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Name Due 4/7/2016 Day of


Unit 10 Review
Directions: Use your notes to answer the questions below.

Carter (1976-1980)

1. How does OPEC impact the U.S. during the 70s and today?
During the 70s an oil embargo caused an oil crisis. They can impact the price of
oil. The oil crises caused a shortage in gas and long lines at gas stations.

2. What is the significance of the Camp David Accords?

It was the first peace agreement between Israel and Egypt
3. What was the cause of the Iran Hostage Crisis? What was the result of the Hostage Crisis?
Militant Iranian students took American hostages in Iran after Carter
allowed the exiled Shah of Iran into the US for medical treatment.
Carter tried to negotiate their release, but couldnt. The hostages were
released when Reagan became president.

4. Why did Carter sign a bailout for Chrysler?

To save American jobs

Reagan (1980-1988)

5. What is Reaganomics?
It is supply-side economics and include tax cuts and deregulation of businesses.
Reagan also increased defense spending.

6. Describe the rise of conservatism, including the Heritage Foundation, Moral Majority, and
Phyllis Shlafly.
They worked to get conservatives elected to office
They supported Ronald Reagan
Reagan adopted many of their policies
They all shared conservative ideologies

7. What was Sandra Day OConnor?

The first female justice on the Supreme Court.
8. What was the Iran-Contra Affair?
The selling of weapons to Iran in exchange for the release of American
The money for the sale of the weapons was sent to fund the Contras in
Nicaragua, which Congress had banned.
Commission found that Reagan was unaware of the selling of arms

9. What was the Reagan Doctrine?

It said that the United States was committed to getting rid of communism where

it existed
George H.W. Bush (1988-1992)

10.What were the causes and effects of the Persian Gulf War?
Iraq, under Saddam Hussein, invaded Kuwait.
The US feared Iran may also invade oil rich Saudi Arabia.
Along with a UN Coalition, they used bombs until Iraq left Kuwait.

11.What is the significance of the Berlin Wall coming down and the reunification of Germany?

It signified the end of the Cold War

Clinton (1992-2000)

12.How did Ross Perot impact the election of 1992?

He took some of the conservative vote away from George H.W. Bush
Led to Bill Clinton winning the election

13.Why was Clinton impeached?

Obstruction of justice by lying under oath
Because he lied to Congress under oath about an inappropriate
relationship he had.

14.In what countries did Clinton help intervene?

Kosovo, Bosnia, Haiti, Middle East
15.What trade organizations did the U.S. create/join?
World Trade Organization, North American Free Trade Agreement

Bush (2000-2008)

16.Why did the Supreme Court intervene in the election of 2000?

Centered around the very close vote in the state of Florida
Gore demanded a hand recount of votes in Florida.
Bush filed a lawsuit to stop the recount and the Supreme Court ruled to
end the recount and went with the original results of Bush winning

17.What was the impact of the No Child Left Behind Act?

It was a new era of accountability.
It required schools receiving federal funds to test students in math and

18.What was the purpose of the Department of Homeland Security?

To make recommendations on security
combined existing agencies into one cabinet department

19.What was the impact of the USA PATRIOT Act?

It showed the balance between security and liberties after 9/11
Americans must give up some privacies for security
Gave the federal government more power to search private property if
youre suspected of terrorism
Many Americans feel it violates their 4th Amendment rights
20.Why did the U.S. go to war in Afghanistan and Iraq? What were the effects?
Afghanistan allowed Al Qaeda terrorist camps to operate and would not
turn over Osama bin Laden.
US troops are still in the country for peacekeeping.
We went to Iraq because Bush believe Saddam had WMDs. No WMDs were
Troops left Iraq in 2011.

21.What was the impact of Hurricane Katrina?

Many criticized the response of FEMA and President Bush

Obama (2008-2016)

22.What was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act?

The purpose was to stimulate the economy and encourage economic growth

during the Great Recession

23.Who are Sonia Sotomayor?
The first Hispanic Supreme Court Justice.
24.What is significant about the election of 2008?
The first African American President was elected.

United States in a Global Era

25.How have developments in space and satellite technology impacted life in the United
They have made communicating more efficient
26.How has the demography of America changed? What impact has it had on the economy?
Increase in immigration, especially from Latin America
More consumers to sell to

27.Define the terms or describe the impact of the following people :

a. Petroleum - oil
b. Telecommunications communicating over long distance
c. Hybrid car combustion engine and electricity; Mostly powered by
electricity, some gasoline
d. Bill Gates Microsoft; computer operating system
e. Steve Jobs Apple computers
f. Lionel Sosa Founded largest Hispanic advertising agency in US

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