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As water cools it becomes more dense. Cold water sinks and hot water floats.

Frozen water
floats, it becomes ice.

Water is an excellent solvent. And its able to drink. Sodium chloride is the salt in our bodies and
in the ocean.

Hydrogen bonds allow water to have adhesion (sticks to everything else) and cohesion (sticks
to itself), it allows the water to come from the root to the leaf in a tree. (photosynthesis needs
water to happen). Cohesion allows water to be poured. When you put your hand through the
stream of water it breaks the hydrogen bond. Ow I just encountered a bunch of hydrogen
bonds there

Earth is the only known planet with liquid water. So take care of it.

Hydrologic (water) cycle:

**trees humidify the air through transpiration

All of the water that ever was, is

San Pedro River is not dammed up, they dont let cattle graze their either.

Riparian areas: vegetation and animal life that lives along the river. Importance:

Sea of Cortez: used to go colorado river, south of yuma into the sea of cortez, around el galpo.
Now it doesnt get any from the colorado river. They get irrigation pipe leftover crap. Used to be
a giant free flowing river. It fed the sea of cortez.

The last damn that went up was in 1964, no water to the sea.

1979, 1987 they let dan water into the sea.

Before damns, 500 million tons of sediment went into the sea, including the nutrients.

Point Source, industrial and municipal buildings. clean water act of 1962
Non-point sources,air from combustion, streets, fields, falling rain or snow and improper
disposal of materials.

paper pulp, animal feces, and other plants and animal products. They do go away in time.
Effects the ocean:too much of a good thing will grow too much algae.

Metals (lead, mercury), problem, nervous system damage and kidney damage. Toxic to brain
and kidneys.
Synthetic organic (carbon containing) chemicals such as pesticides, herbicides and industrial
chemicals such as PCBs (poly chlorinated (phenyl) hydrocarbons) problems, cancer and birth
defects. Man made chemicals that nature cant break down. If nature makes it, nature can
break it down. So they cant break these down. The bigger the creature, the more they take on
Chemical with hormonal effects (sometimes called endocrine disruptors) reproductive effects
such as reproductive cancers, low sperm count, feminization of male offspring. Hormonal
effects. BPA is bad.
Mississippi River: it collects from all over. Brings everything down to new orleans. Jacque
Cousteau did a survey of the mississippi. They found a lot of top soil. 8,000 sq miles of dead
area in new orleans. The BP oil spill was in 2010 in the gulf of mexico.

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