Paolas Assure Plan

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ASSURE Model Instructional Plan

(Note: Delete purple text before submitting your instructional plan!)

Lesson Title: The Colors of the Rainbow

Teachers Name: Paola Quiroz
Grade: 2 -3 (CHFD majors)
Content Area: Learning the colors of the rainbow
Lesson Length: One Day
*Note: Table cells will expand when text is added.
Analyze Learners
For Example:
1. 12 students
2. 5 Males/ 7 Females
3. 2 -3 years old
4. Mental, Social, Physical, Social Notes such as:
o Disabilities
o Learning Differences
o Cultural/Ethnic Notes
o Etc.
5. Current Knowledge: Knows colors but we are learning how to sort them on the
Prerequisites: Students should know most of their colors or had some exposure to
their colors. The day before tell parents to dress my students with their assign color
of the rainbow.
Notes about Learner Attitudes: Some of my students are very active and their
attention span is hard to keep for a period of time.
6. Learning Styles
(Estimate % of Students)
o 50% Visual
o 30% Auditory (Aural)
o 20% Kinesthetic (Hands On)
State Objectives
ABCDs of strong objectives are included:
Toddlers age 2 -3 will be able to identify the colors of the rainbow and distinguish 80% to
their ability where the color goes on the rainbow drawing.

Select Methods, Media, , and Materials

All methods, media, and materials needed for the lesson are listed. Give rationales why
these selected methods, media and materials are appropriate for your lesson.
1. What are the methods (more than 2)?

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Presentation, Demonstration and Drill and practice, My students learn with visual activity
and constant repetition due to their age. As well as being visual learners.
2. What are the media (EX: flip chart, PowerPoint Slide, computer-based tools, etc.)
Youtube, I will play the rainbow song in order for my students to hear the words and have
more repetition on the order of the colors. As well as my students being auditory learners.
3. What are the materials (ex: textbook - the book title, Educational Game, WebQuest, etc.)
Phone with internet access to plug in to the aux cord from the radio. Copies of the rainbow
drawn on it. Tissue paper of every color: red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple. Elmer
Glue, cotton balls.
Utilize Media, Materials, and Methods
For each listed above, details of how they will be implemented into the lesson to enhance
learning with using 5Ps.
1. Preview the materials: What you need to preview?
I need to preview the song on youtube. Make sure I have all supplies: tissue paper,
rainbow copies, elmer glue, cotton balls.
2. Prepare the materials: What things need to prepare before the lesson?
I will have the song loaded and ready to play. Have the station ready with the tissue
paper, glue and rainbow copies.
3. Prepare the environment: Where the learning takes place? How about the seating,
lightening, temperature of that place?
The learning takes place in the classroom. My students will sit according to the color of
their shirts. Make sure there is good lighting in the classroom, have window uncovered
for better lighting. Have the station ready with supplies.
4. Prepare the learners: How you engage students in learning during the warm-up section?
During warm-up time, I will communicate with my students what will be occurring in
class, give them step by step process of activities. We will go over colors on the color
poster board.
5. Provide the learning experiences: Outline the Require Learner Participation section.
Require Learner Participation
Includes detailed methods for actively engaging all students for the lessons duration.
Starting from how long you will need for this whole lesson, It might be one class session, but
it might be 5 class sessions. In this period of time, how do you engage your students with
the methods that you provide in the previous sections?
I will need one day to teach my students the colors and order of the rainbow.
1. First two hours: We will start the day with the regular routine of the morning.
Breakfast time, have the students find the colors on the table that match their shirt color.
We will gather on the carpet for circle time, our Good morning song to get my students
focused and prepare for the day. Then we will go over the Alphabet, numbers, and colors
that are on the poster boards located on the walls. We will establish the day of the week and
the month. I will establish what we will be learning today and the activities and objectives of
learning the colors of the rainbow. I will read to them a book about the rainbow. I will then do
a presentation on the order of the rainbow with ribbons as I sing the rainbow song. Red is
the color of an apple, Orange is the color of an orange, yellow is the color of the beautiful
sun, sun, sun and then comes green is the color of lots of thing that like to grow and then
comes blue for the sky and purple is the colors of fun, fun, fun.

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2. Next 45 minutes: Play time outside. We will look for colors outside.
3. Next two hours: Nap time usually from 12pm to 2pm.
4. Next two hours: We will have music time with the rainbow song playing from youtube. As
this occurs I will start calling two students at a time to work on the stations. I will ask the
students from what color the rainbow starts with to end, in between colors glue the tissue
paper the section the color goes on the rainbow from the worksheet.
Evaluate & Revise
Evaluation methods for each of the following are included:
1. Student Performance
Create a rubric based on the objectives that you listed in the second part of this
lesson plan as detailed as possible.
2. Media Effectiveness
How you evaluate the effective use of the media that you select for this lesson?
3. Instructor Performance
How your performance is assessed in this lesson? You can have students, co-
workers, your supervisors and others to evaluate your performance. Provide detailed

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