Toxicology and Pharmacology 55 (2009) 367371 371

Lnge, R., Hutchinson, T.H., Croudace, C.P., Siegmund, F., Schweinfurth, H., Hampe, Fate, and Risk Assessment, second ed. Taylor & Francis Group, New York,
P., Panter, G.H., Sumpter, J.P., 2001. Effects of the synthetic estrogen 17a- London.
ethinylestradiol on the life-cycle of the fathead minnow (Pimephales promelas). Technical Guidance Document on Risk Assessment (TGD), 2003. Institute for Health
Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20 (6), 12161227. and Consumer Protection, European Commission European Chemicals Bureau.
Marques, C.R., Abrantes, N., Gonalves, F., 2004. Life-history Traits of Standard and Edition II. Retrieved from: <>.
Autochthonous Cladocerans: I. Acute and Chronic Effects of Acetylsalicylic Acid. Tyler, C.R., van Aerle, R., Nilsen, M.V., Blackwell, R., Maddix, S., Nilsen, B.M., Berg, K.,
Wiley Interscience, doi: 10.1002/tox.20059. Hutchinson, T.H., Goksyr, A., 2002. Monoclonal antibody enzyme-linked
Metcalfe, C.D., Metcalfe, T.L., Kiparissis, Y., Koenig, B.G., Khan, C., Hughes, R.J., Croley, immunosorbent assay to quantify vitellogenin for studies on environmental
T.R., March, R.E., Potter, T., 2001. Estrogenic potency of chemicals detected in estrogens in the rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss). Environ. Toxicol. Chem.
sewage treatment plant efuents as determined by in vivo assays with Japanese 21 (1), 4754.
medaka (Oryzias latipes). Environ. Toxicol. Chem. 20 (2), 297308. World Health Organization (WHO), 2008. WHO Collaborating Centre for Drug
Rand, G.M., Wells, P.G., McCarty, L.S., 2003. Introduction to aquatic toxicology. In: Statistics Methodology. Available from: <>
Rand, G.M. (Ed.), Fundamentals of Aquatic Toxicology Effects, Environmental (retrieved 25.2008.09).

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