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State of Texas In the Magistrate Court County of Bexar Number: Affidavit for Arrest Warrant 0 3 6 9 0 ¢ The undersigned Affiant, Detective Lawrence P, Saiz #2474, being a Peace Officer under the laws of the State of Texas and being duly swomn, on oath, makes the following statements and accusations: ‘* Avictim in this case has been identified as Alaina Beauford-Rosebur , date of birth October 20th , 2014 hereinafter referred toas the Victim. + An actor in this case has been identified as Letica Monae Young , date of bith December Ist, 1985 , hereinafter referred toas the Defendant. Said Defendant is further identified in SAPD computer files under SID # 1021207 ‘Its the belief of your Affiant that the offense of P.C. 19.03 Capital Murder -Child Under 10 Years of Age was committed on or about the Ist day of April, 2017 ,in Bexar County, Texas. + Your Affiant has probable cause for said belief by reason of the following facts (On 4-1-2017 at approximately 1707 hours, officers responded to the Methodist Children’s Hospital fora report oftthe Victim's death (SAPD17071745). Upon arrival, Officer A. Dixon #1294 was advised the Victim had ‘multiple bruising all about her body indicating possible physical abuse. Officer Dixon notified his supervisor ‘who also responded to the hospital. The Victim had been pronounced deceased upon artval to the hospital, {was contacted and advised of the Victim's death and was told the Victim's mother was present at the hospital Shari Newman, hereinafter referred to as the Co-Defendant, isthe Victim's mother and isin a dating relationship with the Defendant who was also present at the hospital. | was told the Co-Defendant had provided written consent for her apartment to be entered, searched, and processed for evidence. Officers responded to the apartment and awaited arrival of Homicide Detective R. Barnes #2510, lartived at the hospital and viewed the Victim. 1saw multiple injures on the Victim to include multiple bruises on her head, c’hest, back, arms, and legs that all appeared to be from recent injury and were consistent with physical abuse. | also noticed multiple abrasions on top of both feet and noticed areas on the Victim's head where small patches of hair were missing. | obtained audio statements from bath the Defendant and Co-Defendant. Both claimed the Victim received the bruises when she fell off a small, motorized, toy 4 wheeler she was riding about a week earlier. Both also claimed the Victim had been vomiting for about a week for unknown reasons. The Co- Defendant said she had not taken the Victim to receive medical attention for the vomiting because she couldn't find anyone who accepted her insurance, The Co-Defendant said she had made an appointment when she finally found a doctor but the appointment was not until 4-4-2017, The Co-Defendant and, Defendant live together and have been in a dating relationship for the past two years. The Defendant said she and the Victim took the Co-Defendant to work around 6:00 am then went to a work ‘meeting the Defendant had to attend around &40 am. After the meeting, the Defendant said she returned to the their apartment with the Victim. The Defendant claimed the Victim vomited several times throughout the day until she and the Victim left to pick up the Co-Defendant from work at about 2:30 pm. When they returned. ‘to the apartment after picking up the Co-Defendant, the Co-Defendant said she sat the Victim down on the GR.4250-02-a Page 1 Rev.2011-6 02/10/11 36902 couch then stepped out to smoke with the Defendant for about 15 minutes. The Co-Defendant said she came backto check on the Victim but wasn't really wortied about her because she doesn't move around very much. ‘The Co-Defendant sald she walked in and found the Victim face down on the floor, The Co-Defendant said she freaked out, picked up the Victim, and shook her thinking she was just playing around but found the Victim's body was very loose. The Co:Defendant said she ran outside and told the Defendant. The Co-Defendant said she ran back inside and placed the Victim on the floor and started to do what she believed was CPR. The Co- Defendant said she did CPR for about 5 or 10 minutes then called 911 for help. The Co-Defendant said the Defendant left and went to notify her job that she needed to go to the hospital. The Victim was only in the care of elther the Co-Defendant or Defendant and was never left with any other people, The Defendant would be home alone with the Victim during the day while the Co-Defendant was at workand the Co-Defendant would be home alone with the Victim during the night while the Defendant was at work. Detective Bames advised me of what she found at the crime scene. The findings were not consistent with the statements made by the Co-Defendant and Defendant. | advised the Co-Defendant and Defendant that | was {going to go to their apartment and would call them after the processing was finished so they could return hhome. | arrived at the crime scene and Detective Barnes walked me through the location pointing out her findings. It vras apparent the Victim had been physically assaulted in the apartment. Vomit was found in several locations as was blood and hair that was believed to have been pulled from the Victim's head. Damage and vomit were found on a wall indicating the Victim had been thrown or aggressively pushed against It. After the crime scene was processed, I called the Co-Defendant and she asked me to leave the key under the door ‘mat because she and the Defendant did not want to return, (On 4-4-2017, | attended the Victim's autopsy. | was advised by the performing dactors that the bruising on the Victim was fresh and the injuries were inflicted within hours of the Victim's death but it would not be possible to give an exact time as to when they were inflicted. The Victim also had internal injures and a fractured skull ‘caused by blunt force trauma, Evidence of healing injuries were also found indicating the Victim had been continually abused over an extended period of time. It was concluded the injuries were intentionally inflicted ‘on the Victim thus resulting in the manner of death being homicide. ‘The Defendant and Co-Defendant were contacted and agreed to meet with me at the Homicide office. Upon arrival, interviewed the Defendant and Detective Barnes interviewed the Co-Defendant. Both admitted they ‘made up the story about the Victim falling off the toy 4 wheeler in an attempt to cover the injuries on the Victim. Both also admitted the Co-Defendant sent a text message to the Defendant telling her to return to and clean the apartment because the police were going to go there to investigate. The Defendant admitted returning to the apartment and removing cocaine, heroine, and marijuana. Neither would confess to injuring the Victim but both acknowledged knowing about the abuse. The Defendant and Co-Defendant continually claimed they were innocent and accused the other of abusing the Victim. It was apparent both were responsible for the recent abuse and injures inflicted upon the Victim which resulted in her death, + Your Afflant has reason to believe, and does believe, the said Defendant, Letica Monae Young, on ot about the Ist day of Aptil, 2017, in Bexar County, Texas, intentionally caused the death of an individual under 10 years of age inviolation of Section # 19.03 ofthe Penal Code of the State of Texas, GR.4250-02-0 Page 2 Rey. 2011-6 02/10/11 State of Texas In the Magistrate Court County of Bexar “no 36907 ‘Therefore, your Affiant respectfully requests that a warrant be issued for the arrest ofthe Defendant, Letica Monae Young, charging her with the felony criminal offense of P.C. 19.03 Capital Murder - Child Under 10 Years of Age inviolation of Section # 19.03 of the Penal Code ofthe State of Texas. SF ty /Sworn to and subscribed before me in person, Respectfully Submitted, Signature of Affiant this day of APR 05 2017 hourof aye GR.4250-02-a Rey.2011-6 02/10/11 Page 3

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