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Desert Battle Against Genetically Engineered Monsters Dream

After I got out of the Army in 1992, I spent about 4 years traveling all over America. Around 1993 or so I
had this vivid dream in color while I spent one night sleeping under some salt cedar trees next to the
Interstate 10 at this little desert town called Needles, in California. After I awoke, I felt the presence and
joy of the Lord really strong for hours in the morningthis dream is truly a prophetic warning from God
about what is coming in the future!!!

(Dream begins) I was standing on a rocky outcropping in the desert among a small group of warriors. It
was our mission to destroy the Desert Monsters with our ray guns or directed energy weapons. These
monsters were genetically engineered in laboratories primarily in Germany and other parts of Western
Europe, and they freely ranged in the California Desert. I then directly encountered one face to face in the
open desert. It was a humanoid-type of creatureit had 2 legs, 2 arms, a very large head, and a thick
turtle-like chest that was an armored carapace. Its chest or carapace was about as big as a childs plastic
swimming pool, something like 8 feet by 12 feet in diameter in an oval-like shape, and it had iridescent
colors on it. (Dream ends)

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