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Two mortals, bound by blood. This they pledge.

The first holds lives in hand, and pledges not to let them come unto harm for eight suns.

The second, in turn, pledges to use these days to locate those who the first seeks.

In eight suns, these two again meet. Those the first keeps hold of are brought forth.

The second presents

Ancient oaths and ancient laws bind these two mortals to shared destiny. Their blood,
dark ink on ivory pages, lay out the details of the bond they share. This they pledge.

The first holds lives in hand, and unto them no harm shall come, for eight days and
seven nights. This time is granted to the second to find those sought after by the first.
At highest sun on the eighth day, the two meet on neutral ground. The first presents the
lives he holds, proof that theyre unharmed. The second presents those sought by the
first, each that they could find.
A life for a life. For each the first seeks, one is returned to the custody of the second.
Once in their hands, the first pledges not to harm them, or command others to do so.

If either of those whose blood fills this page fail to uphold their part of the destiny they
share, or break a pledge laid bare upon these pages, let them be robbed of light and
sound, and may the words they have disobeyed haunt them till blood runs dry.

Nexaph keeps the prisoners alive

Alentha has 8 days to find guild mate

they meet at the gate. Nexaph present his prisoners, unharmed

Alentha then presents Guild members

these are exchange, a life for a life

Nexaph promises not to harm the released prisoners


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