Antigoneprojectdueapril 13 TH

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Antigone Project Due April 13th

Performance: Present an oral performance to class of one section of the play at least 40 lines long.
Your vocal delivery will be graded on tone, pitch, volume, pace, pause, articulation, and pronunciation.
You may choose a monologue (a long speech by one actor in a play) or a stichomythia (dialogue in which two
characters speak alternate lines of verse). You will need to create a mask that reflects your character. 1. Write a
one page reflection on your experience. Reflection must focus on your choices of speech, mask, and movement for your particular
character(s). Also, reflection must address how the conflict in your scene is relevant in todays modern era.

Vocal delivery Lines are delivered in a manner that reflects understanding; volume, pitch, and inflection are
all thoughtful additions to the scene. Lines are 100% memorized.
Mask Mask construction is creative, unique, neat, and displays an accurate and explicit explanation
of character

Understanding of Each characters speech shows a deep and thoughtful understanding and portrayal of character,
including emotion and intent. Characters definition of justice is clearly conveyed. Overall
character and scene performance is effective and thorough.

Use of gestures, Stage movements are effective, creative, and carefully planned; add to character and overall
performance in a unique manner. Characters react effectively to their own speech, as well as
movements, speeches of others.
Written Reflection Reflection clearly justifies choices behind characters speech, mask construction, and
movement. Reflection also clearly and cohesively addresses the issue as it translates to modern

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