INF3705 - 2tutorail Letter 101 - 2017

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Tutorial Letter 101/3/2017

Advanced Systems Development

(Information Systems)
INF 3705

Semester 1 & 2

School of Computing

Please activate your myUnisa and myLife email addresses and ensure you have
regular access to the myUnisa module site as well as your group site.

Please note: This is an online module, and therefore your module is available on myUnisa.
However, in order to support you in your learning process, you will also receive some study
materials in printed format.

Open Rubric




Dear Student
We welcome you to the module Advanced Systems Development (INF 3705). The purpose of
this module is to provide you as the qualifying student with advance level knowledge, specific
skills and applied competencies in systems analysis and design. These competencies will equip
you to use concepts to analyse and design high-quality systems in organizations and contribute
to the development of the information systems or computer science field in South Africa or in
any other country. This module forms part of the BCom (Information Systems) or BSc
(Information Systems or Computer Science) degree and you are expected to have a computer
and internet connectivity in order to pass this module.

Do not hesitate to contact your lecturer (on myUnisa, by e-mail or by telephone) if you are
experiencing problems with the content of this tutorial letter or any aspect of the module. I
sincerely hope that you find this module, as well as your online learning experience interesting
and rewarding and trust that you will complete the module successfully.

Because this is a fully online module, you need to use myUnisa to study and complete the
learning activities for this course. You need to visit the websites on myUnisa for INF 3705
frequently. The website for your module is INF3705-15-S1 for semester 1 students and
INF3705-15-S2 for semester 2 students

1.1 To get started

Because this is a fully online module, you need to go online to see your study materials and
read what to do for the module. Go to the website: and login with your
student number and password. You will see INF3705-15-S1 or INF3705-15-S2 in the row of
modules in the orange blocks across the top of the webpage. Remember to also check in the-
more-tab if you cannot find it in the orange blocks. Click on the module you want to open.
The textbook for this module is: Sommerville, I. 2011. Software engineering. 9th edition/E
International edition: ISBN 10:0-13-705346-0 or ISBN 13:978-0-13-705346-9

We wish you success on your journey!


2.1 Fully online module
Please note that this module is offered fully online.

All study material for this module will be available on myUnisa. It is thus very important that you
register on myUnisa and access the module site on a regular basis. You must be registered on
myUnisa to be able to access your learning material, submit your assignments, gain access to
various learning resources, chat to your lecturer or teaching assistant and fellow students
about your studies and the challenges that you might encounter, and to participate in online
discussion forums and blogs. Importantly, myUnisa contains the Learning Units tool from which
you will only be able to access the study material for this module if you have registered and
have access to myUnisa.

2.2 Printed materials to support the online module
Because we want you to be successful in this online module, we also provide you with some of
the study materials in printed format. This will allow you to read the study materials, even if you
are not online.
In addition, you will receive this tutorial letter and a printed copy of the online study materials
from myUnisa. These printed materials are exactly the same as the online ones as they have
been copied and printed from the myUnisa website.

Remember, the printed support materials are a backup to everything that is found online, on
myUnisa. There are no extra things there. In other words, you should NOT wait for the
printed support materials to arrive to start studying.

Please consult the my Studies @ Unisa publication for more information on the
activation of your myLife email address as well as obtaining access to the myUnisa
module site.


3.1 The primary lecturer for this module is Prof Alfred Coleman:
School of Computing
College of Science, Engineering and Technology
Tel: + 27 116709108
To contact the University, you should follow the instructions in the my Studies @ Unisa
brochure. Remember to have your student number available when you contact the University.
When you contact your lecturer, please do not forget to always include your student number.
This will help your lecturers to assist you.

4.1 Assessment plan
Here is a breakdown of the formal portfolio assignments, as they occur in the semester.
There are two assignments for this module. To gain examination admission you need to
complete and submit both assignments. To receive a year mark you need to complete and
submit both assignments, that is, Assignments 01 and 02.
We do advise you to complete all the assignments to cover the content matter before the

4.1.2 Unique assignment numbers

Assignment Unique assignment number Unique assignment number

number Semester 1 Semester 2
01 740944 740444
02 847037 595187

4.1.3 Due dates for assignments

Due date Due date

Assignment number Purpose
Semester 1 Semester 2
6 March 2017 21 August 2017 Compulsory Overview
of work
Compulsory In-depth
6April 2017 18 September 2017
02 understanding of the

4.1.4 Submission of assignments Electronic submission of an assignment

For detailed information on assignments, please refer to the my Studies @ Unisa brochure, which you
received with your study package. To submit an assignment via myUnisa:

Go to myUnisa.
Log in with your student number and password.
Select the module.
Click on Assignments in the menu on the left-hand side of the screen.
Click on the assignment number you wish to submit.
Follow the instructions.

Multiple-choice assignments

Assignment 01 is a multiple-choice assignment, which should either be completed on the

computer mark-reading sheet issued to you during registration, or be submitted electronically
through myUnisa. The multiple-choice assignment is marked electronically on a predetermined
date. For example, if the due date for a particular assignment is 7 March, then all submitted
assignments will be marked through batch processing by the computer one or two days after
the due date.

Written assignments
Assignment 02 has written assignments. Assignment 02 should be posted to Unisa or uploaded
on the myUnisa website. Assignments 01 is used to determine your admission to the
examination while assignment 02 is used to determine your year mark.
Year mark
Each module leader may decide which assignments will count towards the year mark. For
INF3705 you will receive a possible mark out of 20, which will count towards your final mark for
the year. For this module, Assignment 02 will be used to calculate your year mark


Do not hesitate to contact your lecturer by email if you are experiencing problems with the
content of this tutorial letter or any aspect of the module.
I wish you a fascinating and satisfying journey through the learning material and trust that you
will complete the module successfully.
Enjoy the journey!
Prof Alfred Coleman


Semester 1: Assignment 01: 2017 [For first semester students only]

Due date: 06 March 2017

Prescribed Answer these questions

Unique Number: 740944

Total: 100
Multiple-Choice questions:

Chapter1: Introduction

1. Which of these are not among the eight principles followed by Software Engineering Code
of Ethics and Professional Practice ?
1. Public
2. Profession
3. product
4. Environment

2. What is a Software ?
1. Software is set of programs.
2. Software is documentation and configuration of data.
3. Both 1 and 2
4. None of the mentioned

3. Software engineers should not use their technical skills to misuse other peoples
computers.Here the term misuse refers to:

1. Unauthorized access to computer material

2. Unauthorized modification of computer material
3. Dissemination of viruses or other malware
4. All of the mentioned above

4. The two fundamental types of software products are _____ .

1. generic products and customised products

2. company products and generic products
3. company products and customised products
4. company products and developer products


Chapter 2: Software processes

5. There are four fundamental activities that are common to all software process except _____

1. software specification
2. software development
3. software validation
4. software control

6. Which one activity does the first principal stage of the waterfall process model deals with?

1. system and software design

2. requirement analysis and definition
3. integration and system testing
4. operation and maintenance

7. The phases of Rational Unified Process (RUP) includes all the answers except __________ .

1. inception
2. elaboration
3. construction
4. dynamic

Chapter 3: Agile software development

8. How many phases are there in Scrum ?

1. Two
2. Three
3. Four
4. Scrum is an agile method which means it does not have phases.

9. Select the option that suits the Manifesto for Agile Software Development
1. Individuals and interactions
2. Working software
3. Customer collaboration
4. All of the mentioned above

Chapter4: Requirement engineering

10. What type of check should be applied during requirements validation?
1. validity checks
2. consistency checks
3. completeness checks
4. all the above checks

11. Which of the following is not a requirement validation technique?

1. requirements reviews
2. prototyping
3. test-case generation
4. natural language

12. The process of managing changes to requirements during requirements specification and
after the system has gone into use is called _____________ .

1. requirements management
2. change management
3. process management
4. specification management

13. Which of the following is not a stage in the requirements change management process?
1. problem analysis and change specification
2. change analysis and costing
3. change implementation
4. specification management

Chapter5: System modeling

14. Which of the UML diagrams can be used to represent the essential features of a system?

1. activity diagrams
2. use case diagrams
3. sequence diagrams
4. all of the above diagrams

15. Which of the following is not a principal component of a textual use-case description?
1. the actors involved
2. a description of the interactions
3. the data that is exchanged
4. control flow diagrams
16. For purposes of behaviour modeling, an event occurs whenever _____________ .

1. a state and process exchange information

2. the system and actor exchange information
3. two actors exchange information
4. two objects exchange information
Chapter 6: Architectural design
17. An architectural description is often documented using an architecture template.

1. True
2. False

18. An architectural plan will often dictate the architectural approach that may be used for the
structure to be built.

1. True
2. False

19. To determine the architectural style or combination of styles that best fits the proposed
system, requirements engineering is used to uncover ____________ .

1. algorithmic complexity
2. characteristics and constraints
3. control and data
4. design patterns

Chapter 7: Design and Implementation

20. Which of the following key activity is not in an object-oriented design process?
1. Understand and define the context and use of the system.
2. Design the system architecture.
3. Identify the principal objects in the system.
4. a language debugger
21. Which of the following is not an essential tool in a software development platform?

1. a language debugger
2. testing tools that can automatically run program tests
3. project support tools for code control
4. project scope

22. Which of the following is a characteristic of a good design?

1. It exhibits strong coupling between its modules and implements all requirement
in the analysis model.
2. It implements all requirements in the analysis model and provides a complete
picture of the software.
3. It includes test cases for all components and implements all requirements in the
analysis model.
4. It provides a complete picture of the software and includes test cases for all

Chapter 8: Software testing

23. The best reason for using independent software test teams is that ________________ .

1. software developers do not need to do any testing

2. strangers will test the software mercilessly
3. testers do not get involved with the project until testing begins
4. the conflict of interest between developers and testers is reduced

24. Which of the following is not a principal stage of testing for a commercial software system?

1. development testing
2. release testing
3. user testing
4. cancelation testing

25. Which of the following is not part of an automated testing?

1. a set up part
2. a call part
3. an assertion part
4. a partition part

26. When testing object-oriented software it is important to test each class operation separately
as part of the unit testing process.

1. True
2. False

27. Object-oriented and testing integration strategy involves testing ______________ .

1. groups of classes that collaborate or communicate in some way

2. single operations as they are added to the evolving class implementation
3. operator programs derived from use-case scenarios
4. none of the above

Chapter 9: Software evolution

28. Which of the following is not a stage in a system evolution process?

1. impact analysis
2. release planning
3. change implementation
4. software testing

29. Which of the following is not one of the stages in the system evolution process?

1. impact analysis
2. release planning
3. change implementation
4. system checks

30. Why is it sometimes necessary to bypass the normal change management system and
make urgent changes to a system?

1. so as to satisfy management
2. so as to satisfy customers
3. so as to repair a serious system fault
4. so as to do none of the above

31. Which factors should be assessed so as to understand the relationship between a system
and its environment?

1. the number and complexity of system interfaces

2. the number of inherently volatile system requirements
3. the business processes in which the system is used
4. all of the above factors

32. Which of the following is not a factor used to assess applications for evolution?

1. documentation
2. data
3. performance
4. skills
33. Which of the following is not a type of software maintenance practice?

1. maintenance to repair software faults

2. maintenance to adapt the software to a different environment
3. maintenance to add to or modify the systems functionality
4. maintenance to satisfy management

34. One of the processes of metrics that might be used to assess maintainability is the average
time required for impact analysis.
1. True
2. False
35. A Strategic option which is not applied to legacy system evolution is ________________ .

1. scrap the system completely

2. leave the system unchanged and continue maintenance
3. replace all or part of the system with a new system
4. dependency on old management staff

Chapter 10: Sociotechnical system:

36. Which of the following does not influence the reliability of a system?

1. hardware reliability
2. work reliability
3. software reliability
4. operator reliability

37. The organisational factor from the systems environment which may affect the requirement,
design and operation excludes ____________ .

1. process change
2. job change
3. organisational change
4. customer needs

38. Sociotechnical systems is made up of different components including ___________ .

1. equipment
2. operating system
3. society
4. all of the above

39. Which of the following is/are not the main driver/s of system procurement decisions?

1. the state of other organisational systems

2. the need to comply with external regulations
3. external competition
4. the staff of the organisation

Chapter 11: Dependability and security

40. Availability is the ability of a system to deliver services when requested.

1 True
2. False

41. A deterministic system is one where a given sequence of inputs will always produce the same
sequence of outputs

1. True
2. False

42. Which of the following is not a principal threat to the security of a system?

1. threats to the confidentiality of a system and its data.

2. threats to the integrity of a system and its data.
3. threats to the availability of a system and its data
4. threats to customer participation

43. Which of the following control measures may not be put in place to enhance system

1. vulnerability avoidance
2. attack detection and neutralisation
3. exposure limitation and recovery
4. system configuration

Chapters 12/13/14

44. Security risk management is concerned with assessing the possible losses that might ensue
from attacks on assets in the system and balancing these losses against the costs of
security procedures that may reduce the losses.

1. True
2. False

45. Which of this level of protection might not be used in an information system security?

1. platform-level protection
2. aplication-level protection
3. record-level protection
4. usage level protection

46. A design guideline for secure systems engineering includes ____________ .

1. base security decisions on an explicit security policy

2. avoiding a single point of failure
3. using redundancy and diversity to reduce risk
4. all of the above

47. Which of the following deployment support may not be included in a system development?

1. support for viewing and analysing configurations

2. default privilege minimisation
3. configuration setting localisation
4. management support

Chapter 19: Service-oriented architecture

48. Which architecture will be built on top of a SOA ?

1. The Application Architecture
2. The Service Architecture
3. The Component Architecture
4. None of the mentioned

49. Which of the following utilities is not a part of Business Service Layer?
1. Task centric service
2.Wrapper Services
3.Get account info
4. Entity centric service

50. Arrange the following activities in order to build a SOA.

i. Virtualization through mediation.
ii. Track services with registries.
iii. Govern, secure and manage the services.
iv. Design for interoperability through the adoption of standards.
1. i, ii, iii, iv
2. iii, ii, i, iv
3. ii, iii, i, iv
4. ii, iii, iv, i

Semester 2: Assignment 01: 2017 [For second-semester learners only]

Due date: 21 August 2017

Prescribed: Answer these questions

Unique number: 740444

Total: 100
Multiple-choice questions for 2017
Chapter 1: Introduction

1. Choose the correct option in terms of Issues related to professional responsibility

1. Confidentiality
2.Intellectual property rights
3.Both 1 & 2
4. Managing Client Relationships
2. Efficiency in a software product does not include ________

1. responsiveness
2. licensing
3. memory utilization
4. processing time

Chapter 2: Software processes

3. Which one activity does the first principal stage of the waterfall process model deal with?

1. system and software design

2. requirement analysis and definition
3. integration and system testing
4. operation and maintenance

4. Which of the following is a benefit of incremental development, compared to the waterfall

development model?

1. The cost of accommodating changes to customer requirements is reduced.

2. It is easier to get customer feedback on development work that has been done.
3. More rapid delivery and deployment of useful software to the customer is possible.
4. all of the above

5. What is the first sector in Boehms spiral model?

1. planning
2. objective setting
3. risk assessment and reduction
4. development and validation

6. ___________ is the only fundamental activity that is not common in all software processes.

1. Software specification
2. Software development
3. Software validation
4. Software control

Chapter 3: Agile software development

7. The Agile Software Development is based on

1. incremental development
2. iterative development
3. linear development
4. both 1 and 2

8. A short (3-4 weeks) planning unit in which work to be done is assessed, selected for
development, with the software implemented and delivered to system stakeholders is called

1. scrum sprint
2. agile manifesto
3. agile development
4. extreme programing

Chapter 4: Requirement engineering

9. The process of managing changes to requirements during requirements specification and
after the system has gone into use is called__________

1. requirements management
2. change management
3. process management
4. specification management

10. What makes requirements elicitation very difficult is the problem of ___________
1. scope
2. understanding
3. environmental volatility
4. all of the above

11. A written statement that defines the requirements that should be implemented by the system
developers is called __________ .

1. software requirements document

2. policy document
3. agreement document
4. an official document

12. It is relatively common for different customers to propose conflicting requirements, each
arguing that his or her version is the right one.

1. True
2. False

Chapter5: System modeling

13. Which of the following are UML diagrams that may be used to represent the essential
features of a system?

1. activity diagrams
2. use case diagrams
3. sequence diagrams
4. all of the above

14. The environment of the system defining the systems context and the dependencies is
called __________
1. context model
2. data flow diagram
3. the functions that transform the data flow
4. the direction to program

Chapter 6: Architectural design

15. The best representation of system architecture is an operational software prototype.

1. True
2. False

16. The architectural representations can be an enabler for communication among project

1. True
2. False

17. Which of the following elements are encompassed by an architectural style?

1. constraints
2. set of components
3. semantic models
4. all of the above

18. To determine the architectural style or combination of styles that best fits a proposed
system, requirements engineering is used to uncover ________________ .

1. algorithmic complexity
2. characteristics and constraints
3. control and data
4. design patterns

19. Before an architectural pattern can be chosen for use in a specific system it must have a
code implementation to facilitate its reuse.

1. True
2. False

Chapter7: Design and implementation

20. Which of the following are areas of concern in the design model?

1. architecture, data and interfaces

2. data, interfaces and project scope
3. interfaces, project scope and architecture
4. project scope, architecture and data

21. The importance of software design can be summarized in a single word as _____________ .

1. accuracy
2. complexity
3. efficiency
4. quality

Chapter 8: Software testing

22. In software quality assurance work there is no difference between software verification and
software validation.

1. True
2. False

23. The best reason for using independent software test teams is that __________________ .

1. software developers do not need to do any testing

2. strangers will test the software mercilessly
3. testers do not get involved with the project until testing begins
4. the conflicts of interest between developers and testers is reduced

24. Which of the following is not part of the activities in which traditional software testing is

1. integration testing
2. system testing
3. unit testing
4. conciliation testing

25. ___________ is not one of the three principal stages of testing for a commercial
software system.
1. development testing
2. release testing
3. user testing
4. Cancelation testing

26. Which one of the following strategic issues needs to be addressed in a successful software
testing process?

1. specify requirements in a quantifiable manner.

2. use independent test teams.
3. wait till code is written prior to writing the test plan.
4. costs.

27. With object-oriented, testing integration strategy involves testing ____________ .

1. groups of classes that collaborate or communicate in some way

2. single operations as they are added to the evolving class implementation
3. operator programs derived from use-case scenarios
4. none of the above

28. Since many WebApps evolve continuously, the testing process must be ongoing as well.
1. True
2. False

Chapter 9: Software evolution

29. It is sometimes necessary to bypass the normal change management system and make
urgent changes to a system in order to __________ .

1. repair a serious system fault

2. change the system to cope with unexpected changes in the systems operating
3. request extra funding
4. cope with unexpected business change

30. Which one of the following is not one of the three different types of software maintenance?

1. maintenance to repair software faults

2. maintenance to adapt the software to a different environment
3. maintenance to add to or modify the systems functionality
4. maintenance to satisfy management

31. Factors which should be assessed to understand the relationship between a system and its
environment include one of the following:

1. the number and complexity of system interfaces

2. the number of inherently volatile system requirements
3. the business processes in which the system is used
4. the system that developers need

32. Which of the following is not one of systems re-engineering activities?

1. reverse engineering
2. program structure improvement
3. data re-engineering
4. table collection improvement

33. A Strategic option which is not applied to legacy system evolution is ____________ .

1. scrap the system completely,

2. leave the system unchanged and continue maintenance,
3. replace all or part of the system with a new system
4. depend on old management staff

Chapter 10: Sociotechnical systems

34. Which layer is missing in the sociotechnical system stack as shown below:

1. organizational layer
2. application layer
3. physical layer
4. transport layer


35. Why are plan-driven (rather than agile) processes used in systems engineering?

1. Because different parts of the system are developed by different groups.

2. Because different people work on different systems.
3. Because the system and the programmers are important.
4. All of the above.

36. Which of the following does not influence the reliability of a system?

1. hardware reliability
2. work reliability
3. software reliability
4. operator reliability

37. System requirement and documentation includes the following ____________ .

1. domain and problem understanding
2. requirement elicitation and analysis
3. architectural design
4. operating system

38 Which component/s is/are not considered in a real-time operating system?

1. a real-time clock
2. an interrupt handler
3. a scheduler
4. storage and display processes

Chapter 11: Dependability and security

39. A deterministic system is one where a given sequence of input will always produce the
same sequence of output

1. True
2. False

40. Which of the following is not a principal threat to the security of a system?

1. threats to the confidentiality of a system and its data.

2. threats to the integrity of a system and its data.
3. threats to the availability of a system and its data
4. threats to customers participation

41. The process where a spare capacity is included in a system to be used if part of the system
fails is considered as __________ .
1. diversity
2. redundancy
3. dependability
4. re-usability

42. Why is it sometimes necessary to bypass the normal change management system and
make urgent changes to a system?

1. to satisfy management
2. to satisfy customers
3. to repair a serious system fault
4. to do none of the above

43. Which of the following is not a strategic option for legacy system evolution?
1. scraping the system completely
2. leaving the system unchanged and continue maintenance
3. re-engineering the system to improve maintainability
4. replacing the technical team

44. Availability is the ability of a system to deliver services when requested.

1. True
2. False

Chapters 12/13/14

45. Which one activity among the following is part of the process of risk analysis?

1. risk identification
2. risk analysis and classification
3. risk decomposition
4. all of the above

46. Which one of the following is not a fundamental issue to be considered when designing
system architecture for security?

1. protection
2. distribution
3. usage
4. risk

47. A design guideline for secure systems engineering includes ____________ .

1. base security decisions on an explicit security policy

2. avoiding a single point of failure
3. using redundancy and diversity to reduce risk
4. all of the above

48. The stages in survivability analysis includes ___________ .

1. reviewing system requirements and architecture

2. identifying critical services and components
3. identifying attacks and compromisable components
4. all of the above

Chapter 19 Service-oriented architecture

49. Service Oriented Architecture (SOA) is

1. strongly coupled
2. loosely coupled
3. strongly cohesive
4. loosely cohesive

50. Which of the following is an essential principle of an architecture?

1. consistency
2. reliability
3. scalability
4. all of the mentioned


Semester 1: Assignment 02: 2017 [For first semester only]

Unique number: 847037

Due date: 6 April 2017
Total: 100
Question 1 [15]

Based on your own knowledge of software application discuss whether professional software
engineers should be certified in the same way as doctors or lawyers

Question 2 [15]

What are the fundamental concepts of user and system requirements and why must these
requirements be written in different ways?

Question 3 [15]

As a system developer, your organisation requires you to make a decision on system

architecture. Explain to your organisation members what decisions have to be made about
the system during the architectural design process.

Question 4 [15]
Development testing forms an integral aspect of system development. Briefly explain unit
testing, component testing and system testing as part of system development.
Question 5 [10]

You are a system developer employed by T&T systems. Explain to your new team members the
following process activities; specification, validation and evolution.

Question 6 [10]

Briefly describe three main types of software maintenance and explain why it is sometimes
difficult to distinguish between the three.

Question 7 [10]

Suggest two important types of application where you would not recommend the use of service-
oriented architecture. Give a detailed explanation for your choice of the application.

Question 8 [10]

What are the strategic options for legacy system evolution? When would you normally replace
all or part of a system rather than continue maintenance of the software?


Semester 2: Assignment 02: 2017 [For second semester students only]

Unique number: 595187

Total: 100
Due date: 18 September 2017
Question 1 [10]

Why it is important to make a distinction between developing the user requirements and
developing system requirements in the requirements engineering process.

Question 2 [10]

What is the most important difference between generic software product development and
custom software development? What might this mean in practice for users of generic software

Question 3 [15]

Explain why it is essential to have two separate requirements engineering activities in the re-use
based process.

Question 4 [13]

Briefly describe the three main types of software maintenance. Why is it sometimes difficult to
distinguish between the three?

Question 5 [10]

What are the strategic options for legacy system evolution? When would you normally replace
all or part of a system rather than continue maintenance of the software?

Question 6 [12]

Why is system integration a particularly critical part of the systems development process?
Suggest three sociotechnical issues that may cause difficulties in the system integration

Question 7 [15]

Name and discuss six reasons why software dependability is important in most sociotechnical

Question 8 [15]
Reliability and safety are related but distinct dependability attributes. Describe the most
important distinction between these two attributes



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