Wlantigonemodernization 1

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Antigone Modernization: Live the Rebel Dream [15]

World Literature

PROMPT: Your group must fashion a modernized version of Antigone that reflects your
collective discernment of her values, plight and downright chutzpah. Your group must finish this
mini-project by the end of class by using the collaborative skills you have honed this year.
Furthermore, you must integrate all the requirements and obey all three rules below (of course,
this is rather ironic in light of the character in question). This World Literature showdown of
modernization prowess is competitive the prize for the winners will be suitably recalcitrant.


1) Ensure completion by the end of class on block day no exceptions!

2) You may only use the following materials:
a. Cutouts from magazines and/or anything at the front of the room
b. Markers/pencils/pens/highlighters
c. Glue sticks
d. Construction paper
e. Any item a student wishes to use from his/her backpack (no locker or art teacher visits)
f. Final entry must be on the easel paper provided
3) Every group member should invest his/her time or the entry will be disqualified (i.e., put in a cave
and left to rot).


1) Sketch your modernized Antigone prominently feature her on your easel paper!
2) Declare the following facts about your modernized Antigone in the upper left corner of your paper:
birth date, hometown, parent name(s), sibling(s) and pet(s).
3) Announce the following facts about your modernized Antigone in the upper right corner of your
paper: school name, level in school, class schedule (7 periods) and extracurricular activities
4) Include five specific articles on her person (clothing or otherwise) that symbolize, in a modern
sense, what she believes in.
5) Draw an iPod somewhere on her person and write a clip of lyrics drifting out of the ear buds that
represents her favorite song.
6) Choose a defining line (or two) that Antigone proclaims in the play and place it somewhere on
her clothing.
7) Summon all your analytical and imaginative skills to further embellish your modernization!

FINAL JUDGE: The Theban City of the N185 Hole

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