River Sea Lake Mountains Ocean Desert

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Centro Cultural Colombo Americano.

QUIZ EIC3 UNIT 6 Name___________________________________

I. Complete with the following vocabulary about natural features.
River Sea Lake Mountains Ocean Desert
1. A: Is Greenland a(n) ____________________? B: Sure its surrounded by the Northern Atlantic.
2. A _________________ is usually a vast portion of land that cant be used for farming.
3. A _____________________ is bigger than a lake, but smaller than an ocean.
4. A: Whats your favorite vacation spot? B: ______________________. I love skiing!
5. A _________________________ is usually born inside a country, and ends in a sea or ocean.

II. Read the paragraph. Then mark each sentence true (T) or false (F).
I keep having the same dream. In it, Im on an island. When Im hungry, I pick fruit from the trees.
When Im thirsty, I drink from the river, where the water is the best in the world. I never get bored on
my island. The scenery is incredible. On one side of the island is a town with restaurants and movie
theaters. The weather is always beautiful, and even the animals in the woods are friendly. There is
only one problem. I keep waking up.

_____1. Fruit grows on the trees. _____2. There is a river on the island.
_____3. The scenery is boring. _____4. You can see a movie on the island.
_____5. The island is not real.

III. Complete the sentences with the words from the box.
MP3 player dishwasher hairdryer stove vacuum cleaner

1. A: What should I do with these dirty glasses? B: Just put them in the __________________.
2. I got a new ____________________. Now I can enjoy my favorite artists on my way to work.
3. A: I am all wet from the rain. B: Use my ____________________. Its in the bathroom.
4. A: Whats for dinner? B: Soup. Its on the ____________________.
5. A: This rug is really dirty. B: Heres the ____________________. Can you clean it, please?

IV. Complete the sentences using the words in parentheses and enough, too, too much, or too
1. She was ____________________ to go to school. (sick)
2. I wasnt ____________________to get the job. (experienced)
3. There were ____________________ on the bus. We had to get off and take a later one. (people)
4. I didnt have ____________________ to finish the test. (time)
5. Thats ____________________ for me. Im really full. (food)

V. Complete the sentences with will (ll) or wont and the verbs.

Rain become rain take visit be

1. It ____________________ this weekend. The forecast predicted sunny weather.

2. _____________ many people _____________ at the party?
3. Im sure ____________________ New Zealand one day.
4. A lot of animals ____________________ extinct in the future if we dont protect them.

VI. Listen. Complete the chart with information about Liliana.

Things they did together ___________________________________________

Physical appearance ______________________________________________
Personality ______________________________________________________

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