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Christmas crossword

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s a n t a c l a u s

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19 20
Christmas crossword
1. Hes old and fat. He likes to wear red clothes. He brings children their presents on Christmas Day.
5. Its cold and white.
7. This is the name of a Christmas carol. Silent what?
8. What is the name of the day before Christmas Day?
11. What is Santa Claus favorite color?
13. Many people go there on Christmas Day. They go there to pray, and to sing carols.
15. Its green and brown. People put presents under it and open them on Christmas Day.
16. On Christmas Day, we say Happy Christmas! Whats another word for Happy?
18. You can see this in a church. People ring it.
19. On January first, we say Happy New .......................
20. What kind of animal is Rudolph? Rudolph the red-nosed what?

2. This is something you make with snow. It looks like a man.
3. How does Santa Claus enter a house? Through what?
4. Many people eat this bird on Christmas Day.
5. You can see this at night in the sky.
6. In what season is Christmas?
8. Children receive these on Christmas Day.
10. How often does Santa Claus work?
12. In what month is Christmas?
13. This is something the mailman brings at Christmas. He puts it through the letter box.
14. Its sweet. We eat it on Christmas Day.
17. Santa Claus isnt young. Hes what?
1 2 3
s a n t a c l a u s c
n t h
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s n o w o u i
n i g h t i w r m

a n m k n
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p c h r i s t m a s e v e

r a e n y y
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e r e d r

s d e
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e l c c h u r c h

n y e a a c
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t r e e m e r r y k o
s v b d b e l l

e e d
19 20
y e a r r e i n d e e r

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