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You are one of the millions of The Last Christians, we in the End Times who have entered this time of
the Antichrist, and the apostasy and death of the Laodicean Church Age, the Church that loves
money and the world. You did not obey the commands of Christ to come out of the world, and to
forsake the things of the world, in order to be a disciple of Christ. Many will have a rude awakening
on that Terrible Day of Judgment, when their lives and ministries for Christ will be shown to be a total
abomination before the LORD (read Matthew 7:21-23) Satan is the god of self, and Christ was all
about death to self (read Romans chapter 6). In this time of the Antichrist, self is amplified in the
world through greatly increased lust and materialism.

You have been busy doing your own thing, and not Gods will for your life. Any ministry you created
or received from another by training or by impartation is a total abomination before the LORD if you
did not get it from Christ Himself. And you did not first obey Christs prerequisites, His commands to
give up all you own, to hate your family and friends and relatives, and to deny yourself and pick up
your cross daily, for all you do for the LORD then is nothing short of a total abomination in His sight.

Didnt God tell you in Ezekiel that He will speak to you according to the idols of you heart? You never
forsook your modern lifestyle of covetousness, you never gave up all to follow Christ where He leads,
to live by faith, and to obey His Spirit every minute of the day. So in your modern lifestyle, the false
ministers and the wolves, hirelings, and Pharisees in the worldly Church have encouraged you to live
in your lifestyle of disobedience and sin. For sin is anything that comes up short of the mark of
perfection, like missing the bullseye in archery.

Being out of Gods will for so many years, you never ran your race, you never fought the good
fight, and you will never fulfil Gods destiny for your life. You are always empty, unfulfilled, always
wanting more of Christ, but never willing to make the necessary sacrifices and total commitment
needed to please God. For God is an all or nothing God. Your lukewarm lifestyle is detestable to
Him, and He has rejected you, for only zealots and extremists for Christ will overcome the world by
their faith and get Gods will done for their lives, to fulfil the Great Commission. Christ has rejected
you out of His body by your repugnant and detestable lifestyle of lukewarmness. Only being a perfect
sacrifice who has yielded all to Him is acceptable in His sight. For God never changes, He still
demands human sacrifice, your bloody death as a martyr for Christ for being a witness in the world
will bring about the your highest honor in Heaven the Martyrs Crown.

But Satan stands ever so ready to give you what you want. You want to be a butcher, baker, candle-
stick maker, he hands you the college applications, the student loan package, and youre off to a
defeat-filled lifestyle as a wage-slave in the world. For serving the world is only defeat and bondage.
And serving the world and your fleshly desires is servitude to Satan always. And what will you do
when the banks fail, when the global economy collapses? Paper money and coins are laying all over
the city streets like discarded litter, and crowds of angry people are running around burning and
looting and raping and killing like packs of vicious wolves. Where will your faith take you then? Will
you forsake Christ when all the tricks of the Prosperity Gospel no longer work for you? What god
were you serving all along anyways? And what will you do if you discover that the True God, the
Living God of Israel is angry with you? How will you survive? Will you look in the Boy Scout
Handbook and learn to eat roots and tubers and grubs and worms? You are now in the Day of the
LORD, and the end of all things is at hand Now you never lived by faith, you never willingly gave it all
to Christ at first, so now God has to wrench the world out of your hands kicking and screaming. Will
you even make it to Heaven when you are starving to death, and there is urban warfare and
cannibalism everywhere? At this late hour, will you serve Him the right way and obey Gods will for
your life? For Christ will come back when nobody is expecting Him. For few will enter the narrow
path to life, few will be saved. REPENT! -Brian Charles
PROPHECY Behold, It Is Come!

Given by Gwen Shaw on Maundy Thursday during a prayer meeting

Events shall speed up, shall speed up, shall speed up, yea, after the middle of the summer, things
shall begin to happen very quickly. The angels of the four corners of the earth are holding back the
winds, even the winds of destruction, and when they release or let them go, the armies will march, the
armies will march, the armies will march.

Pray, pray, pray, pray, pray that the nuclear armament will not be released, for I say unto thee, there
are enough destructive weapons to destroy this whole planet. There is no place to hide them and
there is no place to keep them. I say unto thee, this whole planet is in danger of being totally
destroyed, annihilated by mankind. It hangs, it hangs, it hangs from a thread. These are terrible days,
My children. Yea, this whole planet is on the eve of Gethsemane, the hour of the crucifixion of this
world has come. And this whole world is about to be crucified, and I can't find My intercessors who
will travail for the redemption of this planet. Oh, My children, the hour is late, madness rules the
hearts of men and men are mad. There is no balance in anything. Yea, I say unto thee, cry out, cry
out, cry out!

The north, the north, the north, the "Bear" has not had any new ribs to devour, it is looking for more
ribs. It is hungry, the "Bear" is hungry. The Bear" is ravenous, the "Bear" says, "I must have more
ribs, I must have more ribs." And Iran shall provoke the "Bear" and the "Bear" shall move against Iran.
It shall come down, it shall come and join forces and move into Iran and shall already have a
welcome ready to meet it in Syria, for yea, they link, they shall link, they shall link. There shall be a
linking, there shall be a linking, and Pakistan shall be crushed in the linking, for the linking shall be
from Delhi. It shall be from Delhi, it shall be from Delhi, it shall be from Delhi to Afghanistan, for there
is a strong link in Kabul, and it shall link all through, yea, Khomeini shall be crushed, Khomeini shall
be crushed by the "Bear." Yea, and it shall link all through Iraq, it shall link all through Syria, for the
welcome is there also.

Turkey yea shall move on, yea, there is even a linking with Greece, with the Lord God. Yea, I say
unto thee and the link goes on and on. It links to Yugoslavia, and it links to Romania, it links to
Bulgaria, it links to Albania, yea, I say unto thee, it shall link with the red forces, even the Red Brigade
of Italy. Yea, it has prepared, it has prepared itself with many, many shelves of armament in
storehouses of armament. And it shall link, it shall link with Libya, yea, it shall link, it shall link with
Ethiopia, it shall link, it shall link, yea, I say it, I say it, I say it, it shall come, it shall come, it shall
come, yea, it shall come even unto Megiddo, yea, prepare, prepare, prepare, prepare your hearts,
prepare your hearts, prepare your hearts, My children!

Yea, only intercession can delay it, only travail, only crying out and fasting can hold it back, yea, and I
say unto thee, I have not got My harvest in, I have not got My harvest in, I have not got my harvest in.
Oh, My children, oh, My children. Oh, there is a big upheaval in the Kremlin. I see the earth breaking
up, the earth breaking up, and men in power must get the armies of Russia moving before they have
no more power to control those armies. And they must start them marching before another force rises
against them, that force that shall take their power from them. Oh, it is the last hour for Russia, it is
the last hour for Russia. Oh, it is the last hour, it is the last hour for Gog and Magog, and for Tubal
and Meshech it is the last hour indeed. Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, pray and weep for the youth of Russia for
they shall be slaughtered, they shall be slaughtered as the youth of iron is slaughtered, they shall be
slaughtered, they shall be slaughtered, the bodies, the bodies, the bodies! Yea, there shall be piles as
cord-wood, as cord-wood, as you see the cord-wood as you go to the airport in Harrison, as you see
the cordwood there in the lumberyard, so shall the bodies be stacked up, stacked up in piles, in piles,
and they shall be cremated and burned, many shall be cremated and burned. Yea, I say unto thee, I
say unto thee, the stench shall fill the air. The stench, the stench, the stench, the stench shall fill the
air. Oh, the stench, the stench! Oh, I call thee this night to the garden to pray, yea, I have called thee,
thy flesh is so weak, thy flesh is so weak.

I have called thee, I have called thee, I have called thee to pray. Yea, thou shalt nest regard the call
of man,

Spring 1984

The Lord calleth thee this night, the Lord calleth thee this night, the Lord calleth thee this night! Oh,
the Lord thy God calleth thee, for the hour is late, the hour is late. Yea, listen, My children, you can
hear even now, can you not hear, can you not hear the company of soldiers and guards coming to
arrest, oh, they are coming to arrest, they are coming to arrest, they are coming to arrest the body of
Christ to be crucified shortly. Oh, they are coming to arrest, they are coming to arrest, the body of
Christ shall be crucified. Yea, persecution, persecution, persecution, persecution! Oh, the body is not
ready for the nails. The body is not ready for the nails. Oh, the body, the body is too proud to be
stripped naked. The body is too proud to be stripped naked, the body is too proud to bear the shame.
It is a proud body, it is a proud body. It is a haughty body. Oh, it is a worldly body. Oh, it is a worldly
body, it is an ambitious body, it is an ambitious body, it is a self-edifying body. Oh, it has lifted itself,
this body of Mine has lifted itself, it is not willing to be hung up beside Me and be crucified. Oh, My
body, oh, My body...Yea, your robe is of fine purple and scarlet trimmed with gold, bedecked with
silver, oh, My body My body, My body! Oh, how can you minister to Me in Pilate's Judgment Hall You
are not ready, you will deny Me when the stripping comes! You will deny Me! Already you don't want
to identify yourselves with Mine who have been stripped and beaten. Already you separate
yourselves from those who mourn and are persecuted. Oh, you proud body, you proud body! The
Spirit is departing from you, and you don't know it!

Given to Sister Gwen in the form of a prophetic vision

"Son of man, set thy face against Gog, the lane of Magog, the chief prince of Meshech and Tu- bal,
and prophesy against him, And say, Thus saith the Lord God; Behold, I am against thee O Gag. . .
And I will turn thee back, and put hooks into thy jaws, and I will bring thee forth and all thine
army...Persia, Ethiopia, and Libya with them...Gomer and all his bands...of the north quarters...and
many people with thee... And thou shall come up against my people c Israel, as a cloud to cover the
land; it shall be in the latter days, and I will bring thee against m land, that the heathen may know me,
when shall be sanctified in thee, O Gog, before the eyes ....And I will call for a sword against him
throughout all my mountains, saith the Lord God: every man's sword shall be against his brother
....BEHOLD, IT IS COME, and it is done. saith the Lord God; this is the day whereof (Ezekiel 38:2)

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