Many Various Prophecies

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Prophecies given through Brian Charles

"I will surely judge My people for that! They must be judged, My people. Thus says the LORD."
abandoning God to serve the "Golden Calf" - Baal - money- prosperity

"It must go. It is a sin in My sight. Great is its sin against Me. It must be destroyed by My hand.
Thus says the LORD." --Kingston, Jamaica

"Those cities will be washed away. Great is their wickedness towards Me. They must be
destroyed. I make it so!" "Great is My anger towards them. They must be destroyed. They must
be destroyed, My son. They won't serve Me. Great will be their destruction. I make it so! Amen.
Thus says the LORD." --Rotterdam, The Hague

"Washed away by the fire of My wrath! They won't serve Me. Thus says the LORD." --Rotterdam,
The Hague

"They must be destroyed! Thus says the LORD." --Rotterdam, The Hague

"They must go, by My word." --Rotterdam, The Hague

"I'll be with you through it all!"

"I'll never forsake you! I'll be with you 'til the end! I love you! I'll be with you forever!"

"All this will be blasted away by sudden force!" --downtown Tucson

"I'll surely judge al who do that! They should be thoughtful, not cruel. I gave them cars, and look
at what they do with it. They shall be judged." --sloshing people on sidewalks by driving through
rain puddles

"I will destroy it! It's an offense in My sight. People shouldn't be gambling. Thus says the LORD of
Hosts." --West Virginia Lottery Building, Charleston, WV

"I will judge that!" "That will surely be judged. They should serve Me." --Christians' excuses in
saying "No" to Jesus

"It must go. It's an offense in My sight. Those towers represent pride." --downtown Cleveland

"Blasted away suddenly. They must go." "They are an offense." "They must go. Thus says the
LORD." --downtown Cleveland towers

"I AM offended at the sight of them." --downtown Cleveland towers

"The world is in My hands. I control all!"

"Blown away, useless city. I hate it! It won't do My will. Thus say the LORD of Hosts." --downtown
Cleveland, Ohio

"They must be punished! They must be destroyed. They must go. I have spoken!" "They must
repent! I make it so! Thus LORD has spoken." --the people of God who are too proud to repent
"They will be judged too - offense in My sight. Why arent My people spending My money to do
My will? They will be judged. It must go. It must be done. Thus says the Living LORD of Hosts."
--Canadian casinos at Niagara, Ontario

"I'll judge all of that!" --Christians who don't evangelize, who are introverted

"I'll judge for that!" "I'll definitely judge for that! They'll be destroyed. Thus says the LORD." --CIA
spooks killing off the Navy Seals digging up the buried nuclear bombs in the Montana cities

"Look up - they must come down." --the ski lodges in Vail, Colorado

"It must go - it's a sin in My sight. Haunt of the Illuminati." --Vail, Colorado

"My people don't love Me. They love the world. They must be destroyed. Few will make it to My
Heaven. The LORD has spoken."

"They'll be judged for that! few will survive My wrath when I'M done with them! Your God has
spoken." --God's people hating the prophetic ministry

"It's all gonna be shut down. I'll make it so! They have offended Me, charging so much (sky
Harbor Int'l. Airport). And that goes for the medical establishment too. I will make it so! Amen.
Your God has spoken."

"I'll judge it (the Denver Mint), and all like it. Money will be abolished. I have said it."

"Do My will My way." "Do it My way." --fighting the good fight of faith

"I'M gonna judge that! It's an offense in My sight. People shouldn't spend money on gambling. It
will fall hard! Thus says the LORD." --the Seneca Indian gambling casino, Niagara falls, NY

"I'll judge all that!" --cost overruns on construction bids, milking it for more work

"I must judge- the people won't repent. Thus says the LORD of Hosts."

"I'll judge all that! They shall burn in Hell, those who kill My people. I AM God! I reign! They shall
burn in Hell forever! I have spoken!" --genocide

"I'll surely judge that!" "They must be judged- they won't obey Me! Thus says the Living LORD of
Hosts." --people who go to college for a worldly lifestyle

"I will surely judge that! Many will lie dead. Your God has spoken." --big money lifestyle

"I'll take that away! They shall be primitive. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --God's peoples'
arrogant modern contemporary lifestyles

"I will judge that! They should be fully dresses. Your LORD has spoken." --women taking their
clothes off to get what they want

"I will judge that. They should respect their rights." "They must be punished. They have refused
to serve Me. The LORD has spoken." --OPEC members selling oil outside of their agreement

"I will punish!" --the gay Federal Judges

"Destroy My Empire! For they refuse to serve Me. Your LORD has spoken."
"It must be destroyed." --Enoch City - Cedar City, UT

"Destroy My Church! It won't serve Me."

"I must judge that!" "It must be judged harshly! I have spoken." --American Christians' arrogance,
thinking they are better than their brothers & sisters around the world, and are exempt from

"It is a stench in My sight- false religious worship. All must be punished, all must go to Hell, those
who refuse Me, to come out of false religions and orders. All must be punished, unless they
repent. False religious orders must perish. I have decreed it. That goes for Judaism. Many will
perish by My hand. They refuse to repent. Your LORD has spoken."

"Evil man! I must punish him! Many have went to Hell because of him. That false religious order
must be judged. You will see it in your time. The LORD has spoken." --Roman Catholic Bishop
Gerald Kicanas

"This place will be history. Few will serve Me here. Few will do My will. I'll destroy this place
suddenly. Few will survive My wrath. It must go. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --Tucson

"He must be judged. He refuses to serve Me. Thus says the Living LORD of Hosts." --Robert Swan
Mueller III

"They must be judged, punished for eternity. I made 'em for marriage. They refuse to obey. The
LORD has spoken."

"I'll judge for that." --for citizens being too preoccupied with their lives and the world to care for
the government

"I'll judge for all that." --excessive executive pay

"I'll judge for that! I'll definitely judge for that- they are My people. This country will be destroyed.
They must be destroyed for hating My people. They're too proud. Not Americans. They will do My
will. They are My friends. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --America's foreign policy objectives
being the total destruction of the Arab world

"I'll judge for that, most definitely. It is repulsive in My sight. --child pornography

"They must go- they won't obey. Few will be their numbers in the Earth." --the British

"It'll become a rarity- My judgment on the British Empire." "They'll be a rarity." --bagpipes

"They must be destroyed. Few do My will. The LORD has spoken." --the British

"He'll be punished (Dan Rather). And all who tell lies."

"It will be destroyed- it's a blight in My face!" --Freedom Tower in NYC

"They must be destroyed. They're a blight in My face." --Generals, military leaders

"They'll be destroyed instantly! Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --Generals, military leaders

"They must go- destroyed forever. The LORD has spoken." --Generals, military leaders
"They must be punished. They disobeyed. Who are they sending guns to Mexico? They must be
punished for all eternity. Thus says the LORD." --the BATF in Phoenix

"This thing will be a thing of the past." --mall shopping

"I'll judge for that!" --people losing all their money gambling in Vegas

"It'll be destroyed. You must tell." --Los Angeles

"I'll judge for that." "They must go." --Mexicans being in America just for the money

"It'll be submerged. Great is My wrath against the place." --Yosemite

"I'll punish that! They must be burned. Great is their pride against Me. The LORD has spoken."

"They will be punished, amen." "They shall be destroyed." "They must go." --everyone wanting to
be great

"I'll judge for all of that!" --preferential treatment in hiring based on race

"I'll judge for all that!" "They must be punished." --State Department officials and all involved in
the Benghazi scandal

"I'll judge for that! With nuclear destruction! They won't serve Me. thus says the LORD of Hosts."
--even the street bums are real greedy

"I'll judge for that! You'll see- nuclear destruction! They must go. Thus says the LORD of Hosts."
--the people of the world and the people in the Church being 'Most Proud'

"I'll judge for all that! Their punishment will never cease! I will judge them! The LORD has
spoken." --the rampant thievery in Latin America, 3rd world countries

"When the world runs out, I'll be with you!"

"It will come!" --total nuclear destruction

"They must burn! They betrayed My people! Eternally!" "They must be punished, for letting My
people be destroyed." --Boston Police Department

"They must be punished, My son. New York will be destroyed, Boston too, for the false flag
attacks. They must go- they're a reproach in My sight. Thus says the LORD. Amen"

"Rothschilds- they must be destroyed. They must go, My son- forever gone! Great will be their
destruction. Not a one will escape My wrath. They must be punished. They must go. The LORD of
Hosts has spoken."

"I'll judge all that!" --police protecting the interests of the wealthy elite and the current politics
instead of fairly enforcing the law

"They must be punished. They must be punished, for betraying the country, the people. I will
punish them. They must be destroyed- all greedy cops."

"They refuse to do My will." "They will burn in Hell. I have given them much, and they have
misused it. They must be punished, for betraying the country, the people. They will be punished
for all Eternity. I the LORD have spoken." --to the traitors in the government
"They must be punished- they refuse to do My will- each and every one of 'em! They refuse to
obey. The LORD has spoken." --the Bilderbergers

"They must be punished. I gave them much, and the won't obey. Wrath is coming. Thus says the
LORD of Hosts." --dirty politicians, Satanists

"I'll judge for that!" "They shall burn in Hell. I have spoken." --women who want jobs & careers,
not husbands

"I will judge for all of that- secrets behind My back." --The Secret Wars of the CIA

"That land shall disappear off the face of the Earth!" "I have ordained it!" --Europe

"It shall be sunken under the sea." "It shall be no more because of My people. Thus says the
LORD." --Europe

"That'll soon happen!" "Find a place to hide!" --nuclear war in the Americas

"A lot of people do that to Me. They'll be lost forever." --leaving Christ behind, befriending the

"You see, all this will be obliterated. They have refused to serve Me. It must go! They won't obey.
It will be all gone! Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --the many fine residential homes in the desert
surrounding Tucson

"Those'll be rare." --California poppies desert wildflowers

"I'll judge for that!" "I'll surely judge for that!" --putting people in boxes, not allowing freedom,
making automatons out of people

"I'll judge for that!" "I will surely judge for all of that!" --landlords overcharging their tenants,
causing their businesses to go out of business

"I'll judge all of that!" "Christmas too." --New Years Eve celebrations, drinking

"I will judge all of that." --Satanism activities

"I'll judge for that! You'll see- great financial disaster! Many will lose their income. But those who
look to Me shall be blessed. Did I not say 'trust in God and flourish as a tree?' Those who trust in
money- down they go! They shall be destroyed. Thus says the LORD of Hosts." --to Christians
who are worldly, materialistic, and anti-spiritual

"Someday this town will be gone (Tucson). And Phoenix too. Thus says the Living LORD."

"That'll be a reality! ...all over the country!" --a scenario in NYC just like the escape From New
York movie

"They do that. They must be judged." "I'll definitely judge that! You can be sure! They must be
judged severely- they put people in peril. Thus says the LORD." --landlords and building owners
who burn down their homes and buildings to collect the insurance money

"Someday it'll be gone- destroyed." "It must go- it won't serve Me. Look at what the people do.
Someday this town will lie in ruins. They won't serve ME. It must be destroyed. I have said it."
"I will judge for that. I will judge for that harshly. They know what to do, but don't do it. All they
want is blessing." --the 'It's All About Me'-type of Christianity

"It must go- its a reproach in My sight, an offense practiced today. It must go. I know how to
judge, says the Living God." --the 'It's All About Me'-type of Christianity

"It must be destroyed! I have said it." -NYC

"I'll judge for that!" "It's Satan!" --pride in modernity

"It's gonna come down by My wrath! I wanna destroy that! It's a reproach in My sight. It must be
gone- the people trust in money. It must be destroyed. I have decreed it! Gone forever! It must
go! By the fires of My wrath! It must be blasted away! The LORD has spoken." the Bank of
America tower, downtown Tucson

"Witchcraft must be removed for My kingdom to function." "All of them. They must go! The LORD
has spoken." --occult & witchcraft book collections

"Blasted away by the fires of My wrath! they won't serve Me here. Look at what they do. Gone
forever. The LORD has spoken." --downtown Tucson

"It must go- they won't serve Me here. Mighty blast! Gone forever. The LORD has spoken!"
downtown Tucson

"It must be destroyed. It's a reproach in My sight. It's where the Satanists meet. It must be
destroyed, My son. And all like it." --Scottish Rite Masonic Building, downtown Tucson

"It must be blasted away by My wrath! It all must go!" "Blown away by the fierceness of My
wrath! You'll see it happen! They won't serve Me here. Thus says the LORD of Hosts, Amen!"
--downtown Tucson

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