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Name: _______________

Applied Design and Technology Skills

Assignment One File/Hard Drive Set-up

Your task is to design a filing system to organize your OneNote space.

You will need a USB drive that you can hand in. You assignment can be done
on a friends USB but make sure you explain this to your teacher.


1. Create a main file named Grade 7

2. Create two sub-folders in the Grade 7 folder named Personal and

Division 1

3. In your Personal folder create folders that reflect your interests. For
example Art or Equestrian or Hockey (3 folders minimum)

4. Under your Division 1 folder, create these folders. Language Arts,

Socials, Science, Design Tech and any other folder you would also like
to add.

5. Under your Socials folder, create the subfolders Government, Big

Ideas and Civilizations

6. Save this file in your Design Tech folder.

20 marks.

Palfreyman 2017 1

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