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first volume of Mudit Khanna and Ashish Gupta,Robbins, KDT, Harrison-aipmg


aims 12th rank

What books did you read for theory?

Anatomy chaurasia
Physiology ganong
Biochemistry vasudevan
Pathology robbins grandfather
Microbiology ananthanarayanan
Pharmacology kd tripati
Forensic medicine vv pillai
Ophthalmology khurana..parson
ENT dhingra
Community medicine park
Medicine Harrisondavidson
Surgery bailey .. SRB
Obstetrics and Gynaecology shaws.. Sheila balakrishnan
Peadiatrics o.p.ghai.
Anesthesia nil
Psychiatry Davidson
Radiology nil

What books did you read for MCQs?

1 ) Ashish gupta 2 volumes from 2000 to 2010

2 ) Mudit khanna .2005 to 2010

3 ) Manoj chaudhary ( PGI ) 2006 to 2010its a misconception that its going to be useful only for PGI
exams .no every pg aspirant aiming all India rank within first 100 to 150 must read this book

Students preparing for KERALA entrance : your preparation is complete only when you have gone through the
last 4 year papers from manoj chaudhary

4 ) PG HUNT 2006 to meant to tackle KERALA entrance and JIPMER PG entrance.(stress
upon it only after all India entrancewill have a GAP of around ONE MONTH between all India and KERALA

5 ) RAPID REVIEW from edulanche.fully solved question paper of all India 2011.


6 ) ACROSS volume 01skin . anaesthesia radiologyradoitherapy.psychiatry.ophthamologyortho

( selected topicsonly upper limb trauma and upper limb nerve injuries + bone tumours )
7 ) RACHANA CHAURASIA microbiologyread it thoroughly.THE BEST BOOK among those for a
particular subject..

8 ) sparsh gupta DO NOT GO INTO THE THEORY GIVEN. Just solve the MCQs..+ class notes

9 ) antomy : class notes by DR.ARIVUSELVAN..

Read this much thoroughly with proper revision you will be assured of an AVERAGE rank within 1000 to 1200
in all India

Attain completeness in preparations..

9 ) aravind arora spm : programmes.commiteesstatistics (with formulas)


10 ) ACROSS volume 02physiology ( endocrine , cell physio, resp , git ).. forensic biochemistry
( questionsand ans ..just like a revision ..90 % biochemistry questions can be solved by reading previous

11 ) aravind arora pathologyread topics : exclusive to pathology SUBJECT like inflammation repair
cytokines ..interleukins immunity .. + connective tissue diseasesrest of them will overlap in medicine ..
surgery gynaecology

An average to good student will be able to give correct answers to 80 to 85 % questions in medicine , surgery ,
paediatrics ( except certain AIIMS papers ) , and OBG

12 ) ashish gupta medicine. 2 volumes
13 ) ashish gupta surgery single volume

Have not read any subject book for both paediatrics and OBG.
For OBG : previous quest papers enough
For paediatrics : I read class notes by DR.KISHORE CHANDRA VARIER and previous question papers..
S.NO. Subject Subject-Wise Weight
Age of Questions

1. Anatomy 15

2. Physiology 15

3. Biochemistry 15

4. Pharmacology 20

5. Microbiology 20

6. Pathology 25

7. Forensic Medicine 10

8. Social & Preventive Medicine 25

9. Medicine Dermatology & 37


10. Surgery, ENT, Orthopaedics and 46


11. Radio diagnosis and Radiotherapy 12 (6+6)

12. Obstetrics and Gynaecology 25

13. Paediatrics 15

14. Ophthalmology 10
15. Psychiatry 10

Grand Total 300

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