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APRIL 7, 2017
VOL. LXXXVI NO. 27 $1.00 86 2017



What are the odds?

They spent the Blitz in the same
London neighborhood. 70 years later,
CHANGE SERVICE REQUESTED they met at the Kaplen JCC in Tenafly.
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Jewish Standard
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2 Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017
Page 3
Steven Spielbergs favorite
matzah brei recipe
Why is this matzah brei different Goop also published Jewish food ma-
from all others? ven Joan Nathans matzah brie recipe in
Its a favorite of Hollywood legend a special Kosher For Passover section.
Steven Spielberg, thats why. (By contrast, Nathans recipe uses wa-
The Academy Award-winning direc- ter and schmaltz and calls for a sweet
tor the force behind Schindlers topping, such as cinnamon, honey, or
List, Saving Private Ryan, E.T. and maple syrup.)
scores of other popular films has Matzah brei, which essentially is
shared his family matzah brei recipe pieces of matzah fried with eggs, is
with Goop, Gwyneth Paltrows upscale having a bit of a moment: A specialty
food and lifestyle website. matzah brei stand popped up at a
Uncle Mortys Gourmet Matzos New York City market last fall, and a
Brie, as its called at Goop, calls for slew of new recipes have been pub-
the slightly unusual method of soaking lished online.
matzah pieces in milk instead of water. I think people are always looking
It also includes chopped onion plac- for the next thing to modernize, said
ing it definitively in the savory, not Shannon Sarna-Goldberg, editor of
sweet, category. the Jewish food blog the Nosher. And
It also specifies a specific brand of matzah brei is both beloved and kind of
matzah: Streits, in business since bland, so it takes well to flavors.
1925, the recipe notes. Streits made One such flavor recommended by
headlines when it closed its iconic Low- Spielberg: truffle salt (if youre feeling
er East Side factory in 2015 and moved fancy, as the recipe states).
production to New Jersey. GABE FRIEDMAN/JTA WIRE SERVICE

Coocoo for
Crunch Puffs
We imagine the conver-
sation in the Manischewitz
department went something
like this:
What mascot do you think
represents the essence of
How about a humanoid six-
Candlelighting: Friday, April 7, 7:10 p.m. pointed star slash magician
wearing a vampire cape?
Shabbat ends: Saturday, April 8 8:10 p.m. HOW ARE YOU SO GOOD

For convenient home delivery,

call 201-837-8818 or

PUBLISHERS STATEMENT: (USPS 275-700 ISN 0021-6747) is
published weekly on Fridays with an additional edition every
October, by the New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck
Leaning in to matzah
NOSHES ...............................................................4 Road, Teaneck, NJ 07666. Periodicals postage paid at Hackensack,
PASSOVER ................................................ 14, 40 NJ and additional offices. POSTMASTER: Send address changes Do you like reclining on
BRIEFLY LOCAL .............................................. 18 to New Jersey Jewish Media Group, 1086 Teaneck Road, Teaneck,
NJ 07666. Subscription price is $30.00 per year. Out-of-state sub-
pillows during the seder, but
COVER STORY ................................................20 scriptions are $45.00, Foreign countries subscriptions are $75.00. hate vacuuming out the mat-
JEWISH WORLD ............................................ 26 The appearance of an advertisement in The Jewish Standard does zah crumbs after the seder?
DEAR RABBI ZAHAVY................................. 42 not constitute a kashrut endorsement. The publishing of a paid
political advertisement does not constitute an endorsement of any Then maybe its time you
KEEPING KOSHER.........................................46
OPINION ...........................................................50
candidate political party or political position by the newspaper or consider dedicated seder
any employees.
PASSOVER GREETINGS .............................. 55 The Jewish Standard assumes no responsibility to return unsolicit-
DVAR TORAH ................................................ 67 ed editorial or graphic materials. All rights in letters and unsolicited Yes, you can get matzah-
editorial, and graphic material will be treated as unconditionally
THE FRAZZLED HOUSEWIFE ................... 68 themed pillows.
assigned for publication and copyright purposes and subject to
CROSSWORD PUZZLE ................................ 68 JEWISH STANDARDs unrestricted right to edit and to comment Available in standard
ARTS & CULTURE ..........................................69 editorially. Nothing may be reprinted in whole or in part without
square or anthromorphized
CALENDAR ......................................................70 written permission from the publisher. 2017

OBITUARIES .................................................... 72 shmura.

CLASSIFIEDS .................................................. 74 Wait. Why is this shmura matzah pillow sticking out its tongue?
GALLERY .......................................................... 76 In the immortal words of the wise-aleck son: Why not? LARRY YUDELSON
REAL ESTATE.................................................. 77

MARCH 7, 2017 3
The culmination of my whole
life is my bat mitzvah.
Majdanek and Auschwitz survivor Eugenia Unger, 91, who was called
to the Torah as a bat mitzvah in Buenos Aires, where she lives, last week.


Catch The Finest

and honor Theo
I recommend The in front of Bostons
Finest even though Fenway Park. Epstein
it has only a small was the general manager
Jewish connection when Boston finally won
(English Jewish actor a World Series in 2004
HENRY GOODMAN, 66, (their first since 1918).
in a supporting role). The Cubs 2016 World
Variety and others Series win was the first
gave a thumbs-up to since 1908. Henry Goodman Theo Epstein
this intelligent romantic Well, Fortune maga-
comedy, and lately zine has kind of bested
theres been a real my idea. In its March 23
dearth of such films. Its issue, it named Epstein
set in Britain in 1940, the Worlds Greatest
just after the fall of Leader. Fortune named
France and the heroic him #1 Numero Uno
evacuation of the British on its list of 50 lead-
army from Dunkirk. ers. He even beat out
Catrin (Gemma Ar- the pope.
terton), a former Epstein, 43, cracked a
newspaper writer, is joke about his #1 status
hired to write dialogue (I cant even get my dog
for woman characters to pee when I want) and
by a government pointed out how chance Hank Azaria Amanda Peet
agency that makes short is a big factor in baseball. Alan Arkin in a scene from Going in Style.
morale-boosting films. But Jena McGregor, writ- It centers on Jim (Shes great!)
Her struggling artist ing for the Washington Brockmire (HANK I dont think Brockmire,
husband (Jack Huston) Post, wouldnt buy that, AZARIA, 52), a famous who sounds Southern, is
looks down on her new
job, but she quickly fits
noting that his joke and
his humility show that he
baseball announcer. As
the first show begins, we
supposed to be Jewish,
but near the episodes
Its a happy ending
in with the agencys has a healthy perspec- see Brockmire suffer a end, while calling a home for Going in Style
rough-hewn male tive on what he does. total meltdown that ends run, he spouts a line that
writers. Pretty soon, she She also pointed out that his major league broad- no non-Jewish announc- Going in Style is a remake of a 1979 action/comedy
convinces the agency to Epstein built the Cubs cast career. While calling er would (really) say: film of the same name that starred GEORGE BURNS,
make an epic film on by carefully examining a Kansas City Royals Oh, folks, that ball can- LEE STRASBERG, and Art Carney as three nice senior
Dunkirk. It stars a very the character of every game, he described, on not be buried in a Jewish
citizens who decide to rob a bank. Its been made known
vain former matinee idol prospect and not just re- air, how he caught his cemetery, because that
lying on their stats. (See wife in a very kinky orgy. ball has just got tat- that this version has a happy ending, with the guys get-
(scene stealer Bill
Nighy). During filming, my next column for a list This orgy, Brockmire tooed! ting away with it not going to jail, like in the original.
sparks begin to fly of this seasons Jewish says, included a friend Chris Evans (Cap- The remake stars ALAN ARKIN, 82, Michael Caine,
between Catrin and the MLB players). of his a friend whose tain America) is set and Morgan Freeman. JOEY KING, 17, co-stars as Caines
lead writer (Sam Clafin). Brockmire pre- kids bar mitzvahs to star in Red Sea smart granddaughter. Its directed by ZACH BRAFF,
Back in October, I miered on IFC on I hosted. Diving Resort, a drama 41, the former star of Scrubs and the writer/director of
said that if the Wednesday, April 5, Ten years later, Brock- that revolves around the the 2004 indie hit Garden State. Braff has done some
Chicago Cubs won at 10 p.m. You can see mire tries to reclaim rescue and transport of
respectable work since Garden State, but he really
the World Series, they the first episode, for free, his career by calling Ethiopian Jews to Israel
should erect a statue of on YouTube. Just enter minor league ball in a in 1981. Evans will play a needs a hit now to restart a pretty stalled career. N.B.

THEO EPSTEIN, the IFC and Brockmire rust-belt town. AMAN- charming Israeli agent
Cubs executive who built and youll find it. The first DA PEET, 45, co-stars who assembles a ragtag
their winning team, in episode is bawdy and as the strong-willed team to help with the
front of Wrigley Field very funny. Baseball fans owner of the struggling exodus on the ground.
and erect another statue especially will love it. minor league team. N.B.

Want to read more noshes? Visit California-based Nate Bloom can be reached at

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How to Be a Holy Troublemaker

Letty Cottin Pogrebin will outline new challenges facing the womens movement

hen Ms. Magazine was
founded in the early
1970s, women earned 59
cents to a mans dollar.
Now, its around 72 cents, said Letty
Cottin Pogrebin, a founding editor of the
magazine, who shepherded the journal
for some 17 years. Still, she said, while
problems clearly remain and we are
definitely turning the clock backwards
our daughters and granddaughters
live in a very different world than the
one that existed before second-wave
The first wave, she explained, mobilized
to get the vote. The second wave targeted
legal changes.
Im old enough to have traversed
every movement of the modern era,
said Ms. Pogrebin, noting that she has
been involved to some degree in the civil
rights movement, the womens move-
ment, the anti-war movement, and, as
a Zionist, in my concern for Israeli-Pales-
tinian peace.
When I became involved, there were
no women on the Supreme Court and only
a few in Congress, no women in state leg-
islatures, and you couldnt take out a loan
without a man co-signing, she said. There Letty Cottin Pogrebin will recount the triumphs and shortfalls of the womens movement during a lecture at Waynes
also were no laws protecting against preg- Temple Beth Tikvah.
nancy discrimination or sexual harass-
ment. Fortunately, much has changed trying to tie women back to our biology abortion, the first to explain and advocate children two daughters and a son all
thanks in no small part to activists such and keep us out of the marketplace so we for the ERA, to rate presidential candi- are proudly feminist, she added.
as Ms. Pogrebin, who will speak about her cant compete, she said. dates on womens issues, to put domestic One of her twin daughters, Abigail
adventures on April 7 at Temple Beth Ms. Pogrebin noted that women rec- violence and sexual harassment on the Pogrebin, is the author of My Jewish Year:
Tikvah in Wayne. ognize what is happening and thats why cover of a womens magazine, to feature 18 Holidays, One Wondering Jew. Her sis-
In Activism 101, Or How to Be a Holy were seeing so many in the street. Such feminist protest of pornography, to com- ter, Robin Pogrebin, has been a reporter
Troublemaker the annual Rabbi Israel protests are positive, she said, and we mission and feature a national study on for the New York Times since 1995. Her
S. Dresner Tikkun Olam lecture Ms. need more of it. We only see change when date rape, and to blow the whistle on the son David, a foodie, is a graduate of the
Pogrebin will honor the synagogues for- those in power are made uncomfortable. undue influence of advertising on maga- Culinary Institute of America.
mer rabbi by talking about his life and We have to make it clear that were not zine journalism. Letty Pogrebin has written more than
career, tying his exploits into my own in going away. While Ms. once was a lonely voice on a dozen books, producing two in the past
respect to activism. Ms. Magazine, now published in Los such critical issues, Ms. Pogrebin said, the three years. Her most recent one, pub-
Tikkun olam, or repairing the world, Angeles under the auspices of the Femi- kinds of stories it published whether lished in 2015, was a novel, Single Jew-
fits under acts of lovingkindness, one of nist Majority Foundation, continues to be about rape crisis centers or womens pov- ish Male Seeking Soul Mate; in 2013 she
the three stools on which Judaism rests, necessary, Ms. Pogrebin said. erty are a staple of mainstream womens released How to Be a Friend to a Friend
she said. Its exactly what activists do From its outset, We wrote about wom- magazines today. We led the way, she Whos Sick. That book, written after her
look at the world and see where it needs ens lives as if they mattered, she said, said, noting that the magazine once again bout with breast cancer, was designed as
repair, and then do our part. tackling issues from stories about house- is in the forefront, bringing attention to a guidebook for people who feel awkward
Ms. Pogrebin said its hard for young wives rights to those about welfare wom- international feminism. visiting friends who are ill. Its a combi-
people to believe that the rights and free- ens rights. Her proudest accomplishment One of Ms. Pogrebins fond memories is nation memoir and research project, she
doms they enjoy now did not always exist. was to keep on keeping on, fulfilling the of working with Marlo Thomas on Free said.
Parents and grandparents have to make it goal we set; not just to realize that women to Be You and Me, a record album and
clear to our kids that we fought for things mattered and to reflect their lives, but to illustrated book first released in Novem- Who: Letty Cottin Pogrebin
they take for granted. Otherwise, they are make it a two-way street. We told them ber 1972. Featuring songs and stories sung What: Will deliver the Rabbi Israel S.
at risk of losing these rights. what was happening to other women, and or told by celebrities of the day, the album Dresner Tikkun Olam lecture
As for the problems women face today, they told us what was happening to them. encouraged moving beyond gender stereo- When: On April 7 at 7:30 p.m.
she said, we only have to look at the issue It was a splendid cycle. types, stressing individuality, tolerance, Where: At Temple Beth Tikvah, 950
of reproductive choice to see that were The magazine has a proud history. and comfort with your identity. Preakness Ave., Wayne
facing the same [problems]. Theyre turn- According to its website, the publication I cared about non-sexist child-rearing, More: Shabbat dinner at 6 p.m., fol-
ing the clock backwards. She noted the was the first U.S. magazine to feature Ms. Pogrebin said. Sexism starts in child- lowed by services and the talk. For din-
irony of opposing abortion while limiting a prominent American women demand- hood. If we stop it there, they grow up to ner reservations, call (973) 694-1616 or
womans right to contraception. Theyre ing the repeal of laws that criminalized be what they were meant to be. Her own go to


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Global Unity Torah marks jubilee of reunited Jerusalem

Participants, locally and worldwide, earn certificates through good works

his years Jerusalem Day, which
falls on May 24, marks 50 years
since the reunification of Jerusa-
lem as a result of the Israeli vic-
tory in the Six-Day War.
Between 1948 and 1967, the capital city
was physically divided. Jews were barred
from their holy sites in the Old City, includ-
ing the Temple Mount and Western Wall.
Jordanian snipers shot randomly into
the west, ridding some neighborhoods,
including Musrara, Yemin Moshe, and
Mamilla today among the most expen-
sive real estate in Jerusalem of all but the
poorest or bravest Jews.
About a year ago, the staff of the Afikim
Foundation in Manhattan started consid-
ering how celebrate the jubilee of Jeru-
salems unification and the remarkable To earn letters in a Torah scroll, children make blankets for sick kids and duffel bags for homeless children.
growth and development that unification
has engendered. Edge; Young Israel of Fort Lee; Yeshiva Descriptions of deeds shared on the for a loved one.
The idea that struck them as most Beis Hillel Boys and YBH Girls in Passaic, site range from Someone dropped The love and kindness that has poured
appropriate was commissioning the writ- and the Sinai and Maayanot schools and something so I picked it up and returned into the writing of this incredible Torah
ing of a Torah scroll to be used in Jeru- congregations Arzei Darom, Beth Aaron, it to them to Ran a car wash to help should provide these families with much
salem. Instead of the traditional model and Bnai Yeshurun in Teaneck. raise money for a Bar-Mitzvah gift for an strength and support, Rabbi Butler said.
of soliciting dollars for each letter, they An anonymous American donor kid that doesnt live at home to Deliver The Global Unity Torah is an unprece-
would solicit acts of chesed kindness agreed to underwrite the $40,000 cost of the newspaper to my elderly neighbors dented communal platform for Jews world-
from individuals and members of syna- the Torah in memory of his grandfather, mailbox, so he does not need to bend wide to do good and inspire goodness in
gogues, organizations, and schools. who saved a Torah scroll from a burning down every day to Bought 10 cups of others. By using kindness as an impetus
Torah, Jerusalem, and chesed are the German shul on Kristallnacht in Novem- coffee for strangers in honor of my grand- for change and Jerusalem as a uniting fac-
three things that unite the Jewish people, ber 1938 and was beaten brutally for the mother who passed away recently. Oth- tor, we can transform our world.
so we decided put them all together, said rescue. That Torah is housed in a Brook- ers wrote that they helped clean for Pass- The Moriah School tied its participation
Karen Hochberg, director of community lyn synagogue. over, prayed for a sick friend, or gave in the Global Unity Torah to a week-long
programs for the Afikim Foundation, The donor is thrilled with the notion of money to charity. program of activities promoting inclusiv-
founded in 2002 by Rabbi Raphael B. But- every letter representing an act of chesed, Visitors to the website can click on an ity, kind words, and restraint from nega-
ler as an innovative incubator and imple- Ms. Hochberg said. image of the Torah text to see which let- tive and harmful speech. It was dedicated
menter of Jewish educational, cultural Though Torah scrolls are written by ters were claimed by whom and for which in memory of former Moriah preschooler
and values-oriented programs that span hand with a feather pen and natural ink kind deeds. For groups reserving blocks of Evan Levy of Englewood, who died of a
the globe. on parchment, the Jerusalem50 Global letters, the group manager gets a link to brain tumor in December 2015.
Of the 304,805 letters in the Jerusa- Unity Torah is being publicized and facil- send out to members, enabling people to Russi Shor, the lower school program
lem50 Global Unity Torah sponsored by itated in a 21st century manner, via a buy letters in their blocks, which turn coordinator at the Yavneh Academy, said
the Afikim Foundation in cooperation with sophisticated website (www.Jerusalem50. red when they are taken. the school reserved a block of 800 letters
Israels Ministry of diaspora Affairs more org) in English, Hebrew, Spanish, French, A permanent digital file of all names in the Jerusalem50 Global Unity Torah,
than 252,470 were claimed, as of April 3, and Russian, as well as by a social-media and deeds will accompany the Global corresponding roughly to the total num-
through acts of kindness performed by campaign. Unity Torah, which will be finished by a ber of students from pre-K to eighth grade.
people in 22 countries. When each participants act of kind- Jerusalem scribe in time for a dedication The project dovetailed well with
Locally, participating groups include the ness is posted on the site, it generates a in Jerusalem on May 28. The scroll is to Yavnehs culture of kindness program-
Frisch, Noam, and Yavneh schools in Para- downloadable certificate. Some partici- be given to ZAKA, Israels primary rescue- ming for the 50th anniversary of the
mus; the Moriah School and Congregation pating institutions have printed them out and-recovery volunteer organization, reunification of Jerusalem, which entails a
Ahavath Torah in Englewood; the Rosen- and posted them prominently, Ms. Hoch- for the use of Jerusalem families during monthly focus on a different positive char-
baum Yeshiva of North Jersey in River berg said. shiva, the seven-day period of mourning acter trait.

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Children wash cars to raise money for Bet Elazraki and make cupcakes for a homeless shelter in Queens.
study guide for educational institutions
When we heard about the Global Unity opportunity for our students and mem- finding ways to be of assistance to others, and Jewish community centers.
Torah, we realized this initiative would bers of the broader community to be a part and having the opportunity to pledge our Three people randomly chosen from
work seamlessly with our kindness theme of an initiative uniting various individuals acts of kindness toward the writing of a sefer people who enter their email address
in honor of Jerusalems reunification, Ms. and groups of Jews worldwide through our Torah is inspiring for everyone involved. on the Jerusalem50 website will receive
Shor said. It was an obvious decision to common love for Israel, Jerusalem, Torah, The Afikim Foundation produced a set round-trip tickets to attend the Torah ded-
jump on the opportunity and be a part of and chesed. of eight fabric murals depicting scenes ication ceremony in Jerusalem on May 28;
this amazing program. Everyone was so Frisch reserved a block of 2,000 letters of Jerusalem, as well as colorful booklets the ceremony will be headlined by Jerusa-
inspired and excited to be a part of some- for its 700 ninth- to 12th-grade students. offering information and historical facts lems mayor, Nir Barkat.
thing so great. Students are, honestly, extremely about Jerusalem in five languages, to For more information on the Afikim
Rabbi Joshua Schulman, director of excited about being part of something so enhance its Jerusalem50 project. The foun- Foundations Jerusalem50 project, go
chesed programming at Frisch, sees the right, so good, and so meaningful, Rabbi dation also is offering an interactive travel- to or call (718)
Global Unity Torah as an unbelievable Schulman said. We all find meaning in ing Jerusalem Exhibit with accompanying 454-6137.




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From chess games to shiurim

New app brings people together on the spur of the moment

magine for a moment that you play chess, and you
feel like engaging in a challenging game as soon as
Or that you need more people for a minyan and
time is short.
Or that you know about a wonderful Purim event and
want to ensure that anyone who is looking for something
fun to do on the holiday will know about it as well.
Fed up with our day jobs though in no position to
abandon them entirely friends Josh Block and Joshua
Yammer, who grew up in Teaneck, met at the Frisch
School in Paramus and continued their friendship at Rut-
gers University, decided it would be nice to do something
different, said Mr. Yammer, 26, who now lives in Califor-
nia. The result of that search, Spont, aims to help people
pull events together on short notice.
Mr. Yammer, who works in real estate during the day,
contrasts his program with sites such as Meetup.
With Meetup, he said, you do things at a scheduled
time. Ours is a free platform and more spontaneous
hence its name. Its focused on doing activities when the
user has free time.
Mr. Yammer and Mr. Block conceptualized the app,
which is available on iTunes and downloadable on
iPhones theyre now working on Android compatibil-
ity but we dont do the tech side, Mr. Yammer, not-
ing that Mr. Block, who plays chess in Washington Square
Park, ended up playing with this guy, Rob Silverman,
who loved the idea. We pitched it to him and he became The new app Spont puts users in
our programmer. A fourth acquaintance, Cecil Pang, also contact with events as they unfold. Josh
joined the team. Yammer, right, formerly of Teaneck, now
Like so much else these days, project planning meetings lives in California but collaborates with
are half in person, half virtual. The three New Yorkers work his app partners through Skype.
out of Mr. Silvermans apartment, and Mr. Yammer Skypes
in. Were equal partners, Mr. Yammer said, adding that posted a minchah minyan on it. Its not catered toward Mr. Yammer cited a line from Pirkei Avot, where
the project has involved very little cash outlay. We just had any one group. Everyone should use it as they see fit. Ben Zoma says: Who is rich? The one who appreciates
to pay for hosting data on servers, and some minor legal Mr. Yammer said that Judaism is key to his identity. what he has. That has helped me stay grounded and do
fees. We were lucky to find well-equipped programmers. I grew up in an Orthodox home in Teaneck and went to
Right now, he said, the program is free, although even- Moriah, Frisch, and did a year in Israel at Netiv Aryeh, he
tually the partners hope to monetize it. The goal isnt to said. Ive always been very connected to Jewish life its
make money, Mr. Yammer said. We found something we the center of my universe.
love to do and want to do. And wherever he goes, he attends synagogue. Ive Last year, someone
While he hopes that people of all ages will find a use for
the app, he assumes that most users will fall between the
moved from Teaneck (Rinat Yisrael) to Rutgers (Hillel and
Chabad on campus) to the Upper West Side (West Side
posted information
ages of 17 and 28, college students to post-grad, before Institutional) to the Lower East Side (Bialystoker) and now about a Zusha Purim
someone settles down.
Ive seen a lot of party get-togethers on it, he said. Last
to Los Angeles (Beth Jacob).
He was particularly inspired by Rabbi Shyah Shagolow
concert in the Bowery.
year, someone posted information about a Zusha Purim from Chabad at Rutgers, he said. Even though he was People came to the
concert in the Bowery. People came to the event who
hadnt been planning to go. They used our app to get to the
and is 100 percent my rabbi, he has and is always there as
a friend as well. He taught me what it means to be a Jew,
event who hadnt
ticket link. People also have used it to host game nights, and what it means to be a Jew in the world we live in. To been planning to go.
such as a SuperSmash tournament in New York City. always be proud of your Jewish heritage and to never be
One of my dads friends my dads a big supporter afraid or embarrassed to wear a kippah. everything Ive accomplished so far. When you are jeal-
ous and comparing yourself to everyone, youll never
be happy and youll never accomplish anything because

Early Advertising, it will never be good enough. And whats life without
happiness? Obviously, we want Spont to be successful,

Classified and Editorial but the reason we work so hard on Spont is because we
love what we do. Its not work for us.
He sees many uses for the program in a Jewish context
Deadline for April 21: shul gatherings, family get-togethers for Chanukah or
Purim, minyan times, shiurim. If Jewish communities can

Thursday, April 13 find ways to incorporate Spont into their life, we would
love to see that happen.


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Write em, Jewboy

Kinky Friedman brings new songs to local gigs during Passover
LARRY YUDELSON depression. Its bad energy, bad karma.

Turn Matlock off and start writing,
inky Friedman is riding into Kinky!
town, country-and-western I had not written one song in 40 years.
guitar in hand and a stack of I started writing just to be a song writer
new songs in his repertoire again. I have about a dozen songs were
but dont get your hopes too high if youre going to record this summer after the tour.
a fan, because they might get as thor- They dont sound like they were writ-
oughly busted as one of the hapless New ten by the same person. Because I guess
York City miscreants who fill the pages of theyre not, he said.
his successful series of murder mysteries. The two new songs I heard on YouTube
If youre not a fan, if youve never heard uploaded from recent concerts carry
of the Kinkster heres one clue: The the melancholy, reflective mood of his
lead character and crime solver in the 2015 studio album of mostly cover songs,
18-volume mystery series that appeared The Loneliest Man I Ever Met. Its coun-
between 1986 and 2005 is a Jewish coun- try folk in a minor key, with earnestness
try-and-western singer-songwriter named rather than his youthful 1970s sarcasm. At
Kinky Friedman. 72, Kinky Friedman has grown up. But he
Yes, Mr. Friedman is not above a little still knows how to write songs that stick in
self-promotion and a lot of self-aggran- your head after one listen.
dizement. Or is it the other way around? To be a good songwriter, the songs
So feel free to take some of this with a large have to percolate a while, he said. Its a
grain of kosher salt. He probably wouldnt very high spiritual state to be a songwriter
have it any other way. when theres almost no market for it.
But this much is undeniably true: Kinky That may be true of the music industry
Friedman is kicking off his spring tour in in general. But there seems to be a market
the Turning Point in Piermont, N.Y., just for Kinky Friedman. The next year will see
a mile over the New Jersey state line, and three new Kinky Friedman-related books.
a tad closer than Manhattans B.B. King One of them is a book he wrote with Lou
Blues Club on 42nd Street, where Mr. Kemp, Bob Dylans childhood friend.
Friedman also will perform this month. What the world needs today is another
But heres the thing: Hes playing Pier- Bob Dylan book, said Mr. Friedman, who
mont Tuesday night, April 11. Which is the has his own Dylan-related claim to fame.
second night of Passover. He took part in Mr. Dylans legendary Roll-
It may send me directly to hell, he ing Thunder Revue tour in the 1970s, per-
admitted. I would anticipate the date forming four songs between sets by Mr.
probably rules out a lot of church-going Dylan and Joan Baez.
Jews. Ill have to rely on the kindness of Almost all the other Bob Dylan books
strangers for that particular gig. Next year Kinky Friedman will begn his spring tour with fresh material at stops in Man- were written by people who never met
well start in Jerusalem. Right now well hattan and across the Jersey line in Piermont, N.Y. Bob, he said. Theyre biographies by
start in Piermont. people who never met them. In our case
If youre a two-day yontif-observing weve got the only other guy who was
Friedman fan, you can forget about his Kinky Friedman and the Texas Jewboys. Like Jesus Anymore. there most of the time. These were sto-
New York gig too: Thats on Monday, April He was entitled to it; he grew up in Texas, I have a mild obsessions with Jesus, ries no one had heard. Like the seder with
17, the eighth night of Pesach. where his parents ran a summer camp. Mr. Friedman said. Hes a good Jewish boy Marlon Brandon. Theres some great stuff
Some days, it seems, a Jew just cant win. Now the 400-acre ranch is his home. who got in trouble with the government. there.
Which is more or less what he sang His song We Reserve the Right to The Jews gave him to the world. We Theres a new mystery, The Return of
in his 1973 song Ride em Jewboy. Refuse Service to You was about being should take credit for that and stop being Kinky Friedman.
an outcast as a Jew among Texans and as so provincial. And theres the definitive biography,
 ide, ride em Jewboy
R a cowboy with too much dust of the road Dont forget he rode in on a jackass, Everythings Bigger in Texas: The Life
Ride em all around the old corral for the Jews: which is always a good thing. Part of the and Times of Kinky Friedman, coming in
Im, Im with you boy reason I like Donald Trump is because so November, written by Mary Lou Sullivan,
If Ive got to ride six million miles You smell just like a communist, many people mocked him. When a lot of who also wrote the biography of another
Dont you let the morning blind ya You come on through just like a Jew, jackasses mock you, thats a good sign. Texas guitar slinger, Johnny Winter.
When on your sleeve you wore the yeller We reserve the right to refuse service to you. The big news about the tour is that it If you fail at something long enough,
star .. will feature new songs, the first songs Ive you become a legend, Mr. Friedman said.
Old memories still live behind ya Your friends are all on welfare written in 40 years, he said. I think people are going to like the new
Cant you see by your outfit who you are You call yourself a Jew ? What made him pick up the guitar pick stuff. With the new stuff, Im kind of work-
You need your ticket and your tie and pen new songs? ing without a net. The songs are so new
Is that an exploitive novelty number? Or To zip your prayers on through, My shrink, Willie Nelson, advised me Im not sure Ive got them down.. I have
is it a reverential hymn, a religious experi- We reserve the right to refuse services unto to, Mr. Friedman said. to depend on Mexican mouthwash, the
ence equal to going synagogue as he sug- you. He called one night last year, about tequila, to get through the show.
gested in our interview? three in the morning, asked me what I If you cross the line, its terrible. No
You never can quite tell with Kinky. And then theres the another classic was doing. I told him I was watching Mat- one wants to see a drunken elderly Jew up
He did, after all, name his first group from 40 years ago, They Aint Makin Jews lock. Willie said, Thats a sure sign of there trying to remember his song.


menu seder catering grab & go
Salmon ___ ___ Beef Stew 16.99 lb ___ ___ Chicken Marsala 15.99 lb
___ ___ Moroccan 10.99 pc ___ ___ Braised Brisket w/ Gravy 26.99 lb ___ ___ Chicken with Broccoli 13.99 lb
___ ___ Poached 10.99 pc ___ ___ Braised Short Ribs 27.99 lb ___ ___ Apricot Chicken Legs 10.99 lb
___ ___ Baked 10.99 pc ___ ___ Braised Minute Steak 23.99 ___ ___ Baked Breaded Chick. Legs 10.99 lb
___ ___ Grilled 10.99 pc ___ ___ Chopped Liver 13.99 lb ___ ___ BBQ Chicken Legs 10.99 lb
___ ___ Teriyaki 10.99 pc ___ ___ Cholent 15.99 lb ___ ___ Hawaiian Chicken Legs 10.99 lb

___ ___ Sweet & Sour 10.99 pc ___ ___ Beef with Broccoli 15.99 lb ___ ___ Sweet & Sour Chicken Legs 10.99 lb

___ ___ Dill Sauce 10.99 pc ___ ___ Beef with Mushrooms 15.99 lb ___ ___ Stuffed Chicken Legs 10.99 lb
___ ___ Salmon Croquettes 5.99 pc ___ ___ Hawaiian Beef 17.99 lb ___ ___ Stuffed Cornish Hen 13.99 pc
___ ___ Gefilte Fish 10.99 lb ___ ___ Italian Meatballs 13.99 lb ___ ___ Grilled Chicken Cutlets 16.99 lb
___ ___ Sugar Free Gefilte Fish ___ ___ Sweet & Sour Meatballs ___ ___ Chicken Nuggets
10.99 lb 13.99 lb 16.99 lb
___ ___ Fried Flounder 18.99 lb ___ ___ Classic Meatloaf 13.99 pc ___ ___ Schnitzel 16.99 lb
___ ___ Flounder Nuggets 18.99 lb ___ ___ Pepper Steak 15.99 lb ___ ___ Rotisserie Chicken 13.99 pc
FOR A COMPLETE ___ ___ Stuffed Cabbage 5.99 pc ___ ___ Southern Fried Chicken 10.99 lb
___ ___ Kishka
16.99 lb
8.99 lb
___ ___ Stuffed Boneless Ch. Breast
___ ___ Stuffed Boneless Leg
16.99 lb
16.99 lb
___ ___ Chicken 6.99 qt ___ ___ Rack of Beef 20.99 lb ___ ___ Sauteed Chicken Liver 13.99 lb
___ ___ Chicken Deluxe 10.99 qt ___ ___ Roast Whole Turkey 10.99 lb
___ ___ Vegetable
___ ___ Mushroom
7.99 qt
7.99 qt
ITEM LBS DELI ___ ___ Roast Dark Meat Turkey
___ ___ Roast White Meat Turkey
10.99 lb
10.99 lb
___ ___ Beef Minestrone 10.99 qt ___ ___ Oven Roasted Turkey 14.99 lb
___ ___ Butternut Squash
___ ___ Noodles
7.99 qt
5.99 lb
___ ___ Mexican Turkey
___ ___ Honey Glazed Turkey
14.99 lb
14.99 lb
___ ___ Matzo Balls non Gebrokts ___ ___ Mashed Potatoes 6.99 lb
2.25 pc ___ ___ Smoked Turkey 14.99 lb
___ ___ Matzo Balls Gebrokts ___ ___ Baby Potato Medley 8.99 lb
1.75 pc ___ ___ Turkey Delight 14.99 lb
SEDER PLATE ___ ___ Turkey Pastrami 14.99 lb
___ ___ Garlic and Herb Potatoes 8.99 lb

ITEM LBS SALADS ___ ___ Roast Beef
___ ___ Pastrami
20.99 lb
20.99 lb
___ ___ Honey Glazed Sweet Potatoes
___ ___ Roasted Potatoes
7.99 lb
8.99 lb
___ ___ Beet & Onion Salad 7.49 lb ___ ___ Sliced Red Potatoes w/ Onions 7.99 lb
___ ___ Corned Beef 20.99 lb
___ ___ Roasted Shankbone 5.00 pc ___ ___ Cole Slaw Diet Available 7.49 lb ___ ___ Cabbage and Noodles 8.99 lb
___ ___ Homemade Turkey Breast 20.99 lb
___ ___ Charoset 7.99 lb ___ ___ Cucumber Salad Diet Available 7.49 lb ___ ___ Glazed Butternut Squash 7.99 lb
___ ___ Salami 10.99 lb
___ ___ Fresh Horseradish ___ ___ Health Salad 7.49 lb ___ ___ Grilled Veg Medley 8.99 lb
6.99 lb ___ ___ Bologna 10.99 lb
___ ___ Ready Made ___ ___ Israeli Salad 7.49 lb ___ ___ Roasted Root Vegetables 8.99 lb
27.99 ea
___ ___ Tzimmes
Seder Plate ___
Potato Salad
Israeli Potato Salad
7.49 lb
8.99 lb
ITEM LBS KUGELS ___ ___ Breaded Cauliflower
8.99 lb
12.99 lb
___ ___ Russian Cole Slaw Diet Available 8.99 lb ___ ___ ___ ___ Breaded Broccoli 12.99 lb
Mushroom & Onion (2 lb) 14.99 ea
___ ___ Tomato Onion Salad 8.99 lb ___ ___ Potato (2 lb) 12.99 ea
___ ___ Quinoa Salad 11.99 lb ___ ___ Overnight Potato (2 lb) 14.99 ea ITEM LBS SOUFFLE
Zucchini Salad Diet Available 8.99 lb ___ ___ Salt & Pepp. Noodle (2 lb) 14.99 ea
___ ___Cauliflower (2 lb) 14.99 ea
Broccoli Salad 10.99 lb ___ ___

MADE TO ORDER! ___ ___ Turkey Salad 11.99 lb ___ ___
Sweet Noodle (2 lb)
Vegetable Kugel (2 lb)
14.99 ea
14.99 ea
___ ___Broccoli (2 lb) 14.99 ea
___ ___Spinach (2 lb) 14.99 ea
___ ___ Chicken Salad 11.99 lb ___ ___ Yapchik 9.99 lb
___ ___
Don't See it? We'll make it! ___ ___ Tuna Salad Light Tuna Available 11.99 lb Low Cholesterol Available
Butternut Squash (2 lb) 14.99 ea
___ ___Cupcakes (6 pk) 14.99 pk
___ ___ Egg Salad 10.99 lb
Low Fat! Broccoli, Spinach, Potato

per person
lb lb
O Chicken Marsala O Choice of Soup O Included!
O Choice of Kugel
O Chicken Milano O Matzoh Balls or Souffle FULL
O Stuffed Capon O Tzimmes SEDER PLATE
O Roast Chicken O Choice of Salad
O Included!
O Brisket ($3 add'l per person)

Start an order at
* Deal starts on 01/15/17 and ends 01/20/17.


Telling the story to your children

New Jersey family adds its own personalized touches to the Haggadah
JOANNE PALMER of the Jewish people. The Glasses have section of Newark, the neighborhood that

not altered the text; this is not a watered- made Philip Roth the writer he is, joining
ife is a constant tension between the specific and down version. Instead, theyve added other relatives who had gone on ahead of
general. footnotes, photographs, and its own his- them.
Thats pompous and over-reaching, isnt it? tory to the Maggid section theyre telling Being from Weequahic is a real thing,
But its also true. their own story of exodus, immigration, Ms. Glass said. Ive had people stop me
We read the Haggadah twice every year, and as we retell eventual comfort, and constant change. and ask Youre a Glass? One of the New-
the story of the Exodus from Egypt we are told that it hap- The story of our family resembles that ark Glasses?
pened not only to our ancient ancestors but to us as well. of our ancestors in Egypt, that section Luba and Abe had three children,
We are told to imagine ourselves fleeing Pharaohs chari- begins. The Glazomitskys and Ninburgs Harry, Isabel, and Fred, who all stayed in
ots, crossing the Red Sea, watching the water close over also experienced oppression. That oppres- Weequahic and had their own children.
our tormentors and their horses, and then beginning our sion moved our ancestors to leave their The family bonds were intense. That
40-year trek to the land God promised us. native countries to make a better life was very typical for Weequahic Jews, Ms.
Thats a tall order. When Lisa Harris Glass, the chief plan- Glass said. All these first cousins grew up
No matter how vivid our imaginations, its hard to place ning officer at the Jewish Federation of Lisa Harris Glass together. They did everything together.
ourselves that far back and away. Northern New Jersey, married David, she Ms. Glasss husbands father was among
But if the Haggadah is the story of us, then it also can be joined that family. those first cousins.
the story of us more specifically. Not only of the entire Jew- The Glasses are a family with deep roots in New Jersey; Eventually, though, people started moving out of the
ish people, but of the individual families that are part of it. when Luba Ninberg and Abe Glazomitsky who later city. Newark was changing, and eventually that change hit
Over the course of the last 20 or so years, the Glass shortened their last name to Glass came to this country, Weequahic. The riots in 1967 saw the last of the Jewish
family has intertwined its own history with the history they went straight to Weequahic, the legendarily Jewish community leave. But few went very far David Glass was



Pages from the Glass Family Haggadah

born in Perth Amboy, and he and Lisa now live in Spring-

field; some cousins moved to Hillside, others to Somerset.
The family remained close.
A cousin, Susan Kobren of Somerset, a Glass grand-
daughter, retired schoolteacher, and avid amateur gene-
alogist, started researching the family. About two decades
ago, she saw the name Constantine Glazomitsky in an
advertisement from a pharmaceutical company. (When
you are a serious reader, you read everything.) Shed
never heard of him, but she thought that it was likely that
they were related, so she got in touch with him and
Constantine came over with a picture of Harry, Isabel,
and Fred as little children, sitting on the stoop in Weequa-
hic. Everyone was stunned.
The Glazomitskys in New York had lost touch with the
New Jersey Glasses, but here they were, rediscovered.
That lead Ms. Kobren to continue to research her family,
and then to work with other family members to put that
research in the Haggadah, which includes a family tree.
When someone has a serious significant other, it shows
that person in the family tree in parenthesis, Ms. Glass
said. When they get married, theyre moved into the box
with the other person. Their children get a box; so too do
children whose connection to the Glasses is not through
blood but their parents remarriage. Everyone belongs.
There is an in memoriam page, on page 9, called
Paganini to acknowledge one of the favorite jokes of one
of the people memorialized there. A whole page at the
back is devoted to family stories associated with the seder. sometimes in a house, occasionally, when there is no din- as she talked about it. It makes me cry every time, she
The Glass family seder is always the second seder; on ing room big enough to accommodate them, in a shul added.
the first night, different parts of the huge, ever-growing social hall, rented for the evening. This is the gift of the family now to the family of the
group go their own ways, perhaps with the other sides of This Haggadah shows that we are unique and also future. To the great-grandchildren we will never know.
the family. But on the second night, the Glasses gather; we are all the same, Ms. Glass said, her voice quavering It really moves me. It is such a gift.



Color-coded Haggadah
highlights seders origins
Teaneck rabbi reprints classic work of seven-hued scholarship

Who wrote the Haggadah?

We know who wrote the Hogwarts
Haggadah. (Moshe Rosenberg.) We
know who wrote the Rav Kook Hag-
gadah. (Bezalel Naor.) We even know
who wrote the ArtScroll Family Hag-
gadah. (Nosson Scherman.)
But who wrote the original text?
Like all the siddur and other clas-
sic works of Judaism, the Haggadah
dates back to before people started
putting title pages and copyright
notices on their books and list-
ing them on Amazon. So we dont Rabbi Tzvee Zahavy
really know.
We do know that most of the text
we use today is found in the earliest
Jewish liturgical manuscripts, which
date from the ninth century. And the Seminary of America, led several Con-
outline accords with the teachings of servative synagogues. He was 71 years
the Mishna from six centuries earlier. old when his Haggadah was published
But who put this together, and in 1974; he died 12 years later. Rabbi
exactly when? Freedman assigned the copyright to
Truth be told, we dont know. his book to a foundation he created.
Now, however, a Teaneck rabbi The foundation subsequently was dis-
and Jewish Standard columnist has solved, leaving the copyright in limbo.
republished a classic work that high- This is a work that I loved, Rabbi
lights all the different pieces of the Zahavy said. It was orphaned. I really
jigsaw puzzle. wanted to become a new parent of
We are having a conversation this Haggadah. I started to work on it
with Jews across all periods of his- finally as a labor of love.
tory, Rabbi Tzvee Zahavy said. Rabbi Zahavy scanned the pages of
This is not just something were Rabbi Freedmans original work, and
doing with our family. Were having he wrote an introduction to it.
a dialogue across the ages. Its a very charming and impres-
This month, Rabbi Zahavy reis- sive work, Rabbi Zahavy said. It will
sued the Polychrome Historical Hag- take anyone using this Haggadah sev-
gadah. Originally published in 1974, eral years to get the full impact of the
it was the work of Rabbi Jacob Freed- scholarship that went into it.
man of Springfield, Massachusetts. It In addition to the full color pages
highlights the different levels of the A page from the Polychrome Historical Haggadah. of Hebrew text (the translation is
Haggadah by putting each stratum in not color-coded), the Haggadah
a different color. Biblical verses are black. Mishna passages Of course its a heretical idea to say the Torah was reprints color pages from medieval illuminated Haggadah
are red. And so on until contemporary additions like the the product of different documents, since according to manuscripts.
Hatikvah, appropriately in Israeli-flag blue. Orthodox theology its one unitary document. The Torah They are well chosen as well, Rabbi Zahavy said.
It is a seven-hued rainbow. is Moshe Rabbeinus Torah. But the world of scholarship Theres a classic example of what the German 15th century
I like the fact that it focuses you on the text of the Hag- decided to go out and investigate the Bible from a his- Haggadahs look like, what the 14th century Spanish Hag-
gadah itself, Rabbi Zahavy said. You look at the colors torical perspective and came up with the documentary gadahs look like. Jacob Freedman picked out some really
and think This is from the talmudic period, this is from hypothesis that the Torah was a composite of four or good pages. They really add a lot of life and more color.
the biblical text, this is from medieval times. so different texts stitched together by an editor. Seeing the different sources of the Haggadah in vibrant
Many of the Haggadahs make you associate interest- The Polychrome Bible was a result of that scholarship. color really makes the point that Rabbi Joseph B. Soloveit-
ing ideas with the text but they take your mind off of the Rabbi Zahavy came to the polychrome concept when he chik always said, that the Haggadah is not really the retell-
page to other places, to other peoples concerns and con- was studying the prayer book. ing of a story.
cepts. This Haggadah makes it possible to be mindful and I was working on the siddur, and I saw the different Its the act of talmud Torah, studying Torah in the rab-
focused, just super-conscious of the text of the Haggadah. strata and strands, he said. I figured there must be some- binic manner. When you finish at the end of the seder, you
The idea for the Polychrome Historical Haggadah came one who tried to do a polychrome siddur. Thats when havent really told the story of the Exodus in a very narra-
from the Polychrome Bible, an edition of the Hebrew I came to rediscover Jacob Freedman, because he had tive way. Youve told it in a kind of midrashic mishmash.
scripture that was put out in the early part of the 20th started working on a polychrome siddur showing the his- The color highlighting shows you the alternating cadences
century in order to show the documentary elements torical layers. He was only able to publish a prototype of of the work.
according to biblical scholarship, Rabbi Zahavy said. It 28 pages. Its like an opera with different arias. The Haggadah is
was a brilliant idea. Rabbi Freedman, ordained by the Jewish Theological the libretto, Rabbi Zahavy said.


Briefly Local

Teanecks Mayor Mohammed Hameeduddin; Rabbi Steven Sirbu of Teanecks

Temple Emeth and, president of the North Jersey Board of Rabbis; Rabbi Joel
Frank Marcucilli, Stop & Shops district director; Jessica Fleischer, JFCSs COO; Pitkowski of Congregation Beth Sholom in Teaneck; Craig Szymanski, the man-
Ellen Finkelstein, JFCSs marketing director; Jim Keenoy, Stop & Shops director ager of Teaneck Stop & Shop; Susan Greenbaum, JFCSs CEO; Rabbi Jennifer
of marketing and external communication; Susan Greenbaum, JFCSs CEO; Schlosberg of the Glen Rock Jewish Center; Rabbi Chaim Poupko of Congregation
Teaneck Stop & Shops manager Craig Szymanski, and JFCS board president Ahavath Torah in Englewood and president of the Rabbinical Council of Bergen
Shira Feuerstein. PHOTOS PROVIDED County, and Jason M. Shames, chief executive officer of JFNNJ.

Stop & Shop donates 2 tons of Passover food to JFCS

Stop & Shop made an emergency donation are food insecure, Jason M. Shames, the during the holidays, families should not Passover Food Pantry and thanks Stop &
of two tons of kosher for Passover food to CEO of the Jewish Federation of Northern worry or struggle to put food on their Shop for their assistance in this effort,
the Jewish Family & Childrens Services of New Jersey, said. JFCS, with the help of tables. I applaud the generosity of the Teanecks Mayor Mohammed Hameedud-
Northern New Jerseys Kosher for Passover Jewish Federation of Northern New Jer- Kosher for Passover Food Pantry and Stop din said. Food insecurity is not some-
food pantry in Teaneck. sey and other partners, provides invalu- & Shop, and hope others will be inspired thing to be taken lightly, and I applaud any
Donated items included gefilte fish, able support for food insecure individu- to help feed Bergen County families in and all efforts to assure that residents of
horseradish, chicken broth, chicken soup als through both their food pantry and need throughout the year. Teaneck and Bergen County have access
mix, matzah ball soup mix, tea, mayon- Kosher Meals-On-Wheels programs. Indi- The Township of Teaneck greatly to quality food at all times, especially dur-
naise, potato pancake mix, Passover blin- vidual philanthropy is critical to support- appreciates the work of the kosher for ing Passover.
tzes, American cheese, shredded moz- ing these programs. We have many gener-
zarella, frozen chicken nuggets, salad ous donors; yet the enormous need in the
dressing, almond butter, cream cheese, community outstrips available resources.
sour cream, cashews, almonds, dried fruit, As such, support from dedicated corporate
frozen vegetables, kosher salt, macaroons, citizens is critical to meeting communal
cotton seed oil, olive oil, tomato sauce, needs. Stop & Shops long-standing com-
baking powder, baking soda, chocolate mitment to philanthropy in local commu-
chips, ketchup, and cooking spray. nities is an expression of their corporate
JFCS officials say they provide food culture and of the values that we all share.
pantry services to nearly 1,500 people We thank them for their continuing work
throughout the year, yet they know that to help the vulnerable in our community.
many families in the community who Stop & Shops generosity will allow us
have difficult times during the year cannot to provide Passover food to many families
afford the high cost of kosher-for-Passover in our community who would otherwise go
food. The Kosher Food Pantry opened in without, Susan Greenbaum, JFCSs CEO,
2009 and began to offer Passover provi-
sions in 2010.
said. For Stop & Shop to step up and offer
this type of donation is beyond expecta-
Two SSDS students recognized
Robben Murray of Rochelle Park, a for- tion, and we are incredibly grateful. A con- for C-SPAN documentary awards
mer assistant program manager at UMDNJ, tribution of this magnitude goes a long way
was forced to leave the workforce more to help JFCS help those in need. Ilan Barnea and Samuel Modlinger, sev- eighth-graders and ninth- through 12th
than 10 years ago to provide full-time care It is our hope that families in need will enth graders at the Solomon Schechter graders to produce short documenta-
to a parent suffering from Alzheimers. be able to enjoy Passover, Jim Keenoy, Stop Day School of Bdergen County, won an ries on an issue of national importance.
She has not been able to get a full-time job & Shops director of marketing and exter- honorable mention in C-SPANs national This year, students answered the ques-
and relies on the JFCS Kosher Food Pantry nal communications, said. Our effort to 2017 StudentCam documentary competi- tion, Your message to Washington:
throughout the year. assist the residents of northern New Jersey tion for their video, Terrorism: Civil Lib- What is the most urgent issue for the
The work they do is vital, she said. If underscores Stop & Shops commitment to erties and Security in a Changing World. new president and Congress to address
not for the service they provide, I and oth- the communities we serve. We appreciate The boys were among the 97 students in 2017?
ers in need would be forced to do without. the efforts of the dedicated staff and volun- nationally who received an honorable SSDS students work was recognized
I especially appreciate that their efforts teers of the JFCS Kosher Food Pantry and mention for their work. This is the fourth among a record 2,903 video submis-
allow me to appropriately celebrate Pass- of our elected officials as we work together consecutive year that SSDS middle sions from more than 5,600 students in
over. Stop & Shops generosity and support to make this a joyful Passover. school students have earned honorable 46 states and Washington, D.C., as well
of JFCS mission is just incredible. I want Passover is a time for Jewish people mentions or better in the competition. as England, Germany, Singapore, and
them to know how much their kindness around the world to come together and Each year since 2006, C-SPAN part- Taiwan.
means to me. feast with their families, Bergen County ners with local cable affiliates in commu- To warch the students winning video,
Nearly one in five New Jersey residents Executive Jim Tedesco said. Especially nities nationwide to invite sixth- through go to


Briefly Local

Migdal Ohr plans May dinner Fauda co-creator and star meets
Migdal Ohr, Israels premier education-focused organization for under-
privileged, orphaned, abused, and new immigrant children, will hold
with supporters of the IDF
Lior Raz, the co-creator and star of the
its annual dinner on Wednesday, May 10, at Convene in Manhattan.
hit Israeli Netflix show Fauda, met with
Supporters from across the tristate area are invited to attend and
more than 30 New Jersey Friends of the
raise funds to Un-Risk an At-Risk Israeli Child, while also honoring
IDF at the home of FIDF New Jersey co-
distinguished supporters who have contributed significantly to the
chairs Jodi and Saul Scherl last week in
success of the organization over its nearly 45 years.
support of the Israel Defense Forces.
Tzvi Solomon of Teaneck will receive the Lev Tov Young Leadership
Tzvi Solomon Funds raised will help construct well-
award; mother and daughter Marilyn Sopher and Lisa Sopher-Deutsch
being and recreational facilities for an
will be given the Midor LDor Generations award; Dr. Chaim and Anne
elite IDF unit in the Negev Desert. So far,
Bernstein will be honored with the Tower of Light award; and Shalom and Megan Auerbach will
$560,000 has been realized.
receive the inaugural Bayit Neeman BYisrael Bridal Fund award.
We were extremely honored to host FIDF supporters Elle Rubach, left, and
The evening includes a special program featuring Migdal Ohrs founder and dean, Israel Prize
Lior and have the opportunity to hear his Randi Kollender, right, with FIDF New
winner Rabbi Yitzchak Dovid Grossman.
inspiring story, FIDFs New Jersey direc- Jersey co-chairs Jodi and Saul Scherl.
For information, call (212) 397-3700 or go to
tor, Howard Gases, said. As a former
soldier, he understands the importance
of projects such as the one we are spon-
Donations fortify Wayne food bank soring, and just how critical they are in
WIN, the Wayne Interfaith Network, a Items can be brought to two drop-off areas maintaining Israeli soldiers well-being.
coalition of volunteers from local houses in town: The Wayne YMCA, 1 Pike Drive The project in the Negev is the lat-
of worship and service organizations in the (donors can use the Jewish Family Service est initiative of the FIDF, which works
greater Wayne area, provides ongoing pro- entrance) or the Preakness branch of the to ease the burden of military service
visions of non-perishable food and other Wayne Public Library. for IDF soldiers. Projects have helped
basic necessities for Wayne residents who Anyone who needs food should call Regina create gyms, synagogues, auditoriums,
need them. Parks at (973) 694-1800, ext. 3281. Groups and pools, and well-being centers for sol- FIDF supporter Steve Rosen, left, with
Bags of non-perishable food and other organizations planning to collect food and diers. This new campus project will fea- speaker Lior Raz and FIDF supporter
basic necessities, such as paper goods, other basic necessities can call (973) 595-1900, ture a cafeteria, garden area, kitchen, Stephanie Goldman, president-elect of
toiletry items, and cleaning products, are go to, or email info@ library, and changing -rooms, among the Jewish Federation of Northern New
requested during the winter months. other amenities. Jersey.  PHOTOS BY NIR ARIELI

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2017 PM19

Jeffrey Levene, Jeffrey Kane (and his mother), and Malcolm Galatin, then and now roCHelle laZarUS

20 Jewish standard aPriL 7, 2017

Cover Story
The Stoke Newington
Three men rediscover their unlikely shared roots at the Kaplen JCC

Joanne Palmer that probably resembled New York Citys He was in a gym class, chatting up Mr. Levene added. Since then, theyd been
outer boroughs, when most Jews had Jeff s wife, Arleene, and she said, You sharing and unearthing memories.
ewish geographys a real thing. moved on from the Lower East Side but sound English, Mr. Levene, whose accent In many ways, English and American
Talk to someone long enough not yet made it out to even the closest ring indeed is unmistakably British, said. I Jews share a history. Although many Jews
which usually isnt very long at of suburbs. said, I am, and she said, Sos my hus- arrived in the United States in two earlier
all and you realize that you These three men Jeffrey Levene and band. And there was another lady, Bea- waves of immigration and most of the
have at least one person in com- Malcolm Galatin of Tenafly, and Jeffrey trice, in the same exercise class, who hus- first wave were Sephardic and the second
mon. A friend, a relative, the Kane of Fort Lee but until a few years ago band is from London, and is about my age. were German still, most American Jews
friend of a friend. Something. also of Tenafly went to the same primary Wed known each other for some time, but arrived from eastern Europe in a flood that
Because after all, there arent school in London. All three experienced we never knew where anybody was from. began around 1880.
that many Jews in the world. the blitz (although with a childs rather Then Arleene said, My husband is from A similar thing happened in England.
So its not so surprising that the three than an adults understanding of the Stoke Newington, and I said, So am I! A large number of Jews settled in Lon-
men, all born in the 1930s, who met at bombing to which London was subjected). And then Beatrice said, My husband is dons East End because the prevailing
the Kaplen JCC on the Palisades in Tenafly, All were evacuated to the country. too! winds came from the west, so the atmo-
learned that they had a great deal in com- The Jewish world is in some ways a very So the three couples that included Mr. sphere there in the East End, with all the
mon. They each spent at least one year at small one. Levenes wife, Edith had dinner together. city particulates and sewage and general
the same school. Mr. Levene, Mr. Kane, and Dr. Galatin all Fish and chips, of course, the three men bad smells the winds had picked up on its
A primary school. (Wait. Whats that? have lived in Tenafly and been members said. And most of us had beer. They way across the city flaunting themselves
You mean an elementary school, right? of the JCC for decades, and theyd seen went to the Irish place in Englewood, there, was the worst, Dr. Galatin said.
Well, no.) each other around during that time, but
A primary school, moreover, in the Lon- they only properly met and realized how
don neighborhood of Stoke Newington much background they shared in the last
part of the borough of Hackney. Its a place few months.

All three men went to the Northwold

Road School in Stoke Newington.

Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017 21

Cover Story

And of course, the smellier, dirtier, and baby! in 1939.

more undesirable a neighborhood is, the Dr. Galatins mother had been born in
cheaper it is and the more it tends to London, and his father was from Poland
attract refugees and immigrants. but was taken to England when he was
In a generation or so, the Jews moved young. That was true of Mr. Kanes parents
out and on. Stoke Newington was one as well; Mr. Levenes family parents both
of the transitional neighborhoods that were first-generation London-born, but
attracted many families but did not hold their families were from eastern Europe.
onto them for many generations. By Mr. Kane, unlike his two compatriots,
now it has become gentrified, Dr. Gala- does not have a British accent. Thats
tin said. (In fact, according to the internet, because his mother took him to the United
Stoke Newington now is actively trendy States when he was 4 years old we
and parts of it are becoming prohibitively were on the last convoy from England,
expensive. Think Lower East Side.) And he said and they lived on Broadway at
there is a big Indian community there now 110th Street for a few years. But then in
too, he added. 1944, my father wrote to us that the war
In what was another typical pattern, was over, and they went home. His father
none of the three mens families stayed in was wrong. Thats when the buzz bombs
Stoke Newington. Rather, they moved to started thats the projectile also called
other parts of London when the boys were the doodlebug and then the V-2 bombs.
young. Still, all of them have vivid memo- Those were early long-range guided ballis-
ries of their time in the borough. tic missiles.
It was comparable in size to Tenafly, Mr. Dr. Galatin and his family went to the Shackleford Lane Synagogue, which now is We had an air raid shelter at the end of
Levene said. And I think that somewhere the Shackleford Lane Mosque. our garden, but it was damp, and I dont
between 15 to 20 percent of the residents think we ever used it, Mr. Kane said.
were Jewish. Challenged on that statis- to argument by anecdote. All the people Which shul? What school? each of the The other two men didnt use bomb
tic by the other two to be fair, none of I knew were Jewish, he said. men described his familys path to Lon- shelters much either. My bedroom was
the three of them really knew how many In a discussion that often centered on don, as well as his own out of it. basically a metal box, Mr. Levene said. I
people lived there or what percentage of landmarks the three shared remember Mr. Levene was born in 1934, Mr. Kane woke up in the morning, and the window
them were Jewish Mr. Levene resorted the theater? Which club did you go to? in 1936, and Dr. Galatin Youre such a was blown out, and there was stuff all over.




Wednesday, May 10 | 7 pm
with dessert reception to follow and book signing
taking place at
The Frisch School 120 West Century Road, Paramus
$18 per ticket
helps sustain this event and all that Federation does for our community.

or contact Elisa J. Hirsch | | 201-820-3918

Jewish Federation


SETH M. SIEGEL is a member of the Council on Foreign a project of the Synagogue Leadership Initiative, is sponsored
Relations. His essays on water have appeared in The New York by the Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey and the Henry and Marilyn Taub Foundation
Times, The Wall Street Journal, The Los Angeles Times, and others.
This event is co-sponsored by Jewish National Fund

22 Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017

Cover Story

But I slept through it. Thats how a childs mind works.

Dr. Galatin did go to an air raid shelter Dr. Galatin was evacuated to the coun-
at least once. My earliest memories are try, but as a small child he was able to go
being in a shelter, he said. It was under a with his family; his is not the story we
fruit market in Spitalfields with my mother often hear, about older children sent off
and her father. I have no memories at all to the countryside to deal with their fears
of being scared. I wasnt scared. Some of and loneliness by themselves. Instead,
it was an adventure. I remember running his extended family had rented a large
around with my friends looking for pieces house, right on the edge of an airfield in a
of shrapnel after a raid. town called Farnborough, in Hampshire.
I remember my parents taking me out Everyone chipped in toward the rent;
in the middle of the night when the sirens everyone lived there except the men who
were going off. were in the armed forces. My father was
I very clearly remember sitting under not because he was not born in England,
a table in our kitchen in Evering Road in Dr. Galatin said. He wasnt allowed to go
Stoke Newington. I remember hearing into the armed forces.
planes go overhead, and telling her, Those He was lucky that he hadnt been
are ours, Dr. Galatin said. Theyre not interned; many Jewish men who were
Jerrys. ( Jerry was a disparaging World born in Germany or Eastern Europe were,
War I-vintage term for a German.) on the ironic suspicion that they might be Jeffrey Kane and his wife raised these Boer goats in Vermont; they also raised
That small child reassuring his mother Nazis. Some of my family was interned, dogs to shepherd the goats.
that the airplanes overhead were not and my fathers younger brothers were
flown by the Germans who were intent on sent to Canada, Mr. Kane said. experience with Jews. They were sur- All three of the men came from families
destroying their city and killing them was We were evacuated to Berkham- prised that we didnt have horns, Mr. Lev- that were deeply aware of being Jewish and
wearing my dressing gown, with a bunny sted, Mr. Levene said. Thats a charm- ene said. I went to church on Sundays observant on and off the shuls they went
rabbit on the pocket, he added. ing, wealthy old town not that far from the people we were living with went, and to on the holidays and occasionally oth-
Its not that he wasnt afraid of anything, London, he added. A lot of people from we went with them. erwise were Orthodox. In that, they were
Dr. Galatin said. He was. My major fear Stoke Newington were evacuated there, It was fun. similar to their counterparts in New York
was of barbers. I was afraid of getting my including an aunt of mine. He went to Sunday school at church, and Newark. There were some Liberal Jews
hair cut. It was many of the townspeoples first and I was a star pupil there, he said. in London then but there werent many,




Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017 23

Dental Care for the Whole Family Cover Story
Achieve the confidence and
positive attitude that comes
and they werent in Stoke Newington. said. He met two of his oldest friends
with a beautiful smile. We will We were always members of a shul, there; all three couples are still in touch,
customize your care according and we kept kosher at home, Dr. Galatin although a coldness between the two
to your needs and desires. said. That was the Shackleford Lane Syn- women still in Britain means that when
agogue, which now is the Shackleford he goes to visit there, he cannot see both
Specializing in chipped, Lane Mosque. It was peculiar wed couples together but must apportion his
cracked, and worn teeth, go to shul, and then wed go out and eat time between the two.
dentures, and implants, with everything. We went to shul and then Soon Mr. Levene, young and restless,
wed go out to see a movie. We did keep went to Canada, worked in Toronto,
care for your whole family. the Jewish holidays. was about to go back to England, and
I went to Hebrew school, and I sang then I saw an ad in the paper. They
Diane Jonas, DMD in the shul choir. I started as a soprano needed accountants in South America. I
General Dentistry and I graduated eventually to becoming contacted the local office it was Price
Daniel Feit, DMD an alto. We got paid two and sixpence a Waterhouse and they sent me to New
Prosthodontist month to sing. York for interviews, accepted me, and I
NJ Specialty Permit 5007 Oh! So do you sing now? I dont sing had the choice of Venezuela or Colom-
now and I couldnt sing then, Dr. Gala- bia. First, I had to do six months of
19 Franklin Street Tenafly, NJ 07670 (201) 569-4535 tin said. indoctrination and yes, that was their
We were not so religious, Mr. Kane word into their style of accounting.
said. Religion was going to my grand- It was a great place to work.
parents shul on the High Holy Days, A month before I was supposed to go,
Mr. Levene added. I was the oldest I met Edith, and my proposal essentially
grandchild on my mothers side, so they was Dont you want to marry me and go
made a big fuss over me. And he loved to Venezuela?
it, he said. She did, and so the former Edith
We all went to cheder until our bar Levine changed a letter in her name and
mitzvah, Dr. Galatin said; each of them became Edith Levene, and the couple
became bar mitzvah, Mr. Kane added. moved to Caracas. After two years, she
Each of the three took a different path missed her family and wanted to come
to Tenafly. home, Mr. Levene said. We had an
Serving the Jewish community Primary school, back then, was for 5- apartment in Englewood for a year or so,
of Bergen County for 12 years to 11-year-olds. (The British education and then we moved to Tenafly, where
system has changed since then.) At 11, her sister lived. They lived in the same
All certi ed home
certified home health
health aides
aides students took the 11 plus exam, which house for 45 years, brought up their
licensed, bonded and criminal filtered them into different kinds of two children there, and then downsized
licensed, bonded and criminal schools and basically told most of them about five years ago.
background checks
checks where theyd be for the rest of their lives. Mr. Levene holds American citizen-
RN supervision & coordination The top scorers went to grammar ship. I became an American when Newt
schools, the next group to comprehensive Gingrich became powerful, and it looked
RN supervision
Hourly, & coordination
live-in and respite care schools, and the third to trade schools. as if he was going to do what Trump says
24/7 live on-call service Mr. Levene, the oldest of them, went hes going to do, he said. His life was
Hourly, live-in and respite care to a grammar school, the Sloane School; in this country by then, and he did not
Complimentary social work after he graduated, he became an arti- want to risk it. At that point you couldnt
24/7 live on-call service cled clerk in a firm of chartered accoun- have dual citizenship with England, so I
tants (properly pronounced clark, as am now entirely an American, he said.
Linkages to other elder care the Lord Admiral in Gilbert and Sulli- Mr. Levene, a trim, visibly fit man, is
Complimentary social work
options vans H.M.S. Pinafore sang in When a serious folk dancer; I started dancing
I was a lad. Like Mr. Levene, the admi- the week after I came to New York, he
The Freedom family ral began his career as an articled clark. said, and he has not stopped. He worked
wishes a Happy Passover And chartered accountants basically are with Michael Herman, a major figure in
to our British CPAs.) the folk dance world, and then with Karl
After taking and passing the exams to Finger, a similarly looming figure in that
Jewish Standard become a chartered accountant (Its world. His commitment to folk danc-
readers quite an exam I lost my hair while I ing took him to Bulgaria, and he still
was studying, he reported), Mr. Levene dances twice a week; the JCC has ter-
joined the Royal Air Force for two years rific classes, he said.
1.866.7FREEDOM of mandatory national service.
I was an air radar mechanic, and I
Mr. Kane, who has a degree in busi-
ness, and his wife, Arleene Migdal Kane,
(1.866.737.3336) was posted to Germany, he said. This have moved around the world; they have
was in the late 1950s. At the station I was lived in Bangkok, Singapore, and Manila,
posted to, the officers mess accounts and in Mexico and London. He worked
were messed up, and they asked me for a trading company specializing in
if I would work on them instead of air chemicals. In 1980, the Kanes moved to
radars. And I said yes, gladly. Tenafly, where their three children, who
My best friends were the barmen and all were born in the United States, went
More than 408,000 likes. the cooks. We ate and drank well. to high school.

Like us on Jews in the British armed forces gath-

ered for something called the Moral
He holds joint citizenship, which was
possible when he applied for his Ameri-

Leadership Course, which met over the can passport. Its handy to have both,
Jewish holidays. We had a wonderful he said. My son lives in England now,
rabbi, and he knew all the Jews in the and we go there at least twice a year. British service in Germany, Mr. Levene Mr. Kane and his wife owned a house,

24 Jewish standard aPriL 7, 2017

Cover Story

set on many acres, in Vermont. I had read teacher from the United States, her name a citizen; like Mr. Kane, he has dual All of them retain their connections to
an article in the New York Times saying was Jo Basshe, and she always used to call citizenship. the Jewish community. Each is active in
that there was a shortage of goat meat, he me Professor. Dr. Galatin taught at the City College of the JCC; each, in his own way and in
said. And my land was perfect for goats Of course I didnt have a crush on her! New York for 42 years, and ended up as ways that reflect parts of the community
they could keep all the shrubbery down. I did a lot of studying about the Ameri- the chairman of the college, he said. pretty accurately has had ties to syna-
So he bought a herd of goats Boer goats, can political system; I could understand The Galatins first lived in Queens, but I gogue life as well. The Kanes belonged to
from South Africa, 300 at a time and in principle how it could work, but I had a colleague who lived in Haworth, and Temple Sinai in Tenafly. Dr. Galatins fam-
hired local people to help care for them. couldnt fathom that it really would. So I we came out to see it, and I liked it here, ily belongs to Temple Emanu-El in Engle-
He also started to raise dogs Maremmas, was going to come here for a year to find he said. I liked all the trees. So we found wood, before it moved to Closter; now
a breed of Italian sheepdogs primarily to out how it works. a house in Tenafly and we lived there for they buy tickets there for High Holy Day
work with the goats, but also to sell. I had no money, so I applied for a fel- 42 years. Two years ago, we moved to a seats. The Levenes belong to Emanu-El,
That lasted for 15 years. It was a losing lowship. And I turned down one from Har- different house. and Mr. Levene goes during the winter
proposition, though, he said; eventually, vard and accepted one from MIT, which Dr. Beatrice Galatin taught at Columbia, fairly frequently on Shabbes, because you
the goats developed chlamydia, and the had the best economics department in the but after a while her field dried up, her cant play tennis then, he said.
dream ended. world. I never worked so hard in my life. husband said. German literature was not The three men are easy together; their
Now, the Kanes live in Fort Lee; they I was going to stay for a year, but I in great demand. She couldnt continue to friendship is new and developing, but
have three children. decided to stay and get my Ph.D. there, in teach it so she decided to change. their shared memories memories they
Dr. Galatin, like Mr. Levene, took the economics. She went to Fairleigh Dickson, got a share with just about no one else clearly
11 plus exam, and landed in a grammar He wanted to become a university pro- degree in teaching, and taught in the delight them. The similarities and differ-
school, the Central Foundation School, fessor, but the terms of his visa demanded inner city in Paterson for 23 years. She ences between their lives and commu-
also known as the Cowper Street School that he leave the country for two years. He taught ESL in an elementary school, and nities then and now might not fascinate
and named after the poet William Cowper. went to Canada, where he taught at the she enjoyed it. She loved the kids, and she them, but surely they fascinate us.
From there he went to University College University of Western Ontario, and he got was very glad that she did it. And who knows who else might have
in London and the London School of Eco- married to Beatrice Skulsky, a Brooklyn The Galatins have three children; one of come from Stoke Newington? (There is a
nomics, earning a first class degree he girl whom he had met at Harvard she them, Elizabeth Seth, lives in Tenafly with guy from Tottenham another London
was the first in his family to go to college. was earning a Ph.D. in German literature. her husband and children. neighborhood and thats close enough,
And then I decided that I wanted to go to When the Galatins returned to the Dr. Galatin has begun to paint, mainly in Mr. Levene said.)
America. United States, my official designation acrylics, since he retired. Sometimes its worth it to ask people
There was a reason for that. When I was beneficiary alien, he said. Later, he All the men have grandchildren; all love where they come from. Youd be surprised
was 6, 7 years old, there was an exchange got a green card, and later still he became them dearly. at what you can learn.

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Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017 25

Jewish World

In the wake of new building restrictions,

Israeli settlers lower expectations for Trump era
ANDREW TOBIN said. All of a sudden, reality doesnt look
like our expectations.
JERUSALEM In response to new curbs Much of the Israeli right anticipated
on West Bank construction, Israeli settle- that Trump would give Israel a freer
ment supporters hoped for the best and hand in the West Bank than had his pre-
expected the worst, tempering their ini- decessor, Barack Obama. But since being
tial euphoria at Donald Trumps election elected in January, Trump has backed
as U.S. president. off his pledge to move the U.S. Embassy
Pro-settlement leaders who advocate to disputed Jerusalem from Tel Aviv and
Jewish control of the entire West Bank made moves toward the final-status
went as far as to welcome the recent agreement he has said he wants to bro-
announcement that in a nod to Trump, ker between Israel and the Palestinians.
the government would restrict construc- Some observers have speculated that
tion to developed areas of existing West Netanyahu wants Trump to push back on
Bank Jewish communities. Others hoped settlements for fear of his own right-wing
that the restrictions did not amount to a coalition.
freeze on settlement building. Having welcomed Trumps election
No one was talking about bringing down by announcing The era of a Palestinian
the government, which has been shaky in state is over, Education Minister Naftali
recent weeks over the obscure issue of Bennett at first expressed cautious opti- An Israeli settler argues with police officers evacuating a West Bank outpost,
public broadcasting. mism at the weekly Cabinet meeting in Amona, on February 1. MIRIAM ALSTER/FLASH90

You need to understand that people Jerusalem. The arrangement is a fitting

built up an expectation that there would one, but the proof will be in the pud- reported leaks from the meeting that the We are back to the same old two-state
be a new president, the old era would end, ding, Bennett reportedly said. prime minister not only proposed limiting solution that will lead nowhere but to frus-
and wed be able to do whatever we want, Later in the day, he tweeted halfhearted settlement construction, but also a raft of tration, Bennett said. I cant complain
Yesha Council foreign envoy Oded Revivi criticism after the Israeli daily Haaretz measures to benefit the Palestinians. because this has always been Netanyahus

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Jewish World

declared policy. entirely new settlement in two decades for Israeli-Palestinian relations at the Institute according to the commentators the right
Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu families evicted last month from Amona, for National Security Studies, said that if wing claims that the cabinet decided yes-
announced the new settlement policy an illegal West Bank outpost. That settle- the policy were strictly enforced, it would terday on construction [in the West Bank],
Thursday in a meeting of the security ment would not be affected by the policy, reduce West Bank construction dramati- the left claims that there is a freeze,
cabinet. Netanyahu told his top ministers which the White House welcomed. cally. But Brom said that many settlers seem Smotrich tweeted. Unfortunately this
that the policy was a goodwill gesture to Most of the world considers all Israeli to be betting the policy would be interpreted time the commentators on the left are cor-
Trump, who last month said settlement construction in the territories it cap- flexibly, which could allow the settlements rect. The right is willfully blinded.
expansion may not be helpful in achiev- tured in the 1967 Six-Day War illegal. But to expand gradually and indefinitely. Revivi, who is also the mayor of the Efrat
ing peace and asked Netanyahu to hold Israel disputes this view and allows gov- Noting that in January his think tank settlement, said settlers have been most
back on settlements a little bit. ernment-authorized settlements on land urged Israel to limit settlement construc- disappointed by Netanyahu. He said the
According to the Prime Ministers not demonstrably owned by Palestinians. tion to the major settlement blocs, Brom prime minister blamed President Barack
Office, Netanyahu said that settlement While Israel stopped building new settle- said this policy is not close to that. Obama, Trumps predecessor, for the lack
construction would be limited to previ- ments in the early 1990s, it has approved Meanwhile, several right-wing lawmak- of construction in the West Bank for years,
ously developed areas of the West Bank. outposts retroactively, and let existing set- ers worried that the restrictions amounted but that is harder to do with Trump, who is
But where security or topography pre- tlements expand. to a suspension of settlement building. seen as more sympathetic to Israel.
vented this, new homes would be built as Last week, Revivi put a positive spin Yehudah Glick, a Knesset member in the Especially after the evacuation of
close as possible to the developed areas. on Netanyahus policy change, saying the ruling Likud party who lives in a settle- Amona, Revivi said, people feel that
Israel would not allow the creation of any Yesha Council, the main umbrella group ment, held out hope in a tweet that this promises are made but not really fulfilled.
new illegal outposts, he said. for the settlements, would keep an eye on was not the case. Judy Simon, the former tourism coor-
Citing five participants in the meeting, the West Bank which he referred to by its I hope, in contrast to the commenta- dinator for the Beit El settlement and a
Haaretz reported that Netanyahu also biblical name, Judea and Samaria. tors, that the government did not decide teacher there, said she has lost faith in the
would allow the Palestinians to build in The Yesha Council welcomes the cabi- on a freeze on settlement construction, governments commitment to the settle-
Area C of the West Bank, where Israel has net decision to support new building proj- he said. We cannot accept this. Construc- ment enterprise since Trump took office.
full civil and military control, and said we ects across Judea and Samaria, in addition tion in Judea and Samaria is important for Here we have the most pro-Israel gov-
have to act wisely in eastern Jerusalem. to the establishment of a new town for those who want peace. ernment weve had [in Washington] in a
This is a very friendly administration the former residents of Amona, he said. Bezalel Smotrich, an often inflammatory decade, some say decades, and yet build-
and we need to be considerate of the pres- We will be monitoring the government Jewish Home party lawmaker who also ing is still being limited. What that says to
idents requests, Netanyahu said, accord- very closely to see that these plans come lives in a settlement, suggested that Israels me is the king has no clothes, she said.
ing to Haaretz. to fruition, enabling a new era of building political right had lowered its expectations But God promised this is our land forever,
Hours earlier, the security cabinet throughout our ancestral homeland. too far. and God never reneges on his promises,
approved the establishment of the first Shlomo Brom, the head researcher on This morning, on my [news feed] and unlike some politicians. JTA WIRE SERVICE

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Jewish World

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ROAST TURKEY, RAW WT. SIZES: 12-15-20 +UP WITH GRAVY ..................... 6.00 LB
ROAST TURKEY BREAST, RAW WT. 6 LB AVG ................................................. 8.25 LB
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SWEET & SOUR MEATBALLS, 1 1/2 LB., BY CONTAINER .......................12.95 TRAY Heres how Israeli women
are fighting for equal pay
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in high-tech industries
POTATO PUDDING - BY TRAY .................................... SMALL $11.95 LARGE $27.95 ANDreW TOBiN we can look at to start feeling more
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TeL Aviv High-tech workers know we can name.
MATZO PANCAKES 2 PER PACKAGE -BY PACKAGE ................................. 6.00 PKG.
POTATO PANCAKES, 2 PER PACKAGE - BY PACKAGE ............................. 6.00 PKG. theres no problem that cant be solved Yuklas group, XX+UX Israel, is a
MUSHROOM ONION FARFEL, 1 1/4 LB - BY TRAY ..................................11.95 TRAY with a spreadsheet. 2-year-old community for women who
MATZO BALLS, 6 PER TRAY - BY TRAY .......................................................7.80 TRAY So a group of Israeli women seeking work in the field of user experience,
STUFFED CABBAGE - 2 PER TRAY - BY TRAY...........................................11.00 TRAY to combat the gender wage gap in the which encompasses a range of high-
CHOPPED LIVER, 1 LB. MINIMUM, BY THE POUND .................................... 10.99 LB industry created one last month with tech jobs. Its approximately 1,500
GEFILTE FISH, BY EVEN NUMBER ONLY .......................................................... 3.59 EA data about their qualifications and members work together to promote
CHICKEN SOUP .................................................................................................. 7.99 QT
salaries. They hope to empower one womens status in the industry, includ-
HOMEMADE HORSERADISH_____WHITE_____RED ..................................3.99 12 OZ.
CHAROSES, 1 LB. MINIMUM, BY THE POUND ............................................. 11.99 LB another in salary negotiations. ing sharing advice and support in their
CRANBERRY PINEAPPLE RELISH, BY THE POUND ....................................... 7.99 LB active Facebook group.
SEDER PLATES ................................................................................................. 18.95 EA The group is a largely
CHEF'S SALAD - BY THE POUND ..................................................................... 6.99 LB independent branch of
the global XX+UX, which
The Deli Department will have a full selection of Salads, Cooked Food & Catering
Imported & Domestic Cheeses A Full Selection of Chocolates Passover Ice Cream
As of Friday, nearly was started by women
at Google headquarters
Fresh Baked Cakes & Cookies Full line of Frozen Foods 200 women had in Northern Californias
contributed to the Silicon Valley.
67 A E. Ridgewood Ave. survey, and the data (In the United States,
April 4 was Equal Pay
Opp Lord & Taylor
Paramus, NJ 201-262-0030
showed a wide range Day the date when
womens salaries, on
Hours: Mon., Tues. & Wed. 8 A.M.-6 P.M.; Thurs. 8 A.M.- 7 P.M.; Fri. 8 A.M.- 4 P.M.; Sun. 8-3; Closed Sat. of earnings, even for average 20 percent lower
women with similar than mens, catch up
to mens from the previ-
qualications working ous year.)
in similar positions. Its about helping
women and solidarity,
said co-founder Anat
More than 408,000 likes. As of Friday, nearly 200 women had
contributed to the survey, and the data
Katz-Arotchas, who also runs a con-
sultancy that advises tech companies

Like us on Facebook. showed a wide range of earnings, even

for women with similar qualifications
working in similar positions.
about how to build female-friendly
products. Rather than dictating to
women, we listen and let them tell us,
We know from surveys and from This is what we need, and this is how
personal experience that women tend to do it for us.
to name lower salaries than men when Katz-Arotchas said the survey,
we go into negotiations, and obviously although unscientific, could serve as
employers never tell you to ask for a much-needed reference for group
more, said Liora Yukla, 35, one of two members and it could empower them women who spearheaded the effort.

This gives us something substantive
to be bolder in their salary demands.
Professional industry surveys have not

28 Jewish standard aPriL 7, 2017

Jewish World
Sandi M. Malkin, LL C
Interior Designer
Despite narrowing in (former interior designer of model
recent years, Israels rooms for NYs #1 Dept. Store)
gender wage gap is
among the widest in For a totally new look using
the developed world,
according to a report your furniture or starting anew.
released last year. Staging also available
looked at womens salaries separately, she said.
Despite narrowing in recent years, Israels gen-
der wage gap is among the widest in the developed
world, according to a report released last year.
Women in Israel make less than three-quarters of
what men earn. The gap is even wider in high tech,
where women have been found to earn a little more
than half as much as men.
According to a recent Taub Center study, the
biggest reason for the disparity is that on average,
Nowadays, its a shortage
women work fewer hours than men. Another key
factor is that women are more likely to be employed
of blood thats really a plague.
in lower-wage occupations and industries. Many
have argued that those factors are influenced by dis-
crimination as well.
The challenge of asking for higher pay came up
recently in a discussion on the XX+UX Israel Face-
book group. Shortly thereafter, two members of the
group posted a Google spreadsheet for members
to share information about their jobs, professional
experience, and monthly pay.
Were basically just a group of women who work
in high tech, and this is the kind of thing we talk
about, Yukla said. It was a really long, vibrant dis-
cussion, so we realized a lot of us are probably inter-
ested in what the standard is.
The survey, which the group plans to analyze sys-
tematically, showed monthly salaries ranging from
6,000 shekels (about $1,700) for a starting designer
to 46,500 shekels (about $13,000) for a veteran
product manager. It also found that some women
with similar jobs and qualifications reported signifi-
cantly different incomes. One project manager at a
large company said she made 20,600 shekels (about
$5,700) per month, along with bonuses and a com-
pany car. Another with the same education and six
more years of experience said her salary was 16,000
shekels (about $4,400).
One thing that was sort of surprising was you saw
different salary levels for the same job, the same skill
set, Yukla said. I think the question here is: Would
it be different for our male colleagues?
Group members responded enthusiastically to the
survey. Nothing is more important than saving a life, so its essential that Israel have an ample supply
In comments on Facebook, one woman wrote, of blood for all its people. Thats where Magen David Adom comes in collecting, testing,
Well done, finally the real data and life. and distributing Israels blood supply for civilians and the Israel Defense Forces. And to protect
Another said, Fabulous activism! This is super
Israels blood supply in the future, were building a new blood center for Israel, one that will be
important and Im sure its going to help many girls
negotiate better in their next salary negotiations.
reinforced against rocket or other terrorist attacks. You can Support MDAs lifesaving blood services.
Another commenter noted that despite what many Make a gift today. Pesach kasher vsameach.
agreed was wage discrimination in their industry, the
women were fortunate to be part of Start-Up Nation. AFMDA Northeast Region
The average Israeli high-tech workers salary was 352 Seventh Avenue, Suite 400
24,000 shekels last year, according to an industry New York, NY 10001
survey, compared to 10,000 shekels for all Israelis. Toll Free 866.632.2763
Amazing! Fabulous! she said. Even though
there are gaps, our situation compared to the mar-
ket is really good!! JTA Wire Service

Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017 29

Jewish World

JCC bomb threat suspects dad apologizes to U.S. Jews

JERUSALEM The father of the Israeli-American teenager unequivocal message: We are very sorry from the bottom The father denies knowing about what his son was
arrested on suspicion of calling in more than 100 bomb of our hearts. We are good Jews, we do not hate you. There doing, but he does not deny that his son carried out
threats to JCCs and Jewish institutions has apologized for was no hatred here. His motive is solely the disease, the the threats. The world has to understand, this boy is
his sons actions. teens father said on Channel 2 from his home in Ashkelon, different, hes unique, Eli said.
The father appeared in his first interview in Israel, nearly in southern Israel, where he remains under house arrest on The father said that he has undergone three surger-
two weeks after he was arrested, along with his son, follow- suspicion that he knew about his sons activities. ies to remove tumors after being exposed to harmful
ing a months-long undercover investigation by Israels anti- The identity of the suspect, 19, is under a gag order in chemicals at his job, and that his son has a benign
fraud unit, as well as the FBI in the United States and law Israel, though he has been identified in reports in other tumor in his head. At a court hearing last week, the
enforcement in other countries. countries. The father, who was not seen in the interview, is teens attorney presented photographs and medi-
To all the Jews in the United States, I want to convey an identified only as Eli, a pseudonym. cal images of a non-malignant brain tumor that the
defense says affects his behavior.
On Thursday, the teen will appear in court, where
investigators are expected to ask that he remain in
police custody. The father said he hopes his son will
be permitted to go to house arrest, though it seems
unlikely since law enforcement is portraying the teen
as dangerous.
He also is accused of a series of threats made in
Israel, Europe, Australia and New Zealand in the past
six months and of making a threatening call to Delta
Airlines, leading to the emergency landing of at least
one plane.
In a television interview, the teens mother said
through tears that the threats were not her sons fault
because he cannot control his behavior, not only
because of the tumor but also because he is autistic.
The teen was born in the United States; the family
The finest selection of Italian moved to Israel when he was 6. He was homeschooled
from first grade. According to his mother, her son
designer mens & boys suits, rarely left home and has no friends.
The woman, whose identity was disguised with digi-
sport jackets, pants, shirts, tal imagery, was interviewed on Israels Channel 2. Her
shoes and accessories, son was called M in the Channel 2 report.

at discounted prices.
The father denies
Visit our knowing about what
Boys his son was doing,
but he does not deny
Store that his son carried
out the threats.
The mother said that M was homeschooled after
being diagnosed on the autism spectrum and it
became clear he could not function within a formal
school framework. She stopped working as a bio-
chemist in order to teach her son, who she said is very
The mother said she was shocked when she found
out that her son was suspected of making the threats
against the JCCs and other Jewish institutions in the
United States. She said she did not know how much
time he spent on his computer because she works
nights and was not home.
She said she had spoken to her son about the JCC
BORO PARK: FLATBUSH: LONG ISLAND: LAKEWOOD: TEANECK: bomb threats before his arrest and that he joined her
5020 13th Avenue 1505 Coney Island Ave. 467 Central Avenue 1700 Madison Ave. 215 W. Englewood Ave. in expressing concern about their Jewish friends in the
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Sunday & Legal Holidays 10 - 6, Sunday & Legal Holidays 10-6, Sunday & Legal Holidays 10-6, Sunday & Legal Holidays 10-6, Mon.-Thurs. 10 - 9, Friday 10 - 2:45 She asserted that the threats were not her sons
Mon. - Wed. 10 - 7, Thurs. 10 - 8, Friday 10-2:45 Mon. - Wed. 10-7, Thurs. 10-9, Fri. 10-2:45 Mon., Tues. & Thurs. 10-7, Wed. 10-9, Fri.10-2:45 Mon. - Thurs. 10-7, Friday 10-2:45 Closed Saturday & Sunday
fault, because he cannot control his behavior. Its the
tumor, she said. It could happen to anyone with a

jnau raf dj tumor in his head. Hes autistic. He cant control it. He
cant think straight. He needs medical help.


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Jewish World Best Wishes
for a WHEEL
Israels loud talk Happy Passover

after Syria gas

184 Main Street FIRST PLACE

attack unlikely to

Ridgefield Park, NJ

lead to action The Sutcliffe Family HAPPY

SUNDAYS 11-5pm
M-F 10-8 Sat 10-6
From the left and the (201) 440-6655
right, from the center and
extremes, Israeli politi-
cians clamored over one
another to declare their
disgust at the apparent
chemical weapons attack
in Idlib, Syria, on Tuesday.
But amid a cacophony
of calls for action, its not
clear what, if anything,
Israel can or will do to stop Amos Yadlin WIKIPEDIA
the atrocities next door.
Soon after news of the attack reached Israel, Educa-
tion Minister Naftali Bennett called for an emergency
meeting of the security cabinet to discuss all the
options. As of Tuesday night, that meeting had yet to
be scheduled, his office said.
At least 58 people were killed, including 11 children,
in the Idlib gas attack, with unconfirmed reports put-
ting the death toll closer to 100.
The United States, United Kingdom and European
Union all laid the blame for the attack at the door of
Syrian President Bashar Assad.
In Israel, the attack also spurred security officials
into action.
The security services prepared whats known as a situ-
ational assessment, detailing what the defense agencies
know about the attack and the potential risks to the Jewish Help provide a home, love,
state, officials said. and education to thousands
According to Channel 10 news, part of that assess- of poor, orphaned, and at-risk
ment is that Russia approved the alleged gas attack,
children across Israel. Lift them
believing it would only draw international condem-
nation, but no action.
from the deepest of despair
SEE SYRIA PAGE 34 to a bright, dignified and
productive future.


Lighting the way.

The scene in Idlib, Syria, after Tuesdays suspect-
ed gas attack. TWITTER

AMFO_NJJewishStandard_HalfPageIsland.indd 2 JEWISH STANDARD APRIL 7, 2017

1/12/17 33
1:01 PM
Jewish World

exposure to the nerve agent. BRIEFS

Syria Israeli politicians responses to the alleged chemical
attack included some calls on the country to do more Egypts El-Sisi and Trump
This was not the first reported use of chemical weapons this about the suffering across the border, but they uniformly confer at White House
year. Although Assad agreed to give up his chemical weapons lacked detailed proposals.
Egyptian President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi met with President
in 2013, his regime has been accused of carrying out at least And military intervention seems to be off the table. Donald Trump at the White House. This was the Egyp-
eight gas attacks in the first quarter of 2017 alone. Maj. Gen. (res.) Amos Yadlin, head of the Institute for tian leaders first official U.S. visit since his rise to power
But most of the reported chemical attacks in Syria since National Security Studies think-tank and former head of in 2013.
2013 were said to have been carried out with mustard or Military Intelligence, was one of the few people to urge I just want to let everybody know, in case there was
chlorine gas. Tuesdays attack was reportedly conducted direct action against Assad, calling the chemical attack a any doubt, that we are very much behind President El-
with sarin gas, an organophosphate, which interrupts the crime against humanity. Sisi, Trump said. Hes done a fantastic job in a very dif-
communication between nerves, preventing regular body Speaking to Army Radio, Yadlin encouraged Israel to ficult situation. We are very much behind Egypt and the
functions like breathing. destroy the planes used in Idlib from afar, in an appar- people of Egypt.
It has yet to be officially confirmed that sarin gas was ent reference to a missile attack. El-Sisi told Trump, Ive had a deep appreciation
used, but videos from Idlib hospitals showed victims An action that weakens Assad is right morally and stra- and admiration of your unique personality, especially
with unresponsive, constricted pupils a telltale sign of tegically, he said. TIMES OF ISRAEL as youre standing very strong in the counter-terrorism
The two leaders were expected to discuss a wide range
of issues, including the Israeli-Palestinian conflict and
fighting Islamic terrorism.
In 2013, El-Sisi overthrew former President Moham-
med Morsi a leader of Hamass parent group, the Mus-
lim Brotherhood. The Obama administration was critical
of El-Sisi human rights record and had declined to invite
him to the White House. JNS.ORG

N.Y. education chief reverses

Holocaust assignment stance
New York State Education Commissioner MaryEllen Elia
reversed her stance endorsing a controversial assignment

Is your from earlier this year that had asked students to argue
both sides of the Holocausts directive to exterminate Jews
en masse.

retirement plan working

A teacher in New Yorks Oswego County had asked stu-
dents to put themselves in a Nazi leaders shoes and argue
for or against the Final Solution to exterminate the Jew-

as hard as you are?

ish people, reported.
I think its certainly a question where you want stu-
dents to think on both sides and analyze ... which position
a person is taking, Elia had said.
Elias statement drew widespread criticism from both
IRA StarBanking Plus Jewish and state government officials. She backtracked.
3 Year 4 Year 5 Year Since first learning of the assignment, Ive done my
homework to determine the facts in this situation, Elia

1.75 %
Interest Rate
2.00 % 2.20 %
Interest Rate Interest Rate
said. I spoke with district officials about this serious mat-
ter. We agree the assignment should not have been given.
The teacher apologized and the assignment will not be

1.77 % 2.02 % 2.22 %

used in the future. JNS.ORG

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Contact us now for all the details. Commander Doron Turgeman, who oversees security
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Giveaway of the festival, there will be wider deployment based on
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to 40691 The commanders warning came after two Israeli civil-
42 Banking Oces 1-800-273-3406 for your
ians and a police officer were injured Saturday in a stab-
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MINIMUM DEPOSIT $500 Note: Penalties for early withdrawal may reduce earnings. bing attack by a 17-year-old Palestinian terrorist in the Old
All interest rates are subject to change without notice. *Annual Percentage Yield (APY) effective as of 2/07/2017. City. JNS.ORG


Jewish World


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The aftermath of an incident on March 20, involving a municipal truck plow-
Friday 4/7/2017 7:30a.m. - 4:00p.m. Thursday 4/13/2017 7:30a.m. -8:00p.m.
Sunday 4/9/2017 7:30a.m. - 7:00p.m. Friday 4/14/2017 7:30a.m. - 4:00p.m.

Toppled graves near Paris Monday 4/10/2017 7:00a.m. - 12:00p.m.

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inspire conspiracy theories Owner Operated Visit

among Jewish skeptics 446 Cedar Lane Teaneck, NJ 201-692-0192 Fax 201-692-3656

CNAAN LIPHSHIZ campaign, and in a country where

many consider wearing a kippah too
Five days after a municipal truck risky, as a result of hundreds of anti-

plowed through a Jewish cemetery Semitic attacks recorded in France


near Paris in what authorities said was each year.


a freak accident, Isabelle Zenou arrived Several days after the Pantin inci-

at the scene of the incident with a cam- dent, the French media reported that
era and a theory. unidentified vandals destroyed 40 out
The March 20 devastation of 13 grave- of 50 headstones at a small Jewish syna-
stones in the suburb of Pantin was not gogue near Lyon.

an anti-Semitic attack, according to city The incident in Lyon, which undis-


officials; to CRIF, Frances umbrella putedly is a deliberate attack, high-


Enjoy your Pesach

Enjoy youraway
awayhome knowing your
from home
- .

Enjoy your Pesachoneaway from

t .

organization for its Jewish communi- lighted the many questions about


your loved is cared for at

ties, and even to the countrys chief
loved one is cared for your
CareOne at is

the incident in Pantin, said Jonathan -

CareOne at
home knowing loved one

rabbi. The driver drove over 13 head- Simon-Sellem, a France-born journal-

stones after losing control of his vehi- ist living in Israel. What is clear is A Glatt
A Glatt Kosher Kosher
Facility (RCBC)Facility (RCBC)
Traditional Passover Meal
cle, the chief rabbi said in a statement. that the Pantin thing exposed a trust cared for at CareOne at Teaneck.
On-Site Synagogue
Included in the Rabbi will ofciate
Passover Respite
March 28-April 10, 2010
at theProgram

But Zenou, a communications pro- crisis between some French Jews, the from April 10 April 18
Enjoy your
A Other away
Kosher from home
Facility (RCBC)
fessional from the Paris area, is among leaders of their communities, and the 2 traditional Passover Sedersin per day, Medication
1 early 1consultation,
knowing and Board,your
RoomIncluded the loved
Housekeeping, one islater,
Respite cared officiated
Program for at by our rabbi
many French Jews who are not buying authorities. Traditional Passover meals
consult and Nutrition From April
Management, -April 11Planning and resources given
for knowing
community CareOne
support,your loved
Home Care or at Teaneck.
companion iscoordination,
cared for at care
the explanation. She cited delays and Initial reports about the incident, 1 complementary
2 traditional Passover Seders per day, 1 early 1 later, officiated by our rabbi
beauty appointment (reservations required, upon availability)
Traditional Passover meals at Teaneck.
alleged time discrepancies in official including by a local newspaper, La On-Site Synagogue
A Glatt Kosher Facility (RCBC) Traditional Passover Meal
services daily Rabbi and rabbi at the Seders
1 complementary beauty appointment (reservations required, upon availability)
AOn-Site will ofciate
reports on the incidents, her failure to Voix Du Nord, came five days after it Glatt Kosher Facility (RCBC) Traditional
Lunch or dinner with family members in our private dining room
Other Services Include:
during Chol HaMoed (reservations required) 2010at the Seders
On-Site SynagogueMarch 28-April
Rabbi will 10,
Passover Meal

identify skid marks at the scene, and a happened. The paper and other publi- Room and Board,
CareOne at Housekeeping,
On-site synagogue. 544 TeaneckMarch
. 28-April
Teaneck, 10,
NJ 07666
Services Include: consultation, Dietician consult and

whirlwind of rumors over the incident. cations said it took place at night, when Nutrition Management, Room andDisease OtherEducation,
Board, Housekeeping, Planning
Medication and resources given for
consultation, Dietician
consult and Nutrition
Room Management,
and Board, Disease
Housekeeping, Education,
Medication Planning Dietician
consultation, and resources given
I dont think were being told the the driver steered into the Jewish sec- community support, consult Home
and Nutrition
for community Care
support, orDisease
Home Care companion coordination,
or companion Planning and resources careLong-term care
for community support, Home Care or companion coordination, Long-term care
whole truth, said Zenou, whose pho- tion of the cemetery to avoid hitting a
tographs of the damaged stones were couple visiting a relatives grave. Please Please call admissions
call admissions
201-287-8507 or 8505
published in Le Figaro, a leading news- In addition to social network posts by 201-287-8507
Teaneck. .544 Teaneckor
544 Teaneck 8505
Rd .. Teaneck,
Rd Teaneck, NJ07666

paper, and triggered much speculation users like Zenou, the reports triggered CareOne at Teaneck . 544 Teaneck Rd . Teaneck, NJ 07666
about the case online and in the media. a wave of rumors and speculation on
Jewish community leaders, meanwhile, several well-read French Jewish news
accused her and other skeptics of ped- sites, including Europe-Israel, JSSNews, JEWISH STANDARD JANUARY 15, 2010 23

dling crackpot conspiracy theories. and the website of the far-right French

The exact circumstances of the inci- Jewish Defense League.

More than 408,000 likes.
dent in Pantin are the subject of an
ongoing police inquiry. Regardless
The cemetery, the skeptics pointed
out, is closed at night, making a colli- Like us on
of its findings, though, the incident sion with visitors unlikely even if the
already is underlining the distrust that municipal truck were there after hours.
many French Jews have in their author- In addition, Zenou maintained, the
ities amid a polarizing presidential SEE GRAVES PAGE 36
Jewish World

Graves recently denied, condemned, and labeled crackpot con- politically sensitive violence by Muslims against
FROM PAGE 35 spiracy theories, are unusual among mainstream mem- Jews, which one Jewish watchdog group believes
cemetery paths are too small for a truck to drive on with bers of a community that prides itself on its ability to unite accounts for most assaults.
enough speed to knock over a dozen massive headstones. under threat. The hate crime prosecution this year of a promi-
Nothing adds up. He pegged the mood to several factors: inconsistencies nent Jewish historian who said that Muslims are cul-
Francoise Saadoun, who has four relatives buried in regarding the incident itself, compounded by a growing turally preconditioned to hate Jews further soured
the cemetery, was among the dozens of French Jews who distrust of authorities politicization of information on French Jews on the judiciary, although the historian,
expressed their skepticism of the official version. anti-Semitism and anxiety over the popularity of Le Pen, Georges Benssousan, ultimately was acquitted.
I dont believe in an accident for one second, she the far-right presidential candidate, heading into the elec- Many Jews also resented that Frances oldest Jew-
wrote on Facebook. The condition of the roads in the tions this month. ish organizations LICRA, a human rights group
cemetery make it impossible. Like many American Jews who criticized the Trump helped initiate Benssousans prosecution. That
The fact that the first reaction by authorities to the inci- administration for being slow to condemn anti-Semitism, highlighted a political gap between rank-and-file
dent came nearly a week after it happened did not add to French Jews recently have seen a series of events that members of the community and some members of
the credibility of officials and community leaders. weakened their own faith in their authorities. its elite.
The authorities decided to make a deal to avoid rock- One such event was the March 30 publication of a All these factors joined together after the Pantin
ing the boat during the elections campaign because news government report that questioned the existence of a cemetery incident to open a very divisive debate
of another anti-Semitic incident will help the far right new anti-Semitism in which Jews are targeted over Isra- about basic trust in the midst of the community in a
under Marine Le Pen, Zenou said. They covered it up. els actions. It also listed only far-right perpetrators of way that didnt exist in the past, Simon-Sellem said.
Simon-Sellem said the baseless allegations, which CRIF hate crimes against Jews without mentioning the more It also prompted a harsh and unusual rebuke of the
skeptics by Haim Korsia, the chief rabbi of France.
Korsia, whom many French Jews cherish for his
hopeful and consoling speeches at times of crisis,

Wishing you a Happy Passover! delivered his scathing criticism of the speculation
around the Pantin incident in an op-ed published
March 29 in the Actualite Juive daily.
Calling the skeptics part of a campaign of
deceit, the rabbi wrote that he understood their
initial reflex to assume a hateful attack. But their
persistence in circulating rumors amid an atmo-
sphere of fury, conspiracy theory and revenge,
Korsia added, help neither our credulity as a com-
munity nor to generate support for our causes.


Likud lawmaker challenges

ban on MPs ascending
to the Temple Mount
Member of Knesset Yehuda Glick (Likud), a well-
known advocate of Jewish access to the Temple
Mount, petitioned Israels High Court last week in
an effort to force the Israeli government to allow
lawmakers to ascend Judaisms holiest site before
the Passover holiday.
Glicks petition asks Israels attorney general to
limit Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahus author-
ity to intervene on operational police decisions,
and comes in response to the implementation of
an 18-month ban on Knesset members visiting the

Engaged living...
Temple Mount.
Glick petitioned the High Court a day after
reports that Netanyahu agreed to lift the ban three
months from now, following the Jewish and Muslim
holiday seasons.
The situation is insufferable and very strange,
At Arbor Terrace Teaneck, were doing away with all of the traditional where all the people of the world can go in [to
stereotypes of senior living. We offer a maintenance-free lifestyle the Temple Mount] except for Knesset members,
with numerous amenities and luxury services to fit your every need. Glick stated in his petition.
The visitation ban was implemented in response
Our community focuses on providing active seniors a comfortable
to an increase in Palestinian terror attacks in 2015.
and inspiring lifestyle. Kosher meals available.
Palestinian leaders claimed the violence was agi-
tated by Jewish calls to ascend the sensitive holy
Call or visit us online to set up a tour today! site, which is also home to the Al-Aqsa mosque.
(201) 836-9260|
201-836-9260 The status quo on the Temple Mount forbids
non-Muslims from praying at the site. JNS.ORG


Jewish World
BRIEFS U.N. agency report will compare rapporteur for human rights with a record of vehemently
Israeli occupation to U.S. slavery anti-Israel rhetoric was rejected by U.N. Secretary-General
Antonio Guterres, who forced its withdrawal.
Haley tries to shift After the United Nations-affiliated Economic and Social According to an ESCWA resolution passed in December
Security Council debate Commission for Western Asia last month released a contro- 2016, the new slavery-themed anti-Israel report seeks to
away from Israel versial report describing Israel as an apartheid regime, it establish premises and approach for calculating the cumu-
is set to release a new report equating the Israeli occupation lative cost of the occupation.
Nikki Haley, the U.S. ambassador to the United with slavery in the U.S. Although it has yet to be clarified when the latest anti-
Nations, announced that she will refocus the U.N. ESCWAs Beirut-based council is comprised of 18 Arab Israel report will be published, Israeli media have reported
Security Council away from the Israeli-Palestinian members. The agencys recent apartheid report it may be released in June on the 50th anniversary of the
conflict, and instead turn toward longstanding issues authored by Richard Falk, a discredited former U.N. special 1967 Six-Day War. JNS.ORG

that have been neglected in recent years, when she

assumes the bodys presidency this month.
So much has been put toward Israel and the
Palestinian Authority and not enough has been
put toward some of the other issues, Haley said
at a press conference, noting that she will focus
an April 20 Security Council debate around issues
such as Irans support for terrorism, Syria, Hezbol-
lah, and Hamas.
That is our goal for the Middle East open
debate, she said.
Each month, a member of the 15-country Security
Council assumes control as president of the agency.
Haley also said she has warned Palestinian Author-
ity U.N. representative Riyad Mansour that the U.S.
will block any Arab-sponsored motions targeting
Israel, while also calling on the Palestinians to show
genuine willingness to return to the negotiating
table with the Jewish state.
We dont want to see any additional measures
brought at the U.N. that would bash Israel or lift
up the Palestinian Authority until we can get these Students from 16 countries are earning
negotiations to happen, she said. And I do think
that the discussions that have happened at the U.N.
Fact: graduate degrees in Israel studies at
have been more of a hindrance towards the peace
process than its been a help, because its caused
BGUs Ben-Gurion Research Institute.
defensiveness to happen. JNS.ORG

Palestinian terrorist hosted

by left-wing Jewish group And you can help.
Convicted Palestinian terrorist and feminist activist
By establishing an AABGU Charitable Gift Annuity (CGA), you will receive lifetime
Rasmea Odeh was granted a platform to denounce
Israel Sunday by the far-left organization Jewish income with fi xed rates that are among the highest in the country, while fostering
Voice for Peace. international ambassadors for Israel.
Odehs appearance at JVPs Chicago conference
Your tax-saving CGA will support Ben-Gurion University of the Negev and make it
came a week after she accepted a plea bargain revok-
ing her American citizenship and forcing her to leave possible to provide fellowships to students from all over the world to learn about
the country for failing to disclose her conviction and Israel in Israel.
imprisonment in Israel to U.S. immigration authori-
ties. She was involved in a 1969 Jerusalem bombing
attack that killed two Hebrew University students.
Sample Annuity Rates
At the anti-Israel event, Odeh drew parallels
between her case and the creation of the state of Age 65 70 75 80 85 90
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I thought when I came to [the] U.S., and made it my Rate 6% 6.5% 7.1% 8% 9.5% 11.3%
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ney of struggle that I share with my Palestinian peo-
ple in response to the Nakba (catastrophe, an Arab * In the month you use cash to establish a gift annuity, a final calculation is made determining the portion that
term for Israels 1948 War of Independence) and the will be paid to you tax-free.
occupation of 1967.
Now I face a similar, unjust nakba [I am] forced For more information or to request a CGA rate illustration, call 646-452-3693,
to leave the country and the life that Ive built over
e-mail or visit
23 years in the U.S., she said.
Odeh, 69, also vowed to continue to fight against
I will continue my strugglefor the establish-
ment of the democratic state on the entirety of the
historic land of Palestine, she said. JNS.ORG

NJ_CGAIsraelS_NJJS_6.5x9.75.indd 1 3/31/17
7, 2017 37
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Jewish World

Labour suspends Livingstone for year

but U.K. Jewish leaders want expulsion
JENNI FRAZER AND SUE SURKES conduct that in the opinion of the National Executive Board of Deputies or the Jewish Labor Movement.
Committee was prejudicial and/or grossly detrimental Livingstone, who had expected to be expelled from the
LONDON The U.K. Labour Party suspended former to the Labour Party. party and had planned to fight expulsion through a judicial
London mayor and senior party official Ken Livingstone A year ago, as the Labour Party was grappling with review, seemed pleased with the verdict, calling it pretty
for one year for comments he made about Hitler sup- a series of gaffes deemed anti-Zionist and even anti- fair, the Guardian reported.
porting Zionism. Semitic, veteran leftist Livingstone, a member of Have I said anything that wasnt true? he asked. All the
A disciplinary committee found those comments Labours National Executive, claimed that Adolf Hitler Jewish activists who spoke on my behalf yesterday, all actually
grossly detrimental to the party. was initially a supporter of Zionism before he went confirmed what I said was true.
Jewish groups, who had been calling for Livingston mad and ended up killing 6 million Jews. While the suspension is seen as a blow to the man who
to be expelled, called the move deeply disappointing Livingstone also charged that for decades the U.K. had been a member of Labor for half a century, the Jewish Labour
and said it would erode the fractured trust between the harbored a well-orchestrated campaign by the Israel Movement reacted to the verdict with dismay, saying it was a
party and its Jewish members. lobby to smear anybody who criticizes Israel policy as betrayal of our Partys values, and allowed for a revolving
Given that Ken Livingstone has been found guilty, we anti-Semitic. door for repeat offenders.
are deeply disappointed at the decision not to expel him Last week, he caused fresh uproar by claiming that It simply cant be acceptable that there can be some kind
from the Labour Party, the Jewish Leadership Council German Zionists received assistance from the SS and of revolving door policy, that you can revise the history of the
said in a statement. A temporary suspension is no more were close collaborators of the Nazi regime. Holocaust, duck out of the party for a year and then come
than a slap on the wrist. Livingstones case was heard by three members of back, said Jeremy Newmark. He described the suspension as
Livingstones antagonistic attitude towards the Jew- the 11-member Constitutional Committee. Two lawyers, a betrayal of our partys values and called on leader Jeremy
ish community has been longstanding and has had a one retained by him and one by the Labor Party, cross- Corbyn to make a hard and fast ruling of zero tolerance on
huge impact on Jewish people, the statement contin- examined him and a number of witnesses: Jeremy New- anti-Semitism.
ued. This decision makes us question if the Labour mark, chair of the Jewish Labour Movement, the only  TIMES OF ISRAEL

Party wanted to repair its historic and longstanding rela- Jewish affiliate to the Labour Party, and five members
tionship with the Jewish community. of the activist group Jews for Justice for the Palestinians,
Those sentiments were echoed by the Jewish Board of described by Livingstone as leading Jewish members of
Deputies. Relations between the Labor Party and the the Labor Party.
Jewish community have reached a new all-time low, its This was slammed by the mainstream Jewish com-
president, Jonathan Arkush, said. munity, who have said that JfJfP is not representative of
The Labour Party panel that decided Livingstones Anglo-Jewry. However, lawyer Michael Mansfield, repre-
fate technically leveled him with a two-year suspension, senting Livingstone, tried to persuade the panel that the
one year of which already has been served, according views of Livingstones Jews, who included a 93-year-
to the Guardian. old Berlin-born Holocaust survivor, Walter Wolfgang,
Livingstone, 71, was charged with engaging in were equally as representative of Jewish feelings as the
RVL 4.025x5.375 Mag v2:Layout 1 6/17/10 2:40 PM Page 1

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the Prophet

assover finally
came. That dear
lovable holiday. I
was dressed like a
king, as befits a rich
mans son. But what
good did it do me, if I couldnt race
BY SHOLOM ALEICHEM around outside for I was prone to
catch cold? If I couldnt run around
Translated by Curt Leviant with the gang of poor boys for I
was a rich mans son? I had such
nice clothes and no one to show
them off to. A pocketful of nuts
and no one to play with.
Its no fun being an only child,
fondled and fussed over, the sole

surviving son of seven children. And
a rich mans son at that.

ts no fun being an only child,

fondled and fussed over, the
sole surviving son of seven
children. Dont stand here.
Dont go there. Dont eat this.
Dont drink that. Wear a hat.

Button your collar. Keep your hands
warm. Blow your nose.
Ah me, its no good being an only
son and a rich mans son at that. My fter Father put on
father, you see, was well off. A money his best gabardine
changer. He went from store to store and went to shul
with a bagful of coins. Exchanged sil- to pray, Mama sug-
ver for coppers and coppers for silver. gested, You know
Thats why his fingers were always what? You ought to
black and his nails chipped. He worked lie down and take a nap. Then you
very hard. Every day he came home wont be sleepy at the seder. And
tired and run-down. youll be able to ask Father the Four
My legs are going, he complained Questions.
to Mama. Theyre failing me. Was I out of my mind? Going to
Failing him? Possibly. But on the sleep before the seder?
other hand, he had a good business. But remember, Mama added,
Thats what everyone said. And every- youre not allowed to sleep during
one was green with envy that we made the seder. Because if you fall asleep,
a living, and such a good one, too. This card marked Passover 1919 in Luboml, Poland. God forbid, Elijah the Prophet will
Mama was very pleased that we were come with a sack on his shoulders.
well off. And so was I. For tonight he goes from house to house, and if he sees
What a Passover were going to have! May all Jews have anyone napping at the seder, he whisks him into his sack.
such a Passover, dear God! Mama said. She thanked God Me fall asleep at the seder? Me? Ill stay up all night
for the fine festival we were going to have. And so did I, with you. Even to the crack of dawn. What happened last
anxiously awaiting the arrival of this happy holiday. year, Mama?



all of Klall
Yisroel a
Last year you fell asleep right after the Kiddush.
So how come Elijah the Prophet didnt come with
his sack then?
Because last year you were a little boy, and now

youre bigger. Tonight you have to ask Father the Four
Questions and recite with him Slaves were we unto Pha-
raoh. And you have to eat fish and soup and matzah
balls with us. Oh, heres Father coming back from shul.
Gut yontev. Happy holiday.
Gut yontev. Happy holiday.

Youll see later, he replied.

I didnt want to go, and he repeated his request.
How can I go with you? Im a rich mans boy, I
What sort of privilege does that entitle you to?

Im their only son. I said.
I dont consider you an only son, Elijah said.
Im fondled and fussed over. The sole surviving son
hank God Father finished the Kiddush. of seven children. If they see that Ive gone, they wont
He drank the first cup. So did I. Filled to endure it. Theyll die. Especially Mama.
the brim too. Down to the last drop. The old man looked at me and said as sweetly as
Look at that! Mama told Father. To before, If you dont come with me, then sleep well
the last drop! Then she turned to me. A but keep on sleeping. Forever.
full cup of wine? Youre going to doze off! That means Ill die. I began to cry. They wont
Me fall asleep? Me!? Ill stay up all night with you. Even endure it. . . . Especially Mama.
to the crack of dawn. Go ahead. Ask Father how I how If you dont want to die, then come with me. Say
I rattled off the Four Questions, how I recited the Hag- goodbye to your parents, and come along. Traditional. Modern. Contemporary.
gadah, and how along with him I rocked back and forth, What do you mean? How can I go if Im an only child,
saying, Slaves were we. the sole surviving son of seven children?
Mama did not take her eyes off me. She smiled and For the last time, little boy, Elijah said more severely
said, Youre going to doze off. Fall asleep. now, make your choice. One or the other. Either say
Oh, Mama, Mama! That alone could make a ten- goodbye to your parents forever and come with me, or
headed man fall asleep. remain here fast asleep forever. For all eternity.
How would you like someone sitting opposite you, Having said this, he stepped away from me, to face
droning in your ear, Fall asleep. Doze off. Fall asleep? the door. What to do? If I went with the old man to
So naturally, I fell asleep. God-knows-where and disappeared, my parents would
I dozed off and dreamed that Father was already recit- die. Im an only child, the sole surviving son of seven
ing Pour Out Thy Wrath. Mama was getting up to open children.
the door and welcome Elijah the Prophet. How nice it But to remain here fast asleep forever meant that I
would be if Elijah appeared with a sack on his back and would die.
told me to come with him! Just like Mama said. I stretched my hands out to him and said with tears in
The fault would be Mamas alone, with her constant my eyes, Elijah the Prophet. Dear, beloved, wonderful
Dont fall asleep, dont fall asleep. Elijah. Give me one minute to think it over.
Suddenly I heard the door squeak. Father rose and He turned his fine, old, yellow, and wrinkled face to
called out, Welcome! me.
I turned to the dooryes, it was he. He was coming. I will give you one minute to consider it, child, he
He was coming. said, and his loving and faithful eyes smiled. But no
Slowly. You could hardly hear him. Elijah the Prophet more than that.
he was a good-looking Jew. An old man. With a curly And the old man with the knee-length, curly gray
gray beard reaching to his knees. His face was yellow beard leaned on his huge staff and waited.
and wrinkled, but infinitely kind and beautiful. And his Now I ask you. What should I have done during that
eyes oh, what lovely, friendly eyes! Gentle, loving, minute to avoid going with the old man and yet not
faithful eyes. With a sack on his bent back, he leaned on remain asleep forever?
a huge staff and silently walked toward me. Well, go ahead and guess!
Well, little boy, hop into my sack, and lets go, the
old man said sweetly. Curt Leviants most recent novels are the critically
Where? I asked. acclaimed King of Yiddish and Kafkas Son.


Dear Rabbi Zahavy

Your Talmudic advice column

Dear Rabbi Zahavy, guarantee, but it is human nature that with self-publishing of everything on demand, meaning that
Im worried about my upcoming seders. Our others present, the dynamics of the inter- from Facebook posts, to blogs, you will not need to rent
extended family of three generations and actions change, hopefully for the better. essays, to full-length books, warehouse space to store
our cousins and aunts and uncles all get Now Ill add some more of my sugges- easier every passing week. your book inventory. And
together at our home for the Passover seder tions, not just for avoiding confrontations, As Jews, and as Americans, in both cases you will be
rituals and the festive meal. It should be a but for creating a more wholly positive we cherish our books. And able to order copies of your
joyous occasion but in recent years it has evening. To seasoned seder leaders these you want to write one of your books from Amazon, the
become a stressful event. There always seems will be familiar ideas. own and publish it. I get that. best sales platform on Earth.
to be bickering and sometimes outright fight- Prepare in advance the roles that your It is in our genes and in our Be aware that there are
ing and arguing over past imagined sins and guests will play in your seder. Every- culture. Rabbi Tzvee other self-publishing on-
slights. Recently the political divides in our one should have a part to play in the You describe a vanity publi- Zahavy demand platforms that you
family also have erupted into messy debates. great opera that you will be performing cation scenario. The book you can explore. But Im a huge
What can we do to avoid the frictions of the together. Think through what their skills want to release has substan- fan of Amazon products
evening and keep things more harmonious? are and what reading or responsibility tial personal value but prepare for the and services. And I believe you cannot go
Petrified of a Passover they can be assigned in your seder. shock no real commercial worth. Should wrong if you go with them.
Powder Keg in Paramus Remember too that some of your guests you publish it? And if so, should you pay a Many of us who write books do so
may be simple, some wise, and some press to do that for you? chiefly because we love to write. Still, its
Dear Petrified, wont know how to ask a question. Try to The commercial side of your question is natural to harbor false expectations about
You are a wise person to assess past expe- meet the needs of everyone assembled. simple. Vanity publishing is a big business, their success. Those anticipations moti-
riences and to anticipate future troubles. Those who dont read Hebrew can read a even in our digital age. People like you are vate us to carry on through the difficult or
Thats a good start toward a solution. passage from the Haggadah in translation mystified by the publication process. Cer- tedious parts of the process.
You surely know that the potent ener- (English, Spanish, Russian or otherwise) or tain companies know that you want to But and here is a big caveat allow me
gies that are released in the springtime perform another essential task. see your name on a published book and to dispel your fantasy that others will care
season of rebirth can at times lead to great It is true that you and your guests are on that you will pay good money to see that about your book, will buy it, and will make
positive celebrations, and on occasion to stage in a dramatic opera. Still, this is not happen. you much profit from your publication.
explosive events. an appropriate time to bring up old family To publish or not to publish? Here are That almost certainly will not be the case.
I need not remind you that the central arguments or heated political issues. If you some questions for you to answer to help Very few authors make money on their
drama of Christianity, celebrated at Eas- do, your seder might become a tragedy you clarify this decision. publications. The book publishing busi-
ter, is the springtime crucifixion of Jesus. that separates you from your kin, or even Will the publication of this book make ness is hypercompetitive, and getting
That was one noteworthy confrontation of the last supper that you eat together. anyone in your family or community more so every day. That is because it is
a Passover season of the past. And through With the right mix of guests and with cringe? If so, is that what you want? It might getting cheaper and easier every day and
the ages we Jews as a community have enough thoughtful strategic planning, be so but I hope that is not your intent. the barriers to book publishing are get-
suffered blood libels and other forms of your seder at home will be a theatrical hit. Have you had a literary friend or agent ting lower. And even more troubling for
anti-Semitism that triggered pogroms and So invite, prepare and fear not, and have a review the quality of your writing? It does authors is the fear that fewer people are
awful acts of terrorist violence against us happy Passover. not have to be great literature. But you buying and reading books.
at Passover time. do want clean, logical, understandable The bottom line is if you decide to self-
In the interior microcosms of our fam- Dear Rabbi Zahavy, copy, free of obvious mistakes and infelici- publish, be glad. You will not pay out
ily meals you would think and hope that I have assembled much personal material ties. You need to make sure that what you large fees to a vanity publisher. You can
we could control our emotions and avoid and I have written a book-length memoir wrote does not sound too weird or goofy do most of the work yourself. And at the
unpleasantness. It is easy for me to say about my life and my family. I now want to or off-the-wall (unless that is how you want end of the process, you will have a pre-
be cognizant and behave. But I want to publish it. I approached several publishers. it to sound). sentable, professional volume to look at
offer you more granular advice for har- Because I am an unknown amateur writer, Are you adept at word processing, to the with pride and to show off to give as a
monious seders. they want a hefty sum of money from me point where you can format a book in a gift and perhaps to sell (a few copies) to
The first thing you should consider is to support the publishing venture. I am not template provided by a self-publishing out- others with satisfaction.
including what I call strangers on your sure whether to do this or not. fit? Its a tricky process, but not as complex So yes, go ahead with your plan to pub-
guest list. I mean by that dont just have Ambivalent Author in Alpine as it sounds. lish. When you look finally with pride and
your close and intimate family members If your answers to these questions make delight at your published volume, you will
at the meal. Outsiders, who may in fact be Dear Ambivalent, you inclined to publish, then allow me to know without doubt that it is number one
friends, add a balance to the social mix of Yes, indeed, we are the people of the describe to you two scenarios that will on your own best kveller list.
the evening. They can be your insurance books. In the center of our synagogues enable you to forego the expensive van-
that your family will comport themselves there are no icons, but there stand our ity press alternative and to publish your Tzvee Zahavy received his Ph.D. from
with greater dignity and propriety. Its no books our Torah scrolls up front of us. book yourself. Brown University and his rabbinic
We revere our main book. We kiss it If what you want to produce is an eBook, ordination from Yeshiva University. He
The Dear Rabbi Zahavy column when it passes in front of us in procession I recommend you go ahead and use the is a kvelling author and has published
offers mindful advice based on and we dance with it on a festival day. And service called Amazon Kindle Direct. many books through traditional
Talmudic wisdom. It aspires to be one Judaic value that is out there, but not And if you want to publish an on-demand academic presses, and through the newest
equally open and meaningful to all commonly observed, says that it is a mitz- paperback book, I suggest that you use publication platforms available. His more
the varieties and denominations vah for every Jew to write a sefer Torah. Amazons CreateSpace. than 60 books about Judaism include The
of Judaism. You can find it here The larger literate world we live in The publication cost can be zero if you Polychrome Historical Haggadah, The
on the first Friday of the month. respects books, and book making too. do all the preparations yourself. Or they Book of Jewish Prayers in English, Gods
Please email your questions to You should know that the way people can be minimal with the affordable a la Favorite Prayers and Talmudic Advice make books is changing now rapidly from carte help available from the company. which includes his past columns from the
day to day. Technology is making the In both cases your books will be created Jewish Standard and other essays.
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44 Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017

Jewish World
BRIEFS $55 million project revives potash mineral salts saw engineers raise the level of the hotel
Dead Sea beaches, hotels districts beaches by 6.5 feet. Additionally, saltwater-proof clay
berms have been installed along the entire length of Ein Bokeks
Arab center ranks Israeli Minister of Tourism Yariv Levin dedicated a new 3-mile- beaches.
3 Israeli universities long promenade along the Dead Sea beachfront at Ein Bokek Levin also announced proposals for a major expansion,
among worlds top 10 as part of a $55 million project seeking to revive the Dead Sea including the construction of at least 12 new hotels. The facilities
hotel district. would add 3,700 hotel rooms on top of the current 4,000 to
The Center for World University Rankings, an initiative The Dead Sea infrastructure project, which began in 2012 the Ein Bokek district, and would bring 20,000 more jobs to the
launched by Saudi Arabia and based in the United Arab and concluded in 2016, was developed to combat flooding at Dead Sea region. According to Levin, the new hotels would be
Emirates, has listed three Israeli universities in its inaugu- the seas southern basin. The initiative which is funded jointly more environmentally friendly while blending into the natural
ral subject rankings. by the Israeli government and Dead Sea Works, a supplier of landscape.


The rankings showcase the top global universities in 227

different subjects, covering academic fields in science and
social science. CWUR lists Haifas Technion Israel Insti-
tute of Technology as the worlds top school for aero-
space engineering, and among the top 10 in the categories
computer science theory and methods (No. 4) and
computer science information systems (No. 8).
Hebrew University of Jerusalem was ranked fourth in PROJECT S.A.R.A.H.
the subject of logic, and Tel Aviv University was listed
among the top 10 schools for physics fluids and plas- Stop Abusive Relationships At Home
mas (No. 6) and computer science theory and methods
(No. 7). JNS.ORG

U.S. Supreme Court considers

Dr. David Pelcovitz

Arab Banks liability for GUEST OF HONOR
terror attacks in Israel
The U.S. Supreme Court this week agreed to consider a
Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair
revival of litigation against Arab Bank, holding the Jordan-
in Psychology and Education,
based institution financially liable for terror attacks in
Israel and for acting as terrorists paymaster.
A N N UA L Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish Education,

The judges agreed to hear an appeal of litigation that B R E A K FA S T Yeshiva University

was brought by nearly 6,000 plaintiffs, including relatives
of non-U.S. citizens murdered in terror attacks and attack
survivors. It was rejected by a lower court.

Rabbi Yaakov Neuburger

Using the U.S. Alien Tort Statute to sue for damages,
the plaintiffs allege that Arab Bank knowingly and deliber-
ately financed terror attacks in Israel as well as payments
to the families of suicide bombers between January 1995
and July 2005. Senior Rabbi, Congregation Beth Abraham
The plaintiffs argue that Arab Bank arranged payments
to the relatives of terrorists from four Palestinian terrorist
SUNDAY Bergenfield, New Jersey
Rosh Yeshiva, Rabbi Isaac Elchanan Theological
organizations. JNS.ORG
APRIL 30, 2017 Seminary (RIETS), Yeshiva University

Israeli intelligence chief warns 9:30 AM -11:30 AM

of missile factories in Lebanon

Peggy Danishefsky
The director-general of Israels Intelligence Ministry, Cha- VOLUNTEER RECOGNITION AWARD
gai Tzuriel, warned of a whole new kind of threat against
Israel taking hold inside Lebanon, involving increasing
Iranian influence along the Jewish states borders. CONGREGATION
Founder, Mothers Day Gift Baskets Program
Tzuriel expressed concern regarding the huge devel-
opment of advanced Iranian weapons workshops build-
ing missiles inside Lebanon. The creation of a corridor 600 ROEMER AVENUE
between Iran and Lebanon, through Iraq and Syria
dubbed the Iranian crescent is a more immediate TEANECK, NEW JERSEY
threat than the Iranian nuclear issue, he emphasized.
He also voiced concern about Irans role in Syria, tell-
ing reporters, Israel believes that if Iran bases itself for

to reserve or donate:
the long run in Syria, it will be a constant source of fric-
tion and tension And I think that may be only the tip of
the iceberg. Were talking here about the creation of an
Iranian crescent. WWW.PROJECTSARAH.ORG
He made the comments at an event organized by the
Israel Project, a nonpartisan American educational orga-
nization, and came within a week of the U.S., Russia and BABYSITTING AVAILABLE (PRIOR RESERVATION REQUESTED)
Israel reportedly agreeing on the need to restrain, and VALET PARKING AVAILABLE
eventually expel, Iran and its terror proxies from Syria.


Keeping Kosher

Fun Passover recipes


While searching for fun, easy-to-pre-

pare foods that might work for Pass-
over, I went to the site.
Choices included appetizers, main
dishes, desserts, side dishes, starters,
soups, snacks, salads, and more. It
was like a treasure chest with recipes save recipes. With some help from
from renowned kosher chefs includ- Kosher.coms editorial staff, I picked
ing Susie Fishbein, Jamie Geller, and the two easy recipes below that should
Naomi Nachman. The site even allows not be passed over for guests.
you to create your own recipe box to

Holiday section is supersized Absolutely

at Seasons Clifton supermarket Addictive Matzah
Seasons, the countrys largest kosher super- products, ranging from staples through
market chain, has opened North Jerseys gourmet hard-to-find products, to fresh RACHEL NAYMAN
largest kosher for Passover supermarket. meat, fish, and produce, all under one roof.
The Seasons Passover superstore, inside Designed with the customer in mind, the
Basic Matzah Brittle
the brand-new Seasons in Clifton, boasts Passover superstore boasts wide aisles and a
20,000 square feet of kosher for Passover 500-car parking lot. 4 square pieces of matzah
1 stick of margarine
1/8 teaspoon salt
1 cup brown sugar Make the matzah brittle
Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Ar-
Smores Topping range matzah crackers in a single
1/2 cup chocolate chips
layer on a foil-lined pan. Melt mar-
1/2 cup mini marshmallows
garine and brown sugar in a pot
Chocolate Craze until caramelized. Pour caramel
1/2 cup chocolate mixture over matzah and let bake
almond slivers or crushed almonds for seven minutes.
Mint Magic Take out of oven and sprinkle with
8 ounces white chocolate chocolate chips or chocolate as
crushed mint candies specified for your chosen toppings.
Place back in oven for two minutes,
Pomstachio then spread to cover. Sprinkle with
8 ounces white or dark chocolate remaining topping. (For smores
chips and mint magic, place back into
3/4 cup chopped salted pistachios oven for another two minutes).
1/2 cup pomegranate seeds Drizzle with more melted chocolate.
Freeze and break into bark pieces.

Pecan Encrusted
Side of Salmon
Main ingredients
1 1/2 lbs. filleted salmon side
3 tablespoons mayonnaise
3 tablespoons honey
1/2 teaspoon garlic powder
1/2 cup pecans, crushed
1/2 cup glazed pecans, crushed

Prepare the salmon

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Sprinkle the nuts in stripes over
Rinse salmon. Place on parch- the fish. Bake for about 15 to 18
ment paper-lined baking sheet minutes, or until the fish flakes
and pat dry. Mix mayonnaise, easily at its thickest part.
honey, and garlic powder and KOSHER.COM
spread a thin layer over the fish.
(Use any extra or make more to Originally printed in Whisk by Ami
serve as a sauce with the fish.) Magazine


Keeping Kosher

Matzah factory is thriving

near original Hudson Yeshiva
Union City is home to the Klausen- position there in the early 1970s
berg community matzah-baking when the Hudson County Jewish
factory on 34th Street. The Klausen- community had dissipated. Nearby
berg community is in the Rabbi was the original Yeshiva of Hudson
Hirschman Temple Israel Emanuel County. The HC Yeshiva emerged
building, originally modeled after to become the Rosenbaum Yeshiva
the Touro Synagogue. in Bergen County which now boasts
The Klausenbergs assumed its over 1,000 students.

Surprises arrive from Kayco HAPPY PASSOVER

just in time for the holiday
Kayco, the nations leading It offers Coconut Chips
source for certified kosher and in three varieties for DELI RESTAURANT CATERING
kosher for Passover products, healthy snacking, gar- Serving The Kosher Way Since 1976

has first-ever pre-made frozen nishes, and more. Had- Readers
# New Jersey
Avi & Haim Poll 894 Prospect Street
kosher for Passover pie and tart dars Crisp Crostini Toasts Proprietors Glen Rock, NJ
crusts. Certified OU-P and glu- in three flavors make Under Rabbinical Supervision Tel: 201-445-1186
ten-free, the crusts are available great snacks, appetiz- Fax: 201-670-5674
in the frozen kosher aisle in two ers, and salad toppers.
sizes, 9 for pies and 3 for tarts. Schug and pesto, con-
When you come right down to diments that were once
it, food is a big part of the joy of off-limits for Passover, are ZISSEN PESACh!
Passover, says Charles Herzog, now available for the first
chief of new business develop- time. The Mediterranean 2016 19-09 FAIR LAWN AVE
ment at Kayco. But it takes a theme keeps going in the FAIR LAWN
tremendous amount of preparation and mindful eating. frozen veggie aisle with Blanchard & Blanchards two READERS 201 796-6565
We work all year long to develop products that make life new entries, Baby Okra and Artichoke Bottoms.
more convenient and more creative during Passover. Crepes? Pancakes? Fusilli? Gefens fresh, homestyle BAKERY
After all, less time in the kitchen means more time for potato gnocchi and gluten free fusilli pasta are new, CHALLAH
7 Time Winner
consumers to enjoy Passover with family and friends. kosher for Passover surprises along with pancake and #1 BEST CHALLAH STRICTLY KOSHER shomer shabbos
Kaycos new product releases for 2017 include a variety waffle mix, as well as perfect crepe batter in ready-to- 5 Time Winner UNDER RCBC cholov yisroel pas yisroel
of trend-setting items, like vacuum-packed, ready-to-eat pour bottles. There are new Passover gluten-free mat-
beets, the latest craze for consumers seeking all-natural, zah flavors from Yehuda and Sea Salt-Drizzled Chocolate Nut Free
harvest-fresh organics that pack a nutritious punch. Macaroons by Rebecca & Rose. Gefens Almond Butter
Gefens beets are harvested from the field, cooked, joins its popular Cashew Butter, and their tuna, is now Where Quality and Freshness Count!
peeled, and packaged ready to eat. Their vacuum-packed available packed in extra-light olive oil. Large selection of delicious
freshness makes them ideal for everything from salads For information about all Kayco products, go to Challah Pastries cookies bobkas pies & More...
and sides to smoothies and even snacking.

Jamie Gellers beet recipe KOSHER

Chopped Salad la 2 heaping tablespoons sour
Russ and Daughters 2 scallions, chopped
Serves 8 for appetizer and 1 garlic clove, minced
4 for main lunch 2 teaspoons apple cider or white
Salad vinegar
1 pound smoked whitefish, 2 teaspoons prepared
broken into big chunks Presentation
3 hard-boiled eggs, peeled and
cut into wedges
2 tablespoons mayonnaise
1/2 teaspoon kosher salt This salad looks best on a plat- DONUT
Pinch of freshly ground black ter so you can see all the colors.
2 ripe but firm avocados, pitted,
peeled, and sliced pepper Skip the bowl! Pile diced beets on GET
the bottom of the platter. Put all
1 large Honeycrisp or other firm
and sparkly flavored apple,
Pile whitefish, eggs, avocados,
chopped salad on top of beets.
Drizzle buttermilk dressing and
cored, and sliced apple, greens, and matzah on scatter pieces of matzah on top
6 cups mixed sturdy greens, such a large cutting board and chop of salad.
as arugula, kale, or romaine them all together.
2 medium red beets roasted, Roasted beets With This Ad
peeled and diced Dressing Preheat oven to 375 degrees.
2 sheets matzah, broken into Shake buttermilk, sour cream, Drizzle unpeeled beets with extra 1406 Teaneck Rd. Teaneck, NJ
pieces scallions, garlic, vinegar, horserad- virgin olive oil and wrap in foil. (201) 862-0062
ish, mayonnaise, salt, and pepper Roast for about 45 to 50 min-
1 cup buttermilk
in a jar. Store leftover dressing in utes until a paring knife can easily 186 Elmora Ave. Elizabeth, NJ
refrigerator for up to 5 days. pierce without resistance.
(908) 289-9327
Keeping Kosher

Cedar Market Many wines are unique

has a new twist GARY LANDSMAN

on Pay Sach our wine is boring. Then stop
Cedar Market offers a wide variety of low- choosing those made exclu-
cost Passover groceries, complemented sively from grapes you are
with high quality meats and chickens, to familiar with.
make a beautiful seder table. It also has a There is more than Cabernet Sau-
fresh produce department, which receives vignon, Chardonnay and Merlot. Did
daily deliveries of fruits and vegetables. you know that there are literally thou-
Pesach need not be Pay Sach, said Eli sands of wine varietals? In Italy
Langer, the stores chief marketing officer, alone!
punning on the Yiddish word for a lot. While I love a good Cab too, Im
There is absolutely no reason Passover drinking less of it, and lots more wine
shopping should be a grueling experience, department or a weekly circular, Langer made from other grapes.
where families have to unnecessarily empty said. And customers truly appreciate Cedar Everyone has heard of Bordeaux,
their bank accounts to have delicious holi- Market for that. but many are surprised to learn that
day meals, he said. Bordeaux also makes white wine.
We believe in low pricing across our Cedar Market, 646 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, NJ While the familiar Sauvignon Blanc
supermarket, not just in a particular (201) 855-8500 or is one component in Bordeaux white
blends, Semillon is a grape that brings
an added weight and an almost bready
Last-minute tips on Passover cleaning flavor to the blend. I still drink a lot
of Sauvignon Blanc (Goose Bay is a
Here are great suggestions from three experts favorite), but I recently discovered a
on how to properly prepare for the holiday new favorite; the absolutely delicious
Matar Sauvignon Blanc-Smillon.
Anyone who has ever cleaned for Passover my pesach! We leave the flame on for a Another white grape I am mad for is
knows what a hassle it can be. Your Swiffer few hours, and then the rabbi comes in Riesling. Many people think of Ries-
is on overdrive getting under those couches, and blasts them with a blowtorch. ling as a grape used in sweet wine,
mats, and tables. CyberSem, an online semi- 2: For stainless steel, wipe it down with but there are Rieslings that are made
nary for women, wants to make this Passover hot water and then let it dry. After this in a dry style. These wines have acid-
more manageable for you. Here are some tips the blow torch tools come out again. Our ity that balances the sweetness of the traditionally paid by weight. But when
on how to stay sane while cleaning from the kitchen gets lit right before Passover! Riesling grape and result in wines the focus is quality over quantity, Cari-
CEO and founder, Dr. Chavi Goldberg: 3: P.S. Theres no way to kasher a deep- loaded with flavor that go great with so gnan adds tannin, astringency and
1: Stay calm: Remember that dirt and fryer. This is why Le Marais owns 15. many types of food. Two of my favor- color to a blend. Carignan is seen a lot
dust are not chametz! There is a differ- ite dry Rieslings are Carmel Kayoumi in Southern France and Spain, often
ence between Passover cleaning and spring Jonathan Greenstein owns and operates and Hagafens dry Riesling (Hagafen blended with one or all components
cleaning. J. Greenstein and Co., the only auction makes sweeter styles of Riesling too, of a GSM (Grenache, Syrah & Mourv-
2: Room by room: Start by cleaning one house in the United States that deals solely so if you want the dry one make sure dre) blend. Carignan needs a warm
room at a time then declare it chametz in Judaica and Jewish art. He is known for that is the one you pick out). climate to ripen properly and is being
free! This is a great tactic for any working his expertise in Jewish history and in his With the 2007 vintage, Carmel win- made as a single variety wine at many
mom who wants to get a head start on Pass- avid support for the state of Israel. In order ery launched the Carmel Mediterra- wineries in Israel or Spain. For exam-
over cleaning. to get your valuables ready for Passover, nean wine. It was ripe, elegant and ple, check out the well-made Jezreel
Jonathan has a few good tips to help you delicious. It was also a blend. The Winery Carignan.
Meanwhile, at Le Marais kosher French keep your head on straight: grapes werent in the name, but this The list of esoteric varietals goes
Brasserie in Times Square, the work is a lit- 1: Use some non-abrasive polish to wine was definitely a case of the whole on forever, but there is one last
tle more arduous. The owner, Jose Meirelles, shine your seder plate a few weeks being greater than the sum of the grape worth mentioning; Mourv-
said, This year were taking two whole days before Passover. Make sure that you dis- parts. Two of the grapes in this blend dre. The M in the aforementioned
to do to our turnover for Passover Friday play the plate in a dry place free from any came from old vines used in Israel GSM blend, Mourvdre adds red fruit
April 7 and Sunday April 9 but its always dampness. before wine became as popular as it flavors to wines and is said to lend
a multi-step process. The executive chef of 2: Pouring boiling water over a silver is today; Carignan and Petite Sirah. earthy notes. Southern Frances Ch-
Le Marais, Mark Hennessey, has two pieces antique in order to kasher it for Passover These varietals were used to make kid- teauneuf-du-Pape produces trophy
of advice for simple Passover cleaning: might not be the best for its preservation. dush wine back then, but more care wines using Mourvdre and Netofa
1: One of the hardest things to kasher for So instead of using it on your table, per- in the vineyard meant fabulous wines winerys founders believe there are
Passover are stove grates theyre a pain in haps you can display it close by. could be made using these grapes. similarities between the Rhne Val-
PS I love youthis isnt a typo. Its ley and Israel. As such, the winery
the name of a group adopted by peo- focuses mainly on Rhne varietals,
Tool helps to remove ple who love the Petite Sirah grape.
Not related to Syrah, this varietal is
and the flagship Latour Netofa, a
blend of Syrah and Mourvdre, is
every last bit of product known for the dark color it imparts on arguably one of Israels most complex
wines, and is unique in that its pulp is full-bodied red wines.
This nifty gadget finds its way into impossible-to-reach places, helping dark, not just its skin. (A grapes skin Be adventurous and break away
you get the most out of pricey products, from sauces in the kitchen to is where most red wine gets its color). from the norm. Check out one of the
small bottles of cosmetics. Its particularly helpful in getting everything A component in Shiloh Winerys Leg- wines mentioned above or ask your
out of those expensive Passover bottles think horseradish or jelly. The end and made as a single varietal wine wine retailer to recommend a wine
little non-toxic/BPA-free tool also can be used to help with decorating at Teperberg winery, there is good rea- made from an unusual grape. Im not
details on cakes and cookies. Spatty founder Cheryl Rigdon has been son Petite Sirah has a cult following. suggesting you quit your favorite Cab-
featured on Shark Tank. The Spatty is available in different sizes, includ- Carignan was used for kiddush wine ernet or Sauvignon Blanc just yet, but
ing the larger one, Spatty Daddy, at many locations including Bed Bath since its vine produce more clusters save some bottles for other varietals as
and Beyond, K-Mart, Walmart, Harmon, and than other varietals and farmers were wellyou will be rewarded.


As the years pass and

my knowledge of each

vineyard deepens, tending

to the vines turns more

personal and intimate.

I am certain that this

roots one of our secrets

of success.

Golan Flam,

Product of Israel



The Exodus question

that should be asked

oments after we sit down to the that the Lords Torah may be in your mouth.
first seder on Monday, we will Deuteronomy 6:20-25 is more specific:
come to one of the nights high- When, in time to come, your children ask you,
lights the Four Questions. What mean the decrees, laws, and rules that
An even more important question needs to the Lord our God has enjoined upon you? you
be asked, however. shall say to your children, We were slaves to
Why are we doing this at all? Pharaoh in Egypt, and the Lord freed us from
The answer is supposed to be, because Egypt with a mighty hand.Then the Lord
we are commanded to do so, beginning with commanded us to observe all these laws, to
Exodus 13:3-8: Remember this day, on which revere the Lord our God, for our lasting good
you went free from Egypt.And you shall tell it and for our survival.It therefore will be to
to your child on [the anniversary of ] that day. our meritto observe faithfully all these com-
The problem with that answer is that we mandments which He commanded us.
remember the Exodus in so many ways every The Torah constantly equates its command-
Leaving the day of the year. Reference to it
is strewn throughout our daily
ments and their observance to the
narrow place prayers. We specifically recall
it at least twice each day (or we
Shabbat is not merely a mitz-
vah to refrain from creative work

should), when we recite the on the seventh day of every
ts a little odd approaching which is not only the holiday of third paragraph of the Shema week. It is about recognizing
Pesach this year, because freedom but also of spring. Flowers in the morning and the evening, that every one of Gods crea-
somehow some of it seems a are pushing up, trees are greening, the one referring to the wear- tures has the same right as we
little less abstract than usual. magnolias and cherries are budding ing of tzitzit. The Talmud says do to the same day of rest as we
We are told that Mitzrayim Egypt pink-and-white-and-redly. Liberation that one reason for including do. In other words, it is all about
means a narrow place; that our is easier to imagine in the sunlight. this paragraph in the Shema is Rabbi equality. As the version of the
ancestors left a place of constriction, This week, many of our stories its reference to the Exodus. (See Shammai Ten Commandments in Deuter-
restriction, and proscription and seem to be about connection. Three the Babylonian Talmud tractate Engelmayer onomy 5:14-15 puts it: You shall
then took 40 years and a full genera- men discover that they spent some Brachot 12b.) not do any work you, your son
tion to become capable of accepting of their early childhoods in the same The Exodus is recalled, as well, when we or your daughter, your male or female slave,
freedom, with all its very different place, an ocean away. A family stays don tefillin, or at least it should be, according your ox or your she-donkey, or any of your cat-
demands, constraints, and restraints. together by telling the story of the to Exodus 13:9, so that the Lords Torah may tle, or the stranger in your settlements, so that
This year, though, Mitzrayim Exodus in their own way, spurred on be in your mouth that with a mighty hand your male and female slave may rest as you do.
seems a little more real to many of us. by finding a lost branch of the family. the Lord freed you from Egypt. Remember that you were a slave in the land of
Our horizons seem to be shrinking Pesach is about coming together, What, then, is the point of the seder? Why Egypt and the Lord your God freed you from
as the certainties that had defined forging a new identity, strengthen- is what we do this night different from what there with a mighty hand and an outstretched
our lives seem to vanish. Up is down ing an existing identity, eating and we should be doing every day and night of arm; therefore the Lord your God has com-
in this brave new world; enemies are drinking and talking together, taking the year? manded you to observe the Sabbath day.
friends or are they really? Old slo- emotional and spiritual and intellec- The commandments about tzitzit and tefillin This restatement echoes back to Exodus
gans come back have their mean- tual leaps together. contain a broad hint of the real answer. The 23:12, which says that on the seventh day, you
ings changed? Does America no lon- We plan on doing a lot of eating Torah says this tzitzit in Numbers 15:40-41: shall cease from labor, in order that your ox
ger welcome refugees? What would and drinking and talking; we hope Thus you shall be reminded to observe all My and your she-donkey may rest, and that your
have happened to us, or to our par- to discover new ways of looking commandments and to be holy to your God. I bondman and the stranger may be refreshed.
ents, or grandparents? at old problems and we would be the Lord am your God, who brought you out This connection is most prominently seen in
No matter how you feel about the thrilled to uncover new connections. of the land of Egypt to be your God: I, the Lord the verses of Leviticus 19. We are commanded
changes that face us whether you And we plan to spend a lot of time your God. to behave in a certain way. Why? Because, as
cheer them or they scare you pro- outside, marveling at the new life As we just saw, Exodus 13:9, the first refer- verse 19:36 says in summing up the chapter, I
foundly it is impossible to deny and fresh beauty, and hoping for a ence to tefillin in the Torah, includes this: so the Lord am your God who freed you from the
their potency and hard to deny the world that somehow comes back to land of Egypt.
feelings of uncertainty that they its senses. Shammai Engelmayer is the rabbi of In that chapter, reverence for parents is
engender. We wish all our readers a sweet Congregation Beth Israel of the Palisades in followed by Shabbat observance, is followed
So its good to turn to Pesach, and liberating Passover. JP Cliffside Park. by a ban on idol worship; by rules about a

Jewish Editor
Joanne Palmer
Warren Boroson
Advertising Coordinator
Jane Carr
Production Manager
Jerry Szubin
Morris J. Janoff (19111987)
Standard Associate Editor
Larry Yudelson
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Graphic Artists
Deborah Herman
Editor Emeritus
Meyer Pesin (19011989)
1086 Teaneck Road Miriam Rinn Peggy Elias Bob O'Brien
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Teaneck, NJ 07666
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Associate Publisher Emerita
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Rebecca Kaplan Boroson



t The enslavement was
our on-the-job
training to fulfill
Gods hope for a
better world. The
Exodus from Egypt
was the foundation
upon which that
mission was built.
k sacrifice; by laws about what we owe to the poor and
y the stranger; by a law against misusing Gods name to

commit evil; by rules against fraud and robbery; by a
requirement to pay a worker his or her wages on time; The angels voice
by laws against insulting the deaf and putting a stum-
bling block before the blind; by laws requiring a com- The seder, the four children and a barbershop quartet

t pletely fair and unbiased justice system; by prohibiting
spreading rumors about people; by a law to be actively n relating the parental obligation to teach the by such a child, represents a special challenge. It has
- engaged in helping those in difficult straits; and so on. younger generation about the Exodus, the Torah been insightfully noted that the Haggadahs instruction
Verses 19:33-36 conclude the chapter: The stranger is understood to allude to four different types of regarding such a child, at ptach lo You begin the
who resides with you shall be to you as one of your children. process for him or You open the conversation is
, citizens; you shall love him as yourself, for you were One is analytical and so appears to be wise. One is indel- best understood as a pun. Reading the Hebrew with an
- strangers in the land of Egypt: I the Lord am your icate in asking questions and so appears to be hostile or Ashkenazi pronunciation renders the phrase at psach
t God. You shall not falsify measures of length, weight, even wicked. One is innocent, or simple, and one child lo, suggesting, You are Passover (Pesach) for such a
. or capacity.I the Lord am your God who freed you does not yet know how to ask questions. person. Whatever blessing and inspiration
f from the land of Egypt. You shall faithfully observe all The fact that appearances can be deceiv- the One Who Does Not Know How to Ask
My laws and all My rules: I am the Lord. ing, however, is a major theme and lesson of is going to wrest from the seder depends
The enslavement was our on-the-job training to ful- the Torah. The prophet chosen to convey the on our diligent efforts, openness, patience,
- fill Gods hope for a better world. The Exodus from word of God to Israel is a man of labored and and generosity of spirit.
Egypt was the foundation upon which that mission impeded speech. A small, powerless, and The most misunderstood and unappreci-
was built. You have seen what I did to the Egyptians. landless community of enslaved immigrants ated among the four children is the Rasha.
Now then, if you will obey Me faithfully and keep My is in fact Gods chosen people, a nation of How patently unfair and self-defeating it is
x covenant, you shall beto Me a kingdom of priests priests. God is revealed in a burning bush to deem such a child wicked. Hostile? Per-
r and a holy nation. (See Exodus 19:4-6.) that is not consumed. haps. Disinterested? Possibly. A divergent
Rabbi Irving Greenberg once asked this question: So, too, the four children are not necessar- Rabbi thinker? God willing! It must be pointed
How can Jews testify to hope and human value when ily what they appear to be. Is the Chacham Joseph H. out that the Rasha is, at least, present at the
they have been continuously persecuted, hated, dis- wise or is he a wise guy, a smart aleck? Is Prouser seder. That is a beginning. The offending
pelled, destroyed? Out of the memories of the Exodus! she or he truly wise, or does the Chacham question asked by this child, What does this
I (See his 1988 book, The Jewish Way, page 36.) merely crack wise? Is Chacham to be taken literally? Or ritual mean to you? is, furthermore, an entirely appropri-
That, in fact, is the point of the seder and its rituals. is the word spoken with irony or sarcasm? Is the wise child ate and valid inquiry. Is it not the obligation of each and
It is not our task on this night to recall the Exodus; we too clever by half? Is he or she an intellectual snob? An every seder participant to find himself or herself in the
do that enough every day of the year. Our task this ostentatiously elitist braggart? It is not at all clear that the ritual? To view ourselves as if we each personally went
night is to understand why there was an Exodus, and Chacham is the most admirable among the four children. forth from Egypt? It is the parents duty a sacred trust
a to dwell on how that event informed who we are, and So, too, the Tam. Is the simple child lacking in to explain precisely what this ritual means to you,
what we are supposed to do for God because of it. intelligence or sophistication? Or does Tam indicate whether or not this question is actually posed by a child.
someone of pure heart and simple faith? Jacob, the That is a central goal of the seder. The Rasha is effectively
eponymic founder of Israel, is described as Tam (Gen- facilitating our religious observance by asking precisely
esis 25:27). Noah, chosen by God from among all human- the right question.
ity to preserve life on Earth, is described as Tam. Job, How are we to understand the prescribed response to
The opinions expressed in this section are those of with his defiantly unshakable faith, is described repeat- the Rasha hakheh et shinav? The phrase is translated
the authors, not necessarily those edly as Tam ( Job 1:1; 2:3). The Tam among our children variously as Speak harshly (or aggressively, or sharply) to
of the newspapers editors, publishers, or other is in worthy company. him or Blunt his teeth or Set his teeth on edge. Elie
staffers. We welcome letters to the editor. A child who does not even know how to ask ques- Wiesel translates, Make him feel uncomfortable. Some
Send them to tions (or does not know that it is a sacred duty to ask understand the Hebrew to signify we hope metaphori-
questions), or an adult so far removed from Jewish cally Smack him in the mouth!
ritual and learning that she or he is aptly represented SEE VOICE PAGE 52



Passover and the Jewish people

a time to connect and reflect on hard truths

he upcoming holiday of Pass- served so many Jewish people forget about the policies and the actions of committed by others in the
over is the most celebrated of our shared history and return to the divi- the state of Israel and turn it names of their religions and
all the Jewish holidays. siveness of the present? Our ancestors into a terminal disease. Israel nationalism?
It is the time of year that Jew- never could have dreamed about a coun- should be held to a high stan- 3. Why do I, as a Jewish per-
ish people ranging from the unaffiliated to try with the strength, technology, human- dard it is a country born son, not feel a stronger con-
the most observant come together with ity, openness, and compassion that is the from a moral past and based nection to all Jewish people
their families to tell the story of our exodus modern State of Israel. Yet so many Jewish in Torah. However, it cannot wherever they may be in the
from Egypt. At our seders we all will eat people are so quick to point fingers at this be held to a standard that world, not just those that look
matzah and maror, and dip celery in salt nation and accept a narrative coming from no other people or country, like me, pray and observe as I
water. We will remind ourselves about the others, who are bent on our destruction. the United States included, Daniel do, and live near me?
sweat and tears of the slaves mixed with I am struggling to understand the cause ever could meet. And Israel Shlufman 4. Why do I speak the
hope and rebirth that comes along with of this. requires acceptance and words of Exodus, about what
the spring season and our journey through Is it that we are embarrassed by our understanding, in the way we accept all God did for me, without assuming the obli-
the desert to the land of Israel. success? Can Jewish people be content the different members of our family who gation of acting consistent with my respon-
It is a time that we all come together to only when we are victims? If that is the sit around our seder table. Although we sibilities to God and the Jewish nation
celebrate a shared past and look forward case, and as a result of this thinking Israel dont agree with all of them, we provide through words, deeds, and tzedakah?
to our future as free people. As we read does not continue to flourish and remain them with love and support, not disre- If you can answer these questions, or
the Haggadah, we feel the connection to strong, many of us who dont support the spect and contempt. even discuss them at the seder, we will
all that has come before us in Jewish his- Jewish state may inadvertently cause all So this Passover, before you bite into have come a long way toward healing the
tory and we feel our obligations to the Jew- of the Jewish people to return to a victim- that first matzah ball and forget about the divisions within our people.
ish future. We praise God for all that God like status. We can never forget our past, reason you are there at the seder, you may It is a truth that without a strong and com-
has done for the Jewish people in ancient nor can we allow ourselves to be played want to answer the following modern Four mitted diaspora Jewish community, Israels
times and through todays modern miracle by the distortions of the truth about the Questions: future is not assured. It is also a truth that
of the establishment of the State of Israel. settlements and their role in the lack of 1. Why are Jewish people different than without a strong Israel and a cohesive Jew-
When we say Next year in Jerusalem at a peace process. Settlements may not be all other people? Are we not entitled to ish people, the continued viability of the
the end of the seder, we know that it is no something everyone supports and there our own homeland, and to defend it from diaspora Jew is not assured either.
longer a yearning or an aspiration. It is is definitely room in our Jewish family for those who would annihilate us in every
now a reality, which we can experience disagreements. generation? Daniel Shlufman of Tenafly is a member
any time we like, this year, next year, or But as Jewish people we are only safe 2. Why are Israels failings so signifi- of the board of the Jewish Federation of
some other time. and secure when we are united and cant that the rest of the world is looking Northern New Jersey and one of its Berrie
So, then, why is it that as soon as the respect each others differences of opin- to boycott, divest from, and sanction it, Fellows. He is an attorney and a mortgage
story is told and the matzah ball soup is ion. We need not to look at every wart on while looking away from the atrocities broker.

experience more (certainly not less) pal- obstacles, and thereby effectively to move same piece, however gifted the singer
Voice atable like the grain used to counteract the debate closer to the truth. Rasha, we and pleasing the rendition.
the spicy salsa. are in your debt! It is telling that barbershop musicians
Such interpretations of the word hakhei Simply by reading the Mechiltas pre- A useful framework for considering the sometimes refer to the overtone effect as
are unnecessary, unfortunate, and mis- scribed response to the Rasha not as Four Sons and particularly the plight of the angels voice. In the Haggadah, in
guided. Tellingly, this word is found in a harsh declaratory statement, but as the misunderstood Rasha is the music our families and communities, as in bar-
Rashis commentary to Mishnah Pesa- a question, we cheerfully invoke the of the barbershop quartet. bershop music, it is in our integration of
chim 2:8, the tractate dealing with Pass- Socratic method: If you had been there, In this a cappella (unaccompanied different voices and of people with vary-
over observance. In Rashis commentary, wouldnt you have been redeemed, too? vocal) form of music, the lead sings the ing strengths and perspectives that we
he uses the Hebrew verb to describe the The answer implicit in this rhetorical melody, while the tenor and bass harmo- become more than the sum of our indi-
effect of placing grain in the charoset question? Of course you would have nize from above and below, respectively. vidual constituent parts.
(here not a ritual item, but a spicy dip or been! Thats why I celebrate. Thats why The baritone completes the chord. Not All four children contribute to the
relish for dipping meat). The grain was you have every reason to celebrate, too! unlike the various hymns included in the whole. Each is indispensable to proper
used to counteract and dilute the sharp- So lets celebrate together! That is the Haggadah, barbershop music tends to celebration of the festival. No seder or
ness of the dip. Hakheh et shinav response of a worthy parent and an emphasize songs and ballads with simple Jewish community or family is complete
might best be understood, therefore, to effective seder leader. lyrics and accessible melodies. The most (or, ultimately, very interesting) if com-
indicate that we are to de-escalate any Just as more thoughtful analysis reveals distinctive element of barbershop music prised exclusively of sages or exclusively
potential confrontation with the Rasha. that the Chacham may not necessarily be and in many ways its most alluring of rebels. Only in listening openly and
We are to respond to her or his piquant truly sage, and the Tam is no simpleton, quality is the overtone. Also known lovingly to all four sons to all four chil-
questions not with hostile, aggressive, or the Rasha is not properly understood to be as expanded sound or the ringing dren to each other, in all our personal,
caustic retorts: Had he been there he wicked in the literal sense, or even truly hos- chord, the overtone is a natural acous- spiritual, theological, and vocal diversity,
would not have been redeemed! Or, as in tile. The Rasha plays an indispensable role tic phenomenon in which sound waves do we find our purpose, maximize our
the original second-person formulation in the seder, despite the seemingly harsh interact and a fifth voice is produced over insight, hone our perception, and prop-
of the Mechilta, on which the Haggadah and misleading title he or she bears. and above the four voices of the quartet erly fulfill our divine charge.
text is based, If you had been in Egypt, The Rasha is no devil. The term may find as they combine to sing the chord. In understanding the Haggadah, we
you would not have been redeemed! its closest semantic equivalent, rather, in The beauty of the overtone is achieved need all four performers if we hope to
What an abusive and counterproductive the expression devils advocate some- only in the context of four very different hear the angels voice.
sentiment! Rather, hakheh indicates one who asks the tough questions and voices. The listener would be deprived
that we are to respond to the Rashas expresses an unpopular perspective, not of the experience, would be musically Joseph H. Prouser is rabbi of Temple
perceived sharpness with cool heads out of personal conviction or antagonism, and aesthetically impoverished, if only Emanu-El of North Jersey in Franklin
and calming words, aimed at making the but in order to clarify challenges and a bass or only a tenor were singing the Lakes.



Jewish Voice for Peace, how can you? Look at the speakers roster. You will see loads of ended the guarantee for Medicaid-eligible American
Last Friday, a Jewish Voice for Peace held a conference Republicans and only a few Democrats (no Senator Eliz- citizens, and destroyed Obamacare.
in Chicago, with an estimated attendance of 1,000 peo- abeth Warren or Senator Al Franken ) and a lot of crow- Only 17 percent of American citizens want to get rid
ple. The conference was held following a series of fail- ing about President Trump replacing President Obama. of Obamacare. My guess is that the number who would
ures of the BDS movement, the latest of which is the When was the last time either of these groups met with want to hurt Social Security, Medicare, and Medicaid is
legislation passed by Arkansas against BDS, the 17th state Livni, Hertzberg, or Lapid? even lower. The vast majority of Republicans and Demo-
in the U.S. that has passed laws against BDS. There are results of this bias. Jews and others who are crats dont want harm to come to these programs.
One of the main speakers at the conference was Ras- liberal tend to be turned off to Israel advocacy. Would Yes, our founders wrote about seeking the individuals
mah Odeh, a convicted terrorist who was active with not AIPAC and the Conference of Presidents be more right to life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness, but
the Popular Front for the Liberation of Palestine terror effective in forming a coalition across the ideological they also saw the need and created a governmental sys-
organization. Rasmah was convicted and imprisoned in spectrum, including people are not necessarily in love tem encouraged to form a more perfect Union and to
Israel for her terrorist activities. with Trump, Netanyahu or the West Bank settler? provide for the common defense and general welfare.
Other prominent speakers were leading individuals As much as I disagree with both AIPAC and the Con- In the last 100 years, Congress has enacted social
in the boycott and anti-Israel movement. These include ference of Presidents, I must state my distaste for the safety net programs because the people of our country
Linda Sarsour, a prominent anti-Israeli activist in the demonstrators from If Not Now, When and Jewish Voices need them. And the U.S. Supreme Court has ruled each
U.S., whose family members were imprisoned in Israel for Peace. of those laws consistent with our Constitution.
due to their links with Hamas; Bina Ahmad, an attorney First of all, as much as I may disagree with the policies
who also worked for Al Haq and Badi; the lawyer Dima of the Likud-led coalition, the demonstrators seem to
Halidi, who was involved in the legal warfare against ignore the fact that this coalition would not have come
Moshe Bogi Yaalon and Avi Dichter; Fadi Quran, who to power but for the intifada and the violence in Gaza.
in the past held a position in Al Haq, one of the leading Both Labor- and Kadima-led governments tried to end Only 17 percent of
delegitimization organizations in the Palestinian Author- the occupation but were not allowed to, because of the
ity and was arrested Hebron in 2012 following a physical PAs failure to control violence and Hamas. Israel cannot American citizens
altercation with an IDF soldier; and Hatem Aboudiya, be expected to move toward peace unilaterally. want to get rid of
an activist who was interrogated in the United States for The cycle of violence involves two sides.
possession of materials supporting terrorism. Secondly, regarding Jewish Voices for Peace, they have Obamacare. My guess
This conference was dedicated to harming Israel and adopted the most anti-Israel positions of them all. They is that the number
to the planning of boycotts, against the backdrop of a can cry about the Nakba ( Made necessary by the Arab
series of failures that the movement has suffered in the leaderships position on partition) but not about the who would want to
last year, in the legislative and economic spheres (closing expulsion of Jews from Arab lands. One has to wonder if hurt Social Security,
bank accounts, growing foreign investments in Israel) they need to adopt such positions to prove how they are
and cultural activities (many prominent artists are plan- proper leftist. This is not unlike the Jewish Stalinists in a Medicare, and
ning to perform in Israel in the near future, despite the different generation who endorsed the Soviet-Nazi pact Medicaid is even lower.
attempts by the BDS to threaten and bully them into can- at a time when the Holocaust was beginning.
celing their performances). Among the topics discussed Alan Mark Levin
at the conference: The academic boycott; how to fight Fair Lawn So now the question is whether Trump and Ryan will
legislation against BDS; how to promote labor union set these few Freedom Caucus members free.
boycotts; how to plan multifront campaigns, etc. Health care needs bipartisanship Time for Trump to invite the moderate Republicans
Jewish Voice for Peace was established in 1996 and There is an old expression: Beware the tail that wags and Democrats back to the grownups table. Thats the
currently has 60 branches throughout the U.S. The the dog for that is not the natural order of things. way Ronald Reagan saved Social Security in 1983, when
organization is headed by Rebecca Wilkommerson, The House Freedom Caucus, formerly the Tea Party he worked with Tip ONeil and the House Democrats.
who lived in Israel for several years and was arrested Caucus, has been the tail wagging the Republican Party If he follows Reagans example, Trump just might save
in 2014 for trespassing on the FIDF offices in New York. in Congress and America for the last 20 years. Obamacare. He could even take the first steps toward
The organization routinely collaborates with pro-Pales- They scare the heck out of House Speaker Paul Ryan, Medicare For All, a program that will bring universal
tinian organizations operating against the State of Israel, President Trump, and many Republican moderates. health care to America and reduce our health care costs
including Students for Justice in Palestine, which works Freedom Caucus supporters have been, with some dramatically.
to boycott Israel on campuses; American Muslims for exceptions, the likeliest to turn out in Republican pri- After all, our present health care system relies on pri-
Palestine, and others. maries and in heated general elections, though their vate insurance companies to provide coverage; and their
The JVP is an anti-Semitic organization which incites numbers are far less than the rest of registered Repub- profit-making overhead is 15 percent. Medicares over-
against Israel. It regularly cooperates with extremist licans. The Freedom Caucus is a group of only about 35 head is only 3 percent.
organizations which seek Israels destruction. It is inex- to 40 of the Houses present 237 Republican members. There would still be a role for private companies in
cusable that the organization chose to host at its confer- Without their votes, though, the House Republicans offering the kind of supplemental insurance they now
ence a terrorist who was convicted for her involvement need Democratic votes to reach a majority of 218, to sell to todays Medicare recipients.
in murdering two Israeli students. I will continue to lead pass a bill. But first the American people must persuade Trump
a determined struggle against those who seek to harm Congressmen in the Freedom Caucus talk constantly that he wont be popular again unless he creates a bipar-
Israel and undermine its legitimacy. about letting the American people be free of the kinds tisan effort to save Obamacare and then realize universal
As a Jew, I am ashamed that a conference that is filled of federal government intervention they dont like. health care for all Americans.
with hatred for Israel, and whose sole purpose is to They describe most federal programs as ones making Stopping Trump/Ryancare saved 14 million Americans
harm the homeland of the Jewish people, is led by a Jew- Americans weak and socialist. from losing their health insurance next year; 24 million
ish organization. However, for example, they insist on federal crop from losing theirs in the next 10. It also avoided huge
Gilad Erdan and coal subsidies for their constituents, U.S. national increases in the healthcare and prescription costs for
Israel trade barriers against their states products com- seniors, the poor and working poor.
petitors, Congressional grants for roads, sewers and Now moderate Republicans and Democrats must insist
Gilad Erdan is Israels Minister of Strategic Affairs. bridges, and federal government money and supplies that the president and Speaker Ryan abandon their Free-
He is a member of the Likkud party. in the event of natural disasters. The list is long. dom Caucus on this issue and reach out to them to fix
Most of them would never want to reveal to their Obamacare and enact some form of Medicare for All.
AIPAC must build bridges families and constituents that their health care policies Progress in our time. It is still possible. It is up to us.
The problem with both AIPAC and the Conference of will actually hurt Social Security, Medicare, Medicaid, Steven R. Rothman
Presidents of Major American Jewish Organizations is and Obamacare. Yet that would have been the effect of Englewood
that when it comes to both Israeli and American politics, their efforts, a few years ago, to privatize Social Secu-
they have ceased to be bipartisan for the last 25 years; rity; and this year to pass the Trump/Ryancare plan Steven R. Rothman, a Democrat, represented New Jerseys
they have been pro-Republican and pro-Likud. that voucherized Medicare, raised prices for seniors, 9th Congressional District from 1997 to 2013.



Approach Marine Le Pen with caution

here was an illumi-
nating report from
Paris in the Wall
Street Journal this
week that told how Marine
Le Pen, leader of the far-right
National Front, has been con-
sulting a group of French bank-
ers and captains of industry
in a bid to continue the main- Ben Cohen
streaming of her party as the
countrys presidential election approaches.
Named Les Horaces in honor of imperial Romes most
illustrious and politically astute poet, this collection of dig-
nitaries is preparing Le Pen, who represents what up until
now has been a perennial party of opposition, for the chal-
lenges of government. If Le Pens first task was to shake off
the legacy of her father, Jean-Marie the spiteful, bigoted
anti-Semite who founded the party her second will be
learning how to competently run Frances intensely com-
plex state institutions and bureaucracies.
While Le Pen can point to President Donald Trumps
victory as an example of how polling predictions can fall
spectacularly flat, she also might want to study his first two
months in office, during which the White House has failed
to manage either the legislative agenda or the presidents
media image. Its distinctly possible that the same fate
could befall her if she wins the electoral contest on April 23.
Depending on where you sit, a Le Pen victory would sig-
nal either the demise of fascism or its rebirth. The former
view is held by National Front activists and their global Marine Le Pen on the campaign trail in France. JNNICK JRMY VIA WIKIMEDIA COMMONS

echo chamber, who insist that Le Pens expulsion of her

father from the very party he created a move requiring as a modern ideology distinct from its Christian forebear,
courage and wiliness worthy of a Shakespeare plot sig- proudly organizing themselves into political parties with
nals an irrevocable break with its Nazi-stained past. names like the League of Anti-Semites. The Dreyfus trial,
From this perspective, Le Pen is not so much Marshal If the last two decades perhaps the key episode in the evolution of anti-Semitism
Petain, the collaborationist leader of German-occupied as a genocidal ideology, took place in France, and it defined
France, as she is Charles de Gaulle, the resistance leader have taught us anything, an entire generation. Today, France is rife with anti-Semitic
who shaped postwar France and regarded international its that you dont need assaults, abuse, and terror attacks, much of it emanating
institutions like NATO with Gallic sniffiness. Accord- from the same Muslim migrant communities targeted by Le
ing to her advocates, Le Pens Gaullist French national- anti-Semitic laws or Pen and therefore the source of the notion that unlike her
ism resembles that of Trump in America forthrightly policies, nor anti- father, she will be good for the Jews.
opposed to immigration, contemptuous of multicultural- It would be foolish, however, to reach that conclusion. If
ism, warning constantly of the dangers of Islamic radical- Semitic government the last two decades have taught us anything, its that you
ism, and aggressively seeking national control of trade and ministers, to have a dont need anti-Semitic laws or policies, nor anti-Semitic
fiscal policy. What this means, first of all, might be the col- government ministers, to have a major problem with anti-
lapse of the European Union, should France abandon the major problem with Semitism. The hostility to Jews that envelops large sections
euro single currency and then follow the U.K.s example anti-Semitism. of the Muslim community, the far left, and the nostalgists
by leaving the EU itself. of the right will not disappear just because Le Pen becomes
That fuels the opposite idea: that a Le Pen victory would president. Indeed, the phenomenon could get worse.
mean the triumph of fascism at the polls in Europe for the And yet, those who believe that Le Pen is a French ver- If Le Pen follows through on her campaign rhetoric by
first time since the end of World War II. For all of its glar- sion of Trump would do well to reconsider. Whereas in denying French Jews the right to hold dual Israeli citizen-
ing imperfections, the EU has been the embodiment of the Trumps case, much of the election campaign involved ship, Frances perennial Jewish question likely will find
postwar pledge that never again would Europe collapse discussing whether he even had any deeply held beliefs, itself in the national spotlight once more, echoing past
into war and genocide. The manner of achieving this goal Le Pen comes from a recognizable and established tradi- smears about dual loyalty as well as present ones about
was the EU, with its open borders and its control of trade. tion post-fascism, if we are to call it that, still comes from the irritating communalism a phrase from the pen of
Without the EU, the theory goes, Europe risks again fascism after all. leading French journalist Christophe Barbier French
becoming a system of competing nation-states. Add to that Theres another crucial difference. Trump has been Jews displayed during the rowdy anti-Semitic and anti-
government-sanctioned racist rhetoric and discriminatory portrayed unfairly as an anti-Semite, with little evidence Zionist demonstrations that accompanied the Gaza war
policy, and all of a sudden, the 1930s dont look so distant. to show for the claim; one reason for that is simply that in 2014.
To my mind, neither of these viewpoints captures the unlike France, America has no established anti-Semitic That is why I say, to those in America convinced that Le
profound challenge that a Le Pen victory would represent. tradition. Sure, weve had to deal with Father Coughlin, Pen will be a faithful partner in the anti-globalist crusade,
Even if fascism were to return to 21st-century Europe, it David Duke, and Pat Buchanan, but there is no history of be careful what you wish for. JNS.ORG

would look very different than its 20th-century incarna- anti-Semitic legislation here, and neither of the two main
tion. And if Le Pen were intent on setting up a totalitarian parties ever has incorporated anti-Semitic ideology into Ben Cohen, senior editor of and the Tower
state, with racial laws against Jews, Muslims, and other its program. magazine, writes a weekly column on Jewish affairs and
minorities, and with an ever-present secret police, she In France, anti-Semitism has been, and is, far more seri- Middle Eastern politics. His work has been published in
would find the task much harder than Hitler did as he built ous. As in Germany, French intellectuals in the 19th and 20th Commentary, the New York Post, Haaretz, the Wall Street
from the ashes of the Weimar Republic. centuries played a pivotal role in developing anti-Semitism Journal, and many other publications.


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Passover Greetings

Happy Happy
from Passover
Tammy and
Phil Murphy
A Governor who has our back!
Paid for by Murphy for Governor, One Gateway Center, Suite 1025, Newark, NJ 07102

Wishing our Friends

and Constituents
A Zissen Pesach



Bergen County Freeholders

Freeholders David Ganz, Germaine Ortiz,
Mary Amoroso, Steve Tanelli
2017 Hadassah, The Womens Zionist Organization of America, Inc. Hadassah, the H logo, and Hadassah the Power
of Women Who Do are registered trademarks of Hadassah, The Womens Zionist Organization of America, Inc.
Chairwoman Tracy Silna Zur,
Vice-Chair Tom Sullivan
Paid for by the committees to elect David Ganz, Germaine Ortiz, Mary
Amoroso, Steven Tanelli, Joan Voss, Tracy Zur and Thomas Sullivan

544 Teaneck Road
Teaneck, NJ 07666

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Passover Greetings
Bergen County Executive
Bergen County Executive

Glen Rock Jewish Center

682 Harristown Rd, Glen Rock, NJ

(201) 652-6624

Happy Passover Warm Wishes

from your friends at for a Passover
James J. Tedesco, III Filled with
James J. Tedesco, III
Wishes all Friends
Health and

and Constituents
60 Washington Avenue Westwood, NJ 07675
A Happy Passover 201-666-2112 201-666-4661 FAX

Paid for by Tedesco for County Executive 2018

Treasurer John Ten
Paid forHoeve, 242forOradell
by Tedesco Avenue,2018
County Executive Paramus, NJ 07652

Wishing you a
Treasurer John Ten Hoeve, 242 Oradell Avenue, Paramus, NJ 07652

Happy Passover Sweet Passover

Bob Gordon
Tim Eustace
National Council of Jewish Women Joe Lagana

Bergen County Section Paid for by Bob Gordon for Senate, PO Box 14, Fair Lawn, NJ 07410

PASSOVER Happy and

Sweet Pesach!

Wishing you and your loved ones

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Passover Greetings

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Passover Greetings

Happy Passover! Chag

Best wishes for a happy and heathy Passover.

Sameach! J&J P H A R M AC Y

Michael Fedida, R.Ph., M.S.

385 Howland Avenue 527 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, NJ 07666
River Edge, NJ 07632 EMAIL:
(201) 489-2463 Celebrating our 70th Anniversary

115 Cedar Lane, Teaneck

Chag Sameach

115 Park Avenue, Hoboken NJ 07030


We hope your Seder is filled with friends and family,

delicious food and making memories.
Wishing Everyone
A Happy, Healthy There are many families in our community who cant afford a Seder.
Zissen Pesach
The Board of Directors A gift to the Federation feeds hungry families and ensures everyone
can celebrate the joyous festival of Passover.
Mount Moriah Cemetery
685 Fairview Avenue, Fairview, NJ 07022
24 Hour phone 201-943-6163

Please consider making a donation for families in need.

Jewish Federation

Wishing you a Happy Passover!

From your friends,


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You A District 37 State Legislators
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Passover Greetings

A Zissen Pesach Happy Passover

A Zissen to my Family
and Friends
Pesach! Marcia Garfinkle

Council President Hedy Grant

Councilwoman Randi Duffie
Councilman Ira Grotsky
New Milford

Happy Passover of Inc.

s Cucina
Spanish & Portuguese Cuisine
Rit ark,
Aldo 120 TERHUNE DRIVE WAYNE, NJ 973-616-0999
o p
Sh oln P
c Wishing
Happy Passover L i n
R I S T O R A N T E I TA L I A N O All Our
777 Hamburg Turnpike Wayne NJ 07470
Phone: (973) 872-1842 Fax: (973) 628-8660 Wishing You a Sweet & Healthy Passover

A Happy
Wishing you a
Happy Passover The Mall at Beaver Brook
60 Beaver Brook Rd. Box 517
Elie Y. Katz Lincoln Park, NJ 07035

Paid for by the committee to Re-elect Elie Y. Katz, Harry Szafranski, Treasurer 1415 Queen Anne Rd, Teaneck
396 Queen Anne Road, Teaneck 201-836-4135

Wishing All Our Readers

A Joyous Passover

May your cup overflow with goodness and happiness

The Staff of The Jewish Standard
66 Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017
Dvar Torah
Tzav: Our internal and external fires

hen discussing the details perpetual light which constantly burned in As we endeavor to find Rabbi Shmuel, the fourth
of the Temple activities in the Tabernacle (and later in the holy Tem- happiness and fulfillment, rebbe of Chabad, would elabo-
the Torah, we are not just ple). It also serves as a symbol of Gods we often get caught up in rate: Prayer must be with life.
referencing the ancient unwavering presence and of our perpetual our own self-improvement Through giving charity to a poor
practices. Rather, we are learning essential faith in God. and development, seeing person and giving him life, ones
and life-enhancing lessons for our character The famous biblical commentator Rashi any concern for the out- personal prayer is suffused with a
building and spiritual development. teaches us that by using the word contin- side as a distraction. But great increase of aliveness.
In the Temple, there were two altars: the uously in the context of the outer altar, the law of the menorah Indeed, the first thing we will
inner altar for incense and the outer altar the Torah reminds us of the menorah teaches us otherwise. do this Monday evening as we sit
upon which the sacrifices were brought. which is called the ner tamid, the con- Just as the menorah must Rabbi down to enjoy our seder will be
In this weeks portion we read (Leviticus, tinuous light. It thereby teaches us the law be kindled from the exter- Mendy Lewis to recite the Ha Lachma Anya,
1:5-6) that The fire on the [outer] altar that the menorah, which was in the inner, nal altar, so too our eternal Chabad of Old where we invite those who are
Tappan, Orthodox
shall be kept burning; it shall not be extin- more sacred area of the Tabernacle, was flame, our personal suc- hungry to join us. It is only when
guished. The priest shall kindle wood on it lit from the aish tamid, the continuously cess and spiritual growth, we ignite the eternal flame of
every morning. A fire shall be kept burn- burning fire of the altar that stood in the can only be achieved when another that we can truly expe-
ing continuously on the altar. It shall not outer, less sacred area of the Tabernacle. it comes from the eternal fire of the outer rience the rich and life-enhancing traditions
be extinguished. There is an important lesson in our altar. It is only when we help others, when of Passover.
As one reads these verses, an obvious self-refinement and Divine service in this we perform activities that benefit our society, So, this year, as we prepare for our seder,
question can be asked: If the fire on the detail. The menorah and other vessels of deeds that uplift the spirits of our friends and lets try to think of a Jewish person who may
altar is to be kept burning and not be extin- the inner area of the Tabernacle repre- neighbors, that we will truly be able to focus be on his or her own. Lets invite them to a
guished, wouldnt that imply that it must sents inner service, and the altar which on and find personal success and fulfillment. seder, or give them authentic shmura matzah
burn perpetually? What message does the stood on the outer, less sacred area of the This idea is expressed beautifully in the or another Passover essential. This year, lets
Torah wish to convey by adding that the Tabernacle represents our outer service. ancient Talmudic tradition of giving charity ensure that we have done our part in seeing
fire must be kept burning continuously, Our inner service is where we focus on before praying. On an elementary level, giv- to it that every Jew has the ability to celebrate
and what lesson does it teach us about the developing our personal character, and ing charity before prayer is like giving a gift Passover and feel the continuous flame of
human soul? elevating ourselves. Our outer service to the king before making a request. On a their soul, and in turn, may God bless each of
In many synagogues, one will find a ner is that which we do to benefit the well- deeper level, however, it is about provoking us and all of the Jewish people with a happy
tamid, an eternal lamp above the ark. This being of those around us and our efforts Gods kindness through giving charity and and healthy Passover.
eternal light is a symbol of the menorah, the to improve our environment. doing acts of kindness ourselves. Shabbat Shalom and Chag Sameach.


AJC calls on Trump to look into The Guard was barely nascent at the time of the inter- launched his Hungarian political party, the New Dem-
view, and its embrace of hypernationalism and anti-Sem- ocratic Coalition, with veterans of Jobbik, a party AJC
Gorkas far-right Hungarian ties itism which led to international condemnation and to describes as an outright racist and anti-Semitic group.
The American Jewish Committee called on the Trump a ban U.S. entry for members of the guard would come  JTA WIRE SERVICE

administration to look into associations between Sebas- later. Moreover, Gorka said in the interview that while he
tian Gorka, who serves as a counterterrorism adviser to saw a need for the Guard, he also regarded the initiative NCSY regional director
President Donald Trump, and the far right in Hungary. as political exploitation by right wing parties that were
The AJC statement came after revelations that Gorka rivals to his own. to advise Trumps Israel envoy
said in a 2007 TV interview that a societal need was During the program, a banner declares of Gorkas Aryeh Lightstone, a longtime official in U.S. Orthodox
filled by a Hungarian nationalist militia that later was party support for the Guard. Jewish organizations who now is the regional director of
accused of racism and anti-Semitism. In 2009, the militia, which marched under the colors the National Conference of Synagogue Youths New York
AJC calls on the administration to look into new rev- of the Nazi-era Arrow Cross movement, was banned in region, will advise David Friedman, the just-installed U.S.
elations about Sebastian Gorkas past, the AJC, a centrist Hungary on the grounds that it generated ethnic tension ambassador to Israel.
group that is a preeminent representative of American and threatened public order. It soon relaunched itself NCSY is the Orthodox Unions youth group.
Jewish views in foreign capitals, said in a statement. They under a new name. The Jerusalem Post reported that the State Department
raise serious concerns about his current role as deputy Gorka was born to Hungarian parents in England in confirmed that Lightstone would have an advisory role at
assistant and advisor on counterterrorism to President 1970. He moved to Hungary in 1992, where he appeared the embassy. It did not say in what capacity.
Donald J. Trump, and as a member of the administrations on TV as a counterterrorism expert, helped found the Lightstone also is a co-founder of Mekorot, an online
Strategic Initiatives Group. NDC, and served as an adviser to Viktor Orban, a politi- Jewish education portal, and has served in rabbinic roles
Gorka can be seen in the interview, obtained by the For- cian who now heads the conservative Fidesz party. He on Long Island. According to his biography on the Ortho-
ward, saying that he was not opposed to the establishment later moved to the United States, becoming a naturalized dox Union website, he has ties to Israeli Prime Minister
of the Hungarian Guard, a paramilitary militia with strong citizen in 2012. Benjamin Netanyahu and to Ivanka Trump, President
ties to the nationalist Jobbik party. In 2009, a Hungarian Last month, several Democratic lawmakers wrote let- Donald Trumps Jewish daughter, who is working for her
court banned the Guard. ters to Trump voicing concern over reports in the Forward father as an unpaid adviser.
In the interview, when Gorka was asked, as a leader of of Gorkas alleged membership in a Hungarian far-right The Senate last month confirmed Friedman, a long-
the newly formed New Democratic Coalition party, if he nationalist group, Historical Vitzi Rend. Gorka denied the time lawyer to Trump, in a mostly party line vote. Fried-
supported the establishment of the militia, he said, That association, but said he has worn the regalia of the group man was controversial in part because of his deep phil-
is so, explaining that it responds to a big societal need. as a tribute to his father, who was honored by the group anthropic investment in the settlement movement and
Hungary was facing widespread anti-government pro- for his anti-communist activism after World War II. for his insulting broadsides targeting liberal Jews, for
tests at the time. Gorka has denied outright support for The AJC statement also referred to Gorkas associa- which he has offered regrets.
the Hungarian Guard. tions with Historical Vitzi Rend, and noted that he  JTA WIRE SERVICE


The Frazzled Housewife Crossword

You are doing

WHAT for Passover??

eople have been going away for a., arent invited to go away; b., cannot afford
Passover since the beginning of to go away; or c., really love staying home.
time. But this column isnt going to discuss those
In fact, the origin of the word people. This column is going to discuss those
Passover, though thought to have been people who usually go away every single year
because God passed over the houses of the and this year they are not.
Jews, was really because they This year, when people ask
had Do not disturb signs them if they are going back to
on the doors. You might have Florida, they have to reply, No,
heard otherwise, something we are (gasp) home this year.
about blood on the doorposts. The culprit? The dreaded Zika
All rumors. Totally fake news. virus. A few months ago, the
A group of women were fed governor of Florida announced
up with the heat in the desert that there were mosquitoes car-
and they just did not want to rying the Zika virus flying loose
make Passover. The sand gets in Florida. This caused quite a
all over the place and it isnt Banji stir, because many of the most
so easy to clean up. One kid Ganchrow successful Passover programs
spills his mushed-up crackers are in Florida. Many women
and the process starts all over who attend those programs
again. That is why people go away for Pass- are in their prime child-bearing years. Many
over. And it started, coincidentally, while we grandmothers and mothers of those women,
were in Egypt. who are in their child-bearing years, were
afraid to put their future great-grandchildren
and grandchildren at risk. So they are making
Across Down
the ultimate sacrifice. They are (gasp) staying 1. Recent Spielberg flop, with The 1. Han Solo carries one
home for the Passover holiday. Some, for the 4. Lewis Black might go on one 2. Helsinki Synagogue language
So they are first time ever. 8. Feline with kesef
14. One can be told for Shalom Bayit
3. ___ HaDor (very holy Jews)
4. Title for a Jewish teacher
For those of us who have staying home
making the down to a science what to buy when, when
15. Its a congregation
16. Pesky comp. program
5. Take on, like Abram to Lot
6. Historic tribe (but not of Jews)
ultimate sacrifice. to start cooking, how to kasher our kitch- 17. In addition to 7. ___ Will Be Blood (Day-Lewis film)
ens in under an hour, how to pretend to be 8. Like Taft or Eglon
They are (gasp)
19. Esther, e.g.
20. It can shut down Jerusalem 9. Purim time, once in a while
excited for all of those people on Facebook
staying home for who are posting pictures of the outfits they
21. Heston as Moses, e.g.
23. Puttin on the ___
10. Author of Concerning the Jews
11. ___ Me Love (film with choreography
are taking with them we dont really feel
the Passover sorry for you. Because these are the same
24. Mosaic piece
25. Classic song from 1939
by Paula Abdul)
12. State that would have been a fitting

holiday. Some, for people who, when they are redoing their 28. Haifa to Nazareth dir.
29. General for Jews on Christmas eve
birthplace for Joaquin Phoenix
13. Ninth letter
kitchen, they dont put in a Passover kitchen
the first time ever. because I am never going to make Passover.
30. ___-Wan (he didnt carry a 1-Down)
31. Echad, to Juana
18. Miracle response
22. Torah cantillation
Hey lady, things happen. Nothing is in our 32. Horned Spider-Man villain created by 26. Rotenberg or Irish Roses man on
Stan Lee Broadway
When it comes to going away for this control. This too shall pass. It is only a week. 27. Yom Kippur, e.g.
34. High res. level for this publications
spring time holiday, it is usually divided into I have been on both sides of this conver- pics 29. Tref appendage?
the haves and have-nots. Or the I have really sation. I have been away and I have stayed 35. It often coincides with April and May 33. Mathieu Schneiders skating org.
good in-laws or parents who take me away home. This year, I am fortunate not to have 36. One way to fall in love 34. Makes like Ike Davis or Ron Blomberg,
40. She killed Sisra at times
or the I do not have anyone who can afford to make Passover. Hopefully, I will be with 43. Rabbi Looksteins NYC area 35. ___air
to take me away. Though there is something my parents and my brother and his family 44. What David felt when seeing 37. Halo, e.g.
very nice about staying home. for the first days, and for chol hamoed and Bathsheba 38. Zeus is a false one
Even when my parents could afford it, it the second days, I am speaking at a hotel in 48. Start of a question from Cain 39. Yeled, to Scotty
49. ___ Lanka 40. Hamelach or Suf
was hard for my grandparents to go away, so the Catskills. Honestly, I feel guilty every time 50. Spot for the exhausted on Shabbat 41. Poet Yehuda
we would make Passover at home, and those I walk into the supermarket and am not buy- 52. Seths mom 42. Finkle is ___! (realization made by
memories have stayed with me always. In ing things for the holiday. I even have called 53. Will power Ace Ventura)
56. Theyre found in Palestine and 45. ___ Us (from The Prince of Egypt)
fact, making charoset with my grandfather some friends who are staying home to see if
Jerusalem? 46. What many Jews do on 62-Across
was so special, that we use the same chop- I can buy things for them. That is how guilty 57. 18 47. Where some spend 62-Across
per all these years later, when my dad makes I feel. But for those who are stranded by Zika 58. Sefer read on Yom Kippur 49. One posing for bat mitzvah pictures
charoset with my boys. When my maternal I think you will be okay. And the ban has 59. Robert De ___ (Crystals Analyze 50. Name that means son of my people
This co-star) 51. Makes like one correcting answers in
grandparents passed away, we started going been lifted by the governor, so, God willing,
60. Rabbi, ___ I... (start of a request for this grid, perhaps
to the Concord Hotel with my paternal grand- you will be back in your hotels next year, and advice) 54. Cause to cower
parents. In order to make that special, we this all will be just a bad memory. 62. 15th of Nisan, or a hint for solving 17, 55. He sang Tradition
would get our own room for our seder, and Wishing everyone a happy and healthy 25, 36, and 53 Across 56. Ill take that as ___
64. One making the parnasah 60. Fix a torn kittel
friends from Fair Lawn would join us. Those Passover, filled with good health, good food, 65. It starts getting counted during 61. Like the Negev
were always the most fun. and most importantly, good memories to last 62-Across 63. Giveret, in Madrid: Abbr
Nowadays, there are Passover programs a lifetime! 66. What Jews do at a Seder
all over the world. Italy, Mexico, Arizona 67. Mix occasionally seen in Jerusalem,
but never Eilat
you name it and there is someone complain- Banji Ganchrow of Teaneck is hoping that she 68. Kudrow who was originally cast as
ing about all of the packing they have to do wont pass out when she speaks. And if she Roz on Frasier
before they get there. And then there are does, she hopes that someone will catch her 69. ACLU focus The solution to last weeks puzzle is
those of us who stay home because we either and that no one is filming it. on page 75.


Arts & Culture
Unlocking The Zookeepers Wife
Interview with director Niki Caro it. It was perfect. It seemed to be the voice to each other and so it was revelatory for
of all of that pain, but so beautiful. me to see documentary material from that
ERIC GOLDMAN Kippur or Its Rosh Hashanah! What? Q: Were there any films that had a par- time in color. I shared it with all my collab-
So I guess movies and Jewish culture have ticular influence on how you made this orators, because it was always my inten-
Niki Caros work in The Zookeepers been a part of my life since as early as I can film? sion to make very natural and very femi-
Wife is exemplary. A native of New Zea- remember. A: There was a documentary made nine images from this material. War did
land, she was educated there, but went Q: How did you respond when you were about when they [the Allied armies] not just happen to men. It happened to
on to graduate studies in Australia. After offered a chance to direct this film? opened up the concentration camps and women and it happened to children and it
she completed a number of award-win- A: I knew my responsibility. I felt it very they had American crews come over with happened to animals. I was going to speak
ning short films and her first feature in keenly. This story needs to be told and color film. It very interesting; very impor- for their experience. It was about the
Australia, she went on to direct such films retold. I had to consider whether I was the tant. Because on Holocaust movies, the sanctuary that Antonina created for those
as Whale Rider, North Country, and right person to tell it and whether I could palette is very gray and brown. Its very people, the beautiful life that she created
McFarland, USA. This is her seventh fea- tell it in a way that would contribute to masculine. I have always maintained inside that villa, with art, with music, with
ture-length film. the ongoing discussion. I was trying very that nature is going to thrive and flourish books. I wanted to celebrate that feminine
Our conversation ranged on a number hard with this material to honor the mil- regardless of what human beings are doing strength in wartime.
of subjects. Ms. Caro focused on her com- lions who lost their lives by celebrating
mitment to tell the story of how a Polish three hundred that were saved and the
couple first committed their lives to saving extraordinary circumstances of their being Interview with Jessica Chastain
and protecting animals in their zoo, and saved and to do so in a way that was very
how that mission shifted to saving Jews. feminine and to offer some kind of healing Jessica Chastain is an Academy Award- Q: What about the role you play as
Here are just a few excerpts from our and hope. All of that said, I thought I was nominated actress whose work in such Antonina?
chat: making an historical drama, but it turns films as The Help, Tree of Life and A: You find out that when reading the
Q: You conclude the film with Jewish out I was making a contemporary film. I Zero Dark Thirty caught our atten- book and her journals, you see that she
stars drawn on the outside walls of the am horrified by how relevant this movie tion. As the zookeepers wife, she had was quite submissive. She deferred to
Warsaw Zoo. Was that your idea? is and I hope it goes out there and helps to interact with real animals. In one her husband a lot. In the film, you see
A: I just wanted to end the movie honor- people connect with why this must never powerful scene, she brings a baby that. You see her always in the shadow
ing those who had passed through the zoo, happen again and why we must stop this elephant that is unable to breathe in the beginning, and shy to step for-
and that seemed like a lyrical and appro- madness. back to life while an adult elephant ward. When Jan is away and she is there
priate way to do it. Q: Toward the films conclusion, you stands directly above her, often plac- at the house, being responsible for so
Q: Growing up in New Zealand, had see Antonina ( Jessica Chastain) walking ing its trunk around her. Ms. Chastain many people, trying to keep everything
you had any interactions with Holocaust off with a little bison in a line of refugees. showed incredible grace playing Anto- hidden when you have the soldiers
survivors? Do you choose to add that? nina, studying extensively for the role, nearby she is organizing the whole
A: I am not Jewish, but coincidentally, I A: No. That was always part of the traveling to Eastern Europe, and even thing. Throughout this film, you see
was educated in a synagogue. My parents script. When we were shooting, I was studying piano. Her performance is them as equals, and you see her step
went through a funky education phase always aware because we were shoot- masterful. forward. And the relationship is rede-
and a new school opened up in a syna- ing in Europe and the whole migrant cri- Q: What attracted you to this particu- fined at the end. That was exciting for
gogue. When I began, it was fifth grade sis was all around us, certainly in Hungary lar story? me to look at a womans place in 1939
and there were only ten of us. There were that it was coming around again. It was A: There was so much in this story and how she found her individuality
over 80 percent gentiles. My earliest mem- very unnerving to me, even more now that was really interesting to me. There within this loving relationship.
ories were of learning Hebrew, singing the after the U.S. election and Brexit. are so many films about the Holocaust, Q: At the beginning of the film, you
Hatikvah. I can still do the prayers and Caro and her crew made a considerable but very rarely do you see it where it interact with animals. In one scene,
write my name in Hebrew. effort to replicate the Warsaw Ghetto. But celebrates love and light. A lot of times there is an elephant right next to you.
I remember that I went to an Anglican I asked why, when she showed the ghetto we see death and darkness, hate and Werent you afraid?
middle school and when I auditioned for in flames, she chose not to include any murder, and the most terrible parts of A: I have no fear. Im not afraid of ani-
the choir, I didnt know any hymns, so I of the armed resistance that took place mankind. This was about an ordinary mals at all. I have people tell me, Dont
sang the Hatikvah a cappella! So Ive there. She answered that she had shot person, an ordinary woman, a couple get too close to the animal! I know that
always felt very close to this story. When such a sequence but had to edit a great who sacrificed their safety to save hun- if I get hurt by an animal in my life, its
we were at school, we had survivors come deal of material out of the film, which was dreds of lives. To me, thats really inspir- my fault. Its not the animals fault. I
talk to us. too long. She went on to describe what for ing. It makes me feel good about human just trust them so much. I know not
Q: When did your interest in cinema her was a powerful portrait of resistance. beings, to know that when something to impose myself on them. I dont try
begin? A: The sequence you are talking about is dark comes, we can step forward and to own them. I dont try to possess
A: We were little children and I think that really around the seder [which takes place be the face of human kindness in the them. I dont have them to do things
maybe my filmmaking may have started at the zoo as the ghetto is aflame]. The feel- face of war. I was also interested in what they dont want to do. I wait for them
right there. We had the Christian holidays ing and the tone was all around the seder. it means to be in a cage, because thats to invite me into their space. I wanted
and the Jewish holidays and my parents I love the sequence. I love the music. Our really a theme of the film the War- them to be happy when they saw me.
both worked, so half the time I was never composer, Harry Gregson-Williams, came saw zoo as a cage, the Warsaw ghetto I wanted them to be safe and to know
in school. They would send my brother and in to our editing room One of the scenes as a cage. Niki (Caro) found that people I wasnt going to do to them anything
me off to the city and we would go watch [he watched] was the seder. He remem- would go on dates outside the Warsaw that scared them. I met with Lily (the
movies, because we didnt have babysit- bered the music and he went back and ghetto and theyd stand in front of the elephant) many times before we even
ters.... We were little, in elementary school, stayed up all night and he called me the fence and take pictures while people began shooting. We just got along!
and invariably when we walked out of the next morning and he said, Listen. Ive inside were suffering. It also relates to Q: Antonina seems to some extent
movies a policeman might ask, Why are just written a little ditty and I will sing it animals, because it is about possessing to be an outsider in Warsaw. She has a
you on the street by yourself in the middle to you, and he sent me what became the a living thing.
of the day? We would say, Well, its Yom theme of the movie. I cried when I heard


Calendar turned away for lack community seder with
Tamara of funds. Also second
night seder. 11 Harold St.
gourmet food and
vegetarian available,
(201) 871-1152 or www. 8 p.m. Special rates. 11 APRIL 19 Harold St. (201) 871-1152
seder. or www.chabadlubavitch. Guide to Jewish
org/seder. practice: Rabbi Jacob
Lieberman leads a
Tuesday hands-on adult education
APRIL 11 Wednesday series, The Great Guide
APRIL 12 to Jewish Practice, at
Sharing Passover in Temple Israel & JCC in
Closter: Temples Beth The Inquisition: The Ridgewood, 7:30 p.m.
El in Closter, Emeth Wayne Public Library The discussion is How
in Teaneck, and Sinai presents The Inquisition the End of Shabbat
in Tenafly invite the History and Legend, Can Be the Beginning
community to Passover a discussion by Kean of a Shabbat Practice
services, 10:30 a.m., at University professor Seudah Shlishit and
Beth El, followed by a Dr. Christopher M. Havdalah for Families.
matzah brei brunch. 221 Bellitto, noon. Funded Series continues May 17
Schraalenburgh Road. by the Horizon Speakers and June 21. 475 Grove
Cantor Sarah (201) 768-5112. bureau of the New St. (201) 444-9320 or
Jersey Council for
Seder in Wayne: Temple the Humanities, a
Beth Tikvah holds a seder state partner of the

APRIL Temple Beth Or in Washington Township

led by Rabbi Meeka
Simerly and Cantor
National Endowment
for the Humanities.
hosts its second annual Cantors Concert: Charles Romalis, 6 p.m. Deborah Rosenblatt,

8 A Passover Celebration, Saturday, April 8,

7 p.m. Cantor Sarah Silverberg will be
Family admission plus
a contribution to the
potluck dinner. For an
(973) 694-4272, ext.
5408, or rosenblattd@
joined by guest musicians violinist Tamara Freeman, additional fee, a kosher
dinner in lieu of a potluck Seniors meet in West
a Holocaust music expert, and TLV Unplugged, a trio of contribution can be Saturday Nyack: Singles 65+
meets for a social get-
Israeli performers. 56 Ridgewood Road. (201) 664-7422 arranged. 950 Preakness APRIL 15 together at the JCC
or Ave. (973) 595-6565 or
hopehaiman@yahoo. Rockland, 11 a.m. All are
Shabbat in Closter: The welcome, particularly if
com. mens club of Temple you are from Hudson,
lecture at Temple Beth Center, 6 p.m. Four- Emanu-El participates Passaic, Bergen, or
Seder in Teaneck:
Friday Tikvah. Shabbat dinner
at 6 p.m., followed by
course catered dinner
with imported kosher
Temple Emeth holds
in all parts of services
during a special service
Rockland counties.
Refreshments. 450 West
APRIL 7 its annual seder, 6 p.m. at the shul, 9 a.m.
services and her talk wines and handmade 1666 Windsor Road. Nyack Road. Gene Arkin,
at 7:30. 950 Preakness shmurah matzah from 180 Piermont Road. (845) 356-5525.
(201) 833-1322 or www.
Shabbat in Jersey Ave. Dinner reservations, Brooklyn. 375 Pulis Ave. (201) 750-9997 or www.
City: Bnai Jacob hosts
The Shabbat Project:
(973) 694-1616 or
(201) 848-0449 or www. Seder in Washington
Millennial Edition,
for Jewish millennials Shabbat in Wyckoff: Seder in Bergenfield:
Township: Temple Beth Monday APRIL 20
Or has a community
(professionals, singles, Temple Beth Rishons The Jewish Learning seder led by Rabbi Noah
APRIL 17 Widows and widowers
couples, and friends, adult choir, Kol Rishon, Experience hosts an Fabricant and Cantor meet in Glen Rock:
20s-40s), with food, and its teen choir, Zemer explanatory Passover Sarah Silverberg, 6 p.m. Lunch and learn: Rabbi Movin On, a monthly
conversation, and Rishon, join with Rabbi seder at Congregation 56 Ridgewood Road. Aaron Katz leads a luncheon group for
celebration, led by Rabbi Ken Emert, Cantor Ilan Beth Abraham, 7:15 p.m. discussion on current widows and widowers,
Aaron Katz, 7-8 p.m. Mamber on guitar, Itay 396 New Bridge Road. or (201) 664-7422. topics, over lunch, at meets at the Glen Rock
176 West Side Ave. Goren on piano, Jimmy Reservations, Rabbi Congregation Bnai Jewish Center, 12:30 p.m.
(201) 435-5725 or www. Cohen on percussion, David Pietruszka, Seder in Bayonne: Jacob in Jersey City, 682 Harristown Road. Jacob Niederman on (201) 966-4498 or Temple Emanu-El hosts noon. 176 West Side Ave. $5 for lunch. Next date,
clarinet, and cantorial a seder led by Rabbi (201) 435-5725 or www. May 18. (201) 652-6624
Shabbat in Emerson intern Summer Jacob Benzaquen, 6 p.m. or email Binny, arbgr@
Congregation Bnai Greenwald-Gonella for Passover in Woodcliff 735 Kennedy Boulevard.
Israel holds casual a pre-Passover service, Lake: Valley Chabad (201) 436-4499 or
services: 7:30 p.m., with 7:30 p.m. 585 Russell has a community seder templeemanuelbayonne@
prayers set to the music Ave. (201) 891-4466 or with Rabbi Dov Drizin, Free parking
of singer/songwriter
Carole King. 53 Palisade 7:30 p.m. Catered dinner
with a variety of fine
at St. Henrys Church, 82
SW. 29th St.
Wynton Marsalis, orchestra
Ave. (201) 265-2272 or Monday imported wines and
handmade shmurah Seder in New City: The
will play at the bergenPAC
APRIL 10 matzah. Reservations, Nanuet Hebrew Center The Jazz at Lincoln Center Orchestra, led by Wynton
(201) 476-0157 www. has a community seder, 7:15 p.m. 411 South Little Marsalis, which includes 15 soloists, ensemble players,
Chametz burning: The
Jewish Center of Teaneck passover. Tor Road, New City, N.Y. and arrangers, will perform at the Bergen Performing
holds its annual Al and (845) 708-9181 or www. Arts Center in Englewood on May 3 at 8 p.m. Marsalis
Passover in Haskell:
Joy Amsel Memorial Biur
Chabad of Upper has recorded more than 70 jazz and classical albums
Hametz program, aka.,
Passaic County hosts a Seder in Paramus: that have won nine Grammy Awards.
Big Bread Burn, in the
shuls parking lot, 9:30- community seder at the The JCC of Paramus/ Tickets are available at or by
11:45 a.m. Teaneck Fire Chabad Jewish Center, Congregation Beth calling bergenPACs box office at (201) 227-1030.
Department will bring 7:30 p.m. (201) 696-7609 Tikvah hosts a
a truck and fire safety or community seder led
Letty Cottin Pogrebin
trailer. Passover lollipops.
70 Sterling Place.
Passover in Tenafly:
by Rabbi Arthur and
Shira Weiner, 7:45 p.m. Announce your events
Lubavitch on the 304 East Midland Ave. We welcome announcements of upcoming events. Announce-
(201) 833-0515, ext. 200. Palisades has a
Shabbat in Wayne: (201) 262-7691 or office@ ments are free. Accompanying photos must be high resolu-
Letty Cottin Pogrebin, Seder in Franklin community seder with tion, jpg files. Send announcements 2 to 3 weeks in advance.
founding editor of Ms. Lakes: Chabad of gourmet food and Not every release will be published. Include a daytime
Magazine, gives the NWBC hosts its annual vegetarian options Passover in Tenafly: telephone number and send to:
annual Rabbi Israel S. community seder at available, 8 p.m. Special Lubavitch on the
Dresner Tikkun Olam rates; no one will be Palisades has a 201-837-8818 x 110
the Chabad Jewish



Local artists Register for Paramus Relay for Life

works displayed Paramus will hold the American Cancer Cancer Society at (800) 227-2345 and
at Stevens Tech Society Relay For Life on the weekend of
June 16 and 17 at Paramus High School.
press 2, or request Danielle Therese as a
Facebook friend for Relay updates.
Dr. Milton Ohring of Teaneck, a former For information, go to www.RelayFor-
metallurgy and materials science profes-, call the American
sor at the Stevens Institute of Technology,
will display his Holocaust-themed monu-
ments and sculpture at the college, begin-
ning on Sunday, April 16. The exhibit, Hoboken shul to screen
The Holocaust in Metal and Stone, will
be in the Samuel C. Williams Library at
a tribute to matzah
Stevens Institute. There will be an artists Streits Matzo and the American Dream is
reception with kosher-for Passover food screened at a Passover program at the United
that day, from 1 to 3 p.m. The exhibit will Synagogue of Hoboken on Saturday, April 15, fol-
run until July 1. lowing Havdalah at 8:15 p.m. A discussion follows
The exhibit is in response to the alarm- with filmmaker Michael Levine. Kosher for Pass-
ing increase of worldwide anti-Semitism over snacks will be served. The synagogue is at 115
and Holocaust forgetfulness, distortion, Park Ave. For information, call (201) 659-4000 or
and even denial as a result of the inevi- go to
table decline in the numbers of survivors
and witnesses. Dr. Ohring created these Burnt Offerings fabricated in stainless
works to remember the unprecedented steel. PHOTO PROVIDED

evil of the Holocaust.

April 27th through May 7th
False arrest. Intrigue.
Conspiracy. Undying love.

Written by Directed by

BAM Ticket Services: 718.636.4100

Also visit: for tickets.
BAM Fisher (Fishman Space)
321 Ashland Place
Brooklyn, NY 11217
This event is presented by Ensemble for the Romantic Century. BAM house, ticketing and membership policies may not apply.

This program is supported in part by public funds from the New York City New York State Council on the Arts with the support of
Department of Cultural Affairs in partnership with the City Council. Governor Andrew Cuomo and the New York State Legislature.


Jewish World Obituaries

Israels high-tech dairy industry Leo Brown

Leo R. Brown, 71, of Glen Rock, formerly

is an unsung start-up nation story of Fair Lawn, died April 3.

He graduated Rider University and
earned a masters at Fairleigh Dickinson
Alina Dain Sharon University. He worked for Metropolitan
Life Insurance Company and was
Self-driving cars. Drip irrigation. Missile treasurer of the Glen Rock Historical
defense. Milk? and Preservation Society.
Amid all the buzz around Israel as the Predeceased by a brother, Edward, he
start-up nation, including Intels recent is survived by his wife, Rosemary, ne
$15 billion acquisition of Mobileye, a lesser- Gray, and sons, Edmund of Fair Lawn
known phenomenon is the high-tech and and Jonathan of New York City.
hyper-efficient Israeli dairy industry. Donations can be made to the Glen
Surprised? Dont be. The combination Rock Historical and Preservation Society,
of Israelis high demand for dairy prod- Glen Rock, NJ. Arrangements were by
ucts and the Jewish states well-docu- Louis Suburban Chapel, Fair Lawn.
mented ingenuity makes the cutting-edge
dairy industry a natural development in Edith Burian
what the Bible describes as a land flow- Edith Dita Helga Burian, ne Mnz,
ing with milk and honey. 93, of Paramus died March 28.
Michal Kraus, executive director of the She fled Nazi-occupied Austria at 15
Israeli Dairy Board, says that Israelis prefer and studied nursing in Jerusalem. She
milk, yogurt, cottage cheese, or soft cheeses The milking process at HaYogev, a moshav in northern Israel. was an intergenerational volunteer at
during the warmer summer months  Roy Berkovich/Israeli Dairy Board the Travell School in Ridgewood for
because these dairy products are cooler over 20 years, was an active member of
and easier to digest. Hard cheeses tend to cows are registered in the Israel Herd Book, two Israeli companies, Afimilk and SCR, Hadassah, the Ethical Culture Society,
be consumed in foods such as toast and a computerized database that allows trac- that are internationally known dairy indus- Womens Health Initiative, and the
pizza, and more frequently during the win- ing the genealogy, history, milk yield, and try pioneers who export their product all Garden Club.
ter months. Israeli supermarket shelves fea- other factors for each cow. Theses metrics over the world, says Maltz. Predeceased by her husband of 69
ture about 800 varieties of dairy products. are monitored continuously for produc- More cutting-edge technology comes years, Kurt, and a nephew, Daniel
The Israeli Dairy Boards estimates tion health and reproduction, Maltz says. from Tnuva, Israels largest food manufac- Sokolski; she is survived by a sister,
show that last year 32 percent of Israelis Israels Holstein cows the nations turer. Recently, the company began feed- Gertrude Sokolski, and a niece,
consumed soft cheeses, 30 percent drank specific breed of dairy cattle, which has ing some cows with a substance contain- nephews, and great-nieces.
milk, 26 percent consumed hard cheeses, adapted to a warm climate produce about ing flax, which the company says improves Donations can be made to Yad
and 12 percent ate other dairy products, 3,000 gallons of milk per cow per year. This both the cows health and their milk. Vashem. Arrangements were by Louis
such as desserts. figure is among the highest productions in Based on this technique, they rolled out Suburban Chapel, Fair Lawn.
The latest trends in Israels dairy mar- the world, if not the highest, says Maltz. a new brand of milk, Chalav Hameshek,
ket involve going back to basic, nostalgic With the governments support, Israeli which is rich in Omega-3 fatty acids. George Epstein
products but also clean label [production] farmers have learned to breed cows by Tnuva aims to expand the project George Epstein, 82, of Rockleigh,
and the reduction of salt and sugar, says using the natural environment better, still in its early stages at a few dairy formerly of Bayonne, died March 25.
Tzvika Dor, director of business develop- despite the nations arid climate and chronic farms so it will ultimately be imple- Born in Bayonne, he is survived by
ment at the premium dairy plant Gad Dairy, water shortages. The farmers methods mented for all farms whose milk is deliv- nephews and nieces.
whose production represents 5 percent of include feeding cows with recycled natural ered to the company, says its head sci- Arrangements were by Eden Memorial
the Israeli dairy market. foods, using recycled water to grow fodder, entist, Zeev Paikowsky. Chapels, Fort Lee.
Milk production in Israel is carried out and reusing manure in agriculture. Several Israel has experienced a notable growth
under a quota system that exists in only two delegations from other countries have vis- in demand for dairy products since 2016, Lawrence Goldman
other nations Canada and Norway. ited Israel to learn from these techniques. Kraus says. The demand for Shavuot Lawrence H. Goldman, 84, of Wyckoff
In case of an increase or expected To obtain the necessary metrics, a major- largely can be met, she says, because died April 3.
increase in the demand for milk products, ity of Israels dairy cows are equipped with the holiday falls in a period of the year A New York University graduate, along
the Dairy Board lifts the quotaThe Dairy electronic individual identification, and (roughly December to June) that in the with his brothers, he created United
Board advises the farmers, considering the almost all the milking parlors are equipped Northern Hemisphere is the period when Wire Hanger Industries, serving as CEO/
expected high demand for holidays and with electronic milk meters, Maltz says. cows produce the most milk. president for 50 years. He supported
summer months, allowing the farmers to Most Israeli dairy farms use electronic One challenge, however, is milk plants many charitable organizations here
plan and get organized accordingly, says methods to detect a cows estrous cycle might be closed for several consecutive and in Israel and was a member of
Dr. Ephraim Maltz, a senior researcher the reproductive cycle of mammals days for holidays or Shabbat. Preakness Hills Country Club in Wayne.
emeritus at the Volcani Center, the Israeli such as cows by using individual cow In this case, the [facility] gets organized He is survived by his wife of 61 years,
Ministry of Agricultures research arm. activity as an indication for insemination by allowing sufficient storage by dehydrat- Cynthia, ne Bograd, children Peter
Demand is particularly high during time, he says. ing surplus milk and delaying milk evacu- (Gloria), Michael (Bonnie), and Nancy
Shavuot, when eating dairy is a holiday Special sensors measure cows daily ation from the farms that have sufficient ( James), and five grandchildren.
tradition. body weight and milk composition for storage space, Maltz says. Donations can be made to JDRF
Israels dairy sector functions in a unified protein, fat, lactose, and more. Many At Gad Dairy, being prepared for Diabetes Foundation. Arrangements
manner because the country is relatively farmers also measure daily rumination Shavout means increasing production as were by Robert Schoems Menorah
small, Kraus explains. All the industrys and eating times. many as five or six months before the holi- Chapel, Paramus.
players know at any given moment about Its like placing a watch on a persons day, Dor says.
virtually each individual cow, what its envi- hand and measuring blood pressure, body Tnuva has similar foresight. Helen Katz
ronment is, and if it carries any germs. This temperature or any other parameter you The combination of high milk produc- Helen Katz, ne Glazer, 93, of Clifton,
information, she says, provides an advan- want to know, Kraus says. tion [around the time of Shavuot], together formerly of Fair Lawn, died April 3.
tage in the cultivation of herds Israel uses These sensors improve cows health and with careful planning, says Paikowsky, She was a president of the Ladies
artificial insemination to breed cows and reproduction, and increase efficiency in enables [the company] to provide the full Auxiliary of the Jewish War Veterans
enables increased milk production. the milking process. The monitoring and range of products before the holiday. of America, volunteered for Meals on
More than 80 percent of the countrys production technologies are managed by  JNS.ORG Wheels, and belonged to the Fair Lawn

72 Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017


Senior Center. Hantis; stepchildren, Louis, and the late

Predeceased by Jeffrey, Doug, and the Barbara Secker.
her husband, Sydney, late Glenn Wisch, and Donations can be sent
and siblings, Florence eight grandchildren. to the Valley Hospital Chevra Kadisha Taharath Jacob Isaac
Soborower, Shirley She was also the or Knights of Pythias of
Weinberg, and Norman motherin-law of Cindy, Fair Lawn. Arrangements Serving the needs of the Jewish community for 35 years
Glazer, she is survived Maureen, and Steve, were by Robert Schoems with respect, dignity and strict adherence to halacha
by children, Renee their families and sisters Menorah Chapel, through many funeral homes in the tri-state area.
Silberberg ( Joe), Howard Winifred Gold, Carol Paramus.
(Debbie), Martin (Vicki),
Family operated for three generations.
and Debra Donow For emergencies, 24 hours, 201-530-5822
201-791-0015 800-525-3834
(Todd); sisters, Myrna
Siegel, Harriet Greene, LOUIS SUBURBAN CHAPEL, INC.
and Joni Ehrlich; seven Exclusive Jewish Funeral Chapel
grandchildren, and two A zessin Pesach to you and your family from
Donations can be sent
Wishing Everyone the members of the Jewish Memorial Chapel
to Daughters of Miriam
Center. Arrangements
A Zissen Pesach Ahavas Achim Bloomfield
Amelia Lodge Cli on
Beth El Rutherford
Beth Shalom Pompton Lakes
Jewish War Veterans Post 47 Cli on
Knights of Pythias Memorial
Beth Israel Cli on Shomrei Emunah Montclair Associaon Cli on
were by Louis Suburban 13-01 Broadway (Route 4 West) Fair Lawn, NJ Bnai Shalom West Orange Daughters of Miriam Cli on Pine Brook Jewish Center Montville
Temple Emanuel Cli on
Chapel, Fair Lawn. Richard Louis - Manager George Louis - Founder Chevra Thilim Passaic Farband Passaic
Cli on Jewish Center Cli on Hungarian Hebrew Men Pinebrook Temple Ner Tamid Bloomfield
NJ Lic. No. 3088 1924-1996 Adas Israel Passaic Jewish Federaon Cli on Tifereth Israel Passaic
Jacob Malka Agudath Israel Caldwell Passaic Hebrew Verein Passaic
Jacob H. Malka of Fair Ahavas Israel Passaic Young Israel Passaic
Lawn died April 1. Robert Schoems Menorah Chapel, Inc Beth Ahm Verona
841 Allwood Road Clifton, NJ 07012
Born in Haifa in Jewish Funeral Directors
973-779-3048 Fax 973-779-3191
1938, he graduated Family Owned & managed
the Technion and City Generations of Lasting Service to the Jewish Community
Vincent Marazo, Manager
University of New York. Serving NJ, NY, FL & Our Facilities Will Accommodate NJ License No. 3424
He is survived by his Throughout USA Your Familys Needs
Prepaid & Preneed Planning Handicap Accessibility From Large
wife, Lucille, children, Graveside Services Parking Area
Nadav, Michal (Lonnie),
Gary Schoem Manager - NJ Lic. 3811
and Noam (Karen);
Conveniently Located
siblings, Michael, Manny,
and Tamar, and four
W-150 Route 4 East Paramus, NJ 07652
201.843.9090 1.800.426.5869
A Zissen Pesach to you
grandchildren. and your family
Donations can be sent
Observing traditions and holidays
to American Technion
Society or Valley Hospice.
Gorny Funeral Service Inc. like Passover is an important way to celebrate our faith.
Arrangements were by 1-862-354-8596 or 973-919-4570
Louis Suburban Chapel, WE SPECIALIZE IN
Fair Lawn. GRAVESIDE SERVICES We continue to be Jewish family managed,
COST-CONSCIOUS AND knowing that caring people provide caring service.
Edith C. Silverman, ne
Levy, 91, died April 4.
She lived in Manhattan,
Cornwall-on-Hudson, and
240 Mount Prospect Ave. Newark, NJ 07104 JEWISH FUNERAL DIRECTORS
John M. Gorny, Manager
NJ Lic #3563
She was a secretary,
actress, and travel agent.
Predeceased by her
husband, George, she is
survived by sons, Glenn,
Keith, and Todd; four Established 1902
grandchildren, and one
Headstones, Duplicate Markers and Cemetery Lettering
With Personalized and Top Quality Service
402 Park Street, Hackensack, New Jersey 07601
Donations can be
sent to the Jewish Home
Please call 1-800-675-5624 ALAN L. MUSICANT, Mgr., N.J. Lic. No. 2890
Foundation of North
MARTIN D. KASDAN, N.J. Lic. No. 4482
Jersey. Arrangements 76 Johnson Ave., Hackensack, NJ 07601
were by Louis Suburban
Chapel, Fair Lawn. Advance Planning Conferences Conveniently Arranged
at the Funeral Home or in Your Own Home
Jo-Ann Wisch
Jo-Ann Wisch, ne
Obituaries are prepared with
McCann, 71, of Fair Lawn
died April 3. information provided by funeral homes.
She is survived by her Correcting errors is the responsibility
husband of 42 years, of the funeral home.
Dr. Marvin, children,
Jonathan and Tammy

Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017 73

Help Wanted Situations Wanted Situations Wanted
(201) 837-8818
Cleaning Service Driving Service Home Improvements
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PT/FT. Pick up mail and docu- get along with is seeking job to A Team of MICHAELS CAR
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Meetings are the last Wednes-
chha with 20 years experience,
excellent references, FT live-in.
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erating new business through day of the month at 5:30 pm, Advertise on this page. Boilers Hot Water Heaters Leaks
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Reliable, dependable and loving.
Call Freda 203-444-8447 Assist w/shopping,
building strong relationships, senior
buyer of toys, hobbies, hard goods Hackensack, N.J. Cost is $27. 201-837-8818 Fully Licensed, Bonded and Insured
For further information and to
errands, Drs, etc. and bulk toys. Honest, hard work-
er. be put on our email list, please 201-358-1700 Lic. #12285
chha, 5 years experience with
Organize/process call Susan 201-343-8374
Alzheimers and other conditions,
paperwork, WOMAN seeks job as Home Care Natalie 201-265-2087 Party Music
excellent references, live-in/out, re-
liable and caring. Yonette 917-615- bal. checkbook, Assistant. 17 years with hospital
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ble, live-out, own car, flexible Free Consultation
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years Nursing School. Live-in/out.
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passionate, dependable. Speaks
Jewish Music with an Edge
COMPANION/Nurses Aide/Care- RITA FINE English. Drives/own car. 201-982-
giver. Flexible hours. Days/Nights,
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Ari Greene 201-837-6158
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COMPANION: Experienced, kind, A POLISH CLEANING WOMAN Residential Dumpster Specials
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time work. Weekends OK. Meal Experienced woman seeking 15 years experience, excellent 10 yds 15 yds 20 yds Help Wanted
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preparation, laundry, housekeep-
Very reliable, own transportation,
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Izabela 973-572-7031
SENIOR CITIZENS 10% OFF Rmac Supplies, a local distributor in Teaneck is seeking
to fill an accounts receivable position.
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basic book keeping, communicating with customers

Antiques Wanted We pay cash for

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Call Us! Shabbas
201-894-4770 201-861-7770 201-951-6224
70 Herbert Avenue, Closter, N.J. 07642



74 Jewish Standard APRIL 7, 2017


Solution to last weeks puzzle. This weeks puzzle is

on page 68.

Call us.
We are waiting for
your classied ad!

FrOM PaGe 69
different accent than her husband.
A: Antonina is a refugee [from St. Peters- MAZON IS ending hunger making a difference tikkun olam
burg] and she found her safe haven in War- keeping kids healthy nutrition for seniors sustenance
saw when she was an young woman. She tzedakah fostering responsibility raising awareness soup
also was helping refugees and I wanted to
show that she had found her place in the
kitchens food banks food pantries social justice self-
world. In the book, you do sense that she empowerment partnering for change advocating for people in
defers a lot to her husband. There is this need building a robust emergency food network encouraging
soft quality to Antonina. Then I met with
her [real-life] daughter and asked that
public policy reform a legacy of giving promoting health and
if her mother would be an animal, what well-being tribute cards fulfilling a jewish tradition making
would that be, and she responded that an impact optimism nourishment pursuing justice working
it would be a cat. Then she said that she
never saw her mother in a pair of pants.
to end food insecurity meeting basic human needs nutrition
There is something about this that Jan and health education initiatives a strong safety net providing
didnt like it. There is something about assistance and support concern for others a voice for people
this time of war, of ugliness, of darkness.
Antonina was very feminine. In the begin-
who are hungry enhancing quality of life jewish values in action
ning, she shows a very submissive per-
sonality. She was very catlike. When cats THE AMERICAN JEWISH COMMUNITY
move, there is this kind of sensuality, and I
wanted that in the voice. I actually pitched
my voice higher. I wanted little tiny ele-
ments that she was not from that place.
Q: Toward the end, we find you walk-
ing with other refugees. How was that
experience? What were you feeling at that
A: It was important to me that we really
show that she was a refugee. So timely, isnt
it? History works in circles. We need to look
at history to find out where we are today
and where we are heading in the future.
As a little girl, I was required to read The
Diary of Anne Frank. But what they should
also teach us, when they teach that book, is
that Anne Franks family was denied a visa
to the United States. So children here say,
Oh, if only she were born here. No. We
shut our doors and the reason this young
girl died was because we didnt let her into
our country. The more people learn, the
more compassionate I hope they will be
to those seeking safe haven. So Im very Tel 310.442.0020 | 800.813.0557 |
happy that this movie is coming out now,
10495 Santa Monica Blvd., Ste. 100, Los Angeles, CA 90025
because I believe it is very contemporary.

Jewish standard aPriL 7, 2017 75


2 3

4 5

n 1 Last month, students in a JLI course, The n 4 On March 26, Bris Avrohom of Fair Lawn distributed 6
Dilemma: Modern Conundrums, at Lubavitch on hand baked shmura matzah from Israel to the
the Palisades, celebrated their class graduation. children of its CETT school. Local officials, including
The six-week CLE-accredited course was led by County Executive James Tedesco and Sheriff Michael
Rabbi Mordechai Shain. The next course is Survival Saudino, pictured center, presented Bris Avrohom
of a Nation Exploring Israel through the Lens of with proclamations to celebrate the holiday as Days
the Six Day War. COURTESY LOTP of Religious Freedom. COURTESY BRIS AVROHOM

n 2 IDF Captain Avidav and FIDF Lieutenant Itay answer n 5 Susan Bromberg, standing, president of Temple
questions and take photos with Moriah students. The Emanuel of the Pascack Valley, and Sam Rak,
visit was arranged by Friends of the IDF. COURTESY FIDF chair of a recent wine tasting there, joined Ellen
and Gershon Bodner, owners of Morad Winery
n 3 Coach Bobby Kaplan, former athletic director in Israel, as they spoke about various vintages.
at Torah Academy of Bergen County, met with 500 Jacqueline Finch and Debbie Wescott, seated,
students at Ridge Ranch School in Paramus. He talked toasted their selections. COURTESY EMANUEL
about how his experience inspired him to write childrens
books. His new book, Hoopsters: Dont Be a Bully n 6 Shomrei Torah of Waynes fifth grade
is the first in a planned series to teach children about religious students recently lead kabbalat
how to deal with bullies and bullying. PHOTO PROVIDED Shabbat services. They are shown rehearsing
a few days earlier. COURTESY SHOMREI TORAH


Real Estate & Business

Wellspring Village director Camp Veritans to hold open house on April 30

selected to attend dementia
Camp Veritans open house for new camp families will For more information or to RSVP call the camp at (973)
immersion training take place Sunday, April 30, from 1 p.m. to 3 p.m., at the 956-1220 or email If you cant
Jeannie Kruger, Wellspring Village camp located at 225 Pompton Road in North Haledon. In make the open house, call the office for a personalized tour.
Director at Brightview Tenafly in the event of inclement weather, a rain date of May 7 is Opened in 1950, Camp Veritans is an ACA accredited
Tenafly, has been selected one planned. camp located on 60 acres of lush, wooded play space
of twelve people to attend the The open house is an an exciting and fun time to meet complete with hiking trails, a ropes-and-challenge course,
Memory Bridge Training Retreat new friends. It feature family-friendly activities including and a noted aquatics program.
at a Tibetan Mongolian Buddhist arts and crafts, food, and more. It is also a great time to Committed to providing children with a safe and nur-
Cultural Center in Bloomington, meet the camps administration, tour the camp, and think turing environment, campers are encouraged to explore,
Indiana. about your childs plans for summer 2017. discover, create, and succeed. The top-notch program-
The five-day retreat is sponsored by Memory Bridge, The ming is designed by professionals who believe that camp-
Foundation for Alzheimers and Cultural Memory, as well as ers thrive when they are guided by confident and engaged
by Indiana Universitys Center for Aging and Community at staff in a structured environment.
the Indiana Institute on Disability and Community.
Selected from a large pool of international candidates, Jean-
nie received a full scholarship to attend the training.
This is an amazing honor, explains Dr. Patrick Doyle, cor- Happy
Passover Happy Passover
porate director of dementia at Brightview Senior Living. I
know Jeannie will bring so much to the experience and will
return to Brightview with every morsel of knowledge and wis-
dom imparted during this training.
As Wellspring Village director, Jeannie serves as the commu- from
nitys leader and expert in dementia and memory care. She
heads and directs the team serving residents of Wellspring Vil- Marlyn Friedberg
lage, Brightviews specialized program and environment for & Associates
people living with Alzheimers and other dementias, oversee-
ing all aspects of day-to-day life, including care, services and
Throughout my career, Ive learned the importance of the 666-0777 568-1818 894-1234 871-0800 768-6868
art of listening and being centered, explains Jeannie. At
Brightview, helping residents feel fulfilled each day keeps my
passion alive.
According to Memory Bridges website and description of
the retreat, the design of the retreat is based on Memory
Bridges Life is a Bridge Dementia Immersion Training, an
from all of us at
experience-centered learning journey that positions people
with dementia in the roles of teacher, guide, and companion. Volpe
In keeping with that design, participants will meet five times
with their buddies the elders with dementia participating Real Estate
in the program. 640 Palisade Avenue Englewood Cliffs, NJ
The training will also incorporate presentations, facilitated 201-567-8700 Fax 201-567-6828
discussions, video case studies, I-Land mapping, literature CUSTOM BROKER RESIDENTIAL COMMERCIAL
and films, peer-to-peer and intragroup sharing, drum circles,
and meditation. 157 W Broad St. Bergenfield $349,900 1-3 PM
For more information about Brightview Tenafly, call Rich-
ard or Gina at (201) 510-2060.
FORT LEE THE COLONY Meticulous Tri-Lev. Move In Cond. Liv Rm & Din Rm Open to Mod
Kit. 3 Lovely BRs, 2 Full Bths. Game Rm Bsmt. Fenced Yard.
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Updated Kit. 3 BRs, 2 Updated Bths, Fin Bsmt. Gar, Deck, H/W Flrs,
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Larry DeNike DaNieL M. ShLufMaN Gorgeous Isle Kit/Quartz Cntrs open to Din Rm. Super Master Suite/
President Managing directOr
Wishing you a happy, healthy Passover Vault Ceil/Laund/New SS Bth. 3 Addl BRs & 1.5 more Addl Bths. Fam
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Sale Effective 4/2/17 -4/10/17

Fresh Idaho White Green Loose Yellow
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$ 99
1 LB. 2 3 FOR
5 $5 FOR 69 LB. 29 LB. 29 LB.

Chicken Whole Chicken Chicken Boneless American Black Angus Beef

Drumsticks Chickens Cutlets Breast Turkey 1st Cut
on the Frame Thighs Brisket


$ 99
$ 99
479 Lb
249 Lb
399 Lb
1099 Lb

American Black Angus Beef American Black Angus Beef American Black Angus Beef American Black Angus Beef Homemade Marinated
Thick Cut Square Cut Boneless Baby Back Beef Chicken Wings
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999 Lb
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699 Lb
999 Lb
$ 49
1 Lb

Yehuda Vintage Oneg Bazooka ` Liebers Galore Streits Haddar Golden Fluff
Hand Schmura Matzo Seltzer Semi Sweet Fruit Gum Premium Ground Gluten Free Glazes Potato Chips
Matzo Original Only Chocolate Chips Cocoa Walnuts Israeli Couscous Assorted Assorted

25 27 25 26
6.3 OZ

5 1 24
12 PACK 9 OZ 16 OZ 8 OZ 14 OZ

1299 6 31
7.05 OZ .75 OZ
16 OZ


$ $ 99 $ 99 $ 79 FOR
Hagadda kosher for passover
Natural Earth Landau Matts kosher for passover
Natural Earth Glicks Gefen Liebers Spices Liebers
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Organic White Gluten Free Mini Balsamic Tomato Assorted Cut Hearts
Fingers Quinoa Panko Crumbs Mango Vinegar Sauce Sweetener Excluding Nutmeg
of Palm
Mandlen & All Peppers

26 4 27 24 3 4 43 24 99 99
4 OZ 9 OZ 7 OZ 1 OZ 16.9 OZ 15 OZ 1.75 OZ 0.5-5 OZ 14.5 OZ

$ $ 99
10 OZ

$ $
$ 99 $ 99 $

Galil Streits Liebers Liebers Nescaf Domino

Pourable Sugar Kedem Glicks Paskesz Gefen
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Chestnuts Mix Juice Spray Choice Light Brown Grape Juice Original or Lite Assorted

2 $4 2 $4 2 $3

99 2 $3 2 $7 10 $ 10 2 $5
3.5 OZ 6 OZ 64 OZ 5 OZ 10-12 OZ 32 OZ 6 PACK

2 $9
.75 OZ

7 OZ 96 OZ



Liebers or Gefen Terra Golds Schwartz Empire Liebers Liebers Streits Wissotzky or
Sweet Potato Sweet & Sour Apple Cider Sandwich Gefen Bigelow
Apple Juice Preserves Chicken Matzo Solid White
Boxes Chips Duck Sauce Broth Vinegar Cremos Tea
Strawberry Only Meal Tuna in Water

27 25 24 26

16 OZ. Assorted

6 OZ 40 OZ 12 OZ

2 $4

3 $5
32 OZ

$ $ $
1 LB.

$ $
5 2 $4
10 OZ 6 OZ 20 PC


Liebers Liebers Liebers Gefen Liebers Gefen Liebers Liebers Manischewitz Lays
Almond Sweet Chili Sugar Free Pasta Couscous Marinara Mandarin Fruit Cups Marshmallows Potato
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10 25

2 $4 2 $5 2 $5 3 $2 2 $5 2
18 OZ 10 OZ 6 OZ

2 $7
2.5 OZ 9 OZ 6 OZ 4 PACK

2 $4
15 OZ 11 OZ

$ 99 $ 79
25 OZ



Gefen Glicks Liebers Streits Liebers, Glicks, Paskesz Liebers Gefen Perfection Aluminum
Baking Mushrooms Imitation Matzo or Haddar Onion Rings Coat n Bake Soap Pads Plastic Baking Pans
Powder Stems & Pieces Vinegar Farfel Ketchup Assorted Cups 9x13

99 99 2 $4

2 $4 2 $4 2 $4 2 $1 4 $5 5 $1
24 OZ

5 $5
8 OZ 8 OZ 32 OZ. 1 LB .64 OZ 2.75 OZ 100 CT



SEAFOOD Passover Specials PROVISIONS Aarons Solomons Meal Mart

Baby A&H
Black Tirat Zvi
Beef Franks
Smoked Pastrami or Broiled Chicken
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Steak Fillet Salmon

2 $4
6 OZ

499 499
40 OZ

12 OZ

1399 LB.
1399 LB.
1499 LB.
499 $ FOR
$ $
TempTee Friendship Millers Breakstones Cedar Of Tov Chicken
Gefen Gefen Nuggets
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Cheese Crushed Dinosaur & Chicken
Cheese Cheese 108 Slices
Salted & Unsalted
Fish Garlic Cubes Assorted Only
8 OZ

2 5
11.5 OZ 16 OZ

2 5
20 OZ 2.8 OZ

2 5
32 OZ

2 11
3 LB 19 OZ

$ 79
$ $ 99 FOR
$ $
3 99 FOR
2 6 FOR
$ $
Oneg La Yogurt Dannon Natural & Kosher Classic Cooking Frankels Shindlers Ungers
Sliced Cheese Plain, Strawberry, Yogurt Shredded Cheese Kugels 9 Inch Flounder Coffee
Blueberry & Cherry
Coffee, Vanilla &
Plain Only
Assorted Assorted Pizza Fillet Whitener
4 LB

6 OZ 6 OZ 12 OZ

3 $2
20 OZ 16 OZ

3 $5 2 $3
5.3 OZ 2 LB


$ $
9 99 $ $
6 99 $
399 FOR

Mehadrin Daisy Tuscan

kosher for passover
Meal Mart or Dyna-Sea Galil Kleins
Sour Cream Farmland Mock Crab Ice Cream
Chocolate Skim Plus Half & Half A&B Artichoke
By the Case Original & Light
Milk Creamer Kishka Sticks or Flakes Bottoms Dixie Cups
16 OZ 16 OZ

16 OZ

2 $3
16 OZ 12 PACK

2 $4
12 PACK 14 OZ

11 4 2 $6 999
64 OZ
$ 99 FOR 3
$ 99 FOR
$ 99 FOR
Vita Pine Belt Friendship Bodek Vegetables Bgan Diced
Extra Large Spring Valley
Atlantic Farmer Cheese Broccoli Florets,
Blintzes Butternut
Nova Salmon Eggs Original & No Salt Chopped Spinach, and
Cauliflower Florets Assorted Squash
12 PACK 7.5 OZ 24 OZ

99 2 $5
3 OZ 24 OZ 13 OZ

4 99 2 4 FOR
$ 99 $
4 99 FOR


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