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Name: . March 2016


1. Read about Jamie Oliver, the most famous British TV chef.

Who is Jamie Oliver and where does he come from?

Jamie grew up in a restaurant in the countryside,
which was owned and run by his parents. Jamie didnt
like school much but he showed an early interest in
cooking. By the time he was 8, he was working with
the staff of the restaurant peeling potatoes, shelling
peas and so on. At the age of 11 he cooked his first
full meal roast chicken. His parents said it was
delicious and Jamie knew this was what he wanted to
do. So at the age of 16 he left school and went to
London to train as a chef. Here he got to know a girl of his own age called Jools, who was
a model, and they started going out together. In spite of being really young, this was the
beginning of a lasting relationship. He then went on to work at The River Caf, one of
Londons top restaurants. Then he had a stroke of luck. While he was working in The
River Caf, a TV crew came to make a programme about the restaurant. Jamie only
appeared on it for a minute or two, but he was obviously impressive because the
morning after it was shown, Jamie had phone calls from five top producers asking him if
he would be interested in making a television series of his own.
And it was then that his career really took off. Jamie appeared in his own series on TV
cooking simple dishes based on high quality ingredients rather than on complicated
techniques. The series were amazingly successful and Jamie became a star. He also
wrote a cookery book which was a best seller for a long time.
Years later, he married his girlfriend. He is a family man with four children now. They live
in London where he has his own restaurant. In his free time, he doesnt cook: He plays
the drums in a band.

2. Write T (True) or F (False) next to the sentences.

1. Jamie became a chef because his parents wanted him to work in the familys restaurant. ____
2. Jamie met his wife at school in London. ____
3. Jamie took part in a casting session to appear in TV. ____
4. His book was not very well accepted by the public. ____
5. Jamie got married and came back to his hometown in the countryside. ____
3. What do you think of TV shows about cooking?

4. Complete the following ideas using your own words.

1. Jamie Oliver showed an early interest in cooking because his parents had a restaurant. If Jamies

parents hadnt had a restaurant.

2. Jamie plays the drums in a band. If he werent a successful chef, I think .

3. He met his wife Jools in London. If he hadnt moved to London....

4. If people eat a lot of junk food ...

5. Jamie has his own TV programme; thats why hes famous. I think he might not be

famous if .

5. Some people are talking about Jamies work and family. Make speculations using
modal verbs.

1. Im sure Jamie didnt think he was going to be so famous one day.

Jamie .. that he was going to be so famous one day.

2. Im certain that Jamie is a very happy man.

Jamie a very happy man.

3. Perhaps he wont come to our country this year.

He this year.
4. Im sure his mother realised that Jamie had and inclination to cooking.

Jamies mother .. that Jamie had an inclination to cooking.

5. Perhaps he wouldnt have become a cook if his parents hadnt had a restaurant.

He .. if his parents hadnt had a

6. Jamie Oliver accused Mc Donalds of adding dangerous chemicals in their
burgers. Read about it. Complete the text with the correct form of the verbs in

Have you ever ______________________ 1. (think) about the meat used in Mc Donalds
burgers? Chef Jamie Oliver wanted to know about it and started _______________ 2.
(investigate) He was shocked to know that the dangerous ammonium hydroxide was
being used by Mc Donalds in their burgers. He _________________ 3. (tell) people about
his discovery in his own TV show Jamie Olivers Food Revolution, which was and is
watched by millions in the United Kingdom. Jamie explained that the chemical can be
toxic for humans, and perhaps it ____________________ 4. (bring) problems in peoples
health in the future.
Jamie __________________ 5. (insist) on his point for some months, and finally Mc
Donalds admitted he was right and stopped _________________ 6. (use) the chemical in
the US. The US Department of Agriculture ______________________ 7. (agree) with Jamie
that the ammonium hydroxide agent should be prohibited.
In the rest of the world, Mc Donalds restaurants usually ___________________ 8. (buy)
meat at cheap prices from local producers and the chemical _____________________ 9.
(not/use) nowadays, and probably, it ______________________ 10. (not/use) any more.

7. The following sentences are going to be published in the magazine Food &
Health. Make them more formal. Use the passive voice.

1. People should include more fresh fruit and vegetables in their diets.

More fresh fruit and vegetables .. peoples diets.

2. People are drinking more water now than in the past.

More water
3. You wont find salt on a restaurant table nowadays.

Salt . on a restaurant table

4. Some restaurants have reduced food portions sizes.

Food portions sizes .. some restaurants.

5. In the past, people couldnt buy healthy options in fast food restaurants.

Healthy options . in fast food restaurants in the past.

8. Rewrite the sentences without changing the original meaning. Use the words

1. Although Jamie Oliver works really hard, he finds time to enjoy his music. DESPITE

.. he finds time to enjoy his music.

2. Im a really busy person, I dont have time to cook. SUCH
Im . I dont have time to cook.

3. I wish I had learnt to cook before I got married!, my brother says. SHOULD

My brother thinks ... before he got married.

4. Is it true that you started cooking at the age of eight?, the reporter said. ASKED

The reporter .....

5. Buy my book! Youll love it! Jamie said to a reporter. TOLD


6. What are you going to cook in todays programme? The reporter said. ASKED

The reporter.

7. When Jamie was a child, he used to help in the kitchen. He wanted to learn. ORDER

When Jamie was a child,

8. Jamie thinks he should have started working on TV earlier. WISHES

Jamie .... on TV earlier.

9. My children dont eat enough vegetables. WANT

I .. much more vegetables.

10. First he met his wife. Then, he started working on TV. HAD

When he started working ..

Choose one option and write 140-160 words on it. Tick your option.

______ Four Weddings and a Funeral. Imagine you are Carrie before the end of the story.
Write a letter to Charles telling him about how you feel about your love story.

______ Gladiator. Imagine you are Lucilla after the last battle. Write a letter to a friend
telling him/her what happened in the Colosseum.

______ The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories. You are Virginia Otis. Write a letter to an
American friend telling her/him about your experience in your new house.

______ A website is looking for creative writers. Write your STORY including the following
sentence: I had never been so scared in my life.



























Name: . April, 2016


1. Read the article.

Slaves to fashion?
Ouch! I feel pain when I see a pierced tongue or a tattoo! Why do people do it? Well,
piercing and tattoos have been popular for thousands of years. People have used
them as religious or magic symbols, and to identify tribes, prisoners, priests, slaves,
gangs and other groups. And people also used them simply to decorate their
bodies. The history of fashion is often painful people have always suffered in
order to look better.

You probably think, for example, that uncomfortable platform shoes were a twentieth
century invention. Wrong! In the sixteenth century, in southern Europe, people
were wearing shoes called chopines, which were sometimes 30 centimetres high.
Platform shoes were also popular 100 years later in France, probably because King
Louis XIV, who wasnt very tall, liked wearing them.

Later, in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries, rich people thought that washing was unhealthy. They used
a lot of perfume to hide the smell of their bodies and they covered their dirty faces with thick make-up and
beauty spots. Hair was only washed twice a year, so wigs were made from human hair, but a cheaper
alternative was horse hair. Richer people wore bigger wigs, and sometimes the wigs were incredibly
uncomfortable. In the nineteenth century, women suffered more than men. They wore incredibly tight corsets
and huge skirts, making it difficult to sit down or to eat.

Today, were still slaves to fashion. Although clothes are more comfortable, we are now influenced a lot by the
media, which is full of men and women with perfect bodies. Unfortunately, a lot of young people think that
these models really are perfect. Three and a half million people (male and female) in Britain suffer from eating
disorders, like bulimia or anorexia.

Cosmetic surgery has also become popular. This type of surgery is sometimes necessary, but today many
people have cosmetic surgery simply because they arent happy with their appearance. Cosmetic surgery can
be expensive and it can go wrong and cause health problems. About 70,000 people have cosmetic surgery in
Britain every year: a very painful statistic. Ouch!

1.b. Write T (True) or F (False) next to the sentences.

1. In the past, piercings and tattoos were not as popular as they are in the present.___
2. Platform shoes were invented in the 20th century.___
3. In the past people thought that having a shower was not a healthy habit.___
4. Fortunately, modern people dont suffer any more to be fashionable.___
5. Nowadays people are influenced by the media to have perfect bodies ____
6. Young people want perfect bodies. As a result, many of them have eating disorders.___
7. Many people have cosmetic surgery so as to change their appearance.___
8. According to the article, people have always suffered to look better.___

1.c . Is it important to you to follow the latest fashions? Why?/Why not?






2. Alice is a 17-year-old girl who had a tattoo done two weeks ago. Now she
thinks it was a mistake. Complete her thoughts using the words given.
1. I dont want to have this tattoo!

Alice thinks: I wish................................................................................................

2. Why didnt I think before getting this tattoo?

Alice thinks: I wish................................................................................................

3. I didnt talk to my parents before getting this tattoo. It was a mistake

Alice thinks: I should ........................................................................before getting this


4. I think that getting this tattoo was a bad idea.

Alice thinks: I shouldnt ........................................................................................

3. Complete the sentences using your own words and ideas.

1. If I want to have a piercing done I .....................................................................


2. If cosmetic surgery werent so expensive ..........................................................


3. If I had lived in the past, I ...............................................................................


4. Unless you wear elegant clothes you ..............................................................


5. People in the past would have had a shower every day if ................................

4. Youre going to read an anecdote about something that happened to Alice. Put the
verbs in brackets in the correct tense.

In September I went shopping after school to by a

new dress for a party
I ................................................. 1. (have) the
following month. I love parties. They are a good
excuse .......................... 2. (buy) new clothes and
there is the possibility that you might meet
interesting people. I decided .......................... 3.
(wear) a pair of sandals, which
I ....................................... 4. (buy) the previous
month and which ...................................... 5. (never wear) before.
On the evening of the party, I .......................................... 6. (take) a long
time getting dressed. I .......................................... 7. (feel) great
wearing my new dress. But as soon as I walked through the door,
I ................................. 8. (see) a girl who ........................................ 9.
(wear) exactly the same dress. I nearly cried.
When I ...................................... 10. (tell) my boyfriend,
he .......................................... 11. (say) that it was the most ridiculous
thing he ....................................... 12. (ever heard). I ........................13.
(not speak) to him the rest of the night.

5. Rewrite the sentences in order to make speculations.

1. Im sure that having a piercing in your tongue is painful.

Having a piercing in your tongue __________________________________________________ painful.

2. Im sure that cosmetic surgery is not cheap.

Cosmetic surgery ____________________________________________________cheap.

3. Im sure that platform shoes werent comfortable at all.

Platform shoes __________________________________________________________________ comfortable.

4. Its likely that people in the past smelt horribly.

People in the past __________________________________________________________ horribly.

5. Im certain that women suffered a lot in the past because of their tight corsets.
Women_______________________________________________ in the past because of their tight corsets.

6. The following sentences will appear in a fashion magazine. Rewrite them using the
passive voice.

1. The media influence young people to have perfect bodies.

Young people ...........................................................................................................

2. People have always considered jeans practical.

Jeans ............................................................................................................................
3. Fashion designers are making more comfortable clothes nowadays.

More comfortable clothes .............................................................................................

4. Designers will develop new materials for clothes.

New materials for clothes ...........................................................................................

5. People must spend large amounts of money to have cosmetic surgery.

Large amounts of money ..............................................................................................

7. Rewrite the following sentences using the words given. Dont change the meaning.

1. My sister has a ridiculous new hairstyle. Everybody criticises her. BECAUSE OF

Everybody criticises my sister .....................................................................................

2. My sister buys a lot of fashion magazines because she doesnt want to be out of
fashion. SO AS NOT
My sister buys a lot of fashion magazines........................................................ out of
3. Although piercings are expensive, many people get them. IN SPITE OF

4. My sister is so fashionable that she only wears designer clothes. SUCH

My sister is ....................................................................................................designer

5. Change those dirty clothes! my mother told me.

My mother told me ........................................................................................................

6. I will go shopping for clothes as soon as I have time my sister said.

My sister said ...............................................................................................................

7. Why do you want to have a piercing? my father asked me.

My father .....................................................................................................................

Choose one option and write 140-160 words on it. Tick your option.

______ Four Weddings and a Funeral. Imagine you are Carrie before the end of the story.
Write a letter to Charles telling him about how you feel about your love story.

______ Gladiator. Imagine you are Lucilla after the last battle. Write a letter to a friend
telling him/her what happened in the Colosseum.

______ The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories. You are Virginia Otis. Write a letter to an
American friend telling her/him about your experience in your new house.

______ A website is looking for creative writers. Write your STORY including the following
sentence: I had never been so scared in my life.


























Name .. December, 2014


1. Read the following text

Meal or Murder?
Helens point of view
I feel so strongly about vegetarianism and Im
Helen has been a vegetarian for a year and a half. It convinced its a healthier way of life.
happened all of a sudden, she says. I just couldnt I feel really proud because turning vegetarian is a
eat meat any more. It made me feel sick. I suddenly big decision to make. You do feel so much better
thought of it as eating an animal, like a piece of inside for doing it, though. To be honest, I dont
cow, instead of a piece of beef. I did have a few meat know how people cant feel guilty tucking into a big,
meals during the first few weeks, but I felt so juicy steak.
incredibly guilty and ashamed afterwards that I
soon stopped. I wouldnt eat meat now if you paid
me. Kerrys point of view
When I told my mum I wanted to be a vegetarian,
she went, No, no, no. But I talked to dad and he A diet with meat in it is a lot healthier than a
said I could; I got round them by telling them Id vegetarian one, says Kerry. Vegetarians always
probably be sick if they gave me meat. Mum took look a bit skinny and I should imagine a lot of them
me to the doctor who gave me loads of advice, and miss out on their protein. I mean, you dont get
Ive felt fine eversince. Ive got thinner, but thats much protein from vegetables and fruit, do you?
OK by me. I gave up meat because I think its wrong And lots of them need to take vitamin tablets and
to kill animals. Chickens and turkeys are the worst things.
its easier to imagine them as whole animals. I eat Ive never considered becoming a vegetarian. I love
eggs and cheese, but we have our chickens so the meat and Ill eat any kind except possibly rabbit.
eggs are free-range. Some vegetarian foods annoy Thats because I see rabbits as pets, whereas a cow
me, like when theyre called vegetarian beef or isnt , and my father brings a lot of rabbits home to
something, because thats imitating meat which is chop up and eat and that puts me off a bit. Id eat
nearly as bad as having the real thing. I dont find rabbit if it was already chopped up and came in a
vegetarian food boring, though. Schools no packet, but I dont like seeing animals killed.
problem either because they always have a soya I think being a vegetarian is a bit half-hearted, to
meal for the vegetarians. tell you the truth. A bit hypocritical. You should
I do get a bit of stick from my friends about my either be a complete vegan or a meat eater. Lots of
beliefs. They say Ill get you a pigs heart for vegetarians wear leather and it seems to me as if
Christmas. But I can be a bit annoying sometimes they cant make up their minds. The only stand I
because Im always trying to convert them. I try not make is not to wear fur. Id never wear a fur jacket
to, but its difficult. because certain animals are killed for their fur and
nothing else. If you kill a cow, you eat the meat and can understand people wanting to save animlas,
wear the skin. Thats OK because its natural for because I love animals myself, but killing animals
humans to eat meat. Animals kill animals and for meat doesnt strike me as being wrong. Its not
humans are animals so they kill animals to stay as if the animals are tortured or anything its just
alive. one shot. Thats it.
Vegetarians tend to learn all there is to know about Anyway, I dont see and animal on a plate when I
vitamins and all that, but I dont really think about have some meat. I dont think of it like that. I just
food that much. I just eat what my parents eat. I like my meat thats all.

a. Decide whether these sentences are True or False. Write T or F next to them.

1. Helen became a vegetarian after thinking about it for a long time. ..

2. Helen would only eat meat if there were a very important reason to do so. ..

3. Helen might not agree with the idea of a vegetarian hamburger.

4. Kerry thinks its much healthier to eat meat than only vegetables.

5. Kerry thinks that if you are a vegetarian, you shouldnt wear leather shoes, for example. ..

b. Complete the sentences.

1. Helen feels that being a vegetarian ....

2. Kerry is happy to eat meat because......


2. These are some comments made by people interviewed by our specialists. Rewrite
the statements using the correct form of MIGHT, MUST and CAN.

1. Im certain that it was difficult for the primitive man to find food.
It .. for the primitive man to find food.

2. Perhaps becoming a vegetarian isnt a bad idea.

Becoming a vegetarian . a bad idea.

3. Im sure that vegan people replace animal protein with plant protein.
Vegan people . animal protein with plant protein.

4. Its likely that many more people will choose vegetarianism in the near future.
Many more people .... vegetarianism in the near future.

5. Im certain that the primitive man killed animals for food, not for pleasure.
The primitive man animals for pleasure; it was a real need
for food.

3. Your school is preparing a campaign to help people improve their eating habits. You
are a good writer so youve been chosen to edit some ideas students had. Read the
sentences and make them a bit more formal.

1. You have to drink two litres of water a day to keep your body hydrated.
Two litres of water a day in order to keep your body

2. People will reduce the use of salt if they understand the benefits of doing so.
The use of salt . if people understand the benefits of
doing so.

3. People should include lots of vegetables and fruit in their daily diet.
Lots of vegetables and fruit in our daily diet.

4. In the past, people ate unhealthy food because they ignored the negative effects on their
In the past, unhealthy food ..because people ignored
the negative effects on their health.

4. Now, what about YOUR eating habits? Complete the sentences with your own

1. I wouldnt change my eating habits unless ...

2. If somebody tried to convince me to eat or not to eat this or that
3. If we have a balanced diet we
4. Our ancestors would have become vegetarians if .
5. If I had known that my favourite food had so many unhealthy additives, I.
5. Do you like Coke? What do you know about its origin? Read the following
passage about it. While you read, fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the
word in brackets.

The Invention of Coca-Cola

In 1886, Coca-Cola ... 1 (invent) by a pharmacist named
John Pemberton. He fought in the Civil War in America, and at the end of the war
he decided .. 2 (invent) something that would make him rich.

He ... 3 (invent) many drugs, but none of them ever 4.

(make) any money. In his time, people . 5. (get) together in places similar to
bars which were called soda fountains. They . 6. (be) very
popular, so Pemberton had an idea for a new drink. And this was when Coca-Cola was born.
However, Pemberton had no idea how to advertise. This is where Frank Robinson came in. He
registered Coca-Cola's formula and designed the logo. He also . 7. (write) the
slogan, "The Pause That Refreshes." Coke did not do so well in its first year. And to make matters
worse, Pemberton . 8 (die) in August 1888, so he would never see the
commercial success he .. 9 (look for) for so long.

In 1891, a man called Asa Griggs Candler 10 (become) the only owner
of Coca-Cola. He had an excellent idea: He 11 (give) people coupons for a
free Coke: He wanted people to try the drink, like it, and buy it later on. But, Candler made a
mistake: he . 12 (sell) Coca Cola as a medicine, saying that it was good to
eliminate fatigue and headaches. In 1898, Congress passed a tax on all medicines, so Coca Cola
.... 13 (sell) only as a drink.

Do you think Coke .... 14 (replace) for another drink in the future?
We dont.

6. Rewrite the following sentences using the words in brackets. Do not change the
meaning of the original sentence.

1. Could you buy some potatoes when you go to the supermarket, please? ASKED

2. Stop adding salt to your food, its unnecessary, my doctor said. TOLD
My doctor ...

3. I grow my own vegetables: I picked up my first tomatoes today. SAID

My teacher ..

4. I wish I had become a vegetarian when I was younger. SHOULD

I .. when I was younger, I think.

5. My little sister is a really fussy eater; she never eats her vegetables and cries. SUCH
My little sister . she never eats her vegetables and cries.

7. Read the following sentences and complete them using your own ideas.

1. There are people in the world who dont have enough food. If only

2. Although there are many laws now which protect wild life,

3. It is thought that by the end of the 21st century, many species will

4. Some young people have eating disorders despite .


A teenage website is looking for young authors. Youre a good writer and want to send your
contribution. Choose among the following options and write about 140 -160 words. Draw a
cross (X) next to your option.

______ Four Weddings and a Funeral. At the end of the story, Charles and Carrie are together and
decide to start a family. However, they havent thought of getting married. Imagine youre Charles or
Carrie. Write a letter to your parents telling them about your decision, feelings and why you think
marriage is not an option for you.

______ Gladiator. You read Gladiator and know a lot about their lives. Write an article called One
day in a gladiators life.

______ The Canterville Ghost and Other Stories. Youre a journalist and a visitor to the Otis house.
Your newspaper has asked you to write a story. You feel really excited and start your piece like this:
Youll never believe this.

______ Write a fictional story. Start with this sentence: I was looking for a cup in my grandmothers
cupboard when I found that strange key.

______ Meal or Murder? Its your turn now. Write an article giving your point of view about the topic
you have just read.


1.B. Reading 1/8

1. F

2. F

3. T

4. F

5. T

6. T

7. T

8. T

1.C. Students own answers. 5/5

2. Wish and Criticism 2/8

1. I didnt have this tattoo/hadnt got this tattoo etc.
2. I had thought...
3. should have talked with my parents...
4. have got this tattoo...

3..Conditionals 2/10

1. 1st
2. 2nd
3. 3rd
4. 1st
5. 3rd

4..Tenses 1/13

1. was having /would have 7. felt/was feeling

8. saw
2. to buy 9. was wearing
3. to wear 10.told
4. had brought 11.said
5. I had never worn 12.had ever heard
6. took 13.didnt speak

15. .5... Speculation 2/10
1. must be

2. cant be

3. cant have been

4. might have smelt

5. must have suffered a lot

16. 6.. Passive Voice 2/10

17. 1. are influenced by the media to have perfect bodies.
18. 2. have always been considered practical.
19. 3. are being made nowadays by fashion designers.
20. 4. will be developed by designers.
21. 5. must be spent to have cosmetic surgery.
23. 7.. Paraphrasing 2/14
1. because of her (ridiculous) hairstyle

2. so as not to be

3. In spite of being something expensive , many people get piercings/Many people get piercings
in spite of being something things. (or similar)

4. such a fashionable girl/person that she only wears

5. to change those dirty clothes.

6. she would go shopping for clothes as soon as she had time.

7. asked me why i wanted to have a piercing.

2. Reading 1/5
31. All the answers are F (FALSE)

3. Students own opinion 5/5
4. Conditionals 3/15
1. 3rd cond
2. 2nd cond
3. 3rd cond
4. 1st or zero cond
5. 2nd cond

5. Speculations 2/10

1. cant/couldnt have thought
2. must be
3. may/might not come to our country
4. might/may not have become a cook

6. Tenses 1/10


1. thought

2. to investigate/investigating

3. told

4. might/will/can bring

5. insisted/was insisting /had been insisting

6. using

7. agreed

8. buy

9. isnt used

10.wont be used

7. Passive voice 3/15

1. should be included in

2. is being drunk now than in the past

3. wont be found

4. have been reduced by

5. couldnt be bought


8. Paraphrasing 2/20


1. Despite working/the fact that he works really hard,/his-the hard work,

2. such a busy person that

3. (that) he should have learnt/learned

4. asked (him) if/whether it was true that he had started at the age of eight.

5. told the reporter to buy his book; he would love it

6. asked (him) what he was going to cook in that days programme.

7. he used to help in the kitchen in order to learn.

8. wishes he had started cooking

9. want my children to eat

10.on TV, he had (already) met his wife.

44. 9.. WRITING SECTION 20/20

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