Roe Vs Wade

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Roe Vs.


Elise Peters & Louis Schirmer

Senior Division

Group Website

Student-Composed-Words: 867

Process Paper: 385 words

When thinking of people who took a stand in history we both immediately

brainstormed the topic of womens rights. Eventually we narrowed our topic down to

Roe vs. Wade. When thinking of Roe vs. Wade, people typically only know Roe or

Wade. Many people don't acknowledge the lawyers involved. After some research we

found that Sarah Weddington was one of the lawyers in the case. We chose this

because it is a very important event that happened in the past, but is still very significant

today. It is also very important to me (Elise) as a female because Roe vs. Wade

ensured my right to a safe and legal abortion. We also want to make sure Sarah

Weddington gets recognized for her hard work.

For our research we used a number of different types of sources. We mostly

used interviews with Roe, otherwise known as Norma McCorvey, and Sarah

Weddington. We also used documents of official transcripts of the court case itself.

Additionally, we used propaganda from newspapers and online articles about the court

case and those involved in it. We did this to ensure we didnt overuse a certain type of

source and limit ourselves to only one type of information.

At first we were thinking of doing an exhibit board, but we decided that a website

would be more organized and easier to work on since we can't always be in the same

place. Our color scheme will be a light pink and dark purple. The different tabs we plan

to use will be organized in relation to the case. For example, before and after the case.

We will also include tabs regarding Weddingtons childhood and early adult years.

Our topic of Roe vs. Wade very clearly relates to the theme of Taking a Stand in

History. A stand was taken against the Texas law that only allowed abortion if the

mothers life was in danger. A stand was also taken against pro-life people, who could

sometimes be hateful towards those who were pro-choice. Sarah Weddington also took

a stand against the misconception that lawyers could only be male if they wanted to win

the case. This is important in history because it granted American women the right to a

legal and safe abortion, and Weddington was the driving force behind it all.

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