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Direct taxes:-

Individual income tax, corporate income tax i.e. the corporate tax, dividend tax,
interest tax
Indirect taxes:-
Excise duty (cenvat), customs, central sales tax, sales tax/vat, state excise

Central Taxes: CENVAT, service tax, sales tax and stamp duty.
State Taxes: State excise, sales tax, entry tax, lease tax, works contract tax,
luxury tax, octroi, turnover tax and cess.

Dscr :- debt service coverage ratio use for banks in deciding the capacity of
debtor in repaying the loans
Folks have been asking me about wat I followed and how: This was my 3rd
attempt at UPPCS. However, my major preparation has always been dedicated to
CSE. Hence, when in the first attempt in 2013 I cleared pre of PCS, I wasnt sure
about knowhow of second optional as philo was my optional at CSE. The end
result- didnt even appear for Mains,the decision which I regretted hugely
afterwards. Then in the second attempt again the dilemma prevailed about how
to go for its mains because CSM was just 25 days away. This time however I had
done a reading of entire Social Work so I was pretty much prepared to atleast
attempt the papers and also becos of the fear of the parents that you have to
give it this time. I got an interview call for it with pretty decent marks
overall..Philo-233,SW-272,GS-280,HIN-86, ESSAY-94. However,marks in interview
given were quite less so was out from final list. This time I hence dedicated
ample time for both optionals as pattern was changed with QCAB booklets being
provided for all and no. of questions which increased manifold in every paper.

Sources Referred:

Prelims: Did Poorvavlokan of History,Geography,Environment religiously coupled

with that of around 60% of Science.
Apart from that for polity and other stuff the same UPSC material and
preparation helped with some factuals which I think in this period of preparation I
became quite comfortable with.
CSAT: Nothing..just some theoretical parts of Hindi like Samaas,Sandhi, etc.
Current Affairs: Drishti that gets released by Ghatnachakra before the exams
GS/Current Affairs : Same as above with previous papers of Stats. Nothing else.
Philosophy: Was my CSE optional. So just its revision.
Social Work: The biggest scope for marks is here folks. Remember you can get
300 marks easily!. This I got to know by my 2014 marks as with minimal
preparation I could score 272 marks. Need is just some smart study. For paper 1,
remember some definitions along with core points/chapters of the syllabus and
mention it with name of THINKERS/SOCIAL WORKERS. Answers written without
any attempt to mention the names of thinkers are more of general nature and
wont be awarded well. This therefore requires atleast 1 time study of entire
paper from any book that you follow. I followed Soodan here. Also try to write to
the point. There is a huge rumour among PCS aspirants regarding filling of pages.
Frankly speaking, being a CSE aspirant,I never knew how to add pages just by
writing nonsense. Many say this but I simply can never follow it. It really feels
ridiculous when you write ABC when exactly the question was about XYZ. May be
luckily u may get call for an interview in such a case but surely final selection on
writing crap is very difficult.
Paper 2: Nothing specific.The entire CSE preparation helps here. Quote as many
as current examples,policies, laws, regulations, announcements and also if u can
mention any such policies of both central govt as well as UP Govt.,that would
assure you more than 150+ marks alone in this paper itself. I got 157 in 2014 in
this. This year in the changed pattern they prepared quite a good standard paper
of SW esp.Paper 2, which was easily attemptable with your CSE preparation.
Background: Btech in CSE
Pls focus on completing the paper. If you are leaving even one question, keep in
mind, you r losing a lot. Focus on your Hindi and Compulsory papers. ATB!
koruna-czech republic

n this tutorial, I want to introduce you what Windows hosts file is and how to manage it.

In fact, any OS these days has such file or configuration, but I am focusing on editing them
on Windows environment. Modifying hosts file varies between OS.

What is a host file?

The host file its like an address book. You look for a peoples name, and if available, you
find the phone number. That number allows you to interact with the person, via phone calls or

The hosts file works on a similar way. You try to browse to an address (,
but that address is not the address the computer needs, its not the phone number. The
computer really needs that number, the IP address. Therefore, the operating system checks
the hosts file, where it finds paired values of hosts names and the matching IP address. If it
finds the IP, then the computer can call it. Otherwise, it needs to ask ISPs (Internet
Service Provider) for the IP, so that the computer can actually call it. If for some reason
ISP cant tell you the IP for the host, the computer cant solve the site address and as a
consequence, it cant load it.

Its also true that most of time the computer always ask ISP for the IP address to find sites,
because you dont have to do that work manually on your hosts file. Imagine that you had to
type every single IP for each site on your hosts file Its just impossible, especially
nowadays with Internet expanding so fast. Every day hundreds of thousands of domains are
created, deleted or transferred!

In my opinion, hosts file are more commonly used to block domains, I cant see much more
applications. And that is very simple to achieve. Your computer has an IP Address too,
therefore you can configure the hosts file to map some host name,, to your
machine IP, and so, you the computer simply CANT load it. Keep in mind that the OS firstly
checks hosts, and if doesnt find the IP for the specific host, then it calls ISP. Thats why this
little trick works.
In conclusion, you can see how powerful configuring the hosts file is, such hacking software
activation methods. :p On the other hand, it is also dangerous and its widely used with bad
intentions. There are many cases where users have hijacked hosts files! Now that you
understand what is a host file, lets see where is it and how to edit it.

Where is my hosts file?

You might wonder where is this little, yet powerful, file or, even if it exists. Yes, despite the
fact the file is created when you set up Windows for the first time, its very common the file
disappears. There is a default location for it: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc. The file has
no extension, its just a file. Although, the file is written on text plain. In other words, every
program capable to read text, can open it. Thats a great thing, because it allows you to use
the Notepad on Windows to manage your hosts file.

How to edit hosts file on Windows?

As I mentioned on previous section, a simple notepad allows you to view and edit the hosts
file. However, there are a few things to consider before attempting to edit it.

You need administrator privileges to edit it

The hosts file might have Read Only attributes. That makes impossible to edit the

For the first requirement, well, basically requires you to log-in with an account with admin
rights. That wont be a problem for most people.

The second requirement, its indeed, very important to look at. You can check the file
attributes right-clicking hover it, then pressing Properties on the context menu. A small
dialog should pop up with several information about the file. On General tab, just make sure
the Read Only box is unchecked. If its not, uncheck and then click OK to save changes.

Now that we have all the conditions to change the hosts file, lets do it.

Using notepad
This might be a more user friendly way to edit the hosts file, although, I wouldnt say it is the
easiest and fastest method.

I use Notepad for this task, any equivalent program works, of course. As I mentioned before,
you need special rights to edit the file. Therefore, you need to run Notepad, or the program
you chose, with such rights. In order to do that, search Notepad on start menu, right click and
then press Run as administrator. The notepad window shows up.
Then, on left top, click File, Open and browse to hosts file location. I remind you that is

At first, you wont see any file. That happens because, as I mentioned before, hosts file has
no extension. Moreover, notepad is set to look for Text Documents, files with .txt extension.
On file picker dialog, on bottom right, there is a combo selector. You just need to set it to All
files (*.*). Now, hosts file should be visible. If not, that might mean your system hasnt a host
file yet. No problem. You can create your own, just check the troubleshooting section.

The default host file created by Windows on set up, starts with a bunch of informative lines
starting with hash #. Those are comments and are ignored. The syntax on hosts file is very
simple, and must respect three rules:

Each entry should be kept on an individual line

First comes the IP adress and then the corresponding host name

IP adress and host name MUST be separated with at least one space. Usually Tab is
used to make the text more readable, giving a table look with two columns.

As you finish to modify the hosts file, dont forget to Save it. You can do it through the
menus on top: File, then Save. If you followed all the steps before (running notepad as admin
and remove read-only attribute), you wont get any error and you are done!

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